" 1 : ' ' 't T ' \ t f r > THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE- WEDNESDAY , 12 , iso < i. - _ i Now is the Accepted Time , Have you a horse or a cow that you dou't want to feed this winter there is no way you can find a cus tomer so soon as by patronizing The Bee want columns. Thou. sands read this page , the very people ple you are after. 25C Pays ad , BcrrantRlrh aad others BCokliiR employment , do notuaTO volt Icoe lor mulls thtouRh thrso wunt ads. SPE01RL NOTICES. Advertisements for these columns will be taken until 12:30 : p. m. for the evening , nnd until :00 : p. m. for the morning nnd Sunday edition. Advertisers , by requesting a numbered checK , Han have answers addressed to a numbered letter In care of The Rce. Answers so addressed will he delivered upon presentation of the check only. Bates , mo a word , first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25o for Crst Insertion. . These advertisements must run consecutively. SITUATIONS WANTED. flfOUNO MAN WANTS PLACE TO EARN board while attending college. Rooses' Business college , 16th and Farnaro. A SW COMPETENT OFFICE MAN DESIRES POSI- tlon lit once. Address D 37 , lice. A M84j .WANTED. IIY TOUNO LADY. POSITION AS poverness , nume or housekeeper In email , re fined family. Address D 43 , llee. A 871-12 * WANTED MALE HELP. AVANTED A FEW PERSONS IN EACH PLACE to do writing ; send stamp for ISO-page book of particulars. J. Woodbury , 1S7 W. 42d street , N. Y. City. D IM WANTED-EXPERIENCED COAL MINERS TO BO to Sheridan , Vt'yo. Apply at otnco Sheridan Coal Co. , 1605 Fa mam. It 432 WANTKD. A RESPECTAHLE. STEADY CATH- olio man , locally. In o\ery diocese In U. S.j must furnish references ; 173.00 per month. Write to Joseph R. Gay. 66 6th avenue. Chicago cage , III. H-MVi3 13 * I WANT TO HIRE A CHOIR LEADER. Cliarlos W. Bavldge. U-8TO-12- OOOD JEWELRY ENORAVER WANTED AT once ; ctcndy Job. Address II. E. Wuerth. Kansas City , Mo. M8 % 1,8 .WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED IIARTENDER who can nieak English , German and Danish. Young , unnnrrled man preferred. References required nnd good wages guaranteed. Henry lllock , Arlington , Nebrnskii. D M888 II * A HUCKSTER WITH RIG TO WORK IN THE city. 921 S. 13th street. I1-8W-14 * A GENTLEMAN OF GOOD ADDRESS MAY flnd remunerative employment by calling at room 330 , Hoc building , from 10 n. m. to 3 p. m. , December 13 and 14 ln t. R-M809 13 WANTED. SALESMAN HAVING ESTAH lUlicil trade amongst grocera. by Importing tea bouse. Address P. O. box 2306 , New York City. - HELP. LADIES. . IF YOU WISH EMPLOYMENT AT your homes semi self-addressed envelope for our descriptive circular and commence work at once ; Rood wages paid. The Alfred Knitting : Co. , Wlnthrop , Mass. C M792 13 * WANTED. LADIES TO DO FANCY WORK nil winter at home ; 313 N. 15th * < rcet. WANTED. FROM 9 TO 4 DAILY , LADY FOR our order department ; J12.00 nnd rapid promo tion If found competent ; no experience , but must bo Well recommended. Apply between 10 nnd 12. superintendent's otllcc , room 12. Crelgh- ton IJIk. C-M91112 * FOR BENT HOUSES. HOUSES , F. 1C. DARLINO , DARKER DLOCK HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OP THE CITY. THE O , F. Davis company. 1505 Fnrnam. D 494 KELIvENNY & CO. R. 1. CONTINENTAL BLK. , D 433 rOUR-ROOM MODERN FLATS , 2DTH AND Leavcnworth. J. W. Squire. 2IS Bee bldg. D 11500 NICE LARGE HOUSES IN DUNDEE PLACL cheap till spring. J. W. Squire , 243 Bee bldg. . . D M500 HOUSES ; BENAWA to CO. . 108 N. 15TH BT. D M761 TOR RENT. HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS AND BARN on Park ave. Inquire at 423 S. 18th st. FIRST CLASS MODERN 12-ROOM HOUSE , 019 Blnney , JiO.OO. Wlthnell , 207 N. Y. Life. D SOI FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE , 618 WILLIAMS ST. D M249D20 * TOR RENT CHEAP FOR THE WINTER , ono 8-room house , three 6-room cottages. J A. Scott. Omaha Nat'l bank. D M272D22 TOR RENT-DESIRAHLE DWELLINGS IN ell parti of Omaha. U. II. Bhcafe , 432 Paxton block. D 334D21 * E-HOOM HOUSE , Sll WOOLWORTH AVD. ono J-rooni. 1304 California St. D-433D19 * RENT. MODERN J-ROOM HOUSE ; AT tic , stable. 2U Seward stieet ; apply nex door. D-MM4 31 * ) IOU8ES & STORES. F. D. WEAD. 16 & Douglai D-63S-31 fcASILY HEATED. ALL MODERN , 8-ROOM house , 3C10 Jones , S25.00 : also 301 $ Moron street , S rooms , fine location , I27. & ) . S. K. Humphrey , 23 New York Life. D-M817 15 * BURNISHED HOUSES. WELL LOCATED , cheap. S rooms , modem , 110.00 , 24th and Lake , und largest list In Omaha to choosa from. II. E. Col * Co. . 106 N. 15th. D-MSW 12 TOR RENT , HOUSE NINE ROOMS ; FUR- nice , bath , etc. , at 32d and Farnam. 127.00 ; also cheap houses. JJ 00 and JIO 00 , different parts city. Dexter L. Thomas , 401 Be building. D M735 FOR RENT-6-ROOM COTTAGE. IN GOOD REpair - pair , city water. JIO.OO per month to good parties. 119 N. 57th. 1 block from Farnam car line. Inquire at Bto tzol' stove store , next to poatulllce. D 763 JW.OO ; EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE ; BATH ROOM * V v nnd furnace. John R. Webster , Board Trade bulldlnc W-M770 COTTAGE OF SIX ROOMS. ALL CONVENI- dices , desirable location , three blocks from opera house. Enquire on premises , CI3 8. 17th it. T. J. FltimorrU. 1 > 793 &NE FLAT. STEAM HEAT. LINTON BLOCK. John Ilamlln. 917 Union blk. D 793 HEAT T-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN CONVENI- races , 1 block from Park avenue car line. Ad dress U. D. Evans , care Cady Lumber Co. D-M803 15 * i'KN-ROOM MODERN DWELLING ; FINE LO- cation. Apply to W. F. Clark , 2203 Douxlas. P-MM6 15' JfOR RENT. STORE. 1011 FARNAM BTREETr six-room flats , corner Howard anil llth streets ; tWo-room cottages , H4 and Clark streets ; rents reasonable. William P. Byrne , room 314 First National bank. U M818 15 KTEAM. CENTRAL. MODERN. UNEQUALED S. 6. f. 7-room house * and Hats. Tliard. El N. 2Uh. U-KJ5-1S * JOB RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. 1'LEASANT BOUTH IIOOM FOR GENTLEMAN. Inquire 191 * Dodge. 13 joa rURNISHED ROOMS ; HOUSEKEEPING ) ! 2024 Bt. Mary * * " .venue. C Mill FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING for man and wlf * . Rent taken In boarj. 31 } JK. 17th street. _ E 711 I'URNISHKD ROOM ; SOUTH FRONT ; CHEAP. till IKuJgla * . E 11775 It * FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. JMH Bt. Mary's avenue. K Mill ) 13 * _ RENT. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED i v steam -heat tJ rooms. C02 U. 13th. E 724-11 NICE FURNISHED Oil UNFURNISHED rooms far lljbt houiekceplnr llll a llih st. B-MHJ IT * FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. Continued. rURNISIIED ROOMS "FOR GENTLEMEN OR marrlred couple , housekeeping. 606 North 17th. E 874-12 * 2 ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN3U1TE ; MODERN ; 1920 Capitol avenue. E M878 13 * 2 ROOMS , FURNISHED FOR LIGHT IIOUSE- heeplng. Inquire 1921 Dodge. E MS77 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BO ARD RONT ROOM. WITH BOARD , SOU DOUGLAS. F 103 DK * BOUTH FRONT PARLOR : ALSO SMALL RMS ; good board ; reasonable. Tha Rose , 212. ) Hartley. F 563 D29 * MICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT , with board. Call at 2107 Douglas. FRONT AND SOUTHEAST ROOMS IN large , detached house ; wall heated. 2019 St. Maryavenue. . F-M704 J3 L.ARGE FRONT ROOM , WITH OR WITHOUT board ; all conveniences ; private family. 607 S. 20th street. F M8C3 FURNISHED ROOMS , WITH OR WITHOUT board. In private family , gentlemen preferred. 607 So. 23th Ave. F 763 13 * NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS , WITH ALL modern conveniences nnd first-class board. 1722 Dodge. F 872-10 * THREE HANDSOMELY FURNISHED FRONT rooms , with all conveniences , for gentlemen only ; location very desirable. Apply to 2019 Hnrney street. F SS3-2J * WANTED. A COUPLE TO BOARD IN A PRIvate - vate family. Address D 47. Bee. F MU07 14 * PARLOR FLOOR ; OTHER ROOMS MODERN. Address D 43 , Bee. F M902 IS * FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING. 916 Farnam street. This bull-ling has a nre- proof , cement basement , complete steam heat ing fixtures , water on all floors , gas , etc. Ap ply at the office of The Bee. 1 910 FOR RENT , DESK ROOM , $5.00 MONTH. 331 Board of Trade. 1 452 BEST LOCATED DRUG STORE WITH Fix tures cheap. Ttzard , 221 N. 21th st. I 831-18 * AGENTS WANTED. GOOD SOLICITORS , BOTH LADIES AND gentlenien , to tall mineral water ; active agents can Tnakt * inoney , . W.'a. ' Albrlght Co : Bruns- * WIcUhoteir - * " * ' " * JMS33 18 * MEN , WOMEN , BOYS AND GIRLS WANTED ; new business ; 13.00 a day made easily ; samples and terms free. C. E. Marshall. LocUport , N. Y. J-M90S 12 * STORAGE. STORAGE , WILLIAMS 4 CROSS. 1214 HARNEY M-603 STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. H. Wells , 1111 Farnam. Farnam.M604 M-604 BEST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA. U. 8. EOV. bonded warehouse. Household goods stored. Lowest rates. 1013-1015 Leaveaworth : STORAGE. FRANK EWERS. 1214 HARNEY. 11-003 WANTED TO BUY. CITY & CO. CLAIMS. PRITCHARD , 1712 FAR'M N 506 I WILL GIVE 122.000 CASH FOR 22-FOOT LOT on Farnam or Douglas between 15th and 16th. J. J. Gibson , 317 First Nafl bank bldg. N 237-D-20 SECOND-HAND BOOKS BOUGHT FOR CASH. Antiquarian book store , 1519 Farnam street. N 860 D14 WANTED. HOUSE 6 ROOMS AND TWO LOTS , within four Tjlocks of motor , about J1.600. Stringer & Gue , Frenzer block. N M901 13 * FOR SALE FURNITURE. FURNITURE AUCTION AT 1111 FARNAM BT. Saturdays. 10 a. m. Robt. Wells. O 507 FURNITURE 26-ROOM BOARDING HOUSE , centrally located. Rent law. A bargain. D 9 Bee. O 534 FOR SALEHORSES , WAGONS.ETC. PHAETON , BARGAIN ; NEW CLOTH , LEATH' er , paint , IG5 ; another , (25. Drummond C'ge Co , P M426 D24 FOR SALE MlbOELLANEOUS. IF YOU BUY , BUY THE BEST ; MACKIN- tosnes , rubber boots , arctics , syringes of all kinds , eaa tubing ; all best quality. Omaha Tent and Awning Co. , 1311 Furnam st. Q 609 CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTAL fence made. C. R. Lee , 901 Douglas. Q 510 CORN FODDER FOR SALE. FOUR BLOCKS north Lead Works , Eu Omaha. Tom Anderson. Q-911 D16 * WEGMAN PIANOS. BRIDGEPORT ORGANS. Woodbrldge Bros. . 117 Bo. 17th. Q-233 FIRE BRICK. CAR LOTS. 114 ; SMALL LOTS , 115 M ; fire clay , sand , gravel , screenings.Vm. . J. Welalians , > 31 Board ot Trade. Tel. 16)9. Q-4I6 DI7 FOR SALE , A LAUNDRY OUTFIT. AND building for rent ; a bis bargain for cash. Ad dress D 43 , Bee. Q-M908 18 FOR SALE. STABLE ON 3707 N. 18TH. Q-M899 1B JERSEY COW ; GREAT PET ; VERY RICH milker : finely bred ; a beauty. In nice condi tion. Address D { If Bee , Q M89 12 * MISCELLANEOUS. FIRST-CLASS DAIRY FARM FOR RENT. Good barns , Ice bouse , excellent pasture , spring water ; one mile from South Omaha. Chants Chllds. 1506 Lcavenwortli street. Omaha. R-M733 12' CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. DR. H. WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT , REliable - liable business medium ; 7IU year at 119 N. 10th 8-611 MME. BEURCIA. THE MOST WONDERFUL clairvoyant of the 19lh century. 1617 Chicago treet. S-MS97 Jll * JJLASSAGE , BATHS. ETC. MADAM BM1TII. MJ S. 13TH. 2D FLOOR room 3 ; massage , vapor , alcohol , steam , sul- phurlne and sea baths. T MM5 15 * MASSAGE. MADAME BERNARD , 1421 DODGE T M724 IS * TURKISH BATHS. TURKISH BATH ROOMS , EXCLUSIVELY FOR ladles. Suite 103-10. Bee Bide. 655- PEKSONAL. VIAVI : HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book , and consultation free. AcMrtu or call Vlavl Co. , 344 B e bid * . Lady attendant. U-41J MA83AGB ELECTRO THERMAL BATHS , chiropodist. Ume. 1'oit. 119U & 15th SU SUU441 THE BELLE EPPERLY CORSET. MADB TO crdtr trow measure. 1109 Farnam strejc. strejc.UMJ4T DR. T. W. 8TONE. 110 N. Y. LIFE. TEL. 141. U-11TO MACKINTOSHES & RUBBER BOOTS. 1311 FAR u-eu PERSONAL. Continued. FIFTEEN ELEGANT CABINET PHOTOS IN I different styles. Jl.W , at Cowan's. 634 Broad * Tray , Council Uluffs. U-M4M D27 OPEN TO THE LADIES OF OMAHA. THE ladles from Boston ot ISIS Chicago street have been very successful the past week. Do not hesitate to call and talk with them , ns one of their methods will be euro to suit your case , for they have hud. a wide experience In treat- Inn chronic nnd acute diseases , Olllce hours , 9 to E p , m. ; Saturdays , 1 to 5 p. m. Consulta tion free. U-M46I D21 * DIAMOND PHOTOS. 750 A DOZEN AT PROC- tor's. Ml 8. 16th St. U 710-JJ COMPOUND OXYGEN CURES CONSUMPTION , ashtma. bronchitis nnd catarrh. Home treat ment , S6 W per month ; 2 days' trial free treat ment. Room 810 , N. Y. Lite Bide. , Omaha. U M713 MtU OtUn CLARK , YOUIl MOTHER IS IN Hnstlnc't. Come at once or write to her. Mr * . A. C. Andrews , formerly Mr * . A. Clnrk , 2J1 Hastings nxcnue. South. U SSJ It * MONEY TO LOAN KSAli ESTATE. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F , O. Clienncy , Kansas City , Mo. W-SH ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 318 N.Y.LIKE , loans at low rules for choice security In Ne braska and Ion a farms or Omaha city property. MONEY TO IXJAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real citato , llrcnnan , Lava & Co. , 1'axtnn tilk. W-S17 TTY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. I'uscy & Thomas , First Nat'l bldg. W-M2IS 1ONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1503 Farnam it. W CIS /JANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property , (3,000 and upwards , 0 to 7 per cent ; na delays. W. Farnam Smith & Ox , LI20 Farnam. W-519 HAS. W. RAINEY , OM , NAT. BIZ. IJLDO. W 311 ONEY TO LOAN ON OMAIIA REAL ESTATE at t per cent. W , U. Melkle. 1st Nat. Imnlt bid 'ERY LOW RATE3 MADE ON GOOD LOANS. J. IV. Squire , 218 Uee bide. W 623 ITT LOANS , C. A. STARR. 615 N. Y. LIFE. 100 TO $5,000. F. D. WEAD , 16TH & DOUQLA3. \V6Q4-31 LARGE LOANS , LOW RATES , SMALL LOANS , hort time. II. II. Harder & Co. , lleo iiiilg. W 637 31 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Far nam street. W MWS MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. , at lonest rates In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly conlldentlat ; you can pay tha loan oft at any tUna or In any amount. amount.OMAIIA OMAIIA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 301 ! S. 16th street. X 623 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI ture. pianos , horses , wagons , or any kind of chattel security at lowest posslbla rates , which you can pay back nt any time and In nny amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , lioom 4 , > Vltlmcll block. X S2J ' . B. HADDOCK , ROOM 427. RAMGE BLOCK. X 526 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- erty. Harvln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. Life bids. X 5SI BUSINESS CHANCES. CASH PAID FOR ENDOWMENT POLICIES IN old line companies. Send description. A. 1C. Brocklesby , Box 233 , Hartford , Conn. Y M850 D14 * CORRESPONDENCE OR INTERVIEW IS SO HclKil from parties Battetled with 8 to 10 per cent In a legitimate business ; Investment under full guarantee of principal nnd Intciest ; standIng - Ing nnd character unquestioned. I' . O. Box 605 , City. Y-M717 AN ESPECIALLY GOOD CHANCE TO THE right party who can command It,000.00 or 13,000.00 to enter nnd old established business. Address P. O. Box 605 , City. Y M716 FOR SALE-W,600 STOCK CLEAN OENERAX. merchandise , mostly just bought. In one of the best towns In southwest Iowa ; halt cash ant ] good land. Davenport & Waterman , 822 N. Y. Life. Omaha , Neb. Y 869-11 CIGAR STORE AND FACTORY FIXTURES for sale , apply 311 North 16th street. Y-S92-H * 'OR SALK. DRUG STORE AND PRACTICE ; one or both ; only one In town ; nearest town 8 miles ; central southern Nebraska , Address D 46 , Bee. Y M9U 12 * FULLY EQUIPPED PLANING MILL. LIVE town , northeast Nebraska ; exchange for lander or Bell. Address room K , Frcnxcr block , Omaha , Neb. Y MS03 23 FOR SALE OR LEASE. BASKET FACTORY complete ; modern conveniences ; good location or machinery for sale cheap. For particulars addicss Thomas Swift , 403 N , 15th street Omaha , Neb. Y M901 14 * WANTED. PARTNER WITH J700 OR 1800 rare chance. Address D 49 , Bee otllce. Y M913 12 * FOR EXCHANGE. A GOOD LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO EXchange - change for young work horses or mules. Lamoreaux Broa. , :03 B. 16th. Z-637 BANKERS AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS Take Notice Hard times has made It possible to get hold of good business blocks In Omaha and take farm lands In exchange. I sollcll correcpondece. J. J. Glbsop. 317 1st Nat. hank. . Z-SOl-D-ll CLEAR LAND FOR EQUITY IN HOUSE AND lot. $800.00 cash and lot near business center for Improved property. See our exchange list. II E. Cole Co. . 100 N. 15th. / . M8I9 12 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BARGAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS , sale or tiude. F. 1C Darling , Barker block. RE 529 FOR SALE. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE ; CEL- lar. cistern , city water ; cor. 30th and Saliler J1.2W.OO ; long time. Inquire 1318 Farnam. Bam uel Burns RE 530 MODERN 12-ROOM HOME. VERY CHEAI and on easy terms. 2013 Blnney Bt. RE 913 FOR SALE. AT A BARGAIN. MY RESI. dcnce. between Hurt and Cumlng streets ; wll take 14 In trade. Wm. Fleming , 14th and Doug Us. ItE M713 FOR A LIMITED TIME. A. FINE RESIDENCE site , corner rJtli and Dodge , 110,00000 ( paving paid ) . Full commission to agents. Wm. Flcm Ing , 14th and Douglas. RE M719 EXCHANGES AND SALES ; CITY PROPERTY farms , merchandise , darvln Bros. . 210 N. Y Life. RE M233 DO YOU WANT A HOME7 READ THIS twice. 6-room cottage. 1 Btory , lot 38x12) feet tl.150.00. 6 rooms. 1V4 stories , lot 30x123. 31,000.00. 4 rooms. 1 story , lot 46x127 , I300.0U. 5 rooms with barn. SI,400.00. 7 rooms. 2 stories , cornc lot , 10x134 , $1,600.00. These can be bought on very cosy terms , are well located and near car lines. II. E. Cole Co. , 106 N. 15th. 15th.RE RE M848 12 BARGAINS , BALE OR TRADE , IN HOUSES lots and farms. J. N. Frenxer. opp. 1 . o. RE-M852 J8 FOR SALE. LOT 50X160 4JND AND MASON S25.00 cash , 11000 per month ; prlco 1700 Omaha Bicycle Co. , 323 N. 16th st.R R E-891-23 FOR RENT. A FARM OF 210 ACRES. 7 MILK from Omaha. X miles from South Omaha. In qulro of ThJmas Swift , 403 N. 15th. RE-M900 14 * HOTELS. HOTEL BARKER , 13TH AND JONfiS ST8. 75 rooms at 11.60 per day. 60 room * at ttOO per day. Special rates to commercial travelers. Room and board by week or month. Frank Hlldltch manager. 532 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR 13th and Dodge. Rooma by day or week. 633 COZZENS HOTEL. 9TH AND HARNEY steam heat , electrlo bells , telephone , baths , ex cellent culscne. elegant rooms ; 11.00 per day 14.00 and upwards per week. 634 UNDERTAKERb AND E MB ALMER3 H. 1C. BURKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AN ] embalrner , 1613 Chicago st. , telephone 90 , 639 BWANSON & VALIEN. UNDERTAKERS AND cmbalmers , 1701 Cumlne St. , telephone 1060. 637 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM balmer. 1417 Farnam St. , telephone 225. 633 C. W. BAKER , UNDERTAKER. (11 S. IJth ST C33 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storage batteries recharged ; electrical and gen eral mechlnlsts ; superior work guarantee ! Omaha Electrical Werks , UT and (13 8. 16th s , _ 643 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRAC- tori for electric light nnd motor plants and a kinds of electrical construction. w itern Elea- trto Supply Co. . 411 and 420 8. 151 h it. Ill HAY AND GRAIN. BUY YOUR HAY BY TON OR CAR LOTS. WB buy bay. A. H. enyder. 1915 Hurt it. Tel. 110 6U NEBRASKA HAY CO. . WHOLESALE HAY cnln and mill stuff. We are always on th. market to buy or s U 1492-4-6 Klcbolu t- t647 BUILDING & LOAM ASSOCIATION. IOW TO GET A HOME ! OR SECURE GOOD Interest on saving * . AppItUUI Oman * L. & U. Ais'n , 1701 Bee bldg. U. II. Nattlnger. Bee. 641 HARE3 IN MUTUAL l rfyVP n. ASS'N PAY C , 7. t per cent when 1 , l , Jivyears old , always redeemable. 1704 Farnam at. , Nattlnger , Bee. " * 645 > . T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL olDce to 209 8. 16th It. , Bffivn block. 652 HERIDAN COAL. for hard coal , and 13.60 ton cheaper. 1603 Far * oam street ; main entrancelloaru of Trade. 631 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. 4116 GRANT. 5S79D-15 * DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES ; FIT AND sile guaranteed : price reasonable. Inquire 1713 Chicago street. S73-13 * TYPJB WRITER 3. TOLEN TYPEWRITERS OFFERED FOR sale should make > ou suspicious ; funny they are mostly Smith's. Try one and > ou will understand uhy. Full line of supplies. Smith- Premier Co. , 17th and Farnam , telephone 1234. 631 STOVE REPAIRS. TOVE REPAIRS FOR 40.000 DIFFERENT makea of stoves. Water attachment nnd con nections a specialty. 1207 Douglas street. Omaha Steve Repair Works. 660 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. , E. MORRILL. CARPENTER AND BUILDER , paper hanging and signs , brick work and plas tering. Otllcc. 409 8. 14th at. , telephone 403. 637 OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO. LEADING OPTICIANS. J. F. Ponder , manager. Eyes examined free. 222 S. 16th St. . In Klnslefs drug store. 413 17' MASaUEBADE COSTUMES. GENTLEMEN AND LADIES CAN RENT masquerade costumes at 111 South 16th st. 231-D19' PLUMBERS. OHN ROWE & CO. , PLUMIHNO STEAM AND hot water heating , eas fixtures , clobes. 421 S. 15. 611 JOB PiUNTING. REED JOH PRINTING CO. , FINE PRINTING of all kinds. 17th St. , Dee building. 6G3 HOUSES WINTERED. ADDRESS HARTON & PHELPS. TEL. 10JI. ZOT N. Y. Life bldg. M42SD31 * IORSES WINTERED. S3.00 AND JI.OO PER month. Address Hopper llros. , Ellchorn. Neb. M887 27 CORNICE. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS. GALVANIZED iron cornices. 17Z2 St. Mary's ave. 635D21 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORT HAND. N. Y. Life , Omaha. Ask tor circular. 661 WHOLESALE COAL. OHNSON BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all kinds of coat. Correspondence solicited. 1003 Farnam street. CCO M.XTSIC , ART ANI ) , LANGUAGE. - * + - 0. F. OELLENUECKtU- BANJOIST AND teacher. 1810 California street. Sit BIOiTOLTSS. M. O. DAXON. 403 N. ICTU " " 535 OMAHA BICYCLE CO. , 22J N. 1CT1I ST. DENTffiCff. DR. TAUU DENTIST , 20M1 HURT ST. 6IJ RAZORS , SHEARS. ( JtirPERS , SKATES , etc. A. L. Undeland. 10C'airJ4th. 6CJ BUSINESS DAMAGEDMlRRORfi , REgIt.yERED. 713N. | | U. bhrrin'g tinlc. By virtue of an order of attachment and fjarnlshment Issued out of the district court of the Fourth Judicial district , within and for Douglas county. In an action wherein the Fitchburg Worsted cpmpany Is plaintiff und Clarenoe J. Cumin and John J Heller , partners as C. J. Canan & Co. , are defend ants , I did on the 28th day of November , A. U. 18J1 , attach as the property of the said C. J. Canan & Co. n miscellaneous stock of tailorings , consisting of cashmere , cheviot and Knickerbocker suitings , broad cloth , worsted cloth , overcoating , buttons , thread , linings , and the llxture.s contained In the store room of C. J. Canan & Co. on Farnam strcat betwen 12th nnd 13th streets , In the city of Omaha , and by virtue of an order of sale on attachment issued out ol the district court , ami to me directed under date of the 8th day of December , A. D. 1894 , and duly signed by Frank E. Moores , clerk of the district court. I will on the 20th day of December , A. D. 1S9I , nt 10 o'clock a. in. , of said day , at the above named store room of C. J. Canun & Co. , sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash , al of the above desciibed gooda and chattels and fix tures situate and being In Bald store room , to satisfy the Fltchburg Worsted company the sum of one thousand ami three dollars ( $1.003.00) ) , and Interest on Jl.000.00 from May , 1893 , at the rate of 6 per cent per annum , and the costs of suit , nccordlng to the judg ment of the said district court , rendered on the 8th day of December , 1894. JOHN C. DUBXEU Sheriff of Douglas County. D3dlO BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Bee Building. OMAHA , Neb. Advlco FREE. RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves iBURLlNUTON & MO. lilVKU.Armes | Omahaj Union Depot , 10th & Mason Kli.j Omaha 10:15am : Denver Express 9:15am : 4:3pm.Blk. Hills , Mont. & Puget Snd. Ex. 4:10pm 4:3Gpm : . . . .Denver Express 4:10pm : 6:45pm..Nebraska : Local ( except Sunday ) . . 7:45pm 8l5am..Lincoln ! Local ( except Sunday ) . . 11 ; 25am Leaves ICH1UAUO. BURL.1NU1UN & Q.IAirlves OmahajUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason 8ts. | Omaha 4:45pm : Chicago Vestibule :6Jnm 9:45am. : [ Chicago Express 4:20pm : 7:50pm : Chicago and Iowa Local COOim ll35am ! Pacific Junction Local 6lOpm LeavealCHICAQO. MIL. & BT. PAUL. I Arrives OmalmlUnlon Depot , 1011 & Mason Bts. | Omaha 6.00pm Chicago Limited 9:30am If.lOam..Chicago Express ( ex. Bun. ) . . . . 8l5pm Leaves ( CHICAGO & NplUH\VESl"N.lArrlves OmahalU. P. Depot , 10th & Mason film. ) Omaha ll:05am : . . . .eastern Express 6:3upm : 4:00pm : Vestlbuled Limited l:40am : < :65am : Mo. Valley lytcal 10:30pm : t:45pm : Omaha Chtcaga Special lUpm : Leave * I CHICAGO. R. 1. ' T PACIFIC. ( Arrive * OmahajUnlon Depot. 10th & "Ma on au. | Omaha 11 :00am. : . . Atlantic Excressi ( ea. Sunday ) , . . 6:06pn : 6:25pm : . . . Night Express , , . . . . . 9:60anr : 4:30pm. : . . .Chicago Vestlbulcd Limited. . . . liOSp U-.SSji in. .Oklahoma Exp. ( toC. 11. ex Hun.h.lliiOp 6:15am.Oklahoma : A Texas Ex. < ex. 8un..ll:30pm : I'.lOpm Colorado Limited 4:00pn : Leaves I C. . BT. P. . M. & O. ( Arrives Omaha' Depot 15th and Webster Bis. | Omaha 930am.Nebraika ; Passenger ( dally ) . , , . 8lSpr ; 4:35pm.Bloux : City Express ( ex. Bun.ll:60an ) : 6lOpm. ! . Bt. Paul Limited 9:40ar : Leaves I F. . K. & MO. VAUL121. lArmes" Omahal Depot 15th and Webster Bis. ) Omaha 2:10pm : Fast Mall and Express 4Upn : 2:10pm.ex. : ( Sot. ) Wjro. ex. ( i-x. lion. ) . . < 4:66pn : v:05am..Norfolk : Express ( ex , 'r > uniJ.iy.10Juam : 4:6Cpm..Fremont : Pass. ( ex. Bunday ) . . . . 7:50pn : ! lOpm St. Paul EiprtM. . . . . . . . . . . l40an ! Leaves ! K. U. , 8T. J. & U. D. ( Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason BU. | Oman. " " 9:4Sam : Kansas "city Day Expreis , . . , . ellOrm 8 : < 5pm.K. u. Nltht Ex. via. V. P. Tram. iy ; > an 'Leaves ! " MISSOURI "PACIFIC. lArrlves Omahal Depot 15th and Webater Bit. } Oman * :45am : St. Louls Express , sTooam 9JOpm : Bt. Louts Expiess , . . . > e:03pm : 6ilOpm Nebraska. Local ex. Bun. ) . . . . . . ; lOan Leaved BIOUX CITY A PACIFIC. ( Arrive Omahsl Depot lith and Wtbsler Bis. I Omahi 6.wpm . St. Paul Limited Leaves ! SlOlfX CITY & PACTFIC. JOmahaJUnlon Depot.10th _ 4Maion8ts _ _ jjpmah fi.63am Blmix City I'uncnjer , . , lu 2upTT C:10pm Bl. Paul Limited ; 40ot 'I.eiveir UNION"PACIFICf ( Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot. 10th A Maien 8ts | Omah 10 OOain , , . .Kearn y Exprtu i:43pm : t:16um : Overland Flyer . , 6Jjjrn ZilOpm.Beatrice & Stromil/g ; Uxex.Sun ) . S:4Spu : 7Hpm..PacificRipreu : 10Wan : l ; pm Fast Mall 4ilOura lrtU\s | WABAHK RAILWAY. [ Arrives OmahalUnlon Dtt-ol. lOtli tt Mason Bts. | Omah * : US > m St. Louis Canoou Ball 12:35pc : VANTS TO BRING RAILROADS 'lana of Test Omaha Terminal Company that Seem to Bo Promising , VESTERN LINES INTO COUNCIL BLUFFS ifnnngor ATcbntor Hny * Alsnllmt Some Knit * cm Linn Mny Conio Acrom ( ho Com pany's Ilrlitgo Into Onmlm Some , thine 1'ractlcnl Hxpectcil Soon. It U not among the Improbabilities that lie Mtesourl Pacific , the Fremont , Elkhorn & tlssourl Valley and the Chicago , St. Paul , illnneapolls & Omaha railroads , all having heir present terminals In Omaha , will un Into Council Bluffs In the near future. The otalls are not fully settled yet , but It Is lellovcd that they are fully under way. Some six weeks ago the East Omaha Bridge nd Terminal company asked of the city coun- II of Council Bluffs a franchise which would liable It to lay Its tracks along certain treets and alleys ot the city across the Iver. The new tracks would be virtually n extension of tlio bridge company's tcrml- lal system. The people of Council Bluffs iavo recently been led to believe that the ermlnal company proposed to commence run ning trains between the two cities as soon as he franchise was granted and the tracks aid. General Manager Webster of the terminal : ompany said yesterday that there was no oundatlon for the rumor that his company contemplated the running of trains between Omaha and Council Bluffs. "We are cndeav- rlng to offer terminal facilities for alt roads , ut will not engage In the railroad busl- icss ourselves uules3 wo make a radical nd entirely uncontemplated change In our lollcy. We have for the past six weeks been ndeavorlng to secure a franchise for laying racks on Union avenue , In Council Bluffs. The matter Is till pending before the council f that city. When we secure It wo shall crtalnly avail ourselves of It. for our com- lany la doing nothing that does not keep the bjects for which It is formed constantly In 'low. The franchise will enable certain wost- rn roads to get Into Council Bluffs , and ultl- nately will bring half a dozen roads Into Omaha from the east. " Mr. Webster would not Indicate which of the vestcrn roads would avail themselves of the ermlnal conmpany's facilities for running nto Ccuncll Bluffs , but It Is perfectly obvious hat he refers to the three roads above men- longd. In fact , he enumerated them as be- ng the ones likely to avail themselves of the acllltles offered by his company , but would not say that they hid commenced definite negotiations. "Our plans are all Working as favorably aswe could desire , or as we have expected , " remarked Mr. Webster. "It Is only a question of tlmo when some of the projects wo have n view will materialize , and while wo rankly admit that they will bs most profita ble to our company , at the same time they vlll be of the greatest benefit to Omaha. In 'act , it will bo Impossible for our plans to luccced without giving Omaha the entire benefit. Our eastern stockholders are all confident and satisfied with the projects un- ler way. That six or eight of the great rall- vay systems of the country will avail them- "elves of the terminal facilities offered by our company to come Into Omaha Is abso- utely certain. Such systems as the Balti more & Ohio , the Pennsylvania , the Great Northern , the Illinois Central and others equally prominent In { ho railway world are nucli nearer to Omaha than most people maglnc. The.se roads have only kept away n the past for the reason that they could not secure terminal facilities In Omaha with out an expenditure of millions at dollars. Wo offer them these facilities at n moder ate rental and we- are going to secure the companies. ' .Th&fo fs ho 'question ot it. " GUTTING Kll ) OK THEIK IlUKIiNS. \tclilson ICecnivors Aftic tlio Court to Cut -ff Unprofitable Ilr.inclici. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 11. Receivers Walker , McCook and Wllsgo of the Atchlson , Topeka & Santa Fo and 'Frisco lines have Intro duced a petition Jn the United States cir cuit court for the St. Louis & San Francises railway asking leave to discontinue the oper ation forthwith of the "following lines , on the ground that they were Incapable of earning their operating expenses and were an In- cumbus on the main lines : Kansas Midland , trom Wichita , Kan. , to Ellsworth , Kan. ; Salem branch , Cuba , Mo , , to Salem , Mo , ; Beaumont branch , Beaumont , Kan. , to Cole , Kan. ; Anthony branch , Arkansas City to Anthony , Kan. The most important action taken , how ever , was the filing of a petition asking the severance of all relations with the Atlantic & Pacific railway running frrfm Albuquerque , N. M. , to Mojave , Gal. The petition Is a bulky document which recites a dozen or more engagements entered Into by the Santa Fo with the Atlantic & Pacific looking to an exchange of business and practical cp-opera- tlon between the two roads. The contracts and agreements have developed Into a bur den upon the Santa Fe system. Judge Cald- wel referred the petitions to the master In chancery for special work. May ItnUo the linto. Among the numerous things to come up before the Transcontinental association meetIng - Ing at Chicago Is the proposed Increase in winter tourist rates. The proposed raise con templates an Increase of $10 on the present round-trip rate , making the fare JCK ) from Omaha to Pacific coast points , instead ol ISO , aa at present. In referring to the ques tion , ono of the general passenger agents In Omaha Bald yesterday that the Pacific coast tourist business had been , upon the whole , an satisfactory as the condition ol business In the cast and mlddlo west wouli ] warrant. The proposed Increase In rates , however , would undoubtedly have a more discouraging effect upon the travel. Tha rate from Chicago under the new agreement wouli be $110 , and It Is almost certain that the new rate will be made without serious op position. Would Hurt Oiuilia. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat Is authority for the statement that the Illinois Central Is contemplating the purchase of the Sioux : City O'Neill & Western railroad , soon to bo sol under orders of the United States court. A prominent railroad official of Omaha , whose identification with a rival company pre vents the publicity ot his name , called the attention of The Do ? to the fact that the proposed purchase of this line by the 1111 nets Central would work an Inestimable In jury to the Interests of Omaha. It would BImply mean that the Illinois Central , whlcl Is looking for a western outlet , would'mak Sioux City Us gateway Instead of coming to Omaha. Ilnpatul for the * I'uturn. Chief Clefk J , W. Munn of the Elkhorn passenger department went to Chicago las evening to participate In a meeting at the Auditorium today. at which anotbo effort will b9 made to bind together tlio broken fragments of the Western Passenger association. General Paiscngcr Agent Buch anan baa been in Chicago for the week past engaged In the negotiation for the re organlzatt'ii. While there are still many differences to adjust , there Is still a fal From enrlr cblldbood < until I was grotrn my < I family spout u fortune . . 1 Irrlnn to euro tuouf this ' pdlieato. 1 vliltcd Hot Spring- * , and was . treated by tuu bun medical men. but win not ( > bonontod.Vbeu all tliliiKi bid failed I ! determined to r nmm Iff H.H.H. , nnd .InfouriaontUi E" ixOfl/l WUI ( entirely < 'curod. Thoi i torrlblalictonia i tirai Reno , not n tun. of It left ) my Kunoral' ' boallh built up , and 1 barene'er bad any , return of the nlioiuo. I Lava slnco . - recomniondoil H. B.H. to aniiui' ibirof ( rlendtfor 'skin diseases , . _ _ _ _ _ 'anj uaTe iiof or - ai > 7iiiwfiShlir- ; I Vr r falls io curerron after all , 4 eli rreMKll. hlTe. OurTreatlto . . - I on Dlood andUklu Dlicnei mailed ' free io uny adilms. smrr SPECIFIC co. , itUnto , c . inspect that the organization will bo re- uscltated. ' Itnlbrny Mote * . A new time card on the Union Pacific , to > o promulgated In a. toff days , makoi tome light changes In the running ot trains on ho western division's. The Union Pacific has been sued tor $20- 00 damages by Mrs. Annie Cnllnlian ot Cheyenne for the death ot her husband , who vas Killed In the Cheyenne shops latt June. The Armour Ureucd Meat company re cently advertised for proposals for the con- tructlon of 1,000 refrigerator cars In lots f 200. The Pullman company received the ; ontract for the first three lots , reducing Its > lds $5 and $10 successively under any other ml offered. P. C. Stchr , general freight agent ot the Great Western , Is authority for the itato- ment Hint in the great cereal producing states of Iowa , Nebraska and Kansas the corn crop Is not more than 25 per cent of ho average , and he attributes the general mfavorable condition of eastbound traffic to .his condition. AX A O.N CKJir.STS. The Empire , under the management of IV. J. Burgojs , looks to bo "a winner. " The louse Is rapidly assuming the aspect pre- llcted by the management , "chan , cozy and iomfortable , " and the patronaga Is Increas ing with every performance. The policy of .ho house Is to cater as largely as possible to the home element , and the 23c ladles' natlnees on Wednesdays and Saturdays will 'IB made a feature of the house. Katie Jmmett's decidedly successful engagement ilose- with a matlnco today at 2:30 : , and the performance tonight. "Tho Prodigal Father" Is the coming at- : ractlon at the Empire for the week of De cember 16 , commencing with a Sunday mat- nee. The "Father" has made a decided success In the larger eastern cities In which , t has appeared this season , the Boston jlobe saying : "There was a very funny performance by a very clever company at the Court Square theater last evening. The audience laughed constantly and wondered why they had never heard of 'The Prodigal Father' before. The farce was contrived and written by Glen BlcDonough , who , by a fresh grouping of some old characters , p-o- duced a work which , In the hands ot a capa- Jle lot of actors , proves to bo highly dlvert- ng from beginning to end. That means that : he Interest continues cumulative , even In : he third net. There are several 'speclaltlss' ntroduced that nro Immensely clever. The : rlal9 and perplexities of Stanley Dodge , who lias been running after a serio-comic singer Instead of going to Africa to throw more ays of light Into the dark continent , as he : md planned to do , make a string of absurd- 'tlcs hard to beat. The humor Is often sug- jestlve cf the comic papers , but It Is en- loyable for all that. The company Is first- class In every respect. One can recommend 'The Prodigal Father , ' as acted by th.se clever players , as the most laughable per- 'ormance that has been seen ( n this city thus tar this season. The play will b ? presented again at the Court Square theater this even- Ing. " This afternoon "Tho Dazzler" will give n special Wednesday matinee at the Boyd , ilie prices being fixed at CO cents for the first lloor and 25 cents for the balcony. The engagement of "Tho Dazzler" will close with tha evening performance. "In Old Kentucky , " which comes to the Uoyd on Thursday ( tomorrow ) evening for the remainder of the week , with matinee Satur day , stands at the head t last reason's suc cesses. It was put on the Academy of Music , New York , for j. abort engagement , jut It took such a firm hold upon the public that It ran through the season to c-owdcil houses. No play produced last year won greater financial returns. U Is a very elab orate scenic production and It possesses a story of absorbing Interest , exceedingly well told. An odd feature Is a pickaninny band , composed of about twenty little darkles. These diminutive negroes were secured in the south and trained by the management especially for ' 'In-Old Kentucky , " In NC.W York they were considered ( ' nt decided novelty. A gonulne horse race is also an attractive and spirited Incident ot the performance , and the manner In which It Is handled on the stage excites the1 most enthusiastic comment. The play Is described by those who have se > ; n It as a remarkably vivid picture of Kentucky life and Is vaty generally admitted tp be the most creditable of all our southern dramas. It opcjia amid bold , picturesque and rugged mountain scenery In Kentucky , the home ot the heroine , being located by the side of a yawning ravine , crossed by ineins of a bridge raised or lowered at will. Hero Frank Layson meets Madge Brlerty , and mutual love following , the jealousy ot Joe Lorey , "a moonshiner , " is aroused. He at tempts to kill his rival , after knocking him senseless , by means of a dynamite cartridge , but , his better Instincts prevailing , he stamps on the fuse and goes away. The villain of the piece , Lnn Lindsay , now wealthy and firmerly a elave trader , the murderer , In fact , of the father of both Madge and Joe , has a grudge against Layaon and relights the fuse. The bridge had been previously rendered useless by Lorey , but Madge , coming to th ; door , stands appalled on the brink ot the. chasm a't the Impending fate of her lover , but , recovering her senses , she snatches a rope , swings herself over the abyss , rushes for the cartridge , and filnglng It down the ravine , It there explodes with terrific effect. In the sscond act villainy again temporarily succeeds , when Lem Lind say succeeds In firing the stable In which Layson's race horse Is kept , but the animal Is rescued In the nick of time by Madge , who fearlessly daalies Into the burning build ing. The jockey U made drunk , and If the horse doesn't lunand win Layson Is ruliud. Madge again comes to the rescue , and donning jockey's attire , in the thtid act rides a des perate race , and , winning , once again upsets Lindsay's plans. In the fourth act Joe Lorey discovers the Identity of Lindsay and kills him , and there Is a happy ending. There Is a generous , breezy , good-natured colonel , a faithful old negro servant , a strong , manly moonshiner and other cleverly diawn char acters. Madge , the heroine , Is a pretty mountain girl , who talks and acts naturally and who Is altogether a very delightful young person , "In Old Ksntucky" comes with the prestige ot a great success. The sale o seats will open at 9 o'clock this morning. Charles II. Hoyt's merriest com edy creation will bo presented at Boyd'a theater for thre ? nights commencing Sunday evening , with the original New York cast , scenery , propertlu etc. The remarkable run of this play of over 700 nights In New York has made the name of the play a familiar one to thousands o theater goers , Mr. Hoyt has a fashlnn o getting tc-gether a lot of choir actors and putting them In situations that would cauze a corpse to laugh. Aided by a lot of pretty women and clever , taking music , the play I credited with being a tremendous buccess The musical numbers are numerous and pretty , noticeably : "Keep a Knockln' , " "My Dear Little Maid In the Moon , " "Then Sa ; Good Bye , " "Huben and Cynthia , " "The Pretty Widow. " "Crisp Young Chaperone , ' "Yes , I'll Bo Your Sweetheart" and whistling extraordinary , to say nothing of the eve popular "On the Bowery , " that U bristling with rrcw lilts , fully abreast to the * prcsen era. Mr. Junlus Howe , advance representative o Daniel Sully , Is In the city. Mr. Sully am his company comes to lioyd's the latter par ot next week. Mr. Bcrrle Jarrett , agent for Stuart Hob son , arrives In town today. Stuart Hobson will be the Christmas attraction at the Boyd ni\ivrv : MAKICKI. INSTHUMENTS placed on record Dec. 11 1891 ! WAnrtANTY ncins. 1 * L lion ell to II T 1'lorce. lot 13. iJ'ock 8 , eulxllv of block 33 , AltirlKtit' * Clio'ce ' t R John Qicvn to Jotinnmi CotUr , w V4 of lot 3. block 2 , need' * lit ( relllf ) . . , . , l.SOQ Quiil WIlK nnd wife to K II irlcson , loti 8 and 9 , block 2. Hoffman Tcrruct OO Hilfdan Jacobs/in ami wlfo to Richard Ilreltunif. lot 2 , block 3 , Central rmrk. . . . CO ) O II Darker nnd wife to N I * Hire , o M feet of n H lot 7 , Mock 2. Orchard Hill 1,400 L I Hull to J A Ilowurd , lot" 1 nnl 2 , black 23. llenmn COT NnrtliwoBtern rmcitment oomimny to O l > llnrl , Ion 8 aid 9 , block 2. lit IS , block 1. Crclthton HMKllti . 1,57 C I , Unit and wire to CharUn Peterion , lau 8 and 9 , block 2. tarn * . . . . , , , . , , 1,15 QUIT I'l-AIlt UKKIJB , Kuthor WlUon to / M Unani. w M tot . HhlU'n sulxllV , K M Ilrynni and husband la C ! ber Wllaon * e H rama . , , , , . , . , i > , < Total amount of tranifum , , , , , , , . , 11W1 CERAMIC CLUB'S ' EXHIBITION ) oors Thrown Open for the Sowmd Annual Display Last Evening , BEAUTIFUL WORK ON DISHES AND PLAQUES Irgiinlrrttluii Under I.cmlcrslilp ot BIrj l > tnbrook Tnklng 1'ront llnuk In 111 * J.'ntlro Country Clliii | c ot 601110 uf tha DmlciiH The Contributor * . TIio Nebraska Ceramic club U giving It ] lecoml annual exhibition ot decorated worli n room No. 1 of tlio New York Life build- ntf , tlio doors being throwjt open last even * tig to a large number of visitors. The ox * ilblt will bo n complete revelation to all who mvc not kept thcmsclvea Informed as to tin artistic enthusiasm with wlilcli the members t the club have pursued their studies In tha wo brief years slnco the club was organized. After seeing the exhibit now In place tin visitor Will not wonder that Nebraska car ried off the highest honors at the World't 'air ' , or thai the work from this state ex * cited the admiration of art lovers front all parts of the world. The study of ceramic art Is comparatively > oung In Nebraska , but In spite of this facl ho state has given to the ceramic world lev- ral names which have already attained na- lonal celebrity. The Individual members of ho club all unite In giving generous pralst o the untiring efforts of Mrs. Lou Vanes 'lillll | > s , one of the pioneers In the work In Nebraska , to Miss Lcta Harlocker. to Miss Mclllo tluttctflcld , nml others whose names ire 'well known In all parts ot the country. Jut If the work of these teachers has been excellent , the work of their pupils hnj been equally praiseworthy. The club exh.btt shows scores of Individual pieces , any one of which would attract the favorable notice of the closest critic of ceramic art. It Is Impossible to note each Individual plcco of work on exhibit. All must ba scene o be apprecatcd. Ilach member ot the club ms furnished a table with her work , &ml the array , as a collective exhibit , Is a beautiful me. Mrs. Oscar Hoffman's table will nt- ract Immediate attention ns one enters the oom. She shows a number of pieces , one ot ho notable ones being a small punch bowl of exquisite shape and decoration. Mrs. ifarry Ford has a largo collection , a vase and pitcher being especially noticeable , with a telo-n-teto tot as ono of the gems of the collection. Mrs. Tom Orr shows a tray which Is noticeably beautiful , ogether with a Jardinier of unusual merit. 3no of the attractive p ecoj s a brush and comb tray by Mrs. J. J , Uonell. together with n number of equally beautiful articles. Mrs. Hihvln Perfect has a collection that displays exquisite execution , the noticeable pieces being a berry dish and a chocolate pet. Mrs. L. d. Wtlght shows a lilnque displaying Watteau figures , one of tha laltity pieces of the collection. Mrs. Euclid Martin lias a large jardlnler , one of the most elaborate pieces of work In the room , the design being especially beautiful , She also ihons a shcrbert cup and tray , both dainty n color and unique in design. Mrs. C. E. Morrell has two especially attractlvo plcqcs , a vase and a lamp. Other examples of the ceramic art nre displayed by Miss Gilbert , Miss Dunstcn , Mrs. G. II , Davidson , Miss Werner , Mr * . Fan tile Dachman , Mrs. Lund , Mrs. L. G. Wright , Mrs. Hstabrook , Mrs * . Charles Wllber Downs , Mrs. John Morrow , Mrs. Arthur Acheson , Mies IluUerflelil , Mrs. Hen JJaker , Mrs. Frank I1. Klrkendall. MUs Krug , Mrs. F. S. White of Plattsmcuth , Mrs. , \ . I ) . Fuller , Mrs. George M. Turner and Miss Ethel Milestone. To the president of the club , Mrs. Esta- brook , Is duo much of the success of the club as an organization. She lias been unflagging in her efforts to make the association n credit not only to Omaha , but to the entire state. The public Is most cordially Invited to visit tha rooms and Inspect ono of thc'"flrici ( collections of ceramic art .ever displayed In the west. A Ghllil KM Joys The pleasant flavor , gentle action and sooth ing effects ot Syrup of Figs when In need cf 11 laxative , and It the father or mother bo costive cr bilious the most gratifying results follow Its use , S3 that It Is the best family remedy known , and every family should have a bottle on hand. Minor 1'ollCK ( Jus Welcome , the negro who stole { 5 from S. Donovltch , was sentenced to thirty days In the county Jail yesterday. Some time ago City Prosecutor Shoemaker prosecuted Frank O'Hara , , a traveling man , ( or adultery. The matter was settled by O'Hara going to Council Bluff * and marrying the woman. Ever sine ? that time O'Hara has had It In f r Shoemaker. They mot Monday night and the traveling man abused the law yer shamefully , at least that is tlio allegation In a complaint filed In police court. O'Hara Is now In Jail and will have a trial today. Yesterday Acting Prosecutor Brltt filed a complaint against Victor II. Walk'er for obtaining money under false pretenses. The complainant Is John Mack. On February 3 , 1894 , Mack was arrested fcr lighting' and waj fined J5 and costs. He was allowed togo go- out and get the monsy. Msetlng Walker on the street he turned the money over to him , as Walker at that time was a member of the police force and was detailed as court olllcer , It appears from the records that Walker did not pay tha fine and when over hauling the books recently this was noticed. Word was sent to Mack and he cimb to tlm police court with blood In his eye. Nothing short of Walker's blood would do , but the colored gentleman's name was stricken from the city pay roll on June 13 and Mack had no way to get even but to file a complaint , alleging that Walker obtained $3.60 from him under false pretenies. CoiiHollclntccl C < iTun ! Coiii ; > : iny's Insurance. The Insurance on the property of the coffco company , destroyed by flro Monday night , Is reported by the Itlngwalt ag ncy to bo as follows : Liverpool , London and Globe . I 2.COO Security Fire , Lloyd's . 1.500 The Planters Ins Co. , Alexandria , Vn. 1,000 N. Y. Central , Lloyd's . 2.COO Mutual Fire , N. Y . 1,600 The Illinois Mutual . 1,000 The Illinois Mutual . 1,500 Phoenix , London . ; . . . . . 100 Phoenix , Haitford . 1,000 Mutual Fire . . . . 3.SOO Mutual Fire . 8.000 Underwriter * ) and Mutual Lloyds. . . . , . , 10.000 Fanners ) and .Mechanics , Alexandria. . . 1.000 Phoenix , London. . . 1.0 < K ) Franklin . . , . 2.UH ) Providence , Washington . 1,000 Total . j ; . WOCW The Insurance carried by Mr. Clarke on the building Is in the fallowing named com panies : Grand IlaptclS . ' . . l.KO Mechanics . 2,600 Ilurfiilo German . . 2,000 Now Hampshire . 2,000 Phoenix , Urooklyn . 2,600 Hamburg , Bremen . 1,500 Total . . . . .412,000 Oregon Kidney Tea cures al ! kidney troll- blcs. Trial size , 25 cents. All druggist * . Chonp Hate * tu MmVo t. On December 4 and 18 the Union Pacific will cell Ural clasj round trip tickets to all points In Kansas , Nebraska , Colorado ) Wyo ming and Utah at a rate of one standard first class faro for the round trip , plus } 2. Head of wonderful projiiprky of the Irrigated dis tricts along the line of ( ho Union Pacific and take this oppartuulty to sue tor yourself. For further Information , descriptive printed matter , time tabJta , etc. , call ou or ddre i your neareit t'clrtt agent or H. P. DEUL , O. T. A , U. P. System , 1302 Farnam St. , Omaha. When Baby was tick , w * gave her Caitorla. When she was a Child , she cried fcr Castorla. When she became ills * , the clung to Castorld , When the had Children , sbd E&AO them Castorta ,