Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1894, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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. L [ : . 4 : THE OMAHA DAiLY . nEE - : SUNDAY , DECEMBER 23 1S ! )
Sooloty ! Pails Down nt the root of Kris
: Krlngto and Worships Hm ,
- -
rcnt AffrlnI , ' , TI 11,1 lalell : ( 'lrUeA
Jlrcnk * \10111')1 of Ihn \'NJk-
J'romleA fern . Ively 101lny
'erlml-In . &oelll Urelrs.
Soclely. has been too husy with making I
urchaRes an,1 , arranging Chrlslmas presents
' to think ol time social whirl which last week I I
( romlse so brilliantly , hut which failed nt [
fruiton on account o . time nearness of time .
holiday season. This week there will ! e.
fewrr social entertainments than al any
slllar Ilerlo' ] In years past , showing that
the tellresslon has made Itsel felt In the
circles of the swel Is. However , the 1)r09
ence of two college clubs will compensate
somewhnt for the otherwise unpromising out-
' loolc. - - . .
arly next Thursday morning n special
train of nn engine , n baggage car , I Pulman
slecplng car and three private cars will
this . the I'rlnceton ( lice club
bring to city Irlncetun (
organization , which Is now on Is biennial
western tour The organization consists of a
glee club of twenty.our [ members , a banjo
club of ffeen members and a malloln club
of members. Reports from tIme
cites that have ready been visited say that
the singing and the mmlc of the clubs are
fully ns Iood / , I not superior , to that heard
when the clubs were here two years ago nt
which limo the concert was ntendI by all
society. Time concert will take place In the .
evening In lloyd's opera house and prepara-
tons are being made by the all"lnl of time
college to make It tIme event of the senson.
Arrangements are also being made to give
a reception to the members of time clubs In
the evening after the concert , but these have
not yet ben fully commmimletcd . ilecelmi \ lemma or
duices have beel given along the entire tour
amid tim trip has become something of an
ovatlomi. When the clubs visited Kansas
City little else was talked of except the concert .
cert for a week before their arival I
The entire Irorammm Is saId to bo nn ex-
cellont one. Ilrolral manloln club has es-
celent scored a success at every city that
has ben scorel . Princeton college Is the
r I only college that has a mandolIn club. ) The
program arranged for the concert In this city _
Is as follows : .
The Orange mimI time Dl ck-----------------
' . . Orlnge . . . . . . Inl . . . . . . . .Cnrmlnn Princetonia
lce Club.
Drnzlan " Oee . . . . . . . . . . . . .Armstrong
Banjo : Club.
' , . ICal Our . Kil . . . . . . . . . . .
' Mr. Helchner anll Glee Cluh.
lazurlta 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gee . . . . . . . . .CalllHonl
i1mimmdo1in Club.
.9 : ; MOlie ) . . . . . Mluuloln . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . Teal
k Glee Club.
Triangle Song. . Gee . . . .Clrmlnl PrincetonIa
Glee , Banjo and Mandolin Clubs.
Tobacco . . . . . . . . . . . ManloHn . . . . . . .Chadwlc ) I
Bnnjo Clnb. .
To the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, Glee Clul
; Nala 'Vlltz. . . Gee . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . DeHbes
Mmtni1oIn Club.
, Time Posthorn-Cornet Oblgato..plueger .
< Mr. McNish and Glee Cluh.
Jig " [ elle 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gee . . . . . . . .Arrngel
Banjo Cliii I
1Ielo < 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rublnsteln
MandolIn Club
Steps Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cnrter
Glee Club.
Galop . . . . . . . Gee . . . . . . . . . . . . .luntey
Bnnlo Club.
Wing , My Honey . Wing..Helnzman
Mr. Carroll and Glee Club.
Spanish Carrel . . . . . . Gee . . . . .1oszkowsltl
Mandolin Club.
Creole Love Song..E. B. Smih L
Glee , Banjo and Mandolin Clubs.
'r.lncKdny Jv"llnl : Woddlng.
. . Wednesday evening at 7:3 : o'clock Mary L.
Monro was unltell In marriage with George
' . H. Eastman at the residence of the brlde's
brother G. S. Mpnroe 1818 Chicago street ,
Hev. S. Butler omclatiiig. The
front parlors were hantsomely decorated
for the o caslon with evergreens . roses another
other flowers. 1eneath them and In the
presence of' . nearly 100 friends of the bride
and groom the marriage ceremony was per-
formed. The maid of honor was Miss Etta .
; 1Usklmlns , and the groomsman was Charles : : .
Loomis. Miss Adeline Eastman was the '
' fewer girl , and bore the wedding ring In a
beautiful basket of roses. After time con- ,
cusion of the ceremony a wedding supper
was served. Mr. and Mrs. Eastman will begin -
- ! gin housekeeping immedIately at [ l North
: Seventeenth street. The guests were : Mr.
, and Mrs : W. H. Mohr , l / alrfel . la. : Mr.
and Mrs. John Munro Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Munro West Chester Ia. ; Mr. and Mrs. Will
Johnson . Mr. anti Mrs. Edward Johnson Mr.
' - land Mrs. Robert Johnson , Mrs. M. A. John-
: eon . Mr. and Mrs. rank Capen Doomlngton , ,
: ' Ill. ; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Mitchell , Mrs. D. D.
lilitchell , Miss Minnie MItchell , Mr. J. L. ,
Michel , What Cimeer Ia. : Dr. and Mrs. E.
R. Jenkins , Miss Ma Jenkins Mr. and 1rs.
J. C. McCartney Mr. amI Mrs. Fred Tracey , ,
' - Miss 1nn10 Tracey , WashIngton In ; Mr
and Mrs. E. II. Monroe Mr. and Mrs. Frank :
' 'Sc U. Emerson , Ia. : Mr. H. E. Garlow , lar-
: lan , Ia. ; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Somers. 1Iss m
' Maggie Somers Miss Laura Hedge , Mr. and I
' Mrs. W. H. Atwood , Fremont . Neb. ; Mr. ant I
Mrs . G. ' % V. James , San Jose Cal : Mrs. E .
R. 'Vlseman , Miss Jennie 'Vlseman , Grand I
' Island Neb. : Mr. and Mrs. Edward Calahan ,
Mr and Mrs. Wiber Orey , Meadvle , Pa. ;
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Darthel , Salt Lake City :
t Mr. and Mrs. George Graham , Wlnterset ,
it Pa. : 1r. W. ' J. Fulton , Miss Alice Fulton ,
' , I'hladelphla , Pa . : Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Monroe ,
Miss Imo Monroe , Mr. \V. L. Johnson , Dalr ,
i ; Neb. ; Dr. And Mrs. Robinson , Mrs . Margret t
Munr , Ils Maggie 1unro , Miss Jessie
'r ; . Idunro , Mr. and Mrs. F. n. Straight , Mr .
4- and Mrs. W. I. . Eatman , Mr. and Mrs. J.
" . A. Johnson , 1r. and Mrs. B. A. Eastman , Mr .
and Mrs. J. L. Eastman , Mrs. Eliza A.
: Eastman , MIss Clara Eastman Mr and Mrs .
G. W. Wattles. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Marsh ,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ford , Mr. and Mrs. R.
Gibson , Ir , and Mrs. Elmer Reynolds. 11ss
Emma Johnson , Mrs. George Shriner , Mr. ali I
Mrs. C. T. Riepen . Mrs. T. C. Mackey. 11ss
: . Julia Newcomb , Mr anti Mrs. " ' . II. Oreon ,
Mr. and Mrs. John O'Connel , Mr. and Mrs :
Elmer C. Brownlee , Mr. and Mrs. anl Jeharll
Cross. Mr. and Mr . Will Gllsple , Dr. BI11
Mrs. S. K. Spauldlmmg Mr. ali Mrs. A. It .
McConnell , Mr. nail Mrs. Charles Sherman L ,
Mr. Leo Young , Miss Cora Young. Mr. Henry
Olerlch Mr. Bnll Mrs. William Wapplch ,
- ' , Miami late limncan Miss ! I.el Curry , 1Is9
Mary Cotter , . Miss 11s1 118. Mr. and Mrs ' .
L S. Ammdorson Mr. anti Mrs. C. A. Coo I ,
- ' ' "lr. and Mrs. Charles Shaw , Mr. anti ! Mrs I. :
, . Dunham , Mr. all Mrs. E . 1' . Day Mr. anll '
' Mrs. Charles Van Camp , Mr. and Mrs . J. E I.
' Van Glider , Mr. all Mrs. Jumes Calahan I ,
Mr. and Mrs. \ V.V. . Eastman , Mrs. A. 11 :
Eastman , Mr. and Mrs T. C. Beebe , Mr. 1
Mrs. J , I1. Buchanan Mr J. E . Wagner
' : Mr. E. E. hastings . Mr. mmml Mrs. diane S
f MerlG Mr. Charles Moody , Mr. Frank Shelby P.
i1r. Ernest 10el , Mr , and Mrs. Fran it
; : , Beecimer . Mr. and Mrs. I. K. He'noills , Mi .
Edward Kanghman , Miss Lizie Campion
I Mr. and Mrs. W. C. PaUerson , Mr. and Mrs :
ston F. B. Crowley , Mr. and Mrs. O. E. LiyImi .
. ' J.\nult Irn ll ton.
' , Mrs , rank T. Ransom entertained about
) fifty iatlea , ! Thursday afleron at a most m
. delightful kensington The house was beat
tfuly decorated ' with smiax , ferns and
, . ThCe invited wen 1esdames lartmann ,
Cady Kitcimun. Keinstead , Evans :
. Klchln. ICelrsteat \'ans , William 5 ,
: Urkhauser , Foril , Ballantine . Omstead ,
'I . , Henry Drown , Lenten , McDaniels , Paxtom
' - lInker , lackwel , Hector. Iradle ) ' , 'WI 11
Rector. J. Scott Illacknell . Taylor Cae , ho : r-
: ton , lartgan , Clayton , astman , O. ! 1.
'a . Carter , lloggs , Howard , Irvine. Darker . Am -
' drews Cohletzer , Haymond , Parker , Covel ,
Webster , Short ; Misses Hatmann , \Velc 1 ,
; Shatuck , Williams , Cady , hlamlin . I.'uler ,
_ Short. Show , Cohletzer and Barker
: ' The ( rest C hrbtn" . tiimiuuIrumu.
' The problm Of Christma Elf s Is cn which
. 1 receiving a good deal of attention Just
. sow and . causing not a lIttle worry.
. ; , 1'01 alhough crowded as the shops are
' wlUI everything Imaginable I Is alwnys a
Iluulng ) question to know just what to I
' . 't select that wi Illcase the reclplelt and lt
the same limo suit the donors purse. Whel
I t not neesary to con.ul the latter . the I
mater I comllarltvely easy , but when It I I
time ollplsltl Is generally the case. l'rel8ntl
.t obl'gaUn ars . especIally dllcult , and & ' 0th ie
. '
: .rr : rwt
Tery little interest beyond I certain desire
to please ( or pride , I you prefer calling It s ) .
When they are the oltcome of affection . of
the t wish to give pleasure . the more thought
ant money gve give to them the more wo
arc satIsfied. I some of lS would only ap-
preclate the fact that In nine cases out at
ten t It II the thought which prompted \ the
rI th tl. , rot its Intrinsic value , which delghs : , i .
how 11ch trouble we might save ourselves I
1lkewlse. we might consider how much more
somethlnJ sI of our own handiwork , something
sg I n which our thourhts anti feelings [ are mIn.
'I g led , I appreciated by a friend than anything
we can hope to buy !
Tea nt lime I III "II.
Nothing coulll have been prettier anti
more enjoyable than the lea given on WI.
lesday from 4 to 7 ly Mr. and Mrs . henry
W. Yates In honor ot Mr. and Mrs. Wcll
( born Clemence Garneau ) . The rooms were
everywhere brightened with flowers anti
plants , anll the big square hal Presented a
most attractive nllpearance with Its opn !
fre of huge hickory logs resting 01 massive
wrol/ht.lron fre dogs. Easy I chairs and lox-
uo urlols couches temnped .no to linger . nnll
e\'orywherQ was comfort arid refinement. In
the t dining mom the charm of the entertain.
ment was complete. The large square his-
ho/any l table was decorated In yel-
low l roses anti gilded batkets holding
v iolets. Dainty scarfs and mal of
lnen l embroidered In yellow silk and floral
designs a 111 npproprlate motoes were
scaterCI so over the Ilollhell surface . A Pair
of slVr candelabra whIm many branches
held l/htell wax tapers shadetl In crepe
tulps , whie bClbonlErs of silver and rare
hIts of Dresden china \ ere filled with mints
anti alrumonds Miss Kountze served the
frozen e/rnoJ and Mrs. hull poured the
colet Jlss IcKelna at a side table served
t ea. Mrs. ' 'ellore an exquisite Importell
/ own of the Louis XVI perlol , skirt of
white silk with Pale blue stripe and /ar.
lands l of nOers. . cut on the bias , with [ ul
crlnolno elect , han/Ing In heavy folds , carl
sa/o of black velvet , whim wide re\ers of
whie satin spangllll In /oll , alien front of
\ery beautiful duchesse lace caught In with
d iamnommds.
dlamonts. Among the large number of
/UCts present were notced : Mrs . J. N.
1 1. Patrick , Mrs. nanty , Miss Daldy. ? itn .
a nd Mrs. Garnemmu Mr. Pierre Gannenu . Mrs.
: IOIal , lrs. Grord ( , ; lss Poppleton , Mss
l 'rtitt , Miss Collins . Miss l'almner Mrs. flingo
Walt , Miss In/\al , Miss Johlson of St
Joseph , Mr. nnt Irs. Jack Ing\al. Mr.
Earl Gannett , : Ir. nean , Mr John Pntrlck ,
; [ r. 'futner. Mr. and Airs. Ahe Heel , Mr.
ami m Mrs. Cols , MIss Webster Miss Desk
Mr. Carter anti many others
13mm Inn \'olerln I.vgloii.
Encampment No. 121 gave a very delghHul
entertainment last ' \elnestay evenIng In the
Paterson l hlock. The singing ot Mr. Abel
calell forth \el merited npplausb 1es-
dames lathenson and Creen nmmd the Misses
Lo\o and Crandall surprised their frIends
present. The banjo solo and song by Mn.
Glenbeck was encored . as was the baritone
song of Mr. Kaltierer . In fact , each number
oa the program Imad to be repeated . One
of time pleasing fetures of the evening was
\ \as
time dancing of the daughter
Ianclng dau/hter of the cncamp-
ment and little larry Phoenix. Mrs. Math-
enson In the "Down East Gosshler" kept the
audience II 1 roar of laughter. A large num-
her of the Council Durs comrades .and . their
ladles l were present headed with their veteran
drum and fife corps. The I' . O. quintet caine
In for a general share of apllause by cale their
good music furnished. The program :
OvertureNatonal . . . pro/ram . . . . Quintet
Tenor fong-Answtr..Mr. Fred S. Abel
The V 'elldlng of Sarah Jane. . .Misses
' 'alz-Bogle 1an. . . . Jane..Mlfses . . . . .1. O. Quintet
Banjo soloT1 Banjo Serenade. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Glenbeck
Piano-Old Black Joe , with variations. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ Little Isabel
Song and danceTin ! a I.lng. . . . . . . .
losdames Iatheson and Green :
Misses Lowe and Crandeli.
Reitaton. 11sses Lwe . . . . . . . . . . Crandel. . . . . . . Matheson
Cornet , solo-Lullaby..Mr . llatheson . .
Fancy dance-Sailor's Hornpipe. . . . . . 10lc .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Master Phoenix
Schmottlsche-Kumis..I' . O. Quintet
Baritone soloBedouin Love Song ( Pen-
sule ) . . . . . . . . . . . . .111. Sng . Kniteier
Fancy danceCchuca. . . . . . . . . . Kaleler . .
. . . . . . . . . . . Daughter or Encampment :
Banjo , with piano accompaniment. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. G lenbeck : :
waltz-A Night In Naples..I' . O. Quintet
Home Sweet Home..p. O. Quintet : I
At 'iormiimit' ' \nnell . Acndenmy.
One of the most enjoyable events of time
past week was the social dance at. Morand's
hal Thursday evening last , given under the
auspices of the La Rosa club. About 8
o'clock the members of the club and their
ladles assembled at the flail . and In their
usual hospItable manner , received the guests.
Promptly at 8:30 : the sweet strains of musIc
were heard and then the dancing was begun
by n grand march , headed by Mr. I. L. Hol-
ton and Miss Tiey Larson , followed by
thirty-fve couples of handsome young men
all pretty young ladles. The programs were
unique and contained twenty dances. Light
refreshments were served at Intermission.
Those present were : Mesdames Moran and
Kelpln ; Miss Erlekson , Miss Burns , Miss :
Baum Miss Carol , Miss 'Harspler , Miss :
Shlrsteln , Miss Rooney , Ales Allen , Miss '
hianimnerlca . MIss Comlron Miss Hayden , ,
1lss'Sttt. Miss Shearer , 'Miss Rosenberg. Miss :
Larson , Miss lay Hill , Miss Felber . Miss
Edghill . Miss DOlonson , Miss Harris , Mis
Sadie Hill , Miss Smith Miss Done , Miss
Evans , Miss Thompson , Miss Lambert , Miss
Drown , Miss White. MIss Anderson Miss I
Wilson , Miss Camp , MIss Parker and MIss
Miller : also Messrs. J. E. Van Dorn , Eiilng.
ton , Rowley , Rickey . Huyett . Richard , Ellng- -
kin I . Kelpln , Copeland White I'lckett Puny , , ,
Helen , Van Dorn , Monain Cathers , Robinson ,
Cunningham , Dargan , Wiggins . Salmon , ,
Comuitra . Powell . McNalr Edghl , Duzzel , ,
Staftord , Van Derfoort . :
Stalord , EllIs . Dewlow , S a-
man , Goodrich , Barnes Grote , Smith , Wil.
lams , PatrIck , Llnblade , Brown and Wi-
drlx. len-
For ( 'olori.t , mind \lr6 , Wnrth.
The farewell party given at Fort Omaha
Friday ] evening In honor of Colonel and Mrs
"Vorth , lrought out a large number of town
folks , In addition to the ofcers and their
wives. The guests were received by Colonel I
and Mrs. Park , Mrs. Ulo , Mrs. Denham
and Mrs. Tilton. The hal was beautuly
decorated amid the event one of the first In
the season's b'yetes. at the garrison of the
Second foot. Tehere was delIghtful music ,
delicious refreshments and dancIng. making
altogether an enjoyable evening.
Among those present were : General and
Mrs. Brook . Captain and Mrs. Booth . Cptain
ant Mrs. Turner . Colonel anti Mrs. Worth ,
Captain and Mrs. Waning Captain Kinzie I
Dr. and Mrs. Crummer , Captain and Mrs
Sarson Mre. Porter , Dr. and Mrs. Clarke I ,
Mr. and Mrs. Prince , Captain and Mrs (
Abercrombie. Mr. and Mrs. McCormlcl , Mr
amid Mrs. Wheeler , Captain and Mrs. Ulo ! ,
Misses Reece , Doane , Curtis , Lindsay , Ring -
walt , Kinzie , Waring , Wickham , Keatng : ,
Hhnebaugh , hughes ; Messrs. hines , Heth ,
Doano , GUlou , Hedlck , Doollmler , Sear ,
Quay , hhunkley , ICrcck , Lawrence , McArthur ,
Arrasmithi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1lr. nnd Ill ra IUllt Etmtertalm .
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Doul entertalne ii
a number of theIr friends last Thursllay
evening at their residence , 18 South Fi-
teenth street , progressive hl/h five being the
principal feature of the evenIng's irograrr I.
Mr. G. B. I.asburr won the pro/ram.
first prize , Miss Lizzie Cradtock the ladles'
prize for the largest number of gaimue a
scord I. whlo Mrs. W L. 10land and Mi r.
Beaus were awarded ! the consolaton pnizem
Among those present we gleaned the names
of time following : Mr. and Mrs. Wiiams ,
1r , and Mrs , Wlmlte . Mr. ant Mrs. ancher ,
Mr. and Mrs. I ) . Wyckoff , Mr. and Mn m .
Sclmierstein . Mr. and Mrs. Beaus , Mr. Shepherd :
herd , .Mr. Lsbury , Mr. Cralldock , Mr. West t ,
Dr. Wihllamusoim. Mrs. Fisimer . Miss Eli lt
Houser , Miss Ole Suttn ; Miss Florence
Houser , Miss Lizzie Craddock , Miss Metablo
hanson Miss Maud \Vyckoif , Mrs. house r .
Mrs. Wheels , Mr. I ) . C. Dodds . Master Clydo
Wyckoff . Mr. and Mrs. W L. holland of f
South Omaha and Mn Harvey Waldroa of
Greenwood , Neb.
- -
11n Elitor'a Ihlrthitimmy.
S. F. Noble edItor of time Danish Pioneer ,
commemorated his birthday In 1 telclous
way at his residence , 2UG South Nilth street t ,
last Saturday evening. Those In attendant .
ware : J. C. Christensen , Peter Stock , Io -o
Boysen , Dr. ltils . Dr. Boysen . U. T. Fredei r-
Icklen , John Hasmus8en H. Norwuli . Wilam
Nelson , John Noble , Wiiam Nave , W. L. I
Jaggar Hans Nettle George Koch , Sophi
F. Neblo , wie and 10ther.
Tim TulnUcn'uluul hop ,
The sixth annual bal given ly Succea
ledge 13G , Irotherhod of RaIlroad Trainmen -
men , will take place 'Churaday , January 17 ,
1895. Wuhlngton hail. Mater of cere-
monie : O. S. McCafrey : assistants , M. Ie ,
tfltWv - -
O\er , W. J. Murphy ; arrangements r. F.
h loren . J. Lrelz , 0. O. Drophy , P. MorrIsG
sey , O. A. Adams , P. A. lJerrou : reception ,
F red Peterson , T. hi. Campbell . I" . Murphy ,
H. A. Sanders , D. A. Deekwlh ; Invitation ,
I i. P. Graham , M. Foley , J. L. Dorsey , J. A.
d ining. M. J. Drummonl ) , E. Ooolwln : floor ,
0 . E. Heed , William Dineen , G. D. Ellis , J.
F. Llnber ) ' , Frank Murphy , George Urophr.
URnlI/ , t nr.t's ; i" C"Ilnl.
A .
most enjoyable party was ten-
,1ered the guests of "The Capitol , "
nt Wghteenth street anti Capitol avenue -
nue , Tuesday evenIng. Progressive whist
wns the order of the evening , In which
the han sole prizes were awarded to Miss
Amy Hu/hes and : lr. Edwar . whie the
consolnton prizes were carried oft by Mr.
E I van and Mrs. D.\kln. After 1 delcIous
luncheon l was served the west parlors were
clearell and Iancll was itmiltilgeti In until
! / < unti
a late hour Among those Present were :
tesdalnes Lowe I.'errln , D3klu , Smith , \Vil-
son and Heeeer ; Misses ihmmghies Robineon ,
l ) akin , Chapman , Vincent Conlee , Dunn
S tntmtimers . Paterson , Da\'ls and Ilrrln ; .
Mesmrs. C. anti " ' . Wllnnn , hInd , Humlhrey ,
D r. Mclulen. Evans , dwards r ' , hlussey . ItogC
e ns . Sutphen , Iakin Heecer , Ityan Wilson
and Utle ) ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
; ; 1 r ! . Iiriuko's IC".llllol.
On Thursday afternoon Mr3 . Drooke enter-
talnet a large party of women at a very
tlel/hlful ICenslngton. Among those lines-
ent were , Mrs. J. hI. Millard , trs. hawkins
o f Wasbln ton , Irs. C. A. Collins . Mns [ . ,
James E. lloyd , Mrs. Alvin Saunders , Mrs. !
1letcnlfe. Mrs. Hlssel Harrison , Mrs. hailer ,
M rs. Bucimanami . lrs. Worthln/ton , Mrs.
In/Ial l , Mrs. Beal , Mrs. rank I RichardF
s oil . MIss Scott . Mrs. Gilbert , Mrs. Prat
and lany others
lhmt' . . from lii . Soc"t Cinch' ; .
Mr. Asa Shlverlck will put In the week at
l mommie.
Chlcngo. Mrs. John Francis Is with relatives In
Miss Emma Free has returned Crom a visit
to Denver.
Mr. Will Hogers returnet train Princeton
Friday evening.
Mrs. John C. Cowin has gone to Chicago .
on a short vlsll
1Iss Anna Shl'erlcl { will enterlaln one .
cvenlng this wee It.
Captain Crow < er let this mornIng for
Washington , D. C.
Mr. Arthur Carter of harvard Is home for
the week's vacatiomm.
Miss Talaferro returnc Satmmrday to spend
the holdays at I ome.
Miss Gerlte Kountzo has returned from
school In Connecticut.
Dick Stewart of Yale will idle the week
away In Council Bluffs.
Miss Alice Anderson Is home from Lasalle
for time hollay season. Lasale
The Misses Peck from the Minneapolis
semmilimary . returned rhlay.
Miss Grae3 Allen Is expectet home MOlu1ar
from the Lasalo seminary.
Mrs. Do/gs will give a dInner for the
brides ono evening this week
The Misses Gardner of Clinton , Ia. , arc the
guests of Miss Sue Colpetzer.
Mrs. Edward Dickinson returned from a
brief visit to Chlca/o ) 'ederla ) ' .
Miss Frederlella
Wessels entertained a
number of friends Friday evening.
Miss Grace Himebaugh entertained n
merry dancing party last evening.
Mrs. 'Vatson 13. Smith . who has been visiti
Ing In Pittsburg . returned yesterdar.
Miss Edna Cowan returned from Miss
Peal's scimool Utica , N. Y. , yesterday 1Iss
Miss Russell . who Is the guest of Miss
Dshop , expect to return home Monday.
Miss Flora Field of London , England was
the guest of Mrs. Frank 11s last week.
Mr. Frank 1urphy. Mrs. Cummln/s arid
/ ant
Miss Hamilton went to Chicago Tuesday .
MIss Joe Stanton gave a charming luncheon -
eon one day last wezk t a special coterie.
Mr. Howard D. Smlh Is again able to be
about , with the aid of crutcimes ! however.
Mr. August Kountze and MISs Gertrude
Kounto will spend the holidays at home.
Miss PhIllIps of Duluth left Friday for Co-
lumbus. where she wIll spend the holidays.
Mrs. J. W. Cotton , who Is Quite ill . expects I
to go east , where she will remain a month.
Miss Florence Miles has ' returned from a
several weeks' visit In St. Paul ant Chicago.
Mr. ant Mrs. Joseph Garneau entertaine
at cards Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs .
Miss Florence lpatrlek of MIss Graham's I
school , New York Is home for the festal
Messrs. Dwight Swobe 1acMorirn and I
Bert Raymond of Falrbaul are home for the '
Harry Leroy Crumnmer . of the ChIcago '
yesterday. Medical college , returned . for the holIdays
The Misses TIbbets of Lincoln will be the u
guests of Mrs. Joseph 1etcal durIng Christmas .
mas week
Miss Emily 'Vakeley has returned from
a month's visit wIth Miss HarrIet Hal '
Miss Woolworth w1 not return to Omaha
for ChrIstmas , but will remain In New York
until spring.
Mr. Henry Clarke and Mr. Russel Wilhui .
arc home from Wilams colege ! for the mIdwinter -
winter vacation.
Mrs. G. A. Hoagland and daughter , Miss I
Helen , are In 'Vashlngtol , D. C. , for the I
Christmas tIme.
MIsses Bertha Sloan and Mae Mount from
Miss Grant's school , Chcngo , are at home fem
the Christmastidc.
Mr. A. p. hopkIns of nelthern Michigan Is i
expectel In Omalla' Monday to spend Christ-
mas wIth his family.
Miss Loulo Drake entertained I ached I
dancing party Thursday evening Ii her customary -
ternary charming way
Miss Dandy leave time 26th ot Decemb r :
for Rock Island , where she will be the gues t
of Miss Hope Curtiss.
Mrs. H. II. liaIse and daughters , Hazel I
and I.orlna , g to Salt Lake City and Reno ,
Nev. , for the holidays.
Mrs. Percy Ford will give a reception New '
Years day from 4 to 7 In honor of Mrs. A. W.
Carter amid Miss Chase.
Miss Llta Gimore of Wolf hall , Denver ,
Is spending time holidays with her parents ,
at 2019 Calornia street.
Miss Loulso Squires , who has been atond -
hug the 'oung ladles' finIshing school , near :
Zanesvle , 0. . Is at lmomne
Mrs. Squires has gone to St. Louis to '
attend the goIng out party of Miss Meta
Knight , Tuesday evening.
Mr. Charles Kennedy , general northwestern
passenger agent of the Hock Island , Is at t
the Drunswlel , New York
Mr. and Mm's. H. H. Drlght of Chicago anl
Miss Igerna Gets of 1arshaltown are the
guests of Mrs. H. II. Lockwood
Prof. Sutorlus' Mandolin and Guitar club
Is IndustrIously practicing for I grand con
cert to be given early In April.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Wolsteln of Chicgo are
the guests' Mr. and Mrs. E. Selgsohn I ,
110 South Twenty-second street.
Miss Dole ] Pray and Miss I dlh Bake
leave tomorrow for Central City t lpnd '
Christmas with Miss JennIe ! Eaton.
Mr. and Mrs. John 1cCormick of Soother : ii
Oregon arc the guests of Mrs. Zera Snow , In
Portland , for the Christmas week ,
Miss Carter gave 1 happy ) lUe :
dinner party Saturday In honor of her ow n I
and Miss Laura Crandal's bIrthday.
Mrs. George Crowtimer wIfe of Con/ress-
man.elect Crowther of St. Joe , Is visitng
her brother 'Var In West Omaha
Miss Graves of New York Is the guest of
her sister , Mrs. George N. lUcks ; gest wi
remain with Ipr during the winter
Mr. Lyman O. Perley , who was In town
last week , left Monday for the Sandwich
Islands , where he will reside In tie tuture.
The Misses Morse , Florence , May and
lihisel , who are itt school In Utica . will sllcnd
the week with friends In New York City .
llss Alice Drake of St. Catherine's , Daven-
port returned Wednesday. Miss Drake wi
give a dancing party ono evening this wed 0.
Air. O. J. Eastman and wIfe , nee Nele
Burns , will spend time holidays with Id r.
and Idra Samuel Burns , havIng arrived yes-
General and Mrs. -Uawklns. who have '
many warm friends In Omaha , are spending
two weeks at the h'axton At the end of that
limo they leave for 1 trip around U ma .
world Upon their return to thIs country
- - - - - - - - - -
- -
they intend making this their future home
General Ha'klns owning conslderalmle propp
e rly hmere inj.r
Mrs. B. C lcShane anti ( 11au/hlers leave
tonight for KaHls City to spend the boll.
days wlh Mr. ' rend . Mr. John A. Sargent.
Miss Jossl'ol'lcklnn wIll entertain this
, 'eek for hmer 'harmlng guests , Miss Kehn
of Ihlallcllhl ! . ' nnd Miss Anterson ot
- - : -
li ii ebi o.
Misses t.m1uflmt1and Josephine Allen have
g one to lutch'iI1on , Kan. . to spenll the hol- :
da's with i ftkir ! cousin Miss Cathrine
Iro\l. , I. i S
Mr. Jim Wallace ot Wililammis . anti Gray
anll Charlie MOltomery ? at Simattuck . will
assist In deJolshlng ) the family turkey
T uesday.
Tuesta ,
; I' J
Captain amid Mrs. Palmer and ( Miss
Palmer are , "contemplatng the : Iellerran-
ean trIp . gcl\jg \ as far as Egyn anti the
UPIler Nile. 1 I ( )
Miss Josethlhe Welch , who less been the
guest at Miss Pearl Hartman for the past
two months , left for her home In St. Paul
Thurstay e\'enlng.
: lr. and Mrs. Prank I S. Ilsey and Irs.
Charles fi. I Calwbel have issued cad ! for
a Ilancing party on TImimriay . Deceniber 27.
at Counci Bluffs.
lrs. Webster and Miss 'ebler Intenll
to pend next summer In Etmrope , anti ! wi
be accomllanlell on the trip lr MIss nook
of f NashvIlle , Tenn
Miss PAulne Lowe anti Miss Emma 1 CmliN
th aI are Quiet ) comllletn/ their arrangement '
ment for n fancy dress dance , to be given
Wednesday civemming Jnluary 2.
Cards have been Issued hy ; [ r. anti Mrs
C. S. Iaymond for a dancing plrty next
Prllay evening , In honor of their son , ; [ r.
nurt h Haymonll , ant Miss Peelt.
:11 .ltoy Smith , the ce\er planll and coin-
Iloser , was a guest on Montiny antI Tleslay
o f Mr. amid "Irs. Loudou O. Chanitomm and on
Wedneslc ) ' of : tr. mind Mrs. lenry Estabook.
Mr. Grenvie lodge ) ; [ ont/omery at' Yale
w ill sllelll the holhla's with lr3. Iont-
gomery In Council Bluffs , who will enter
taln m a large house party during Christmas
w eek.
The engagemeut of MIss I.oule Dralle
daughter or Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Dralle , ant
! r. Albert P. Miller of [ l ranln , Pa. , has
been annmoummced-tlme marriage to take place
afer aster.
C. F' . Goodman's malm1y Is slowly making
headway ngalnst the strong cousttuton of
one of Omaha's wel Imown Ilblc men , anll
his i death , It Is thought , Is only a question
of a few days.
The llrst annl\ersar ) ' of the mustering In
o f the Thurston Rifles Into time Nebraska Na-
tonal Guar occurred last 1olula ) ' evening ,
when a large assembly was helt at the liar.
ne ) street armory
In a \ery charming wa ) ' : Ir. J. E. Vai'
Darn entertained , some gentemen [ rlenls at
whist ondar e\'enlng. The guests were :
Ernest low l. Ambrose Ehhimtgtoim . F . D.
Buzzel , F. F. Van Dorn amid ! C. C. Bemis. :
Mrs. I , . 1) . Fowler entertained the officers .
a 11 en110yes itt the German Savings hanll I
at dluner Timursday. Time affair was so
m manage to be a complete surprise on Mr.
Fowler , It being In honor of Ills [ orteth
b irthday.
Miss Jessie Dickinson retured [ rom
Ogontz college . Philadelphia , Saturday , ac-
companle by Miss Keim a classmate for
the holtay vacation. Miss Anderson of
Pueblo. Col , Is also a guest of Miss
] iclcinson
Mr. F. P. Knott , who has a number of
pictures on exhIbition at Whitmore's gallery ,
has i ben eonimIietJ to go to Denver to complete -
plete iI i some ptrj\t \ work. The palntirmgs .
however I , wlr r.maln on exhibiton until
after the
afer hold1 ;
There Is a1lwhtsper going the rounds In
society elrcles" ' 'thM ' Lieutenant Jim Anna-
smith Is to nsery { : one of Omaha's sweetest
and most popl r young ladles Imme ] lately
after his retlrn from Boston In April. le
l eaves on a t ri months' furlough January
10. II'E 0,1
The O. M. ' J T : ; ; Social club entertained a
number of Uqlr ( ( friends at their third
monthly socia1iIatce . given at 1oran 's on
Wednesday evnjllg.the 19th. The program
consisted of t'nhyone \ numbers. During Intermission -
termission p\ch i and cake were served
and a good thul had generally.
Mr. and MrS J. N. H. Patrick have is-
sued cards fo'l/an . I afernoon reception . with
dancing Inthiem'r " or the Yale Gee , club
on approacllini visit 'to the city , Decem-
her 29. "Happ\ 1010w. . wi again be the
scene of one of thQse charming reunions :
for which this Ilospitable home Is famous.
Mr. and Mrs. Wi E. Hitchcock entertained -
tained n number of their friends at cards
Thursdy evening at their cozy home , 17
South Twenty-nUb street. Among those ,
present were : Mr. ant Mrs. John H. Web-
ster. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Howard Miss I
Emily Fuller and Mr. W. W. VanValtenberg i
of Topeka Kan.
Mr. Thomas Wilson Datn will leave next
week oa n visit to Washington and Phia- :
delphia. Mr. Datpn , who was a member of
the clas of ' 94 at the University of 11ch- :
Igan , will saIl for Europe In January , to I
pursue n course In marine engineering at the :
University of Paris and afterward to work
as In apprentIce In the shipyards In France
and Scotland.
Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'cloclc In All I
Salets' church occurred the marriage of Mr. ,
Norman \V. Peters of Lincoln , and Miss
Annie C. Derby of this city. Rev. T. J.
Mackay omclated. Tha groomsmen were :
Mr. W. H. Wheeler and Mr. W. D. Allen ;
and the bridesmaids were Miss Derby , slstthi
of the brIde. and Miss Peters , sister of the i
groom. The brIde was given away by item
mother. '
'hurstay evening Mr. and Mrs. O. W. .
Pckard entertained very pleasantly at their
home In West Lawn A delIghtful musical I
program was rendered during the evening
by Mr. and Mrs. Gibson , Mr. Fleming nd
others. Dancing followed the refreshments ,
whIch was greatly enjoyed ly those hsresent
Mr. ant Mrs. Pickard were assisted by Mr .
and Mrs. O. J. Pickrd amid Mr. and Mrs .
J. W. ' Vail. ,
Time reception /I\en at hillside Wednesday
afternoon In honor of Mr. anti Mrs. Weld :
flea Clemence Gareau , was a very chanmnin
affair , as Mrs. Yates' ntert31nments always ;
are Between the hours of 4 and 7 the guesta
contnuel to arrive , Mrs. Yates and Mrs
Weld receiving them. In the dining room ,
the table , which was attractively trimmed In
chrysanthemums and violets , was preside i
over by Miss McKenna , Miss Kountze and I
Mrs. hull , whie UI others who assisted
were Mrs. Dandy Miss Dandy and Mrs .
Patrick. About sixty guests were present.
A very pleasant home wedding occurred I
at the residence of Mr. anti Irs. N. fir
Cady , 202 St. Mary's avemmime Wednesday
evening , December 19 , when Miss Lilan
rower a very esteemed and popular 'oung
woman of Sterling . Ill. , was unIted In marriage -
riage to Mr. George lenterson of this city ,
Only relatves of the bride and groom were
present to witness the ceremony. ReS. .
WrIght Butler of St. Mary's church oflicl -
ated After the wedding an hnpromplu reception -
cepton was lucid ' at the home of Mn and
Mrs. HendersonI Twenty-sixth and Charles
streets. , I , II '
Mrs. Hobert lolles of 2227 Ohio atrtet
gave i very pleas.ant surprise party In 10nor
of her niece , MIss tAnriie Lee from Pueblo , ,
Colo. , a few evenings since These In at-
tentance were , Misses Winnie and Madge I
Bishop , gues Qn1et , Mary Moran , Etliti Im ,
Snyder , Bernie , , 'North , Grace and Liian
Emsly , VinnIe 14iid Goldie SmIth ; Masters
Clyde and Arfiur f Smith. I.I and Cero
Kelly , Martin Cannon , Harry and Wiie
Neal Fred Nestlcbjsim \ , Robert Snyder , Ar -
thur Wilson. , Tie e\'enlng was spent In i
singing , dancing and games , all topped of
with delightful rl etraimmmmepts .
Mn John W. Shaw and MIss Uessle L.
Flint were nuaried1 on Wednesday evening
at time rosldencaor At. Shannon , , 2219 Ilnney
street Rev. Dr1 lester of time Immanuel
Baptist church otflciated , and ely the 1m-
mediate friends were present The young
couple were to have been married In Novem-
her but time groom suffered a serious at-
tack of typhlod fever , and the ceremony
had to 10 pstpone . Time newly married
couple receIved many presents , and In the
sprig they expect to move into theIr own
home Mr. Shaw i the manager of the
Omaha club , anti Is well known among the
business men.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Anderson , reddlng
01 Clark street , near Eighteenth gave a
farewell Ilaty to a number of theIr Irlend
on Friday even lag. Mr. Anderson Is bol-
keeper for tle lule Mattress factory , and
will move to ChIcago . with that concern
about the frt of the year . high five fur-
fished the amusement of the evening , and
the prizs were * seat and appropriate. De-
IcloU8 refreshments were served. Thos
present were , Mr. and tr8. 1 , ' , I' ' horn ton ,
Oeorgo n. Anderson , Joseph n Tremble ,
Id . .Simannon Masters Roe , 1tSeS Irving ,
V andruff . Mackler . : lctobertE , anti Messrs.
' v . C. Cochran , George "Ictob rts. .1. O.
Hornbeck anti , S. C. imalmam
Miss I.ull Dolan , OOi South Icvenlh !
street , entertained \
cnterll\nc Wlnestny evening In
honor of : Ir. T. S. I stabrool ( ot ( 'lmicago .
who Is spending the holll's In thIs cily.
The guests were Misses Kate anti Jennie
non llson , Mlses Illel , Ashmore anti Man-
c hester . and lessr8. . I'1wlnMllvlhll , Tay-
lor b , nallwin anti Smmlilvan. Miss Asltnuore
whos home is I Detroi , and ! who Is al eta-
cutonlst of rare excellence . , a\'l two rlcll-
t ions . which displayed \erfeton her wenS
derful facilIty of voice anti facial eXllresslon.
; lusle anti cards occupied the remainder ot
many the tiimi lucky , four players Imnizes , being awarded to : S
On Tuesllay afternoon Mrs. n.dlas nacho
/ ave a vry charming ten party In honor
cC lrs. : cahn [ , the daughter of Colonel
Dache. There about ' .
were tWlnt.I\e ladies
\rlsnt. and a Inmost enjoyable tme was
passel In social chat meant refreshments
w ere serve:1 : In the well allllo1ntli miming
rOJm , nlHI the table laid out wlh great
t aste , imaving II the center a beautifully ar-
rangell collection of canmmatiomms. 1lss fleecer
ami Miss Darnarll atelled to the cJr e and
c chocdat Atimng the guests were , Mrs [ .
" 'orth , Mrs. Thompson , Mrs. Brooke , Mrs.
N'e , Mrs hhimssey , Mrs. lenlct. Mrs
" 'elis . Mrs. \elel , iMrs. \ ; lcllnna. lrs.
Wessels , " ' Miss lloyd , MIss Scot a 111 Mrs.
h ticlmandson. '
The Bon Ami dumb ht111 a meetng last
Monday eVlnlng at time 1llarll hotel Mrs .
Wltte was the hostess emi this occasion ,
anl It goes wllhout saying that the meetng
was an especially interesting one. The rooms
In i whleh it was heiti '
I hell were very artIstIcally
a mid tastefully [ cmbelished with h'ol , mmmi !
hal l aery chnrmlng ellct There ) were
thlrl.fve t memhers present , anti ; lr. Mar-
kel was untring In his efforts to make
every thinIlleasant anti areeable. Among
the vIsitors of the evening were ! Mr. Lewis
; lr. anti Mrs. .1. S. llrauiy ( . Miss Pearson of
lastngs and : Ir. Hunt. Mrs. nrake and
: Ir. IClrllental callIrel1 the first Ilrlzes , and
: [ rs. Klrlllllal nnl Mn . \ralle the slcon .
The next meeting of the club will be held
nt the residence of ; [ rs. II. P. Cally.
, : Ir. nnll ! r. A. S. Carter gave 1 lovely
Ilancing at their
party elegant resllence on
, elnesllay evening. Mrs. Carter was ns-
slste' ' ! by her dau/hter , Miss IlmcbauJh ,
who Is a charming entertainer , The rooms
were especially decorate for the occasion
a nd the dorms were can\'assel for the danc-
e ra . 'here was a fne orchestra , which dls-
coursel some excellent. selectIons dmmrimmg the
I\enlng , anti everything was arranged In
the most elaborate way for the ermtertaln-
Ilnt of the large /atherlng of . guests. A
delcious supper was senvetl In the billiard
servel bilard
room downstaIrs. Among those present
were , ! r. RII ! rs. Iteetl . ; tr. anti ! rs.
Colas : Misses Curtis , Cathy , Doane , Hughes ,
Cohpetzer . Hn/wal , Mdccli . Margaret Cook .
trowim i Moore . and Messrs. Mullen . Gulou ,
Garneau , hamilton , Saunders , Berln , lied-
Ick I , Wheeler , Cook . Pease , John Patrick ,
Charles , George ant . LIeutenant Arrasmithm.
Jnehlonl ! ee"I"1 by the . FhHllg ot time
J tt tnJlon Choclt.
One of the stock brokers of time cIty In
commentng on tIme finding of the note , the
disappearance \ of which led to the suicIde
of John Iuntngton ? nt Council Bluffs said :
" 1lany an old business man and banker
will recall lost or mislaid papers that' caused
the greatest anxiety for a tme more or less
protracted : . . The wrier wi submit one IncIdent -
"Early In the spring or 1892 there was received -
cel\et Cram Denver for transmission to an
easter clIent I $ ,000 note. I was delIvered
by an early morning mal ant put , as sup-
posed ' Into a convenient pigeon hole to re-
ceh'e proper attention at a later hour. In
due time the note was required and could not
be found. The pigeon hole was searched and
everything In Its vicinIty was turned over ;
every fettled paper ant book careuly opened
ant examined In vnln. Several hours were
devoted td time search. Every review of the
morning's work sent the mind to that
pigeon hole as the place of temporary do-
PCS1t but time most diligent scrutiny de-I
to find it. At length frol sheer anxiety and I
oxhauston the writer threw hImself bacl In
his arm chair and elevated his feet to rest.
That act lowered the eyes so as to enable
him to see the top of the pigeon hole toward
which his thoughts and search had been for
hours fruitlessly directed. There snugly sus-
pended closely against the top of the little I
square box hung the much wanted paper. I
happened to be of exactly the width to 0
suspended without foldtng. So closely did It
adhere that It was wholly invisible when
sIttng ' erect In a natural position before the '
Iesk. The fact was , It was laid In the '
pigeon hole upon some tablets of blanks '
that for and In withdrawing
were required use . wlh-
drawing them the note was lIfted to the '
place It so deWy fitted , and there remained
suspentied. I might have continued undls.
covered as long as the $500 check but for
time accident by which . I was ound. "
J'EHTEll' l'.NSIO"S. ; ,
Veterans at tim LtVar lomomborod by
the General ( ovornmont
WASIINGTON , Dec. 22.-CSpeca1)-Pon- ( )
slons. granted , issue of December 10. were :
Nebraska : Original-David Wimite . IRa-
enna . Buffalo ; Otto Maurer , Omaha , Doug-
las. Supplemental-James McDonald , Dra-
ton , Greeley. Henewal-Gerald A. Porter ,
Sllrngvlew , Joya Paha. Helssuerson A. .
" 'arneI. Syracuse . Otoe : Syh'unus D. Rowe , '
Hartey , HI Willow. Original I wIdows. etc.
-Minor of herman 1olrlng. Sterling , John- :
/OI WI : Orl lnal-John H. Peclt. Suther-
1111 , O'Brien. Additional-John D. Finch 1 ,
BOOII Boone. IncreaseHenry GroneII St.
Ansgar. Itlltche'l. Reissue-f-harks Wal ace ,
\lllala , Ju per. OrlInal widows . elc.-
Eliza A. Brcedlng. 'Vlnteret , 1adllon ; '
Jacob 1erlclc ( father ) , Fort Dodge , 'Veb- :
stem' ,
SIS th Dakota : Original wIdows otc.-
Mary A. Plat. Claremont , Drown ; Mar
H. DIckinson . Webster Day .
Colorado : OI'lglnal-Au/ust 7elblg. Via
Grove , Saguacho : Alexander W J > otter . ,
Cripple Creelt , m I'aso. Uenewal-Josepl L
Johnston ' Denver. Arapahoe. Original wid-
ews , etc. - Sarh 11. Shane . , Pueblo , Pueblo
FaIr flc Warmorfor Ynrtnhlu 'Vlnd. Nchrlulc . with
WASHINGTON , Dee. 22.-The forecast for
Sunday Is : "
1.01 Nebraska and Kansas-Fall anll I
warmer : variable wInds , becoming south.
For Iowa and Missouri-Fain ; W/rmer :
vnrlhleInlls , becoming south
winds For South Dal < ta-Falr : warmer : south I
Local Record .
OFFlg Ol TIm WFA''Imn BUREAU , ,
OMAhIA. Dec. 22.-Omaha record 1 of temper
ature and rainfall , compared with tIme cor-
re/llOndlnl day of ) Jst four years :
1891. 1833. 1S2. 1831.
Maximum temperature. . 36 r 17 3 :
Minimum temperature. . . 2 46 -1 21
Average temperattmrc . . 31 46 8 2
I'reclpluton . . . . . . . . . .0 ( ) .03 ,0 .0
CondItion of temperature and preCPitaton
1891 at Omaha : for the day end since Mlrch 1 ,
Normal temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
J'xceS/ for the day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Normal immecipitation . . . . . . . . . . .0 Inch
Delclencr for the tiny . . . . . . . . . .03 Inch
Total precipitation since March 1 15.P9 Inches
Delclelcr since 1arch 1. . . . . . 15.9 Inches
I. \'ELShI . , Observer .
IN JH''U'.tT ( 'llt'l.lS. :
Time usunl luRlcllo will occur at the I Pimst
Congrc/alonal chlrch 8111ay afternoon at
3 o'clocl , ( lila helng the last but one of [ time
Rerles. ! r. Morton Miss higgins 01 Chi-
C.110 , Mr , Charles Higgins and the church
quartet \ ill assist the organist The Ilro-
gl'nl II as 10\0\s :
O rgmimm-Cimnistmnns Offertory anti Gloria
In gxcelsll. . . . . . . , . , . . . . . .1rmteIS Oorll
Q ua rtet-Cnlmmi In the llstenln fur : of
Nllht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! .Schnecker
Mrs. $ quires , Irs. lilttrtomm . Mm' . Abbot Iml
, . Mr. 1tBobert !
"o\n Solo-Cn\ltne , Oil. : f. . . ,1oIAemler
Mn . CharlA. . Higgins
nl' ) ln-O. holy . . . . . . . . . . . . .
S olo-ii9' Hetepler uul :1) ' I.onil..litmek
llss 1lrlll Ioulsl HIRRII !
O Offertomy-Slemmumber . . . . . . . .
Orgll OrrtolSlllber Sonl..S
S oim-A'ikc mmii Slug , ( loOti Cimnistiamms
Mrs. dummies 'tV liinrtomm ,
\ bun HoIo-Nontumrn , Op. t ) , No , 2. , Chmopimi
Mr. Itigginmi.
Omgnnm-The Ilnhleltmjmuhm ( 'hmnurim'm..llatmdei
Mrs. F. I" . lm-i1 , Orgmmnimtt.
Mii's DaIsy Iliggimus , Aecomapmmmmist ,
Omi Thursday u'vemmimmg last time Pumhmhls of
Prof. Ifrala antI Miss Ella Day gave time
a ccount of a series of recitals at time roommis
o f the Otmiaima Commmmmmerclal college. Tlmls
r ecital was equal if mmot smmperior to time first ,
wimich'as given sonic thiime ago , Time isro-
g rammi coumsistetl of mmlneteen imummibers , all
o f which were very well remidereil. Time
r ecitation , "Idmi Old Sis eethmenrt , ' ' by Mr.
Carl Extromn , was very geniI , as also s'tms time
s commii frommm 'Ztlimry Stuart" by Misses Susie
C , l'imeIhIs anti Ammmmio Vnlrnr. Time large mit-
t erudance at timese recilais speaks 'olmmmmmes
f ur tIme good work of Prof. ICrate. nmmti Miss
i ) muy. Anrmmtigemmueiuts are lieimmg mmmtmtio for tIme
t hird of tlmi'so recitals for a ( tmture day ,
TIme following elaborate prognammu will Ito
gIven at time First Methmotlist cimtmrchm uiurummg
t ime ChrIstmas semutomm. For somne mmmontlms time
e xcellent clmoin of tlmis church has
bcemm rohmearsmmg time Iest ionks of
t ime classics , atmtl nssisteti by two
or thmreo soloists will give a special mmmmmsIcale
festival of fommr services , egimmmiing timis
t miornimmg at 10:10 : a. tmm. Time followlimg Programs -
grams will tue givemi :
Orgami I'reimmtle-Commutmutmmuion iii H maimmor ,
hhmtiste :
] Iymn-l'lme himmg of Love ( Temmie , Dun-
ilOc ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prayi't' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ammthmeimi-l Aiim time Bread of Life . , , . , Stmmiimer
Comamanmuimnemits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kvm-ie ( After Imest cornminthmni'nt ) . . , W'ootiwnnui
Offoniory-Camuminmtmuiumm iii . . . . . . . . . . . .
In'itation. ( ii' any maim simm , vte. )
Commfessicmm. ( Ahmmulgimty God , Ftmtlmer etc. )
liemmMhictus-hJIeuusi'ti , is lie titmit Commuetim. .
l'rayer. ( Alnmigimty God , our heavenly ,
etc. )
Time . , collect , ( Aimnigimty God , mmnto , etc. )
" do mmtfl urosumne to comae , " etc.
Agnims IeI-O I.nmmml , of God , , . . , , . . \Vootlwmird
i'mityer of cotmsecrmitlon.
' 'It is very meet , might , ' ' etc.
"Therefore witim o ngeii' , mirchmmnmets , nini
with au ' praisIng rliee timid
saying : .
Sminetims-hioly , I ltily , I loll'\Voodwarci
hord'8 Prayer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
i'ra'er-O Lorti , Our heavenly Fmttimer.
Gloria in Excelsis.\Voodwrmrd
I K'rmetlicttmq. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I 'ouitlude-Mmtrclme l'ontiflcnIe..Leruminena
Choral I'rehimtie-It Caine Upomi time Mitt-
nigimt , Churistmnuuu Carol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Organ l'relude-ithumtlmsothie No. I. . . . . . . . .
Doxology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Anthem-AntI time Glory of time Lord. . . . . .
Hymn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Scuriptmmre l.essomi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
OI'fertory-Chm nitom. . m Offertory..Lemumnt us
Anrmotmmmcememuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Antiietmi-GlorIa him Excelsis..Mozart
Sermon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
hl'nin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I'osthtmtie-Marche Ilerolque..Schubert
ChRiSTMAS DAY. 10:30 : A. M.
Choral Prelude-Angels from tIme Iteaimns ,
Carol ( Stmmmg 1mm the tower ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Organ Prehtmde-TmirOViSiOnS omm Christ-
rnmis HymTmfl Tumieq. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
flesponse-Venlte Hxultenius Domino ,
Chant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cimonims from the Twelfth Mass , Glenn . iii
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Offertory Solo-Noel..Adolphe .Admmmui
Anthem-Sing , 0 Heavemvm..Bentl-toitl 'I ours
Chmorus-hIalleiUittli ( from the ? mtesslnut )
Postlude-CiirlstmaS March. . . . . . . . . . . . Merkel
At time latter service Bishop Newenami will
. .
preach. - -
Aitimougim Mr. Franz Adelmann will have
a strong counter attractIon , lie Is brave
enough and musicIan enough to annommncc :
time folllowlng program for Timurstiay evening
next at time Young Melt's Christian association -
tion hail :
Overtune-Zampa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .hlerold
Quintet for Clarionet anti Stning . . . .Mozart
First Violin , Mr. Butler : Seconmi Vioiitm , Mr
Higgins ; Viola , Mr. Sauerweimu ; Cello , Mr
Letovaky ; Solo Ciarlonet , Mr. Adeinmana
Doris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nevlnt ;
Mrs. Charles Wilimelm.
( With ViolIn and Cello Obhigato by M.r
Adelmann and Mr. L.etovsicy. )
a Loin Du link b Entm'eacte Gavotte. .Gihlel
String Orchmestra.
PIano Concerto in G Minor..Mendelssohn
Mrs. Muentefering.
( WIth Accompaniment of String Quintet. t
Remembrance of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Mr. Pedersomm.
Otehlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L
Mr. Adelnmana.
Tanhauser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The following is timepnograni to be given
January 5 , on tue occasion of time testimonial
benefit to Mr. harts Albert , who leaves
Omaha for ollmer fields.
Jubel Overture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Webem
Concert Fantasie sur l'Opera Faust. wIth
orchestral accotnpa'uimnent.H. Welmmimowmikl
Clmmirheim A , ihiggimms.
Earl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
Joseph Gaimmn.
a Nocturne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cimopin-W'ilhcimny
i Gyhtal' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nashmea
Hans Albert ,
Scenes Picturesque..Mimasanet
Souvemmirde Mosloow..Welniawekl
Hans Albert.
Titles of Vienna Wooti Vaise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Airs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L
Hans Albert.
Time ' 94 ChmnImitnias musicale of flnoii'neil hmaul
took place last ntgiit amid under Miss VTaI.
lace's able supervisiomu IL was , as usual , an
unqualified success.
The first number of a iiellghmtfiii program '
a qimartet frormi "Der Treischutz , " by Weber , '
renitiered by Misses Id. Iietzel , lit. h'erry ,
J. Lansing anti Miami Wallace , in a truly in
spiring manner , and assured time audience
timmit it time otimen numbers were equal to time t
first a great tteat mmuigimt be expected. 'L'wc
duets followed iii succession , , time first byI
Misses hi , Cotton and N Kitclmemm , anti time I
muoconmd by Misses 14. fliackatona antI I. hum.
humus. Master S. lolmerty ttmemm sang time I
"Slumber Song , " by Newcoinit , iii a sweet ,
cimililisim treble.
Masatnet's Aragormaiser was next played iii I
a mnanmier ttimowitmg renmmanlcaiilo skill for an m
young a luertormer , Miss II. lavls , s'1mc I
possesses a Po'enful cormtralto voice , samm
' 'hlnhlgefluster , ' ' by Meyer liehtnuimti , antI
' ' " . A duet "l'as tic
'Time Ring , by hawley. ,
Fleuro , " by Feilista , veil gIvemm by Missef I
v , Cattle anti C. Iiebold , brought time first
part of time itrogmauim to a close.
Miss Wallace anti tiiss May hietzel itlaycd
hiatt's Gavotte and Musotto ( frotmi Suite , Op
200) ) , with unuchi l > niiiiancy anti artistic flumisim ,
after wlmlcht Miss B , Norvel i eated her hear.
era by imer interpretation of ltubermstein'm
"Polka floimemmie. " Two pretty lIttle sommgms o :
Neiucotmmb'a , "Celeste" aima "Two lilaidemma. '
clmarpIngiy sung by riltas L , Mead , caugimi L
time fancy of time audience. Miss Ii. .Smtmltt I
scored evemi a greater success timan mmsuu I
by lmer rendering of Scimubemt's mmmhtmuet ( fromr
Op. 78) ) , Miss loberty ) gave a sparlthimmg hittli a
Ra rnoncl's
Gifts for Men . . .
Ihanic Scissors. ' Cigar Ligimterms , Key Itinics ,
flrmuidy Bummers , . Cigar Cies. Key Cimaiti ,
BotUe hloitienou. Cigarette Cases. Liquor Flmks.
Clothes lirusimesu. 't , Curd Cases. Letter Cases ,
Cuticle l'usimenmm. Eye-Glass Cases , Napkin Rings.
Chmampagmmo Openers , l"ruit Knives , Pocket Knives.
Cigar Cutters Folding hiule , I'emm Wipers ,
Cigar Boxes , V Ink Erasers , l'enimolders.
.71rlI.zLIft , RAYMOND'S
J5711 .4N1 1)OUUL4S ST.
. . - ' . . =
- ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
501mg , "GOod flay , Marie , " in a captivating
manner , with Foti's "Serenade" for a second
mi uuuimber. A c'onsidemaumle amount of ability
i vies shown by MIss C , iieboiti by the graco. , '
( iii way in wimicim she vlmiyetl Chevalier dir
l ContkI's quaint minuet , 'Lotmlmi XV. " Time
ren'.arkabiy _ fine voice of lilies Sadie fiowen
% sas both a surprise atmti delight to imer hear.
era , this bclmmg time young lady's first sup.
l icamnuice ,
Time greatest praise must , however , be
meserveii for Miss M. Iletr.ei , whose mimsical
ability Is mnmmchm above time ordinary , lies
t imnee numnbers , "Gavotte anti Mmmsette" ( from
flnglishm Smmite ) , J , S. hiacime , "Moments
MusIcal" ( Op. lii , No , 2) ) , Schimbent , atmd "Thmi
Tmio l.arks , " Lesclmetizky , were exilemlsitohf
i nterpreted , her conuprehemmsiomm of timrci '
u vitlely different subjects imelmmg immost remark.
mimic. It will be a great mtemrpnlso it Mls *
iletsel ( iOemi not Irma 0 hier immark In this
m mnmsical iuoniml at mme far dIstant elate.
"Littlo Queemm hremie' ' imita received aiitii-
tItummil recogrmition on time stage. harry Oil-
foil , the famumomma wimistier in ' 'A Trip to
Ciminatowmi , " Is umsimmg it mmow as a wimisthing
solo wIth orcimestmal accomnparmlmmmemmt , Anna
lloyd Intiatitilmu , Jr. , " auth Coninume in "lieu-
dnick lhmmdson" are both mtimmgimmg it.
Time Yale Glee anti hiamuju , cltmbs wIll give
a concert at lloyd's opera itemise emu Saturtlay
evening , hecemnlmer 29. Atm immfonmmmai dance
will be given Imy Mrs. J. N. Ii , Patrick at
lien resitlejuce on tltc afternoon of that day
frommu 2 to 6 ii. mu , 0mm Timtmrstlay mud Fnitiay
of tImis week time climbs will give concerts at
St. Pmmmml anti iIitimmemmpohis , 1mm time fonnmer
city a tea uvihl be given in their hmonor by
Mrs .Insper Tarimox in tIme aftommmoomm , ammti mm
tIme evemming tIme ) ' u'ihl attemmti a receptiomm
gtveim by Mrs.'ilhiamn It. Memninmmi , him Mum.
rvnpohis a tnt ui-ill be giveim imy Mi's , Louis
I hall , amuml iii limo evening tIme mnenmlmers uvill
nttemmml a "smnoker" at time MinmmermpolIs cimmim ,
Tim lrosrammi to be given ni tlio cotmcert in
timis cIty is as follows :
Beau Ideal Mmtrclm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
htmmmmjt ) Citmlm.
Almnmt Id . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Yeti Ic . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .t r. i .n imimmu iii mmmii ( 'limb
Morn ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gmeemm mmmd ( 'lob
h'm-etty ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
\\'multz-\imtgnmolImu . . . . . . . . . . ) '
Uonjti Citmb.
' ' .
'i'hmmmrstiay-Arrnngt.u , liv Simelmanti..litnhloy
Society Sommg-s-D , IC. K. , h'sI U.Cmtnmn Ynlemu
Omnbre - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1'.l mm mitlol I ii Citmb ,
Sweetest Story lver ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mr. Gu-eenm mimic ! Club.
Ttmtti Frmmtti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Dim ( emily. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Iianmju Climb.
O'er tin' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
Negro Sweep Qtmnrti't. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chum misaim.\i r. Lack lammil mm imti Climb
llrighmt College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) , ' 81
( 'lea , Climmlli'ngn Arni'itrnI.
LONDON , lec. 22.-'l'ime hhritishm Chess club
line miccepted time chmnuilengo of time Manmimattan
Clmess club , subject to time atijtmstmumermt of
details ,
J3 0YJ3'S The LastTlme
TillS ( SUNDAY ) EVEN1C , 1)EC. ) 23rd.
l.Ae'I' * 'l Itm'Oid.itN' it 01' Ct'
Jim lmlti imitest aitd greatest simeo'ss ,
"TIto iti'art tlmat has truly loved micron forgets , "
lInt us trtmly loves emi to time closo.
As m Ito M' in hIovt'r tmtrmuti tt ltt'r ( mutt s'ittmi Ito sets ,
'limo usammmo blush wltteit Situ wore When lie rose. , ,
l'rlces-Flrst floor , aOc , We flu , ! $ i ; hnilcommy , mifle
timid 7tic : gallery , c. COO SaATS AT CUe EACh
Three Night : and Ohs stmas Matine. :
Jt1JIXN1NG MONDAY , December 24
Dirootlon Win. It. ilaytlen , ,
Goldsmlthi's immmmortal Comedy ,
She Stoops to Oonqiier
Mr. flobson..nt.s..Tony Lumpklmi.
Btmckstene's Cimarming Commody ,
" " , y
"Iejp ' ,
Mr. Dionystus Dimple
Bronsea Howard's Comedy Success of' time
Century ,
Mr. , time Lamb
Sale onentu Saturday at. time following
nnlces : Night-Fit-st liner , 1.OO nmmd hLjXm ;
imalcomsy , &Oc ami 75c. Mmittnco--Flrst floor ,
reserved , $1.00 ; general admission , 75c ; bal-
cony. 50c arid 75c.
Thursday , Dee , 27th .4
Th Princcton UnivorsiI
Glee , 8aojo aod Mandolin Clubs
Regular prices. Ioats on sale floe. 2d.
Auctiumm , smile of Itoxcit 1)cc , 22nd.
J3OYp'S'Happy Hew Ycar
TIJE'tlAYRO'i Doc13laod Jan1l-2
In Cite ( ollowimmg Imrjhlittmmt Itoitentoiro ;
' ' ' '
' '
: . ; Ew 'iu.tit's :
Si , V1'IN l1
iw ; Yl1c'c4 I I I I IT PEACIilU \TA4EY \ ! !
l'EiNi'tIiitV '
t I ( i I ' 1'
Sale of SeiltS iVI I I onteim MaCmm rtiiy : iii ormmitig , lh'c , 29 ,
NIght Prlnfti-F'lrsi , door , $1 uiimtl 4tl.c0 ; : Palcoims ,
roti amiti zae ,
.1epltotii 1 at : 1 ,
V. .1. hihJlEt ( $ . ! , isumaor. ,
Intuit , , , 'lotis > ' mit 2mt ) . 'j'milglii , lit 5:15 : ,
q'1Il YiJNIIES'I' Shh\S' ON JulLThl.
lilaulmmiui ( Cltnlnimimmer ; hay utmil vn.i mmreut'my.
( JotimimtgW'ek , Dec. : itI-FZNNIuAN'u hALL.
Time mimosi irhitimmm , itiulo-hrcrimmi Dim the Ammmori.
stiten , lilarv'doui , 'm lYet'ti ; sin rti I ite mill Its.
mitmni , . hi otmiti tiommt : wri it , .mm by mmmi OtmmI , mm umaim
A 6lfANh ) IIAI.L.
lM , ni vL'mm Imi tt,1 , i Lu milieu a I t liii , tvnmt.
VA14i I I G'I'lJN ii A 1.1. , 'j'imus. , I ICI. ! 25. e p. mu.
' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? . ihtc' , 7thcs
s'JteKdrYi.i thektIN . Oil . salt ) at 51. F. . ISItLL'tt
irtmg 8tort' ' 1 5 Stiti Iii I 81 Ii Si ,
ciermtiflc 'rroatiimemit. wi tim $2.50 l'imnchmtuse ,
h'i'EhIj'J ( , OVF'Ilt for TillS ViFiC ONI.Y.
hlEfl { , ' ' ' .
SimmummimonIti mimmmi i'milii 'i'reatmimumt. ,
givemi with ii Ixtillu Lu'uka , hittir 'female , ( 'tmmus
tlmtmmdruhl' amml , faiimtic ! out. of hair him mm tuw hours.
'I'IJRK ibli iiA'I'lI tiummmmttmimummu. exclusively
for Imimliums , ( live timumem ii truth ,
Corruspiimmdumco ansuvurod personally ,
109-110 ee Building ,