Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1894, Page 15, Image 16

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Korcmber Trade Promises to Bo Very Satis
factory to Jobbora.
jobbers Iteport a Very Fair Movement of
Ooo < l During tha 1'nntVcckWlntcr
Btoclcii Are Hclnjr llrokcn , Necessi
tating Sorting Up Union.
The past wcclc lias witnessed n , continu
ance of the very fair tnulo that has pre
vailed nil tlio month. There has been no
especially Interesting features to the trade ,
uut there has been Blmply a. good , fair
movement of seasonable Roods , anil the Job
bers , as a rule , express themselves no well
pleased with the showing made so far this
month. Of course , business Is not what
many would like to see It , but It Is fully as
good na could be expected under the circum
stances , and that 13 about all that could be
Uuslncsfl In the grocery line has been
quite good durlnn the past six days and
eoino of the local houses claim that they
'nave occn rushed to get all the orders oui
on time. The "grocery market has been very
firm and the general tendency has been
toward hlKhcr prices.
The Jobbers of dry goods report that
stocks of winter goods In. the country are
being broken to some extent , and that sort
ing up ordera are commencing to arrive ,
which Is helping out the volume of busi
ness very materially. , ,
In boots anil shoca there Is a fair trade for
the 'season of the year , and there appears
to be no ( Deposition on the- part of the job
bers engaged In that line to complain. 8 -
, verer weather would * without doubt , greatly
facilitate the movement of goods In a Job
bing way , oa It would stimulate the retail
trade and cause stocks to be1 broken.
Collections In almost all lines are re
ported as very satisfactory. Borne of the
Jobbers are reporting that It t a matter
of nurprlRO that collections should be as
peed us they are. The loss of the crops was
BiipIKJsed to place the country In very.bad
* < hnpe , as there would bo little for the
farmers to sell and money woidd naturally
be very scarce. In view of the conditions
In the country Jobbers Kay that they do not
see whore the money comes from , bomo
are Inclined to offer the explanation that
the smaller linns that are really hard up
are not trying to buy , and that It is the
larger firms that formerly bought In the
east that nro giving their business to
Omaha nt the present time , and that they
have money , or can get It as they require
It Is a. fact , however , that trade In this
stale Is light , and there Is every reason
for believing that there will not be much
life'to It until the coming of another crop.
In the' states west of Nebraska there Is a
large and very satisfactory business doing
anil it ls from that source that the Omaha
jobbers arc receiving their best trade.
During the past week the bank clearings
nt Omaha have shown a decided Increase ,
nmountlng to over 8 per cent. While this
city does not show as heavy gains as some
other places , It Is still ahead of the average
for the whole country.
As the holiday scapon draws nearer the
Inquiry for goodn of the character usually
In demand nt that season Is Increasing am !
the Jobbers handling such are reporting an
Improvement In trade. This appears to be
the coso In all cities , as well as In Omahn ,
ami Is the usual condition expected at this
The banquet held In this city by the com-
mlHslon men on Friday evening h one more
evidence of the Increased Interest that 1 :
being created among that branch of tratlt
In this city. The members of the fruit and
produce trade In all parts of-the country
appear to be waking up to the Importance
of uniting for the purpose of creating n
better feeling among the members of tht
trade , and for the further object of protectIng -
Ing shipper * against the fraudulent linns thai
nro springing up all over the country , and
which have brought disrepute upon tht
business. Reputable ilrms In all parts ol
the country uro making a great effort ti
elevate the business , and to old In thai
movement a national association has beer
formed , limited to Ilrms that are known t <
bo reliable , and responsible. Omaha , commla
Blon men nrc fully olive to the movemen
that Is going on In other cities'and propos <
to do their part. In January there wll
be a meeting of the national league and ti
\a expected that Omaha will be fully rep
resented on that occasion.
Oood Times Not Yet Hero but tlio Wuvo I :
Itolllug on from the Hrtst.
Mr. W. II. Iloberson , speaking of tradi
as viewed from the standpoint of II. G
Dun & Co.'s Mercantile Agency , says :
"Good times nro probably coming , but 1
is a serious' mistake to expect them a
once. They are not here , and hope Is al
the business world has nt present to buo ;
It up In the general depression which ha
overwhelmed the country at large In th
last two years. . . . .
"Trade is dull In nearly every jobblni
line , though the cool weather the first par
of the week stimulated some actlvlt ;
among dealers In dry goods and clothing
The fact that winter Is already here wa
brought forcibly to the attention of even-
body , and everybody began to hustle fo
cold weather clothing
"Very little can be said to encourage th
'downhearted locally , but all reports fror
the east agree that there Is a decided 1m
provement there nnd the wave must nee
csgarlly move westward. Money Is nbun
Uant , and clearings show a gain over
year IXBO.
"Locally , there Is quite a discussion eve
the freight rules adopted governing max
Imum and minimum weights of carloads
The packers think this will have the dlrec
affect of Increasing the freight rates o
their product , and they nro complalnln
out loud. Of this particular controvers
It may bo said that transportation com
panics are. often roundly denounced fo
discriminating rates , but people do not al
ways hear both sides of the miestlon.
"A leading Jobber once said to me tha
lie would be doing business nt an actm
loss It he were not given rebates by th
transportation companies. Tlio remar
opened my eyes , nnd on Investigating
llml that , notwithstanding the Interstnt
commerce- laws , rebates nro enjoyed b
nearly nil heavy shippers. If packers nn
jobbers would stand by each other and b
the railways for unvarying nnd fair ratei
there would be a good deal less quarrelln
among the roads nnd less cause for coir
plaint nil around. It Is practically Imposs
me to determine what rates nro actually I
force to mid from a given point. The con :
imny which Rives a rate Into a partlcula
center feels naturally that tha inunufac
tured output should go out over Its lliu
and If It does not so co the conclusion I
Irresistible that the manufacturer Is rt
celvlng special concessions from a compel
Itor. The company which does not nn
urally carry the business bids for It an
gets It. but gets It by n system of llben
rebates. The beneficiaries of the rebate
keep their own counsel and perhaps Join I
a general clamor for reduced rates , but tli
honest truth Is that the shipper and ral
way stand together nnd the rebate mi I sum
Is kept very irtuch nllve. When we have
Inw UKuliiHt rebates capable of enforcemei
nnd absolute honesty of shippers townt
each other and of railways toward enc
other the trouble can be removed. tint
then mun will look out for their own Inte :
ests and railways will do likewise , regan
less of the effect upon the less favored.
"Tho Commercial club Is not asleep , Ii
members nro a trllle drowsy , but the mai
ngcment keeps both eyes open nnd Is coi
tlnually reaching out for something to he !
the InierpstH or Omnhii. Just now a ml
race truck nmt on pxixjaltlon are recelvlr
attention. The publlu will bo Invited i
discuss the matter nnd nn effort will I
made to have a week or no of festlvllli
next fall to attract visitors. "
bxovv , ciiimcii & co's. VIKWS.
HuslucM Itovlvnl Spiuinoillc nuil Outloo
for the Immedlutn I'utura Not Oood.
Albert Andrlano , local superintendent f
Bnow , Church & Co.'s mercantile ngenc
writes :
"The slight revival of business followlt
election seems only to have been spusmodl
and , notwithstanding fairly seasonal )
weather , trade has not kept up as antic
' 'Hetallcrs In nil lines nre much dlscou
ngcd at the dullness of local trade , Th
in attributable not only to n lack of mom
resulting from the crop failure , but to tl
tendency to economise , which Is growli
rather than diminishing , with all classes
people. There Is a steady call for medlu
and low priced goods In all lines of trail
And expensive high grade goods of all d
Bcrlptlons seem to bo In little demand.
"Although trade la extremely dull In tor
branches , tliero U little cause for cot
of jobbing business at this centi
louses Whose trade Is of necessity co
ned to thin Immediate territory natural
expurlenou a falling off and have BO.
cause for complaint , but those who ai
Cram the nature of their business or f
other reasons. In a position to extend thf
territory , seem to be doing well.
"Northern Iowa U looming up as a prot
Islne tlcld , and local jobbers report & ve
fair trade from that lection. Boot ai
nlio nun appear to b much encourcc
by the prospect of a fair trade In spring
goods. Hardware' men report a satisfactory
condition of nttnlrs and grocers nrc dolim
well. In dry Roods busmen hns let up
somewhat. Manufacturers of clothing have
had an unusually good Reason , nnd there
appears to be continued activity in that
line. Collections nre very fair.
"Taking Into consideration all adverse
circumstances , wholesale merchants here.
an n rule , express themselves very well
satisfied with the condition of affairs.
There Is no cause to look for nny decided
revival during the early part of the com
ing year , but It Is expected that general
trade will hold Its level , with nn Inclina
tion toward Improvement. In fact , the ul
timate nnd real prosperity of this country
will depend entirely upon the next crop ,
and crop prospects will be a controlling
feature In business during the coming year.
Wholesalers nre to some extent Independent
of Ihvff local conditions , but retailers ore
very directly dependent upon them , nnd It
Is this that makes the prospect so discour
aging to local tradesmen.
"There Is little doubt that business will
be somewhat dull In this branch during
the winter , but It Is to bo hoped that with
the opening of spring there will be sulll-
cletit activity to make up for this to some
extent. In the meanlme , every measure
tending toward the improvement of local
conditions should receive prompt attention
nnd every effort should be made to stimulate
late- local enterprise with a view to bene
fiting local trade. "
Condition of Trndo nnd Quotation * on
hlaplo nnil Fancy I'rnnucn.
The butter market has not shown much change
during the past week , though there has been a
pretty fair demand for the "best grades of table
butter and a corresponding flrm feeling. The
commoner grades have been slow nnd dull ,
The receipts were considerably lighter.than for
the previous week , but about the same as for
thn first two weeks of the month.
The egg market lias not shown nny material
change Ui prices. The market has been llrm
nil the week on strictly fresh slock , but there
are so many cold storage eggs tu bo had that
Iho prlco on strictly fresh eggs Is kept down.
An to the receipts , there was a heavy falling
off as compared with ihe previous week , but a
slight gain over the arrivals of n month ago.
Tliero are a good many cold storage eggs com
ing In from country houses.
Them has been very little of encouragement
fop shippers In the poultry market. Prices have
ruled very low , and It has been n dllllcult mat
ter for receivers to keep supplies cleaned up
oven at the low prices. Chickens especially
have been a drug on the market.- The coming
week tliero will without doubt bo a continu
ance of the light demand for chickens , while
them ought to ho n belter demand for turkeys.
No one , however , anticipates anything but low
prices under existing chcumatnnccs. As a rule
shippers get their Thanksgiving poultry to mar
ket most too Jate. Every year there are largo
quantities of poultry that do not reach the
market until Thanksgiving mamlng or until
the day after , which Is tos late.
The receipts of game have been liberal all
the week. 1'ralrlo chickens appear to bo rather
scarce and the market on them especially Him.
Jack rabbits have been coming In most too
plentiful , and they are quoted lower.
The hay market Is very llrm , and dealers
nre predicting that unless the weather becomes
very good there will bo a gradual advance all
the winter.
Following will show the receipts for the
weeks Midlng on dates Indicted at head of col
umns , thn llgures representing cases ot eggs ,
coaps of live poultry , packages of butter raid
cars of potatoes :
Nov. 23. Nov. 10. Nov. 9. Nov. 2. Oct. 26.
Eggs . . . . 712 1.CC3 798 771 673
liutter . . . 851 1,030 832 892 1.121
Poultry . . 714 831 732 E6S 113
Potatoes . 12 21 63 36 65
It will be noted that there haa been a decrease
In tha receipts as compared with the previous
week. Quotations : .
IIUTTKR Packing stock. 7KG8e ; fair to good
country. Il l3c ; choice to fancy. 15Jfl7o ; gath
ered creamery. 19J20c ; separator creamery , 23c.
EGGS Strictly rres.i laid , 21c ; fresh ( cold
storage ) , 17i > 19e
POULTRY-Old hens , 3 c.spring ; chickens , 48
4VJe ; ducks , 5c : turkeys , 5o ; heavy toms , 4@4lic ;
geese , 5f5Hc.
DRESSED POULTRY Chickens , fair. 4 4e ;
choice large. Co ; choice small , 6c ; turkeys , fair
to good , 5B6o ; choice heavy , 7c ; choice small ,
8c ; ducks , fair to good , 6c : fancy , 78c ; gecsc ,
fair t good , Co ; fancy , 788c.
GAME Prairie chickens , per dcz. , $3.5fj3.-5 ;
grouse , per doz. , $3.00ffl3.DO ; blue wing teal , per
doz. , $1.5001,75 ; green wing teal , per Uoz. , $ l.So ®
1,50 ; ducks , mixed , per doz. , $1.0Uil,23 ; canvasbacks -
backs , $1.0001.50 ; ' mallards nnd red heads. $2.50 { ?
2.75 ; quail , $ I.60ifl.7S : deer saddles , 12815c ; nn-
telcpo saddles , loyllc ; small rabbits , $1 ; Jack
rabbits , ll.GOftl.7 i.
VEAL Choice fat and small veals are quoted
at Co ; large and coarse , 3le.
CHEESE Wisconsin full cream. Young A. ,
13o ; twins. 12ic ! ; Nebraska and Iowa , full cream ,
lie ; Nebraska and Iowa , part skims , 73c ;
Llmburgar , No. 1 , lie ; brick , No. 1 , lie ; Swiss.
No. 1. HSlSc.
HAY Upland hay. $9.'W : midland. $9 ; lowland.
$ S.GO ; rye straw.- . Color makes the- price on
hoy. f Light shades sell the'best. Only top grades
bring- lop prices.
PIOEONS-Old birds , per doz. , 75c.
The potatoc msiket in Ui rather a demoralized
condition. Quotations :
1-OTATOES Western stock , car lots , c:063o ;
small lots , 70c.
OLD REANS-IIand-plcked , .navy , $2 ; lima
beans , per lb. , BUo.
ONIONS-On orders , 650700
CA1111AOE On orders , Hie.
CELERY I'er doz. , 2535c.
SWEET POTATOES-1'er bbl. . $2,75Q3.00.
REETS Per bu. . 50JGOc.
CAULIFLOWER-Fer doz. , $2.25.
EGO PLANT Per doz. , 60o.
HORSERADISH Per lb. , 708c.
PARSNIPS Per bu. . 60060e.
RUTAIJAOAS-Per bu. , 76090.
PARSLEY Per doz. bunches , 2So.
TURNIPS-Per bu. , EOc.
SPLIT PEAS-Per lb. , 33Mc ,
HUI1BARD SQUASH Per dox. , 750.
TOMATOES I'er bu. , $1.00.
GREEN PEAS Per bu. , $1.1501.35.
In the way of California fruit there are enl :
a few grapes and quinces , with a slight show
Ing of pears. Apples arc quite plenty. Quota
tlons :
QUINCES-Callfornla. per CO-lb. box. $1.50.
APPLES Oood stock , per bbl. . $2.5002.73
Michigan stock , $3 ; New York or New England
PLUMS-Collfornla , none.
PEARS Winter Ncllls. $1.7502.00.
GRAPES Concord , 10-lb. baskets , none ; Ma
lagas. per C3 to C8-lb. bbls. , gross , J7.50CS.OO.
CRANBERRIES Cape Cod fancy , $10 per bbl
According to the Commercial Bulletin of Nc\
York the earthquakes at Messina hnve had i
serious effect upon the lemon business. Th
fruit season of 1894 will never be. forgotten
Such a disastrous season as the ona just close *
has never been known In the history of th
Italian fruit Importing business In America
Many fortunes huvo been made and lost 1
lemons. There were several causes to which th
serious loss both ot money and t ratio Is at
trlbuted. Among them were the heavy Im
porlatlon , the hard tlmts and the- fact tha
California now supplies the western market
almost as far east as Chicago. There were I m
ported from Sicily last year 2,595,901 boxes
against only 451,035 boxes In 1873. The Slclllai
lemons nro considered better than those fror
California and Florida , which are alike 1 :
quality. The llrst sale of the season of nc\v-cu
Messina lemons wan held In New Yolk th
middle of the week. Prices -were from 76o to 80
mom a box than was recorded on the llrst sal
In 1893. The reported earthquake was to som
extent responsible for the llrmness.
The cat go of the steamship Letlmbro In roun
numbers was 11,000 boxes , which brought abou
} (0,000. Mr. Edward M. Drown attributes th
sharp advance In the lemon market to th
itmall quantity on tha way from Sicily. Mi
Drown also declares that the recent eartli
quake had a great deal to do with It. as froi
cablegrams received by leading Importers It I
almost Impossible to get any fruit off froi
Sicily. Quotations :
ORANGES Florldas. $2.75.
BANANAS Choice stock. $2.0001.50 per buncf
LEMONS Malaga , : .1.7Sft4.0a ; fancy Florida
sizes 250 and 300 , $4.00 4-Z3.
OYSTERS 1XL. 8c ; medulm. per can. lOc
hone shoes , 12o ; extra standards , I5c : extra se
lcct , 17c ; company selects , 2Io ; New Yor
counts. 25c.
NEW FIGS Fancy , 16c ; choice , ISCHc ; Cal
Ifornla , bags. So.
HONEY New York. 17o ; California. 16c.
MAPLE SYRUP Gallon cans , per doz. , $12.
NUTS Almonds. 15 16c ; English walnuts , 12c
filberts. 12o ; Brazil nuts , 80 ; eastern chestnut ]
no Rood stock : shcllbark hickory nuts , per bu
$ ' ; Urge hickory nuts , $1.75 ; fancy raw peanuti
Cc : roasted peanuts , TMe
SAUER KRAUT Choice white , per bbl. , $1. !
O4.75 : per halt bbl. . $2.50.
MINCI1 MEAT Fancy. In half bbl , , per lb
"Ho ; 10 gal. kegs , 7c ; condenied , per case ot
daz. pkgs. , $2.75.
FISH Fresh caught crapples , perch and sur
fish. 3QSc : buffalo , 3 ® < c ; pike nnd pickerel , 60So
catllnli. 8 Ji > c : black bass. l : 13c.
CIDER Pure juice , per bbl. , $5.50 ; hnlf bbl. , J
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 3Uo ; No. 2 eree
hides , SUc ; No. 1 green salted hides , 4' c ; No.
green fal.ed hides , 3Hc : No. 1 green raited hide :
23 to 40 Ibs. , 4Vic ; No. t green salted bidet. 23 t
10 Ibs. . IHo ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 tu 13 lb _ . Tc : N (
3 veal calf , S to 15 Iba. , Co : No. 1 dry flint hldei
Co : No. t dry flint hides. 4n ; No. 1 dry ealte
hides , Co ; part cured hides. Ho per lb. le tha
fullv cured.
SHEEP PELTS-Green salted , each. 25 _
green salted shearlings ( short woolrd early kln
each. 65fl5c ; dry shearlings ( short wooleil e rl
aklni ) . No. 1 , each , tWIOo ; dry shearlings ( ihoi
wooleil early skins ) . No. S. each. 6e ; ilry flh
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , pi
ID. , actual weight , C < 78c ; dry flint Ksnus or
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actui
weight , 4B ci dry flint Colorado butcher
pelts , per In. , actual weight. 4tt6'Jc ; dry Illi
Colorado murrain wool pelli , per lb. , actui
weight. 44J6C.
TALLOW AND anEA8B-T llow. No. 1. 4
4Wc : tallow , No. 1 , 3'4Uc ; grenst , whit * A. 4U
4lic ; grease , white II , 3Kc ; creno * . yellow , ] > ( <
dark , StyOlCi old butter , SfiZHc ; beer
wax. prime , I'CiDo.v rough tallow , Ic.
J'corU r.ruln Market.
PEOniA. Nov , l4.-COnN-Ta tfr : new. N
S , 41Ko ; new. No. J. 4UJo ; new , No , 4 , 4aHc.
OATS-Qulet and ti-ajy ; No. : nhlte. SOU
Ir JIHci No. I white. 30Uc.
HYB Scarce , nominal.
WIIISlCY-FIrm ; lilih nine baili. tin.
HECUIPT8 Wheat , I.COa bu. ; corn. C1.J10 bu
o t . IS.JW bu. ; rye , nonti barley , U.COO bu ,
SHIPMENTS Wheat. l.WO bu. ; corn , 1.804 bu
oau. . bu. ; rye. noni ; borUv. 2J.TM bu.
Wheat Started Firm on Increase ill the Ex
Corn \Vn Weak on tlio I'rcssuro ofNoir
Corn Offarlnpjs from Illinois unit
liullnnii and the Cubic
Jtrct'lpts ,
CHICAGO , Nov. 21. Wheat was firm nt
the start today on an Iticrcnnc In the ex
ports , weakened on the Indications of n
largo Increase In the visible supply , nnd
rallllcd on a reported decrease In Russian
crop estimates , closing % o higher for Jilay.
May corn lost ifec , May oats closed un
changed and provisions made moderate
The weekly exports of wheat and Hour , as
published by UradHUoet's , was somewhat
of a surprise. They amounted to 3,312,000
bu. , from both coasts , compared with 2.D09 ,
WO bu. on the preceding week , nnd 2,741,000
bu. for the corresponding week of last year.
The Liverpool market was steadier than
expected. The shorts In the market were
Boon put at their ease when the receipts at
Minneapolis and Uulutah were reported at
027 car loads , compared with G78 cars on the
corresponding day of last year. The OpenIng -
Ing price for May was 68c , and that price-
was bid for a few seconds. It became
rather easier shortly afterward and sold
down to 5Sc , but the tendency during the
remainder of the session was toward the
recovery of that slight reduction. There was-
leas pressure of December wheat. Oommls-
? 1on houses reported a general Improve
ment In the tone pf speculative Inquiry. The
narket became strong toward the end , on
he receipt of a cablegram from the editor
if the Liverpool Grain Trade News to the
ecretnry of the Chicago Hoard of Trade ,
tatlng that the latest estimate on the
lus.slnn wheat crop made nt SU Petersburg
laced the deficiency this year nt 88,000,000
u. , ns compared with last year's final re-
urns. The price closed llrm , nt CS" c for
Corn was on the pressure of new
orn offerings from Illinois nnd Indiana nnd
he cable receipts today and estimated re-
lelpts for Monday. Today's receipts were
577 cars and for Monday 775 cars nre esti
mated. Compared with closing prices yes-
'erday , November corn Is Vie lower ut the
slose , nnd December % c lower. May opened
Ac lUgher , nt 48T c , sold to 4SaC and closed
* t 4Sc.
For Saturday , oats did remarkably well.
The strength In the neighboring cereals
Irst started the activity In oats. The feei
ng was generally firm during the greater
iart of the session , although ptlccs avcr-
ged about steady. May ranged from 32VSc
to 323sc and 32c , opening at 32Vio and clos-
"ng with sales nt that price. November
-nled steady at yesterday's last quotations.
The provision market was fairly good
and prices llrmer. The run of hogs for the
ensuing week Is not expected to bo nearly
ns heavy ns that of the present and past
weeks. Prices , compared with yesterday's
closing , show gains ns follows : Pork , Gcj
'ard , 2V6 to Gc , and ribs , 2'Jc for May de-
Ivery. January ribs unchanged.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. | Open. | High. | Low. | Close.
VhCiitNo. 3
Nov E3H
Dee 83H
May , ® Gl ) G8JI ,
Corn No. 2. .
Nov 4RH I8H
Doc 47 ? 47W
May 48)S
Oatn No. 2. . .
Nov 28H 28
Dec 28 M
'ork per bbl
Jan 12 10 J2 00 12 10
May IB 40 12 I'M 1232K 12 4''K
Jan 0 07X 7 00 n os 7 00
May 7 15 7 20 7 l'JM 7 20
Short Ribs-
Jan o no 0 05 0 00 0 03
May. . . . 6 17K 0 I'M 0 15 U 22M
Quotations were os follows :
FLOUR Winter parents. $2.G01j'2.70 ; winter
tralghts , $2.:5ij 52.50 ; spring patents , Jl.0 3.60 ;
prlng straight . $2.23i&2.75 ; baker's tl.83iij-2.23.
WHEAT No. 2 spring , . 57 ; { f5774c ; No , 3 spring ,
nominal ; No. 2 red , G3(4CSUic.
CORN No. 2 , 4S14c ; No. 3 yellow , 4itc. |
OATS No. 2..SVJc ; No. 2 white , 31 > .ia > 32 ic ;
'fo. ' 3 white31ft31c. .
RYE No. 2. 47U@48c.
BARLEY No. 2 , C4O55c ; No. S. 52ViB1511ic ;
S'o. 4 , 4S033C.
FL VX SEED No. 1 , $1,48.
TIMOTHY SEED-Prlme , $5.60R5.65.
PROVISIONS Mess polk , per bbl. , $1.22 { }
2.321,4 ; lard , per 100 Ibs. , $7 ; short rlbes sides
loose ) , $6.05 < 36.23 ; dry salted shoulders ( boxedj ,
> % Wc ; short clear sldt-s ( boxed ) , C"i3Gi.c.
WHISKY Distillers' flnlsheil goods , per gal. ,
SUGARS Cut loaf , unchanged.
The following were the receipts and shipments
today :
Yestcrday'r Oaotntlons on Flour , Uraln anil
1'rovlslonf , Metals , Rtv.
NEW YORK , Nov. 24. FLOUR Receipts. St.-
400 bbls. ; exports , 15.GOO bbls. ; sales , 5,000 pkRS ,
Market neglected anil nominal. Mills still holt :
at former prices , claiming Hour cannot be slilppci
from the mills ; city mill patents , SI.100I.1J
winter patents. 2.75O3.03 ; city mill clears , J3.35
winter straights , J2.3002.70 ; Minnesota , patents ,
$3.G383.G5 ; winter extrns , tl.90ft2.40 ; MlnnesoU
bakers , J2.OOJf3.75 ; winter low Bradca , -l',70fl
2.15 ; spring low grades , Jl.TWi'l.OO ' ; spring extras ,
Jl. 83 12.25. Southern ( lour , dull ; sales , none ; com
mon to fair extra , Jl , 75Q2.40 : Ki.oil to cholci
extra. J2.40@3.00. Rye Hour , dull ; B.ilets 130 bbls.
miperllne , J2.25j2.75 ; fancy. J2.83Q3.00. Duck
wheat flour , newlected ; Jl.SMf2.00.
CORN MEAIDull ; Kales , 200 bbls. ; yellov
western , Jl,20t < 1,23 ; brandywlne. J3.03.
RYE Nominal ; car lots , Oiyi3o ; teat loads
50 f38c.
HARLEY Dull ; westernC38Clo. .
HARLEY MALT Inactive ; westeni , 70073c.
WHEAT Receipts , l'JI , ! X ) bu. : exports. 31,901
bu. ; Biles , (00,000 bu , futures. Spot market In
active ; No. 2 red , store and elevator , 57Hu ; alloat
oiKfiSSTic : f. o. b. , G81009'Sc ' ; ND. 1 northern
G7jc. ! delivered ; No. 1 hard. GSKc , delivered
Options opened llrmer on 400.000 bu. Incrensa Ii
weekly exports of wheat and ( lour from lx > tt
coast * , but soon reacted under liberal offering
from local holders. Finally rallied un slcail ;
late cables ; closed unchanged ; No. 2 red , Janti
ury , MTiW iTic. closed at DSKc ; l > 'cbruary close *
at MTic : March , bOXttCOHc. closed nt Ci ic ; May
G2 1-1G < ( G2 7-lCc , closeil at W.ic ; November closet
at 67c ; December , 67ifi5Sc , closed at 57Tic.
CORN llrcelpts , 134,100 bu. ; exports , 9,100 , hu.
iiles , 225,000 bu. lutures , 4.0W tu. sp.t. Bnct mar
i't dull ; No. 2. 5Sc. nllont. Options Kenerall :
weaker and lower under heavy receipts and clea
weather In corn belt , closed nt tiii c decllno
January. 62O32 4c. closed at 62' , c ; May , 63X1
53)ic ) , ehwed nt W.ic ; November cloned at 67J4c
December. Mftjl c. closed at 5lc.
OATrf Receipts , 21SCOO bu.i exports , 100 bu.
sales , 13 , UK ) bu. futures , 45,0) ' ) hu , spot. Spo
market easier ; No. 2. 33Uj3lHc : ; No. 2 , de
llvered. 3t < &vi No. 3. 82'ic ' ; No. 2 white , 37'.i' ' '
uskul : No. 3 xvhlte , 3Cic ; track whlln western
MHf)40iic ; track while slatf , SCHOIOJic. Option
dull und easier , with corn , closed ut ' , lc ne
ilecllnc ; January closed at 3IVic ; Kebrnnry closei
at 33c ; May , 3'ic , closed at SSftc ; Novcmbe
closed at 31(10 ( ; December closed at 23c ,
HAY Steady ; rlilpplnf , WaOJVic ; t'OCHl t
choice , 77Hc.
HOPS Steady ; slate , common to choice , old
C 7e ; new , 50120 , Pacific coast , S'/jOTc.
HIDES I'lnn ; wet salted NBW Orleans , sa
lected. 43 Iu C3 Ibs. , 6c ; llueno.i dry , 20 to 24 Ibs.
Uu : Texas dry. 21 to 30 Ibs. , CHc.
I.EATHER Steady ; hemlock sole , Ilucno
Ayres. llRht to henvy. IWlSo.
WOOL Dull ; domestic lleece , 17ffJ3cj pulled
PROVISIONS lleef , dull ; family. I10.00S12.00
nxtm mess , J7,508.00 | : beef hams , J17.S' ' ) ; rlty ux
tru India mess , SlC.OflHlS.W. Cut meats , quiet
pickled bellies. 6H 6c ; pickled shoulders , IKc
pickled linins , SUIilic. I ird , dull : wemein stean
clofetl at 17.30 asked ; city , C > ic ; November clo.i.1
at J7.25r nominal ; December , J7.2S ; January , 17. !
asked. Refined , quiet ; continent , } I.7i ; Houtl
America. J8.15 ; compound. JUc. IMrll. dull ; ne\
mem , JI3.104II.OO ; family , JU.MUH.W : ihor
clears. JH.OOB1G.50.
RUTTER-Steady ; western dalrj' . HOlCc : west
ern creamery , ISCiiCet western fuctiry. 9 < jfll'ic
EUlns , 2Gc ; Imitation creamery. ISSWc ; stat
dairy , 13i23Hc ; state creamery , ISfrKc ,
CHEEHE-Slendyj larBC. SJ.OU'ic ; small. 9 <
Il'ic ; part skims , 3Ho ; full skim * . IKlISi' .
EGOS Easy , stat * und Pennsjlvanla , f..Wf.Vic
refriKerator , 17U21c ; western rrr h. Zl bitc
southern , KOr-llic ; rates , J3.3)4.00 ; rccclpti
3o > ) pkes.
TALLOW Firm ; city ( J2 pir p'xg4SOP c
country ( pkes. free ) , 4ttij17ir , as to iiual.iy ,
PETROLEUU-Nomlnul ; United clewed at k2X
bid ; WashlnKtcn , In bbli. , JG ; Wiulilngtun , I
bulk , JJ.M ; rellniMl , New York , J5.I5 ; I'hlladel
phla mid lURImare. 15.10 ; J'hlladrlphU an
llultlmore , In bulk , tl.05.
ROSIN Slrady ; strained , common to L-OO.
. .
lUCl'Qutet , ilDinotln , fair to extra , 4tt <
o ; Japan , 4H 4Hc ,
OLAS.SUSQuiet , New Orleans , open Uctl | (
J to choice , SSft J5c.
PIQ IRON- Dull , Scotch , J19.0iMJM. < j Am r
c&n. J10.00 ll.i .
COPPK.ltFltmj brokers' price , ' , jc.
TlN-Steadv ,
I'LATKU-XVeiik ,
COTTO.V BEED OIL Klrro , prlnw crude , Vk
1 II Pi. K
off crude , ! 3c ; yellow Hut lor ( Trades , 3Pi
chotcn ) el1nw. 33c , nominal prime yellow , off
crudes , 2S'iUM'ic ' ; prlm TTHUc , 3(0 , nominal.
Srcutltlm During HID Minrt flcuslon o [ the
llonnlVcr Upiift ; Ur ] Stronij ,
NEW YORK , Nov. 2r.TJio gtock market
' '
during the two hours o't'Uitnncss toiUy wna
Koncrally Htront ; In toiH r exccpt for n. few
of the specialties , prlce | I's ' f" the close show
ing advances on the day's transactions.
Sugar , which rhoweil wort-activity , was In
tjood buying demand iH'fjie early dealings
ami recorded an advance of i per cent ,
but was subsequently s3WHown Ti ier cent ,
with a final recover } ' ( ohJthu entire loss ,
making a gain on the dap cf % ] > or cent.
The preferred rcse H per cent. Northwest
ern advanced ? i per centoa , the covering of
Rliort contracts , but the stock being In good
supply the shorts took occasion to put out
some fresh lines , causing a break of 1 per
cent , % per cent cf which was rtf'coveretl In
the final dealings , Icuvliig an advance of %
per cent on yesterday's Mnnl quotations.
Cortlaee gunrantscd broke 2V4 per cent
to 22y& on sales of 5oO entires. Mo
bile & Ohio Is down 1 per cent , Canada
Southern nnd Louisville , Nc\V Albany , %
per cent , and Lncledc Qns , ' ,4 per cent. The
rest of the shares trailed In appreciated up
to the close and mode advances ranging
from H to 2 per cent , the latter In l.uke
Shore , 1 % per cent In Pullman , 1 per cent In
National Lead , % per cent in Western
Union , ? i per cent In Hock Island , Oeneral
Klectrlc , Richmond Terminal and Tennessee
Coal and Iron , ' /4 l > er cent In St. I'aul , Hur-
llngton & Qulncy , Delaware & Hudson and
Louisville & Nashville. The final trading
was active nnd strong and the market
closed In good tone.
As n result of the trading during the week
there has been established generally a
lower range of values , which , In the active
list , has bsen most marked In the granger
group , the depression iu these shares being
due to the scaling of the Hiirllngton divi
dend from Hi to 1 per .cent , the Immediate
expectation of a reduction of the. North
western dividend Northwestern shows a
loss of 2 % per cent. Most of the Industrials
nre also In the list of declines. The total
sales of stccks for the week were 1,158,900
shares. The dealings In the bond market
today were unimportant , with some excep
tions , notably the Heading nnd Southern
railway securities. The transactions were
comparatively light , the total sales aggre
gating pnly $1GXX ( > . The market was slightly
easier , and the changes In prices were only
fractional. On the week the more active
shares are generally lower , but In the main
the changes are pretty .evenly . divided be
tween declines and advances.
The following were the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today :
offered. „ " ni
The total dales of stocks . -todays .were 74.937
Btuiras , Including Amerlcnn-t'tigarv 16.800 ; Bur-
Ington. 3.700 ; CHIcago Gasv > B,00)'lMatllllrtg : and
Catllefeedlng. 3.000 ; Manhatflin , 4,200 ; Northwest ,
8,000 ; Readlmr. l.SOO ; Rock Island , 2,400 ; St. Paul ,
6,000 ; Southern Railroad , W. I. , 4.9UO ; Southern
lallrnad , W. L preferred , 3,400 ; Western Union ,
New York Jlimcv Marker.
NEW YORK , K'o'v. 2) ) . MONEY ON CALL-
Easy at 1 per cent.
STERLING EXCHANOE-Easy , with actual
> ua'nes3 In Ijankers * bills at $ I.S7'.jr4.87 % for
lemand and $4.S6 > 4 for CO daya ; posted rates ,
I4.88HQI.87 and tl.8S 4.83 | commercial bills ,
BAR SILVER C2ic. Mexican dollars. 60 %
GOVERNMENT BONDS atoady. State bonds ,
lull , Railroad bonds , easy.
MONEY 2 per cent.
Tin' rate of discount In tboaocn market for botl
short and thrfe months' blllnie 1 o-lU pur cent ,
n A ii SILVKU-V HII P.T ouiici * .
Tha amount of bullion jllulrawn from the
Dank of lincland on b.iliinco today wii iHU.OUU
ConsolB formonoy and Ilia. account , I0n > < ,
1'lllllllL'Ul Nllt til.
HALTIMOnn. Nov , 21. Cltarlne * ( nr the we * >
J 13 , 055,7(8 ; balances , ll.W.rrx.
RERUN , Nov , Jl. Exchange on London , elgt
days' sight. S > mark * SSli pfg ,
WASHINaTON , Nnv ! l-The , cn.h UUncc I
the treasury today was (100,060.837 ; cold reierri
CHICAGO. Nnv. 14 - Clearings. J1UOJ.WO. Tut :
for th week , 19,302.000. corresponding week lai
year , M3.tlS.OOA. Monty , 404 p < r cent on ca
and tfft per cent oa time. New York enchant
At 31)0 premium. Fort-ten rxchange , dull ; ster *
ling , rommerrlal , | I.SI > ( M.f6U.
1IOSTOK , Nov. ! 4.-Clearlngs. Itl.tM.ilU ; lial-
nnced , U.bW.TSS. For the week , WOS7njf ; bal-
NEW YORK , Nov. ! l.-Clcnrln 8. JS3.06SRSO ;
IxilanceH , J5.wr . j , For tin- week , | X,3 ) 0S2 ;
talanccs. 111,293,310.
PARIS , Nov. Z4. 4 p. m. Three per cent
rentM , 302f Bo for the account. Exchange on
Ixmdoii , 5f l.'o for checks ,
PHILADKLPIIIA , Nov. : ! . Clearings , $ ) .B1I , .
810 ; bnlnncrs. J1,5 > S.7I3. For the week : Clear-
Ings. ; i,2tt.403 ; ImlHncfS. } 10.2 ) .15S.
CINCINNATI , Nov. 2i.-Money , ! Hn8 per
cent. New York exchmiqe , 3SflV premium.
Cle rlnip , $2,2.VIM : for the week , $13,4S7IS V ) .
LONDON , Nov , ! ! . Oi.ld Is ntuled tmlay nt
Ilupnoa Ayrcs at U ) ; Mn.llld. 125) ) ; L'slion. 2J.7fi ;
Kt. a'clcrsburg , M ; Athens , 7f ; U unj , 1CS ; Vienna.
NEW YORK , Nov. -Exports "f specie from
New York fjr Ihe- week amounted to J.Vl.S'W ' In
gold and t"il , ! < l3 In silver. Th < - Imports for the
week were ! Gold , $ M.17 ; silver. 7,4S3 ; ilry
goods , ll.SM.te.l ; general merchandliic , JSr.37'jiJ.
HT. LOl'18 , Nov. -Clearings. . W.335.4X1 ; bnl-
nnces. IMl.SSiX For the weeks Clearings. MS-
071.120 ; balances. M.d07,193. Last week , J2S.473. .
73li balances , J3,106c : . Money , dull nt f. 7 per
cent. Exchange rn New York , par bid ,
kt. l.otiU Urnrriil
. ST. LOUIS , Nov. 21. FLOl'Il Dull , un
M'HEAT Opened We lilgher , hut wont down ,
rallied again and closed unchanged ; No. 2 rot ,
cash , Mftc December , 60V4c ; May , 63T4C.
CORN Was weak on good receipts , closing
He off ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 4l4c ; December , 4l1ic ;
January , 43'ic ; May , & % < :
OATH Neglected , HO lower ; No. 2 , cash , 30c ;
M v. 30Vlc.
RVE-No. 2. on call , tic bid for this side.
HARLEY- trading.
IIIIAN T4V bid for east track.
FLAX KEKD-Ncimlnal : $1.40.
TIMOTIir-l4.5- .30.
HAY Quiets steady nt recent quotations.
III'TTER Slow and unchanged.
KOOS 17c. nominal.
LEAD Firm : spot. J2.93.
CORN MEAIJt.10ff2.lS. .
PROVISIONS-I'oik. standard mess , jobbing ,
J12.DO , Lard , prime steam. J5.SO ; choice. S6.W.
Dry .snlt meats. . loose shoulders , J5.DO3.f,2'6 ;
longs. } .6036.C2Hc ; , ribs , | l > .62(4 ( ; shorlH. IO.S7Vj.
llacon , packed shoulders , tC.Wllongs , J7.12V4 ; Vlbs ,
J7.2S ; shorts. J7.EO.
IlECEIPT.H-Flour , 3.000 bills. ; wheat , 43.000
bu , ; corn , 71,000 bu , ; oata , 24,000 bu.
SIUPMENTH-Flour , 2.000 bbls. ; wheat , 4,000
bu , ) corn , 1.000 bu , ; oats , 6,000 bu.
Liverpool Mnrltuti ,
LIVERPOOL. Nov. 24.-WIIEAT-CI030 : Spot.
firm ; demand poor ; N > > . 2 red , winter , 4s lOd ;
No. 3 red , spring , M IHd ; N6. 1 hard ; Manitoba , '
dri 4Vjd ; No. 1 Clillfornla , Ex 2tid : futures , quiet ;
business about equally divided ; December , 4s 9Jid ;
Jammo' . 4s 1W ; February , 4s lOUd : March ,
4s llid ) : April , 4iHHd ,
CORN Spot , steady ; demand moderate ; Ameri
can. mixed , 4s lOil ; futures , llrm ; business heav
iest on mlddlii ixisltlonsi November , 4s 10V4d ;
December , 4s ItMJJ ; February , 4s GVid ; March ,
4s 5d ; April , 4s , W.
FLOUR Dull ; demand poor ; St. Louis , fancy
wlntiu' . Gs.
PROVISIONS llacon , easy ; demand poor ;
Cumberland cut , Sis. Shoit ribs , 3s ; long
clear , light , 35 ti > 43 Ib3. , 333 Gd ; long clear ,
heavy , K Ibs. , 33.1 Cd ; short clear , backs , light.
18 Ibs. , M ; short clear , middles , heavy. ! > J
Iba. . . 31s Cd ; clear bell'es ' , II f > 16 It's. , 31s. Shoul
ders. 16 to 18 Iba. . SOs ; hami , short cut , 13 to
16 Ibs. , 44s. liccf , extra India mess , C7s M ;
prime mess , 06s 3d. Fork , prime mess , line
western , C3s Od. Ijinl , dull ; prime western , 37s ;
-eflned , In palls. Ms.
CHEESE Steady : demand fair ; flnest Amerl-
n , white. & 03 Cd ; finest American , colored ,
,1s , Cd.
IHITTER Finest BOO.1 , 60s.
TURPENTINE Spirits. 20s Cd.
HOSIN Common , 3s 7Vjd.
COTTON SEED OIILlvcrpool , renned. 1S3 Sd.
PETROLEUM-Rellned , f ' .Ad.
HOPS At London ( Pacific coast ) , 2 178.
ColTfO Aliirkut.
NEW YORK , Nov. 21. COFFEE-Optlons
> l > cned steady at CJJ10 points advance ; ruled
OJIIct but generally llrm on. fall warehouse move
ment and flrnt cables ; closed sto.idy ut BJJI5
points net advance ; sales , S.,1M bags , Including :
' fiivcmber , J13.K ! > 81I.Oi ) ; December. tn.35 13.40 ;
antiary , fl2.73@12.SO ; March , $12.30 ; May ,
11.73011.90 ; September , Jll.GO ; spot coffee ,
llo , Btendy ; No. 7 , JI3.75 ; mild.
quiet and steady ; Cordova. 11S.2.-.IS19.00 ; sales ,
none. Warehouse deliveries from New York yes-
rday , C.SW bags ; New York stock today , 133.43:1 :
bags ; United States stock , 194,700 bags ; alloat
for the United States. & 0.312 bags ; total visible
mipply for the United States , 243,212 bags , against
439,122 bags last year.
SANTOS. Nov. 21. Market firm ; good average
Santos , $11.70 ; receipts. 17.0UO bags ; stock , 300.00C
HAMnunO. Nov. 24. Market steady ; prices
OW Pfg advance ; sales , 4.000 bags.
HAVRE. Nor. 21. Maiket opened quiet anil
unchanged ; at 12 m. , looed quiet and < if net
advance : total sales , 21,000 bags.
IRIO DE JANEIRO , Nov. 21. Market quiet
No. 4 , $12.60 ; exchange , ll'Jd ; receipts. 35.0 *
bugs ; cleared for the United States. 3.000 bags
cleared for Europe , none ; stock , 223,000 Ings.
Ifnltlmoro drain Marker.
1JALTIMORE. Nov. 21. FLOUR Dull , un
changed ; receipts , 10,297 bbls. ; shipments , 17 , 741
WHEAT Steady ; spot and monlh , C67Jf57c ;
December , 57Vl@3714c : January , 6S'.4c asked ; May ,
M JfrOlTlc ; steamer. No. 2 red , D3iif3le ; receipts ,
21,829 bu. ; shipments. 21.000 bu. ; stock. 1.090.591
bu. ; sales , 31,000 bu. : southern by sample , t > GQ > 3Sc ;
southern on grade , 54057c.
CORN Steady ; snot , HViQSlUc ; year. COliO
COTio ; January , GOWWVtc : strnmer mixed. 4SMI
4Sc ; receipts , 21,499 bu. ; shipments. 2,000 1m.
stock , 167,1V ) bu. ; sales. 43,000 bu. ; southern
ivhlte corn , 43Uf'31c ' ; southern yellow , 43UlHe ,
OATS Firm ; No. 2 white western , SG > 4f37i ( !
No. 3 mixed , 3ISi3 Hc ; receipts , 8.2S8 bu. ; ftock ,
194.324 bu.
HAV Steady ; good to choice timothy , $12.50fi
SUGAR Firm and unchanged.
CHEESE Firm and unchanged.
RICE Steady : No. 2 , Co ; receipts , 11,310 bags ;
stock , 29,18t bags.
\Yool .Market.
LONDON , Nov. 21. Fewer buyers were pres
ent at the wool salea today. Tlm catalogue ol
offerings were varied. The b'ddlng was dispirit
ing nnd tile tendency flat , with heavy withdraw
als. The demand was only for best grades ,
which were scarce. Lower grades were nlmosl
unsalable1. Cape of Good Hope and Natal orferf
were withdrawn us well ns the entire list of thf
Americans. The bales offered were 11,293 , ol
which 2,590 were withdrawn.
The following are the sales In detail : Ncv ,
South Wales. 2,843 bales ; scoured. 7id ! ls ;
creasy. 4',4@8V4d. Queensland. 1,49.1 bales ; fcourcd ,
Uiil < > i1 ; greasy , W/fcd. Victoria , 1.BS3 b.iles
scoured , Tyiditls 4d ; greaty , 4SfSd. South Aus
tral'n , 733 boles ; ssourjrt , 7'JilWla ' 4d ; sreii.iy ,
45Gd. Swan River. CS3 bales ; greasy , 34 ! C3il
New Zealand , 2,539 bales ; scoured , CUtlji'ls
Krensy , 6 < 1. Cai > of Good Hope and Natal. 1,111
bales ; greasy , 4VidM. Falkland Islands , 6'
t > ales ; greasy. D'AW ? ! ! .
ST. LOUIS , Nov. 24. WOOL Uneasy ; un
settled , but no decline established.
Mlnnanpoll * Wheat Miirkot.
MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 24. The wheat marke
opened flrm. about We lower than yesterday fo :
futures , but cash wheat was selling alwut ai
much higher than yesterday and continued ti
sell higher during the entire Fcas'.on. Millers an
very short of wheat to grind and they , will
lot-ill companies , took nil the cash offerings tha
came on Ihe market nt the current prices am
It was evident that they would have taken mon
If It had been offered wllh the same freedom
Farmers are still selling wheat quite freely ii
the country. Close : NovembT. 57VJc ; December
W4R3C'Hc ! ; May. SSTtc. On track : No. 1 hard
GJftio ; No. 1 northern.57sic ; No. 2 northern. CCc
receipts , 3C2.CW bu. ; shipments , 24.4SO bu. Flour
easy ; patents. $1.2093.40 ; lukcra , ! 2.03 < i$2.i
Production for twenty-four hours estimated a
40,00i ) bbls. ; shipments , for same time , :6l :
uKi'ii Market * . .
MILWAUKEE. Nov. 2l.-FLOtR-Qulet.
WHEAT-Stfndy ; No. 2 spring , 57'ic ; N0.
northern , 63c ; May , S''c.
CORN Steady ; No. 3. 401ic.
OATH % o lower ; No. 2 white , 314c ; No.
nhlte. SIVic.
DARLEY tjulet ; No. 2 , 53' , o ; sample , KQMt.
RYE-Steady ; No. 1. 50c.
PROVISIONS Steady. Porlc , $12.10. Lard , $6.9' '
RECEIPTS- Flour , 18,200 bbls. ; wheat , 47tu
bu. : barley , 73.COO hu ,
8HIPMENTH Flour , X500 bbls. : wheat , 0,20
bu , ; barley , 103.000 bu.
Miuur ! Mnrlit.
NEW YORK , NOV. 21-SL'a.VIt-Itaw , dull
lower tr > sell ; fair refining , 3c ; centrifugal. 0
test , 3Uc : sales , ncxio ; rellncd , dull ; No. C , 3M (
1 15-lGo ; N . T. , O3 IJ-lCo ; No. 8. 343 11-lCc
No. 9. JT-lGWStte : No. ID , 3 > iif3 9-16c ; No. 11
3 5-16y3Vio ; No. 12. THUM 7-lCo ; No. 13. 3 3-16c
off A , 3 13-lCc ; mould A , 4 7-lGiM % : slnndnr
A , .1 IS-lDfTI'.le ' ; confectioners' A , 3 ! V16fJ4Vi < :
cut loaf , H 3 MUc ; crushed , 4ii3 1l-lc ; I iu
dered , 4 5-lCMIHc ; granulated , 4 H-lt/O3Vic ; cubci
4 r.-K.fflHo.
LONDON , Nov. 14. St'OAR-Cane , flat : noth
Ing doing ; centrifugal Java , 11s Hd. ; Muscuvadc
fair refilling , 9 > C < 1.
Tulodu drain
TOLEDO. Nnv , 21. WHEAT Dull nnd nr
changed ; No. i. cash and Novemlier , 53s ; c ; De
comber. B3Tio ; May , 58VNo. ; . 2 while. 53c.
CORN Dull , etendy : No. 2 mixed , 4Gc ; No.
mixed , 4lc ; No , 4 mixed , 4c : No. 3 yellow , 43 <
OATS Dull , steady ; No. 2 mixed , 30c ; No.
While , 32 > ,4o.
RYE Dull ; cash , 43ijc.
CLOVER KEUD-Sleady and higher : prim
rash and November. $3K ; January , $3.60 ; Fel
niary , $3.C3.
RECEIPTS Wheat. 23.0i bu. : corn , C5,000 bu ,
rye , W tu. ; clover seed , 3HO bags.
lnn ns Oily .M
hard , firmer ; No. t hard , 60c ; No. 2 led , 4Sc
rcjecteil , lfr > ; sample rales Mlstlsilppl rlvrr
o. b. . No. 2 hard. & 7ttiu8Mc ; No. 2 led. Sic.
CORN-FIrm ; No. 2 mixed , 410U'ic. ' No.
while , 42iJ4J < sC ,
_ I1U1T1'.R Hleadyj creamery , lS923e ; dairy , II
'I'dOH-Kieady ; strictly fresh. ISc.
RECEIII'ri- Wheat , 21.000 bu.i corn , $3,000 bu
oats. 7.0UO bu ,
S1HPMENT8 Wheat , none ; corn , none ; oat
none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I t I nn .MnrKri.
BT LOl'Ifl , Nov 24. - COTTONFirm ! mil
dime. I > 7-le , iale , 2.709 bales ; rcc lpti , U.t-
baleni shipments. IO , ! < M bales , stock. 36. ID ) bale
NEW OIILU.\NB , Nov. 24. COTTON -Ht adl
1,400 bal * * ; lo arrive , I.UO balm , v k
Palling OH" in Oattla and Slioop and Iu-
crease iu Hog Recaipts Noted ,
I'coplo lintliiR l'nnltry , O.TMrrn mill Onino
to tlio Detriment of fin Mocrs Hog *
. Suffer friiin iiu lIxcrM lit
Light Ottering * . ,
SATUUDAV , Nov. 21.
There lins been a charp falling oft In cat
tle nnd sheep receipts this week as rum-
pared with last week nnd the corresponding
week lust year , but this was In n measure
counterbalanced by the big Increase In hog
supplies. The llgurcs arc ns follows :
Cittle. HUBS. Sheep.
llpcclpta this week . 13.2UC tf.,811 2,723
llecoliitH last week . 52,240 4S.735 3 , 11
S me week last > ear . 22,152 1S.I1."J 7,201
Snino week ISM . 16,019 J , 72 6,807
IlrrelptH pnst 21 ilnys . CI.3I2 154. 6SO 19S9i
Sumo 21 days 1SD3 . 71.90 78.961 16,311
The un to-holiday dullness has taken ] ios-
esslon of the beet cattle- market nnd prices
cok n drop cf 2.e tolOc this week on nil
'xccpt ' the prime Christmas cattle. None of
hese have been received , but prices for
uch nre nominally steady , us It Is about
he only data of cattle In any dennnd nt
his season of the year. The- wholesale and
etnll markets of the country are Just now
verstocked with game , oysters nnd poultry
.ml there has boeru n cjrrespondlnir de-
reast > In the number of consumers of beef
nil a consequent falling off In the demand.
The big decline this week WJH during the
"rst three or four days. Drcsped beef men
; ere decidedly Indifferent , nnd a bad slump
nil n slow market nt Chicago prevented
.ny very great activity on the part of
: pccuntlve ! or shipping buyers. During the
iast diy or two the rnniket has been dull-
tit prices did not go quolably lower.
The very moderate supply today was
made up very largely of cows nnd feeders.
"lardly nny beef steers were offered nnd
uch ns there were could hardly be called
Icalrnble. There wns no urgent demand
rom any quarter nnd the trade was dull
mi ! weak and dragging , although prices
vore nominally steady.
Theie were all of thirty-five loads of
lows on sale today , the offerings being
arfelv of Inferior ptock. The market was
oler-ibly active and generally steady , us
hero was n good line of buyers on hand ,
loth local men and outsiders. Ilutchers'
lock and canners sold off during the
'oro part of the week , but with the
Irmncss developed the past day or two
alucs tulay nre not more than 15c to ! 3c
ewer than the close of last week. The
market for vcnl calves has lost Its wire
> d e and common large stock has been
ielllng lower for some time. Hulls , stags ,
tc. , have been In fair request nt about
teady prices all week.
Nothing new has been developed In the
locker and feeder trade. Anything with
velght and quality , ns well as good year-
Ings , find a ready sale ut strong prices , but
he market for low grade stcck cuttle has
ieen dull and dragging all week. Good to
; holce feeders arc quotable nt J2.70iji3.30 ;
'air to good , $2.3502.00 , nnd common grades
'rom $2,25 down.
lleprrsnntnllvo Sales.
Av. Tr. No. Av. I'r. . No. Av. I > r.
. 703 J275 1..11M W ( W
' ) . . . . 1223 383
8 , . . . 730 100 1. . . . 7M 1 SO 0..1011 200
723 1 15 S. . . . S33 1 03 .1. . . . 9'C 2 0)
. . .02S 135 2. . . .1083 ICO 5. . . . 822 200
4. . . . 930 140 27. . . . 8SO 1 M 1..1140 200
2. . . . 8W 140 2. . . . CSO 1 GO 5..10TO 200
1. . . . 92) ) 140 3. . . . 970 100 3..WC 200
7. . . . 654 140 2. . . . BSD 101 1..74) 20)
1. . . . ( M 140 1. . . . 030 1 C5 1..MI0 200
0. . . . R07 140 10. . . .1030 170 1..1D30 200
4. . . . MO 1 f,0 2. . . .1120 175 15. . . .SIS 200
2. . . . OT3 1 M 1. . . . t'J ) 175 G. . . . 92 ! 210
1. . . . 910 1 M 1. . . . 7.v ) 175' 2..K'21 ' 213
3. . . . C' 150 3. . . . 780 175 1..1110 223
3 , . . . 916 1W 12. . . . 7M 180 3. . . .1000 2 S3
2. . . . no : , i w 3..iow IM 27. . . . 11:2 230
1. . . . 010 150 8. . , . 9IC 190 l..tD70 233
1..1030 IB ) 1. . . . 800 190 19. . . . 'J3D 240
1. . . . S90 1 f.O . 7. . . . 9M 1 OT 1..1I10 240
S. . . . 750 15i ) 2. . . .1030 190 C..10C3 SCO
975 1 W
1. . . . 450 123. 11. . . . 53 1 C.1 7. . . . CW 210
. . . . 333 1 40 2. . . . COS 1 C3 1. . . . FOO 2 10
5. . . . C > 90 1 4.1 1. . . . CTD 1 K3 1. . . . 410 3 15
4. . . . 675 1 43 4. . . . C30 1 93 1. . . . 9SO 2 15
1. . . . 41 1 W 2. . . . 410 200 1. . . . 810 335
5. . . . 650 1 C3 ! . . . . 430 2 00
1. . . . 210 100 2. . . . 2.TO I C3 1. . . . 230 300
1. . . . 210 100 . 1. . . . 270 200 1. . . . 110 300
1. . . . 2P > > 110 1. . . . 230 210 1. . . . 1W .100
1. . . . SCO 123 1. . . . SCO 213 1. . . . 110 3 10
2. . . . 1OT 1 50 1. . . . 310 240 3. . . . 14G 375
1. . . . 190 150 S. . . . S21 2 DO 9. . . . lf,0 4 00
2. . . . 163 1W 1. . . . 2JO 251 2. . . . 193 40)
9. . . . 103 160 ] . . , . 100 275 3. . . .160 450
1. . . . 270 1 65 2 , . , .110 2 75
1. . . . 30 1 OT 1..1030 ICO 1..1400 ISO
1. . . . 020 1 3 > 1..13CH ) 1 0) ) 1..14RO 1 80
2. . . , 021 1 S3 ' 1..1470 1 CS 1..10SO 183
1..1010 160 1..12.W 1 C5 1..1901) 185
1..7SO 160 2. . . .1003 163 1..100) 200
1..721W ' 1..1060 170 3. . . .144) 2 C5
1..144) 160 3. . . .112) ) 170 1..1300 223
1. . . . 730 1 53 l..lf,0 1 75
1. . . . 880 1 CO
5. . . . 8(0 133 3. . . . 473 220 5..7SO 240
G. . . . C0 > 160 16. . . . 420 223 9. . . . 770 245
4. . . . 5S2 1 Cl 1. . . . 6SO 223 2. . . . GTS 243
1. . . . ODD 1 C5 6. . . . 723 223 5. . . . 732 243
2. . . . 46 > 175 3. . . . 570 225 2. . . .775 260
1. . . . S4' ' > 175 2. . . . 475 225 11 ! . . . . 942 250
2 . . . 405 200 2. . . . 9SO 225 3 , . . .1013 250
1. . . . 520 200 1. . . . 640 225 G. . . . 678 2 G )
2. . . . 7G3 200 2. . . . 870 2 Wi 14. . . . 772 2 G3
1..9SO 2I 7. . . . 167 ZIJ.1 17. . . . 661 265
1. . . . 610 215 1. . . . COO 240 4..VW5 26
1. . . . 950 2 13 14. . , . 537 2 40 13. . . .100) 2 fO
5. . . , 670 215 II. . . . 889 240 2 - 1110 2 S )
1. . . . SCO 215 8. . . . 6S8 24) 13. . . .1013 30) )
8..72J 215 34. . . . CT8 240 9. . . . C6I 315
MiiarEita AND svniNdEns.
. cow nnil calf . J10.CM
1 cow nnil calf . 2' . l
1 cow nn.l calf . ' .OO
1 springer . 2i.OJ
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
2 cowd . 730 (1 23 1 bull . VI70 $1 05
22 cows . 1)44 ) 1 9) Cl rows . 7S3 1 9) )
1 sir , UB..1070 2 M 63 slra , tie. . . a' > 2 2 ! Ti
) COW 8 . SOil 20) 1 HUlK . 93) ) 2 0" " )
3 cows . CM 12) 1 Btecr. . Il3' ) 3 00
12 Btccre . 1018 3 l
3 Imlla . 121) 1 M 2 cow * . CSO 151
18 POWS . I2J 22) 68 cows . 'Ofi 223
2 sirs , tig. . . 'iZ ) 2 10 2'1 ' oteeia . i > b2 2 80
llrnwn-IIIIT Co.
109 con-g . 873 1 M 2-1 feeders. . . . 1121 Z C5
30 feeUc-m..lO" 2 5. .
W. Charles.
19 feed era. . . . 12J9 S 21
Stephens & Mend.
10 liulln . 1115 1C ) 43 COWF . 874 1 G3
3 bulls . 11'S 175 1C tec Jo. s - G.2 Z ( M
William I Ian la.
1 cow . flO 150 13 heifers. . . . . 571 SCO
1 sir. tls. . . .1130 203 2 cows . WV ) Z 03
38 COWS . 988 203 23 COWS . 9)5 ) 2'3U
1 feeder . 7SO 2 CO 1 ftr , tls..HM 236
1 Hteer. . 9V ) 2 S3 37 ftein . 111 ? S 13
1 sleer. . lift ) SCO 1 steer . 10.0 3 HI
llo.ivy ICrrnip B thu Hog rcuturr.
The fcnturo of HIP hoc trade Ihls week hm
lieen tlm henvy receipts , pnrtlciilaily of | > ! KS nm
light weiBhts , nnd the lilB slump In values 01
thfTO praties. The week'n rece'pts ' , C1.GU linl
show nn Incrensi ) of Coo : head over last wee )
nml 87.600 head uver Ihw coriespondlns week
November Inut venr. wlillo the month's receipt :
so far foot up 13l,5S > i ) head , or 76.004 head her , vie
than for the name iicilml of I8J3. The inule ha :
experienced no dthcully ; whatever , npimrently
In absorbing the tmid ; hues and unytliliiK o
decent weight has been luidlly salable. 1'rlcc :
naturally declined cmnrwlmt , Imt heavy iim
medium weleht IIORS sold today nnt over lOc ti
20o lower than Jnat Haiurdiiy. Packers him
teen nlwut the only buyws. but they hnve nl
wanted hogs and Iwught frcey. ) Tin ) unfortunnti
deluge of light stun" , however , hai tpmimrnrllj
.Lirnlyicd the market nn this class and seller :
Jmv been eomp 'lled to inakf MK concession !
every day In order In effect jes | , and then linn
were between 2,001 and 3.003 hend carried eve
every night , uniwUl le , K r the past few iliy :
pigs and under wclnht loai'ji have sold very un
evenly und pretty much un the "cntcli-ns-ratrli
can" order , but values today uie ull of 40 i to 70 :
lower than a week ago.
Tin * market today wa * a eorxl ilfil liKe lha
of Friday , only , perhnlw , nore no. IleeHpU wer
liberal , about the name ns on thetwu prec-edlni
ilny * , and packers , ns uniiiil , pmcllcally mon
opollzFd the huj-lnx , ns existing conditions clthe
here or In lh east nre not calculated to nttrac
the speculntlvo rlrment , The packer * all wanlei
the henvy hoes and boutiht tht'in at prices imy
wherx fn > m weak to Co and lOo loner thai
1'rlday , Knlr to choice hojs wclchlnir from 2"
up H > too His. nnd ovrr nrJd at from 11.10 In (4 d
and pretty eood mixed nous of fair weight soli
at around 14.15 to } l.i. The market for stul
iiR from 10) Un. down was very uncertain
K-elKhlni : from 150 Ibs. up brought any
( rom 3.W to JUi. while from J in l-'i
tiouxht lots nf 100 Iu 130 and 14 < Mb. stuff , an
| rlK wclKtiliu under 100 lb . old nt nruund K '
In n. The market wns 10o to 20o lower tlm
Krldny , nnd even at that tlecllnn there were n
of 3.0M head that could not he sold. The billet
ot the lir > ' 4X of ilrrent welitht sold today ut fnn
11.20 la 11.40 , a * ncaln i 14.3J to } ! . < ] Friday , nn
11.40 to II. CO on lait Katurday.
lti-iru | riitHllvii
Ku Av , fih. I'r. No. AV. Kh , 1'r.
U . 1C } . 13 to 23. , . . . .Ill 40JIM
fi. . , .IM 4V 4 00 76 . 223 40 434
S7 . . , 131 . . . 4 CO fl. , , , . . . .HI 40 4 20
1 , , . 4JO . 4 00 CO. ,234 SX ) 4 M
19 , . . . 1C1 40 4 00 HI , 228 164 4 30
110 , . .IS ! IM 400 C . , , 229 161 4 50
M. . 175 to 4 oo M : n 3:0 4 30
M , . , 1)0 40 40) 37 .til W 4 SO
40 . 1(7 U 409 SO , . , .KO V ) 4 30
filii-cp Trnilo Qnlct.
But onp load of sherii was recplved today.
The demand wan not at nil .Ursent from nny
nuarler , but nrlcra on tn ) > v.'holo niow l no
quotable chaiiKf. The wok'p iroi-lplx hiive been
Unlit and pi-Ices have hold their own on all decent
Krndes. Fair ti > choice nntlWH nns quotabln lit
Ji.l ff2.80 ; fair to KOIX ! Mi'nleiiiH , $ i.W'u'.TO ; iiim-
mon and stock shei'p. ll.Xiyil.75 ( ; Ki < id to choice
40 to 100-tb. lambs. t3.t04l3.7Ci.
Krcrlptfl un.I DUjiinlllnii of Stock.
Ortlclal receipts and disposition of stork as
shown by the bonks of tln > I'nlnn Stork Yards
company for the twenty-four hours ending at 1
o'clock p. tu. , November 21 , 1KM :
Cn .
Cattle 4J 1.4.W
HOKS 110 8.4HI
Sheep 1 173
Cattle. Hoes. Sheep.
Omaha Packing company 1,0'3
The O. II. Hammond Co. . . . C9 2,108
Swift and comp.tny 1C1 1,676
Thi > Cudahy PackhiK Co. . . . SDI 2,411 , . . - . .
lx > bmnn Ctf . ,
Becker 17
Haas 74
Becker & Uefion 110 . ,
ansant 10
I. . Carry 2
lilppers and feeders 393 3S1 121
efl o\cr 3,000
Total 1,753 10.C32 171
'attlu Itecolpts Mnderato nnd tlio Demand
\Viis IiifiiiiHldornlilo.
CHICAGO , Nov. 21. The receipts of cattle
oday were ostlmntcd at 800 hend , mnkln ? 77,331
nr this week , ns against 70,097 last week and
8.7"C n. year BRII. The demand was Inconilder-
, ble. Snlcs were on a basis of from Jl to $8.30
or Inferior to extia natives , ffom J1.50 to 11.50
or western rangers , nnd from 11.23 to $3.25 for
p\an .
In IIDRS today's rer litii | were estimated at
0,000 head , maklni ; 237.SC2 for this week , or
.bout 05,000 lots than for last week nnd 116,000
noi-o- than a year IIRO. Tiule opened active ,
vltli prices from 5c to lOo hlKher for Kood stock ,
jut the actlvenes.i did not endure , the clon'nn
x-lnsr dull. I.lfTlit IIORS and common mixed lota
vcrc dull fnnn the. start.
In cheep nluut 1X ( > ) hrad arrived today and
he Mipply for this week reaches 03,000 hnul.
't week'n total ms 93,0ol , and the correspond *
week last year C3.0S1 arrived. The nmrknt
ivaa lifeless and valuen nominal. The liens are
till well filled with stain Mnuk. 1'rlues run are
'rom 75o to { 3 for sheep and from J1.75. to J3.75.
'or lambs.
Receipts : Cntlle , 800 head : calves , SOO head ;
liocs , 2.,000 head : sheep , l.roo head.
The Mvenlnf ; .lournal reports ;
HOOS Receipts , 20rxK ) head ; nnirlnl yesterday ,
37.1S2 head : KhlpmentH. G.9J3 hra'l ; left over ,
alwut 23,000 head ; quality fair for the season ;
market active < md on fair to best prices are a
ihudc RtnuiRer , whllo rommon lots ale wenk ;
sales innRU at (3.15S4 33 for llfiht. Ji.lOSl.33 for
oiiKh packlnh' . t4.10iifl.GO for mixed , J ( . ) f4..r
'or heavy pack'jlK nnd fprlliB lots , and J2,35 } >
1.00 fi > r piss.
CATTLH Receipts , SM head ; market dull and
nclianKcd ; supply barely enough to Induca
B1IKKP Receipts , 1,000 licnd ; market steady ,
> ut iiulct.
KmiNiis < liy l.lvc Stuck Alarhnt.
KANSAS CITV , Nov. 24. CATTf.n-RecelptB ,
, ,2 head ; shipments , 4,300 ln-cul ; market slow ,
mt steady : Texas steers , (2.003.0 ! ; Texna cows ,
l.Ji2.21 ) ; beef steers , J3.23JTS.GO : nntlva raws ,
1 Oi)53.1' | . ' ; tocker and foederu , jSJ3.70 ' ) ; bulls
and mixed , ll.2Ul2.7r , .
HOCIS Receipts. 7.700 head ; shipments. GOO
hend ; inntket steady to 6u higher ; bulk of sales ,
14.25fil.43 ; heavies. J4.45jf4.Gi ; Hackers , J4.SOQi
. ; mixed. JI.2W4.6) ) ; lights , J3.GOWI.21 ; Vo.kcrs.
4.2 > > i4.33 ; plRS , ! 2.00f4.2' > .
SIIKKI' Jlecclpts. lee hcud ; shipments , 1.100
head ; market steady nnd unchanged.
St. I.otil l.lvn Stock Mnrtttit.
RT. I.OUIS , Nov. 2l.-CATTIi-R : ccpB ( , 900
head ; shipments. 200 hend. Market nominal be *
cause of light supply ; light Texas steers , | 2.30 { | >
" 40.
HOGS Receipts , 1.300 head ; shipment * , C.3O )
lieud. Mniket nbout steady ; medium uclghta ,
,4li > yi)5 ; mixed nnd light lots , JUD 'MO ; com
mon and niiiRh , below .l.2. > .
SIIKI3I' Receipts , 600 head ; nlilimenlH. | none ,
iuiket slow , < iukt ; nominal on Usht supplier.
Mnuk In Mdit. '
Uocord of receipts at Ihe fnur principal mar
kets for Saturday , November 21 , Ib94 :
Cattle. HOKH. Klietn.-
South Oinnhn ] , " > 8.46L 172
'hlcni-o ' 800 20,000 1,000
Knnsns City 1.200 7.700 103
St. lAiuld l.OW 2.IXK )
Total 4,4.15 38,161 il
Xoiv York lirv C.iiDiH .tlnrki't , '
NKW YORK , Nov. il.-lliistnesB wan n > ilc In
commission triulu Inlay nnd anything dunu for
cuitent wants wn at the Instiinct * of pi'ltlvu
necessities. Chief Intfrwt w * conterrd III Ih'i
; ireak In the prce of I/ni'daln and "fruits , "
Mild weather Is apalnst the trn'n nnd juljlvra
nro addlnK very little to fctorks except at jobbing
rlccD. Pilntlnfr cloths , quiet and vtrady ut
Jc , Sales fur the wei-k , 0 , 0 pieces.
IllllllthVheiit .Marliiit.
DUI.UTII , Nov. 24. AVIIBAT CUiH-s No. 1
: iard , cnnh and November , 69i > ; December , LSKo ;
May , Clo ; No. 1 nm them , caxh und November ,
5SUc ; Dcwinbcr , UTIic ; M ly , C'HJe ; No. 2 nortli-
eni. cash , M'c ' ; Nn. 3 , 5ZJ4e ; Ifjectnl. 4M.C.
Tonrrlvu : No. 1 northein , tS'/ic ' ; No. 1 hard ,
, S V N I C A T E .
The year 181)3 ) should be
Brcalt-Ht In tin * lilMnry .
Country for sppculatlvo pru
mr plan of Syndicate HI
7 lauoii. J10 I" H.0-0 " " ' If Invt.
No knowlodKO of vpfriilatlon iiwrsmry , B
aJl IrnnmicHons are inado by vomprti-nt uxpcrtj.
- *
IJUldcnds imyablu monllily. i-onxfrvallvc/
emi'iit. Bank ictHrtnce , Full
nlrulars frw. Aijt-ntH wnnlitl.
j m t * w v ff i > * .M. v * w -
Now Is the t'me U make mono'Vh.MU d-
van-in nnd wl'l KO li'un-i. O'liri ' * nre inilln :
money thrruRb u < . You t-nn dj UM mime. Wille
uu uu "H'-w lo Sii < tilstiuci's / - ! ' ! ! ! ) ' . "
C , O. FATHER & CO. ,
Grniu. ProvlnloiiM aud Stoolts.
Moiliunh Iiu ItHiiR. Chicago.
Can b attained throuKh our Rally and Weekly -I
Market Letters and Tcleeraph Cade Manuals ,
tmt frca upon reciue > t.
In handling trades Imsrd nn outmirkct Intteri
we are earning from II to I'M p r ci'nt | > cr month.
120 to Jl.WO may Im Inveitetl In this way \vilhwit
attention of the Involor , I'amphlet free.
COtuou unit Itrrflu HrnUerj.
18 unil 0 llrmdw.iy , .S'uw Yurli.
Commission Merchant
Grain ami 1'roviBlous.
Private wires to Chicago and New Ks > rk. .
All business ordera placed on
Hoard of Trade.
Correspondence solicited.
Clltlce , room 4. New York Life
Omaha. Tttlcphon * 130S.