THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : DECEMBER 5. 1894 , Now is the ij Accepted Time. Have you a horse or a cow that I I you dou't want to feed this winter there is no way you can find a cus 8 tomer so soon as by patronizing ' ' The Bee want columns. Thou , . , sands read this page , the very people ' ! ple you are after. ' .I * * j . ' * * * * . ll 25C pays for a 17-word ad. * I ' J Servant B'rls ' aid others flecking employment , do not have to watt long ( or iciults through tlitso want ads. SPEG1RL NOTICES. Advertisements for these columns will bo tnken until 12.30 p. m. for the a\cnlng , anil until 0:00 : p. m. for tlio morning nnd Sunday dlltlon. Advertliera , by requesting a numbered chcclc , can Jiave nnawern aildri-ssert to a numbered letter In cnro of Tlio Bee. Answers so addressed will bo delivered upon presentation of tlio check only. liatcn , IHo a word , first Insertion , la a word thereafter. Nothing talien for less than 25o for first Insertion. These nihertlsemfntn must run consecutively. HITTJATIONS WANTED. YOUNG MAN WANTS PLACB TO EA1W board while attending college. Itooses' Business college , 15th nnd I'arnam. _ A 809 WANTED MAI Ir HELP. 1VANTHD A THW PERSONS IN EACH PLACK to do writing ; send stamp for 100-pnge book of particulars. J. Woodbury. 127 W. 42d street , N. Y. City. U-431 _ WANTIH > cxt'EiuuNcnD COALMINHHS TO KO to Bhcridan. Wyo. Apply at olllce Sheridan Coal Co. . 1005 rurnam. It 432 OB'cooD ! ADDRESS CAN rnocunn steady emntoymcnt at good pay by calling at 1510 Douglas st. n M7)3-D1 ! ) ( s TnAMSTcns , STATION MEN ; Rbuth ; work near Memphis ; elilp dally. Kra mer's Labor agency , llth and Famam streets. 1I-M68J C * _ _ J1I3N. WOMHN , HOYS AND GI1U-S WANTHDi new business ; 13.00 a day made eAslly ; sam ples nml terms free. C. n. Marshall , Iock- port , N. Y , 11-M7S ! G * HEN AND WO&IRN TO WOHK AT IIOMK. I ] > ny J8.00 to J16.00 per week for miUing crayon ploturus ; new patented method ; any one who can read or write can do the * work , day or nlRlit. Address with stamp. I send work at once. II. A. Orlpp , Ocrman Artist. Tjrone , Pa , H M7S1 5 _ WANTED FEMALE HELP. SVANTID ; RADIUS. IP YOU WISH EMPLOY- numt at your homes , send self addressed en- \clO)0 | for desjrlptt\e circular and commence work ; good wages. Alfred Knitting Company , \Vlnthrop. Mass C M6H 7 _ WANTED , COMPETENT NUnsn FOH YOUNO baby at 207 S. 23th street ; best of reference required. C 676 4 WANTED. aniL. ron anNnnAL. , HOUSEwork ; - work In small family ; apply 11 to 12 a. m , front door 627 S. 25th avenue. C 712-5 * ' FOB BENT HOUSES. HOUSES , 'r. K. DARHNO. BARKER BLOCK , D 153 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. TUT O. r , Davis company , 1505 Farnam. "D 194 KILKENNY & CO. R. 1 , .CONTINENTAL . BLK , D 135 TOR RENT TWO 8-ROOM ELEGANT BRICK houses ; all modern conveniences ; 1 block fron Walnut Hill motor , J25. Comptroller's olllce. D 486 _ BEVEN-ROOM MODERN PLAT 3 BLOCK ! from lice building , JJ5.00 Omnha Real Estnti und Trust Co. , room 4 , Bee bldg. D 497 GOOD F1VE-ROOM COTTAGES. JS 00 PEI month. L. S. Skinner , 310 N. Y. Life , D-493 CHEAPEST 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 'WITH BATH In city. Reduced to J1D 09. 3033 California ; t. D M499 _ roUR-HOOM MODERN FLATS. 29T1I ANI Lcavcnworlh. J. W. Squire , 213 Bee bldg. D-M500 _ NICE LARGE HOUSES IN DUNDEE PLACI cheap ( III spring. J. W. Squire. 243 Bee bldg. D MWO HOUSES ; DENAWA i CO. , 108 N. 15TH ST D M7 l RENT. HOUSE OF 9 ROOMS AND BARI on Park ave. Inquire at 422 B. istli st.D D SS8 FIRST CLASS MODERN 12-ROOM HOUSE 019 BInaey , I10.0D. Wlthnell , 207 N , T. Llf . D-Wl _ rOUR-ROOM.COTTAGE , 616 WILLIAMS ST. D M249D20 * _ TOR RENT < -CIIEAP FOR THE WINTER one 8-room house , three B-rootn cottages 3 A. Scott , Omaha Nafl bank. D M272D23 B-ROOM PLAT. REASONABLE TERMS. IN quire 1919 Dodge. D-WJ TOR RENT DESIRABLE DWELLINGS 11 all parts ot Omaha. E. H. Sheafe , 432 Pnxto block. D 33ID24 * _ S-ROOM COTTAGE , S. E. CORNER OF 23R1 and Clark street. Enqulrcl5J3 Jackson street. D-M333 _ C-ROOM COTTAGE. 119 NO. J7TH. TAKE FAH nam car. Apply at Stoetzel stove store. D-431 _ _ S-ROOM HOUSE , Sll WOOLWORTH AVR one 3-room , 1304 California st. D 233D19 * FOR RENT LARGE BRICK HOUSE , I rooms , modern Improvements ; No. 1043 Georgl a\c. J , M. tinncinl , 3SO and 3U Bee bldir. D M459-3 _ TOR RENT , MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE ; AI tic , btable. 2C23 Seward ttrcet ; apply nei dtfor. D HIS I 31 * HOUSES & STORES , P. D. WEAD , IS & Dougla D-C05-3I _ _ _ _ TOR RENT. ELEGANT 10-R. MODERN DWEl ling ; large barn , nice lawn : location 21st an Bprucc. W. N. Nason. 197 Brown block. D M674 8 _ WIST > 4 2541 DAVENPORT STREET. S quire 2518 Capitol a\enue. _ D MC30 $ ' ron RUNT. . S.'ROOM COTTAGE. WITH AL niodi in conxenlences. 211J California street , AI lily Milton Roger * &Sona. Uth and rurnam > t : D M648-8 FOB BENT FUBN1SHED BOOMS. PIJUBANT SOUTH ROOM FOR QENTLEMAI Inquire 1919 Dodge. E 303 I UNKt'RNISHED FRONT ROOM. 8TEA1 heat , liath. 10 minutes from Uth and Fa man Address D 8. B onion. E S9J VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED AND W furnished rooms , with board. 213 S. 25th stree I B-t03 _ . _ _ I nOOMH. SINGLE : OR ENSUITE ; MODE1U 19A > Capitol avenue. E M691 6 _ FURNISHED ROOMS ; HOUSEKEEPING. V. HI. Wary' a avenue. E M617 CSVO FRONT ROOMS ; ALL CONVENIENCE ! Ill H 24th. street. E-M6C4 _ FOR RENT , STEAM HEATED , FURNISHE rooms , toj So. 13lh. K-tSl 4 _ I FURNISHEn.ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPIN for man and wife. Rent taken In board. 3 N , lllli street. E 711 rwo "nooM3 , FURNISHED OR UNFUI nlstied. 231D Davenport * K M72J . FURNISHED ROOMS FO housckecplns , cheap. 2411 au Mary's avenue. E-M72S FUBNISHED BOOMS AND BOABI YHREU HATIDSOMELY FURNISHED FRON room < s U > > all convenenc , for g nlltmi only , location vqty desirable. Apply to JO Harney atreet. _ F 11411 ll FRONT ROOM , WITH BOARD. W13 DOUGLA : F 1M DH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NtCELV FURNISHED ROOMS FOR REJT with board. Call at 1107 Doujlas. F-WDM BOUTH ROOMS. FIRST CLASS BOAR1 w ifcwcu * . r-Mtn w FtTBNISHED BOOMS AND BOABD. Continued. 'HE ' HILLSIDE. 18TH AND DODGE ; LARGE south rooms , steam heat ; llrst clus table. F 432 8 * iOUTH FRONT PARLOR : ALSO SMALL RMS good board ; reasonable. The Rose , 2)2) llnrney F 6C8 D29' ILEGANT. LARGE. WARM. SOUTH TRON1 room nnd private board ; best accommodations 2110 Douglas street. > 1' M705 5 RONT AND SOUTHEAST ROOMS 1J. . large , detached house ; well heated. 2019 St Mary's avenue. F M704 J3 UNFXJBNISHED BOOMS TO BENT 1LACK8MITH SHOP , 2'4 ' STORIES. LIVINC rooms above ; 2 lots , fenced ; well , cistern , fruit A bargain If sold this week. Address Black smith , Rlchfleld , Neb. FOB BENT STOBES AND OFFICES FOR RENT , THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING 918 Tarnam ptreet. This building has a fire proof , cement basement , complete steam heat Ing fixtures , water on all floors , gas , etc. Ap ply at the office of The Bee. 1 910 FOR RENT. DESK ROOM. J5.00 MONTH. S3 Board of Trade. 1 432 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED. AGENTS TO SELL MRS. SHAFFEI patent cnke griddle ; sells on sight ; posltlv proot you can realize $25 00 a ueek ; send stamf lowa Griddle Co. , Dcla\an , Wls. J MC51 9 GOOD SOLICITORS , BOTH LADIES ANI gentlemen , to sell mineral mater ; active agent cnn make money. W. G. Albright Co. . Bruns wick hotel. J M703 8 WANTED TO BENT. BOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATE TAMIL" by man and wife ( no children ) ; central loca tlon , price reasonable ; references. Addrcs D 19 , Bee. K 707-6 * STOBAGE. STORAGE , WILLIAMS & CROSS , 1214 HARNE' M 5)3 STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAI and cheap rate. R. Wells , 1111 Fat nam namM 504 BEST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA. U , E KOV. bonded Warehouse. Household good stored. Lowest rates , 1Q13-1015 Lcaveaworth. M-505 WANTED TO BUY. CITY & CO. CLAIMS. PRITCHARD , 1712 FAR'5 ' N SOS I WILL GIVE J21.00Q CASH FOR 22-FOOT LO1 on Farnam or Dourlas between 15th and 16tl J. J. Gibson. 317 First Nat'l bank bldg.N237 N-237 SECOND-HAND BOOKS BOUGHT FOR CASH jlnUcuaran book store , 1519 Farnam street. N 8GO D14 HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR S TO 8-ROO3 houses , east of 21th street , north of Cumins Garvln Bros , 210 N. Y. Life. N M59 ? S WANTED , 5 OR 6-ROOM COTTAGE. MODERi Improvements ; state price. Address D 19 , Tlei N M693 C FOB SALE FUBNITTJBE. FURNITURE AUCTION AT 1111 FARNAM Si Saturdays , 10 a. m. RobU Wells. O SOfT I WANT TO SELL i A COOK STOVE , * A BASE BURNER ; Not because they're no good , but because don't use them ; cook stove Is No. 8 ; ba : burner Is medium size ; not much money r < quired nor 2d hand dealers. M. R. Uhl , It : S. 29th st. 0-638 5 FOB SALEHOBSES , WAQONSETC PHAETON. BARGAIN ; NEW CLOTII. LEAT1 er. paint. 163 : another , JZJ. Drummond . , C'ge C .k * T S P M420 FOB SALE IF YOU BUY. BUY THE BEST ; MACKH toshes , rubber boots , arctics , syringes oC a kinds , gas tubing ; all best quality. Omni Tent and Awning Co. , 1311 Farnam at. Q 509 CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTA fenca made. C. R. Lee , 001 Douglas. . Q 510 CORN FODDER FOR SALE , FOUR BLOCK north Lead Works , Ea Omaha. Tom Anderso _ , ; , . Q-9II D16' WEGMAN PIANOS. BRIDGEPORT ORGAN ; Woodbrldge Bros . 117 Bo. 17th. Q-235 FIRE BRICK. CAR LOTS , 111 : SMALL LOT : J15 M : flre clay , sand , gravel , screenings. Wr J. Welshans , 331 Board of Trade. Tel. 1CS9. . -Q 456 D27 WOODBRIDGE BROS. HAVE NO ROOM FO the following goods In their elegant new qua tera and to close them out , are offering the for lets than they could bo bought at auction. 1 Standard organ , J12.00. 1 Bay State organ , J13 04. 1 Smith American organ , J20.00. 1 Klionlnccr organ , J22.50. 1 ICImball organ , J3000. 1 square Hallet & Davis nlano , J83.00. 1 Upright new piano , J137.50. Wnodbrldg * Bros , state agents Wegman plane 117 So. 17th st. Q-CS7 5 AN EXPERIENCED AND COMPETENT LAC clerk and stenographer wants situation ; a Give good references. Address D 20. Bee. Q-M714 9' MISCELLANEOUS. FOR LEASE , INSIDE TRACKAGE LOTS 21. Bee. 11-11715 11' OLAIBVOYANTS. MRS. DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. R ! liable business medium ; 7th > ear at 119 N. 16 H-611 THE CELEBRATED CLAIRVOYANT AN palmist , the young Mine. Itomalne. has e rived In the city and can b consulted on i matters ; thousands bava been raajle happy I her advice ; those wishing correct advice i business , changes , journeys , marriages , la' ' lulls , family , etc. , call on the niadamo a be convinced she has no equal ; letters co talnlng stamp promptly answered ; builne atrlctly confidential. Hour * . 9 to 0. H17 Cl caco street. 8 MCSO 9 < MASSAGIS , BATHS , ETC. MADAM HMITH , M3 8. 13TH , 2D FLOO room 3 ; maasage. vapor , alcohol , steam , at phurina and aca batha. T M619 S' ' MASSAGE. MADAME BERNARD , 1421 DODG T-M724 18' ' TXJBKISH BATHS. TURKISH BATH ROOMS , EXCLUSIVELY FC ladles. Butt * 109-10. Bee Bids. 6S5 PEBSONAL. VIAVI ; HOMB TREATMENT FOR LAIJIE Health book and conaull&tloa tree. Address call Vlavl Co. . 314 Bee bldg. Lady attendai u Jl MASSAGE ELECTRO THERMAL BATH chlropodlat. Mme. l'o l. U9V4 S. Utb St. TUB DELLH BM'ERLY CORSET , 1IADB ' . order from measure. 1W9 Farnam street. street.UM1I U-M1I DIAMOND PHOTOS. TIC A DOZEN AT PRC tor's. ( It 8. Wll at. U-710-J COMPOUND OXYGEN CURE3 CON8UUPTIO aiutma. LronohltU and catarrh , llama tre ment , J4.W | xr month , S day ' trttl frea tre meat lUwm UO , N. Y. Uf 111 < J . , Omaha. U-M71 PEBSONAL. Continued. MACKINTOSHES & RUBBER BOOTS. 1311 FAR U 511 FIFTEEN ELEGANT CABINET PHOTOS IN 3 different ilyle * , J1.99 , at Cowan's. Ul Broad- way. Council Bluffe. U M43 D27 OPEN DECE&IBER , K94 , TO THE LADIES of Omaha. Neb : Two ladles from Boston , Mass. will open rooms at 1916 Chicago street for the benefit of suffering women These ladles have had a wide cxperltnce In treating chronic and acute diseases by tne latest tnelh * ods. Ladles , call on u , state jour case lilaloly , and we will be sure to Rive you relief , do not suffer longer ; consultation free. Ofllce hours , > a , m. , to 6 p. m. ; Sunday * . 1 to 6 p. m. U-M164 1)28' MONEY TO LUAN KZAIi ESTATE. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. O.'Cheiney , Kansas City , Mo. W 511 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 318 N.Y.LIfE , loans nt low rules for choice security In Ne braska and lovvn. farms or Omahn city pr pcrty. W 5U MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan , Love & Co. , Paxton blk. V > 517 CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Pilsey & Thomas , First Nafl bids. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATl WTHE O. F. Davis Co , IW5 Farnam st. W 518 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property , J3.0U9 and upwards , C to 7 per cent ; no delajs. W. Famam Smith & C * . 1.I2J Fainam. W 619 CIIAS. W. RAINEY , OM. NAT. BK. BLDG. W 311 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at 6 per cent. W. B. Melklf. 1st Nat. bunk bid VERY LOW RATES MADE ON GOOD LOANS. J. W. Squire. 213 Bee bldg. W 53 CITY LOANS , C. A. STARR , 615 N. Y. LIFE. \ \ -ool $100 TO $5.000. r. D. WEAD. 1CTII & DOUGLAS. > \ G J-l31 WANTED TO UOllHOW $760 ON OOOD KAHM 150 acres , Improted , In Buffalo county , for one to three years Address LOCK BJX 133. Omaha. \v OJ3-7 LARGE LOANS , LOW KATES , SMALL LOANS. hort tlmo. U. II. Harder Ac Co. , Bee UldK. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPHOVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 1 ar- nam street. W MCOb FOU A LIMITED TIME , A TINE HKSlDENCn site , corner S'Jlh and Dodge , $10,00000 ( pivlnq l > ald ) . Full commission to agents. Wm. Ktum < Ing1 , Hth and Douglas. HE M719 FOR SALE"AT "A BAnaAiN. xtv UESI- dence. between Burt and Cumlni ! streets } wtl take Vt In trade. Wm. Fleming , Uth and Doug las. ItE M713 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON rUtlNITUUE. PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest tales In c t > ; no removal of goods ; strictly conrVKnllal , yov can pay tlio loan off at any t'mc r In an ) amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO , SOS S. IGth street. X-523 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD turc , pianos , horses , wagons , or any Kind ol chattel security at lowest possible rates , whlcV yoU can pay back at any tlmo nnd In an ) amount. IDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. lloom 4 , Wlthncll block. X 523 J. B. HADDOCK. ROOM 427 , RAMOE BLOCK , MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL 1'JIOP- ' erty. Haivln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y , Life bide. X 321 BUSINESS CHANCES. CASH PAID roil ENDOWMHNT POLICIES It. . old line companlip. Bend description. A. K IJrocklesby. box 233 , Hartford , Conn. Y-M850 DU roil SALE , M-llOOM BOAIIDINQ HOUSE centrally located , llcnt law , A bargain. D ! Dec. Y 591 ' SALE. ELEGANT FIRST CLASS SALOO ! > In Nebraska town. 10.000 Inhabitants , flourish Ing tuslness , acknowledged best trade li town ; price , J2GOO. half cosh. License untl May 1st , nnd stock cash. Did health caus ot Bdk' . Apply Tribune olllce , 001 S. llth st. Y 70S-M COimESPONpEKCE OR INTERVIEW iS.SO MIO'd from parties- Battened with 8 to ' 10pc .cent In a leslltmate business ! Invralmont undo full guarantee of principal and Interest ; stand Ing and character unquestioned. 1 * . O. Da : 605 , City. Y M7I7 AN ESPECIALLY OOOD CHANCE TO Till right party who can command 11,00000 o J5.000.00 to enter and old established buitneui Address P. O. Dox C03 , City. Y M710 FOBEXCHANGE. . A GOOD LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO- EX change .for joung work horses or , mules Lamoreaux Dies , 08 3. ICth. Z-S2 ! DANKEHS AND REAL ESTATE AOENT : Take Notice Hard times has mndu It possjhl to get hold of good business blocks In Omali. nnd take farm lands In exchange. t solid correepondece. J. J. Gibson , 317 1st Nat. Ij.inli Z SOI 30 nOOMED BOAJimNQ HOUSE. CLQSEtt bath rooms , nil modern Improvements ; Ilrs class boarders , highest grade of f urn mm large amount of supplies , will exchange , furn ! ture. etc. for house and lot and pait cast Quit on account of health. J. M , Slmuru ! S52 Bee bldp. Z 7UMO FOB SALE BEAU ESTATE. GARDEN LANDS , S MILES ritOM POST oOlcc. easy terms. Call at 919 N. Y. LUe. . BARGAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS Bile or trade. F. K. Darlln ? , Darker Llrck. HE-S2) FOR SALE. NEW 4-ROOH COTTAGE ; CEt lar , cistern , city \\ater ; cor. 3Dth and Sahlei 11,25000 ; long time. Inquire 1318 Tarnam. Sam uel Hums RE sa ) BARGAIN , 160 TO 1.600 ACRES OF CHOIC1 land 6 miles from Omaha I * . O. cheap. Libert terms. Address C , 12 , Dee , Omaha.RES03" RE-S03" Dll MODERN 12-ROOM HOME. VERY CUBA ! and on easy terms. 2019 Blnney ut. RE 913 EXCHANGES AND BALES ; CITY PROl'ERTV ( arms , merchandae. Can In Bros. , 214 N. Life. RE M253 A BEAUTirtJL MODERN HOME , 10 ROOM and barn , for clear cottage , lots or good lam W. G. Tcmplcton , 420 N. Y Life. RE-Mii02 5 HOTELS. HOTEL BARKER. 13TII AND JONES STS. 75 rooms at Jl SO per day. CO rooms at J2.00 per day. Special rates to commercial travelers. Rooi and board by week or month. Frank Hlldltcl manager. 532 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. CO ! 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or week. C33 C07.ZENS HOTEL. OTH AND HARNE1 steam heat , electric bells , telephone , baths , e : cellent culsene , elegant rooms ; Jl.OO per dij J4 00 and upwards per week. 534 LOST. LOST ; SMALL BLACK SHORT-TAILED COC * rell ipunlel doe ; my name on collar : rewan N. A. Hall , 635 S. 23tit avenue. 613 4 LOST. A PLAIN a"oLD CORNER MOUNTIN for lady's card case. K found and returm to Raymond's a reward will be paid. C. ! Raymond. CSO 4 th LOST , HOUSE PLANS ; DROPPED FRO buggy November L Reward for return to E McCugue building. MC83 6" LOST , ON TARNAU STREET OR TH Dodge street road , two parcels , one done up newspaper , containing coat , vest and undc wear ; one pinned up In a shawl , contalnlr clothing , new and old. Finder ulll please nil to W. O. Norton , Waterloo , Neb. , and g reward. M70 0 XJNDEBTAKEKS AND EKBALMER II. K. BURKET. TUNERAL DIRECTOR AN embolmer , 1613 Chicago St. , telephone M. 639 BWANSON & VALIEN. UNDERTAKERS AN embalmers , 1701 Cumltuf t. , telephone 1060. 131 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND El balmer , 1417 Farnam § U , telephone 22 > . MJ C. W. BAICEU. UNDERTAKER , 611 S. 15th S' 633 HAY ANI ) GRAIN. BUY YOUR HAY BY TON OR CAR LOTS.V buy bay. A. II. Unyder , 1515 Burt st. Tel. IK 6(6 NEBRASKA HAY CO. , WHOLESALE IIA grain and mill atuff. We arealway * on tl market to buy or sell. 1402-4-6 Nlchola * it , 3. TYPEWBITEH3. I STOLEN TVPBWRITER8 OFFERED FO ro I4le should m Ut you suiplcloua ; tunnr th ar * mottly Smith's. Try one and you w undentand why. Full lint of aupplUw. Bmlt c- Premier Ca , lllh and Farnatn. telrphooe 12atm m cN. N. WHOLESALE GOAL. at - , JOHNSON BROa , WHOLESALE DEALERS I all kind * ot cotL Conoponieac * iollclt J. K I | farnirn atrtct. M * ELECTIIICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND COMviinTOIW REWOUND } storage Imtterleii recharg liiylretrlcal ! ind gen- ernl mechlnlsts , ituperiortork guaranteed. Omaha Electrical \ \ orkVlL nd 619 B. 16th at. ELECTRICAL ENOlNElAlH iAND CONTRAC- tora for electric light and motor plants nnd nil kind * of electrical conslnuUon.Vcstcrn El i trio Supply Co. , 41) and 420 S. 15th at. 613 BUILDING & LOAN-'AUSOOIATION. HOW TO OET A MOMC .OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. ArpTlMu Omiih-i L. fe B. Ass'n , 1TOI Bee bldg. U. M. Nattlnger , Sec.SU SU SHARES IN MUTUAL Ir AND a ASS'N PAY 0 , 7 , 8 per cent when lhJ ! , J > cnrs old. always redeemable. 1704 F mam'4U. Nnttlnger , Sec. 615 COAL. D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL Ofllce to : t/J B. 16th St. , Blown blocK. Ki SHnUlbAVcOAL , KTcCELLENT SL HST1TUTE for hnrd , and H 50 ton cheaper. 1S05 1'ar- num stieet , main entrance IloniU of Trade. HOUSES WINTERED , ADDRESS BARTON & . 'PHELPS. TEL 103 M7 N. Y. Life bldg. MIJSDJI- DENTISTS. DR. PAUL. DENTIST. 2029 BURT ST. 043 CARPENTEB3 AND BUILDER3. C. E. MORR1LL. CARPENTER AND BUILDER , paper hinging and nlznn , brtck work and plas tering. Olllce , 409 S. 14th St. , telephone 40S. 637 STOVE REPA1H3. STOVE REPAIRS FOR 40,000 DIFFERENT mnke * of to\es. Water attachment and con nections a specialty. 1207 Douglas street , Omaha Utovo Works. ( GO DYE WORKS. 8CHOEDSACK , TWIN CITY DYE WORKS. 1521 Farnam ( street. Djelns of every descrip tion nnd dry cleaning. 553 OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO. LEADING OPTICIANS. J. F. Ponder , iranngcr. Eyes examined free. 222 S. ICth st. , In Klnslet's drug store 4,0 i ; * MASQUERADE COSTUMES. GENTLEMEN AND LADIES CAN RENT masquerade costumes at 111 South ICth st. S31-D13 * PLUMBERS. JOHN ROWE & CO. , PLUMBING STEAM AND hot water heating , gas fixtures , globes. 421 fl. 15. 611 JOB PRINTING. REED JOB PRINTING CO. , FINE PRINTING of all kinds. 17lh St. , Deb. building. EC.1 CORN10E. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , GALVANIZED Iron coinlces. 1722 St. Man's ave. t oD21 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING IN FAMltlES , 4310 GRANT. , < , r 3S7JD 11 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL .OFASHORT HAND , N. ] Y. Life , Omaha. Ask itorfXylrcular. 551 MUSIC , ART AKTII LANG-UAGE. G. F. GELLnNBECK.l'IBANJOIST AND teadhcr. 1S10 Callfoirtlo ; sjffict. "jlI BUSINE33NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , 71D N. 16 ' ; r 5H GRINDING. RAZORS , SHIi\R3..vCLIPPERS. SKATES , etc. A. L. UndelanjialO . ItUi. ,6d3 f * M. o'DAXON ' , 42 N. Tine Best Christmas Gift : ! or the best addition to one's own library la ' ' CHESTER'S 1NTEBNATIO-NAL DlCTIONAtlY " " " Successor ( \f \ I/to ' , " Unabridged. " ' StniHliiiilnftliQ j U. 8. Uov't 1'rlnu ! Intc onire. tlioU.S. < Supreme Court and S of nearly nil the t > School Ijoolts. d V nrinly com1 1 nicnileil by every i Btato buj crlnten- ' 'dent of Scliools , , and tlioupanch of < other Educators. A Col logo Frenlilrlit Myg ; ' Forcaso with ulilch the eve finds tlio word 4 snnpht ; , for accuracy of dellnltlon , for < 'clloctlvo methods In Indicating promtn- < elation , for torso j ct comprehcnslv c state- , 1 incuts of facts , anil for practical nc o a < 'working dictionary , 'wcbatcr'g Intcma- ' tlonal' excels any other elnglo volume. " ' G.&C. MERRTAir CO. , Publishers , Springfield , 3faas.U.S.A. < SendforfrceiLamphlctcontatnlngiptclmcniiaKea. BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Dee Oulldlng. OMAHA , Neb. Atlvlco FUEU. RAILWAY TIE CARD Leaves lUURLlNGTON & MO. RIVER.Airl | > e OmahajUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Bta. | Omaha lOMJam Denver Express , . .9 : > } am 4Jjpm.Ilk. : Hills. Mont. & Puget kind. Ex 410pn ; 4JIpm : Denver Express , 4:10pn : C15pm..Nebraska ; Local ( except Sundav ) . . 7:4Jpn : S:15am..Lincoln Local ( except Sundayll:2iun ) Leaves ICH1CAGO. BURLINGTON & Q.IArrlvei Omaha'Unlon ' Depot. IQIh & Mason 8ts.l Omnho i:45pm : Ch'cago ' Vestibule .5 > mrr 9:4 : am Chicago Express 4:2Jprr : 7Wpm : Chicago and Iowa Locn.1 : Paeltlo Junction Local B.Oipn LenveolCHICAaO , MIL. & bT. PAUL. OmahalUnlon Depot , lot v & Mason Sta. "e.COpm Chlcato Limited U10am..Chicago ; Bxpreu ( ex. Sun. ) . . Leaves | .CHICAGO . . NORUIWUbT-N. Arrives Omaha | U. P. Depot. 10th & Mason Uta I Oinah ; ll:05am. : Eastern Express 4:00pm. : Vestlbuled Limited 9(0an : :5oam : Mo Valley'Hocal B45pm ; . . . .Omaha Chicago ? , Bpaclal. > . . . . Leaves I CHICAGO , II. I. in PACIFIC. ( Arrives OniahtlUnlon Depot. IQuU It Mason Sts. | OmalK " _ IlUOam. > . Atlantic ExrresJ ' < x. Sunday ) . , , 6,05pr :2Spm : . Nlxht Uxjiresa . . . . . . 8,60pr 4:30pm : , . . .Chicago Veitlliuleil Limited. , , . l:0ipr : H : 5pm..OUah.omaExp. UoC U. ex un..U3o ! r _ C:15am.0klahom.v & Texis'hxi ( ex. Sun."ll30pr ) ; lilOpm Colorado Limited 4.00pi Lil I P. . E. & MO : VALLElT ( Arrlvi- . OmahaI 1 Depot 15ti anJ Webster Hts. | Otnahi 2,10pm Fast Mall and Exprens. , iS3pn : 2:10pm.ex. : ( Sat. ) Wyo. el. ( er Mon ) . . 4Wpr ; .0iam..Norfolk ExprrM ( i. Bunnay > . . .li > dua [ 4.55pm..Fremont 1'au. ( er. Sunday ) . , , . 7lOpr t10pm St. Paul Expresn > :4Qa : ; Leaves ! K. C. . ST. J. & OmahalUnlon Dfpot , < VHh ; 45am Kauias City Day Expreu e.uipn t45pm.K. ; C. Night Ex. via. U. P. Tram. eV : > an SM'Um St. LouU Express. OOai ItSOpm * . , . . . . .St. Louis Expreaa . . . f.tftpi tilOpro Nebraaka Local ex. Hun. ) Il0ar : Leaves SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. IArrlv Omaha Depot Uth and. Webster Bta. I Omnh tloopm. . . . .at. Paul LlralteJ 84aar. ; . Leaves ! SIOUX CIT1 ? A , OmahalUnloo. Drpot. 10th & Mnon Bta ) Oinah t.tiam 8loux City Paitenger Id.tOpi BilOpm St. Paul Limited ; 40ai UNION"PAClFiC. Omahal Union D po ( . 10th A Mason Bta 1 Omah 10 OOara. . . Ktahier Uxurraa . . , , , . . , , , > :4jpi ° ' ' l nE.pnrVBiatricr' & Slnj n b-c Bx.'erSun)1 l:4pj : Pacific Kxprej 10ai : Vaat Mall 4ilOpi JftVisl WABASU IIAIIVX.V. . lArrivei Omaha Union Dupot. 10th & Mason 8U. Om h Cauaoa A NOVEL ENTERTAINMENT TO LADIES ONLY. 1 Matinee Lecture -ON- UEAUTY CULTURE PHYSICAL CULTURE AND THE COMPLEXION thn vrnrlit ( nimni * IIKAUrY i.v sritiAiisT : , MME. M. YALE . , . , AT 7th LU' AT 2:30 : P. HI. TICKETS NOW ON SALE at Bo c OHlce f Theater. Secure your seats In advance , .3 hiindieds will be turned away. A GRAND AND GL01HOUS HEVELATION To the world. Benuty can be cultivated. ottth restored and preserved. Wrlnkleb and vary trace 6f age removed. Gray hair urned hack to Us original color without dye. .HER DAZ IjING LSEA.UTY. M.ME1. M.YALBL - THE PERrECT WO AN. iVho at 41 looks as fresh nnd lovely as any icattty ever aeon at IS. Showing the power ol Itef art In prpserylng youth and cultivating Lidles , bring your note-books and pencils , o take down valuable recipes to be given you by lime. Yale , i Hekerved Seats at Dox Ofllce of Theater , price 50 cents. lectures commence at 2:30 : harp ; Doors open at 2 o'clock. Oraiul Musical 'rdgramnie. LADIES ONLY. liiqdles arc respectfully requested to be > rornptly seated at 2:30 : p. nl. MME. M. YALE ' * VILj'u APPEAR IN A-thletic Costume , A.nd create a Ecnsatton on her Marvelous Cultivated Beauty of Face and Porm. HER CONFIDENTIAL ADVICE. Ladles whoatter.d _ this lecture will receive Mini. JYnle's confidential advlco and Inatrttc- 'Ions , which cannot bo obtained outside ot his lecturp. GENTLEMEN POSIIIVBLYHJT ADMITTED ' at THE.tPROGTRAMME1 ; \ How to develop tlio bust. ' How to walk. How to eat. How to sleep. How to preserve health. How to cure female weakness. How to euro , liver or kidney trouble. How to cure anil prevent consumption How to cure ccrijUpatloii. Hew to develop chest and lungs. How to maKctho flguro erect. How to Increase height. How to straighten the limbs. How to develop the limbs and make them shapely. How to develop the arms. How to make the hands and feet small and shape ! } , How to Increase fle'Jh. How to make flesh firm. How to reduce flesh. How to obtain perfect health and preserve It How to breathe. How to live. How to remove wrinkles. How to cultivate natural beauty. How to become young again. How to .preserve youth. How to obtain a perfect complexion. How to remove'and euro Moth Patches , Freckles , Dlacklieada , Acne , Eczema , Sunburn and Tan , Sallowncss , Pimples , Coarse Pores , and any form of Complexion Defects. _ MASSAGE. Its Importance and proper movements. How to make flabby flesh young anil youthful. How to restore the loss ot contour. Haw to fill out sunken cheeks. How to make eyes clear , sparkling , brllllnn and beautiful. How to make a thin , scrawny neck plumi and white. How to make the checks naturally rosy. How to make coarse pores fine grained. * How to make the brow smooth and white. How to make the mouth shapely. How to make the lips full and ruby red. 1 IUU JLU11UUI II UiilUIIi IN ATHLETIC COSTUME , Will give practical lessons by going througl the different movements of her eystem fo : developing and making perfect the femali form. * EXPRESSION. How to use the eyes. How to laugh. How to educate the expression by th power of thought , showing the Influence ot th mental qualities to educate the physical Rvery organ of the body subject to the men tal forces \\hen In a healthy state of actloi and under the careful guidance of a cultivate ! restraint. THE HAIR. How to cultivate a thick growth of eye brows and lashes. How to restore gray hair to Its natura color without dye by circulating Its natura coloring matter. How to stop hair falling In from 21 hours t one week. How to create a luxuriant growth of hair , How to keep the hair In curl and arrange I becomingly. How to remove and cure the growth ot tu perlluous hair. IMPORTANT MENTION. This lecture to be given by Mme. Yale wll verify woman's progress and Inventive genlu as nothing else has ever presented Itself I the history of the world. It Is every woman' duty to attend and celebrate the victory ovc old age , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GUIDE TO 1JEAUTY. Ladles living at a distance or those unabl to attend these lecture * are Invited to sen their name'and address with 6 eta. postal , " and Mme , Vale will mall them her Guide I Doauty , a dainty lltilo book containing 02 tracts from the Madame'a famous lecture and valuable advfce on cultivating beauty. Consultation frea at Temple ot Beauty c by mall. Address all communications to 'MME. M. YALE , ,4 Hoadquartera 146 Stats St. , CHICAGO , ILL. Awarded Highest Ikon by ih World's ' Fail CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Eoport of tlio Joint Oommtttco on Tire Pro tection is Adopted , GAUIGAN TO BE RETIRED ON HALF PAY Decided tlmt n Complete lUorcnnlantloti of the Flro Deportment nml I'urchiuo of Adilltlniml r.qiilpmcnt Hunt Ho Matlo Mlrcct Lighting Contr.ict Approved. Tlio report of the sptclal committee on flre protection , together With relative documents , vus the most Important subject considered by the city council last night. The report of the special committee was accompanied by a sup- cmentary report of the council committee , hlcli recommended tlmt on , ( .lip retirement Chief Galilean ho bo granted nit | u- eflnlto leave of absence on half pay. This unanimously adopted , nsvns also the g report from the soecal committee : To thu Honorable the Mayor nml Council f the City of Omaha : Tliu Joint committee , omposecl of n special committee upimlnteu y your honorabli' body , nml u committee C the Commercial club of Umnln , acting uKOther under nuthoilty of your resolution or the purpose of InvestlKatliiB the rltua- lon In the city of Omiiliti at to the alleged nndeauatu protection on , account of Urea , CKt leave to report as follows : As soon ns practicable after receipt of au- horlty from jour honorable body your com mittee held n preliminary meeting , at which a organization was perfected nml n general Ian adopted to bo purmteil In making the nvestlgatlon. Thctcnfler your commltleo eld four lengthy evening sessions , at vvhlch he testimony of sworn witnesses was nken , such witnesses coming from the lire lepartment , the American Water Works onipuny , the Hoanl of Tire ami l'ollc ommlssloners and from the citizens of niaha at laigo , Including the city en .Inccr , belntf all of the wTtnes oj produced r whose testimony vvas ottered by any per- on or aulhoilty , I'rellmlnary to the commencement of the nklng of testimony , the American Water Voiks company , the Hoard of l > 'lr < < and 'ollco Commissioners nml any and all other ersoni Interested weie Invited to produce witnesses and to Join In the examination of , ny witnesses which might bn produced , imnn AIU : THIO FINDINGS. Ftom the evidence taken your committee nds and recommends as follows : The city of Omaha nt the present time , tid for the past three yean or more , has ot enjoyed adequate pi election ngalnst res , especially when the pamu have oc- tiried within the business dNttlct licreln- fler ( lellncd , and have attacked the larger nd higher building * therein. During said ierlod many Iar > ; P. disastrous ( Ires have oc- : urred , which , for reasons hereinafter set orth , have not been successfully handled. Che situation In this legurd Is one which eremptorlly demands n prompt and ade- uate remedy. It Is due to several causes , nd In our opinion requires relief In the utlonlars liciclnafter detailed. Klrst The service of the water woiks ompany la Insulllclcnt and the supply of tater pressure Is Inadequate for the pur- ese of protection against ( Ires , especially in hat portion of Omaha which lies between ' . .eavenvvorth street on the south and Dav- mpoit street on the ilotlh , and betweecn Mlnth street on the east and Eighteenth itreet on the west. We recommend L substantial change In the water vorks system In cald district , by vny of an enlargement In the al/.o of ho water mains , and the lnciea < * ed niul ettcr hydrant t.ervlci' . . To this end Immo late negotiations between the city au- horitles and the repiesentatlvcs of the , vater woiks company xhould bo had with a lew to an amicable ngieemcnt upon the nances' needed , and the prompt making f such changes accordingly , or. If an ami able agreement cannot be had , that then iroper application be made to the federal ourt having Jurisdiction for such otdei r orders as may be required to bring about the desired result. Second. We llnd that the appliances now iossea.sed and used by the lire depulment Tor fighting lire arc fnsulllclent and Inade quate. There nro needed , and should lie upplled at once , not less than liner llrsl 'lass engines , more hose carts , a considera ble quantity of first-'dttha Ifotfe , and sulll- clcnl of the Mama nt all times to bupply all possible contingencies. THWlG BHOTjUfa tttfftCW 13T.OOD. Third It appears from the evidence thai many delays have occuircj at recent large flres on the part of the lire foice In getting prrperly at work to light Hid llroi : thai numerous accidents to the apparatus and Implements tided and tp the lire hydrant ! have occurred , due at least to some extent to Improper handling of the sime ; thai * ome of the apparatus lids at times not been put promptly Into use and that those Ir charge pf the IIres have at times exhibited a wunt of proper knowledge pf the build. Ings Involved , their structure and thoii situation and iclatlon to hiirtoundlng build. Ings. Hy reason ofiesa \ \ farta and clrcuin < stances * and others disclosed by the evidence we find that the Hie department Is doftclonl In orgilllzatton , discipline and numbers. We recommend a complete , reorganization ol the lite department , and to this end we rec ommend the engagement of a man of ex < perlcnce and icputatlon us an expert fai chief of the ( Ire department and such as si-slants and additional force at may be te qulied to handle promptly all of the ap paratus and Implements which the lire de partment limyut any time possess foi tin purpose of lighting- Urea and us may b necessary for the purpose ot proper Investi gation and Knowledge of the conditions which may exist , especially In the buslnes1 district above defined , which should b < known to- enable the Urn force to light onj particular flie Intelligently and successfully Owing to the situation many of the largos and best lire Insurance companies liav < withdrawn their business from the city o. Omaha ; others have largely reduced tin amounts of their several lines of Insurance and those companies which still do bus ! ness here have very materially ltiore.ise < their premium rates , and especially as ti the Insurance upon buildings and the mer chandlae and chattel property thcieln can talned , which are mote than threi stotk's In height. In our opinion at emergency exists. We therefore recommend that your honor able body and the Board of Klro and 1'ollci Commissioners take mich Immediate uillai In the promises as may be neccbsjry ti lemedy the existing evil. REQUEST FOH nNQINHS REFniUcCD. The 'resolution I asstd by the Hoard o Fire and Police Commlss'oners asking for tin puiclmso ct tlirco additional engines wjs re fcrred to the ( Inane ? committee , the city at torncy and the president of the council , will Instructions to report at an adjourned meet Ing of the council to bo held FrISay cvenins A communication from the Commercial clul endorsing the report of the special comiultte was placed on file. The mayor communicated the fact that h had opraved the bonds of S. I. Gordon Anton Kmcnt , Sol Prince , F. D. Kcnnard , W A. Sounders , C. L , Jaynes , C. L. Tliomas Cadet Taylor and George Mercer % as tran councllmen. The contract and bond of the Thomson Houston company for furnishing street light for three years , from January 1. was submit ted by the city attorney. Its provisions wer In harmopy with the proposition of Mr. Wile ) which was accepted by the council at tli previous mwtlng , and S. L. Wiley and A. Jl Hunt were named ua sureties. The documen was approved , Burkley , Calm , Elsasser an Hascall voting In the negative. The contract and bond of The Bee Publ 1 lug company , with Frank Murphy and V. I Wood as Eurltles , for the city advertUln was also approved.- At the Instance ot the judiciary commute n second direction was Issued to City Cler Evans to Issue n certificate ot election as clt clerk to lleecli Hlghy , This was the rcsn ot Hlgby's complaint that the clerk had n fusel to Issue the certificate. KJiK vovnr t' LINCOLN , Dec , . ( SpclaU-TIis auprcn : court mot pursuant to adjournment , and tli following : proceedings were1 had : 1'lpcr against Woolman ; lenvo I file amended petition. aillllan ngalm Murphy ; motion to quash bill ( exceptions overruled. Scott again : Spencer ; rehearing denied , CJnti against IJolier ; proceedings dismissed aa i defandant North. The following cases were continued ; Bta ex rel Stewart agalnat Henton ; Ioba < against State. The following CIUDCI were argued ancT xul milled : Reynolds against McMlllai Iteynolds pgalnst l < * Uher ; Camp ngalnst Po lock , on motion ; Felber against Uoodlnrr , ( motion ; Green against Hnll , on motlo : Btate ex rel Kanxom ugdlnst Ircy , rn m motion ; Kuhl against Plurce County , on in tlon ; Gllltlin acalnst Murphy , on motlo Itecord against llutters , on motion , G. 1. W. . C. H. Co. against Swfnliijnk , on motlo Schultz agalnat Iliege , on motion ; Her Plro Insurance Company against lienn. i motion ; Young agalnil Lan ; ( Jliadn Uanklng Compiny airalnit Mahonay ; Mye agalntt Mahoney ; I'lrat National Jianfc Ctiadrart acalnat McKlnney , on motlo State PX rel Wycoft ngalnst Hcrrlll ; Halal against Woddanl. Opinions were handed down In the follow * Ing cases : Oarncnu ngalnst Omaha Printing Com pany. 1'rror from Dounlnn county. Opin ion by Chief Justice Norvnl. A transcript of the proceeding ! ! containing the flnal judgment nought to be reversed must be nl l with the ] > ctltlon In error and prior to the Issuing of the summons In er ror ; In order to confer jurisdiction upon , the supreme court. " . Where this court ban not acquired Juris diction of a cause the only judgment which can bo rendered la one dismissing the pro ceeding's. Shields against Onmbte. Hirer from Wayne county. Atllrmed. Opinion by Chief Justice Norvnl. Uvldcnco examined and hold , to stistatti the venllct , 2. In nn action brought In the district court , the plnlntirt chtnlncd. Judgment for $200. Held , that he was not entitled to recover costs , but that each pnrty la re quired to pay his own costs. J. In order to review the question of the taxation of costs it motion , to relax must bo tiled In the trial coutt and a ruling obtained thereon. McOormlck ngnlfst Slate of Nebraska. Krror from York county. Heveised. Opin ion by Justice Post. The provision of section 4SS of thn crim inal code , that the. Jury on a conviction fcr laiceny "shall ascertain and declare In their verdict the vnluo of the property stolen , " itc. , requires a dcilnlto llndlng , and a con- vlctloa for gtaml lircony cannot bo sus tained upon mete estimate by the Jury of the value of the property stolen. 2. A verdict In the following form : "We , the Jury In the above entitled cause , duly empaneled and a worn , do llnd the defendant , James McCormlck , guilty HA ha Htanda charged. "Amount , estimated , of .stolen property tO.- I. A. HAKCH. I-oremnm" Held , an estimate onlv nml not an ascer tainment of the value of the property "with in the meaning of the statute. Salladln against Mitchell. Appeal from Seward county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Jus tice Post. The assignee of an Insolvent corpora tion under nn assignment for the benefit of creditors takes the ptoperty flubject to whatever equities existed against the as signor. 2. The defendant In nn action by the as signee to recover money duo to nn Insolvent banking corporation may xct off ngalnst the Minonnt owing by him to the bank an Indebtedness of the latter to him. 3. In a ptcccedlng by an assignee to fore close a moitgage , the properly of nn in solvent bank , n purchiiRer from the mort gagor who Is made a defendant theteln may set off ngnlrst the elalm of the assignee nn Indebtedness due him from the bank. 4. The light ef getoft exists In favor of one who has acquited the title to money due from an Insolvent bank on a certificate of deposit , Issued to a third person , without a formal assignment by the latter , Haker ngalnst Abrams ct nt. Appeal from Ciimlne county. Ainrmcd , Opinion by J\lstlcc Harrison. The right to a mechanic's Hen or to enforce It by the proper action If tiled In not lost nor waived by the acceptance of collateral security for the payment of the account for material furnished or labor performed unless udi was the Intentltn of the partlen In th giving and taking of such Hucurlty. Watts against Gantt ct nl. Appeal from Wayne county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Jus tice llnirlson. The light of a corporation to hold tltto to real estate or to purchase and hold a lien thereon cannot be questioned collaterally , but can only be attacked In a direct proceedlrc Instituted for the purpope. Sueh purchase and holding arc not void , but arc voidable , and none but the sovereign can object. Mis souri Arnlley Land Company against Bush- ncll , 11 Neb , li > , followed. ? . A man led woman may In this Btato mortgage her separate estate or property to secure the payment ot the Individual debt of her husband. A loan of the money to the husband , creating the debt BO se cured , Is a sulllclent consideration for her executing and delivering the mortgage. 3. A man led woman who ext elites and delivers a mortgage- her separate prop erty to secure the dtbt of her husband oc cupies the position of surety of her husband to the extent of the propel ty mortgaged. I. An extension of lime for the inymert ot a debt will not discharge a surety unless It la for a definite tlmo and on u sulllclent consideration. 5. Certain alleged counterclaims , pleaded In the answer of one of the defendants , held not to arise out nt the transaction upon whleh the plalntlff'a cause of action was based and pot connected with the sub ject Ot the plaimitT's nrlloh , and hence not competent ns counter claims In this action. Hamilton against Homo Fire Insurunc'o Company. iiui : ; ; , ( toi > \ UouBljtn county. Alllrmed , Opinion by Commissioner Ilyan. Knowledge < > f the- existence of n light ° r defence nnd the Intention to relinquish It must concur In order to estop n party by waiver. Kollowlnu Hcnrv & CoatHworth Comp in } ' ngalrst Flsheidlck , 37 Neb. . 201. McAlceso nunlnat State ef Nebraska. Error fiom Cheyenne county. Afilrmcd. Opinion by Comm > Hloncr Ilyan. When , by an order ot a district Judge , a county clerk has been requited to place upon olllelal and Famplo ballots the namt--i.o ot a cardldale nnd make duo return of his compliance at a-time llxcd. a fatliuo to com ply may be punished ns being In contempt of the nithorlty | of such 1udge. 2 Whulhcr or not such failure has been latlsfnetoilly explained Is a question of fact dctf rmlnable In the district court wlifre- In the proceedings foi punishment for the alleged contempt weio hail , nnd the Judg ment of that ouirt on this question will not be reversed unless It was clearly wrong. 3 Pioceedlngs for the punishment of con tempt of the character above Indicated miy be had upon nn nllldnvlt , sworn to licforo any olllcer by law authorized to administer an oath. ratr , with V.irliililn AVItidn , I'ocomlns North , for WASHINGTON , Dec. 4. The forecast for Wednesday IB : For Nebraska and Kansas Fair ; Houth winds , becoming noith. For South Dakota Fair ; variable winds , becoming west. For Cclorado Fair ; variable winds , be coming south * For Iowa nnd Missouri Pair ; slightly cooler ; south winds , becoming north. l.fll-ill Itrconl. OFFICCOFTHH 'WRATHBU HUIinAU , OMAHA , Dec. 4 Omaha record of temper ature and talnftill , compared 'vlth the cor responding day of past four jciirs : 1SDI. ISM. 1832. 1891. Maximum temperature . . . EJ 4G Ct 41 Minimum temperature . 21 a 31 23 Average tempetature . 33 23 41 31 Precipitation . 00 T .00 T Condition ot tempetature and precipitation ut Omaha for the duy nnd. slnco March 1 , l&UI : Notmal temperature . . . . . . 3J Hxcess for the day . G Normal precipitation . 01 Inch Deficiency for the day . 04 Inch Total precipitation Hlnee March 1 15 07 Inches Deficiency since March 1 . 15,77 Inches Itoport * from Other Htiitluai nt 8 1' . AI , "T" Indicates trace of precipitation L. A. WELSH. Obaorver. Head of thn Pythian KUtert. Mrs. Ida M , Weaver of Dea Molnc * . * u- prvino cliltflcsa of the Pythian BUtere , Is vlaltlns Avllli Mrs. J. O , Tlpton ut 2C3T Dav enport street. At 2 o'clock this afternoon Mrs. Weaver will ho ? lvcn a reception nt the home ot Mrs. J. H. Plnnnngnn , Ib03 Oil * caga xtreet. Members nt Omahn temple. No. 2. are Invited to attend and meet the head of the order. hloux City Crcl ntl l ConiHiiitutlon CpniiUny CIIICAQO , Deo. 4 , The executive com mittee of the Sioux City Credential Commu tation company was In iietMon at tlie Audi torium hotel today. D , R , I'lummer oC War- eaw , Wls. , was chairman. The proceeding * were secret. When Baby vr&s alclc , wo pare bcr Caitorla. > Vben the waj a Child , sha erloJ ( or Ciutorla. IVhen the heuuno JllM , tbo dune to Costorla , \Tben aba bad CLlldren.tbo gavotliem Ca torU.