% ' 'l THE ] ] iijE2MuKJ'AlY : : ) ' riT12 rivi : zz : z : IAT. * TJLTJ rj is the ' Accepted Time. Have you a horse or a cow that I I you dou't want to feed this winter Ift there is no way you can find a cus tomer so soon as by patronizing The Bee want columns. Thou. sands read this page , the very people ple you are after. -I I w 25C Pavs f ° r a ' 7-word ad , li Servant girls aid others socking employment , do not have to wult long for iciultH thitugli tlusouint tids. SPBG1RL NOTICES. Advertisements for these columns will be taki until 12:30 : p. m. for the evening , and until 9t : p. m. for the mornlnc and Hundny edition. Advertise , by requesting a numbered chccl can tm\e answers addressed to a numbered Ictlc In en re of Thu lice. Answers BO nddreuscd wl 1 delivered upon presentation of the check onlj llates , 1'ic a word , Hist Insertion , Ic a vvor thereafter. Nothing taken for less than V5e fc tint Insertion. These advertisements must run consecutively , SITUATIONS WANTED ! YOUNO MAN WANTS PLACC TO I3AU1 board while attending college. Rooses' Duslnei college , ISth and I'nnmm. A S09 EXPERiKNcno nooKKEnrnu. ACCURATI and good penmnn , desires pos tlon In oHIce c ns collector ; best of city references. U 4 Dee. A-M467 2 I'OR ' 03 I1Y A SUCCKS. ' fui traveler ; nix > enrs with old house ; ni well known In Wyoming , Colorado , South lit hotn and Nebraska ; unquestionable reference ; Address D 14 , lice. A-C75 2 _ _ WANTED. 11Y A NKAT AND 1'AbT HANI flowing In families , 75 cents per day. AiUlrei D 13. lleo. A-C30 2 * _ WANTED MALE HELP. "WANTED A FEW PRRSON8 IN EACH PLAC to do writing ; send stamp for ICO-paRe boo of particulars J. Woodbury , 127 W. 42d ntrec N. Y. City. II 191 COAL , MINERS T CO to Sherldnn , Wyo. Apply nt olllce bhrrliln Coal Co. , 1C05 rnrnam. 11-493 MEN or GOOD ADDRESS CAN piiocUR steady employment at good pay by calling c 151C DoURlna St. U-M792-UH . . . . TEAMSTERS. STATION south ! work near Memphis , Hhlp Jail : Kramer's labor asciicy" llth nnd rarnam stree 11-M475 I * SALESMEN , SALARY OR COMMISSION T Introduce our coeds to the trade. Pentianei position , staple line , fast sellers , big prollt pleasant work. Address with stamp Kir Mfg. Co , C 42. Chicago. II M483 4 * OY , 14 TO 16 , FOR ERRANDS AND COI/ln < lions. Cull Monday morning at 8 o'clock , hml Premier T > PL writer Co. U53 2 MAN TO LOCATE AT LINCOLN I ihurge of hruncxh house ; salary. General bus ness experience only necessary. Address 1) 1 Hee. 11 MCii V 8ALEBM AN , CALLING ON GROCERY AN general stores , to handle , on a. frtxxl comml nlon , two of the best selling articles ever pi I before the trade ; Junt out and a vvnner ; eU' ' ' present territory and leference. Address loc fax 44 , Hampton , la. U-611 2 A GOOD MAN WANTED TOR NEXT YEA to sell to the countiy and retail tiade. di KOodu specialties on commission , a. T. 1 I ohramm , mgr. , 214 Chestnut sticet , I'hlli delphla. Pa. 11-C07 2" WEN AND WOMEN TO WORK AT HOME ; nay JS 00 to (1600 pci < week for making cm > c pictures ; new patented method ; any one wl f oan read or write can do the work , day t night. Address , with stamp. I send work i once. II. A. Orlpp , German urtlst , Tyrone. I' i U-M'J 2 ivANTED , A GROCERY DELIVERY MA ! hotel steward and collector. City Emplovmei bureau , 1204 1'arnnm. 11 640 2 * WANTED , COMPETENT MAN TO TAK charge of branch olllce business In this sta tor old established manufacturing compan permanent position , with advancement , to rig party ; reasonable salary to begin with ; smt cash capital required In the arrangement ; a Iillcnnt pleaito stnto previous business expel cneo and financial worth ; references. Addre Manufacturer , D 6 , care of Bee office. D-C16 2' GOOD MAN AS ADVERTISING AGENT EAC county U. 8. ; no canvassing ; cash paid ; e close stamp. Kearns Co , Oreensbuig , Ind. ' U-MC27 3' STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS , SALE men and teacheis desiring positions In Tex i arc Invited to address The Texas lluslnesa 11 1 rvnu , J. W. Hudnoll , proprietor , Dallas , Text H-C24 2' > VANTED , SALESMEN TOR LINE CIOAR full particulars , Address with stamp , Sumat Cigar Co , Chicago , Ills. 11 M623 4' ' > JIDVERTIBINO SOLICITOR WANTED. T work on paper MX years old ; weikly clrcul tlon guaranteed 10,000 ; 3 per cent commlssio f rayalilc as cash Is collected ; a splendid oppc tunlty for a solicitor : no other need apply. B. H > att llus. MET. , Lincoln , Neb. 11-6811' ' A riHBT CLASS ENQIIAVER AND JEWELL at once. A. Mandelberg. 16th and I'urnam si It S97-J r WANTED FEMALE HELP. SVANTED , AN ENERGETIC , CAPAIU woman ; position permanent. Ample remum ntlon. Address p 10 , Vet. C M3-3' ' WANTED ; LADIES , II" YOU WISH EMPLO ment at jour homes , tend self addressed e I velupe for descriptive circular and commen -work ; good wages. Alfred Knitting Compar "Wlnthrop. MOM C M64S 7' ' HAVE YOU Sl'ARR TIME ? WD CAN FU ! nlsh light work nt home to ladles at fair pa I no canvassing ; no fake ; s nd i'ia postal nc j for supplies to make 16.00 worth of work ; I I struct Ions , etc. Chicago Press Clipping burea Uikesfde llldg. , Chicago. C HOUSE WANTED FOR BMALU 1IA11Y ; MU ! h&ve experience and bejt o ( reference. C23 40th. street. C-641 2' ' A 1'ERMANENT POSITION AT 118 WEEK ! Is guaranteed any lady who will work for I iiuletly at home ; all material tree. Heply w I stamped env. , Woman's Mutual Ilenettt C Jollet. III. C CIS 2 WANTED , LADIES AND GIRLS ran nos employment ; (4 to 110 easily made ; any worn i > Uiu can use tha needle can < l3 the woi j Bend Belf-addressed envelope. Atlas Need I Work Co. , 1S3 West T entthird tieet , N JV'oik City. C20 2 AVANTED ENERGETIC JEWISH YOU ? lady of gtxxl nddreu for responsible pusltli Address 1 > 15 , lite. C 669 2 IVANTED , COMPETENT NURSE FOR YOUI l by at 207 S. 39th street ; best of refercr required. C 676 WANTED. INTELLIGENT LADIES ix new work ; tulary , 150 per month. Call at North 141h street. Mrs. M. E. B. C < ! 7 2 FOB BENT HOUSES. HOUSES , r. X. DARLING , DARKER DLOC D 49 HOUSES IN ALL PAUTB OF THE CITY. Tl O. F. Davis company. IMS rornam. D 13 KELKEMNY & CO , II. 1 , CONTINENTAL 11L , D 4S ron RENT TWO S-HOOM ELEGANT IHUI houses ; all modern convenience * ; 1 block fr AValnut Hill motor , liS. Comptroller's olllce. U 43 BEVEN-ROOM MODERN FLAT S HLOC from Ilee building , J15 00. Omaha Real Eit unil Trust Co. , room 4 , lle bldg. D 4'j GOOD FIVE-ROOil COTTAGES , 1800 PI month. L. S. Skinner , 110 N. Y. Life.D D 4S CHEAPEST 6-nOOM COTTAGE. WITH 1JA1 in city. Hrducca. to 115.00 , JOM California M , _ _ _ 5t\DUIl-nOOM MODERN FLATS. I9TH A : Leivtnworth. J. W. Squire , ZS Dee bldg. LARGE HOUSES IN DUNDEE PLA cheap till iprlng. J , W. Squire , I Dee blili , _ P M6 < HOUSES ; 1JENAWA & CO. , IN X. UTH I D-M7 ! , vrf - / FOB BENT HOUSES. Continued. FOR RENT , HOUSE OP 9 ROO S AND DAIU on Park ave. Inquire at 422 S. Uth et.D D 856 FIRST CLASS MODERN 12-ROOM HOUSE SOW Ulnney , 11000. Wlthnell , 207 N. Y. Life. D-501 rOUR-ROOM COTTAG15 , CIS WILLIAMS ST. D M249D20 * TOR RENT-CHEAP TOR THE WINTER one 8-room house , three 6-room cottages J A. ficott , Omaha Not'l bank. D-M278D22 LAT , REASONAI1LE TEii > Isr IN quire 1919 Dodge. D 303 FOR RENT DESIRAI1LE DWELLINGS II nil parts of Omaha. E. H. bhcafe , 432 1'axtoi block. D 334D24 * 3-ROOM COTTAGE , S. E. CORNER OF 23R1 and Clark stieet. Eilqulrel523 Jackson street. D M338 5-ROOM COTTAGE , 119 NO 37TH , TAKE TAR nam car. Apply at Stoetzel stove store. D-431 6-ROOM HOUSE , 311 WOOLWORTH AVE. one 3-loom , 1301 California St. D 233D19 * FOR RENT LARGE I1RICIC HOUSE , 1 rooms modern Improvements ; No. 1042 Georgl ave. J , M. Simeral , 350 and 352 I3ec bldg D M 459-5 FIVE ROOM HOUSE , WALNUT HILL , 13 PEI month. Apply 2020 Harney. D 567 2 * FOR RENT. MODERN 8-UOOM HOUSE ; AT tic , stable. 2625 Sewaid street ; apply nex door. D M6S4 31 roil RENT. A SPLENDID COTTAGE , EIGH' rooms ; modern conveniences , separate ) arC D blocks from new postofllce (1911 ( Cass street ) ; line opportunity for a business man to get desirable house close down town ; to right part will make rent } 2j 00. T. C. llruncr , Koom 1 Ware block. D M382 2 FOR RENT , EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. ALL MOD ern Improvements No. 406 N. 23d street. D M581 3 HOUSES & STORES , r. D. WEAD , 16 & Dougla D-605-il : FOR UENT , NICE 6-ROOM COTTAGE , IN quire 837 South 24th'st. U 659-2' FOR RENT , 8-noOM COTTAGE , WITH AL1 modern conveniences. Apply Milton Roxers i Sons , 14th and rarnam streets. D M646 8 TWO HOUSES ; MODERN ; S. 19TH , NEA1 Vlnton ; desirable. Address Gco. W. Coati Omaha or Council Bluffs. D 642 2 II. E. COLE CO. , 100 N. 15TH. 16 00 , 8-room modern house , J319 N. 17th. 110 ft 8-room , modern , 2414 Ersklne. 8 rooms , moden barn , 32J3 Pacific , 118 00. 8 rooms , 918 N. 19tl 125 00 , and largest list In Omaha to select frun 3-room 11 it , southeast corner 16th and Leaver worth , 13 60. D M631 4 FOR I ENT. ELEGANT 10-R. MODERN DWE1 ling ; large barn , nice lawn ; location 21st an Spruce. W. N. Nason , 407 IJrown block D M674 8 FOB BENT FUBNISHED BOOMS. PLEASANT SOUTH ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN Inquire 1919 Dodge. E JOS 1 UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOM , STEA ] heat , bath , It ) minutes from 16th and Farnan Address D 8 , Dec olllce. E 693 VERY DESIRA11LE FURNISHED AND XI > furnished rooms , with board , 212 B , 25th stree E CO. ! NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH FIRS class board. 1722 Dodge. E 593-3 * TWO WARM , FURNISHED ROOMS FOi housekeeping , cheap. 2611 St. Mary's avenue. E-MC91 2" 2 ROOMS. SINGLE OR ENSUITE ; MODRRK 1020 Capitol avenue. E M483 3 * FURNISHED ROOMS ; HOUSEKEEPING. 20 : St. Mary's avenue. E M617 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT HOOM ; STEA ! heat. Tilephone 1,802. E MC61 3 TWO FRONT ROOMS ; ALL CONVENIENCE ! 211 S. 24th street. U-M66I FUBNISHED BOOMS AND BOABI THREE HANDSOMELY FURNISHED FRON rooms , with all convclnences , for gentleme only ; location very desirable. Apply to 20 Harney street. F M411 ll FRONT ROOM , WITH DOARD , 2013 DOUGLA ! F 103 DH NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR REN : with board. Call at 2107 Douglas. F 283 D22 THH HILLSIDE. 18TH AND DODGE ; LARG south rooms , sleam heat ; first class table. - F 402 8 * TWO SOUTH ROOMS , FIRST CLASS BOAR ] 2105 Douglas. F 457 ! SOUTH FRONT PARLOR : ALSO SMALL RM ! good board ; reasonable. The Rose , 2)20 Harne F 66S D23 SO.OTH FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR T\V < with board ; references. 226 Douglas street. F 643 2 NICEILY FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOAR for two ; hot and cold water In room , furnai heat , bath ; special offer , JU.OO each. 1621 Ca street. F < J21 2 * PLEASANT ROOMS WITH BOARD ; CAN Al oommodate a few day boarders. J810 Chlcai street. F M666 4 TWO SOUTH ROOMS , FIRST CLASS BOAR1 2105 Douglas. F M677 6 * THREE FINE ROOMS , HANDSOMELY FUI nlshed , with or without board ; bath , heatc gas ; best location. 2205 rarnam. G 638 2 * FOB BENT STOBE"8 AND OFFICE FOR RENT , THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDINI 910 Farnam street. Tills building has a fir proof , cement basement , complete steam lion Ing fixtures , water on all Moors , gas , etc A ply at the olllce of The Dee. I 91C FOR RENT , DESK ROOM , 15.00 MONTH. 3 Hoard of Trade. AGENTS WANTED. WANTED , LADY TO WORK AT HOME. 115 weekly. No canvassing. Send stamp. Este ! Montgomery , 631 16th St. , Denver , Colo. WANTED. AGENTS TO SELL MRS. SHAFFE latent cake Brtdille ; sells on sight ; iwiltl froof you can-reallto 12500 a week ; send stam on a Griddle Co. , Uelavan , Wls. J M651 9' WANTED , LADY AGENTS TO SELL Til best wearing and belt selling corset on eart the Hygvla. For particulars write the Weste Corset Co. , St. Lou/n , Mo. J CHANCE ) OF A LIFETIME ; WANTBD. ENE ! getlc , responsible parties for state , city , coun and town agencts | for sale of Clark's R Cross Electric Medical Water , salve , talts , eti not a beverage , a natural medicine ; llbei Inducement * and big money to the right poni < Address Hljr Rapids Mineral Water Co , 1 ] Rapids , Mich. J44 2' WANTED , GENERAL AGENTS , SELLIf patented household necessity to dealers ; t elusive territory ; no compolltlon ; n6 capl required ; big profits ; particulars fr b , Ja ; Novelty Co. , 63 Dearborn street , Chicago , III AGENTS. nvEiixWHERE. FOR HOLIDJ books , booming holiday business now on ; 01 nt , 60 cents ; agents msktng 120 per week. / dress quickly , Monroe Uook Co. . Denver. Co J-t262 SEND FOR ONLY COMBINED UURGLJ alarm and lock In the world ; welrht 1 ounci agents making 185.00 weekly ; sample 50c , p : paid ; particular * tree. Ferrli Mfg. Co. , C COSO , 111 , TJ 9. AOENTS WANTED. Continued. WONDERFUL OFFnit-OUR GRAND CATA logue , over SSO llluittrntkmn , agents * latwt good nnd novelties , l writing pen , fountain nttsch ment , 1 elegant gentleman's \vntch chain oni charm , guaranteed 20 ) enrs ; jour name li agents1 directory 1 jcnr. oil sent for 10 cents postage , 2 cents. Empire Novelty Cov , 117 Trc monl street , Boston , Maj . J 6202 * GENTS AREMAKING MONEY BOOMING Till Pinnock electric light of Boston , M.tsu Cpmpan ; owns n system that Illuminates 1,000 lights wlU 1 horse power. Parent company shircTare sell Ing at 125.00. 20 per cent dlv Idcnd paid. . 1 _ . J-6282 * 'ANTED , AGENTS TO SELL ALUMINUX novelties ; new gnods for the hnlldajs ; Immcns profits ; all goods delivered free ; sample li Plush lined cae , 10 cents ; Illustrated cntnlogu free , Iladnrtt Aluminum Co , Mcdlnah Temple Chicago , 111. J 631 2 ANTED , AGENTS , EVERY CITY ; JUST OUT nothing like It ever seen , Lonmls stamp holdc nml molstenei. Hells nt light ; every bank olllce , store nnd business man wants one. In structlons nnd sample by mall , 75 cents. I > ou moan business write for outfit. Postals no answered. The Cincinnati Pure Aluminum Co , Cincinnati , O. J M630 4" GENTS WANTED ; THE BEST BUIISCIUF tlon liook for the holiday season ; fine arts n the fair ; 24' ' ) half-tones of contents of art gal lery only ; large site : .save time and remit 11. " for simple copy In cloth ! will refund If you d not sell. Rand , McNahy & Co , 160-174 Adam street. Chicago. J 67j 2 GENTS , SALESMEN ; GREAT Pt'ZHLE ll" Bover , author of the famous " 13. 15 , 14 ; " rapl Belling. Apply early by moll to Prison Cel Puzzle Co , 71 Randolph St. , Chicago , III. J-670 2 OOD SOLICITORS , BOTH LADIES AN1 gentlemen , to sell mineral matrr ; active agent cnn make money , W. O. Albright Co. , Brune WM.k hotel. J M663 3 * 76 CO A WEEK PAID TO LADIES AND GENT to sell the Rnp'd DHh Washer ; washes nn dries them In two minutes without wetting th . hnndu ; no experience necessary ; sells at slghl permanent position Addrtss W. P Harrlso ft Co . Clerk No. 14. Columbus , O. TORAGE , WILLIAMS & CROSS. 1214 HARNE M-M3 TOUAOn FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEA ! and cheap rate. R. Wells , 1111 rarnamM504 M-504 EST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA , U. S gov. bonded warehouse. Household good stored. Lowest rates , 1013-1015 Lcavenworth. M 605 END FOR LITTLE BOOK , "HOW TO SPE ( u'ato Successfully In the Grain and Sto < Markets , " mailed free. Comstock , Hughes Co , Rlalto Building , Chicago. M 12 2 * WANTED TO BUY. CITY & CO. CLAIMS. PRITCHARD , 1712 FAR' : N 506 WILL , GIVE 122,000 CASH FOR 22-FOOT LO on Farnam or Douglas between Uth nnd 1611 J. J. Gibson , 317 First Nat'l bank bldg.N237 N-237 jECOND-HAND BOOKS BOUGHT FOR CASI Antlquaran book store , 1519 Farnam street. N-8SO D14 I AVE CASH BUYERS FOR 5 TO 8-ROO ! houses , cant "of 21th street , noith of Cumlni Garvln Bros , 210 N. Y. Life. N-M692 6 VANTED , GOOD SECOND HAND HO water heater ; give size , make , price. Addrei Gurncy , Yankton , S. D. N M5S9 3 VANTED. AN OLD CAVALRY SABER ; MUS bo cheap. Address D 7 , Bee olllce.NM583 N-M583 3 * VANTED TO BUY A SECOND-HAND SAFI must bo cheap for cash. 60S Paxton b'ock N 637 2 VANTED , 4 OR 6-FOOT STANDING DESJ Wlnona Implement Co. , 14th and Nicholas , N-M623 2 VANTED , COLUMBIAN STAMPS , USED O unused ; state quantity nnd price. Address , J. Caldvvell , 390 N. Clark St. , Chicago. III. N 673 2 FOB SALE FUBNITUBE. URN1TURE AUCTION AT 1111 FARNAM S' Saturday. 10 a m. Robt. Wells. O 607 [ LOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK OF TURN ture , stoves , etc. L. Altman , 808 N. 10th. 0-508 FOR SALE , CARPET , SHADES AND FUI nlture at 409 So. 25th ave. O 601-3 FOB SALEHORSiS , WAGONSET ( HAETON , BARGAIN ; NEW CLOTH , LEAT1 cr , paint , 165 ; another , 125. Drummond Cge C P M42S D20 ; 2000 BUYS GOOD HORSE FOR HACK , Dl livery or draft ; weight , 1,160 ; call at one Room 309 Karbach block. P M639 3 FOB BALE MISCELLANEOUS. F YOU BUY. BUY THE BEST ; MACKII toshes , rubber boots , arctics , syringes of n kinds , gas tubing ; all best quality. Omal Tent and Awning Co. , 1311 I'urnam st. Q 603 CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTA fence made. C. R. Lee , 901 Douglas. Q 610 CORN FODDER FOR SALE , FOUR BLOCK north Lead Works , Ea Omaha. Tom Anderso Q-311 D1Q iVEGMAN PIANOS , BRIDGEPORT ORGAN Woodbrldge Bros , 117 So. 17th. Q-235 j'IRE BRICK , CAR LOTS , 114 ; SMALL LOT 115 M ; fire clay , sand , gravel , screenings. Wr J. Welshnns , 331 Board of Trade. Tel. 1689 Q 456 D27 : ORNI WHEAT ! OATS ! WRITE OR WIH for prices on mixed or whole cars of cor wheat , oats , feed or flour , delivered In yoi town. W. J. Crandall , Firth , Neb. Q-M474 4' FREE ! BOOK , "HOW TO SPECULATE SUi cessfully on the Grain and Stock Market trading on limited margns explained. Con & Co. , Rlalto building , Chicago , 111. Q 6)0 ) 2 < FOR SALE , A FURNACE IN GOOD REPAIR one of the b < > st made ; can be seen at MOO bhe man avenue ; hardware store , Q C36 2' MISCELLANEOUS. FIRST-CLASS DAIRY FARM. GOOD BARN Ice house , excellent pasture , spring water ; o mile from South Omaha. Charles Chllds , 1 ! Lcavenworth street , Omaha. n 433-3 < WANTED THE GARB OF A BABY GIRL I a reliable woman. 332 } Meridlth avenue. i R-645 2 < CLAIBVOYAUTS. MRS. DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , R liable business medium ; 7th > car at 119 N. 16 S 511 THE CELEBRATED CLAIRVOYANT XS palmist , the young Mme. Romalne , has c rived In the city and can be consulted on i matters ; thousands have been made happy her advice ; those wishing correct advice business , changes , journeys , marriages , la suits , family , etc. , call on the maaame a be convinced she has no equal ; letters co talnlng stamp promptly answered ; buslne strictly confidential. Hours , 9 to 9 1617 Cl cage street. 8 M6SO S , BATHB. ETC. MADAM SMITH. 602 B. 13TH , 2D FLOO room 3 ; massage , Mipor , alcohol , steam , si phurlna and sea baths. T M619 C MASti'AdE. MADAME BERNARD. 1421 DODO T 128 D-J TUBKISH BATHS. TURKISH BATH ROOMS , EXCLUSIVELY F ( ladles. Suite 109-10 , Bee Bldg. 655 PEB8ONAL. MACKINTOSHES & RUBBER BOOTS. 1311 F/ u si : CHRYSANTHEMUMS ; HESS & B WO BOD florists , 1411 rarnam ; Paxton hotel ; tel. 1501. U 484-D : VIAVI ; HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIE Health book and consultation free. Addresa call Vlavl Co. , 349 lleo bldg. Lady attendai U-5i : MASSAGE ELECTRO THERMAL BATH chiropodist. Mme. Post , 319 > j S. Uth St. THE BELLE EPPERLY CORSET. MADE order from measure , 19X1 Farnam street.UMZt U-MZt FIFTEEN ELEGANT CAIltNET PHOTOS : 3 different styles , $1.99 , at Cowan's , 534 IJroe way , Council Bluffs. U M435 DZ OPEN DECEMBER 3 , 1S94 , TO THE LADI ; of Omaha , N rb. : Two ladles from BosU Mass. , will open rooms at 1816 Chicago stn for the benefit of suffering women. Th < ladles have had a wide experience In treat ! chronic and acute diseases by the latest mei ods. Ladles , call on us , state > oUr ci plainly , and we will bo sure to give you rell do not suffer longer ; consultation fro * . Olt hours , 9 iu m. , to 5 p. m. ; Sundays , 1 tc p. m. . U-M4C4 , DM ATTENTION LADIES ! "EMMA" DUST E velop r will enlarge your bust K Inch Guaranteed. Staled Instructions c , or 21-pi Illustrated catilWi ) ( c , by mall. Emma Tel listar , Boston , Mais. 1 LADIES TURKISH AND ELECTRIC QATI complexion treatment , bust development , mo. cure and chlrbpodlst. Mme. Post , 31 H Soi 15th , str et. U- OETT MARJHED : FOR PARTICULARS A drum , with stamp , the Prudential Matrtmon bureau. 403 New York Life building , Omaha MARRIAGE TAPER IN PLAIN SEAL ! wrapper fr ; larK st , oldest and most rellat 3,000 correspondents many wealthy. The Hi Ing Hand , Chicago , 111. U CJO : PEI ONAL. CoiUjnutd. PRESCRIPTIONS Of "CELEBRATED _ _ clans that cure ersirrtty , catarrh , pllrs , rhcu matlem , lost innnhoWl nit forms ot prlvntc disease , guarantee ! -ifcscrlptloi | for any dls ease jou nifntlonelijr' mall Jl W. Atldren IK 112 Omnho , JfeT ) . U 3J V lf ESTATE. IFE INSURANCE 1-OLICIES LOANED OJS or bought. F , O. Vhesney , Kan < as City , Mo. ANTHONY LOAN Si T UST CO. , 318 N.Y.LlfE lonn nt low rntoiriior choice security In Nc brnska and Iowa furma or Omaha clt > pr.perty fl W 51 } _ _ _ MONEY TO LOANllONI FARMS IN DOUGLAS county , Improved urul nnlmproNcd Omaha ren estate. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam st. . W-518 _ _ 10NEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAH/ real estate. Brcnnan , Love & Co. , Paxton blk W-517 _ _ CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWES ! rates. Pusey & Thomas , First Nat'l bldg W-M248 1ONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. Till O. r. Davis Co , 1003 Farnam St. W 518 10NEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES OI < Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate 1 to 6 years. Fldclltj Trust Co , 1T02 Fqmam. W-S1G LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED C1T1 property , J3.UOO nnd upwards , 6 to 7 per cent ! ni Oelnjs. W , Farnam Smith & Cj , U2J Fainam W-519 CHAS. W. RAINEY , OM. NAT. UK. BLDO. W-343 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL E3TATF at 6 per cent. W. B. Milkle , 1st Nat. bank bl ( W 521 ; ERY LOW RATES MADE ON GOOD LOANS J. W. Squire , 248 Bee bldg. W-S22 CITY LOANS , C. A. STARR , CIS N. Y. LIFE. W-881 100 TO 5,000. F. D. WEAD , 1CTII & DOUGLAS \\C04-31 VANTED TO VORROW 1750 ON GOOD FAR ! 16 < ) acres , Unproved , In Iluftnlo county , for on o three 3 cars. Addrcts Lock Box 133 , Omaha. W-598-7 lARGE LOANS , LOW RATES. SMALL LOANS short time. H. H. Harder & Co. , Bee Bldg. W-C57 31 MONEY TO JL.OAW CHATTELS. iIONDY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates In city no removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; yo can pay the loan oft at any t'me or In an amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 30C S. 16th street. X-123 iIONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD TURN ] ture , pianos , horses , wagons , or any kind c chattel security nt lowest possible rates , whlc > ou can imy back at nn > time and In nn amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. Room 4 , Wlthnell block. X 523 B. HADDOCK , ROOM 427 , RAMGE BLOCK X 528 BUSINESS CHANCES. CASH PAID FOR ENDOWMENT POLICIES II old line companies. Send description. A. K Brocklesby , Box 233 , Hartford , Conn. Y M830 D14 * FOR SALE , 26-ROOM BOARDING HOUSE centrally located. Rent low. A bargain. D Bee. Y 504 WANTED ; PARTNER IN ESTABLISHE1 paying bulslness ; must be good business man require M.OOft AddrvssjD 12 , Bee. Y MG4I 4 * FOR. SALE , OLD ESTABLISHED FRUIT AN ! produce commission business In Chicago , whlc assures goal Income ; has paid present ovvn 400 per cent a jfear for several jears abov actual Investment t poor health cause ot bait Address U 9 , Lord & Thomas , Chicago „ Y08 2 I-OK EXCHANGE. V GOOD LOT Iff EkST OMAHA TO EX change for joung work horses or mulet Lamoreaux Bros , t06 S. 10th. 2-627 BANKERS IAND , REAL ESTATD AGENT Tal e Notice Hard'tlrrles has made It posslbl to get hold of good business blocks In Omah and take farm lands Ih exchange. I solid correspondece. J. J. Gibson , 317 1st Nat. banl Z 801 GOOD NEW BICYCLE FOR HIGH GRAD : hammrrless gun. Address E. Falrman , Octuvl : Neb. Z M488 2 FOR MORTGAGEiPAPER OR CLEAR LANI one of the finest properties In Lincoln , brlnt Ing annually J4&yO. Address , Lock Box 36 : Lincoln , Neb. & M400 2 * OMAHA RESIDENCE OR BUSINESS PROI erty , clear , and cash , for stock of mcrUiar dlse. Alex. Moore , 504 N. Y. Life. Z M580 2 2 TRACKAGE LOTS ON N. UTH ST. , NEAI Nicholas , to trade for clear unimproved Inslri residence lots. Hamilton Bros , 414 So. 18th s ZG02-2 WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER FOR AN H rlgated Colorado farm ? Davis , 310 N. Y. Lll building , Omaha , Neb. / < EO 2 FOR SALE OR TRADE , FOR SOMETHIN useful , an organ ; also horse and wagon < phaeton. 1S24 North 26th street. Z 613 2' TRADE ; 160-ACRE FARM IN BROWN COUNT near Nlobrara river ; good buildings , runnln water and about 75 acres of heavy timber , a fenced ; will trade for stock ot general mei Ehandlse or stock hardware. Joseph Zerrat boxr DOS , Schuyler , Neb. Z 656 3 * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. GARDEN LANDS , S MILES FROM PO81 otllce , easy terms. Call at 940 N. Y. Life. RE-528 BARGAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARM ! sale or trade. F. 1C. Darling , Barker block. RE 529 FOR SALE , NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE ; CEI lar , cistern , city water ; cor. 30th and Sahlei (1,250 00 ; long time. Inquire 1318 Farnam. San uel Burns RE 530 BARGAIN , 160 TO 1,500 ACRES OF CHOIC land 6 miles from Omaha P. O. cheap. Ltbcn terms. Address C , 12 , Bee , Omaha.RE RE S03 Dll MODERN 12-ROOM HOME , VERY CUBA and oh easy terms. 2013 Blnney st. RE 918 GREAT BARGAINS Which must be sojd within the next few day 22 feet on Cumins st. | Double store in Dupont Place. 4-room cottage In Lowe's addition. 10-room house In Credit Foncler , fine fruit or lots of It , ground 88x147. 12,000 lot In Crcston for J800. | And other BIO BARGAINS. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Farnam street. RE 239 WANTED , FOR A CUSTOMER , AN 8 6 9-room modern house In Hanscom Place or v clnlty ; must be cheap for cash. Fidelity Tru Company , 1702 Furnam st. RE M243 EXCHANGES AND SALES ; CITY PROPERT1 farms , merchand se. Garv In Bros. , 210 N. " ! Life. RU M233 WE HAVD BUYERS FOR NEAT 5 OR 6-ROO cottages , must be snaps , for all cash. Fiaell Trust Company , 1702 rarnam street. RE-242 RESIDENCE , 84-FOOT CORNER , KOUNTZ Place. 15.000 00. F. K. Darllpg. RE-JJ573 2 10 ACRES , VERY FINE. CLOSE TO OMAHJ half value , Jl.OOO ; easy terms. Alex. Moor B04 N. Y. Life. RE M587 2' FOR SALE. TEXAS. GULF COAST LAND cheap. Easy terms. Will take horses or farr as part pay. Address J , R. Uavles & C ( Galveston , Tex. | 0 , RE- IRRIGATED 40-ACRC FARMS , BEAUTIFt ] South Platte valley , ' near Sterling and I'o Morgan , Colo. ; & ) ara time to actual settlei Colorado Colony CoMpany. 310 N. Y. Life bull Ing. Omaha.n * RE49 2' FIGURE IT YOUlfStfLF. WD WILL Blil > ou 6-room house.nnd lot , (80000 , walking dl tonco of business ? You pay (16 60 a month (18000 a } ir rent. Don't you get a. home f nothing ? (1.400 coy Very easy terms. 6-roc home , full lot , fnV"W ) > catlon. (1,60000 , 8-roc house , shade trees , line lot , splendid * locotlo (1,15000 , very easy terms , 6-room cottage , i on one floor. Oozy homo near business. (1,000 ( 6-room cottage.unm \ bom , nice lot , (150 down , balance ta ) uit you. Vacant lot , Wxll 27th and falxuildlnKf K > 0 00. THESE ARE FOflQEU AND ARE OFFERr AT HALF VAUjDfrf ) MAKE QUICK SALE H. H. ole Co. , 106 N. 15th. a * I RE M633 < 5 ACRES IN CWTf- LIMITS , IMPROVE : (1.2UO 00 ; clear Nebraska farm , good , for (1,000 vacant lot ; beautiful home. t > 6 ft. frontat one block from Euclid Martin's resleenc 3.500.00 cash. One acre at JSCU and Leavenworth , with go house , (6,00000. , "We recocnlze no boom prices. ' * II. H. Harder & Co. , Bee Bldg. HE O ! A RARE BARGAIN ! 20 ACRES ON PAVE street ; juit wtst ot city ; will bl sold \t cheap. Aidr/ss P. P , box C94. RE-iM 2J MUST JIB SOLD ; IIANpSOMfcLT IMPROVE property paying 9 per cent. HS.W009 ; U coe balance ( V4 per cent , Address D 16 , lies omc Rt - oJ' A BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOME , 10 ROOl and born , for dear Cottage , lots or good Ian W. O. T mpl t6n , 42 N. Y Ljfe. RE-UJ82 t' ' HAY ANP BUY YOUR HAY BY TON OR OAR LOTS. T\ buy hay , A. H. Bnder , Uli Burt it. Tel. 11 NEBRASKA HAY CO. , WHOLESALE HA grain and mill stuff. We are nlvran on t market to buy or sell. 1402-4-t Nicholas st. AUCTION 8AMS OF OLOTHINO. PEREMPTORY AUCTION SALE AT CHIC ao , ILL. On Thursday , December 6 , 1894 , nt ID n m , li 6nler to wind up partnership mailers vv ll fell at public auction the entire stock of Strauss \omlorf fc Rose , manufacturers of men' : youths' and children's clothing , nt their store cor. Market nnd Qu'ney ' streets , Chicago , consist Ing of over l $123,00000 worth of * M ' ' dHILDREH'8 MEN'S , BOYS' AND CLOTHING In full suits , overcrals , ulsters , pnnls , slng'i vests and n quantity of piece goods. All fresl goods made for this season's trade , which fact together with the unquestionably high reputatloi enjojed by this firm ns makers of the hlghcs grade of garments , makes this one of the mo attractive sales It ban ever been our pleasure t announce to the trade. Stock will be put U ] In lots to suit the trade. Terms of sale ! Cash 01 delivery ! a deposit will be required from enc' and every buyer. Stock will be on exhibition with catalogue. Tuesday , December 4. George P Gore & Co. , Auctioneers. SAMUEL OANS , Manager. Western Salvage Wrecking Agency. M5S5 2 * " HOTELS. HOTEL BARKER. 13T1I AND JONES ST8. 75 rooms at il 50 per clay. DO moms nt S2 00 per day. .Special rates to commercial travelers. Roor and board by week or month. Prank lllldltcr manager. f32 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. COP 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or week. 633 COZZEN8 HOTEL , OTHAND HARNEY steam heat , electric bells , telephone , baths , ei cellent culsene , elegant rooms ! 11.00 per dny > 4 00 and upwards pe > - week. 634 LO3T. LOST ; WHITE ST. DERNARD DOO ; NO COL lar ; return to 1818 Cap. Ave. and receive r < ward. Lcwt MW7 3 LOST ; SMALL BLACK SHORT-TAILED COCK rell spaniel dog ; my name on collar ; rewan N. A. Hall , 633 S. 29tli avenue. 6G.3 4 LOST , CLASS PIN , IN FORM OF 8HIELT bearing Inscription on face "Shnttuck 94 ; " r < turn to 2214 London court and receive rewnri Edwin T. Swobe. M679 3 LOST ; FROM 1710 SHERMAN AVENUE , PU pup ; liberal reward for return. 665 2 * UNDERTAKERS AND EHBALHER ) I. K. BURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AN cmbalmcr , 1618 Chicago St. , telephone 90. 536 SWANSON & . VALIEN. UNDERTAKERS AN cmbalmcrs , 1701 Cumlng at. , telephone 1060. 637 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND E balmer , 14J7 Farnam St. , telephone 225. 538 C. W. BAKER , UNDERTAKER , 613 S. 16th SI 639 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUNI storage batteries recharged ; electrical and gel cral mechlnlsts ; superior work guarantee ! Omaha Electrical Works , 617 and 619 S. 16th s 642 ILECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRAC tors for electric light and motor plants and n kinds of electrical construction. Western Elei trio Supply Co , 418 and 420 S. Uth st. 513 BUILDIN& & LOAN ASSOCIATION IOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOO Interest on savings Apply to Omaln L & I Ass'n , 1704 Bee bldg. G. M. Nattlnger , Sec. 544 SHARES IN MUTUAL L. AND B. ASS'N PA 6. 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 years old , nl nj redeemable. 1704 Farnam St. , Nattlnger , Sec. 645 COAL. D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COA ofllce to 209 8. 16th St. , Brown block. 652 SHERIDAN COAL , EXCELLENT SUBST1TUT for hard coal , and (3 60 ton cheaper. 1603 Fa : nam street ; main entrance Board of Trade 653 TYPEWRITERS. STOLEN TYPEWRITERS OFFERED FO sale should make you suspicious ; funny the are mostly Smith's Try one and you wl understand why. Full line of supplies. Smltl Premier Co. , 17th and Farnam , telephone 1284. 624 HOBgES WINTERED. BAnTON & THELPS. TEL 105 207 N. Y. Life bldg. M428D31 * DENTISTS. DR. GEORGE S. NASON , DENTIST , SUITE 2 1'axton block , 16th and Farnam sts. Tel. 712 543 DR. PAUL. DENTIST. 2020 BURT ST. 649 OABPENTEB3 AKD BUILDERS. : . D. MORRILL , CARPENTER AND RUILDE1 paper hanging and signs , brick work nnd pla terlnf. Olllce , 409 S. 14th St. , telephone 408 657 STOVE &EPA1B3. STOVE REPAIRS FOR 40,000 DIFFEREN makes of stoves Water attachment and coi nectlona a epeclalty. 1207 Douglas stree Omaha Stove Repair Works. C50 DYE WORKS. SCHOEDSACK , TWIN CITY DYE WORK ! 1521 Farnam street. Dyeing of every descrl ] tlon and dry cleaning. 553 OPTICIANS. THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO , SCIENTIF1 opticians , 1408 rarnam st , opposite Poxtc hotel. Ejes examined free. 651 MASaUERADE COSTUMES. GENTLEMEN AND LADIES CAN REN masquerade costumes at 114 South 16th st. 231-D19 * WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON BROS , WHOLESALE DEALERS I all kinds of coal. Correspondence solicited. 10 Farnam street. 500 PLUMBERS. JOHN HOWE & CO. , PLUMBING STEAM AN hot water heating , gas fixtures , globes. 421 S. 1 541 JOB PRINTING. REED JOB PRINTING CO. . FINE PRINTIN of all kinds. 17th St. , Bee building. (63 CORNICE. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , GALVANIZE Iron cornices. 1722 fat. Mary's ave. 555D21 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES , 4316 GRANT. 9879 D 15' SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORT HAND. I Y. Life , Omaha. Ask for circular. Ml MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. G. F. GELLENBECK , BANJOIST AN teacher , 1810 California street. * . 914 BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , 715 N. : GRINDING. RAZORS. SHEARS , CLIPPERS , LAWN ers , etc. A. L. Undeland , 106 S. 14th. IK PAWNBROKERS. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N , 16TH M. O. DAXON. 402 N , 16TH. 63 ! THK ItUALTV AIARICUr. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Dccemb 1 , 1891 : Louis Bohme to George Schneider , lot 39 , Nelson's ! odd (3 , ( S B Remer and wife to W N Cassel , lot 34 , block Z. Hoffman Terrace Esther Starbuck to M A Matthews , | ot IS block "B , " Bedford add S.f. . 3,1 Miry Kilkenny to Dora Bell , lot 8 , block 10 , Isaac & Q's add J F Flack Co to U S Joslln et n ! trustees , 1M 13 , blocb 8 , subdlv pf J I Rerilck's add CJUIT CLAIM PEED3. * > W C McLean to M A McLean , w is feet of e | 4 feet ot n ' ,4 M block "B , ' ' Shlnn's add M O Macleod to J W Gouldlhr , H. * > acrea In se 10 SMS-1J. . . . , . . , . , Total amount of transfers (6 , BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Bi OMAilA , Neb. Advice FUG I NEBRASKA MANUFACTURERS Preparing for a Business Men's ' Banquet a Norfolk Next Week. MEN WHO MAK THEWHEILS GO RCUNC Flour Trnilo Situation Itemntns About the Sumo na Uclnlloil a Week ABO Handing Up Yo.iit nnil linking 1'ovrder Illiniums A traveling salesman was In the clty th middle of the week In the Interest ot a wcl known mill located some distance- from Nc brasKa , and In the course of his stay her did considerable advertising for The Bee. H called the attention of a number of buslnes. men to the article In last Sunday's edition li regard to the war that Is being made upo : ho milling Industry of this state by the larg milling Interests of other sections. Ho wa very Indignant that any newspaper In th itate should call the attention of consumer .0 the fact that Omaha Is being drained o ho money and business that properly be ongs here to old In developing the Industrie of rival cities. The large milling Interest ioth north and south have come to look upo : Nebraska as their own property , and the are determined to hold the trade here , com what may , and any effort on the part of newspaper to arouse the Interest of consumer n favor of Nebraska Industries is resente1 iy them. During the \vcck Just closed the manufac lurcrs of the state have been preparing fo another home Industry banquet , to be held : Norfolk. Mr. Holmes , the secretary of th association , has been to Norfolk and has mad arrangements for the banquet to take plac on December 13. On former occasions c : hls kind the Invitations liavo ben limited t the business men , but this time It Is propose to vary the rule by Inviting the ladles t accompany the gentlemen. The banquc tables will bo spread In the largest avallabl hall in the city , and the menu will const ! of home products from beginning to em Another large hall will be set aside for musli and those who care for that kind of entertain ment can Indulge In dancing , card pla > lnf etc. After the banquet the guests will i called together and there will be speaking o subjects of Interest to all good citizens \\h desire to see Nebraska's Industries devel oped. The guests on this occasion will be the bus iness men of Norfolk and the surroundln : cmns and their ladles , while the' Manufac turers' association will act In the capaclt ot host. While the plan as detailed abov is considerable of an Innovation , manufat .urera say that the most loyal patrons c tiome Industries are the ladles , and that the ought to be recognized. Experience ha shown that those factory products which ar used In the homo , and which are purchase the ladles , have received the most benef from the home Industry movement , shovvln that the ladles liavo not only been practlcln what they believed to a much greater ej tent than have their husbands and fathers. An effort will be made to have the mem bers cf the association located In the dlffei ent cities of Nebraska attend and 'becom personally acquainted with the people ot Noi folk and vicinity. YEAST AND BAKING POWDEH THADB The home Industry campaign Inaugurate by The Bee in 1891 did a great deal for th local manufacturers of yeast and baking po\\ der , but it has not done as much as might hav aeen accomplished. This has been due , appai ently , to carelessness , largely on the pai ot consumers. While these two commod ties ore apparently of small Importance , the enter so largely Into dally use that the tot : consumption In the course of a year In city like Omaha Is something enormous. It may not bo generally known , but It Is fact , nevertheless , that the city of Omah has one of the finest factories for the mam facture of dry hop yeast In the country. : Is loeattd on Twenty-eighth street and tl Belt line , and Is a brick * building 44xl ( feet , three stories' ' In height , with a one-slot addition 26x44 feet. Although there Is It tltf or no difference In the character or qua Ity of dry hop yeast , mads by the dlfferet manufacturers , the Omaha yeast being , anything , better than that of eastern mam facture , It has been uphill work to establls the business In this city. This Is owing ei tlrely to the Indifference of the retail mei chants and the carelessness of consumer When the merchant places an order for gr < cerlcs , It la so convenient to Include an ordt for yeast at the same time that the most i them forget all about the necessity of fui nlshlng work for the laboring people < Omaha , and some eastern city gets the bu : Incss that should remain at home. It only when the consumer Insists upon beln supplied with the home made article the the money Is kept In the city. A gre many consumers have done this , but still a most three-fourths of tha dry hop yeast use In this city Is shipped hero from other cltlei The great trouble appears to be that many Omaha ladles allow their servants t order the goods , and they take Just what th retail grocer gives them , regardless of wher It Is made. L'ADIES MIGHT HELP. "If the charitable ladles of this city war to aid working people to get a living , " sal a business man , "they can do a good deal b personally seeing to their Duylng , and nc leaving it all to hired help. " A dozen girls In addition to these now employed , could fin work at wrapping yeast , If Omaha ladle RAILWAY THE CAR ! Leaves ( BURLINGTON & MO. RIVEU I Arrive ; OmahttlUnlon Depot. 10th S. Mason bis | Oman 10:16am : 6onver Exprebs . . .7T..3.3Jar 4.35pm Blk. Hills. Mont. & Puget Snd. Ex. 4:10pi : 4'35pm , . .Denver Express 4:10pt : 6:45pm..Nebraska Local ( except bund&y ) , , VMSpi lilSam..Lincoln Local ( except Sunday ) . . 11:25ar : Leaves [ CHICAGO. UURLINGION & g l Arrives Omah 'Unlon ' ptpot. 10th & Mason Sti | Omah 4.(6pm' . . , . Chicago Vestibule. , a.Soar t4Jam ; Chicago Express 4.2opr lWpm : Chicago and Iowa Local 8 Wat Ui15am Paclflp Junction Local. . . . . . . 6 OSpr _ vav oCHICAaO. | MIL. & ST. PAUL I . OmfrhalUnion j- : _ . Depot. , I0t\ & Mason . _ fin | L _ Omuli _ , ; t 00pm. I. . . . . . . .Chlcarb Limited . S.JOdii ll.lpam. , . . Chicago Express ( ex. Bun. ) . . , . 8lipr : Leave's ICH1CAGO & N6llTHWEbT'N.lAirUej OrnahalU , P. Depot. 10th & Mason Bis I Omah ; 11.05am. . . . Eastern Express 6.30pfl 4.00nm Vestlbuled Limited t.40 t ; t.&iim Mo Valley Local 10Mpr : { :45plfi Omaha Chicago Special iltpr Leaves I CHICAUO , R. I. St. PACIFIC. ( Arrives OroahalUnion Depot , IQlh & Mason hts I Omah ; 11 00am..Atlantic Express ( ex. Sunday ) . , 6 05pt 4 > Spm Night Express l.60pr 4 30pm . .Chicago Vestlbuled Limited . . . l.tfipt ll35pm ; .Oklahoma Exp. ( loC. U ex Bun ) . .ll:3upr : " " ' ' _ i - wlfsT. ' 5.15am.Oklahoma . Texas EK ( ex. Sun. ) ll.SOpr 1'lOpm Colorado Limited. . . . . ' . . 4 OOpr leaves I C , ST. P. , M. k. O.T iAjrrl\ea omohal gepot 15th and Webster fits 1 Omah ; 9j64m..Nebraska : Passenger ( daily ) . . . . sTlTpr 1 .Jtpm..Sioux City Express ( ex. Sun..11.Mar ) .Bt. Paul Limited 9:40at : UiVes I r. . E. i MO. VALLElf ( XrrlVM pitiVlial Dtpot Utb and Webster tils. I Omah . ! ? - . . : . . . . Mall and ExpreH-Ti. . . Iii6pirt : . ( . Sat ) Wyo. ( i. ( e Mon > . . 4:6p : ? 1.05km..Norfolk Expieu ( i. Sundayli:30ai ) ) : 4.Mom..Fremont Pass ( ex. Sunday ) , , . . T(0pi : C10pm ; St. Paijl Express. . . . . ' . 0 : 0a ! Ixaveil K. V. , BTTJ , Tfe 0. p. lArrlvti OmahalUnlort Pfpyt , } 01h A Maion Bts 1 Omah f.llam..Kapitas City Day Exprew. . . . . O .ulpr tiitptn.lC. C. NUht By. Via. U. P. Trani. t Omahal Depot l 0i nd Webiter Sis , j Omah " "i45am : . S..St , Louis Exprei } , . " ; . * , , ' , , "ooiT t. Louis Exprett . 6,09pi silia ; Local tx. Syn , ) . . . . . . tlitht [ ArtlVH 5n Bts Oman SlHpm Overland HXjr " . . . , ( : WH | fltrornib'gKx.Ur.Bun ) . : ' | ! llpm.U atrlc ft ! = KP ; P"Ii ! < > K'Fr."s , lHi ? : IArrlv i Chnaha Union Dtpot. 10th & Ma Bts I Omalj would do this. There ar any number -of ftlrls who want work to support themselves , or tjelp some widowed mother with a large family" . The Consolidated CotTco company , which operates the factory mentioned above tine , 6n account of the low prices prevailing on most lines of Roods , reduced Its price on dry hop yeast In order to make It more ot an Induce ment to the trade to handle It. H lm p'ul on four extra salesmen , and will try ( o double the number before spring , Making powder Is another line that requires a good deal of help from consumers to Intro duce , ns the retail trade has handled tlio old and well known brands for so long a tlmo that U Is difficult to Induce them to make n chanRo unless consumers demand It. The Consolidated Coftce company has cnllste.il the services of the boys In tlio city , and has Increased Its output ot German baking powder very materially In that way. It laid In a stock ot flno pocket knives and offered to give one to any boy who would sell a dozen cans ot baking powder and turn the orders over to the nearest grocer. Uy this means a number of small boys nro now the possessors of pocket knives , while the baking pander business has been given a decided boom. IN LOCAL GERMAN CIRCLES. Actorans ot tlio Franco-1'rtisalnn Wnr Now In Onmliii Will Attend the .Ittbllco. Of the number of men who In years gone by owed alleglanco to Kaiser Wllhelm , and wlioso loyalty to that monarch and hts coun try was put to a test during the Franc- Prussian war , quite a few are now residents ot this city and proud to call themselves clt- zens of this country. Of these , notably Charles Sclmrtovv , Prof. T. M. Stelnlmuser , 'red O. Krause and Dr. Grossman bear the lecoratl n accorded for bravery the Iron cross upon their breasts. Most ot them In- end to visit the laud they fought for on ho occasion ot the twenty-fifth Jubllco. which s to toKe place next > ear. This cilcbratlou s Intended as n reunion of the men of 70-71 , and moro particularly ns a commemoration of the sleRo and fall of Sedan , when Na poleon III was mads prisoner nnd the c 1- apse of the French monarchy followed. Some ot tbo heroes participating In this con- llct are cither drawing a pension now or liavo been deprived of it by reason of their emigration. Those of the latter class who are also owners of the Iron cr.ss expect restitution of such pension , and pehaps a not inconsldeable sum as back payment If they can personally present themselves nt this time. In connection with this It might be said that th se In a position to know dis credit the story of a free passage and de fraying of all expenses for these old soldiers by the German goeminent. . Tlio latter has given expression , as shown by letters , to Its pleasure In seeing all the surviving defenders of the fatherland , without regard to tholr present place of residence , nt this jubllcs , but beyond this nothing has been promised them , as ono of the members explained yesterday. Nevertheless , moro than a dozen of the local members will prcbably embrace this oppor tunity to revisit 'Germany , whoso govern ment Intends to decorate the survivors still further with a medal specially to bo made for thia occasion. Local German ( losilp. Mr. Fred Mcta , Jr. , has recorded the arrival of a } oung Miss Metz. An entertainment nnd ball was given by the Bohemian Ladles society last Thursday at National hall. President Fischer of the Bavarian voroln was serenaded by the Llcdtrkranz last Thurs day evening on the occasion of his latest birthday. The members of the society spent several pleasant hours at Mr. Fischer's homo for congratulation and well wishing. * Mr. Kmll Duerr , residing at 1914 Douglas street , and prominent In German circles , had the mls.ortuna to blip and fall on his porch last Tuesday evening , dislocating his shoul der and breaking his right arm. His Injuries were atcndcd by Dr. Grossman. Turner hall \\aa filled on Thanksgiving day when Prof. Stelnhouscr's band gave an afternoon and evening concert. The musla blended harmoniously , and the audlcnco showed proper appreciation of the many good selections , which ftcro well rendered. Edward Gautscli , a familiar character , and for many years a resident of the city , celef brated his fifty-ninth birthday Friday , In a befitting manner , thoroughly proving his good qualities as a host. Under direction of Prof. Charles Petersen the Ltederkranz is rehearsing diligently every Friday evening. Vocal practice seems an enjoyment for the members and the tlmo la pleasantly spent In song , usually succeeded by pleasant pastimes. President Kaiser of the Sacngerbund , sur rounded by many of the members ot tht society , celebrated his forty-third blrthdaj ) last Wednesday evening at the hall. A colla tion and fluids wcro served to promote social Intercourse. On behalf ot the club , Hon. George Helmrod congratulated Mr. Kaiser In language born of happy thoughts. To this Mr. Kaiser responded , expressing thanks ( or the congratulations showered upon hlrit. * * Last Wednesday evening the bear dlvlslci ) of the turnvereln debated the question , et adopting knee pants , sweaters and caps f r a turner costume , aa recommended by the last convention of Instructors In physical culttiro at Boston In July. Messrs. Andres , Perrlga and Emll Stein spoke In favor of the subject and Instructor Kummcrow , Dr. Lucko afld Robert Stein against It. With the cxcenybll of these ot the first three mentioned , all tlif1 votes cast , and there were many of them/ / were In the negative. All the societies In th& country arc at present discussing tlilj ques tion , but from Indications the adoption ot such a costume will be overwhelmingly de feated. " * Turner hall will probably receive ono of the largest audiences this evening , when sevVfal short character plays are to be'represented. Of considerable attractive qualities will , per haps , also , be the dude dance , executed \ > V ten young turner ladles drcsced In gay cos tumes. The Idea of presenting this crjg- Inated with Theatrical Director William All- stadt , who prides himself not a little on hla production , Other very attractive features liavo been provided , and the time promlles to be ono of perfect enjoyment. * ! r At Sacngerbund hall this evening the World's Fair quartet , assisted vocally by the LlederUranz and Saengerbund , will glvo _ a concert , at which some choice selections from well known composers will bo the program. A violin solo by Herr Thles , ono on the cornet by Herr Hat so , and the product ons of Messrs. Harnack , Engel and Landsbcrg are promised attractions. XOTKH. \ ' Detroit moldcrs will build a liall. An Iron trades council was formed a , Buffalo. Clgarmnkers report an organization boom In the cast. A large elnRlo tax club was formed In Brooklyn , N. Y. There arc about 30,000 union musicians la the United States. Dalcers are about to boom organization In tlio New England states. Seamen along the Atlantic coast are joinIng - Ing tlio union in great numbers. Thousands of printers are being forced out of work In England by machines. Last year trades unions In England spent about J2.000.000 for out-of-work benefits. The Altrurlan colony of Santa Rosa , Cat. , has Issued tlio first number of a weekly paper. Two hundred worsted weavers In Paw tucket , H. I. , Imvo resumed work after a seven wecKs * strike. A mass meeting of the striking cloak mak ers of Now York lasted ten hours ; 300 din ? ners and 2,300 loaves of bread were dlstrlbi uUd. ( Governor Morton of New York has named as members of his personal BUfT John Jacob Aitor , Afthlo Rogers and Llspenard Stewart * It Is a swell collection of millionaires. The Kentucky farm on which Abraham Lincoln wa born was recently sold t6 a New Yorker for 13,000. U contains 110 % ' acres , and will be converted Into a public f " " " Mr. Weary Walker , who was unccre * monlpusly bounced out of a millionaire' bpa In New York , threatens to Jojn Seminary , Dr C7i6acl < l o In tha , glorious work of otaj- vatbg | tljo lecture platfofm , and discourse oft "The Tyranny ! of Wealth. " , , tSf t , , A stranger mistaking John Doyle O'Reilly for a friend , oppi'oactied him from behlfjOj slapped him on the shoulder , and greeted hi pi as Jack with all they warmth of a llfe-Ioqg friendship. O'ttcllly turned to face a Very embarrassed man , and said , holding outhla hand : "I'm not Jack , but I'm glad to Kno and bo the friend'of any man that U ante to see his friend as you e to