THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE : TITTHSDAT , DECEMBER 0 , 1804 , COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL liberal Soiling nnd Discouraging loroign Market * Weaksned Wheat , CORN OPENED IN SYMPATHY WITH WHEAT Receipts of thai CereiU Were Even Smaller Than the Small Ultimate of Tuciclnjr Receivers nntt Klcvntor Men \Vcro llio Seller * . CHICAGO , Dec. B. Liberal selling and discouraging foreign markets weakened wheat today , May closing Ho lower. May corn nnd oats closed unchanged nnd pro visions declined moderately. There were still some fog ends of long wheat for gale when the market opened. They came out of many hands nnd were not wanted.ex cept nt a reduction of ttc from yesterday s close. The Liverpool market was reported ns opening from ' ,4 < 1 to Id lower. Mlnne- npolls nnd Duluth receipts were COS cars , compared with only 3GS cars on the corre- upending day last year. Another considera tion of n weakening character wns the government report on the amount of wheat fed to stock by farmers from harvest to December 1. which it was ascertained would be Issued from Washington nt 4 p. m. H wns claimed to be ascertained that the amount so fed wns 40,000.000 bu. New York wired that foreigners were selling porno wheat at the opening there and ex porters there anil nt St. Louis wired that there was reduction on yesterday's bids for exportation of from Ic to Zo per bu. Ar gentine wns selling July wheat in Now York. The opening price for May was from COttc to CO hC , compared with from 60V4c. to C0o nt the close yesterday. It kept around the opening1 figures for about Ilfteen minutes , after which buying orders gradu ally worked prices up nguln until about 11:30 : a. m. Co-He wns realized for two or three GOX-bu. ) lots. The southwest sent buy ing orders. New York Increased Its ex port business of the day before to sev enty boat loads taken there and sixty-three nt out ports. The closing cables reported n great advance at Uerlin , amounting to the equivalent of l',4c per bu. , but the French nnd Kngllsh markets' wern easier. New York sent selling orders on their in sight Into the weakening foreign feeling. Probably for every foreign order for 10,000 bu. received there New York Hold 100,000 bu. here. The market became very weak on that sellingnnd twenty minutes from the close the price was down to 59T4c. It rallied slightly , closing nt CO'.Jo. ' The receipts of corn were even smaller than the small estimate yesterday. Not withstanding the small receipts , the market opened off Ho In sympathy with the weak ness in wheat nt the same time , lie- celvcrs nnd elevator men were the sellers nnd the market continued to sag until the estimate for tomorrow's receipts wns given nt only 200 cars. From that time , the price had an advancing tendency , shorts being the buyers , until the extreme closing weak ness of wheat Inllucnced some additional selling. The opening for May wns 4S'/4c , and It sold at 49-litC before It commenced to retrace - trace Its steps. It touched COo nnd closed at 49c. A very llltlo business wns transacted In oats. Fluctuations were confined In a nar row range nnd entirely In sympathy with the movements of corn. May started at from 32'ic to 32c , sold at 32 Ac to S' ic , closing at 32Hc. Hog receipts numbering 52.000 head , agnlnst estimated yesterday of 41,010 head , gave the provision market a weak send off and the limpness of the wheat mm ket kept the tone of the provision market heavy during the entire session. The declines In tlio speculative articles since yesterday nre : January pork , 2Vic ; May , 5c ; lard , 2',4c In January and Gc In May , and Gc In both January nnd May ribs. The lending futures ranged ns follows : Tiftlclcs. [ "open. I High" . I Low. I Whcat.Nora' Dec n5.M 50 Muv i . July COJ4BU1 tiOJi Corn No. ' . ! . . Dec 47 ! < 47 Jan 47V 47 17)4 ' : May O.ltH No. ' . ' . . . Dec 20M SOW May S'Jh Pork tier bbl Jan 11 07 12 02 K 11 02 * 11 071 * May. . . . . . . . 12 SOn 11' 35 13 US 12 30 L.lnl.lOOlba Jan. , n no 0 02 0 87K o no Mny , 707 7 07J < 7 10 Short Ribs- Jan. 5 OK 0 07 fl 02K C 05 May 0 17W o ir 0 17W Canh nuotnt'ons were ns follows : FI.OI'11 Steady , unclmnKfd. W1IKAT No. 2 pprlnir , D8 % G1)ic ; No. 3 spring , nominal ; No. 2 rod , 5.-iU < fM rOKN-No. 2 , 47ic ! ; No. 3 yellow. % c. OATS No. 2 , 29Vic ; No. 2 white. 32liV32',4c ; No. 3 white , 32c. IlYK No. 2. 4S'Jc. ItAULUY No. 2 , 63j'34c ; No. 3 , 4DMc ; No. 4 , D0 57c. FIAX RR13D No. 1. J1.4 ? . TIMOTHY 812HI ) I'rlmo. J5.CO. 1'HOVIHIONH MCM . poik , per bbl. , J12.00JJ 12.10. Lnul , per 100 Ins. . | 6.S5 .87Vj. Short ribs B'dos ( loose ) , lii.92MOG.03. Dry failed shoulder * ( boxed ) , tJ.12HO < > .2Ji short clear sides ( boxed ) , 0.2J O.S7 > , i. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per cal. , Hu'dAIlS-UnchanKed. The following were tha receipts and shlpmenti today : On the Produce ejccli.ineo to.l.ty the butter iniir- hfit wan steady : creamery , 14w'J4c ; dairy , 12310c. KCBB , llrm ; 13Q21c. NKW YOUIC GHNKIl.U , .MA.HICUT. Yciterilny'a Quotation * on Flour , Uraln nnd 1'rnvUloiis. Matnta , Ktc. NEW YOHIC , Dec. B. llecclpts , 33.700 bbls , rxporlK. 15,000 bbls. ; tales , 21,000 phcs. Marke ranter to sell , but not 'auotably lower' . Uuycr und sellers further npart on sprlnRs , whll winters nre less sought. Southern Hour , dull Ityo flour , quiet ; sales , 230 bbls. lluckwhea flour , dull ; St.90. nominal. IIUCKWHIJAT Utill ; D50COC , COUN MEAI Steady ; tales , 100 bbls. , 1,00 BnckH. HYE Dull ! car lots , 45 j0c ; boat loads , CG1 DSc. DSc.llAni.EY llAni.EY Steady ; western , G30Ctc. 1IAHI.KY MALT Nominally steady , WHEAT Hroelptii. 114.5(10 hu. ; exports. 23.0C 1m. ; Bales , 2.3U.OOO bu. futures. Spot dull ; Nc 2 red , In store and eluvntor , COUc ; nlloat , Clc f. o. b. , Clii Clio ; No. 1 northern , C9c. dehv red ; No. 1 hard , 71'4c , delivered. Option opened lower under weak cables , but rallied nn advanced nil the forenoon on Keneral buying fc home account. Weakness developed In tha aftei noon iiKaln as a result of lower lulu cables nn the market closed heavy nt MCHo net dcclln < No export business reported ; No. 2 red. Januar ] 61Wic , closed at Glc ; February closed nt ( March , 63 13-lG C3TJc , closed at CJTic ; May. 03' f(6l ( 9-lCc. closed nt C3Uc ; Juna closed nt 6l < i < July , CHi < ( e , cloned at Cl'ic ; December , CO i G0c , closed nt GOVic. COUN llecelpts , kO.OOO bu. ; exports. 1,000 bu BulcB , 400,000 bu. futures. 18,000 bu. spot. Sp < market dull ; No. 2. t,7flS7Vtc In elevator ; yellov 6Jo ; No. 3. DOHc In elevator ; 62c. delivered. Oi tlons opened steady on light receipts nnd m vanced on small car lot estlmites , but Inl months llnnlly rased off with wheat , clcslni ; i Ho net advance ; December closed Ic hlKher c coverlnes ; January , KtO33c , closed at U- % ' May , MHeWJic. closed at S3Hc ; December , 54 CfM\e , closed at W\c. OATS Hecelpts , 19.000. bu. ; exports , 100,000 bu rales , 121 , MQ Liu. futures , 35,000 hu. spot. Spi market dull ; No. 3. 4IUc ; No. 2. delivered , 35U < No. 3 , 33 o ; No. 3 white. 3So ; track , westerl 37IM3UC ; truck , white. 37fl42'.ic. ' Options vei dull all day , but fulrlv steady ; closed unchnnRc to Uc advance ; January , 35 > ( tfi5iic. : closed i 33Hc ; February closed nt 3Go ; May. 36i ! 36H closed at 3CUc ; December closed at 3IHc. HAY ( Julrt ; shipping. 50lf5Sc , HOI'S Dull ; state , common to choice , oh 8O7c ; new. 1J8124c. ! HIDES Firm : wet railed Now Orleans , s < lected. 45 to Gi Ibs. , lie ; Texas dry , 21 to Ibs. , 5KH c. LUATHEH-Qulft ; hemlock sole , II , A. , Hill to lioavy weights , 14HR18C. WOOL Quiet ; domestic fleece , 17G33c ; pulle IOCJ4C. I'HOVISIONS-Ileef , dull. Cut meats , qulc I.ard , about steady ; western steam closed i 17.10 , nominal : city , ( We ; sales , 250 tierces ; Jam ary closed at 17.23 ; December , $7,25. nomlna January , 17,23 , nominal : May , 17.45. nominal ; r lined , dull ; continent , S7.GV H. A. . IS. 1'ork. da ! 1IUTTHUQuiet ; western dairy. 11C16 western creamery. 16c ; western factory , 14 > , i F.lKln" , 25c ; Imitation creamery , 13tffOc ; sta dairy. 15 23c : creamery , 1SO24C. CHEKHU Quiet : large , DtflHic ; small , 9H lo : tuirt skims. JUCDc ; full skims , 2UCHC. KQOa Irri'Kular ; state and 1'enntylvanla , K J7c ; Ice house , TO o ; rrcelpts. 14.36U pkKi western fresh , njCcj southern , 2R24Uc : cane J.t5O4.00. TALLOW Firm : city , 4 c ; country , 4ic. I'L-mOLKUM-FInn ; Unltea closed ul 7o bl 11OSIN Qultt. TUIU iNTINB-Qulet nt 27 C28c. IHCtJ-KInn ; domntlc. lair to extra , 4V4C6S . . MOLA8fliSBteacly ; New Orleans , open kttt ! rood to choice , { GQITc. I'lO lIlON-Dull ! Scotch , JU.C iM.OO ; Amei cun. I10.00ttl3.00 , COTTON HF.UD OIL-Nomlnal ; prime cruc < t < Vi4Uci prime yellow , 29c. OllANllV : Slfadyi fancy , box , oranges , 11 , WI.OOI others , | 1.UO1.7 ( . RI'ULTBIt-Uasy ; domestic. )3.30eS.3tU. TIN WMkr Btrnlts. JH. 5 ; plates , dulli sal pa 'chance , 11 tons December tla at 113.30 ; tons December , S. O. , ( o double. $13.40. 21 lon . H. O. , January to April , 30 days' nolle * , $13.40 ; 23 tons December , $13.15 ; lu tons December , brokers' price , $3 ; price , JllilJ , COI'I'KIl Firm : broticri * price , $9.37Hi $ ex change price , $3.50 aiked. OMAHA GIMKAL ; MAIIKKT. Condition of Trade nnd Quotation * on Stnplo iiml' Knncy I'roduce. nUTTEIl Pncklnpr stock. 8c ! fair to good coun try , 10ffl2c ; cholco to fnncy , HGlCo ; gathered creamery , 19Q20c ; separator crcnmery , Uc. KOas-Slrlctly fresh laid , IlfJKc ! fresh ( cold storage ) , ICQISc. LIVE POULTIIY Old liens , 4c ! spring chickens - ens , 41ifJ3c ; ducks , Cc ; turkeys , Cc ; heavy toms , 5c ! Beesc , Cc. DHKSHKD POULTIlY-Chlckcns , fair , 40IUc ! choice InrRe , Cc ! choice email , GSG'.ic ; turkeys.falr to Rood , tirtc ! choice heavy , 78c ; choice small , 8JJ Cc : duck * , ( nlr tn good , Cffic ; fancy , SQSVic ; geese , fair to good , 6 nc ; fancy , 8CT8V4C. OAME-l'ialrle chickens , per doz. , ll.50i73.7S ; grouse , tier doz. , II.25ft3.D4 ; blue wing teal , per iloz. , Jl.w15tl.75 ; green wine teal , tier doz. , J1.S5 (71.50 ; ducks , mixed , per doz. , SI.001(1.23 ; canvas- bacliii , J4.00it4.50 ; mallards nnd red heads. 12.50 f(2.75 ( ; iiuall , Sl.50fTl.75 ; deer saddles , 12JTl. > c ; antelope Raddles , lUQUc ; small rabbits , 75QSOc ; Jnck rabbits , not wanted. VEAI. Choice , fat nnd small veals are quoted nt fie : lame nnd course , : ifHc. CIIEEHE Wisconsin full cream , Younir A , 13c ; twlni , 12'Jc ' ; Nebraska nnd lown , ( ull cream , lie ; Nebraska and Inwn , part skims , 7HSc ; Llm * burner. No. I , lie ; brick , No. 1 , lie ; Swiss , No. 1 , H015e. HAY Upland bay , $0.50 ; midland , J9 ; lowland , J8.50 ; rye straw , JO. Color makes the price on hay. LlRht shades sell the best. Only top grades brine top prices. PldEONS-Old birds , per doz. , 75c. VEHETA11LEH. POTATOES Western stock , car lots , 62iG5c ; small lots , TOc. OLD IlEANH-Hnnd-plcked , navy , $2 ; Lima bean * , per lb. , BHc. ONIONH-On ordtr * . CW70C. rAllllAClE-On orders , I'.ic. rKLEIlY Per rtnz. . 23f733c. SWEET POTATOES Per bbl. , J2.7503.00. HURTS 1'cr bbl. , 12. OA1UIOTS Per bbl. , J2. CAl'LII-'LOWEIl-I'ei- . , J1.50 ? 1.75. HOIlSKIlADISlI-lVr lb. , 7fSc. PAIIHNII'K I'er bbl. , J3. IllJTAHAOAS-IVr bbl. , J2. 1'AnSLKY Per doz. bunches , 3S@IOc. TPHNIPS Per bbl. . J2. KI'I.IT PEAR Per lb. , S'.Jc. OHEEN PKAH Per bu. . 11.2S01.35. HADIHIIKR Per doz. , 35iff40c. LETTUCE Per doz. , 3S 40c. rnuiTS. QUINCES Cnllfcrnln , per 50-lb. box , $1.50. APPLES Oood stock , per bbl. , } 2.MiM.75 ( ; Michigan stock , J3 ; New York or New England , PEACHER None. PLUMS-Callfornla. none. PUl'NKS None. PEAKS Winter Ncllls. J1.75 J2.00. OHAPEH Concord , none : Malagas , per 05 to CS-lb. bblii. . crofs , | 7.50 9.00. CHANIIEIllllES-Cape Cod fancy , J10.00810.5fl per bbl. TIIOPICAL FHUITS. OIIANOES Klorldas. 2.75. IlANANAS-Cholce stock , J2.0002.50 per bunch. LEMONS Malaga. J3.75fl4.UO ; fancy Florida , slzn 250 nnd 300 , 4.0)04.15. PINEAPPLES None. ht. Louis General Market. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 5. FLOUIl Firm nt recent W'H EAT Opened UffUo off ; buying caused S 0'.ic reaction , but late ( telling resulted In a close UttlgC below yesterday , principally on foreign declines ; No. 2 red , cash nnd December , 53Vic January , 53Hc ; May , 57c. CO UN AVas dull , but after some fluctuations caused by whrnt closed ' ,4c up ; No..2 mixed , cnsh 4."ic ; December , 1Jil5'ic ; January , 4l54c ; May 4C'ic. OATS Easier. Uc off ; No. 2 , cash , 30'ic ; De cember , 30UC ; May. 321c. . UYE Stronger ; 62c bill ; 53c nfked. I1AHLKY Steady : sales Minnesota at & 7c. ! 1IUAN Nothing doing. FLAX HEED S1.10. TIMOTHY SEIOD-$4.73 3.30. HAY Heller , but not quotnbly changed , IHITTEll Blow , unchanged. EOOS Flrni at 19c. LEAD Weak : $2.S7ii. SPELTEII S3.10 bid. COHN MnAI.-$2.05S'2.10. WHISKY S1.23. COTTON TIES-Wic. HAOOINU SliiJG'ic. I'HOVISIONH-PurU. standard mess , Jobbing $12.37Vi. I ird , prime strum , 10.75 ; choice , $6.S2H Dry salt moats , loose shoulders , $3.23 ; longs $ r.l2H : ribs , tG.'S ; shoitH , $6.37 > .i. Ilacon , packed shouldeis , $0.25 : longs. $7 : ill > , $7 ; shorts , $7.12 % HECEIirrS Flour , 3,000 wheat , 10,000 bu. corn. 36.000 Ini. ; oats. 21,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 2,000 bbls , ; wheat , none corn , 2,000 bu. ; oats , D.OOJ bu , Coffuo Murkor. NEW YOniC , Dec. 6. COFFEE-Optlons steady nt unchanged to 10 points higher ; rulei ! flrmcr on local demand nnd scarcity of sellers account European ndvlces ; closed Him nt 2if3 .inl | net advunce : sales , 3),000 bugs. Including ? Jecembor. $ I3.i ! : > U.15 ; January. $13.65313.85 March , $ l3.00ri3.IO ; May , $12.03012.93 ; September $12.50. Spot coffci ! . Illo , steady ; No. 7 , $15.75 mild , steady ; Cordova , $ I8.2".fll9.00 ; sales. 1,0 * luiga Santos , No. G , Fpot , at $16.55 ; 3,000 baii Illo , No * . 7 nnd 9 , spot , at 14Uc ; warehouse de liveries from New York yesterday. 1S.931 bags New York stock , 233,211 bags ; United State ! Flock. 30S330 bags ; afloat for the United States 232.000 bags ; total visible for the United States 340.3JO bags , ncalnst 441,713 bags last year. SANTOS , Dec. 5. Strona ; good nveinge Santos $12.SO : recp'iits , 2),000 bngs ; stock , 3S3OiW bags. IIAM11UHO. Dec. 5. Steady ; price * ' , J pfe. de clln < to 14 pfg. advance ; sales. 29.UOJ bajs. 11AVHE , Dec. 6. Opened quiet. ' , ilf advance nt 12 m. , quiet and unchanged ; nt 3 p. m. steady. i.iQKf advance ; closed steady , ? il net advance : totnl sales , 21,000 bags. HIO JANEIRO , Dec. 6. Finn ; No. 7 , Illo $12.10 ; exchange. 11 3-lGdj receipts , none ; clenre < for the United fitatca. none ; cleared for Europe 2,000 bags ; stock , 197,000 bags. New York Dry CJootl * Mnrkot. NEW YOHIC. Dec. 5. Ituyera were present b fairly good numbers nnd to nil appearances wen greatly Interested In nil specialties adapted ti the wants of the spring season. On the part o the latest "comem" greater confidence wns ex pressed nt the prospect for spring und In sup port of such views liberal f > ngngemnta wen added nnd the collective buslniss laid out wa Important. Printing cloths wcie In continue ! demand nt Z 11-lGc , plus 1 per cent , bid and de dined , nnd the maikct pegged at 2c ; sales , o good quantlt'es of C4 squares , 33',4 Inches , n 2 13-lCc. t hlc.igo Fruit CHICAGO , Dec. 5. The Earl Fruit compan sold one car California grapes nt auction today realizing the followlnc prices : Emperor , hal crates. J1.4JQ1.83 ; dublc cintcs , J2.CQQ3.50. STOCKS AND HOND& Active SpccuVttlnn In Socurltlos Was th Feature of the Duy. NEW YORK , Dec. 5. Active speculatlo on the Stock exchange today was confine to Sugar- , Chicago Gas and the shares. Outside of these securities th transactions did not reach 40,000 shares , an of the total sales of the day nearly tw < thirds were of Sugar , 170,000 shares of whlc changed hands , being about the heavlci sales of any single stock on the exchum ; In ono day. An opportunity was affordc for this very lively trading by the uncei talnty which prevailed up to the close ( 00 business as to the dividend. The. stock roi and fell as the operators therein vlcwc the situation , except that a reaction wi brought about nt one period of the day I the receipt of advices from Wnshlngtc that Senator Quay Introduced a bill to tnl off the differential duty on sugar. Tl controlling inlluencc , however , wns the prol able action of the directors of the compan who went into session shortly after 1 o clot and did not announce their decision (1 clarlng the regular dividends on both roil mon and preferred stocks until after tl close of business. The directors lay strei on thu fact that the dividends arc to be pa > out of the Turnings of the company ma < previous to September 1 of the current yea and they take occasion to announce tin they will make a public statement after o'clock tomorrow afternoon on the effect the tariff upon the sugar refilling Interest In view of this announcement there likely to b a. very active trading In tl stock tomorrow. It being a magnlllce "gamble" as to what effect the directoi pronunclnmento may have on the stock. Tl course of the shares today was even mo erratic than usual. An advance of 2 p cent was made in the first flftcon iv iiutc which was quickly followed by a decline 1 per cent , and n prompt rise of 214 P cent , to SS j , which figure was reached nbo noon , After midday u loss of 1'i per ce : was made , the gain being subsequently lei d , In the late dealings , when the Impi-ensli grew strong that the regular dlviden would bo declared , an ndvnnce to 89 w 30 effected , the closing sale being within per cent of the high point of the duy ai ht 3 % per cent above the final transaction yesterday. The preferred stock gained ] per cent. ct. In Chicago Gas the movement of prlc : was governed entirely by nn Inside cllqt in- which changed from one sldo of the murk inU ; to the other , presumably In the hope re- attracting- outsiders to deal In the stoc : ill. Of the granger group St. Paul was weakc ic ; on sales for the foreign account , made ic ; the belief Unit St. Paul will have , to fi In line with Its sister companies In reducl the rate of dividend. A declineof 1 r iV cent took place , of which 14 per cent w CW recovered In late trading. Hock Isla ; closes unchanged on the day , while Durlln . ton and Northwestern reached % per ce ; higher. The ceneral market was unsettle but was without Important feature a Id. closed fairly firm , the more Importa changes on the day being advances of per cent In St. Paul & Omaha prefern ic ; St. Paul preferred and Consolidated Co ; 1V4 per cent In Hubber preferred , and 1 p le. cent In Hocklntr Valley- Lad preferred , a le.ri declines of li per cent In Norfolk & Wei ri ride ern preferred , 214 per cent In Tobacco an < ( de per cent In National Linseed , There w , a llrm tone to the bond market during t day and a more general distributing of bu ness than for some time past. The toi dealings aggregated S1.90.000. Ic. The Kvenlmr Post's Ixindon cablvgrt 10 says : The stock iiiurkets generally w < bid. The totnl snlos of stocks today were 272,370 share. * , Including : Amcrlcim Sucnr , 1I1.9M ; llur- llhKtotl , 8.301) ; ChlcnRO Ons , 19W > ; DIstllllnK nnd Cnttlc Fci-dlns , 8 , ! > i)0j ) Louisville & Nnshvlllc , 3,700 ; Northwestern , 8,100 ; HI. Pnul. 14,000. New York Monov Mnrhct. NEW YOHK , Dec. S.-MONKV O.V CALL r.nry nt 102 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; clficed offered nt 1 per cent , 1'ltl.Mi : MEHCANTILE PAPEIl 2iQ4 } per cent. 8TEIIMNO EXCHANGE Firm , with nctual bunlncs ! ) In bunkers' hllln nt t1.S8Q4.S8Vi for de- mnml , nnd nt $1.K8T4.89 for sixty Onvs. Posted mil's. JI.SIWci-I.SS nnd t4.8JViQ4.S9. Commercial Mils. t4.K6iiM.SOli. S1LVKII ( 'KUTIFICATKS C04c bid. ( JOVEHNMI3NT 1JONDS Steady ; stale bonds , Inactive ; rnllroad bonds , firm. Closlne quotations on bondi were as follows : | , , , , I1AU SLIVEU-27 B-16d per ounce. MONEY U per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for B'.iort blllft In T4 per cent , and for three months' bills Is 15-16 per cent. Confix for money and the account , 102 13-16. The amount of bullion withdrawn from the ll.tnl : of Kngland oil balance today was 130,000. Ileturna from Statistical Division of Agri cultural Department on tlio Subject. WASHINGTON , Dec. 5. The returns from the correspondents of the statistical division of the Department of Agriculture relative to th < amounts of wheat fed to stock , estimate the quantity already fed , that Is to say up to Oc' tober 30 , nt 46,030,000 bu. , and the estimated amount to be fed 29,273,000 bu. , making a tota of 75,303,000 bu. These figures on wheat fecdlnt ore merely the meager estimates from thiw ! states wherein correspondents have complied will tli ? request of the department nnd must not bi taken n anything more than an attempt of np proxlmntlon of the total feeding of wheat fron the present supply. The severity nnd length o tha winter will necessarily Inlluence the Una llndlHK3 upon this question. CONDITION OF V INTKK WHEAT. Drouth Said to HIIVO AlToctccl tlio riant It Nebraska. , CINCINNATI , Dec. 6. The monthly crop re port of W. T. Homan In tomorrow's 'Price Cm rent states that the winter wheat area Is In of creased 1.9 per cent over last year. The nre se Is 2ISSIKS acres , against 24,438,910. The cond ! cd tlon of the plant Is good , being 94.7 , ngalnst 91. us last year and S7.4 In 1S92. The condition fan jy casts n harvest of 390,000bu. . Drouth has al an fcctcd the plant ) n Texas , Tennessee , Ker Itc lucky , Kansas nnd Nebraska , but with ral heb soon nil drawbacks would be overcome. Over th b- balance of the men the condition ranges froi good to excellent. T"-- area of winter rye lin been Increased by 4 "er cent ; the condition I 93,8 , against 91.G last December , n- nhe Sugar Mnrkot , HS NEW YOIIK , Dee. 6. SUGAIl-rtaw , dull ; fnl ld refining , 3c ; centrifugal , 96 test. 3Uc ; pales. non < de nellncd , quiet ; No. 6 , 3 11-1CW3T4C ; No. 7 , 3i ir , 3 13-160 ! No. S , 3V403 11-lGo ; No. 9 , 3 7-lGf34l at No. 10. 2H53 ll-16c : No. 11 , 3 t-lGcCfSUc ; No. 1 3 3U 3 7-lCc ; No. 13 , 3 13-lGc ; off A , 3 13-16 ® ! 3-16 < of mould A. 4 E-lGO41ic ; standard A , 3 15-lC84Vti confectioners' A , 3 15-1iff4Uc ( ; cut loaf , 4 % ts.Is 5 1-lCc : powdered. 4 5-lGif4Hc ; granulated , 4 1-16 Is 41ic ; cubes , 4 5-16&41ic. he LONDON , Dec. 6 , SDOAll-Cane , qulel ; notl nt Ini ; doing ; ccntilfugal , Java , 11s 3d ; Muscovadi ra1 fair rellnlng , 9s 3J. he ire 1'curlu Grain Market , icr PEOniA. Dec. B. CORN Market firm ar es. higher : No. 2. 4315c : No. 3. 43c ; No. 4. 42c. es.of OATS Market slow , tinner ; No , 2 white , SO& er 31V c : No. 3 while , 30H:0)ic. iut UYE Scare : No. 2 , S2c. nt WlHSlCY-Market nrm ; high wine .basis. 11.2 st.on Frltco Wheat Qniitntlnns. on ids SAN FHANCISCO , Dec. B. WHEAT Stroni May , Jl.05',4 ; cleared. 67,961 centals wheat. nil ns i'lnnni-tal Notes. of BOSTON. Dec. B. Clearings , $19.622,450 ; bt ances , $2,616,829. nAI/riMOHH. DetC.OlearlnKS , $2G12B4 balances , $1'J2,021. es ic , NEW YORK. Dec , B. Clearings , $101,263,9 ! cet balances , $9.379.141. of PHILADELPHIA. Dec. B. Clearings , $1,3G ! ofk. 31G ; balances. $1,537,035. est DEHLIN , Dec , 5. Exchange on London , tig In days' sight , 20 marks , 40 pfg , all MEMPHIS. Dec , B. Clearings , J3S9.6SO ; b ; ns nncea , $64,591 , New York exchange , selling er par. par.WASHINGTON. ran WASHINGTON. Dec. B. The cash balance ranml the trvnepry today was $154,940,814 ; net gel ig- $111,142.oo. ignt CINCINNATI. Dec. 8. Money , 2ViG per cer ed..nil New York exchange , 23C500 premium. Cleo .nil lng . $2.5 7.CM. mt PAHI8 , Dec. B , I p. m. Three rer cent rente 102f 521ic for the account. Exchange on Londo iSf 13Ho for checks. al : ST. LOUIS. Dee. B.-C1eartngs. $4.31t,9',9 ; lu per nnces , $643,363. Money , dull. 507 per cent. E nd change on New YtTk , 23c bid. st- LONDON. Dec. B. 5 p. m. Gold Is quot i I today at lluenon Ayres at 2.70 ; Malrld , 12.1 ma L'.stKin , 23.00 ; St. Petersburg , 50 ; Athens , 1 theist Home , 106.tK ) ; Vienna , 103. ist- CHICAGO. Drc. B. Clearings. 117.403.0 tul Money. 4U4U per cent on call , 3O < per cvnt ' time. New York exchange , 33c premium , Fc am elgn excltangv. strong ; sterling , commetcli ere and H.bC\ . OMAHA LIVE SJ0CK MARKETS Moderate Marketing of Oattlo and Sheep the Feature ab'thb Local Yards , IMPROVED DEMAN0 , f O.T BEEF STEERS Offerings Shotr Sonifi rjtttcr In Qunllty nnil Dcnlcrs 1'ut I'rlCvx Up llogi Suffer Ten Cents WoYtif Under Henry Hupp'.lci iiverywliuro : > Dec. 5. Cattle and sheep fec'c'lpts ' were decidedly moderate today , buti there was n good run of hogs. The three days' cattle receipts , about 8,000 head , full nearly 700 short of last week , but there has been nn Increase of 6,000 hogs and 1,000 sheep. The cattle market was llrm. Offerings Included nothing choice , but with nn active demand from both dressed beef men nnd shippers buyers could not afford to be very captious , nnd anything In the beef steer line with a fair degree of flesh and quality found a ready purchaser at a good , stiff price. Heavy cattle that were rough and common , thin , light stock , met with n very Indifferent demand and sold slowly , but nt prices that averaged up about steady with yesterday. The tone to the trade was rather flrm than otherwise nnd nn early clearance wns made. The market for cow stuff was In very good shape. Offerings did not exceed thirty loads , and local killers all appeared to be wanting them. Trade ruled active and prices flrm to n shade higher than Tues day on fair to good stock. On the common and canning stuff the market was slow and prices barely steady. There was a belter demand and a decidedly stronger market for fair to good venl calves. Hulls , oxen and stags , when fat , sold freely at n shade higher prices , but thin und rough stock showed no Improvement. The stacker nnd feeder market wns active and stronger on fair to good stock , without much regard to weight , but slow and lower on poor stock cattle. Slop feeders were good buyers and yard traders displayed considerable activity , but the demand from the country was somewhat slack , repre sentative sales : DIIESSED BEEP. No. Ay. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 3..1003 J3 00 11 . . .1110345 42..1140 J3 50 .I" " ? ? 5S 40..1180 360 GI..1280 425 , , , * 4 Si9 o 25 SHIPPING AND EXPOIIT. 1..1010 275 21..1001 340 24..1238 300 COWB. fi"I ? ? } 5 , 2---- ' < U3 163 24. . . . 854 215 6. . . . . 51 135 3. . . . 916 165 1..S30 215 in" " Sin JX ? ' > < 0 1 ' < > 12. . . . 786 225 'S' " ' 222 I60 7. . . . 921 170 2..1190 223 3. . . . 993 160 4..1032 170 6..793 225 3. . . . 663 160 4. . . . 8S2 170 2..1013 225 i1" " 88 IS 2..1100 175 8..923 2 25 tl" " 25 ? } rX 27. . . . 825 175 2..1250 223 5i" " 2JJ 1 M 1-.1000 173 2..1165 225 16. . . . 820 150 6. . . 9SO 175 12..025 225 2. . . . 77i , 160 1. . . . 820 173 1..1350 223 ? Jr2 ? . " 13 175 1..1170 223 iV" ' ? 5 X 6..1070 ISO 15..977 230 13. . . . 838 160 2..1035 185 7..935 233 ll" " 5 ? ? 3. . . . 876 183 3. . . . 993 235 In' " ' S ? J 1..1200 190 13..901 235 W"966 160 1..1100 195 5..1192 23" 3----W16 ICO 26. . . . 743 195 2..1010 240 Z ' * " I" 1..920 200 10. . . . 721 240 ? " " ' S J Si 1..1190 200 1..1210 240 , } " " , S J 5 ? 2---- ! 'S5 ' 200 6. . . . B38 240 " ' - ? H5 20..969 200 6..1170 25) l".5S l 65 T. . . . > 81 200 9. . . . 953 260 i"1 ? } ? 5 S. . . . 901 200 2..1060 250 ? " } 1..1100 200 1..1120 263 23. . . . 586 1 65 L. p. 2 V ) 2. . . . 830 2 75 o3. . . . 836 1 Gj * " 3..1233 2 85 HEIFERS. § ' ? il J 1. . . , CIO 150 23. . . . 713 1M 3. . . . 336 1 35 1..J190. J M 3 71) 2 00 C. . . . 456 140 ] . . . . 880 1 60 1. . . 620 200 2. . . . 485 140 4.,16871 a 63 l ! 790 220 4. . . . 622 145 . . . . 676 J 65 6..612 2 2i 4. . . . 420 145 l.T650 d 70 2..1100 ' 23 7. . . . 614160 . . . ? , I MO 2 40 2. . . . COj-110 1..1700. J 75 1..1210 3 23 CALVES. ! . . * 410 1 00 luA O12 00 2 . 170 1 00 } . . . . 280 1 00 1. . . 250 , 2 00 6. . . . 202 3 23 K. . . . . 301 100 . . . . $25 1. . . . 190 360 ii8ia : : : : Ij4,1-i : : : § i-JSSS : ! : : : : MSiS 18I8 : : : ! ! : : : : iSiS I-- J80 160 1 1M 300 1 130 375 31. . . . 362 165 1..JU10 ,3 00 1. . . . 130 400 BULLS. . 1..1400 125 . 1..J370 j.70 1..1300 200 1..1520 1 25 1.-/8001 1-75 1..1410 2 00 1..1800 160 1.--980.1 75 1. . . . 870200 1. . . . 900 ISO 1. > .U3 < JO 4 75 1..1490 ; 200 1..1010 160 l..115flt ITS 1. . .1430 200 L. . . 850 1 50 - -1..71300- 83 B.i432 : 2 03 1..900 160 2..1030 ,1 90 1..1220 215 1..1270 160 1..1060 193 2..1083 220 2. . . . 575 165 2..1210 195 1..14SO 240 8TAGH. 1. . . . SSO 190 I' . . . . 960 200 2..1430 230 * > . . . * 155 1 90 STOCKERS AND FECDEHS. 6. . . . 620 125 8. . . . 612 220 10. . . . 916 250 IS. . . . 683 125 4. . . . 940 225 2..S60 260 16. . . . 564 160 8. . . . 423 225 3. . . . 466 260 2. . . . 650 160 15. . . . 710 230 8. . . . 752 260 1. . . . 460 160 8. . . . 776 230 4..370 250 2. . , . 300 175 11. . . . 585 235 8..1010 253 3. . . . 830 1 85 5. . . . 500 233 1..K20 260 1. . . . 420 200 1. . . . 970 233 7. . . . 718 260 1. . . . 710 200 5. . . . 632 233 20..892 260 13. . . . 769 200 2. . . . 810 235 5. . . . 974 260 3. . . . 800 200 f , . . . . 6DC 240 1..910 265 3. . . . S40 200 6. . . . 463 240 19. . . . 784 265 1. . . . 410 200 1. . . . 660 240 10..886 263 1. . . . 300 200 IS. . . . 511 240 12. . . . 950 263 4. . . . 830 200 . 6. , . . 690 240 4..1037 265 1. . . . 600 200 3. . . . 500 240 6. . . . 638 270 4..1075 210 29. . . . 867 240 1..D20 270 2. . . . 350 215 18. . . . 641 245 1..1330 275 i . . . . 410 215 6. . . . 658 245 1..1300 275 2. . . . S60 215 10. . . . 597 243 20..12TX ) 300 7. . . . 751 216 1. . . . 800 250 22..988 310 9. . . . 812 215 1..1150 260 20..1092 315 3. . . . 760 2 20 20WESTERN WESTERN CATTLE. IDAHO. Datley. No. Av. Pr. . No. Av. Pr. 3 cows 1050 Jl 75 20 cows. , 1023 J2 40 W. A. Simpson. 1 bull..1300 183 1 feeder 1220 200 21 ! feeders..1004 2 90 90J. K J. Dobson. 16 COWB 1019 260 1 steer 1030 280 C steers 1111-300 23 cows 1061 260 F. YuTRer. 1 cow 980 2 O ) 2 cows 975 285 4 cows 1000 285 ' -14 feeders..1061 325 23 nil-era 1158 3 60 , . v A. Robinson. 20 cows ; 937 265 " 33 CDWS 870 261 WYOMING. W. R. AS'llIlnms. 1 bull 950 150 1 feeder EOO 200 JG cows fi68 2 43 X cows 870 2 4' ' ) 3 feeders. . . . 913 3 10 Si ) feeders. . . . 1183 3 13 J. W. Stoner. 1 cow 810 19) 2 cows 1060 190 2 COWS..10M ) 190 2 COWS 1045 190 2 cows 1070 2 C5 1 cow 950 2 C5 1 COW 1040 263 1 COW 1220 265 1 cow 890 265 1 cow 98) ) 265 22 cows 1062 265 1 bull 1420 170 4 feeders.242 3 15 8 feeders. . . . 90S 3 13 SOUTH DAKOTA. J. F. McKlnney. 1 bull 1180 125 23 cows S13 165 1 feeder 1190 3 15 15F. F. llendcr. 7 cows 872 240 13 cows 1027 240 MONTANA. 1 stns 1151 150 17 cows. . . . . . . 982 260 1 cow 900 26" ) 3 cows 1121 260 1 cow 1180 210 1 cow 1100 260 1 cow 1170 260 1 oow 880 260 2 COWB 1040 260 4 cows US ) 260 1 feeder 1300 275 1 feeder 1180 275 3 feeders. . . , 976 3 30 6 feeders..1163 3 30 2 feeders..I08D 33' ' ) 2 feeders..1110 330 2 feeders..1275 33d 6 feedcrn..1235 330 8 feeders..1083 330 1 feeder 1270 330 8 feeders. . . . 1054 330 21 feeders..1118 330 1 feeder 1220 3 30 t feeder * . . . . 975 3 30 4 feeders..1095 3 30 -2 feeders..11SO 3 30 8 f-eder8..1096 3 30 COLORADO. 10 COWB 68 1 60. r ' 4 bull 965 160 13 b & SIRS..1118 16) "T4 fM-deis , . . . S62 19) 4 feeders. . . . 782 225 : , - J7 feeders. . . . 976 260 HOaS Receipts todny ; vfere somewhat heavier nd than dealers were anticipating , tliu bupply being _ fully 2,000 heavier than : , * week IIRO. The quality lW of the offerings wns very .fulr n * n rule , receipts containing lots of BOOU lil-avy nogs nnd not n excessive proportion pT , jlslit Bluff and plus , 23. lluyers had the best'of fhe situation from the start. Supplies were umple and other mnrltelt lower , BO that sellern ecrrtt generally prepared tc concede the lOc decline , tlmt tha packers usual ! ) demanded , and trading-was mostly on that basis. There were a few early scratch sales of gem ] heavy hORS nt from 'J4.0 to J4.60 , but packers' ' prices for fair to nootl .heavy and heavy mlxeti hogs were from J4.25 to | 4.40 , and It took ver ) good IIORS to bring thft lelter figure. The mar ket for llRht nnd IlKht mixed stuff was like UK hoRg themselves. decloVdly uneven. Common tc 54 ; choice stuff weighing funm 140 to 200 Ibs. broUKhi from J3.90 to J4.30. PJgsijwere In rather llmltei 3.- supply , very fair deiminiliaml told at from J2. ! to J3.75 , according tojW.Hght and quality. Tin sht market weakened off . .fur a time after the llrt round or two. but thu lose was nrm. Pair t < Kood hoRs weighing around 100 Ibs. and ovti alat sold largely nt from J4.23 to J4.40 today , ai at against from J4.40 to J4.60 Tuftday nnd from Jl.4 < to J4.65 on last Wednesday. Representative sales i In No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Eh. Pr. Id , 30 146 . . . JS HO C 184 . . . Jl 23 75 179 160 400 4 30) . . . 425 nt. 4 225 . . . 4 GO 1 200 . . . 425 area 2 281 M 4 W 23. 243 40 4 25 1 Kt ) . . . 4 00 . .t.S73 . . . 4 23 ea , 19..HO , , , 4 00 . 68 205 . . . 4 25 an , 18 , 1 < 4 . . . 4 00 70 225 280 4 25 13 163 . . . 4 00 ' 70 253 200 427' 78 1C2 SO 4 03 I 78 220 40 430 al all 91 168 160 4 03 7 . . . 26-j 2ft ) 4 30 6t..159 . . . 405 > 80 263 164 439 , . . , . , . . 80 4 10 U 233 HO 4 30 ied . . . . . . . , . . . 410 I 67 226 120 430 10 ; 60 191 1(0 410 ! 41 224 . . . 430 "i 6 .173 . . . 410 > | > 7 1M W 4 30 s m < o 10 n 219 to 4 M XX ) . 9 aa . . . 410 V 74 235 80 410 on 84 184 160 4 10 . 7 . . .137 120 4 SO or- 84 Ill M 4 10 72 215 19) 410 Inl , , 176 . ,410 ' M 224 HO 430 , . . , . , , . M ) 4 10 ( i , , : M 130 J9 1J8 fO 410 14. Ml . . . ISO R. . . . 234 . . . 4 10 68. 261 CO 4 30 7 US . . . 4 10 C 170 . . . 4 30 76 173 200 410 6J 17S FO 430 87. . . 16) ) . . . 410 100 170 40 430 68 172 . . . 415 76 244 KO 4 SO 81 U6 160 41.1 f , 1 } ] 40 4 30 M 174 80 41 ! 70 237 40 4 30 81 192 40 413 C 283 . . . 430 Ml 176 0 415 M 237 170 430 SO 157 . . . 413 77 213 . . . 430 95 16S 40 415 60 2S2 40 4 32'4 72 170 . . . 415 41 271 40 4 M 99 180 80 4 15 67 233 . . . 4 35 16 237 40 4 l5 CO 235 . . . 435 79 195 120 415 M 223 80 435 M 187 . . . 415 M 261 . . . 435 93 174 120 415 61 293 ICO 4 33 5 244 . . . 415 75 229 240 433 72 193 200 4 15 C.9 281 240 4 33 41 . ,214 80 415 62 26C 203 433 49 191 tiO 415 C7 263 40 433 8 1(3 . . . 415 79 233 200 4 35 (2 202 . . . 415 4 362 . . . 433 3 223 . . . 415 7 443 . . . 433 61 203 120 420 3 < % . . . 435 ' . ' 0 1S5 40 420 72 231 M 433 91 177 40 4 20 78 239 130 433 72 183 120 420 C6 230 SO 433 2 360 . . . 4 TO 1,7 247 160 435 CS 196 . . . 420 81 260 160 435 76 191 . . . 421) 71 25S . . . 433 87 U5 200 420 76 271 620 433 62 196 40 4 20 73 2,18 240 4 37'4 75 197 200 420 76 267 210 4 40' 14 212 tO 4 20 60 263 40 4 40 2 235 . . . 420 38 300 120 440 B 224 . . . 420 61 2M ) 120 440 22 1S6 . . . 420 61 2SC 120 440 S9 173 . . . 420 70 270 ? 40 440 74 1M 120 1 20 64 272 120 4 W 43 215 40 4 20 74 252 120 4 40 96 193 . . . 4 20 67 273 200 4 40 68 219 320 4 20 31 303 40 4 40 61 206 120 420 63 287 2 ! > 0 440 69 238 . . . 420 61 268 400 440 76 2112 0 4 20 62 213 40 4 40 72 214 tO 420 C7 323 SSO 4 4214 C6 167 . . . 4 20 63 264 80 4 42'i 96 183 100 4 20 M 339 40 4 42U 23 193 . . . 4 22V4 72 279 40 445 3 , ,276 40 4 23 61 281 40 443 82 230 280 425 49 345 160 443 . . . . . . . . 40 425 102 328 120 445 72 217 120 4 25 63 352 200 4 45 78 219 80 425 60 297 ICO 445 78 220 80 425 40 293 . . . 445 54 203 M 425 33 372 80 4 M 85 210 41) 423 51 360 120 460 9 257 ( .0 . 423 62 369 360 455 81 170 40 423 41 387 160 465 S5 217 2M ) 425 W 342 . . . 460 61 225 80 4 25 rius AND nouan. 7 98 . . . 223 12 S9 . . . 290 76 48 . . . 225 14 87 . . . 2 90 17 Ill . . . 230 12 85 . . . 2& 23 104 . . . 245 4 312 . . . 290 13 103 . . . 243 27 81 . . . 300 88 78 . . . 260 7 122 . . . 300 8 123 . . . 260 2 290 . . . 300 9 220 . . . 275 33 80 . . . 300 3 206 . . . 275 17 Ill . . . 310 1 200 . . . 273 16 129 . . . 340 1 270 . . . 273 15 103 . . . 340 1 260 . . . 275 23 104 . . . 340 3 343 . . . 275 E2 ; . .126 . . . 373 SIIUHP Hut one smnll load arrived today. TJley were fair mixed natives , had been fed come nnd sold readily. The demand Is Rood and the market quotably strong. Fair to choice nn- tlveH are quotable at J2.23W3.00 ; fair to Koo.1 westerns nt J2.OOiJ2.83 , common nnd stock nheep , (1.0002.00 ; KIXHI to choice 4) to 100-lu. Iambs , > 2.50J3.15. Itcpiesentutlvc tales : No. Av. Pr. 11 native wethers 93 (240 Ucoelpt.4 mid OltprnUU , : ! of Stock. Olllclal receipts nnd disposition of stock as shown by the books of the Union Stock Yards company for the twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m. , December. 6 , 1891 : 11KCKI1TS. Cars. Head. Tattle 7S 22C9 Hogs 123 9,307 Sheep 1 131 DISPOSITION. DISPOSITION.Cattle. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha PackhiR Co 20 1,417 The a. II. Hammond Co 191" 2.59.1 Swift and company 512 2,660 142 The Cudahy Packing Co 432 3,44 * ' Wilson 254 Nels m Morris 171 U , Itecker & Degen 222 Cniey 4S Lee Rothschild 10 Hamilton & M 17 L. Hecker 101 J. I.olinum 87 Shippers and feeders 317 26 241 Total 2.188 10,293 383 CHICAGO LlVi : STOCK. There Wui More Vitality In the Cuttlo Trndn Yestordiiy Than Uminl. CHICAGO , Dec. 5. There was more vitality In the cattle trade today than on yesterday or the day before. Receipts did not come up to ex pectations. Good to prime steers sold Mrong to lOc higher than yesterday. The mel'iim class of steers was not more than steady. Cows and heifers wti strong. There was also a good de mand for NtocKers and feeders ; prices ranged from $1.25 to J1.50 for rublilrh to from 16.2 ? to (6.60 for extra quality Chilstmus steers. The market closed firm. The hog nun ket continued weak , with fresh receipts of something like 65,000 head. Opening prices were from 5c to lOc lower than yesterday's close , and the feellnf ? was heavy throughout. Packers tioiight common t prime heavy hogs nt from (1.23 to JI.C'i. and paid from J4.15 to (4.45 for common to cholc : light weights. There was a Kile or two of fancy broad backs ut (4.70. but sales nt better ( hull (4.60 were few and far between. From 11.10 to (4.45 Iraught iif the 200-lb. hogs , and from (4.35 to (4.55 the hulk of the heavier weights. Activity and firmness continued the features of the sheep market. The receipts were liberal , but sellers were- enabled to promptly dispose of those that had merit. Good to extra , sheep were salable at from (2.75 to (3.60. and poorer qualities at from (1.60 to (2.50. The lamb market was llrm ut from (2 60 to (1.45 for poor to choice. Receipts : Cattle , 14,000 head ; calves , 4'W ' head ; hogs , 55,000 head ; sheep , 15,000 head. The Uvenlnp Journal repoits : HOGS Receipts , 55X ( head ; otllclal yesterday , 44,366 head ; shipments , 6,828 head ; left over , about 13,000 head ; quality very fair ; not quite as good as yesterday ; maikct moderately active , but prices SfllOc lower ; supply In excess of estimates ; sales range at (3.904.20 for llRht , (1.15 4.30 for rough nnd packing. (4.15 < Ti4.flO for mixed , (4.35j > 4.75 for heavy packing and shipping lots , and (2.4004.00 for pigs. CATTLE Receipts , 14,000 head ; In very fair demand ut unchanged prices. SHKKP Receipts , 15,000 bend ; very fair de mand ; pilces fair , and In some Instance * slightly higher. WESTIiltN I'AOKINO INTKKKSTS. Marketing Fulls Off n T.lttlc , but Is Still Ornutly In Kices * of f.nst Your. CINCINNATI , Dec. C. ( Special Telegram , ) Tomorrow's Pilce Cuirent will pay : Receipts of hogs at packing points have been lessened In the aggregate , althoush continuing liberal. West ern packing for the week has been 470,000. com pared with 570,000 the preceding week nnd 290,000 a year ago. The total from the let of Novem ber Is 2,353,000 , against 1,310,000 last year. Prom inent places compare as follows : Places. 1893. ISO I. Chicago 835.000 463.000 Kansas City 210,000 116,000 Omaha 178.000 100.000 St. Louis 112.039 52,003 Cl nclnnatI 103,000 54. WH ) Indlannpol Is 119.000 74,000 Milwaukee 121,000 42,000 Cedar Rnplds 43,000 30,000 St. Joseph 35,000 27,000 Sioux City 50,000 21,000 Ottumwa , 60.000 20.000 St. Paul 59,000 33,000 Knnsis : City Live Stock Mnrknt. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 5. OATTU3 Receipts , 7,200 bend ; shipments , 7,200 head ; market slow nnd weak ; Texas steers , (2.iniij3.r > 5 ; Texas cows , (1.23fi2.23 ; beef steers , (2.95T5.'JO ; nat ve cjws , 1.00H4,10 ; stackers and feeders , (1.65&3.0 ; bulls , HOGS Receipts , 18,100 head ; shipments. 400 head ; market 6(6 ( llVs lower ; bulk of sales , (4.20CT 4.40 ; heavies. (4,23iM.43 ; p.irkers. (4.25iH.45 ; mixed , (4.20Q4.35 ; lights , (3.75Q1.15 ; Yoikers , { 1.10(74.15 ; pigs , > 2.75fi380. SHKWP Receipts , 7,100 head ; shipments , 200 head ; market solw and weak. Now York Live Stock Mnrkut. NEW YORK , Dec. E. IIKEVKS Receipt- , 5.&V ) head ; lirmer , lOfflSc higher ; native steers , prime , (3.0505.15 ; fair to gnod , (1.70W3.00 ; com mon to meum. . . ; oxen , bulls , (2.00 )2.75 ; dry cows , (1.404J3.17. SHEEP AND LAMIIS Receipts , 10,000 head active andi stronger ; poor to prime- sheep , (1.50V 3.25 ; common to fair lambs , (3.25fl4.23. HOGS Receipts , S.OOO head ; nrm ut ( I.60Q5.00 St. I.oiiU I.lvo Stuck .Murker. BT. LOUIS. Dec. 5-CATTI.K-Recclpts. 4,900 head ; shipments , 200 head. Muiket active , strong native steers , 1,00031,200-lbs. , , (3.25414.05 ; light NEW YORK IS 1,500 MILKS FROM OMAHA DOT TUB TELEGRAPH , COMBINED WITH OUR I'BIVATK CODE. REDUCES THE TIME TO A KBW MINUTES AND THE EXPENSE TO A FEW CENTS. T , E , WARD & CO , Bankers and Brokers , 31 It 33 Broadway , Now York City. STOCKS , BONOS , GRAIN , 10 : COTTON , COFFEE. Bought and sold ( or caih , or carried on 3 to S per cent , margin. Oommtulon 1-18. . . IK YOU WANT TO KEKPI'OSrED YOU SHOULD BUND KOK OUU UAII.Y IUHKET UHTTEB. WHICH TELLS YOU WHEN TO SELL AB WELL AS WHAT AND WHEN TO DUY. You ihouU B ! O lend ( or our CIHCULAn , which gives tome raluablo luggeitloni la the way of avoiding loucs. If you will examine every ac count you ever had which ihowed you Ion , and then ftvuro out what > ou would have mad fol lowing our rulei , 7011 will eny your lonc wer unnecetury , . , , ) P < haie iht largtit offlett. tmplou more cltrki. nor * broktrt. have mart pnvatt ulrtt. ule mart Itltphunet , and havt a laratr number of futtomsrt than ana vllttr broltn' ojic in Ihf trorla , II you are raaklug money wLcro you are , don't change , but If you arc running behind , gl eu § chance. It you are tprculatlng In the NEW YOUK STOCK KXCIIANQ1- , quit at once and try the CONSOLIDATRU , where you ctn aavo bait the u , and all v ( the luteml , U rou with. OTHER SOAP DOES ITS ORK SoWeu ONE TRIAL WILL PROVE THIS. made TliENIFAIRBANKCOMPANVc V FURNITURE , CARPETS and STOVE BEING SOLD AT HALF PRICE. The biggest sale of Household Goods ever held in the United States is now going on tit thu People's Furniture & Carpet Co. Such n sacrifice of first-class house furnishings has never been known before. Come and see for yonrsolf. It costs nothing to look. Plenty of polite and attentive salespeople. On account of space only a few prices are quoted here. THESE PRICES TELL THE STORY : Chamber Suits $19.75 Art Squares $1.98 worth S40.00 worth 84.50 Folding Beds 17.8O Smyrnallups 1-24 worth 835.00 worth $4.25 Chcfloniors 7.15 Misfit Ingrains 5.65 worth 810.00 worth 814.00 -t Sideboards 13.25 Iron Beds 6.75 worth 830.00 worth 815.00 Extension Tables 4-95 Hall Hacks 5.90 worth 811.50 worth 814.00 China Closets 14.90 Baby Carriages 6-5O worth 830.00 worth $13.00 Kitchen Chairs 24c Center Tables | .65 worth 50o worth 84.50 Pictures 39c Parlor Suits 24.75 worth St. 25. worth 800.00 Mattresses 2,40 Lounges 4-90 worth $0.00 worth 812.00 Pillows 98o OilHeatcrs 3-75 worth 82.00 worth 88.50 Blankets 1.25 Base Burners 12.5O worth 83.00 worth 825.00 Lace Curtains 1.18 Oak Heaters 6-75 worth 83.50 worth 814.75 Portieres 2.90 Ranges 9.75 worth 87.50 worth 822.00 Brussels Carpets 59c Wire Springs 89o worth 81.25 worth 82.50 Ingrain Carpets. . . ' 29c Dinner Sets 675 worth COo- worth 814.50 Linoleum 39c Piano Lamps 4 > 90 worth $1.10 worth 812,50 Terms-CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS Formarly People's Mammoth Installment House Open Monday and Saturday Evenings. Tji $2.6503.00 : cows , $2.40 ; Texas steers , light , $2.30 ® 2.S5 ; cows , $2.0302.23. 11OOS Receipts. 13,500 head ; shipments , . EOO bend. Market easier nt ! 0015o off- best heavy. $ IGO ; best medium to heavy , $4.50Sfl.GO ; fair to itood light , $ l.23ffl4.40 ; common to ordinary light , * silEEl'-nccelpts. 1.100 bend ; Fhlpmcnts , none. Market strong , lOifluc higher ; native mixed , $2.50 JJ3.13 ; lambs , $3.30 3.DO ; southwestern mixed , $2.50. _ . Stock lu rilglit. necord of receipts nt the four principal markets - kets for Wednesday , December G , 1894 : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha . 2.JKJ 9,3o ; lii rhlrnc-o . II. WO 65,00) JD.OO1) ) Xaim ? City . ! . 7.200 1S.1W 7.100 St. Louis . 4. ° ° " 13.01)0 2DO Totals . . 27.463 95,407 2-,431 Liverpool MxrltetR. L1VEIIPOOL. Dec. C.-WlIEAT-Spot , qu'et ; No. 2 red winter. Cs 2d ; No. S red spilng , Btock steady ; No. 2 hard , Maltobn , 5s fcd ; Jso. 1 Cal ifornia , Cs Slid. Futuics opened steady , with near months of winter Id lower and distant 4d lower. Iluslncss heaviest rn near iml mojt distant positions , closed steady ; December , Ms 6d ; January , 4 < 4 d ; February. In 4 lid ; March , B IHd ; April , 6 ISd ; May , 6s Slid. COUN Spot , Him ; American mixed , Es. Fu tures opened quiet , with near positions 21 lower , and diHlant positions Id lower : business heaviest on early positions , closing quiet ; December , Cs ; January , 4s G'Jd ; Februaiy , 4s 6V4d ; March , 5s Slid ; April , 4s 6l4d ; May. 4s Gd. FLOt'll ' Dull ; demand moderate ; St. Louis fancy winter , 6s 3d. PEAK Canadian , 4s lid. , PHOVISIONS Extra India mess , CSs 9J ; prime mess , 56s 3d. Polk. line rnefs , western , ( Ms ; western medium. 533 Dd. Ilneoii. steady ; Cum berland cut. 23 to 30 Ibs. , 32s Cd : short ribs , 28 IDs. , 34s : long clear , 4S Ibs. . 3.1s ; long clear. heavy , K Ibs. , 34s ; clear bellle , . , 14 to 10 Ibs. , 34s Gd ; Miouldem , square. 13 to 18 His. , is , hams , short cut. 14 to 1C Ibs. 44s. Lard , dull ; prime western. 3Ca M ; rcllned , In palls , SJs. TALLOW Fine Slna , nominal , 12s. CHEESE Finn ; demand moderate ; finest American , white , Ms Cd ; finest American , col ored , GIs 6d. 1II1TTKU ! ! goo.1 , 60s. Tl'IlPENTINE Spirits. 203 Cd. IIOHIN Common , 3 lOVid , . . . . I'orroN HEED O I L Liverpool , refined , Is Cd. LINSEED OllT-20s ad. PETUOLEUM lletlned , 5s W. HOPS At l < undun d'aulllo coast ) , 12 2J. City Alirknts. 1CANSA8 CITY. Dec. 5. WHEAT No. 2 hard. slow , unchanged ; 53c ; No. 2 led , 52c ; rcjeced , 4ii i'47u ; sample sales , f. o. b. , Mlxshislppl river , No. S hard , ttUffGOa ; No. 2 red , r.Sc. COUN-FIrm ; No. 2 mixed. 42 (421io ; No. 2 * < WOATS-8lowe r ; No. 2 mixed , 30fi31c ; No. 2 white , nominal ! ) : ( KfS1c. HYE No. 2. nominally 4Sc. FLAX SEED-Dult : $ l.33 1.33. IIHAN-FIrm ; 63 jC5c. . . . , - , . , HAY Market steady ; timothy. $8.00S0.50 ; prnl- liUTTEU-a'teady ; creamery , 16 < JZ2c ; dairy , 13 . ECUlH-Hteady : c. . , IlEC'EIITS Wheat , 13,000 bu. ; corn , 42,000 bu. ; oats , 2,000 bu. 81 1 H'MENTS-Nonc. Minneapolis Wlit-nt .Market , MINNEAPOLIS , Dec. B. Wheat was qul t nnd steady nt tha opening , with moderate transac tions. Ixical operators were walling for the gov ernment report relative to the feeJInic of wheat , rendering the market quiet mo t of lh ilay. The local elevator companies were In th market for large amounts of No. 1 northern. Hecelpts con tinue liberal from tlm Interior elevator * , but farmers ore not marketing freely , cjnslJerlriB the ( food weather nnd roads. De-ember , Wlirj Muy , M'.lc ; July , Cllic. On track : No. 1 hard , Have you seen Ihe Watch ? "The 400" No more no- cciitnblo Christ4 mas present can bo made to n lady than ono of the ad beautiful Gold Watches. The Duobor Watch Works , Canton , Ot For delivered prices on Corn or Feed o ( any description In car loads lots. Writ * or telegraph W. H. BOOTH & CO. , Kansas City , Mo. Weights and grades guaranteed. WM. I.OUDON , Commission Merchant Grain nail Provisions. Private- wires to Chicago and New York. All business orders placed on Chlcasa Board of Trade. Correspondence solicited. Cmice , room 4 , New Yorlc Life Huliillnfl , Omaha. Telephone 1303. Me ; No. 1 northern , 59c ! ; No. 3 northern , 57c. HecclptH , 2 > )2,0)0 ( ) hu.i shipments , 18.000 bu. Flour , dull ; patents , $3.25 3.50 ; bakera' , $2.15Q2.35. Mlhviiuuua Markets. MILWAUKEE. Dec. B.-FI/31JH-Sleady. W'lEAT Weak ; No. 2 spring , 59cj No. I northern , G14c ! ; AIny , GO'.ic. ' COUN ( Julet and steady ; No. 3 , 4l' , c. OATS Steady ; No , 2 white , 32V c ; No. 3 white. 31K632C. HAItLEY Ixiwer ; No. 2 , K'.ic ; sample , B1UJ ) i 54 c. HVE Firm : No. I , 50c. PUOVlSIONS-Pork , $12. Lard , $6.85. HECEIPTS Flour , 9,900 bbls.i wheat , 18.2X ) bu. i barley , 43,200 bu. 4 SHIPMENTS Flour , 2,100 bbl > . ; wheat , 10,000 bu. ; barley , 1,000 bu , Duliitli Wheat Market. DULUTH , Dec. B.-WHEAT-Clo e : No. I hard , cash , 60c ; December , t'jic : May , 63Uc ; July , G4c ; No. 1 northern , cash , Wlic : December , 58Hc ; May , Civic ; July , We ; No. 2 northern , cash. M'.Sc ; No. 3. 63'ic ; rejected. 50U ; to arrive , No. 1 hard , GO'ic ; No. 1 northern , Wool .Market. BT. LOUIS , Dec. B , WOOL Sleady ; changed , _ An extended popularity. Drown' * Ilronclilal Troches have for many year * been the moil popular article Inuto for relieving couth * and throat trouble * .