Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1894, Image 1

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' . . ' . . THE OMAHA ' : . ; DAILY . BEE. . . '
. . .
: .
. .ESTAIBLISILED ! JUNE : I 9 , 1871. OMA1LA , InUn.Y [ O1NIN.4JECEM13EIt " 28 , l80.t. SINGLE . - OOpy FIVE O ] N'rs. -y
Passed a quiet Night but Showa No Sign
of Ever RecoTring ,
Jo " ' /N SUlllloe.1 to I1vo Succeeded to
IlArzteHlrttltli' , hut ClmnOl iiA Career
MtiddonIy-III S rOIA l'rotr.Uon
nUl to Overwork.
r.ONlJN , Dec. 2-Lort1 Hanllolph
Churchill paSSe1 a quiet night , anll this '
morning he ) Is In a less comatose conditon !
BIUI somewhat stronger. There Is no reason
to hOllo for hIs recovery , however , ant Ils-
solulon can hardly be long delayed.
Lord Hanlolph Henry Spencer Churchi
was the second son ot the seventh duke of
! nrlboroig2i. lie was born on February 13 ,
1849 , and was educated nt Morton college ,
OxCord. lie represented [ \oOlstocl ( In thc
10uso of Commons from February , 184 , unt
April , 188u. lie afterwards stool for Br-
mingham , hut was defeated , anti was then
, returnc1 [ for South l'adillngton. From 1880
onward he made hlmselt conspicuous In the
House and on public rostruls by the violence
ot his slleeche3 against the liberal party , and
he was chief member ot the section oC the
house known ns the ' fourth party. On the
accession ot Lor1 [ Salinbury's government to
once , In 188u , ho filled the post ot secretary
ot state for Itidia. le was already reardel
ns almost , I not \ quite , the only leader , and
It was commonly saul that the mantle ot
Lord Ieaconsfeld hal fallen upon the young ,
) able , irrepressible , hut acute chief ot the I
tory democracy. Lord Randolph's short ten-
tire oC the India olce was marked by the
annexation ot Upper Burmah. Departmental
work , however did not prevent him trout
tnklng n great part In the struggle which nt
the general election ot 1885 again returned
the liberals to vower. lie resigned olce with
Lord Salisbury to return , after six months , as
chancellor of the exchequer ali leader ot
the house of Commons , but , to the surprise
oC all , ho resigned sUllenly In December oC
the same year. Lord IunlollJh marrle In
187 Miss Jcnnlo Jerome , daughter of
the late I.eonarl Jerome of the city of [ Now
York. lie hilts since become a prominent
member ot the Primrose clnb.
Lord and Lady Churchill visited this coun-
try for the first lme In many years last
sumnior and titan contnuet westward on n
tour ot Ito world , front which they returned ,
landing nt Marseilles only a few days ao.
This voyage was undertaken for the beneilt
of Lord Hamlolph's health. lie was said to
b suffering Cram nervous prostration ,
brought on by overworle. Lord amI Lady
Churchi reached I.omlon on Monday even-
Ing last Cram Marseilles , and the former's
condition was then so feeble he hal to be (
ICed Cram the railroad car to his carriage
I was said he was sUferlug front general I
paralysis. During his tour of [ the world Dr
; Keith was In constant attendance upon I
him , and . In addition , he hal been treated I
since his return to Europe by Drs. Buzzard I
and Hobson Hoose. lie died at lila [ residence ,
UO Gresvenor Slluare , London , where he wet I
conveyed after his return to London.
't54 VJrd Randolph Churchill leaves a widow ,
who has shown herself a most devoted al-
tendant upon him during his last illness , amI
two sons , Winston Leonard , born In 187u.
and John Henry , born In 1880.
. flANK WJECU J ! Alnl STlm.
Lw Getting R Grip un the Onlcllll of hit I
Irnl"m Hr. , Johiut . Iuhk. :
ST JOINS , N. F. , Dce 27.-The dIrectors
and , managers of , the Commercnl : bank were
arrested today on warrants luucl by Judge
Conroy They 'nre charged with present
, ing , n lnlse statemcnt ot the bank's conditon
, the last annual meeting by IncludIng
among the uesels of the bank securles ;
which were hypothccated to the London and
'Vestmlnsler 'pank ; In order" to offset draft a
on it. The warrants were Issued on the
intiative of Dr. Sltelon oC the board oc trustees -
tees , the board authorizing them. The directors -
rectors nrc : A. F Goodrde [ , ex-premier
oC Newfoundland : Jdmes Goollelow , chair
man ot the board oC directors ; II. J. Dutlet
George A. lutchlngs and James Pets. nn :
ex-cabinet mlnlser. ! The latter . howevet
Is not yet In custody , ns he Is In Nova Scoti I.
The manager arrested is [ named henry 'Cool ( .
Bal wl bo accepted for alt lie Ilrlsoners 3 ,
No allegations were male ot personal mis-
' application , and some oC the leading official
of this city say thaI tie nrrests are a mere
tecltnicality . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' SIR lttS'1ItS : WIins's .
: ! : , 31SIUS.
lie Wil , It Neccssary , 'throw the Central
' . l'aelulc 1110 n.II'rlptey.
t SAN FnANCISrO ' , Dec. 27.-ln an Inter- ,
view regarding the vIsit 10 this country ot I
Sir Charles Rivers Wilson to Investgate the I
workings oC the Central Pacific for the bene-
fit \ the Drlsh holders oC bonds. , : hold
65 ; per cent oC the bonds , eorge ( Gwacl , who
Is a resident oC London and a large raIlroad
stockholder , said that notwllhstalulng the
courteous treatment Sh' Charles has received
nl the hamls of the Soulher PacIfic . he will
push his Investigation to a culmInatIon . and
If necessnr tile gnlsh stockholders will
! wi
bring the mater before congress and have
the Central Paclle , ns the Union PacifIc has
' been , thrown Into banl.ruplcy. . Mr. Gwnclt
added [ that no moro I nslsh c31lal will come
to this country.
Alorlell Mtney for JI".I"1 Jovololllcnl. ,
MONTmlY , Mex . Dcc 27.-A compa'ty
ot New York and Chicago capitalists has
been formed for the purpose oC securing a
conceulon trout the I Mexican government for
the bulllnJ of JettIes and securing deep
water nt Soto I.a Marina , on the Gulf coast
situated aboUt midway between TamlJlco and
lie United Slltes boundary. I Is the In-
tenton oC the company to also construct I
raliroad connecting the port wIth the principal -
cipal elles ot melco. Al oC the necessary
preliminary nrrnngements have been 1:110 :
for beglnnlne the work at an early date.
l hil" " " . , , Now ,
1vl.\n NeehII !
' YOKOIiAMA. Dee 27.-Gcneral Katsura
. reports from lalChane on Monday that the
Chlnee army under General Sunga . after its
defeat af Kogasal , fell bsck to Now Chwang
and then retreated to 1ensho < al. being jolcell
by the mass of Chiunclo troops staloned at
New Chwang. which town was complctel
e\'acuated Scouts who were ent In the
direction of Iochl report that ahont 8.000
Chinese arc adl'anclng front Clco along the
. . Ecasitore . _ _ _ _ _ _
Er.l'rciiIciit 1:111111 : Ieatl.
MONTlVi D10 . Urttguiay , Ic. 27.-Dr.
rose Eluurl , formerly Ilrcsldl'nt oC Uruguay ,
Is dead. Ur , Imaurl ! was twice elected Ilresl-
dent 'he second tme bo resigned . \J was
succeeded hy hlarte lor < a , the present cbleC
magistrate , oC the - ' republic ,
I' 1ii.tia''laruff IulltI ,
. CAI.CUT1'Dec. . 27.-Tue report of the ,
legislative councils coiniu'ttee rceonllends
that 10 chane b made at Ilresent In the
lmi ot exemptons for colon ) yarns and
rf'mmcnds the 11J"lulon free of duty ot all
fCAscls Intended toru [ e In InlanJ ; water
- - - - - -
I'd tlr1 1''lh.I.t I Iii I lottie .
4"'r llOMl , Dec. n" -Short ) . after 1 o'clolk
13 night ; n petard waR exp'ollll close to i
the Palazo IlolbllO , The United \ Slatel
embau was nut I magtd.
- ' -
Urnth tt t lie lUl ! or IIII'I"A.
NAI'Z.ES , Pee. 27.-l"rancls' IL , the halt
ling ot Naples died tOIII at . \rco , In tbe
Austrian Tyol , _ _ _ _ _ ) _ _
netrall t ll'l tit ) ' Unl'lll t'ul.
nOME , Dec. 27.-The officers If the lniteL
tatea , leallbll nelrol today paid a \'jllt I
to the minister ot marine. Admiral Morrin ,
who rcelvec them with tie utl\ cordial .
_ _ . : _ . ; , ; _
flv y. Admiral Iorrln afterwards returned the
visi DC the United Slates ofcrs , The of-
ers ot the Detent heft tbls afternoon for Na-
p lea. _ _ _
JIR Receives the Ouatclnlan Minister.
CITY 01 , ' MEXICO , } ec. 2i.-At high noon
today t Ireshlenl 1az received the ( Ouatemalan
minister , I mlo Ie Ieon. The later made
the customary speech , inkling thaI he hope,1 ,
the alarming rumors which are exciting the
pople ot both countries so much would cees .
The president answered In the same stroln.
President Diaz' Ileterminetl language was re-
calved , with applause. 1 Is reported , that the
discussion between Ministers Iarlsal nail Dc
Leon will commence next week ,
, laps UrfeRt thin TotihtikIt.
LONDON , Dcc 2-A dispatch to the
Times front Shanghai says that the Japanese ,
after four hours' Ilgltting , on pcember 23 ,
with n force ot 6.00 Tonghnks , suppressed
the rebellion al Ial.Jug , In the province of
Ilaklo ! , where the rebels hat deposed the governor -
erlor antI Installed one ot their number In his
IJlace. The Japanese have also dlsprsell the
TOIhaks who defeated the Corean garrison
nt Chtuhiado. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Irn h with tile % Vitalris.
CALCUTTA , Dec 27.-A dispatch front
Ianlgurm , via Janduln , dated December 23 ,
says that a detachment oC 600 Britsh troops
has hat 1 sharp sldrmlsh with the Wnzlrls
near Ioram Several of the Britsh force
were woundell. The British troops blew up
the towers and villages of Karam
l nGlsh Syndlcoto TrYlu : to Urnnlr. U
Corner II the tlottul.
CHIC.\GO , Dec. 27-'he Tiniest says : An
international ( heal In copper Is likely to he
perfected iooit Ever since the smashup of
the great corner In copper which was cre-
ntell by a French and Enlsh s'I1cnte
three Yenrs ago , ! peculatols have been tl-
urlng how to put Ihrou3h some such sch'ml
This time It Is a combination Qf English
capital which Is euIIcerln ! the deal. Hep-
resentnt\s oC the combine from London
were In Chlcoo for severl days , and were
! la's
Jolnell here by John Demplel' of Glasgow.
Arthur Turnbul of New York , who Is ! Interested -
terestell In the American elt of the dent ,
also came Oi her ( haul the pall ' heft lenl I
the west. Their mission , Ills saId , Is to confer - ,
for with the owners of the Immense Mon-
tuna anti Arlzola proievtieus. :
The scheme of the syndIcate Is to get the
owners 10 cut In two the output , which flow
oxcEel13 5 OOj pounds a mouth 'l'his would
hrln/ down the Ilure : ! of the Anaconda
Property ) ' to thORe of hue ( lecla and Calumet
mines All arrangements have heen perfect-
ell for the carryln out ot the deal , nlli I
only remains for Marcus Daly 10 give his
consent. lie Is Il difficult man to deal with ,
but the promoters profess to believe tint
ducement. ( lucy cati afford to offer a big enough In-
ImlWJR-llll .11.1 IC S IlS 110 II .
Storm S"rloudy Intrteros with Ills First
Lecture Atitileitce.
CINCINNATI. . Dec. -Colonol " . . C. p ,
Brccldnrldge delivered his lecture tonight
at I'Ike's opera house on "I rs of American
Development and 'helr Great Men. " The
nlh was RtOlm ) ' . 'fhele was much distrust
or the street car lnes being stopped hy the
storm The attendance , therefore , ttd not
exceed 30 The lecture lasted nlarly two
hours , and It enchained the audience In the .
most profounll attention throughout. I was
I serious. phlosophlcat iroduction . which
appealed to the intellect rather Ihal to the
emotions. I was npplaliell enthusiastic- ,
/I . lhe lecturer's sketch and measure of :
Henry duty watt I Inlshed Production of
great literary merit. lie goes frolhore to
Terre Haute , where ' he wt Ioes lecturo'tomor-
row night. A constable secured $ G 'or ' ( Ito
box money before the lecture on an alleged I
claim oC Attorney Gustav A. Meyer lot
services In takIng depositions In , this city
I year ale or wlleSICS ) for his . defense In
the , suit or Miss' Pollard , ngulls1 Itim
Messrs BuJenlel' & ' Hess' say they employed -
ployed 'recklnrl , and that , the money
belongs to thelu. . < ge that
p -
l''I'lU IN .1 jzor1r.
r _
Ilowll : Out nt R Flue 1'lt"n , Iui3ures Three
Men and Frighten" the ( ness.
KANSAS CITY Dec. 27.-A terrific explo-j
slon caused terror to hundreds oC suests ,
In the Midland hotel tonight and ! fatally Injured - I
jured two and perhaps three men. No dam- '
age oC any amount was tone to the buid- .
In ! 'rhe victims are Chief Engineer : FI'ed I
C. Paten , FI'emnn Johnl ' Alba and Ei ! c -
trlclan Hlely Mowen . The first named wi I
( lie , and there are not matiy chances for the
recovery or :1 owen. 'he explosion was
cal ed by I defective flue In the boiler that (
pelmltl' I stream oC water to enter the .
lire box As IL result the door oC the bier :
was blown out with terrific force , knocklnl
down the three men who stood beCore I t
and crnshlng ( brought It two-foot , wal be-
! ;
yond. Before the men could recover from ;
the shoel ( , escaping sleam scalded them
fearCul ) ' . The eX1110lon Ihoolt the Immense
structure antI catusil , the gUests to fee from F
their looms. and I WIS some time he fore
the ' could , . b assured thaI .he , danger .WUI t
oVel' Tne ViCtms were taKen to the hos ,
plal , wher all that was IloHflble was .10ne
fOl' ( Item. The hotel Is one of Ihe largest In
the ciy.WILL _ _ _ _ _ _
Grml Jury to Ctllence 'Work on Ills
Accounts ' ( 'noisy. ,
CHICAGO , Dec. 27.-'l'he grand jury will ,
tomorrow begin an investigation oC the
olce of Slates Atorne } ' Kern. Tim Irst I
thIng the grand Jur ) ' wi do In the 10lning
will \0 to send to hue olco of Ito states
attorney for his account boole. The attorney
Is allowed by the law $20 fOI' ' '
nlowell ly or every cOI'lc-
ton where n Celon ' Is charged and $ tO for
every convIction on ctuargesof , talsienucanor.
'l'iie number of convictions 81neo : is' . Ke1 .
becanl Ilatps attorney , together with the
eolecton\ \ fees fOr convictions , wi he In-
vestgute < and the reports ot oIlier crlmlnll
eourl , Qleiali will be cpmparlll with Ihe
books'ot the states atorne ) ' . : r. Kern declare -
cares thnt his Iccounts Ind record Il'e all
right , In1 [ thlt he II "glll to have hue Jury
take the conduct ot his . " '
tip Ihe olc ( rite In-
vestgaton Is the outcome oC repeated
charges which ha\e heln lallo to lie ( effect
hunt Ihe u3tReS l1olwy huts heen ret/lnlng
more money thln nlowell Ill' law , alt Ihlt
he 111 lt tmes allowed olellell ; against
the law who ' " "
welo Possessed or a 111" to
escape trlnl
'hr""It11 tn lUl the , huhe.
CHICAGO , Dee 27.-Judge Ooggln says
Polee Caplaln T. Cane lust ulll'ell' be-
fore him tomorrow to ' ' the
COle InSWt'l' to clrgo ]
of contempt of court. Clpllln Clne Is Iii
wih ! bll'hlUs , and In I vole hIke n II1p
this nrerloon , he saId : "Oolln la ' try
to force me Ilown thef' , but If ! he does. ' )
kill him " 'ho cavtaln his been cited I'l
alJIJeur In court t show reason why he
Hhll not rttul $92 saul 10 have been tlen )
Cram a man who With his wife . was nr-
rest ; " during hue fair on I charge oC lar
een .
) .
f'rnpent,1 on In'lranco COlllan : ) ' .
SAN'A llOS. . Cal . Dec. 2-Sult has
hlen commenced \ the superior cOlrt here
agllnlt the Mutual Relief association 1)
State Insurance Commissioner Ilgllns 10
Iestraln the Issocllton from contInuIng its
contnling Is
Insurnco business 'fho 'ommIHsloner
states that lie ( assocIatIon's eperatiotta have
been Illegal . I was nut granted u license
and did not receive the ne'esar ) ' certificate
for Insurance " neeellar . ) cortlolte
- - .
hll..1 I for , Jury Tatuperluug.
CLl\'El4AND , 0" , nee. : , - \ Ii. Hop-
kius foreman oC the Jur before which
flanker Steele oC Palnel\'Je was tried for
alleged forgery , today swore out / wlrrnt
for Ih' rrrest oC 0. ) . . hunter 'J'he war-
runt Is the oulcomo of charges hint the
Steele Jury hued - bell p tanl red with.
, "C IC'I "II Un , . 'ul I Ih'f"lnrlllt. I i
: I'M : Il i IS , lcv 27.-'l'hue Woman's Coitn.
eli Ind the Nlnoloenth tenIUr ) ' chub . embracing -
bracing I Il'mbershll' oC MO women oC Ihls
city , today Il0l"ed u resolution 10 boycott
( onlrcsslan ) \ \ ' . t' . 1' . IroclilnlIllc when
he Ullpeal ! here _ - to l-'etute I - . next week .
111 < ) ' 111 UIWI or'l Tr.tiit ,
CO 1.1:11 'S , 0 . Deto . 27. -Joseph Idwel
and Wllnm Flnlle ' , prominent farmers ,
Were killed about ( . ,
liled ; tWtntr.fn mies west oC
thl" cll ) ' tonight I ) ' 1 Plnhandle train witilu i
rlvlng In I huSI ) ' , . -
ltnvtl nl. nr " " " 11111 " 'i'socI . . lca. ) 17.
At GafCOW 'ArrIved-Siberian frol Phil. '
ilel philtt. Phi.
\1 lltetnen'-Arrlvcd-Albana. troth , New
Crieauu. ) AIIWtql City' . from New Orleans ;
Uatnuun' , Crom Uah'CllUI.
- ,
" . .
Spain Will Try that 'oad Out of thet
.ifcultics with ' ! Country ,
Cuba \0 Un Aihowed to 1.ovy leI Own Tariff
hulks Subject to the A&'provnl or the
1010 UOVrnllut-UoIO " Too
SI" . tn Bo EffectIve. :
WAShINGTON , Dcc 2-The government
of Spain , In an earnest desire to evade the
threatened tariff war between Cuba ant"the
United States has under serious and Cavorn-
biD consideraton the cessation to Cuba ot the
priviege ot arranging her own revenue
budget , Including tariffs with the United
S tates . This Cuban bUdget Is to be sub-
Jecl j to the approval oC Spain. The negotia-
tons ( now progressing al MadrId are partly
on Iheso lines but lie
lnes , ( State department
authorities are proceeding , neverlheless , with
their t retaliatory plans , ' as they do nol believe
Spain's concsslcus to Cuba can b2 carried
oul and mantle bnefcial to us for sOle
months to come. The signifcance ot the
mater In its commercIal ali polItical aspects '
Is I fully realized.
I Is said Spain Will be careful not to relinquish -
Inqulsh her so\'erel/nty over the Island , nor
to perm II this to become the fIrst step toward -
ward Cuban Independence. For that reason
th conlem'lated prIvilege wil not Include
tul "home rule. " The general purpose L
to give Cuba advisory powers. ler local
officials will tale up the economic necessities -
ties or the Island , estmate the needed revenue -
hue Cram tarIff duties and ad\'lse the SpanIsh -
bib government of duties that should be
levied , and or other measures which ought to
be taken In order to secure , the best results
for the Islands. Whlo Spain would tItus
retain complete sovereignty over Cuba , It Is
suggested that the home government would ,
as a rule approve Cuba's revenlo budget
with tle United Stntes
In the present contenton between Spain
and the United States , the Cubans arc
solicitous oC retaining their American mar-
kets for sugar , and , IL Is urged for this rea-
soil the local officials would undoubtedly ad-
vise a lowering oC tariff dutIes with the
United States Spain's approval would follow -
low , almost certainly , her approval In real-
Ity being largely a formalIty performed In a
desire to show her purpose ) oC retaining sov-
ereigty over the Island.
WhIle It Is recognized In omclal circles
here that this chano doubtless would be ,
benefcial to the United States , It Is feared '
such extensive changes In the relations between -
tween Spain and Cuba cannot be made within
reasonable tme , and that before the Unltel , .
States could titus secure n reduction of tariffs ,
our trade with Cuba and Porto Rico will be ,
Irreparably Injured The great importing , '
houses ot the Atlantic cities :
thI Atantc cites arc clamoring
at the doors or the State department and
threaten to appeal to congress for , some
speedy action to protect their bualtuess They
represent that al present the United States I
Is losing a trade oC 700,000 barrels oC lour
per annum . , all oC our commerce In machinery -
chinery , formerly purchas by the Cubans I
exclusively In the United States all oC the i
hardware and a large proportion of the
Ilotato trade , a very Important part or our
export to the West Indies. The total re- :
ducton In our exports to 'Cuba Cor the year
since , the lapse oC the rclprocly agreement .
wi amount to not less tItan 50 per' cent.
The tables preparCI by the ' , exporters ' .
showing the extent oC the dlscrlmlnat
aSlnsl United States products under th
minimum tariff recently Imposed ! by thl
hove satisfied the State department that ther ;
Is 'no opporlunly for Antericans unless thQ I
tafiffs arc abated. All the arJument ! oC It t
Spain In extenuation oC her acton In Increasing -
creasing the duties have been based OJ the
contenton that I was an Inevitable cense -
quenco oC . the repeal oC the reciprocity -
clproclY agreement by our arl1 c
act , 111 thaI this was to exclude
Ihe United States from the benefits oC the
minimum tariff . No mater whal the dispo -
siton of the Spanish govcrnment may have
beenj In fact , that It was the result oC our :
own . act. But at the State department , I I
Is held that the rechlrocly agrtnorut has
nothing to do with the case and that the
president has no discretion under the law
bul must reimpose the discriminatIng lag
duties as soon as he Is satIsfIed the Spanish
government Is dlscrlnlnatng against our
- - -
Four SocIetieS II Session Iii " 'ashln\lon
, .lh thnt Object 11 View.
'ASHINGTON Dee 27.-Four hlslorlcal (
societes met In annual session here today .
Prof. Windsor of Harvard college caled to
order at the Associated Historians of Amerlc ] ,
: Irs , I. C. Hardy ot New York read a paler
on the habits , government and superstition S
or the 'rejas Indtans. Pm-of. George I' . WIn ,
shill of Harvard college , toll why Colorado
went to New Mexico In 1540. Other papers
were read : "Some European Modification S
oC the ( Jnry System , " by D. I Walter n. ScarCe
ot Geneva. Switzerland : "The Regulators or
North Carolina In 1766-j " by l'rof John :
S. Bassat ot Trinity college ; "A Chapter In ¶
the I.lfe oC Charles Robinson the ( First Gay
eror of Iansas " by Prof. F. \V. Dacleman ;
of Ito ( University oC Kansas ; "Tho Con
tnental Congress . " by Dr , Herbert Friedon .
Wall ot Ihlatelphla : "The Iallll antI the
Imperial Electoral Colleges , " by Prof. E l ,
Emuierson oC Iar\fl : "The Quebec 11 ant
the American Hevoluton , " by /ssktattt Prol r.
Victor Coln oC the UniversIty \\18consln I' :
"The I " ' i
German iiutporor , hy Proto Richter (
hudson ot the University of Michigan
A report oC W , W . Newell , ecretary or
lie American I ol ( Lore society , showet
that luring the ( year , the society hail [ pub : ,
halted two volumes of "I elk Tales oC Au
gola I . " heslels a numher or papers Inter ,
estnp vapors were read lt loda"s session ,
Tonight the visitors und their friends were
tendered a receptIon nt the Admiral Porter
TIme AmerIcan Society oC Church Iltory
was presided over by Ishop J , I , ' hurst of
lie Iethollst church 11ev. ProC C. C , Men
oC tIm Theohogieni seminar . hartford , spoke
oC "ltltaciul's Place In the hlistory of Dam
trlnc . . and Rev M , J. Isl.ry of East
Orange . N , , , J. real tramJatel letters trot ii
John lustio his church In Imue. writen
whie In Prisoul The principal hUBlness ) 0&
tim session oC the ( Jewish historical society
was the selection oC Ihllilelphia as the next
place oC meetng ,
Frnneo nml .tuiti'irs I'tutrr h I'rolol.
WAb'IlINUTON , Dcc ' -'he Simile d I. .
partmcnt IR not nt an end oC its troulles
Irowlng out oC n repeal cf time rellloI '
a reelentl mallp umler Ihe ( terms oC ti tu
MelChtuley' act France II hy no melns di so.
posed 10 ueeeJt ! time sluntlon her ! it '
( mile [ Is plucell In 1) ' time sugar IluI ) ' IUUI' , at )1
now there Ire strong IntlnltonH Ihat the I
new Auslrlan minister IH ( 'IHrIH'.1 In 'hn'g
un attack upn t'e ltgur tUI ' a'most.'iinmn c
diltely , and , IC concessions cunnot he it e .
curel. I Is expected that .Aimmotrimt.llungai I' ) '
wi retaliate IIIOU the \ulet Stules. !
( ' .utrnl l'iit'htio hoods ( 'ii'let. .
\\\SIING'ON. 1te , 27.-Secretary Ca r-
Isle tOla ) ' Issued a cal for tIme Unied
States 6 per conI Ilonll issued to tIme Cen-
Iral Ilcllc Railroad t'ompauy. du Janua'rr
t. 16 : commonly known as "currecy Gt . ? :
' ( 'ho lonlls wi le relsmneh onlY ) ItJtho G.
Tr.ottiry duparttnent . 'the I10unt oC' the
homls to , , e u'e'ieetned la $2,3G2O. I has not
yet beim .Iechlell whether thmq money tvtll be
pall train hue ( _ Central . Paclc Ilnklns fun 1(1 .
ClfO.I ! Ictter - Itn"II.M. :
WASIING'rON , nee. 2-luch oC the t
tUne oC . the Hession oC \lpI11-'auOmega ;
society wa conHume1 [ In reading reports
from the various challhrH The annual or 'a.
( ton to time soclely was telvl'red by I rank
\'OUI ; of New \ Crk 'fbe biennial repc itt
. , " , , . '
. - -
'a rend by J. C. Smith oC ; lchhmn. To-
nlht I receptIon \\n tnm1eVtlto the "Isl-
Ing il i delegates at the Fbblt hUlso by the
lonl l chnllter. '
The tvlslon oC the 10nstJuton was tIme
principal matter that engngcl 'the attetution
or the ( Sllml-Alphn-Epslon I toelet ) . tota ) ' .
Tonlht the telcgntes ateltl # I concert II (
the t Cornel Glee club antI TaSer'sat olpwn to
tJ h& annual banquet at the 'Ebblt town e.
.Tohn 0 , CtDtrs vresided ns tpastmn ter nnd
delIvered the ( address or weIootne .
OAUSIWI wnltU'TO ' I : J.un.
BIltemcnt.or Socretary'Iiet'hsert - Concerning
Armor l'lnto.
WAShINGTON , Dec. 2i. - Secretnr ) ' Her-
berL this afernoon mae this statement
about the Inter phases oC the Carnegie armor
plate i affair :
" : r. CarnegIe came Into may office and
said he hall seen 1Y testimony before the
I naval committee ot the senate all indicated
IIC lie mater was to go On he would make
n Proposition thot he was willing to 10 any-
thing that was talr I lohl him the nows-
papers hall only 1lblslu,11 , n portion of my
statements before the coimumittee . I statet
to hlrn the substance oC what the evidence
was ; ( old him II had bcen vl1lshell by the
Senate committee ; that ItO cIIM gel a cop '
ot It : that I had given it ( as iny olllnion that
the ( Quay amendment 'pro'itIlng that time
$140,000 shouhl he returneldo his company
In case the plates named shouhl pass tIme bal-
lstc test ought nol to pass ; that the fine
was not Imloset on the idea that the plates
would not staml tIme balIsttt teats , although
I mlsht bo Ilstnleen ; but whithmer the plates (
stood that test or not , 1 ( ltd not think he
was enttell to the money , bpcauso the fn s
hall been imposed on the cotpany upon the
ground that It hall not made the plntes so
much better than the test Woult Indicate as
It could ha\'e ( ilone I reterrd Mr. ClrncJle
anti his friends to that printed testlnon ) '
any they left wlhou.l miking to 1 ( any
definite proposition and w'ihout ( saying al ' -
thing about suing time goVernment. I told
! r , Carnegie that so far as the debt was
concerned , time pay'meut , oC that fine was
considered as a final settlement oC the qucsd
ton oC fimilnages "
liven Amilio 0lportunltI08 ; to Earn Bomo-
thing It l1.
WAShINGTON . Dec. 27-The outing system -
tem which has been tried nt tIme Carlisle ,
Po . IndIan school has proven ot
great benefit to the ittiPiis . and will be ex-
tende to all gvermenl ' IndIan schools
both reservation and nonrvtervation , where
hero t are pupils ell enough' , to profit by It.
Secretary SmIth has reached " , this conclusion ,
believing the Inaugratonoqthe , system will
be nn important factor 11 waklug the In-
diana sehf.stmpportltig. lie dcs nol Intend
to confine his efforts In thIs idlrecton to the (
schoob , but will endeavor jo induce adult
Indians ! both men and \i' Mo . to seek , employment -
ployment In ( Ito homes or frmcrs , In the
vicinity oC their resen'apb1
Wih n view to promotng this plan the
secretory or tIme Interior , lIas approved a
circular ' to agent all sChOlsuperlntendents
n ltng them to find sUlallo 'fatmtilies who
wi recel\e : : Intlans In Ihelr lmes and give
Ihel IJractcal training hi tweryday ditties
and 1lso to fud worthY'lndlaps , who wi
avail themselves of such opportunities.
At the Carlisle school lnq , of the scholars
of , both , , sexes are emplo'cll by farmers In
the : neigimborhiood. They re1Clve compensa-
ton In'vages , but TheY , greater beneft
by being brough , In close ; C1iiit with ( lie
home life oC th .whUes-"ud.blng . ' tausht (
work , UI glrlb In'the hole an'd the boys In
the fields and barns The 'C { s have found
the , Indlanl' ' wlllKHlt ncct I and the de L
mend for theta has ijecome'tater thanthmm 9 ,
Sc1tos can flieR. ' " - ' ' -
? 1 le .t. , t ' j"- , , " " ,
H > STn'UCTJNO nii.iipf. ; OFFI " EISI
I , . 'J
Untlcs'll Helnton , to ' eIotkti Tal Do-
, - fle11 oy the Secretary .
_ 1VASI N : fOr . , Dec ,27."S , crelry Cnr-
! Iso Jp' r lstmed' the folloWIng circular to :
i'ostnutstdrs uml disbursing officers : "Th .
regulations relatvo to lilcom\ tax ( , approved
December"13J 1 4. pro'ide that : All salar-
fcs or" compensations paid to officers or persons -
sons In the employ oC the government oC the 0
United 'Slae3 In and C r the aendar ! year
IS91 ; , shaH ' be Included l lii the annual l returns
to collectors on Corm 365'ot sucl offIcers ant I
p rs ns In statements oC profits and Income
subject t to income tax for , that , year.
"As'he , income tax on "suclumnharIes or corn
p nsaton 'will , under th , provision 'above S
Quoed ! , he 'pal1 ' dlrecy ' JQ , collectors by
he perspns receiving the .sanme , you wi
thercCoro not deduct an , } ' wlUlhol1 the afore
said lax Dr any part thereof Crom the salar
lea or cOlpensaton of any such officer or
cmployo In anti for the. cal " 18:4 , YOI wll
inform all such and
al omcera employee to
whom you may make anr pa 'lent for services -
vices rendered In the year 1891 oC the method
prescribed for thc relil and payment oC
the tax oC , all taxable salaries amid compepsa .
lens paid by the go\'erment ; In and for sold
' , "
\ene.7el"I . Cliims oiumiulsslotm Orunlred.
WAShINGTON . ) . , .
'ASlINGTON. 1)ec. 27.-The Venezuelan :
clulma eommiIon , lnld ' its fIrst meet
log In this city' \\'lh \ a full morn
helshlp , Senor Ronero , , the Mex : -
Icun mlnlstel" ) ROtpro , amid a temporary -
< I
' ant
rary orgnnhatlon warm effected Mesitrm :
\'lhson and Kenned were' presented as
counsel COl' 'the Venezuehl Steam Tt'an -
Iortaton company , the only claimant be-
l'ora the commiashon The United Slales (
goVemmenl was represented , by Mr. Marso
relreslntl' )11. 9
mind the Venezuelan govornmenl by Aim .
Phillips . 'Vlhout transacting arty' huslness
time commission ndjoured until SaturlllY
111 the memlerH then pall a' format visit to
Secrotlry Gremohiam
Foster WIll Assist thin Chinese
\ASiIINa'rON . , Dee 27.-Jalutt . Foster ,
ex-moecretary o ' state , has been requested
II tile Chinese government 10 go to Jalan
nl1 meet the plenllotelturles of the former
government , to all them lit their negotir -
toua for poaee lIe has ncceptfd the Invi-
taton arid expects to leave ' \\'lahlngton ;
wihin I lay or two , Iallnl Cram ; 'ancouver
fat' Yokohama on January 7 , unlesR Inforled
oC I Ielny In Ihe departure or the plenlpo-
tentlmmm'le. Mr. Foster goes 10 Japan tmurei y
In I prlvlte capacl ) ' . 10lS has no Inrel y'
to rllrHent 01' ICt for the goverrmmmiermt of
time Unlell Slate ' 10\ernlent
Hal",1 the 1 lharlu OJIlfot ' 1t"t.
WAShINGTON , Dec. 2-Informatol has
I'eachell the Del'artment'of tAsl'lcUlure In n
dispatch dl't Decombel ! : ( main Ambassador -
dor Hun'on at BerlIn . , ( hint the local nuthor-
Illa of Ielherlen , \'uu'Lemnmrg , German : ; ,
have remove(1 the pohllltb I Illaced on the i
511e of American cannflt' hjof. I I mippeam rio
thut Ito nulhorlleo ot cait province 1m-
Ioled the canned ment prohibition . ) and have
full Ibelt ) ' to I'tpeal It. I
ilawi's' UI'llOf , rit , } el'lhlr. '
\\'AIIiIINUTON , Dee , : .Wuler A. Duncan -
can ana , i. E. I 'l'homIJIOn , . delegates flol :
the Illan Territory tribes , , humid an Interview -
view todl ) ' with Secretary Sllth , ' 'hc , y'
mallo I format request fdi hll Immvesutigmmtlc
1 InVe5111101
ot limo wuy In which th report ot the I' '
, DaWf Indian , coramluosicu ) was Prepare ,
which they represented s'ab insecI
rellrllPnted311Jaslll on maci re
, rumors and InCerences insteid oC facts , 10le
1 lrlhrr l"hlY tu Ih'lrlcnun.
W ASIINTON , Dee : ' . . . .Jhe l'reJ'rton
: or the , QrlJetG boat Fm1et89fl J : for another
tlll trip hal been again .Jfaret S9I } IIY nn a C-
ichlenl ; ; : ' 'he castings 1or ( Ito' flow c'lhrders
' 10 lepluC ' ' those tftstl'cet l the last trial
'Irll imayq'tirliemi ' out 10 le defeclh'e , am tel
anothfr'se ; wIll have to 1 made , Irtvoivir ig
ee\er , I , ( Vrclfl5' delay Invol'lng
_ : Amlrlll ' "n.tcf ! I'rrlns ,
'WASII1Ntl'l'O , Doe ' -lr , lLongletmm ii-
ler"th , new Austrian mlnlste ! hits arrived
tfom Brazi , anl this lfrnlng paId an om-
, cinL\J = ll to Secretur' Oresham to arrmtni a
fOl' his prelnlulon 10 the lmresoidemmi. l F 01'
time 115t 110 10nlhs the lefratloil bait heen
In hue hand Ota - charge - - 1t/t0I .
"Jlell\hutol ( \ earllltn - : r.r 1,1t illl" .
\ < ASTNU'fON. Iec . 27-At Uie'lnstance
otSecnstai'y lierben ( , \dmlral Jelrcbee at
Iale Iian'l ' has lent the CI uiler flennin gen -
ton outtj IQclt for the Ileamera lonllerrat
and I\pwtenal whIch are ' \r ) ' much uvr r-
due al Ban Frutuciaco . .
; , . , . : : ,1"111 . " "I At ' \ ' . . . ' ,
WASHINGTON , Det 27.-TJus cmlllr.Ucr :
oC the currency today lllron,1 the applic .
ton ( 10 organize the Ixcbame'ationa ( bai ak
I or Wlchla , lal. xclanIatonallank
, . , .e.i. . , .1. ' c , . _ . - ,
Grcat Storm Appear t Bo Central in
Pennsylvania ,
JIlroId4 UIIUy Jlocknlll.1 situ , \1 TraIns .
Iithior : Late . ' . .
1lhcr or 'h.Iloned--Strto
TrRmo l'ractlcishly nt I'
Staiuoist ill .
l'ITTSBUIO , Dec. 2-Tho snow atorm
which started In last evening proved to [ o
the l heaviest thnt has been known here for
seven I years. Dy 10 o'clock this morning
tlHlve Inches ot sno\ had fallen . Trains on
ni roads are deln'el and there . Is much
doubt whether the eastern trains will bo
able to get over time 10untnlns. Street car
travel In the city In seriously Interfered
wih and In some parts ot the city tele-
graphic anti telelll"one wires are down Little
wind nccolllaniell time storm htore which re-
ducell time dlmago which would have otherwise -
wise been done to wires Thre Is no Ice
In the river all rlvermcn are looltng for a
t lmaw which will malee navigaton sato and
permit the shipment ot coal to southcrn
p orts.
The blizzard was general over : this section
nnd ( especially severe In the Alegheny 10un-
talns , Where the snow drifted nhd Impeded
travel , Through trains Crol the cast are
f our 10 seven hours late , and from the west
t hey are nearly as much ! ehlli timmte . Up
to this hour no wrecks have been reporteml
At 8 n. m , time thermometer registered 20
deJre s above zero aL the United States
signal staten here. The imtdications were
( hal , time storm would continue until night
Colowed by colder weather
Two hives were nearly sacrlfcell In the
storm last night Early this morning a
polceman found Henry Anderson , colored , In
a snow drift on Liberty street , nlnosl dead
f rent exposure. The man had been IntoxiT
coted , and falling Into the drift was unable
to rise He Is at the hospital and will re-
cover , At 1 o'clock this moring John Hyan
was found lying In the snow , urmeonaclous In
Sharpsburg. lie was taken to a resIdence
and revive In an hour , lie said he became
numb and fell about midnight.
PHILADELPHIA , Dec 27.-The sleet
storm following last nlht's Cal oC snow
nppears 10 immure wrought the most damage
to telegraph and telephone circuis ( wihin
n radius of fifty mies oC this city. The
Wcster Union and Ioslal Telegraph cornc
panics are badly crippled on every circuit.
Just outside the city limits , on the western
trunk route of the former company , twelve
poles are down In one localy , Portlier west
fvo I more are prostrted , On other routes
almost the santo condition oC affairs Is reported -
ported , The Postal company reports wires
south west and north In bad hape. The
l eng distance telephone company has fiftys
one poles down In Camden alone , and outside -
side oC that city the condition Is just as
bad While lie storm was severe nl Dela-
ware Breakwater , no shipping disaster Is
1 reported. The only damage to shipping In
this harbor was that caused by a few vessels
dragging their nnchors and banking against
the wharves . , snow Is .Crom four to ten ,
inches deep over Pennsylvania today : and
, many localtes'rellort It still falling .
Six , hyrses pnd.two nes : were' killed this
morning by omlng In contact with the
, tent\Y elettrlo Ught , wIresr'ehichwere blown
dawn ' by tho' 'storm. 'The first accident oc-
, currC al 3 o'clock al Broad and Sansom
street \vhen a horse attached to 1 coupe
stepped on nn electrIc light wire He ' s I
kied Instantly. Later two horses attached I
, to a coupe cam In contact wlh an electric :
wire which had fallen across a trolley feeder
at l Twentieth nnd Masters streets. Both
were killed . At 6 o'clock two horses at-
tachmed to an Ice wagon stepped on a wire lt
ThIrd and Walnut streets and dropped dead
At , 6:30 tvQ Jlulcs dragging an oyster wager m
ran against nn electric light wire and were
killed , About the sam tIme a horse driven
, by Phiip Schwartz , a mie dealer , came In
cQntacl with an electric light wire and was
leled ,
Maryland and' Delaware report no serious
damage nor Interruption to traffic At Bal-
tmore the fierce snow antI sleet storm which
act , In at 3 o'clock yesterday throughout the
state raged Curiously until 9 o'clocl , and con- :
hatred In a milder form during the night . :
At noon today the sun brolt through but
the skies still looked ominous.
In the vicinity oC Wilmington the storm : m
continued all night , with heavy gale About ;
Cour Inches ' oC snow fell. I was tel owed by
rain ant Imail. Deyond the breaking of some
telegraph pales and interruption of telegraph :
service oa several circuits . no damage Is re , '
ported. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Where the Urllt tuRtern HI7ur(1 "lurte.1
Inc the Unllo It 111.
ST. IOUS , Dec 27.-AI Incoming trains
al this point bear evhlenc2s ot time storm
raging In hits Mississippi valley , these Cram 'Ii :
Iho south being especially covered with snow ,
Time trains on ire Iron Mountain looked as
Ihough they had como through a hcavy ;
storm , and the Cairo Short Line cars were
covered wih snow Conductors report four
teen Inchel oC snow down about Paducah ,
whie ! considerable snow has fallen nbout
ArcadIa. Western trainmen do not report
as heavy a fall. Nearly all trains are late.
Al this point the weather Is riot parlcularly
severe. though decidedly colder , wIth a slight
snow flurry. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"lora Ics'einpeii ' Rapidly.
VASIiINGTON . Dec , 27.-From a weather
bureau view the chief charctcrltc oC the (
presenl storm has been tIm rapidity oC Is
. and ' this result bolt '
developmenl mo\'ement , helng
largely due to n barometric pressure In Mon -
tuna oC 21.2 : Inches , the hlshEst recorded by :
the ( wlather bureau I was clear In the
vicinity oC WashlnJon this moring , rind [ \y :
night It Is expected that the ( storm wi have
moved to Maine anti the St. Lawrence , leav
Ing snow and rlush behind , Hnln or snow has
fallen generaly east oC the Mississippi , whie
west oC that river cold weather ami hlh
winds are advancing Ilsmarcle leads the
cohl weather stations at 24 degrees belo ' /
zero nndlt Is 18 below al many points In the (
Car northwest , Storm signals are dlsplayel
all along time Atlantic and Gulf coasls ,
Iamago ) to shipping Is feared , as the wlnll's '
velocity wi range front forty to seventy
mies arm hour. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Wor.t IHnco the Urtlt tilizzarol.
AMSTEI1IAM f , Dee , 27.-The worst snow
storm since time Cnmota blizzard oC 1888
struck time 10ha\ valley last nlshl. I I
raged all last night an1 [ all today wih hr m-
creasing fury SIOW has ( alien antI hus
been blown hy the wind Into drifts from six
to ten feet In dellth , The New York Central
and West Shore roads have been \loclll. :
No efforts have heel made to run Crelht
Iralns alil they are stalled all along the
tracks. Ilssenger trains have been fro : lb
thrco to eight hours late antI two oC them
\'C ro tOllay lJandoned on time Mohawl dl'l-
slon of the New York Central 'fhe wlil Is
blowing I gale tonight anti time snow Is being
badly drifted. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
) . , 'llst " 011 In Ill""u'rlr. . .
10HNI II.VI.I.E. N. Y. Dec. 27-The
biggest snow storm In fifteen years came
101ay. The streets are filled , so traffic ! Is
almost stopped I"relght cars have jUlpe
the track II time yards Ild twlchlng Is aI-
roost arm Imposlbll )
Stiteeti Incht .f "now nt fl'tIIIaiispont.
wu.l.iAMSIOHT ( , Ia" , Dec. 27.-The snow
Itorm lasted over eighteen hours and slxeo 'n
Inches of snow fell during that unto. The
street carl are not running and rairoad :
trains are several hours late.
Anolh.f 1' . ; : ; ItC II'lnnat. i
CNCNNATI , Dee 27.-Alother now
storm prevails hero tonlsht. Trains from
" , II " . . : : : : . : _ " . . , . . >
the e east were all Into to < I ) ' . Tonight time
outgoIng trains In every direction ( anticipated
trp ouble . More apprehension Is telt over tIme
probabity ot n fooll when the snow melts
tln over all the Inconnnienco that can come
whlo tIme snow relaln . After n heavy
SIIOW In 188t the river reached sevenl.two
fe et
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l1ZZ,1U IN NIWOlt. .
, IIgh Whuls In the Iltbor Make Snll" .
ton lrsmugt'rous-Sumow nn(1 tout .
NEW YOmC , Dee 7.-Now York Is today
In the throes ot a blizzard . Snow began to
, fa il about i ; o'clock 'esterlla ' ' and
tal yesterday' e\'enlng nmlnt
the same lme tIme wind began to Increase In
volume until by midnight It was blowing n
tirnicane Time ferry boats hOI considerable
dllcul ) ' In makllg their piers IIHI tralc In
the harbor was seriously impeded. This
mornlnJ hero was no direct telegraphic comate
lunlcaton between the city nnd Sandy
Hoole , owing to the storms ; all messages are
recelvell by time way ot Iong Branch At
Sandy Hook the wind was blowIng n mOllerato
g ale [ rom east'mmortluo'ast TIme only steamer
passing inward nt tire look UII to 1 a. itt.
wnl the CI'llo line steamer Algonquin train
Jnckson"lo olHI Charleslou. The American
Ino liS steamer Berlin , for Southam\ton , passed
andy look at 8:20 : , The Iorgan hue
steamer Excelsior , for New Orleans , passed
oul nt 9:05. :
The wires nt ito quarantine worked poorly
this l morning. The Whie Star Incr MajestIc.
which anchorcd In time lower bay last night
o n accoumtt of ( ito it ° ormt , reacimeel otmarmutthimo
mo lmortly after S o'clock. TIme water nloirg
S taten Islnmmd ( lucre t'ns unusually' imigim arid
it t imtmmny lilaces ( lie Waves make it clean
bw rook over th ( looks , At ( Itmamantine tIme
w aves are breakitug tIme stone vahl which was
b uilt to vrotect ( lie shore along time frortt. of
ti i quarmttmtine grotmda ,
Reports treat ( lie interior at time state
itr uhlente ittore or less seriotra lnterruptloim tO
r ailroad ( collie , central New York shiowitig
t ime most gerteral dtsturbattces. At Sy'ractmse
t here is elghiteemu incites of simow ; ( rains are
f rom one to timreo Imomirs belminml ( line artil
s treet cars are unable to move , No ( mItts
im ave reacimed Auburn frortu ( lie east. anti ( lie
n ight ( rain frommt time remot was two lmommrs
l ate. in western New York tIme storm Is
s evere.
Canmtndaigua , in Ormtario county , reported
t wo feet of snow on ( lie level ( his rnortmhumg
a mid ci rifti tug lally ltm hilacea. The fah I hmad
c ontinued without intemnmisslott all meighit ,
T raihle on tIme Certral hudson arid Northierit
C entral raIlroads was blocked. aitmt there wart
l ittle prospect that it could be resumed
w ithriti twemtty-fotmr Imours.
Around Tray railroad traffic is badly de'
l ayed ,
TIme Adirondack reglots ia being st'ept by
( lie blizzard today arid ( ho ground is coy-
eb red to ( ho depth of twelve Incites , nrtd It , is
b adly drifting.
At Vo'atertown and throughout the northeermi
p art of time state a terrific vlnci arid arrow-
s term began at 11 o'clock last , night. amid still
c ontinues. From five to fifteen inchmes of srmosv
im as fallen. Passenger trains are delayed froimm
o ne to timrec ltomirs.
Tire storms all along tIme New England
c east are hmeavy , in Maine ( lie imeavy' snowi
f all Is a source of gladness to luinbermuen who
a re awaiting an opportumtity to clear the
c amps of tire season's cut.
Ontario and Quebec felt the storm In all its
s everity. Toronto reports ( mat a blizzard
s truck ( hat city early ( imis niorimimug , demmoralo
i zing street railva traffic for three hours.
The velocity of the wind decreased toward
n eon , but snow commtinimed to fall. Reports
f rom towrma In time eastern part of time provt
b ee indicate lmeavy smowstorma , with the
m acrear ) ' hovering around ( lie bulb. All
t lmrough Quebec a severe snowstorm ragemi
a ll Inst iiht. ' No zccidents are reported and
railway frame haa not bean. lntertexsd. 'wIth.
. .
' 6iilo-on'lslnttulounl.
LONG ISLAND CITY , L. i. Dec. 27.-TIme
northern shore of Long Islahd fell ( hue lull
fury cit the storrn The gale blow across
thii"sound and several wrecks and ground-
luigs are reported , A nurnher of isolated
places 'on the ihand ore cut , off from coin'
munication on account of time wires being
'rime south sitle rlid not stiffer so bdiy in
time interior time snow fail was not hmeavy ,
rain : prevaIling ( lucre today. A Norwegian
bafic which was elgimed tIlls morning in dis.
tress off Far lloclcaway was later in tire -
day taken In by a tug. At Eaton's Neck , ( lmt
sciioomler Izetta , Captain Rollins , bound ft-ama
Bangor , Ate. , to New York , went ashore chum.
ing tIme driving snow storm , TIme crew of
six were taken off by ( lie life saving crew ,
Time yessei wIll , iio hraulemi off as soorm , as poa-
silhe. Time' freighter Tuchnaiioo of l'rovldermce ,
It. I , , went ashore at Port Waslmlnugton , east
of Sands Point light lmnuse , but tine captaIn
atmfi crow were talcerm oft In safety. Tire yes.
sd was badly strairteml , lmmmt can be ItUiled oft.
At mtaimy other paInts tlmere Is consIderable
damage reiorted , but , tiothiung so far of a
serious nature.
Trmiv.'l ( ir.metiy 1)rlmoyc'ii in Now' Euuglmmtiol ,
NEW YOILIC , Dec. 27.-News from Bus' .
( on is that travel is macIt Imhmeded by tii ( I i
totornm : , street ear travel being inucin delay-ed '
Railroad trmtlnms are mmli lmeimiml time , Ir i
South Boston time wimimi cart-led away tin I
roof of time First Baptist cliurcim tlmia mmuornuiimt
anti blew down ( Ito btg elmiunney of tIn 3
Iawson Safe anml Iron : works , html oruly shigli (
daniago by tIme gale Is reported Iii ethel I'
sections. New Ilavetu nelortro time harbor ful I
of rmtormn.hiommncl , craft. hartford neportm
tr.mlilc badly delayed , Fromn imoints through I
New Eemglatmd there Is smewa of delayed tmas'e I
and irnpedoml traffic , but rio serious casualties .
Itt New York state time fall was heavy aiim I
trellis are iiiocked , country i-cads irtupassabli )
UtmI street car lines stopped in cities , No no
cldenta are reported.
JrlftoiI limi.ily in ohio , ,
CLEVELAND , Iec , 27-A hmowhing ss'inml
with a fine , penetratIng snow comntnencetl hen ,
early Intl evening , Time wind which reacimct I
a velocity of forty-five mules an hour olurini :
tue nighmt , subsided today' . Only ebomit tlmrem
Imuchmes of snow fell , but It has dnifteml badly r
1mm places , causIng inmoro or less ilelay' to : m
travel , Mails frommm time cast ore reported loin : r
imonirs , bebiiund tlnme , vlmIle tralimni front tIm a
test are ulmout un lrlttr Into ,
AIAI'FINS VERILY , 0. , flee , 27.-John It
Moreland vas found frozen ( hut umonmmimg a t
Glelnn'a Rttim near hula itotmto , lie was arm cli :1 :
soimlicr anti t'arkcd in the Elsoml ginmos fmc .
tory. lie hmaml started to 'nlle hioimio Iron F )
Imere last. night oimd was cauglmt iii ( lie etorimi I ,
St unit I Imiges I ii lhnuiqnt ti ,
KANSAS CITY , Iec. ) 27-As for as henri : i
fromn the blizzard which struck ICaneas tw 0
dayri ago has prevailed throughout ( ii a
state today withi more em' less fierceness , bu time t
imo hail blockades himi'c resulted , Time west .
hound passenger on time Missouri Pacific ma : ml
into a snow' drIft near El 1)oramlo at : ml
engine , baggage , smoking and chair car El
juimtped time ( mdc , hieyonii a moimalmitug u
imowever , noimomly was Imurt. Time tetuuperatur C
timraugh ( hits moectioni mivenuiges about zero , ciii
time tiiernmoirot.i' : Is still arm tIme drop.
biui es- ( huh i i' I'Ii i'mtnrmt otis I ( ; tu .1 I ( ions ,
CAItSON , Ne' , , lIce , 27-Two inches If
snow fell mere today , wimeni ( lie thmermmtomnetc .r
registered at 15 siegrcea above zero , art d
vhthi a imarotmetenic itressuro of a& , & Imbue : a ,
( Jimited States Sigimal 3ervlco Olilcer Carper
ter Irommauumcel ) itmOW a imhiertotuienoim mmdi ;
timese atmnaslmlmeric cotmmiltions ,
I IiiCtiii' I .11,1 , iii. eitia City.
SIOUX CITY , iec , 27-Time weatiior Ins Is
been Intensely cold Imero tIme last twenty-fat : r
hours , thm uimercury dropping ( naimm 10 degree is
above to 12 degrees imeiow. hieports froi n
lioutim Dakota show a ramige of 10 to 20 do
gnees below , hut no stiow falls.
( 'hi It' . . go ) S I i'c't mo I hurl. i'd ,
CHICAGO , Dcc , 27-Time mercury fell ti a.
day and ( lie stoma developed into a vertab : Ia
blIzzard , Railway trains s'ere generally 01
time , but time drifts severely hmamnpered cai he
and luorso car ( Cclii ; and btfeet bIchrtJ pa
were rmuinerous. _ _ _ _ _
Cotmi ' , 't i-mutter iii ( 'nlor.Io ,
iENVEIt , Iac. 27.-Accordirg to repor
received here. thermunmioters regIstered 25 d 0'
grees lielow zero at l3reckenrcIge , CiranI ' 0
amid o ( lien lmoinm t ti I mu t Ime uuiumm it Ia I ns I I vas I- ,
( i 10 degrees below genmenatly throughout II testate
state ,
' 1
C hange in Oni Social System Oming' '
Quietly and Stcoally.
C ountry Unwlttiuigly' iriftlng Towtsm'oi Stitt4
Socloilitiut in is .1odltle.i nmut inmsuueu-
tisry i'nriui-Addross to the .tuitert.
vail Ecorimonutut AssocIation ,
NE"m'OIiIC , Dec. 27-Carroll I ) . Vs'riglmt
to day delivered a thoughtful address ( a time
mn : emumbers of time Aniericatu flcoiuoiuic ruosocia-
th en , TIme following is an abstract of his
re marks :
'Tlte great e4rtke vliielm oecturreel at Ciii- '
c age in Juno anti July last was in remulIy' mu.
c otumbitmnion of strikes niud imoycoith , It was
nei i epochal event because It cimupitasleeci eec-
ta m hirhtmcIiuies which are imow recoguuized as
es setitiai mt tue govemnumietmt , trbmtiimmgeinent
am id operatiout of rmiiiroatia , It was mihso mu- '
P ortaimt for other reasotus. It deiuuomnstrmucd to
tI n , satisfaction of tIme laiblic at. lmrgo ( ho
ri ght of the federal goventiummeitt to seitmt
tr oops inmto a State for time lmtirpoen of mro.
tt ctimtg federal interests wlmetiier tlmmtt hmrotec.
11 mm was or s'nis 'imot asked by' ( lie state gay-
e nittnent , It emluphmnsizel time pan-er of thi
fe deral governmmmemit to Protect its great 1mm-
te rests lit time transiortation of immatls , It
is lii rt lie r epochal I a Its imaturo ntmd In tloenco
b ecntmo It imnuo slmowtm time newer of ( hue commrt
in ( Ito expamsiomm of time jmrivllege of Imijtmumc.-
ti oni , which wits mm twIn power to timmit of' imimumu-
ol amutma ; It hurt uohmcmwnu that thin cIvIl comtrtns
Im ave ttsscrted tIme right to ihefinte what Is
c ritmie tummmler certain circmutmmmotmtutces , to ext.-
e lite thmeim' own 'iewa by' legal processes , to
i nterpret their own acts nrmd to limipose
s emmtemmce. It Is epoch ummakitig nugaiim bemuse
It has crystallized lumbltc setitnnent ( , out m
u nestion which humus often beeiu argued , ( hunt
r elating to ( lie quasi'pttbhic character of rail.
r oad etmupicycs.
'l'hio chmlef reason , hiowever , to tmiy own
mm : itid why time Chicago strike was nit epoelm.
r nntklrug evemmt lies 1mm time fmmct that it constl-
( tiles a simbordittato elemmenm ( itu a revolution
w 'hmicli is quietly tmmkliig lolace 1mm tins catunu-
t ry. It Is itot liccessmtry , Iii thmint presence , foe'
m b to say that I approach this lart of iiY
s ubject frotmo Lu statmdpolnt emtttrely opposed
t o state socimihisnu as a system. I have imo
f meiim ( him it. Nor need I assert tlut ( I ap.
p reach it front a loImlt of 'Icw' nmttagommimotlc to
w hmat. is kiiown as Conulttilsory arbitration , f
a pproach it , further , fromn ( lie itoint of view ,
t hat neltimer tlm femleral nor Bnte ( govern-
meats oUgimt to be ahioweel , cmi a rtmle , to regu.
l ate rates of wages or prices of corn. '
m naditiemo.
"In 1887 ( lie congress , ut the demnnnml ot
t ime shippers of rime comimutry' , aimil lit ( Imoir.
i nterest , as It w.cs SUlposetl ) , nimade ( Ito
d eclaration ( hint mull charges mumade for tiny
s ervice remideremi or to be rermilered in the
( mamusportatiort of '
Ilassenget's or property ott
I nterstate railroads , or lit coumnection tirere-
with : , or for the reeeivlrmg , delivering , storage
o r hauling of suclm
property , simouid be reasorm-
a ble and just. and every tmnjust and an-
r easonable citarge for
such service was pro-
h ibited and declmim-emi to be tumthawftul , I3ut
t his declaration was emphatically stats
s ocialism , it emphatically compilsoy
aa rbitration , What Is ( ho commsequetmce of thIs
a s another step 1mm ( lie silent revoiution
wlmlcht Is talctmmg place ? There is now lIerid.
l ag. ln'congreas 'a lneasur yhm1eht' is state
socialism pure atud tnimimle , I refer' to tire
pooling , bill now rdtilIiii in tlm senate.
ThiI ( ponliliug' ' lgIslstIon is demanded 'at' the '
Iq I nstanco of ( be mom1rpora ! and ( lie 'rallroitda
q f the , counry , and Its passage is being
- aided by a powerful Iohby in timeir service ,
Time railroads , base , thieir advocacy of ( ho
bill on ( hue claIm that it will b for the
i nterest of thme shippers to have such a law , '
Tim bill Provilemo for a great trust , with lImo
govermnent of tire '
United States as ( ho
"When time first bill , to rpgulate cornumnorco
) vas passed tIme great armd vowerfimi wedge of
ate mooclahiatuVnS driven 000'qtmnu'ter of its
l engim into the titumber of conservatio
errutpctmt. The pcmmdinmg bill , time iumotmient it
bocotmues a mw , wIll ( irivo ( lie wedge three-
( hinarters of itit lengh iimo ( lie timber , There
% s-Ihl ( Imeum be needed hut auto macro blow to
drive time wedge imoino , amtd thmnt luiow will
comae at , ( ho instnmncci of Imusiutemos atud riot ot
labor-ecatrol of all '
t'aihrcarhs of thu country
itmatend of partial control uimder time laws now
existing or llroimosed.
"This blow wilt be struck In ( lie most seductive -
ductive vay It will conue through a de. . I.
m nanfi ( hint tlm govermttnent shall ( mIte cimarg
of ( lie roamhs-mot
: purchase ( lmen-simmtii take
charge of tIme months and alit of time luroceedsu
of tine transportation bmirinesms '
gmiai'ame ( ( to
time existing stockimoldenmi of the romtmls a sumiall
bnut reasoimablo rate of di'irlenil. Unmder suds
a seductive nnovement time Stoelilmalclera will
'ote for time striking of the blow , \Vili tIme '
railroads now consistently' ( lonlamuti nnh ( keej ,
theIr lobby employed to secure tine extenslors
of ( Ito sammo lrlnmeiphes to labor and timus -
give timuir enuiploycs time status of moenutI-pubiho
service aitfi titus help to prevent or reduce
time nunniher Cf strihcos au all hue imutermotato
roads , anti logically on nil rends ? I can new
ntnmswcr'lmy ' it is that time Chicago strike is
epoclintl him its litfltIiico as a auhiorfilnuato phiasis
of me silent re"'iutiotu-a revolutIon probmtbly
him tIne interest of ( lit , puhilic welfare , IL ire
because time events Of ( lint Strike logically ,
dcnnammd that atuathmer ileclmraionm : at law and ;
of ( lie imrlmuciplea of ( lie federal gmis'oniiront
shall be imiamle ; a declaration tInat mill wages
palmi alt veih aim chimtrgesu for any service men-
dereth irm ( lie transportation of
Property , pas-
seimgermo , etc. , shnaiI be nemimoommuhmle nail jnist.
A deciarationm of LImbo chat-actor , hacked by time
machinery of time gevc-rnnment to carry it
Inmto effect , scomihil gIve to raliroaml eiuuitloyes '
time status of imublic nprvanmta. Time rmtaehmhmiey
accotmilanylng such a dceiam'atlorm mihiummimi ho
mmiodelcml aim time innterstato comnrnleu-co act , It
should he PrO'iled that tommie authority be
estaiihishmeml for time regiihmmtlonu of uvage cart-
tractim cii rahiroauie' , riot for a Conumpulsory a l-
jmietunt'nt , mis now hlrovltleil for 11w amljimst-
ttmen ( at fmeighmt rates , so that ilmero s'ould be
hlttlo iimthiieemncmm ( ttuuoler It on ( lie Part of railroads -
roads to pay unj&tst & nmnml : urureasantable wagers 4
on time Part of t'tuilhoyes to quilt mvonlc wimen '
they were just armd nc'am'onahde. I think
recognIze tiler tiisIflctiomt whnieim you of tiiu
ecomnantic niaroolmitlon would nmtako letw'c'ett
govei'rnitemlt udjrstnuemnt of frelglm ( rates urn !
hike adjimmottimeint of wage rates , amid I fully
agree that wimile the goverrnuimen ( can fix time
canmmimcmnsation of its ow-mt enluimloyes , it cannot
anmi ottgim ( muot to utetumpt arbitrarily to fix
that of tIme ermtployes of rnhlroamls ; but
( mirtlter recognize that it is time right anmil dutyt
of govemnnmbent to Imrevcmit time irtterruption of
imnerstate ( c'ammmtmu'rco anal 'imo ' obstruction of
time mnmthis , and iiiat iii tIne exercise of lImits
right it omigimt to have a s'oice irm inmuklmig tue
teriummo anmi amijusting time conihitiatiro of time
etmployinent : of tlmo cmmmpioyes engrged : in suds
service. "
_ _ _ ' -
.11,11)1 : : 111.5 ,1IOA'Il' Jj. , . .1f1.'dI.l ,
Aiotutgoiiiury 1.omtt'ioo Shiomas lVhismru lie ( loIn
n Ito , ( 'mini Ito i'tmt iii limipik ,
KANSAS Dcc , 21.-'I'iie trial of
Montgnrnei-y II , Lewis , cimnirged wIth forgery
while In time etrploy of tInt Lotntmitrii ltvest.
tnent commilmttmy iii 1tPO.i , was i-enurned before -
fore ( lie crimInal court nit Jiulalmtjnmtenee tlmIt , , -
IfluiH I mi . . 'i'hmo do fet p-
i.e. mien Oir intl tvl t Ii ii helm-
ioiiinri frotn l' . : ml. hliormoru , t'imu , w'itii thin
dcfi'ii'lnit dial E , II. Stowo' , wart itmteremttect
I mm a ioi I ver in I tue. I I a rution's oieiomo , I I Ian itetso
tori Ii that tin. . It ) which 1uvlsu vas in-
treittmiiI wnuit sold iiy' Ihmerni in I' ehit umim'y. Itimi ,
iewioo t'cei'Imtg over llttP for Imis shmmtl'e ot
the itmhtme. J. V , Ainmm- ( ' , tile grain aitti corn-
in I smo km nt unemelinit t , vamo cxi : In con-
nulmoi'utiuum ef ( lii , ' llarmnon ilepositioti , arid
tcatlIo'l ! to hirs'ing tmmiil over fl.0O U for time
fliinhmtg hmruiio-nty refeniemi to. 'i'liis evidermen
is exIi'vtei IC esitirmint the large ii uumoun ( of
hmmuicftig imuttintimit done by'imo during thioa
iarI'md lit w'iui''hi Ills lit ciirtrged w'ithi seal- (
hug fnnnt time hiivestrntont L'oriiimAis ) ' ,
i'Iolt'mcu s-L'mo lmi'esented t.m show tltn ( tIne
( 'iiin'ogm'aphi ) ' ( if t'rt'-hilei' ltusmoel atmd that of
i4'WIm4 were it much ithike ( lint tlmey couki
, mo ( lie uiIstirmguItieoi one freon ( lie other ,
, im'timo 'mtt to ( tim-Ow ( lie otitms of hit ,
iiefmricmttiomm tmll cxCahItir Itusuuih : , who Is ii5
I Ll.Llc