Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 T1IM OMAHA DATTjY BEE : .MONDAY , NOVEMBER 2(5 ( , 1804.
Pailnre of Corn and Coin More Than Coun
terbalanced by Moral Gain ,
Dr. Hutlor BugEcit * tlmt the I'coplo Ilnro
Ho Jlcaion ti , llo tacking In Tliiinks-
Spirit I.lfo hhomi to
lie Mure limn 1'ood.
Deforo the week In over Dr. Butler of the
St. Mary's Avcnuo Congregational church
will have preached at least two Thanks
giving sermons , for ho will deliver the dls-
courao at the union service of his own church ,
Westminster Presbyterian , the Beth ndcn
Baptist and tlio Hanscom 1'ark Methodist
churches on Thanksgiving day , and his sermon
yesterday morning was on the theme that
American custom brings uppermost at this
Taking as his text the words , "Is not the
llfo moro than food ? " ho declared that while
the year had been one of business depres
sion tnd Of crop failure , yet It had witnessed
a marked advance In moral sentiment of the
people. Two clouds that for ten years had
hung threateningly over the country had been
scatteredleaving the nation safe the cloud ot
organized capital and the cloud of organized
labor. Ono had been bullying legislatures
with bullion nnd the other had put law and
order In Jeopardy through strikes. The people
ple had shown their disgust for both Have-
meyerlsm and Dcbslsm , and Mr. Debs had
learned by the terrible experiment at Chicago
cage that strikes were Impracticable and had
vowed that ho never would advise another.
Neither the silver hairs nor the silver
tongue nor the brilliant record of a certain
congressman availed to RUYO him from de
feat when hla vlco was uncovered , and events
In Now York had shown that the American
masses will rebuke corruption when once Its
existence Is made palpable.
Dr. Butler Interprets the result of the
recent elections as a declaration by the Amer
ican people that bargainings nnd brlblngs
will not bo tolerated In those placed In posi
tions ot responsibility to the people , and
from the Immense changes In majorities pred
icated that the class of Independent voters
was Increasing every year. "Public opin
ion , " said he , "Is the Almighty's buzz saw ,
and It has been shown that It will not dote
to monkey with It. "
The cause ot the war between Japan and
China was a striking demonstration of the
power of a llvo hand'i'ul over sluggish mil
lions , of an advancing civilization o\er a stag
It Conduct * tlio Afternoon Service * at thn
Y. .M. O. A.
The regular Sunday afternoon services of
the Young Men's Christian association were
conducted yesterday afternoon by the city
union of Epworth leagues. Every seat In the
auditorium was occupied.
Services opened by all singing "All Hall
the Power of Jesus' Name. " Secretary Ober
read the scripture lesson , and then Ilev. W.
K. Beans offered prayer.
Short addresses on the topic , "Does It Pay
to Be a Christian ? " were next In order.
Mr. B. G. Wllmuth was down on the pro
gram to talk on , "Does It Pay to Bo a
Christian In Business ? " Other engagements
prevented Mr. Wllmuth from being present
and that question was handled by Mr. Clam-
The speaker said that as the close of the
year was drawing near all business men
went over their accounts and Invoiced their
stock. By doing this they find out what
things have paid and what have not. Those
tiat ( have not paid will be cast aside. If the
dealer Is a Christian man his business has
surely1 paid , perhaps not so much In dollars
and 'cents as ho might wish , but If Christ
Is with him and the teachings of the Great
Leader have been followed me business has
paid. Christ stands for all that Is good.
The sepaker said that he once worked for
a man who knew no Christ , though he
amassed quite a fortune. When this rich mar
died not enough people attended his funeral
to give him a decent burial. Every business
man should take Christ Into full partner
ship , arid then he will surely prosper.
Dr. C. F. Clarke answered the question
"Does It Pay to Bo a Christian In Society ? '
As It pays In business , It RISO pays to tak <
Christ with you Into society , said the doctor
Years ago Christians thought It necessarj
to keep aloof from society In order to l > <
good and pure. Now that Is all changed , am
today some oC the noblest and best Christian !
In the world arc well known In society. I ;
there Is any place , remarked the doctor , when
souls are lost It Is In society. The ground ,
work Is polng on , and today Christ Is repre
scnted by thousands of loving followers win
are In the swim In society. "Take Chrlsi
as your example , " said the doctor , "take Illir
everywhere you go , and surely you cannot EI
wrong. "
Speaking In the same line. Miss Mlllei
asked : "Does It Pay to Be a Christian It
the Homo ? " The mother In her home , sin
said , needs Christ's help to bo patient will
her children , and In teaching them to grov
up In the way they should go she needs ti
continually call upon Christ for assistance
At the conclusion of Miss Miller's remark :
Mrs. H. Hopkins sang a-solo , and the bene
diction was pronounced by Rev. J. E. Moore
&ocnl Salvationists Preparing for tlio Vlsli
of Ociiurnl llootli Next bumliiy.
The local corps ot the Salvation army li
already preparing for the visit of Genera
Booth , who will spend next Sunday li
Omaha. The event U of moro than or
dlnary significance to the soldiers of tin
spectacular crusade , and they expect ti
make It the occasion for advancing thel
skirmish lines still further Into the strong
holds of vice. The program has nlreail ;
been arranged and the details are undc
the direction of Ensign Iteed of the loca
It Is expected that General Booth will ar
rive Saturday night , and preparations liav
been made for two largo meetings Sunda
afternoon and evening. These will be hcl
nt Exposition hall , as lhe > barracks at Seven
teenth and Davenport streets are too smal
to hold the crowd that Is expected to welcome
como the celebrated leader of the Salvatlo
Sunday afternoon at 2:30 : General Boot
will deliver a lecture on his work In th
Blums of the United Kingdom. As th
fame of the- speaker In this partlcula
branch of the salvation work Is world wld
It Is expected that the building will b
crowded. General Booth will discuss In dc
tall the methods which he has pursued I
Ills work among th * lowest classes of hu
inanity , and an admission fee of 25 cent
will be charged.
The evening service will be In the nature
turo of n general rally of the army , In whlc
General Booth will take a leading part. Th
meeting will bo largely similar to the usiu
Sunday evening service , except that th
nnriy will bo out In larger numbers , an
the presence of their leader will lend ai
dltlonal Interest to the proceedings.
To CnUrariiU In u Tourist Sleeper.
The. Buillngton route's personally cor
ducted excursions to the Pacific coast ar
just the thing for people of moderate meam
Cheap respectable comfortable cxped
From Omaha every Thursday mornlrij
through to San Francisco and Los Angele
without changeof cars. Experienced ex
curslon manager * and uniformed Pullma
porters In charge. Second class tickets at
cepted. Cars are carpeted and upliolstere
nnd have spring scats and backs , mattressei
blankets , curtains , pillows , towels , etc. Onl
15,00 for a double berth , wide enough an
big enough for ( wo ,
The route la over the "Scenic Line ot th
World , " through Denver , Salt Lake CIt
and Sacramento. All the wonderful car
yens and peaks ot the Ilocky mountain
Are pa jcd during the day.
Full Information at 1321 Farnam street , c
tor addressing J. Francis , general paesengc
gent , Burlington route , Omaha , Neb.
Ncbruikn Homo for tlio Afrnl.
At the third annual meeting c
the managlnc board of the Nt
braska Home for Aged I'eople , 1122 Xort
I' n
Venty-neventh street , recently licld , the
eports of the ofllecrs were read und new
fllccrs elected.
H Appeared Hint the receipt * nnd ills-
mrsemcnts for tho-year were J7U1.07. Do-
nllons were acknowledged nnd recorded
nd a vote of thnnkn extended to nil who
md In nny way aided 'the charity. Ollleera
I PC ted nre !
President , Mr . Covell : vlcp presidents ,
Im. White , Mrx. Levy : secretary , Mrs.
IcXuIr ; treasurer , Mrs. U. W. Eastman ,
fully 2,000 people were caught In "A Sum-
ler Blizzard" at the Fifteenth Street theater
csterdny afternoon and .had to confess that
ley liked It. They liked It so well , In fact ,
mt the storm , which usually lasts some-
: ilng over two hours , was continued at the
equest of the spectators for nearly three
lours and a half.
"The Summer Blizzard" Is the name of a
ewspaper run at a seaside resort by Wright
1. Scribble , and furnished n name for one
f the very best specialty attractions on the
oad. With Just plot enough to keep the In
terest ot the audlencer the specialty work of
n exceptionally well balanced company Is
nterwoven In a manner that makes the en-
crtatmnent a most enjoyable one. There Is
n abundance ot good music by members of
lie cast , as cluver dancing as has been seen
n an Omaha Binge and specialty features
James Carroll , as Phoney Dice , a printer's
evil and hotel porter with pugilistic ambl-
lon , heads the list of fun makers and makes
ho most of his opportunities , and they are
ot limited by any means. He Is a nimble
ancer , fairly good singer and has no trouble
n keeping up his end of n very busy and
leasing performance. W. H. Murphy , as
lowland Ilant , a Shakespearean crank , has
n unique part and makes the most of It ,
Clayton White , In a skirt dance , Barney Hoy-
olds In songs and Impersonations , are clever.
Miss Nelly Rosebud , In the role of Helen
Hazes , the soubrette , contributed more , pcr-
aps , than any one other artist to the suc-
ess of "A Summer Blizzard. She has a
tylo peculiarly her own , and It pleased. She
as a very sweet voice nnd was at her best
n "Come Kiss Your Mamy , " "Tho Kloor-
valkcr" and In her clever work In the
owcry song and dance with Mr , Carroll , Miss
Handle Nichols and Mr. Somers. She was
ompelled to respond to enthusiastic encores
t' her every appearance.
The Nichols sisters have no superiors lu
levelly dances nr.S their performance took
he house by storm. Mtsi Beatrice Goldle's
fforU as soprano soloist were very ac-
Other features contribute to a high class
audcvllle entertainment , that goes with a
iish from start to finish and never lucks In
REELS. la. , . Nov. 18. To the Kdltor of
The Hee : Please settle a dispute. When
nil where was President Cleveland nnd
lisa Folsom married , nnd when and where
vns babv Iluth born , and when and where
vns Esther born. An old subscriber. Mrs.
\L Wnkefleld.
The marriage took plnce nt "Washington
une 2. 1SSG. Iluth was born In the latter
lart ot 1S87 lit Washlnston. Ksther was
ion ! October 3 , 1831 , nt New York City.
PERU , Neb. , Nov. 21. To the Editor of
The Uee. Please favor mo by telllnjj
vhethcr two years Is the legal term fot-
governor In every state In tlio union. H.
" rante.
It Is not.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Nov. 20. To the Kdltoi
of The Bee : Will you please Inform me
vhen the new tariff bill on sugar takes
ffcct , or If It has already taken effect ?
' . M. Williams.
It went Into effect August 27.
MINEOLA , la. . Nov. 3.-To the Editor of
The Bee : Please explain how a. candidate
may receive a majority ot the popular vine
and be defeated for the presidency. Sub
Every state hag a given number of voles
n the electoral college , which elects the
resident. It one candidate carries a state
by an overwhelming majority he can still
only have the regular number of electoral
votes , HO his extra votes may not count nnd
10 may be defeated In the electoral col-
SOUTH OMAHA , Nov. 21. To the Editor
of the Uee : PleaHe answer through. Trie
Bee what the salaries of United States sen
ators anil congressmen nre. H. l'G. .
Salary for either olllce is J5.030 a year.
Our Italy.
Time was when the "glorious climate ol
California" dll not attract tourists. But year
after year the tide of travel sets In stronger
and stronger every fall and winter toward
this favored region. There Is no climate like
It on this continent for a winter resort , onO
the usual fine service of the Union Pacific
system has this season been brought to a
degree of perfection which leaves nothing to
be desired.
For further Information call on your near
est ticket agent or address
City ticket agent ,
1302 Farnam st. . Omaha , Neb.'.S "KOCK ISLAND" KXCUHSION
Through Tonrlst Sleeping Cur to Sjii Trnn-
t-lxco anil Los Angeles.
Via Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific railway
leaves Omaha every Friday at 1:10 : p. m.
via Denver , Colorado Springs , Pueblo , Sail
Lake , Ogclen. Also through tourist slccpci
to Los Angeles every Wednesday on oui
southern route , via Fort Worth nnd El Paso
Tickets and sleeping car reservations can bi
secured at the "Roqk Island" ticket ofllco
For full Information call on or address
CHARLES KENNEDY , 1602 Farnam St. .
G. N. AV. P. A.
Chpitp Kutes In the West.
On December 4 and IS the Union Paclfli
will sell first class round trip tickets to al
points In Kansas , Nebraska , Colorado , Wyo
mlngand Utah nt a rate of one standard firs
class fare for the round trip , plus $2. Heat
of wonderful prosperity of the Irrigated dls
trlcts along the line of the Union Pacific am
take this opportunity to .see for your&elf.
For further Information , descriptive prlntei
matter , time tables , etc. , call on or addres
nearest ticket agent , or
C. T. A. U. P. System ,
1302 Farnam St. , Omaha.
Via the Wulj.iili It. U.
On November 20 , December 4 and 18
the Wabash will dell tickets at one fare
with J2 added. For tickets or a copy c
the Homeseekers' Guldo call at Wabash of
llco. 1G02 Farnam street , or write.
G. N. CLAYTON , 71. W. P. Agt. . Omahi.
Xnw Time Curil.
The Missouri Paclflc changes tlmo on Sun
day , November 23. " The morning train leave
depot , IDlh and AVcbstcr , at 9IC ; a. m. . In
blend of 9 a. m. . Afternoon train arrives a
0:05 : p. m , , Instead of Ct : > 5 p , m. Nebraski
local leaves 5:10 : p. m. nnd arrives 9:10 : a
m , Evpnlng train for Kansas City and St
Louis leaves 9:30 : p. in.o .
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul fas
train , leaving Union depot at ti p. in , , make
exact connection at Sabula , la. , for Missis
tlppl river points north , arriving at Dubuqn
6:40 : a. m. , North Gregor 8:10 : a. m. . L
Crosse 11:15 : a. m. . St. Paul 2:45 : p. m. Tlcke
otnco , 1S04 Farnam street.
N nv Onmliik I.lmlloil Tniln.
On and after Sun Jay , November 4 , , th
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Pa'ul "electrl
lighted limited" nlll leave Omaha at t ! p. m.
arriving In Chicago at 9 a. m. Remember thl
ttaln carries diners a la carte.
C. S. CARRIER , Ticket Agent.
1&04 Farnam St.
St. I.ouls unil Hrliiru ,
On December 24 , 25 and 20 the Mlssour
Pacific ulll sell round trip tickets to SI
Louis for $13. CO. For further Informatlo :
call at depot , 15th and Webster , or com
pony's cftlce. N. B. Corner 13th and Farnan'
Opium habit and alcoholism treated. Year
of experience. H , W. Hyde , M. D. , 407 PaJ
ton block , Omaha , Neb.
Read Fidelity's real estate ad ,
RUDOLF Aueustus C. , aged C7 year ? , c
apoplexy , at the home of Ma sister , Mri
T H. Urlgor , 2412 Dodge utreet , Noven :
ber "I. Lfc9C Funeral Hervlces and Intel
limit nt l.lncpln. Neb , TUP giluy forenooi
November 27 , U9I , Hev Hushltt , rcctc
Tilnlty Kpiscoiia ) jrcli , oltlclatlny.
loinptroller Eckels Wants Some Suggestions
Upon the Subject ,
Onmlm Danker * Dtaciii * tlio Proposition ,
Advocating tlio llnltlmoro 1'laii unit
Say that It Will llo Culled to tlio
Attention of Cuitcrcii.
When tlio American Hankers association
convened In | he twentieth annual convention
t Baltimore on October 10 the Omaha banks
iad two representatives present. Henry W.
"ntes ot the Nebraska National and Alfred
llllard of the Commercial National. One of
lie results of that convention of the flnan-
lors of the United States was the formula-
Ion of a system ot banking which It Is pro-
osed to substitute for the present plan In
Ills country , provided congress can be In-
uced to grant measures so thoroughly raill-
al. Comptroller Eckels has now called upon
number of leading bankers throughout the
ountry for suggestions for currency reform
eglslatlon and their views on the Llaltlmore
Ian , Omaha bankers have not as yet been
equosted to submit anything on this line , but
licy expect to bo consulted before the mat
er Is closed. The replies of the bankers are
o be used by the president In shaping his
sage to congress , In which he proposes
o recommend an advanced plan for cur-
ency legislation.
Most of the leading bankers of Omaha favor
ho plan advanced by the Baltimore convcn-
lon In general , but are prepared to submit
uggestlons with a view of securing minor
lianges In the draft of the new system pro-
osed. The measure- proposed Js supposed
o embody and combine the results obtained
.t two different periods of did" history of
> anklng In the United States , with the re-
ults.of banking methods tried with success
n Canada and Germany. The two periods of
lanUlug Jn the United States referred to
re , first , the period of New York safety
und banking , from 1829 to I860 , and the
crlod of national "banking , from 1SC3 to the
resent time.
The cardinal principle of-the system pro-
xised as a substitute for present methods Is
o establish an elastic currency , which , In
mo of great financial distress , resulting from
scarcity of money , will enable banking
OUSPS In the country to enlarge their clr-
ulatlon to such an extent ns well Informed
nanclers claim wilt be sufficient to tldo the
ountry over a crisis similar to that ex-
icrlcnced In the summer of 1893. An Omaha
lankcr , In conversation last week on this
ubjcct , declared that the absence ot flexl-
illlty In the present currency sytcm was a
onstant menace to the whole fabric. It was
his fact that had compelled the New York
Clearing llouso association to Issue Its mil-
Ions of certificates , and in Ills estimation
vas the only thing that saved the country
rom a most disastrous panic , however Irreg
ular the Idea may Imvo been , Therefore the
ational Association of Bankers has taken
an early opportunity to shape a measure
vhlch they believe will at least do away
vlth this feature of the country's banking
The plan provides first 'for the repeal ol
hat section of the national banking act
vhlch requires a deposit of bonds to secure
ho circulation of notes Issued. Then It de
clares for the right to Issue circulating
lotes to the value of CO per cent
) f the bank's paid up and unlin-
laired capital , subject to a tax of one-half ol
. per cent per annum upon the average
amount ot circulation outstanding for the
year , and an additional circulation of 25 pet
cent ot Us paid up and unimpaired capltal.sub-
ect both to the tax of one-half of 1 per cent
> er annum and to an additional heavy fas
> er annum upon the average amount of sucli
circulation outstanding 'for the year , said ad-
lltlonal 23 per cent to beknown as an
'emergency circulation. " Hie tax of one-hall
ot 1 per cent the bankers would have paid
to the treasurer of the United States as s
neans of revenue , out ot which the expenses
In connection .with Issuing the note shall be
> ald. The excess of one-half of 1 per cenl
: ox Imposed upon the "emergency clrcula
tlon" the framers ot the plan desire to hav <
ialil Into a fund to bo known as a "guaran-
; eo fund , " which Is to bo created by the deposit -
posit by each bank of 2 per cent upon tin
average amount of circulation received during
[ he first year. From the fund thus crcatci
the notes of Insolvent banks wilt be redeemed
under the Baltimore plan.
President Lyman of the Commercial Na >
llonal bank Is taking considerable Interesl
In the discussion of the subject among loca
bankers. He takes tie | position that li
some respects the Baltimore plan may be t <
a more or less degree Improved upon.
The following ho presents as his view o
the situation :
'I bellevo the principle tinderlylni
the 'Baltimore currency plan' to bi
eminently sound. In that It tends to glvi
elasticity to our currency. It Is now admit
ted that , had the law In 1893 possessed suci
a provision , Its benefit would have been In
estimable. A full discussion of the mattei
will doubtless discover additions to the pro
posed plan and the following suggestion !
may be pertinent :
'First , should not the 'guarantee fund' pro
vlded in section G be Invested In govern
ment bonds , thus adding to Itself contln
uously ?
- "Second , should not section 2 provld ? i
minimum as well as maximum circulation.
"Third , In the event of a bank's desiring ti
take out circulation In excess" of 50 per cen
ot Its capital , should not an examination bi
had before such request Is compiled with ?
"Fourth , I would eliminate the phrasi
'emergency fund , ' no' bank caring to adml
that an emergency has arisen In Its affairs.
"That the government would be amply se
cured by the proposed plan > eems beyom
question , and whatever secures It , cquall ;
and additionally secures the Indtvldua
holder of the currency.
"That a change In the present law mus
soon be made Is obvious , and that the com
mlttce having In charge the drafting cf a bll
will be able , with the assistance nnd surges
tlons they will receive from all cl isses o
business from all parts ot iur , country t
present n bill that will bo JUt pad ndvan
tageous to the people , as well at * the banks ,
firmly believe. "
A play which has made more talk thai
any work ot an English dramatist In the las
ten years Is to be acted tonight for the firs
tlmo In Omaha by actors who have a well
established right to an attentive hearing. Th
play Is "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray , " b
I'lnero , the English playwright with a forelg :
name , and the actors are the Kendals. Thes
English actors are to appear at 13oyd'
theater , and "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray
will be done for the first time here on Mon
day evening.
The story of the play , Its enthusiastic re
ceptlon In London , the clamor which arcs
Highest Honors World's Pair.
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. f ? . '
Ammonia , Alum or any other adult JJ- " '
about UK mora1ltnian1 | Mm. Kemlsl'e rcnllzn-
loii of the principalIrpto have all been treated
of at length In th4 * columns. U la no moro
han fair to fay Itott the concensus of crltl-
lal opinion worlji regarding Is that "The
Second Mrs , Tanquorpy" IB a drama ot un
usual msrlt , In njpti Jn the niceties of con
traction , In the tlallncatlon of character , and
n the abundances ot well-written dialogue.
As to ltn porrormanuo by the Keiulals we
mvo not learned * proat deal. So much of
.ho crltlcltmliloh , H has evoked In this
country has besn' ' iplalnly baaed on utterly
mpropcr premises ! IJecauso Mrs , Kcndal has
usually chosen virtuous characters for 1m-
lerjonatlon she * a Debarred from essaying
o portray the Irregular 1'aul.i In I'lnero's
ilay. It Is tnfo to- soy that artistic methods
vlll govern this performance ot the Kundals ;
xperlcnco teaches us to expect that , at Uast ,
Uth certainty.
The plot of "The Second Mrs. Tanaucray"
nay be summarized for tlio sake of refresh-
UK our readers' memories thus : Mr , Tan-
luerny , who has been married to a cold ,
unresponsive pattern ot virtue , finds , himself
at his wife's death left with P datigti'er unJ
oneller than ever. Ho marries accordingly
woman ot doubtful reputation , trusting that
iho will add color and comfort to his life ,
rho play shows the gradual disintegration of
his Idle dream. The ( second Mm. Tnnqueray
cannot support the ennui ot respectability ,
and the final straw Is the discovery that htr
step-daughter Is to marry an ol 1 lever of
lers. She solves the problem fpi * herxelf at
ast by committing suicide. Tomorrow evcn-
ng Mr. and Mrs. Kendal will offer Tom
Taylor's brilliant comedy drama , "Still
Waters Hun Deep. " The proverb , "Still
voters run deep , " not only furnishes the
Itle , but suggest the nature of the lesson
hat the dramatist proposed to exemplify ,
This particular plcco was played by the Ken-
lals for upwards of 100 nights at tlio St.
tames theater , London , and has been pro
duced by them during their recent engage-
nents In New York , Philadelphia and Boston
and Chicago to crowded houses. The play
ms not been seen In this city for many
fears , and so will possess a special Interest
o the younger theatergoer.
The attraction at Doyd's Wednesday
and Thursday , November 28 and 29 , will be
lobert Gaylor In an entirely new edition of
'Sport McAllister , One of the 400. " Gaylor
las long been recognized as one of the lead-
ng Irish comedians of the dramatic stage ,
and his well known performance of the Im-
iccunlous Irishman In the above named play
will long bo remembered as one of the most
amusing creations In the present era of stage
characterization. The company has been
greatly strengthened since last season and
: ontalns some of the most shining lights ot
'arco comedy , consisting of Gilbert and Gol-
dlo , A. J , O'Urlen , Joe Kelly , Marie Laurens ,
Mabel Craig , Maggie Fielding , Kathleen War
ren nnd others. Some ot the latest London
songs , consisting of "Linger Longer , Lee , "
'Chinese Dolly , " "The Dandy Colored Coon , "
'He Don't Know Where He Are" and others
will be given. Extra matlneo Thursday ,
Thanksgiving day. The sale of seats will
open at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
'In Mlzzoura , " the ploy by Augustus
Thomas , which Mr. Goodwin will present Frl-
lay evening , November 30 , In this city , Is
: otally unlike any piece In which that favor-
to comedian has been seen , the leading char
acter , Jim Uailburn , being made up In about
equal proportion of sentiment nnd humor ,
and Mr. Goodwin In assuming the part has
: o enter the Held of ; pathos and comedy. This
Involves an entire departure from his usual
stage methods , but he has made the departure -
turo and plucked success from his venture ,
according to the verdict of New York and
Chicago , where "In Mlzzoura" has already
been performed. Tlio papers of the metrop
olis have teemed with praise of the artistic
work of Mr. Goodwin , stamping him ns an
actor of unusual versatility , with ability to
create laughter or-draw tears from the eyes
tit his audience. What was thought at first
to bo a rash experiment for a comedian of his
reputation has proven to be the wisest step
In his career , and has advanced him greatly
In his profession , 'tin Mlzzoura" Is a charmIng -
Ing play , descriptive , of humble life In ills-
sourl , and with several Important parts be
sides that assumed1 by the star , all of which
are In the hands of artists of reputation. As
a production tho\p\ny \ Is said to ba oneof
the finest ever 'seen ' , and tlio scenes are all
faithful copies ! "of'brigfnals In Plko county ,
Missouri. Every attention has been paid to
the Mimllest detail , nnd the play will be
presented hero exactly as It was In New
York and Chicago , At Saturday matinco the
beautiful comedy , "A Gilded Fool , " and Sat
urday evening a grand double bill consisting
of Mr. Goodwin's latest nnd greatest success ,
'David ' Garrlck , " supplemented by the charm
ing comedy , "Lend Mo Ten Shillings. "
Hoyt's ever popular skit. "A Bunch of
Keys , " comes to the Fifteenth Street theater
[ or four nights , commencing Sunday mat
inee , December 2. It has- met with unpre
cedented success during Its latest revival , and
has had the stamp ot public approval In all
the larger cities in which It has appeared
this season. The Sentinel of Milwaukee says
Hoyt's "A Bunch of Keys" opened the doors
of the BIJou opera house to two large audi
ences yesterday. It Is the same old "Bunch
of Keys" that kept the whole country laugh
ing when Iloyt launched It upon the public
a few years ago , with some changes In de
tails and new specialties , for the Introduction
of which It offers plenty of opportunities.
Charles W. Bowser Is still seen In the char
acter of "Lit'leton Snagga , Esq. , a legal gentle
man who switches off as a hotel keeper
through the medium of a will which he has
gotten hold of professionally and which he
retains for his own advancement. Ada Both-
ner was nppparently built for the part of
"Teddy Keys , a wild rosebud , with accom
panying thorns. " She Is a spirited romp and
the terror of the hotel and every other place
she visits. In the third net she makes up as
a drummer , n species of man she has evi
dently studied. Judging from her familiarity
with the way they behave. Her best piece of
work Is a burlesque upon the conventional
way of carrying on a conversation in a ball
room. She gets tangled up In the long train
ot her dress In rldlculou ; fashion. She sings
several fcongs and dances In wooden shoes ,
One of the best of the specialties Is the baby
song by Bell Travers , a very pretty little
thing , which she renders with the Imperson
ation of a child's voice. It. J. Ulley sings
a funny song , In which , among other things ,
he tolls of an apiarist who was so stingy he
crossed hla bees with lightning bugs , so thai
they could work at night. One of the lu
dicrous things which Littleton Snaggs does
Is to lock his pigs up In the money saf because -
cause they Insist on breaking out of theli
pen. The "Keys" will continue to do business
at the Bijou during the week.
. . . .
Gor , I6I& & anilrarnam Sts. , OMAHA
A For 30 days wa
TOOTH willglvo atoooth
BRUSH brush with each
FREE , Physician'
Our Pricesaro Low.
The Aloe 4 PenfoM Co. ,
Or iho Liquor Habit , Positively Cured
It cantiaglvtn In a cup ol In ar
ticle ! ol lood without tlio kuo'slcdgo ot tlio
l > cr on taking It ; It UabsoluiBlyliminlccBaml
will effect n ) immanent and * | > ccily euro ,
whether tlieimtlent Is inntxlernto ill Inker or
an nlcohollo wreck. IT NEVER FAILS. o
GUARANTEEaenmnlctecuro In cvcrylnntance.
4H pnco lm < > k FREE. Ailiircn In ronlldcncu ,
GOLDEN SPECIFIC Cl > . ,185 IUCit.Clnclnnill.O.
For gale uy Kulin & Co. , UrugKUtB , Uorufl
Utb and UoucUa ctreeu. Oiualuu
II Receives the Official Endorsement of
Eminent Exparls and a Jnrof
Representative Citizens.
The suit brought by Ohio's food commis
sioner against a. Cincinnati druggist for sell
ing Paskola , on the grounds that It was
nothing but glucose , resulted In a great vic
tory for Paskola and a verdict against the
During the course of the trial Prof. Shatter
of the University of Cincinnati testified that
Paskola was not glucose , and even If It was ,
It would be harmless. Ho also bore witness
to Its activity as a digestive agent.
Prof. William Dlckmoro of the Miami col
lege testified to the same facts. So did Prof.
Schmidt , the chemist of the board of health ;
Prof , William Hoffman and others.
A practical test was made In court , showing
the digestive action of Paskola. on egga and
meats of various kinds , whereas glucose under
precisely the same conditions produced no
effect whatever.
This test but confirmed the experts' state
ments and proved Paskola to bo of great
valno In' Indigestion and wasting diseases.
This verdict disposes of the malicious attack
that has been made against Paskola by In
terested rivals , and suits have now been
brpught against the proprietors of a well
knoiyn emulsion of cod liver oil for having
given wide circulation to n false formula and
other misrepresentations regarding It.
The animus of this attack will be better
understood when It Is stated that Paskola Is
being largely used In the place of cod liver
Gelds , Coughs , Sore Throat ? , Influenza , Bron-
chit's , Pneumonia , Swelling of the
Joint ? , Lumbago , Inflammations ,
CUIIEH Tlin WORST PAINS In from one to
twenty minutes. NOT ONU 1IOUH after reading
this advertisement need anyone SUFruil WITH
Iliulwny'a llonily Itrltcf In n sure Cure for
Kvary I'ain , Sprain , llruUrs , Tulni In the
Hack , Cheat or Limits. It uu * tlio lint
nnil U thi ) only PAIN UKMP.DY.
That Instantly stops the most excruciating
pains , nllujs Inllamatlon , and cures congestions ,
whether of the Lungs , Stomach , Dowels , or other
glands or orRans , by one application.
A half to a tenspoonrul to halt n tiimhler of
water will In n few minutes cure Ciampa , Spas-
ma , Sour ijtomach. Heartburn , Nervousness ,
SleepleninesB , Hick Headache , Ularihca , lsen-
tery , Colic , Flatulency and all Internal pains
There Is not a remedial acent In all the world
that will euro feM r ndn ague and all other Ma-
Inrlous. unions anil other fe\crs aided by HAD-
Fifty cents par bottle. Sold by Druggists
WE Xcrvoaj
CURE Special
Trcalmculby Mai ! , Consultation Fm
Ctitarrlvnll diseases of the nose ,
Throat. ChestStomachLiverHlooU
Skin aiiJ Kktiicy diseases , Lost
Manhood nnd all Private Dis
eases of Men.
all on or aJdro.ii ,
Dr. Scarlcs & S. rl UllFarnam Stra
. . Omaliu. Nob.
The flaunting peacocks , the noble pastries ,
the boars' heads , served On Bllver platteirs ,
the soul-lnsplrlng wassail cups , Imvo
vanished from this uorlJ , ant ] the 19th
century reveller Is a conversationalist In a
claw-hammer coat who admires old china
and artistic furniture.
It Is not easy to dV > much that Is artistic
with an ordinary Sideboard In n small room.
And so for the special needs ol many buyers
we have arraiiR'd a series of liuffct Side
boards for use In limited areas.
The engraving shows such a cne. This Is
built to project only two feet from the wall ,
but Is four feet wide. "We have others which
almost reverse these proportions ; ami thus
In ono style or another wo are able to nt
any nook or corner with an artistic board.
Odd and unique shapes and sizes a
Charles SMverick & Co.
FURNITURE of Every Description
Temporary Locution ,
JSO < t nnil f-'OH Doifjlti * Stroot.
WCMriRTOU 10 8,0
WnteforBanfcnefer nc a.
io Operation. No Detention from Business ,
307 and 908 New York IJIe blJgOmaha. .
"I" proclaim this day a l y of thanks said Grover , Now York
timed down "hill,1 * and ho winked iho other " 1" on the supnr Bonn-
tors each mortal has somothlnj ? to thank for "Hill" Wilson Is
thankful for thut banquet Ol Lord and Iloleomb for that delicious
rosowntor. " You are thankful bounuw your turkey la so Jut nnd
cheap , nnd others might bo thankful for n crust of bread.
Open your nurse you generous heurtcd Americans lot seine
unfortunate mortal thank you for something the Almighty has
created him for don't lot him frcn/o. The Nebraska will eo-opernto
with yon this week a houseful of special prices , especially nrraiiRcd
for Thanksgiving1 is awaiting you. "JLVon't cut much of a vacancy in
your purse , and vou'll have a lot of stulT.
All Wool Hose , cither cassimerc , merino , cam
el's hair or stout wool , | Qc , 15c , 20c and
Underwear , warm and durable , fleece lined ,
30c , 35c , 40c and 50c
Pretty Ties , all silk or satin , 15c , 25c ,
35c and 50c
Comfortable Caps for men 25c , 35c and
Leather Gloves , Strong and durable , 35c ,
50c , and 65c
Wool Mitts , leather faced , 35c , 45c , and 55c
Shirts , warm and well made , 35c , 45c and
Blue Flannel -Shirts , color warranted , $1.00
and $1.3O
White Unlaundered Shirts , 35c. 50c and
White Laundered Shirts , 50c and 85c
Boys' Underwear 20c and 5c
Boys' Long Hose , black , 15c , 20c and 25c
Boys' Caps , warm and dressey. 150 , 35c,4oc.
And hero ia a good substantial and warm Overcoat for a little or if "i
nothing for a man or boy , or a suit for a boy from $ IOO up , or for a "f
man for $4.OOIt is an unexceptional boon wo'vo spread for
Thanksgiving week you'll thank ns and we'll thank you.
Youug Cubs Love Honey Young Children Love Jam.
The late Eminent Chicajro Divine , DAVID SWING , before his death wrote :
QUEER .PIllOiPLlE | S better than the best novel. It
bring the young folks ncurcr to nature , nnd along with the humor will
tell them many a truth.
Every illustration has bcon made by Mr. Cox hltnslf , expressly to convoy
most vividly to tlio youthful mind thn forceful lessons of the charhilng story ,
Hero is a specimen :
JV Y darlings , " said the mother bear.
"You should have passed the hive with care ,
And not have tried to bring it home ,
However swcot may bo the comb. "
These volumes charm , yes , captivate the young niiiul , and while they pleas
they are rich in Instruction of the purcbt and host sort.
is beyond all question
Queer People The Brightest ,
BY The Richest ,
Palmer Cox The The Jollicst Cheapest ,
Juvenile in the world today , especially at the 25,000 lot cost price of
such a chancd is not likely over to ho offered ngnln In this city.
Bring or floiul 10 cents for each copy desired , \Vo deliver or mail as yo
wibh. No extra chnrRO. ADDKKS3
THE OMAHA BEE , ( IIUSIS CB ) Omaha , Neb.
The OTTO Gasoline Engine will
furnish you power at a cost of 50
to4O percent less than the price
proposed to be charged for power
by the Canal Co.
For pnrllculnr * call on or nclilrcis ,
The Otto Gas Engine Works ,
32(3. ISth St- , OMAHA ,