CLARENCE. By Bret Harte. ( Copyright , 1831 , tir Bret llarte. ) PAP.T I. Chapter III , Uninspected and astounding as the rcvela- IJR tfas to Clarence , Its strange reception by Ke conspirators seemed to him ns astound- nfe. He had started forward , half expecting hit the complacent , self-confessed spy vrould X ! Immolated by his infuriated dupes. Butte to lila surprise the shock seemed to have ihangcd their natures and given them the I Dignity they had lacked , > The excitability , Irritation nnd recklessness /Which / had previously characterized them Jiad disappeared. The deputy and his possa , > M'ho had advanced to the assistance of their I frbvcalcd chief , met with no resistance. They Jiad evidently , as with one accord , drawn I bway from Judge Beeswlnger , leaving a cleared space around him , and regarded their tap'tora with sullen , contsmptuous silence. Jt was only broken by Colonel Starbottle : if "Your duty commands , you , sir , to use all possible diligence in bringing us before the federal judge ot this district. Unless your * tnaster In Washington has violated the can- htltutlon so far nS to remove him , tool" f "I understand you perfectly , " returned pudgo Beeawlnger wljh unchanged compos- jire , "and as you know that Judge AVIlson unfortunately cannot bo removed except through regular cause of Impeachment I sup- I IKISO you may still count upon Jits southern sympathies to befriend you. With that I have nothing to do ; my duty Is complete when my leputy has brought you before him and I have stated the circumstances of the ar- rest. " i "I congratulate you , sir , " said Captain Plnckney , with an ironical salute , "In your [ irompt reward for your treachery to the couth , and your equally prompt adoption of the peculiar tactics ot your friends In the \vay In which you have entered this house. " 4 "I am sorry I cannot congratulate you , plr , " returned Judge Beeswlnger gravely , "on R breaking your oath to the government that V lias educated and supported you , and given Pi B'ou the opaulcts ycu dlsgrape. Nor shall I k-i ' ' " who has - discuss 'treachery' with the" man R not 6nly violated the trust of his country , but bvea the lilt'grlty of his frlena's household. It Is foi that reason that I withhold the R fiction of this warrant Insofar as It affects Iho person of the master and mistress of this house. I am satisfied that Mr. Brant has been ns Ignorant of what hau bcn done here as I iirn that his wife has been only the foolish ilupo of a double traitor. " "Slloscc ! " Tlje words broke simultaneously from the ot Clarence nnd Captain Pinckney. They teed staring nt each other the one pale , \ho other crimson as Mrs. Ilrant , tntly oblivious cf the significance of their united adjuration , turned to Judge Bees- winger In the fury of her still stifled rage P hnd morttflcatlon. PL "Keep ysur mercy A > r your fellow spy , fc fcho said , "Ylth a contemptuous gesture to R ivard her husband. "I go with these gen R tlomcn. " , , P i . "You will not , " said Clarence , quietly , Rl ' 'until I have said a word to you alane. " R Ho laid his hand firmly upon her wrist. R "the deputy and his prisoners filed slowly R but of the court yard togpther , the latter R cdvlrleously saluting Mrs. Brant as they R passed , but turnlJg from Judge Beeswlnger R In contsmptuous silence. The latter fol- R lowed them to the gate , but there ho paused. / Turning to Mrs. Brant , who was still half ' etruggl ng In the strong grip of her husband , / > "Any" compunction I may have had In mlslcad'ng you by accepting jour Invitation Rj Jiero I dismissed after I had entered the Rj Jiouso. And I trust , " he added , turning to Clarence , sternly. "I leave you master ot It. " f As the gate closed behind him Clarence locked It. As his wife turned upn him hngrlly hd wild , q'uletly."I have no in- . tentlQH of restraining ypur liberty a moment i nfter our Interview Is over. But until then R X t do net Intend to bo disturbed. " K'OL ' l8110 threw herself disdainfully back In her Rf chair , her hands clasped in her lap , In half fcontemptucus resignation , with her eyes upn " tier long , slim , arched teet crossed before her. R Even in her attitude there was something pf her old fascination , which , however , now siomed to sting Clarence to the quick. I I "I have n.thing to say to you In regard I Jo what has just passed in this house , ex- | - * cpt that aa long ns I remain nominally Its , * ' " lnastcr ll sha11 not bo repeated. Although I . shall no longer attempt to influence or ctm- f\ trol your political sympathies I shall n t LI 'allow you to Indulge them where In any I way they seem to Imply my sanction. But I BO little do I oppose your liberty that you I - M < J free t3 rejoin yaur political companions I whenever you choose to do so on your own ( responsibility. But I must first know from your own lips that yonr sympathies are purely political net a name for something v else. " f She had alternately flushed and paled , al- through still keeping her scornful attitude as Rj lie wont on , but there waa no mistaking the genuineness" of Jir vague wonderment at tils concluding words , "I don't understand Vpu , " she said , lifting her eyes to hU In a Jnomcijt ot c-ld curiosity. "What do you * ' " jnean ? > . , ' : WhaUdo I mean ? What did Judge Bee- swinger mean when he called Captain Plnck- I } ioy a double traitor ? " he said roughly. She sprang to her feet with flashing eyes. ' "And ycu you dare to repeat the cowardly HK lie of a confessed spy. This , then , is what KV * you wished to tell me this , the Insult for which you have kept mo here , because you RR. are Incapable of understanding unselfish I liatrlotlsm or devotion even to your own cause you dare to judge me by your own B base standards. Yes , It Is worthy ot you ! " ; She walked rapidly up and down , and then suddenly faced him. RR ] \ "l understand It all ! I appreciate your RRj magnanimity cow. You are willing I shall V 'join ' the company of these chivalrous gentle- Rj tnen In orJer to glvo color to your calumnies. Rj Say at onca that It was you who puUup this Rj spy to correspond with me to come here In Rj order to entrap mo. Yes , entrap mo I who Rf o moment ago stood up for you before these RH Rontlemen. and said you could not He ! RRj Rah ! " RRj Struck only by the wild extravagance of Rj lier speech and temper Clarence did not RL luiow that when women are most Illogical Rj they nro apt to be most sincere , and , from Rj a man's standpoint , her unreasoning deduc- tlons appeared to him only as an affectation RR ] to gain time for thought , or a theatrical dls- RRI play to dazzle , like , Susy's. And ho waa RRj turning , halt contemptuously , away when she RRj ngaln facoJ htm with flashing eyes : B "Well , hear me ! I accept ! I leave here RR * , at onca to join my own people , my own friends those who understand mo put what RRf construction on It you choose. Do your B worst I You cannot do mere to separate us than you have , done just now. " She left him and ran up the steps , with an I extravagant return ot her old occasional C > nymph-like gracefulness the movement ot a V woman who has never borne children and n RRj nwltch ot her long skirts that he remembered RRj for many a day utter as she disappeared In RRJ the corridor. i He remained looking after her Indignant , RRj outraged , and unconvinced ! Then there was RRj a rattling at the gate. RH Ho remembered ho had locked It , He , opened It to the. flushed , pink checks and L dancing eyes ot Susy. The rain was still Rfc V dripping from her wet cloak as she iwung It from her shoulders. RR "I know It all , all that's happened , " slio. Rff burst out , with halt girlish exuberance , and halt the actress's declamation. "We met ft them all in the road , posse and prisoners. Ri , clllef Thompson knew me. and told me all. j fAnd so jou've done It and you're mactcr § in your old house again. Clarence , old boy , g Jim said you wouldn't do It Said you'd weaken on account of her ! But I said 'No. ' ft I knew you better , old Clarence , and 1 saw Rj v lt In your face , for all your stlffnesil He1 h .Uut for a'l that I was mighty nervous and W uneasy , and Just made Jim send an excuse to the theater , and we rushed U down h re > It looka natural to see the old bouse again ! And the ; you packed her off with the oth- M cri , didn't you ? Tell me , Clarence , " In her old appealing voice , "you shook her , too ? " Dazed and astounded , and yet expressing A vacua sense ot relief with an odd return I Ot his old tenderness toward thrtlltul R vroman before htm , hi ) had silently regarded tier nntll her allusion to bis wife rvcallel him to himself "Hush. " he aald quickly , with a glanca RF-v toward tha corridor. . { ! AIiP ld Sutf , with a malicious imlle , "then that' * why Captain Plnckncy was lingering In the rear with the deputy. " "Sllencel" said Clarence slcrply. "Go In there , " pointing to the garden room below the balcony , "and wait until your husband comes. " Ho half led , halt pushed her Into the room which had been his bustneur office , and returned to th § patio. A hesitating voice from the balcony said , "Clareuce. " It was his wife's voice , but modified and gentler more like her voice a ho had first heard It or If It were chastened by some reminiscence of those days. It was his wife's face , too , that looked down on his , paler than lie had seen It tinco he had en tered the house. She was shawled and hooded , carrying a traveling bag in her hand. "I am going , Clarence , " she said nltli gentle gravity , "but not la angerl I even , ask you to forgive me for the foolish wordd that I think your stilt more foolish accusa tion , " hp smiled faintly , "dragged from me. I am going because I know that I have brought , and that while I am here I shall always be bringing upon you the Imputation , anil even the responsibility of my own faith ! While I am proud to own It , and. If needs be , suffer for it , I have no right to ruin your prospects , or even make you the victim of the slurs that others may cast upon me. Let us part as friends , separated only1 by .our different political faiths , but keeping all other faiths together until God shall settle the right of this struggle. Perhaps It may be soon I sometimes think It may be years of agony for all but until then , goodby. " She had slowly descended the steps to the patio , looking handsomer than he had over seen her , and as If sustained and upheld by the enthusiasm of her cause. Her hand was outstretched toward hla , his heart beat vie , lently , In another moment ho might ha\e forgotten all and clasped her to his breast. Suddenly she stopped , her outstretched I arm stiffened , her linger pointed to the chair on wlilch.-Su8y'a cloak was hanging. "What's that ? " she said In a sharp , high , metallic voice. "Who " Is here ? Speak ! "Susy , " said Clarcncs. She cast n scathing glance around the patio , and then settled her piercing eyes upon Clarence with a bitter smile. "Already ! " Clarence felt the blood rush to his faro as he stammered : "She knew what was happen ing here and came to give you warning. " "Liar ! " "Stop ! " said Clarence , with a white face. "She came to tell me that Captain Plnckney was still lingering for you In the road. " He threw open the gate to let her .pass. As she swept out aho lifted her hand. As he closed the gats > there were the white marks of her tour fingers on his cheek. PART r. Chapter IV. For once , Susy had not exaggerated. Cap tain Plnekney was lingering- with the deputy who had charge of him on the trail near the casa. It had already been pretty well under stood by both captives and captors that the arrest was simply a legal demonstration , that the sympathizing federal Judge would un doubtedly ordep the discharge ' of the prison ers on their own recognizance's , and It was probable that ths deputy saw1 no harm In granting Pinckney's request ? which was vir tually only a delay In his own liberation. II Is also possible that Plnckney had worked upon the chivalrous sympathies of the mar by professing his disinclination to leave theli devoted colleague , Mm. Brant , at the mere ; 6f her antagonistic and cold-blooded husbani at such a crisis , anfl. it Is to be feared , also that Clarence , as a reputed lukewarm parti san , excited no personal sympathy even frori his own party. Ilowzver , the deputy agreed to delay Pinckney's Journey for a pitting In terview with his fatf hostess. How far this expressed the real sentiment : of Captain Plnckney was never known. Whether his political association with Mrs Brant had developed Into a warmer solicitude understood or ignored by her , and what were his hopes and aspirations regarding his fu ture , was by the course of fate nsver d's- closed. A man of easy ethics but rigid arti ficialities of honor , flattered and pampered bj so-called "man of the class prejudice , , a - world , " with no expjrlenco beyond his owr limited circle , yet brave- and devoted1 to that It were well perhaps to leave this last act 01 his inefficient life to the simple- record ot th < deputy. Dismounting , he approached the house frorr the garden. He was already familiar will the low-arched doorway which led to tin business room , and from which he could galr admittance to the patio. But It BO chancec that he entered ths- dark passage at the mo ment that Clarence had thrusd Susy Into tin business room and htanl Its door shu sharply. For an Instant he believed tha Mrs. Brant had taksn refuge there , but as hi cautiously moved forward ho heard her volci In the patio beyond. Its accents struck fcln as pleading : an Intense curiosity drew bin further along the passage. Suddenly her volci seemed to change to angry denunciation , am the word "Liar" rang upon his ears. Itwai followed by his own name uttered sardonic ally by Clarence , the swift rustle of a skirt ths clash of the gate , and then , forgettinf everything , he burst Into the patio. Claronca was just turning from the gat < with the marks of his wife's hand still rec on his white cheek. He saw Captain Plnck ney's eyes upon it , and a faint , half mall clsus. half hysteric smile upon his lips. Bui without n start or gesture of surprise hi l-.cked the gate , and turning to him said with frigid tlgnlflcance : "I thank you for returning so promptly am for recognizing the cnly thing that I now require at your hands. " But Captain Plnckney had recovered hli supercilious ease with the significant de mand. "You seem ta have had something already from another's hand , sir but I am at xoui service. " he said lightly "You will consider that I have accepted I from you. sir. " said Clarence , drawing closei to him with a rlgU face. "I suppose 1 will not be nccesary f.r me to return It- to make you understand me. " "Go on , " said Plnckncy , flushing .slightly "Make your terms. I am ready. " "But I'm not , " said the unexpected voice of the deputy at the grille of the gateway "Excuse my Interfering , gentlemen , but thli sort o" thing ain't dcwn in my schedule "I've let tbU gentleman. " pointing to- Cap tain Plnckney , "off fir a mlnlt to say goodb ; to a lady , who , I reckon , has just ridden cf In her buggy with her servant without say Ing by your leave but I don't calkelate ti let Ii'.m Inter another builneas which , like a ; not. may prevent mo from dellvtrlng hi b:0y safe and sound InU court. You ties met" As Clareuce opentd the gate hi added "I don't want ter spoil sport be twcen gents , but It's got to come In aftc I've done my duty " "I'll meet you , sir , anywhere and wltl what weapons yui choose , " said Plnckney turning angrily upon Clarence , "as coon as thU farce for which you and your tricndi are responsible ID over. " He Was furious at the reflection that Mrs. Brant had es caped him. A different thought was In the husband's mind. "Hut what assurance have I that ycu are going on with the deputy ? " he said , with purposely Insulting deliberation. "My uord , sir , " said Captain Plnckney , oharply. "And If that ain't enuff. there's mine , " feald the deputy. "For it this gentleman swerves to the right or left betwixt this and Santa Inez , I'll blow a hole through him myself. "And that. " he added deprecatIngly - Ingly , "Is saying a good deal for a man who doesn't want to spoil sport , and , for the mat ter of that. Is willing to stand by and see fair play done at Santa Inez any time to- mcrrow before break'fast. " "Then I can count on you ? " said Clarence , with a sudden impulse , extending his hand. The man hesitated a moment and then grasped It. "Well , I wasn't expecting that , " ho said slowly ; "but you look as If you meant business , and It you ain't got anybody else to see you through , I'm thar ! I suppose this gentleman will have his friends. " "I shall be there at 0 with my seconds , " said Plnckney curtly. "Lead on. " Ttjc gate closed behind them. Clarence looked around the now empty patio and the silent house , from which ho could now see that the. sen-ants had been withdrawn to In sure the secrecy of the gathering. Cool and collected as ho knew he was ho stood still for a moment In hesitation. Then the sourtd of voices came to his car from the garden room , the light frivolity of Susy's laugh , and Hooker's huskier accents. Ho had forgotten they were there he had oven forgotten their existence. Trusting still to his calmness ho called to Hooker In his usual voice. That gentleman appeared with a fact ) which his attempts to make unconcerned and Impassive had , how ever , only deepened Into funereal gravity. "I have something to attend to , " said Clarence , with a faint smile , "and.I must ask you and Susy to excuse me for a little while. She knows the house perfectly , and will call the servants from the annex to provide you both with refreshments. I will Join you a llttlo later. " Satisfied from Hooker's manner that they knew nothing of his latter interview with Plnckney , he turned away and nscehded to his own room. Ho then threw himself Into an armchair by the dim light of a single candle , as It to reflect. But he was conscious even then of liU own calmness and want of excite ment , and that no reflection was necessary. What ho had done and what he intended to do was quite clear ; there was no alterna tive suggested or to bo even sought after , lie had that -sense of relief which comes with the climax of nil great struggles even of defeat. He had never known before how hopeless and continuous had been that struggle glo until now it was over. He had no fear for tomorrow , he would meet It as ho had today , with the same singular consciousness of being equal to the occasion. There was even no necessity of preparation for It ; his will , leaving his fortune to his wife which seemed a slight thing now In this greater separation was already In his safe "I LEAVE YOU TH R MASTER OF IT. " - In San Francisco ; his pistols were in the i next room. He was even slightly disturbed by hla own Insensibility , and passed into his wife's bedroom , partly In the Iiopo ol disturbing his serenity by some memento ol the past. There was no disorder of flight everything was in Its place sseept the drawer of her desk , wblch was still open , as if she had taken something from It as an ' afterthought. There were letters and papers * there some of his own , and some In Cap tain Pinckney's handwriting. It did not oc cur to him to look at them even to Justify himself or excuse her. He knew that his hatred of Captain Plnckney was not so much , that he believed him her lover as his fcudden conviction 'that they were alike Io was the male of her species a being antagonistic to 'himself , whom he coulc light and crush and revenge himself upon. But most of all he loathed his past , not on ! account of her , but of his own weakness that had made him her dupe , and a mls- umjerstood man to his friends. He had been derelict of duty in his unselfish devo tion to her ; he had stifled his ambition and underrated his own possibilities no wonder others had accepted him at his own valu ation. Clarence Brant was a modest man . but the egotism of modesty U more fata , than that of pretension , for It has the haunt ing consciousness of superior virtue. He re-entered his own room and again threw himself In his chair. Hla calm wa - being succeeded by a physical weariness ; h remembered he had not slept the night be fore , and he ought to take some rest to be fresh In the early morning. Yet he mus nlio show himself before his uelf-lnvltei guests , Susy and her husband , or their BUS plclons would be aroused. He would try t sleep for a little while In the chair , befors h wont down stairs again. Ho closed his eye oddly enough on a dim , dreamy recollectlo of Susy , of the old days in the little Madron hollow , \\hero she had once given him a ren dezvous. Ho forgot the maturcr and crlt ! Cal uneasiness with , which he had then re celvcd her coquettish and willful advances which he now knew wai the effect of th growing dominance of Mrs. Peyton over him The falntness he had felt when awaiting 1 the old ro e garden n few hours ago seemet to steal over him once more , and to lapsi Into a delicious drowsiness. He eve stemed again to Inhale the perfume of th roses. "Clarence ! " He started. Ho had been sleeping but th voice sounded strangely real. A llttlo girlish laugh followed. He upran to his feet. H was Susy , standing bcsld ( him and Susy even as she looked in th old days ! For with a flash of her old audacity , aided by her perfect knowledge of the house , am the bunch of household keys she had foum which dangled from her girdle , as In the oh fashion , she had disinterred one ot lur olc frocks from a closet , slipped It on. and un loosening her brown hair , hid let It fall 1 rlpplhg waves down her back. It wa Susy In her old glrltshness , with the Instlnc of the grown actress In the- arrangement o her short skirt over her pretty ankles , am the halt conscious pose she had taken. "Poor old Clarence. " she said , with dancln eyes , "I might havr- won a dozen pairs o gloves from you while you slept there. Bu you're tired , and you've had a hard time o It. No matter you've shown yourself man at last ! and I'm proud of you. " Half ashamed of tht > pleasure- felt , eve In his embarrassment , Clarence stammcrei "But this change this dress ! " Susy clapped her hands like a child. " e knew It would surprise you ! It's an ol frock I wore the year I went away wit aunty. I knew where It was hidden. an < fished It out again with these keyi. Clar nice it seemed BO like old times. When was with the old servants again and yo didn't come down I just felt as If I'd neve bsn away , and I just rampaged free ! , ' seemed to. me , don't you know , not as If IV Juat come but as If I'd always been righ here and U was yon who'd just came Don't you understand ? Just as you cam when me and Mary Rogers were here don' you remember her. Clarence , and how sh u ad to do 'gooseberry' for us ! well Jus like that. So r eald to Jim 'I don't kno h you any more grtt * and I juit slipped o this frock and ordered Mannela around , as : sed to do and she In Tils ot laughter I eckon , Clarence , she hasn't laughed ai much Ince I left. And then I thought ot you > erhap > worried and fluttered ytt over things md the change , and I just ftllppeil into the lichen , and I told old tat' Cdnchtta to make ome of Ihoso tortillas , you UfioTv with sugar nd cinnamon sprinkled on top and I tied n an apron and brought 'em up to you on a ray with , a glvs * ot that old Catalan wine hat you used to like. Then I sorter felt rlghtcncd when I got here\ and I didn't hear ny noise , nnd I put the tray down In the alt and peeped In and tAurul you asleep. It still , I'll fetch 'em. " Bho tripped out Into the passage , return- tiR with the tray. vrlilcH sh4 put on the able beside Clarence , ntid then , standing > ack a llttlo with her hands tucked soubrctte ashlon in the tiny pockets of her apron , azed at him with a mischievous smite. It was Impossible notto smile back as he Ibhled the crisp Mexican cake and drank ho old Mission wine. And Susy's tongue rilled nn accompaniment to his thanks , "It seems so nice to bo here Just you and me , Clarence like In the old days with obody nnggln' and snoopln * round after you. ) on't be greedy , Clarence , but give me a ake. " She took one and finished the dregs f his glass. He looked critically into the mischievous yes , and said quietly : > "Where Is your husband ? " There was no trace ot embarrassment , pology , or even of consciousness In her iretty face , as she replied , passing her hand ghtly through his hair : "Oh , Jim ! I've packed him off ! " "Packed him off ! " echoed Clarence , slightly stonlshed. "Yes to Fair Plains full tilt after your vlfo's bugggy. You see , Clarence , after the Id cat that's your wife , please left , I wanted to make sura she had gone , and \asn't hangln' round to lead you off again , vlth her leg tied to your apron string , like chicken's ! No ! I said to Jim , 'just you 'Ida after until you see she's sate and sound n the donn coach from Fair Plains , without icr knowln' it , and1 If she's Inclined to hang ack or wobble any , you post back hero and ct mo know ! ' I told him I would stay and ook after you , to see you didn't bolt too ! " She laughed , and then added : "But I didn't lilnk I should fall Into the old ways so coon , ind have tucli a nice time. Did you , Clar- nce ? " She looked so Irresponsible sitting there , ami ; o childishly or perhaps thoughtlessly happy , hat he could only admire her levity , and even the slight shock that her flippant nllu- ! on to hU wife had given him seemed to ilm only a weakness of his own. After all , vas not hers the true philosophy ? Why ihould not thcso bright eyes see things more clearly than his own ? Nevertheless , with his : yes still fixed upon them , he continued : "And Jim was willing to go ? " "Why , yes , you silly why shculdn't he ? I'd. like to see him refuse. Why , Jim will do anything I ask him. " Then suddenly ooklng full Into his eyes , she said : "That's tust the difference between him and me and you and that woman ! " "Then you love him ? " "About as much as you love her. " she said with an unaffected laugh , "only ho dcn't wind me around his finger. " No doubt she was right for all her thought- essness , and yet he was going to flght about ihat woman tomorrow ! No he forgot he was gclng to flght Captain Plnckey because ho was llko her ! " , "You know It as well .as1 jl'do , Clarence , she said , with a pretty w'rtttUllng of her brows , which was her nearest approach to thoughtfulness. "You know you never really liked her. only you thought Ifer ways wore grander nnd more proper than mine , and you know you were always-a .little bit cf a snob , and a prig , too ! And Mrs. Peyton was bless ray BOH ! ! a Benham , a"hd a planter's ' daughter , and I I was only a ptcked- or phan ! That's where Jini la better than you. Oh. I know what you're always thtnlinc you're thinking we're bath c'xSg'geralcd and theatrical ain't you ? Don'j you think it's a heap better to be exaggirateil and theatri cal about things that are just sentimental and romantic than to be sp awfully possessed and overcome about thlrtgs1 that are only real ! Thcra , ycu needn't stare at me so. It's true ! You'vehad your fill of grandeur and propriety , and here you are ! And,1 she added with a little chuckle , "here's me ! " "You sec , Clarence , " she went en , "you ought never to have let mo go never. You ought to have kept mo here , cr run away with me. And you oughtn't to have tried to make me proper. And you oughtn't to have driven me to flirt with that horrid Spaniard , and you oughtn't to have been so horribly cold and severe when I did. Anil you oughtn't to have made me take up with Jim , wlia was the only one who thought me his equal. I might have , been very silly and capricious , nnd I might have been very vain , but my vanity Isn't a bit worse than ycur pride my love of praise nnd applause In the theater Isn't a bit more horrid than your fears of what people might think of you or me. That's gospel truth. Isn't It Clarence ? Tell me ! Don't look that way nnd this look at mo ! Isn't It true ? " "I was thinking cf you Just now when : fell asleep , Susy , " he said. He did no know why he said It ; he had not Intended to tell her he had only meant to avoid a direct answer to her questlcn , yet oven now he went on. "And I thought of yon when I was cut there In the rose garden watting to come in here. " "Ycu did ? " she said , drawing In her breath. A wave of delicate pink color came up to her very eyes It accmed to him as quickly and as innocently as when she was a girl. "And what do you think , Klarus" she half whispered "tell mo ! " He did not speak. The dawn was breaking as Clarence and Jim Hooker emerged together from the gate ot the casa. Mr. Hooker looked sleepy Ho had found , after his return from Fal Plains , that his host had an early engage ment at Santa Inei , and he Insisted upon rising to see him off. It was with difficulty Indeed , that Clarence could prevent his ac companylng him. Clarence had no revealed to Susy , the night before , the rea object of his journey , nor did Hooker evl dently suspect It , yet when he had mounted his horse he hesitated for an Instant , bu without extending his hand. "It I should happen to be detained , " h began with a half smile. But Jim was struggling with a yawn "Tha's all rlgh' don't mind us , " he said stretching his arms. Clarence's hesl fating hand dropped to bis side , and with a light , reckless laugh and a half sense o providential relief ho galloped away. What happened Immediately thereafter during his solitary ride to Santa Inez , looking back upon It In after years , seemed but confused recollection , more like a dream The long stretches of vagu& distance gradu ally opening clearer with the rising sun In an unclouded sky , the meeting with a few early or belated travelers and his unconsclou avoidance of them , as it they might know ot his object , the black shadows ot fore shortened cattle rising bcfqre htm on th plain and arousing the a-aiua 'uneasy tensa tlon of their being waylaying men ; th wondering recognition of , houses and land marks he had long been , familiar with , hi purposeless attempts to xccalj the clrcum stances in which ho hay known them al these were like a dream. So , too , were th recollections ot ths night before , the cplsod with Susy , already mlnglexl an.d blended wit the memory ot their previous past , his futll attempts to look forward , to the future , al ways , however , abandoned , with relief at th thought that the next few , hours might mak them unnecessary. So , also , was the aud den realization that Santa Inez waa befor him , when he had thought he was not ye half-way there , and as lie , dismounted befor the court house his singular feeling fol lowed , however , by no fear of distress tha he had come BO early to ( .hi } rendezvous tha he was not yet quite prepaid for It. This same sense of unreality pervaded hi meeting with the deputy sheriff ; the new that the federal judge had , as was expectet dismissed the prisoners on their own recog nlzance , and that Captain Plnckney was a the hotel at breakfast. In the like ab stracted manner he replied to the one o two questions of the deputy , exhibited th pUtols he had brought with him , and final ! accompanied him to a little meadow hldde by trees below the hotel , where the * othe principal and hl4 seconds were awaltln them. And , here he awoke ! -clear-eye * ken , forceful , and intense ! So stimulated were hi * faculties that hi sens : of hearing In Its ncuteness took In ever word ot the conversation between the tec ondi , a few paces distant. He heard h s ad versary's second say carelessly to the deput sheriff , "I presume this Is a casa where tber will bo no apology or mediation. " and tb deputy's reply , "I reckon my man mean business , but he seems a llttlo queer. " H heard the other second laugh and say lightly "they're apt to be so when Its their first Urn MAIC. OllDERS FILLRD , Our Boys- What would we do without them we us we mean for they are the life of our business They make us friends they make us give them bargains and we always cheerfully give up , We expect six very busy days this week in our childrens' department some tempting prices on some "taking" styles of suits for Boys Many dainty patterns that we won't talk about here come and see them Boys' junior suits in blue and black tricot cloth , nobby , and dressy , ages 3 to 7 years. The suit we've been selling for § 3.25 special price , . . . . Elegant velvet and worsted reefer suits , 3 to 7 years , regular re tail price $4 to 5. They will go at this sale for , Boys' Knee Pants , lOc. The ft M. Cook Clothing Co , 13th and Farnam , Omaha. IGH PRICES IN DENTISTRY 'THING OFTHE PAST- The finest work done now for about half what It cost a few years ago. DR. BAILEY , Of Dentistry in . . _ Ollicc , 3rd iloor , Pnxton. block. Tclopliono 1085. Lady attendant. A Full Set of Teeth , $5 Fit ftuaranteod. Best set of tcoth , $7.50. 1 lexiblo clastic plato , S10. Palnlcsa extrac tion , 50c. Gold and plated nillnfjs , $1. Silver 81. Pure gold , $2. Gold crowns , $6 to $8. nnd Bridfjo teeth SO pot- tooth and attach ment. Porcelain crowns 85. Richmond crowns 810. One prlco to all. Courteous treatment to all. The boat work , always. out , " followed by the more anxious aside of the other second , as the deputy turned away , "Yes , but I don't llko his looks ! " His seme of sight was also BO acute that having lost the choice of position when the coin was tossed , nnd being turned with his face to the tun , even through Its glare he saw with un erring distinctness ot outline the black coated figure of his opponent move Into range , saw the perfect outline of his features , and how the easy , supercilious smile as he threw away his tlgar appeared to drop out of his face with a kind ot vacant awe , ns he faced him. Ho felt his nerves become as steel as the counting began , nnd at the word "three" knew ho had fired by the recoil of the pistol In his levelled hand simultaneously with its utterance. And nt the same moment , still standing llko a rock , ho saw his adversary miserably collapse , his legs grotesquely curv ing Inward under him. without even the dig nity of death In his fall , and so sink hev- ! lessly like a felled bull to the ground. Still erect , and lowering only the. muzzle of his pistol , as a thin feather of smoke curled up Its shining side , he saw the doctor and seconds ends run quickly to the heap , try to lift Its limp Impotence Into shape , and let it drop again with the words : "Right through the forehead ! " "Yon'vo done for him , " said the deputy turning to Clarence with a singular look of curiosity , "nnd I reckon you'd better get out of this mighty quick 1 They didn't expect U they're Just ragln' , they may round on you and , " he added more slowly , "they seem to have Just found out who you are ! " nven while he was speaking , Clarence with his quickened ears heard the words , "one of Hamilton Brant's pups. Just like his father. " from the group around the dead man. He did not hesitate , but walked coolly toward them. Yet a certain fierce pride which he had never known before stirred In his veins , as their voices bushed , and they half recoiled before htm. "Am I to understand from my second , gentlemen , " ho said , looking around the group , "that you are not satisfied ? " "The flght was square enough , " said Pinckney's second In some embarrassment , "but I reckon that ho" pointing to the dead man " did not know who you were ? " "Do you mean that he did not know that I was the son of a man proficient In the use of arms ? " "I reckon that's about It , " returned the cccond , glancing at the others. "I am glad to say , ajr , that I have a better opinion ot his courage , " said Clarence , lifting his hat to the dead body as he turned away. Yet he was conscious of no remorse , con cern , or even pity In his act. Perhaps this was visible in his face , for the group appeared awed by this perfection of the duelist's cool ness , and even returned his formal parting salutation with a vague and timid respect. He thanked the deputy , regained the hotel , saddled his hone , and galloped away. But not toward the rancho. Now that he could think of his future , that had no place In hla reflections ; oven the episode of Susy wai forgotten In the new and strange con ception of himself and his Irresponsibility which had come upon him with the killing of Plnckney and the words ot his second. It was his dead father who had stiffened his arm and directed the fatal shot ! It wai the hereditary Influences which others had been so quick to recognize that bad brought ibcut this completing climax ot his trouble. How else could ho account for it that he , a conscientious , peaceful , sensitive man , tender nnd forgiving as ho had believed himself to be. could now feel so little sorrow or com punction for his culminating act ? Ho had road ot successful duelists who were haunted by remorse for their flrst victim ; who re tained a terrible consciousness ot the ap pearance ot the dead man ; ha had no such feeling ; he had only a grim contentment In the wiped outInefficient life , and contempt for the limp and helpless body. Ho sud denly recalled the callousness as a boy , when face to face with the victims of the Indian massacre , his sense of fastidious super ciliousness In the discovery of the body of Susy's mother surely It was the cold blood of his father Influencing him ever thus. What had he to do with affection , with' domestic happiness , with the ordinary am bitions of man's life , whoso blood was frozen nt the source ! Yet even with this very thought came once more the old Incon sistent tenderness ho had as a boy lavished upon the almost unknown and fugitive father who had forsaken his childish companionship , and remembered him only by secret gifts. He remembered how he had worshipped him even while the pious padres at San Jose were endeavoring- eliminate this terrible poison from his blood , and combat his hereditary Instinct In his conflicts with his schoolfellows. And It was. a part of this Inconsistency that , riding away from the scene of his flrst bloodshed , his eyes were dimmed with moisture , not for the victim , but for the one being whom he believed had Impelled him to the act. This , and more , was in his mind during his long ride to Fair Plains , his journey by coach to Embascadero , his midnight passage across the dark waters of the bay , and his re-entrance to San Francisco but what should bo his future was still unsettled. As ho wound around the crest ot Hussion Hill- and looked down again upon the awakened city he was startled to see that It was fluttering and streaming with bunting ! From every public building nnd hotel , from the roofs of prtvntu houses , and oven the windows of lonely dwellings , flapped nnd waved the striped and starry banner. The steady breath of the sea carried It out from , masts and yards of ships nt their wharves from the battlements of the forts at Alcatraz and Yerba Bucna. Ho remembered that the ferrymen hod told him that news from Fort Sumter had swept the city with a revulsion of patriotic sentiment , and that there was no doubt that the state was saved to the union. Ho looked down upon It with haggard and bewildered eyes and then a strange gasp nnd fullness ot the throat ! For afar a solitary bugle had blown the "reveille" at Fort Alcatraz ! f ( To be continued. ) Not In Unit \Viiy. Texas Sittings : "Yes , " said the lady lec turer , "women have been wronged for ages. They have suffered In a thousand ways. " "There Is one way In which they never suffered , " said a meek-looking man eland- Ing up. "What way Is that ? " demanded the lec turer. "They have never suffered In silence. " And then the lecturer demonstrated be yond a doubt that he was right , In her casa at least. Ulacourucml blioop Itniicliori. Sheep ranchers In many parts of Oregon and other northwestern regions are getting discouraged over the decreasing value of sheep and the Increasing value ot t/i land , and at a recent meeting of ranchers ' * ! ( n Oregon It was suggested that they should drop sheep and go in for raising coyotes. Coyotes scalps are worth JC each , whlla sheep are worth anywhere from $2.50 down. Then a ewe will raise only one or two lambs In a season , but a coyote will easily raise a family ot five or teven. The arlthmctto and loglo of the matter are easy. OATS Save Dentists' Bills , Doctors' Bills and Butchers' Bills by eating a bowl "of delicious QUAKER OATS for breakfast. A pleasant economy. Sold only In a Ib. Packige * .