< ! ' 4nm'i ' t t | PART I. * THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. PAGES 1 TO 8. t-M * ttl .ESTABLISHED JIHSIE 10 , 1871 , OMAILA , SUNDAY ] \rOKNI3sTf3l,4 \ DECEMBER 2 , 1894 SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. GOVERNORS TO SPARI Alabama lias Quo Mere on Hand than th Law Contemplates. KOLB TAKES THE OATH BEFORE A JUSTIC Dates Sworn in at the Usual Time and i the Usual Manner , GOVERNOR JONES TAKES A FIRM STAN Warns the Populist Claimant to Leave tl Capitol Building Quietly. INAUGURAL ADDRESS F.10M . A WAGO HhoiT of MUltli with 1 lolls rilled nil Cartridges i\lclcntly Overiuveil the Kolhltefl Denounced Untoi u n Unurpor. MONTGOMERY , Ala. , Dec. 1. The sta of Alabama now has two governors and tv separate sets of officers. Colonel Dates ar those elected on hla ticket preside at tl state house. Captain Kolb and his coi tlngent have not announced their offlcl headquarters. The political situation ! Alabama today has been a most excllli one. This was the day set by law for tl Inauguration of a governor and state tlcke The returns of the August election lun shown the election of the democratic tick headed by Colonel William C. Dates by ov 27,000 majority. The legislature In Joint se elon had regularly counted and onnounci the result. Captain Kolb , Dates' opponer the nominee of the populists , charged frai and claimed ho had received a majority the votes cast and was the rightful heir the governor's office. Ho determined , ther fore , to bo sworn In and was. At high noon , surrounded by membe the legislature and with the usual pen of military display , Colonel Gates took t oath ot office upon the steps ot the sta capltol , standing on the very spot on whii Jefferson Davis stood when he was swo In as president of the southern confcderac Numerous threats had been made by ml guided friends of Kolb , and to avoid anythl like violence , as well as to lend a spirit the occasion , more than twenty companl ot troops with cartridges In their belts we present and participated In the inauguratl Ciremonlcs , which were without any d orderly event. At Captain Kolb's residence there w held a secret caucus of populist leaders. Gc ornor Jones did not anticipate trouble , t was prepared to stamp It out promptly , ordered the military to carry ball cartrld ; so as to bo ready for action If requestec Ho regarded the threats and mutterlngs Kolb as a bluff. As the morning wore on there appeal tp be an Increase In the number of count : men In the city. The militiamen ostenta ously showed themsslVQS around the str with their jjuns and their ammunition be studded with ball cartridges. The Kolbl had not yet exhibited their guns. Govcri Jonca and his staff came to the state hoi early In the morning and were busily engai in making preparations to protect the In ; gural services from violence. At 1030 mllltla began to assemble at the armory , a caucus ot the Kolbltcs last night It v decided to gather at the state house today 11 o'clock , one hour In advance ot the auguratlon , and have Kolb sworn In. So difficulty was experienced In getting an olll to administer the oath , two populist Jud sympathizing with the cause declining the ground that they would lose their olll by being Impeached for treason. KOLB SWORN IN. At 11 o'clock a message was received at state house that Captain Kolb had taken gubernatorial oath In a downtown office i was coming to the state house to make speech. Governor Jones Issued orders to f free access to the state house grounds as 1 as those who entered behaved In an ordc manner. Kolb was sworn In by James W. Pow a Justice of the peace , the ceremony occ ring In the law office of Warren Reese , am ! the. same time the oath was administered J. C. Farvllle , as secretary of state ; W. Lynch , as audltoi ; J. P. Oliver , supsrlntcd of education , and Warren Reese , Jr. , attor general. Kolb and his cabinet then proceeded the state house for the purpose ot makin speech. Ho was followed by several h drcd ot his adherents. They marched the state house steps through the ranks the assembled mllltla and took their pla bcaldo the Identical portico upon which Jcf son Davis was declared president of confederate states. In a few minutes C crnor Jones sent for Captain Kolb , who escorted Into his presence by LUuton Irvvln ot the regular army. "I understand , sir , " said Governor Joi "that you propose to make a speech In tl grounds claiming to be , governor of 4 bama. " "That ls my Intention , " answered K "Then I must say to you that the mon you attempt It , I will Imve you arrested carried off the grounds , " said the gover "I say this In all kindness to you. If were governor you would do the same tl In a similar case. I will not permit yoi anyone else on these grounds to Interi the Inauguration proceedings of Govei Dates. " Governor Jones' manner was courteous firm. Captain Kolb looked around at the nembled troops and with a wave ot his 1 : utarted down and out ot the grounds , folio by his adherents. They congregated agali the strsst , utstde the capltol grounds. A wagon stood near by and upon this ( tiln Kolb mounted. He slated that the ctedlngs would be opened with prayer , pppullst clergyman mounted the wagon an h.ls motion the crowd uncovered their he It was an Impressive scene. Every mat the crowd was a pUIn countryman with re clothing and high'top boots. In simple vvi the clergyman Invoked the bleulng of upon the assemblage , "a plain people , God ! " he said , "who are here to secure honest government , " f ADDING INSULT T9 INJUP.Y. C ptan ( Kolb , after a brief fntroducl Bald ; "By frauds ot the greatest chars ths title of the office has been confc Upon Colonel Gates. He Is today nd.llng suit to Injury by accepting the highest c In your gilt , well knowing It U besto upon him by the fraudulent acts ot the p officials controlling the polls , I would , deed , bo an Ingrate It I failed to protest today In behalf of two-thirds of the w voters of Alabama against such wild usurpation. "As outlined In my address tn the peopli I have taken the oath of office and bee sworn In as governor de Jure of this stato. "It IB the ballot which gives the right t the officers under the laws ot Alabama , bi that right has been suspended by false an fraudulent election returns and the right t the office of governor lias been prlnm fad conferred on Colonel Dates. I take the oat ot office simply as a. protest against usurp : tlon and fraud , and promise I will use a legal nieutiH at my command to set aside an hold for naught the fraudulent election n turns by which ho claims to bo goverm of Alabama. If a fair and honest contei law la passed by the present general nssen bly that would settle the trouble and I satisfactory to the people as well as mysel If this act of Justice Is denied us , then v\ will make an appeal to the general goven ment , confidently relying on the Justice i our cause and believing that In the end rig ! will triumph and a true republican form < government bo guaranteed to our belovc state. " Referring to Kolb's charges of 'fraud ' , Go ernor Dates , In his Inaugural , said : "It hi been claimed that frauds were committed the lust August election. I ha\e no know edge whatever ot any , and for the good nan of our state regret that such charges ha' been made. I proclaimed In my speJch during the campaign that I favored fair cle tlons , and so I do. I am satisfied beyond doubt that I was legally elected by a Ian majority or I would not accept the offic I would never assume the role of usurper the absence of a law- providing for a contei I rcgrtt tliero It not such a one. If the were frauds In the last August elections some of the counties of the black belt , charged by the defeated candidates , they a of no consequence , for , after throwing o every \ctc to which any reasonable man con possibly object , and admitting the entire vo returned for my competitor as legal , which do not , my majority would then still large. " Ho cautioned the people against vlolenc and amid rousing cheers descended from tl wagon. Kolb's place was then taken by t Crow' , from on adjacent place , who has ma desperate and bloodthirsty threats , "They call me nn anarchist In this stale said he. "If being opposed to ballot-b thieving Is anarchy , then , thank God , I t one. " He called Governor Dates' followers scou drels , and after cautioning peace called him at night every one present to meet form a company of people for the support Kolb. There were not over 300 Kolbltes the crowd , and no sign of arms among the After this speech they dispersed , but pi cecded down town where they are enllstl in Crow's company , although the latter li apparently no definite plan of action. , A b ; tery of artillery has swung into position the hill In front of the state house , and t cavalry have been withdrawn. DATES TAKES THE OATH. At 2 o'clock Governor-elect Dates reach the state capltol escorted by the mill ! The Inaugural ceremonies were preceded a prayer , after which Governor Jones Int duced Ills successor , who was greeted vv prolonged cheers. The oath of office v administered to him on the spot where I oath of office was taken by Governor Joi and the formalities closed. There was trouble , and the Incident appeared to closed without the anticipated conflict. KOI.U MAY Hi : ASSASSIN VTUD. CoiiKrc snnn-Elcct Howard Says This Is Possible Outcome. BOSTON , Dec. 1. Congressman-Elect W Howard of Alabama ( populist ) , was Int viewed this morning on Alabama nffal Concerning the threatening aspect of Inauguration of governor In Alabama , ho sn "Captain Kolb must take matters In his o hands , as there is no method whereby figures In a contest election can be verlfl H ho shall bo arrested to prevent a p gresslve action on his part , he will then enabled to have the entire matter broui before a state committee and have the Irre laritles Inquired Into. " "Ilut It would not surprise me at all , " c ttnued Mr. Howard , "If on attempt was m to assassinate Captain Kolb rather than permit him to take the oath ot office. I v myself told that I would be shot If I i heard to express certain sentiments whlcl was known to hold , and after at least meeting I left the hall with n loaded revel tn my 'mud ready to use It In self dcfei but fortunately was not called upon to 1 " so. Mr. Howard expressed great faith In ultimate triumph ot the populist sentiment the south. _ _ _ SI10U1' IS A CANDIDATE. Idaho' * genntor ! u Cniidldtte for Ite-ol tlon from Tlmt State. WASHINGTON , Dec. 1. Advices recel from Idaho represent that Senator Shoup announced himself as a candidate for election. This avowal Is of Importance cause of the fact that In the past elghl months or two years the senator's attlt has been uncertain. Ho went so far In 1 as to write a confidential letter to a frl announcing that he would not be In the i and this letter found Its way Into the pu prints. Thereupon Congressman Sweet tered the field to succeed tfie senator , appears to have left the race to htm u Sweet failed to receive the endorsement the republican state convention. This fal was the circumstance which caused Sti to reconsider his decision not to be a candid Shoup Is a south Idaho man , while Sweet the other candidates , Governor McConnell W. B. lleyburn , are from the northern of the state. These thrco are naturally h Ing one another's chances , but Shoup's frli think the opening for him Is too good no be taken advantage of. The legislature largely republican. i Camlliliitca Socurn u Kecounr. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 1. Attorneys reprcs Ing Dr. W. J. Walte , the defeated repu can candidate for coroner , and Dr. C. klnson , who was declared elected to I oillc\ appeared before Judge Dillon and tallied an order directing Recorder of Vi digging to open the ballot boxes and rec the votes. Tool : un Oinulin Coinptuy' * Money. SPRINGFIELD , III. , Dec. 1. W. 8. I general agent for southern Illinois of W. E. Sanborn Stock Feeding company Omaha , with headquarters In this city , disappeared , and with him about $5OOC the company's money. Last week he seen In Chicago and Minneapolis. Kuclug with u Cargo of MIL. TACOMA. Dec J.-Stcamslilp Vlctoila rived this nfteinoon from Yokohama , lir Inga cargo worth over H.lvO.OOO , A cons ment of Bilk worth J 100,00 will bo bhlj to New York by tonight's overland , object belnu to get It there three i ! ahead ot a similar consignment which Yokohama eight hours earlier on the i cf Hlo de Janeiro of the San Tranclsco I IGNORES THE PRES5 Ohancollor Holicnlolio Makes a Radical DC parturo from Former Methods. OFFICIAL OFGANS NO LONGER IN DEMANI Adoption of the Anti-Eevolutionary Measui Expected in a Few Weeks. STRIFE AMONG SOCIALISTS CONTINUE German Parents All Want to Name The : Pabies from the Emperor's Song. VIRCHOW DISCREDITS D'PHTHERIA SERU oiinc American I'liyslclau CHlms n shin In the Honor of Dr , Ilclirlns's Dis covery Uront Itovlvnl of Ex ports to America. ( Copj righted 1&91 by the Associated PrM ) BERLIN , Dec. 1. Since his return fro Isltlng the south German atates , Prln lohenlohe has familiarized himself with tl utles of his new office , and he has doi ils with such rapidity and entire absence itss and nolso as to fully justify all t ! ixpcctatlons built on him. One ot his fir .utles was to listen to a number of repor made to him. by the chiefs ot the varloi apartments , and ho showed a surprlsli rasp of all questions of Importance awaltli rompt solution. Thus far the most radical difference b .ween Prince Hohenlohe and Von Caprlvl liat the former docs not fight his battler or declare his Intentions In what Is knov s the "official press. " Hohenlphe expec o see the anti-revolutionary mea'mi dopted within a few weeks after the ope ng of the Reichstag , but It Is extremely pc Ible the bill will be somewhat modified ommlttee. The leaders of the opposition , ell as the opposition papers , point out th n Its present shape two of Its paragrap lould easily be cmplojel against them t lead of against the dcstructlonlsts. The war within the socialist camp co Inues to claim the attention of all poll : lans. The apparent struggle for suprcma letween Bebcl and Volmarwith their i ipectlvo fallowings , Is going on with uin mlnlshcd fervor. The quarrel , it is said , w 10 submitted to the extraordinary mcetl f the ( socialists of the Reichstag on Tut day. Apart from this big duel , there o itlier disputes , genuine and otherwise , In t loclallst party , which would point to mpendlng disruption. In Brunswick , 1 xamplc , which is ono of the socialist stron holds , the socialists are split Into two fi Ions. REMEMBERED THE WIDOWS. Emperor William has ordered that ] marks be given as a Christmas present , c of his own private funds , to each ot t sailors' and firemen's widows whoso hi bards perished by the explosion of a stet plpo on board the German Ironclad Brandt burg early In the jear. The emperor has given Gatus Groth , t poet , who Is a popular favorite with all 1 Germans , a large gold medal of art a science. On the return of the dowager Empn Frederick to this city the emperor and e press , accompanied by Prince Frederick W lam , the heir-apparent , paid her a long vi at her palace on Untcr den Linden. 1 dowager empress is showing her accustorr Interest In the affairs of art and one of 1 first visits was to the studtoa of Ascau L tcroth and Ismail Geautz , two of the leadl painters In water colors. The agrarian societies continued sendl telegrams to the emperor during the p week expressing loyalty and asking for sympathy and aid In their efforts to prom the Interests of home husbandry. A d patch from the east Prussians the empe replied to very kindly. An Interesting fact may hero bo m tloned. His majesty's racing stud at Gracl has been most successful this year. 1 horses trained won about % 53,000 In stall the thrco owners coming In next to majesty being Baron Munchausen , wh wife Is an American lady , Herr von Lai purchoff and Prince Fursterberg , their vv nlngs being about $10,000 , $35,000 and $30 , respectively. GIVING REGISTERS MUCH TROUBLI The German newspapers are making me over a curious result ot the emperor's r ductlon of "Song to Aegtcr. " It Is parently causing the registrar of birth ; deal of embarrassment , ai It transpl nearly every fat'ier desires to have his ba If a boy , named Aegler. According to 1 however , children cannot be. registered pagan names , and the officials are Inqi Ing whether they are to make an except In this case. The court chamberlain Is r corslderlng this momentous question. The fact that Princess Hohenlotie , wife the chancellor , has gene to Paris for a tl has caused much comment here. A reaction against the unmeasured cla advanced for the curative effects ot P Behrlng's diphtheria scrum Is setting rather seriously. The most significant terance In this respect was made at a mi Ing on Wednesday last of the Berlin mi cal society , when Dr. Hansemann , assist In Prof , Vlrchow's pathological Institute mouthpiece of Prof. Vlrphow himself , shai criticized In detail Prof. Behrlng's set therapeutics. He denied ttiO Ecruin Itnmun human , beings and declared no sufflcl proof had been produced respecting Its ct tlvo properties. Furthermore , Dr , Hat mann claimed the effect of serum treatir In many cases was dangerous to health even to life. The statistics thus far obti able of the result ot the serum treatm ho pronounced to be unreliable and mlsU Ing. The lecture was received with gi applause from ono part of the audience with hisses from the other part. The exl slons of the scrum treatment to other cl at home and abroad have been reported be going on steadily and the chemical wo at Hccshst , near Frankfort , where serum lu manufactured , have been enlar this week In order to meet the demands. Dr. G. F. H. Nuttal , a young Amerl physician who Is now assistant professoi the hj genlc Institute of Berlin , In view the fact his share of the discovery of serum treatment has not apparently b clearly understood , has made the follow statement to "the Associated press ; studied In I8S7 and 1888 uiidtr Prof. Flue at'firenlau aifd al GoVtlngen and while i suing experiments In the laboratories , made certain discoveries which enabled . ' to demonstrate for tha first time that b possesses bacteriological properties. He i llshed the results of those researches , am which was the fact the blood of an mtinlzcd sheep destroyed tnofe anthax ( bacilli than the blood of a jhonlinmunlzi animal. Ho thus clearly shfiwpd the wi which Behrlng and others 'Subsequently toe and , In point of fact , laid therjoundatlon < the present blood serum treatment. Ha vard university awarded NuttiL and Bojlc ton the first prize for original research , BISMARCK'S HEALTH BATISTACTOR' A dispatch from Varzln announces that D Schwelnlnger leaves there today , as tl condition Of Prince Ilt&marck'H health satisfactory , The enormous revival ot the export bus hbss slnco October 16 has been remarked i the United States consul general's office this city. This revival has been especial remarkable in paper ware , buttons , dre goods and ready made clothing. Son branches ot the export trade which ha' recently been dormant now show signs revival. Trichinae Is reported tp have been tout at Cologne and Elberfeld In American per which was examined by German meat 1 specters there. All the trottingclubs of Berlin have ami gamatcd and arrangements- making f a large , finely equipped track In the we ml of Berlin. A number of American trc ng horses have been enters ! ! for the even lilch are to bo decided next spring. An opposition was got * up privately 1 adjcal prohibitionists nmorlg the Amerlc ; : olony hero with the resultthat great nui ers of people stayed away from the Thank . .Ivlng celebration at the Kdtscrhot on Thui 'Jay last. The cause of ths opposition vv ho fact that wine was n < H tabooed at t ianquct. Mrs. Mary B. Wllard | , a slstcr-l aw of Miss Trances Wlllard , was the lea ng spirit of this movement. A fine quartet Is being formed hero und ho direction of Prof. Otis Uols , leader a rganlst for the services Un the Amerlc hurch , the members being Mr. E. V Wjck , a pupil of Joachim ; Mrs. Arnold , a ilrs. Grlscom. ' According to an evening newspaper t ipeech which the emperor will deliver at t penlng of the Rclchttag on Wednesday nc iv 111 point out the necessity ot combatting evolutionary agitation by stringent legls ! Ion , andi expresses confltleneo that t lelchstag will lend aid to the various gc irnmcnts In this conflict with the revoluttc ary forces. It Is said reference will be ma .0 renewed efforts to place the finances ho empire upon a firmer basis. TKOUULI.S AIIE D1SAI PEAKINO. Noteworthy Spuecli of tiiqflqrernor Genoi of India , ! Y * CALCUTTA , Dec. 1. A , dispatch from I here says the governor generiCof India im an Important speech there yesterday cvi Ing. After paying a tribute , t { the loyalty , i votlon and courage of the Ptinjabees servl n the army , Lord Elgin continued : ' " have no ambition for conquest or for i extension cf our boundariejs.1 "From a recent speech of ; Lgrd Rosebi I have learned that vvo haje reason to hi that the tlmo U approaching In which risk of a clashing of Rnsslan and Brit Interests In Asia will bo ende'd and I venti to say that more ivelcemje&'rfewB ' coujd ' be conveyed to the lovers of Inflla. 'We possess a grca'aaraAtago'ln li v. . a firm friend and ally"In the ameer , who 1 honorably recognized his obligations un the treaty of 1833 , .and tfb trust all front troubles \\IlUsoon. . bo removed by the un ! ' efforts o'f ' tha British and , Afghan officars. "In regard to Waezarlstan , the governm only desires the peace and security of border , and I trust the war cloud will si disperse. "Wo are sending commissions to the tremo west and to the extreme east with vlow to settle matters with Persia and Fra and removing any possible cause for quar "Tho conventions reco.ntly concluded w China , provide for the settlement of the B mcso frontier and the promotion of tr by uniting the tcleggaph systems of the i countries. The respect we hive shown their rights , even In unessential matters , born fruit In the convention for the open of trade with Thibet and the cordial cnte with our gallant Ncpaul allies. "Tho fact Is this might well bo termed era of delimitation , aa the whole world settling disputed boundaries fixed from Persian gulf to the Malay peninsula. It 1 process which makes way for peace , an hope you will Join me In ( he earnest hop : Its attainment. " Ho exhorted the chiefs to recognize tl responsibilities as rulers , and conchic "Princes and chiefs : I am nol hero to you to deeds of arms , but ! I do Invite yoi a contest In which you haVe not to overci a single rival , but to match yourselves aga the whole world. You stijrt with many vantages ; you have a country of mar fertility and on energetic and Industrl population , personal prestige and pc abroad , and If you and your people v peace at home. Will you fall to rcsponc the summons ? I , at 1'ast , have done my i as the representative of the queen-empi In placing before you as strongly as I the obligation which lies on you , as majesty's local subjects here In this per of her empire , which shb loves so well dare and achieve the same triumphs of p < that have elsewhere characterized and mortallzed her glorious reign. Armcnlnni Appeal ! to the 1'apc. ROME , Dec. 1. The pope has received gent appeals from Armenjatis In tev places asking him to uee , his good office : their behalf with ( lie sultan. Appeals to Vatican , In addition , have ) been made f Eneland under the belief that none of powers are willing to a cuma the respo blllty ot negotiating with ' \he other pov for a Joint Intervention , awC also In the bi that it is impossible formula pope lo ren indifferent to the Bufferings , of the Annei Christians. 01 r. .VBA ir ji srj Titr.tz. Ilcady to (10 to Texai ( id .Xutnre r to Charccs Ac lppt ffliem. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 1. According to the torney of the Wutqrs-Plgroe Oil compsn ; this city , a branch of the Standard , efllcera of that company will po to T < and submit themselves tp the court Waco , In which Indictments were rece : found against them -for * maintaining t relations. The attorney , .ex-Governor J < son , said : "Goveinor Stone will undoubti refuse to pemlt them to te extradited , 7 are not citizens of Texas and never Ji been , so they cannot be fugitives from tlce there. Even If they are charged v being parties to a crime committed In i state they cannot be taken from the B where they reside on a mere 'affidavit i they have committed n cpme In some o ptate. This same question vvaapuBsed _ by Govetnor Vjunctsf In the" ( ftjfe of re sentatUea ot the bagging titiet. Extr tlon was refused because It was nil that the pcrs na were hot fugitives f justlve In Tennessee , at they hail n been In that state. But If < he i > e ° ii dieted ever go IntJ the state they are 11 to Immediate arrest. A a mater of I It Is said the Waters-Pierce people aeree to BO to Texas and stand trial. " HE FEARS ENGLAND Germany's ' War lord Dreads British Infill' enco in Continental Politics. ANGLO-RUSSIAN ALLIANCE WORRIES HIN His Grandmother Hastens to Reassure Bin of Her Disinterested Begard. R03EBERY IS LOSING HIS MAJORITY Defection of the Eedmondit3s Leives Him i Slim Hold on Power. L'BIRAL LOSSES AT LATE IL'CTIDH ! I'orfvrililro unit Ilrlg Agnlmt tlio Govern iiioiit Moral I.fTcct H.itl-DUnulutlou Is Looked For Immediately After As- icmbliigc Sentiment Is Unsounded. ( Copj rlchted 1554 b > J'rtsa PuUUMnK Compan > LONDON , Dec. 1. ( New York World Cabl Special Telegram ) According to Informa tlon , the German emperor has been excellln himself in the extravagance of his concer : over the Anglo-Russian rapprochement. Hav Ing watched the progress of events at SI Petersburg from Berlin with uneasiness fo several days , he suddenly , without a word o natlce , appeared at his mother's residence Rumpehhe'm , to express his chagrin tha Queen Victoria's cabinet should bo pursuin a policy calculated it not Intended to Isolat Germany. Th3 emperor was so agitated , s angry , that Empress Frederick , contrary t etiquette In such matters , promised to mak representations direct to her royal mother re gardlng the emperor's protest. Sir Edwar Malet , the British ambassador to Berlin , ha only arrived In England two dajs before fo a prolonged stay , but the Immediate result c the dispatch sent by Empress Frederick t Queen Victoria was that he was ordered bac to Berlin , post haste , chargej with assurance to the German emperor that the Brills policy alms at no continental alliances or Ir terference with existing alliances , but mcrel at the preservation ot peace and of the statu quo. When Sir Edward arrived In Berlin h found the emperor Indisposed , prostrated , a ( cording to diplomatic gossip , by one ot thos mental attacks which have supervened befoi on spells of Intense excitement. Main's mil ston was explained to htm by Chancellc Hohcnlohe , and now It Is hoped that tli emperor .will take a calmer view of th British policy. CLOUDS GATHER TOR ROSEBERY. The political situation In Great Britain beginning to assume a serious aspect , for tl Uosebery government's defeat on the Torfai shjro election has. produced a very unfavo : able Impression , It Is expected that this wl be followed by another reverse In thc-dlvlElc of Lincoln , which votes next Frlday. N.O thaCtho'lledmondltcV have "definitely nlll < theMselves with the unionists , the workli ; majority of the government Is reduced i ten or twelve. The fact that in both Forfi I and Brig the liberals are suffering , not f < their policy , but because the unionists 1m strong local candidates as against carpH bai gers on the liberal side , docs not lessen tl moral effect of such a reverse cither in tl country or in a division in the lobbies , the liberals lose Lincoln , It Is a question ! the minds of llosebery's leading supporte : whether , even if the government should 1 able to continue with an attenuated majo Ity , it would bo politic to do so. Provldlr the Redmondltcs attend Parliament regular the government could not long escape defeo and the liberals think it would bo the Ic ot two evils to voluntarily dissolve. The c pcctatlon in ministerial circles Is that dl solution cannot be deferred later than eprli and may bo looked for Immediately after t ] opening of Parliament. A general tlectli will be a leap In the dark , as the count : has given no Indication of a decided drift feeling on any Important political question. ALL HAPPY BUT HARCOURT. The cabinet Is perfectly united , the on shadow of foundation for recent stirles belt that Sir William Harcourt Is sulking stl Ho has refrained from making a sing speech supporting Rosebery's anti-Lords p : icy. The radicals who furnished Harcourl support arc disgusted by his action , whii has only Injured himself. Rosebcry has been mixing In London s clety during the past week. Ho Is spoki of everywhere as being full of confidence ai Immensely elated over the progress of t Anglo-Russian understanding , to which ; attaches far more Importance than rfny d mestlc question. But its advantages are t vague to provo of much electoral value. Your correspondent hears that a scttlemc has been arrived at between the relatives the late duchess of Montrose and Sir. M ncr , her third husband Her whole estate valued at a little over $500,000 , of which S1 Mllner accepts $300,000 In settlement ot 1 claim of $25,000 a year. The duchess' re ] lives are well pleased over this compromli MANCHESTER'S COSTLY CANAL. The Manchester ship canal , the greatc experiment In municipal enterprise ever : tempted In England , Is proving a dlsastro failure. The total earnings In the p : eleven months amount to $420,009 , bel $55,000 less than the working expenses. T trade of the canal has steadily dwindled , a there Is no prospect ot an adequate rctu ever being obtained for the $70,000,000 spei The failure will Involve widespread flnnnc trouble , especially In Manchester , and effort will be made to Induce the state take Iho canal over , but no government w dare Incur such a responsibility Cardinal Vaughan is Involved In serious d flcultles with his clergy over his policy the recent school board election In Londi which resulted In the defeat of all the Cal ollc candidates , and the complete swampl of the Catholic vote. The cardinal request Catholics to support the moderates , const ' * * Ing exclusively of lories , against the pi gresslves , most of whom are liberals. T returns ot the voting showed that althou Catholics supported the moderates , the lat gave no vote to the Catholics. The cardlna action Is now recognized as a gross error tactics , and Its failure has destroyed 1 prestige and the Influence among Lend Catholics. ONLY A TEW OF THEM THERE. Frederic Vllllers , war artist and con spondcnt with the Japanese forces , te graphs from the front In China , warning t public against accepting as accurate sketcl or narratives of the progress ol the w made up from the second hand Informatl n procured In comfortable security of tret r ports. He says : "I qm the only Europe artist who has so far advanced with I Japanese army , and the only two other c respondents who have dona ro are Jan Crtelman ( the World war correspondent THE BEE BULLETIN. Vcathcr Forecast for Ni < braki Kalr , warmer ) south w I nil ncc. 1. Alulmm llm a ( lovarnor to Sell , llolicnlohu Krppi III * Own t'ouiiacl , William II lUmiln KiiRhiml. ri-riuli 1'rrns llntlicm ( Iprnmiiy. 3. Yule Huns Avruy from Princeton. Cutting AlTrnjr nt Trhco'n Truck. Sicnm In n Dissecting Idiom. Illraclillclil l. stn Ills Cine. 3. Is Insults SHUu fnrlvr ? hull for Another Ituby Stiirteil. Jn tlio ( irumt Army of l.nbor. T o \\omeii Smothered ( o Dentil. 1. I.unt Wcrk In local Social Clrelri. C , Irlitl of the 1.1 molu ( Inivo llolibcrs. Itiillnmils lull to Airee. 0 , Council illiirTu Local Mutters. Affairs at boutli Omiihi. 7 , Chungr * In tile ( Uy < tinrtcr. \\liut lliiiipcns nt Tlicntori. K. ( iencral Itootli ICeuclirft tlio City. \Vonmii : Her \\ii ) iiiul Her AVorld. U. IMItorlnl niul Comment , y. .lolm llnrm , tliolnbnr Lrailcr. . ( npan's boa of hliogun. 4. Concerning Jxelmiskii's Manufacturers. I'niiuo-l'rnsMun V < tcrutu lo I'olrbratc 5. Condition of Oiiinh t'n ilolililng Tr.tilc. Commercial unit I Iniunlil > vwn. 1'ciiturrs ot the 1-Uo block Trade. K. 1'nso for lln ) anil Clrln. l > . "Clarence , " by llrct lltrtc If. Hirst's Ilrntlrlnl nt lluslieesli. O-'XVccliljr OrUt of Sporting Uimlp. lie front ) , and M. do Guervlllc. Those ni he ones who honestly try to give true ni omits of the war at the risk of their live who drink prison water and eat little bi Ice for days togelher , while covvardl hnrlatatiB concoct sketches and tfclegran n Ihc security of a neutral port. " DUNRAVEN IS INCUBATING. Your co-respondent Is In a position to de : lie statements published concerning Lei Dunraven's plans for a challenge for tl American cup and the alleged difference b ween him and Builder Watson over 11 eslgn for n yacht. Mr. Watson has bee vllh Lord Dunraven this week at the latter rish seat near Limerick , whither ho wit ! rew to escape Inquiries Beyond the ba : act that Watson Is preparing n design not ] ng Is known , as the utmost prccauttoi mvc been taken to preserve the seciet. A predictions are guess work. The most I ( mate yachting frlends'of Dunravcii do n know whether a keel or a cenlcrboa : acht will emerge from the consultation 'he other members of the syndicate leave t ! eclslon of tills and all other Important poln o Dunraven's dUcietlon. This much mi > e said safely : Lord Dunraven Is now e gaged on his final attempt to win America cup ; preconceived prejudices concerning II Mic ot boat will Influence him ; Watson guiding Iho challenger ; Walson Icslguing n craft cspsclally for Amerlci cup races and endeavoring to turn to a antage every peculiarity of the Amerlci satcrs ; the actual Issue ot a challenge w only be delayed by formalities and may ' despatchedany , day. ( CHINA ilVS" 110 W "Unit NONKV. .Tnpun Deiminila Tno Hundred unit I'lftci Million Dollars for Pc.ico. WASHINGTON , Dec. 1. An official when n position to know the facts says that Jap ; has made a riply favoring China's proff presented through United Slates Mlnist Dcnby. It still remains , owever , fcr Chi : to make II plain lhal she can and will ej cule whal she has propoEcd'and until that done there tilll be no cessation of hostillUt The favorable reply of Japan was given , It understood , through United Stales Mlnist Dunn at Toklo , who In turn presented It United States Minister Denby at Pekli , China. While the exact terms ot the ofl accepted by Japan are not Known , It is site to be about $215,000,000 cash indemnily a China's rellnaulshment ct zaverslgnly ov ! orea. There Is said to be no surrender China's terltory. Secrelary Grcsham makes tlio stateme that Iho reports that Mmistet Denby had te graphed from China "that chaos reigns 1'eklng , American legation In danger ; prot < tlon needed , " Is wholly unwarranted and i true. Mr. Grcsham sa > s no such report r anything akin to It has been received cable , mall or otherwise. IN Act OKD wnn JOHN nui.r , . Xo Difference of Opinion In the Illncllel Alnttnr. LONDON , Dec 1. The following seml-o clal statement was Issued this afteinoon c < cernlng the differences between Great Brlti and Nlcarjgua : neuter's agency learns difference of opinion exists between Gri Britain and the United States , with referci to the Mosquito territory. Owing to the lluence of cotton traders and others in th regions It became necessary recently Great Britain to draw Hie- attention ot i Nlcaraguan government to the provisions the treaty between Great Britain o Nicaragua , which was contrary to certain i crees recently Issued by the commissioner Blueflclds. It Is understood the mat formed the subject of Inquiry upon the p of the United Stales , and a satisfactory > planatlon ot the mailer was given by ' British government. The question d d affect Ihe relations between Nicaragua t the Mosquito tsrrltory , but merely the rig and customs of the Mosquito Indians , served under the treaty under quest ! There was no question of the United Sta dispatching war vessels to the ? pot In t connection. 1IAYAUD AND 1III ! bCOTCII. tuliauudor Preside ! at n Scottlth lliinqi In London Uutuil Compliments. LONDON , Dec 1. Mr. Bayard presh at the 230th annual anniversary of the Sc Ush corporallon. Never In the history that corporation has a similar compllm been paid to any other foreign ambassa or minister. Mr. Bayard's health was dri with highland honors. In response 1 Bajard alluded to the honest debt the Unl Stales owed the Scotch. He tald , ami other thlnps : "Tho first and forem name that we Americans must revere that of Washington , but scarcely second that of a man of Scottish birth and blc Alexander Hamilton. " The banquet broke up with cheers for ' and Mrs. Bayard and the singing ol " 1 Star Spangled Banner , " during which eve b dy itood. _ 1'ictiires ( Jo In Netr York. NEW YORK , Dec. I.-Superlntcnd llyrnea admitted today that ho hail celved the reports of the policemen v had viewed Iho living pictures at theaters Ho said lie had not the Hllghl Intention of giving the result ot the veatlg&tlon to the public. He Intimal however , that the officers had found noth ( mineral In Ihe pictures. It Is underat tha superintendent had conferred with committee from the. Women's Christ Temperance union and that they expres themselves an satisfied with the act taken by the cruian Ofliona in Pnria Suffer from the Vouom'of Pnris Editors. OUNT MUXSTER OFFICIALLY COMPLAINS At the Instance of the Emperor Ho Exposes Himself to a Snub. DURNA'HSTIC SENSATIONS NUMEROUS Venality of the Press ami Police the Source of Great Scandals. OME SURPRISING ELECT 01 FRAUDS nn Dlntrlrt Inlilcli tlin Dcitil Areas llolil HI tliu I.tvliic In Voting llloently tnlilui't Is In Diingor of Tnlllng. fop ) rlhMcil 1S3I liy Press I'ubllalilnc Compnny. ) PARIS , Dec. 1. ( Naw York World Cable- Special Telegram ) The German cmpcrcr la ndlgnanl over the reflections of the French > ress on German ofllcers , especially military ttaclies , who have been accused of being all ilcs , and ho has ordered the ambassador , taunt Minister , to call on the foreign min ster , Han tiuix , to remonstrate and explain ut the honor of the German army Is In- olved , and that the emperor could not allow Is officers to bo called spies. Ilanotaux re- retted the conduct of the Trench papers ml explained that the liberty cf the press tn 'ranco made the papers nlotio responsible , 'ho government Is powerless to Interfere. hus he st'ubbed Minister , who retired. Meantime the French press Is undergoing rltlcal times Arrests follow each other In ucccsslon. The editor of Lo Matin fays ho as call d en by Glrard , who advised him to oln In defending I'ortalls , mid threatened vll effects If he refused. This was the prc- ido to an Incident In the Chamber , where Illlcraud stated Lo Matin accepted bribes. Mvumls , the editor , Kent to Mllleraud his econds. Thcso consulted with Mllleroud's scouds , who drew up a letter stating that Illlcraud was privileged In the Chamber and as not responsible to Edwards for his statc- icnts there. Therefore , no duel. This has reduced great excitement here. Every ona cllevea fresh revelations are Imminent. * * OLicn ornciALs LIKE NEW YORK'S. Trocard , who was arrested , was an organ- zcr of a press sjiulkute for blackmailing ambling clubs. Ho was formerly prefect , a iost similar to that of governor of a stnti * . A Mibprefcct Is now accused by Rcchefort f obtaining goods from trades people , not- bly bicycles , valuable bronzes , furniture , and aylng with worthless checks and selling the goads. Thlf case has been hushed up. _ The action tf Ld PJno , police prefect of Paris ; In aldng-aminbeUlnjth ! ; [ ! , & blackmailing peratlojis of the PJGJS. | s 'open.to.sravo eua- ilclons. Some "papers accuse him of black- nailing a wealthy merchant to the extent f $ ' ! ,000. in fact , every ono Is throwing nud all a re u ml. The revelations of the Toulouse election lauds prove that while living electors voted rregularly , the dead never abstained. These candals are calculated to shako the cabinet nore and more , hence It is Interesting to icto the frmatlon of two political cliques , hat of the pure republicans under the lead- irshlp of Bourgeols-LocKroy and that ot the rlends of Oambetta , with Waldeck Kosseiut it the head Every one thinks If Dupuy re igns Pcrlcr will Invite llourgcs ! to form a cabinet. . SOME FAMILY TROUBLES. ' At the Versailles tribunal of divorce a pe Itloner desired to be reconciled to his wife , lo was suddenly confronted with her In court , and h r vindictive looks made him de spair , s ) ho stabbd himself before the Judge. Mrs. Bojd , originally Miss Kernoghan , ot an old New Yoik family , who married a rich ngllshman owning largo estates In Wilt shire , from whom she heparated on account of his alleged eccentricities with Fanny lUb- ert , now a widow ot Hires months , will shortly marry Count d'Huutcrlvu , a handsomu society man. Her son Inherits her Wiltshire estates. Boon , who runs a gymnasium In the Run Colesee , celebrated as the sccna of many , irlzo fights , was locked up last night for knocking dawn Vetu , propiletor of.the Cos- nopolltan bar , In the Ituo Scribe , and smashIng - Ing a glass door. Vetu Insulted Boon and called him offenclve names. Boon lest his temper. He was let out today. The Russian public was delighted with the wreaths of bronze and silver sent from Purls as mementoes to the czar's funeral. They far exceeded In taste and beauty these of other countries. The Trench commissioners vvcro treated with exceptional distinction. The em peror talked a long time with General Hols- deft re , and wept in opcaklng of his father. The new empress told the general that slnco her marilago to the czar she had espoused the national aspirations cf Kuesla , with which shD would henceforth Identify hercclf. Thil produced a profound Impression here. Ad miral Geivals was introduced at the Cron- Btadt naval college to his namesake , who la a cadet. Tho. principal ot the college said the cadet should try to become an admiral and follow the great example ot his namesake. Then there would be two Admirals Gervols , ono f > .r Russia and the other for Trance , It is rumored hero that Russia and Amer ica have made a.j > ecrct agreement relating to China and Japan. flimtcm.ila In u 'Inrmoll. MANAGUA , Dec. 1. All Zelaya'g and Dalaca'8 efforts ore to preserve peace , but It Is believed this Is Impossible. There are a number of small bands which the government intlsts upon calling bandits. It Is believed this government Is making too many con cessions to England , and the English parti sans of Ortiz are most active In Inciting thu people. Troops have been and ore now being lent to the Nlcaraguan-Homluraa frontier , vvliero a largo number of deserters from botli armies congregate and raid alternately on first one and then tlio'otlicr country , and the government of Honduras 1ms been advised that It must take some steps to stop this. Tlio government , In view of the threatening diniculllea , is promising many reforms , t'oitn Him Uruni Ilulllgorcnt. BOGOTA , Dec. I. In view of the bellicose attltudo assumed by the official and semi official press of Costa Rica roapectlng the delimitation of the frontier between that ! country and Colombia , the press here remlnda Costa Rica that whllo Costa Rica cannot place 1C.OOO soldiers- tlio field In the caio ot war , Colombia can eailly mobilize an army ; of 100,000 men. U U believed Costa Rica will draw In her horns and listen to reason and not provoke' a conflict with Vila country , which Is ready to make any peaceful , honor able settlement. -