THE OliLAHA PAI1Y SUNDAY' , KOVEMBBB 25 , 180-1. HEW FORM OF LUNCHEONS Something Which Prospective Brides Will Bo Particularly Interested In. SOCIETY COMMENCES THE WHIRL AGAIN JPrettjr Wadding nt the I'lwt Uongrcgn * Churcli Smiill nnil ficlect At- fulrg Unit llnvo Occurred During tha Weolc. ' 'Two souls with liut n single thought , * Two hcurt.H that beat ns one. " Fashion lias made It the proper thing to Invllo the betrothed couple , nml as many of their ( Mentis as your dining table will accommodate , to breakfast , lunch , dlno and wine , or sup with you. The rather formidable formality of a dinner party Is least nmonablo to variation , but at least there nre men at a dinner , and that keeps the wcmoii at any rate from complete boredom. . . Hut the luncheon that the- girl friends of the bride-elect turn Into phonographic- Idnetoscoplc melees of fun and flu ? feathers really offers a choice * opportunity for pretty Invention. 55um belsplel , The handsome , carved din ing room mahogany la Ignomlrilously ban ished. In Its place are ! t up two tables that are of perfect heart shape. The apices or points are Joined under an Immense truo-lover's knot. Palo green Is an exquisite shade , but oh , please do not have anything In g con at nn engagement luncheon save- the maidenhair fern. Orson la for Jealously , se7 If you do , you will not allow the bride-elect to nee It. Thus , for the luncheon thnt was gotten up the other day for a Murry III11 fiance , ths flowers were selected , not only for their beauty , but for their poetic language. Forget-me-nots , which mean Irus- love , were the principal blosscms , the cover laid for the lovely blonde guest of honor b lng literally embedded In the dcllcato blooms. For each of the other girl guests , there was a nosegay of blossoms selected with es pecial rtgard for their laptness to the maiden's relations with the spry little god of love. There wore white daisies for the "Innocence" of the youngest bud of them all ; scarlet fuschlas for the "good taste" of another ; hawthorne for "hope ; " the exquisite little cluster of tiny yellow-white leaves of the lettuce heart and a bit of lady's slipper for the capricious beauty and cold-hearted- nosi of the oldest debutante among them ; and so on. There Is room for unlimited changes to be rung on this Idea , and the llower language makes a capital subject for chatter In that silent and boresome first few minutes of any formal meal. A fleur-de-lis luncheon Is n pretty compli ment to one "born In the purple , bdrn to Joy nnd pleasure , " as Longfellow .puU It , The table Is ohaped like the royal Louis VII badge , nnd Is laid with white , with a va- Icnco of gold fleur-de-lis figures on a white ground. ( An ordinary cloth cannot be spread over these odd-shapsd tables. ) Another charming Idea for a luncheon tc ono who has bcn a bit of a flirt Is to use a fan-shaped table. The guests sit on the sldo representing the top of the fan. The "istlcks" are made by ribbons of delicate tlnl and harmonizing shades , ending In one larg : bow upon a standard representing the meet ing point of the sticks. The space undei the ribbons Is turned Into a bed of moss and ferns , and thrust Into this bank arc long-stemmed American beauty roses , thai poop through tlie ribbons to nod fragrantly at the other beauties on the opposite "sldo ol the table. As Hen Johnson says : "The end Is to have two made ono In will and In affection. " Miss Dewey -will usher In the round o social pleasures Monday with a luncheon al 1:30 : p. in. at the 1'axton. Tuesday Mrs. J. Hurd Thompson will glvi a muslculo for the benefit of the Nebraskt Homo for the Aged. Mrs. Robert Purvis or the same day will glvo n tea for the ladle ; of the Don Ami club. Mrs. Knox announce : I'O ' a reception from 3 to 6 , and Mrs. Robon Hunter gives a luncheon at 2 for Mrs. Raker Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burm will EVO ! a dancing party for their daughter Miss Burns. Miss Coon gives a card part ] for Miss Paul of Hastings. In the after noon Mrs. Truman Duck will formally present sent her daughter , Miss Mary Duck , to tin 400 through the medium of a reception fron 3 to G. Thursday wo will all eat turkey , dot willing and the prlco for the bird Is forthcom Ing , nnd those , who cannot cat turkey wll content themselves with chicken. Friday Miss Margaret Hrown gives a lunch eon for Miss Iluck at 1:30 p. in. Whllo 01 Saturday Mrs. Rlngwalt will launch he pretty daughter upon the social sea. Chrysinthumura Wedding. Tlioro could hardly bo Imagined a mon picturesque and pretty wedding than tha of last Monday evening , when Miss Mar : Price and Mr. Theodora Q. Wear were unltei In marriage at the First Congregntlona church , Uev. Mr. Mackay officiating In th absence of Dr. Duryca. The chancel wa handsomely decorated with chrysanthemum of varied hues , the choir stall and the side o the organ being hidden by these flower of the mikado's kingdom. At 8 o'clock the wedding procession entered tered- the church , the ushers , groom ani best man coming In from the sldo aisles t the center of the chancel , followed by th bridesmaids , who proceeded the bride ani Iier brother , Miss Sadlo Baum and Mis Lucllo Palmer leading the bridal party , thci Miss Edith Orcutt and Miss Nellie McCIIn 'tock gf Topcka , the homo of the groom , Mis Oraco Curtis and Miss Mary Thompson , mail of honor , both of Topeka. Then came llttl Brownlo Ilnnm , carrying the ring am cushion , and later In the recessional she be came a veritable , flower girl and scattere posies In front of the bride nnd groom. The brldo was very beautiful In a gowi of heavy white satin , ontralno , handsome ! trimmed with lace , nnd she carried a hug bouquet of white roses. Miss Lucllo Palmer was gowned In yelloi aatln with pearl trimmings and carried whit chrysanthemums. Miss Sadlo Ilaum wore white mull ovc silk and carried pink chrysanthemums. Miss Orcutt looked particularly swell In rich pink silk with chlffdn nnd carried whit ch rysan th e m u nis. Miss McCMntock were whlto silk and pin chrysanthemums. Miss Mary Thompson were whlto silk ovc heavy whlto satin and carted rod chrysar themums. Miss Grace Curtis was In pale blue silk an vrore white chrysanthemums. Mrs. Nathan Price , mother of the brldi were a rich black silk with trimmings t Jet. while Mrs. Paul Hudson , sister of th brldo , were her wedding gown of whlto sll with pearl trimmings. The ushers were M : Herbert Wheeler , Mr. Gould nietz , Mr. Trc : nnd Mr. Ilurgess , Mr. Frank Edson of Tc poka blng best man. After the short cen mony the bride nnd groom left for Kansa City and Denver , and after a short sto there will bo at home In Topeka. The guesl from out of town were : Mrs. Mary B. Httf on , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hudson. Mr. Fran Wear , Mr. Norman Wear , brothers of U groom , Miss McCllntock , Miss Thompsoi Miss Curtis. Mr. Edson nnd Mr. Clarcnc Trice. Miss Mary Price , the Saturday ovenln previous to the very pretty wedding , ga nn ulght-courBo dinner to her bridal party i the Mlllnrd hotel. The guests were receive In the parlors by the bride's mother , Mr Nathan Price , the bride's sister , Mrs. Pai Hudson , Mr. J. K. Market and Mr. Pryi Market. There were twenty covers , nnd tf table was magnificently decorated with rose sinllax and terns. Toasts were drank to the prospective brld and the Jolllcst sort of an evening reunite the guests dancing a'.ter the dinner. The present on this occasion were : MU * Price and Mr. Wear. Mis * Sad naum. Miss Lucllo Palmer. Mlsa Edith O cult. Mlts Nelllo McCllntock of Topeka. Ml Oraco Curtis of Topeka. Mlsa Mary Thorn son of Topeka , Miss Stalcy , Mr. and Mr Hudson of Topcka. Mr. Markel , Mr. Eds < of Topeka , Mr. Wheeler. Mr. Dletz. M Treat , Mr. Ilurgess , Mr. Price and Mr. Pry Markol. t/'lioion l''rl ml I'lajr Cant * . A high flro party was given Tuesdi evening by Excelsior council No. 1 , Ord Of Choien Friends , In their ball In The B building. Curds formed the principal amuse ment until 10 o'clock , when refreshments were served. The first prlzci for successful playing wcro awarded Mr. D. Bohaman and Miss Frances Gallatan , and the "booby" prizes were carried off by Mr. W. C. Hank and Mrs. K. A. Eastman. Those present Wcro Misses Frances Uallatan , Ella Lalnel , M. H. Hoffman , Eva Mayer , Minnie Itccd , Geneva West , Esther Hanson , Minnie Sulli van , Hannah-Sueendly , Hose Harnian , Jennlo Harmnn , Anna Mayweed , Cello Peterson , Hnrllgnr , Messrs. I ) . Ilohaman , W. C. Hank , It. O. _ Ilcdton , Ocorge West , B , 'C. Minor , Ernest Powell , Ambrose Ellington , Frank Harrison. G. I ) . Lobsen , Frank Russell , II , A. Bnylls , M. S. Qulnn , Nathan Hathaway , S. Thomson , J. C. Page , I , M. Tompsett , Charles Sllvcrsllne , Jr. , Taggart , J. Sollmnn , C. L. Leaman , Mrs. R. A. Wclsten , Mrs. C. S. Schlerleln , Mrs. N. Fisher. Mrs. II. Beck. Mrs. K. A. Kiifitman , Mrs. L. M. Bank , Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Church , Mr. and Mrs. Peter Merges , Mr. and Mrs. G. B. West , Mr , and Mrs. M. Olson. Surprlmil Thrlr I'rlrmt * . Frlomls of Mr. nnd Mrs. T. F. Sturgess galne-ed nt tholr home , 2721 Cadwell strot , Friday , November 1C , the occasion being In honor of his birthday and was a complete surprise to him. Interesting and exciting games were playjd during the first part of the evening. Refreshments were served nt 10:30 : , .and afterward a program of comic selections was tcndorcfl by Miss Katie Swnrtzlamlcr , Mr. Jacob disk and Miss Annette - notto DeBolt , and Instrumental music by Miss Nellie Stlckncy. The following were the Invited guests : Mlss-s Hattle Audi Moetly , Jeannette Audi Mody , Hoatrlcc Hall , Mary IMrdwell , Laura Uatiforf , Stella IJlue , Mahal Comfort , Josle , Ella Crane , Mrs. L. E. Davis , An- clto DcBolt , Myrtle Ftlley , Jessie Gllllea , cunt ; Glsh , Sadlo Hummel , Mrs. B. Kohlsr , "oily Lucas , Mrs. J. ' G. Prltchatd , IlKttlo 'etrle ' , Ruth Sprnguc , Nellie Stlckney , Mrs. ' . F. Sturgeas. Katie Swartzlander , Sarah on Lackum , Messrs. Harry Miller , Clnrles heeler , Ernest Ferrel , L. E. Lucas , John 'orrymnn , George IJlue , Einesl Hodder , corgo Street , Frank Bliss , L. E. Davis , herman Pinto , Bert Ford , Lawrence Hoff- naii , Jacob GUh , SUlla Datdorf , Newton 'axton. ' Cclla von Lackum , Mr. J. G. Prltch- rd , Charles Frltchcr , John Watt , Oliver U'eh Moody , Mr. T. F. Sturgess , Charles :3atttllo : and E. C. Lucas. Air. [ Hid Mri. ICiiKlisli ICntcrtiiln. Monday evening Mr. and Mrs.P. . A. Eng- sh gave a very pretty high five party , heir homo being tastefully decorated for the > ccason ! with pink nnd white chrysanthc- nums. Assisting the host and hostess were rlr. and Mrs. Knox , Miss Knox and Miss ilcConnell. After n numbsr of games had icon played a delicious supper was served ml the prizes were then awarded ns follows : 'Irst prizes , Mr. T. J. Dinning , a cut glass est for carving knlfo nnd fork ; Mlsa Me- Jonnoll , two cut glass bottles ; second prizes , ilnjor Hamilton , silver tag for valise ; Mrs. leaver , n silver belt pin. Those present , vrre : Mr. and Mrs. Knox , Mr. and Mrs. luth. Major and Mrs. Hamilton , Mr. nnd > trs. London. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dinning , Mr. and ilrs. CanOold , Mr. and Mrs. Hi'tchlnson , Mr. nd Mrs. Howard , Mr. and Mrs. PalToiiratli , ilr. nnd Mrs. Blrkhauser , Mr. and Mrs. Olm- itead , Mr. nnd Mrs. Baker , Mr. and Mrs. Calmer , Mr. nnd Mrs. Tukey , Sir. nnd Mrs. . .eonnrd Baker , Mr. nnd Mrs. Evans , Mr. and ilrs. Carrier , Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard , Mr. .ml Mrs. Whitney , Mr. and Mrs. Slater , Mr. , nd Mrs. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Wllhelm , ilr. and Mrs. English , Mr. and Mrs. Rood , itr. and Mrs. Seavcr , Mrs. E. L. Patterson , ilrs. Nlles. Mrs. Blackwell , Mr. Warren Blackucll , Miss Knox , Miss McConncll. I.n JConit MX'hi I Uitncc. One of the enjoyable dancing parties of lost A-eck was that given Friday evening under ho auspices of La Rosa Social club In the loyal Arcanum hall. The members of the lub were received by Mr. Edghlll , Mr. owoll and Mr. Buzzell. At9 o'clock the lancing began , eighteen numbers constituting ho program. Those present were : Misses Grace Van Dervoort , May and Sadie Hill , Jennie Stltt , Carrlo Erlckson , Lottie Hayden , Mabel ood. Edna Williams , Miss Beryl , Miss "helley , Eva Van Dorn , . Cora Case , Myrtle Carroll , Ollle Sheldon , Ada Hayman. Miss Taggart , Mlsa EIrod. Miss Edghlll. Miss 'tolirer. Miss Adams , Miss Hurstall , Miss ilichael , Miss Lincoln , Miss Nlssen. Eflle Stone , Miss Burrls. Miss Smith , Miss Young , Jennie Moore of Chicago , nnd Messrs. J. E , Van Dorn. F. D. Buzzell , W. T. Edghlll , Ambrose Klllnglon , Johnnie McNnlr , Earneal "owell , George Stafford , Charles Rutledge , harlea Seaman , Dave Solomon , Claude Cunningham , Samuel Wiggins , I. L. Holton "lobert Coultra , T. V. Van Dorn , Percy Var Dervoort , Charles Patrick , Mr. Goodrich Mr. Bohannan , Mr. EIrod , Mr. Gosney , Mr Nicholas , Mr. Williams , Mr. Lelsge ani Gcorgo Pelckt. Pretty Illrtlnluy l * rty. Ono of the pleasanteat social events o .he season was the birthday party given Ii honor of Miss Nettle Gibson at tha home o her parents. Twenty-third and Izard streets on Wednesday. Dancing was indulged In after which a most bountiful lunch waj eervoJ. The .hostess was thj.i recipient o many beautiful -aa well as ureful presents These present were ; Misses Bertha Moore Delia Kalstr , Stella Hagerman , Edith Howe Ro30 Brewer , Viola Goff , Ella Gamble , Dollli Gamble , Emma Htghsmlth , May Anderson May Gibson , Nettle Gibson , Laura Gray Waybrlght , Mrs. Braw , Mrs. Tom Ormsby Mrs. Danna "Baldwin , Mrs. Tom Aiiderso : and Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Gibson , Mccsra William Baxter , iCharlca Coreans , Alfrei Mead , B. B. Coombs , Le Gamble , Ton Shannon , Harry Bond , Fred Stiles , Bruc Phelps , Dan Brewer , W. A. Gordon , Ra' Ballard. C. Hlghsmlth , Ed Oliver , Ei Tracy , C. C. Dawson , I. Brader , Wllllan Rowan , William Moore , Art El'ls , Jeai Nicolas , Johnnie Simpson , J. P. Gibson Frank Howe and William Johnson. Umico of tin- Oxford 'lnl > . Ona of the most enjoyabla dancing partle of the season was glvon last Wednesday evening at Morand's assembly rooms by th "Oxford club. " The music for the occasloi was furnished by Miss Suslo Brady , ono o Omuhn's brightest young- players , and wa finely rendered. The program consisted o twenty numbers and was heartily enjcyod b' all. Among those present were : Misses Lam bert , Paul , Bath , Craddock , Gordon , Brady Bowald , Wagoner , Margaret Leeder. Bell Leeder , Julia Lcder. Elizabeth L > eder Emma Mllllns. Brennan , Frazer , Engler Thurmcr , Shulda , Metcalf. Coles , Van Buroi Wlgman , Davis , ilaydcii , Mr. and Mra. Clart Mr. and Mrs. Longwell , Mrs. Wltte , Mcosri Howe. Walker , Newcomb , Le < ler. Conkllr Shulda , Cardwell , Beoman , McDonald. Ber lln. Harte , Watklns , Paul , Brewer , Englei Quintan , Helnrlch. Arnold , Davis , Gilbert Brennan , Iluzzwell , Holton , Haufman , lllnos Dvorak , Carlln , Cowan , 11 an son , Innlcs an Bond. I'rlnrotun I'ernoniial. The Princeton Glee nnd Banjo club , whlcl comes to Boyd's late In December , Is mad up aa follows : Banjcaurlnes J. W. Decker , ' 95 , loader F. C. Speer , ' 95 : W. S. Bayles. ' 96 ; R. E Smith , ' 06 ; H. A. Talmadgo , ' 9G. Plccato- J. W. Lord. ' 95. Banjos P. Tllllnghast , ' 3G J. H. Caldwell , ' 98. Guitars A. S. Andrews 95 ; C. Van B. Carroll. ' 35 ; W. H. Roberts 95 ; R. L. North , ' 95 ; J. F. Weiss. ' 95 ; L. I ) Terry. ' 97. A sixth banfosur'no will be ud "e shortly. The following Is the roster of th University Glco club : First Tenors Garrotl ' 95 ; Plerson , ' 95 ; Fordyce , ' 90 ; Foster , ' 9 ! and Eldrldge , ' 98. Second tenors Murph ) ' 95 ; Harding , ' 95 ; Flsk , ' 95 ; L. Miller. ' 9T McNIsh. ' 97. First bass Payno. ' 95 ; Craw ford. ' 95 ; Greene , ' 96 ; Erdman. ' 97 ; Andnr ' 97 ; Churchman , ' 98. Second bass IVasc 95 ; Batrd. ' 95 ; Talmadgo. ' 9G ; Rhodes , ' 91 Goer , ' 37 ; Williams , ' 97 , nnd Caplea , ' 93. Guvo n Corn Festival. George Crooko Woman's Relief corpa N < 83 gave a corn festival at Idlewlld hall lai Tuesday evening ; which proved a great sui cois. An cicalle-nt program was arrange for the occasion , which was aa follows : Uecltntlon. . . . , Maggie PfelnTi Piano 8olo. . Mlsa Glint IlecJLntlon..i.j Kdlth McConne Contralto solo Mltm Cane Recitation Miss Swunsc IXiet Misses Snycli Hecltutlon Clarence Snydi BoK > Mlsa Bclioc Hecltatlon llacslo Pfelft. solo , , . . , . .Mlsa Swurm : The p'esonUtlon of a. picture , drawn t Mr . Penney , to the Graml Army of the II public by Comrade. Hull formed a part i the program. Refreshments were sorv < quite In line wlUi the nature ot the fcnttvi MOVING INTO US OWN HOME Omaha Olub Preparing to Move to tha New Oluli Ecu o. PALACE OF C'.STLY MARBLE AND BRICK homo I'ucts Conrcrnlnc the No\r Ilullil- liiff Ulucli After I ho rirst ut the Vcur Mill lie Occupied by Omnlm'4 400. Within the next two weeks the Omaha club will begin moving Into 1U palatial new home on the northwest corner of Twentieth and Douglas street , nnd the members of this organization , or at least the bachelors , expect to enjoy their Christmas turkey In the fine new grill rooms. The contractor has agreed to let the club occupy the basement and first floors on the 1st ot December , nnd It Is thought that the structure will bo completed by the 15th of next month , The formal openIng - Ing nnd public reception will probably occur on New Year's day. This Is one of the finest club houses In the western country , and will more than favora bly compare with those In eastern 'cities. It Is not only n credit to the push nnd entor- prl.o of the members nnd officers of the club , but It Is nn ornament to the city. .The project of bullling the new club house was developed about three years ago , and the foundation work was bsgun a year ago last May. The financial panic happened about that time , nnd owing to a scarcity of ready Ing a flna roof garden during the heated days nnd nights of summer , In the north end ot the third story U the sleeping nnd Inthlng quarters ot the employes of the club. The walk and yard surrounding the club house are > made of slagollthlc composition , nnd on each side ot the main entrance wilt be beds of brilliant flowers In season. The members of the club arc eomcwliat anxious to get Into their new quarters , but the con tractors , Mtfgi&v Bassett & PcrcLval , have assured them ttftt they can occupy the first floor on the IstAt the coming month. The Om.iluLjtriib was organized about fif teen years ago. The membership Is over 280 , with a limit of 500. The Initiation tee U $100. with annual , < diies cf $ CO for resident mem bers nnd $30 'for nonresidents. The Initiation will probably be raised to $200 nnd many new iippllcffOiiJisJwIll likely bo received. Thjimon Klllo Notro. Adjutant General Gage nnd Colonel Uratt , commanding First regiment of Nebraska Na tional Guards , wcro In the city last Wednes day on business. Bugler Esklldson has received n communi cation from Colonel Bratt stating that his nppllcutlon for an honorable discharge has been received and accepted , and that Ills- papers will be forwarded In a few days. Invitations are put announcing the regular monthly company full-dress Inspection and hop for Monday evening , December 3. Th ? attendance at drills has been very encouraging during the past month , which Is not only gratifying to the officers , but members ns well. Several friends nnd a number of the Ladles' auxlllnry were present last Monday evening and viewed the ma neuvers ot the company , under command of Lieutenant Hayward. The Invitations announcing Uio anniver sary ball for December 17 have been recalled , It having besn decided nt a recent company meeting to postpone the party until a later date , and Instead the boys In blue will honor their first anniversary ns National guards men with an elaborate banquet , which Is : apltal the work was delayed until last No- embsr , when money enough was raised to : ompleto and cover up the , sub-structure. he following spring the money was raised o finish the building. , and since 'then the contractors have pushed the work forward o as early a completion as possible' Presl- lent Thomas Swobe , Vice Pr sdcnt : Luther Drake , Treasurer Frank Murphy , Director Menry W Yates and otheir members have akcn a great Interest In the building , and ilthough all are busy mon , they find time to 'requently Inspect the work nnd see that the "eslgns and plans are carried out. When the club house Is thrown open to the Hibllo In fts completeness it will represent he expenditure of $110,000. The grpund m which the building Is located cost $28,000 , ' the Jjulldlns and furniture cost about $82,000 ( The. present officers of the club are : Thomas Swobe , president ; Luther Drake , vice prcsl- "ent ; Frank Murphy , treasurer : D. J. O'Donn- IUB , secretary ; Henry Yates , Guy C. Barton , Frank Murphy , W. V. Morse , Charles Green , John E. Wilbur , Luther Drake , D. J. O'Don- ahus and Thomas Swobe , board ot directors. he membership comprises the leading busi ness nnd professional men of the city. SOMETHING ABOUT THE BUILDING. The building Is three stor.'es In height , ivlth. a half basement. The constructive ma- er.'al for the exterior Is St. Louis cream col ored pressed brick with terra cotta trim mings. The main entrance Is on the Doug las ctreet slife , and the first floor Is reached by ascending severalbroad , stone steps leadIng - Ing to a large ves'tibuled landing. The steps are guarded by heavy stone balustrades surmounted by electric lights. Over the massive doors nre the words : "Omaha Club. " Entering the building from the south sldo the visitor is conducted Into a "arge rotunda and * lounging room , well lighted and ventilated , filled with luxurious tapes tries , divans , settees and reclining chairs. In the south end of this room ia a huge mantle and fireplace , which gives a most comfortable appearance to the place. To the left Is the waiting room for the use of people having business with the members. This room Is finished In oiled willow wood nnd will bo elegantly furnished. On the west tide are the clerk's , cashier's and book keeper's ofllces , and leading up Into the second story Is a grand stairway with n largo landing. This landing has deep bay windows of colored glass , and Is EO nr- ranged that It can be utilized as a band stand when necessary. In the south east corner Is the gentlemen's sitting roam , which opens Into a parlor on the north. At the north tnd of this floor is the ladles' entrance , which fronts on Twentieth street and opens Into the ladles' parlor , re ception , lavatory and toilet rooms. There Is also an entrance from the north end which Is known as the carriage entrance , where the members may step from their carriages Into the club rooms. The ladles' cafe Is on this floor nnd Is finished In oiled sycamore wood. Off to the west of the rotunda is the gen tlemen's lavatory , check and coat room , and back of this is the main kitchen , which Is complete In every detail , being modeled after the finest of grill rooms. Leading down from the first floor Is a broad stairway , which goes down to the billiard room In the basement. This is a larga room and will be supplied with a half dczen ot tho. finest make of tables. In ono sldu Is a magnificent red pressed brick mantle and grate , and the deep wainscoting Is of polished oak and red birch. On the west side ot the basement Is a. flrio bowling alley , with deadened walls , pre venting the sounds from disturbing the mem- bera In the other parts of the building. Off from the main hall are a couple of finely fur nished card rooms , north cf which Is a lava tory finished In Tennessee marble , and back of this Is the buffet , nnd east of this room U the waiters' assembly nnd locker room , with bath and lavatory , The boiler room , laundry , drying and coal rooms are In the northeast part of this floor. West from thezo are the general store room , wine cellar nnd Ice boxes. ON THE UPPER FLOORS. At the head of tbo main stairway lead ing up Into the second story Is a large loung ing room , and In front 'U a deep vestibule opening out onto a porch on Douglas street. On the west side Is the directors' general office , and on the east eldo Is the library anc readingroom. . These open Into the main dining room on tha north. This room Is handsomely finished In old cherry and syca more wainscoting , and la lighted by more than an hundred Incandescent electric lights It Is so arranged that the whole cast side ot this floor can be thrown Into ono dining room with n seating capacity of 250 persons On this floor nre three private dining room : which can be made Into one when occasion requires. These rooms are finished In ollx ! cherry , gum and rod birch. The main serv Ing and carving rooms and the china clcxeti nro adjoining the large dining hall. The third floor Is finished In pine , ani ! from a large , airy hall are entrances to ter largo steeping roonut tor the use of the mem bers who desire to make , their homes nt thi club. Each of these rooms Is supplied wltt baths and lavatories , nnd will bs furnished I : the most comfcrtable style. Ono hall leadt to the smoking veranda on the cast side o the building and a fine view of the buslnea : portion of the * city U afforded. A stalrwa ] leads up to the root from this floor , and Ii the cummer a canopy will be put up , ra&k to l strictly a company affair , each mernbot living privilege' Invite his best ladj frle-nd. _ _ _ _ _ _ Thi ! Tcrp lclioreii Oluli Dnnco. Friday eyeiing ( the Terpslchorcan clut gave another pfr Its delightful dances al Erfllng's hall , \yhlch was thoroughly enJoyed - Joyed by all present. roll. Her , Bljn ncjlller , D : a Dunham. Bossli Dunham , "VaV'Buron , Fowler , A. Fowler Squires , Lafey , Schwartz1 Marty , Shellds Nelson , Ponder , Noudam , Wllcox , Potter G tftijStj-Geren Ourry andvBhtesr The clul inombers present were : Mtsss. Angcll Bowman , Perkins1 , ' GlnccoMlnl , Burdlck Squires , Falconer , Bwly , Berlin , McDonald J. McDonald , Collett , Hamltn. Halsted Jchnelder , Koenlg. Potter nnd Curry. Tin nvlted guests were : Messrs. Shrlner , Lawe 'rosman , Fowler , HaskeJl , Ewlng , Stafford Fohnson , Barstow , Tom Barstow , Smith ) hUng , Jones , Alexander , Allen , Boudinot Uttley , Cannnnt , McCaguo. Coleman , Cos ney , Kcsssler , McOnth , Coffman , Robinson Corbett , Mellc , McConnsll and Noudaln. riayotl High Vive , Miss Gertlo Parkhurst entertained tin Ideal High Five club Friday evening at hei residence , 2802 South Nineteenth street. Hlgl Ivc and dancing were Indulged In until a lati lour , after which a dainty luncheon wai served. Miss Bell Wortand and Miss Gertli I'arkhurst rendered vocal and Instrumenta colos. Miss Mlttle Foley and Mr. Charle : Wright carried oft the head prizes , whfli Miss Edith Foley and Mr. Ed Cox won th consolations. Thp following guests were pres ent : Misses Geor'glo Richards , Mlttte Foley Edith Foley , Marguerite Ponder , Bell Wor land , Bird Hopper , Viola Forest , Nellie Horn Gertie , Parkhurst , Messrs. Charles Wright Ed Cox , Fred Walker , Walter Morrnl , Joe Wright , William Kllby , William Koopman Herman Cox. _ YVItli IllRli Five. Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Bailey ontertalnci a number of their friends at cards last Wed nesday evening , Prizes were won iy Mrs. Foster , Mrs. Root Mr. Root and Mr. Redman. Those present were : Mr , and Mrs. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Haskell , Mr. and Mrs. Collotl Mr. and Mrs. Redman , Mr. and Mrs. Perci val , Mr. and Mrs. Copley , Mr. and Mrs Latey , Mr. and Mrs. Barnnm , Mr. and Afrc Phillips , Mr. nnd Mrs. Root , Mr. nnd Mrs Brown , Mrs. Angle , Mr. nnd Mrs. F. K Bailey , Jr. , Mr. and Mrs. Bassctt , Mr. ani Mrs. Counsrnan. Mr. Angle , Miss Janncli MUs Bauman , Miss Bailey and Mr. Ras ; Ba'.ley. ' _ Doings In Social Circles. Miss Phillips of Dututh Is the guest of Mis Burns. Mr. Earl Gannett Is expected homo on th 1st of December. Mrs. Joseph Garneau Is expected to retur from St. Louis today. Mrs. George B. Eddy is recovering slowl from a severe illness. Miss Burns entertained a few friends It : formally on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Drettatn E. Griffiths returne Monday from a two weeks' visit east. A. C. Powell Iph yesterday on an extenslv business trip 'through the eastern states. Mrs. J. n. Buchanan and Mrs. J. W. Grll flth gave mwicalea nt their homes lae night. i > ) Mr. and Mrs , ' Bamuol Burns have Issue cards for Wednesday evening , the 28th , fo dancing. n ' * Miss Dawey has issued cards for a lur cbcon to bo glveU a't the Paxton , on Mondaj at 1:30. : > ' Mtss Gertrude 'Rlngwald ' , who Is ono c the season's debutantes , \\as given n te yesterday , - MUs Ada Pa'bf of- Hastings Is visiting Mia Myrtle Coon and-wlll bo her guest for se\ eral weeks. ' " * As a farewelV ( Wj Miss Jentlo Yates , Mil McKcnna. will iHVe'a luncheon on Tuesda ; December 4. n.i'J ' Mr. and MraaiBUmham left for CaUfornl on Monday evening , They will remain we : until spring. Rev. J. H. 09 ] Wolf Cowle and wife i San Mate , Cal. . , 'are visiting tholr brothe Mr. A. M. Cowle. The next meeting of the Bon Anil club wl be held on Monday , December 3 , at the hon of Mrs. Goodrich. Miss Snyder wilt be the guest of Ml : Tukey during the agsence of Dr. and Mr Snyder in the east. Mlsa Frances Doty has Just returned fro a three weeks' visit to her brother , D. . Doty , at Salt Lake City , Miss Grace Richardson and Miss Halt Stetson ot Clinton , la. , are the guests Mrs. Elmer H. Packard. Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Purvis will ente tain the ladles ot the Bon Ami club ar they will sew for the Creche. Mr. and Mm. Appal of Denver were tl KU03ts last week of Mrs. Appel's mothe Mrs. Goldsmith , at her homo at Twentlc ( IHiltj r/id Dodge streets , Mrs. Appet has since gone to New York and Mr. Appel has re * tur-ned to his home. Mrs. Ctcdfrcy Holterhoff , Jr. , of Los Angeles , Cal. , Is the guest of Mrs. Will Iledlck , and ex pects to be In Omaha n fortnight. The second monthly social of t'nlon Pacific council No. 1.069 , Royal Arcanum , wilt be held nt Royal Arcanum parlors , Bee building , Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Spencer and Mrs. Martha A. Rector of Nebraska City were guests of Mrs. W. S. Rector. 212S Wlrt street , the past week. The Junior Endeavorera of the Second Pres byterian church gave their first social at the homo of the president , Master Paul Robin son , Thursday evening. Mr. James It. Brown and family have re turned from their summer residence at Pierce , Neb. , nnd are again occupying their residence , 2213 Dlnney. Mrs. Robert Hunter has Issued Invitations for a luncheon Tuesday In honor of Mrs. Isaac Baker of Kansas City , who will be her guest for several dnys next week. Mrs. W. T. Burgess , wife of the popular manager of the Fifteenth Street theater , has gone to Garden City , Kan. , to the sick bed of her sister , who Is not expected to live. The engagement of George W. Hooblcr , cashier with the Richardson Drug company , and Mrs. Julia M , Crlssey Is announced , the marriage , It Is understood , being slated for December. The former home of Mr. J. J. Gibson , at 2117 Wlrt street , has been purchased by Mr. James B. Melkle. Mr. and Mrj. Melkle will bo at home In their new residence after December 1. Mrs. M. A. Johnson of Columbia , S. D. , and Mrs. L. E. Rock ot Milwaukee , mother and sister of Mrs. J. S. Homo , 2050 South Twentieth street , arrived In the city Thurs day morning , Mrs. W. A. Paxton lias returned from St. Louis , where she 1ms been visiting some time past. Her niece. Miss Minnie Show , returned with her and will be her guest some little time. Little Miss Ruth Crandall entertained about twenty of her little friends nt her home on North Twenty-first street Tuesday afternoon In honor of her fourth birthday. All enjoyed a royal good time. Judge Strawn and wife are home from an extended visit In Europe , as far south as Italy and east as Austria. They report n delightful time , excepting the return voy age , which was very stormy. Dr. and Mrs. Miller entertained at break fast last Saturday In honor of Judge and Mrs. Ogden. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Victor White. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ualdrlge , Miss Brlggs , Miss Moore , Mr. Jordan. Mr. Joseph Sweeten and Mls.s Mary Roger of this city were united In marriage last Sun day , Rev. C. W. Savldge performing the ceremony. Mr. Sweeten Is quite well known In the wholesale district of thu city. In honor of Mrs. Mnndcn.on , Mrs. F. M. Bennett gave a very charming luncheon yes terday a week. The guests were Mrs. Man- derson , Mrs. Patrick , Mrs. Barker , Mrs. Wood , Mrs. Hoyt , Mrs. Kllpatrlck. William A. Plxley of this city and Miss Pearl P. Page of Kansas were married very quietly at the home ot the bride's aunt , Wednesday , November 11. They are now at homo to their friends at the Frcnzer. Friday evening the Demostheneslans met In their hall at Sixteenth and Douglas street : and rendered a very Interesting program Next Friday , however , the members wll endeavor to outdo themselves on a special program. In honor ot her guest , Mrs. Holterhoft , Mrs Redlck entertained the Whist club very en Joyably * Wednesday evening. Besides thi regular members of the club there were pres ent Miss Dundy , Mr. and Mrs. Newman , Mr Algernon Patrick. The Patriotic Daughters of America wll give a progressive high five paity at thel : lojgo rooms In the- Grand Army of the Re public hall. 118 North Fifteenth street. Wed nesday evening , December G , to which al friends of the order nre respectfully In vlted. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. L. J Drake entertained the ladles of the Boi Ami club In a very Informal , but detlghtfu way. Each of the guests brought her scwlni nnd nil spent a cozy afternoon. A few game of cards were also played ; and tea wa served during their stay. The dancing party of Mr. and Mrs. A. S Carter and Miss Hlmebaugli , which was ti have occurred Friday night , was postponed owing to the serious Illness of Mr. Carter Miss Hincbaugh's | chocolatalre , which wa announced for Tuesday of this week , Is nUi postponed in consequence. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Thoma Golden of 1105 South Eighteenth street com pletely surprised them Thursday evening. 01 the occasion of their seventh wedding annl versary. Dancing and cards were kept u ] until a late hour , when an elegant suppe was served , prepared by the ladles. A pleasant meeting of the Bon Ami clul was held at the residence ot Mr. and Mrs. E M. Bartlett. Beside the club members ther were present Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baldrldg and Mr. Whllbread. The prizes were woi by Mrs. Clark and Mr. Whltbread , and th second prizes by Mrs. Wattles and Mr. Me geath. Mrs. W. , A. Redlck gave n delightfully In formal Kensington Friday afternoon Ii honor of her guest , Mrs. Holterhoff. Abou twenty were present and nearly every on took fancy work , and during the afternooi I Mrs. Wood sang delightfully several song and Mrs. Wheeler and Miss Hlmebaugl played. A very charming yellow luncheon wa given by Mrs. Lotil Bradford on Thursda afternoon. The tnblo was most tasteful ! arranged with chrysanthemums In profualo and a delicious menu was served. Th guests were Mrs. Redlck , Mrs. Holtcrhol of California , Miss Dnndy , Miss Sharp , Mis Ida Sharp. The Misses Hamilton gave a pink tuncheo Friday afternoon In honor of Miss DoaV which was In every way a succoss. The tab ! was laden with chrysanthemums nnd twetv courses were served , The guests were Mis . Doak , Miss Webster , Miss Dandy , Mis 1 Palmer , Miss Curtis , Miss Pugsloy and Mis K. Barker. Mrs. Percy B. Ford gave a bowling part Wednesday evening for her sister , Mlas Allc Chase. In addition to the hostess and th guest of honor there were present : Mis Crouuse , Miss Rlngwalt , Miss Balcombe , Mi and Mrs. Hitchcock : the men being Mi Garneau , Mr. Hall , Mr. Dean , Mr. Culling ham , Mr. Wilson. The Cooking club held a highly succcssft meeting Thursday at the residence of Mis Flora Webster , a tin course dinner heln served , and It was during the highly dellghl ful entertainment that MUs Webster decide to Invite In a few men to assist In e&tln Welsh rabbit. Yellow chrysanthemums wei UEed In tbo decorations. An afternoon tea was given by Mrs. It Ryan to a number of her lady friends at he home , 1725 South Fifteenth street , on Thun day of last week. A thoroughly enjoyabl time was experienced by all. Those pre < i wore : Meidames Kceshen , Hann , Wnlke : Murphy , Davis , Kent , Jenklnson , Boye : Ryan , Smith and MUs Ryan. The Duplicate Whist club was entertalnc Friday evening by Mr , and Mrs. Fred Dayli Besides the host nnd hostess there wer present Mr. nnd Mrs. McPherson. Mr. an Mrs. T. L. Rlngwalt. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. I ; Baum , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kemp , Mr. an Mrs. R. II. Rlngwalt , Mr. and Mrs. Vlctc Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Barkalow. Mi and Mrs. Joseph R. Clarkson. To celebrate tholr wedding anniversary M nnd Mrs. Barton gave a lovely dinner Thun day evening , which was quite In keeping wll the former beautiful functions for which Mr Barton Is famous. Only a few Intimate nr almost life-long friends cf Mr. and Mrs. Da ton were present , and tha reunion was rem GUliU rc KHICE scientific race treatment with $2. purchase. Halrdresslng , shampooing , manicuring ni chtropedlzlng. Work done In home It d " ' 'TURKISH HATH DEPARTMENT t ItidieH exclusively. Mall orders promptly filled. Address , MRS. A. S. CONVI2RSK , 109-1U ) B u Building , REMOVED I'ltOM ICARIIAUII 1II.OUK. OMAHA , Iscent of olJ times , Instead ot floral dcco- atlons there were used five bciutlful lamp * Hh green shades , while at each place WAS A arge cluster of white flowers tied with green Ibbon. The guests were Mr. nnd Mrs. larker , Mr. and Mm. Prltchett , Mr. and. Mrs. 'ates. Mr. and Mrs. Yost , Mr. and Mrs , yman. The O. M. H. S. C. had their regular meot- iff and social last Wednesday nlglit at Vashlngton hall. The program was opened y the president , Mr. Kopps , Mr. W. Hcn- ergon nnd Miss Berg sang a duct , Master Jntlln rendered a vocal solo , Uicn cnmo n unnilolln and guitar number , Mrs. Klccner rter giving n pleasing recitation. After the ntrrtnlnment u luncheon was served und vns followed by dancing. The "We Six" Card club , n small but con- ; enlnl company devoted to Iho pleasures ot ilgh live , were , with n few InVltcd friends , nlcrlnlncd by Miss Jennie Donaldson nt her loino last Tuesday evening. Miss Bessie lulett won the lady's trophy , while the "hoo- loo" prize was taken by Mr. Hall Kwlng. 'he members and guests present wcto : itlsaes Wilson. Hulotl , Dolan , Sprnguo nnd lonaldson , nnd Messrs. Ewlng , Robb , Jones , loberlHon , Mulvlhlll nnd Sullivan. Miss Gertrude Rlngwnlt , daughter of Mr. and Mrs , Robert Rlngwalt , will bo formally ntroduced to the swell society next \\eck Saturday , when her father nnd mother will ; lve a reception In her honor , 300 Invitations mvlng been Issued. Yesterday Mrs. Theo- oto Hlnjnnlt rnto tnlncd 'urlor honor , many if the well known heads of Omaha families being present. After the dowagers had de- larted the younger people , to the number jf forty , danced for nn hour or two. Mr. and Mrs , Isaac Coles entertained In- ormally at high five Wednesday evening In loner of MUs Farr of Minneapolis , who Is the guest of Miss Hlmebaugh , The guests were : MUs Farr , Miss Hughes , Miss Curtis , MUs 'ugsley. MUs Doane , Miss Hlmebaugh , MUs Nellie Moore , Mrs. Remington , Mr. Clark tedlck , Mr. Chat Redlck. Mr. Gulou , Mr. ) oane , Mr. Pease , Mr. Hal Pense , Mr. Jordan , dr. Fonda. Mr. James How , Mr. Frank Ham- llon , Mr. Baxter. The officers of the Young People's Literary society of the Plymouth Congregational church gave n reception to Its members Thursday night , which proved to be n very > lcasant affair. The young people ; enjoyed ihcmselves by tracing the over nmuslng cobwebs , nftcn which light refreshments vere served. Mr. Abel and Mr. Stambaugh avored the society with musical selections , which wcro highly appreciated nnd added really to the evimlng's pleasures. Mrs. Henry McDonald gave an "at homo" Thursday afternoon In honor of Miss Jean- lie McCreddle of Hlnsdale , 111. The decora- Ions were chrysanthemums , each lady re- lelvlng a large hunch as n souvenir. Mrs. McDonald was assisted by her mother , Mrs. iVhlte. The guesls were : Mlssea McCrcddle , Jiaeonilnt , Carrie Glaeomlnl , Abbott , Mrs. Hodman , Mrs. J. B. Sheldon , Mrs. G. L. lollo , Mrs. Edward Chapman , Mrs. Harry Fltt , Mrs. Charles Smith and Mrs. William White. The series of dancing parties lo be given by the Ogallala club give promise of enjoy able times Ihls wlnler for Iho young people of the south sldo. The first of the dances took place Thursday evening.afid the tribe ? ave their friends n few hours of merriment lhat will not bo forgotten. Those In charge were Mlsaes Nora Williams , Cora Cox , Lottie Scharpshecr , Maud Hcndrlcks , Ada Ber- queal , Marie Pelerson. Messrs. Potler , Lowry , hrlsman , Sachs , Trlpp , While , Wertz , tannery , Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Bautln of 2307 North Twenty-fourth street enterlalncd at Idlowlld halt Sunday evening. November 18 , nt the christening of Baby Bautln , by Rev. J. F. S. Her. Mrs. Maggie McKenna and Mrs. Anna Basclln acted as godmothers. After the christening an elegant lunch was served. Those present were : Mr. nnd Mrs. Bascland , Mr. and Mrs. McKenna , , Mr. and Mrs. Swanson - son , Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder , Mr. and Mrs. Grimes , Mr. and Mrs. Emslee , Mr. and Mra. Carmlchaol , Mr. Philip Miller , Mr. Walter Walker and the Misses Lizzie Wublns , Emma Miller , Grace Rmsle ? and Lillian Emslee. U was a touch of cultured Bohemia which Miss Webster succeeded In giving on Thurs day , the name alone , Dignifying the nature of the Informal function. Previous , however , to the service of the Welsh animal , songs and dancing prepared the guests for ono ot the famous dishes of alt good epicureans. The guests were : Mlsa Doak. Miss Dandy , Miss Burns , Miss Phillips , Miss Smith. MUs Palmer , Miss Nellie Moore of Council Bluffs , Mr. Dawson of Council Bluffs , Captain Crowder , Mr. Dean , Mr. Garneau , Mr. Penn , Mr. McArthur. Mr. Wells , Mr. Baldridge , Mr. Wilson , Mr. Palmer. One of the pleasantest events of the past week was a party given by J. E. Van Dorn in honor of La Rosa Social club at his resi dence Friday evening. During the early part of Ihe evening high five was played , followed by u delicious supper. A social chat was then Indulged In , which ended by de ciding to give n grand ball and banquet at the Grand hotel In Council Bluffs. Those present were : Eva Van Dorn , Emma Duncan , the members J. 13. Van Dorn. J. D. Buzzell , W. T. Edghlll. Ambrose Ellington , J. Mc- Nair , Percy Vandervoort , Earnest Powell , Dave Solman , Charles Seaman , George Staf ford , George Clinehard , Robert Coultra , A. P. Williams and S. Wiggins. A very pleasant evening was spent at the homo of Mr. Herm Wallace , 2712 North Thirty-first street , Friday , November 23. Those present wcro : Misses Maud Johnston , "Lydla Byrne , Ella Smith , Myrlle Smith , May Yoder , Leo Sheldon , Olive Sheldon , Dora Evans , Lillian Trude , Alice Ellis , Anna Watt , Jennie Cook , Edna Patch , Lcphn Leg- gelt , llerthn Leggcll , Lena Manguln , Kiltie Day , Sarah Thompson , Allco Root , Jennlo Berry , Anna Peterson , Donnle Moullon , Edith Wallace , Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore , Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Wallace , Jr. , Messrs. Jean Whin- nery , Edwin Sheldon , Arthur Tlllson , Will Miller , Benjamin Day , Frank Horsman. John Price , Ves True , Cal Johnston , Charles Smith. S. A. Wallace. Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sullivan were pleasanlly fciirprlsed at their residence , 1.122 South Sixth street , by a number of their friends. Those present wore : Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sullivan , Miss Nelllo Coffman , Mrs. George Marsh , Miss McCrucKen , Miss Stella Hagorman , Miss Leila Maggard , Mr. and Mrs. Mulvlhlll , Mr. nnd Mrs. F. Coffman , Miss Sadie Fltzpatrlck , MM. George Blake , Mrs. Fltzpatrlck , Miss Emma Dexter , Mr. and Mrs. W. Rex , Mrs. W. Rhodes , Messrs. Al Henderson , C. Dwyer , F. Cole. J. C. Keck. M. E. Gilbert , Samuel McCrumm , M. P. Noonan. High five waa played during the evening , Mrs. George Marsh and Mr. Gilbert winning the first prizes , Mrs. Rhodes and Mr. Noonan the "booby" prizes. Veterans of the IntoVur Remembered by the Onnerul ( Kivoriunniit. WASHINGTON , Nov. 21. ( Speclal.-Pen- ) slons granted , isaue of November 13 , were : Nebraska : Original William H. Shecler , Crete , Saline. Iowa : Original Nalhnn IJ. Carver , Palo , Linn ; Asahel P. Molt. Charles City , Floyd , Wyoming : Increase Edward M. Ilhoades , Lander , 11 einorit Onmlm Club I'urnlshlnffii. The Morse Dry Goods Co , have Just closeJ tha contract to furnish complete the new clut house of the Omaha club , al Twentieth and Douglas streets. The draperies will he made to match the differently colored woodi of the various rooms , and the floor coverings are tc ba ot Royal Wilton carpets and Turkish rugs Mr. J. C. Schrelver , manager of their carpel and drapery department , who secured thi contract and who will superintend the work says that when finished , It VIII be the hand somest furnished club house In the wesl. JA" ontcr.r.3. * Vtrdl has crossed the Alps for tha second time In six months to direct the production of his "Otcllo" nt the Paris opcrn. The oc- toRNiarlan composer Is n genius At rehear sal ! * . He not only shows the company1 how ho wants tha opera acted , but teaches thorn how It must bo rendered vocally by Ringing the different parts with n volco that Is envied - vied by younger men. The Paris Journals relate a characteristic nnecdolo of his In structions to the- tenor Vaglccnirt , who was studying the part ot Casilo. Vnglcourt hns n fine voice , and at rehearsals ho was show ing It oft to the best advantage. "That won't do nt nil , " shouted Verdi. "You must lmltat the drunkard llko this. " nnd ho sang the passage In the way ho wished It rendered. "Mon DIeu , " ejaculated the tenor , "I can not change my voice. " "Oh , yes you can , " said Verdi. "Drink a glass too much on the night ot thf- first performance , nnd you will do It splendidly. " Slgnor Leoncavallo Is a fortunate com poser. No less than twenty-three theaters In Franco nro now producing his opera , "Pagllaccl. " H In also being performed In Spain , Italy , Holland , Germany nnd Egypt. Mr. Grail "will glvo It several productions at the Metropolitan opera house In New York this winter , nnd It Is In high favor with Iho Engltah. The Uajrrcuth devotees who con- slnnlly assure us that the new school of Italian music. Is ephemeral find It dlfllcutt to explain the universal popularity of Mascngn ! nnd Leoncavallo. Yet they find tmifh com fort In Iho fad lhat the author of "Cavnl- terla Rustlcana" has brought forth no fHtlnn successor lo lhat famous opern. After sev eral years of popularity the woes of Snntuzzn are now slightly on the wane , nnd Mascagnl has apparently given place to Leoncavallo. Miss Lillian Itiissetl Is much dIsappolntc-J ever the failure of "Tho Queen ot Brilliants. " She flays , "Wo have to cndu-o certain pri vations for the sake of our voices thnt people In other spheres ot life would not counte nance. And when the nrtlst has struggled to hold the fort until capllulallon Is compul sory and she Is obliged to succumb , the dls- appointment ot her audience Is the singer's greatest grief. Unkind remarks arc often made , but If the public would only consider the case lliey might be charitable and for giving. An unjxjpular opera , a sudden strain of the voice , an ovcr-txertlon or two great nn effort to please nnd the whole Bum nnd stib- stance of n singer's ambition may bo gene before she can realize It. " A plea thus reas onably and eloquently expressed must bo ac cepted. Lot Lillian cheer up and do her brat In "The Grand Duchess. " She may be happy yet. The following will be the program this nf- Icmoon nt All Snlnts church : Organ Wedding Music Jensen Mr. W. 8. Murshull. Violin Amlnnte from Concerlo.Mendolssohn Mr. Herbert Duller. Ladles' Quartet The ClitmcM Mncey Mrs. Wllhelm , Mrs. Kennedy , Mlsa Uocdcr , Mrs. Morton. Cowzonn Qultmant Mr. Marshall , Solo Selected Sir Jules Lombard. Bencdictus Mackenzie Mr. Herbert Untler. Cavntlna Raft Mrs. Morton. Violin Obllsato Mr. Herberl Butler. Prelude and Fiiguo In Q Mendelssohn Mr. Marshall. Mr. Kuchenmelster , a recent addition to Omaha musical circles. Is the possessor of a genuine Stradlvarlns violin , which Is worth over $2,000. Herr Albert Is In ccstacles over the violin. Whllo In Germany Mr. Kuchen melster played under the late Hans von Bulow , and he comes to Omaha very well recommended. Dr. Baetens1 contemplates giving n classical concert omo time In January , The program wilt Include some of the compositions ot Saint Saens and Brahms , besides Dr. Baetens' own work , one number of which Is a quartet for strings , which won n prize for Dr. Baotens some time ago. Mr. Sloveklng , the well known pianist , and several local musicians will assist at the concert , which will bo given In the Woman's club room over Iho Boston store. Mr. Thomas J. Kelly will give a special recital on Thanksgiving afternoon at which the following program will be rendered. The recital wilt begin promptly at 3:30 : p. m.- Meditation Flllnpo Capoccl Elevation In A minor Lefcbure Wely Andante In U Silas Prelude to The Delude Saint Saciu ) a Night Hong Adolph Jensen b Wanderer Adolph Jensen Largo , Handel Thanksgiving March Calkin Mr. Kelly will be assisted by Mr. Franz Adclmann , violinist. The following Is the program for the usual muslcale at the First Congregational ahuroh this afternoon , at 3:30 : o'clock : Organ Transcription from Sonata , op. 23 Beethoven Rondo Caprice Buck Violin Souvenir de Moscow Wlenawskl Mr. Franz Adelmann. Vocal Soto Ave Maria Bach-Gounod Mlsa Myrtle Coon. Accompanied by violin , piano and organ. Piano and Organ Knmmenol Oslrow. op. 10. No. 22 Ilubensteln , Mme. Hess-Fiichs , Mrs. Ford , Organ Communion In F . . . . .Orison Violin Ave Maria Schubert Air for O string Bach , Mr. Adclmann. Organ March Chadwlck Mme. Hcss-FiichH , accompanist ; Mrt ) . F. F. Ford , organist. j Mr. Taber entertained an audience Jast Monday evening at Trinity cathedral with ono of the most attractive programs he has yet presented to the public. It was rendered with nil the grace and perfection one la accustomed to expect from htm. The great satisfaction In attending these recitals Is the feeling that one Is going to hear some thing good and enjoyable and not be com pelled to listen for a long time to n lot ot dry , uninteresting music , which docs not en tertain ono in the least. It Is always a pleas ure to listen to Mr. Taber , as ho Is able to obtain EO much beauty and poetry from his selections , and ho Illustrales them with that delicacy and refinement for which ho Is noted. The termination ot these recitals will bo a great loss to the public generally , nnd a reproach preach to Omaha musically. There will bo three more recitals. The program fop to morrow evening Is as follows : PAUT I. Priest's March From , Athalle..Mendelssohn Serenade Schubert a Hunting- Hone MacDowclt b Meditation Brulnor Qullmant Overture Zampa , Herald PAHT II. Andante From Fifth Symphony , . . . . . , . . , Beethoven Transcription Mendclssohn-WhltlnR a Nun'H I'rayer Wely I ) Llebsbled Hcnsclt Nuptial March W. T. Ilest The musical department of the Woman'n club will hold Its regular monthly nicotine In the Woman's club rooms , corner of Douglas and Sixteenth streets , Wednesday , at 2:30 : o'clock. The program will be : , Paper Scarlatti Miss Mary Hawley. Illustrations , Piano Solo a , Ilurlescu. b. Paslornle. . . , Scarlatti Paper Hayden Mr. Thcinas J. Kclley. Illustrations. With Verdure Clad * . .Hayden Mum Muncbon . Sonr nicournell .Pharmlnada Mrx. ChnrloH Morton , Trio ( No. 1) ) ( Sypsy Music .Hayden Piano , Mine. Hess-FuchH ; violin. Miss Luella - olla Allen ; violoncello , Mr. H , II. Letovsky. r- rI I- Suggest That you place your order now for your stationery including cards , invi tations , etc. as within a week will 09 have all we can do to fill orders by Christmas. ide eor i oo cards , with nama engraved , $1.50 , JKWKT.KK , RAYMOND. IBTIt AND HOVtlLAli UTS. .