" 8 . . O IAIIA'S ' CIIR1ST1i1S DAYh - . Ohamctrzed by a More General Roflgionw ' Observance Than Usual SERVICES AT MANY or TilE CIURCI S ' Sonll of JtJolclnl Rnd 1'rsIe I'ourolllorth , from SRhclunrle Made IleRuUful hI UreeR nnl l3Ioom-At the Inteb nnd fl the Streetl. To those whoo curly holilays have been plsel In eastern hOhes the ( recolectons of Christmas are associated wih ! 0 broad ex- ' panBo of crystal snow anti trees bending under the weight of the feathery monte len ' undisturbed by the quiet breezes. The chlm- . Ings of the distant church bells are broken by the tinkling of sleigh bels , which grow fainter In the distance , while the crisp cell air brings back the laughter of the lght- ' hearted riders . But dwellers In Omaha must bo content to gaze upon bare , dirty pavements - - ments and pass the holiday without the pleasant - ant accompnnhlent : of sleigh rldeaaJ1 wintry , 11leasures. So , gratefully as they welcome sunshine and pleasant days , there was a gen- oral satisfaction , as the day yesterday was I . Ilreceded by a suggestion of more seasonable - weather. 'fhe slight Prophecy of snow on t the preceding : day failed to become percept- : , ble , but the air was crIsp and bracing , just L sharp enough to Insure a good appetite for t the Christmas dinner 0111 bring a glow o ( , ' health to the checks of those who sought I , the exhilarating influence oC the outdoor n1r . The day was a very quiet one about towit All the morning services at the city churches ' were wel attended and In the afternoon I I seemed as though the leOlllo ) had prererrcd I to seek the luxury of their Ireshles rather . than the more exciting 1leasures of the town . Most of the business houses were closed I ; and the streets appeared deserted In com pari- In with the crowds that thronged the side - . walks during the preceding da's c cmml AT TI HOTELS. The Omaha hotels celebrated the day with their usulI lavIsh hospitality. The yule logs were al hauled in . the mistletoe hung to the ; chandeliers , the Christmas Ivy festooned the - walls and Colonel Good Cheer and his staff anl were Invited In to assist In entertaining the : r guests who were fortunate enough to spend the ChrIstmas festival In Omaha. Every one of the hotels presented an elaborate , menu. Of course the American bird , the turkey , was the chief piece ) de ( resistance , and ho was served In every conceivable style. ' , lie was flanked with evey delicacy of the' ( ' season that lie ( market could afford and washed down wih every form of liquid cheer ' ' from claret to Benedictine punch. There ' were few people In the ( city from abroad , ' compared with the ordinary day In the week. Every commercial traveler makes It a point to spend ChrIstmas at home I ho Is unable , . to reach that haven on any other day In the ( year. At the seine time , each of the leading Omaha hostelries entertained from fly to : 100 guests and did It In a manner to leave ' ' no room for criticiam. 'I' The foot bal game In the I : . afternoon furnished a couple of hours of excellent amusement for ' the admirers oC the college game , and the theaters received their usual share of pa- . tronagc. But , as a rule , the saloons and i other down town resorts were not doing , ' their usual Christmas business , and It may be slid that the People of Omaha passed a commendably sober holiday. : SEIVICES IN THE CHURCHES ' The observance , of Jhe' day by pray r and , praise was " general 11 the churches Of the . , city. A"t .he First Metholtst church the ermon was delivered by Dlshop NeWman and . every seat In the large auditorium was oc- cupied long before the hour oC worship ar- I rved. ( No erort at decoration was macho be- ' yond a simple drapery of evergreen around f the organ and pulpit , but a special musical program was rendered by the , full choir of fifty voices and the presence of the bishop , - was In Itself sufficient to command the undl- " 11ell attention oC the audience. As a prelude to the service the choir sang f a 'Christmas carol Cram the belfry and Mr. , Kelly rendered an Improvisation on ' Christmas hymn tunes on the organ. A prayer by Hev. Dr. Deans of the Seward Street Methodist , 1Iethodlsl . . church followed the opening hymn. and after 1 the choir had chanted the response the scripture - . " . , ture lesson was read by respse . . D. McCor- . mick of . the First PresbyterIan church. The choir sang lhe "Gloria In Excelsls" from Mozart's Twelfth Mass wltti excellent erect , , after which the special offertory for the m\slc fund was taken. The offertory solo I was by Mrs. Benedict , who sang Adam's , "Cantique de Noel. " The anthem which followed - lowed ' was "Sing , 0 Heavens , " by Tours. 'On lie leaflet containing a program of the services was printed a poem of fve stanzas , by Hev. Frank Crane , entitled , - "Ohrlstmas WIshes , " the last two verses bolng : - May nil stern men and cruel men . t Feel some strange gentleness , May Halt men and despairing men 4 Tonight feel hope' caress _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Nay Bear every mother In the world good news of her child . I And every weary heart be furled - In Christ's heart , meek and mild. , J And O. upon the silvery head Of age may heaven' light , lght ' ; Like sunsel'l last bright beams , be she In holy . pence tonight. . May hate and greed , anti all that's ' 1' 1IY Ind al that's'rong , Be ahamed and smitten , when - smiten J Thl chollhg angels sing their song . Of "J'eace good w1 to men. " WAS A SUPREME IWENT. ' The sUbject selected by Bishop Newman I vaR "Tho Fullness oC Time. " This was discussed - . . cussed as applyIng to the ( line of lie entry of Christ Into the world and lie thoughts suggested , while Ileeularly appropriate to the occasion , were varIed to some extent from those upon which the usual Christmas - Eermon Is based The speaker said that the ( advent of Jesus Christ marlwt the most august era In hue annals of time. I was a 10lent when the morning stars sang together and all nature shouted for Joy I had como to lustrate n character mosnllccut.ln its origin ali In- fnlo In Is luUuence. I wo were to seek In event from which to late all human history - tory we would find the Refines looking back to the founding of the empire the Greeks to their 0)'mI1Iall and the Jews to the migratIon of Abraham , but all , I'SO faded Into insIgnIficance as compared wIth the event which the ( Christian world cele- . , bralet this Christmas day . I rose In super- nal mngnilcence above all other human events. It was the of eveut. . I crown glory of our l . . humanity , the union of the human anti the I divine , God had marked the ( calendar of tme , and out of the belfry of the shies cale t' the toIling ' of lie ( clock that struck time hours Qf hIstory ali was yet to strike the high I k noon of human endoa'or . ' . The bishop wont on to show that ( the ( limit ) tmo ' for the arrival of the ( Messiah hall been I g chosen with Inlnle wisdom As Christ was II I i the most prodigious Inteliecteaflty that had I I. l'rollgloUI Intelectualty hat . ever trot tIm glob ) It was leceuary that he i ? , . , uhouhl appear at I period of marked intel ; lectunlty , lie Wil boru Rt lclhleheul whie V 60le of the ( greatest unlvullel that the tJ world hind ever known were being developel I , and lie worM was enlleavorlug to Ienetmto ) r- the intellectual darkness lutelectual of past ages Poets never sung moro sweetly , statesmln i never grasped the Ilroblcms of goycrimmeul : t Ao\'erment b.- . with lore force anti ability , Art was at Its perfection RII lie masters then ( e,18tell Ir I r from whom wo were copying tOlll ) ' . We r ore ntl the 11ul1ls of the seers 1111 phioso- pliers of Egypt , HOlanla ant Attica . 'fho : present was lie day of scIence rather than 4l of literature , but we hall never ex clct the i Augushm age ant \0 never would. I. I FULFILLED TiE WOItLO'S lIOI'Il. ' That was also an ago oC { Intense Ixecta- ' ( Ion. All through the ( larch of agoa hall 1 , liecn heard the ( whisper , "De hold , le - Comueth. " There was never a time frau : the dismissal from the ( Garl"n of Bdeq to Delhlehem ; when the would hud uuot beer. thool'h IOt leer on fl I tiptoe of expiptutou , Confucius hall RS- , L lur d his fllowcrl just before he closed his eytl In death that a IlrCllhet should come ' UII out of the west amid sixty ) 'car afer . Christ was born the neuvs of his work reuched Obln3 and an embassy was remit to .F ask him to conic to list ( cluntry. Hut the c1busy ncnr Got further than India . so u they vent ( mack phd tonIc with them IluJdha . : rthel' th31 Ciuri . ( . Zorolster had also 1ll .1ci . his 11&elples In his Inst t 10lcuts that R tIcnlah woulJ COD who \oulJ rQlte the dea dp and Socrates him ! uttered a similar prophecy ns he lifted the goblet of' poison to his lips. In conclusion the splker said that all al that the world was today It owed to Christ and drew a graphic picture of what the worM would bo should Christology bo suddenly - denly remove from the faIth of man. And fnaly ho urJerl all humaniy to take the MessiAh for their own and follow him as dll the disciples oC the former ' time. The servIce closed with the chorus "Hal- lelujah l , " from the fesslah , " by the full choir , which included : Sopranos-Mrs. O. E. I Mickel , Mrs. Duter , ! rs. O. E. Williams and Misses Lydia Johnon , Udenour Wilams , lard wel K M. Tlzarrl , 08h , Marie Stockman , Florence Wlntor , I'hllppl , Van Koran , May Hobin- son , I.lzzlo Swartz , Esther I Fried I , McAushand. C ontraltos-Misses Anna Vapor , hattIe Stal- lard , Molio I E. Ha\'erly , Edna Cuthhahl , Es- tele b Brown , O. I. tornunl E. Van UnifY , Oertrudo lcCuloch , H. N. Bralshn\v , Carrie K. Graff , Juliet 1cCune , Nellie 1cClaln. Tenors-J , Mellon , Dr. A. Hppie , C. E. WillIams , 0 W. Street , Fred IAY- ward , K. Whiehorn , O. D. lelmer , Arthur Hoe. I F.V. . White , C. Warren. Dasses-H" \ V. Derrick , G. J . 11ckel , p Driver , E. J. , Ilckets I , C. E. Winter , W. E. Caldwell , H. ! I ) . nowen , J , E. Hodges , C. A. Carpenter , : lsses Cathryn Cortelyou , Nora Emerson , 1 3. SmIth , G. Gnimtlm . \LI. ' ATLI. SAINTS' CHURCH. At the Al Saints' church services yester- Ilay l the church was crowded with people II Christmas attire. The church was tastily decorated with evergreen and holly. The alar was draped with evergreen , Intertwined with holy , and the wals of the church were made lost attractIve by the beautiful IECO- ratons of the same material , suspended from the gas jets. The singIng was n feature of the Impressive I cercmonles and aongs sung by the chorus of i forty-lve voices , for which special prepar- i t ioui had been uuinde , . ton lade were greatly appreclatel. The services opened with a processional the entro choir marching 10wn the center aisle , singing "Sin ! 0 Sing This messed Morn " 11ev. T , J. Mackny took for his topic : : "The Influence of Chuldimood . " and showed how h the influence of the Christ child had L entered Into our lives and a silent revolution was going ou In the world which was as yet unseen , but would eventually have to bo ; accepted , If not lu peace , I would be In war ali ( bloodshed. The musical program rendered by the choir was as follows : Processloual-Slng , Sing , This Blessed ? ilorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l.utkln i To Deum ( ( n U ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( Solos-Mrs. G. W. Johnston Mr. Loveli Dunn . ! r. W. S. Marhal , : I.ovel . . \t'iiltirpntl. . Jubilate ( In. D ) . . . . . . . . Jubla . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Snlivan Communion Service ( In ) . . . . . . . . . ' Anthem-The hallowed Day..Stalner Solo.r. W. N. Cased Offertory-Break Forth Into JO } ' . . . Vlnccnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nina Marshall Heeessional-Harki ! the Herald Angels Sing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mendelssohn ST. PIILLOMENA'S CAThEDRAL. St. Pimilomena's cathedral was crowded to the doors all the aisles were party flet when the great organ announced the begln' nlng of pontifical high mass at I a. m. The Interior presented a pleasing picture , green and gold predominating In the decorations. Palms all ferns and cut flowers were distributed - tributed over and about the altar. Sprays of smilax encircled the center tower and stretched along the altar shelves. The pro- fuslol of former years was wanting . but there was sumclent to make a beautiful con- trast with the background of the spotless marble. One hundred candle lights and floats shed a mellow glow en the altar , and high above : l 1IIlne a burning star typifying - Ing thc heavenly light which led lie wise men to tIm manger at l3ethmlehuem Ht. Hev. Bishop Scannen was celebrant of the mass His assistants were Fathers Kelly , Carroll , Gnlvln and two visiting priests. ' Fiith r Carrel spoke briefly on the gospel l of hue duy. An abridgement of Mercadante's mass was rendered In an efectve ( and pleasIng - Ing manner by' the choir , under the lealer- ' ship of ) . lss Margaret Swift. Then Alleste FhdOlta. Which grows sweeter and tenderer wIth the p'slng'years , was sung during the offertory with touching efect The singers were statoned , " In the gallery loft . back of the organ , and their voices sounded as If coming from a distance. Low masses were said at 7 , 8 and 9 a. m. , the celebration closing with solemn high mass at 10:30. : Father Calvin preach 'he mu- sical program of the first mass was repeated. AT ST. FETER'S CHURCH. St. Peter'u church was profusely decorated - rated for time Christmas services held at that church at 10:30 : yesterday .morlng. The decorations consisted of cut and potted I liowers. distributed around the altar In a L must pleasing manner. Special effort 'was ' I made to make the services of both a solemn m and entertaining nature , the singing being a I feature of no lte Importance. , Miss Catata's' singing was superb , as was also the chorus of twenty-four voIces , which i sustained its reputation of being one of the finest choruses In Omaha " Father O'Caliaglmen preached the' ( sermon , taking for his text "The east of th 'Day. ' ' The sermon was listened to with lose , attention - tenton by the ( Immense congregation. - Immediately aCer the 10:30 : mass , benodlc- ton of the most holy was given. ChIMES OF TRINITY. Trinity cathedral's chimes rang out when the first moment of Christmas arrived and a large l congregation was present at that mid night hour to participate In the celebraton of the holy cornmminion. Services were also h old at 8 o'clock , and the principal services : of the day at 1 o'clock The decoraau 5 decoraCns vera less elaborate than usual , but very : st asteful. Chief features of the magnilcent musical program \ ere the FestIval Communion - munion , service in C , Dudley Duck , ant the Eoprilo solo by llES Coon ammil violin ob- Igatd h by Derl Butler. Dean Gardne . ' p reached / , and at the conclusion of the servlcll ; I a distribution of Christmas baskets , Ind r the t direction of the dean ant time KIng't Daughters , was made. Services nt St John's EpIscopal church ale began at midnight. At 9:30 : holy corn - munlon was celebrated , with I sermon by Rev. C. Ii. Young and music under the direc- ton t of T. M. Morris. Lamuubhllotte'a mass was sung nt St. John's Coltglate church ( Crelgbton ( College ) at ( a. m. Al 10:30 : solemn high mass was colt b rated , with Father Kelly as celebrant , Father Coppeni al deacon , ' Father Johnson as aUbdeacon , and Edmund Irug as master of ceremonies. The sermon was Ireachell ) by Father Iahls , president or the unlverslt ) r . The music was of high order. Last evening the rooms of the YOln Men ' 'S ' Christian association were plea anty dec- rated for a social gathering oC the members In i the parlors. About 200 were present W p. \ V. Siabaush and Joseph A. Williams Wi - lvered l short Informal addresses , Solo were sung by Mr. Abel and Mr. Smith , and several other vocal and Instrumental selectIons were renderell ; AT ST. JAMES ORI'IIANAGE. Time little folks at the St. James orpllanage cnjoyed a merry Christmas yesterday. aud last night they prepared a 8111udld Il- erary and musical ! Irogrln : for u number oC frlenls who vIsited the ( orphanage. Fvery year It has been customary to give ( lie me , little ones a big Christmas treat , ali they ( fare even better than some other chidren who have homes of their own There are 11 of them , ranging from ( 10 weeks to H ; years old , amid last night none of them were : overlooked. , Th ro were dolls of all Ilnls for the girls , books and cand ) ' , too , while the ( I loru got drums , wiilbtles , toys , hors and I\ndret timings Slmo of the dolls were us I largo us their new owners , and after the exercises - ercises Mother Superior ! Michael gave orders to distribute the ) Ilstrllute presents whIch huns on i and surrounded three : large fir trees 'fhen the ( little chlilren , who had ( previously been as still a5 mice , began chattering as only hapl1) ho's and ! girls can. The prcaents werl , Iolaipil IUt sent out 10 time orl'hanage Monday e\'cnlng , ant time sisters arrarmg NI theme on thl ' trees tinning the arrangl . , chlhlren luau been "llkln/ about Chrlslmas / for several 11)'s. anti wore on the tiptoe of eXIectn ) \s early a8 I o'clock ) 'estenlay morning thlY arose 111 Peei'ed lute the ( lan ! , recltaton room to view the wonders that Santa Claus h311 worked with a wagon load of 11r Eents. 'i'iie treci were ler stantlng during the dmmy , and the children were Ceaste'l ' to their healt ' conent ! ut dinner In all sorts Cf gout things. In the evning : some friends were invited In to lIsten to the prOAral , otter which h Ihc children were given time to)1 ( and were allowed to slay up until their brlclt little eyes began to grow .dlm ' amid runty iiedui nodtid their ' \ thln/ ant . hell l\hl > t over pl < I Y- ) "JOGR.\ " [ PEOPLE'S CIiUIIC1 ( . \Vhtn Snt\ : Claus cntcrtd ( the l'eo"le'a church hurt night : he found tit bulidi flit filled , wIth ta ( 6lpday fclool ehlllreu Juldlnl their reistivu % i'utltiumg for him I rehltwiltnl feI 11m , Two big l ' , - - - ; : - - : . : - ' : ' " . . . , . . . . - - - - - , , _ iwpI. . . TiE OJATA DAIY DEE : 'mDNESDAY , DEOE lnER ' 26 , 189. [ . . ChrIstmas trees rOM from the ( platform arid were fled with all manner ot god things. Before them were pied up boxes stule with bonbons . The trees were Illuminated < with candles , ns were also the connecting Airings of evergreens On the walls were placqd passages ot scripture and behInd the ( res was a representation of the star that led the Wise men to the manger In the olden tme . Before the arrival of Santa Claus a pro- gram of song , music and recitations wAs rendered by the school children. All the participants were young , some of them being not more than 4 year of age. Guy Gelen - beck , who played a couple of selections dn the banjo , and ' harry Drader , who played on the violin , were not more than 9 years old and they did very wehi. All the selections were welt rendered . Those who took part were : Recitations-Eddie Crow , lelga Emton , Epha Dulcimer , nobble Savidge , Roland Cleveland , Edwin Weeks , Harry Draler , Bertha Holister , Agile Moore , May Holister , Lllo Clause , Daisy Lindsay , Aldlo McCormick. . Singing by quartet- Misses Turnbul and Lightoot , Messrs. Tyrrell and liuhla . Trrel nli Dula. DalogueOra Jester , Ralph Hlrpester , Russell Corey. Violin soloHarr ) ' Ilnader . Banjo solo-Ouy Oel- lenbeck. At the ( conclusion of the program F. J. Stroull came In In the guise of Santa Claus and distributed the presents to the ( cluiitlrcn. Time entertainment last night was only apart part of the Chrlstmns celebration by the children. The class Is tinder the superln- tendency of C. O. I.obeck and numbers 160 mcmbers. None of them are children of Wealthy parents , yet they ( arc not too poor ofI I forget children who arc poorer than them- selvcs. Last Saturday they sent a trunkrul of good things anti clothing to the children chidren of Mascot , Harlan county , where lucre Is a People's church. ThIs Is In lie ( western part of the state. Tomorrow they wllsend another box of candy and a trunk of clothing to the church at Caloway , Custer county. A Chrlstll entertainment was given by the members of the Sunday school of the Swedish Baptist church last night The walls : of the room were decorated with evergreens , anll nt one end stool two great Christmas : geat trees , loathed 10wn with theIr sweet burdens. I The earlier part of the evening was taken up with a program of selections , both In Swedish and English , given by the children. After Afer that the older foils tool a part. At the con- clusion of the entertainment the gifts were 11resentel to the children. COUNTY AND CITY JAILS. Dg-heartel Joe Miller , the county jaIler , Is never so happy as when he Is making some mailng ono else feel geol , and yesterday he gave the ; two score of prisoners In time county bastlhc a feed which wIll long remain as a pleasant memory. Ho rave them roasted , , I "hl"kp'L ' soup , celery , cranberry sauce , vegetables ' : pie and cake ali steaming coffee . Sleepy hewitt and Pete Stahl were discharged In the morn- ' dlschargel mor'- lug but they intimated that they wanted to wantet stay for lnner. Jack Murray , Charles Hog- scrty , Frank Howard , \V. C. Dinkel , Tom Walsh , Frank Sadler , M. J. 1IcGovern , Charles Davis and Tom Reynolds were given I diet of bread and water In the mornIng anti they were afraid ( lint the dose would be repeated - peated nt noon Instead of the big dinner Ilnner which had been ordered for them. The jailer did nol disabuse their minds until nearly ( line for dinner , and then mlnls heaved great sighs of relief. In the afternoon a number of ladles called on the ptlsoners and read and sang to them and a colored quartet furnished Instrumental' and vocal music. The prisoners In the city jail fared well ciy jai wel yesterday. John Stewart , who furnishes the meals for the prisoners , ui'kes I a custom to observe the holidays by giving time city prisoners a special dinner , and ) 'esterlay thc v grants and other violators ot the city ordinances were given turkey , .cranberry sauce , tomatoes , potatoes , bread and butter , coffee and milk and pie. 'here were fifteen : ffeen prIsoners In jai , and the police olcers added apples to the menu , which was better than : many at . them would have had , If they were at Ibert ) . The prisoners put In the day' as If ' I was SundaY ant cleaned up their cloth- In's ant , cells. They were given papers and L several of them sang olq songs they , had I learned they lelrned from their mothers years ago. ' Jiuclt : , Hogan did not enjoy his turkey as well , as he I wel mIght1 . for he was arrested on the charge of getting drunk the night before and then : going home and abusing his family. _ He knows hoW severe JUdge Derka Is on this class of offenders and hi meditations went I Car , from pleasant as he saw a long jail sentence - - jaI ( once looming up before him \vhen' he Is I tried today. Andy Ryan was compelled to eat his ChrIstas dinner In a cell because I he got drunk and tried to run Meyer's saloon - loon at the point of a six pistol a la Deb Dalton John Doe was there too. John was on the verge of delirium and he had U ) take a large sized dose of Dr. Havey's snake medIcine before he was allowed to attaci C a piece of time big gobbler. W. atack aiim Charley Smith were In jai because they were devoted members of the Sons of Hest. Larry : Casey had to cat his turkey In jaI because he Is servIng out a jai sentence for some mIsdemeanor Larry would rather be In a I Third ward scrimmage than eat his dinner any time. But time boys as a general thing appreciated their dinner and returned a vote returne ot thanks to time donor and the city jailer. AT THE POOH FARM The Inmates , of the poor farm were given : a genuine treat yesterday by their ( superb tendent. Turkeys cranberry sauce celery , fruit , pie and cake were served In ample t quantities ant In the moring every one of the 120 Inmates was presented with a bag of wih 1 nuts and candy Several of them hung up their stockings and received small preentu I , which made them as happy as little prcents children i. Dinner was served at 2 p. m. , after which members of St. Andre\v's society aCer gave them a musIcal and minstrel entertainment , which delghtcll them. All of them wished that Christmas came twIce a year. Religious ' services ' we"ro held at S : I. Joseph's hospital In the morning and after- noon. AL noon a splendid dinner splenlid tlnner was served 1 , .d In the evening a Christmas tree was : arranged for the young ColS who arc therm IA Santa Claus visited ech of the visied , wards and eich warls l eft great butidles of lef bufles presents for lie patents I- tents , and It was a very cheerful event for al concerned. There are 109 patents at the I : hospial h at present , and none oC them were forgoten by their friends who are , enjoying 'g oed health. g A nice dinner was served at he stred Presbyterian - ' terian t hospItal , but no particular observance : 'of the ( day was hold. A splendid dinner was also serve at he Chmilds' hospItal There was no Christmas at the ( Associate d chariies yestermiay. Twenty men Assolatel eln- ployment I were given meal tickets Icketl at a res- : t auront . ali enjoyed tholr fill of good timing No meals were served at the association ' B headquarters. i On Monday foot and clothing were dlstrllute < ) to (00 persons , who are unable : - able to get work ana are deserving of ai- slbtance , and yesterday many a famiy which wouhl have otherwise been compelled to go hungry h , enjoyed a hearty , wlolesome compeled meal of f roast meats , chlcl.ens and turlleys. The ofcers of the association enjoyed their tu r- keys at their own tirestdes . All . duties w ro suspelied at Port Omaha yesterday and the au < soldier boys lay around In their t mess rooms ant told yarns whie d ii- gosling aUlptlQU dinners of tcsh and fowl : , i I hmdqnarters ' i was 1 general several holiday Christmas , and at the trees otflcer were ' 8' i arrange ( for time beumeflt . < , beneft of the youngstei .5 . Dimly police and guard duly ' ) polco were perform eth gart performc amid Uncle Sam's defenders had a geol tim ie . According to a custom of his , Chief of P 0. Ice l Sea\ly sent the boys at police lien U. quarters a big barrel of apples yesterday . Rheumatism Is primariy caused by acidi tY causec of time blood - lIood's Sarsaparia acllly time blood norm thus cures the dlscaso. . l'II.I.U"S "noo" JSr.ANU" EXCUUSION - ' 'lroush Tourist StcCIII/ Car to Simi J'rau- cio unit I.os . cleo Ild 1.01 Angtlcs. Via ChIcago , Hock bland & I'aclflc raiiwe , Pacile rai WiY leaves Omsha every Friday at 1:10 : p. m. , : vIa Denver , Colorado Springs , Pueblo. Sail Lake , Ogden Also through tourist sleeper to Los Angeles every Wednesday on our southern route , via I Fort Worth and EI Paso. : Tickets and sleeping car 'reservations can be sured at , the "Hock Island" ticket 0111 , For full information cal on or address ofce Cl.HL S ) { ENNEDY , 102 I aram < St. , O. N , 'V , P. A . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ 1. New 01" " , i.iniited Train. On and after Sunday , November 4 , the Chicago , Milwaukee & SI. Paul ' \'eleQtrlc . : Ighted Imled" ( wi leave Omaha\ \ at 6 p. m" arriving In Chicago at 0 a. m. Hemem- ber this train carries dinner a In carte , , C , S. C.\lREn , Tlr"e Agent 1504 J'r'ISt : , - - - - - ( 'lrlllll UII lcw \1' Ru'urou'l : Everywhere on the Northwestern lnes within 200 mlC for on scud ono-thlrt ( a no . 00 Dec. 22 , 23" 24. 25 , 31 , Jan 1. Cume back soy time up to Jan. 2. City ofc HOt 'rnam st. NORTH VEIUS THE SOUTh : 'Seotional ' Fight iuIdho Over the Senatr- ship G4tfg , - Warm , I MAY ENDANGER nEPJBlCAN SUPRlMACY ! - I Sweet II the laYr < H ! CRllllate ot lie North ( antI Iia4immmupport of Senator ! lubols-Shqp Jnklnl a Iftht to lt 'Returned . . " - POCATELLO , Idaho , Dec. 25.-SpecIal.- ( ) The senatorial fight In" Idaho Is assumIng proportions that threaten tie ( safety of the republican party In this ( young state. I personal bitterness has been engendered , I should not bo permitted to go further. The normal majority In the state Is not suf- centy strong to allow factional quarrels , nor yet to waste limo strength or the party by giving the scnatorshlp to a compromise 10- body or somebody , seated contrary to the wishes of the people. The republicans of the country have watched the growth of republicanIsm In lie northwest with un- feigned interest Time acceptance oC repub- lcan doctrine by the new states carried the assurance of the establishment of repub- lcan principles for years to come , provided limo hew states remailed In hue. Idaho haw been a demmmocrntic territory R from its organizatIon unt democ'rato . There had been aim occasion republcan success prior to that time , but the cause could bo easily easiy traced to some local reason. In time year above stated Pied T. Dubois , now time junior senator from Idaho , was nomlnatell for con- gross on the republican ticket. A vigorous campaign was organized. Mr. Dubois rallied rllel the young men of the south portion arouud the republican standard . porton The stahe Is so divided by the Salmon mountains ( as to create a natural vollticai division The country lying south poltcal range Is called south Idaho , and the five norther counties are designated as north Idaimo . Each section Is Ilaho. sEcton Possessed of great resources and each cla'ms certain representa- ton ( In state and national politics . natonal poliics. nepre- sentatiro Sweet , the preslt memler of con- grsss , lives at Mosco\ \ ' , the poltcal center of the north. He was practicing law at Moscow when Dubois WIS practcng _ . .1 traveled 1,000 miles to place ) " Dubois' ; " name be fore the convention. Sweet orgammized the north for Dubois Together they canvassed every precinct. YOUNG MEN TO TIE FRONT. They were , ' young men and everywhere the young men rallied to the support oC the re publican nominee. After a spirited Ater splrlell campaign - paign Dubois was elected by a majority of abut 400. At the enl of his term he was nomInated and re.elected , this re-electel time by about IGOO majorIty. tme Meantime , upon Dubois. ' recommendation . recommenlnton. Sweet was appolntcd United States district atorney and later became an associate jus- tce of the supreme court oC the territory. Such was the status oC affairs wben Idaho was admltel Into the union. In time first state campaig Shoup was elected , governor and . Sweet was sent to the natonl house of mvepresentatives. The first leglslaturo sent Shoup and Dubois to the senate , tim former for the four years' term. This term explreslarch 4 , and time leglsla- turo which meets next month wi choose a succcssor to Shoup. XII contest Is between Sweet and Shoup. Sweet deClne a nomina- ton I for the houset ta become a candidate' for tim e senate . Iliac action was based ' .HI acton baset upon Shoup's statement Ithnt ho would \ault not be a candidate for rceleUO and that the retir. Ing.senator would \glvelthe representatIve , his , represmtatve co rdial support. Shop admits this , but declares - d ares that Sweet afterward released him Crom his agreement/ 'Sweet 'deniEs Shoup's statement , and a quaro issue of fact"ls a IQuaro ISp Ore- sentel.NORTH tre- NORTH WANTS THE SENATOR. This controversYamounl to but little , compared - lte , pared with resuitn.-.whtcim wit results'hlcb a bitter contest Is I. , lkely , to brin ! northijs"numiricaliy ' norlb'Js'.nuiorlcaly' weaker , than thc "Outh,1 butiIs persistent In : demanding < le senatorship. Every fepub- ii can chosen from the north was elected with : the l distinct . wih distnct understanding that bewouhcl support - port Sweet. Time . e south nbw has both sena - tors and the member of congress . add 'It anl 'I wU require somcthtng besides logic to give the senatorship to the south. Shoup has the ( best of the , contest to the extent that he Is . rich He has been generous - : , ous , with his money , and has many warm : friends. He Is . not fitted by education or training for the cutes of hula omce . and can not hope to win on thht basts. But ho has ; opened headquarters that ( will dispense a gen : crous hospitality , and-"money makes b m are go ! " Sweet Is generously supported - ' 'by the young men of the state , Including Seater Dubois The combination has no money , but points : to thefact , that they male a republican state , . and that during 'all .tho years employed by : Shoup In being a "good fellow " the tern - lory did not fail to go democratic. They say : that Shoup has been rewarded far beyond his h fItness or qualifications , and that unless , the state Is to be surrendered for cash , In 1 : I Corm of "miubstantiahity , " limo young men wit d w in. Again , Sweet's friends lo not beleve wi Shoup ever was sincere In his alleged retire - aleged retre- ment , but claim that from the first he was Intending I to 'create a breach through which he h might enter the arena. I Is noticeable : FIrst-That as soon as Dubois came out t Cor Sweet , Shoup was a candidate : and Second-That Shoup never supported Sweet when his support counted for anything : and Third-That he has , without explanation , abandoned his professed Interest In the mat ter of doing justice to time north and became - came a candidate imimself-jmmst as he alwayI has l been. Punt Is to say , lie Is never a " candidate ; " but always wants to be eiecte . Unless the ' question Is speedily setlet by the republican memnhers of time legislature , the results mny be serious to the relullcan ; p arty . _ _ _ _ MAX IIE1 lt & 81(0. CO. \Vhole.alo'Jmvelers , 11LIC umuii Ir"rlun 8ts. I Announcement : Having sold our entir 0 entre stock of musical merchanlise to Hayden Eros of this' city we will hereafer conlno 0m our business to wholesale jewelry oxciusivei m In our present stock are many hanlsomo c ; articles purchased for lie city trade and unfit for wholesale stock , whIch will le sold his week at retail at less than cost lax Meyer & Co. will continue the ( whole sale cIgar business at 1018 Farnam Sl. . - - - TIlE DRItEC'l' OU'lJlmN HOUTr . \.t" the Rode Isimunml-imortet Lieu "Ul 1''HU8t ' 11" . To all points inKarmsae , Odahoma , India Territory , 'Texas and : I points In southern CalifornIa . Only one right out to all points In Texas The "Texas Limited" leaves Omaha at 6:15 : n m. daily except Sunday , landing passengers at all point In Texas 12 hours In advance of all other Ines. : Through tourist cars via Ft. Worth ant EI Paso to Los An geles. For full particulars , maps , folders , ele. , cal at { address Rocl Island ticket office , 1G02 I aram St. tcllet CIIAS . KENNEDY . G. N. W , p. A. Dedel Institute of' Blair , Neb. , Is the bast and only guaranteed euro of the liquor , mor- phlno and tobacco habit. Awarded I Highest Ituiulrs-World's . . Fali' . .DR " CREAM BAKING . PODIA MOST PERFECT MADS. ; cure . Grape Cream ofTantarPowder . Q , ± "rmonb , 6lamcraruyctheradulum4 . . _ 0 fEARS THE STANDARr Locomotor Ataxia , EpIlepsy . . S AND ALL DISESES , , OF THE SPINAL CORD FIND READY AILICAWON FROM tHE USE OF MEDULLINE , THE EXTRACT 01 tHE ! PIN * L CORD OF TIE O ) PREPARED UNDER tHE FORMULA OE Dr. WM. A. HAMMOND , W , HIS L OArORY AT WAHINlHON , D C. Price , Per Phial oC 2 Drchms , $10 Columbia Chemical CO. , . WISINOTON , D. C , SeND rOi 1:01. is ' KUHN e CO. . AGENTS Fan OMAhA. "l' . I I'I. . % - ' 'I. ; ; - 7T \ Mme. Yale's Complexion and Health Remedies Sold by all Druists. - - , Highest Honors From World's Fair Endorsed by C ongress1 Mmo. YRlo's HOlulquRrterl : 16 State at. . ChioRgO. DOCTOR I- SEARLES ! i SEARLES J1M SPECIUSTS. Chronic WE Xcrous AD : CUEE Sjccial Speial Mscascs _ _ _ _ DSClSCS ' Treatment by Mai ! , Consulat oI Free t.ttaz-rii \ " , alt dinses of the nos' } T liroztt . Chest , St'o immach , I.iv'B1ood Slin ant mlny dIsaszs , Lo - Mauhmooti and all Private Dis. eases of Men. Cal UI or address , Dr , Searles & Searles 11 Farnan , Street 'H Omahl , N.eb. . Miss Maria Parloa Das written n eomplLct cook book , eOltallln : ono hundred recipe" for palatable ashes , which oan bO oslv and cheally ! prepared at l1me by using hue wol-knoWI Lie big f COMPANY'S Extract of Beef Miss Pnrloa's reputation Is a suit- lelont % guarantee that the recipes are liractical and good Many of them give hlurovod IltholS , or propnrlnl the slunlor dUlmeswimile Bomo mire for dishes which iumvo l"vo been consldlroll In Limo Ilro\'lneo of the professional cook hut which CbU ho easily mldo with 1.10blg COMPANY'S ' Extract of hoof . BAD COMPlEXIONS i'itmmples , b1acititend , red , rough amid oil ) ' mkin , nnt humid , dry , thin , and tailing hair , nod simple baby Llcmlihcs , arc JrcVcnl.d , mo.t and cured effective by COT' skin . Jurlfylnl and beautifying oaii 10 the world , I8 well a. purest miami . G ' or toilet amid aursery .0318. told throughout the Dnt , Something New1 , This Is a piece of expert exciusiseneas , I Is no a toilet class or 1 dressing case : I Is meant for SHAVING , and every detail Is cOIJleto to this one end. detai 'bo mirror Is adjustable , and a fine piece of beveled plate the drawers ; are Jarg" , and one Is lined throughout with plush : lucre ant brass tow l.raell on the side : time cupboard Is for shaving cups , straps ' , ant toilet articles : artcles the drawers are IEslgnell for and arc just the size for ' _ rIght gentieummen's wearing gentemen' , lp panel _ We have these Cabinets In the frt selec- ton of white oak wih antIque Infsh : also ' In blrd's-eyo maple , curly birch anti solid sold mahogany. They are a special production for the holidays , and lS such tbey sell at a trifle linden the regular price. What better opportunity to get a hanthome Christmas gift for your genteman frIend 1 Charles Shiverick & CO. FlRNITURE of Every OorlUn : ' 'llrary l.clo' , Ii'C(3 " 1,1 JOHnuLI" . St.o : . ' MILLARD HOTEL BLOCK . JLOCK. I' OUR STOREVhI.L DE OPEN E\'Ehly EVENING UNTIL CmUS'I'MAS. EVEly , Merry Cbristmas.-- ! . . - _ . CO I AUOUNI by daylight-If you can-Ol' c'nlngs un 0:30 ( : o'clocl ( If morc con'ciilcnt ) and tell con\cnlcnt us whnt you think of OUI' Xmns 1l'CSchitS. , . ,0 \c won't Pl'omlsc ' that ' you ) 'ou wi cnjoy seeing aiiy monle clmbing strings , nn I'on mll'shlng n woolen w'licc1bai'po' , or tllncd cnnnl'lcs , 0' n fcw gt'eenles plutying l1ownles , but we : 10 IHomlse you 1 Ienl nlcc tune I 'Ou'IO Intcl'ested In ann ' about mas.ulne nppcnl'aIlcu. " Show you some lUtel'CStlllg Iwesents for nHhl that won't cost . much and at the snme time heap a lot of joy . Some whie Shh.ts for 50c , 85a aiid $ l,00-Nlglit Hobcs at 35c , 50c , 75c , $1.00-Some I'cnl nlcc nmlcrwclU' ' front 35c up-and splendid I . . hose [ lOa up. Show yeti some Iwety things for luor Sistel'-won't cost much. Some embl'oldcl'cd plnln 0' hcmsttched hanlkelchlcfs at 10c , 15c , 20c. 25c , 35c-somc Ical-apanese hemstiched silk frdm 25e up } In black at' whltc 01 the ncwcst nOWclT patel'ns , n lovely plaIn bl'ocMlcl innil'lci' In satn or silk fl'om 75c up , 01' n woolen one from 15e I up-anl whnt n loml of l1eslgns to . select fl'om. Show 'Ol some appreciative gifts for lirotlier , 0' for just to . , \I'IllIulIi-wlbo Is only n friend-Things pt'ctlel a'id less costly . . than elscwhct.c : let.c Is n thulsand and one dlncl'cnt designs in all shapcs of neckties at t 5e , 25c , 35e , 1,5. , 65te ; . 75c and nOe thc Jnest hand emnbroltlca'mad otH.S might ask ns high ns $2.00 for. A pah' of dress Mocha or DogskluGlovcs nt UOaa \w 11'css 0' IogsldnGlo\cs nO'1 ; plain sus- pcnlet' f'om 25c II' , Inl hanl cmbl'oidct'Cll satin In gloSs boxes ut 75d to $1.25. A Iwcty hnmBc sik tiuibi'cIla front I $1,40 up. Colurs , cuffs , jcwch'y and othel' m.tcs / of minor \aluc you'l find lucre . too , and for less nioney than somc- 'licrc . - For thc _ noys-c\cr 'thlng hc 'cars . 'i" f Send the little ones around. We have a splendId Xmas present for 'em-One worth havIng. They're hIgh colored fully Illustrated PIcture Books. . CLOSE EVE IN3. 6:30. : , . . - - IN OREGON t , ' . , _ ' . A usculaI' man who is willing to ta.le five j ( , or ten acres of the soil and put his labor into i can earn more than five hundred dollars a r rear. 1 I I all now making up a small party of such to go there early next month under contra'ct 1 to . ' ' 'work at clearing land at $160 per day every ' , day they can spare fpom the cultivation. of ' 'hei.r " , own ground from now till next harvest . . $350 to $500 is all the capital required. The planting season for early gardens , . opens . usually in February. Cal at Room 101 , Bee Building , Omaha , , Wednesday and Thursday , Dec. 26th and ' . 27th. , D. , H. TRARNSS Manager of Agencies . , . STEARNS FRUIT LAND CO. CHEAPER THAN CANAL POWER ' , . , . The OTTO Gasoline Engine wi furnish you power at a cost of 50 to 40 per c.ent less than the price . proposed to be charged for power by the Canal Co. For partculI ra cu ! 01 or : mdchm'css , , . The Otto Gas Engine Works5 321 S. lihthSt.1 OMAHA , IE3 - XMAS GIFTS. I ' 7s.J , ; ' . FOR YOWl FATHER , lOTJEH , sur1m , J10TJlm ( , JIlmV on LO\'llit. SOLID GOLD SI'ECT.\II'S. : SOLID ( ( OIf \POLASSgS. . Idye I tested fret ut charse. OPERA GLASSI , from J20 $ 10 $12,00. C1IATELAIN1I UASI S. large vurlvly , BhlOIfmS AND TIEllO mnmS. Al Elegant Line ot Noveities. 'V , I. Seymour our optician , has been extremely successful II Illl glasses to hundreds ot thl best ! people II this city . Lenses Exchanger ( Free of Chorto. The Aloe & Penfod ! ( O" , LEADING SCIENTIFIC OPTICI.tNl3. 10S FUIJUUl SU'8It Opposite I'umm hut THE LION DRUG HDUJi , - ' - - - I . I BAILEY THE DErlTIST w . ,1 _ Iloloor IC V\V : , da.t i'iiccs " II _ . Diiishr ' 1 : OMAhA. IAIA. Full Set of Teetl , $5 $ ; Waranted \ to Fit I Tellh "xlrcl.lulllll II sallo , 13) ' . ( hold anti " , 1'lnl"l Alloy J'l I I , 11. > l ; Silver illnJ . $1 l'nru Gaul , ' : : Goll ( Orowuus , lt to &H"Jk ; nidgu J 'rueuim , I I.cr . mouth , flutist Work alwaY8 , a lour 1',1101 ; J II" I . IUlh ' 1,1 ) .lrlll. 'l' 'ci. 10db. - J.\U\ . ' 'I''JNUAr'I' . Ild , n iLst i \ iihooi r.lorod.\"rlro.ol. miami vIgor . , , quIck , I , . . , ' , , , , . W . I II"hl o"lulonl pllolly .Ir. IUI.I . . ' . uu.Iy rurrd 1'1 I ! iFil II'.lho r"d dm : ldou frm.dr. Hlh . .rLtft. . . . 11" . . I. . lolJ 'J J. I A. Fallen & Co" , Corner lylhi and Douglass ike. . - OMAhA - , mm ( _ . y - ' - I'itockhioldnns' ilouttiag . jllelhnhl"u'h'ulll. ot _ ' ' I.ce.Cini'ke.Aimdiecsen Uanlwar Ofce lel-CI cO'1 Omaha , Neh. , lke-Altl'ee/ln . , . - 10 III , e ) ' Kh'll lu time sloclholdl/ the I.ee- CJum'kti.i\ nuirecseuu . Harlwure compil ) ' that ( time Illual Icvtnot \ the stock maim era ot the COII'an ) ' wil 10 11,11 IH the otlicems ot the ( fahtI "onl.ulY , HiP , 121nd 11 . ole1 ' street , Iii tll c\ ( ' ot Oimiaimmi . lit tue state ot Nehrurll.I , 11 ' 1 uiceda ) ' , ' lluury S , A. I ) . 1&95 , itt a O'tlOOit I' . m. , fur I he Illrposl ot elvctng a board at directors for the com Jun ) ' 10 smite durIng tl' , nulnl year , un4 i. to tunfnct Iulh other hllll 81 gus may lt a pru"ntcl such nmtm.'tiimW . Attct .ucl 1 , I , / . AtCbt ; I J LEH I , President W. Iii . CLASS , Bccr tnry. DMtoJSSisrI . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . , - - - - " . . . . . - " "n U . . . - . I - - ' v.w. ' 'r vtl , bt re"l-t' ui llc\lr-"T-'liT1rTi'I ; % f iis : ; I rtt lm-p : rDrteer , ' 1rUttreur uut r I