Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered by carrier lo any part of Ihe city.
II. W. TILTON , Lessee.
TKI.nrilONnS-Huslncss onlce , No. ! nlglil
No. 23.
Mayne Heal Estate agency , D35 Hroadway.
Arvcn Ahlo of this city was married to
Miss Susie Hunt of Hastings , la. , last week.
The Ir.nlsfalls will present "I'lacer Gold"
at Uohany'8 Thursday evening , December 6 ,
for the benefit of St. Ilcrnord's hospital.
A valise bclinglnR to Icrt ) Iludd , a young
man whose fa ; l < y lives here , has been found
hidden In tha wood * several miles oust of the
city , near the Chaut-miua grounds.
The cl y council mot yesterday morning as a
committee of the whole and took a drive In
the hurry-up wagon around the city lor the
purpose of Investigating the subject of pro
posed public Improvements.
A sociable will bo given tomorrow evening
In the basement of St. Francis Xjvler's
church for the benefit of the poor. J. J.
Fralnoy will recite and Miss Jennie Keating
. will dug. There will also bo other attrac
William Iliicbner , who works at Oelse'B
bottling works , was at work yeslerdny when
a pop bdttle exploded and a piece of broken
glass went flying through the air , striking
Hucbner In the eye. He will lose the sight
of the Injured member.
The silk of Peter C. Mlllsr against F. II.
Deck & Co. for $2,000 damages on account of
an alleged wrongful suing out of a writ of
attachment was on trlnl all yesterday after
noon before Judge Smith. Tin ; suit Is an
outgrowth of the Miller failure some three
years ago.
Hen I. Salinger has written the police of
* Council Illiiffs of a burglary that took place
al his home. In Manning last Sunday. A
gold watch and chain and a gold Knights
of Pythias badge were stolen. Mr. Salinger
is the recently elected reporter of the supiemc
court of Iowa.
The first "oscsmbly" took place last even
ing the Grand hotel and most of the promi
nent social lights were In .full glow. As the
Initial ono of several social .events of great
Importance to bo given this winter , the affair
outshone all predecessors In magnificence of
costumes and decorations. The dining room
was used for dancing anil supper wai served
In the ladles' ordinary.
The board of supervisors has decided to
clean up the Judge's room adjoining the dls-
- , trlct court room In the court home In honor
of the recent landslide. Supervisor Wads-
worth states that In ordinary years , when the
majorities are comparatively slight , such a
thing would never be thought of , but when
the republicans arise and literally wipe theli
opponents from the face of the earth , II
seems that some otllcial action should be
taken to show the democratic appreciation ol
the true situation. A man with a kalsomlne
brush will accordingly be put to work al
once. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
re * Wo have two nice six-room cottages on
1 * Avenue G , near Twenty-ninth street , which
wo will fell at a bargain If taken at once.
Hay window , good cellar , water In yard , largo
lot. Small payment down and balance In
installments. Lougeo & Towlc , 235 Pearl
Wo Ncrit Money.
And If you- need the goods the following
prices should effect an exchange :
Axmlnslers , $1.25 a yard.
Moqucttes , $1.00.
„ Ye'votHi ' s" > c. '
yOdy llrussels , S5a to $1.00.
! & Tapestry Urussels , 45c to SGc.
* " Ingrains ( all wool ) , BOc to COc.
Ingrains ( unions ) , 45c.
Ingrains ( double cottons ) , 22c to K5C.
These prices arc for cash only.
407 llroadway.
A Squnro Too
And a square deal go together when Myers
the shod man , makes the deal. The new
\.j \ square toe shoes delight the ladles.
Dcurlclus * music house has few expenses :
high grade planes are sold reasonably. IK
Etutsman street.
Celected hard wood for heating stoves.
II. A. COX , 37 Main street. Tel. 4J.
It. Kverett will spend Thanksgiving will
relatives In Kansas City.
W. E. Hewitt and G. W. Gates of Davl
City , Neb. , are In the city , stopping al th
Grand hotel.
D. II. Miller of Ucd Oak , formerly Unite
States marshal , was In the city yesterdaj
Ho leaves for Chicago today.
Miss Edith Elliott of Austin , III. , IB I
the city , the guest of Mrs. McKuno and Mr :
I. M. Treynor on First avenue.
William Larimer of Chicago Is Rpendln
Thanksgiving and St. Andrew's days wit
W. S. IlcwetBon on Park avenue.
E. Eascdale , accompanied by Mr. and Mr
J , F. Hunt , has gone to Olathe , Kan. , callc
there by the death of his brother.
A. T. noddy of Ues Molnes and Joh
Cary of Atlantic are among the Iowa peopl
who registered at the Grand lintel yesterday.
L. W. Sllverthorn of Fremont , Neb. , I
In the city for a visit with his brother-li
law , II. S. Jones , and family , on Fran
Mr. J. n. Ilrown and wife , with their tw
daughters , of Knowlesvllle , N. Y. , are vlsli
Ing Captain and Mrs. I ) . I ) . Clark. M
Ilrown la a cousin of' Captain Clark's an
comes from the latter's early homo * In tl
east , so that the visit Is fraught with man
pleasant reminiscences.
James T. Anderson , the deputy city ma ;
shal , received a telegram yesterday mon
Ing announcing the death of his mother I
Taylor , 111. She had been n hiifferer froi
paralysis for three years past , but the tlrol
that proved u fatal ono occurred last Satui
day. The funeral will occur Friday.
Deputy United States Marshal S. S. Etl
crldgo of DCS Molnes was In the city ycstei
day. Ho states that the capital city Is a
worked up over the question of whether tl
petitions under which the saloons are no
being operated , as provided by the mulct lav
were suniclently signed. About 1,500 nami
were thrown out. by the board of supcrvlsoi
as Ineligible , and that leaves every saloc
keeper some COO short. Some serious con
plications hav ? arisen as a result.
At Grand Hotel Postal Telegraph ofilt
shorthand reporter and typewriter will wrll
Utters , depositions , etc. , very cheap.
Dr. I. U. Parsons , Archer block. Tel. 211
School Kxcrclaes.
A large crowd gathered at the assembl
room of the High school building yesterds
afternoon to hear the exercltes In which tl
pupils of the school were to take part. Tl
program was a most attractive one , one <
the best , It U eald , over presented at an
High school exhibition , Tha names of tl
performers were given In ycsterJay's He
Not to particularize , every performer d
admirably , and * reflected credit , not only c
himself , but on the teachers , whose atslstani
in the preparation of the program plays sue
an Important part , It was the first time th
year that the High School Literary soclei
had charge of affairs , and President Hen
Sawyer's opening address referred to th
fact. The recitations , orations , essays or
declamations were Interspaced with mus
of an excellent variety. The High school
fortunate In having musicians In plenty , 01
the program contained selections , on tl
violin and piano , vocal numbers , and quarte
by Messrs. Tom Askln , Grahl. Thaddeus E <
wards and Charles Havcratock. Similar e
erclses were held In all the other scoots
tlis city , ami each building was filled \sll
the friends of the pupils.
Boston Store will be elated all day toda
CM cooking itovea for cent and .for itla i
Gu Co.'s office.
E j'e laundry , 721 llroaaw y , far gci
work. Tel. 157. '
Wtihtrwomen ui Domtitlo io p.
J me * & O'Kcefe , real estate and Insurant.
Tb * Uundrlc * u * JDomeatio
How the Citizens Will Observe Thanks
giving in This Locality ,
Annual UlfU to Charity Made Jinny Hearts
Glad-Union Itcllslotu Service * nt the
llroailuuy Methodist Church
Tills Mornlnc *
The annual war with turkey Is expected
to begin us usual this morning and last , In
some form or other , all day long. The people
are expected to have the advantage In , the
earlier stages of the conflict , but there Is
a fair prospect of the turkey having some
thing to say before the doctor Is through
prescribing for those whoso appetites prove
The pupils of the various public schools of
the city made their annual contribution to
charity yesterday. Every little on ? , and
most of the big ones , took to tcliool In the
afternoon something out of his own abund
ance. It might be an apple , or a potato , era
a basket full of either , or something else
Just .a * united the convenience of the smal
philanthropist. Every school building was
turned Into a distributing station and pro
visions went out by the wagon load fron
every one , being taken In by the Christlai
Home , Woman's Christian association.
Woman's Htllef corps , or some other of the
numerous charitable organizations of tlu city ,
who In turn will sec that they go to some of
the poor and deserving people who otherwise
wotil.I have a sorry time of It celebrating
Ht'Ilgious services arc to b ; held this morn
ing at the llroadway Methodtst church , and
all the Protestant churches In the city , with
the exception of the Episcopal , will Join.
Rev. E. W. Allen of the Christian church
will preach. At St. Paul's church Hector
E. J. Ilabcock will preach. Both of these
services will be at 10:30 : a. in.
The city and county ofllces , courts and
batiks , as well as a good many of the
business houses , will remain closed all day ,
anil nearly all ( he business firms will close
their places nt least In the afternoon , In
order to give their employes a vacation. The
pupils of the city schools will also have a
day off , but will be required to report for
duty Friday , contrary to the usual custom.
This evening the Dodge Light Guards will
glvo a dance at their armory In the Hughes
The Chrlitlan church will keep open houss
from 7:30 : to 10:30 : p. in. , and Ilev. E. W.
MUn unites with all the members of the
church In extending an Invitation to every
one to bo present. The entertainment Is Vv
tended especially for the young men of * ie
city who arc away from home and have no
place to spend the evening. All strangers
may be assured of a hearty welcome and will
have a chanca to enjoy that part of the day
at least among friends who will do all In
their power to make It an occasion of thanks-
At 9 o'clock this morning a game of foot
bull will be played between the elevens ol
the Council Bluffs and Omaha High schools
at the ground on the corner of Fifth avenue
and Twenty-llrst street. These clubs have
done fcomo goo4 playing In the past , and an
energetic game may be looked for.
The Council Bluffs Rifle club will spsml a
portion of the day In shooting on the range
east of the city , commencing at 9 o'clock.
A. E. Kllpatrlck of Flllmoro , Cal. . had the
misfortune to have his leg caught between a
cart and a stone and badly bruised. Ordi
narily he would have been laid up for two or
three weeks , hut says : "After using one
bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm I began tc
feel better , and In three days was entirely
well. The peculiar soothing qualities which
Chamberlain's Pain Halm possesses I have
never noticed In any other liniment. I take
pleasure In recommending it. " This lini
ment Is also of great value for rheumatism
and lame back.
The Kurtli Trembled.
Ono of the principal topics of conversatlor
on the street corners and In the resorts when
men most do- congregate was an exploslor
that awoke the echoes as well as a good man )
people about 11:30 : o'clock Tuesday night
The commotion was caused by a huge nicteoi
which passed over the city , making every
thing so light for a few seconds that prln
could have been read liutl any of the specta
tors cared to put In the brief time occuplei
by the passage of the heavenly visitor h
that way. Shortly before It reached the west
ern horizon It broke Into three pieces am
fell to the earth , the fracture being followei
a few seconds later by a tremendous boon
which shook the windows In houses all eve
the city. SI Danforth Is authority for th
statement that his farm near Blair , Neb ,
was fortunate enough to be the place selecte
for the thing to alight and the allghtlni
was done In GO successful a man
tier that If It had only bee
done a few weeks earlier fall plowln
would have been unnecessary. A travelln ;
man started the , report that a hotel wa
razed to the ground and fourteen peopl
killed. During the day an extra cipher wa
added to the number of fatalities , as well a
a good many other interesting details , \\lilc
fortunately were without foundation. Wor
received from Honey Creek , Crescent an
other localities In southwestern Iowa Is I
the effect that the shock was felt there th
same as here.
I'or HID Children.
W. A. McGulrc , n well known citizen o
McKay , Ohio , It of the opinion that thcr
Is nothing as good for children troubled wit
colds or croup as Chamberlain's Cough Item
edy. He has used It In his family for sev
era ! years with the best results and aluny
keeps a bottle of it In the house. After hav
Ing la grlppo ho was himself troubled wit
i- a severe cough. He used other remcdlc
without benefit and then concluded to tr
the children's medicine , and to liU delight 1
soon effected a permanent cure.
llldii't Touch Him.
Ed Miller was convicted of btirglarly I
this city four years ago und has served
term In the penitentiary , but his cxpcrlcnc
seems not to have had the desired reforms
tory effect , for ho Is now serving a thlrtj
day term In the Omaha Jail and the finger
of the Council Bluffs olllcera are itching t
get hold of him for a misdeed commute
tier * . Last Saturday night he stopped at th
Hevero house. When he went away In th
morning Officer Slead ran across him an
was half Inclined to gather him In on gener.
principles , but ho let his compassion get tli
better of his Judgment and Miller crosse
the river. Shortly afterward It was dltcverc
that he had taken with him a ? 15 overcoc
belonging to Manager Duwo of the llevei
house. It was found on Douglas street , b <
tween Eleventh and Twelfth streets , whei
had left It. At Mrs. Wilson's boarding lious
' where he has been stopping , lie stole a fe
articles of so small value that only a Ja
nenter.ce could be Imposed. It Is claimed th :
at a South Omaha boarding housa kept b
Mrs. Deane ho stole a lot of clothing value
at $45 , and It Is very likely that he will t
sent to the penitentiary at Lincoln It tl
charge can be proved. If the South Omali
oftlclals think they have not evidence enoug
to Insure a conviction , however. It is proliab
that they will consent to his being brougl
hero for a trial before being put through h
paces there.
Ten per cent discount on all trimmed ha
this week at Miss Ragdale's.
Oil cake , $1.40 per sack at Davis' .
Coppi Cheer unit Herb Tonln
Can be purchased only of the 0. n. Wheel *
Brewing company , Wheeler & Hereld , Coui
ell Bluff * , la.
llurcelil by Daylight.
A thief broke Into the house of W. 1
Halnbrldge , 7H Fourth street , Tuesday afte
noon while all the members of the fa ml
were away. When Mrs. Halnbrldge can
home In the evening she found that a necl
Inco valued at over $50 and a flne gold rlr
were m Us Ing. A diamond pin that had bet
Ipft sticking In a cushion close by was n
meddled with. Yesterday her son , Bert M
Cargar , found that a fine oerf oat and a sol
gold watch chain were alia taken. The th !
was somewhat erratic In his movements , ha
Ine left the illver are severely alone , BI
eft untouched some articles of as much value
o > the ones ho stole.
Store closes promptly at 12 o'clock , noon.
Today until noon standard dress prints , 2c
a yard.
Ladles' Jersey ribbed vests until noon ,
lie each.
Infants' all wool knit booties , Cc a pair.
Children's 20c knit mittens , lOc a pair.
Ladles' 2Cc knit mittens , 15c a pair.
Buttermilk soap until noon , Cc a cake.
Council Bluffs.
wiU , HUM ) A j > r.iu cii.Y.niinit r.siox. .
Aldermen Afrnlit to Kxpreis iin Opinion
About 1'nvliiK Second Avenue.
A special meeting of the city council was
held last evening , with Mayor Cleaver and
Aldermen Drowlck , Gleason , Grahl , Keller ,
Nicholson , Illshton , Spetman and White pres
The ordinance allowing the police and flrc
departments to glvo ono ball apleco each
year was given Its second reading and then
laid on the table.
Electrician Hradlcy of the fire department
said that the city could save $150 to $200 by
buying 2,200 pounds of wire and allowing
the Postal Telegraph company to string It , ns
It had agreed to do. The matter was re
ferred to the lire committee , with power to
The question of whether the city or county
should pay for the policemen who were es-
eclully appointed for election was brought
p and referred to the city attorney for legal
dvlce. His report will be called for next
londay night.
The committee of the whole recommended
tat on account of lack of funds the petitions
or the opening of Third , First and Twentl-
th streets should not be done. At the sug-
cstlon of Alderman Gleason and the request
f several property owners the report was
ltd on the table.
City Engineer Etnyro reported that ho had
abulated the paving bids for Second avenue
nd found that on their face , without con-
Idorlng the quality of the brick , C. E. H.
Campbell was lowest , Martin Hughes second
nd E. A. Wlckham third. After this report
ad been heard the aldermen tipped back In
heir chairs and spent a pleasant social hour
nd a half In discussing fall plowing ,
\eathcr , the recent election and other topics
t absorbing Interest , but every man who
md an opinion on the. subject of paving , If
hero was such n man present , seemed back-
van ! about expressing It. As Is usually the
aso , It was decided that the- matter of let-
Ing the contract should bo done behind
jarred and bolted doors. A star chamber
csslon will be held some time between now
nd the end of the week , and the contract
vlll De awarded Monday.
"Tho new steamship St. Louis was chrls-
enecl with Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Cham
pagne. " _
Lost , flue new seal plush cape , satin lined ,
ur trimmed , Tuesday afteinoon In eastern
lart of town. Lost from buggy while dellv-
ring. Return to our store and get reward.
iennlson Bros.
Cimestlc soap outlasts cheap soap.
Davis sells drugs , paints and glass cheap ,
Murrlugu Licences.
Thanksgiving will bring happiness to the
allowing matrimonially Inclined young people
ple :
> Iamo and Address. Age.
W. H. lllsAllegan , Mich 3 (
0 m mil Stuff , Council JJIufts 3 :
13. T. Orlffln , Council Bluffs 2f
Alaudu lOnlcy , Council I ! luff a 1 !
eno Plunkett. I'ottuwattamle county. . . . 2 (
torn Wells , I'ottawattumle county If
tenj.imlii Spry , I'ottnwnttnmle county. . . . 2 :
Aluggle I'rlt'kson , Pottiiwuttamle county 21
3uy P. Ward , Omaha 31
Inrrlett II. Hulchln ? , Omaha 31
jeorge IVuiles , I'ottawnttamle county. . . . 2 (
Madeline Koch , Pottuwattamlc county. . . 21
William TesHler , Omaha 2 !
tlckii Ilrasoh , Flllmore county. Neb 1 !
5eone II. Hunthorn , Council Bltiffs 21
tuchel C. Uuvlson , Council Bluffs. . 2 !
Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney Too-
Lies. Trial size , 25 cents. Alt drugglili.
Miss Rico wilt hold a sale of art needle
work and china paintings Tuesday anc
Wednesday , December 4 and G , at 128 Fourtl
street. All are Invited.
Objects to tlii * Jury.
John Coyle was to have had a trial ii
Justice Field's court yesterday on the charge
of committing an assault and battery upoi
Charles Goldapp , but proceedings were fud
denly Interrupted by the flllng of an aflldavl
l > y Ambrose Burke , one of the attorneys foi
the state , alleging fraud In the drawing of th
Jury , and demanding that a new ono b
drawn. He claims to have seen Coyle jus
before the hour set for the trial plylni
Thomas Allen , one of the Jurors , with whisk ;
In Marvin White's saloon , half a block fron
the court room. He was given until Frlda ;
morning to pro\e up his caee , and Is nov
lius-tllii' ; for evidence to show that the jur ;
was packed with the Intention of clcarlni
Coyle regardless of the evidence.
Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney tru'i
Mts. Trial size , 25 cents. All druggists.
Grand Hotel , Council lllufTi ) , Unopened.
Newly furnished. Every modern con
venlenc" . First class In all respects. Hates
$2.60 to $3.00. B. F. CLARK. Proprietor
Dry pine kindling fcr sale. Cheaper thai
cobs. H. A. Cox , 37 Main street. Telephoni
Domestic neap breaks hard water.
Wo still have plenty of flowers for Thanks
giving at reasonable prices. J , F. Wllco.i
Florist , Telephone 00.
Ground oil cake $1.30 hhd. at Morgan t
Co.'s drug store , 134 Broadway.
Cheap Itnli'H to tlio Wear.
On December 4 and IS the Union Paclfl
will sell llrst class round trip tickets to al
points In Kansas , Nebraska , Colorado , Wyo
mlngand Utah at a rate of one standard firs
class fare for the round trip , plus $2. Reai
of wonderful prosperity of the irrigated dls
trlcts along the line of the Union Pacific an
take this opportunity to see for yourself.
For further Information , descriptive prlnte
matter , tlmo tables , etc. , call on or addrcs
your nearest ticket agent , or
C. T. A. U. P. System.
1302 Farnam St. , Omaha.
Steel Hull Men Morn Iloppful for Not
Srason'n Ittisliiox.
CLEVELAND , Nov. 28. The Iron Trafl
Hevlew thin week cays : One element of ur
certainty In the figuring for 1603 In Ire
and steel Is eliminated by the contlnunnc
of the steel rail agreement. At $22 tlier
promises tp bo a fair volume of buying h
railroads able to float bonds. Inquiries froi
some of them arc iilreudy In. The action c
the steel rail makers will give support tether
other parts of the imxtlut , reinforcing nmm
facturers In the belief that 1S95 will glv
a check to the- policy of profitless operatic
that has prevailed HO long. The Kllenco c
the coke operators In the Connellnvllle r <
Klon about the price of their product ftt
January 1 Is getting- more oppressive. Th
general desire to know about the probabi
status of bessemer pljr early In the year 1
evidenced In the number of consumers an
middlemen who are sounding the marke
While there lire rumont of transactions ,
turns out that there Is little buying In th
Plttstnuir valley and Wheeling districts.
Wouldn't Quaili the Indictment ! .
DUBUQUE , la. . Nov. 28. ( Special Teh
gram. Judge Shlras today overruled
motion to quash Van Buren Indictments.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cryfo :
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry 76 ;
Central I.nbor Union lrclite to Do Sonin
The Omaha Central Labor' n Ion hfld a
regular meeting last n'ght 'ijv T'aUerson'B
hall , with o large number ot UeUfcates pres
ent. New delegates were adnm Jf'and ' given
the obligation ns follows : D.ivlil Hopkins ,
William Taylor nnd Edward IlecMtad of tlie
International Association of Incdln.sts Xo.
31 , and Krod Fohman of the Omaha Stone
Cuttcra union. / u
The following resolution wa 4 unanimously
adopted : , i ; t
AVhercnp , It lias come to , the. .knowledge .
of Onmha Centrnl Labor union that the
bakers of this city have rjiitcft-tl Into a
combination by which the jirlco'Uf ' lireait Is
mailo so lilgli as to be out of till proportion
to the cost of Hour and labor nnd ,
Whereas , The laws of tin ) Rtnte of Ne-
lirasku ( FPO Hcsalon laws of 1S9. pace 61fi ,
chapter t9) ! expressly and justly forbids and
provides penalties for such combinations ,
theiefore be It
n volved , That the low committee of
Omaha Centrnl Labor union Is hereby In-
Htmcted to nt once Investigate such viola
tions of this law , and Is hereby empowered
to take such action as will lead to the
: irompt prosecution of said violators of the
aw , and authority Is hereby given said
lommlttco to draw on the treasury of thin
inlon for whatever funds may be necessary
'or such prosecution.
Considerable discussion was had regarding
he advisability of sending a lobby commlt-
co to the legislature during the cession.
Opinion was divided upon this subject , and
t was finally decldcdl to leave the matter
n the hands of the law committee and re-
uest this committee to make a report at the
itxt regular meeting of the union. Some
line was also spent in talking over several
neasures that will be brought before the
eglslaturc , and It Is expected that at the
lext meeting the committee will have all
ho bills asked for by the Central Labor
.inlon In shape to be presented for passage.
A. motion was passed Instructing the law
committee to frame a bill which would
bring about a better transfer system by the
Omaha Street Railway company.
(4 ( to 7 doea )
Dr. Pierced
Pleasant Pellets
To any one sending name and address to
vs on a postal card.
Once Used , They are Always In Favor.
f fence , our object in sending' ' them out
They absolutely cure Sic- , Headache , Bil
iousness , Constipation , Coated-Tongue , Poor
Appetite , Dyspepsia and kindred derange
ments of the Stomach. Liver and Uowels.
Don't accept some substitute said to be
"just as good. " ni \
The substitute costs the'dealer less.
Jt costs you ABOUT the same.
HIS profit is in the "Jltsf'Xs good. "
Address for BAMFLB , J '
World's Dispensary Medical'Association ,
Mo. 663 JHtUa St. , BUFFALO , AT. K
a well
TUB ORK vj- '
rnoDCcia ins IDOTB
Nervous lilicasoi. Fnlllnir Memory ,
rim li.El plriFne , Nightly litV- + * *
Ions , etc. , c&useil by jmt abur"0 , iriwrTlforand size
( oBbrunLenereixnp , and qulcklruutfturcly lettoren
fo > tMuiihoi > amold or young. Tanllycnrrlcdln icet
poclcot. I'rlcaiM.OO a package. BU [ or r. oo Hl ,
written BII arAntro to cure or money refunded. Pon't
Imiran ( nutationbut Inslit on liurtnc 1N1 > A1'O. II
yoiirUru trlstlms not got It , we nlll * end It prepaid ,
IJ dental otedloal Co. , i'rop * . , Chicago , 111. , oreor ; tell.
SOLD by Kulm & Co , Cor ijtli and Doubts SU , ,
and J. A. Fuller & Co. , Cor. I4tli and Douglass
is sold umlor poaitivo written ecminiifep , by
nuthorlznd ngents only , to euro Wenlc Memory ;
Loss of Ilrnln and Nerve1 Power : Ixwt Manhood :
Quickness ; NinhtljOBBts ; Kvil Drcnnie ; Iack f
Confidence ; Nervousnocs ; Latitude ; ( ill Uraiiifl ;
Loss of Power of the UoncrntivoOrcnnH in either
BOI , cnnaod hyovor-exortion , YontlifuIISrroraor
ExcesaiYo U o of Tobacco , Opium or Liquor ,
which lends to Misery , Consumption , Iiwmity
and Death , lly mail , ( t a box ; six fur S3 : wild
written cnnrnntcotn euro or refundjnoney. West's
LUer Till ! rare Blclc Ilend.irhe. Hiliounnoss ,
Liver Complaint , HonrHtomnrh. Dyspepsia and
Constipation. U UAHANTKEU leeucd only by
Goodman Drug Co , Omaha.
The Mercer Hotel
Cor. 18lli niid Howard StroBls ,
Under now imiimu-Pmont. will furnUli I1KT-
TKH MKALSnml flCTThlt HOOMtjal ( ! sloivm
Itemed und electric llwlitodi I tiin : any hotel In
Omalm for thu rate of S2.0O per diiy. Itnoms
with bath J'.W mid W.OJ.
Try the Mcrcor next tlmo you visit the city.
Take the Hsiniey street cuut : Union , Depot
to 12th stroci. From Woustor snout Uoiiot
tuko car to Howard street. . _
Everything thatl , clfon lnrf , purifying , and bean.
tlfylUK for llie etlp , acalp.niHl hair
of iulunu ami children ttio t.'t'Ti.
cuiu ltEJiEitiE "t\lll do. They
eperdlly curq lchDR | | anil burning
cczemai , cleanup the tcalp of caly
humor. , purify the blood , and re *
luiuinuimir. i. They are absolutely !
pure , ogrceaMe , atd unfalllpguKod ! every n here.
C. L Decker , Plja macfst ,
200 Main Street - T Council Bluffs ,
Goto Becker's Pharmacy wiiir your Prescripts
" Special Notices
Gotiijei )
Ud Uurke. at 'W. B , llomtr'i , MS Broadway.
roit : all modern con\enlence ; will rent cheap
Ul I'arl. avenue.
grade tileycle , 30 pound * , good a * new. In nrat
rlata shape ; will take cumct In part pay , t
21 , lice olHce.
by mlddie-agrd Uerman lady , IK South ilali
itreet. T. Vollmcr.
We must Jitrnish you with that overcoat or ulster that
you've put off buying till now. We know wcvc got to make
prices to do it and here they arc :
Long cut , black and blue and tan
kersey overcoats , with velvet
collars , 48 inches long , for , . .
Black diagonal worsted overcoat
with velvet collar , medium
length , 44 inches , worth at
least $12 , all wool , at
AH wool , blue , brown or tan ,
beaver Overcoats , extra heavy 7
lined weight , 50 inches long , Italian
Extra fine blue or black kersey
overcoats with sillc sleeve lin
ing , 50 inches long , full box
H. Cook Clothin
successors to Columbia Clothing Co
13th and Farnam Streets , Omaha ,
When buyin g a carpet to have one that is satisfactory bothin
style and quality. The best makes cost but little more , they
are worth the difference better wool , better dyes , better
work , gives better satisfaction.
We are offering in our Drop Pattern Sale some of the
very best makes of goods at about / price :
Drop Patterns Best Ingrains - - 45c yard
" " " Brussels "
Tapestry - 700
" " " Brussels "
Body - 850
Why "drop patterns , " because manufacturers have
dropped them from their line and we cannot duplicate them--
you may find some better patterns in our stock , but no better
See these as early as you can it may save you something.
Orchard & Wilhelm
1414-16-18 St.
- - Douglas .
Complete Drapery Dept. 2nd Floor.
] : * l > cctiillu If It be a "Jluihil
Umbrella , " Hint f/frn - airiiy
liinltieof littil limit ( inil fiirf-
i < wmr , IIlit make * tli titan
if/to rii ! < / * It a n-iill.-liifi nir-
tralnraufapiitfruiau. ( . "TII'O
J.V llMil ) , " n tune anil urn-
tirtlla ! Haw iluci Unit unit your
A > neKtiilhli rnnrlliiit
< < ( lie r/iiiiif/rd into a licinitlj'tit
srrelreiibla iimbrtltn In ( in < " -
tfuut Tlirifarr"twain out , "
mill are lite lintxlniinriit. ttob-
lilrnt itrif lltlnu of Ihe m-iifoit .1
beautiful i > re r > tt to yoimrlfor
mil/I'flfiid KlfVautla carveil ,
rare irooif lianillm , inuaitteil ( it
ml Id Hrrr anil yotil I.Ike
jjinito see them , anillot of other
WOLLMAN 409 Broadway ,
M. , - -
T//H JK\\1SJMK ,
President. Caibler.
First Nationa
Capital , $100,000
Profits , 12,000
On of the oliltit tank * In th tUU ot Iowa.
W * ollclt your builucu md collection * . W
pay I p r cent on time depnilt * . W will Ul
pltutd to ie and icrvt you.
earno.Ht exultation and
J ° > ' . So would yours '
he .f ym | klicwj'wllt ,
he knows Unit 5)1 ) ! ) Main street is
stocked with inoi'o bargains in Shoes ,
Hats , Underwear and Furnishing
Goods than any other store in Connell -
ell IMulI's and Omaha. lie uses but
few notes , you perceive , nnd
you will need but few notes-
bank notes or coins to get pos
session of stylish , handsome nnd
comfortable things. Expenses of
doing business at 1)10 ) arc SO per cent
less than further uptown , and this is
one of the ninny secrets of the iim
mense success of
The Loading Dowu Town Merchant.
Council BluffsPaint , Oil & Glass Co ,
Wo carry a full line of all kinds of Paints
Oils , Glass and Painters' Supplies. "We are
manufacturers of Art Glass and can make you
anything you want in that lino. Wo carry a
ftill line of Window Sash , glazed and unglazed ,
and will make you bottom prices on any sash
that you want. Our sash are all Council
Bluflsmako. We have over 1,000 hot-bad
sash in stock.
Come and see us or write for prices , '
Nos , 1 and 3 Fourth Street ,