- ' ' _ _ _ _ _ _ iL . 'lIE 01\AIIA : : DAIUY JU1 ! J 'IJI It' HHDA .1 ) EjJ4iIILHllt ! : . - ' : : r - - - - - - _ _ _ - : , IHUEll B"t 27 , ] 8H. ! ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ti u OMAHA DAILY BE - , IE . . . _ , . - - - - - - - - - - ' - - ' - - - - - - - - ' " . nOS \ATlm. mor. I : _ t- . _ - - . . . . - - - 1Uus11tI ) JWlmMonNINO. . l'UDI.ISII : JWlm\ - - - - : si:1ig : 0" S\'ISCII > ION. Daily l3ee ( Wihout un.lu' ) . One Year . . . . $ 80 O.ly flQ nn. ] BundR ) ' . One Yenr . . . . . 100 Unl Monlhs . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . I S 0) Three lonlhs , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 r Iuniay ; : th. , One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o 20 funR ) Ipl , One Ycfll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 to HIUnlny ! lt. le. . \1 . YI'r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C : O'I"ICGS. Omnhn , 'he te fluIl4Ing . le. lullnl. Roulh Om"hn , Corner N nnd Tvcflty.tOUtth Sis. Council Blurts . 12 I.nll Sirepl ChICago OIflct , 317 Chnmber 01 ComnirCO. - Nlw OleI . 1".ms 31 . 1 1 nn.1 . 15. Tribun flIdg . _ 'tiIington. : 101 I. ' Sttet. N. W. . Wllhlnilon . COlml : RIONUENCE. : - MI eommunlenUonl , relating 10 nl'1 nn.1.1. \1 tOlisl mnter should be nddl eMe.\ . To the 1 : < ltor. ) UiIE4i3 : 1.ITTIS. . All hUllne let"tf nn,1 temllnncP8 IhOlll1 te d4iei1 "I The flee I'ublfhln compnny , Idhell.t . leo ! Ornnhtt. IraItq. checkl nn.1 110010110 ot.lerl 10 : be made p'U'ol,11 ' 10 Ihp ( otd'r of th" cnrnpfly , 10 - mnl. . UI ! : . PUIJ.1SIIlN(1 - - - . COMIANY. 3TAT1MINT : 01 CluU.ATIN. flcnrgv 13. , 01 The Bo l'uti. OeM'/ T7lchuek IPcrelnty 1eo 111. IIhIng conipnny. being Iluly Iworn , flYS Ihnl Ilhlnl complny. . f)8 ' the ndlnl number 01 full nn.1 tomplle copIe f.1 Ihe Dilly Mornln . I'\'enlnl fiI neil . tlnlny flee l'tlnlel during the month of Noveinter , . H14 , was DI foIIO8 1. . 010111 . . . . . . . 2'.8 ' IC . . . . . . . . . . 2 . t 2. . . . . . . . . 21.:5 ) 17. . . . . . . . . . . . 21GO 3. . . . . . . . . 27,2w 18. . . . . . . . . 22.15 4. . . . . . . . . . 21.r,2 9. . . . . . . . . . 2).4S4 & . . . . . . . . . 21r.37 ; 21. ) . . . . . . . . . 21.r,1 C. . . . . . . . 21.13 21. . . . . . . . . 20.1 : , ' 7. . . . . . . . . . 31.2r. s 22. . . . . . . . . . 21.11 S. t . . . . . . . . . 28,9" 2. . . . . . . . . 2I.2I 9. . . . . . . . . 21. & 21 . . . . . . . . . 20. 33 t ? 10. . . . . . . . 21.4) ) 2 : . . . . . . . . . . 21. ; ) I. . . . . . . . . 22.4 0 2r. ( . . . . . . . . . 2).123 1. . . . . . . . . . 2O,9T 27. . . . . . . . . 2O.O6 , 13 . . . . . . . . 21.001 : 28. . . . . . . . . 19.9S 1. 1. . . . . . . . . 20.&G2 29. . . . . . . . . 2O.O2 t 1. . ; . . . . . . . : o,5o 30. . . . . . . . . 19,982 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r 9C"1 .e5s d1uctIoti for unsoki and returncd 1.10 , dlllelol8 . . . . . . . . . . unlll . . . . . nnl . . . retured . . . . . t,2S2 Tntn I oht. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C4 3,31 , Jt flatly n\'ClnlC net circulation. . . . . . . . . . . 21.612 ! OmnO B , rzscuuei. Sworn 10 terorc me anti Ilbserlbe" In my pr , , tnee this : kl day 01 1)t'eembi'r. 1894. ( Senl. ) : la N. 1' F1I1 . . Notary Public. EteetVOCtltIOflWIIlprbilbIy I be Ole of ' tl II'ohllIH ) with whll'h ) the Il'ghdlll'l wi have to wvestIi. : The IWW ( hgIsIittiire t holll begin votI . wlh I clean sheet. 'rhe Inceln ; 111 H II hloall'll ulrltcc : : sholll ue 1\cI I wile bel'lh. DOlglls COlnly has hat 10 grand : jmy 11tlgtol for 101'e Ihan two - 3'C'H. WoUld It nol . be well for the dlHt'le l'Olrt 10 eider a grand JI' ' ? cnlcll for Il l'xt tCI'I ? - Chlcngo st ill haH : ROle city hits es- tlll'(1 ( 10 he worlh : SOO ) 1 front foot At the . II'l'Slnt . slate of rellnls lolhllg ' Hhol.t of II fOI.tyIO' ' ho\J wOlll lillY , Ille'e t at the rate of a lel' CClt on t : ' stch I n 11\ 1 llli. - - - - - - - - - - . . ' H It Is lint a II'clch ) of coitfideilet' . we , Would Iw to Imow how Ildl Uncle Sam III 'S to the \arlol railroads for I ' I 1'lllllg fast t 111 Irllis exlIHh'ely ( . for the Chlcno ml'lllg dmilIei. : ' 1hc t : . ellerlll c of 01' cOllellomrlcs Is very coiiimiieiiilal > Ie . but the qlcslonls who l)1IYS ) time freight ? . Time hlsl'11ce Uulcl'wrlhm ; on time Plclfc sloe ) ore not lS hll'loulols t : UIOI thiemiIselve4 us time lusl'auce COl- . ; ' patties this side of the Hocklcs. . There * Is It ' t'iotis II'cII ; In their UUIOI , with . time chllces lint ( It will go to ) leccs. , That Il'llHI thlt , thlI'e wi be 1\1 ' COlllcllon on the coast UIOI Inslr- nlee ageilts. : , f .1 A 11110111 conference of the liolllst ; : . Imulel'M . Is 10 1 > hcld nt St. Louis 01 l"lll1t " . Wc should not be HIlI'lsec If i the . conlerence would christen the . old pl.t : ' with I 10W 10 me , In order to _ : vivify It ImI bring converts 10 It Ilonj & the Illush'lll classes of the eastern ' Ill mhllc ( states , whm'e 11olm1Rm has bl'el I repehiunt by reason of Its iitimnt. - The nlllu'olllalols for the state iimill- * titi. huve been swallowed for the most . tll part ly ) the I'IIHllllnton cOlpallcs. ) iltit wh ' them shiouhi have been . Hit s'hiy shoull hll'e more mOley expellec than ther\ vas appro- : _ printed Ils ) tS COIIU'choUllou. The mitt- : tonll uU'll Is IIre8ulcil Iq 1 > created to cufoJ'rCRpcct for 1111 ( ohedlence ) to . . ltts- and hot to violate law by creallj overlaps In the state treasury. I II 10 lu hoped that cxOm'cruoI' o hear . who was slllctn wlh 1. RIght attack of 1110111tx ' Christmas day : , wi I speedilY recover. Iowa cannot wcl HIHI'e the Icunlol'elcct . , nt this tme , amid the cotmmitry UIClH ( him almost lS much ( IH the HIll ! of JOWI I 11 ' be trulh- , fully suld Hlt GOVCIIII' GCIIS rugged I Z COIHlttlol hus hecl the marvel 1\11 11111110n of hut fl'lcllls timid tllllh' or 11114 . ! polItical oPlloncnls. Iii olglnlzlng time ) . lglslahn.t the re- Ilhlcll ) sholhl bear II mind that the : , 111'ly wi 1II'c to InSWt'l' for e'm- , - Ihllg they do , 1111 time sltnllarl of the 1t lsIIII'l will Il taken hy time char- LtCt'r of II t otl'PIS 1111 ( emnhhyes ) I selects. 'Illm are l'lolgh tl'll l\n 1111 wO'lhy 111 In tIme I't'llhleun lnl.s 10 11 every Ilhll'O ) wlhll the gift of time le lslul\o , amid there should ) be 10 hum . I ' t' 10' IIY ham UVimt ) his been d Is- t gl'll.tl . 01' sellllulWll : I he 111'ly ) hy his OWI tommtltmct. I'ho hi I I tll I I t his I bl't'l ) 111'tullclll I t ( II time hOI t , of 1'111'ltllluln's ) to lulw : poslotel's 011 t 01 IUlllcs ) I I I olghl i t to t Ilet . wlh 'ti'y little CllllSltol ) ) , I I gives II 11 IHSllusl'l's ) holY hI Ihl Ill'\h'e 0' ; ; hel'I'III'I' 1111011h ) ) d tl'll'O for good bl" hl'lol' . i'lllh'I'S , II Iw t case of vu- l'Ullh's II fum'lh.t'llss : 1)051 ) uliicis . wherl ! ( Iho HalllT Is IO'\ titan :10 ) , that nil . ' ; . \ . l'Ullllhl h's Hhul 111. . 111111t'I HOI for \ .lllllolltmllt ) , givimig llt.t'ISII' ' inrorimia- : \ tel t l't'gl't11 Ilulltl'nlols 111 n Ct'I'- Ilclle h i ' Ihl'l'U ( ltzmIH ; thnl the list - . . uf nllllcnlis fO' l UI ' olio shll be Ilosl'll ) II tllt Ull'l' ; Illt I 11 imisIn ( . hH' . hnl hl"lHtgnlu and 1'110'1 01 nil up- J. Ill'ntolH t , j1'IUIIJ Ihll I m II I Ihe t order of Ihh' I m ItW t s , nlel I 1111 t t the t io t minister , It'III'nlllll I nlllmint i i 11t 01 l IhoHt t I fl\or. ! lhlr l'l'lt'lcII. or , failing to 110 SU , HIIII - Ill hIs rtitsomms . for his l'OI'II' . II hits r a 11111 report lie t host miutsier Jllcl'nl I I . 1'lrll'\11 tu imo t serious t'Xtllt to whlt'h time . lttStiVO for Oll'l'H uf this sort imitimi- ; , ' _ IWI'I.tl time dt'pmtrtmiietmt , nlil l'XII'l'S I't lime hUllo that COIII'H wUlll II'o\hlu by I'glslltol l.III1 fOI' Iholslll 110. IlclI Ilh'I'fl'l'll'l . wli time hlsll1 of - time dIbIIil.tmiiemmt I , 01' else for ' thu 111'l1 It 11'1 l'lle ! 'I\sflI'IIJ ! to I bl'l'l\ its ovmi . ll tutu . time htgit- hlll\ . \I'I or tl lh'lll.tlllt I10ht Hufl't. UN little 11 Itlhh' . 'rho 1'10110' ' . "llOI 10 oxcllle Illtl'nl 111111' 111(0- ( gether In the mutter of , tthl'r II tlo 111 11111011thl pOlt- . Ulslcrl will i'eccivu very , general 11011' ' . uar l1111Va ) TI1 1t1.OOif1PmX I'IiAN. I I ! hlJlllln ! tu dawn upon time People of time United Stntel that the agitatIon for currency reform whlel Wm set II motion by the AmerIcan 1nllcI's' nsSOcllol ot their flail micro InCltl Is I 10thll more 101' less thnl n concerted elort to Ink unlldl moro llllnhle nt time public extiemise. All time "II'lolllals RO far lrol10Sel1 Illtllr to 11'e thin sumac : object 1mm 'Iew. 1elllls time most COII1c plait or rl" form has Just heel promnulgateil ( thro\gh lie ( Chlcl o ' 1llcs by the cashier or the National State ! all < or BoomllS' toil , Ill. Here II the plll : ' 1 flgin undlng the greenbacl ; antI treasury - ury notes by iosuing $5OOOOOOO 24 bond ! for banking Ilrpo es , allow banks to issue cur- rency to time par value of these bonds , nm1 discontinue tax on their circulation. 2. Allow bnnk with unlmpalroll capItal t bRle nn ntdltonal 20 per cent or circulation . securet by theIr nssets. Upon this added currency levy a tax of 1 per cent per nnnul for the average time It Is kept In circulaton , 3. : This 20 per cent of circulation on capital wil give the necessary ehstely to our currency . rency system heeded In tunes of tllngenc ' of the money marltet. 4. With the proceeds of the sale of bonds retire n like nmount of greenbacks and treas- ury notes , which are a constant monce to the credit of the o\'ernment. lu 1IIIIu cOllelcll1 I.jlglhdl the Boulllglou 11111 , which Is really the ' ) S ell'e of 11 the C\'I'IIC ' ref 011 slIPIIS , elh01es the following 11'011- : sit iou : I.'h'sl. H.li'e i amid ( lest roy $ : OOOOO of glcelhlclts which Ih'IW 10 Illm'est nHI Ilhsllulo thl'I'cfol time Slle Imouut of : 11C' cent hOlls , 111 allow the cnlllnlsl ! who lIlly these houlls 10 is - sue $2UUOOOO ( ) Il currency without . 1) 'llg II lII ' for time iirlviiege. Hccol1 Itet Ire ni the mint iotmtml batik l'I'I'HIC ' , whleh uow Ilolls 10 $208- OnO ( ( ) mind IHYS ) 1 Iler CClt federal tlX , IIII lhsIIIIl' tll'for the ICW frceof- tnx dui-i ' i'miey . with : ( ( 11l1' cent more ' - ' ' that ( \Ii1 ' time 1 ' Cl'Ut l'\rlll' wi VI ) per tux II tmcs of Il'llgl'IC ' , which U1nIS excessl'o d'miilttll nt high . rates nll 10 Inlcrest whcl 11CIUli1 for lonls Is light all lonnlule : fuuds mire nhlldult 'iii1s s-ihi ' ' to time 'lhls wi give gl'Clt elastIcity ( ' miLi'etit' . ' nlil slhlulnte hlnl.ll 10 I degree thnt his never . hceu . known II this 01 IUY olher ( ' ( ) liflt1 _ . . Computed In tOIII'i mind cemits time cost of thIs elastic curremmey wi he about Ihls : Two mind I half lI I' l'Clt Ilh'rlst 01 $2OOOOOOO , $ fl,2OXK ( ( ; loss on $ OOOOOOOO of titt- 10111 C\I'ele ' hr ) IbolHhlu the 1 llr cent tax , $ 2OOOOOO ; total , $8,2OOOO. 'ilmis does IOt take Into nccount the loss of 10111 mixes ( by reason of the new hOld issue , whlt'h would UO excmllt ) from nil tttxe8. Agnlnst this we only have time 11'OU- lemlle Ilcome of the 1 VOl cent Inx emi time 20 per edit stringency cUlrcncy , which wOltl oulr circulate fQ three or four months In the year , nud therefore evti If It readied $ 2OOOOOOOO would not yield ; over $ : .00,000 In bUlk taxes 'l'iie milk In that CU'eIC ' reform cocoa nut ns In'eleutell In the Bloolln ton 11nn would strike the average mind not vorsUl In fnunclnl lore us un attempt to chisel Uncle Som out of ut least $8,00,00 I year under ll'elcuse ) of mule- tug I trnde wih him that wi give us nil 1111 rubber cm'cuc In lllco of time gleenhnck8 amid uatolnl batik notes thlt refuse to eX11lll : nt the right time Ill In thc right sllt. , PIWOIESS OF UEFOR3I. Time prluc11e of civil sOlvlce rofolm Is mnldug rapid strides to thc great dls comlturo of time spolismnen. I Is be- tcvcc thnt If time reformers woulll make proper effort they coulc probubly seclrc Icton ut time present sessIon looking to hrlugluJ the cousular service under . cl\1 service regulations. Bills for that purPose are now In the hnuds ot the house commltoe on foreIgn affairs , but the chuh'mnl of lint comlitee , It Il ) ' iiemtm.s thinks they should be given more tmo for commsideration . than there Is or the prcsel t sessiou He believes that u joint commitee oC senators and relreI I ' leltuth'cs should be Ippolnted to si' during the recess or congress mind COl stilt wlh State depaltmcnt olclnls Ild consuls of experience lS to time beRt ICnlS of sectmriumg pClmnlCle ' of teti- mo 111 high h clclelc ) The Iwlbcrs oC sleh I comllice would Icccsslrl ' be those of hell lnltos who hnye becl Ieelcelcd , amid they . would ho able to 11fclt ! Ihch' report 01 the floor or the Helnle Iltl house tmlll time hong sos slol of 1SOU. 'rhls Inlel of Ieformllg the COl' stthmmr service Is 010 of ! lch hlilorlmco that It ought 10t to ho mmntiecessmtrily 11cla 'l.1. . A Jluhm' of conmmmmerehmti 1 hod- ) h's 1IH'I : expressed thelsel\cH slrolgl ' Iii fl\ol of thc Ierorm , 1111 It II mint Illt'8t01Ibl ) ! lint ( IlhUe HelUmclt Is 11'lclcllr : ullulmols 11 HIIIIIOI' ) of It Al the l'gllHlt : Is Oi ole s1ii. There I ! lot I HIIIllll l'l'1101 why timp COls.llnl' service Hhoulll contlle to bo lt the commlll of thc Hlll111 amid l't'IUII I Vllco of refuge for HIII poii- ticlmmims.Vtt Ihoull ( folow the eXIIllle of other gmemtt . . eOlll'rdnl InlolH II this mull ! , 111 It IH II'oblhle wo Hholil 101t HI'e hl\o IloiO 10 If we hud hUll a II'Oll ! Ul1ll'ccll of time ehmmtracter of time comisimimitservIce. . I has uot btl1 time hnblt to thllk of It IH Il mellH 01' II'OIOtlg COIIWI'clul t-c- IllolH , hit It Is IOW lit'gimmmduug to he 10 Ilgll'tl : , IHI heHl time delull for Its lefl'l 1111 fO' time IP1011111It to It or lel flllhu' wlh Iluclcl uf- ' , ' ' ' 'hl who imtts ' the ruh's E''rylody lis given , mtttemmtiotm tmimiiemstmtmnls timut HlbJcct Ilr Itcltol Ilh'rHtulIIH thlt aim elcllnt l'OIIIII' service (1 he or grt'imt vulimie In jmromnotluug trade , mmmiii In. 1'l'lt11 11'010tl tl'lllo . 1111 II. Ih'etl , It hUN 10 110r hupol.tnlt fUIClol thln thl . 'l'hl'ltrO'o ) It 18 t hmmtt time III'Y' I'o of gl'OI'11 mimm bus . Is 11110II oC 111 ( who ( nlo fmmummIiimtr wih enummmnem-cial 1 I : 1'1 IIs , 1l'rIUIIII ) or tl'll'O ? Is esscmm. tll ( to time imiglmcst etlieicmmey. . . A 111 oC ' ' ' iii tim service ' ' ' ' 101J ( 'XIII'lll' ( 11 tl Hl.t.\.I'e l'l''Olt Hnhl : " " 111 1 l'OIS\IIIH aim time rimggemi ( edge cOlslnltr , lS hue 1\8t do 1111 ( jirt'setmt eOllltolH , ho hll mint the Illlt : ' ' 110 his wOI'l ' ' ' ' to cOI'ngl'o\llr ; , 111'l'fl'rl'll 10 hi' ( Itml't . 1\11 thus ( 1\011 111.11 en- ' . " A ' ' cnmmseiummt l'llcs. tll'oughl l'OISceltol8 111 wi.C l'QII e , 110 his dll ) ' immuder 11) Ch'cIIIIml'l's. ; hut It Is 10t to bo IlolhtcI1 Ihlt 1 great ' 1\1 : of our coum- simis , Ilel'hl\H I 11JtJlr of titeiii . fi't'i UI time one Ibo\e ( htuotei. Whlo hits ( II time ease It thorolghl ) ulrlolt COl' . llll' . sCI'\ll'l II hllISllhll' . . 'J'ho desl.cc reform 18 coaling , and there hum reason to IHletc lint It Js not very far ol I wi ho wel , 1mos-vnr ( ! , for those II whole Illcrlst chiefly I wi ht made to ur e It forwllll Time cOlnl'lclnl 11' tm'cts oC the country might to Imlld UIIOI ) COIjI'lRI 1"'IIthis mntlr time atteutioum It ileserves . 1 lcu lol tlHlI'\'OI. .WJll.l. ! 1.t.l.m' . 7lII'OflT.s. Time reports of Allllrnl Walker oC thc In01 . IIWllul nloh's , which were recently lent 10 the RClnto lit l'oRlllse to I I'csolllol from lint body cntl for thom , Ills said mimny hlol\o the go- O'IIIlt ! II n cOll"O'OI'R ' wlh UI'cut himitaiui. ' [ 'here we'e relll'tols II time the colmmulmumlem- the BrIt- reports 01 cotlllHlel ( 1h'l. Ish war vessel nt IOIOllhl , IIHI un 11' Illcll charge of con8111'n ) ( ' wns 1IIIe nnlust imiimm. These strictures , I Is be- te\'cl by olclal of time Stnlc tie- Iuu'lneni. ) wi imarlly he IICIII ted 10 llRS without notce 111 n prOllRt fl'OI 11ent BI'lnln . , with 1 l'l'fIWRt lint ( Ad- I mmmIrzmtVmtiker llrO'e his mmiiegmmiomms ( , II iOhel ( . fur. I Is tholght iiithly ! that time I BI.IIRh comlnntll' will U1111CII to time Briish 111111 ' , ! ' which the Inlol would ! referred to the ImhlSldl' nt Wnshln tel , who wi ask the State delmlllent for un ex pIn ni lon. 'rhm'e wouhl bo two courses for this go'ertm- IOlt to III'ne-o1111 I Rubslnnlnlon of thc utiiegmmtiomms , 01 111.e mum nllolg As there are stlon doubts that time cimmirges could ! e ll'o'en , time Ullcd States Ilght ! e COIIIUll'll ( 10 apologize. AAlmlmlrmil'mmiker I 1 hits been sharply cl'llclscd for his hllhtreol . Ilfel'ence to the British lellrCselllt.c In 1lwnl , hut whie thc II'ollrlel ' of his report In I his Ilt\I(1111 IR cel'lnllly qmiest bit. nhle It ! CCIS Ihlt t It WIS immteimtli'd to ! e cOlfllcntnl , amid , thm'efore. Ilnt ( time State dllllllcnt ! [ mnde a Ilslll ; hI IIIll It to COI I'eSR. Even If Allmllal WltWI did not 11 Ijnltl' It as 1 con- 111l'nllnl conmmmnmum lent , I. woull scent limit ( tile olclllR of time tllc tiepmmrt- lent ( aught 10 hl\e ccn limit ( 10 I10w 'lch 1 report 10 be 111e Ilblc woulll 1110St ccrlulnly bring trommble. 'l'he de- llu'llcnt could hl\e wihheld time report - port , on the ground that to trlRml I to time seummmtevnuld he immconmpatlbie wIth time Ilulc Inlcrcst. Hut time nmat- Il' Is olt now , anll ( so far lS Allmlll \Vmtlker's testimony goes It lm I Imown thlt the British rell'cscntnt\cs nt lion- ohlIn were very anxious ( lint the . . miioti- l'lhy should Htuml UII did everytimimmg they could 10 mululnln It There Is . . nolhllge. y surjirisimmg about this Rlate- lent , everybody 11lln 1ulc's10011 ( that BrItish interest and R 'mlnth ' wc\e with the mnommarchmy . but It Is the ImplCl ( charge of conspiracy ( lint hlrts , yet- there Is mint muoh reuson to doubt that the course of \cllreentath'cl wIts not far removed fl'OI consillrc - . I . Obviously , however , It would be 1m- possible to IWO"C this , and therefore i would scem that 10thln can be done but to apologize , If the dcmand is mnde out 011 0"C'1Ient There . Is ll'omise that Plhlc attention - ton wi be again directed toward the Hawllnn islatids . there hell I resolu- ton ( Idndllmg In the senate cu11S for Inrormlton lS to why nil the ships of the Unle States have ueen withdrawn .ft'ol the : isiands , aDd whether . In view . . of time interests oC this country and Its cltzels there , 1 ship of Wi' should imot . now ue stationed und rtuilell ut Hon olulu. I Is expcclcd thl t upon the con- yenlng of conSI'css UIC'e wi be a sharp light between thc nlhllnlstrnton anti : mtacmlnlslruton forces on this reso- ititiotm. I Is sOlewhat remarkable that this country has no nuynl vessel either ' lt the Hawnlan islands or Samoa , and It Is to be hoped that the secretary ' of the navy will be able to mllw nn cx- planaton whIch will ue satIsfactory to congress und the countl ' . I has been IntnUtc thnt Sccret\ ' herbert Is not 108110lsible' for time absence of war ships from thesc important iioimmts. DIVERSION UP 1'011'0 COAL ylL'LDS. In view of time efforts being made look- lug to the foreclosure of the government debt or time Union Pacific . time recent ' of rich coal fields In iY ' purchase t'lcl 1clt1s Wyommiltig traversed by that line has a special slg- nhieance ( . The l'Ul0r that certain of- 1culs of the road have Jn\tclpute In thc deal adds a new phase of Interest to thc hcuvy trmmmmsfer Time Union Pacific has nil along Ilcn reputed to be Wler oC all the coal lands worth haYllg In thc Hock Springs and Cnrbon districts. GI'IUlcd that time road wi ere mug UO bought In nt forced sale by lew lel , It II not ft 11 Hm'lrlsln that men who Imow the great value of its coal IUlds II'e unxlous to possess themselves of I somce of revenue that wi gm-ow larger every 3'cur. 'l'ho IbsOllllon oC time Rock Springs amid Cnruon coal mines II the Union Pacific . mlloud uldel' tint plea that I WUI orlglll ' coniemllnlel II time Pa- chic I'nll'oll ellller , which 1'nllec to the cOllllY the right to mile coal on time . flume of its road for its own URe , was for 'elrs t hOle of conlelton In the courts. I will uo bOle In Ilnl Ihlt Becln\lh , Quinn & Co. olllltell those milc/ for years 08111Slhlr on their OWI mmceottumt . but 11 I'nll ' for time hClel1 of time 1llon 1uclfe , ns wel ns nut IU811e mimmg flint exploited ) the rout ! whele"e' t hero wns any profitable 1l't811CII , fostered by sllclll privileges nll re- lal es. 'rho 1lhlc ) , 01 mlhot time (018Inl8 of Hocl Springs coal , mire mint 11 lel'lnly cOlcelod In time ciumtumge of OWICI'shIJ UIIIIS It llel'lwllnl's ; eXO'hllnt rates iy time dlsllelon of till fntlle cotmmpeti- ton , CXCCJt slch lS wOlld ho emicouum. te'ed CIOI the ShcI'llnn Ill other coal ieiIs emi the lno or time Bm'llglol Ild ol'llwcsIC'n. As I en'ltot ( of thc Union Purle ( time Jon'I'llllt oC time Ulled States docs hn\u vital Interest 11 time ret'cnt trmiuisfet. I the cttmi fields thlt ( legllmutI ' belong to time Ulion Pacific us fuel fl'Illcl'l ! 110 diverted , time road woull ho lel'lol8lr crippled amid its vmmlumu Ireth ' ' . \1110 hllal'l'll cOII'I'lllonlllgly. Whelhcr time O\'erlmllt Iiimt'efrs or time I Pacific Umulltvmmy couummmmlssioumt'r wi tult 1010 of time 11nlon of Wyolllg coul hInds Is , howlnel' . lU'ohh'll tic. Time . chaICl' ; are ton ( to ole hunt ( they wi do jut whut they always hnye dUle , studiously 111010 time mnlcr Ild bet time mead bH'IJJell of t'verytimlumg uXCClltlg time mis , crossties ulc rondo VitY. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DC10cl'nts who are hcrolln fright. cued that Cc\'cnn will either insist - - - _ . - . . . . 01 being n l 1lllntl fur 1(110(101 In 1SJ ( or t'y.ln hnll. skip 1111 JIIII into ttit' lmm'sidtrtImti olcl l all liy the year 100 ) Iu'olilst'to block IiI ( lehcll in , ' 11lII on , atm 111'1110111 ( tll"m clause immto ? tr. I-u-num's . ' ' Ilto h"J'nl's oll.h'I.'m nllllllllt . to time cotfltIttitiomi. It Is ' ' ' . to eommtltol. I II currently re- IHIle.1 ( . ntl " intltlnl cl11lnl that COl' 1'I'RII1. ( l'uter' oC "h'glnln huts el' glft.1 . li' ' nllllllelt to 11Icl'IIC u hII'I' thll ; wl II'C\'l'lt any 111 0\0' hlCllllg "n 1 ! lcultl II"CHIIIII , e\cl thol h Ol' ? , . "o , three , or 1iil. ' Illhl1 of tOI'I1 hll't.vl1 hOI\Ol'l his t\stlll ccnnd i'it1Ltiommt. / If I such UI mmmmmcimii. uncut Is 1)lldl ) v'liort'ml hick to . time hOIm nil tlT . ? teed ( uumuiiclIuuIcy 1\1 flit time rU11Ihlcl , side wi ll'ohlhly JolI llmymmim tn ( l.ccl the 1111ln IUI . 011 of time l'cllcltnl : tel imlim ' 11l ' . . TIH : SI'f.tf'l1 ; CO7'ST. i All 11Il'I10ls Ilulnt 10 ( fl "I'y WOI\ : conlcst U\OII the cUllllllles for time lext siemmkerslmlp. 'rhc large muimijority which thc rlllhlculs II1e II time II' COIII Ic lsIIIlt' , lull cllollnl : ' In time hOlso of 11)V'S'mmtim t h'ls , hH clcom' . aged half I dozel Is11l'IItl lu seek the 10sllol ) , which Imlllnrly olly Is COl' tCllell for by two or Ihree cmmimilklmmtes. Whie Time lice his 10 dlsllORltol 10 chlliion . OolllH ) e II ) ' Ilrlclln1 : calm- ( Ihllto for the sptmtkers1mIp , we decl It II'ollr to 1011 t out he I l'lell1 IN amid (1llltfcalols ( which lre l'Rlllal to the mnke-ull of Il compelclt 1111 eldclt siit'mmkemOut gcnell 1111CIVlci. 10 mll he comisimiercil ' ' for cal cOlshlel'cll 11'01111 lllllllllCll wieilll tile 1\e In I Icglslll"'e body COlllHCt of 100 memhel ! ullcss he 11'IIgs to the tlSl legislative l'X11l'I'I- dice dmllg at IClst one te'l bit some Illwmlldlg : hOlr. A lal : lar HttI ' IHl lemO'lze 11I\tameltl' ' mimIcs fl'OI flshllg'H ummmmmmtmmmi , htmL that .10cl . nol (1IItf ( ' hll for ul'aveln pariittmmmemmt- Il ' knols aut 11cchll disputed 110lnls "hldl Cllstlltr 1'lse 11 n 10)lsII11'l' . g'cn Ir I mll has slu1etl inmmhimmmmmemmt- alr tactics , he wi cnclllIC' nlUI' eXlleclet ) ( OUSllClcR hunt ( l'III\'e tcch- ( Ilcal Imowlcdo that can ollr hc got- ( cit fl'OI expel'lence. Time ! llakm' . of nil thllgH , must malw his authorl ' respected - RlcctCll and his declslols 01 points of eider accepted as IIW , or hecomo time butt of ridicule nnt cOllelllt l ' ulun- tering and bntlecislomm. Time folly of .Iccllg I green politician Rllcalcr of the housc was never mOle strikingly shown than hr the selecllol of larRh : Elder by the house of lSt)1. ) Sllcnlcl' Eider kept the housc In I cOlstnnt uproar - roar , lotwlthslan his flnlc efforts - forts to keep the conch fl'om rUlln Iwa ' with the ( Iriver by cITing out , " " "Slcutr , boys ! Quite apart from thc requisite ex- pC'lelce o ) tilcast ; ole scs lon , which . evel.y cal1liJla for spemmkctsimould pos- scm his gdlelll capacity for grasping m'ery sluiYtol. un even temper amid 'W ' ' fl'lncss 9h 'icision , should ue com- pOlents of" the mal.c-ul of I good speaker. Tl rd Is beyond all this time commslderation of amoral courage amid integrity - tCI.I of } lrllOSe ( lint would resist uU alelilts to - , , p\'osltulc t thc 10WC' the Sllalel' Wr Jlsitol.lse ends uy 1lllrln Into time Imlllr of , jobbers alt schemers who seel t : I ) 411I r bills timid mClsurcs tl'ough time l gishuttmire thl t are detrimental . - mental 'orimblo \vtifare. . - I Is reported , flint Jnpun demnlcs ( ns one oC the cOHllons ( 01 which she wi mllw pence . that ChllM Ih/1 stand In with her against aimy European immter- ferenco In Asiatic affairs. This Is simply - ply the .Tupnneso version oC the cnforcc- ment oC the Monroe doctrine on the , other side of time globe. Governor l'enmmoyer of Oregon has away way of expoundimig , Tcfersonlnn and .Tlcksolian democracy ihat would rasp President Cm'cluuc In a tC1Hlcr spot were It not for the fact that Go'clo1 Pennoyer will iiass away ofcuty about the mhlcle of next weol. Ie.llln ! ni Udlol8 Tax. auobe-nemoc-t. I Is not likely that the effort to enjoin the collection > of the Income tax wi suc- ceed. but It wi sere to emphasize the fact that such I tax bait never before been Imposed In this country In I time of peace Jcffcroi 111 . CicvelsuI. ] ( nnsas CI ) ' Journal. Congressman Iryan Is of opinion that I Thomas Jefferson was I somewhat abler statesman that Grover Cleveland. If all i Cle\eland. Mr. Dryan's opinIons were as reasonable ! lS this one ho would be I somewhat abler slltesmnn himself. . I J'lnlU"1 I'rnlt ' 'rt" . " II NeIraslca. , KanSas CI ) Times i Five hundred lhousall apple trees wilt be' ' planted In Nebraska next sprIng. The plantng of fruit ' trees Illvances the value of the imind ' 'hll seems to be IL subject the Nebraska farmer and Nehrska horlcullrist un- derstands. Time price of apilles Is always high enough tl guarantee profit II the fruit grower hence besides the enhanced value of hits hand . tie man who plants nn orchard does so with the knowledge that his labor In planting and cultivating his fruit s'ilt him hmantleonie ! . fri wi bring 1 hamllcme return. When this great MississipPI valley IR Illtntcll In orchards then cnn I he saul that It II the second Garden of Eden . I wi prove u joy to look upon I source of Ilrolt to cultivate and o 1 pardise (0 Ivu In Eonlvl\t I" . . bit Trite St. Pall PJoneer-PI'e.e. Secretary Morton of the Agricultural de- IHutment line no haYReeel In his hair when ito comes to talk on 11nnnclni matters. From the question of turnips mind Texas fever he digressed In hIs olcial report to lie ( silver ( itiCStiOtl . on which he seems to have taken the correct stand For , In rO/lly / to the criticism of a granger laoer he says : "AI- mllln ! that time Alerll an farmer-if we were on a silver basis-wouid get twIce ns much In slv/I for his product as ho gets In goid. vouhhhe'not have 10 pay twice ns much fer all the -things he plrchnse.1 wih hits silver ns he pays now : " 'Can It le pos sihie " he asks . "thnt time fnrmer II sllllle ' enough to beleve that nobody rllo's servo Ices 01' producls' will he cloullpd by free coinage except hiS own ? ' We like to quote ' these thlnss ( ref II'mocrlo stalesmen. 'l'hey ale tru. but they are rare In that IIIarter. tru\ \ : _ , _ . _ _ _ _ SICt'l 11.1 JtIUIT. 11- UntI'r Magizine. In the peaceful vale of I.lehtenherG At the 1iQfl'8 Sign , 1 thlnle , I was fain tQ elt , and ordered meat And a cUIQf ccolng drink. Quoth I to 1i n\ald \ with rosy hits / ' \ho hrought the welcome cheer , "A golden coin I'l gladly give For kiss of thlhe , my dear. " Quoth she : _ "Go ' ll sir. that ne'er will do. No maim hAth kiss of mine. nut If thou wmii'st I'l kiss thy cult. " She dld-Ihen drank my wine. ) . - . - - - - l'IW1'Ln ANI T1tJXU. . - I appears the WhlJky tust took I drop too mmmcli . Heport of I bltur,1 In l'ansls City In. "Icalcs I disposition to secede front time bannna belt. The ! ulan of Turkey Is convinced that 1 post mortem Investigation woull stir up 1 "Isagreenble odor. Mr. Croker lalke" vociferously for the gal- hones . but at last nccoUnts he had not eJ' plalnel how he got it. Phlaelolphln Placed n ' .000.000 loan on hotter terls than the nntonal governllnt , Time republican 11aJorly In Ihlallllla h:1gs : around 50,000. Pacific coast cites are driving n profnblo trace with the Oriental beligerents , Con' . , they ! hasl ' action sequent ) ) are opposed to hasty nctlol on peace liroIitioas. I convictions are as Illeutful as indict- meats In New York Chicago and St. I.ouls , the ranlts or ballot box stulers wi be di- mlnlshed preslnly to 1 gratt'lng extent. Fred Vllers , the war artist of the New Yorlt hlermmitl . tells how while standing on n conspicuous huh In front of Port Artlmmur lIe drew the fire of the ( Chinese. Time pIcture has not yet appeared , The Chicago lnler-Ocean Incllfntaly confirms . firms the /enernl impression of the massive unterltandlng of Chicago belles. One boasts of having securC I lovely plauo and n horse amid cart In her stockiuigs BIlllngs crushed by the weight of snow Is the startling news which IrlHs hither from California . Whnt 1 speculation In n region which banks on sunshine sandwiches betWeen - tween fogs , with Irllmlngs of showers and flos'ers. Beler mo\'e tl time bannna belt and get out of ( lie coM and wet. One of the ninny beautiful monuments com- memortng heroIc deeds on the fell of Gettysburg has been defaced arid many nr- tIdes oC Interest stolen by members of the Pcnnsylvanla National /uarl1 The monl' meat stands on Little HOll1 TOIl , amid was erected In memory of time Porty-ourth New York cavalry. I Is to be hOllel1 the perpetrators - petrators wil be Plmliisiiel. The death of the race horse hickory Jim , whoso ob.scimre origin malIc his trlun1hs over the blue blool of the tur nil the more conspIcuous , Is male the occasion of a ten- der obituary notce of the veteran animal In time I.ollsvle Courier-Journal. "They tell tie . " says the writer "that lila bones have been denied hurlal In n celeter ' for human beings antI , have been carted 01 to n fertilizer ( actor ) 'Voull that they could fertilize with something of the sterling staimmina perpetual youth and unlagglng pluck of hickory Jima many n one D the race that denied them Interment. " Time way British editors weep over alegecl cruelties In other countries recals the remark - mark of an Iowa man , who had droppmd his roll In n collapsed savings bank. lie . with other depositors called at the home of the banlt wrecker to talk It over. They were ushered Into n gorgeously furnished parlor. The surroundings led them 10 hcleve something - thing might be saved out of the ruins , but that hope was banished when the wrecker explained that everything belonged to his wlCe. "Believe . ate . " he said "If I could do such n thing I would give you my body and let It be dIvided nnong you for there Is nolh- Ing else 1 can give. " "Well . In that case " exclaimed the depositor . In n loud voice . "I speak for your gall. " . t'IJIiIIlSICt .1"1 1111lIS1,118. Petty sneak thieves nro given sentences of tm days on bread and water at Columbus Work on the Wet Union and Sargent Irri- gaton ditch In Custer county has ben dis- contnue temporarily for lack of unds. A team belonging to William Simmons , n Custer county farmer ran away the other day and plunging Into an irrigation ditch . werl drowned. Carlson's hardware store nt Stromsburg has been closed under chattel mortgage. The labllUes are placed at $5.000. with asset amounting to 7000. Residents In the vicinity of Igan report that they have seen n bear wandering around In the nelds. Time boys will endeavor to locate bruin and secure his hide. The illegal beer joints and disreputable dives ol Geneva have ben raided by the authorities and n number of arrests made. , Each ot the prIsoners were fined $100 nrd costs. csls.Dalr now has a democratic paper to take time place at time Courier which recently flopped to the repubiicans. The new aspirant Is called the Telegram , and Js edltea by F. R. Mayes A Christmas morning fire nt Wymore' ' entirely destroyed the house ol W. J. Thomas. The only article of household goods saved was a water pal which Mr. Thomas had taken to n neighbor's to fill A gasoline stove wa the cause of the conflagration. Drouth sufferers In Custer county have already received a large amount of four from the east nod It has been distributed as follows : Grant township , 6.450 : Elini . 1.350 : Cliff 1.900 : Wood River . 340 : Custer , 1,850 : Arnold , 1.650 : Triumph , 1.950 : Calaway and vicinity . 1.700 , making a total of 16.490 pounds. P. E. Van Corder n resident of Camp Car ] , . Cheyenne county was nearly Itlod by Jerry Finn time other day. Finn threat- coed to shoot Van Gorder and the latter dared him to do so. Instead of shooting , however Finn used a sbotgun n a club and beat Van Gorer over the head and then jUmped on hum inflicting internal Injuries which wIny up the woundEd man for a long time. Finn Is still . at liberty. 1C1lTllJUI.llKiTAlllCS. Atlanta Constitution : "I see that Johnson In his lecture relates 1 tght between Clay and Randolllh. " "Yes , he calls It I scrap of hlslorr. " Fle"ende DlneUer : Professor ( at exnml- Itatiomm-Now ) Imagine you drink I glass of waler. Student ( ( nterruplngprfessor. ) . U's utterly Impossible for me to Imagine that SmUh's Monthly : Will-I-las he nn even disposition ? MaurlceI should say so ! Why. Pvc seen him button aim I 15 collar on a 151 ! shirt nnd then dance nt a bail all I bal al night wllh I smile 01 his face . 'Vashhlton Star : "It's I good Men to malee might of your troubles . " geol do , " re- pled 1apJlgo : "whenever I creditor lends me I letter I bur it. " Bufl\lo Dudget : She ( clnughter of a mi- hiommalre-flemtily . Idr Price. I don't understand - stan what you fInd attractive In me. He ( wIth ebnotlomm-Ahm , can It lIe your father's daughter who Isles me that ? Philadelphia Record : Jngwehl-Do you think It was ever Intllcll ! that a man sholll gain the everlasting affection of n voman7 " 'hwnJ-1 loolel ns though he oUlht to have ns good a chunce as a pug eel ] Harlem Life : She-I-I-thlnk I hike you MI' . 'i'rotter. limit 1 cunnot lurry lee ! leave ant my twin sister alone Wait ' until she Is onglll' < . I I e-.Yes--lnmt--er-tlmnt's just what 111 siil when 1 1II0110sed to lieu- Chicago Tribune : Banlut-Dr the way flivors. how do you spoil dilemma ? ] tivermu-WIth two in's Why Hunks-NolhlnH. only I use four or five other letters us well. Itivers. If you throw that Inkstnnd at me I'U knock . you down wih this Ilallel\'eight ) i Indianapolis Journal ; Time visiting for- tlgner climbed elrefuly nnd painfully over the stacks of merchandise displayed on time ido walk . . 'Ve don.t permit anything like this over home , " said he. ) "Sir. " slid his entertainer wih pride , " ( hits Is n free country , IlS Il'1"TEfl. Hom.nilo Journal . lie wrote his love a letter And poured ou all his soul In IIIIUale too ecstatic , Too ardent to control But now he wishes sorely He had been more Icute , 1.01 the lawyer read his letter Jim I tJ"ach.o ( promise suit . Highest or all in Leavening Power-Latest U . S. Govlt Report Baking < I ya1 I 3 Powder 4gSOLUTELW PWE . CAN CARRY - IT OR KILL IT Opposition Will Sete the fate of the Ciii- nnoy Bill ) - REUBJCANS MASTER or THE SI1IJATION lelnrr"t 11\1111 II Srntlnlll II ltegtriI , to time Currency ! , 11-11\11 : , 11 lit- Ito iOio tt ( liter ( ' 11'0 ColllO Mcmi. - WASIIINGTON I c. G.-AmonR the few momhers of time house who were nt the catil- ) tel today looking after tholr mnl the ( rl\nl. Ing opinion seemed to bo that the rel1hlcans hnll I In their power to pass or llef nt the currency hii , The democratic vote , I Is said by one who has ful ) ' caumvassed the sittmation . wi be Ihout evenly dh'hlc1 Cora amid against the tea urc. The republ atms are eXl1ectod to \ote arnlnsl time mucaslire. Whie the hi ) Is far trout satisfactory to many of time temocrnto members who will sUl1110rt I , they ivlhi . the ) ' 1) ' . Vote for I becnuse I will inihirove In their opinion the Present sitimtmtiomm . Judge Culberson put I this vn- : "Wo are like I traumip . " soul lie . "who hns heen ordered out of town , I docs not flintier luueh whether he goes to New York , Inllmore or fllcimumioniL hut mO\'e he mmiust The situation of the treasury Is identicaL Something must bJ done to 10' " hove I , liepresentative Baml , who has n free coinage . ago substute pellll./ . / ; , Is very doubtul or his ability to secure even n recortl.mmiukiumg vote ul10n I. Chnlrmnn Springer hns nl. ready 1lven noteo that he will make n point of order against the subject on the grou\1 that It Is not germmmamme amid Mr. ia 01 be- leves It wi be the progrnm of the advocates of the currency bill to rile this sUbject oul on this Point . Although he Ins/sts / that the subject Is germane , he seems Inclned to time opinion that the \olnt of order will be sus- talned. In the event It Is not sustnlne , ! however , he says thnt Inns much ns the sub- ject wi bo defeated In committee of the whole , that act wi Ilrcclule the possibility of securing 1 record-maldng on the subject. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I\TJOSS tll. TII ISUI.\NS. Ali 110111 ( lly lie Oh'cl to Tioso Where . . \ro Icllll8. WAShINGTON Dec. 20.-General com- plaint against the Issue of goverment ra- tons to Indians Is mndo In the annual re- ports of the agenls Lieutenant Mercer of time La 1olnte. Vt'is . agency , ofcialy char- ncterlzes the prctce as n most potent factor In retarding the development of Inl1ans , amid Captain 1. II. hay of the Shoshone agency \\'omlng sny : "Th y will never become self-supportiumg ns long as time government - mont gives ( heat . 1 semblanco- support ; nelthel' can they begin to accumulate \ro/lrty / , so long ns the supply ol the necessnrles of : , life Is solely In the hands of time white traderL" Another factor In retarding development complnlnell of by Captain day Is the domina- ton of the chiefs who hav been allowed 10 dictate to the agents as to the Issues of i annuites and the affairs of the agencies i thereby osterlng and perpetuating the In- Ilenco acquired In war. They have been allowed to levy a tax on their own people for arming all grazing privileges and have I collected tribute from owners of tre8passiumg stock the money being spent In feasting . nn , Idle and dissolute following. Time removal of such troublesome chiefs Is reconmmended The Shoshones are regarded n communists who are loath to take up any untriEd pur- suit Their agent recommends that time raton issue except to time Indigent and hell- less . be graduly discontinued and the money now used for ralons bo devoted to payment of Indian labor. The international treaty regarding seal huntng on the Nort Pacific and Dering sea has work great hardship to the Indians at the Neah Day agency In Wnshlngton. These Indians can not agree upon a head man or chief and ' consequently they are divided among Ihemselves , Ihelr agent regarding - garding the failure (0 select sOle one ns a disadvantage to them. Considerable opposi- ton to time work of the commission preparing the lands on the luyalup reservation In Washington for sale hos been shown by the minority of these Indians but the faction Is evidently influenced by havIng all restric- tons removed and the Indians let unpro- tected. Progress made at the Puyalup agency In Woslllngton Indicates that within n few years these Indians will become supporting and Independent of goverment aid Some definite action Is urged upon the department to restore to time Ynklmos their rights nt their accustomed Isherlls on the Columbia river In Wnshlnglon , the dispute over which has resulted In considerable trouble. The Yaklmns refuse to take allotments . but have marked off a line which they claim ns their reservation In common. They arc reported to be In n desperate financial condition and In great need of government assistance. 'Vimislcy " says Agent Erwin , "Is the grent- est hlndranco to Indian prosperity. There Is nn Immense trame In alcohol and vie decoctona carried on with them and one murder and three violent deaths during time year are chargeable to these agents. " At the Green Day agency In Wisconsin . - - - - - - - - - - polite \l10 men fro reported Inpporlnr themselns b ' " . " . by acting IS "go-betweens . unsic . lug I pont ) y securing lquor frol snloon. hepers nod . cling I to the Indians. Thl.- hnR occasioned conslltr.hlc trouble 11urlnn the year . The Inllans In council at La Points / agency have naked that I lokup b. estnbiishcd eacim of their ' ' osilblshrd on cacl o Ihllr , l'ue"alols. - - - - - - S 4tt . \ : \ TI.\J - : . WII It SI.\ . lr"nt ( nll In ( Url"n Illt n Inllll Off In 1'"t rll" , " l'ii i't'iittc . W.\SIINOTON , Dee . 26.-0ur consul al Inmber ! I.ouls Stern , has 81bm1ell some slalstcs to time Dtpartmenl of State , show- tug the remarhahle tmulaton of trnllo be. tween termmmnnslid Husln , ton elluent n\on time nr otAtons or the new cOlllrclal JI treaty 'Che Imllorts of Hlsslnn grain intc \ Germuimmay In particular . loire renchel such \lrOIIOrlons \ that the co'aul belIeves It lrollel to call time ntenton of the Am rlcnn trnlh to the fnct. The eporlnton of this Hnsslnn crnln Into Germany during time frt ten ,10nlhs , of the current year has increased i to'1,2 ' her cent nlli of bnrley ' IS.2 ! l'er cenl , I as con\arCI with the Ilrt\'lons year. On the L other hnn.I , Gerummiiy's , lemnl11 for Hlsslan pettoleimnm Is ( alll ! off , being t,2 Iler cent less III last year. This indicates that AmerIcan 11ctrolell has gnlnell nhnst ( ni control of the Oerman lmmalkct. Rxporh from Oermany to Hnssln mire \tc\l e steadl ) Incrensl ! ! ; , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( 'UI'llrnl " ' 11 Nut Ht , Them. I. " . \\SINOTON. Dec. 26.-ltopresentatiye burke Coltrnn of New York wl not attend the meelng of the executive commlte of Tnmmnn hal next" Saturday . This macat- lug called by John I. MArtn ImmelntelY ( olowln ! ; the biter 11ersonal nrralgnment or Cochran by ex-Chle Cl'olter , has been reo gardCI ns n means bringing the two face I 10 face Mr Cochran has nol ret received : ally notce of the meeln , alhough ! r. Mar- tin says the 10tco has blen forwarded. nut In any event Mr. Cockran has mme present In- tenlol of RHenclng. lie has not attended I ; meetng In two years . anti Iho Ilresent sltumu- lon Is not such as to cause lmiumm to cimaimge i1iiri cotmrse Mr. Cochran ts'iil say mmotiming regard- lug Mr. Croker's statenmeumt , ExieIuIitumrtu , Stilt Exe'i'ti htrcl1ttui , \\'ShhlNG'l'O , Dec. 2.-'rime cash hal. alice in time trenstmry at time close of bumsinesmi today was $ lr.8s.17isi multI the gold resemvo $ S9,0C9C.51. tJp to timis tlntp time w'ithmilrawals of gold frmmi time subtremtsumry ut New 'Yorlc almmommmmt to $2SI0O,00O , of which S,70O,0OO vns for export , Time receipts fromm cuitommis so far this mmmoimth aummoiummt to $9,157,151 ; froni in- ( CumulI revenue , S,2 lOl0 ; ummimtcelhmuieomimt , $ hi72lUS , nmrukimmg a totmtl of $18,569,499. The expemmthittmres thmriimg ( lie immoimtlm mmmmmotmmmt to $2uaimooa , leavimmg a ( leilcit fur time mouth of $5,771,501 aimmi for time lIve _ tmmontim and tveumt-sIx days ( if time eresemmt fiscal year , $2SOG6tliI. Thm ulislumrseumments for Imensions so far this yeimm nhmioummt to nbotmt $71,000,000. l'ctrplnuuum s it Stemuom ( iomerator. \'ASlhlNG'rO , 1)ec. 2t3.-Uumiteml States Comisul lticimnman , at St. Gail , Switzerland , , . huas transmitted to ( hit' State tlepartrnent dia- grains aumd a detailed description of a now device for bumrnumig petrohemmmmm to generate steam lcmmown as time I4reimmami.llaummmgartner apparatus , Tim results obtaimmed vere strikingly sumccessfui amid 1mm time opinion of time experts indicate time displacement of coal as a stearmi produmciumg fuel wherever p2troleutn camm bo procured. dtruuu'uiaut Affair EnIei , WASHINGTON , Dec. 26.-Secretary Greslmatn todity stated he had been In. formed by United States Mimmister Terrel ( hint the sultan hind ulnally refused time u-c- qtiest mmmdc by time twesidemmt thmmit United States Conatmi Jew'ett be permitted to in. qumire into time state of affairs in Armenia amid that ended time mmiatter Now VreiieIt Oullclmtm irrives. t WASHINGTON , Dec. 26.-Mr. Paul La. favre has arrived from Paris to take hI post as first secretary of the French am- bossy. lie was timird secretary here ten years ago , when his father was consul general - oral at Now York. ( lear's Coumditiui Iuuproviumg , WASHINGTON , Dec. 2G.-Representative Gear of Iowa , who was tahcea sullemmly ( iii Monday night , Is reported by hmi famomlly to be considerabiy improved today. U lotii of ales. General Pltcimer , p WASHINGTON , Dec. 26.-Mrs. Pitcher , wlfo of General PItcher of General Grant's staff , died in this city yesterday. FJNL"CI.iL TThICICIU.VG. New York World : It Secretary Carlisle introdUce bills enough and subst tutescnoug lie may finally succeed in pleasing time banks , but time people are entitled to have time entiri flnancial situation fully investigated by a competent commission before action is taken , Chicago Inter Ocean : Secretary Carlisle had better hire a jmlurnber. Congress cannot stop simehu a democratic leak. Whmemi time next congress taumds democracy on its head the leak sviil be arrested at once. Time worm imohes in this admmmitiistration are bigger than aim inclm auger would bore , Chicago Times : Wimo is it commUnues to drain time treasury of its gold ? It is not tha poor man. lie isn't seoimmg any gold at alii It is time capitalist who takes a profit on bond issues In order to get gold into time treasury , amid thmen hurries around with his legal tenders - ders 1mm order to take it out , Tlmi Is our wonderful national financing. - _ _ _ _ - - Yummy Money'sVortit or Your Moticy Back. A Turk Without Turkey Some people don't have any Christmas ; don't know what it is to fool the . . 'F mellowing influenoe that , - 1:1 : , m , ho vors around the Great Day ; are strangers to . our old friend Santa - , - ! ( ! Claus , Look at those leot sox-Santa stands -no - I show there , Look at , . , the rig ho has on. Can ; , ' . . a - contemplate - Z : : ' , any- J . - tt - - ' - thing more harrowing 'L - than the thought that : : : : .i ; . ' ; : ' : : : : > . Browning King & Co. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ must evel' be a stranger to that follow with his horse blanket o [ a suit , You can toll a progressive people by their clothes , Where styles change there is progress. Full soon the year ol"94 will P5S through time's wide open door. 'Twill be no loss , but rather gain , . for ' 95 may bring us rain , And that's a change we ought to got , from dried up crops to llold all wet. EROWNING , J1NG & CO. , Reliable Ciotiulem's , S. 'mV. ( rmier FIftetiltii and Jomuglas Sts. ' 4 1 . - . - . - , - - - - - - . . . . . - . . - - , . - * . . . . . _ ' ' .3 . . - r - - - .j _ I. UI V4