Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1894, Image 1

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    , ;
, . , . ' -I
: . . . THE OMAHA'lDA.ILY BEE. ' . "
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c f , r , . ,
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ES'l'AU.JSIIJ JUNE In , 1871. O [ .AIIA , SAI"UItDAY [ OU : q f . DECEMBER 2n , 18H. - - SINGT.J ] COPY FIVE cnN'rs. . L"
China Want Outldo Bistnnco to Let Go
of the Bear Ehe Hn1 Sezod ,
A 10 Uoe 1'lrcly Oi lila Uwn : lolon nl11 In
Nu SOIKO I , n lteprecntntho of Thh
to"nlry-Wll lol"'o nt
Once for , ,1ILfl.
, , I WAShINGTON , Dec. 28.-"x.Secrctary
John W. Foster , who Is about to 8tart for
the eit to assIst the Chlnee peace com-
mlss.oner In the negotiation ot terms of
pence caled at the State leparlment totny
nlll hal an Interview with Sccretary Gresham )
rc pcctnr his mlss\on. \
It dcs not seem probable that there will
bo any ilelay . In the ( departure ot the Chinese
commissioners , ns Pence Commlslontr Chang
Yin luan , as announced In an Assoclnted
press telegram this morning from Shanghai ,
has left Tlen Tsln for Cite-Foe and Is ex-
, pectel at Shanghai on January G on his way
t to Tollo , Dlt , as Intmated hy the Asso.
clatel press , Japan may not consent to re-
celve the second Chinese peace commissioner ,
Shao 1ao LIen , on account of the fact that
when governor of Iorniosa ho ofered rewards -
wards for Japanese heads. Jut the West-
minster Gazette . whose comments on the
situation arc gvemm below , would seem to
be In error as to the actual facts In the case.
Mr. Foster has nol been appointed as n peace
, , commissioner by Iresldenl Cleveland. Mr. .
, Foler desires It to be understood that he
goes to Japan purely In a prIvate capacity
ns an adviser of the Chinese plenipotentiary.
He has no to
power represent or speak for
the government of the United States.
The employment of Iton. John W. I'oster
to aid the Chinese government In the peace ,
negotiations , Is not the first time foreIgners I
have been called In to assist plenlpotental'les
In maters hue these , ns both China ant
. ' Japan heretofore have hail recourse to such i
aasist.nnce. In the case of the later govern -
mont It Is said the
, qucst ns of fact nnd I
detail were set d by the Japanese them
selves the foreigners merely beIng Ilresent
In a legal anti advisory capaeHy. Mr. Foster -
ter has lately returned to the United States
from a trip around the world , during which
he spent some time In China lie made quite
an intimate acquaintance with the Chinese
plentipotentiary , who was formerly mInIster
to the United States.
The Impression hero : seems to be that the
Japanese troops are concentrated nt New
Chwong whIch the Chinese forces have
reocnty vacated. The victorious army will
continue its march to Pelelng The ques-
ton of an nrmlstce pending an agreement
as to time terms of peace , wIll depend on the
powers which the Chinese ambassadors
. ? possess I they are simply pheipoten-
tlarles nd referdum and their recommendations -
mendatons have to bo sent back to China
for approval or disapproval , a long time
necessarily must elapse beolre terms of
peace can be concluded I on the other
band , they are conclusive , and the action of
Its representatives binding on China , then
Japan will bo disposed to grant large con-
cessions In the matter of a suspense of .hos-
% . ti tes ,
; Minister Kurlno of Japan said today the I
' . .Jpublished statement that General John !
w. l ster's selection : S the repre5entatve of
ChIna In the peace negotiations has the np-
provnl of the Japanese government grew out
ot I , misapprehension. Mr. Jurlno views the
mission ot General Foster as a private affair ,
I. Wholy between him and China. The minis-
ter duvs hut think It calls for an expression
of .pproval or disapproval frol him or his
. , government. Personaly , ho has never
ought or protesting or objecting to the ap-
potntmint , as II recognized China's right to
go where she chooses to select a confidential
omcer. The attitude of indifference , he said .
has apparently led to the erroneous eonelu-
, slon that he has officially sanctioned the
, . , ofcialy sanctoned tie
choice of General Foster The minister says
the sel eton of a private American citizen as
China's adviser wi In no way affect lhe
peace negotiations.
LONDON , Dec. 28.-Tho WestmInster Gazette .
zeto says : I Is generally believed that
America took more than I kindly concern
In the affairs cf Corea. The envoy of the
United States was once high In Corean
favor. Then China wa jealous. and that
China now seeks the nd : of the United States
Is one of those curious transformations of
these times of whirligig. England and all
the powers welcome the news of President
Cleveland's prompt response to China's at-
peal Mr. oter's presence at Toldo should
. . aid greatly the chances of a speedy settle-
- .
' ment. _ _ _ _ _ _
orl'tp\n Utlnforeol the 11,1tmoru and
Moimncacy-t'ttrel 1.111 UI ) .
WASHINGTON , Dec. 28-Tht United
States steamship Yorktown arrived
, today at
Cheeruo from Yokohama. At this point site
wilt bo In an advantageous position to ob.
servo the progress of hostilities on the Shang.
tlng promontory , anti . t need be . to reinforce
the Dallmore and Ionoeacy below Tlen-
If The little gunboat Petrel Is icebound at
New Chwang , China , and has been laid up
, for the winter. Admiral Carpenter has sent
a report to the Navy department , In which
be encloses a photograph ! of the vessel In the
process of being encased In earth wals and
rcof looking much leo n turto In winter
. A of .
quarters. couple hundrld yards dls.
tonI Is the Irltsh warship 1 Firebranil lee-
wise encased In mud wIth a root of heavy
tuattitig. The Petrel according to the ( plans I
of Admiral Carpenter , wi bo turned Into n L
fortress , her deck works being covered by an , I
lulobo roof anti Oatn guns mounted In I
111eelaly erected ( cpa. In view of lie ( evacu
aton of New Chwang by the Chinese , just
reported \ , and the ( approach of the Japanese t
. amy upon that point , these ( Irecautons are
, .
. believed takeui. at , the Navy department to be wel I
( JiilNA'S J'C\OI : CtIIISJUIU8 : , I
'lryru : ow l'rcll'rlnJ for Their l- .
1Irlnrc fur thin 1lklulu's Cnpltiui.
81ANOIAI. Dec. 2S.-PeacQ Commissioner !
Chang Yin luen has left Tlen Tsln for ChI
_ , Foe and Is expected here on Januar ) ' O. when
" . he will join I'carl COl missioner Shao Ynoe
Lien and go to Tolto , Chang Yin luen Is
president of the board oC the ( rc\enue , a
member of the SunK 1,1 Yamln anll was
Chinese minister to Wushlnstol a few ) "lar
lSa , Shoo Ynoe 1.leu II viceroy of the provo
lace of Iluan . lie was rormerl' governor 01
1'orinosa , anlwhle orcupylng that post be
offered n reward oC about 10,000 for the (
S destruction oC a big Japanese : warship , and
for the destruction or capture of a small
warship 01 Japan he offered about $0,000.
] Dut not content with this , he offered a
further schedule of rewards to be haul to
the ( Chinese who took Jallanese sol1er3 or
rations dllll or alive. I'or the he.lof a
I al'lnese officer 200 tueb were offered , and
for the heatl or a Japanese Ilrl\ato lOt ( ant
vas thl reward. On thll ( Ground , I taes
been % assertN , the ( Japanese , government would
shouter refuse to receive hint a 1 peace commls.
'Jrrn" of . 'I'eo tl" Art Xnt True
PARIS , Ivc : , - The secretary of JRJan- (
ne legaton , ICato TSlnlada , says there Is
no truth In the announcement credited to the
8bsnghll Mercury on Vl'cember 24 that ( Ito
duet conditions or peace UpOI which Japan
insists are lie ( c\ole \ 01 a Chllere.JlllanCO
alliance against JurPllean : influence Ibo I\e.
tlopinent of Chinese trAde anti
\elopment IUII commerce
a : u:1d : Japan to undertake the eUec.
tvo reorganiatlon of the Chlneee army anti
nl"Y. . _ _ _ _ _ _
' ItiiOiItlOfl of the Councl and the Oflice of
Ircrrlnry ( of State.
MADRAS , Dee. 28-A resolution submitted
to the India national congress emphatically
protester against the injustice of imposing
nn excise duty on cotton goods manu-
Cactured In India , 18 calculated to cripple nn
infant Inllustry. Another resolution declares
that the congress considers the abolition of
the Indian councils and the of " of secretary -
tory of state for India as nt present con-
sttuted a necessary preliminary to all other
reforms , alll sU Jests that n standing corn-
mlteo ot the house of Commons bo ap-
pointed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
arnl" Iot Icr lttuiirr.
GI.ASOOW , Dec. 28-The Anchor line
steamer Anehorla , 'Captaln
Campbell from
New York , arrived here tommy anti reported
that ( In lattude f5. 10nJltude 12 west she
plJhted the Britsh steamer , Sarnla Captain
Couch , bound from Portland , : tt" , via hall-
fax fer 1lvlpool , The Harnln had lost her
rudder. The Anchorln passed hawseu to
the Sarnla antI towetl her for two days.
Severe weather was then encountered. The .
hawsers parted anti the Anchorll was obliged
to leave the Sarnla at n polUl about 130 mies '
west of Tory island. I
frlel Up thin I'rlne" or " " "Iro' : ttIl.
T.ONIO = Dec. 28.-The Daily News nays
that on Christmas evening two men tried to
lasso the driver conveying the prince of
Walen' correspondence from the King's Lynn
railway terminus to SanlrluJhnm house , the
resileuco of the prince. The lasso grazed
the driver who hIt his horse with his whip
nnd reached Sanllrlngham house safely with
the mall. The IJolce are Inlulrlng Into the
malter. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
: ttrs. " ' "Idelf . \ stnr'iu Jetiitiliiq.
LONDON , nec. 28-The body of Mrs Wit-
lam , \allorf Astor was received from
Clevcelen today preparatory to embarking I
at Liverpool on board the Canard steamship
Auraula sailing for New York tomorrow.
The casket was sealell In the presence or
ofcials 01 the United fates embassy and
many wreaths were deposited upon ) it.
UnzlrlMro \ 'cry 'trnntteoine. ,
LONDON , Dec. 28-A dispatch to the
Times from Calcutta dated yesterday says I
that the Wazlrls continue to harass the I
Urltsh expedition . firing Into the camp at I
nights and pouring 1 hot fire upon the Drlt-
Ish force from the bushes when the column ,
Is on the march. '
t'hurchll I.a. . . . . n lllct D"y.
LONION Dec 28.-A bulletin issued to-
day states thaI Lord
Lorl Randolph Churchill
passell a qulel day. lie continues to take a
little .nourlshment and his strength Is fairly
Cable 1"lashe
The Brnzlan government has ordered I
$ Arrnstrongs. 1OQ.CO ) wO'th of Wi' materIal from the
Sixteen meetings of socialists at Ilenlir I
have ratified the agreement made for the i
settlement of the ' .
settement boycott against the brcw-
er' .
In a duel Irowtng out of I polItical dispute -
putt , fought yesterday nt Buenos Ayres ,
Colonel ! Sarmlllto killed Dr. Lucia Vincente
The London Daily News says : 'Vlth a
view to avoiding I POtltO famine In Ireland .
the government huts decided
his deciled to ndvanc
money without Interest to the poor Ilw
guardhtmns for the purchnse seed
guardilns . 'f patio
A dispatch from Berlin Rays that the
miners conlrelS at Essim his adopted reso-
lutions In favor of nn eight-hour day , uniform -
form laws and labor :
regulation In nil Gcr-
man district and. the appointment al inde -
pen ent Inspectors .
A Berlin dispatch to the London Dnfl ) '
News says Emperor 'Vlium Is angry ut the
publciy given his offer to Increase Von
Ilohenlohe's salary. The mater was made
known by nn anonymous paper. bearing i
partly oblIterated coat of arms His majesty
has ordered the police to do their utmost to
discover the writer. .
Sensatonal Robbery of the County
Treasurer nt "uta Uo.n.
SANTA ROSA , Cal. . Dec. 2S.-Santa Rosa
had the biggest sensation In its history
tcxlay The county treasury was robbed of
nearly $ SOOO and '
$8.0 County Treasurer stoten
waR left insensible In the vault by the
robbers to stiffer death who locked the
door to the vault on him. The robbery
occurred 9 o'cloek this mornIng , but was
not discovered until about 6 o'clock this
afternoon. All this time County Treasurer
Stofen lay on the floor ot the vault gasping
for breath fearing every moment during
conscious intervals. would be his last lined
tt not been for the lmely arrival ot his
wtfe , the only person In town who knew
the combinaton , he would have been Iead ,
She hal been at CloverdaJc. and on her re-
turn here about 4 o'eloclt , learned thaI the
treasurer had not been home to dinner .
'l'he children said that they hail taken hits
dinner to him and heft It In front of the
olce , but ' hint they could nol get In MrR
' Stofemi suspecting sOlelhln wrong , rushed
down to the ofcc which Is on the south
corner ot the court house menti nlljolnlng the
sheriff's ollice. The door was locked , but
with the aid of time janitor she opened the
door Between the front hart of the oleI
and the treasurer's front oUce Is a wicket
gate. This also was 10cl\ ,
On going InsIde : Irs. Sioten found her
( ear realized. On one desk was her hun-
bantVuu coat und hat. Oi the floor , In confusion .
fusion were money trays on which the
treasurer caried money from the vault ,
which Is In the rear of the office , to his
deBIt In the room. About that time a faint
knocking was heard from InsIde the vault , '
Irs. Btofl'n cried out lint ( her husbanl\ waR
In the vault ul1 that she could save him If
she could remember the ( combination. The I
first time Mite lrled : she failed owing to her
great exciteuicuit. , Next tIme , realizing : that
her litibaiitl's . lfe depended upon her tool-
ness , Ihe was more sueecRstul , and the hl
Iron tloors o the \llt ( slowlY swung.
Treastirt'r Stoten want found Oi the floor of
lie \'uul IICOII'cloIS. the safe door was
open and most or the money removed .
Treasurer Staten , lS soon ) he revived ,
slhl he opened 111 the olce ns usual about
9 o'cloclt. As he wits carrying one of the
trays with money from the vault , I ( nil
flflf . In his stolklng telt , stepped Into the
Iloor of the \aul anti wIth uplifted dagger
In his right 11111 tolc\ him to ( hu ' oii thc
t.nyt AI ho stooped to hay the trays
down the .ollcr struck him a powerful
1Iow , on thc hack of Ito hlnll , which roil-
derNI him unconscIous. for how lunA he
coull not tel , Bo says the mien vas tal
null wore Ihln whiskers . mind must have
galncl aminilttttflco _ to , then olce during the
night lint ! wallell fOI' him 10 ol.on time slfe ,
Olrerl are seoul'lng thc country for the
robber , but not n trace . hal been toun .
On" 1.I/ I.n\t IUII"\O 1llerouKt : , ) . 'njurell '
GAL\'ES'FON . , Tex . Dec. 28-'hl lire on
board Item ( Britsh stellshill Iulonle , which
broke omit last night , llro\ll to lie more
IIMnstloul t11 wan at llrt 0X1)ee'tOth. One
life has been lost anti Iwo ' moro we tie-
sptlr'tl ot , anlIhl \ hohl 1:1 or cotton
ts n tout ( hoes John Dixon , cook for the
screwmen loathing the ( vessel. was suffocated
while slecllng , lit tIme rlbln , 'l'wo or the
vosel' $ crow OVtI'come hy the thames . nr
now In I critical cOllltol , 'l'he vessel was
b'IHhed this aCl'rnoun , anti the ( hire hi IOW
wtl 'ummilci ' control. 'I'h"I. i'tm'tl will ho satl.
The 1/llnle 111 io bales of cotton on
honnl , fuly iuisureth. - . -S
MIAuu.1nl ( ) T.nch.rNwchUon :
KANSAS CITY , } ec. 2-Thc convention
of the Missouri Valley 'renl'herl association
ololed tonight with the election of oloer :
l'rcmmitleuit , J. II. I'erltnt I.tblr' ' } ' : vice
imrcumtemtt. J. LI. MIIItc ' , Alany ' , ito : sec.
rotll' , : tf Mug lt Jones , Klnsaa CIy (
treaaurer , Miss : . V. II'own , Iumdepnmdomiee :
mlroatl secretary . F' . D. 't'hofH Kansas
el ) , t'VlI11 r"splutols on stlte matters
were ' ndoptell. 'hl line , anti tJlnce .f hold-
lug the Ilxt leltl"g was laft I with I corn-
mlte < 1\'llolntel \ ' for ( hut uiumvose. The eon-
\rntIn utile heen the must successful held
Ilnco the ( formation of . the aS8ccluton.
Mom 11111 < of Scagnimig 'e rAAcl' her. 2K.
At Suit Prancl co-nenrte.-.U. S. S. Ben.
nlngton sealchlnA cruie. .
At Jiotsgowrnivet2iibernian % , trom
At 1t.otterdarn-Arnivetl-Arnsterdam , from
New York.
At Brlmer lIaven-Arrived-llbe , from
New York ,
At New Ycdk-Arrlvcd-l3nitisiu 1rlnce ,
from llamnburai.
- . , _ . . . , ' .b
- -
. ' '
. u" . . .
Populist Oonferenco nt St , Louis Oppose
Any Ohnge In the Party Creed ,
Tauieneck 1(81/oc.1 time Chflr on Advlcc or
the Com mit co and Ucncrr.1 \\el"c1
Tnkrs Ills l'lncc-Ahbun" : l'olm-
lIsts \IIR'"o JIUtCC ,
ST. IOUS , Dec. 28-Tho conCereneo oC
Ito national committee ot the lcophe's party
with its invited friends began today at the (
Lnllel hotel In this city with an atteiid-
niece of something over 200. The meeting
was called to order by National Chairman
Taubcneck anti proceeded to Ilscuss the ad-
visabiiity of hoMing sessions In secret. The
debate developed something of a tangle , oul
of whIch lie ( gathering pulled itself otter
nearl' two hours discussion by resolving It-
'sel Into an Informal conlerenee with Mr.
Tauleneek In the chair the commIttee be-
iitg declared ndjourned until 2 11. m. Secretary -
retary ( Turner of the national committee was
made secretary of the eoulerence. Chair-
man Tanbeneck then slated the lIUrIOSP of
the cO"Cerence ns Indicated In the cahi. Upon
motion of General Weaver the chair was directed -
rected , after sonic aimless debate , to appoint
I comnmmiitteo ot hive upon credentials and an-
other ot ten members upon address , the latter -
ter to prepare a summary for the advice of
the conference , . Recess was then taken ummtll
2. p. m. unt
At the nferoon session , the national ex-
ecutve eomliteo having retired for the
purpose of consultation , the conlerenco pro-
ceciheti . alter naming n committee on order
of business , informally to listen to J. S.
Coxey upon his nonlnteresl bearing bond
plan : also to dresses by Delegates Howard ,
Iannlng alit ! Alams upon the recent elec.
ton In Alabamn , and other supporters of the
conference. DeleJato Adams In his cosing
sentences created considerable excitement
by slntng that though the populists of Ala.
bama were long suffering In their refusal to
resort to revolution , that patIence might
case to bo 1 virtue : that they would not
stand by much longer and see theIr rights
taken away.
The national executive committee nt this
point presented a resolution allopted by It
to the effect that II deemed It inexpedient
for the conference to adopt an address to the
people but that the proper procedure would
be for the Iroper Present its views
. Iresent Is
to time national central committee , they to
present them , In such form ns scented best
to them , to the public ; also that National
Chairman Tnubeneek hall better not remain
In the chair. A report upon rules and order
of business was presented , providing a reg-
ular form of procedure In consonance with
the resoluton of the executive comimmittee.
Alter some debate both reports were accepted - I ,
cepted 'and the conference proceeded to elect
General J. D. Weaver temporary presiding
officer of the conference with lV. D. Vincent
of Kansas and Milton .
11ton Park of Texas as see-
rotary and assistant seeetar ) ' .
After a short recess to permit state dele
gatons to confer upon the ( maters to be
presented by each , the roll of states was
called far the introduction of such resolu-
tons ( , etc.
Dy Alabama ( Delegate Adams ) .1 resolu-
ton requesting the United States senate to
adopt Senator Allen's resolution of December -
her 19 , 1894 , for the appointment of a com
mltee'to ascertain whether Alabama's people ! t
ara living under a republican form of gov-
era. Rules were suspended and the resolu-
ton was adopted unanimously.
Arkansas , California . Oregon , Colorado ,
Georgia Idaho and Indiana reported progesm I
In the advancement of populist principles and L
the spokesmen In general remarks Insisted I
upon time conference standing strictly by the
Omaha platorm ,
Illinois' spokesman Mr. Lord of Chicano
In addition to an insistence upon the prlncl l .
pies of the Omaha platform , presented reso
lotions adopted hy the populist city centrnl
committee of Chicago , denouncing the recent t
Imprisonment of E. V. Debs and others In
Chicago as an Invasion of the right of trial I
by jury ; also a series of resolutions prepared I
by Hon , Lyman Trumbul of Chicago denouncing -
nouncing the tine or regular troops In the
Chicago labor disturbances last summer as a
military Invasion : declaring the use of regular -
tar troops I forcing of freemen to oppress
others tn behalf of monopoly ! : denouncing
the Issue of Interest-hearln bonds tn tim a
of peace : demanding the free coinage of nil -
ver nt the rate of IG to I , and insisting that (
monopolies bearing public rights should be
owned and operated by the government
A recess until 7 p. m. was then. taken.
Alter the evening recess the conference
resumed the cal of stales for expressions of
opinion with regard to the best policy for
the party to pursue For Iowa Genernl Weaver -
ver responled , urging his well known Innn-
clal views and asking that the light of the
next two years \mt \ the national election , be
made upon the Omaha IJJatorm In its cmi -
tirety front . with financial reform well to the
RecurrIng to the resolution Introduced hi
behal of the central people's party commit
tee of Chicago , time conference suspended thc
rulea and passed unnnlmouslY time denuuici
litton of time Imprisonment of Eugene 'V ' .
Dabs George W. Howard and others as nn
Invasion of the rights of frcemen to a trial
by jury. Some little debate was h11uee(1 by ,
I phrase therein referring to Judge Woods
'as one "whoso record Is a stain upon the u
judlclury , " but an effort to strike It out
failed and the reolutons lassed ,
Commissioner Dreldenthnl of Kansas tic .
manded adherence to the Omaha platorm :
The same line was taken by spokesmen for
time states of Kentucky , Louisiana , Masse I-
clitmscttu . New 1 Iampshiire , Vermont , Minm .
seta , Mississippi ) Missouri , Montana Nebraska m-
braska , Michiigamm New Jersey , Ohio , Okhm
henna Pennsylvamiia South Daltta ( , Texat 5 .
Tennessee Vlrglnln Wisconmaimi Connecleut
and Now York , after which the eOI\enton
took a recess until tomorrow morning
At the conclusion of the session J. C ,
Innning of Alabama announced that he
hall , upon advice . Issued a cal for n mectinm [ K
of the ballot reformers of the south meetng lt Ntw
Orleans January 18 and 19 , to perfect permanent -
manent organization and visit of work
Stiumuth hY thu Whole ICrecti.
DEN VEi , Dee. 28.-At the meetnl of thn I
Colorallo State alliance today I resolution
WRS adopted cond mnlng the form'aton or /
party with only the lver plank and urging
that time populist party be maintained as
origInally constituted . TIme resoluton wa
telegraphed t to the St Louis conlerence. AI.
most al of the alliance members are helm.
lists . . 101lU
Urnll , to 1001.1111 I csrr ( .Igiuis.
SAN FH.NCJSCO , Dec. 2S.-IYmmitemi States
DIstrict Alorer Knight stated today thnt
he would shortly reeommenll to ( time attorney
general to dismiss tIme ehantCI migainist at
least thre-lourths ot the A. H. U. men
now under arrest In this tlistmlet chnrged
with conFllraey ( , growing out of the recent
strike , lie believes that there is I no chalice
ot convicting them , 'i'hme trials "lnee
progrlsl In this city have not developed /S
strong / case of conspiracy lS was cx-
pectld , The district attorney ulechare.m how.
ever thai ( It Is his Intenton to stubbornly
llroslcuto the ringleaders In the rerent dls.
urbances. _
Fur tIme Itlt" ) 1""lr.
The business men of time city met at the
Com lnclll club rooms last night In one
more effort to devise ways anti means of securing -
curing the state fair for Omaha. Owing ,
however , to the numerous details to bs icr-
ranged no dllnle roncluslon - was /ehet II. ,
\11 Only ) I' , , n'I.U. .
NEW YORK , Dee 28.-The wholesale and
retail try Goods unlmlhl'r \ ) ' firma of nn . ,
J.tchtensteln & Sons hOI gone Into lltjuida.
tiumi . The liabilities arc eltmated Ione at $ .OO ) .
with assets halt that . amount , .
IJII 11.t"'r ! llil I''r.
BOWLING GRlmN , J { ) . . , Dee 28.-A saw
mill boiler exploded at Dona'er , tierron
I mi boier uplode ) lerron
cent ) , klln" IWe men Inl badly Icldtn ; '
P'M.h > ' - - , " : , . , " . ) . " .0 , . . , _
sd Re\'erl more. The names i'ltour of the
deBl are : hind , J'nnn , Ierrlhug'nntI Spark
The mIll wn9 the prpertlof. . Hard Vcr-
r ing . amid was almost p totatty . ' strOYed.
DIWI.ll'J'S ' TO JIMlt Jll ) Vll.'OOJ ! .
I.exow Commmnmtttce1tismZ0tTthti ' to Listen
\nthon1' 1
NF\ % YORK , Dec. 2.-'l'hmer , eemll to be
I lull totiny In the interest Ihanleste.\ ) '
the Ilble during the Previous sittings of
the lexo\v commitee.ut before Mr. Gel
hmt got wel under way the court rom was
rnpllly Illicit antI there was the usual
t hrong oC Fpeetntors. Inspector Williams
gain faced Mf. Golf nut reslmt1 his lintel ,
dr ' denials of hAving e\er received \ any
mone ) ' or bribes of any description . lie got
very angry when questonelt nhoul his wire's
diamonds , IJrtculnrl' n Ilnmond cross In
l'e"nrl to which : Ir. Gee asked him If It
Clml from n woman of Ill repute. Comurniso
slont1 st Martin was the winess who excied
the most interest Antimony COlstoclt np-
pear'el with 1 tlemnl1 to be heanl In regard
to Mr. Guffs charge ngnlhst him , but he
was refused. Scnntor Lexow'nnnonncli the
heRring h woull close tomorrow for tIme II res-
en 1 I
Senator Icxow then saul that he had re
cel\ell 1 letter from : Ir. Cmstock , but that
the senltors Ild not tliiuik 'it right to hnve
: Ir. Comttock COIf to courtl ns the matter
wan outfhlf the m'cola of , thl committee.
Mr. Golf thcn Illd : ' 'rhru/h ) the kindness
of the Associated \ I'ress 1 have been IUI )
plCt ( with It copy 01' un Intet'vlew with : Ir.
COlstoclt last nIght , lnl1 wl"now say ( limit
1 decline to say In"thlnl or have army com-
municaton wih : Ir. COlstock unt he puts
In wrllnl all h knows und all he Is lIre
Pared 10 say lit r.ferenco 10 u certain citi.
zen whol Il ( says Ins Irosecutor for
while holln/ the position " ot aSslstlnt diii-
trlet nlO'ne ) ' .
" 'he ehlir is still OIHn for any person who
wishes vlmlcnlol amid its thll commlUee
wi have to aljourn very lon I I'd 1 certaIn
thnt tll't will be a number of clnhnlnts for
vhulcalon miller . the mtessioul his entied "
InSIJecor . " .llnms WIS tltn I called to time
: Ir. Gee nslted Williams If IC" ever hind any
United States ' bonds , anti the ) 'wlnes catch he
hewer until. Severl Questol9 ins to time wit-
ness' followed . md also
IJrpert folowed. nll0 I few
questons about \'tllinmmttu' 'lcht , "Eiemtuior : . "
Thou ; 1' . Gee began uslnt ! about what
imiciley WIIIII receh'el nq Krntultes whie
tn commnllt of the "temlcrlhln" precinct.
"Not It penny , " was the rchy .
"ijiti 'Ol geim any money re1I
"Yes , hut gen In the tem\trloln. \ ' as you
cal It. 1 got tuommey 10wn. town "
"I'I'om whom ? " . - ,
wa " . the Irm oC Flies . & Hey , 4i Droad-
"Iow much did you get ? "
"Aboul $ O or $ lO. ; Mr 1 leBs saId he
was dtnlng In slocks I gay him no money ,
hut he stud he wait willing . to' mike thr rlslt.
I dint not know an.thlng about the busi-
. " ,
ness. 4
"This Mr. Fless Is co ulectcd with the
ltohiywoodVhmiky COmlal ' . ' In which you
were nccusee\ of hn\'lu/ In'ntcrest ? "
"aes 1 beleve so , but he had no position _
In the comtnn ' lt that Im . le told me
his ; brother was commnected ' With the com- :
' . " I
pan ) ] I
"Old you : 1\11 send for cu envelope con- I
taming valuable property anti have It taken I :
from 'Vlrdmln Dunlup's room he was t
1)'ln ! ? " . ,
"No sir" . I
Tim wliless then said liz hind nl account :
In the Bowery Savings tbummc ( of less 111 I
$0. one 11 the Seamnen'mt ot less than $1 , ( I
anti one In ihe Dry oek of/Ies than $2.00.
lie did not have any othmem account , but
his wife might have. He kiiev'that his vitt '
got $ , O. from Peterheaj klC-thnt Sotand. wle
Did your wife wear n ifluhtond cross ? "
" 1 neveI knew her to we bne. "
'Vas tt nOl talten ' ft'OiO ' a notorious m
woman ? " 'ttr'a I
" 1 deny tt , amid hrnd It's ttn Infnmous I
lie . " shouted the wlnesg , ptos'iituately. (
"I never knew the Frel madame. . She
Wa not French , sue was a. ' Germuui , " was . .
time . next reply to Mr. qtdT's prolc9.
: ptd you ever get a pt f \ ntInLyric haU ? "
"Yes . nn alblm , " , ' . " . , , " ,
" " 'hat was It worth..i . k" 'i
" ' 'wo thousand five huntlre1 1 ollars. .I wns
presented to me by Jerolbjnuck Several I
persons subscribed ta hut'fpnd to buy the
album . among them were several judges ot
the criminal" courts .herej nfer I was exon-
ertc on atrial , "
Captain Delaney was plncell on the stlnd
and was so baily mixed In19 answers tima t'
he was ' dismusseii . /19
Commissioner Martini , was next examined ,
He len led having any lenowege ! that black :
mail was being collected by the police. He
slid h'3" ' had heard the rpnnors : but the corn ,
mission had been unabl rllOr any deft -
nle informntetion. He nlso dente aim knowi -
edge of positions amid , promotions on the
force being obtained by paymnents of mimommey
WASHINGTON , Dec. 28.-Tte letter whIch
LewIs S. Slreep , In his t stmdn ) ' before the
Lexo\ commissIon yesterday , said he had
wrlten 10 the president erly In lat July
was receIved r t the executive mansion nbout
JUly 15 , and without I being called to th ' '
attention or the Irtslden ! , was tn the regim ;
lam' course ot business sent to the Department -
fluent or Jutee. ns It contained nmong
othel' thhlS , atiegattonms oC U very serious
character against Unllell States Dlstrlcl At-
torney John Mott , and for time ' further men -
son that It related tnan application for 1 I r
pardon cit behalf of Streep . Time letter covers -
ers about live pages of closely \\'rlten letpr
paper , and ngree3 substantial y with StreeP'S
testlmnomiy. { f declares he hu' been porno -
cutell for live years by Anthony Comstocle H :
thll hIs trial was a mocJtery ot justice . aim il
that Comstock anti Mott have receive
bribes of money for protecting green good 5
men Comstock and hiatt , he says , each received -
ceived $ .0 at the beginning of the trouble
mend that for 1 long time COlstoelt receive th
$1,000 per month from the same source ,
5trep said In his letter that lie did not
ask for I Imrdon' ' trom' the pre8ldent. . nor
any Interference further thul 'hut tnlucnee
In obtaining it new trial before ,
obtnlnln/ trnl JUdge Bene-
tiict . whom he believed to he un honest mnn
who would do him juslre1r. This letter WIS
presumably sent to the llled States attom - -
ne ) ' lt New York , for wltlin ; ten < hays aft ti
its I'ecclpt at the Deplrtm nt of Juslc the :
United . States attorney retumrmed to the de-
IJI.tment Mr. Conmstocie'u1 reply tlmeretl
' 'hla letter Is even longer' : hnn Streu'H nnd
mattes a "enerll amid paricular denlnl of (
time chares made . Whether or not thes"
letters will bf tent to New York to be use < 1
before tIm Lcxow committee Is not mttntei :1 : .
hut It Is lresnld they will be , amid they '
will he forwarded - at . . onc' .
"WT.lSIW , lUjE J)1IXJL .
JeallvoOI lIar ASMocl"thm Resents an In-
Alit Offered the Onnalse Jurist '
DEADWOOD , Dee 28.-Special ( Tel e-
2-(8peelnl e1
grm-Judgc ) DUl1r convened Unied
States court this ( afternoon for the Iurposo
or h'urlng he motions antI scHng cases for
the 1'ebruul" ternm 'l'hdatemnbens : oC the
bar were Ilresent. Arer IlsoslnG of rune
bUMlness Judge Dund"y unrpleled I leler
from JtmtigltMgertoml , who Is now lt New
Orleans . noJoimrning for hmeilitim. Time
Orlelns. sojounlnn hIs healh. 1ho Ic t-
ter conlalnelt it , 1'nat" for .Judge innm
from his honul' , In'lge ldertui . Ind Inlly \\'IS
read In 01111 court. I , seems that Juthi "e
glllerion Is Inclined 'to i.e IIHlleas .1 l wllh
the favor Judge DUn'Iy ( hts , received hero
nnll claims that tht laW ( ' "g < lemln Is tr ) ' -
Ing to untlel"mlno him nfli mise himself itt
Eugemton's 1 cxpemio , The ceMents anti ha It .
IUUlU of the letter are islllln ! In the .c :
In'me A leeUI of tlib ( iwoj ( liar as. -
ociatiomm wait held this ' , mind ii\
other business h'ld thll I'enllIUI among was
plssed re1uestn Judge q.htelY . to IU'fshte
over . the 'ebrary teri , of United State
court to be hell In this' city . !
- - -
' 'u u Morn ShIps 't'oS'Ct Into ( 'on .
RAN 1"lANCISCO , Dee , S-'rhe coni.
hlien IJlll Sea 1\lnl tw hrtwo days from
Nlliamo , U. C" , came Ihto ( pJrt this evening .
ing . On ehrlstmas nlor\lfi ) \ { the' Sea ICing
WIS ' sigh tell ten mies nOrth or Port Itches ,
only a few hours diltunce trm Ban I hrani-
chico anti hel' owner Were tcomin anx-
loul about her. TIme schooner John I' . Mil-
ler , twcntf'I' ( dl1 out or . Portland . ivies
ulso towed Into port tlil ( 'ovlnlnl She was
511btell on ) tel Ior hat air lie ( Farailon
< of
ishmtimil . 'rhl fchoQner was then Farnlon
ahlell commdltlomu . having' ften stripped of
several or hel' sails , amid It was feared hut (
she haul been drh'en om ( to sea umgaimm
Nothing has heen helrll o\t th coal.lnden
shut ) J. U. Brown slnde the 23d lust ,
when Ihe'US IIJel } off. ( 'uil' h4emloclno
She Is out . twenty.lve ( or 1 front Ntuniamo .
Remit l1) fur ( ' ( . ' umnmuIpt .
ChICAGO , Dec. 2t-lVjliiani Ranglth ,
secretary , amid litany m tner , vIce lHesl.
dent , ot the AUnts Loop company , now In
the hanlls of I receiver , were sent to jail
by Judge Payne today for eOI\tcmpt jai
COUI t. HanJlth was MlltenoiHI , = to tour
months anti Blcttner for itaytu. " '
UI\I 11 < tner thIrty ,1v. 'he
charge uJulnsl them was that ( of releasing
a trust d > 1oslt after a receiver releaslnJ \\11
Ilolnted ( - _ _ _ ' . _ _ _ ,
nl'llll I I C htp.r : Ir..1 I I "r Clueln"It t
CIN'INNATI , Dec. t9.-Th- crusade for
cheap breath here has rlsulM In twenty.
five bakers or this city up to , ( lib : reducing
tIme price trom . I centl 'to ( : i Cetle Ilr loaf.
Samu r'iict"i to 4 cents mind hut hew 1.I I
are able tu 1lntlll the ( I.cent rute. . I
" . : ' _ " i' . . ' " " . " -
White Mnn's ' Law had No Terror for a
Renly Bad Indian ,
Trltl to Choke Ihnsclf with the Aid of
. ' 1110 I.OUA , but \\hel lie rl\el
lie WnlkCl to time Sr"luhl
WIthout R Trcuimor . .
DEADWOOD , S. D" , Dec. 28.-Speelal (
T oiegram-Two ) Sticks has Paul the Ienaly
of his crime and has suffered death on time
s caffold .
Two Stcks' ' last night on earth was a
vcry restless anll nervous ohio. All nllht
leng I ho kept lP I mumbling comlunicaton
wih two death watchmen , interspersed , with
the low wallngs of his death song Toward
morning ho grew excited and paced the
' narrow connnes of his cell wih hasty strides
'nnd soon worked himsel Into n state of
I mervousness Pnther Dlngmnl of Ilno
I Hilgo ngeney , who was here In atentnnco
on him OS his spiritual adviser , arrived at
nn early ! hour amid with soothing words soon
hnl\ h him In
n state of tranquility. Two
S ticks hal been baptized In time Catholic
fnlh lost Thursday amid after Father 1)immg-
I man had \rnyed with him and administered
lie last rites of tic ( church the death ivarh :
rant was read.
Then time cOllemnel1 man made a long
r ambling statement , denying his guilt , anti
the deputy marshals proceeded to bind his
nlms preparatory to the march to ( Ito
Just here an exciing seeno took imlace
One of the strops could lot bo used , and the
deputes , placIng It un n chair vent Inl look
Lot a cord to take its place Two Sticks ,
noticing the strap , carelessly took I imp on
the IJretense of
examining II and before any
one could divine his intentions had It In n
' slip noose over his heat amid had handed the
loose end through the bar of a cel In which
another Indian Eagle Louse , was confined.
In 0 second both were exerting their strength
to the utmost , one pulling upon the end of
the strap and the other pushing against the I
bars or the cell with his hands tn
cel wih hnnls nn endeavor -
: deavor to cheat the galows , Two Slcles'
eyes began to prollle , his tongue loll out
land his lmbs tremble. In another minute I
his effort to kill hliself would have been L
successful and Marshal Peemler would have I
been relieved of an unpleasant duty.
When the death , watch and spectators rell-
Ized what was going raBin
on a was made i
for the desperate Indian The strap was t
pulled from tIme gmep of Eagle I
Louse and the marshal and his
'deputes ' were soon struggling about the
narrow corrIdor In an endea"er to loosen I
the band which Was slowly strangling the
old Indian to death. I was a desperqte
struggle , but numbers prevailed . and Two I
Sticks was forced to postpone his departure
until a few minutes later.
Cords were'secured , the Indian's arms were
pinioned to his side nail the larch to the
scaffold , taken imp. Ho had regained all his
: courage , which for several days had been
, at 'a low 'ebb , and with ,
, I song of defance
of the powers of death Upon his lips . fol-
10\fd he : . larshll , , ti , the" Icatnld , n-he
! jiriJghtened'ho"dld ! IOt show"tt anti the
smile upon his face was too natural" , his
laugh too h rty , ' and hisS voice , when raised
In he tong of death Was wllhout a quiver
Ho greted all he let on his last journey
with n laugh and n "Hon- "
, The trip to time scaffold was a short one ,
but It was a high structure , and the platfonmu
could ' only bo reached
by means ot a long
I flight of stairs. Up these steps , wlhoul
assistance , , the old brave finally walked , and
took his stand upon the step without a m
tremor When his 1)1 caught the danJlng
noose which hung but I few Inches above
his head , he gazed at It for 1 moment ,
grunted , "Washta , " ( good ) and laughed ] i
Time straps which bound his legs were soon
adjusted , and the warrior began a short
speech to the psople who had assembled to
watch the executiomm. This was soon fnished
and then the wilt ] , wlerd notes of the death ]
song rose upon the air , but not n tremor
was In the voice that ( uttered them. Even
alter time black cap ( hail been adjusted and
the knot thghmtened . their cadence rose aim
foil within the scaffold yard anl
At 10:37 : the trap was sprung and Two
Sticks' body , his neck fractured , hlng dang-
hug nt the end of n rope
There was no excitement The rumored
In\slol of a band of Indians to rescue him
Irom the law's vengeance proved 'to be n
mylh. There was no need of an armed force
to attend his execution . The olcials di d
their duty , and did tt well. Two Sticki d'
neck was broken by the ionIc whIch stopped
his fail . Ho wi be burled here This Is the
second legal executon that has taleen plac3
In Deadwood , both under lie auspices of tit Le
United States.
The crlmo for which Two Sticks suIerel1
the death penalty was commltell on Fel ) -
ruary 2. 189. : On the evening of that da y
R , Royce and E. M. Bennett. cowboys In
employ of lumphrpy & Slenger , meat com -
tractors were enterininiimg , In their' 11ug-oul
on Trail creek , on the Sioux reservation some
thirty miles from Pine Hdge ( agency , two .
other cowboys named J. Bacon anti Willia iii
Icehley' . who lied arrived during Wiiam
noon In search of a stray bunch of catt e
that had escaped from a herd farther cate
the rIver It being too late to return that
day , lie visitors were In\led to spend the
day at lie dug.out , About 1:30 : Two Stiel ( ' 3
and his two sons , Kill time Two , amid Stcllf / ]
Wih , accompanlell by Whlo Face lion
and First Eagle , cam\ to the dug'OUl , rapped
on tine door , antI were admited , They
gruntell out time usual " '
"low' and arrayed
themselves around the stove Time cowboys ]
furnlshell them with tobacco , with which
they made cigarettes , and treated them hos-
pikibhy . , When the Indians got tlrouJh
smoking they turned to leave the vine e .
Suddenly they wheeled and began fring at
the whies with their Winchester nut is .
killing all four of them instantly , They
then returned to their ( catmup , which was 10. I
catell two mies down the rh"er. The acxL :
morning they toolt down their " tepees ' anti -
moved fifteen miles further from the agency .
The bodies of )
the murdered young men
were nol discovered untl the younl after.
noon , when an InllJn ( olcman , happening
along , , noticed the deserted appearance 01
things about the remlses , Jookell Into the
dug-out and discovered the corpses strewn
about tint floor. lie hnmedlately started for
Pine Ridge agency anti notified the agent ,
who sent out a slluali of Indian police to
look for the ( guilty parties , Tile ) ' came
across Two Sticks and lila party , amid finding .
Ing the deae men's property In their iuossos.
slon , 11roceeded to arrest them , when the In-
dIana resisted and a pitched battle ensued
which resulted In the killing or First 1 Eagle ,
Whiits Face hone escaped badlY wounded ,
and rode his hori ,200 mica north to Stand.
lug Hock agency , where he sins arrested by
o deputy marhal six months later lila leg
had to be amllutated shortly after hil ur-
rvll : at lie agemicy . Two Sticks , Kill the (
Two and Fight'itlm were arrested anti
turned over to the authorities / at Ieatlwoad )
Their cases were presentetl to the granll jury
lt Sioux I all , and they were indIcted ' \rl
5 , 1893. The wlnesle8 before the grand jury
were lear Louse , henry Ialre , Young-Maim- , Sitting Bear , Iouls
Manard , No J'ltsh and others
The first to be trIed that
frst case was of ICI
the ( Two , whose trial occurred at the fail
term ( at aclwood before Judge ldgerton
The Indians had practically admited tIme
crime , but when they were put on the stand
to testify they all became suddenly dumb ,
and nothing could be gotten from them
There being no direct evidence , the judge
directed the jury to elect a foreman and brlnl
In verdict 01 not guilty. The jurymen put
tbdr heads together and refused to do f.I I
, -e , _ , _ . _ . . . . , .u."t : J _ U . , l' - r - - _ - .
whereupon tie ) ' were 11lseharJll , nail lCm
the . Two was alowll to return to the reser-
v .aton on his own recognizance , although
there were three other Illctments still
p ending against him.
In the meantme the Indians chne,1 their (
Ilnds ali agreed to go upoum ( hits stnntl atmii
ta t ell time truth about ( lie matter. Time cane was
tn gain brought up at. time October ( ISill ) thrmii
n uiti ( hey all pheauleti , gtmilty with the cx-
c eption of Two Sticks , who hileadeti umot
g tmilty anti stood trial , The others were
s entenced to five years in ( lie imentteimtiary at
S iotmx Falls , whiero ( lucy are now serving
t heir Fentemices ,
Judge Ehiumer S. Iumntiy of ( ho Neluranka
d Istrict lsreidcii over ( lie trial of 'l'w'o
S ticks , which limited seven days , the jury
b eing kept nuder lock amid key the entire
( hue , Two Sticcsvns defentleti luy V , ' . h.
M cLaimghihin of lentlwootl. A Jury was enm-
v ammehleni commsising ( of Jesetuhi Swimig , Ii , lbs.
s iter , Tex flenkimm , Scott Uley ( , Janics Timp-
l iii , N , lb. Franklin , Julius hiebsamnen , Ii ,
l ltmrley , George Parker , Louis Werthmhmeimner ,
- v , A , Ickes , anti F' . I ) , Simiitlm. Altreti Coo
a ml Charles Tacket aetcul as tumerpreters ( for
t Ine Indian witnesses , ivito siere Ihemmry Black
I llc , 1aglo Louise , Comiucs Crawling , \Vhuite
Face Horse , George Coma , Lob , Mrs. Fight
With , White Bird , 50mm of No Iress , SItting
h ear , Mrs. hear \Vomaii , 'l'omn Two Sticks ,
Kills time Two , tumid Itumminhuig hawk , On
October 80 time jury retumnmmed 0. verdict of
' ' ' '
'gumlity ,
Iheforo pronomimicing sentence judge lmmndy
a sked ( lie Prlsomier If lie hind amiythimmg to
s ay.
NOT 4FRAhI ) TO l)1F ) ,
Two StIcks replied : "I mini not ntraitl to
d Ie , I amu brave. It I must flits , I wammt to
d ie at once amid cud mmmy stiffening. "
The mnumniier was a cowardly anti most brutal
o ne , no provocation being apparent. TIme
h midhiuns hind been emigaged in ghost. dniictmmg
nail hind constructed a sweat iiotms about
t wenty roils below their camp. Tlmis sweat
house is a ( itigout whmicii is entirely tmntier
groumud. After dnticmng tmntil exlmatmted
tima hnmdhnums ivotmld retire into it , close all the
apertures , nenmatnlng sommietinies three hours
under time groommud. After feelIng ( lie effects
of thmo spirits supposed to immlimtbit this
den ( lucy would enierge Ihierefromn full
c ml new life amid deviltry. it was after one of
t hese summccs ( lint Two Sticks told lila braves
the white muon's blood haunt flow.
An effort was mantle to lmas'e PresIdent
Cievelamiti couiimmiimte time semmtemmCe to imimuurinomi-
meat for life , time hmitilan itlgiits nsseciattoim
of Pimiladelphmla taking great imiterest in ( lie
matter , Attorney Goimeral Oincy tehcgrimplieml
time district attorney askimug if the case would
warramut a comnummutatlon of sentence. Attorney -
torney Miller replied that it was a clear
case for hanging.
Two Sticks was 62 years old , weighed 165
pounds and Was 5 feet 4 imicimcs in height.
lIe gained fifteen pouiitls dunimmg his incarcer-
atiomm , and did riot seema to worry over his
fate , lie was ( lie secbnul Indian ever cxc-
cuted by jtmtiicial authority in 'thus Dakotas ,
tIme other , one beimig Bravo Bear , whmo was
hanged at Yankton twelve years ago ,
.FOET1' It LJJt.VlLI TO JE.'t rir.
Ircimrfmml Acciulcnt ntit Cinnisemmmas I"cstlm'at In
Oregon ,
KLAMATH FALLS , Ore. , Dec. 28-News
, has jus ( , reached hero that a most horrible I
holocauso occurrrd at. Silver Lake , Lake I
county , Ore. , on Chmlsnias evening , in which I
forty-one were burned to death and sixteen I
badly injured , five of whom will die , A large I
crowd hind assenibled in Cimnisaian Bros. bal I
tO attend a Christmas tree festval.'hik I
1 (110 festivitie's were at their lnelhtt , somd emu S
cIhn'bed on a ) enchfrom which polmit he expected
pected to got. _ a better. view of what wai I
going on. In doing so his head struck c
lamp hanging front the ceIling , overturnint
It , Time oil inmmnediately caught fire and every .
thing in thio room being dry and of an in
flammable nature , the room was soomm a mast I
of fianmes. Some one shouted : "Shut tlme.4oot r
and keep quiet ; it can be put out. "
By this time the confusIon was so gren t
that people began scramubhimig in a wild en -
denver to reach the door. Wommmon and dill -
dren were trampled under foot , and as timer 0
was only one exit to the bait , amid tine fir it
being between thmo majority of the crowd alit
( lie ulcer , mmmany ucovie rushed headlong mt a
time flames.
Tue dead are :
ED 130\VEN.
MIIS , U. F' . AUShiIhtE.
y , ci. . MARTIN AND WIFE.
Ill/u. hAMILTON.
'rime five injured likely to file are as fo I-
100(5 :
Mrs. T , J , Labnie ,
Robert Sneiling antI sister ,
Edward Payne and eon ,
Coioiiol Itemuult ecust's 1111mm oF Conuhuict Ui m.
lmrcnnung ) iii mu Nurtimiger.
I'I'I'TSBUIIG , Iee. 28-Time joint comivet Ii-
tion of mimilmens and operators is in siessie in
here , Addresses en ( lie mimming n'ituatle iii
ivere made by l'remtimient McUt'ide of' ( I me
miners uniomi and Colonel Itenui of Chicag 0 '
TIme mtitumation was thoroughmly eanvasne ii ,
anti both tinged tmguinst a strike if it ecu iii
avoided , At ( hue opemiiiug of time nterno In
session Colomieil Jiend , mint cliitirmnamm of ( I
eommmnmittee , reported a resolution for tIme a it-
nolntment oC a comummnimtsion of three nmlner 1t ,
three numerators ttumd three dlsinteremtteti citi-
semis to formnuiae seine viami to 5(011 ( Ito cutthroat -
throat methods ,
Colonel Itend , mt bg maine owlier , gave
John Burns a scomelmimug mebmike , Ills nenmun its
sv'sre in opposition to Dum'na heimig grnncd
a seat 1mm tIme commvention. Colonel itenimi said :
' 'Mm' , hiumrii't iii a stranger in America ; it
ii ; therefore befitting ( hint lie elmall observe
tIme decencies amid iurouirlotlcii of ( lie position
( lint lie nceumimtes , 'rimese pi'opnit'tieit lie is
constuuntly vluhatimig by his commatamit uttmcks
on our instittitiommti , h wnulih ndvise ( lint Mr.
lItmus rctimnui to tile country from whmiclm liii
cflflie amil ci Itt is time cumatenis , nmnuinens nmmd
institumtiomuit at hmi oWn iammh ( , I know it is
the cummutolmi for 'llimmnstetl hlritim'hiertm' to in.
duige in immiiroprieties simimilar ii ) tiuoutu
uuguimmst which 1 vmotest iii , ( lie canto oflr ,
hums , it is about time for Amneriratm mmiii-
imtio'l to mesent time offensive condumct of ( linac
macmm. I hmmuve ito tiujoct on ivimmi tev r to list m-
11mg to time i'ieivs of AIr. But-nut upomi laumor
mnutt'ns ( or iociology : , Mb' lurotest is $ iimltly )
iiit't'ci agmlilmbt I ) . glurttmg abusa that hms
became iii this coimntu'y iumtohtralmieVliemm
mir. Hienmi camne io Cimicmugo lie wmint tuicen hi ) '
time imminti hmy mutiny of omit leudimig citizens ,
I he mubuettil tIme imosiiltmuhlties of our city
and time vroimrieties of good hmt'eetuiutg Imy in-
tituigitig iii criticIsms of Anmenictun immuttens in
which lie inimigleti much ihatteiy but immore
of hostile cntticlmnmu , At ( hut tme ( i lire.
'licted that lie would reitmnmm io Euughzmnti anti
imitate time eximmphes of other foreign mmd-
i'enltmrers Ii ) ' writhmmg slanderous books about
otmr ( 'oummitry. I t itt tilnt , ' to 5(011 lioumizimig
chmuractent of this Icinti , "
. As Colonel ienil ( resume,1 , lila seat there ( ( ii unhroken silence , Mr. who
stood linttu'nhmmg all ( lie time , moved just a
little frommi a mituidied vositiomi liii Immiti mitt-
summned at tIm's hmeglnnimmg , ( hmairmnamm Chap.
noun just a ( title confuted , arose , unti lii
studkd words iuuut ( ( me unction to sen Mr.
liumrsms. It want curried , ( litre being but vile
disntvnting vote , Colonel itemmd i'otin no.
Not hmaviimg a voice lii the eotmveiutiomm Mu- ,
Burns laid to remain silemmi ,
. _ _ _
I. r-
I owa Railroads Confronted with Rate Shoots
Hitherto Witlihohd ,
t ie I'roultieetl Private gc'Ileduml ( S amid 'oI '
ulmutary ihmmtcs to UflitmitO ( ho CimmimmiS ( limit
tue tttii , s Ituutent Are ( fimtctmsnuuuulilo
ninth Unjustly l.nw ,
lES MOINES , Dcc. 2S.-Spccinl ( Tele.
g rnmmi.-ltncussioum ) of time rate question was
c oiitimitmeii before ( lie railway cemimmmiissioimers
to nlay , ex'Coiimniissioumcr Cauiipbell appearing
o il behalf of time jobbers. lie occupied oh-
n iost the eiitire timime totiny with hits argn-
mi ment , anniyziumg the tariffs imrencmmteil by tlmti
r aIlways iii coinpanisoim ss'ithi volummitar ) ' rates ,
w hmtdlm , lie asserted , tum reply to Mv , Jolmitsomu
o f time Hock Inland , showed a dlfferemmco nmmag-
l ug betwcemm 20 amid 75 t'er cent emi time hub.
il shied rate amid time rate at ivhmiclm ( lie bust-
mi ens was nuctmmahiy carried , as slmcivmm by '
t ime expemmso lulls , Cammmpbehl also protiucetl
a mmumuiber of tariff nthicetmu for Illinois auth
\ S'inconsln , which , lie charged , time railways
h ad witimhmelil ( mmmi the commmmuiisslomm , because
t ime rates sliecifieti ( lmereiim iveno mumuchu less
( hart those swcrmm to niitl flied ivithi tIme rommm-
ui iissioim , lie asserted that time shippers lund
f omiuiml 125 tarIffs in force iii stmrrotmmmtlimig states ,
p ractically ever ) ' one of wlmiclm was losoer
( luau time Iowa totes. lie saul that the
r ailroad imiamiagers hmatl flied a vart of their
t ariffs as "suibstauitmnihy" all , halt ( hint ( hill
word ' 'suibstamitlahly" ivan a large hoop'hmai
f or ( Imeir escapa trout a lull shiowimmg , It
was fair , lie argued , to hrCSittio ( lint as they
h ad onmitted large mmumimibcrs of losv tariffs
which time SitiilerS unit foumiti tlwir oiuisstomis
i rene gemierahly of their low tarIffs , lie
m uaiimtaimmctl that their showing was rosen-
t iauly fictitious ; ( lint ( hey hind Imitroduiceil as
s tate tariffs schietitiles which isere not auntie
b y time states , but were really excessIve vohtmum-
t ary rates.
Tue mumnnagers retorteti that thm low rates
i pioted b ) ' Cmmmmmpbhl were ' 'forced' ' ' umuuomm them
by couiipettttemm ,
Camiiphehi , netortemi ( lint they were ' 'forced
t oo oftemi ; ' ' ( hint those low rates were mumat-
t ern of business ; thmnt time shippers of Iowa
i mati to do business in commuitetittomu ivltim tlmeni ,
a mid ( lint the comummmmissiomuers svcre required
by law to take thmemim into coiislderaiomu in
fiximig the Iowa rates. "
Canmpbehl was followed by S F , Prout ) ' .
who also represented time jobbers , amid maltm- '
t amed thiat the railroads hind mint proved flint.
t he vresent Iowa rates were not remuiumtmera-
( lye. lie also claimed tue railways had miot
h mrOven ( hint the rates lii other tatos wore
higher than in Iowa ,
E. P. Itlimley , third vice presldemmt of time
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. h'aul railway ,
spoke at some length for ( lie railways , Ho
said tlii ivan not ( lie first ( tine thin , railways
had asked for an increase iii rates , and because -
cause the ( lines are hard was mme reason whmy
time request hioumlti not be gramiteti. Time rail. 4
had been able to eimthmre time rates for
she years , but were no longer able to endure
timem , Ho entered a gemmeral denIal of most
Of time argunmeiits nmado by the represcnta-
tives of the 'shippers.
.7fLVlfIJt OILL't'GR ( JJt)1' UAX4GIIP. '
Snow ICOhI' at 1'alliuIiisgmi , lluritiis , 'Itoedna"
vmuumucti by Froeziig
JACKSONVILLE , Fin. , Doe. 28.-Florida
ls experiencing thin coldest weather it has
seen since 1886 , ivitho time nmmerumcry registerIng - .
Ing ' 16 degrees. The thermometer seemns to
go iower timuun ever. This will imeovo dint-
astrous to the orange groves. Florida's ' 4
CtOI ) thilmu 'ear WaS emitlimiated at 5,000,000
boxes , iund perhaps bait of this quammtity
has been shipped. The other hail Is still
I Ofl' 'the 'trees , nnl "will , it Is feareti , be
caught by time cold snap. A ( enmiernturo -
of 26 degrees for three lioura ivill freeze
time sap mtntt destroy the sap , That tent-
hieraturo iii time nmnrthmemn nart of time state '
ivili continue at least mill mmiglut , mind ) rio
doubt a vast anmoimmit of damage has been
tlomie. Benlthcn time young groves 'of One or
twd 'years ' of nge are in great 'dmmnger , an '
( lie sap is high now amid time weather iii
almost sure to kill them , The extraordimmary - '
spectiucie of fulling show s'as witnessed in
Qumiimcy , in the nomiimerum hiatt of time state ,
mienr.Tailahnm'sn ,
MEtII'IIIS , Dee , 28.-Thi cold wave that
stz'mmclc timl section \Veiimiesfiny him been
especially severe , 'rommighut time timermimomimeter
rextstet'ed zero. Much stilferimig is m'eportetj
fm-nun thmmi m < urroummudlmmg country mulnong Inca
anti beast. Several huertim ; of cattle are re-
hOm'tfitl ( rozemi to < heath iii Amiemnnsmms.
CLEVFLAND , 0. , Dee , 28.-Owing to the
heavy simnw StOrimi mind c'xtremmmely colti
weather traIns -micro mmli late iii arnivln ' 5
totlay , 'rime easterim itmiti Wenttetn trunk
lines nrc sumferimmg tIme macst. Ilanit arid
vest of Cleveland tue smmow uttonimi is to-
ported nit iltoil hieing vtry severe , and It
wilt be some dmey tueuue regulam' tervIco '
t.mmm ( line will be resimnueti ,
DALLAS , 'l'cx , , Dee , 28.-Time weathmer last
imigimt amid this nmmnniminmg was a record
bremuicer. At summiset yenuterdmiy time ( lien-
nmonieter . stood at i ? , anti this mnoriiing It
% i.ns 1 , mmiinve zero , 'J'lme ice on ( lie 'J'ninity
wit : ; thmiche enotmghi to beam' me milan's weight.
Disputehies from all over Texmus tatlay nay
it lit time cohtlest Decc'muuluer in twenty years ,
5011'i'ht RNII ) Old. , lm'e. 28.-A snow
storm , miccompmuukei : huy territle viimti , began
yestem-thmmy , 'ruin nmiurnimig time thermometer
registt're'i 10 mie'grc'en below zero , 'I'hmere is
great nuiftenimug amimomug settlers , an mummy
of them are without mihmeiter amid clothing ,
'Flue buss of hnomiien amid cattle will be con-
sitierahie ,
_ _ _ _ _ _
hiatt No lntmitlomm < ml ( huhmig nui ( ito ltiigo
bimt l.'sl ri's to IIin tjimhu'uly. - :
NE\S' YORK , Dee , 28--Stntenuonttt hni' .
been rnmuulu that N ins Madeline I'oiiiuuJ imm.
tended to go upon lImo nttimge mimiti ( lint in
hiensomu , or by aim attormicy , site Proiuanenl fol-
lowimig Congrensinmemi lirt'cklmiu big's about the
enimmitry to levy UOti ( lit' Pmocceils of his
lecture totir just imegemmm. Pnuimiptwi hmy thmis
iuiid other Htateuumentn , Miss J'oiianml lain no-
< Itmesteul ( lie Asmicichiuteil vrcss to give hub- -
hicity to ( lii' fuiloiving :
" .i' (5 ( lie Aiirociated Press : I hmavo not
ivanmted to mmmmmhmu mu , ittatemimemut of ammy huimmi ,
I could not miens ( limit is'imat I mhlti sOmmn of in.
( crest to thmt : hucople ge'mwiithl ) ' , Ha I hiave
tried to inmmmr mill ( lint humus inemm itit1 < if inc
tin iuurt of the huummlslmmmuelmt ( or ummy ( allure
an a walmiamu , Vitimium thin kmt few ilayn
the initu'esntion hiatt gomie inhii'omd : ( lint I am
ii mit I er mu n musittu mnett mmmi inc ; t tin t I fl imi Erleimil.
I can n mit i mint sum ilicli'mi ( I y iirovt ml e'tl ( or , mind
that I immn iii W'tcnnhmlngtumu tomirmy. If t'ver a
% vomnmimm hind ( rii'lmtls , grett : anti trtme-lumemu
amid woimien-it is 1 , I ivill miot iiriicvu : that
much return' to give mum ) ' lmrtithier ( 'ImmhIi'fliL'mit
hiecauitte of my hum-oko'n life , Nenu ly mmilf of
Ammru'IteL , hit : ; svmumutCtl cmnhilnylmiemit tutu year ,
I mmmii lint u.nimug before ( hue would in any
Clmtutteity. I hmmive Ito Ilucem < age to canr ) ' . t
immive fluted ic itmestlomi with my 11Cc' , It
cannot lie nnssscreii iii a time ) ' , I immovo mmu
thmeatm lcah tm'iriimlit. I humuve umc'ver luc'tmim ititti.
intel so I coumhti bmai'n' . 'i'hit'lt' svum'ld Is fur
l'eimioveui from mimic , I live htuictiy in a vni-
Vattu house % s'lthm iii ) ' bm'uthmer mmmii mtouthmenmi
( mientis. I'
" 1 do not believe tlui're hi a Imman or woman
on earth icluen tiitmikit there ts utioutey commm-
vemunatiomm for yoniosv , I mmmii sorry if , for
icily m'eam < olu w'imati'wer , I ani accusemi of ne.
mulizimmg 14 < ) littia time emiormemuma sorrow thmmnt
overntimmuulowmt lii ) ' life ,
"I mmmii not tinder an nsnttimeml nmatne , I
hinve riot lit-eli lii aim ) ' 1,111CC where I wumn mmot
traIl knois'n , I ii not. muicaim to ha while I
live , I hmus'e stained my dear luther's pea.
vIe's mmatiie , anti % s'itli ( lie ( 'hunIHt POWer I
simali light ( mum tinnier time stain. p
" - .eay.
'I'll I ii Ic I liii IIll ) ' : I 1mm I Ii mm ' 'j'jjjj
VICTORIA , Ii , C , , Dec. 28.-'t "flIck , "
mimystery about time sale Into sItu vi i'ewimmd ,
the Immulians of it little boy Ii ) r-
huger , hiothi art , Americans J'i'tlitII , ( hAlt.
wini itt a criluiule , fonmimenly ikj'mit 138 mind 53 $
'I'hue boy is too 'outmg to ft 'urnlture Co.'s
5 I cr1' liiu t inn I mm ( a I mitt t imu t I Cini i.1i muiiiei
iuiicimfgnn. lie 'ayn liuulj
hmt'utatty , ilitti says ii ,
ammmouug time i'mtiiimnu ; ; , Thu htR'I'tVll.hN'tVlL.
linger Is time child's futh' ) bi
iloumed by ( lie pollee , ts' 1iivabe 1-niumli to
tilimle itt simrie icacumu
out of ( lie way. '
AllY I'i.ACE,1UA
- ' Glen.
' . it )
i'x.ermlmtnr iilr ; , i >
Jann ts ( I. Fimir died tltini
house at l2'J 'this ( Saturt
-1w - . _ fJI-I----- -