- , I' "I , / ' . , i ' p'l / I ' ' < .III I THE OMAHA DAILY JJEEs TdJ'f SDAY , DECJEatBER 4 , 1894. ; ; Now is the i { [ ' Accepted Time. ' .i 1 n # Have you a horse or a cow that you dou't want to feed this winter there is no way you can find a cus li tomer so soon as by patronizing The Bee want columns. Thou , sands read this page , the very people ple you are after. * * 25C Pays for a 17-word ad , Servftiit jjlrls aid others seeking employ niQiiti wnlt Ici.g for iciultH llncugli tliiso mint ads. SPEG1RL NOTICES. Artvertlnements for thcue columns will lie taken until 12:10 : p. m. for the pvcnlnu. nnd until 9:00 : p. m. for Ilia mornlnK mi'l ' .Sunday edition. AdvertUeni , by rr'iucplliiK a numtn-rvil chrclt. can have uluners adclre ed to a numbered letter In care of Thp Uf. An wcrs no nddressfd will be delivered upon prcspiitntlon of the check only. Itnfra , l'4c a word , llrst Insertion , Ic iv word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23a for first Insertion. These udvertlNemcnts must run consecutively. BIXU ATIONS WANTED YOUNO MAN WANTS I'LACB TO HARM bpard irhll attmdlne college. Ilooses' Iluslness college , 15th anil 1'arnnm. _ A feQ3 " WAMTBD JOA1E HEIiP. WANTKD-A TEW PKHSOXS IN UACH 1'IiACn to do 'WiltlnK ; Rend stamp foK 150-paBe book of imillculars. 'J. Wondbuiy , 127 W 42d street , N. Y. Clly. 11-491 \VANTKI1 JUCI'UniKNCnn COAL MINHRH TO KO to BlierldimVyo. . Apply nt olllce Sheridan Uoal Co. , 1605 Kiirnntn. lti _ MKN bF aooD ADDhns3 CAN pjioct'nn Btenily cmplojmcnt at good pay by cnlllnz at MpN , SAivnv on COMMISSION TO Introduce our < io < uls lo the trade. Permanent IwMtlon , ntaple line , fast vcllcrr. Ms rrollts , pleasant worlc. Address with stamp , King Mfg. Co. , ti 41 , Chicago. 11 M1S3 4' _ YOUNO MAN TO LOCATE AT LtNCOIiN IN charKn- branch house ; salary. General Imtl- nesa experience only necessary. Address D 11 , ee. J H-MK2 4 _ _ \VANTKI ) , WAl.KSMnN TOU LINK CIOAHS : full particulars. Address with stamp , Sumatra Cigar Co. , Chicago , Ills. H-MC23 ' _ WANTI D , 23 SH3N A > JD WOMEN AS SUp - p rnumernrlen for the performance of "Tho Iliac k Ciiwk" at Dojd'a theater , to report at Btage door at 11 n. m. Tuesday , December 4. 11 OSJ 3 _ BAILSMAN IN nVKRY COUNTY , J75 W month and expenses. Olllce , furniture , ndver- tlslni ; furnlnlHHl. riiKids inonnpuly. Hxpcrl * < -fic imm'fesaary. Address 1C. S. Co. , 132 Ool- iyinndii blilg. , lui.slun. MIIBB. It M 68 1 i * LAtiOHfOllB. TlLVMKTIniH. STATIN M13N ; Kouth ; work near Memphis ; Rlilp dally. JCia- uMr'B Uibor agency , IHIi and 1'arnam streets. 4 I1-MC93 C _ ItOY WANTKD AT llUailUS' DIIOO' HTORU , aith and I'ariiam. H-yM7 i 4 WANTBnAN , ENBUtlKTlC. CAVAIILC woman ! boslt'ort iicrnmncnt. Ample remuner ation. AdJremi D 10 , lieu. C 5D6-3 * WANTED ; \ItK8. . IK YOU WISH EMPLOY- mcnt at your liMncs , ccnd self nddrecsed en velope fqr descriptive circular and commcnco work ; good wage * . Alfred Knitting Company , Wllilhrop , Mots. C MCI8 7 WANTED. COMPHTENT NimSH FOU YOUNO li.il > y at 207 B. 39IU slreet ; best of reterenco required. C 876t WANTED , A ItCt'lNnO. TAIIILY HDUCATUU lady lo cull ua our customers ; tight. plca > * an1 Imnlnew ) : six hours dally , wllh goixl pay , Apply nfler 10 , W. T. Marshall. loom 12 , CrelBhton block. C ME)3 ) 4 * _ JOR BENT HOUSES. IIOUSKS , F. K. DARMNQ , liARKHR 1JLOCK , D 131 IN ALl. PARTS OF TUB CITY. THE O , F. Davis company , 1-03 I'mnam. D (94 KKLKENNY & CO. R. 1. CO.NTINUNTAI > ULIC , , D 485 _ _ l''OH HUNT TWO 8-HOOM r.LEQANT IUUCK liousca ; ull modern contonlcnces ; 1 block tron Walnut Hill motor , J2S. Comritrolter's ofllec. D 43S _ SKVEN-IIOOM MODCIIN FLAT S BLOCKS front Uco building. J25.00. Omaha Heal Kitati nnd Trust Co. . room 4 , llee bldg. D 497 _ GOOD FIVK-HOOM COTTAQHsi JS.OO TET month. 1 . S. SUlnnci , 310 N. Y. Life. P-488 _ CHEAPEST B.HOOM COTTAQB , 'WITH BATH In city. Reduced to J15.00. SOU California KI. -M4M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i-OUIl-UOOM UODRRN FLATii .MTH ANI Leaveriwortli. J. W. SqUIre , 2ISllca bldE. _ ; , D M500 LMtan HOUSES IN DUNUCIJ PLACI cheap till spring. J. W. Squire , 243 lice bldg. r D M500 _ HOUSES ; I1ENAWA & CO. , 108 N , 15TII ST D M761 _ TOU HENT , HOUSE OF 9 ROOMS AND HAIU on Park ave. Inquire at ti : a 18th it. FIUST CLASS MODlinN IMIOOM HOUSE Z019 Ulnney , JIO.OO. Wlthnell. 207 N. Y. Life. U-501 _ _ _ _ _ _ FOun-uooM coTTAan. EH WILLIAMS ST. U M24DD20 * _ FOU IlKNT CHEAP FOU THE WINTEI1 one 8-room house , three S-room cottages. J A.Sc < nt. Omnlm Nat'l bank. D M27SDJ3 ItEASONAnLE quire 1919 Dodge. D SW FOU RENT it-siRAIlLn DWELLINQS II all parts of Omaha. K. II. Sheafe. 421 1'axto bl ck. D-J34D24 * S-r.OOM COTTAOB. S. U. COItNKH OF MH1 and Park ntreet. CnqulrulUJ Jackson street. D-MI33 COTTAOB , 115 NO. 3TTJI. TAKE FAl nuin cur. Apply nt Htocliel ttove ttorv. D-U1 _ _ f-UOOM HOU8R , 311 WOOLWOUTH AVfil oni 3-ioom. 1301 California ft. I ) 23JU19" K > 11 UKNT-LAHOU 111UCK HOUSK. i ruoius. modern Improvements ; No. 1042 Oeorsl are. J. M. Suneral. ISO and 352 Uee bl.lc. D il J-5 HUNT. UODEIIN 8-UOOM HOUSK ; Al lie. ilatilKii BtwuiU tlieet ; apply nei duor , D MMI 31" " HOUSES & KTORKS , P. I ) , WUAt ) , IS & Douula D CO&.31 _ _ } ou IUNT. S-IIOOM COTTAOE. WITH AL modem cnnvenlenees. Apply Milton Ito < ceni . Bon . 14lh nml Fnrnam streets , D Milt 1 II. 12. COIJ3 CO. , 10 N. JST1I. J4.W. t-room modern houtr. 1349 N. 17th. 510.0 S-ruum. modern. 2114 Ersklne , 8 rooms , tncxlcn bnrn , SSJ 1'uclllc. J18.O ) . II rooms , ( It N. 1911 ttS.00. und lurgest lint In Omaha to select fron 3-roOm Mat. jullicnst corner Kth and Learei worth. P.M. D-MUI 4 _ IX ) " ! ! ItKNT. KLEQANT 10-n ItODRUK DW15I line ; Inroe barn. nlc lawn ; location Slst an SprueV. . N. Nnwn , 407 lirown block. 8 n DAVKNPOUT STKKirT. Et i\u\n Kit lpltol avenue. D MC30 < KENT- FURNISHED 11OOMS. -LEAHANT SOUTH HOOM FOR QENTLEMAI Inquire 1 PvdK . U Jos FUONT HOOM. 8TBA1 bnlli. 11) minutes from Kth and Farnan A < IJr < * > L > I , Ue orflce. OEHIUATILH KUnmSHED AND VI turnliued ruom * . wltll board. 21 ! S. Utli ttree K-UX ( _ UOOMH. 8INHLH Oil ENBUIYE ; MOUEUf liiii ) Capitol > nu , B MCtl C N ICHLY rnilHlHH ED ItOOUS WITH FHtS elam boani. ntt IXxlg * . K-W5-J- 'l RNISIIKD noOMS ) . _ Ht. Mory'a avenua K Mill VKOKT 1'OOMS ; ALl , CONVBNIUNCR Wl If. HtU tmt. K-MM TOR BENT FURNISHED ROOMS. Continued. TWO WAIIM , FUItNISHI-Ul 11OOMS IOU housckceplns , cheap , Mil St. Mary's avenue. E-M'W 4 on KENT. STKAM : . HEATED , FUUNISIIED rooma. 602 So. I31h. 13 681 4 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. THUEE HAN.DSOMELY rUHKIRHKD KRONT rdoms , with all Idnvclnences , for gentlemen 'inly ; location \ery > desirable. Apply to 2019 Harncy street. r M4II 11 ROOM , mTii UOAUD , > n DOUGLAS. F-103 Di ; VICELY FUUNI8HED ItOOMS FOU RENT , with board. Call at 2107 Douglas. r 28) D22 HE HILLSIDE. 1JTII AND DOUQE ; LAUQE south room1" , steam heat ; first tlass table. V 402 8 OUTH FRONT PARLOR ; ALSO SMALL RMS ; good boaid ; reasonable. The Rose , 2)2) ) ) Harney. I' oSS D.3 'LEABANT ' ROOMS WITH HOARD ; CAN ACcommodate - commodate u few day boarders. 1S10 Ch'caBO Btreet. F-MCCO 4 TWO SOUTH ROOMS. FIRST CLASS ROARD. 2103 Douglas. F M677 5 1LECIANT , LAIIQI3. WARM , SOUTH FRONT room and private board ; best accommodations. 2110 Douglas street. I' M703 S * RONT AND SOUTHEAST ROOMS IN large , detached house ; well hcatpd. SOI9 St. Mary's avenue. F M70I JJ FOR BENT hTORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT. THE l-STORY 11RICK BUILDING , 916 rarnam street. Tills bulldlni ; has a fire proof , cement basement , complete steam lieat- Ing fixture' , water on all floors , gas , etc. Ap ply at the office of The Bee. 1 910 FOU RENT. DESK ROOM , 15.00 MONTH. 331 Board of Trade. 1 452 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED , AGENTS TO SELL MRS. SHAFFER patent cake griddle ; sells on alglit ; positive proof you can realize (25.00 a week ; send stamp. Iowa Qrlddla Co. , Delavan , WIs. J MMl 9 * WANTED. AGENTS. EVERY CITY ; JUST OUT ; nothing like It ever seen. Loomls stump holder und molslenei. Sells at rig lit : e\ery bunk , olllce , store and. busltless man wants 'one. i In- Htnictlohf ) and sample by null. 75 cents. H .you . mean business writefor oulllt. Postal * not ! ans ers < t , TheClnclnnatt Pure Aluminum Co. , Cincinnati. * O. * * T J-MCJO 4 GOOD SOLICITORS , BOTH LADIES AND gentlemen , to sell mineral mater ; nctUe agents : an make money. W. Q. " Albright Co. . llruna- vlck hotel. J M703 8 CHANCE OF A LHHmMIX WANTED , EN- eojetlc , responsible parties for Btate , city , county and town agencies for sale of Clurk'H Red Crosi electric , natural medicinal water , calve , salts etc. Not a beverage. A natural medicine. Liberal inducement ! ) and big money to lira right parties , Address Itlc Ilaplds Mineral Water Co. . Die Raplda , Midi. J-MG33 4 STORAGE. STORAC1D , WILLIAMS & CROSS , 1214TIIAUNEV M-W3 STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ( CLEAN and cheap rate. R. Wels ) , 1111 Fivrnam.M M 501 BEST STORAGE BUILDING IN OM ttA. U. 8. KOV. bonded warehouse. Household good : stored. Lowest rates. 10I3-1015 Leaveaworth. M 503 WANTED TO BUY. CITY & CO. CLAIMS. PRITCHARD , 1712 TAR'N N JM I WILL GIVE J22.000 CASH FOR 22-FOOT LO1 on Farnam or Douglas between 15th and 16th. J. J , Gibson , 317 First Nat'l bank bldg.N237 N-237 SECOND-HAND ROOKS BOUGHT FOR CASH Antiquarian book store , 1519 Farnam street. HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR C TO 8-ROOM houses , east of 21th .street , north of Cumlng Gurvln Bros. . 210 N. Y. Life. N M592 G WANTED , 5 OR C-ROOM COTTAGE , MODEItt Improvements ; state price. Address I ) IS , Bee N M693 6 * FOB , SALE FUBNITUKE. FURNITURE AUCTION AT 1111 FARNAM ST Saturdays. 10 a. m. Robt. Wells. O 507 CLOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK OF FUUNI ture , stoves , etc. L. Altman , EOS N , ICtli.OG08 O-G08 FOR SALE. CARl'ET , SHADES AND FUR nlture. at 409 So. 25th ave. O-601-3 I WANT TO SELL A COOK STOVE , A BASE RURNER ; Not tecauso they're no good , but because don't use thrm : cook stove Is No. S ; has burner Is medium site : not much money re quired nor 2d hand dealers. M. R. Uhl. 133 a. 29th St. O-6S8 6 FOB SALEHOBS a.8 , WAQONS.ETO 1'HAETON , BARGAIN ; NEW CLOTH. LEATH cr , paint. JSJ ; another. | 23. Drummond C'ga Co 1' M428 D2 < ! FOB SALE MlbOELLANEOUS. IF YOU BUY. BUY THE BEST ; MACKIN toshes , rubber boots , arctics , syringes ot nl kinds , gas tubing : all best quality. Omah Tent and Awning Co. , 1311 Funum si , Q MJ CHEAPEST CHICKPN ANQ .ORNAMENTA1 fence made. C. II. Lee , 901 Douglas. Q 510 CORN FODUKU FOR BALK. FOUR BLQCK north Lead Works , Ea Omaha. Tom Andrrsor Q-911 1)16 * WEGMAN PIANOS. BRIDGEPORT ORGANS Woodbrldge Bros. . 117 Bo. 17th. Q-Mj FIRE BRICK. CAR LOTS. Ill ; SMALL LOTS- US M ; lire clay , sand , gravel , screenings. Wn J. Welshans , Ml Board of Trade. Trt. 1GS9. CJ4 D27 CORNI WHEATl OATSI WRITE OR WIR1 for prices on mixed or vxhole cars of corr wheat , oats , feed or flour , delivered In you town. W , J. Crandall. Firth. Neb. Q-MI7I 4 WOODIUUDGE BROS. HAVE NO ROOM FO1 the following goods In tlieY elegant new quai ten nnd to closi > them out , are offering thct for IrsH than they could b bought at auction. 1 Standard organ. 113.00. 1 Buy Slate organ , til 0) . I Smith American organ. IS.00. 1 Shonlnger organ. | 2lbO. 1 Klmbnll organ. (3000. 1 square Ilallet & Davis piano , J&.00. 1 Upright new piano. JIS7.W. Woodbrldge Bros. , state ae nts Wetmaa piano 117 Bo. 17th st. Q-CJ7 C MISCELLANEOUS. FIRST-CLASS .DAIRY FARM. GOOD BARN ! lea house , excellent pasture , iprlnn water ; or mlla from BoutU Omaha. Charles Child * . U LMvenwor'.h street , Omaha. R 433-3 * OLA1BVOYANTS. MRS. DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. RI liable builnens medium ; 7th year at lit N. 161 THB CELEBRATED CLAIRVOYANT Al7 lulmlst , the young Mm * . Uomalne , has a rived In th * city aiid can b * consulted on a matter * , thoiuaad * have been made happy t her advice : thoaa wlshlac correct advice c business , chance * . Journey * , marriage * * lav lt . family. * la. call on th roattama ar ba convinced * b * ba * run equal ; Icttarst coi lalnlnit Ump promptly1 uuirrnd ; buainu strictly confidential. Hours. to t. HIT Ch caco itrtet. 0-MU4 t * M.A S8AOE , BATH3. ETO. ' MADAV BWtTH. W > 8. 13TII. ZD FLOOR , room 31 mnstagv , < npor , nlconol , strnnlt mil- phurlna nnd ea baths. T-M61 ! > 8 * UAfidAQE , UADAUE BERNARD , HJl DOUOli T 2iD3' TPBKIBR BATH9. TURKISH BATH ROOMS. EXCLUSIVELY FOU ladles. Suite 100-10. Bee llldg. , CM- PEI180NAL. VIAVI ; HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book an < l consultation free. Address or call Vlavl Co. , 3ltf Bee bide. Lady attendant. MA8SAGE ELECTRO THERMAL BATH9 , rhlropodlst. Mine. Post , 31J14 S. litli St.u u Stl THE BELLE EI'I'ERLY CORSI'.T. MADE TO order from measure. 19 < n Farnam street. J U-.M2I7 _ _ MACKINTOSHES & RUBBER BOOTS. Kit l-'AU U 512 _ _ FIFTEEN ELEGANT CABINET PHOTOS IN 3 different styles , 11.99 , at Cowan's , 53t Broadway - way , Council Blurts. U-M138 D 7 _ OPEN DECEMBER 3 , 1801 , TO THE LADIKS of Omaha , Neb. : Two ladles from Boston , Masn. , will open rooms at 1510 Chicago street for the benefit of suffering women. The > < o ladles have had a wide experience In treating chronic nnd ncutr > dlseaecs by thfr latest moth- ods. ladles , call on us , state your cnso plainly , nnd wo will be sure to give you relief ; do not suffer longer ; consultation free. Olllce hours , 9 a. m. , to 5 p. m. ; Sundays , 1 to B p. m. 'U M 0 D28 BLONEYTO LUAN KgAL ESTATE. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. O. Chesney. Kunsaa Clty % Mo. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . SIS N.Y.L1FE , loans nt low rates for choice security In Ne braska nnd Iov > a farms or Omaha city property. W 615 MONEY TO I/JAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan. Love & Co. , Poxton blk. \ \ & 17 CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Pusey & Thomas , First Nat'l bids. W M2I9 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. IXivIs Co. . 1M3 Fnrnam st. .W 518 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property , 13,000 and upwards I , 6 to 7 per cent ; no Jclnjs. W. Farnam i Smith & . Co. , UM Farnam. W 019 CHAS. W. RAINEY. OM. NAT. BK. BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at 6 per cent. W. B. Melltle , 1st Nat. banl bld ERY LOW RATES MADE ON GOOD LOANS. J. W. Bciulre. 21S Bea bids. W S2i ITY LOANS , C. A. STARR , 515 N. \ \ SSI 100 TO $5,000. F. D. WEAD , 16TH & DOUGLAS. VANTED TO BORROW * 750 ON GOOD FARM ICO acres , Improved , In Buffalo county , for one o three ycjru. Address Lock Box 133 , Omaha Mini : LOANS , LOW RATES , SMALL LOANS , short time. H. H. Harder & Co. , Bee Bldg. W 657 31 1ONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust company , 170. ! Far nam street. W MKM TO iUArt CHATTELS. 10NEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horsej , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly contldcntlal ; you can p.ty the loan olt at any t'mo or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , S06 S. Kill street. X-S23 .IONEY . TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FtlRNI- ture , pianos , horses , wagons , or any kind of chattel security at lowest possible rates , which } ou can pay back at any time ami In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . Room 4 , Wlthncll block. X 523 . B. HADDOCK , ROOM < 27. RAMGE BLOCK. X-Wtt .IONEY . TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- erty. Harvln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. I Ife bldg. X-52 ( BUSINESS CHANCES. JASH PAID KOIl UNDOWMENT. POLICIES IN old line companltR. Send dcrcnplltml ' A. K. Drocklcsby , Llox 233 , Hartfonl. W'nn- ' OH SALK. 26-llOOM HOAUDINQ ttOUSR , centrally locatcil. Kent low. A barenln. 1 > 9 Uee. Y-634. iVANTED ; PARTNER IN ESTABLISHED paying business ; must bo good hualnero m.ini require 11,000. Address D 12 , Bee. Y MCI7 4' EXCHANGE. A GOOD IXDT IN EAST OMAHA TO UX- change for young work horses or mules. Lamoreaux Bios , CM 8. ICtli. Z-K ! 1ANKERS AND RfSAL ESTATE AOENTf Tuku Notice Hard times 1ms made It posslbU to get hold of goo < l business blocks In Oniahr and take * farm lands In exchange. I Bollcll correspondecc. J. J. Gibson , 317 1st Nat. banU Z-801 TRADE : 1CO-ACRE FARM IN BROWN COUNT'S near Nlobrara river ; good buildings , lunnliu water and about 75 acres of heavy timber , nl fenced : will trade for stock or general mer slmnillso or stock hardware. Joseph ! erz.in , box U > 5 , Schuyler , Neb. Z S'A 3 * FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. GARDEN LANDS. 5 MILES FROM 1'OST olftce. easy terms. Call at 810 N. Y. Life. RE 52S BARGAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS sale or trade. 1' . K. Darling , Barker block. RE-523 FOR SALE , NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE ; CEL lar. cistern , city water ; cor. 30th and Sahler 11,250.00 ; long time. Inquire 1318 rarnam. Sam uel Burns It D 030 BARGAIN. ICO TO 1.500 ACRES OF CHOICI land G miles' from Omaha I * . O. cheap. Llbcra terms. Address C , 12 , Bee , Omaha.RE RE 803 Dll MODERN 12-ROOM HOME. VERY CHEA1 and on easy terms. 201D lilnney st. RE 918 EXCHANGES AND SALES ; CITY PROPERTY farms , merchund'se. ' Garvln Bros. , 210 N. Y Life. RE-M253 FIGURE IT YOURSELF. WE WILL SEL1 you S-room house and lot , tsno.00 , walking dts tanco of business. You pay (15.00 a month o J180.00 a year rent. Don't > ou get a home fo nothing ? Jl,400.00 , very easy terms. K-roon house , full lot , line location. Jl.GOO.OO , 8-roon home , shade trees , flne lot , splendid location 11,150.00. very easy terms , 6-room cottage , a ] on one floor. Cozy homo near business. $ lOOO.C < C-room cottage , small barn , nice lot. flSO.G down , balance to suit you. Vacant lot , 10x121 27th and Spauldlng , (400.00. THESE ARE FORCED AND ARE OFFERE1 AT HALF VALUE TO MAKE QUICK BALES ! H. E. Cole Co. , IOC N. 15th. RE M633 4 A BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOME. 10 ROO.M ! and barn , for clear cottage , lots or good lanO W. Q. Templeton , 428 N. Y Life. RE-MCC2 5 HOTELS. HOTEL BARKER. 13TH AND JONES STS. 75 rooms at 11.60 per day. CO rooms at 12.00 per day. Special rates to commercial travelers. Roor and board by week or month. Frank Hlldltcl : manager. & 32 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. COP I3tli and Dodge. Rooms by day or week.5M 5M COZZEN8 HOTEL. 8TH AND HARNEY steam heat , electric bells , telephone , baths , ej cellent culsenc. elegant rooms ; 11.00 per day (4 00 and upwards per week. 34 LOST. IX > ST ; SMALL BLACK SHORT-TAILED COCK rell spaniel dog ; my name on collar ; rewan N. A. Hall , 63 } 8. 29th avenuer CM 4 LOST , A PLAIN GOLD CORNER MOUNTINi for lady' * , rani case. If found nnd retilme to Raymond's a reward will " be paid , C. I Raymond. CM 4 * IF THD PARTY WHO FOUND BLACK MUF In public library will return It to FrrtlerlcU' hat store they will be suitably rtnvurBol. Lost M9- * LOST. HOUSE PLANS ; DROPP.ED bugsy November 8. Reward for rcturw.to 6 McCague building. MC98 S LOST. A SILVER MEDAL. WITH. AVQUC "Second Rank. Y M. C. A. . Pentathlon. " e front and "J. It. Culeman. 'H" en bucU , Pleai return to Bee composing room and ircelver uard. M697 4 * LOST. ON FARNAM STREET . On. TH Dodge street road , two parcels , ona done w I newspaper , containing coat , vest and unde wear ; one pinned up In a shawl , cfltiilnjr clothingTiew and old. Finder will please write to W. O. Norton. Waterloo , 'NeU. ' , "And1 g reward. * ' M708 t LOST. AN OPAL SCARF PIN. HBWAR offered ; no questions asked. Geo. F , Summ r at Qa Co.'s olllcn. M70I 4 | TYPEWBITEB'sT STOLEN TYPEWRITERS OFFERED FO ale should make you suspicious , funny thi are mostly Smith's. Try one and you wl understand why. Full Una of supplies. Smltl Premier Co. . 17th and Farnam , telephon * Its * . K4 BJOyCLEB , U. O , DAXON , tU K. 1JT1L t UNDEBTAKEBS ATTD EMB ALMEB3 " H. 1C. lU'IHtnT , rUNIDOSL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , 16H ChlcttKO st telephone W. 638 BWANSON & VALIEN. UNDimTAIE"RS AND cmbnlmers , 1701 Cumlmt-r i , telephone 1MO. 637 - 41 M. O. MAUL. UNDftitTAKER AND I3M- balmer , 1417 ITXrnnm _ , _ _ tclcpliono 22S , 63 $ C2. Vf. BAKER , UNDEUTAKER , Cll 8. Kth ST. . il 639 ELEOTBIOAL SJIPPLIES. ARMATURES AND COJ V UTEH3 REWOUND ; storage Imttrrlcs recharged ; electrical and gen eral machinists : suprtr-r work guaranteed. Omaha Electrical Works , C17 and 619 8. 16th st. 5(2 ( ELECTRICAL ENOINEtlRS A JD CONTRACtors - tors for electric light and'motor plants and nil klndi of electrical construction. Western Elsj- trio Supply Co. . 418 and 42v > B. ISlh si. 613 STEAMSHIP LINE. ANCHOR LINE MAIL STEAMSHIPS-SAIL regularly every Saturday fiom New York for Londonderry and Glasgow. I < urnessln , Decem ber 1 , 8 a , m. ! Anchorla , December 8 , 2 p. m.j Clrcassla , December 22 , 2 p. m. ; Ethiopia , December 19 , 7 a. m. Saloon , second class , and Meerage , tingle or round trip tickets from N w York or Chicago nt reduced rate * to tin principal Scotch , English , Irish and nil conti nental points. For money orders , drafti , out ward or prepaid tickets apply to any of our local agents or to Henderson Bros , . Chicago. HAY AND GBAIN. BUY YOUR HAY BY TON OR CAR LOTS. WE buy hay. A. H. Snjdcr , 1515 Hurt st. Tel. 1107. CIS NEBRASKA HAY CO. . WHOLESALE HAY. Krnln and mill stuff. WP nre nlwnjs on thu market to buy or sell. 1402-4-G Nicholas St. 617 BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. OW TO GET A HOME , OR SECt'RE GOOD Interest on savings. Appli' to Omaln L. & li. Ass'n , 1701 Bee bldg. U , M. Xattlngcr , Sec.Cll Cll HARES IN MUTUAL L. AND B. ASS'N PAY C. 7 , 8 per cent wlien-1 , 2. 3 jears old , al\\ays redeemable. 1701 Furnam st. , Natllnccr. Sec. 513 COAL. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL QlHce to S09 S. 16th el , . Brown hlodk. Ki HERIDAN COAL. EXCELLENT SUBSTITUTE for hard coil , nnd J3.5a ton cheaper. 1C03 Far nam street ; main cntianca Board of Tiude. 533 HOBSES WINTEBED. DDRESS BARTON & 1'HELPS. TEL. 1034. S07 N. Y. Life bldg. MI28D31 * DENTISTS. R. PAUL , DENTIST , 2WO HURT ST. 649 CABPENTEB.S AND BTTILDEB3 , . E. MOItniLL , rAUI'ENTEH AND Ht'ILDEU. paper hanging nml slKniO'IirlcIt work nnil plas tering , Olllce , 400 S. 14th It. , telephone 408.G37 G37 STOVE BEPA1BS. 1TOVE REPAIRS 1-OU 40.000 DIFFERENT makes of stove . Water attachment and con nections n eppp.illy. | 1207 Douglas street. Omaha Stove Ilepalt Works. too DYE WOPvKS. iCHOEDSACK. TWJN tV DYE WORKS. 1521 Fnrnam street. t , j itg | of every descrip tion and diy cleanlngj jf i3s OPTICIANS. MAHA OPTICAIi CO. .fiSlUNO OITICIANS. J. F. Ponder , man iutH KJo i-\iimlno.l five. 222 S. 16th St. , In Klnxlei'n drUK Htoie 4IG IT * 'HE ' ALOE & TENFOLD 'CoT , SCmNTiFIC opticians , 110S Farnam ct.i opposite 1'axton hotel. Eyes examined ftce. 551 GENTLEMEN AND LADIES CAN RENT masquerade costumes nt lit South 16th si. 231-D19' OHNSON fiUOS..A.WHOi.EMIr.B : > DEALEIlS IN all kinds uf cojU Corrrspondsnco xollcltcd. 1033 Fanum street. " . CO PLUMBEBS. OHN HOWE &jt'O. . PLfMBlNG STEAM AND hot water heatingKas IKtlues globes. Ul S. 15. Cll JOB PB1NTING. REED JOB PRINTING CO. , FINE PRINTING of all kinds. 17th el. . Bee building. 6W COBN1CE. .VESTEIW . roiiNirr : womcs. GALVANIZED Iron corn lit n. 172J Ht. Mary's av'e. ftlolKl IJBESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. 431C CHANT. SHOBTHAND AND TYPEWBITING. VAN HANTS SCHOOL OF SHORT HAND. N. Y. Life , Omaha. Ask fur circular. C$1 MUSIC , ABT AND LANGUAGE. G. F. ar.LLKNBIH'K. BANJOIST AND teacher. 1SIO California street. 914 BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , 719 N. 1C. QKINIilNG. RAZORS , KIIEAllS , C'Lll'l'ERS , SKATES , etc. A. L. I'nddand , 100 S. Hth. CJ3 PAWNBROKERS. II. MAROWIT/ LOANS MONEY. 118 N. 16TH. 6CID12 RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves iBURLlNClTON & MO. RIVER.IArrlVM OmahaUnlon [ Depot , 10th & Mason tilt. } Omaha 10:16am : Denver Express 9:33ara : 4:3Jpm.Blk. : Hills. Mont. & Puget End. Ex. 4:10pm l:35pm : Denver Express 4:10pm : Clipm.Nebraska Local ( except Sunda ) ) . . 7:45pn SlUm..Lincoln : Local ( except Sunday.11:2Jan ) : Leavea IC1UCAUO. BURLINGTON i g.iArilxes OmalulUnlon Depot , luih & Mason Sts.j Omaha 4Upm : Chicago Vcttlbule 9:5oam : > :4Sam : Chicago Kipicm , 4:23pm : 7SOpm : Chicago and Iowa Local 8:00arr : US5am : I'aclllo Junction Local 6:03pn : LeaveslCllICAGO , MIL. & ST. PAULJAnltes OmalulUnlon Depot. w'\ & Mason Hts.j Omaha " ToOpm Chlcaru Limited , 9:30am ll'.lOam..Chicago Express ( ex. Sun. ) . . . . 6l ! > pn Leaves [ CHICAGO & NUKTIIVUSTN.IAulvei _ _ " Depot. 10th & Mason Sl _ | Omaha ll:05am : . . Eastern Express. . 5:30pm : 4:00pm : Vestlbuled Limited 9:40air : 6Wam : Mo. Vallejr.Local 10:30pn- E'.Cpm. Oninlia Chlcarfrf Special 2lip LeaveaT"CHICACO : , 11 , I. & PAUlfc'IC. ( Arrives .OmahalUiikm Depot. i < nh & Muson Bta. | Omaha KABT. llMain..Atlantic : Exprex * ( ex. Sunday ) , . , 6:0pn CUpm NlKlit Express * .SOpir 4Mpm..Clilc : go VoKtllmlrd I.lmllrd. . . . l:03pn : U' t > pm..OKlalioiua Exp. U l U. ex 8un..ll30pn ! Leaves I C. , ST , P'TJ & O. I Arrives Omalial Depot Stji nnU Vfebater Sis. I Omalit liOam..Neb1aka : Parsenser ( dally ) . . . . S:13pn : 4:3pm..Slou : City Express ( ex. Sun.ll:00an ) : , l10pm ; St. Paul Limited..i. 9:40an -I avea I K. . E. & MO.-VALLBl ( Arrives Omahal Depot 15tn naJ < tvVt ) > ter 'Six. | Oraahi J:10pm..rait : Mairtfp ISxprer" . . . ; . . . 4:5pn : tJOpm.ex. : ( Bat. ) Wyo.'t.0nc. ' ( Mon. ) . . 4:65pn : IKi5am..Norfolk Erprent'lifc. nunilay,1030ar ) ; 4'.Upm..Fremont Paw : < e i Sunday ) . . 7:50pr : , < ; 10pm St. PaulICrprqiB. . . . . . 940ar ; K. U. , ST. J. i a B. ( Arrives J3mahaUnlon [ Depot , loth & Maton Bts.l Omah "t:4fara . Kansas City Day Kxpms . ti'.Oopu : Upm.K. C. NUUt Ex. via. U. P. Trans. :5ftar : "Lfaveif" " MISSOURfpACI FIO I ATrlvei Onialiaj Depot 15th and Webster Bts. 1 Omah SU Louis Express , . , , , 9Mpm. : . . . SI. Lout * fJxpress . :05pi : 6:10pm : . Nebraska Local ex. Hun. ) . tilOar Leaves BIOUX CITY & PACIFIC , | Arrl\ Omahl Depot lith and Webster Sta. I Omoh e.Otfpm at. Paut Limited :40aii : SIOUX"Cltv" "iJAClilC. TAfrlTel 52n h | ljnlonUepot _ , 10th & Mason Bts.lJJmah ' tUam : . . .V.bloux City P'auenger. . , 10Mpn : 610pni ; . . . . . .St. Paul Limited 0:4Mr : I.elv sl UNION PACIFIC. ( Arrive ! pmahaUnlon | Dc | > ot , loth & Mason Sts.l Omah 10 00 ra-.Kearney Express S:4Jpr : 1 ilium . > , Orerland Klyer. , , > B:13pc . tl5pm.llcatrlc . : . . , & Strcmju'i Ex.ex.Sun ( ) , JMSpi Pacine Exprewi 10War : I-oJt Mall. . 410pi ; 'l. i | U-AIIASH RAILWAY ! lArrlv.i UinahalUnion Depot , loth A Maton Bts. | Omah lSJpmT.bt. Louis Ciuooa Uoll U.Kpc /v X" * > - _ . c A NOVEL ENTERTAINMENT TO LADIES ONLY. 1 Matinee Lecture -ON- IJEAUTY CULTURE PHYSICAL CULTURE AND THE COMPLEXION Jy Ihn Tvorlcl r..mom HKAUFY nil COMPLEXION SI'iilA : < .IST , MME. M. YALE , FRIDAY AFTERNOON , AT 2:30 : l . iM. TICKETS NOW ON SAL1J nt Uox Offlce f Theater. Secure your Heats In advance , s hundreds will be turned uway. A GUAM ) AND GLORIOUS IIEYELATION To the world. Tleauty can he cultivated , oiith restored nnil preserved. Wrinkles and vary trace ot age removed. Gray hair timed back to Its original color without dye. 1U3U DAX41..INO HISAUTY. MMEX.M.VALxEl THE PERFECT WO iiAN. Vho at 41 looks as fresh and lovely as any > oauty ever BOSH at IS. Showing the power of icr art In preserving youth and cultivating jeauty. Ladles , bring your note-books and pencils o take down valuable recipes lo be given you by Mine. Yale. Uoserved Seats at Box Ofllce of Theater , price 60 cents. Lectures commence at 2:30 : harp. Doors open at 2 o'clock. Grand Musical 'rograjiime. LADIES ONLY. Ladies are respectfully requested to be romptly seated at 2.30 p. in. MME. M. YALE tt'iL. j APP12AU IN Athletic Costume , And create a sensation on her Man-clous Cultivated Beauty of Face and Form. HERCONF1DENTIAL ADVICE. Ladles who attend this lecture will receive Uuio. Yalq'a confidential advice and Instruc- ions , which cannot be obtained outside ol his' lecture. GENTLEMEN POS1L1V3LY HOY ADMIT i'ED THE PROGRAMME : " ' low to aeveop , the .bust. How to walk. How to cat. How to sleep , How to preserve health. How to cure female weakness. How to cure liver or kidney trouble. How to euro and prevent consumption. ' How to cure constipation. How to develop chest and luiiffs. How to make the figure erect. How to Increase height. How to straighten the limbs. How to develop the limbs and make their shapely. How to develop the arms. How to make -the hands und feet smai nnd shape ! ) ' . How to Increase flesh. How to make flesh firm. How to reduce flesh. How to obtain perfect health and preserve it How to breathe. How to live. How to remove wrinkles. How to cultivate natural beauty. How to become young again. How to preserve youth. How to obtain a perfect complexion. How to remove and euro Moth Patches , Freckles , Blackheads , Acne , Eczema , Sunburn and Tan , Sallowness , Pimple : , Coarse Pores , and any form ot Complexloi Defects. _ MASSAGE. Its importance and proper 'movements. How to make flabby flesh young am youthful. How to restore the loss of contour. How to flll out sunken cheeks. How to make eyes clear , sparkling , brllllan and beautiful. How to make a thin , scrawny neck plumi and wlilte. How to make the checks naturally rosy. How to make coarse pores flue grained. How to make the brow smooth and white. How to make the mouth shapely. How to make the lips full and ruby red. IN ATHLETIC COSTUME , Will give practical lessons by going tlirous the different movements of her system fo developing anil making perfect the femul form. EXPRESSION. How to use the eyes. How to laugh. How to educate the expression by th power ot thought , showing the Influence of th mental qualities to educate the physlca Every organ of the body subject to the men tnl forces when In n healthy atato of actlo and under the careful guidance of a cultivate restraint , THE HAIR. Hove to cultivate a thick growth of ey < brows and lashes. How to restore gray hair to Its natnn color without dye by circulating Its naturi coloring matter. How to stop hairfalllng In frcm 24 hours I one week. How ( o create a luxuriant grow Mi ot hair. How to keep the hair In curl and arrange becomingly , llov totremove and cure the growth of si perfluous hair. IMPORTANT MENTION. This 'lecture to be given by Mine. Vale wl verify woman's progress and Inventive genii aa nothing else ban qver presented Itself I the history-of the world. It Is every woman duly1 to attend and 'celebrate the victory ovi old. age. GUlDIv TO HKAUTY. Indies living ut'n ' distance or those unab to attend t.hc < se lectures nro Invited to ser their nfttn.e and aildreea vvllli 6 cts. postag and Mine , Y l Will mall them her Uulde lieauty , a dainty little book containing c ; tracts from ( he Madamt's famous lectur and valuable advice on cultivating beauty. Consultation free nt Temple of Ileauly i by mall. Address all communications tu MME. M. YALE , Hoadquartorq 140 State St. , CHICAGO , ILL. Awarded Highest Urns by the World's ' Fal ( ContlnucJ from Second Pago. ) boring store rooms at the cnpltol niul the shelves uf Becond linnd book stores throughout - out the country. All this Inbor and waste might be avoided It the recommendations of the secretary were adopted , The secretary also ngalti recommends that the gratuitous distribution of seeds cease and that no money be appropriated for that purpose except to experiment stations , lie reiterates the reasons given. In his report for 1S31 for discontinuing this unju'tlllalile Brutulty und I fully concur In the conclu sions which he has reached. A further Im portant utility In nKrlculltirnl statistics is found In their elucidation of th relation of the supply of farm pioducts to the de mand for them In the markets of the t'rlled States and of the vvoilil. It Is deemed possible that an niriluiUural een ua may be token each venr tluough the iiKonls of the Ht.ilHtlcnl OlvMoii of tin- depart ment. Such n couise 14 commended f r tilnl by the chief of tint division. Its scope would be : 1. The area under each of the more Im portant crops. 2. The aggregate product of each of such J. The quantity of wheat and corn In the hands of funnel 8 at iv dute after the sprlniT Bowliuts nnil plantings and bcf re the . . nlng of harvest , niul also the iiuimtlty of cotton nnd tobacco remaining In the hands of planters , cither nl the same ditto , or at srmo other designated time. The cost of the work Is estimated nt r > OO.OW. awing 0 the peculiar quality of the statistician a oik nnd the natural nnd acquired illness cces. ary to Its successful prosecution , the eerctnry of agrlcullme expresses the oplu- on that every person employed In gallierlng tntlstlc.s under the chief of that division houlil be admitted to that service only fler n Ihoiough , exhaustive , and success- ill examination at the hands cf the united tales civil service commission. This has til him to call for such examlratlcn of can- Idales for the position ofnsslstnnt stalls- Iclans. and nlso ot camlldnlcs for chiefs f sections In that division. The work done by the Diirtment | of Asrl- ulluru Is very MipfHlclallV dealt with In his communication , and I commend the eport of the secrelnry and Hie. very 1m- crtant Interests with uhleh It deals to lie careful utlenllor of the countess. CIVIL SKUVICB KKKOHM. The advanliiRes to Hie public service of n adherence lo lhi > principle * ot civil sciv- e teforiu are constantly more npp.ircnt ml nothing1 Is so encouraging to those In tliclnl life who honeslly desire good govern- icnt us the luriea.sltig npprecliillon by our copleof Ihese advantages. A vast major- y oC the votirrt of Hie hiiul me icadv to islst Ihivt the time nnd attention of those IPV select lo perform for them important ulillc duties should not 1 > distracted by ollng out minor ofllcfs , nnd they arc grow- ig lo be unanimous In lectinllng party or- anlzatlon as something that should be used 1 establishing party pilnelples instead of Ictallng Hie distribution of public places an evvards &f partisan nctlvlly. Numerous ad- ttloiml olllces nnd places have latclv been tought vvllhln olvll PCI vice rules nnd legu- itlons and some others will probably soon e Included. The report of the commission- rs will be submitted lo the congress and I ivlle careful altcntlon to the recommemln- Ions It contains. 'Oil A NATIONAL BOARD OF HHAI.Tll. I am entirely convinced that \VP oiiKht not 0 IIP longer vvlthoul n national board ot calth olllcer charged with no other duties lian such as pertain lo the protection of ur country from the Invasion of pestilence nil disease. This would Involve the e.stnb- Ishmcnt , by such board or olllcer , of proper uarantlne precautions , or the necessary .Id and counsel to local authorities on Die ubjcct , prompt udvlco and assistance to ocal boards of health or licallh olllcers In he frtippresslcn of contaglotn diseases , and n cases \\here there are no such local oaids or olllcors , the Immediate direction y Ihe national beard or olllcpr cf measures f suppression , conslnnt and authentic In- ormatlon concerning the healtlf of foreign oiinlrlca and nil parls of our own countiy is it'UUti lo coiil.igiouj diseases ; nnd con- lilcrallon cf legulallons to be enforced In orelgn iicrls lo prevent the Inlroductlon of outnglon Into our cities and the measure ? vhlch should bo adopted lo secure their en- orcement. There seems to bo at this time 1 decided Inclination to discuss measure : f protection against contagious diseases n International conference with a view cl adopting means of mutual assistance. The reatlon of such a national health establish- iient would greatly aid our standing In tucti conferences and Impiovo our opporttmltlC ! 0 avail ourselveH ot their benetltk I rain' 'slly rpcommend HIP Inauguration of 'a ' na' tonal board of health Or similar national nslrumenlallly , believing the same to be n locded precaution against contagious dis eases rml In the Interest of the safety am ] lealth of our people. STHIKi : COMMISSION COMMKNDKD. Ily virtue of a staltile Cf the fnlU'i ! itatcs. parsed In 1SSS , I appointed In Jnlv nst Hon. John D. Keinan of HIP state ol s'evv York nnd lion Nicholas 1C. Wet lit- ngtou of the state ot Illinois to form will Ion. Carroll IV Wright.- commissioner ol abor , who was designated by hold statute 1 commission for the purpose of makliif careful Inquiry Into the causes of Iho ci5n > roversles between certain railroads am holr employes which had resulted In ar extensive anil destructive strike , accom milled by much violence nnd dangcroti' llsturbance , wllh considerable loss of lift and great destruction of property. The repoit of the commissioners has beer submitted to me and will be trnnsinltted tc ho congress with the evidence taken upoi heir Invcsllgatlon. Their work has beei veil done and their standing and Intelll gencc give assurance that the i eport nm suggestions they make are worthy of care fill consideration. TARIFF ATHKNmiF.NTS NECRSSAUY The tariff act passed at the last sesslm of the congress needs Important amend nenls if It Is to be executed effectively urn vllh certainty. In addition to such necesMiij amendments UH will not change tales o duty , I am sllll very decidedly In fnvoi of putting coal nnd Iron upon the fice list So far ns the sugar schedule Is conccnici I would bo glad , under existing nggrava lions , to see every particle of dllTereiilla luly In favor of lellned sugar slilclcen on of our tariff law. If , with all the favor nov accorded the sugar rcllnlng Interest In on tariff laws , It atlll languishes to the cxten of closing refineries and thousands ot dl charged workmen It would seem lo iireuen a hopeless case for reasonable legislate aid , and whatever else Is done or omltlci [ caincslly repeat here the recunimcndutloi I have made. In another pottlon of ihls com rnunlcallon that the additional duty of one tenth of 1 cent per pound laid upon migu mporled filnn conntiles paying a Ixiunly 01 Js export be abrogated. It hcem ID rm lhat excecillngly Imiwrtant consideration : iolnt to Ihe propriety of this amendment. Wllh the advent of n new laiilT policy , no only calculated to relieve Ihe consumers o our land In the cost of their dally life , 1m In Invllo a belter development of America ; thrift and crcale for us closer and mor prolltablo commercial relations with 111 rest of Ihe woild. It follows ns u. loglca and Imperative necessity that we slioul at once remove the chief If not the enl obstacle which has BO long prevented oti particlpallon In Hie forelpn curry.mr trade o the ben. A tariff built upon the theory tlu It Irf well to check Imporls and that a horn market should bound the Induslry an effort of American producers was fitly sui : plcmenteil by a refusal to allow America reglslry lo vctsels built abroad , thoiic owned nnil navigated by our people , thu exhibiting n willingness to abandon n contest lor the advantages of Amcrlen transoceanlo cairlage. Our new tariff po Icy , built upon HIP theory lhat It Is well t encomage such Importations as our peopl need , and that our products and manufai ttircH Hhoulil llnd markets In every part .1 the habitable globe , la consistently MippU mcntcil by the greatest possible liberty t our citizens In the ownership nnd navlKc tlon of ships In which our ptixliicla nn miui.ifuclureH may l s transported. Th millions now paid to foreigners for carryln American passengers and pioducl.s acres the sea should bo turned Into America hands. Shipbuilding , which has been prt lecled lo strangulation , should bo revive by Ihi ! prospect of profitable cmployim-i for ships when built and the America sailor should bo resurrected nnd again tali his place u Htnrdy and Induslrlous rlllzc In tlino of peace ami a patriotic ! niirl mil defender of American Intcrcfitt In thu da of conflict. UliB ancient provision of 01 avy denying American legUtrr to hhll built abroad and owned Ijy Amcitcaiia uj Cures A10THERS' " i. FRIEND | Rising . . 13 the greatest W blesslDR ever oltcrwltg child-bearing woman. M i Breast I hnvo been n inld- w Ifo for many yeare , W - - . and In c-vili cav ! 3 iwhero "MOTHEnS1 FniKND" It accomplished wonders and rccvi muchatirierlnp. It la the beat remedy for W rlilnir ol the Ureast known , and wortli t lie ' . ) prlcu ( or tbat alooe. O 1 lifts , JI. M. nnRWSTKii , O Montgomery , Ala. W > m . BtnrbyExpMfiormall.onrtrelrtor rrtre , S ? II pyruolile. S.ilJ bjr all DuiBelkH. tP i i book "To Moinir * " mailed ( rev , K BRAIIFJELD nEQULATOH CO. . ATI.1KIA , DUUKAU. HUES & CO. Solldlnni. . OMAIIA , Neb. Advice I-'llEI pearti. In the llr.ht of present conditions , not only to be n failure for good nt every point , but to bo nearer a relio of bnrbnrlanlsm than anything that exists under the per mission of a statute of the I'nltod Stales. 1 earnestly recommend Its prompt repeal. HONDS THH ONIA' IltSMKUV. During the last month the gold reserved In the treasury for the purpose of re deeming the notes of the government circu lating n.s money In the hands of the pcopln became no reduced , and KM further deple tion In the near future seemed so certain , that In the exerciseof proper care for the public welfare It becnmo neccssnry to re- plerlsh the reserve and thus maintain popu lar faith In the ability and determination of the government to meet , as agreed , It.s pecuniary obligations. Itould have been well If In this emergency the authority hail existed tp Issue the bonds of the govern ment bearing it low rate of Interest anil maturing within n short peilod , but the cor- gress having failed to confer such alith rlty , resoitas necessarily had to the resump tion ait of 1875 , and , pursuant to Its provi sions , Imuds were Issued drawing Interest at the rule of & per cent per annum anil manning ten yeaia after their Issue , that being the f hot test time authorized by the net. I am glad to say , however , that oa the pale of those bonds the premium re ceived operated to reduce the rate cf Inter est to be paid by the government to less than 3 per cent. Nothing could be worse or fuithcr re moved fiom sensible finance than the relation tion- ! existing between the cuircncy the goveinment has Issued , the gold held for Its redemption , und the tnenrs which must bo resorted to for the purpose of replenishing such trdunptlrn fund when Impaired. Hvcn If the claims upin this fund were confined lo the obligations ollglnally Intended , and If the redemption of these obligations meart their cancellation , the fund would be very small , lint these obligations , when received anil redeemed In gold , arc not canceled , but arc reissued , and may do duty many times by way of diawlng Bold from the treasury. Thus we hive an end less chain In operation , constantly depleting the treasury's gold , and never near a final rest. As If this were not bad enough , we have , by n statutory declaration that It Is the policy of the government to malrtaln the parity between gold and silver , added to the foice and mrmentum of this evhaustlm ; process nnd added largely to the cuirency obligations claiming thin peculiar gold ledemptlon. Our small gold reserve Is thus subject to dialn from every side. The demands that Increase cur dan ger also liK'ietses the necessity nf protect ing this ie eive against depletion , nnd It Is most unsatlffactoiy to know that the pro tection affoidcd lit only a temporary pallia tion. It Is perfectly and palpably plain that the only way under ptescnt conditions by which the icsctve , when dangerously depleted , em be replenished. Is through the IsFiie nnd pale cf the brmls of the gov ernment for gold , and yet congress has not only thus far declined to authorize thu Issue of bonds best suited to such a pur pose , but there seems a disposition In some quarters to deny both the necessity anil power for the Issue of b-nds at all. I can not for a moment believe that any of our citizens are deliberately willing that their government should lUfiull lu us pecuniary obligations , or that Its financial operations should be reduced to a silver basis. At any lute , I should not feel that my duty was done If 1 emitted any effort 1 could make to avcit such a calamity As long , there fore , us no provision Is made for the final redemption or the putting aside of the cur rency obligation now used to icpeuttdly and cnn.stnntlv draw from the government Us gold , and as long ns no better au thority for bond Issues Is allowed thai : at present exists , such authority will lis util ized whenever and as often as It becomes necessary to malrtaln a r.ulllclont gold re serve , and in abundant time to save the credit of our country and make gpod the financial declarations of our government. STATK HANIC NOT1CS. Questions relating to our banks and cur rency are closely conneeteii with the subject Just leferied to. ard they also present some unsatisfactory feJUuvs. I'lomlnent among them me the lack of elasticity In our cur rency circulation and Its frequent concen tration In financial centers when It Is most needed In ether parts of the country. The absolute dlvoicement of the government from the business of banking Is the Ideal relationship of HIP govetnment to the cir culation of the currency of the country , This condition cannot be Immediately reached ; hut us a step In that direction , and us a meahs of securing a more elastic cunency and cbvlatlng other objections , to the present airangement of hank circula tion , the secretary of thu treasury presents In his report a scheme modifying present banking laws ar.d piovldlng fpr thec | ssuo of circulating notes ? by state blnks free from taxation under certain limitations. The secretary explains his plan so plainly and Its advantages are developed by him with such remarkable clearness , that any effort on mypart to present argument In Its nippoit would be superfluous. 1 shall , therefore , content myself with nn unquall- IIed ImlDiscment of the secietary's proposed Changes In the law , and a bilcf ami Im- peifcct statement of their prominent fca- tuies. It Is proposed to repeal all laws providing for the dtposlt of t'rlted States bonds as wcurlty fcr circulation : to permit national b'tnks to Issue circulating notes not exceed ing In amount " > per cent of their paid up capital , piovldcd they deposit with the government as a guarantee fund In United States legal tender notes. Including treas ury notes for 1K90 , a sum of equal amount to 30 per cent cf the notes they desire to issue , this deposit to be maintained at all times ; but whenever any bank retires any part cf Us eh dilation , a pioportlonate part of Us guarantee fund shall be returned to It ; to pcimlt the secretary of the treasury to prepare und keep on hand ready for Issue , in case an Increase In circulation Is desired , blank national bank rotes for each bank having circulation , and to repeal the provisions of the present law Imposing limi tations and restrictions upon banks desir ing to reduce or Increase their circulation , thus pel milling such Increase or reduction within the limit of the 73 per cent of capital to be quickly made as emergencies arise. 1'HOViniNO A SAFETY FUND. In addition to the guarantee fund required. It la pioposed to piovlile n safety fund for the Immediate redemption of the circulating ; notei of failed banks by Imposing a small annual lax , nay one-half of 1 per cent , tipuu the avciage circulation of each bank until thu fund amounts to C per cent of the total cliculatlon outstanding , When a bank falls. Its guatantee fund Is to be paid Into this safety tuml and Its nates are to bo re deemed In the first Instance from such safety fund thus augmented , any Impair ment of such fund caused thereby to bo made goo < l from the Immediately available cash assets of said bunk ; and If these should be Insulllclcnt , such Impairment to bo made good by pro ratu assessment among the other banks , their contributions consti tuting a first lien upon the assets of the failed bank In favor ot the contributing bankn. As u further security , It Is contemplated that the existing provision fixing the Indi vidual liability of stockholders Is to be re tained and the bank's Indebtedness on ac count of Its circulating notes Is to be mudu a first Hen on all Us assets. For the purpose - pose of meeting the expense of pi luting notes , olllclal xupcrvlsloii , cancellation and other Ilka charges , there shall be irnld a tax ot say one-half ot 1 per cent per annum on the average amount of nates In circulation. U Ix fuither provided that there shall be no national bunk notes Issued of less de nomination thun ten dollars ; that euch na tional bank , except In case of a failed bank , shall ledtcnt or ictlru Its notes In the first Instance at Its own olllcc or at agencies to bu designated by It , and that no fixed re serve need b * maintained on account of de posit * . KXHMI'T FIIOM TAXATION. Another very Important feature of this plan is the exemption of state banks from taxation by the United States , In cases whctn It Is Hliuwn to the satisfaction of the secretary of the treasury and comptroller of the currency by bunks claiming such ex emption , that they have not had outstand ing their clidilatingnutes excuedlng 73 per cent of Ihclf paid ill ) and unimpaired capl- tul ; that their stockholders are Individually llablu for the redemption of their cliculatliiK nntrs to the full extent of their ownership of stock ; that thu liabilities of 'said banns upon their circulating notes constitutes , un der their state law , n first lien upon their assets ; that such bunlvn have kept und maintained a guarantee fund In United Slates legal tender notes. Including tieasuiy note * of ISOO , equal to 'M per cent of their outstanding ell dilating notes when pre sented ul their principal or branch otllccs. It Is qultu likely that this scheme may i usefully amended in some of Its detain ; but I am mtlslled It fuciiLshi-s u basis fur very great Impiovoincnt In our present banking and currency sysiem. I cuncludu this communication , fully ap reciating that the icsponslbllliy for ull lon nfTfCtlng Urn people of the t'nltrd runts upon their repiosentattves In the conercsH , nnd assuring them Hint whether In nccorduncu with i < rcnmmcndn- llons 1 hnvo made or not , I slmll be Kind ID cooppraleIn pcifi-cllng any legislation that tends to the profiierlty and welfare of our country. imoVKIt CUiVlChANl ) . JJxruullvo Mansion , December 3 , IKI. ) J'oor Illttimtinu Leads to ntrvounnoss.rctfii'.nesj , peevUh- ness , clironlo dytpcpila und sroat misery. Hood's Sarsaiurllla U tha remedy. It tone * the stomach , creates an npprtlte , and gives n rellnh to food. It niakou pure blood and given heultliy action to ull thu organi of the body. Take Hood's , for Hood's SanaparJIla cures. Hood's i'HU brome the favorite cathartic with every one who tries them. 25c. DIED. Atcldence , 2J3J SoulU Ktli St. . Humlav. Dec , 2. Knnnln C , Krlelii- Huntzlng r'wlfe rf Charles V HunUliifer , 7 years. 1'unvrnt nollcu later ,