, . , i - , _ _ . - V - ' ; - ' - ' - J , . . ! . . 'rnE 01t.JI.A : : DAILY DEE SUNDAY . , ' , : , DEOEMBER' .16 , 1S. 10 ! Iy' . _ For BOYs . and Gzr/s. . . . ( : . ' TilE LOST OPAL OF UYSORE on TilE EEORET OF THE GllAUT - V & > ) 111 WillIam IIlurm ) ' Ora'clon ! ( CoprIg1it. hI , by the /iuthor. ) . ClIAI'Tlm VIJ frnE l IOlT AT TIPPOO BAl D'S lAHtEl Quick as he gave the command Pink was V crouching deep In the wayside vegetation . V . The hays dropped clumsily beside him ; for a second or two their hearts seemed to slop beating . and they tel an Icy chi creep through their veins. At no time hall the fugitives been in l a tighter place than now. 1 was terribly trying to lie thera and listen lo the ominous voice ot danger In both directions-from the rear thQ taint 'letalc ring ot Iron-shod hoes ; tram In trent n 10111 ( r' and duller ' , Bound that al yel bamed recognition. I'lnl cocked ills rifle , and glanced side- ways at Jack and Myles. They undelslood , antI two more hammers rosa ylh a sharp clck , lalu was busy at something else. He hall one car to the ground , and his hand was bphlnll the olher. "An elephant , sahibs , " he whispered , and just then an elephant actually did lumber Inlp sight n short ways UII lho cross-road , I was handsomely euparlsond , , and bore on its back a square howdah , In which sat two persons , evidently servant and master The latter was a stout , ( ul-bearllell , oriental , with the dress and pompous ) ! bearing ! ; ot urich zemindar or landholder. The i other was an aged , Ilndoo , gru-halrell anti iL L V ( Iigniflel. In front of the howduh was \ Ilerched 1 thin and wiry little mahout. , ' TIm hidden watchers Irew long brenlhs I V ) . ot relict. Three rile hammers were s ry lowered lo haU-cock. "They'ro only travelers " whispered Myles , , , "bul they chose a mighty awkward tme to drop along Oh , why dent they hurry ? " "They cant disappear too soon , " replied i Jack. "Halkl The troopers are coming earer. " I But as ill-luck would have It , the mahoul L halted the huge quadruped on the Inlerseclon I ot the two palhs. The zemlllar and 'hls Icrvant glnnd uneasily down the crossroad They heard the tramp of the approaching I troopers. aidVwere discussing In low tones the strange conduct ot the ell Undo" , wblch all bad observed . ' "Ue wished to cut nn evil spell upon You SithibVyngard , " Mid l'altu , "More 1Ikly he was a thug , " suggested Myles , laughing , "antI ' wal sizing UJ your neck , for the sacred nooso. " V "I Ilon't lir tend to account tr I , " repled Jack In a grave tone , "hut I know 1 shan't target that look of his In a hurry " ' Pink now care out of his brown study and proposed that the Interrupted lunch should he finished . S3 hai at the hag at provisions was shared al1 Quickly eaten. The howdah was well stocked with toad , but this the hays did not touch Meanwhile the elephant kept up Its clumsy pace over wooded mountain spurs and through deep ravines. The path was at times ImperceptIble , but occslcnal glimpses ahead tram hilltop gave Pink all the guld- anco that he neellell Dy 2 o'clock In the afercon the fugitives had traveled ten mIles on elephant back and wore now In the very heart of the OhaUla A few mlnules later they emerged tram a dense forest at the base of the twin peaks , which reared their stony heads 2,000 feet In air and steed guard over the entrance to a narrow and somber vale- . The mahout made the elephant kneel at Pink's command and the weary travelers climbed out at the howdah. They were stiff and sore tram the violent jolting antI It was good to reel the ground under fo.t again The mahout was the picture at tear , for , he evidently beloved that his captors were ! going to kill blm When I'lnk spoke a. few . words to him In Ilnllustauee his dusky face laaIfled with joy and he rlnmed prroundly. lie made the elephant rise and wheeled him ' aboul. An Instant later both hail vanished In the forest antI the fugitives were alone , " \Veli . what next ? " asked Jack. "Tlllllo Sahlb's burrier , " replied Ilule. as ho stiffly led the way Into the mouth of the valey , "Onco we pass that we're safe " The boys looked at one another mysteri- ously. "What Is It like ? " exclaimed Myles . i "Nol ' 1\lng seen Il , I can't say exactly , " wa1 Pink's answer "nut wc'il soon bo there we'l unless what I 'card in the palace that night was nil lies. " al les. Wih this the lads had to bo content , and slenly and In single ] tile they tolowed their guide . For nearly an heur they traced the upward course of a brawling torrent that flowed through gigantic trees and dens vegetation. here one there signs of n path were visible but It had evidently not been trod by human to ! for . many years. The valley was less than a quarter ot a mile wide . I was really D gorge , for It wa hemmed In und deeply shadowed by parallel ! : . .r , V V J1 , , : 1lf1tffl/fffffl/1fj ( ( ( ( ( / ( ( [ / I . iL V * V . V - : V - _ _ t c - _ _ _ 5 _ _ , . . \ . "I'LL ATTEND TO THESE DEVILS. " I was a critical time for the fugitives , hut V " theIr suspense was happily cut shalt by the I ' V , , . % conception In Pink's brain of stupeiidous . , oncepton , " 4 I stupndous "Lads " he whIspered , "ero's a chance for 1 us. Obey orders and do as I.do . , ThaL's all. " . With this Pink rose sUddenly up anti Mew a bad ! en the zemlndar's breast. Al- mot as quickly Myles and Jack hall the V servant and the mahout covercd. The lat- , ler trembled so violenty that ho let his goad . fall to the ground. "Down with you " commanded Pink , forgettIng - gettIng lo spI Iithdustanee. "No fool- \ iflVe'ru In n 'urry " The zeml\lar was u plucky fellow , and his face flushed with rage. "Dog , yo shal pay dearly for thIs , " he ' . . crledl , In fairly geed English. " 1 am 10lkar Singh , a landholder of Mercnrn In Coorg. I , F - am journeyIng pClceally homeward through tks territory of Mysorc"- " " ' l'lnle , "Oct down , pe'slsled , angriy 'You'ro not going to be murdered or robbed. 'Ye only want la borow your elephunt for a while. ' ! WRIt an evil scowl on his face the zemln- dar nodde to the mahout , who Instantly I . made the elephant leel. Master and servant climbed out at the ane howeah and stood 1 few feet lo one shle. Doth bristled with swords and daggers . but ' , neIther hail nrearms. ' "Up with you , lads" cried Pink , "LIve I ) ' " now , Myles and I'alu scrambled into the how- dah , and as Jack followed them he caught the servant's eyes Jxed strangely upon him - " There was no mal\co \ In the look. I expressed - - pressed sudden amazment and incredulIty- even n touch , of affection , us though the sight at the lad had vlbrlell some long-torgolen chord Cl memory ' 11 the cld iiindoo's heart , "Your elephant will bo back 'ere by sun- set. " added 1lnl ( . turing to the zemlndar. "IC you want satacton apply to the , flritisii resident at Mysoro In about a weolt Drltsh trom now. And y.u'l be all the more likely to get It If you detain these cutthroats COl- lug yonder as long as you can , " 'fho next Instant Pink was In the liawdah . , and us quickly the mahout . tried to wriggle to the ground , nut Ilnl leaned forward a\1 caught the follow by the back tf the neck , at the sale time pressing tim cold muzzle at a pistol to , his forehead and Jllberlng angry nlnduslan , I Into his ear , This gentle style or argument was effective N anll the mahout Instantly became ns tractable , - ns a lamb. At a word tram hIm and a : touch or the gad the elephant rose from his i : ImCs , whfelecl to one a\l\e \ anti Illungrll np , the mountain path with long anti mpd : ILrhles , Ilkar Singh glared vindictively after his I stolen qladrupI)1 and calcll down fearful I , InlelUctons on the thieves , The aged L II1hoo stooJ wIth uplifted hands , Itrnlnlng lila eyes to eet a last glmlue of Jack Then view f curve at tl road hid them trom 'rii ; i Ilarlne act had transplrell In 1 very "tle " tmo and the fugitives nol began ti realize that they had once more eluded thou bloodthIrsty Ilursners The tramll at hoofs grew fainter and I fainter In the distance until it could be heart I 10 moro. On and on went the elephant , striding clumsily over rocks and logs at a I lace u3 herso could ellual on aD rough urea roa 11 The howdah awayul and cheek dizzily , but I the Itripi hell I fait as did its occupaiits . The mahout clung to his Perch like a monkey "It wln't do the zemlndu any 'arm to ' - rest a bit " aid I'iuk. "Wo treated ' 1m treate . badl1 , lads hut I 'ad to be. Jovel 'ow nearly the trtller uabbod UI. Now we're out of danger , I"roU 'ero the road pierce the Ohants and I doubt IC the 'orsei can follow at all. " . "It Wi Tare . luck to get the elephant , " re . plIed Mylea . Inly l'w lorry we had to ' - take It 11 that way , I can hardly beUove that wo are nCr our Journts end. " ; "Two Icnrl at mOit ought to see UI there , " declared l'luk " .nd then- " 'o ' klit bll brows and appeared to bo pondering aOlo knotty questloa. 'la ya did not disturb him They kep t a l4&e 8 watch OR the mahOUI and dbcusso Jpt w alls ot sheer rck only slightly lower that the twin peak of which they were a con t inuatton . tnuaton. I was a wlerd and dismal place , anti the gloom was 1 0 that of twlghL ExcepL , tor hissIng serpents that wriggle away belore the travelers , there was no sign of life . Presently the wall.began lo converge , and when they were only twenty yards apart Tlppoo SahIb's barrier rose suddenly tram lhe trees and Jungle. The boys uttered cries of nmazelent , and even Ilnlt was Impressed by the wonderful sight. Here was' t fit monument to the ancient Mahometnn raJah-a maslvo gran- Ito wal 100 feet high that stretched across the gorge from cliff to cliff. The stones were at vast dImensions , and hall been welt fitted together. Not a crevice . or projection offered hopa of scaling the bat rler. Its frownIng front was sheer amI slooll and above Its fat summit Lhe moun- tain wails towered nearly 2,000 feet higher At its base a runty arched grating . serve as an outlet for the stream , which Ilre rested tranquilly In a sort of 11001 before btr - ginning its turbulent flow down the valey , BehInd the grating was pitch blackness. "What did Tlppo Sahib mean by bulllng such a thing ? " was Jaclt's comment after Sa critical survey at the barrier "Partly lo keep the treasure safe " replee ' Pink . "nnd no doubt party for other reason known only to himself. " "You don't mean to say that we must climb that wal to get at the opal ? " ex- claimed Ittyles. ' ! We can't eo I. lhut's al. "We might ns well try lo scale the cliffs , . added Jack , laughing. "Od on . lads " said Pink , a little sharpl : "Dlii 1 say wo were goIng over the wall I ? There's a way' through I. according to old TlpPoo' written document , which I 'eat I' real , and Ilscu8sed In the palace- " "D ) ' the gratcg ? " crIed Myles and Jacl" , In one breath. "Ye : thnt's the beginning of the combina- tian . Come on , lhere's no time to wasln. 'fho bloody troopers will kill their 'orse3 tt I ; overtake us , " Pink glanced ' uneasily down the gorge . anll listened for u 10ment , Then he waded Inlo the Icy 11001 , and the boys followed him As the water JOe to their hips they rl moved their cartridge helLs and revolver and held them overhead. They were vat at deep when they reached the gratIng , and leered curiously between ! the rusty bars. They raw a vaulted space with slimy wals to right anti left. At the farther end , lhree ane ene or tour yards distant , 1 broad sheet of waler tel noisily tram a height of sIx feet The place where the stream entered the t barrIer \ InvisIble , though a dusky gleam or light quivered al the brink ol the catlact , The barrier was eVllenty enormously thlck-rour yards at the least I waR equally clear , rrom the presence or the vate r . fall , that Tllpoo Sahib had chosen a buiding site just where ' . the slream % dropped to u lower level While the bon were looking within l'lnk had given his attention to the gratng , Now he handed one or 'tho spades to I'altu and his rifle and equipments 10 Jack and Myies. 'Old those , " he shouted , loudly enough to b hearth above the roar at the watt r. "Don't , " mind the wet , We'l 'sve 1 tre tonight - Then with the other spade , ho vigorous attacked the V arched gratiug. But all In vain he twisted . Inl prIed , and .Jammed the stout Irn bsrs ; In spite at nearly a century at service theY were welded IU tghty a. ever . into the masonry . Pink stopped and 1001te(1 In a troubled way at his conip.aniOi . bo wiped the ' eOmIJnlol ! .It perspii 'a- ton ! 11 tse. lie was about to re- i new the attack . when he sudoenl ' ) ' dlsc iv- er.eJ two under that Ue water g I.nlI only an Inch or With a lauh ; It 1\11 \ own stupidity h& bobbed out of .Igot like a flash , an.1 an lu- I I Itant later liii dlpplnt head und huulden emerge on thl ! ef side ot the bars "Your tur net , .1ads , " lie shouted , "I " ain't 'ard ; 'en . . gIve mo your traps * trst , " Thl boys puse . , ve ) tblng through . the I bars to 11\1 until be fairly staggered wltb the weight. Then , one by one , they tok vauU. the cold plunge ai4 ; .Cf18 lP melds the I For several minute thy hudid l to. gelher with shivering limbs and chattering teelh. teeth.Along Along each able of the vault was I P1staw form ot masonry I nlsc a few Inches above the water On the one lo the right Pink deposited the weapons and other articles , Then he waded to the toot at the s'atsrtahi waterral and looked up at IL with . u smile at satis. UJ wlh Emie faction. sats- "No man could scale that , " he muttered 'to hhnsel : "and I doubt It there's mutered outlet above " 1 As he returned to his companions V he drew a waterproof match safe ( rai hl $ pocket and snapped the lid open "Now. lads " ho cxclalined , "wo must ' cxclalned 'a.e a little light for the next fgr ! of the combination. ' You'll combinaton You'l feel warm enough when the climb begins , " begins. The . mntch hall scarcely been scraped when ' ' Il droppe'I with a hiss \ Into the Ecrapee , Pink's race turned ghastly white , and he made a mad dash for the platform The boys were astounded for an instant but a Quick glance through the bars re- vealel the awful truth Every sense at chilliness Mlr's ugly left race their and veins scarlet a they jacket saw emerge Mogul tram the edge at the torest Behind blm came trooper after trooper , all on root and all bristling with rifles and al wars. . I seemed u long thnle-thiough It ' tna-though was really scarcely five seconds-until PInk was seconds-unll back at the grating , 1 rifle In his hands amitl ' hanes a brace at revolvers In his bosom , " ' "t'l attend to these devils , " he shouted , ! hoarsely , "t'ou'ii Ilevls find ' "You'l fnd a stone with a 'andle to It on the right side It must be there I'uli IL 'ard I ' ' Pul Quick , lads , for " 'ea.en's sake. Hut the boys stood still In the water as though petifed , A spell seemed to ha upon them , They heard a thunderous hearc re- port at their cars 0'MW \ 0'\\ Mogul Mir spin around and call one hnnd to his arm. Craclt crack ! A trooper went down lIke ' a log and another 110' pitched head first Into the stream frst The Ilrlrnr powder smoke portly hd : the scene and the roar of the cataract was drowned In shriii crIes and the shri belch at firearms . ane angry " "Arc you mail ? " ) 'ele Pink seeing that the boys were still there , " sll there "Off wHh you , "Ol Open that stone , " hb lie . sloppCd shooting long enough to thrust matchbox ' Inlo Jack's hands and jerk ' him violently lo the rlghl. nnl This broke the spell , and the three lads fplashed hastily away front the bars : bullts were whistlIng overhead and behind them. ane They climbed out upon .the stoneplatform , which was a yard b2yond the , grating , and thus gratng out of . rangc. They vaguely remembered - ' ' .agely bered Ilnl < instructions , and ran their hands up and down the slimy wall. slmy wal. With nervous fingers Jack scraped n match , anti rIght In front of his breast he saw an Iron handle protruding from a block of masonry , two by three feet In dimensions - his shout or Joy brought Myies and Paltu 1yles to his side , and all three too ] ( hold. Palu half a mInute they tugged and tuggel pulled In vain. No all could be expected from Pink. Ills repeating rife was empty now , and he was blazing away at the Lroopers with I revelli ver In each hand. The curtaIn at smoke was all that saved him tram the hot return fire. relur fre."Pul harder ! " cried Jacl . . , ' "I cln't , " Myles yelled : "my . flters are " breaking. fnlers brealtng. V. . Paltu " lost his hold anti staggered blck. "Try a gun , lads , " roared V Pink . , as he dodged to one side of the gratng , "I can't , keep them back much longer. " V Then he thrust bath pistols OUt at the . ) bars , and emptied Lhe chambers In rapid succession. The command to try a ' gun 'as under- stood by the ho's. In u trice they had a. rIfe through the Iron handle and . were tug- glnr at slack and blrrel. Harder and harder they puliei . and suddenly - denly the stone swnng tar enough out Lo show that I was only six Inches thlcle. "All together " yelled Jack , and now , with a creaking noise the big Slab grated clear around ona , rusty li'Ot , .reeahingV a yawnIng - Ing black hole through which surged n fetid ' current of air . tetd' The boys cheered' loudly , and shouted to Pink that the hole was open : "In with you , quIck ! " came" the hoarse reply. V Myles and Ialu were the first to enter and three feet back In the passage they tound room to sit uprlght. 'As Quickly as puosslblo Jack passed In the spades , weapons and ammunition. ane ammuniton. Then Pink sprang to the lad's sIde , having fred f the last charge of his revolvers , and both plunged ! Into the hole , For a few ' seconds all tour were V huddled together In' confusion , lanthng hard for breath In the hal , stifling atmbsphere. Jack hne h mislaId the matchbox and eo'u1'not find It. , , . Pink crawled forward and tumbled about with his hands until he rOInd ! an Iron I handle almlar lo the cthiCr . . that -was riveted L to the Inner sIde at the slab. ' 10 called for help and Myles Instantly ro- sponded. Just as bOth began to pull the I trooper swarmed up to the bars , and an t Instant later hal u dozen at them dived I under the grating and rose InsIde the vault . But the great slab was now movIng on I its rusted pIvot In response La the vigorous I tugs ot Pink and Myles , Nearer and nearer swung the outer end 'Only 'aU a toot moro " cried PInk : and , as ho spoke , there wa a scraping noise ann I a matchhox. flash at yellow lIght. . Jack had found the V Alas ! just then the slab stuck ostinateli , r fast , and through the narrow gap ofstnptely Gtl open the glare at the burning match shone on the dusky , teroclous' faces ol two of Mogul Mir's troOIJe s. ( To he ContInued , ) LITTLE MR , TIMBLEFI GER AND iS I QUEER COUNTRY , n ) , Jnol Chnter hE4rrls. ( Copyrighted 19) ) ClAITEH 111.-TIlE JUMPINO OFF PbACE.V The children looked at Mr. Thlmblonnger lo see whelher ho was joking about the Jumping Off Place , but he seemed to be very : serious "I have heard of the Jumping V Off Place , " remarked Mrs. Meadows , "but I had an leea It was Just a saying. . " "IToh , " replied Mr. 'hlmblennger , "where you see a good dell of smoke there must be some fire. When you her a great many different ' - terent peollle talking about anything there must be something In It. . " "What did the little girl see when she got to the ( Jumping Off Place ? " inquired Sweetesl , Susan , , , "I was thi way , " said Mr. Thimbiefinger : "When the whirlwInds tram the south an ane the ( winds from the west , working In double haress , carried the thick clouds away , an tI the thunder with them , the little girl won t back to the place where she had left the old man who had carried her up the mountain , ' "She found him waiting. He was alttng : at the toot of a tree , sleeping peacefully , but i he awoke at once , , , " 'You see 1 am waiing for yoU , " he said I . i 'How , did you enjoy you . vlslL1' , ! " 'I didn't enjoy Il much , ' rople the 11th 'e ' ltle girl. 'Everylhlng was , large , and tho' ' Thunder made so much' fuss. ' " ' 1 hope you didn't mInd that , ' said the , old man. 'The Thunder I a great r . and grumbler. but when thaL's sid ahh' sak I. I'ui lorry , though , you didn't have ! lad. gee time. I suppose you think It Ie my fault , go I i Isn't , I you sa ) 10 I'l go. to The Jumping on , , Pla e' 'I . " , , 'Where's thaU : ak\ the IttlegIrl. ( . 'JUlt beyoad the Wel1.e \ End at the World. ' . " 'If . Itl iin't too tar let's go th9/ laid the , little girl " 130 the old man Iified hoer on . hIs back , an tI I they went on their ! way Thin' ! ) . piut t ant Bono very swiftly , for It waan' ( long betor , they cataw to lbs \Veii ' at ' the caml tblVol 'It' til End ot tbe World , An old womana sitting rar \a sllng tbe Wel Clblng her balr She paid no a attet - lon to the lraveler'j nlr they to , her ateq- Wilm they bati gone beyond that ! \Veli . ha Wel 4ft iltl di : I. tnce the little noticed ' Ito talce lte girl noLced that 'the sky II : i- pesred to bo very cCo at iiautb' I was al longer blue but cark , and seemed to bang down lIke a blanket or a curtain. " "flut that cotmldn't be , you know , " sId Duster John "ror the sky Is no sky at all. I Is nothing but . pace , " "I ow. comes Il they call It sky er 'talnt no sky ? " asked Drusia 11Ignanly , "An' how come 'talnl no sky when It.s right lp dar plain ez tie han' . to' yo' taee . Dat what lar Ill Ile tar know . . V "Wh , the moon Is tholsands of miles away , " aalJ fluster John , "nnd some or the staT are mlionl and millions of mies tar- tIt er than the moon , " "Dat what cley ray , " replied Drusila , "but how Iley know ? Whar de string what dey me,1uII 'em wid ? Tel 18 dat ? " "What about our sky ? " nkcl Mrs. Meall- ow s. sming , "You WOlld never think I was only the bottoip . at , the spring If you di dn't know It : nowwoud ! you ? " )01 DUster John hall npllbg lo say In rellly to th is . Whereupon SU/ h SUfn begged Mr. Thlmblefnger to llenro go on with hi ' , slon' ' ( f. "Voll , ' ' sold he . "Jt I Dm to go on with it . I'l l have to tell It just as I heard I , Il huve lo put the sk'jtrt j l where I was told It was When the 1\101 girl anll ( the od ] man cal0 close to the Jlnliling Oft Place , they snw that the sky WIU' ' IIAnglng close at hanl , Hlay have been fAr " : illmttay " , have been near , , ' : _ . .4'V - \ . \ \ - . : ' ; V ' "i " . : . \ ' \ ) , . . .7 : . , \ ' . . - : ; . ' b4s / V - - . -1 r'\ -IuI ( ; \ - 5' ' . . : 4 - " 4' - .i ; 1i ' I 4 \ , V 4L TIlE OLD WOMAN WAS SITTING TIIERFL bul to the little girl It seemed to be close i enough to touch . and she wished very much tor a long Itole . 80 that site coull see whether It was made of musln or ginghams "Presently they came La a precipice. There was nothing b'onl I , anti nothing below it. This , ' fall the old mnn to thin Ito girl 'Is lhe , , Jumping Off Place. ' " 'Doea nny one Jump oft here ? ' said the 11e girl. 0 'Not that I know 1 or , ' replied the old man , but Ir they should tale a notion the ijiace Is i , al ready for then ) . ' ) " 'Where would I fal to WI jump or ? ' the 11e girl asked. " 'To Nowhere , ' answered the olJ ! man. , " 'That Is .ery , funmty , ' said the little girl. " 'Yes , ' r larled the old man : 'you can geL to the End of the World , but you would have 10 t travel many a long year before you could geL to Nowhere. Some say It \ a big city ; some 8Y It Is n high inouttan . ! ani wine say It i Is a wIde plain. ' "The little gIrl went to the Jumping Off Place anti looked over , the old man holding her h hand , " "YhY , I see the moon shining down here , ' she eald. Sht was glad to see so fa- mia i , n race. "The old man laugh ee. 'es , ' he Ealdl 'Lhe moon m Is very fond of shining down and It , runa away from the sun every clianceVit gets . ane hunts up the dark _ ttaCIpJta ! ; 'It may shine there n\lurbe ( . Today It Ie shining down there wIt re the sun can't see Il , but tonIght It will creep UII here when the sun goes away and shine the whole night. t hrough. ' , . through. . j "TurnIng back , tht old man and the ILU girl came again to thij\Ve1i at the End ot the World. The old * tngn was sitting there combing her long wILiliahr. f : This time she looked l hard at the 1 10glrl and - smiled , sing- Ing l : V : - : When. the heart iayoung the well Is dr- wol 01. It's goodby , dehrle ! goodbyh ! ) "Dnt the old man shook hIs head. 'We have not come here'trlllhlng , Sister Jane , ' he said. WIth thut 4e took a small vial , tee 1 long string land I let It down the well . He fished tl " untIl the 10wn was full ot water , uluK" lie ( top and corked IL tightly. The wmdte'tparkleU In the sun as I It were Lull at slal diamonds. Then he placed It carcfdlyfnV his pocllt. , bowed pltely : to the old \voman , who was still combing her long , 'hIO haIr and sming , lifted the little' girl Q' hIs back and returned along the road tiiUy had . rae .y , come past the Thunder's house anti down the mountain side until they reached the little girl's home . Then he took the ' vial ot sparkling water tr:1 his pockct. 'Take I ' , lie saId , 'and wherever you go , keep I wih you Touch a drop of It to your forehead when Friday Is the thirteenth day of I month and you , ' will grow UI ) tO be both wise and beautiful . When you are 11 treuble turn the vIal upside I doyn-so---and hold It In dO\n-sDand that position while you count twenlY-SIX and some ot your : friends will come to your aid , ' "Tho little girl thamiked the old 11e thanke man us I politely as she knew , hew , . " 'Do you know why I have carrIed you to the Thunder's house and to the Jumping.OuI Jumlllng-OI l'lace and why I have given you a vial at : this rare water ? ' The little girl shook her head. ' \Vcli . cne day not long ago yeu t were stlng : hy the roadside with some of r your complnlons. You were all eating cake , A beggar came along ] and' ailled for n piece You alone gave him any and you gave him I all , yeu had , ' " 'Wore you Ito beggar ? ' askell the hittk . i II1e girl , smiling and blushing " 'Thal I leave you 10 guess , ' replied the old man , Ho - hlssel the little glrl's hand I and \as soon -hid from sight by a turn In m the rood. " Mn . Thlmblennger stopped short bere anll i waited to see what the chidren would say Tlloy had listened uttentvely , but . they manl- testee no very great ititerest "I reckon thEY think there Is more tail C lhln t'lle In what you have ttld , " remarket I Mr. r.abbl. leaning back In his chair "ThaL's lie way Il. appeared to mite " "Well . 1'1 not lay that I hayo come to the ell of my story , " rearl'e Mr. Thimble ) finger with seine bow of dgnly ! , "but ; have come to the part where wo can rest awhile , EO lS to Glvo , Mr , RabbIt a chance to Bee I he can , do aly better . We'l alew the Ito girl to grow seine , just as abe does In the story , " ( To be C"ltnued , ) Tim GIOSTS IN I MY TOWER , ) "runk H. Stockton. CoprlGhtcd 16j by the Author , At one corner at my house Is u tall , wIde tower , rIsing high above lie ( trees which sitr round it , In one ot the upper rooms at this , tower 1 work and think. and here , In the evenhfg ane early part of the night I used to b quite alone except for the ghosts. Uetore I bad come , to thIs house I knew lint ( thin tower wus' haunted , but I did nol mind that As the ( .lg1osls had never don any one any barn'r did not believe the , I ' II would do me any i' rn , and I thought ] should really b glad' at their company , which must certainly ) be different tram the company of ordlnary.pellle. flo . wlm' I bad arranged an upper room this tower so that , I might pleasantly work and think therein , I epectee the ghosts to come to me , and should have been vlumueb disappointed I I , they bad nol. , I ) i 1 did not exactly . understand these glo.ts , at whIch I hall hed nothing definite , except : cept that they hunt f.he tower . and I did not know 10 what 'wallhe would manltet themselves to mi It'W41 ' not long hiowevet after I bad begun tOJoJuPY the rom betore the ghosts came to me.l , One evening , a Itlo before Christmas . V'Utbr everybody In the house but myself bad Igone to bed , and 11 was quiet outside 'an4 Inside , 1 heard a knock , and was on tlu Pint ot saying ! , "come lnl" when the knock was repeated . and I found that I did not come tram the door , but troni.tho wall . I smiled , ; ' You canrt come in that way , " 1 thought , "unless there , nib secret doors In theme walls , and even then you must open them for your- self. . " 1 went on with my writing , but I soon looked up again , for I thought 1 heard a chair gently pIshed back against the wail In a corner behInd me . and almost immediately t heard f noise as If sOle Ito boy had dropped a nUmber or marbles or perhaps pennies , but there was no chair In the corner - nor at whIch I looled , and there ( were no Pennies nor marbles on the floor , NIh after night ; I heard 1) ' ghosls-ror 1 had \ me lo consider them AI mice , which 1 hall bought wkhi the ( bouse-amil although I could not see them there were so many ways In which they let me Imol they CX Isle(1 that 1 felt for them a sort ot corn- panionshilp Whim In the ( Quiet hours ot com-I early nIght 1 heard their gentle knocks I ! know that were-Ihe clreumstnnces ,1terenl ' they would , hare been clall to como In , and I did noL feel lonely Now and then J tt , - .tmghit I henrll the voIces at the ghosts melhnes onlsille , under m- window antI somelh1en behind me In A dls- I I tant corer of the ( room. Their tones were , low anti IllalnUve , and t coull noL distinguish words or phrases , hut It often seemed lS If hey t " ore really spealdng to me , amid Lhat I ought to try to ullersinne and answer them , nut I soon discovered that these voice-like sounds were caused by the vagrant breezes goIng up and down the ( tall chimney of the Lower , making aeolan tones , not of tuuslc but at vague and Indistnct speech. The winter Passed , and at last there came I ( line when I saw one of the ghosts. I was In the dusk of the evening , early In spI'lng , and just outside of an open window , t hat IL Plearcl to me. I was as plaIn to m y sighltasjfit hal been painted In delicate half tones against a somber background of tender foliage and evening sk ) I was clad from head to toot In sorest g ray , such lS the phantoms or the night are s ahl'to love , and over its shoulder und down Is i upright form were thrown the fleecy cown ! of u mnnte so mistily gray that I seemee'to blend Into Ihe _ dusky figures It partly " IJarl ) shrouded , The"i : ment I saw It 1 knew It saw me. 'Out' ' ' . r fs _ cloudy grayness there shone two : ce ; . black , cear : anti sparkling , nxed f uponmo .wlth questoning IntenslLy. I sat , gazingivith checked breath at this ghost of the tow r : , Suddenly i leaned torward-Just a lle : t get a better view of the apparllonJ when , 1110 l a bursting bubble , I was gone , amid there was nothtihg before mo hut the back- 'gr une'of , tOlago and evenIng sky. FrequenU after thut I saw this ghost , or It I mayia.o been one of the others , for It was dIfcult , with these gray visions , with which . one must not spelt or toward whIch I was hazardous to move even a hand , to become so well acquainted that I should lnow one from nnother. Dut there they were : not only did I hear them ; not only nIght after nIght , did my ears assure me of their existence but In the shadows or the trees , as the sum- mer came on , and on the lonelier stretches at the la\vn.I saw them , anti I knew that In good . r I' 1Y home 'wal haunted. ' Late Q : afternoon , whie walking In my grounds , Laawbefore . me' ' one ot the specters , ot 1) ' - pjr.Jt-nioved " slowly over the lawn scarle''J11n to touch the tips of the , grass , ana.wltTi.I more sound than a cloud , would make vhen settling on a hill top. Suddenly ' It turned its brIght , watchful eyes I Upon inc. dad Uteri wlLh a start that seemed to send n thrill ' even through the gray mantle I manle whIch ! ghly touchc its shoulders , It rose I betorIY } very eyes until I was nearly as I high as .tho lop of my towel' ! WIngs ' It hall not , nor did It feat In the ) I air : It ran Ile a streak of gray electricity , along the lightning rod , only , Insteae of fas- ] . Ing down I , ; as electricity would pass tram L the sll- , It ran upward. I did not see this I swiftly mo.hig slllrlt reach the topmost Point ot the rod , for at u point where the thick : ' wird approached the eaves , I vanished. Dy this time I had come to the conclu- slon not altogether pleasant to my mind , , that m ghosts were taking advantage of my : torbearanco'lh. ; . . their mystic knocks and I sIgnals In thc night 'and their visits In lhe daylight , amid that there must bo too many ; of them In my tower. 1 must _ admit that L Lhey annoyed me very little , and I was not L In the ( least afraid of them , but there were others who care into my tower and who slept In some at its rooms , and to the minds of visitors and timorous maids there was something uncanny and terrifying In these mldnlght.k'oclls 11\1 scralches. So , having concluded tram what I had sci n list ( day that It was the very uppermost part at the tower which had become the resort at r these gray sprites , and from which they : came to disturb our quiet anti repose , I deter mined to interfere with their passage from the earth 10 my tower top I. like an dec - trio current , they used tIme lghtning roe as a I means at transit , I lade a plan which would : compel them lo use IL In the convenLlonal I and proper 10) " . Tire rOIl was Illaced there that lightning might come down It , not thaI It might go up , SQ I set myself to put the roc In a condition that would permIt lhe ghosts lo descend as the lghtning did . buL which would prevenL them tram going up , Accordingly I thoroughihy greased the rod for a considerable distance above the ( ground I , "Now , " said I La myself , "yoU may al Ii .cmo down one after the other , whenever you like , You will descend very quickly when , yeti reach the greased Part of the rod , bul : you will not go up It again , You are gOllng very hold , and If you conlnue your mad revels In my tower you will trlghlen people and give my hOWe a bad miamne You lay become - come drrads I you like and shut yourselves up In the . hearts at the tail and solemn oalcm I There you may haunt the uejays ] and the woodpeckers , but they will noL tel tales at ghostly visits , which may Icep my friend , away , " and maku my servants give le warnIng I- After that there were no more gray fishes up my lightning rod , , though how many came down I .1 know not , ane the Intamura ! revels In the tower ceased. But noL for long. The : ghosts cano back again ; perhaps not 80 man ) DS before . but still enough or them to let me , know list they were Intro , Uow they aacended to their lofty haunls I could not tell , nor did I try to find ouL. I se- cepted lho ( situation , I could nut contend wit ii these undaunled spries. wih One 1"\Dlng..ln the autumn , oltsllo the same Wlldq tram wjich I had seen the fin It gbOlt or the lower , t saw another appanitlot , but Ia , t8 pfe at the gray specters La I which 1 had b .cme accustomed It was a jeL black demon , la eyes , large , green and glaring , IllDe upon . ate . and It was l 10- tonle8 and dark asa statue cut In coal . For only Jn 11.lan $ I saw 1 , and then In a fuh , lIke 1110 apparition I had frat sen tram that window , I , disappeared . After tbst ! J SJW Lhe damoD again and again , and slrange to Bay the ghosts II my tower became tewer and Letter , and . a last they disappeared aiti a- gether. The advent ot tire black spirit alo- . to have exerted an evil influence seeme Iprlle 11 gray , and hike l lie Indian In the ( I , Dr. Donnefnd of Liytonstone , Eng" in wrtng of the value - of Gudiacol in consumption , says : 14\Iy patientJhad consolidation of the apc of one lung. 11Id suffered from hacking cough and hemorrhage and was V , "rpidly emacating , I put him on C'3 LivJf Oil and GJaia i . ICO ) , with the result that the cough lessened , the hel'rrhages I'ceased and he gained seven pound : in two weeks. " Similar results have been obtained in this country from the use of V OzomIson ( . 1 1 TRADE MARK A scientifc prcparaton of Ozone , Cod ! ) vcr Oil and Guaiacol. 1 t\lr . D. A Wilson , Turiter's Station , Hcnry Co " , Ky. . wrtes : . lThe use of the remedy was attended with most satisfac- I ctory results , and it removed the impression I had previously , I'entertained that my case was incurable , " I is the kind physicians prescribe for c&ds , coughs , con- umption ! , pneumonia la grippe , bronchitis , asthma and all pulmonary complaints ; scrofula , general debility , anaemia loss of flesh and alL wasting diseases , FOR sALE BY . V KUHN&COI . . 15th and Douglas Streets , OMAHA. , i. I } Ilresence or the white man . they faded away and gradually become extinct . The last ( into I saw one of my ghosts IL eppcared to me late on a November aernon. among brown foliage at an aged oak , Just as n eryad might have Peeped forth tram her leafy retreat wonderIng If Ito werll were yet open 10 her . for a ramble under the slars. The \\'orle was open to my gray ghost , but only In one directlcn. Betwlen It and me could be seen , among the shadows of the ground , the cark form or the lemon , trem- blng and waiting. Then away tram the ell oak , away from my house und my tower along the limbs of trees which stood on Iho ecge of the wood , slowly anl sienty , my ghost vanlhell front mr view like n little ray cloud , gently moving o\'er the sky , at last 11ssolvlng out of my sight. Now , In the earl ) ' hours of the mihglmt my lower Is quiet and still. There are no more lock no more wild revels In the hidden passages of time s'alls. 1y ghosls lre gone Al that I hear now are the voices In the ilmnnea' but I know that these are only Imaginary i voices , and , therefore , they produce In me no feelIng or compnnlonshlp. hut my' ' ghosts renly existed . . Xll GICId 7'E.S7' ON BUlTU. Detroit Free Press. , Al hail the power of printer's Ink , I Which mnlef I world \ of people think ! TO hat what IL touchcl has new grace or character and mind minI face ; And that , what If of small account I s mngnlccl to great amount. How easIly It reaches down i To depths of nothingness Iml finds I crown I Wherewith to fit the brow of what 1a ) ' be true greatness , may be. not. I has the power Lo paInt bad , gcod ' ] Ileople every solitude , ' ] make 11 thought , straight tram the skies Or otherwise , materialize. I preaches to the millIons anll I makes the Stupid UIJe1Jlnll : I Puts nn edge on what Is tiuhi. I makes the tmgly , beautful ; J charms the master , . wins tIeslave I cheers the livmiig . decks the grave HI language Is In prose or verse , V Anti speaks I blessing 01' n curse ; In fact , dear reader , I you'l thin I . There's nothing quite . lee printer's Ink RELIW ( fix . The Lutheran church owns educational In- sttutons In the United States to tle value I ot $4.889,650. In Corea the Protestant mission force at rorelgn workers consists of twenty-six married . : ried men , fourteen , single men , anti eighteen slngo ( : ladles , representing the Mothodlst Episcopal , Presbyterian and Anglican churches. The trustees at the Drooklyn tabernacle have h authorlzell Leonard Moody to sell the ( sio of time burned tabernacle for $ 110,00G. . The property was purehaEed by the society tour years ago for $90,000. The sale of .tho Ilroperly i wi enable the society lo pay all Is I debls. Rev. Dr. Henry It ! . FloW , the accomplished preachier traveler antI editor . whom everyone ono delights lo honor , has just celebrated tie completion of hIs fortieth year as eeltor or the Evangelist at Now York CIty. The Intereslng i Incident Is thus noticed by the Evangelist of last week : "Forty years age this day ( November 20. 1854) ) lie editor ot the Evangelist came to this city to enter 01 the work whIch lie has followed since. When ho canto be was among the youngest , If not L lie very yonlol st , In \he \ editorial l fraternity : now he Is among the oldest . Forty years ! That Is as long al I10se was In the wider- ness ! After a military service ot that length a soldier would bo entitled . to his dls- charge. The , . loly " Coat ot ArgenlQul , In France , I i 0110 or the several venerable relics which nre declared amid "proved' to.bo . the hlenUcal seamless robe that Christ wore when le was "led to Oolgotha to he crucified. I has numerous stains upon It , which the talhtul believe and declare to be the ( stains at Chrlsl's blood , There are , however , many In I lie ( church who doubt the genuineness at lhe relic , und lo satIsfy ( bent thin bishop at Versailles recenty eeclcell to suhmlt the stains In the coat lo scientific tests to 1)0 ) mace hy MM , .I.aton amid Houssel , two ell- nent chemlnls of Paris , Their report , which has just been puhlshed , onpludes as follows I : "To auto up : Front the , portion ot the coat , marked with rustcoloredpoLs we ohlalnell (1) ( ) A faint ( green coluraton , with the Inrlure at Hualacul anti the ( esence of turpentine ; (2) ( ) the revival ot the red glolmle Ir blood , with time artificial serum : (3) ( ) time tomaton of crystals or haemin or of chloroydrato o if ( haemnatimi. These indications , arc sufilehemi itO to enable us to amrm that the spots examine , are actually duo to hlood-and to hUlan hlood. Judging ! thin whole at our analysis , we pesule ( limit this bloO Is very old , " V U - INR1"\NTUI OV.i COIUS. ; Cuids . lre taken instantaneously , You may nol believe I. thot'l ( because yeLl ne'cr tloUI:1 : oC I , Just s\p und thlnl , how often you hn\e said , how otten you 11\0 heard others 8.Y. "I know when I took col < . " I may halo been known by' a dlt , or el.'n u .shulder perhal > by exposure to a draught . or roulh wlnl ; Inoybo .we feet , . or by lallllg on'col.I , damp ron < - a change or clothing , often underclothing : 1108- slhly the trlleherw wealher CUlht you with n Ighl WHiP or cot ; a nap' crclC.ly taken wilt 1' out Bmclhlnl thrown ol'er' ' rou. Anyhow ) tu knew when you tool pll , anil the mnI ! , . th iiIt thought that you we.e . tmlitiiif cold , that )01 were helpless to resl.t"u. . largely to biari e. I you huh had nt lidmitl , In your pocket say , I preVentive , u t1rticlir , 1 .tpeilc , the mnl : would have been strenthierte'h , and I few doses or " 1" would have COIUled ! the , by and und , you Oi Iitneu . " 7. 1)11. lLUaIl'iihtiIYSJ' HI'ncii'ie , does al tts and , "IT" , S1'liiic : . more "i" ! .a HI'ICI"IC fr COLD 3 , cuui' , INI"JULNZ & . CA'A1ll PAiNS and IOIENl Hi : In the lM1 tint CIJFIIT , COUi I , * HOm ' flhItOAT . m.mmAI , l'iO . ' THA1'IOt ' und JI'V 1 I mind . tl uurfnK the CI proven ( ineumomiiu , dI'thcrla ! and OtCI waWI oft cc 0- umptktt. "a" Will "break lP" ; p stubborn cold that " ; Iuns on , " ! . A small wtte at pheasant mehiels , fits your vent pocket. Sold I ) ' truGJI.h or sent on reo oelpt DC prIce ZW or G boltl for $ L ICLJMI'l Ii. ligyts' IU ICINE CO. , cortr Wllum IUAI' ! Jobn Streets , New YO'k , . ° Gold plated Wlcii r' \ Hg 18 K TO EVEF1Y READER IREE OTHiSPAPElt. , . , 3 . ? ( Nis On ' , ' , , . . V i'r 'In Our anI n ml to U' 4Dmrs , , , i , . . 3il , .kgui.kitV ICWUh'i. ii a" l. V i,1et , wth , , rr e : \ , , , iatIon , , , ni mrou iitk , ii tiY , , , I rotl ttei , nornn Icy SV , ) , , \V : : , , , , , , , ! ' Vc i I srnrnteo ili II n . I. ' ' .nmewitiieenrrrmitrnror ) t' a irs' , , , , , imr tUd Ib , ' 5 I IinsUsiiiriveyOUon. V . ' , ) VrtIto I 7 EAKE MFG CO. , Stile b4 cienge . c - - - BAiLEY THE ETUST ; 11 01 U < at l.ol . Ilccs 11 DBnisipu I : l i IN OMilA. . Ful Set of Teeth , $5 ; Waraltl \ ( to Fit. ' TlCth exlrlelC.1 aitd Int In HIIU < ay. 0011111 ' p iiItnhi imIoy " , . $1 Sliyoi' , ' Platl'll lo i"ilitigtJ ; 1\VUI' l"llnld , $1 ; Pum Gel ! , i : ; aol1 CroWiibt . Sit to 8-lq ; Urtdgu . 'rl'clh. $1 tier bout JIHHL work niwnys. 4d F leer t'axtuii hIlt. , 1 liii itiml I'rmi3tii. 'L'tI , iU5S LADY AT'rIN : PANT , 4 Ylie MOFCBV Hotel Cor. 12th maud Howard Stroote , , t Imid or iic'w imitmn agnmo cmii. vill mm itishi lIT. 1 * ' . ' FElt lIAi tumid itiI"1'Ei ( ROOMS ( au stetuti I h eal nil itmid elt'ctm'it 1 igltteri I I P ii mi ally lintel Iii i Oitiihin : for tim rain at 52.00 pun day. Itoutmit whit bath 62.53 and tt.Oi. : V Try tIme Mercem' miuxt timiiit you viqit , ( Ito city. 4 Ttthco Cite ! inritov Street car :11 : Unloti itiiiut t o iVm.hi ! streot. l'ommi'eb4tui' : struot lapot t mtko car to hOWard street. V B. SILLOTJ'.4Y , ifaiesjar. Vt DOCTOR SEARLES& 'I SEARLES , SPEO1LTSJ V V _ .1 Ciron 1 ' 'WE Ncrvo , 2' Private ' ANt ) I V 41j CURE Spciil : Diseas $ . , - Trealillolitby Mail , ollslllL-ltlJ FcCC Crttni'z'h , till diseaseg of the iose Vp , Tlm'omit , CliestStoonnch , L'tvurBiooeI 4 Skiia ttma'l Kidney distnt , , Lost -Mamilsoott nuii.IaII , Prlvata D13' eases of Men. Cult on or acidness , Dr , Searles & Searles , ' " Ommiahit ln.rnani , Neb troot. , 'I NEWl V ron'L IrE V LE.owT'D itzitvn VVEiflTLTMZl ? is mioid unctor positive written itonrnnfee , by anthioriznd aentn only , to onto Vemik Uemom' ; 11mm mind Nerve 1'wer : Loht Mrmthmood' a Quickness ; I'lIgiit Loasca ; i'.vjl Ireminmn : Lack o Cniifltler.co ; Nervotmsnt'is ; La.saittmdtm ; mill lrnins ) ; Josm of l'owor tif ( Ito fionermit ivoOrguns in either BOX , canned iqrovor.tum rtiom , , Youthful Errors , or EXCOSBi'VO Use , , t ! J'oiisccn , Opium or Liquor , which heads to Misory. Cetmnumntion , , Imisanity ar.il ioathi ) , Ily ninlil a lox ; six fur $5 ; with written reunratitco it , euro or rofumid money , Wool's Liver Fills euro Rick lteadacho. hilUousnoiw Liver Complaint , Hun ? I4tomnrh Iysm'psimt and toostipatIou. UUA1VtAUTE1VI3 laauedlouiyby ( 'oodmmian Drug Ce , Omaha. ' ' hmienllT'ii $ tile. By virtue of an order of attachment an gnrmiaItmLflt issUetl out of tIme district court of the Fourth judicial district , wittiimi arid for Ictmglns , cottmmty , in no action wherein the Vltchmburg Worsted company is plaimitiff itnd Clarence J. Cunun and John J. holler , partners as C , J. Canan & Co. , are defendants - ants , I ( liii on the 2ltii thu of November , A. I ) . lht'Ji , attach ati the lirepem-ty of ( lie maid C. J. Conan & Co. a mnhisoeiimrneous stock of tailonlugs , enneistinme of cashmere , cheviot and knickerbocker suitings , htm-oad. cloth , worsted cloth , overcoatitig , buttons thread , linIngs , and time thxturcs contalnemi in time store room of C. ! , .1. Canan & Co. on Fiarnam street lietwemi 12th antI Dlii stm'eoPm , iii ( lie city ( Of Omnmohiim , and by vIrtue of art order of sale on attachment issued out of the dIstrict court , amid to moo directeti untIes' date of the 8th day of Deeemnljer , A. U , 1894 and dimly msigmmetl b i7ranlc Fl , Moure , cleni of mIte district court , I will on time 20th day Ut' lccember , A. I ) . itl , at 10 o'clock a. in. , or said day , at the above named store roons of C. J , Camiliri & Co. , itch at public auction to tue highest hilmIder for caiii , iii of the abovu deacmibed goodii mind clmuttelii amid fix- lures sittimitu auth Lieimig In said store mont , to satisfy tue FitchihiurgVorntetl company the ) sun ) of one itiousauid and ( linac ilollars ( $1,003.00) ) , timid imiterest err $ IOOO.Ou from May , i&J3 , at thu ruts of C lntC CCitt uien aminumn , una the oosta of suit , according Itt tIme jmidg. nient of ( tie said district court , rendered Ott the th day of December , lsol. .JOiIN hi. IltI'XIII. ilttc'niC of Douglas County. DhIIP Stockholders' Slaellmig , Oflice of Lee-Clarko.Andreesemi hardware Co. Omaha , Neb. , Dec. 7 , l8i.-Noticu is hmei4aey givemi to the stockiolderis of the boo- . Clarku.Andreemrems Hardware comiipeiiy that the amimuah emiceting of ( he stQckhmohderi ot V the company wifl Lie hold at this olIleC of the salti company , lOW 1221 and 1223 hlmirnoy streut , iii the cur of ( imnha , in the state of Nebraska , on ! luemsday , Jaimuary 8 , A , I ) , at 4 o'clock p. in. , for the ziurpese Of electing a board of directors fur the com puny to serve during the etiauipg year , and to transact Such other bummimiesis its mmmny Zi Vresetited at audit m.iting. . V Attest : 31 , 3. llili , President , W , AL , GLAj3I3 , Becrolum. D1 M to J B Hums