Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1894, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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, Dflveed by Crier to any part ot the dy. II I I ,
k : TRI.ElUONCBDualnes ofce , No U : nigh
. eior , No. 23.
JI.0l Jll'T1U. '
; Oraml hutel , Council Buls , reopenell Oct. 1.
t Mayno Heal Estate agency , 39 Droadway.
Calantho assembly of the Iythlan Sil-
terhooll will give their fifth annual bal at
. . Chambers' hal January 1.
Council nuls tent No. 32 , lCnlghts of
. ' I . the Maccahees , will meet next Friday evenIng -
lug , Insteall of Tucaday , as usual.
The Oanymee Wheel club heM n meeting
last evening , and elected Ed L. Duquele
, to the ofce of treasurer to take the place
vacated by O. O. Drew.
. Hev. B.V. . Allen announces that stories
entered In the "Mirror" prize competition
' - may b ? hanlel , In ns late as January 6 , two
weeks Inter than the time crlglnnly sel.
, ; At the 4 o'clock service at St. Paul's
church this afternoon the following music
' will ho tung : "Cnnlale Domino" and "Deus
Mlseraleur" In C , by ( loss , by the choir ;
offertory tenor solo , "Comrort Ye , " from
Banlei's : I'sslah , by 1. : I. Treynor.
The Girls' Illuslrlal school has secur(1
- permanent Ilulrters In the old Danel hail ,
at the corner of Inin street anl Broadwayw '
The sewing school will be conducted there
regularly , commrnclng next Saturdny. Tomorrow -
morrow nHCnoon at 2:30 : o'elock the third
1 annual Christmas entertainment will he given
There was no citizens' meeting at the
Grand hotel yesterday afternoon to hear the
report of the committee to which was referred -
. ferred the question of accepting the 11roposl-
ton of James Alingham rplatnp 10 the
location of a boiler works here. 'uio ! com-
, mitee has dechlell to let the mater rest
. with Kimball Dros. , and no action further
IClmbal anl aclon
than this will be taken by the citizens.
Thomas Crow of Underwood was before the
commissioners of insanity yesterday for nn
examination. lie Is suffering from n mis-
taken impression that he Is hEir to a large
. estate near Ihladelhla , all ut times Is very
. violent. lie caused a great deal of trouble
when first laken to the county Jai Friday
evening , but ) 'estetlay was more quiet. le
. for was treatment ordered taken , to St. Dernarels hospital
, ,
The Granite Monthly a magazine published
at Concord , N. It. , In Its DecEmber issue con-
S tins n wrieup of Kingston N. Ii. , In which
, appears a photograph of Charles Burr Towle ,
. one of the welt known business men of this
city. Mr. Towle was born tn Kingston
. which Is a typical New Enpland village more
than 200 years old , and paul 1 vhlt to his
old home last summer finding everything
; . much the same as when he left It years be-
. The annual report of the city schools of
Council Bluffs has just left the printers and
' II now being circulated over the country.
. I Is n pamphlet of 120 pages , wel gotten up ,
- typograimlilcahly and otherwise. Besides containing -
; taming the reports of the superintendent ,
: . . president of thl board and committees , I
gives a list of the teachers and the graduat s
from 1871 to 1894 1 also contains photogravures -
' gravures of a number of the city school
buildings. ,
. . A team belonging to "Dandy" Dunn with
. a hack attached ran away yesterday morning
about r o'clock and landed In a ditch on
, . East Pierce street near the Canning cut. The
pole of the hack was broken off short and the
: vehicle otherwise damaged. A report was
: circulated all over the city that a man was
lying dead underneath the hack , and a num-
ber or policemen and newspaper men went
- . off on n hot chase for a cold corpse. The
? later , however proved to be manufactured
lu the imagination of some one who had been
, up all night. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
We have $400,000 to loan Ufon Improved
farms In Iowa and will take all the gilt-
3 edged loans offered at low rates. We do
. ; not want wild lands , and will not loan In Ne
brabka. Lougo & Towle , 235 Pearl street.
. Como One , Como All.
, Toys must go at half prIce at Vavra's.
Lot or mixed toys. all go at 6c. i
Books 6c , 9c ali 16c.
Games at lOc and 19c.
. Fine Swiss embroidered handkerchiefs at
12c Extra fine , 16e. Initial handkerchiefs -
. , chiefs , 26c to 43c , ladles and gents.
Ladles' silk ties . 25c.
: Frames , 10c.
Wo must clean out our Christmas ar-
tides as clean as a whiste , and then we
. ' will sell you the whistle for less money
, j , than you can buy It for anywhere elsa In
. 11 the world. At Vavra's new dry goods store ,
. 12 Droadway.
m4chimeIdcr' . .
" Recherche-this Is the word that Just
. : describes what we wish to tel you In refer-
: , : ence to our Christmas novelties. The word
, . , Is particularly applicable to our perfumes ,
. , both In bulk , put up In cut glass bottles
. - . and cut glass pacllages. The selections we
: : t offer you ara rich , and right to the point ,
: . and then our toilet and manicure cases are
. delicate , tasty and practical. Leather and
I celulohl novelties of every description.
. : " Don't fail to cal at Schneider's.
. . , Gas coklnc stoves for rent and for sal : at
Gas Co.'s office.
. The laundries use Domestic soap
i ' . ' I J'BlSUNJ. II It. ! ( iftA P113. I
.4 ' ' Wi huntington leaves today .for New I
' ' & York.
' . ' - Judge W. S. Lewis of Oenwood was In
! * . ; the city yesterday.
Mrs. Bert Warfel of Des Moines Is visit-
' I log her mother , Mrs. Roper
' Miss Gracie Ferson Is danlerolly Ill , and
' ' doubts or her recovery are entertained.
. , John T. Hazen and wife left last evening
. : for Avoca where they wi spend Sunday.
' A. E. Rshel of the Rock Island will pend
, the holidays In Lewis , la. , his former home
. .
,1. Miss Susan 0. hoffman has gone to Car-
roll . Ia. . to spend the holidays . at her former
i , home.
, , " Charles O. Robb of Toledo Ill. , repre-
\ . seating the Libbey Glass company Is In
f & the city .
, Rd I Sayles returned yesterday from Iowa
, . City , where he has been attending time State
" university.
. , ' J. J. Stork Is In from a three months'
. trIp , . and will spend two wetks with his
. family here.
i : . John II , Clarke who has ben attending
, ' t : , court at Avoca , returned yesterday to spend
, , Sunday at hoimme
'i , / Miss Mary Inwes of Greoley Cob , Is In
" , the city . the guest of Mrs. M. C , Van Der-
t veer or Bluff street
, r John N. BaldwIn returned from Chicago
t yesterday . accompanied by his daughter , Miss
} Genevieve wlo ! lies been atending school
In Uoston
: " Miss laud 10rrlon , who has been visit-
f lag Mrs. Albright on South Seventh street
? for the past two weeks Haves this evening
I for her home In Fort Madison ,
, . t , I'rof. H.V. . Sawyer left yesterday morn-
. " ' Ine for a vacation tip In the east. lIe will
, \ go first to St. Joseph , Mo. . then wi visit
, o the Slate Teachers association at Des Moines
1. , . and dually spend a short tmo In Phladel-
I phla.
t r F . N. hayden , who was shot last Sunday
L " morning ut the Citizens State bank , has
'i . gone to hll homo In Chicago. S , Cromwell ,
r i his companion , who was considerably worse
4 ) hurt , I ImprovIng , but II still wore to
i I. bll bed , sti confned
! F Henry Paschal and famiy left IaU even-
L Ing for Chicago to attend time funeral of
L : Sister l Fredrira formerly known as Miss
. I Anna I'asctmal The burial services will toke
. . place ' In Chicago 10nday morning at 9
r o'cIock and time remains will be interred
! ' tbere. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
r ' Hherhlu Coal.
tt : , This new coal from Wyoming for .ale
, ' only by H , A. Cox 37 Main street Telephone
: , . 48. Alk for circulara .
' { : Mixed candy , und mixed smuts 6 cents a
, c : pound. at Drown C. O. D.
I' ' 20 per cent discount on aU trimmed ht
I at Mrs. Ragsdale's. hal
: Slver thimblea 15c , at Wohlman's . 409
' . Dtoadway , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
: Waherwomen use Domestic soap -
J. O. Morey of South Cmaha Bound Over on
the Charge of Fraud ,
Swindled time hock hlanll by 1ICI or
101U Tlmn Ciieck-Iimstico Field
l'urns film Over to the ,
( rnld Jur ) I
J , C. Morey of South Omaha was given a ;
preliminary examination by Justice Field yes- i I
terday on the charge of cheating by false ,
vretenses lie was at time heal , of a gang I ,
ot men employed on the Hock island In Nebraska
braska . The evidence showed that he and
one Quincy Woolsey hall concocted a schienme
by which they obtained about $20 from the
Hock Island by means of fictitious timno
fcttous tmo
checks. Woolsey , It was claimed got the
cash on the cluck which Morey made out ,
and then they Ilvhl1 the sum between them.
A man named Ich , of Ommmalma . was put upon
the stand and testified that while hc Was
drawing pay from the Rock Island he was In
his employ driving a coal wagon. After all
the evidence was In Justice 1.'leI1 bound the
defendant over to the grand jury.
] OS'IN STultJ . ltlCl. hiI.UtVS , 1.\
Xln , Ilrve t Oniy One IIIY More.
And to mnke I a little more interesting ,
and not so one-shIed. we are \llng 10 divide -
vide the game with our customers , and as
a spcclal Inllueement will offer our entire
stock of holiday goods at half price Monday
morning at. ( o'cock. : This offer don't include
hooks , alhough some very low prices have
been lint on certain hues to , close
Among other lines suitable for Xmas gUts
are to b" found some extremely low prices.
\Vo have made the prices now , and Iion't
menu to carry over one doliar's worth of
fancy merchandise.
fOc novelty dress goods . 8 yards for $ 2.98.
$ i.oo fancy dress goods , 59c n yard
Wc hand bags . 25c each.
$1.00 hand bags , lOc each.
$125 hand-painted hand bags , to close , 33
cen ts.
Big reductions In napldns.
2rc all lnen towels 19c. or 3 for 50c.
33c and 39c towels , 25c ench.
26c silk elastic , 12c a yarl. ,
White apron , lOc , or 3 for 25c.
39c and 50c white aprons , 25c each
70c to $1.2r embrohlerlc aprons reduced .
to L0c each.
76c fascinators to close , 39c each.
17c Infants' wool hose . 6c a pair.
25c children's cashmere hose 17c a pair.
60c and 6rc ladles' cashmere hose , 35c , or
3 pairs for $1.00.
75c and SSe cashmere hose , plain and
ribbed , now 48c a pair.
Big reductions In stamped and fancy goods.
7c handkerchiefs 5c each ; 50c a dozen.
26c Swiss handkerchiefs , now 12'c each.
Embroidered silk all chiffon handkerchiefs ,
worth from 75c to $1.50 , to close , 25c each.
60c initial handkerchiefs , all silk . 3ge each.
2,500 gents' neckties , In tecks and four-In- I
hands , no two alike , at roc each.
ChrIstmas ties , one In a box , at 75c. $1.00 ,
$1.25 and $1.50 each ; no duplicates .
New assortment of umbrellas for the bolt-
day trade.
Silk serge umbrellas , silver mounted bandies -
dies , worth $2.60 , for Monday $1.89.
Fine silk umbrellas , gold and silver
mounted handles , worth $3.60 , now $2.69.
See values at $3.76. U.50 and $6.76. Engraving -
graving free. BOSTON STORE. _
Council Bluffs , Ia.
Maters that Made Lie Lvablo During
time l.a8tV.ek Dotoro Clmrlstmas.
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Treynor entertained a
number or their friends at high five last
Wednesday evening at their home on First
avenue. Those present were the Misses Dab-
cock 'Vlckham , Woodard , Key Moore ,
'leatng , Evans Montgomery , Oardtner and
Jeanette Gardiner ot Lyons , Elliott ot ChI-
cage and Mrs. Haywood of Des Moines ;
Messrs. T. C. Dawson , G. H. Mayne , C. H.
Ogden J. L. Paxton , Edward Everett , Will
Squire , Fred Empkle , and Messrs. Cree ,
George , Swobe and McCage of Omaha. Miss
ICeatng and Mr. Empkte won ' the first prizes ,
Mrs. Haywood and Mr. Paxton , and Miss
'V edward and Mr. Ogden consolation .
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Carlisle gave a party
al their residence on South Eighth street
Wednesday evening. The guests were Messrs.
and Mesda1ea E. E. Hart , Cummings ,
Maurer ali lacre ; Misses Vincent , Wright ,
Dennet Ruth or Omaha , and Bartlett of
ElgIn , Ill. ; Messrs. H. Z. Hans , E. K. Pat-
teron , G. S. Wright , L. Zurmuehlen , Jr. , Il.
A. Woodbury and W. F. Sapp. The first
prizes weFe taken by Mr. Hart and Miss
Vincent and. the second by Mr. Wright and
Mrs. Cummings.
Mrs. H. J. Cham1ers Invited In a small
party of friends Tesday evening to play
high five at her home on Sixth avenue. The
affair was In honor or the Misses Gardiner
and Miss Elliott.
Mrs. Lyman gave a dinner party at the
Grand hotel Tuesday evening Those pres-
eat were Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Treynor Mr.
and Mrs. E. H. Merriam . Mrs. Howell of
New Mexico , Mrs. McKune , the Misses
Gardiner , Jeanette Gardiner , and Elliott , and
Messrs. J. L. Paxlon and 0. H. Mayne.
Mr. all Mrs. E. H. Lougee gave a card
party at their home on Oakland avenue Frl-
day evening In honor at their guest Mrs.
Haywood of Des homes . Those invited were
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. ' . Casay , Mr. and lrs.
Wood Al'emm Mr. and Mrs. ' D. L. ROS,1. Mr.
ali Mrs. I. T. Shugart , 1.e Misses Evans ,
Josephine Vincent , Mary Key. Stela Paterson -
son and Georgia Bennett ; Messrs. I ! . Z.
liens , L. Zurmnuehien Jr. , E. A. Wickham ,
J , M. I.'enlon , G. H , layne , H. A. Woodbury -
bury and 'rhomas Evans , Jr.
A surprise party was given at time residence -
dcnce of Miss Nettle Llnler , on North First
street last Friday evening. Dancing ali
various kinds of amusement were indulged
In. Hefresh1ents were served at a late hour.
Those present were the Misses Lura HeIsler ,
Omsle 1augherty. Lilan Wllams , Grace
Edison , Nellie DIckey , Edith Wyckoff , Jessie
Dickey , Ruby Bryant Clara W'ckor. Birdie
Brown , Eva Schwinger , Ethel Watson , Mabel
Tucker Laura height , Vinnie Smimith Flora
lelmer , Maud Mclirath : , Grace Ikisier . Edna
Varnarnman . Lulu owler , Amy Diion ;
Messrs. Joe Doyne , MorrIs McCar\'el , Walacf1
liohiim . Henry Wugeek , Curtis Hayes , Eugene
Rapaije , Frank Hell . Timed Edwards , George
DUllueUe , Harry ICemp , Charles Van de 10 _
gart Albert Klein , IAU Stewart , Allen ' Hall , I
Art lelsllr , Paul lazen , 111 1011ns. James '
Muhhuohiand. '
Time "T T. T. " were entertained , last Irrl
clay evening at the home of Miss Jennie Mc. ,
lntre , 1219 Sixth street.
Willie Madden . entertained a birthday
party at his hOle , 16 Plerco Street yeler-
day afternoon. Those
aferoon. present wee , Master
Hey lazen , John Wimeeler George Wheeler ,
Robert Sprague Paul Loomis , Harry Kelly ,
lert Waiters , George Colmer ; Leslie Ky-
imelt Jesse Otto . nay McPherson ; Misses
Besle hiammmmner Matte larl , Iansy Ole ,
Grace Maloney Lelha Butler , Florence Pip-
Pen Etoyla Otto Maud Sprague Dula Leach ,
Hazel lammer , Jennie Oretzer. Lizzie Clal-
ner , Anna Fowler' and Miss Thompson.
Miss Clara EVals enerta1nP quite a
party of her young lady friends at a Ien-
slngton le' last Thursday afternoon on
Oakland avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. rank I'usey and Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. 1. Calllbel have issued Invla-
lens to a large dancing party at the Pusey ;
mansion , on Third street , next Thursday
e''enlng , the 27h ,
The second "asembly" will he held at
the Grand hotel on the evening of December
Calanthe asselbly No. I , Pythlan Sister-
hood . will give their fifth annual ball Tuesday -
day evening , January .
holiday goods . hal price , dt tbo Boston
Store Council Bluffs , la ,
Domeato soap breaks hard water.
Elected New ( JUIcer. .
The Lady Maccbees of the World met In
regular session yesterday and elected the ,
following officers for the ensuing year. Past
lady Mrs. Mamie West
commander Mr. ; com-
mnander Jessie Tull ; lIeutenant com-
mender , Mrs Bertha Groom ; record keeper ,
Mrs. Mary 101n ; finance keeper Mrs. Dele
Kemp ; chaplain , Mrs. Nancy Comp ; phy-
siclan lrs. Dr. Snyder ; sergeant MrR.
Clara Prulous ; mistress at arms , Mrs. Ida
Coply ; sentinel. Mrs. Blanche Wooley ;
picket , Mrs. Whltel ; first banner bearer
Mrs. Laura Lucks ; second banner bearer
Mrs. Mary Ihhsmlh ; third banner bearer
Mrs Rosa Kanse ; pianist , Miss Florence
Ilolin . _ _ _ _ _ _
UBSN180N Ulos
110n1R ] ) time lUg IhayIholiday l'rlee , Goods lalr
Come early In the forenoon , Only one day
to see everything In holiday goods. They
must all go : lollay.
Dolls at half Price : all our Mc 7rc and
$100 cols Monday , 25c , 35c and SOc each
Sold 0011 SOc baby rings , lre each.
eacim Misses' $1.00 solhl gold rings Monday 390
Oents' $1.00 quality silk initial handkerchiefs -
chiefs , eneh 45c.
Ladhe' silk initial handkcrchlefs , 210 enelm.
Thousands of ladles' SwIss embroidered
handkerchiefs nt 9c , lIe 120c , 25c. 39c
anll SOc each. ,
Another big sale of dress goods amid silks.
All our $1.00 bengalne crepe evening siks ,
yard. Nile green Pink ami lght blue londay. 49c
Take home your wife , mother , sister or
frlenll a nice dress pattern for a Christmas
present. Nothlnp will please them mmmore.
You can buy them cheap of lS Monda .
$10.00 , $12.50 and $15.00 novelty dress patterns -
terns Mondn ) ' , choice , $ .9S suit. ,
Save and buy ' cloak of .
your money ali your us.
Children's $3.50 white anger fur sets ,
Monday the last lot goes $1.98 sct.
Open unti mhlnlght Monday evening .
Council Bluffs .
' \ 'iier , , lu WorMhlp.
First Presbyterian corer of Willow avenue -
enue and Seventh street ; 11ev. Stephen
Phelp , pastor-I'reaching by the pastor at
10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. mu. I
Second Presbyterian , corner Harmony and
Logamm-Mormming service . 10:30 : ; prlachlnl by
the pastor. Evening arrive , 11ev. Tonge ,
formerly at London , I < ng. , wi preaclm
Broadway Methodist Episcopal 11. S. Dud-
icy , pastor-Preaching at 10:30 : a. m. anll
7:30 : p. m. ; a Christmas sermon In the mern-
hug ; class meeting at 1:45 : a. m. ; Sunday
school at 12 I. ; Epworth league at 6:30 :
p. m. ; Christmas exercises by the Sunday
school Monday evening. ,
Henry Delong and wife will conduct services -
Imouse Ices this morning at the Woodbury schol
Congregational . Hev. John Asllln , D. D. ,
pastor-lornlng subject : "The Secret df the
Ages ; " evening subject : "Divine Iumina-
tln. "
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints , on Pierce street , three
doors west at Glen avenuePreaching at
10:30 : a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. ; Sunday school
at 12 m. ; Z. n. L. S. at 6. P. m. Evening
subject : "The MIssion at Christ. "
Christian TabernacleChristmas service at
10:30 : a. m. 11ev. 1 ! . N. Alien will preach at
7:30. : Subject : "The ProdIgal and Ills
Drother. " Christmas cantata , "Santa Claus
on TIme , " Christma eventng. Admission
fee , potatoes and apples for the poor.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints-ReligIous services In Huntington
hail , 101 Broadway , at 2:30 : and 7:30 : p. m.
People's Church-Liberty ball . opposite city
building . George Muller , mlnlsler. Sunday
evening , 7:30 : , subject : "Time Social Lie , of
Jtsus. " Prelude on "Thc Tragedy of Last
Sunday. "
Sunday services at Grace church corner
of Pierce and Union streets : 8 a. m. , holy
communion ; 10:30 : a. m. . morning prayer. At
4 o'clock p. m. the Christmas Sunday school
service wi be held. On Christmas day specIal -
cIal services at 10:30 : a. m.
Christian cIence-Rc'ya1 Arcnum hal ,
Drown building , 7:30 : p. m. , Mrs . A. Delong
of Omaha wi preach.
First Baptist-Corner Sixth street and
First avenue. Preaching at 10:30 : a. m. There
will be a special unique song service In the
evening. A cordial invitation Is extended.
Sunday school , 12 m. ; Junior union , 3 p. m. :
D. Y. p. U. , 6:45 : p. m. ; Sunday school at
Dethany mission , 3 p. m. ; Sunday school at
Twenty-ninth street mission , 3 p. m. James
H. Davis , pastor 304 HarrIson strect '
St. John's English Lutheran-James' hal ,
17 Pearl street. Rev. O. W. Snyder , pastor
Services at 1 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Sunday
school at 9:45 : a. m. Young people's meeting
at 6:80 : p. m. Christmas cantata by Sunday
school on Tuesday night.
Ijoum't ' .Jllnk it.
Don't think for a minute that we are not
going to haveany bad winter weather that
will cal for the best protection for your
feet. TherE will be plenty of It , and you will
be wise I you buy your shoes now , when you
can got them cheaper than you ever bought
them In your life. Look over these prices :
The swelest line of men's patent leather
shoes ever shown for $3 , $3.50 , $ $4.50 and
$5.Men's $
Men's cork sole shoes for street wear for
$1.50 , $2. $3 and $ f.
StacY-Adams men's cork soles , $4.
All styllo of men's good shoes , $2.50.
Railroad shoes from $1.50 to $2.50.
Nobby cloth top razor , narrow and square
toes welted and hand tured , 350.
Kid ; ' button . patent tip , $1.
Kid , pat tiP and heel fox , $1.25.
Calf , button , good , $1.
Calf , button , patent tip , $1.25.
Fine kid , button , patent tip . $1.50.
lanl sewed kid , nobby and latest styles ,
Over 600 pairs ladles' felt and plush slip-
pars and Oxfords worth $1 to $1.60. will be
closed out at SOc per pair. "
Days' . youths' , misses' and children's
Men's fll boots and ovors $2.
Doys' felt boots and overs , $1.25.
28 Main and 27 Pearl Sts. .
Council Bluffs .
It Unique Heshlolec.
Woodward Dros. , the architects , Everett
block , have just awarded the contracts for
a beautiful 10.000 residence for lien. L. fi.
Williams at Glenwood . , a. The design Is
ncmaneslu , and Is the fr ! of the kln1 to
be Introduced In the west The exterior
porch ccrlceE trd the beautiful Roman
ornamentaton , which baa made the design
of ancient Roman buildings EO attractive
and subslantal , Could one of the architects
of ancient HCme tee the building he would
feE for the moment that years had tot
passed , leaving his worlt lost to the world ,
In looking through time building you note
the easy access to all parts of the house . the
beautiful Moorish stairway , old colonial fre-
place with scats on each side , the heavy ,
masive finish , ali ceiling cornices similar
to the white house nt Wemshulngton 1 wi
ba one of the fnet residences In the slate
and reflects great credit upon the originality
and genius of time architects and refnement
of its wealthy owner , who has provided a
home for himsel anti , famiy Ihat wi al-
ways be an object of Interest and beauty.
- -
A Circuit Crush nt Iieuumlsomm's .
It looked for i while last night like the
police would have to be called to prevent I '
the eager crowd of bargain hunters crlshllg
each other In BEnntson Bros. ' store. The
special attraction was time cut dress goods
sale , whln all of the finest fabrics In time
stock , silks and cli . were being sold during
the evening at half the former prlcu and
away bElow maker's cost. Unmarried men
were lured into buying rich and fine fabrics
who seemed aftrward puzzled 10 know
what they were going to do with the goods.
Mm . Frank Denntson said It was the most
sweeping sale he had ever made during all
his experience In the dry gees business ,
and the mOlt successful In point of the
amount of goOs sold He was about hal
inclined to repeat the experiment again 10n-
day , JuH for the fun of It. The entre day
Wil several hundred dollars better than the
best day's business lat year.
Jail ibirds Itremiptured.
Ed Bird and Wlam McDaniels. the Oakland -
land burglars who escaped from the county
Jai at Avoca Friday night , were captured before -
fore mornln by Deputy Sheriff John I' .
Stuhir Their escape I was discovered , wal
made by means of a wooden key. 1 was I
clumsy affair . built by time two lrlsoner8 out
or a remnant of an old hardwood chair but
I did the work , A pone was formed a
soon as time escape was learned of . and the
whole community was thoroughly scoured.
Stuhr went to Oakland rightly conjecturing
that the fellows wu1 seck their pals. Bird
was found at thcso of Oles Puryear ,
near Oak1nd and lJ rlel was found In the
town. Puryear anrn'Pan named tro'n arc
implicated In tM , Jog list of burglaries
chare up to the account of Bird anti Mc-
Daniels , and It II , saId they could not be
convicted without the testimony of the two
men whd escaped,1fJrh shell and his force
are consequently cqnshflrably elated over their
speedy recapttmre . .0I I
Zoler'M Cln'IIIU I'rlccs ,
This Is what cashCqney ) will 110. We have
a large stock , and It'flst be sod. !
28 Ibs. N. O. sugar 41.00.
3 cons of corn , lIe ; . cans , 25c.
3 cans tomatoes , 25r.1
1 can table peacim,015c.
peacl\ ! 01re.
The bstn the mnrme ' , 25c.
1 gal. can pie mll'eJ , 2 for 40c.
1 gal . can apricdL f , ' 40c.
1 gal. can flltP1eS 30c.
1 pInt belle catsup , 10e.
1 quart belie catsup , 15c.
All Imported nuts mixed . 122c a lb.
Mixed cattily , Sc .
Choice hand maM candy 30c to 35e.
Oranges , 20c to 2c.
2 Ibs. lemon wafers , 25c.
2 Ibs. vaula wafers , 25c.
3 Ibs. lady fingers , 25c.
3 Ibs. butter crackers 25c.
3 : i Ibs. coffee cakes 25c.
3 Ibs. animal crackers , 25c.
: Ibs. eraeknels , 25c.
For your present , a bread knife anti can
of baking powder , 60c.
Here's what you can do In the four line :
11111's h"h Patent four for pastry , usually
sold for $1.25. $ .00.
Whie satin . 'always sold for $ 12r 85c.
Minnesota Oel four , sold by other deal-
ers $1.40. $1.00.
Snowflake . 76c.
These are only a few of the many bargain -
gain items. I will save you at the rate of
$3.00 nn hour If you come UI to 100 Broadway -
way to make your purchases for your Christ-
mas dinner. Large amount of llultry at
correspondingly low prices.
J. ZO.t.Tm ,
Staple an.1 Fancy Groceries.
- -
Try Eagle laundry , 724 Ireac1way , for good
work Our medium gloss fnish can't be
beat , blt we do strictly hali work , domestc
flnislm . when preferrcd. Telephone 157.
Davis' drug store sellS to be the center
of attraction for holiday good , which are
being sold at wholesale prices to close oul.
Nleo hook ( h'el A ln )
At Sargenl's , as long as they last with
of shoes londa . A nIce
every pair Monday. present
for the chidren , at Sargent's.
Sterling sl\'er manicure sets at Woliman's.
409 Broadway. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
DolollteA to time Slate COlventol.
The IottawaUamle Count Dar association
held a meeting yesterday morning at 9:30 :
o'cloelt In Un district court room for the
purpose of appointing delegates 10 time meet-
Ing or lawyers from all over the state , to
be held In Des Moines next Thursday , at
which n state organization Is to be effected .
At that meeting a committee Is to b appointed -
pointed to confer with tie state code commission -
mission , consisting of Dale of Des Moines ,
Winslow of Newton Stone of Oenwood and
Baker and lcLaln at Iowa City , with reference -
erence to the revision of the code. The
delegates to the state conventon elected
were Charles M. han . T. C. Dawson , W. H.
Ware , W. S. layne , L. W. Ross , D. C.
DoO er , John N. Baldwin and Jacob Sims.
Before adjourning Colonel D. D. Daley had
adopted a set of reab1utons testifying to the
ability , honor and'lntegrlty of John p. Or-
gan , the retIring coutty aUorney.
8hles $ for'hrlstmls.
Sargent's Saturday slipper sale was a suc-
cess. Santa Claus was there Saturday night ,
and so were the chldren , and the people
bought the slppers ; , au prices never before
heard c In the clty " And Monday they will
be cheaper than iver.E Is the prIce that
docs the business Watch our store 10n-
day. We will cut ' very shoe In the housc.
It's the business we aid after . WI have the
goods , and they 11ust tgo ; You cannot af-
ford to miss this c ince. Go to Sargent.s
and see what he npans \
loUd" , Itates.
The Rock Islandviil j sell round
Jvl sll trip tick-
eta to stations 'wiHin 1900 miles at excursion
rates December 22dltot5th'.and on December
31 and January 1 : gbod for rc $ urn to and In-
eluding January 2d.
Remember the Drownles' entertainment at
Dohany's Thursday , December 27. for the
benefit or the Christian home.
Bourlctus' music house bas few expenses ;
high grade plancs are sold reasonably. 16
Stutsman street.
i'etrlfled leo l'rult
A petrified egg Is being exhibited In Paul
O. Schneider's window I was found In the
bad lands of Dakota several years ago by
Cash M. Mead , a traveling salesman of this
city , and now belongs to D. G. Clarl I Is
quite a curiosity. Having been sawed tn two
In the mIddle , the InsIde Is shown In two
nicely polished surfaces. The yolk and white
are clearly marlled , the later being Jet
black and the former a drab. The forma-
tion Is of agate tht ughout. Mr. Clark recently -
centy sent It to the Smtl.onlan institute .
which pronounced It genuine.
Miss Anna Ragsdale , trained nurse , 102
Vtno street . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Notlcl 10 time l'lblc.
All persons failing to report cases of contagious -
tagious diseases , vlz. . scarlet fever crla-
tine , scarlet rash , diphtherIa , measles croup ,
small pox and chicken pox , 10 the ofce of
the city clerk , will be arrested amI fined
under the law of the State Board of Health .
L. ZURlUEI-N , JR. ,
Secretary Board of Health .
We are going to move to the Grand hotel ,
consequently , we will sell Christmas gees
at cost ; toilet articleS brushes , combs , elc. ,
way below usual irices This Is not talk , but
busIness. C.V. . Taylor.
Merllg " ltvcr .
The celebrated Gorham Manufacturing
company goads at reduced prices Tea-
spoons at $3.50 per set. All other goods ,
In the same proportion. Engraving free ,
C. D. JACQUEMN & CO. . 21 Main St.
\n Ilporlllt flluve .
I have lease time Grand hotel corner and
will conduct my drug business there after
January 1. 1895. C. W. Taylor , successor
to Taylor & Co
All Holiday goods at hal price Monday.
Boston Store , Council Buls ,
Jln cn lllst ; 11\Uo for "OIBY ,
The petition of hans C. Hansen for al-
mony was refused by JUdge Smith yeslerday.
Mary A. lansen of Nlla Is thme plaintiff In a
divorce case but her husband alleged that
he had mme money to use In defending himself -
self from her charges , and wanted ! the court
to order the plaintiff 10 furnish him , ten10-
rary almony In t t sum of $100 for that
purpose U
The moton of the"plalnlr In the atach-
ment case of Beck lhgainat l Peter C. Miller
for a new trial was tubmlUed ( ) Judge
Smith yesterday. ,
J , F. Wilcox has m.Jino ' lot of double white
violets In full blooc11 Ilso Homan h'aclnths
and mmzelias . A choice , Jot of holys and cut
flowers . Do not faltQ , place your Clrhlmas
order In timne . " , .
Xm"s ( ; oud"t Cost
De Haven Is sehlli'g ' his ! Xmas and holiday
gods at cost. NOlv' Is' your lmo for bar-
gains In choice anebe81uuul \ Xmas presents.
Uemember the biG shoe sale Monday at
Sargent's. U
_ I
111\rI4 ! " rlcenle .
The following lar age licenses were issued
by the county clerlryesterday , :
Name and address I , Age
W , A. Webber. Iotawauamle count ) . . . 31
Sarah I. Stanley , 'oUawuUamle county . 31
Louis Chernlss , Potawatarle county . . . 21
1.lzzle ICummuthi Iotlwntaml ( eounl ) . . 19
See our feral end vegetable display at the
Eseman building . J , F. Wicox , telephone 99 ,
Mixed candy and mixed nuts , 6 cent a
pound at Drown's C. O. D. I
Ground oil cake $1.30 hbd. at Morgan 8
CO.8 drug store , 134 Droadway.
Large stock of opal rllgs , at ' \olmln'l ,
409 Broadway , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Typewm/ter supplies at Findley's . 337 D'd' )
Davis lel1 ! drugs paints and glass cheap .
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soar
I Little Son of Engineer Keating radII
Bured While PlalinJ with Fire ,
Laborer Dies Alone Whlo In R I'U-School
Chidren See R Sho\v Not Worth
the lbloimey-Otimer 111110
City News.
A distressing accident happen at the
: home of J. Keatng , an engineer for the
, stock yarlls company who Is employed nt
'night ' and sleep tlurlng time day . : lr. Keat-
Ing Ins at 244 I street . At 5 o'clock last
evening Mrs. Kealng stepped out to go to
the store , leaving hmer two children In the
Ilehen. She mliii not expect to be gone
hut a moment , and as It was about timne
for : lr. Keatng to get UI she did not feel
any hesitancy In leaving Ihe little Ones
' alone. The moment lrs. Klalng left the
: rom the 4-year-old son , 1anlel. stuck I
newspaper In the stove , and as son as It
began 10 blaze puled the paper out . ancl In
: doing so .sel fire to tlls clothing. The
: ' screams of the chili brought : lr. ICeatng
'to the kichen In one bommmmd . In trying
, to shield time little one from buring to
death time engineer was badly burnell on time
rfpht hand and a little on his left [ . The boy's
body was frlghtul ) burned , but Ur. Me-
Crann says he will likely recover ,
Another painful accident occurred ot the
lamlolll plant. The victim was S. H. Kal-
fa li. lie was standing near a boiler when
one of the cocks blew oft a waler imiime ,
st rut mig him squarely on lie t 10ulh. I Both
lips were lacemated .
JI time l'otcl Court
Ietective Dul ) ) arrived from Chicago yes-
: terday and look back with him Joe : lallloall ,
who Is wanled In the Windy City un the
charie of rape. )
Wilam Taylor did not prove 10 he half
: so bad as he was painted by thus police when
; time evhlence was submited at his hearing In
: the police court last evenimig When the wa'-
, rant was Issued for Taylor time woman swore
I that he had assaulted and robbed her The
evidence yesterday was that Taylor dill not
touch her , that she cut her wrist by smashIng -
Ing out a window pane , all Ihat she was nut
robbed at all. Taylor was prompty dis-
The case aglnst Jesse Jommes who was ac-
cused of assaultng Bert Campbel , was Ils-
mlssell by JUdge Christmann last evening.
Jones and Campbell got Into an altercation
over the address of a woman , when Jones
shied I smal plaster ornament at Campb's
head. The , case has ben hanging fire for
two weeks A hal dozen women hove repeatedly -
peatedly appeared as witnesses to testify . but
Campbell failed 10 materlalz\
Disappolntct time Chlllren.
A very grievous disappointment was vis-
Ite upon time larger portion of the pupis
who attend school In South Omaha by a
stranger FrIday afternoon. Through the assistance -
sistance of some local influence he had I
announced In every school In South Omaha
that IC the pupils would go 10 Dauer's hal
on Friday afternoon and bring with 10 cents
In cah they would draw a prize from Santa
Claus for Christmas In addiion to this
there would be a frst-clas entertainmuent .
I was 6 o'clock before the man put In an
appearance , and then all he did was to
perform a few sleight or hand tricks and
give away half a dozen very cheap prizes.
Time hal was packed with children , and the
scheme worked to perfection.
Found fetid In i5etI.
Bern Nelson , a laborer , was found dead In
his bed at John Matsen's house on Twenty-
seventh street ' yesterday afternoon. The
man hued Evidenty been dead for several
hours. Yesterday evening he had a ft and
'was' taken to' huts room Ho appeared to
rally from the attache and nothing more was
thought of his condition until he failed to get
up at noon. The loom was then entered and
Nelson was found dead In his bed. Coroner
Maul was sent for. I Is supposed that the
mal had another fit In bed and died 'from
exhaustion. He was undressed when found.
Magic City Gosip
Reed Darnel has been appointed boss In
the beef killing department at Cudahy's.
Mrs. Annie and Miss laml ! Storm gave a
very pleasant Ilrty to 1 smal company of
frIends Friday evening
The Fraternal Order of Procteclors will
give a dance tn Knights of Pythlas hal on
the evening of December 22.
Thomas larder , Eighteenth and Miroy
streets , died Saturday moring The remains -
mains were burled In Laurel Hill ceummetery
The game of duplicate whist Is getting to
be the rage In South Omaha. Two or three
small companies are already contesting once
or twice a week.
1. C. Cook and Miss NIlle Chrlsley were
united In marriage last .imight 11ev Wheeler
performing the ceremony. The knot was
ted , whie the happy couple stood In the
Ihow window of a dry goods house.
The ladles of Harmony chapter Na . , 25 ,
Order of the Eastern Star of Counci Bufs ,
will exemplfy six degrees at lalonlc hal
Tuesday evening , January 8. The affair Is
given under the auspIces of Adah , chapter
No. 52 of South Omaha ,
Time Knights of laccabees are making arrangements -
rangcments for a bal and public installation
of olcers early In January. The commlUee
of arrangements consists of J. S. Waler
Thomas Iloctor J. H. Dula , J. Dayes , A.
flc ensweig . n. Swift , J. Lowry , J. J.
O'Rourlle niamu , J. J. Fitzgerald and W. Ii. Good-
JU 11.VSU. . . ' IWCUII'S . .IJ.1.Uil'lJ ) .
League of AimmericamWimeelniemm Icddel to
Aet'ept Ill ; Time .
NEW YORK , Dec. 22.-That the League of
American Wheelmen executive board has ae-
ceplecl the records of John Johnson at Chii-
collie , 0. , will cause surprise The triplet
record of Calahan , Murphy and Kennedy ,
malle at time same place , has also been
approved ailowed . : The folowing records havc been
'One-half mile wih a flying start , against
time ; tme , 613-6 ; made hy John S. Johnson
at Chlleothe , O.
One - fotmrthm mie , wih flying start , against
time ; time , 23 beconds ; made by Charles
Calhan , I. A. Seamy , PatrIck O'Connor and
colhe W. II. , 0 , Iodes on a quadruplet at Chil-
One-frth motile , slsndlng start , against
time ; time . 39 seconds ; made by John S.
Johmnon , at Chuilhlcatime . O.
One.hal mile , standing start , against time ;
time , 651.5 seconds ; made by John S. John-
bon at Chlicolhe , O.
One.fourth mIle , flying start , against Iliac ;
time , 23 seconds ; made by Louis Calahan ,
Charles 1. Murphy anti A. D. Kennedy on a
trIplet at Chllcothe , O.
SV.Il7.iltJ.s ; . .a/ms.
UYlulllO Throwl Under In ( laha Train
at Rock 11)1 , Ill.
ROCK ISLAND Iii . . Dec. 22.-Two men
who robbed a cafe at WeHt Liberty lost
night caused a panic among the passengers
on the Omaha express . due here at 90 :
this morning b ) alemptng 10 hold up the
train about eight mits out of here. They
threw a buck of dynamie under the cars
which exploded and broke windows and
nearly wrecked the train Four Bhols were
fred at the conductor. Time IJandlts gal
oft In a dense thicket of tmbr , followed
by the chief of police of Des Moines and a
deputy whom timey succeeded In overflW-
ering , _ _ _ S _ _ _ _
hush a lard Time or I Off time 10rn ,
SAN I IANCSCO , Dee 22.-'fhe American -
can ship J. D , Walker arrive from Baltimore
after a very stormy passage of 10 days.
ler crew reports gales all the way and ex-
ceptonaly heavy weather off Cape Horn.
Two of her crew were lost overboard whie
furling sails. Sea broke on board fre-
; quemutly . and during one exceptionally heavy
' storm the waves that came over the bulwarks -
'I warks stove Iu several or ll 1)lanll ell t
- -
Surrising Popularity of the Plan of Dra Copeland & Shepard to Bring Belief
and Safety to Invalids Before Winter Ot'ertakos Them-New
Patients and Old Are Coming In , ,
Time opportmmmity , Nlll , vilI Ucembnr.
, , Scores or 11001\10 Ire "ccI'llJ time 11.dRI
rate nler. II.tnnt 1)I..tlR , avail timemn-
801\.s ot mill In1r 11 through time 111 .
I , In111 ! the omen rRelll ( nail ieumtim-
nlll . ! the hours or MIn'len larl , one h"n-
elri P.ItiClmts arc cared for daily .
Cllnrrh of thin nOMe. throal or brolhlRI
Ilh.M I nl""M emiUmtmigi'rs time hutiugs. ThlM 1M
CsPieialIy trite Iii colil weather . The
C'I'ld.I II colt \enlher. M"rA
pro I act ioim "glln I st em' rio us lun& I I rut ii hi 0 Ip I .
II curing ! thrnlt fluid I 0 Ihlli Ilhlouh be-
torn ' thl disease simreak Inlo time chII. 1'01
thl r"on ( 'er ) ' lerMlu % 'ho hRi cnlnnh 0'
lie hell or throl' . chr t lnlls. I cnl\h , 111 I _
elit hr""thln& or Morn hi , ! ' , shn"ll , st'lc
M'llety mum I.roller trtluunl bororo the enhl
lll rhnnJI whiter work greater immirimu .
To " ' 'toltl i html ii 10 t the gre's " 'st lltMlbh I , mm mmiii -
her whl nOdl thclr servIces hr. . COlolnl1
a hut ! ht'llnrl wil I I rout t ni I vIi ii 11111) " II I tie.
coimiher nt ii fee cmi te ' low tiiutt , , ,
cOlhr I rltc S'I tlt 11111(11
cOlel slimy I \ t ) ' , Time oncr . 10 , mill . multi It I mummy
, , 1.SlSU.
Mr. . . .7. I , ' . Ilnt Speaks or time l'ermnrmnence I
ul liar ( 'iirr .
The real.Irustworthlmsl-the true scientific
excellemice-of system of dIsi'ase
excelrnce-of any 1181'a8e trpat-
1(1t Is not teslc1 ! by its brlnglnl a little
bai ) to pain. a little den ) to restless agony ,
blt In its ( led ) reaching t r secret causes
anti Its absolute elallralon of time sm'etl
poison ) and seel I ) Inelple of slcl < os8. Anll
In RIeaklng ot Ih s quality of perlanenre In
her cure lr . J. F. lltint I former patent ,
wife of time \el known tinirynmami 254 Avenue -
nue O. Council Bluffs . says :
ifi . 'i .
Mrs. J. P. hunt . 21I Avenue a , Council
lilufTL . 1mm. '
"Neil ! ) ' two yemrs ago , nR my ll'en.18 will
ieetuil . 1 .
rt'l I. Ilblsle.1 n Rrlleleol In time Im\er8
l'lltn 10 time results cf 0 nutoe or treatmuert
t y Dr. Shr\lll A chronic ellnrhli Irelllen1 I
hal In\'o1'll \ Iy lungs In.1 I hn.1 nil time signs
oC hrRlonln CflSUfltItiOfl , , lncludummg sore lunK' .
! conslm\lon Ine\ulhl
\ !
I hack In ! cough . 8hor Ill'nlh. c\nln ! fever
and In Illrllo ! 10' In W.'IRht and RtrenRlh.
The hesl physicians In CouncIl Bufs nnl . Omaha
nlt'r failing to t hrlp mae . or < elPI me 10 go 10
the wesl lS my only etmanee. After n thorough
hlli or I dln"e In climate I cnme back homu
whim OY < lsto.e still I Icth'c on.l . threntenln
I Ihen look A ooure or IItntultol wih Hr.
( upellnd mind Hhep".I , who innmmPtiy cured me.
"Since Ihet time I. hn\'I' IU'omlty ummestmoned
or <
nK 10 whetimer . .uh.rqlenl to my cure . there hit
ever been any return of the old 8)'OltOI' :
whether the wasting ouRh rea"penlt : whether
the weakness . the fever , time pain and t)1 lung
> ) " 11110mo came back n"oin.
"The only truthful answer I hn\'c been able 10
Rh'c ! 10 alt such Inquiries Is anti has be.'n' Ye .
the cure brought le by Dr. Shc"arl WAS nol
mer'ly a little rest from auffem lug . I WIS a
tlue . and genuine nod lasting cUle ' For Iwo
) ' eLu.s my health has been prctcoly perfect
tinti life , " I Am tutluy : OK wel 18 1 ever wns In my
Ir ( ,
decks . Off the Horn she had n narrow escape -
cape from being blown against an Iceberg
durIng a squall. S
. .
Quecn 1.1 nnl Limo Volcano Klnnenu Sloth
ShowIng Signs of Activity.
HONOLULU , Dec H.-Speclal ( Correspondence -
spondence or the Associated PrEss , Per
Steamer Arawa , vIa San Francisco , Dec. 22. )
-The talk of the town this week Is the unearthing -
earthing of an alleged royalist conspiracy
On last Saturday evening the police went to
time house of John E. hush and arrested him
and E. C. Crick on a charge of conspiracy
agaimist the goverzmmmment. Upon searchimmg the
house seven rifles were found. Soon after
being lodged in jail , Joseph Nawahmi , a miative
lawyer , called to see timem and was arrested
on time sarmfe charge. Abommt midnigiut W. F.
Weed and Emil Klemme were also arrested ,
the former as an accessory to time comispiracy
and the latter for having arms in his posses.
aba unhawfuhly. Several houses of suspects
were searched 0mm Sunday , but no arms found.
On Monday mmiglmt a tiuoroughm searcim of time
house occupied by Crick brought. to light
four rifles , two pistols anti 150 rounds of
anmnmummition , all of wimicim vere concealed
tinder time floor , The prisoners are confined
in separate cells arid will be examined on
Monday next , bail being required in time
mneantimmme. Busim bias been publimuhming a
smnaii sheet daily in native and Englisim , in
which hue hues been scoring time in'esent
goveramnent antI assuring time natives timat
time queen would surely be restored. Crick
Is an Engiish chemist and was implicated
in time alleged Walker-Sinclair conspiracy of
a year ago. After hula arrest lie appeahed to
hritishm Conmmissiommer 1-lawes for protection ,
but was told that mmotiulmmg could be ( lone for
luim , Governmemmt officials are very reticent -
cent about time case , but claim to imavo abun.
dent evidence to convict time Principal Con-
There imave been several shocks of earthquake -
quake on time Island of Hawaii amid one In
this island during time past few days ,
Time voicatmo Kiiaueau is. more active timqn
ever anul comae old settlers predict. an over-
110w aa time result of time cartiuquakes.
11.1 3'lJ'.IIU ) .lICIt.IIG.VRI ) ,
l'ioacicct Not Guilty mmmi III' . Trial Set for
Jmimmutmiry :1.
MINNEAPOLIS , Dcc. 22.-Irarry hayward ,
accuseil of instigating time mnmmrtlcr of Cathmer-
limo Gitug Iecember 3 , was nm'raigimetl tomlay
iii time distrIct court on time charge of murder
1mm time first degree , 110 luleademl not guilty
mmd imimu case was set for January 2. Time case
of Claus lilixt , time self-confessed tool of
ilaywarti iii time matter of thu crinme , was
takemi up again by time court. armml was reset
for time seine uhay as limo hiaywarul trial ,
Hayward huati lost none of lila strange m1umu.
chuainnce as ime catne lrmto the court rootum to
ba arraigned and entered hula plea iii a
iitutrmtmer which immdicmuted that. ho considered
time wimoio affair but little moore sertutus thami
a joke , Time arraigmmmncimt was so mlanneti as
to timrow a large cr'wd which iuaml assenmbletl
to see time event off time truuck , this cautiomm
havimmg been takemu on every occasiomm wiuemi
ilmurry 1inys'ard huas imeeim hwoughmt out of imi
cell , Time general feeling , however , 1. immore
of curiosity titan retrIbution , it imuis appeared
up to timis time that eacim nmaim would attempt
to clear imimmuseif mit time expense of time otimer ,
( ilhiotto bfmmrre.uieri . iimid ii Out cii iimiI ,
UTICA , N. Y. , Iec. 22.-Rome's alleged
defaultimug mayor , Samuel Gillette , has given
hmimr.aelf up to time autimorities. lie was sub-
seeuently taken before United States Commi-
amiesioner liowiantl , emmtereui a plea of mint
guilty anti immnedlately furimiaimel bail lii time
sumit of $7,000. lie denies any disimommesty omm
iuim part and says hum wIll be able to exonerate
imiimmself ,
Took Noel Festcr to .Jmll.
L1TC1 I Fl lILT ) , I ii. . Dec. 22-'Iemuty Siuerift
F.diumuimds of Pana passed tlurougim this city
today wltiu Noel Foster of I'amia , time sup.
pomod mimurderer of young iiinnion , lie was
captured last night mit Mount Verimomm by
Sheriff 11V. . Gray. lie was thken to
Taylorville to jail , A big crowd was at time
depot , and much excitement lrevailed.
Iboy Stabbed tue I'rofeior ,
WINSBORO , Tex. , Iec. 22.-News has
reached this ihsce of a serious cutting affray
at l'ictomm , betwecim Prof. J , Ii , Gay smut )
\hiner Itammdoipb a school boy , , Raudolpb
Bear in miiliiu ) that any chronic sufferer ,
wimethuer front catarrh or otimer seated and
distressing chronic maintiy , amy apply any
time at. 311 atitl 312 New York Life building
and receive front Dr. , Copeiantt mint ) Shepard
time most efficIent treatment mmmi' in vogue at
a nominal fee.rato a niontim , iiichmmmilng mmmcdl-
cines , to eflice and macil iatietmts alike. TriaL
treattmmeimt. free to those npplylimg 1mm verson.
l'OSI'MAStli { McCAIt Fl' .
Vcei. Tlrut. Ito flwe.hIlq1tfn to Irs. '
iii Ii ( I lilt ( h S ii cp uri-A , I I t CCII iii iii Is ) , ad imy
I him lmll I m''mitmneumt ,
Ummder date of November 9 , 1S91 , Mr. A ,
M. McCarty , ImostIlmester at Ohm'liu , 5 , 1) , ,
anti a leading nmerciinimt , 'r to tue foliowimmij
letter to Ira , Coimelammtl arid Simepard
' : - : '
i !
. . - . , , , , , '
A. Itt , imicCatmy , Oeiricimm. , S. 1) .
' 'I ( cci it html ) ' to 'm'itu' yntm mit timi time ,
I ti itt now , .a I hl.i ; m.m Cu re for , 'aimm I "ii Is
Item mlmnmmu'ni , I i'e , mmt icketi utmmy mnc"ilcino ftr
ttamiy three immontim , aol I aiim altutl to ita' I
t.ei ilk.u a tmew nmn , , m ia' , , ljeim wieiclm , ' . !
f'.tmt 'otuurilm , , t time lmole , tysuemn , litcltmIlumg , time
l'b.utl'icr mind k tilt , eys , vith item .tis imimi'ai rmnent
1.t flt'e yea mx t lute , mm iii imttve I m i.'i nil I lie 'sure
cli n.m. ' v I Iiic'ti t m , ny he n e lit , u ime n I ru mit iyet immy
eCtrirm ha i rut Iltill ) ' u a , ' gttlng to It Iii moe. its a.
ie'.t rst'ort i ga'e lm't. Ci.eiaim1 mtmmii Simetmul ,
il3' i.ltt , tic nd centi I I 'tim , , 'i.eibtig time mutitme .1 I' .
ci ilotninment nmmil failure as before. Time llrst
% 'CriC I not ieei a great itmtitm'w. mmm"nt. witicim gtc'tm
n.e coutuge. nn3 1 Itemit rughit on. Now Ii imts
b.'cim timiu' mnt'mithms since I ilmiiiteu1 , mini I omit
sounI mmnti Weii.I urn , ati'ileI , ( lie cure is
ecu mant'ni1 owe amy life' to 1)m's , Cmiieinnt ,
.ini t4iwin rul , ant recent mnemmi miii smm ITem ers ho
p3 to tht'nm , I s'bli tmn'wer mii , i'tteia anti giv
I l , itimlim ha mm a y inlet man 110mm I etuim. 'i'hey have
done for me what mnammy otimemim ( mulled to do , "
oui iICCi hut undergo t i.e . eXleiICfl ( if coat-
lug to ( Inmiulums icr mu .ereommmit eoiisutlumtict
' wIth lr. , Cop.'hmtlit mmmiii $ liu.pmtril. fly time
pcr'ccted immotimt.le of tIme immilt , iyu.temmm uxamms
lumatmoim , dlagliosle mulmi ui'eittuiiclit lure mumutlo
, ) ust mis utccurstn mmmd coummpicto mmmiii success-
fat mis II , tito olhice st'.mrlc , icuid for quest mu
bimunk mimmul mmmimmim'mm u,1 cured iuilelmts. :
t'oetitmastcr lticCm.rty , wimuso eviuleimee i
( iUOtuul tothmiy , rmus euroul through timu in mlii. ,
Viiy cmumimmot you ho cured 1mm tIme smuimmo mimmun.
miem ?
I100MU 311 AND 3i2 NV YORK LIFt' ]
nuIs.DmNo , 0MAmIA , NEmi.
Office ilours-9 to Ii a , am , ; 2 to 5 p. m.
Bvenlngs-Wedneetiiyu , intt liaturdays oimiy ,
C to S. dumndsy , 10 to 12 am.
OF 46,000
RoyalHardfflanPianos :
We have sold over 79 in this lo-
cality. Ien't that proofof their quality ?
Not Cheap , But Good ,
103 Main St. , Council Bluffs , lit ,
Among time mnany Omaha lmontes that have
been brigimtrneml in time last few days ceo
those of J. II. Dunmont , Mrs. Martian Claw-
1,0mm arid Charles Neuiean , , where a Royal
liardnman piano in each instance fornmed time
Chile ! Christmas present.
Others who have botmgimt timemn :
Georga Ammdersomi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Omnaima , Neb ,
Mrs. E. I. . . Eaton. . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' . i
Mrs. P. S. Spoils . , , , . , . , . , , , , : : " I
Ira Walters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I'rof , J. B. huller. . . . . . . . . . . . " "
J , lticima.'da. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
lavlml Rita. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,
P. M. l'omeroy , . , , . . , , , , , . . . , , , ' 'I
Mrs. II , ilopklums . . , . . , , . , , , , _ ' ' "
Mrs. Josia Guild. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,
Gertie A. Iteed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
Aimnie Cimristensomm . . . . , , , , . , , " "
M. Iuuiuette. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Council Bhuff
Iloyal Arcanuni , . . . . . . . . . . . . "
B.V. . Icappell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
J , II , Iloiienbechc , . , , . , . , , . , , , "
Itoxey ft. . Wesley. . . . . . . . . . . "
Emneiia Nicohl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
Mrs. 0. 13. French , , , . , . , , , , 'I
J , B. hlummie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ii
J , Ii , Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '
F , II. Crew. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' '
George Radio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " , ,
II. A. Cole , , , , , , , , . , . . , . , , , 'I
( Commtimmued uoxt Sunday ) .
--Secia Notices
Colnjicfl J3Itiffs- *
ooi liurko , at W , ii. homer' . , (8 iiromutlway ,
L.OT. S1'LIT-NO8im ) 1.1 % 'lIit COLOiIED
molnicr dog ; ammswcrs to time mmmmna of 'Iick. '
iteturn to8 North 17th stuect , mn'I get reward ,
FOil HALE , JiOtlUiliIOLi ) FllltNmTiTItii , CAIt-
items , etc. , mit itmivate cciv , ' Cmiii at 336 mind 338
hirotutlwny , over tu''er-immre , , Fut mmlture Co.'s
store , liargmtitmum to sate moving 1,000 miiemm
- .
- -
would not obey time ru'es , Prof. Gay started
to Wimip time boy , when hmo statmlmemi iminu nut !
ran out , Gay drew a kumife tint ! emit time
boy as ime went , Itatumloipim fell and ( ha
professor walked to time imearest rsitlence ,
bleeding as lie went , IL is timougiut both will ' . '
die ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l'm.i imuilioul ( , Ii i'iiyslelmim , ' . orders.
CINCINNATI , Dec. 22.-W. II , Harris ,
wammted 1mm Now York otm time charge of trathl ,
hint ) his case lmostimoimed till Mommday on lbs
certificate of his pimysiclan thmat lie was unabie
to be transferreti to New York , Meantlummo
lie lies brought suit for ilamnages against hula
lrosocutorn on time grounml of affecting lila
guma amid other comimpammies ,
C. A , Morgatmfleld , time train robimer , hiatt
his case postponed one week on time certificate
of his physician , The various ojhlciahs were
ugaimm ( iisappolnted lit securing him.
lie'ul Better ilmivo iitumy..I Away ,
ChICAGO , Iec , 22.-Robert I'cisten , for-
inerly a comufldermtial emnidoye of time packing
firm of Ummdorwood & McCoy of this city , amid
who , oem hums dlsaplmearammcc from this city
about emma year ago , was chuarged with ( tie
emnbezziemmmermt of over $30,000 train time dram ,
hues been arrested. hattie i'atcim , ella. hattie
Colliiiu , charged with imaving been concerned
lii time dispoaitioui of time stolen money , was
also taken into custody. Time couple lied to