, ft " _ 'r"TC YJ1" ' fir/j/ t 1'IIE ' OlSEAnA DAILY BEE : TltooAY , DECEMBER 11 , 1894. Now is the ' ! ' Accepted Time. Have you a horse or a cow that 11 you dou't want to feed this winter I there is no way you can find a cus tomer so soon as by patronizing The Bee want columns. Thou , sands read this page , the very people ple you are after * i 250 pays for a 17-word ad , 11 Servant girls nad other * socking employment , do not hnvs to vrnlt long lor iciults tlitough tin so want ads. SPEC1RL NOTICES. 1 Advertisements for these columns will be take" tmlll 12:30 : p. m. for the evening , nnd until 8:00 : p. m. for the morning and Sunday edition. Advertisers , by requesting a numbered check. can have answers addressed to n numbered letter In care of The Bee. Answers so addressed will r * > delivered upon presentation of the checlt only. Rates , IHo a word , first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25o for flrnt Insertion. These advertisements must run consecutively. SITUATIONS WANTED. WAN- WANTS PLACE TO EARN board while attending college. Kooses' Business co ege , 15th und Farnam. A SO ! ) IJXI'EIUENCED AND COMPETENT LADY clerk and stenographer wants situation ; can Blvo best of references. Address D 21 , llee. COMPETENT OFFICE MAN DESIUES I'OSI- tlon at once. Address D 37 , Bee. A M845 .WANTED , BY YOUNQ LADY. POSITION AS Kovt-rness , nurse or housekeeper In smnll. refined - fined family. Addrc-w D 43 , Hoe. A-871-12 * WANTED MALE HELP. HVANTED-A FEW PERSONS IN EACH PLACE to do writing ; send stamp for JM-page book of particulars. J. Woodbury. 127 W. 42d street , N. Y. City. 11 491 \VANTED-EXPERIENCKD COAL MINERS TO go to Sheridan , Wyo. Apply at olllce Sheridan Coal Co. , 1C03 Farnam. 11-4D3 WANTED. A RESPECTABLE. STEADY CATH- nllo mnn , locally. In every diocese In u. 8. ; must furnish references ; J73.00 per month. Write to Joseph R. day. CO 6th avenue. Chicago cage , III. B M733 13 SVANTED , 2 GOOD NEWS AGENTS , WITH necurlty. Apply tn person to It , II. Noun Co. . Lincoln , Neb. B-MSGC 11 WANT TO limn cuom LHADKH. Charles W. Savldge. IJ-870-12 * BOOD JEWELRY ENGRAVER WANTED AT once ; steady Job. Address H , E. Wuerth , Kansas City , Mo. H MSSC 12 SALESMAN IN EVERY COUNTY ; IT5.00 month nnd expenses ; olllcc. furniture , advertis ing furnished ; goods monopoly ; experience un necessary. Address 1C. S. Co. , 122 Colonnade Bldg. , Boston , Mass. li MS83 11 * MHNTEH WANTED. STRAIGHT MATTER. Mun work cheap. State wngi'S. Write or telephone Reporter , Ncolq , low a. B M831 11 * 5V.ANTED. AN EXPBRIENCED BARTENDER Who can Fpeak English , German nnd Danish. Younir. unmarried man preferred. Ilefcronces required nnd good wages guaranteed. Henry Block , Arlington , Nebraska. B MS8S U WANTED FEMALE HELP. LADIES. IF YOU WISH EMPLOYMENT AT your homes send self-addressed envelope for our descriptive circular and commence work at once ; good wages paid. The Alfred Knitting Co. . Wlnthrop , Mass. C M792 13 * .WANTED , GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork - work nt S101 Jackson street. C 873-10 * .WANTED. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Must bo well recommended. Northwest corner 2Sth nnd Mason. C M879 11 * FOR RENT HOUSES. HOUSES , F. K. DARLING , BAIIKER BLOCK. n JM HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Davis company , 1505 Farnam. D 494 UKLKENNY & CO. R. 1 , CONTINENTAL BLK. . P-493 _ _ _ CHEAPEST 6-ROOM COTTAGE. WITH BATH In city. Reduced to { 15.00. 3033 California st. D M499 _ J'OUR-ROOM MODERN FLATS , 29TH AND Lcavcnvrortli. J. W. Squire , 248 Bee bldg. D-MSOO LARGE HOUSES IN DUNDEE PLACE cheap till spring. J. W. Bqulre. 248 Bee l > ldg. D-M500 _ HOUSES ; BENAWA & CO. , 108 N. 15TH ST D-M781 _ FOR RENT , HOUSE OF 9 ROOMS AND BARren on 1'ark ave. Inquire at 422 S. IStli at. . , D-858 _ _ FIRST CLASS MODERN 12-ROOM HOUSE 201 } Blnney , tiO.OO. Wlthnell , 207 N. Y. Life. ' D-tQl _ roun-uooit COTTAGE , su WILLIAMS ST. D M249DM' _ _ FOR nENT-CHEAP FOR THE WINTER ona 8-room house , three S-room cottages. J A. Scott. Omaha Nat'l bank. D M272D22 FOR RENT-DESIRAULE DWELLINGS IN ' all parti ot Omaha. E. H. Sheafe , 432 Paxton block. D 334D24 * _ C-nOOU HOUSE. 311 WOOLWORTH AVE. one -room , 1301 California st. D-t33D19 roii RENT. MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE ; AT- tie , stable. 2C25 Scwurd street ; apply next door. D M584 IIOUSES & STORES , F. D. WEAD , 1C & Douglas D-CC5-31 IEABILY HEATED , ALL MODERN , 8-ROOM house , 3610 Jones , J25.UO : also SOU Mamn street , 8 rooms , fine location , $27,50. S. K. Humphrey , New York Life. D M847 15 * _ rURNISHED HOUSES. WELL LOCATED. cheap. 8 rooms , modern , $10.00 , 24th and Lake , nnd largest lint In Omaha to choose from. H. E. Cole CM. , 100 N. 15th. D-MSM 12 _ roit RENT. HOUSE NINE BOOMS ; FUR ! nace , bath , etc. . at 32d and Farnam. $27.00 : also cheap houses , 55 00 nnd $10.00 , different parts city , Dexter L. Thomas , 401 Bee building. D-M735 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ roil 11ENTHOOM COTTAGE , IN GOOD HE. pair , 'City water , $10.00 per month to good parties. 119 N , 37th , 1 block from Farnam car line. Inqulro at Btoctigl's stove store , next to posto'llce. ' D 763 _ 120.00 : EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE : BATH ROOM and furnace. John R. Webster , Board Trade building. D M779 [ TEN-ROOM HOUSE ; ALL MODERN IMPROVE- mo.ntB. 2l2ti Harney st. D 73I-1U * COTTAGE OF SIX ROOMS. ALL CONVENI- cnces , desirable location , three block * from opera house. Enquire on premises , (41 S. 17th st. T. J , FlUmorrls. D 795 ONE FLAT. STEAM HEAT. LINTON BLOCK. John Hamlln. 1T l.liiton Ilk. D 7i3 _ NEAT 7-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN CONVKNI- cncvs , 1. block from Park avenue car line. Address - dress K. D. Evan * , cara Cady Lumber Co. D-MS03 15' TKN-ROOM MODERN DWELLING ; FINE LO cation. Apply to W. F. Clark. ZJ03 Douclas. D-M a 15 * _ VOn RENT. BTORD. 1011 FARNAM STREET : six-room Hats , corner Howard and llth streets ; live-room collages. Kd and Clark streets : renti reasonable. William P. llyrne , room 814 Flrsl National bank. I > Mill 1 } FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. 1'LEASANT SOUTH ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN. Inquire 1 Dodge. E-JOS FURNISHED nOOU3 ; . K2 Ht. Mary's avenue. E M 17 I PUllNISHBD IIOOMR FOIl HOUSEKEEPING for man and wife. Rent Uktn In board. 31 ! N. nth treiit- C 711 nOOSIi SOUTH FRONT ; CIIBAIV E-vni4 * K.V KOOM8 FOIt HOUSKKEEriNO Mil Bt , Mary' * . U UJ44 U VOn nENT. ELEOANVLT FUIINI8HKU - team beatcd room * . Wl a , UtX U-Tzg-U FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. Continued. -URNISHUD ROOMS TOR GENTLEMEN OR marrlred couple , housekeeping. 606 North lilh. 2 BOOMS. SINGLE OH ENSUITE ; MODERN ; 1920 Capitol avenue. E MS7S 13 * 2 ROOMS , FURNISHED FOR LIGHT HOUHB- keeping. Inquire 1921 Dodge. K M877 NICE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. 1112 S. 11 h Bt FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD RONT ROOM , WITH BOARD , 2013 DOUGLAS. F 103 DK THREE HANDSOMELY FURNISHED .FRONT rooms , with all convelnences. for gentlemen only ; location \ery desirable. Apply to 2019 Harney street. F M4I1 11 * iOUTH FRONT PARLOR : ALSO SMALL RMS ; good board ; reasonable. The Rose , 2)S _ ) Hnrney. F 608 I1O1 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR BENT , with Iwaid. Call at 2107 Douglas. FRONT AND SOUTHEAST HOO1I3 IN large , detached house ; well heated. M19 St. Mary's avenue. F MiOl J3 LARGE FRONT BOOM. WITH OR WITHOUT Iraard ; all conveniences ; private family. 607 8. 20th street. F MS03 FURNISHED BOOMS , WITH OR WITHOUT board. In private family , gentlemen preferred. 607 So. 23th Ave. F 709 13 * NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS , ' WITH ALL modern conveniences and llrst-class honrd. 1722 Dodge. F 872-10 * UNFURNISHED ROOMS TORENT. . 1 UNFURNISHED FRONT BOOM , BTEAM heat , bath , 10 minutes from 16th and Farnam. Address D 8 , Bee oillce. O 593 10 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT , THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING , 810 Farnam street. This building has a fire proof , cement basement , complcto steam heatIng - Ing fixtures , water on all floors , gas , etc. Ap ply at the otnce of The Bee. 1 910 FOR RENT. DESK ROOM , $3.00 MONTH. 331 Board of Trade , 1 452 AGENTS WANTED. GOOD SOLICITOUS , BOTH LADIES AND gcntUmen , to ue.Il mineral Wate'r ; active agents can make money. W. O. Albright Co. . Bruns wick hotel. J-MS3S 13 * CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. WANTED , EN- ergetlc , responsible parties for state , city , county nnd town agencies for sale of Clark's Red Cross electric natural medicinal water , salvo , gaits , etc. Not a beverage. A natural medicine. Liberal Inducement * and big money to the right parties. Address Big llapds Min eral Water Co. , Big Rapids , Mich.J J MS84 11 * STORAGE. STORAGE , WILLIAK . & CROSS , 1214 HARNEY STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. R. Wells , UU Farnam.M M 604 BEST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA , U. S. gov. bonded warehouse. Household goods stored. Lowest rates. 1013-1015 Leavcnworth. M 503 STORAGE. FRANK EWERS , 1214 HARNEY. M X)3 ) WANTED TO BUY. CITY & CO. CLAIMS. PR1TCHARD , 1712 FAR'M N 30C I WILL GIVE $22.000 CASH FOR 22-FOOT LOT on Farnam or Douglas between 15th and 16th. J. J. Gibson , 817 First Nat'l banUJildg. SECOND-HAND BOOKS BOUGHT FOR CASH. Antiquarian book store , 1519 Farnam street , N 860 D14 FOR SALE FURNITURE. FURNITURE AUCTION AT 1111 FARNAM ST. Saturdays , 10 a. m. Robt , Wells. O 507 FURNITURE 26-ROOM BOARDING HOUSE , cvutrally located. Rent low. A bargain. D 9Bcc. DO YOU WANT A GOOD COOK STOVE FOR FIVE DOLLARS * If you can't pay $5.00 you can't have It , for It's worth lots more than that. M. R. Uhl , 1334 S. 23th St. O 745 FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONSETO. 'PHAETON , BARGAIN ; NEW CLOTH , LEATH- cr , paint , $65 ; another , $ . Drummond C'ge Co. FOR SALE MlbCELLANEOUS. IF YOU BUY. BUY THE BEST : MACKINtoshes - toshes , rubber boots , arctics , syringes of all kinds , gaa tubing : all best quality. Omalia Tent and Awning Co. , 1311 Farnam st. Q 509 CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTAL fence made. C. It , Lee , 901 Douglas. Q 510 CORN FODDER FOR SALE. FOUR BLOCKS north Lead Vi'otks , Ea Omaha. Tom Anderson. Q-911 D16 * WKGMAN PIANOS. BRIDGEPORT ORGANS. Woodbrldge Bros. . 117 So. 17th. Q-233 FIRE BRICK , CAR LOTS , $14 ; SMALL LOTS. $1S M ; fire clay , sand , gravel , screenings. Wm. J. Welshans , 331 Board of Trade. Tel. 1CS9. Q 410 D27 PUG PUPS. I HAVE FOUR LITTLE BEAU- tles for vale ; nre olred by Bob Ivy , the winner of over 1H ( > prizes ; Bob Ivy by Champion Dude ; Champlcn Dude by Champion Roderick ; dam by Bob. These puppies are the flnest litter from n young bitch , one of the best , smallest and ihortest-faced In the fancy. J. C. Whln- nery. Q-MS70 11 MISCELLANEOUS. FOR LEASE. INSIDE TRACKAGE LOTS. D 21. llee. B-M715 11 * F1RST-CLAS3 DAIRY FARM FOR RENT. Good barns. Ice house , excellent pasture , spring water ; one mile from South Omaha. Chancs Cnllds. ISM Leavenworth street , Omaha. R-M733 12 * CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. DR. H. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , REliable - liable business medium ; 7th year at 119 N. Kth 8-811 MASSAGE. BATHS. ETC. MADAM SMITH. 60 ! S. 1STH. 2D FLOOR room 3 ; massage , vapor , alcohol , steam , sul- phurUie and sea laths. T MSOJ 15 MASSAOD , MADAMB OERNARD , 1421 UODQE. T-MI24 IS * TUBKISH BATHS. TURKISH BATH ROOM3 , EXCLUSIVELY FOR ladles. Suite 199-10. B * Bldg. eu- PERSONAL. VIAVIi HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book and consultation free. Address or call VUvl Co. , 310 Ii bldg , Lady attendant. U-S13 MASSAGE ELECTRO THERMAL UATHS. chiropodist. Mme. Test , J1SV , 8. lith St. U-841 THB BELLE EPl'URLY CORSET. MADE TO erd r from mtaiur * . 1909 Farnam street. street.UMJI7 PERSONAL. Continued. DR. T. W. STONE , 810 N. Y , LIFE. TEL. fill. U M739 MACKINTOSHES & RUBBER. BOOTH. Ull FAR FIFTEEN ELEGANT CABINET PHOTOS IN Z different styles , $1.99 , at Cowan' * , 634 Broad way , Council Bluff * . U MUJ D27 OPEN TO THB LADIES OF OMAHA. TUB ladles from Boston nt 1S18 Chicago slteet have been very successful the past tvcek. Do not he ltate > to call and talk with them , ns ono of their methods will be sure to suit your case , for they have had a wide experience In treatIng - Ing chronlo nnd acute diseases. Olflce hours , 9 to C p. m. ; Saturdayr. , 1 to C p. m. Conviltn- tlon free. U-M46I D23 * DIAMOND PHOTOS. 75C A DOZEN AT PROC- tor1 * , 11 B. IClh st. U-710-J3 COMPOUND OXYGEN CURES CONSUMPTION , ashtma , bronchitis and catarrh. Home treat ment , $6.00 per month : 2 clajs' trial free treat ment. Room 810 , N. Y. Life Bldg. , Omalia. U M713 MR. OLLIE CLARK , YOUR MOTHER 18 IN Hastings. Come nt once or write la her. Mr * . A. C. Andrews , formerly Mrs. A. Clark. 2)1 ) Hastings menue , South , U 8S2 11 * MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. O. Chesney , Kansas City , Mo. W-511 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 313 N.Y.LIFE. loam at low rates for choice security In Ne braska and Iowa farnis or Omaha city property. W-51S MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan , Love & Co. , 1'axton blk. W-517 CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Pusey & Thomas , First Nafl bldg. W-M248 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. lavl Co. , 1503 Farnam > t. W 51 $ LOANS ON IMPROVED t UNIMPROVED property , $3,000 and upwards , C to 7 per cent ; no delays. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , I12i Farnam. W 519 CIIAB. W. RAINEY. OM. NAT. UK. BLDO. MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at 6 per cent. W. B. Melkle , 1st Nat. bank bid W 521 VERY LOW BATES MADE ON GOOD LOANS. J. W. Squire , 218 Bee bldg. W 52J crry LOANS , c. A. STARR , 6is N. Y. LIFE. J100 TO $5.000. F. D. WEAD , 1GTH & DOUGLAS. LARGE LOANS , LOW RATES. SMALL LOANS , thort time. 11. U. Harder & Co. , Bee Bldg. W 637 31 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Far nam street. W M696 MONEY TO LOAM CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly confidential : you can pay the loan oft at any t'.mo or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 300 S. Kth street. X 623 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture. pianos , horses , wagons , or any kind of chattel security at lowest possible rates , which you can pay back ot any time und In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , Room 4. Wlthnell block. X-523 J. B. HADDOCK. BOOM 427 , RAMGE BLOCK. X 52S MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- erty. Harvln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. Life bldg. X-C2I BUSINESS CHANCES , CASH PAID FOR ENDOWMENT POLICIES IN old line companies. Send description. A. K. Brocklesby , Box 233 , Hartford , Conn. FOR SALE. ELEGANT FIRST CLASS SALOON In Nebraska town , 10,000 Inhabitants , nourish ing business , acknowledged best trade In town ; price , $2,500 , half ca h. License unjll May 1st , and stock cash. Bad .health cause of sale. Apply Tribune office , COI S. 13th ct CORRESPONDENCE OR INTERVIEW IS SO- HclK-d from parties satisfied with 8 to 10 per cent in a legitimate business ; Investment xindcr full guarantee of principal and Intcreat ; standIng - Ing and character unquestioned. P. O. lia-c C03 , City. Y-M717 AN ESPECIALLY GOOD CHANCE /TO T.HE right party who can command $4,000.00 or $5.000.00 to enter and old established business. 1 Address P. O. Box C03 , City. Y 11710 FOR 8ALE-$3,500 STOCK CLEAN GENERAL merchandise , mostly Just bought. In one of the best towns In soulhweat Iowa ; half cash and good land. Davenport & Waterman , S2J N. Y. Life , Omaha , Neb. Y SC9-11 FOR SALE , AN EXCLUSIVE BOOT AND SHOE nnd millinery , doing good business. Only thing of the kind In one of the bext trading polnta In Oklahoma , on railroad. Add ! ess Lock Box 42. Mulhntl , O. T. Y M8S3 11 * FOR EXCHANGE. A GOOD LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO EXchange - change for young work horses or mules. Lumorcaux Bros. , 03 S. IClh. Z-627 BANKERS AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS Tnko Notice Hard times has mode It possible to get hold of good business blocks In Omalm and take farm lands In exchange. I solicit correspondece. J. J. Gibson , 317 1st Nat. bank. Z-S01-D-11 30 ROOMED BOARDING HOUSE , CLOSETS , bath rooms , all modern Improvements ; flrst class bo.tidcrs , highest grade of furniture , large amount of supplies , will exchange furni ture , etc. for house and lot and part cash. Quit on account ot health. J. M. Slmcral , 352 Beebldg. Z 709-10 _ ' FOR'EXCIIANOE. NICELY LOCATED CLEAR lot for a good homo and buggy. COS Brown , block. J. A. Lovgrcn. Z 11739 11 CLEAR LAND FOR EQUITY IN HOUSE AND lot. $300.00 cash and lot near business center for Improved property. See our exchange Us' . II. E. Cole Co. . 100 N. 15th. Z-MS19 12 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. GARDEN' LANDS , S MILES FROM POST odlce , easy terms. Call at 940 N. Y. Life , RE-523 BARGAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS , sale or trade. F. K. Darling , Barker block. BE-529 FOR SALE , NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE ; GEL lar. cistern , city water ; cor. 30lh and Bahlcr ; $1.250.00 ; long time. Inquire 1313 Farnam. Sam uel Burn * . RE 530 MODERN 12-ROOM HOME , VERY CHEAP and on easy terms. 2019 Blnnoy at. RE HIS FOR SALE. AT A BARGAIN. MY RESI- dence. between Burl and Cumlng streets ; vvll take ii In trade. Wm. Fleming , 14th and Doug las. RE-M71S FOR A LIMITED TIME. A FINE P.ESIDENCE site , corner 39th and Dodge. $10,000.00 ( paving paid ) . Full commission to aggnts. Wm. Flem Ing , 14th and Douglas. RE-M719 EXCHANGES AND SALES ; CITY PROPERTY farms , merchandise. Clan In Bros. , 210 N. T Life. RE-M253 DO YOU WANT A HOME7 READ THIS twice. C-rootn cottage , 1 story , lot 38x12) feet $1,150.00. 5 rooms , 14 ! stories , lot 30x123 , $1,000.00 4 rooms , 1 story , lot 46x127 , JWO.W.- rooms with barn , $1,400.00. 7 rooms , 2 stories , corne tot , 30x131 , $1,600.00. These can be bought on very easy terms , are well located nnd "near ca lines. H. E. Cole Co. . 106 N. 15th. RE-M5I8 12 BARGAINS , SALE OR TRADE , IN HOUSES lots and farms. J , N , Frenzcr , onp. 1 * . O. RE MS32 J8 HOTELS. HOTEL BARKER. 1JTH AND JONES STS. 75 rooms at $1.60 per day. 60 rooms at $1.00 per day. Special rates to commercial traveler * . Room end board by week or month. Frank HUdltch manager. 63 ! AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or week. 6J3 COZ7.ENS HOTEL. TH AND HARNEY team heat , electric bells , telephone , baths , ex ccllent culsene , elegant rooms ; $1.00 per day $4.00 and upwards per week. 634 UNDERTAKERS AND EKB ALMER3 U. K. BURKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , 1618 Chicago St. , telephone 90. KO BWANSON & VALIEN , UNDERTAKERS AND cmbalmen. 1701 Cumlng at. , telephone 1060. 637 M ! 5 ! ilAUK UNDERTAKER AND 53 balmer , 1417 Farnam sU , telephone 225. 633 C. W. BAKER , UNDERTAKER , C13 3. 16th ST 639 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storage batteries recharged ; electrical and gen era ! mechlnlits ; riperlor work cuaranloec Omalia Electrical Works , C17 and 619 B. 16th st. 611 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric- light and motor plant * and a kind * of electrical construction. Western Elea trio Supply Co. . 411 and 420 U. 15th st. 613 STOVE REPAIRS. STOVD REPAIRS FOR 45.000 DIFFERENT make * ot stove * . Waltr attachment and con nectlons ipcclilty. 1207 Douglas street. Omaha. Stove Repair Work * . 160 BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. IOW TO GET A HOMB1'fcrn BECURFJ GOOD Interest on savings. Arihllfnto Omaha U ft B. Ais'n , 1704 Bee bldg. tr/UTNattlnger , Sec. MB 841 HARES IN MUTUAL L. AND B. ASS'N PAY C , 7 , S per cent when 1 , UU years old , alway * redeemable. 1704 Fnrnam sU , Nailingtr , . See. STEAMSHLETLINE. NCHOn LINE MAIL STEAMSHIPS-SAIL regularly erery Saturdajotrom New York for Londonderry and Glasfow. Clrcnssla , Decem ber 22 , 2 p. m. ; Ijflflopla. , December 29 , 7 p. m. Saloon , second class and ntccrnge , single or roumi trip tickets from NI > W York or Chicago at reduced rates to th * principal Scotch , English , Irish nnd all conti nental polntK. For m < Tuvyirders , drafts , outward - ward cr prepaid ticket ! Apply to any of our local agents or to Hendersrm Bros. . Chicago. HAY AND GRAIN. lUY YOUR HAY BY TON OR CAR LOTS. WE buy hay. A. H. Snyder , 1515 Burt * t. Tel. 1107. 513 nUUASICA HAY CO. , WHOLUSALn HAY. grain and mill stuff. We lire nlwn > an the market to buy or ? ! ! . H02-4-6 Nicholas at.CI7 CI7 COAL. D. T. MOUNT HAS IinMOVDD HIS COAL office to M a. 16tli et. , Drown Mock. C52 IinniDAN COAU EXCELLENT SUI1STITUTB far hard coal , and I1.SO ton cheaper. 1605 Fur- Ham street ; main entrance Board ot Trade.CJ CJ ! TYPEWRITERS. TOLEN TVPEWniTEHS OFKnilCD FOU Bale should mnlte you suspicious ; funny they are mostly Smith's. Try one and you will understand why. Full line of supplies. Smith- Premier Co. , lith and Farnam , telephone 1281. 651 DRESSMAKING. DKKSSMAKINQ IN FAMILIES , 431 $ GRANT. 9S19D-U * DtUsSMAKINO IN FAMILIES ; FIT AND tti lo guaranteed ; price reasonable. Inquire 1713 Chicago street. 873-13' CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. E. MOItniLL , CARPENTER AND BUILDER , paper hunting and signs , brick work and pla > < terlng. Olilcc , 409 S. Htli St. , telephone 4C8.G37 G37 OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO. LEADING OPTICIANS. J. F. Ponder , manager. ' Eyes examined free. 222 S. 16th St. , In Klnsler's drug store , 413 IT * MASQUERADE COSTUMES. GENTLEMEN AND LADIES CAN RENT masquerade costumes at lit South IGtli st. 231-D19' PLUMBERS. JOHN ROWE & CO. . PLUMBING STEAM AND hot vtater heating , ga fixtures , globes. 421 8. 15. JOB PRINTING. REED JOB PRINTING CO. , FINE PRINTING of all kinds. 17th St. , Bee building. CU HORSES WINTERED. \DDRESS BARTON & PHELPS. TEL. 1031. 07 N. Y. Llfo bldg. M12SD31 * IORSES WINTERED , J3.00 AND $1.0) PER month. Add ! ess Hopper Bros. , Ell.hoin , Nob. MSS7 27 * CORTftLCE. WESTERN CORNICE WO11KS , GALVANIZED Iron cornices. 1722 St. Mnry'B avc. DS5D21 SHORTHAND ANIjTYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL'OP SHORT HAND , N. Y. Life. Omaha. Ask ffir circular. E81 WHOLE3. L. $ COAL. JOHNSON BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all kinds of coal. Correspondence solicited , 1003 Farnam street. PJI.I WO MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. . . , vt ; - 0. F. GELLENBECK } BANJOIST AND teacher. 1810 CallfOfnlaf'strttt. 14 M. O. DAXON/-402 N. 1CTIL' < 535 DENTISTS. DR. PAUL. DENTIST , 2020 BURT ST. 519 GRINDING. RAZORS , SHEARS , CLIPPERS , SKATES , etc : ' A. L. Undeland. 101 ! S. JIth. CG3 BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , 719 N. 10. M2 DUFFY'S PURE imT WHISKEY , All Druggists. "CUPME" Cure ? the effects oi telfXuse , excesses , cmf .ions , Impotonoy , vai.cucelo and constl- cation. Ono dollar a box. Bix for $5. Foi Qle by THE GOODMAN - MAN rmua co. . Omaha , Neb. BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Bee flnlldlnc. OMAHA , Neb. Advice FUEH. RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves lUUIILlNGTON & MO. UIVKU.IAtmn OnvahalUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha I0l5am : Denver Express. . . ] 9:3Jam : 4fcum.llk. : Hills. Mont. & Puget Snd. Ex. 4:10pm : 4Cpm : Denver Express. . . . . 4:10pm : $ :45pm.Nebraska : Local ( except Sunday ) . . 7:4upm : t:15 m..Lincoln Local ( except Sunday ) . . 11 ; 23am Leaves ICHICAUO. CUIU.INUTON & Q.I Arrives Omalu'Unlon ' Depot , loth & Mason Sts.l Omaha 4 : < 5pm Chicago Vestibule ll:50am : > :45am : Chicago Express 4:23pm : 7:6 : < ) pm Chicago and Iowa Local 8:00am : llttSam I'aclllo Junction Local. . fl:05pro : LeaveslCHICAGO , MIL. & ET. I'AULIArrlves Omahal Union Depot. lot'\ & Mason Sts.l Omaha * COOpm : . Chlcaro Limited IlilQam. . . .Chicago Express ( ex. Sun. ) . . . . 615prr ; Leaves ( CHICAGO & NORlHWEST'N.IArrlves OmahalU. 1' . Depot. IQlh & Mason Stl Omahi llC5am..Ka : tern Express & :3 : < n > m 4:00pm : Vestlbuled Limited > :40atn : CKam : Mo. Valley Local 10:30pn : 645pm ! Omaha Chicago Special 2Upm : Leaves I CHICAGO. R. I. & | PACIFiC. | Arrive * OmahalUnlon Depot. 10th & .Mason His.I Orunha EAST. Il:00amAtlantic : Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . . C:03pn : 6:23pm : . . . . .Night Express. . . , 0SOam ; 4SOpm..Chicago : Vestlbuled Limited. . . . l:03pm : 11:35pm..Oklahoma Exp. ( too D. ex gun..H3Upm ) ! WESfT" 6lEam.Oklahoma : i Texas Ex. ( ex. 8un..ll:30pm ) : l:10pm Colorado Limited 4:00pn : Leaves I C. BT. I' . . M. & O. lAirlvei Omahal Depot 15th and Weimter Sis. I Omaha l:10am..Nebraska : Passenger ( dally ) . > , . 8:15pm : 4:33pm..Sioux : City Express ( ( ex. Sun.ll:50am ) : 6:10pm : St. Paul Llm4ted 9:40am : Leave * I F. , E. & Mo ; VALL"DTT ( Arrives' Omahal Depot 15th anj 'AVobatcr Hi * . | Omahl tilOpm Fail Mall and Express 4:5Jpm : 2:10pm.ex. : ( Bat. ) Wyo. ex. . ( ex. lion. ) . . 4Wpn : JrtSam..Norfolk Expres * ( ex. Sunday.lOjSSnm 4Mpm..Fremont rasa. ( ex. Sunday ) . . . . 7:50pm : :10pm : St. l' ul Kiprcta ; 40aa Leaves ! ttO. . . 8T. J , & C. o. Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot. IClli & Mason Sti Omaha t:45am : Kansas City Day liipreu.i. . . Go5pn : ; 4tpm.K. C. Nlsht Ex. via. U. P. Tran .j6jVian "Lejwe * ! MISSOURI "PACIF'icr" [ XTrfve * Omahal Depot 15th and Webster 81s. I Omaha T:45am : i..St. Louis Expiess , . 6:00am : > : SOpm St. Louis Express , . . . 6:05pm : 6IOpin ; Nebraska Local ex. Bun. ) ! 10an Leavesl B1OUX CITY & PACIFIC. JArrlvt Omahal Depot 15th and Webster St * . f Omaha t:00pm : at. Paul Limited. . , > ; 4Jjro Leaveal HIOUX CITT & I'AClFJC. | Arrlv r OmahalUnlon Depot. lothMa _ _ oh Ht * I Omaha Cilahr. : , .Sioux City 1'auengerf 10Aipm : CilOpm Bu 1'aul Limited. . . 8:4iam : "LejveJl UNION'PACIFIC. lArTlvet OmahtlUnlon IJfpot. 10th. & Mason St * , ) Omaha I0:00am : .Kearney Exprns , l:4Jpm : tlpm : . . .Overland Flrer 6:3jpci 2l5pm.Beatrlc : & Stromtb'i ; Ex.ex.Sun ) . Jl5pm : 7 : > 0pm Paclfla Uxpreu „ ! 0:55am : CMpm : Fait Mall 4:10j : > ro l uvis | WAI1ASH RAILWAY. IArrtv Oir.ah | Unlon Depot. 10th A Mason fits. ) Om h tit. Louis Cannon Bill .U.lipc IT IS A PALACE OF A STORE Falconer Continues to Improve His Display at Each Annual Opening , PRETTY THINGS SEEN LAST NIGHT Ml I'looM Thronged with 1'roplo Admiring the Standard Good * nnit Novelties In AH Departments Sights uu Counters it ml Hliolvts. It was twenty years ago that N. 13. 'alconer conceived the Idea of an annual penlng , that the people of the city and urroundlng country might call at the store nd feast tholr eyes upon the wonderful hlngs that have been manufactured and jathered from the four corners of the earth , lore to bo sold. Twenty years ago thb 'alconer annual opening was conducted on a mall scale , but as tlmo rolled on the store vas enlarged until now It carries one of the argcst stocks of dry goods and notions that an bo found west ot Chicago. This great tore Is all under the personal supervision of Jr. Falconer , though he Is ably assisted jy his manager , Mr. Robert Raffan , who for a number of years has been the buyer for he linen department. Besides this gentle- nan , there Is a small army of clerks , all f whom have been trained In the business of selling goods. i Although last , night was dark and gloomy , t did not prevent Mr. Falconer from throw- ng open the doors of his magnificent Douglas street store and Inviting a public Inspection of one of' the finest and most complete stocks to be seen In the city. That the mbllc appreciated this Invitation was evl- lenced by the fact that from early evening mill late at night the store was crowded from basement to the upper floor with men nnd women , to say nothing ot the children hat trooped over the Moors. Upon entering the store , the sight that met he gaze was the most entrancing , potted lowers nnd hothouse plants being every where In endless profusion. At the left of ho entrance Iho linen department was the first to attract the atentlon of the visitor , and there was shown a complete line of linens suitable for holiday presents , the goods coming in nil of the latest novelties , deluding hemstitched embroideries , lunch cloths and household goods. Closely con nected with thlsi department there were comfortables from the finest elder down to these of a cheaper quality , with a great dig. ilayi of blankets and patterns for bed cover- ngs. This year the novelties In this line come In sllkellne , a quality of goods that closely resembles china silk. Next to this there Is Ihe gents' fucnishlng goods depart ment , where a man can find anything he may want from a linen collar to the finest bath robe or smoking jacket , there being an endless quantity of handkerchiefs , ties and male equipment. Then there Is the domestic lepartment , a department In which Mr. Falconer takes special pride. This Is com plete , containing the best goods to be found on the market. With the laces th re are nil of the latest effects , Including the white and black ecru , duchesse , Irish point , applique and point Paris. In silks the department is stocked with the latest shades and designs , ncludlng the changeab'o and the celebrated pean do sold. IS A PRETTY LIBRARY. The art department of the store contains ill that Is new and rare , special attention being given to the Mexican drawn work , something that Is now and rare. In nov elties there can bo found everything that Is desired , Including squares In silks In all colors , pin cushlpns with embroidered topi , pillow cushions , jewelry , combs and scores of other things suitable for Christmas pres ents. Speaking of these things reminds one that there Is a great display of fans , some ht sllkr others In gauze , while Inert are still otlitrs In lace , many of them having carved liandles , and ranging from 65 cents to $10 In value. There Is no end tothe ribbons nnd buckles , all of the latest design and of the finest quality , while the gloves which are Just the thing for evening wear come In all of the latest shades. Including Trefosse , Jouran and Couvolrsler. The silk department Is much larger than In fo'mer years , while th ? quality is the same , that being of the best , there being all of the novelties. In drcis goods the assortment Is unequalled , and all kinds of manufactured goods are exhibited , Including wool goods and silk mixtures , rang ing from $3.CO to ? 1G per suit. Buttons nro largr than they were last year , and they come In fancy colors , while the VanDyke Jet is just the thing for neck wear , with .pearl and crystal for evening. The book department has attracted consid erable attention , as Mr. Falconer has made some great cuts , selling the standard authors at prices which are lower than most mer chants have been able to buy. This book department contains cards , booklets and everything suitable for Christmas presents. On the second floor the cloak department Is as complete as careful buying can make- any department , there being In stock all .lines of wraps , including the Alaska seal , 'marten , astrakhan , mink and baver , besides oil ot the cheaper goods , these coming In circulars , coats and cloaks , the Prlnco Albert being the latest fad , which Is ot melton , silk lined. There are furs , and wraps for the children as well as for the grown people , and tli ? prices are within the reach of all. Draperies are on this same floor , and lure are shown some ot the most exquisite goods ever brought west , Including point DeCentls , Marie Antoinette and Brussels , besides silk curtains to all cf the latest designs and colors , and Japanese crepe for draperies and cushions. IN THE WAY OF TOYS. Just at this time th ? ley department Is the center of attraction , as well It might be , for right here prices have been cut In the middle , It being the Intention of Mr. Fal coner to close out this department. In this portion of the store these toys occupy ono whole floor , the fourth , or top floor. There "fiotfaers9 $ , * " MAKES Friend" w EASY * COLVIX , LA. , Deo. 2,1SS& My wlfo used " MOTHERS' FRIEND" before her third confinement , and says she would not bo withAut It for hundreds of dollars. DOCK MILLS , Sent by express or mail , on receipt of price , $11. per bottle. Book "TO MOTUfcUS'1 mulled free. Bold by all Druggist * . BrunriELD luolm.Ton Co. , Atlanta , a a. KttlHUUKttKilbX * SEARLES & SEARLES SPEGSaUSTS , Cli ron i ) WE Nervous Private AND CURE Special Diseases Treatmcntby Hail , Consullilio ] Free Cutarrli , all diseases of the nos ? > Throat , Clicst.Stomacli.Uvcr.niood Skin and Kidney dlaeasja , Lost Manhood nnd all Private Dis eases of Men , Call on or addrc * . * , Dr , Searles & Seirles , arc Iron toy * , wooden toys , and , In fact , about everything that Is needed to gladden ha hc.it t of ny boy or Rlrl , with many things for older persons , Including smoking sets , albums , toilet nets , manicure tcts. This Is where Santa Clans will bo at home 'rom ' now until Christmas , and tno plnco where prices will not bo considered for a iilmttp. In addition to the many other depart- nciits there Is one which l devoted exclu sively to millinery , nnd hero Is the Idol of ho ladles , the latest hat , Including th ? one vorn to the reception , the one suitable for ho theater and upon the street. There Is he famous Gainsborough and thousands of others , coming In all clinpej nnd colors. t might be said right hero that the correct lat to wear to the theater Is one that Is very small , and It you desire to see the correct thing you should go to Falconer's. 'n the ears , sometimes a roaring , buzzing sound , nro caused by catarrh , that cxceedlng- y disagreeable and very common dlsensr. . .oaS of smell or hearing also result from catarrh. Hood's Sarsaparllla , the great blood m r I Her , Is a peculiarly successful remedy for his disease , which la cures by purifying the ilootl , Hood's Pills are the best after dinner pills , assist digestion , prevent constipation. cuv iir svr1T..int. Tuomey ngnln t Wlllmnn. Krror from ) toe county. Attlrmed. Opinion by Chief Justice Norval. In ft cuiifco brought In thh court on error wo will not review the evidence for the pur- > oie of nscert.ilnlng whether It sustains the hiding or verdict , nor the rulings on the ml- iilHHlon or exclusion of testimony , whore no exception \viis tnlten to the order of the court below overruling the motion for n lew trlnl. 2. Held , that the findings support the judg- iictit. I'll ! against State of Nebraska. Krror 'rom Colfux county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Chief Justice Norval. A recognizance for an appeal from a con viction for u misdemeanor before a Justice of the pence Is Invalid If the court where and before- which the i rlsoncr Is to pcrconnl- y appear Is not stated In the recognizance. 2. The constitutionality of sections 152 , 153 mil 151 of the revenue law of 1879 la not de cided. Wax against State of Nebraska. l > ror rom I'leice county , Alllrmed. , A 1)111 of exceptions muat be certified by the clerk of the trial court na being part of the record of said court , or as being the original bill of exceptions In the cause , In order that the matters therein may be con- sldeied by this court. 2. In a prosecution for obtaining money .inder fnl e pretences II H the duty of the lury. In case of a conviction , to find the value of the money feloniously obtained ; jut a verdict of irullty will not be set aside because It fixes the value of the money nt a few dollars mote than Is established by the evidence where the uncantrndlctcd proofH show that the sum proem ed from the complaining witness exceeded In value $35. 3. To authorize a conviction under an In- 'orm.itlon charging the obtaining of money by false pretenses the defendant's false representations need not have been the sole moving cause that Induced the person de frauded to part with bit money , but It Is sufllclcnt If It appear that they were one of the causes of Inducement , and that be would not have done so without them. Head against State of Nebraska. Krror 'rom Dawson county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Justice Post. In a piosecutlon for nn assault with In tent to ravish and carnally know a female child under the age of consent ( criminal code , section 12) ) the' fact that the Inten tion of the prlsone/ the tlmo of the as sault proved was to have carnal knowledge of the prosecutrlx with her consent , and not otherwise. Is Immaterial. 2. The prisoner , who hail tendered his services to see the prosecutrlx , 8 years of age , home from a dance In the village of their residence , attempted while on the way from the dance hall to decoy her Into n barn , at or after the hour ot .iildnlght , and desisted -r.iy when he found the barn was locked. About that time , h"arlng some per sons approaching , be seized her In his arm1 ? ami hastily carried her Into a privy In the rear of a store near by nnd seventy-live feet from the sidewalk. While In his arms he prevented her from crying out by pul ing his hands over her mouth , nnd , accord ing to her testimony , thrust his finger down her throat , lacerating It severely and caus ing her considerable pain. When he en tered the privy with the proseculrlx the latter stumbled and fell , when the pris oner pushed her head down through one of the boles In the scat. At that pom : same men on the street , hearing ni cites , hast ened to her relief , but were compelled to break the door of the privy , which the prisoner had locked on entering. Held to sustain the verdict of assault with Intent to ravish , under sections 12 and II , criminal code. 3. While Intoxication Is no excuse for an assault committed under the Inlluencc there of , It Is proper to 1)3 considered by the jury for the purpose of determining whether the prisoner Was at the time In question capable of entertaining the specific Intent charpod. niakesloc against Missouri Pacific Rail way company , Appeal from Nuclcolls county , Reversed nnd remanded. Opinion by Justice Harrison. A petition for nn Injunction Is not suffi cient where' It states conclusions nnd not the facts upon which such conclusions are based , or where the acts , the doing or threatening to do which , It Is sought to enJoin - Join , are not averred , but must be supplied or appear only by Inference. 2. The petition examined and the facts therein stated held Insulllclent to constitute a cause of action. Goble et nl against O'Connor ct at. Ap- pal from Douglas county. Afllrmed. Opin ion by Justice Harrison. A bidder at a Judicial sale of real estate Induced another bidder thereat to cease bid ding by the promise to pay him a sum of money for so doing , and by this means pro cured the real estate to be Bold to him for a less sum than would otherwise have been realized from Its sale. Held : That the sale was fraudulent and Invalid nnd the pur chaser obtained no tllle thereby or by the deed executed and delivered to him In pur suance thereof ns against parties whose In terests were defrauded , and the property may be recovered In nn action for such purpose by the pal ties entitled thereto , and thev will not be required to repay to him such portions of the purchase price paid by him ns were expended to discharge mort gage or other Hens pnd Incumbrances from the property existing thereon nt the tlmo of the sale , Including the lien under which such sale was made , or other moneys ex pended by him on tin property or Its title. McICvony against Rowland. Error from Holt countv. Affirmed. Opinion by Com missioner Ragan. A son sold r. stock of merchandise to bis father. A creditor of the ron attached the goods and the father rcplevlned the prop erty. On the trial of the replevin action the court refused to Instruct the Jury that : "The court Instructs the Jury thai transactions between relatives whereby prcpTty Is trans ferred from one person to another In pay- mint of alleged past due Indebtedness , by- reason of which creditors are deprived of their just dues' , will be scrutinized very clcsoly , and the good faith of such trans actions must be clearly established , " Held : That by the Instruction the court wan re quested to direct the Jury that the father was required to establish the good faith of the sale mode to him bv his t.on by more than a preponderance of the evidence , and that the court did not err In refusing to give the instruction. Stevens against Carson. SO Neb. , Dll ; C r- pen against Stcvons. 53 N. W. II. , 81' ; Urownell against Ktoddird , CO N. W. II. , 3SO , followed and reaffirmed. 2. There was some' conflict In tile evidence and some suspicious circumstances In the transaction between the father nnd the son. The Jury found the Issues In favor of the father. . Held : That the verdict was sup ported by the evidence. Mr. J. K. Fowler , secretary and treasurer ot the Corlnno Mill , Canal and Stock Co. , ot Corlnnc. Utah , In speaking of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , says ; I consider It the besl In the market. I liave used many , kinds , bul find Chamberlain's moU prompt and eftectm In giving relief , and now keep no other In my home , " When troubled with a coU or cougl glvo this remedy a trial , and we assure you that you will bo more than pleased with the result. lUI.VLTV AIAIIKKI' . INSTRUMENTS placed on record Die. 10 1894 : KIDS. II I * MaJIson to Frank LItulwell. property In * e HW 1 anil nw mv 1M5-15 . t SOW Thomaa Murray to I'nxlerlck Ulckmnn , x V , nt lot 1 , lilnck 3 , Murray's a < M . 230 O I * Hteliliena nnd w fe to Howard Kennedy , lot 7. block 15 , anil lat 1. til'xU 1) . Hout.i Omaha . . . . . 1 W II Voun.f to M A Iteilman , w li or lot 3. block 7 , Oninlm . 7,000 A 1C White to tJuoreo IteJman. bU 3 * anl 43. block 8. Town of It-nvunl . W O li Ilertman niul wlfo to AY II Voting , lot 8 , Mock 30J. Omaha . 10,00 QUIT CLAIM mii > 3 , Vv'llhelmlni Knrbncti nnd husband to M 13 Jordan , n V4 of H of lot 5 , block si , Omaha . , . , , , . , . : liKD8. Special master to J M London , n U of w Vi of Mock K. H I ] Rogers' udd and SO.fuot ( trip adjoining . 1,07 : Total amount of tranifcre , , . | Zi,4 ! Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney trou I blea. Trial size , 25 cents. All drusgtits , THE BIG PARADE CAME OFF Santa Glaus * Arrival Duly nnd Properly Celebrated. AND THE BROWNIES CAME ALSO \Mtli Music , Merriment and Dlntrlbntloil of Sweet * thoD.iy Win Cclebrntcd-l.srccjt a nit Ilnmtnoinput Street 1'nrndo i\cr < livcn by n Slnglo I'lriu. Again he came , the merry herald of th nerry season , old , familiar St. Nick. Not In nit the teething sentiments , exultant cc- stncles , nor cheering brightness that cluster round the grand story of the birth nnd llfo ot the Man of Galileo has thcro been ono mlf tlio Joy that cornea to the young hearts hrough this time-honored harbinger of the great natal day Santo Clans. Yesterday the custom followed for n num- > er of years by Omahn'a great department store was observed as In former years , only vlth inoro display , more splendor nnd many now accompaniments. The most marked eaturo was the Introduction of n band of Irownles , ns escort to old Santa Glaus. They captured the girls nnd nil the degrees of ago among the thousands who viewed the great cavalcade as It traversed the long line of march through Omaha's principal streets. This troop from fairy land well represented lie principal characters In Palmer Cox's band of travelers , which ho has presented to us , "as o'er the world they journeyed round , " Including Santa Glaus' grand chariot with ts milk-white horses there , were forty- eight vehicles In the procession , which was preceded by the representatives of the press , who are over In the lead to point out the > ltfalls of llfo to struggling humanity. The Thurston .Martial band , which U com- losed wholly of members of the Grand Army of the Hcpubllc nnd Sons of Veterans , ren- lered Its stirring airs along the route. Good nuslc U was , and well did the wind and nusclo of the boys hold out. Uach of the gayly decorated wagons following ; In Sanat's wake was presided over by one of his lleu- enants , and' was loaded down with the thousands of toys , materials , garments , tools , irovlslons , furniture , musical Instruments , shoes , fabrics , etc. , etc. , that are kept at ils headquarters In Hnyden Bros. ' store. It would bo Impossible to descrlbs In detail the various floats with their unique , original nnd attractive arrangement and decorations. The most striking ot all was the Immense 15-foot fan of slllc plush and polished brass. The plush on each wing , or stick. Is dyed In ill the colors of the rainbow , and the effect s most striking. This "rainbow fan" Is .ho same that was In the French exhibit at : ho World's ' fair , and It will bo on view n llayden's store , us It was presented to them by the foreign owners , of whom they are heavy Importers of silks and velvets. Along the line of march over two tons of candy , Harry Druce's well known make , : wenty-flve cases of oranges and flvo Barrels of pretzels were Riven away , to th ? great satisfaction of a crowd of boys and 'lrls , somewhat short of a million In num- > or. Indeed , the youthful population seemed to gather and Increase In a manner to ply ? confirmation to the Malthuslan doctrine , for certainly subsistence was not In It with population In this case. Seme ot the In- iu sltlve street gamins seemed possessed of a consuming curiosity to see what the DrownlM were made ot , and It was well that they lead a charmed llfo , for sundry whacks were ad ministered by small boys armed with fciico pickets and other Impromptu weapons of war. Starting at 1 o'clock , the party returned to the store a llttlo after 4 , where Santa and th ? Brownies disappeared , to come forth again for their evening reception at 7 o'clock. At no time of the year does the Immensd establishment of Hoyden Hros. nhow off to such advantage as at the holiday season. Then aph of Its sixty-four departments la crowded from morning till night with a throng of buyers , which crowds the elevator and overflows to the wide stairway. Upon Its five acres of floor space C20 employes are now engaged In attending to the wants ot customers , and this number will bo aug mented as the Benson advances. Here Is a house which has grown from a small beginning , and even In this year of business depression Its volume of business Is very much great r than tlie year bifore. The firm's motto Is1 to give the greatest pub licity to their business nnd to attend strictly and solely to that business. As they grow In Importance they encountered opposition , evsn envy and malice , In some quarters. But , notwithstanding the tongue of slander and the shafts of malice , their course has been ono of dignified disregard , which best be comes these who are conscious of rectitude. Time has made them the moat popular and widely patronized btore In the west. Yesterday was a gala day , Indeed , and never before was such a princely parade provided by a single mercantile house , and thousands echo the thought. "Long live Santa Glaus , Hayden Bros , and the Brownies. " The popularity of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the high esteem In which It is held leads us to believe It to be an article of great worth nnd merit. Wo have the pleas ure of giving the experience of three promi nent citizens of Itedondo Beach , Cal. . In the use of the remedy. Mr. A. V. Trudoll says : I have always received prompt relief when I used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. " Mr. James Orchard eays : "I am satlifled that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cured my cold. " Mr. J. M. Hotelier says : "For three years I have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy In my family and its results have always been satisfactory. STOCKMEN MUST MOVE. iml of the Thurston County I.nml Cnies Itc.icht'il. The itcckmen and squatters who are oc cupying Indian lands In Thurston county will have to pack their possessions nnd move out , as the United States court of appeals has renderid Its decision to this effect. Some years ago certain Indians of the Omaha and Wlnnebago tribes , In the vicinity of Pendor , hased some 76,000 acres ot their reservation to the Flourney Land , Live Stock and Heal Kstato company for n mere pit tance. When Captain Beck , tlis present agent , took charge he started In to eject theio cattle men , holding that the Indians could not lease their lands without the consent of the agent. The case was taken Into the United States court , where Judge Dundy issued nn injunction restrain ing the agent from Interfering with the cat tlemen. Ralph W. Breckcnrldgo of tills city was appointed as attorney for the government , and the case was appealed to the United States circuit court of appeals and argued at St. Louis last week. Today the decision was handed down , the court reversing Judge Dundy and sustaining the position taken by Captain Beck. Among other opinions handed down were the following : United States National bank of N.w York against the Firit National bank of Llttlo Rock , Ark. , and R.'c. Cockrell , receiver. In a suit to enforce the liability of defendant as an Indorser of five promlsso y notes for $5,000 each. The trial court ordered the jury to give a verdict for the defendant , and th > court of appeals reversed the judgment and remanded the case , with Initructlons to give a new trial. In the case of Ellzab'th Wetzel , Harriet A. VanZant and others against the Minnesota seta Railway Transfer company and others , an appeal from Mlnneiota , the decree of the circuit court dlimlsilng the complainants' bill was afilrmcO. Complainants sued to establish their title to a tract of land In Ilamaoy county , Minn. The Kdward P , AlllJ company against the Columbia Mill company , appeal from Minnesota seta , Judgment ot the trial court In sus taining the defendant's counter claim for $21,960,70 suatalned. Oregon Kidney Tea euros all Kidney trgu- . bles. Trial slzo , 23 cents. All druggists. HurlliiKtoii Jtouto. PKRSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCUR SIONS TO CALIFORNIA. Every Thursday. 125.00 saved. City ticket office , 1321 Farnam streL