Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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:3 : ; I . TIlE OJ\AI1'A. \ DAILY DEE ! iI.'UESDA , DECJj\J3ER } ] \ 2 , 18.t. !
; Christmas Eve Entertainments Marked by
. Oharity on the Part of Ohildren
80nll'7 School IJlcrclsc : , I.ut IvenIn : III
; the Omlhl\ Chlltchcs-Chlltlrcn Lelunect
" l : New I.esjon Well-In tim
, Churr.hes TO(1II7.
- .
The Sunl1ay school rooms or the FIrSt
t' MetholUst ? church were tastily ) tlrcoratel1 for
i- the Christmas entertainment last nllhl. ; The
l1ecorallons conslstell of evergreen and holly ,
gracefully clrapell from challllellers , and large
moltoes , worked with evergreen , were Ills-
played UI'on ' the wall , and . a beautifully
; decorated Chrhtmas Ireo was arranged In
the southeasl corner ot the room.
p One DC the most enjoyable ! features . of the
; entertainment was the announcement ot the
r teveral Sunl1a ) ' school teachers of theJo. .
natIons their Inlllvhlual classes hall made for
the benefit of the poor people who wouM be
: unable 10 enjoy a Christmas dinner otherity
wise. As the teachers announced their contributions -
i tributions tel the poor they were received by
: . rounds of npplnuf ! from the large audience
In atlNlIlnnce.
. nonntlon ! of nil 1III1IIs of provisions were
t made and left al the church for lItrlLu ) '
1 { tlon this morning among the poor of tht
city , and all that remains uncalled f\Jr will I
bo sent 10 the Old Lnl1les' home and tl the
AssocIated charities for I1lstrlbutlon.
, The ) cnlertRlnmenl given last night wa ! i
' one of the bESl oC Its klnl1 ever given tn I
: the church. Those taking part In the en ,
tertalnmenl were :
. Mr. Walter Staley , Santa Claus ; raster r
. . James Godfrey Jack Frost ; Ira Green snow
man. Dialogue parts-MRrgaret PlullllppI
, Ma'nRrl1 Stale ) ' . UaphllEY Crane Elmer Urn
! sted Florence : Morden Arthur Bryant , 1IIaull 1
Coder. Frost Calrlcs-Llta Hohrbough , EIl 1
Marshall , May ! Crane Huthle Jolunsoui Eu-
. geula 1IIcCoslln , Cora Evans I . Bertha Miles
L Dream falrles-llutJel : 1IIeKinnon , Anna Kelly ,
Deulah Evans Ethel Marshall Alice Mar
Bhall. Haltle Martin , lIesslo M.athews Susie
' . Hoberls. Chimney dves-Clytle Itobrbough
Clinton McWhlney. Georg ? Graft WlltJer Em-
+ . Orson Robert \'ilson Samuel Hayes. I Emt
falrles-Chal Staley ( . Charley Copeland Charley -
; Icy 1IIc'lullen , Grant Curtis Leslie McDer-
Al the close of the entertalnmenl a pack
. . ago of candy and nuts was given to each ot
. the Sunday school scholars.
A merry Christmas ova was had at Both
Eden Baptist church last nlghl. Il was a i
Christmas lebrntlon somewhat out of lbe
' ordinary because Instead of [ receiving the
. children gave and their bright faces cc -
? ' flecletl the goodness oC their hearts as tbe
\ little boys and girls plied up good sub
I stantlal food and clothing for tin benefit
k oC other little boys and girls who will nol
, . . have a happy Christmas. Il was decided 1
. ' . by Superintendent Lansing and the teachers
, ot the Sunday school of this church Ihat
there was too much urrerlng among lhe
destitute of Nebraska 10 have a public
i presentation of costly presents so Il was
L arranged that each Sunday school scholar
should bring a package ot something useful 1
which Is 10 be given to the Nebraska ne- :
. UeC commission , to be sent 10 the needy pooi
, The children were formed In line and then
marched Into the church past the theL. L.
As they came forward bundles ot food such
, ns chickens , turkeys , flour , meal beans ,
rice sugar , lea , coffee elc. , were plied up
until there was a hugedray load and the
the children , followed out a brief literary
t . . . imd l1i.uslcal program , In which mot ot the
. scholars look parl. .
' . , On the rottrurn was a. mountain Ecene"
wlth,4 II tt 10' home , In , which was an old
fashlolT a fiiplace . In the background was
Santa Cla'\IInn. \ ( E. Sunllnrland ) and his reln- i
deer and two Brownie assistants ( Charley
Drexel and Donald Douglas ) . Santa Claus
i disappeared but was soon seen coming down
' the big chimney. Ho remarked that the place
_ ( did not seem like Il ' was last year There :
were evidences of poverty. Ho read a touchIng -
. Ing letter from the little' girl' who lived there
anti proceeded 10 fill boxes , tables and stocll-
p : fogs with good things unlll the spectators
broke forth In enthusiastic applause. His
Drownlo assistants were kept busy ag beavers
ti . nil the vIullo . and then disappeared . while i
. the amlly ' carne In and offered up thanks for
the bounteous treal. It was a happy losso a .
I well taught , and after It was all over Ihe
bricks composing tIre fireplac : ( boxes of
candy anti nuts ) were distributed among Iho
scholars as mementoe of their self-denial.
, The Infant class sang "Ang-els In TheIr
Glory" and two classes recited the dialogi jo
: "Birthday ot Our Klng- " Fred S. Abel sacg :
the solo "Star ot Bethlehem " and the whole
audience sang a Christmas carol oC thanks
to HIm on high.
$ When Santa Claus visited the Sunday
. school ot the Frist Presbyterian church last
' night he found nearly all the members of
the school together with their
fathers met ii.
ore brothers , sisters antI other relativi ma .
. . nearly 300 people awaiting his arrival. The
vahs ) . ceiling antI columns of the room Ii mmd
been adorned with evergreens In his honor ,
i and on time platform I chimney of red bricks
bail been erected for his convenience Before
time fIreplace an ole grandmother . represent
. by Miss Nor Italcer . was knitting by Ihe
light of a candle. While
candl. Whie sire was sitti ng !
there . siing
before time arrival of Santa Claus i
three naughty children , In' the persons ot I
Anna Pugh Daisy Marlll and Donald Km n-
, netly , all little tots CRme In to pay her a
visit. After a .
"Isl. very prettily
Aler .fpoken
vry convi or-
salon by the chlllren , and the grandmother
time Ito ones were tlt to bed In two cell bs.
Then Santa Clals , alias J. n. Chrietlan . appeared -
& peared on time scene A dialogue ensued between 1 -
tween time g-randmolher and Santa
Claus In
4 which Santa tried to make love to granll-
mother , anti incidentally mentioned that Ihe I
, chimney was marie ot fairy bricks , amid he
k , had the power to take them down. lie
, wanted graumimna's permission ) to tear I Je
' chimney down , because he wantel1 to g lye
" , time ) bricks 10 time good chlhfren of tIme II . rat
' Jresbyterlan church. By a few llatterimmg ai- )
Iuions - '
' g-randma's prettiness he obtained
time permission and while he was Puill lag
' ' ' down the bricks Drlton Sarson . rendered ell
a recitation . whch told the audience - that
the bricks were for them. They were passed
aroummul anti wheu '
they were
opened they ( I
were fount
to contain good carid- Pre tty
' soon chlldrcn , their fathers muothmers bra tim-
cr5 . siitor and
ing. . sllers other relatives were muri oh-
AI the
! conclusion of the entertainment
, time
room was given over 10 time en
. 4yho : lied a good time all by chidren . "
' This ' evening time ) 'OUnl men al the Young
f Men's Christian association \\1 enjoy Ihelr I
' Christmas aCer limo usual informal man nor
of the aSboclatlon-a jolly
joly , good , free amid
easy gathering In time parlors , with nit iic
StiLl recitations amid song Messrs. SIt im-
baugh , Blake . Whlney and others take mart
In time program Mr. Haven
wi be In charge
ot the
evening. Strangers In the city are
invited to sPend the ( evening at tim asso cia-
( lou building . eynln&
" '
The Ptogl'm of time 1 o'coek ! servIce ! at
' Trinity cathedral Is :
I'rocesslonal Iiynmn-O Come , All Yo
1 I ntro l"aitimftml t-Chrlslmas ; . , 1)mn-0 Carol-Good . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . .
- Ttdtmtg , ,
. . . . . , . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tll1lng-s. . 1
. . . . . .
F. 'm'c . . .
Pom HOllrno Solo. Miss Coon. : nnl lrlet
Violin Obhiguto by Mr. Bert
"toln 0111110 lr. Butler .
I e8tvut Communion-Service In Buter. . . . .
. .1)tmtlley Uucl : (
Offertory Anlhem-UII the King . . Ilarl lett
' leC'Fslonal-lnrk , the Herald Angels
Sing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The musical program nt the First Melho-
, dist church this morning will be :
, Choir Prelude ( In the )
I , Organ ( roimi ' the ' Healms of Glory..C aroi
on Xmus
1)nl I ' 'tmmws . . \rrunJe.l ! by the Orga fist
. ' Chant . Jtesiumise-Vemmito 1 xulemn9. . .
c- .Old Chant
. (
( rom the Twelfth Mass-Glorit ) I ,
Anthem-Stng tn Exeelmml . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .itio zort
- , 0 heavens . .
. . boIo'-oel . . . l18. . . . . Ilemmedlet . . , . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . Ala m
' Bcrmon' IW litelmop Newmnaim.
Chorus ( from Time ! mtesslaiu-llalleiuJal ) i
r- : . ' . . . ( . . . . . . . . lesslnh-laleluJah . . . . . . . imodel
. loslhul-Xmal March , . . . . . . . . . .1erkel :
t The Young Men's Cbrlstan anoclaton will
. gIve < banquet to college men al the rooms
DC the Commercial club this e\'enlug. Major
naHonl will lIreIde.
Dehot ) e\nan will preach at the Flnt I
' Ielhodlst church thle moring , A
move feature of the ( music will be the
"To wer Chorus " to be rendered by a chorus
of voices concealed In the lower ot the
chu rch. .
chuO I
On Thursday evening next the annual ,
Christmas treat will be given by the Sun-
day school ot Trinity Methodist church , one
of the features to be a stereoptican lecture
by Prof Alexander P. stercoptcon entitled
"Fl lshllghts on Childhood. "
Spcial Christmas services will be held al
St. Peter's church al the corner of Twenty-
e"lh and I.eavenworlh streets today.
lass will bo celebrated al 5 , 7 , 9 and ' 10:30 :
o'clock , the first enl Insl being sung. The
music will be especially elaborate.
The services al All Saints church on
Christmas day will commence this
mornlnf wIth time celebration ot the holy
communion al 7 :30. : Morning prayer and
sermon al 1 o'clock An elaborate luslcal
pro gram wi be rendered al the 1 o'clock
ser vice.
Chrlstmos services al St. John's Episcopal
church commenced at midnight last night
with a celebration of the holy communion
with full choral service. The early mornIto
Ing service wi commence at 7:30 : o'clock
this ( morning ; matins and holy communion
al 0:30. : He\ C. H. Young will preach and
an elaborate musical prqram will be ren-
l1ered under the dIrection of T. M 1. MorrIs . ! :
Christmas services al St. John's church
wil l bo hell with the usual solemnity. Ti9 }
choir will sustain Its reputation by rendering
a program of a hgh order. Al I a. m.
La mblilotte's mass wi ! be suing. At 10:30 :
R. m. solemn high mass wi ho celebrated
ity Frillier J Iely , S. J. , celebrant : Falher
C. Coupons H. J. , ulericon and Mr. I ) . John-
scm ) . S. J. , Hubdelcon ; 1'llnlll : Krugmalter
uf ceremonies Time sermon at Ihls mass will
h3 delivered by time president of. Crelghlon
unlverslt . , He\ . J. F . O. Il hil , S. J. Time
choir wil sing l'acini's grand mass . with
Mr s. John Schenl and Mrs. 1)r. ColTman as
soloists : organist Mr. Schmenk Al time offerwel
tory "Adeste hleles , " by the choir. Mrs.
J. tlchenk assisted by the choir , will sing
Dr emaler's "O'ory to God" al the conclusion
of the services "
Al the Knox Presbyterian church at Nlmietaim
tee iith and Ohio streets there was no Christa
mas tree last nlglmt although there were cxjur
ercises which afforded time members of the
Sunday school any amount of Pleasure In
the rear of the pulpit there had heon built
the representation of an old fashlonecl fIre-
place i Inl1 a hugo chimney extendIng through
the wlnl1ow. Down this chimney and olt of
tim o fireplace care Saint Nicholas , wearing I
whlto heard arid clothed In furs from the sole
of hl : feel 10 tIme crown ot his head. After
tim o old genteman had frisked oboist the
pial form , 10 the great delight of the cliii-
dr en . he gathered up a couple of baskets of [
popcorn and candy which had been prepared
Cor the visit and marched down through the
body of the clmnrch dealing out his Presents :
with the greatest of generosity . after v1mich
he took his departure for the frigid land of
the north. Later In the evening there was I
I lerary l entertainment , with select readings
music m and recitations.
Pure as mountain air , white as driver I
snow , Is Dr. Prlce's cream Baking Powder
lolday Trade Ueellllg : time 11erchnnts of r
time City lttmgy . .
Everybody spends money for ChrIstmas
whether everybcy has money or nol. This n
facl has been fully established In Omaha durIng -
Ing the past two weells. Never before In the
recent history ot Omaha has the Christmas
trade been livelier . the demand for holiday mp
goods more urgent and the volume ot sales :
gr eater than In the past ten days. Sixteenih
slreel has fairly swarmed with crowds of
sh oppers. Commencing with a week 'ago :
the retan streets have presented an unusual ) '
anlmatel1 appearance and the crowds Increased -
creased with each succeeding day and even
Ing. Dy
g. Friday afternoon the streets were
al most Impassable and on Saturday Il was ,
simply a crush from 2 o'clock In the after -
noon until after 10 at nigh . On Salurday , .
ICernoon Chief ot Police Seavey found 'I I
: necessary lo station a police officer ' at the
.tntersecton ot Sixteenth and Douglas , around
w hich' the big crowds
naturally gravitated , to
prevenl peoPle from being run down by the
hundrel1s o carrIages passing back and forti m
Delvery wagons have been running on an :
elghleen-hour schedule and clerks , cashier S
and cash boys have <
been well nigh worked to
dealh. The big rush closed last night and Iho
resuls arc already apparenl. The consensus
of I large number of Intervlr obtained by
The Dee yesterday Is to the effect that Ihe
Irado has been fully as good as last year and In I
many lines better. The trade has exceeded even
Iho expectations of the most sanguine. Dul
ono man ot the many who talked 10 the reporter i-
porter was heard to complain. and he Is a
man who has never been known to adverUse
his h business since he came to Omaha.
Me . Brandeis oC the Boston store state
hat time volume of trade had been as greal
his t year as lasl. I anything It was large
The crowds of buyers " he said , "have been
greater than ever and they have bought more
Iool1s. but they have bought cheaper one 5.
The mlllness of the weather has naturaly
provenled an extensive trade In heavy a : r-
t ides . The scarcity of money has Illewlse
preventel1 I.eople from
buying time more expensive : -
pensive line oC gool1s. but they have bough
moro of the cheaper lines '
lnes and our trade 'has :
been mere than satisfactory to us. I'm so t-
Isfie 1 from the reports I have received that :
Omaha's trade this
year since the holiday
season set in . has been
teen fully better than any
city In time Missouri Valley. \ ,
Mr. Willam hayden of the firm of layden
Dros. said : "We are far , ahead of our ( rat he
lasl l year both In the volume of busine : Be
done and In the amounl of money takers In. I
The holiday trade has been
holl1ay larger tim : in
we expected. In fact In may of our lines wo
beleved we hal laid In stocks that woull1
lasl l us fully two .
years. They
tUly are clean : !
o ut . ' ' have never experIenced such a jam
In i our Store as we had last Saturday nigt tt.
I Is true Ihal people arc bu'lngcheaper
g oods . but our business convInces W tim at'
whie time quality ot goods sold Is under the
average " ot last year the quantity Is much
Robert Iaten , malger of Falconer's : "Wo
are selling more goods this year , but of
cheaper grade. The cash receIpts ha" been
fully as large as last year Upon time whole
the trade has been
more than satisfactor 'y ,
considering time times and the weather Wit lie
times ( are hard and money scarce , I belie Ye
imo l continued mild belevo
mid weather has done more
to t prevent the general trade from largely ex-
ceeing last year's than any other factor. "
A. Manllelbzr , dealer In diamonds , ete , .
salSI : that ! he had been selling no iarg geom s ,
but hall sold Ihreo lmes as many goods of a
less expensive character as last year I
has had all the trade he could wel accommo-
date vlth the ( room al his disposal amid lhe
cash receipts have been as large as last year ,
but I has required three times as much work
to sell the goods
Mr. Lalman or the firm of Gatch & L : mis-
man said : "Our holIday trade In cut
holday glassware -
ware , tIne china , etc. . ha come up to our 1
most slgulne : expectations We have had m a
steady trade and the aggregate has bc .en
much larger than tor
nuny previous ) 'ears.
In years past our trace has generally do : med
01 Saturday nights but today we are da lag i
a larger business than al any unarm since the
season opened.
Chase & Eddy . have hall a large trade , not
only In the cheaper line of books but In time
more expensive , "Our lIne ot editions de
luxe " said Mr. Chase , "has already been
closed out completely. We had calls for
twelve sets of ono edition this forenoon al Iter
all had teen sold . Wo are simply cleaned
out of e\'erythlng In time holllay line. Of
course wo have nothing to complain ot because .
cause wo ha\'o had a large trade "
A. Hospe , jr. , has enjoyed an unusu : thly
large trade In art works etc. "Our sates have
been of larger volume , but the quality has
been less expensive Our sales qualy been
larger tn the aggregate than last season. "
Timumritomm's look or Spoocimel , .
lIon. John M , Thurston aB Chrstmas presents -
ents tor his multitude of friends In this
state has had hts more notable speeches
printed and bound 11 flexIble covers making 'I
ale ether u very Iital little presents on
volume , and these wi gO forward today
with the complments of Mr. Thurslon. The
speeches Include the one delivered as
temporary chairman ot the republican na-
10nai convention , June W , lE : the speech
made lt CHicago on the occasion or the
observammee oC the constItutional centennial
or the United States : time speech before the
Michigan club al Detroit ; the one delverf i
at Ihe annual banquet pf the lepubi ( icon '
club of New York City , tn February . 18Jl ) ,
In response to the toast "The Young ne-
iubltcsns . " amid several others of his eC orts
which ave brought him Into national promInence -
Inence U8 one of the orators at the natlo : ii .
. '
Oregon IldcfY Tea cures all kidney roe-
blcs. Trial size , 25 cent. All drugsl.t. .
-.v -
Dr SattrfeIJ Resist Footpads and flowa
ceives Bullet in
. I the Arm
elher of the len h Seriously InJurod-
JIghwR1mcn Thought to lie Two
l'rtsolcrl Hecent7 Iolenlell emi
u SUII'endo11 Sentence . , t
- :
Last evening shorty after G o'clock Dr.
Cornelius Salufielll was held up near the
corner or Nineteenth and Mason streets As
he was going south on Nineteenth street
ho mel two men , who ordered him to hold
UII his hands lie hetatl1 . 10 10 so for
a moment , and each shoved revolver In
his foci' As he threw tip his hlnds be
atempted to knock the revolvers up , and
the highwaymen look a shot at him. One ,
of the bullets struck him In the forearm , but
did not lilt the bone lIe went . to his \ drug
store , al 720 South Sixteenth 'street where
his wound was I1refsel1. The highwaymen
obtalne(1 ( nothing from imimu .
bout half nn hour later F. C. Smith mel
two men at tIme cornier of Twenty-seconl1
and howard streets , amid did nol como out
of the encounter as forttmntit ly as Dr. Sat-
ter field. Time hlghwa'men arc sUllposel1 10
be the same pair as the descriptions tally
wel t . Wilhout saying a worth one of Item
slrucle Me Smith on the bead \vlh a re-
vol ver . Imocldng him clown Time blow how-
eve r . did not render him unconscious. Then
the men wenl through his pockets , 111 ob-
lalnecl a considerable amount of change amid
a g old watch. Mr. SmIth WiS nol homIly In-
jurel1 , mind was taken to his Imonie at 2211
ho ward street.
From the descriptions given , the police ,
think lint the highwaymen are two men I
who were In Jai 1 few dl.s ago for begging
on the slreet. At their trial they were giver
nlncly days but the senlence wits suspendell
on condition thal timE ) . ' got out ot lown.
A I'hnntom l'arrlngo.
M r. J. II. Evans of Ihls city has Introducel1
to Omaha a decided novelty In tIme carriage
lin e. I Is In time shape ot an elegant L
bro ugliarn . mollelell on exquisite lines amid up-
holslered In morocco and satin. But the
one pre-eminent feature of the vehicle Is tin
rubber tire . with which Its wheels are
equ ipped. These rubber tires . time first ever
placell : on a carriage In Omaha or the state
of Nebrasica render the vehicle absolulely
nioi aeless . Tn Il time rider enjoys absolnte
comfort , lucre being- no Jolting tn crossing
streel raiway tracks or other obstructions
The chick of the horses' hooCs Is the only ;
evldenco of sound produced while the car
riage Is traversing the streets. Il seems 10
be the acme oC elegance and comfort In the
car riage line. The vehlclo Is furnished by
the well known Drummonl1 Carriage company -
pany of this city , all wi be on cxhlblton
al theIr show room al Eighteenth and liar -
imo y streets for one week where Il should
bo visited by all Interestetl.
These tires can be placed on any carriage
In four days' time.
Chrlstmls III New Yenrs EJlcnrslons ,
Everywhere on the Northwestern line S
withIn 200 miles for one and one-third fare ,
Go Dec. 22 , 23 , 24. 25. 31 , Jan . 1. Come bach :
any time up to Jan 2.
City office 101 Farnam . st.
Now 00"11' Llmlel1 TraIn J
On and after Sunday Novembex 4. tbe
. Ch icago , . _ Milwaukee & St Paul \ "electri C .
' .lghed limited" wi leave .Omaha at , Yp. , I
m..arrlvlng ; In Chicago al 0 a. m. nemem-
br this train carries dinner a la cart .
C. S. CARRIER , Ticket Agent.
1604 FarnamSt.
. -i- L
MiXMIOYEIO&'HLt ( ) . CO. - - '
Wholesnlc Joveler , 11h and Farmm Sti I
St' I
Announcement : Having sol our enUr e
stock oC musical merchandise to HaYden I
B ros. ot this city wo will hereafter conIne
our business to wholesale jewelry excl\slvely. :
In our present stock are many hanllsome
arlcles purchased for the city Irade' . and
unfl for wholesale stock , which will bo Bold
Ihls week al retail al less than cost.
Max Meyer & Co. will continue the wholesale - _
sale cigar business al 1018 Farnam St
- - - - -
TIlE DltEor SOUTl JN ndUrE
\'fa time Rock ISantl-'ihaortot Line DUt : :
Fnstet TIII' .
To all points In Kansas , Oklahoma IndIa : I ,
Terriory , Texas and el ! points In southern ,
C alIfornIa. Only one rght : out lo alt points I
In Texas. The "Texas Limited" leaves.Omaha
al 6:16 : a. m. daily except Sunday lanl1lng I
passenger" al all poInts In Texas 12 hours In I .
advance ot nil other Ines. : Through tourlsl :
cars via Ft. Worth and E Paso to Los An-
g eles . For full particulars , maps folder a ,
e tc. , call al or address nock Island tick St
o ffice . 1602 Farnam Sl. tckel
Del1el Institute ot Blair , Neb. , Is the be St
a nd only guaranteed cure oC the liquor
lquor , mo r-
pllno and tobacco habit .
- ' -
Time Miard lotel
Is maiming special rates to permanent
boarders. Table tIme best In the city.
J. E. MAnKEL & SON , PI'oprletors.
J0lllny Bmito . Via time lu.llgton Stout to
December l2 , 23. 24. 25 and 31 and al son
on January 1 round trip tickets 10 points
wlhln 200 miles will be on sale at rate ot
faro and a third MInImum I'ate. 60 eents. .
Tickets and Information at the union Cap ot
and city ticket office , 132 Farnam.streel. . .
l'lo Inly Trall" to 1.lncoll Via time ) r -
Inilol Bout , , . 4
They leave Omah" at 8:15 : a. m , . 10:15 : a.
0. S , 2:46 : P. m. , 4:36 : p. m. and G:41 : p. m.
Everyone of them Is faster than the fat 51-
esl train ot any other . lIne .
Commtssloners TIke No , 'oton Resileotll
liuscall's Murray I'ark : 8elolo.
The Board ot Park Commissioners held a
special meeting yesterday afternoon to con-
siller time deed by which time officIal seal
was to be haItI on Hascall's scheme for re-
l levlng Tom Murray from all further bur-
dens In time way of special taxes Like time
famous general , they marchell up bill and
Ihen t marched back again , and ended by doing
nothIng Hascal was on hand to defell hb
propositions . and IInll'O\'el1 the opportunity 10
abuse City Attorney Connseii . Iho newspapers
anti every one else who hall Nesumell to
point out the real Intent of time ordinance
lie asserted that It was an outrage that a ,
pack of importunate scribbler should be al- ;
lowell to interfere In such a matler. ,
"I think this Is an outrage , too. " suggested ( '
Mr. Millard ! , shoving a sheet of paper full
ot figures over time table , This was an es-
( Innate by City Engineer nose water of time
cost of Improving Valley. . street , of which
Mr. Murray would bo relieved as the first
installment of his compenfton for his donation -
nation ot nine acres of loath The estlmato
amounted to 21151.
Hascal did not care to discuss this phase
of the proposition , but Ito enlarged at a great
rate on the Imporlanco oC securIng the cn-
lemplated addition to nvervlew park and
Ihreatened that It the proposition was nol
accepted Murray would compel lie city to
grade Grover street . which would Involve
the board for a considerable amounl Iq ) SIl-
clal laxe3.
All member of time bORl1 expressed them-
selves as beIng opposed to accepting a Ilrppo-
sttlon with such a string attached as' the re-
mitance of special taxes for all time to
come. Judge Lake thought , lmowevr that
the board had nothing to say about I , anti
on his recommendalon an adjourmenl was :
taken wlthouf action , Judge Lake Ilelll that
the board could simply suggest measures 10
the council . and would have 10 abide by Its
action. It had not recommended thl propo-
silon In its llrennt ferns , anti It shoulll I
leave the responsibility wil ( the city coun-
ci , where Il belonged. The most I could
do Wi 10 point out 10 the mayor and coun-
cit time obnoxious provision , but Il Wa not
to be expected that this would be tclhm t
snore than It already Imew. I
lorc _ _ _ . _ _ _
Shrtcd from a I.uml'
I The ruldelce Dr ; J , W , JOhrpn , al 2628 I
JCurby 1 street , was destroyed ly flee abOut ,
G ewer 'clock yesterday morning. The content
were entirely corunred . The lire Is supposed
10 have orlglnaUU from a lamp which had
been left burning on the bookcase The
family was away : , jatttng but 11r. Johnson -
son , who halb n staying In time house ,
wa taken sick sunday night and went down
lown n to see a kioctor. He remained 10wn
nlghl and the fe occurred during remalnel ab-
sen c& . Time lossfvll amounl to $1,600 , anti
Is raid to be CO\rcd by Insurance
. .
. .l J.LU3J.1IINTs. : :
- -
Mr. Stuart Uobon and a very evenly bal-
ancell company began their engagement nt
Bo yd's theater last . evening In the old but
stil l enjoyable comedy "She
stl , Stoops to Con-
qu er. " The numerous attractions of Chrlsl-
mas eve were visible In more empty scats
( lie n the merit of the Irormanco deserved ,
hul the aUlllenco was nol lmited In approba-
lon aR In nunmbers
Mr. Hobson's interpretation ot the character
of Tony Lunwklns has changed In no per.
ceptble respect since hIs previous appearance
In Ontalma Time dovll-may.caro ecceqtrlcltles
oC mat ( mischle-making individual seem 10
bo perfectly sulle.1 to his Inimitable drawl
anl1 careless humor , and . as usual , Irwl
celvel1 . fully 1111 share of appreciation.
Mrs. Hobn as Miss HarclcastG very ef-
fect\ly supported the star , and her por-
tra'al of Iho' emotions of that autocratic
) 'oung woman under ( Ito Impulse ot time blind
gol1's dart was extremely satisfctory. She
has time discretions not 10 make either too
much or too little oC the part , and the fillel-
Ity wllh which she Rssumes what Is natural
amI no flora constitutes time chief cham of [
her Ilerformance. Mr. Henry Bergman ns-
sun ned the role of the much mystified lover
with decided success , and he was capably seconded -
ended by Mr. John Webster , jr. . who took
lhe Part of hastings. The character of \ss
Neville was fairly well don by Miss Camille
Campbel , who malles a sweet voice amid a
pr etty' figure atone for I mtller plain fRce.
Mr Wilam Yeranco orere.1 . a very satlE
factory , reprsentation ot Squire llmsidcastlc
and the minor parts were In capable hands
Trumbull Unlnbow Chastl/ .
DENVER , Dec. 21.-Hecelver Trumbull has
fuly l1etermlnell to build a railroad from
Pueblo to Trinidad to fill the gap In time
Gul system , and dirt wil begin to fly InsIde
of thirty tla ) ! The distance If nlnet-two
mies and the estlmatel1 cost Is .000.000.
Arrugements ha\o already been made so
thal the first Installmenl ot time money can
be obtained on short , notice.
_ . _
'nUuro of u Stouter lrudnco Iiouo.
DENVER , Dec. 2.1.-P. Hennlngson took :
pO sesslon of tie produce commision house
of KauITman & Murray today on a mortgage :
fo r $6.000. The firm did a large business I
wih farmers In 1lnsas anti Nebraska No
statemenl of assets and liabilities could be
. Ilt. " ' 11'IRS.
Time county offices . the banks and ones
of the business houses will bo closed to -
da y .
Articles ot IncorporatIon of tire Coal1 neal. .
Estate company were filed In the count
cl erk's office yesterday with a capital stool
of 250000.
No cases will be heard In the county comm
for two weelis. Judge Baxter left lasl :
Saturl1ay evening for New York , where he
w ill spend his hOlday vacation.
Rev W. P. l lngs , pastor of the Fire
Daptlsl church. lls .tendered . his resignatior .
The congregation wi take action upon the
same al a meeting to , be held next 'ellnes- -
day ovenlng
Papers tn a JJlnit mgalnsl : the Eagle Fire
Insurance compny of New York for the (
purpose ot coliectingt \ insurance alleged 10 be
due on a piano stroyed by fire , woe fed
i yesterl1ay In Judge .Baxler's court.
The commlteo 'rom the ' Knights ofJ Labor
appolntel1 to 'confer ' ' . with a commite o from
the ranks ot : thopopults regarding , needed
leglslalon will meet .1m the . hall .at 10
South Fourteenth , .street , next l'Vednesday
evenln ! . " I ,
Grace Fltc\ stepped on ' a broken plank In I
the sidewalk al Twenty-fourth and ' Grace
slreets a couple 'at weeks ago and was thrown
I violenty to the pavement ' " Her shoulder
, :
I , blade was dislocated and sue has filed a
I claim for damages against the city.
" Atorneys for Samuel Avery fell papers ) In
. the district clerll's office to recover 724.70 i
money paid on properly 10 redeem ( lie i same
I. at lax sale , and for the foreclosure of a
. morlgage aumiounting to $3,608.GO. Ezra F. I
Hnger and others are made time defendant
nev. J. A. Fisimer pastor ot the Plym-outb
Congregalonal church located at Twentlelh
and Spencer streets has organized a church
lerary l soclely. Time regular meeting wil ?
be held one week from next Friday night ,
, al which time there will be an Interestng
rogranmm . ' _
I l'EIfSt.t.4L l'.JUHlnJ'lS.
S. M. Crawford Of time Crawford circuit Is
al time DarJer.
Ell Pery and E. P. Day are state arrivals 1
al the Barker.
W. D. McCmibium . agent Flnnlgan's B : ill
ompany Is domicied at the Darker.
'Judgo M. P. Klncall1 of O'Nei was In the' i '
city yesterday and called upon The Bee
C.V. . Squires chief clerIc al time Millar ,
.1 IS gone to Chicago lo s\end Chrlslmas vi ;
his i family. \ wlh
Al the lercer : H. G. Atkinson and wife.
North Plat : Mr. and ! rs. I Eastman Chl-
cage : A. ' Yountg Julia Lyon , Ponc : F.
SmIth Fremont ; T. C. flutter and wife an : :
daughter , Stanton ; Miss Mabel Cotter . Ihla'
delphla ; E. I. Jewett . Lincoln : Arthur
Young Ponca ; L. E. liolioweli . Atlantic .
lohrn8I ( ut the J"tel .
At the Millard : r'V. . Plan , Lincoln.
At the Arcade : C. W. Priestey and wife , ,
Al time Paxton : A. S. Sears , Grand isbn fl ;
C. A. Ellis . Lincoln
Al time lerchants : D. A. Asking Oal-
land l ; W. M. IcCoI , Grand Island ; N. E. .
Foster , Ilalnvlew : F. A. Jiilsomm . L Peer.
lYkpp 07j
Both the 1olo . results when
Syt'tipof Figs is tal < en i ititi pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , mid act
gently yet prompty on the Jineys ,
Liver and
Bowels cleanses the system -
tem effectual Iy i (1spols colds , head-
aches and fo\'cls and O1rei habitual
coiistipatioii. fyrup of Figs is the
only remedy/of / its kiid ever pro-
duced pleasing the taste tRill ac-
ceptnhlo to time Itolloh , prompt in
it action and ( ti'tily beneficial Ill its
offeet.s , prepurcd olily from the most
healthy and agreeable substances . , itt ;
1any exebhlent qualities conunend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy l < own.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug- .
gists. . . r1iabIo ] '
gist. Ary rflahlo druggist who
may not have it on hand will
hn\e wi pro-
cure it promptly for anyone who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
su stituw.
LOLIiVlLLE , KY. lV/ TOM , N.r
IC s a scienUlhc preparation of OZONIZED
. ' . - . " . ' , . , . , ,
Is the Result of Nineteenth Century
Thought and Investigation. It is not
nn Experiment . but Proved Succcss.
Is n Rich , Liquid , Nourishing Foodu .
which enriches the Blood , Restores
the Nerve Tone and Stmulates the
A ppetite. Makes firm , hard flesh.
. ,
. . .
- - -
Ie I charged with Ozone , the
elcmcnt of the ,
e Atmosphere which aids
Digestion , Destroys Effete Matter and
Restores Lost Vitality. Easy to take.
Contains Gualacol , which increases the
s ecretion of gastric juice , prevents fer-
mentatioh and destroys the poisonous
germs of disease present in the blood.
Is for Colds , Coughs , Consumption and
Lung Troubles. For Scrofula , General
Debility . Anmmia and All Wasting
Diseases. I cures these maladies
because it attacks and destroys the
poisonous germs whichproduce , them
. -
Has won success on two continents ,
and , is recognized both in Europe and
America as the most effective remedy
that Scence , .ns yet produced for the
Prevention and Cure of Disease and is
, - KUHN & CO. .
, lpth & Douglas Sts. , Ozainha.
Doc 101 I
_ .
WE ; enOB
CURE Special
f ? Dscases
Treatment " by M ! : : Consiiltatio.i . Free
J"Cutarrh , ni discuses of t he JS r I
'I'lsroat ChestStomuchIlv _ " ' , Blood
Skin nll ! ) Ktdii.oy ! dis.o.ts3 . , Lo
-lUnnhood mined all Private Dj5.
eases of Men.
Call on oratldrese ' ,
D" . Searles & SI lrl JJ' II I Flrna'Stroot ! " . . .
Something New
- - -
_ _
_ _
This 's I piece oC expert excluslness. .
I Is nol 1 toilet glass or a dressing case .
I Is meant for ShAVING . ammO over detail
Is complete 10 this one end.
Time mirror Is adjustable , and a fine piece
of beveled plate ; time drawers are large , and
one Is lined throughout with plush ; there Is I
brass lowel.racl on the slee : the cupboard Is
for shaving cups , straps and toilet articles ;
the drawer are designed for and are just
the rlghl size for gentlemen's wearing apparel -
parel I ,
We have these Cabinets In time first selec-
ton of whlo oak whim antique fnish : also
In iiirtl's-eyo maple , curly birch and sold
mahogany. They are a special production for
the holidays . and as such they sail II a
trifle under time regular Ilrlce.
What better opportunity to get a lan.lsomo .
Christmas ! gUt ( for your genleman friend 1
Charles Shivorick & Co. '
FURNITURE of Every 003crlI:1
Locatlomn .
Temporary Lelol.
J20I tamtl 1OM IousexInH Stroo .
1Ot ' 'HI : ] oIlny StIUO.
Uluoluton Noilco.
Notice 1mm l hreb given mist D. I. B.
Maclaren of the tirmn of Duncan , Holinger
& eo. will . on the let day of January , 1195.
retire from alY anti ul connections with
said firm , the tlld Ifn retainIng nil assets
and assuming all the liabilities thereof
D. . 2 2C 2 Morn
4 " t . ,
Merry Cbristmas.- . r ,
co ME AUOUND by n 'lght-f ; you cnl-O' c\'cnlngs till
{ I o'clock . - ( If snore con\cllcnt ) mid tell us whnt you think of .
Out' Xmns ' , 'J
oU. plcscnts
" 'c won't lU'omlsc you that you wilt enjoy seeing any
l01lc 's climbing stl'lngs , nn I'on man IHshlng 1 wOOlcn
whcclbm'I'ow , 0' h'nlncd cnnl'lcs , 01' n fev gl'ccnlcs plrtyliig
1ho\nlcs. but wc do IHollse you n I'cal : nlcc ( hue f 'ou'le " .
i.ntcl'cstcd 11 luiy way about Ils'llnc ttppcnt'asiuomo.
Show you Sonic IlltCICStlg IHCScnts [ 01' nlhl ; . that won't
cost mich nml nt thc slmc tmc heap n lot of Jo ) ' , SOIC whie
Shirts for 50e , 85e arid $100-Nlght Robes nt :5e. 50e , 75c , . .
$1.OO.-Soiiic Icnl nice umlel'wcnl' fi'ont a5c uI'-lml splendid
Hosc f'OI 10e up ,
Show 'ou sonic pretty things [ for Mrs O' Sistel'-won't cost
much. Sonic cmbl'oidcl'cd plain O' hcmstlched lsanidket'clsicfs ,
nt 10e , 15c , 20e. 25c , 85d-SlIiti ( rcul .ul'lncse hcmstichcli slc
fl'om 25c II' In black 0' whltc 0' the lcwest llovcvy 1'ltcl'ns , n
lovely 1lain oL' bl'ocn.lclIIIcl' in sltn 01 sub [ 75c II' , .
01' n woolcn enc ui'Oiit 15c II'-Ind whut n loud of dcslgns to
, .
select fl'om. . e.
Show , you souse nppi'c.ilativc gifts for Brother' ' for "
YOI nI11c.llt\c gifs Ihothcl O' fO" just
" 'llam-who is onl\ n fi'icnd-'I'Iiiuigs nt'mattier itsirl less
\ lcnd-Things InetteI IUI costly
thln clstw'lici'e. HCI'c : is n tholsand and enc difici'ciit dcsigns .
in all shapes of ncc.tes nt 15m . , 25ii , :5c , 45a , 15c ( , 75. aUI liOn
the tiniest hand cmbroldclcd others might ask us high us $2.00 ' .
fO' A pail of di'.ss Jocha 0' DogsldnGloYs ut nOCiU ; Iluin tons-
pendel' from 25e II' , and hund ciiihroidcncd satin il glass
boxes nt 75. to $1.25. A pretty hasidic silk uniibn'cliu flom
$1.40 up. Collars , cuffs , Jewch'y and othcl' .
$1,10 Cotars cufs anl l.tkics of milO-
'valise yoti'lI linid here , too , ansI foe' less
yullc YOl'l fnd fO. money thll.SOIC -
'whero. . . _ I
' thc Hoys-c'crythlng hc ' ' .
FO' wcals.
f &
- . . ' -/1/ ; , -
Send the little ones around. We have a splendid
Xmas present for 'em-One worth having They're high
colored fully illustrated PIcture Books.
- --S - .
. -
A muscular man who is wiling to take five
or . ten acres of the soil and . put his labor into it
can earn more than five hundred dollars a
year. .
I alT now making up a small part of such .
to go there early next month under contract to
work at clearing land at $1.80 per cay every
day they can spare fpom , the cultivation of
their own ground from now till next harvest.
$380 to $500 is all the capital . req uired _ . . .
The planting season for early gardens
opens usualy in FebrualY ,
. Cal at Room 101 , Bee Building , Omaha , , -
. Wednesday and Thursday , Dec. 28th and
. D. H. STEhARNe ,
. Manager of Agencies ,
- - - - - - - -
.1Ic:4 ! : , . . .
' volt YQUI
SIII'I : I. UHO'l'lEt.
FltiIdND on LOVlm.
Eyes tuled free of chmmisge .
OPERA GLASSES , from $3.10 $ to $12.00 .
CIATgl.AINI CASI S. large var $2,00.
DAHOIE'lmS ( ANI Tlm10Ig'ElS.
An Elegant I.lneof Novelle : .
W. I. Seymour , our optIcian , has been
extremelY successful tn fitting glasses 10
hundreds or the best people In time city.
Lenses Exehansel1 Free of cly.
The aloe & Pcnfod ] COI
HOB Flrnl n Street ,
Opposite l'aXIOu lole :
I'lo/wor / of Iow
, Irlcol In
Full Set of Teeth , $5 ; Warranted to Fit
Tlh ext rae tct5 amid III .
( I'xlraelfl an.llul miamimo utay. laid aimil.
i'immticmtm , Alloy 1"11111" . HI Hliv'm' i'iilImmz ant
IUI GohI : : ; ( ; ell CIUWU" , * 0 HII'ol' . 1"lhHrdl
' , 1f ' : :11 I.
' '
'l'tttitlm * I 1)(1 loolh. 11"'I'lt alway" tl' . :
'loor l'axlou _ bmik. , toil , moot I"aral. , : 'rut 10 : .
itbY ' " ' '
1\lY A'i"rER IAW1' .
. . .
- - - ' - - - - - .
. . . . . "
; : . yo rnd . I. II r rlnl. } 'rrnch
nered ) CALTIIOB r.- .
I M N lt ' ttai TIOS ' . . ( . , 0"1 "
/ gulsrsrmttettiat t'.t.Tmmoa s IJI
/lollwaraUI'glh,1 Cl./OI" . , . . II
. I.II'II.ha'K" A' fml.lo.l : ,
c : : cionni' , ' ' . O { t ' c"dD
, \ cud JtIit't'flItIl Jot S 'I lur ,
- l'u1 and pay sJalIsJietI .
Add " . VON MOIIL. CO. ,
-4--- - tm0m. J."ln. Ji.II .I..U. OLI"
Sm , " ' IC Im tt mI lor' ; 11,11 g. '
Oflice oC Lee-Ciarice.Anmlrcesen hardware .
Co. O/lha. Neb. , Uee. 7. l& ) I-Notce Iardware 1/ . .
imenlie ) ' given to the Htoellhollell of the Lee
Clarke-A'eesemm 1ullwI'0 comjianmy thlt
time aunual leetng uf time comIJan ot
the cO/llny still 11 heto at time tulterB at
tile Iall cO/pany. 12W ? , btt anll olcts
Street . In the city of Omaha . In time stub at
Nebrutku , al ' 0 ueHday , January a. A. D.
II G. at 3 o'clocl p. 1. fur time llrllose at 0
eleu.tiiig , a hoard of dlrcctrl for the ) com.
Ilny to servo durll ! the ensuimig year , mind.
1 : transact tuch othel' IHIICHS UI IUY anc. l
prcrcnled at such smmeetimmg. 9
Atebt : Icelug. IJi1i I . PrcnmtjienL .
W. it ! , GIdmSS crctul'Y.
crctul'Y.Jj M 10 J 8 Sun
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' '
- - -
= . I 1' '
; SIZE prEc
For sale by all First Class Dealors. Manufacturud ( by the I
Factory No. 301 , St. LoulM