Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1894, Image 2

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: . . . . THE OMAHA'lDA.ILY : BEE. '
. , . . 1 . . , '
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' .
" . , ,
ESTABIIISILEI ) JUNE : 10 , 1871. OMAhA , ' ' ' . N J . -
MOI.Nflt' - . , . . DEOEMI3ER 29 , 18.J. ) SINGLE COpy FIVE CEL1S. .
China Wnnt Outside ABlstnnco t Let Go
of the Benr She Ha Sezed ,
10 Goes I'urely on III . 0'1 Motion and In
No 8cnso I. I 1 IrllrcsrltRthu of Thu
( oultry-WI , I.e"'o nt
Once fur .J.lpan.
I WASINOTON , nee. ) 28.-Ex.Sccretary
'John ' W. I'oste who Is about 10 starl for
the east to Isslst the Chlnee % peace com-
mluoners : In the negotiation or terms or
peace , cnlcJ al the Stnte ( lcplrtment today
and had an Interview with Secretary Gresham
rcspoetn ! his mission.
I dcs nol seem probable that therp wIlt
1Je any deIny In the departure or the tihinese
commlHsloners , as Peace Commlsloner Chang
Yin luan , lS announced In In Associated
press telc"rm this morning from Shanghai ,
his left Tlen T81n for Che.I'-oo , and Is ex-
peetul lt Shanghai on January G on his way
1 to Toklo. nlt , as InLmated I ) . the Asso.
clnte press , Japan may nol consent to re-
cclvo lho seconll Chinese Ilea co cointitissioner '
Shao 110 LIen , on account or the fact thaI
when governor or I.'ormos ho alTered re-
wards for Japanese heads. lInt the Wesl-
minser Gazette , whose comments on the
situation are given helow , would seem to
be In error as to the actual facts In the caHe.
Mr. Foster has nol been appointed as a peace
. ; commissioner hy Presldenl Cleveland. Mr .
Foster desires It to he understood thaI he
goes to Japan purely In a private capacity
ns an adviser or the Chinese 11lenlpotenlary.
10 ha no power to represent or speak for
the govcrnmcnl ot the United States
The employment ot Ijoit. John W. I'-oster
to aid the Chinese governlenl In the peac t
negotiations , Is not the first time foreIgners
have been called In to assIst plenlpotentarles
In maters Ille these , ns both China not
'S Japan heretofore have hall recourse to such I
assistuitce . . In the case oC the later govern .
mont , It Is said thc
questions or fact and I
detail wore set d hy the Japanese them
selves , the foreIgners
merely being presenl L
In a legal and advisory capaey. dr . Fos ' '
ter has lately ] returned to the United os''I 'I
from a trip around the world , durln which
ho spent some time In China. Lie made quie
an Intimate acquaintance with thc Chinese
plenlpotentary , who was formerly minIster :
to the United States.
The Impression hero seems to bc that the
Japanese troops are concentrated at New
Chwang which the Chinese forces have
recently vacated. The victorious army wi I
continue Its march to Peldng. The ques ,
ton or an armistice pending an agreemenl
as to the terms oC 11eace , vIiI depend on the
powers which the Chinese ambassador
. r possess. I they are simply 11lealpoten.
tlarles ad rererdum , and their recom ,
mendatons have to he soot hack to China
tar approval or disapproval a long tim a
necessarily must elapse beorre terms oC
peace can be concluded. I on the othe
fam ! , they are conclusive , and the action oC
Its representatives binding on China , then
Japan vIii bo disposed to I
wi grant large con '
cessIons In the maier or a suspense or .hos- 1
. s Minister Kurlno or Japan said today the
wVubllslicd statement that General , John
w. Foster's selection as the representatIve or
China II the peace negotiations has the approval -
proval or the Japanese government grew outer
or a mlsapprehenHlon. Mr. Kurlno views the
mission oC General , Foster as a private aralr : ,
. Wholy between him and China. The minis-
ter does , nol think It calls for an expression
or .pproval or dlpproval front him or his
. governm nt. Personaly , he has never :
" thought or protesting or objecting to the
protestng ohjectng ap-
poi lent , as he recognized China's right to
gO where she chooses to select a conlhlental
omcor. The attitude or indifference , he said ,
has apparently led to the erroneous conch U.
' stall that he has officially sanctioned the
V choice or General Foster. The minister says :
the selection of a prIvate American citizen as
China's adviser will In no way affect the
peace negolatons ,
LONDON , Dcc 28.-The Westminster G ao
zeto says : I Is generally believed that
America took more than a Idndly concer
tn the affairs oC Corca. The envoy oC the t
United States was once high In Corn
ravor. Then China wa jealous , and thaI
China now seeks the ad : oC the United States
Is one or those curious transformations of
these times or whirligig. England and al
the powers welcome the news or President
Cleveaml's ! prompt response to Chlaa's ap. 1
> . peal. Mr. oter's presence at Toklo should I
- ' 'al ! greatly the chances or a speedy set -
. ment. _ _ _ _ _
An ltOAN 1'ESSit.S . l'IU "lNT. :
torltp\n 10InrO'COI the IB1tmoru IUII
' fllonncaoy-I'utrol Laid Up.
WAShINGTON , Dec. 28.-The Unit ed
States stelmshlp Yorktown , arrived today at
Cheeroo from Yoltohanut . At this point she
wi bo In an advantageous position to oh. c
servo the progress at hostilities on the Sitar ig.
Lung promontory , and , I need be , 10 reinfo : roe
the Dllimore and Monocaey below Tlen-
The little gunboat Petrel Is Icebound at
New Chwang , China , and has been laid Ull
fur the winter. Admiral Carpenter has sent
a report (0 ( the Navy department , In which
he encloses I photograph or the vessel ! In the I
process or being encased In earth walls a nil
rcoC , looking much Ice a turtle In winter
qnarters A eouple or hundred yards dls.
tent Is , the Britsh warship lrebralHI , i ice.
rise encased ! In mud with a root r or heavy I
matting . The Petrel , according to the phi ons
ot AdlJrl Carpenter , wil bo turned Into a
fortress , her ( leek works being co\'cred by an
adobe roar nOti ! Getting guns mounted In
specialty erected tcps. In view ot the eve Cu-
aton DC New Chwanl by Ihe Chinese , Just
r portCl , alHl the approach or the Japan ese
. . . army upon thai point , these precautions are
. believed al the Navy department to be ehl
talen , ,
CIilN.t'S I'J\O : CU ) UlSSIUNI:18 ) : ,
- . 'ley tro Now l'rrI"Irlnl for TheIr ! I I-
IHrturo fur tim Mikttiu'g ; CapItal. :
SIANGI\I , 1ee , 23-Peace CommissIoner
Chang Yln luen has Jel Tlen Tsin for Che
' . 1oo and Is expected here on January G , when '
' lie wi Join Peace CommIssioner Shao Y lice
1.101 and go to ToIio . Chang Yin Huen I Is I
president ! or the board or the revenue , , a
member or the SunK 1.1 m yemen anti ) was
Chinee minister Wushlugton a few ) 'eat
ogo. Slice Yloe Lien Is viceroy or the 11rO\ ' .
Ince or luan , lie was rormerly goveror or
l"ormosa , all whie : Occup'lnl that post he
offered I reward or about $10,000 for the
destruction ! or a big Jlllanese wurhlp , and I
for the destruction or capture or a se itahi
war ttil ) or Japan he offered about 1 $ smal , .
. nut not content with this , he olcre i a
further schedule or rewards 10 be itoh to
the Chinese who took Japanese le pal or
saIlors doall or olive. For the solllen hlall I a
; : i Japanese ofcer 200 tlels were alTered , and
jar the head
oC a Japanese private lot taels t
was the reward On this ground , It has
been asserted , the JllIlnOse government would
reuse , to receive him as 1 peace cant : nis.
'rrrti uf I'cswt . tU\ Are Not Trnu.
PAHS , Ic , 28.- Tlo secretary or Ja1 jan-
ese legaton , Iato Tsunlada , says there la
no truth In the announcement
Innuunccment credited to the
It. Shanghai Mercury un Dl'cember 24 that the
chief conditions or peace upon which Japan
In.lete are the clole or a Chlnele.Jlllanuo
I 11 nee ogalnst European influence .
Ilallt } Infuence , the lIe.
or Cttin
veloPltent e trade and
Chlnee coian erce
J.p.1 anl Japap to undertake omlerce c Flee.
I- , . . . , . . . - . , , - t cice-
. . , ' " '
. " , 'J
t\o reorganlalon oC the Chinese army and
nav y. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CI\I S ' 11Ar iNDIA N.lms :
Abolton of the Councils nnd the office of
I"crrt"ry of Ilnte ,
MAnUMl , Dec. 28.-A resolution submitted
to the India national congress emphatically
pro tested against the InJuRlce oC Imposing
an excise duly on cotton goods manu-
fact ured In India , as calculate to cripple ] nn
Intant Industry. Another resolution declares
thaI the congress considers the abolition or
the Indian councis ami the ( ofco oC secre-
tory or state for India as al present coil-
< COl-
sltutet a necessary prelminary to alt other
reCorms , alit suggests ( lint a stamln com-
mit tee oC the 10use ot Commons be op-
poi nted . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ap.1
Imrnl" i.nt Icr ' Itinider. '
GLASGOW , Dec. 28.-The Anchor line
steamer Anchorla , 'Captain Campbell from
New York , arrived here today and reported
that II latitude 65 , longitude 12 west she
slghte < the hellish steamer Sarnla , Captain
Couch , hound Iror Portlnd , Me. , via hall-
fax ter 1.lverpoo ] The Sarnll hat ! lost her
rud ilor. The Anehorla passet hawser Lethe
the Sarnla ant towcll her for two days.
Severe weather was then encountered , The
hawsers partell ant the Anchorla was obliged
to leave the Sarla at a point about 130 mies
west oC Tory island
1,11 11 the I'rlnco or \"t , ' : titii .
I.ONION , nec. 28.-The Daly News 8)'S
that on Christmas evening two men tried to ,
las so the driver convoying the prince or
Wa lco' correspondence Train Ito King's Lynn
raiway terminus to Sandrlnlhar house , the I
rcsldcnce or the prince. The lasso grazed I
the driver , who hit his horse with his whip
IH d reached Samlrlngham house safely with I
the mall . The 110lce are InquIrIng Into the i
ma tter . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ltirK. " ' . "II Astor's Itenisiitq. ;
LONDON , Dec. 28.-The body oC Mrs Wii. .
lam .Wadorr ] Astor was receive tram I
Chi eveden today preparatory to embarking II L
at Liverpool on board the Cnnard steamship : I
Auranla. sailing for New York tomorrow ,
The cachet was sealel lu the presence oC r
olelal or the United ftales embassy 1m t
m any wreaths were deposited upon it.
Wlzlrl810 Very TrouIjIeoiito.
LONDON , Dec. 28.- dispatch to the
Thncs from Calcutta dated yesterday says
that the 'azlrls continue to harass the
Irllsh expedition , firing Into the camp at
nights anti pouring a hot fire upon the Brit -
Ish force Train the bushes when the column
Is on the march.
( , lll.hli l'IOM'd. ( lulct nny.
LONDON , 1)ec. 28.-A bulletin Issued today -
day states that Lord Randolph ] Churchi I
Ilssed a quiet day. lie ontnues to take a I
lte , nourishment and his strength Is ralry ] :
in ahittaineti. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cable FinIte ' " .
The Brazilian government has ordered
n . ooco ) worth of wur materIal from the
A rmstrongs.
Sixteen meetings of socialists nt I3erli U
have ratified the agreement mUlO for the
settement of the bO'cot against the brow-
er r.
In a duel growing out of I political dispute i -
p ute , fought yesterday nt Buenos A'res 4 ,
Colonel Sarmiento 1'lled Dr. I.uclo Vincent
L opez.
The London Daily News says : "With .
"Wih 1
view to avoiding a potato famine In Ireland ii.
the government baa decided to udvnnce
money wihout Interest to the poor law
g uarthltins " for the purchase of seed In'L -
to es.
A dispatch from Berln says that the
miners con reBS ut 1 E5s211 has adopted rest ) -
lutons In favor of nn eight-hour day , an I-
form laws and labor regulation In nil German -
man district ant the appointment of Independent -
pendent Inspectors ,
A Berlin dispatch to the London Dali ty
News Iays Emperor Wilam Is ungry ut the
publcity given his otTer to Increase Von
HOhenlohe's ,
salary The matter was mm } to
known by
an anonymous paper bearing a
paty oblierted coat oC arms. His ma jest 1
hns ordered the police to do their utmost to I i
discover the writer.
- -
SensltOll Robbery of tho' Count ly
Tr"'nur'r ' at " "nt. 10.n.
SANTA ROSA , Cal , Dee 28.-Santu Ito : a
had the biggest sensation In Its history
toda ' . The county
) ) treasury was robbed of
nearly tSo and County Treasurer Stofen
was left insensible ! In the vault by the
robbers to surer death , who locked the
dOor to the vault on him. The rohbery
o oecunel 9 o'clock this morning , but was
not discovered until about I o'clock this
afteroon , All this titan County Treasurer
Storen lay on the floor or the vault gasl11ng
for breath fearing every moment , during :
conscIous intervals ! , would be his last Iii lit !
It I not been for the timely arrival of his
wife , the only person In town who knew
the combination , he would have been den (1 .
She had been at Clovertlale . and on her return -
turn here about 4 o'cloel" , learned thaI the
treusurer had not been home to titniti l. .
The children said that they hal taken his I
dinner to him and left I In Cnmt of the
olee , but ' that they could not get In. M : rs.
' Storen , 'su ' peclng somethhl/ wrong , rush eel
/ \on/ rushel
down to the ofcc whIch Is on the south
corer of the court house anti adjoining the
sherilT'ti othice . The door was iocleed . but I
with the nll of the janitor she opened the
dr'or . i3ctween the front part of the othi ice
unl the tl'enRurer'l front ofle Is a wleltl
gate. 'l'hll nlHo was locked .
On going Inside Miii. Storen found her
fear realized. On one desk was her hi .15-
band's coat and lint. On the ' .
hlt. floor In confusion -
fusion , were money trays on which the I
treasurer called money from the vat lit ,
which Is In the rear of the office , to his I
leBk In the room , About that tme a ( It hut
knocldn was heard from Inside the vat
1rs. StoCl'n cried out that her husband wus
In the vault um ) that she could save him
she could remember the com hI naton. lie
Irst time she trlelL she Culcl } owing to her I
great excitement. Next tune , reulzlng that
her hm : < banll's life Ilepcnled ( upon her coolness -
ness , sIte watt more BucccHsful. and the 1 big
Iron IloorB of the vault slowly swu : ng.
Treasurer Stolen was Counll on Iw foor . or
the vault iincoiwclous , the Bafe door was
open alid most . oC the money removecl.
Treasurer Storen , as soon ns he reviv ed .
Bull he openell up the oUle as usual nbout
9 o'locl As he WIS carrying one of the
U'a1 with money from the vault a tll i
man , In his stocking feet , stepped into the
door of the vault und with uplfel } dag/er
In his : nIght halll tolll him to drop the
trays As he StoQiteti ( to la ) ' the truy"
110wn the t'o\b r strtick / hIm 1\ power iul
hlow on the hack or the heath , which ren.
derell him unconscioUs , for how long he (
eoull not tell. lie says the man was tnl I
UII } WOl'e chin whlslel'l , Ind : must huvu
gained ndmittnncO to the otilce tiuning
Ilhlel Illlllnlce olce IlurlnK 1t11i
night anti waltet COl' him to open the BUC ,
Oleers tine pcoul'lng the country ton the
robber , but not 1 truce . has been found .
One Life J."st und''Ivu U\crnuKI ) ' I outs 'Cii ,
GAINgS'ON , 'fox " Iec 28.-Thc lire on
boarll the Irltlh Iteulshlll Masonic , which
broke out last night , provC to be more
tIIsnsti'ouii thln was at Irt expected . One
life has been lost anti two more tire de.
sll\lr ! l } oC , nitti the \ hole caru of colon
II n total loss. John 1)Lxon cook for the
Sl'rewmen loathing the epsel , was suroatetl
whie sleeping In the l'abtn. Two of the
vessel's rew. overcome by the ' ilaines. nr
IOW II n critical condition. ) 'rhe vessel was
hluched this aCC\00l , nail the tire Is now
wel antler control. 'rite Vt't'set wilt tie sa : , ' d.
'ho MasonIc hail ; ,0 bates of colon on
h0111 , full ) ' Insurll - ! . .
1110uI'I \ 'fluiv ) ' T'nchensfehllol :
KANSAS CITY , 1)ec. 2.-1'he conventon
or the Missouri Valley 'rell'hers associal lieu
closed tonight wih the elcctol or otllc era :
'reshlent J. Ii. Perkins . .
, I. Liberty ; "Ice
11ru..hlent. J. H. Murl.le , Albany , Mo ; 4cc. -
retlry , 1lr Mllllo Jones , Klnsal Clt . :
treasurer , Nips M. . . y II'own. 1litlejtiitlei ) ;
nllroall sevretai'y , 1 : ' , D , ' L'tiorpe , Jur lens
CIt' . . ( ' \ ' tat \ 1'tOlllonl on state mat tens
Wlll adopted , 'ho tine anti ! plnee Illrs
log the I'Xt meetng WIll loft Wlh u urn-
mltellllolnte(1 \ for thut lunlosc. 'rhe c con
vlntol hitS Ileen the most lulcessCul he1 I ]
vince the Cormnlon of . the assccluton ,
ioveitieIit' oC S'Ijnll'Ao.'I" , U" . 2H ,
At Sun I"ruII coneparte.- S. S. ien ,
IlnKton HoalchlnJ cruise . .
At GIIPoW'-Arrh'lII , ' iilbernlat
! 1lbernlln , rrom
lioston .
At ieotterdam-Annived-Ansterdam , , f torn
New York .
\t Bremer Ilaven-Arnh'ed-Eibe
Invrl-\rrl\'el-Ehe , I rom
I New York
At \cl'k-Arrlved-Urll1 llrlnce I
( runt lamlJr .
Pop ulist Conference nt St Louis Oppose
Any Change In the Party Creed ,
Tai ihcncck lsl/lcl the Chair on \dvlce of
the Commlteo nnd U"ncr1 ' Vcner ,
TIk"s II I I l I'hlec-Ahlhuna : l'oU- -
lsts1 /n''o JnUlcc.
S T. LOUIS . , Dec. 28.-The conference ot
the national committee of the people's party ,
wit h Its Invited friends began today aL the
1.lnllel hotel In thIs city with an atend-
ance or somethlnj over 200. The meetIng
was called to order ly National ChaIrman
Ta ubeneck and proceeded to discuss the ad- ! ;
vh ahllty or holding sessions itt secret. The !
de bate developed something or a tangle , out 1
or which Iho gathering pulled itself after I
nearly two hours discussion by resolving It-
sel Into an Informal conference with Mr.
Taubeneck In the chair. the committee be-
Ilg declared adJourCI until 2 11. m. Sec-
ret ary Turner or the national commiee was
made secretary oC the conrerence. Chairin
man : : Tauheneck then stated the pUr110Sp oC
the coCerence : as Indicated In the call. Upon
mo tion or General Weaver the chair was ditr'i
rec ted , utter some aImless debate , to appoint
a commitee : or five upon credenlals and an-
other or ten members upon address , the latter -
ter to prepare a summary for the advice oC
the ( conCercnce. Recess was lhen taken until
2. P. m. unti
Al the afternoon session , the nalonal cx-
eculvo commlteo having retired for the
purpose or consultation , the conference pro-
ceelled , after naming I committee 01 order
or business , Inrormaly to listen to J. S.
Coxey upon his nonlnterest bearing bond
plan i also 10 addresses by Ielegates Ilowanti ,
Delelates 10wnrd
M llnnlnl and Adams upon : the recent elec-
ton In Alnhama , all other supporters of the
confercnce. Delegate Adams In his closing
eentences created considerable excitenient
seby exciement
by stating that though the populists or Ala.
bama were long suffering In their refusal to
re sort to revoluton , that patience might
case to bo a virtue i that they would not
stal : } by much longer and see their rIghts I
ta ken away
'hc national executive committee at this I
polnl presented a resolution adopted hy It
to the elect that II deemed It inexpedient
decmed '
ror the conference to adopt an address to the
al '
pe ople . but thaI the proper procedure would
be for the conference
, to Present Its views 3
to the national central committee '
nalonal commitee , they to I
present them , In such Corm as seemed best
to them , to the publc ; also that Natiomua i
Chairman Taubeneck had bettor nol remain I
In the chair. A report upon rules and order :
of business was presented , proViding a reg
ullr form or procedure In consonance witI I
the resolution or the executive wlh
resolulon committee .
execul\o conlnltee.
Arer some debate both reports were ac-
e spIed 'and the conference proceeded to elect
General J. B. Weaver temporary presiding tS
otcer of the conference wIth \V. D. Vincent
or f Kansas and Nikon Park or Texas
Miton 'rexls as sec
retary and assistant secetary.
After I short recess to permit state dole
g athens to conCcl' upon the matters to be
presented hy each , the roll of states wa : S
caled for the Introduction of such resolu-
lens , etc.
By Alabama ( Delegate Adams ) p resolu- Ion
ton requesting the United States senate to
a dept Senator Allen's resolution of December : I -
ber 19 , 1894 , for the appointment or
" a com- :
mlte "to ascertain whether Alabama's people !
are living under ,
lvIng a republican Corm of gov-
ern. Rules were suspended and the resolu-
lon was adopted unanimously
Arkanas , California , Oregon , Colordo ,
Georgia , Idaho and Indiana reported progress
In i the advancement of populst princIples und
the t spokesmen In general remarks Insisted
upon the conference standIng strictly hy the
Omaha platform.
Illinois' spokesman , Mr. Lord or Chicago ,
In i addition to an Insistence upon the principles I-
ples of the Omaha platrorm , presented rest
lulons l adopted hy the populst cIty contrnl ,
commitee or Chicago , denouncing the recent
Imprisonment i or E. V. Debs and others In I
Chicago as nn Invasion of the right of trial
hy jury ; also ] a series or resolutions prepared
by lion. Lyman Trumbul or Chicago , denouncing - , ,
nouncing the use of regular troops In Ihe ,
Chicago labor dIsturbances last summer as a
military Invasion ; declaring the use of regular - i ;
lar h troops a forcing of CrEemen to oppre : Is
others In behalf oC monopolYi ; denouncing
the Issue of Interesl-bearlng bonds In tin us
of peace ; demandlnA the free coinage or tme
ver al the rate or 1G to 1 , and insisting thaI '
monopoles i bearing public rights should : be I I
owned and operated by the goverment , I
A recess until 7 p. 1. was then. taken. I
After the evenIng recess the conCerence I
resumed the cal of states for expressions oC I !
opinIon wills regard to the best policy Cor .
the t party to ilursue For Iowa , General Weaver -
ver responded , urging his well known fina ii-
cIal views and Isllnl that the tight or the
next two years unt time national eleclon , be 1 I
made upon the Omaha platform In Its e a-
tirety trent , with fInancial reform well to the
Recurring to the resolution Introduced In
behalf or the central people's party comnmi
tee of Chicago , the conference Euspendell the
rulea and passed unanImously the denuncl : ,
alon or the Imprisonment or Fugene V.
nebs , George W. Howard and others , as : in
Invasion or the right or freemen to a trial In
by jury Some little debate was Induced by I
a phrase therein referring to JUdge Woods
as ono "whoHe record Is a staIn upon the
judiciary , " but an effort to strike IL out
laled and the resolutions passed.
Commissioner Ireldenthal or Kansas de.
mended adherence to the Omaha platfori :
The seine line was taken by spokesmen tor I
the states or Kentucky , Louisiana , Massa-
ehuBels , New hampshire , Vermont , Mint te.
seta , Mlslsslplll , MissourI , Montana , Nebraska -
braska , MichIgan , New Jersey , Ohio , 01 la ,
home , Pennsylvania , South Dakota , Texas ,
Tennessee , Virginia , Wisconsin , Coumnectlc itt
anti ! New York , after which the conventl oil
took a recess until tomorrow moring. cou\nton
At the conclusion or the session J. C.
: llnnlnl or Alabama announced that he
hal ! , upon advice , Issued a call for a mccli rug
or the ballot reformers ot the south lt New
Orleans , January 18 and 19 , to perfect pi sr-
manenl organizatIon and pl:1 : or work ,
flllll h7 Chit \holo iCreed .
DENVlm , Dec. 28.-At the meeting or Ito I
Colorado State alliance today a resoluton
was adopted condemning the formthstion '
rornlaton or a
party with only the ( silver . plank , and urglnl
that the populist party be maintaIned as
origInaly constituted. The resolution was
telegraphed to the St. Louis conference AI.
most nil or the aiiiaacu memben are ° ,
lists. tl aliance . - lre IIOII l :
Heady to m.mlM1lhl I e'Mrr ( .lghit .
SAN FRANCISCO l , Dec. S.-Umuileii Statel
iistnict Attorney Knight stated
Dstrict Atorne ) today lint
ho would shortly recommend to the atloni ey
general to dlsmlsl the changes a aloley ( nt
least thrce-Jourths oC the A . H. U . men
now tinder arrest In this dls11et client : , ei
with eonFplruey , growing out or the recent
strike. He believes that there Is no chiti lure
cf convicting them . 'J'he trlall now In
progress In this city have nut developed as
strong a case or connpiu'vcy its wal IH -
iuectetl. The dlstl'lcl attorney declared . lii IW-
eve . that I Is his Intention to stubtior { ni
Ilrosecuto ) the rnglenderl In the recent i its-
turbances. _
- T
1'01 the "tntI l""lr.
The huslless men of the city met nt the
ConiUteicial club rooms lust night In one
more effort to devise WIS and means oC Securing -
curing the State fnlr for Omaha , O\lng ,
however , to the .
numerons details to be ar.
ranged , no defnie conclusion - was r hs art- .
\11 'Ilty I' " , nf"-J'Ilr. '
NEW YOII { , Dec. ' -Tho wholesale unlll
letal tin ) ' goods and miillne'ry Irl of 1 J.I
Llebitenstein & Sons has gone Into t. . .
I.tcltensteln higul ( .1. I
hbots . The lahlles ure estmated Ion. at lulla. ) O ,
with assets half that amount .
Int JII 111'11 ' IUII' i'ivs' .
nOWI.INO GmBN , ) Y. , Ic , 28.-A PIW !
I mi bother exploded at lollYl'r , ilet ran
county , killing \ : men und 1adl ) ' dealt ihml ; '
se\'eml more. The nnr ! i'l.tlur or the
Mnd and : ilirel . Pnnn , Derrftignnd Spark
The mi was the ' JerrnJnnd : Der-
ring , und'ns almost tot/ : L strOYed ,
IWI.l'm TO Jl , Htlt : l ' ll'TOC
l.oot Com mit co I'II O\TbIO to 1.18ten
to difltltOfl7. ,
NBW YORK , Dec. -Thcrt leemll to be
I lul l today In the interest manifested by
the Imble during the previous sittings of
the I.xow committee , but before Mr. Colt
hat vell under the court
got wel way rom was
rap idly filled anti therRS the usual
throng oC "lectator8. Inpeclor Williams
again faced 1. Gel anti rsumCl hIs hard ,
dry denIals or having ever ree'et ! any
tonl ) ' or bribes or any description. He got
very nngl' when luestoncll ah'ut his wlCe'8
IlhunolHs ! , partcuar ] ! I tiumOl1 cross , In
t'egnrd to which Mr Gee nskel him Ir It
cume from n woman oC I repute Commissioner -
sioner MartIn was the witnes who cxclet
the most Interest ' Comstock
Anthony , np-
lelrl.1 . wih a Ilema"1 to be heanl In regar
to . 1 ' . Colt's charge aAllhsl uhf ) , hut he
wnR l'eCuse" Senator Iexow'nnnouncet thc
hea ring would clOse tomorrow Cur the Ilrcs-
en t I
Senator I.exo\ then saIl that he hall re
cei veil a letter ( rolls Mr. Comstock , but that
the Henators did nol thlnl' 'It right to have
Mr . COlltock comc to courl lB the mater
WIS ontslle the scola of ( bill committee.
M r. Gee then lhl : "Thru\ , the IdndneR8
of tlc AIIolatCI 11ress 1 have been SUII
1let with IL COP or nn tntet'vlcw WhIt 11r ,
Lonuoclt lust ntght . nnll wlJnow say that
I tleclno to say nn.thln or have any com-
munllton wih 11. Comstock until he Iltl
inlet writng all h s ImowB and all he Is pre
ted to ' In reference to certain
1)I'el In I cii-
zen whom hc says I wa 11rosecutor for
wh Ile hohln/ the position Dr UslHtnnt district -
trict utnrne ) ' .
"lhe chair Is still open for any person who
wishes , I vlltclton , anl us this committee
wi i have to nljourn very Hon I fei 1 certain
tit at there will be a. ) numher of clal11ntl for
vii tthicntiomi tiller the SeSSI0hns \ ended , "
It i uispector'Llllauns uttt : wits t ten ealed to the
Ir , Gee asked Williams I (10' ever hat any
United Stat.el bonds , fuel thc / Wln s said he
nevcr lititi. Several . queltol : as to the wlt-
ne ss' 11rper followed. iittel alRo a few
questons about " 'llamH"y Cht , "Eleanor "
'lhen ; I' . Gel began atimqng' abaut what
mone ' Whlhinnus receIved . .
ney Wiiams nS'Katultes while
II command or IvC ' 'temltkinlniit" Ireclnct.
"Not IL penn , " was the rely.
"Did01 gell any money rl\ly.
"Yes , but not I\ the tentleniatn ! , ' as you
cal It , 1 got mOle ) ' down' town " .
" } "l'l whom ? " - , ,
wa "From y . " the urns or FlesB & Iloy , 47 Droad-
' 'l tow mueh "
"low did you gel ?
"About $ ; ,0 or $ tO. ; Mr FleJs Mid he I
was dealing In stocls. I gay t him no money , ,
hul he s.ll he was willing . ! ' take the rlslt.
I dlii not know ' ' :
dil al.thlng about the busl-
ite ss. " S
"ThIH 111 Files Is co 1etel with the i
Holwootl WhiRlcOIII'n ) ' , , ' In which you I
were . . accused of huvlng an' interest' ? ? "
"Ye : , I believe so , but lii' hail no Position
In thc comlln } ' at that tlun. le told me
hil brother . was connected tth 'the gem :
pan ) . . 11th I
"VI } you ever send for ani'envelope , con
taining valuahlc property anti have It taker l I
Crom"nrdman Dunlal1's rom < when he was :
dy ing ? "
"No ' sir" '
The wliless then said ih l . an account t
In the Bower Savings ' IiuumK of less than
$30. one In the Seameti're or peas tItan $1.00 )
lantl one In ibm Drydoek of' ies than $2,00.
lIe dId not have any olIe accounts , but
his wife might havc. Io 'IJI1 that Ills wife
gOl $ ; ,0 Crom Peterhead , 1cotlitnd.
"Did your wife wear a &iuh1'oud cross ? "
" 1 ne\'el knew her to a . tlab10nd crss
" " 'as It I not taken from " a notorious
woman ? " f1\"a I
"I deny I. and brndtt s , In Inramous :
le , . " shouted the witness , ' P\S Intel I
, never knew the FreficJimttdante. . She
Wali not French she wets n German , " wa . : ,
1) next rel11y to Mr. qff's probes.
QQr's prU ( ! ,
" ,
' PI ) you ever get a p ( sntln'L'rlc , haU'I" ;
"Yes , un album. " , ' . , .
" 'hat was It worth. ' , . - > .
" ' 'wo thousand live ftuntlr& dollars. I wns
p resented to me by Jenotblluck . Several
pel'lons subcrlbed t ( th ( 1 fnd to buy the t
album , among them were several Judges of
the criminal courts 'here after 1 was exon-
crated on I trial. " 'herC uter exon'w
Captain Delaney was placed on the stand
and was RO badly mixed In hil answers thin , t '
he was dismissed. '
CommissIoner Martr was next examln' ' t .
He 11enled having any Imowletge that black
m ail was being collected by the police. He
said h3 had heard the rumors , but the cant
button had been unable to obtain any deli
n ile lnformittion. He nlo : denied alt knowledge I-
edge oC positions and 'promotions on the
'force ' being obtained by puylnqnts of mone3
WASHING'l'ON Dec. 2S.-The letter which 1 ;
I.ewll S. Streep , In his Utstimnony before the
Lexow commission yesterday , Imld he hud
writen to the presIdent early In last July
was received at the executive mansion about :
July 15. and without II beIng called to th' Ii
attenton of the presIdent , was In the regi : :
111 l course oC business sent to the Depart
ment m 01 Justice , as It contained , amen Lg
othel' things , allegations , or a , 'er' serious
chnracter nb'lnst United States : District Attorney L-
torney John Molt , and for the ' further reason -
son that It related to an applIcation for ;
parlon 01 behalf ] oC Streep. The letter covers -
ers about live pages of closely ! written lotte r
pa/es writen lelpr
puper h , and agl'ee sustantlnl ) with StreepS
t cstmon ) ' . Jle declares he haS been penn
eutell for live ) 'en's by Anthony Comstocl
hat his trial was I mockery or justice . UU !
thnt Com5tocl and Mott have recelvld
bribes of money for In'otectng' green goods
men. Comstocl mind Molt , he says , each re- :
celvcll $1,0 ul the beginning of the trouhlo
unll that for I long tme C.mstocl , receive ?
$1,0 per month from the same , source.
Str P said In his letter that he did not
aslt for I llrdon from the preahlent , 10r
un ' Iuutenfei'ence '
ny Inte'felence further than 'his inihuems to
In l obtain Inn new trial before Judge Benedict -
dict , whom he believed to be an honest man
who would ! do , . mris
\oul him justlc& This letter was
preHumably i sent to the Ulltell States alto rU
ne Y at New York , for wlUlln ten days aft er
Is i receipt ul the Department of Jtistice the
United . States attorney returned to the de.
pat.tment Mn . COmstock'ii' ) reply theret
'lhll letter Is even 10lger ' { han Streep's 111
lalles I Heneral IH ! particular denial of
the charHes mRde Whether or not the
leters l wi be sent to New York to be usel ti !
before the I.exow committee Is not stated ,
but It Is Iresam ' d they wi be , and the ) '
wi he forwarded lt . once ,
lmlT.lSEn ! 'UJE ] JU.\'JH' .
leadool liar A8soc-l"tll neent Bf I ii-
Kflt Offered the Omal" . Jurist . '
IEADWOOD , Dec. 28.-Speciai ( Tel ! Ic-
m-Judge ) Dundr conv led Unit ci 1
Suites court this afternoon Cor the ( purpo
lurposo :
of h urllg the motions nll } setting cases Cor I
the February term "hi.-mbers oC the
hUI' were Ilresent. ; After dIsposing - of iso : tie
buslnpss Judge Dundy Unfolded IL leter
front Judge Egerton ! , who Is now lt New
Orleans , itojournimug for his ! huetlithi . The letter -
ten contained a "toast" Cor Judge Dun ( !
front his honor Julge Bdt'rlol. and w a )
read In Olen ecurt. It 'Seems that JUdge
dKertol Is inclined ' to ile dlslJleaS d with
the favor Judge tunlly hs received here
itittl ! elllms that the Iattt&r : < nteman 18 tryIng -
Ing to ullelnlne him unl raise himself itt
Idgei I tous' expiiso. The c ltcntH unl ! lan- lt
gouges oC the letter are Instilling In the ex.
tn'me , A meeting of th Dat'1wocd liar
meetnl ! l alwod Ilt. i Its-
soclatol was h'ld thIs e'seoJuig . anti auto tug
other huslness trnslct a 'a . ptn'oiutlout was
IIS9CI } i'equestIug . ' Judge I1hly to PrssI tie
over the 'elrlr ter or United IU'\511e
court to lie held irs this tl ) Unie
- - -
Tt I Mona Shlll ' 1" ll Into I'ort.
HAN FRANCISCO , Dec , :8. - 'rhe coal-
Illen hallc Sea King tw trIWo ? da1 fri em
Nanlamo B. C' . '
, came Into part this even-
Ing. On Christmas nlorl"n ! the Sea King
WUH sigh ted ten mites north ! of Port Hey Os ,
only u few houll dltlnt frm San J run ,
ceco , unll hcr owners were becoming anx :
toils about her. 'rite ( ) ! bcomlnl . Is lii.
ler , tss'enty.ti\'e 111)8 out of Portland , wus
Ilso towel Into port thll evening , She was
slfhtell on Ioltlay last off the Focal Ion
islunelsi . ' 1he schooner was then Flralon i
ahle condition , having' ll'l slrh1pell I oC
several or her Sl18 , IUd I was eared tI tat
she had been thriven oz to sa age hit ,
Nothlll hus heen henl't \ the cOII-lndln
shill J. U. Brown sln.e the : ei iii st . ,
when sIte was IIhel ot CI" 'enoelno ' ,
She II out S twenly.lve 0 dl \ front Nanlalo.
Se'iit llJJ Cur Ct'1iiiiiiupt. /
ChiCAGO , Dec , 28-'Wlllal Hlguth ,
secretary , und IHnry Bletner , , Ice Iin ciii-
dent , oC the AUi8 Lun COIln ) ' , now In
the hlluls or a reciver , were sent to jail
by JUdge Payne today Cor COI\tempt jul
cout t. HanHuth was RenhHCitl . lour
months and Il'lner rcz' Ihrty ! wvs. 'he
charge a'llnst them was thlt ( of relsati log
a trust dllloslt after I receiver was ap
iioiflteti _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ -
- - -I
" , 'llne , I h.all'r ; " I , . .1 nr Cluul"U. !
CINCINNATI , Pe = 3.-Tha crqeade eon
cheap bread here has t'uul In ( wet uty-
lIve ' bakers of this ! city up to , Iaa rehllnl
the 11rlce mum I i cents 'I 3 Ceits per lear
Seine reuc,1 tl I cents , antI hut few u isw
are abhc ; tu talntnll the I lne ( . r\ , IJW I
WIn \ \ A SONG ON IllS LiPSvati S
Whie Man's ' Law Had No Terror for n
ReUy Baa Indian ,
Tri Cti to ( Italic lilmuieclf with thin Aid or
1'110 ' IOUA" , but 'hen lie r,1 1 I
lie \11ell to the " " , ! old
" 'lhuut : Tremor. .
DEADWOOD , S. I ) . , Dec. 28.-Speclal (
Telegram.-Two ) Sticks has paM the penalty
or his b crime and has suffered death on the
sca ffold .
Two Sticks' last Ilght on earth was a
, 'cr y restless anti nervols on ! All night
Icng ho kept up a rambling communlcalon
wit h two death watches , Interspersell with
the low walngs or his death song. Toward }
morning he grew excited and paced hue
narrow confines ot his coil with hasty strides
nnd soon worled hhnseU into a state or
nf"'ousness , Father Dngman or itiao
ltitl go agency , who
Hdgo was here In attendance
oil hll as his spiritual adviser , arrived at
an early hour and with soothing words soon
luau him In 1 state or trnnfull ) . . Two
Slcks bind been baptized In the Catholic
rlih h last Thursday and after Flther DingT
man had llrayed wills him and admlnlstcred
the lust rites or the church the death s'arluitl
rant was read '
Then Ito condemned \ man mlde n long ,
ramhlng stalelnent , den'lnl his gui , ami
the deputy marshals proceeded to bind his
nms preparatory to the march to ( lie
gal lows .
Just here
nn excitng scene took place.
One of the straps could not be used , and the
depules , placing lIon a chair , went to look
fol a cord to tall its place. Two Sticks ,
not icing the strap , carelessly took I UI on
the pretense or examining It and before any
010 could divine his Intentions had It In a
'sli p noose over his head and had luantled the
Ice se end through the bar oC a cell Ir which
' another Indian , Eagle Louse , was confined .
Jut a second both were exerting their strength
to the utmost , one puling upon the end of
the strap and thus other pushing against the
hars or the cell
cel wills his hands In an endeavor -
; de aver to cheat the gallows . Two Sticks'
eyes began to protude , his tongue loll out
land his lmbs tremble. In another minute I '
his effort to huh .
erorl Itll hltsel would have heen : I
successruJ and Marshal Peemler would have I
been relieved ot an unpleasant duty
When the death , watch and spectators realIzed -
Ized what was goIng on a rush was made i
tor the desperate Indian. The strap was i
puled from lie gaep or Eagle I
Louse and the mar hal and his
dcputes were soon struggling about the ,
narrow corrIdor In an entleaver to loosen i
the band , which was ]
sowly strangling the
old Indian to death. it was a desperqto
'struggle ' , but numbers prevailed , and Two
St icks was forced to
Stcks postpone his departure'
unt a few minutes later.
Cords were-secured , the Indian's arms were
I pinIoned to his side and the march to the
, searold , tlten ! up. Ho had regained ! all hIs
, courage , which for several days had al been
tat a low ' 'ebb , and with a song of deflanci a
or the powers oC death upon hIs lips , Col-
lo'x.d "the'lnuhal , tQ .tho , ) rcalold" lps If'hi
w aBt'fnJghteqed.ho dtd ' not .
"finfil htened"1o'-dld' not show' it , and the
smie upon his race was too natural , his
laugh too ( , hearty. and hIs' voice , when raised "
In he senor death was without a quiver
, le gre : ted all he met on his last jourey :
wllh a laugh and a "How "
I , The trip to the scaffold was a short one ,
> but It was a high structure , and the platCorm : ;
could only bo reached ly means of a long
nght or stairs Up these steps , 'tvithou
.as ststance . the old brave wihout
finally walled , and (
took his stand upon the step without a
tr omor. When his eye caught the danglin
noose which hung but a few inches above
his head , he
gazed at It for a moment : ,
grunted , 'Vashta , " ( good ) and laughed
al oud .
The straps which bound
his legs were soon
Idjusted , and the warrior began a short
speech to the paople who had assembled to
watch the . ' '
execution This was soon Onlshed
and then the wIld , wlerd notes or the death
song rose upon the air , hut not a tremor
was In the ( voIce that uttered them. Even
arer the black cap had been adjusted and
the ( l lot tightened , theIr cadence
( tAhtened cldence rose and
rel within the scaffold yard.
At 10:37 : the trap
trp was sprung and Two
S ticks' body , hIs neck fractured , , hung dang- ;
lng at the end or a rope.
'here was no excitement. The rumored
Invasloa i or a band or Indians to rescue him
from the law's vengeance proved "to be a
m yth . There was no need or an armed Corce :
to t atend his execution . The officials dId
heir duty , and did It well. Two Stick a'
neck was broken by the Jerk which steppe !
his h fail. lie still be burled
Col. le wi here This Is the
second legal executIon that
excculon has taken plac3
In i Deadwood ! , hath under the auspices or the
United States.
The crime for which Two Sticks sutton til
the death plly was commltet Stcks on FeI b-
rary 2. 1893. On time evening oC that day
I. Royce anti H. Isi. Bennett , cowboys In
employ or Humphrey & Stenger , melt co 0-
tructors , were entertaining , In their' dugout
on Trll creek , on the Sioux reservation some
thirty miles Irons Pine Hdge agency two 11,0
other cowboys named J. Bacon and Willie ni
Kehey ! , who had arrived Wiiam
leJey hld during the alto ' -
aCer- !
noon In search or a stray hunch or cati
that had escal1ed train cale !
a herd farther down
the rIver. I being too late to return that
duy , the visitors were invIted to spend the
day lt the dug-out. About 9:30 : Two Stie ks
Inl } his two Hans , Kill the : Two , and Stelll
\Ith , aecompanlel by White I Face lion
anll First Eagle , camp to the dugout , rapped
on the door , and were admitted. They
grunted out the usual "how' and arrayed
themselves around the stove The cowhoYH
rurnlshed them with tobacco , with which
hey made cigarettes , and treated them hi iS-
pibibly . When the Indians got tlirou tli
8molcln" they turned to leave the ( throulh
SUddenly ) they wheele(1 ( and began firing at
the whites with their Winchester nfl es ,
kilng all four or them Instanthy. riles :
then returned to their camp , which was 10.
catod two flues down the river The next
morning ! they took down their tepees and
movEd fifteen mIles further ( rain the ogeni cy .
The bodies oC the murdered young men
were , not discovered until the next alt
unti er-
noon , when an Indlpn policeman , happening
along ! , , olcet ! the deserted appenranee ) oC
things about the premises , looke ( ! Into lhe
dug-oul amid discovered the corpses sire Wa
about Iho ( floor . lie Immediately started for
I'lno Ridge agency awl ( nol fed the age lit ,
who sent out a squad or Indian polce to
look for the guilty parties . They came
across Two Sticks anti his party , anti lit ridIng -
Ing the dead men's iiroilrty In their pose Ce.
slon , proceelled to arrest them ( , when the In.
diana resisted anti } a pitched battle ensued ,
which resulel ! II the killing oC First 1 Eale ,
\hlt Face Horse escaped badly wounded ,
antI } rode his horio 200 north to Stlnl } .
Ing Hock agency , where he was arrest by
a deputy marshal six months later Ills leg
had to be ampututed shortly after his ur.
r'al : at the agency , Two SUcks , 11 the
Two and Fight Wih were arrested and i
turned over to the authorities al DeadwOOI ! .
'Phelr cases irene presented to the ( grand Jury j
ut Sioux Fells , and they were Indlcled Al prhh
5 j , 1893. The winesses ( before tie grand jury
were Ieal Louse , Henry Ialre , YoUng.M
Afraitl.of.hils-Ilorse , Sitting lear , I.Quls
Manad , No } 'leth anti ! others
The first case to be tried was that or II I
the ( Two , whose trial occurred at the Cal
term at adwood before JUdge Edgerl on .
The Indians hal practically admitted the
crime , hut when they were put on the stand
to testy they all became suddenly dumb ,
and nothing could be gotten from ( hi em .
There being no direct evidence , the JUdge
directed the jury to elect a foreman and lrlnl
In verdict Dr not guilty . 'fhe Jurymen put
thtr heads togetier and refused to do I I
whereupon they were dlscharget } , anti 1\1
the Two wan allowed to return to the reser-
\'aton on his own recognizance , although
there were thrl other Illlctments still
lien dhmug against him. :
In the meantmo the Inllans chalgel1 their
min ds anti agreed to go upon the stoml all
tell this truth abut ( 10 I10n ( . The case was
a/aln brought imp at the ( October ( ( S9t ) tents
they all lileatheil , gulhty 'with thie cx'
cep tion of Two Sticks , who pleaded utot
guil ty and stooti trial. The others were
sen tenced to five years in thie penItentiary at
Siou x Fahhs , where ( lucy are now ecrvimtg
thei r sentences.
J udge Eltuier S. iunily of tluo Nebraska
dist rict presided over the trial of 'tss'o
Stic ks , which lasted seven days , ( lie jury
bei ng kept timtder lock atiti key the entire
( lin e , 'Five Sticks was defended by 'i's' , 14 ,
Mc Laughlin of leadss'ooil. A jury was sun-
htt'tui oihc'ti consistIng at Joseph Swing , B. floe.
elte r , Tex htenhtim , Scott Uthe3' , Jamuies Tump.
ha , N. 11 , Fraiukhtuu , JulIus itebsamuten , II.
llsmv. rley , George Parker , Louis \'enthihoiiner ,
\v. A. lakes , amtd F , I ) . South , Alfred Coo
antI Chuarks Tackot nctetl as interpreters for
( lie IndIan ivitnesses , ivhio were hour ) ' Black
Rile , Eagle Louise , Coiuies Crawllmig'hiito
Fac e horse , George Couna , Lohi , IsIns , F'lglit
\\'i ths , Wlmits lhhrti , Semi of No Dress , Sittimtg
Bea r , Mrs. Bear Wontaui , Toni Two Sticks ,
Kih is ( lie Two , nmitl ltunmiing hawk. Cit
Oct ober iO the juicy returned a verdict of
'gs mllty. "
l ieforo pronouncing semutenco juilge flundy
ask ed thin hinhsoner if lie hail nttythtuug to
say .
T wo Sticks repileti : "I nat not afrahtl to
die , I am brave. If I utust tile , I want to
die at once nuLl eutd nty sufforhmtg. ( "
T he ntimrtler was a cowardly and nuost bruutah
one , no provocation being apParent. The
luitl ians hiatl bceui engaged iii ghost ( ianctmtg :
mai d hiati constructed a sweat house about
tw enty rods below their camuip. This sweat
ho use is it dugout which is eittirely under
gro und. After daiiclt : until exhianuteti I
the Indians wouhd retire luito it , close all the
ap ertures , renuainlng snunetintes thuree hours I
tin der ( lie groumith. After feeling ( Ito effectt I
of ( hue spirits supposed to imiluabit. this I
de n they ivould enserge Ihierefront full I
of iien' life anti tieviitry. it was after oitc 01 I
the se sOiflces that Two Sticks told bits brave : i
thie n'hiito uuian's blood must flow ,
An effort was auntie to have Preslileusi L
Cl evelantl coinilluto hue seittenco to luusprison' .
me at for life , the Intliati htiglits associatiom
of i'iiiladelphmla taking great Interest In ths
ma tter , Attorney General Olney telcgraphuei I
( li e district attorney asking If tluo case wotmht I
wi irnamtt a comnlnutatlon of sentence. At .
to rncy Milier replied ( hint it was a cleat I ,
ca se for hanging.
Two Sticks was 62 years old , weiglued iGI
po unds anti was 5 feet 4 inches In height .
li e gained fifteen pounds tlunimmg his incarcer .
ot lout , and did not seem to worry over lii : S
fa te , lie ivas tlic secbnti Indian ever cxc .
cu ted by judicial authority iii ( hue Dakotas ,
( li e other , oiio being Bravo Bear , who wa : S
ha nged at Yankton twelve years ago.
- .
irc uarfut Accident atteChurietnias Fetlal It I
Oregon ,
KLIAMATH FALLS , Ore , , Dec. 28.-New S
ha s just , reached here that a most. hornibl 5
ho locause occurred at Silver Lake , Lak e
co unty , Ore. , on Christmas evening , in whitc it
fo rty-one were burned to deaths anti sixtee : ii
ba dly injiured , five of whiom will tile , A lang e
cr owd hind assembled in Chrisman Bros. hal 1
to attend a Chmnlstmuis tree festival. WhiP C
'th ' e feetiviit1c' were , at theIr IeIhit : , send out C
ci' tmbcd on a. 3en'cli , from whIch poInt he e : -
pe ted to got .a better , view of irhat ira LS
go ing on. In doing so his head struck a
la mp hanging front the ceiling , overturnin S
it. The oil lmntediatehy caught fire and ever3 ' -
th ing in ( lie room being dry and of an Ir I.
il ammablo nature , ( lie room was scams a ntai is
of flames. Some one shouted : "Shut thietloc ir
a nul keep quiet ; it can be put out. "
By this tints the confusion was so grei it
th at people began scrauttbhing in a wIld ci t.
d caver to reach this door. Womuten and ciii -
d rea were traunpieti under foot , and as thci m
w as only one exit. to ( hue hall , and tile fit ro
b eiag between the majority of tlue crowd a : : I
( h e d or , many people rushed beadlong In to
th us flames ,
Thuo dead are :
D ItIG ? .
El ) I3OWEN.
'Fhio five injured likely to die are flB I oh.
l ows :
lr5 T , J. Labrle ,
Robert Snelhlng and sister ,
Edward Payne anti EOfl ,'iT1J.JUflX J1fJJt'i4.
Colomlol Ilcilil , ' , ceus's Iliiui of Conduct I ] ii.
been nun g in ii it mu gen.
I'ITTSHUIIO , Dec. 21.-TIme joInt coitvs .n-
thou of miners anti operators is lit teessl Ion
here. Atldrerises on tIme : niiiing isitumat : bit
were made hy l'reshhcnt Melinitlo at I lie
miners imiiton anti Colonel lionel of Chiicn 0 '
The situation wits thoroughly canvass eth ,
antI both tinged against ti strike If it co illtl
lie nvulded , At the opening at tlio afterni ion
session Cohomiel Rend , us chiairjnaui of Ii 10
coitinuittee , reporteth a resolumlion for the I up-
rnlntntent of' a coinrnls-stoui of three mliu ? rn ,
three operators Umui ( three disintersuiteil c 1 t I-
to formulate some Plait to ittop ( lie c UI-
throat methods ,
Colonel Itend , a ltlg mine owner , g nyc
Jobtui Horns a r'carchuiutg tebuke , Ills roam cliii
ivare In OIpOslthofl to Iiui'na being graum icil
a eutt in ( lie convention , Colonel hlend s iiul :
"Mr. hunts is a stranger in , 'umenlcn ; It
is therefore befitting that hio dm11 oluse rye
( tie decencies arid iiroilnictles of thue posll , I
( lint lie occuuhiles , 'rliese pi'opnleties hit ! !
coruittuntly violating ky his coiitaiit uttiu chit
on our inetlttitloiis , I wouhul ailvise ( lint liii' .
Bum ins return to ( lie countiy from ii'lilehi ' tie
collie niud ci ltkls ( hue customs , uuuaiincrs nuid
institutiomis of hila os\'n lauutl , 1 kutow I ( itt
this custom ( 'hihisrsteci ' .
or Ilrlthi'luers' to iii.
dulgo lit ilmslrohirieties similui to ( I iosu
agaimmet which 1 himotcEt iii time case of IMn ,
hums , it is ahiomit ( into ( on Amnvm'lcan cc au-
hood to reseit : the offensive coi-iiiuct of Ii iei'e
mcii. I luitve no ibject on wlictev. r to us I .tn-
lug to the views of Mr. iluimnit upomi It iliac
itiutters or nociohogy. My llnocst is tmu ttly )
dirt'ceil agiiinbt IL glunlng abuse that hiatt
becitme iii Limbs couinliy hutoltralile. W'
ihIcatI caine to Chuicago lie itoH tukeii : .
the hiitiuli by niany uI nun leading eltitc ,
lie itbio ultucml the hiuSltitlilities of out' or5 )
aliti this itrolum idles of good hi ceding by ci
clulgitug lii criticisms of Anieniciiri iltutiel 'S iii
ivliicli hut , mimugietl much ilattei'y bun ii iore
of hostile crIticism. At that time I Pro.
iltctt.'ti that lie would return to IGtiginnud itmI
imitate 11w cxolnulu's of oilier foreign itil.
venturers by wnitimug slanderous books iii tout
our cotiistty. I I Iii Proc to idol ) Iloni : hmig
diameters of this kind , "
As Colonel lIonel r'sumeiI his seat ( I ucre
unbroken silence. Isir , iluntis , Who
seoul Iiti'fluiug imli thin time. inoveil jui it a
little fomut it stuiltel ltositlous lie hail us-
suined at ( hi's ltrginiuiitg. Ciiaii'inami ( 'I ) .
titan just a trillo contiiteil , arose , ant uah
studied im'oncls hut ( lie motion to sOul Isir.
lilinitit. It was ciiri'ii'd , ( litre being hut vita
tilsitenting i'ole , Colotiel iteitti voting no
Not hiavlug a voice imi ( lie coiuventiou Mr ,
Burns bud to rernisin silent ,
Iow a RailroadsConfrontcd with Bate Sheets '
Hitherto Withheld , '
lie Proitticetl I'nlvntn ehic.luli s nail S'ol.
ufl itary little , to Cumitiuts thin Citsints that
thto liticim Hales , 'tro Ummrcattonmiblo
liii ii ( liii imut l ) h.ti ,
I ) 1GS MOINES , lice. OS.-Speclal ( Tele-
grn mn.-fltscussiouu ) of the rate question was
coii thnue'il before ( lie railway comutmutisslousers
ted ay , ex-Couutiumisshoiucr Caitiphell appearing
oil behuahf of ( lie jobbers. lie occuipheit nh- '
mo st the entire tlutte busy with his argus-
mmie nt , uuitahyziiug ( lie tariffs lirescitteti by thin
rail ways lit eoiuupanlsoi : with voluuittnry rates , '
wh ich , lie asserted , lit reply to Mr. Johiiison
of tIme Rock Islaumel , showed a. ulilteremice rang-
log betii'ccmi 20 nuid 76 vcr ccitt. on tIme hub-
hisi ieti rote anti tIme rate at whilcht this buds -
nes s was actually carried , ums shuCivis by
( lie expense bills. Camuupbehi also proihumcetl
a usuituiber of tariff shicets tar Illimiols anti
W'l scoiusin , tm'lilcbi , hun charged , ( lie railways
lun d ivttlmhmelti troni ( hue coiuumuiisshoiu , because
tli rates SPeCiflt'tl thiereiit ii'ere utsuchu less
tIm es those swaniu to aiitl filed ss'hthm ( lie cent.
uuil sshon , lie asserted that ( lie shippers hail
fou nd 125 tarIffs In force in siirroiimudhig : states ,
pra ctically every otto of whitchm ivas hewer
( hua n thus Iowa notes. lie said thiat ( he
u'ai lroauh nuanagers hind fiheil a part of their "
tar Iffs as ' 'suibstamitinlhy' ' all , buit that ( lila
wo rth "siubsiaiuthnhhy" ss'as a large looiu'hiole
( or tiueir escape ( rout a foil sluosvliig. it
wa s fair. lie argumeil , to Presulmilo ( hint as they '
ha d omitted lau'ge numbers of low tariffs
ss'h iiclm ( hue shippers haul fouimid their onuissloits
we re geuueraiiy of their low tariffs. lie
m aintaIned ( tint their shiowiag ivas essen-
tia hly fictitious ; ( lint they had iuutrodiuceui as
sta te ( anus schiethiilea which is'ere not minnIe
by ( he states , but were really excessive voluuui-
ta ry rates ,
The tutamuagers retorted that the low rates
titi oted 'by Caittpbahl were ' 'forced' ' sipois them
by conipetitiou. :
Caiutpbelh retou'teti that ( hey were "forced
to o ofteui ; " that those how rates were mat.
( e ns of buustness ; ( lint ( hits shiipucrs of Iowa
ha ul to do buusliiess iii cot1letitioiu : with tlient ,
ami d that ( lie coiitmiuissioutera irene requtreil .
by law to take ( lieni litto consitieratlomi In
fix ing ( lie Iowa rates.
Cantpbehl was followed by S. F' . Proulty , '
wl uo also representcii this jobbers , amid nialmi-
ta med that the railroads hued not liroveil ( lint '
th e present Iowa rates were utot rontuitera- -
( l ye. lie also claimiteth thin railways hind not
pr oven that. ( lie rates In other states irene
bui gluer than in Iowa ,
E. P. Ripley , third vice president of thin
C hicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway ,
sp eke at somno length for this railways. lie
sa id this was not ( ito first timuto ( lie railways
ha d asked for an increase iii rates , and be- '
ca use this ( totes are hard was ito reason why
tIl e request htouuhd not be grauted. The rail. '
w ays hind beets able to endure ( lie rates for '
si x years , but were no longer able to endure
th om. lie entered a general denial of most '
of the arguuneiita , utiado by tlue representa-
ti ves of the 'shippers.
'LORLDA OIfAIeOE 01101' JdX.4OIW. '
roii itt 1'alliiiiaii , hiurhilu , AcOOn5.
PauSed by FreoLrsg Vcathier.
JACKSONVILLE , FIn. , lec. 28.-FlorIda
is experiencing time coldest weatiset' it has
s een since 1850 , wIth the merucry register-
i ng ' 16 degrees. That thermometer seems to
g o lower thtnui ever. This will iirovc dl-
n stnous to thte orange groves. Florida's
c rep tht year 'ivan estlnmated at 5,000,000
b oxc , and penitaps hull of this quautity
hi aH been shulppeth. 'rhe other hiutlf is still
o n 'tiut , trees , anti 'will , It Is feareil , b
c utught by the coid snap. A temperature .
o f 26 ck'grccs far three hour : ; will freeze
t he sap nnd destroy tile iiflI ) . That tens.
p enatune In the northern court of tIme State
i vlil coutinue at least nIt ulighit , until no
d oubt a 'nst nmomiutt of damage hiatt been
ci omue. Beldes the youucug graves of one or
t ird 'years of rise are lit great 'danger , nit
( lie sap Is bight uiow tuiutl ( lie weather lii
a lmost sure to kill ( lucia , The extraontllitni'y
s pectacle of ( uliicug iimiow was witnessed in
C juiicy : , iii the nom'thuern uant of ( hue state ,
n enr'I'allaltnssn.
MIGMPIIIS , Dec. 28.-Tlucs cold wave that
A ti'UciC tliitt sectioit Wetlitestiny hits been
er specially severe. 'rontghut ( hue thienmuntetitr
r exiisei'eci zero , Iiiiicli stmfl'ering is i'eporteil A
f rent the surroundIng country itinorug unen
a nti beast , Severni huei'iiO of cattle are ne- "
i mntcil frozen to ilentli in Ai'lcansns.
CJIGVJGLAND. 0 , , lec , 28.-Owing to the
h eavy snow ittonuut timid ( 'xtremehy cohd
Weather trains is'ere till hate in eurnivitig
t othay. 'i'hie eastem'it iiunl w'eitern ( conk
l ines are stufferitig ( hue most. Eaitt anti
i vest of Cleveland true sitow siturtim is re-
l , onted flu atoll iteing rcry severe , and it
will be some ilays befut'e regular tervico
o n tlitie is'ill be resimrnetl.
lAr4l4AS , Tex , , Dec. 'S.-'I'hie iveahirr ( last
night auth this mtonuiiiug ivita a u'eeord
breaker. At ieimnet yt'isterilay tIm ( lien-
ntfluiueer stood at 42 , itnel ( hits ntoriihmig it
wait 5 above zero , 'l'lie ic on hue Trinity
wilt ; thultik enough to hetm' : a nsaii's w'elghit.
Dieptutchies ( miii all over 'l'cxns today say
I t is ( hue cuhiIist lieceiutlur in twenty years ,
SOUTh ENID ( Mel. , 1)t't' . 8.-A ititow
ittorm , utccorntuauuft'tl by ternitie wlulil , began
3'esteriliiy. 'I'hiIH ntorniiug ( lie ( hiem'moincter
registered 10 ilegrees below zero. Thire is
great sumtteniug nuiiniig settlers , nit nmusiiy
of them are ivlthiouit shelter ntiid t'lothtlng.
' l'hue loss of horses aumii cattle ivihl be coit-
, 'TlT1t.l1t.'Z' J'Jt.II .1USS I'or.r4In. (
lioN No Intetitlon at ( loiiii aim tlmo 14tigo ,
mit ii , 'si ri's I o 1.1 so ( j .mli'tly.
NEW YORE , Dec. 28--Stntcntents hiai' .
been eniih : , that IsIia Islaulehine I'ollau'tli In-
( ended to go upon thin stage itmtil ( hint in
itersoit , or by an attoritey , hme in'olioseil ( ul.
lowing Congressinriit hix'ccktni-lIgim ithiotit the
coiuiutry to levy uipoii ( hue hinocceils of hit 4
hectune tour just begiiit. l'romnpteil l' tIthe
tiiucl otlici' istiutenicutis , Isilsit I 'uhlanih tinS re.
qumestetl ( lie Assonliuted rc to give pub-
haitI to ( lies following :
"l' ci the Astciitteih I'resit : I liars not
ivaittuil (0 incite it stiueimiemit of umiy Ichimil ,
I ccuhil muot iit'e' thuiu ii'biat I did ivais of interest -
terest (0 ( ( lie Poolile generithly , So I hiave
tried to hear nil ( hint hits been said of inc
pant of the puuiuhshiitient for may fuhiuru
i womusail , Vs'Ittillt tint iut few ilityis
( lie iniiresisloit has guise tilirtuiih ; that I am
tutu ei' a n liissui muted uttu enc' ; t hi a I I a iii fu'ienil.
less itnil not mimuliicicgitly iiro'iilc'ii for , unit
( hint I iiun in W'iuiihingoit toiitty. if over it
womnalt hind ( rienilis , great niitl tnuici--mlieli
tautl weunen-it : is I , I ivill iuot hiehiovo that
tumemi u-clinic' to give nuy bm'utlis'i tiiilihu'iuiituit
because sit toy Itiokeit hlte , Neni'ly 'bait of
Amei'lca hints waruleil t'iuilln'meitt ) ( liii ; year ,
utot iniiug Imeforu ( lii' ivomhd In any
cnliiicily. I hiruve iuo siueisiige tO cirr : ) ' ,
have asketi ui cJuicHtIiii with ins' life. It
cismitiot list nnswc'reil iii a ihity , I luus'e no
titt'ntnicul fririmiilit. I iiitve iuever beets situ.
ateil iso I cotulil liars' . 'i'htcitr world Iii ( or
reiitoveil from , I hive qiik'Iy ( lit it hurl.
vats : house is'itlu toy liruthien ailil souitlii'nn
frienils ,
, . do hOt believe there itt II malt on woman
eitrthi ss'hio ( tihiiks there is mn'ne ) ' 001:1-
ieusatiot : ( or yort'ow. I am , 'ou'ry ' IC. for
svhiatever , I nmui accused of cc.
uuihzliug so llthtt ( ( lie enorutoummi sormow that
overshitilown itte ,
: mmuy
, .
iiiui mint uitiier tin usistlmnnil itaine ,
have not uieemi iii nny IilaCe whmerts I watt lint-
itch known. I iiu not. miuctin to lie while I
live , I huai'e iitttiiiotl may dear father's peo-
lilo'S minute. anti ii'itit ilict ( 'hinhist
iiaIl lIght ( rout tinder thicistuin , " -
'Iii lit IC i li ; ; ill ) ' Isil'ol liii I I Ii' '
VICTORIA , B. ( ' , , [ Sec. 28.- '
mystery about ( tie sale imito eli' '
( hue Iiudiaiiii of a little boy by
linger. 110(1 ( * tire Amerlcamiii
ss'huuj Is n cntiiiile , fonimierly li'-
The boy is too young to
slur ) ' hut muuiiliitiiinit ( hint I
\iichigiuri ( , Ito ai's haul'
hii-iitally , antI says lie -
( liii litihlonit , ' 11
linger itt the elihhil'is futh
titumicci by ( lie liolice , is
flit-to is some icasoii ft
out of Ihie way ,
I's.eiiatr , Iiur : ill
841'-i FRANCISCO , Di
Jamnt's 0. FaIr elicit suid'i
house at Z2J : ( Iti ( Baler'