Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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    : ; : : : . - . : ;
2 rlm ( L.ULA . 1)A rT1v . nJ J1n ! : TIIUUSDA Y , DEOH [ nEn. 27. 18fH.
} . ' .frem the naUonal'capital
_ \l.crou \ the river rcm capital ,
left that post laE" sprlnll' 10 be transferre,1 ,
to the western frontier , anti when they , on
the day prior to their /1arlure ] / , gave a
mRlnlfrent farewell exhibiton Mil , thl
frlells of the Ioller bays turned out In
( till force to wInes ( the /rformance , for
they beHen,1 , then that It \oull he a long
time before ' any other troops \oull be nble
to give such 1 handeome .1 ri , They were
agreeably dlsop/1olntel / ] , however for the
troopers / of the Sixth < a\'alry , with headQuarters -
. Quarters lt Fort : I'er , ycslerdRY gl\'O them (
n haluhomo tret In the way of an exhibi-
ton drill of their own klnl ] , tn which they
showell that they were not the least whit
behind their predeceora In point of horse-
/redece . /01nt
manshll' The exhibition , which was given
Ly trool do under command of 1leutcn3nt
. W. C. Short , Is i what I known l as the Itus-
alan Conack < il , The Cossack drill has
heen Introduced hy the more enthusiastic
cavalry officers at several of the army posts ,
, ' have
notably I'ort Riley , where the men \
became wonderfulyronl ltn , The troop A
men did prely much eve ) 'lhlng yesterday
that even Ihe Husslans have attempted , anll
some things of which the Husslans probably
never heard .
The fluadron was taken out In Ito fore.
noon by Major helo and put through the
. reJulatlon movements on the Mil ! rounll.
There were quite R number or visitors anti
friends or the ofcers at that exhibition , hut
, i waR not until the dlsiliay ) In the drill
hal that the crowd cme In force The fort
r boats of al excellent Mi hail . about 300
feet long and wile In proportion , but If the
troops are goIng to prove such n drawing
attraction the War department wi have
to enlarge lie hal for the accommodation
or the visitors
The troop , forty strong , tinder command
or IJeuteuanl Short , trotted , Into the hal
ahout 2:30 : : ; They were mO\ntel1 01 the horse
or Ito old troop A lint was stationed at the
' fort before the recent change The men were
tn light riding order , Icggils , trousers and
blue flannel shirts with their white sailor
' ties. They trotted once around the hal , and
? then gaL duwn to butness The low hurlies
were Illacel on one sIde or the bali , and over
1 : these the troopers went In column of eight
1 Twice around the hal and over thc hurlias
each time aL a lope , without touching a hoof ,
: ' and than the order came , "Prellaro to dls-
mounl. Dismount "
The trooll swung off as one man , anti each
rider loosened his cinch ami crossE1 his stir-
' rups over his itaddle . Thou vaulting his
: mount each man Stood 111 II the Ahorlencl
: stirrups . and the who'o troop wenL ever the
hurdles In column of fours Then they jumpel
the hurdles by twos ctl standing lP , Oc
casionaly one of the saddles wo11 < stilt ) anl ]
the man would drop astride of his mount ,
usualy picking lp the fallen saddle .on the
nut al cal'rylnJ It \ Ith him. But the most ;
of the rider kept their scats as comfortably
. as though they were sitting In a tight-cinched I
; . saddle Whel the hurdle work was over the
riders formed troop ' front ( al the far cud of r
tilt hal , and ridIng out by twos and threes I
till they were scalel'C over the hail like '
' chessmen on a board , the order was giver
: 'hrow horses " QuIetly as though they hall L
sniffed chloroform nine out of ten of the 1
. horses answered the t touch of the bridle all I
dropped over gracefully on their shlosLhe rlter
. saddle just the stce I
slipping ouL of the as stCit
tOlched the ground and sitting astride of r
him just to \alee sure he stayed II Illace ,
Some or the horses stood on their digniy
and refused 10 lie down In the tal bark but
I the riders forced a cloture rule ant debate
ceased forthwllh for the most 11ervelse horse
. can hardly resist the persuasion t haL comes ;
01 having his nose snubbed np to the sUrrnll
4 leathers. 'he mount was much easier that : I
. the fall , each horse coming up with a jump
as soon as released ,
. : There was generous applause , which the :
command acknowledged by hacldng thclr
steeds the whole length of the hal , troop : )
front , and Iteplng a better line than most
infantry companies would do marching for- :
ward Time hurdles were l\t up again rnd
the men went aL them In pairs , one rl llg :
4 and : leading bareb'lcle horse and the other
man running nio.IflrSIdo with his hand on Lhe
; horso's mane. An the horses rosa nt the :
hurdles the ) rltr t'pe , nlso , and , alighted i
on the free horse's bac . This was varied , ,
, r the runncrllg bshlrt his mounted corn :
hL panion or chasing his own horse at 'tic :
hurJfes , llld , v ulnr him " as the horse :
jUlped , '
; ; , The day's exhibition was closed with a ,
QI high jlmplng contest , but owing to the fact
that the horse arc not cspec1al ) traIned wih :
1' ; a vIew to cross country work there won
- emily ] n few who could clear four feet
' Tim troopers Gay they have another treat
In store for their friends . a sword combat L
en horacbaclt , at which the men ore said 10 be
quite expert 1'lto men are working nt new
tricks almost every day , and 1loutenant L
Short who h otto of the crack riders of the
* service , never ruts the troop at anything
, that he annot do himself. Some of the other
feats that time men are practicing Is picking
up the wouJled , two troopers riding n few
feet apart anti scooping up n companion hy
the shoulders as he lay on the ground ; rid -
Inlf I their heads on time saddle and Illstol I
practice sitting backward In the EaddIO.
: There were a number of army ufcer ' present -
ent at the exhibition . among whom were
C Colonel Taylor"Captaln Orlho , Major 1olxotto ,
: ' Lleulonant Hennlo , Major Whlesldo and Col
onel Sumner.
rimscit Awny lt ; Ito4ttii YC'lerl'y-5totch :
. of 11 _ ( : "Iorr ,
General John D. Dennis , formerly of Ibis (
, city , ali for n long ( into connected with the
United States Internal , revenue department ,
, died at Boston yc'mtcrtlay , to which place ho '
.t . wenL some months ago , hopIng that the
. : climate and Ito scenes , of his bo'hool days
mlJht he henefclal 10 his health , whlcli111
haon falinI for some years. Although the
c general was mom titan GO years of age the
hnmoato , ] cause of his death was heart
trouble , complcat tl with rheumatism nnt
dropsy , originally Incurred by OXllOluro dun
lug Ito war i
aenoral Dennis was a native of the Day I
ltato and was one of the first men to ro - I
apo.ul . to Lincoln' & cal for troops , ho having
. gene out as u Private In the Sixth regiment I
. from thaL elate , But he did noL remain In
time ranks for any great period of ( line , ae
' ho received Iromoton after promnot Ion Inl
lie . was commissioned as 1 brigadier general ,
After ito ( close of the war ho returned to his
native state. eventually going 10 Yanleton ,
, 8. D" , as collector ot Internal revenue , a poll :
1' sition which ho heM for
ll some years , and un-
. t the Ylnkton attica was IholshCl , whet ;
that state Wil consolidated wih Ncbrask alit
In one dletl'let anti Ito oflico I'emoyetl to this
i city. At that tmo General J nlis was mad 0
L chief clerk of time Omlhu office . a oslton
d which ho held until his health faied , le
was a member of Creel : post , Grlnll ( Army of
the Hopublc , uf this city , ant was one of f
the three members who last spring were I
too feeble to take part In the memorial cx : -
ercise' , alhoush he was there , having bee :
: taken out In n carriage by Dr. Slone. The
I other two were "Father" lepler anti Cali
taln Ganlnor.
The general carried several scars as ' inc -
L mentoes of his army service and at the
tmo or his death ho was receiving a pon-
S lion of $ ppr month , It having been In-
i elasell from $20 per month Ihrough tim C
; efforts of his aid comrades . In this city.
Ionl a t Ii . 1011 I I Ii run kq.
The chanel m ale Ihlt 'hI' Ct bIt , on the
t 10111 ( street cur In" , f " " ' 111I from tht
Inlon depot to Luke siren , \ 1 soon be.
1 cOle , II thing cf the uast niuti that It wi ii
u hnvl to give wa ) to dectmicity. Some
\ols UIO time Omlll Street Hllwl ) ' coma
. II.n ! ' ( lulpped the line with o\erhlnl tin ii
r.1 wlrel , lt the Ilmo tmo hoping the it
: lie cable \oull lat Int early In the (
6llng. A few days nRa the atnutmiti la oC the
I'abl ' r0llmencr.1 ) it sepanutte . and , In a mm , In ) '
' 01 two the rope ljroiee. J Vas Iintched
. UI' rnd b stilt lit tm.4e. hut th ! chlnces lre
that \ wi I 0 tl l Illece lit Ut time. Lam
slight the oUlcerl oC time Street car 10lptn y
. , < tatltl tutu they hO11 that the rope wouM
Ilst Intl the mll , / Ie of next month but
that the indications werl' that the ) ' mhht
. be comlloll'l to by I aside nlnost any 1 ( ) ' .
suite l'ulr C niumnil too Muetiummr .
t . At the state fair meeting inst night In tie
- . Cmmlrclli club room Z. ' 1' . 1.lndeey wal
PIaecd In the chair , Reports were hear ti
tlln levlrnl or time subscrIptIon t'nmnnti t.
. tees. After f011 dlrcuslon , on 1'0111 I-
MI. 1 Brady , thl Ilretor of the \ moton o
' > rlvlng Park association
nssocilton were requested to
meet the commiteI allpllnt.1 ' to turlllnte
. the bii today lt , noon nt the Commerclnl
- Iub , a . \ . MoWhortel WAi 1llc"1 on the
eommltLee In place of ( A. Ccc anti W. n.
Bennct waR uhmiedi , 'rlll next meetIng Wi ii
le held I.'rldu nlht ut meelnG wi
. rrlrts ot comm\teel wi be hel rd. and
; . 118 the result oC le conference let wen :
the director or the drh'lnl manic ( us < olaton
uml the commitee ,
lascnl Dismally Park Pails t Got Ills Murray
Project Through
Thl1 Acc TIIlr Wehht to that or the
11"yor-Severo Report Alaln't ( ! mel"l
Acts of Jr"Uh ( ; omml"lonel
110 , . t tteq.tcti.
Tim last regular meeting of the 1S1 city
counci was holt last e\nlnl ali It proved
to be one of the most Interesting sesslpns of
the year. A vast amount ot routine business
was dlposell of , llnscahi'mt lvervlew park
scheme was buried Inller a blizzard of ad-
verso votes anti n sematonal attack on the
commlEsloner of health was madB n part of
Iho t roeorll.
The lverlew park mater came up with
the t ma'or's veto of the resolution providing
for time , exCcuton of the tired by which Mr.
Iurray's property was to be eternally ex-
omptell from all burdens II time way of spe-
cal ; taxes The mayor said that the condi-
tons were such as would certainly result tn
a fnl reversion to Mr. Murray of the land ]
reposed 10 be conveyed , or would caui an
cxpendluo or money In amounts and at
tmes lS woull embarrass the Board of Park :
Commissioners , anll would take from the
pocleets of the taxpayers an amollt largely
In i excess of tie value of the entire land con-
eyed As showl by an approximate esti.
mate furnished by tIme city engineer of the
cost of improving the ground proposed to be
conveyet by Mr. Murray for street and bouiel
yard purp03 , the total of such
est would 10 $22,1tt.ti6. He
s aid also that the council should
talw no aHrmatve action unt the park :
commissioners approved the scheme , and this
hey had refused to do. Time ucceptance of
the IJroposllon would establish a tangerous
precelenl , , Ild , besides ] , by a clause In the
.thJlalon I was provided that 1 failure
or refusal on the part cf the city to comp -
p ! With arty conditions sleclfell would work :
I forfeiture or the nine acres donated , ThIs I
clalso tile mayor thought danglrous.
Aftr the clerk had read the vela lascal L
Iresentod i al opInion from Frank ] Ransom ,
whIch was .t time effect lust the clause In
the t deed remitting specIal taxes was of 10
Import i an co , as the taxes could not 10 levied
In i Iny ease , on account of special benefits ,
He folowed this ! wRit 1 speech , In which he
rave his version of what was contemplated L
by the ' 11rovlslons of tlma deell. AccordIng
to hIs' view they left everything ! to tht
dIscretion of the panic commissioners" and I
really meant nolhlng. There was no further
dlscusslcl , and the veto was sustained by
fifteen votes ' When IL became evident that
( Ito council was determined , to sit down on i
his h scheme with an overwhemlng vote has
cal himself changed his ( vote The ma'or's I
veto of the ordinance changIng the name
of the park was also sustained .
The ofermafh of the controversy over the
Mclomuaid garbage contract appeared In n report -
port from Hascal all , Call of the coiitmit -
tee on judiciary Said the commitee :
"We find ns true all of the stalements
mode In the special report that was made
to lie ( city council by Councilmen SpechL L
al1 Parker of the special committee. Your
committee also finds that Dr. Saviiie . healh
commisrioner . disregards and daily 'Iolates t
nol otily the ordinances of the city relat\'o
to the duties of his oalce of health commissioner -
sioner , but or the rules , regulations anti requirements -
quirements of tbe' Board of health as wel ;
that ho Is cpn.atantly' doing ant performing :
unauthorized acts and squandering the publc
money to the great detriment of the city of t
Omaha ; that the ( ciy Is 111 'a filthy anti un -
sanitary condition on account of the Instil .
chancy ofsatd healh commissioner and his ;
neglect tb 'pc form o his duties as ;
such commlGsloner. r'The commit
tee m'econimends tho'113ymenL of
Frell Albrecht for tIle time : he was ihado to : t
act as dumlJiastr by the , health commis
stoner , his' superior othlcer on the prIvate
dump of Ilt & garbag haulers , and that the
comptrolor place this hill In the next ap-
prOIJrlalon ordluauce. 'fhe committee also
recommends ( hint time city attorney commence
an action against said Sa\le and his bondsmen -
men to recover the damages the city has
sustained by Ills wrongful ant , unauthorized
net 1/ i an official capacity of requiring thin
Inspeclor , Frell Albrecht , to perform work
for private Individuals while sold Albrecht
was In the employ of the city tinder the direction -
recton and supervision of said health com-
missioner. "
Howol lund Saunders opposed the report on
tim ground that It was too sovere. I was
asserted that the ] ] eclslon of Judge Ferguson
In regard to the dump had placed the Board
of health In a very emuarraJlng : positon ,
and that the commissioner should not be
made lie scapegoat for the entire board
the report was adopted by 8 to 7 , Specht
not voting ,
The council wi meet agaIn Friday night.
.Jullgo CnlllwlU ' 'hlnIIM the COmll\uy 'VIU
1:0 I : UI'lcnulze.1.
FORT WORTh / Tex" , D cc. 2G.-Judge II.
C. Caidwell of the United Slates
Ca/lwel Unied court of civil
appeals , who Is here visiting his daughter ,
was tOday asked about the financial situation
and future outlook for time Santa ) 0 railroad ,
for which he appolnlell ) the receivers. Judge
Ca/lwel stated . that he thought that ( finally
lie affairs of the Santa Fe would be arranged
satisfactorily with a view to time preservaton I
of everybody's interests , and that the real I
woull eventually be talen ouL of the hand
of the receivers anti restored to the company , I
but just when this would be done , he could not
undertake to say , IL wouhl noL hB done hn- I
mediately , as the matter would involve Inter-
eats of vast muagnittmuie There were sonic
$200,000,000 of debts to be disposed of.
_ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
Prcf"r"noo of Imal" , I.ahol for lopuly '
I.nlnl ( 'lmllh.lonl'l nul I 'u I let , llaIl UOllt ,
At a meetinS of lie Central Labor union
lat night SIdney J. Kent of Lincoln was
unanimously entlonseii for tIme Ilosllon of de-
puty labor commissioner
'fho secretary was instructed to write GO\-
eror 1oleomh , and Inform him that for
memters of the Board of Fire and Police
Commissioners herman Cohen ant D. Clem
Deayer would bit satisfactory to lhe ( union.
_ _ _ _
l'rhll."tnnhIUM I . I 'ii mmmi iii ; ' 'Oltl y .
This morning ' at G o'clock a special train
, of four Private cars arrives over the Hock
IsIllI from Denvr , carrying tha Princeton
men who are to render a concert of college
mula this evening nt lloyd's theater. 'I'iio
saute ciub4 Iave I concert here two years
ago , which will be remembercJ IU very ac-
ceptatule. TII mandolin club has receh'pt
vCrI natorlng no lce tn the larglr cites of
the east which It has vlslell , us wel as the I
glee and the banjo : club , They cOle here
altar visiting jIIEbul'g , Louisville , In,1ana\- ,
011 , St. I.Oll . Knnsa City , Colorado
Springs , Denver ( Iwo concerts ) anll Lincoln ,
'hls afernoon Mrs Frank I Colpetzr will
enterain the cluhl with 1 receptiomu from 2
unt 4 lt hel' residence.
The program censlsls of typical Prlncelon
colege songs , h.1Jo an ] lallloln ) music
The solo by Me sr. Carrel and Hplehner
have : leered fUCl'SSES . Ile\\ here on the trip
In\c.slhutln , : : hnrt \cllhts.
The clnt ) commluloners met yesterday
10 Innstgate the matter of short welchts
beIng IIIHed oul by time county 11 or ugeimL
Messrs. ( Meyer , SamUcOn , Henderson and
lotthklss and A. D. Wbll Inrpector of
weights out m03ures for time city , gave tea-
tlnon ) proving bt'ont I doubt the fact
complained of I ' was not announced just ,
whprQ the bJuno IIY , and another meetIng
w/ he held 01 a date yet to be determined ,
Jnl % ( Qulckl t"ulowclt ' 'hef
S. D : Sfymour entered time room of Isaac
l'cterson , SQS Howard street ,
I'eterton shortly after
mldnh1 when I'ctenon was asleep , and stole ,
$ : : . lie was seen , however , by otto of the
bOldeu : , and the ICUce calhelVimon ,
learchell at the Jai time . money was found In
his ( ,
pocket _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ -
l'Ul'UI./17S ( .LTIlIIi . Ir ST. , I.QUIS.
win Iap Out n I'lnnot Work antI I.ocato
tutu NIJt Nnlolnl ( 'omt't'mihiom , ,
ST. LOUIS , Dec. G-To decide upon alan
p lan of education for tIme Iresllentlnl enm-
pnhn of IS9 and to select I place for holt-
I ng the national convention of the party
will he tim main topics of discussion hy the
nllonal committee of the populist party ,
whloh ) \ / nsselbio on Friday for I two
Iln's' convention. , An effort wi be mantle '
by the 1IIIIsL party men In this cIty to
Induce I the committee to elect St , Louis
for the next national convetitlon. A"10ng I
those who are rtnlnh' expected to he on I
h anti are Chllrmnn Taubeneck Ignntitms
Donnely of Minnesota , Ix.Oovernol len-
noyel m of Oregon , 'fhomns V. Cntor , the ( he.
fent11 cnHlhln ! for United States senator
II i CalifornIa ; lion . Lnfe Pence , congr s-
nml from Colorado : Jerry 81m1H'01 from
KnIFBJ l George T. \'ahhurno oC 1oston ,
United latN Senator Stewart from Nevada
Oeneml . 11. Wea\el oC Council hhltmffs . tn"
lI ion . \ \ ' . .1. Bryan \ of Omaha , Marion But- "
101 I of North Cnrolnn , J. n. Turner of Wash-
Ington h , D. C. secretary of the hOPUhit nn-
lonal commltpe ; .1 . ii . Davis of Sulphur
Sprllli , Tex . , George t. ' , Onlhol or Wllnlt
Grove , Aln V. 0. Strleltel of Omaha
Lawrence Jic"arlalli ( ] of Lockport N. Y ,
/nd J. S. Coxey of commonweal famne Car
Brwmue Coxe"s lieutenant . Is already hel'e.
'he ohject of Mlrshal Browne and Oen-
crud Coxey In comIng her Is to endeavor
to secure recogliton from the part for
their bills for the coInage of money al1 to
leeure the Imlsnge of a resoluton .Ieclarlng
/S follows : "The hnpertve duty has
arisen for n plain , vell-defined , ( letailOti
wellennell letnlell
plan , Rliowlttg' to the people just how each
anti every one of them can be bent ltell hy
creating value In the shape of great Imhlc
Imprvements l and coining that value Into n
101lUl of exehinuge cnlell money , this
u noney to he Ilt Into circulation by services
lenlerell , on sall ; crentell value amid maiming
I i a full teller for nil debts. Iuhlc ) anti
Irlvnle i , its contomplatell hy the flmerl of
the consttuton of the United States amide
to practically npply ns nenr as I.csslble ;
the Inltatvl amid referendum principle ns
reconlnendel by the Omnhn convcuutioit. It
conventou I
'R the sense of this confercnce of the atm-
pll/ part thaL the money question fOO-
le t time lntCorm of the people's party In
the campaign of 1896 anti that nil other
Important I questions lie Retle,1 , hereafter by
the Initiumtive atti referendum .
tutve nnl refercntnm.
. \nnuat UI'lmrt or Inspector ( immoral JoI01" , it O"Ot hn\'III.
SIOUX FALL.S S. D , . Dee t.-Specla1) ( )
-In llector Oenerl C. T. Jefers of the
South Dakota National Guard his IJrelmrel
his nnnlni report , which ho will nt once
suhmlL to the nljltanl , general It shows n
total membership of no men , including aiii-
cers /nl mitamen , Tue Irst battalion ,
with headquarters nt Ilethfleith . has 20 : the
8ocoll. with hemlquarters itt Sioux Falls . I ,
hns 20 : the third with headquarters at I
YanlHon , has 130 , mimI the Courth , lt Droolt-
lags , malIc up of state colege milemi has
ehghtty. 'rhe tnSIectol has personal ) ' 'In-
Rpeltell fOlrtoen companies slncI ) Septem-
her Ii , " 'hle the two companies at Rapid
City nrl Clster have been Inspocte\1 \ by his
artier by Coloimel Y. T Mcailiycuddy. Written -
ten eXlmlnatons have been ) submItted to
nil oleers and as many Irl\'ates as cared
to bike theta and all seclrlng 50 ' ncr ccnt
01' over were 1)llce,1 , on n roll of hlmor. Tills
roil contnlns sixty-six unities . the highest
standing being secured by Irh'ntc .1. G
Iollson of \'ebster , 100 points , whlp Cor-
porl grl1st Lucey of this city receh'ed
the second marking , tt9 polns
. -
Chicago . , SocIety , WltusoI'urllHo It I to Al-
" , "cn \ \ ' . , teln I lit prrRt.
CHICAGO , Dec. 2G.-The first regular
meeting of the Chicago Western socIety wan
held at th ! Grand Pacific hotel today , About
forty-eight persons , balling from the trns-
mississippi regibn , were present , including
several well known business women. J. 11
Jones , form rl ) ' of Boise City , Idaho , outlined -
lined the objects of the mcociety which arc
both social and business Any person who
ha.1 l\ed seven years In a western state Is
eligible to membership , whether n re'dent !
of Chicago 01 not , hut only residents of
this city can vote 01 hold 0(11cc. ( The society -
ciety proposes to furnish club rooms lS
iiectdquarters for western IH'oplo who visit
Chicago : An clecton of ofcors was held
/nl the rolowlng ' elected : 1lAlCi
Houfhton , formerly or Slmnc , , , " ' /sh , .
Iwosllent : J. lit . .10103 , ) President : P. "
: . hlanneck . formerly of San FI'ancl3eo ,
secretary ; J. lit. \\'hltne , Orrgon . C. 1 ,
1lallnson. lontana , anti n. A , Goodel Col-
orllo , were also elected directors. It Is'
proposed to make the club hea < lquartCs for
every kind of Inrormaton 'regurdlnlr the
Ilnmo ei Newspaper Ch"ngeR.
Numerous and confctng rumors have
been In circulation recent ' anent one or
more new newspaper enterprises alleged to bo
In pl'oeeEs of Incubaton , Inquiry with re-
spect to each his Invariably resulted 11 timid-
Ing that when the ( partiesgat so fur as
to bole Into the situation flly , they had
concluded that no aching void existed hel'c
Tile Intest report runs to the effect that
certain Fremont partIes ' have malc Mr.
Hichcock an offer for \Voniti-l-Ieraltl ' ,
but the deal could not Ie closed because the
Omahn publshcl asked too much money
for his paper , I II further 'statel that a
'ndlcate , headed by Freinoitt .ropubllcans ,
hal lade : , Hitchcock a Iropo-I \ on which
contemplates the lease of his - paper and
plant for n given nlmbel of yer\r at a
Ixell annual rental charge a lump sum to
be paid In advance In the way pf 1 sop. It
Is nominated In the bonmh so the story
goes , that the paper , plant api good wi
are to be returned to the owner upon default -
fault 01 at the termination of the term of
the lease In as good condition 1' when
found. Just how the goal will , If , amw , can
he leased Is a queston that dOe nOL bother
the ) arles to the deal a In the ' lca'st :
Id.ntllrd UM J'ootul : ,
Charles Smith and Harry Kelly , alias
Chancy ) ' Evans , have been Identtc 1 by E.
ishel us the men who held him up nt ) the
corner of St Mary's and ' rwenty.roiurtht
avenue' Monday evening , and rohhcll him
of ' ' u gold watch and a small sum of money .
Time men were placed In a row with tvven-
teen other mono anti Mr. Irlshcl cnsl } ' and
poslt\el ' Identied theli Pawnbroleel'
Spelgl also hientied them ns tiur men to
whom he sell a \lUI' \ uf revolvers on Satiur-
\ Sltlr-
day attei'noon. I' . 1. . Smih , who was held
1)1 ) on the same evening In the same part
Of the city , hlentlel them as positively its
11 Flshcl , Dr. 8aterlel , who hail the
Plme experience as the other two gentle.
mel , watt not so positive , hut said that they
loolted very much /i the men that held I
him up , Iely II the man who Is suffering
frm a 1)18tol shot wound In the chin , anti
the police arc of the opinion that he Is one
of the rohher. who wa' shot In a light whIt
deecti'es ( Batavia , tht wih
.Ietortves near Hatavll , la He his toll
several confctng stories , and the polce are
certain that they have Ito right persons In
custol ) ' . _ _ _
'Vim mm gim t tn Ito lul'lha ,
The police recelvell Informaton yesterday
that the jewelry store of IV D , Gay , at
gilot , Ia. , hall been burglarized on Decem.
her I 12 , of I it. quantty of watches , chains
tings antI other ( urtcles m , 'fit m , d earn ittiotu
of the jewelry taleen cOl'respondl to thut (
rOIHI on Ihe person' of George htobinson ,
\v. T Hecil and Andy hyatt , who were ur-
I'etell last Monday night 11 Detectives
Savage amid Dempsey "s IUSlllclous cJlar-
n Ler:4. : Sheriff George n. Logan wIll coitte
10 the city today to Inspect the jewelry Ioml
the ntut. I hn hlcntles Hoed ulll Hohln.
Ion they will be hanllell over to him , hut
1)"n will be hpl lucre ns ho was bound
over to the district court yehttsntlay In the
slm of $1,20. 1)'ar wes tIme chulI who entered -
cecil leyel"l 1I100n at 201 South Thirteenth
street nbout I o'eloelt M'n".I ! : night und at-
lemptel , to hell UI ) ( lie "Ix oClllJnts at the
poilt oC a rC\.I'cr. .
- NO"1 fur Ih"run' ,
WASHINGTON , Dec. 20-Speclnl ( Tele.
! oam.-llajol John G , 'furnhul Is trans-
erred from the Fifth
roam lrl to Iho First artillery
and Major David I IIozi lc from the First
to the ( 1"IUh nrtler ) ' , lt"jol 'i'uritliiuil will
be uHslrned n station In the Deplrtment wi
tin' I'apt ; und Injor 1lnzle In time Department -
ment or time Columhla. Major William H
Hlmmer , Ila'mlster , Is grartted leave until
Jlnuar : ) ' I , IS:5j ; Captain glantet U .Iohnson ,
Third cavalry . six months : Iajr Edward ,
II , WIIston , 'Ihlrl urtlery , : ten Ila glwart , EX.
l3eeoitth J.eutenlrt AI'n K Capron Sev-
tnth cavalry , Is relieved with compln ) ' I ,
'j'wclUh Infantry , Fort Sill , anti vtli Join
his ( rcop . - _ . _ _ _
hloIymktsli I'rottI himinmi.
HOI. \OKI , Colo" , Dec. 2G.-Sitecial.- ( )
'fhe Holyoleo cornet band .
blnd , G. W. Garland
leader , lisa purchased new Instruments
throuhuoLmt I Is now rated as one of the
best t'lllls In the /tlte outside of the large
cities . The boys gave n mUlleal entertainment -
ment and supper on ChrJltmas eve In the
Grand Army of the ( Republic . hail.
"yomlul 1'Cuchnl Elect ( ) Iflccrm.
CIgYENNI . Wyo" , Dec. 2-Speclll.- ( )
At this annual meelh' oC the Stale
Teachers association nt ( Hocl Springs last
week the tolowlnS olcerl were elected for
the enlulng ) 'clr : Presldeim I" . ' \ ' , Lee
of LramIe : vIce president , Mrs. Jennings or
Hlwlns ; secretl' , L' , J. Collier , Itawlins ;
trealurer , J , Fl Drate , ItawItas .
; ! I .
SIIER1F1 . , ' SlaPPED . l > TiE MILL
' -
Interested Parks Notfed They Would
Do Armted if They Persisted
,1' , II
) ' 1'1 _
1 , . 'J
Ieforee l'Ikllglol Urclnll to ! IneUf -
thtnr to 10lth It mind limo light Is
l' rmrne"Uy OI tn . \ 1
l'robiililllL7 ,
LINCOLN , Neb" , Dec. 2G-Speclal ( Tell-
gram.-Owln ) 10 time i'Igiiance of Sheriff :
Miller ant deputies the twentyrounll maul :
between Marion ( McIntyre and Lotus Carter ,
Ightwe1ghts , was not \lle1 off tonight at
Lincoln Park . Time tight hat been advertised
to take place at Wibr , but the place of
nlcUng was subsequently swItched 10 1ln-
coin , and an attempt male to geL n crowd
out to tim grounds by private conveyances .
Frank Parklnlon was to have been referee
but he was gIven a quiet tip that he would
be arrested nt once along wlh the princ-
pals In lie tight , If I eventuated As McIntyre -
Inl're would have no other referee the maUl
Is probably off for good. I was rumored
that twenty extra deputes had been sworn In
to take charge of time whole party.
Call fornims ,1001(0) Cluh 5n811011" Several
( hYlela " , 11 JUler" .
SAN FRANCISCO , Dee tl.-The ; Cal-
rornlu Jockey club Ig getting after ( lie men
whose horses 10 lot run up to expectaiomis. (
Today It was nlnounced that El , Sacks all
' . Llnl ) ' , owners of Thorhi , and Jockey
Su1vln , have been warned from the track I
on account of Thtoriihmihl'mi 1)01 run yester- ( ,
day H. Stp whose mitre . Loti" D , ran '
last lien first time out , anll then a few 1111)'S
later made a show II I good lell , suffered
the slme fate .Iocle FI11 was today
RIHpenlh.1 for 1100r rhln . Two favorites ,
Charles Quick anll Dick Iteiman won todu ' .
First Tce , live fitriongs selling : Lawyer ,
10. : Chor (3 ( l to n. ) won : Norlee / . , Coeltrn
( ( to 5) ) . Bec011 ; ' 1I1e Forks SS , Candy ( :1
to 1) ) , thlrll. 'l'imtte : 1:10. : Sir Reginald , Gold
Dust and 1.01 1. also rnn
Second rce , about six furlongs , selling :
Experiment. colt . 91 , Candy (3 ( tl I ) sellnr ;
Stelllst 102 Clrl (8 10 3) ) , second : Imll
1 1\I"e , ! ( i , Nlwnes (75 ( to 1) ) , third TIme :
i24. : St. Albans , Nipper , ' \cllow and Del-
fast also ran.
' 'hlrl race , five furlouigs . selling , 2-year-
ellIs : Charles Qnlcl" , ittli . Flynn ( even ) , won ;
Miss Unth , 101 , Coclrn (2',2 ( ' to 1) ) . seCOll ;
Ms' S\\'eitheart. 11 , Covington (10 ( to 1) ) .
thll1 Time : 1 : / Niagara , Advance , Drn-
voura fwd UII1 also mu.
1.0Irth race , ole utile , selling : 'hlteRtone ,
101 , Clrl (3 ( to 5) . won : HYd , 103 Chorn
( ( to 1) ) . second ; Carmel , 93 , Com ' (10to ( 1) ,
third Time : 1:16 : l'escadoi' ! ( Minnie
Bench also ran. nll
FIfth race live furlongs , selling : Dick
111\1. 97. Coolran (4 ( to G ) , won ; Irlmanln ,
107. Chor Cr ( to I ) , second ; Comrade IPi .
Flynn (3 ( to n. third , Time : 1:01 ( . Ernest
Ilestor and AHI 110 also rn ,
. \11 1'01 . holt \ntclpntons ,
LOS ANGELES , Cal. , Dcc. 2G.-Less ( halt
1,0 people vrp In nttel1laneo aL Agrlcul-
tlral park toiay ' to winess ( the attempt of
Little Alx "to hrellt her own record of
2:0\2 2:03 : : ; \ , . , In t11 -r 'sub T failed , going the mile tn
Dlrect ' . ImCN hy Iunnl ! mute , went
mtgniuist the worlls 2-year-olll pacing record
of 2:0Hi : , buitcic0iid not CO\'OI' the distunce
In better than 2O. : Ilstanc _
FIlng Jib ! r.e ? , 1 ugly Oi the track that
he was hltcle to his stable without at-
( emitting I ptl'fdrmance , '
Great Iltt cstlwas centered In the free-
for-11 trot between Azote. Nightingale anti
IChauiuath. Klamath's best ( line heretofore
WaR 2:13 : ' 'hll afternoon , on tme I very fast
track , she hwat her own record , makIng the
mile In 2:12rle : \ Ihi'st and third heats
werl won l , III\mlth In 2:12 : % for both
heats , and , hc , Secomiti . fourth and flftht
heats by Azote , ' Id 2:1 : ; ' 2:1O : 4' 2t : % . . ffth
, .
( q'o. ,
. ' , h'IM ! ) If ? , "W UIJ " IIM ,
NEW OILE4NS , Dec 2G.-First race ,
fro anI.o.imit ! urlonss : , 111ns01 _ ( : : 2) )
"won Van 11I"t"OO to 1) ) secD11 , Sideln ( I
to 1) ) third. Tllc .1:13\1. : \ (
Second ICe , sJ unions : Twent-threc
(2 ( to 1) ) won Nlcatagur ( G to 1) ) 'seconl , Sit.
\11 : Prince ( S to 1) ) third. Time : 1:21 : SI-
Third race one mile : Bonnie 02 ( to 1) ) won ,
Mezzotint (8 to 1 Recoll , gmln Bey (3 ( to
6) third , Time : 14iiL
Fonrth rc : ' sf"n fiirlonAs : Galena (7 to
1 won , Bob ' Iolm:1 : (7 ( to 2) ) second , Susie
An.llrson'OO ( to 1) ) thlrll Time : : 1 : :21t4.
FJh race six and I half furlongs : Ifodge-
son ( S to 1) wan Guard ( I ) to 2) ) second ,
lxlon (6 ( to 1) ) third. ' 1lme : ( : ; % ,
1'lt'111 ! Will Not 'Z'ohorztte l'I I'tM.
PIfTSDUHG , Dec , 6-As an outcome of
the Martthah-Stmhilvan prize fight
laralml-Sullvan ) Isht on Monday
last In the heurL of the city nn order has
been issued from police hendquarters to
nrl'est all of 11 roCesslonll pugihists found
) pUAlsts
In Pittsbtmrg , Jerry 1nrshal , the colored
featherweight who has been here for sev-
eml months without visible mOlns of sup-
hart was nrrested tonlghL as I suspicious
chnrlctel' . AIY"others who clnnot give a ,
good account of thcmselveR will share Mat- :
: 1-
shal's fate unless they leave the city.
' % 'hnt nnn Inocl , In ' 8.
SIOUX CITY , Dec G.-Bob Ineebs says
that Ierner , the man who accused him
of ringing In German , left that country ) ' In
a hurry because he feared prosecution for
rInging n horse named Fred Hn'cs , Ineebs
states positively that he wi prove Bethel
13 In this country. and then return to German -
man ) anti 'letlnl trlul
The UIsIers hl\e selurelJ Joe Canthillon ,
captain of the Rock Island Westel'n nssocla-
lon team , Just sensl , for manuger next
HoWlt-IoMt on I Fonl
EJ.WOOD , Jnd. . Dec 26-Tho prize fight
between Jake DeWl1 of St. Louis anti , Kid
O'Donnel of Chicago came oft tlig ' morning
Iii 'flpton county , enl mile west of mwood. ,
Onl hun l'e,1 , fpectlltorl HUW thin lIght and
za,000 chlled hallH on tie result. DIYlt
lost all chance of winning by foulIng O'lomi.
nIl In the fourth , nn.1 the light was given I
to the Chicagoan. At one time revolvers
were drwl and I general battle Inaugl-
rated I was checked howe\er , before
In'hod ) ' was Injured
h'rizo l'hhl"IK lnn out or limmtTuulo .
BUFFALO , N. y" , Dec. " . -The two lght-
weight pIJlstl , Johnny Vnn Heest and
Sol ) ' Smih , who have been /ojournllg In
Buffalo ever since their fifteen-round light
here In October last , /udllenl ) ' vanished
I rm this Iccal Irlllment this nfernoon nt
the request of Polee Jllge King. who gave
them three hourl to leave town Hmlth
wait ITeltel1 on suspicion ot hn\llg robbed
a 'oung man of $18 Van leest was ur-
ral/le lS \'u/lnt. .
I'lgenn l lmoit lug nt UslmtooU
OSKAJ.OOSA , In" , Doc. G-The three
dl 'H' shootn10Ulument opened today
under most fl\orable circuuiitnnce. The
two event of the tiny were between 00.
lightly and ealnphel , twentvlvc live hlrl ,
for Vd a 11le. , English riles , one hllTel ,
( ioilgtitly whining hy IL scene of 1 to 13.
Second twentyI ( birds , $50.1 side , Little ,
21 : Jnsham , 2. c .
( ) tu. ' Inr" , ( ) vnIuo Ihlll Slchtll ,
SAN FRALScO ( l . Dec. 2G-'hu hark
Wilma , whlcI 'nr'\ed this morning , Be\en-
teen days frolic Nanlalo , hrlngs eheerlug
newa-to the oW'itr , of one of the long over-
due sailing veel4 ' 1he Wilma reports that
on time : injfiS ) miles north ot Cape
1l'ndoclno. t slme'spOke to a Ihlp snpposlt to
ho the J. U , HI'OWI , I Is now twentr-three
( hays since time in , Brown sailed trout
Nlnlamo wItl4tcargoof . _ coql.
Mllrl..lII ' ) llt .1 , 'II ldt'ii's ' Arllc , " .
NEW ORL1ANS Dec. -Geome S.
ga'twlcl ( , mnu1ty' ! . of the sugar rennery
und u mentber2it kite firm of Iavellel &
. '
Eastwltk , . anti MIls Cleste Stnufft'r , th !
) 'Olnl lady who was engtugc'mi to Samuel
, T. Tlluten . anti to whom he loft $ JlO In
his wi , were married nt the Jesils ( chlrh
today - - _ _ . _ _ _ _
1)LsTt'flIt.Ii'cIts : IJl TO .i ' .tI.tlliS ,
111,1111 J'rOVII There 11am llen No
. : rnlton ot lonnt llanic'r .
SBATTLEVitsii. . , Dec , 2tL-Thtc following
message came to Pyulhtup today ] by hem.
mOlsaJe 1)1111) tOI ) I hor-
InJ , ) Igeol , lent ly the Post-Inteligenoer
Mount Hanlel 11nrty :
CAnnON GLACIER ' , \Veilncsday , Dee 6-
While crossing the " 'Ilthrop glacier ) 'es-
ttrlla ' Major Ingrniinrn mallc n critical
examilaton of 1aine Glacier. hy way of
which the ascent to the slmml was to
hl\'o leen mantle anti rOlnd that the Ice
and HIOW was 11) hrokcl tip that nn nt-
tcuititt to elituib vouiu1 have liroven ( his.
temlt Ilmh 111 wOlhl ha\e Irovel Ils-
nmttrotms . Conseqllll ) ' the slmlit wait lot
fitteinlitel. The expedition has been ni en-
tire SIOCtM , I has .lemolstrntcll that ( while
the inoiutttuuiut t his bee bout aloldnl anti
Rtenlll . the chln e Is mIne prlnclpnl ) ' to
tt'euuiefluiotitt nvnlanlhtIII not to an Ch'tPi-
tiomi. Thin new peak observed from Sent \ e
1/ oft Columbln'H crest anti was formel h )
plrnl winds cnrl''II the IIOW nnd wlilit-
Illng It Into n cOIIshalc.l peak , nR Ie-
acrlbed. 'fhe party wi be hOle t rlda ) "
TIUd.l.S tilt ] ' . I ( ZEXI' . 1. 2'ZW UJSLIC.
Men \hol lie Atemltlt to Arrest Chnro
11m , , lh . 'uitilt.
SAN FHANCISCO , Dee 2G-laJol A. C.
McLaughlin ' , special agent of the treasury ,
was charged with assault with Iltelt to
commit . murlel nit ! assault with I deadly l
weallon Itt the police court today . The
charges resulted from 1 Ihootng nfnlr
which followed al attempt 1) ' : I.nlghll
to arrest two young InllHlr'men with whom
hI wns riding 01 11 street CI' . McLaughlin
drew his revolver ant uhuring the mtcrimtt-
lunge , In which he contende ! ngailst the
two lnunilryutten nH ] thl' car < COIIIICtO he
tired two shOtR , lelthel' of which took edect.
I Acer maltlg their escape , the men swore
Unit w"rrants for the treasury agent'H nr-
rest. They charge thlt tim actIon was
wholy wIthout warrant. 01 the other
hand . lel.llJhll alleges hint the two
men are Itt league wih 1 rimig oC cOln ter-
'felel' of Chinese registration certlc"tcl
nll that one oC them hind I qllntl ' of
the 1OAIS certfcates In his POsSeSsiout. : Ic-
Lalghln Is endeavoring to have the ( chlrges
hearth before . lie federal . cottrt.
111.1" ' ( 7'U Al'l ln.tSl' l. ,
- I
80nthcrn 10lt'Il : Carry noutou Free
of Charge.
BAI.'IIOnl , Dec 2"-'he suggestion
sent out Monday evenIng by the ( lnuflc-
turelH Record , In view oC the great sufferIng
reported In Nebraska , owing to the short
corn crop , the soutlm which has slch an
nbuntlnnt corn crop this year . sholll scud
It south train ot corn nnd meaL to Nebraska
for distribution , has met with n very cor-
dial x'ecepthouu. Vi' . It. Baldwin , vice Itres-
( dent of the Southern ruItwn' . teleglhs
the lilmmuttifncturer'tt Hecord : "I hoLe wttit
deep hll.'esL . 'our 1)11111 to scud corn to
) lent
western Nebrutsalma to ' the
Nehrnslm save destitute
ICoplo ' In that state. I have been Irl\ntel '
Informed that the condition existing Is \'ery
had. I am conlllent titat nil railways In the
south will arrange to collect all 8hlplenta
and fOlvanl them free. "
t1'esh.ent Hofmnn of the Seaboard line
authorizes thc 1lunuflcturel"s HtcO'11 to say
that his I'ont will he glad to receive nil con-
trilulons Inde from army 110lnt on its line
0' nay connectng lnes , and arrange for
free shlpnlent to the . welt ( ,
IIIatol' Carey's loud Ol'nnt lull .
CHI Y NNE. W 'o , . Dec 6.-Speclal.- ( )
Senator Joseph itt. Carey Is hOle from
Wnshlnston to spend the holiday recess
'I'he lenltOI brought n copy of the bIll In-
traduced by him rnnll certain lands
11 the abandonell Fort McKlnne mIlitary
resen'uton In Johnson county to the slate
of " 'yollnl for puhlc purposes ' 1he bill
has assed Its secol1 readinG In the senate
and ts now before the commulttee on ltiblIC
lands The bill commitee governol'
of " ' ) 'omlng Ihal bl emowerell and nu-
thorhpc to select . and enter of ant I1Uhlc
IIls centlined within thc boundarlef of
the nhove mentioned reservation not ex-
ceding In all two sectons , on which are
situated the buildings heretofore used for
mIlitary ) lrpORes , The 111Is .0 selected
and enterel\ with the buldlngl thereon shal
lie ' granted ! and donated to the state of
Wyoming for the inaintennnce thereon of
state chaiable , educatlomtal. penal anti re-
formatO' ) ' tnsttltol' . and for other pub-
lc urJoses , ' ' The 1ona t I' believes hint
favorable acton will c bo taken on the bi
Ulfflulp < limit Able to aloha i'ont.
SAN FRANCISCO , Dec -The bark
Courtney Ford , lumber laden front Port
1lakeiy ( l for Fiji , Put Into port this after-
noon In distress She encountered the
. ( re-
rent terrlc storm off the northern coast .
On the 10th Inst , when forty unItes south-
west of Clpe Fluttery . she rat into a hur-
rlcwo whtch hlng on for thro days. I
carried away her foretop gal lnt la'R . with
nil attachments , and hel' jlhboom anti salR ,
Her Ilect loud was also shifteti. 'I'hie Courtney -
ney Ford reports that yesterday , when off
the ( Faruhiomis . she slAhtell the schooner .John
F' , litiiher , with her sails aparenl ) ' blown
: wn ' . it Ii heleved that within the coin-
hug week thl real dlmage done nL COI- )
the recent gale will he lenown.
1 lrrton Corluplon at St. I.onls.
S'I' LOUIS , Dec. 2G-The grand jury to-
day made Ia fInal report 10 Judge Edniunds
of lie crlllnal cOlrt , The report , which
Is In relaton to the ( recent electiout . Is of a
RenRatoll1 ( hurctel' , Inl the hatch of 17
1 :
true his retl'nll aver lift ) ' are for elpe-
ton ( crImes Inchulell In these are Indlet-
ments chinu'ging lmeriff-e1ect ' '
chal'slnl Iherlf-elecl lietiry Troll
and his son , ChnrlR. who Is a 'rrol
Collector Seiglenheim's omet , wlh le/Jt / .
These two Politicians , together with James
Jaggerty oC the ( house of delegates , are
Ihc most prominent ones agaInst whom
true bills were found. The other Indict-
menlq arc against , unimportant nersomis. ,
- - - -
Utlh .llllithut lie'tuort out Their (1111111
SALT I.AKI . Dec. 2.-C'ohonel E. W.
'ratthoclc . Inspector gcnell of the ltlh Na-
tonll gunl'd , huts made his ofclal report
to Governor West en the ( recent Invasion of
l'tnh hy the Colornlo tHe huutlinnet. A con-
Illelble part of the rIJrL covers facts
nlrttumily tnude . 'I'hie
nh'lllly Indo Iluble. 'lhe racts which
stand out prominently arc that the In-
IlanB were found In about the numbers
orlA'lnnl ) ' reportld : ( hint ( lucy at lust re-
ruscll to vacate amith
vaclte "ni only decIded to return
to Colorado after being threatened whtlt
milItary force , wih
. .
Big I'ullro itt etinntmt : .
ATLANTA , Ga" , Dec 26.-'rho hlg nolon
nnd fancy goods store Imown as the FaIr
was closed hy the sherif this aferoon ,
The foreclosure of three mortgages
amountell to 32&OO. Thmlim repuesents tIme
home iuidehstciluiess ottly. Tue other claims
itg.ulnst thie unit outsitie of time cIty tire
mint Inotu'ui , but are Itrobumbly large , Ham-
' '
tmel 'l'hanhmrtmmser , who wiih lilt itomis , Fraitic
anti , % iuriuiiutuit , eontpnseti the lirmn , was ap-
itointed comisuil to lihatumnioras , Mexico , by
President Cievehanul , lint resigmtetl six
titomithit ago ,
ltIitt , 11ev tlumsbuuuih ,
CIAI4EIihJiW , Ill , , leo. 26.-Citarles Fl ,
.Iohituetout % vas shiot by htis wire , ldui Fl , John-
tion , itt that oiihce of Attonuey John Zuiaiiey
this aftermtoort anti is now lit mi precarious
condition , Mrs. Johtutoiu alleging iiruiaiity
anti Inteumipeu'ato habits , had begun m4eparmmttu
inatntc'uiupuco proceetliutgui. Attorney Mitlicy
got tlment togetlit'r tiil afternoon to effect it
l'ecouic'iiiatlomm.Vimiie alomitt time woman
mlrew a revolver anti tIred two shots , onto
tutleing effect , lhme gave herself up.
CIiliiuiiiti , Iry ( oomlN Virmum Falls.
( 'INCINNATI , Dee. 2G.-Time dry goods
firm of hlohenmttedt & W'ellunmmn Ilaseted Into
tIme luunm1 of Receiver (1. A. Itleyci' today ,
Assets , 2OOOO ; Iiobhilties , 2tJOOO.
MiVCIiIt'mmt4 of t4etmgohiig rusei , tIre , ifI ,
At lIavi'e-Atnivctl-Menoutiut , ( rota New
At ldverpooi-Arrlvetl-Teutotii , from
New Yonic.
At New Vouie-Arni'ed-litajcstle , from
LlveritoolVermu : , froiui Genoa ; Clrcassian ,
from Giasgow.
A t hioioguieArrivedmetertla m , from
New York.
. - - - - - - - - - -
- - - .
- . _ - -
. _ - -
Sque yourself-
. New Years' is coining , If you
rc vcd a nicer gift than you gave-
II'you forgot some one-
-Square yourself'
' . , RAYMOND.
Text of' the Edict Against Secret Sodiotio
Given to the PubU ,
Cnitlmoiic Muit ' '
Either tinmioui 'l'lunmmt or
thmo Clmorelm-Iccrce Is to Ito Itomiti
trout mill time Cntiioiic
WIt.MI N'OTON , Iel , , Dec. 20.--hhishuoii
Curtis has Issued tluO rohiouvtmig letter to all
LImo itriests in ( Ito diocese of W'ilmnlttgtomu :
"Iteverenil Pathier-s soon as Itract icablo
you will read on Sumuitlay , at least once , ( lie
following ( lOCtmitteitts , anti you ulli , I flhli
sure , to the very tmtumiost of your ability , en.
denver to proctmro front nit wheat ( lie decree
of ( Ito holy see uttay concermt a Proutihit and
loyal obeuilcnco ( a time saId decree.'hmen
Christ speaks thmrouuglu lila vicar and lit siuclm
words ( itero can bo ito miuuestlomt as to ( hue
purport of tIme tittaranco.
"A. M. CURTIS , hlishmop of W'ulnulmigtomi. "
The enchostures were its follows :
'Most Itoverenti and Illustrious Sire : Your
exceileitcy camunot fall to lcnouu' tlmat tIme arch-
biimops set over thui vanlomts ecclesiastIcal
Itroviutces of time republic of ( lie Uitieti ( Stuites
or Auuienica have , in tumoro ( hiatt one of timclr
assouutblhes , taken council wIth respect to
tito socIetIes whIch itavo grown imp In ( lie
aforesaiti republic , muatuiely : Tim Odd Fel-
hours , tIme Souts of Toiuiperaiico oat thmo
Kuilgltta of I'ythmlamu , ittti you uttiust also be
aware that ( lie aforesaid arehubishmoits tmnonl-
muously decided ( lint limo whole questiout as
to these societIes ahuottid ho submiilteih ( to
thin Jmudgntouut of ( Ito apostolic see , Ills Itoh-
hess , therefore , comuutitteml this quuestioui to
tue Most Rev. Satolil cud to tIme Imiqmiisitors
general , These , ( lien , itt general cengrega
( lout holti \Veduiesuiay , JImmie 20 , 1S91 , coum-
flnumilmmg a ( lechslout iuroviotmshy uuinile as to the
aforenuentlomied societies , decreeul thmat nil thue
ordInaries throughout tlio United States titlist
itt every va' strive to keep tIme faltimfuml
trout becomIng inottibers of nay of
thin aitl societies. nail unmmst not. fall ho nih-
mutottisit ( Item ieoile to that effect , auid that
auiy ( luLls nduitoutlshmeti titlist b debarneth front
time sacrautiemit sliotuid they fall to abandoner
or imeelt aloof front ( lie saute societies. This
tiecneo his holiness coniirmed , amid gave it
comitplee ( effect. It. is therefore couuirnhimuicated
to yotur excellency , that thmroiugh yotu it uuiny
be transtutitted to all tIme nrcimbisltops , bishi-
oiai amtd other orduuianies of time Ummited States ,
anti for tite due custotiy of ( ito souls of time
faithful may be by these ordlmtanies car-
riot Into effect. MeantIuuie I beseech Al-
migitty God to bestow all benefits and bless.
" [ tome , August 20 , iSfit. "
"To time Illustrious and Most Itevereutti
Francis Satolli , Delegate Aitostolic , Washington -
ton , D. C. : Your emuttuteutce , lhiustrhotms nuid
Most Itovercuid-Ily letter transuttited ( to inc
on thi 20th of Novemabor last through Car-
dinah Itamitidoll , Itis holiness urges titat tIme
decrees of time holy olfice Celit to mite by
Cardinal Monaco nuid hmerewuiim ( lehivered to
you shall be mmtado IttublIe. 'rho soverehguu
pontiff , therefore , will see ( hat thmo decree hut
questIon shall be comutununicated by the archbishops -
bishops to the respectIve simffragauus , nuid by
thteot It may proniulgated. Wltht nil never-
enee and affection , I reuitain , your eutthttence ,
illustrious amid most reverend , your faithful
servant lii Christ.
"FRANCIS SATOLLI , Delegate Apostolic.
OB kT'o-'s ;
lioth the hllOtlIO'I and reslilts wlicii
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
aiid rcfrcsllilhg to the taste , 811(1 ( acts
gently yet prohnptly On the Kidneys ,
Liver and Boivels .
, cleanses the sys.
tein CffCctthally , elisitels colds , headaches -
aches IBId fcvct'i and ciii'e habitual
COhhStiatiOfl. } Syrup of Figs is the
only reniedy of its kind over
dticed , Ieasiiig to the taste ahId tie.
ceptablo to the stomach , pronipt in
it.q action and truly beneficial Il its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy flhll agreeable slIbstailces , its
Inany excellent ( jllalit'les COlIlhhICIld it
to all and have nitnie it the IflOst
itoplilal' remedy known.
SyrlIp of Figs is foi' nab in 50
cent bottles by ithi leading drtig-
gists. Auy reliable druggist who
iiay not have it on baud will plo-
cure it promptly for any one who
ivisiie to try it. Do not accept any
LOUISVILLE , y. /I'EIV ' YORlf , N. k
A Coihlinoit E'Cl'3'.1)Lty laiagev of ,
% 'hkIl We itt-c Uiicoiisejott5 ,
iVim ) ' l'ium'uuuuimuit Is so lnmlly Couitritetomi-
how thum , Ii5t'imj , , I'rtgrcs.os-flhiy IL Is .
so U t I cii liutmuh , Ii our It Cnmm iii ,
S. ' l'revemii.mi ,
A eitangcrtile rhimuutute I , tiic' niot i'tcitiuiq
( 'flimt' . CC ilit'ti llit'lilft , 'Flue athlit toiay , ( 'tihti tomiioN
rn % , wenhhier lt a iroillto breeir itt thti tiIqemtt' ,
It Is eaSiutteteil hiy di'ostlit' to wet flfll inctemt'n
veitIhmcr , tn'imt , 'tntutiuutc or lltlutg ilihm cohtl freti
by guuug Imnumu lint a liii miterem .n % Jeii m ootmtut iitto
tite ' ' kecum mug ii t it hr amid I. . ' si ti tug itt ttratumlmtt , ,
'l'itc.e are trilling entices hut tuey : meatmit ill , ,
filahti ftt I umic.ntmihiiy.
'i'hi , it'tss tieltiolti , it I piuiilcmiiy ( lii t It is
thtfflL'itl I tim ttiei mimic' t lit' lireciro mulotuuent of at-
tuck. 1 t uu'ttnhly l'eghmis i hUm a elm Iii , ivittelm litity
last tr'iti a luumanter mtt nut imt'uur t timm'o or Ciii
hours. Tiukt is fiiiowt-i tv a levet' , with a idtii.
lft'i i lire Itt itt 'out t 10 I miegu twa iIome t Ite evenluig
or lime furt iint' . Tim , ' fut lee nues fiummhmc'l , thim
( yes Ilnoiiit auth lflten'e lleOdaciiL- , peters
jiat mis itt I itt' leek nlti uuitmetmhuim' s..ri'uuesm I a I hiS , ,
antis mm muii lt'g , , Itui'em'eltt' , TIme littipe is quirk.
ptuoum putt h'suntltig , : time imnguie , Is Imoavily '
COflt'tt time mti'l'eihte is witutthuig ; ani mmaiieia
iuiil v'tithiin ic umrt' itCh cmi iuiutl fest tue ilrst t1a' .
iuy tlt i''ui in ing , if I lie sceonti tuil' thin lineal hing
it'Couui'tI tililtettit , ( itt' t'tflitit ( ttuiCP Ott itad i' iii
is feb hum tiu phlt' , iviticti is imucrea.ed by deep
bmat Iu'mig. '
'rite im'auss of tue tiis'ase is umow u-npi.1 ,
'i'iit' I ttuig'm It-roumut. t'agoi ( it iii ltt'nV ) I imti
tthooil t'sseis nrc tilstcmuIt-ih , taut time air coils
stilt ' 41i1thn tmtm' .
'I'Itis siimge or the iliacaso I , saon followed by
a. uuuor , ' nhitl'tning uuie I ti ctitt'It ( Ito lungs berotac
I ii ( ' ether of I iv'r I ipsulo. 'hut , is l'CL'tmumpe there ,
is t'tuIi'i i it to I Ito ut I I' v'hlm amid I is-ames of ( iii
itutig , it thu ick it uI st icky uuuumm.s , viu trim soon touni -
out . . itnI eatuses ( tie atiecteit i'anis It' bceouuue tlrmn-
is. comisol dat , ' , ! . Tiuo at m' L-eil5 tint imov cntim-eiy
cinqetl , 'rime tieol ' ' , , ' are l'me.ei upon by
timti4 VisekI itmas sail tic hmumg sttislamive , , i'eIutj '
oh uI ihiel , i't't'fluul ( $ itii ( I it' ntuil siiiks lit a-titer.
In this coflulltlout of the , lht'eape tecover ) ' ti
mit m-'i3' iioPibiP.
Tim , . ireter ; tvny to treat Plmeuluionht is prevent
it ' 4 ( ii , ( itiluidlit.
I I ttv , ' It5 CO tt' I un t ) 'nhi art' suiCfIrlt'mttl' vIal to
tnet'L inrleitteiit ttliI ehinuigeni'ic' ' ttt'nitteu' , Sen that
hit , ' % -ct feet nnl epo"tmro to tInutihts ilo utot re-
Nut i t I It etil. I C a t-tIt itoat ittelel vhieck It mm L
ut'a t.fitre mutt-timnouuia is tle t'itfl'etl , for It Is a
tv.h I luuetvn fund I tint ut protm ut tei eflugim uuiuiy
sumihl'tiid"v.'l'i , titti , Iuietmmutoiin. * titim m aught
itil I I bush c'itlil. I ) on' I. itt tIme , l imcuume tuttle imity
lh't1)vt ; ) ) , 1-u I i ty I lu syMtein a gttitme ( It ti ) rich ,
mmli t nt ian' , I bttt 1,1 fool. 'l'huis eat i lieumeeoiiunu Ishme.h
I ii flit iti her % i'ay 8 * ) t'dul its by tile liberal , us ,
itt OzomtittIIniu , sit , troiulzeti im t-patti ttin , , t Coil
I , iv.'m' Oh ti I I It Otuahsuccl , wimichi alIt ha .iitimue.l ,
Cr ituitut & t.'o. , Onmimiua. 'I'itleeui cal iyiwum tint
lust p-uulitlIms of time cold tmppenr. I I cures it
iitmuuuiuh mm nil miretdtut a ( itt iicteiitiuttutt of pnCti.
itioliht , . It l it rich , mitititiloti , ' , ijtiUid ftoi , itmuit
I t is a a eli hnowuu Cii et tutu stu-tuug food is ( liii
itint4t ruunithiibue fifl , of miteummuinitla. I t keeps iim
Iioo.l . w-eii tuoiuniutiei tiuitt Pti is ttte I isttmetm I a
, 'umehu a eouutiitiout that thue3' are tmbte to ( brow oft
tie : cuiti.
'l'hils sciemitifle vrepnmntion is eitaugei with
ezIne niul tittis Cuiplies hue oxygen luecCusurY in
t lii' 1)1 flC5S of dtgL'i.t ! , tui , ituui mmiMietu' hit t tie mdliii-
vat of alt elicit' uutaettui ( lout the tuomm. it also
( 'eli i atui C tmnineoi , u iuicli it luttule L S I lte appi it e
ihiit ; lit" ltit'itmmouus , uig.ns , ' t'eumiis , ou' butcterium ,
iii ( 'sent in ( tie bitted , tmnI ( hams ahila nature In her
hattit' i-hthm , ilsnti' .
'rime nuneticml iou-sons to be icamneil ( mont the
ruegiuug nut' nut toulows :
N'tueete&h cotta tenth to pnetmnionia ,
I'iiettuuiii him. iIeveloP4 ; ttutiieuit3 , nuid tunics.
ii'"ill' eioei5e.I , ru i iiit- nut ! . its cotum-se , heut tim
r-suiitutg itt ittltt5' clues witiuiut Comty-eigltt hours
a ft em' tue itt I utek.
ut t iiuie of time most prevalent nmud fittnh .iis.
eases of ttur noiilmorn suiuie miuring lIte vinter
umnd yuu itig. It is elet ) much lnuttuiiaulut of titi.
Ittutgs , lumug fever nli \ % litter fever. Do muot b.
itml i t-l I tue iumuil ITcreuue-e niotit tlte results , tviient
timese ittore ( 'Olmiunoit attunes are tietl.
' 1 lie uiuuem' With' to treat tue dlease Is to pro-
Vettt liii thevelopntu'uit.
'this cnmt htest 1)15 nccompllshmc'd by fortifying thni
utysiemut it ) resist hit ntiutclctt by the Prouiipt anti
faithful use ot ( lie reuumL'.iy mnentloltett above.
Thursday , Dec. 27th
The Princooo ! University. '
Glee , Banjo and Mandolin CIubs
hiogutiar jim-ices. Seats on sale loe. 20
Auctiouu sale of boxes 1)eo , 22mid ,
'r' is iiTT TD Ei" J'OI'Ur.l1
JJ. .C1. . , E .L _ . Piucis
Telopiiono 1031 ,
J , IIUIWESS , lilaimutor ,
TONIGhT , 5:15. :
: -M PIREI ' .
Tclepiuommo i SI ,
W. J. BURCuISS , IVlonaor.
lYt ek Coummiticticitig Sut tuday Matimico , Deccuuibor 20 ,
. They utro all rIght iii
Oramid Sitc'cial Mmttlneu Now Years ,
S ( ( ) chit oi tierm ' .h co ii ii g.
Office of Lee-Clarhce-Andrcosen hlantiwaro
Co. , Omaha , Nob. , Dee. 7 , 1(91.-Notice Is
hiorbey given to the stocleimoidem-it of the Leo-
Chutrlce-Andreescn 1-lurthwure company ( imat , ,
the ammmuuttl meeting of ( lie sochcimoitioruj ( of - '
( lie couiipnmty vIhi be held at LImo offices of
time etaid couuipany , i2li , 12i aunt 1223 Ilurney
street , In ( lie city of Omaha , in time stub of
Nebraslumi. on Tuesday , January 3 , A , D ,
ISis , at : j o'cioclc p. uui , , for thus hiutnitoso of
eicctimtg a board of directors for tIme corn-
uany to sCmve duu-iiug time ensuing year , alit !
to transact such other business as may bo
presented at Such meetIng.
Attest : Ii. J. LBB , President ,
\v. lit. GLASS , Secretam'y.D7
D7 it ! to J 8 Sun
ihamoi it I Not I mc.
Notice is itereby gIven that ID. L. S.
lulacliureem of time unit of Duncan , hohiinger
& Co. wlil , out tue 1st duty of January , 1895 ,
retire ( remit any niuiti all eoummtectloas with
saiti firm , time said Ihrmn retaining all asnetd i
and ttssuuniuig all thu hum itliithes tlmem'eot ,
1) 23 25 27 Morn
. BJpO D
The kind that circulates freely , Is obtained 5
by using
The flEST IN THE WORLD for thc
All Druglsts sell
There Is Nothing Like It
It & Modern
It's " Up to Date"
- - - S S S S S
- 'uruuuuuu - - ' - - . . - . - . . . . . . . . 5. , . . , , , , ,
t ss-ursirvieui