14 TJIID OMAHA 'DATTjY KKE : NOVEMHEll 18 , 1801. . \ : * . * . . . . v . * . ; : : . : : : : * . . . .v..v .v - UP It IB prrnervlii ? llmci but tlio bnit "nrt preservative" Ii TO DATE that which maki'V Jmns In tliu ntoro DJ odvortlalru , PEOPLE will EGO the economy ol putting a want ad in The Bee when in need ot help. Working girls pay close at tention to this page , as do all who are wanting employment. You can talk to them through thesa little ads at a trifling expense. if ? "fff "fiSf THE BEE GETS 'EM 17 WORDS FOR 25 CENTS. * * * * * * * SPBGIRL NOTICES. Aclvnitliirmenls for these columns will be taken until 12:30 : | > . in. for Die evening , nntl until 9:00 : p. in. for tli morning and Sunday edition. Advertise , by roiiutatltiK a numbered cliccK , can linve unsworn addressed to n numbered leiier In care of The lice. Aniweis BO uddr < ssed will bo delivered upon presentation of the check only. tlatcs , . IHo a word flrat Inscitlon , Ic a word Ihcreaftcr. Nollilrg token for less than 25o for firm Insertion. Thc advertlaemcnl must run consecutively. HIIUATIONS WANTED. WANTED , POSITION 11Y COMI'nTENT , 17JC- perlcnccd laily itrnnRruiihcr. 1'aKt two jcars In flrat-claM law oilier. Salary. J12.00 per w > elt. Address C 19 , IJce , A & 184D 18 * AN AMUIIICAN QtllL. 10. DCSIlTns" ANY kind of respectable employment : good penman , cleik. Ijook-Kerplnc , typewriting , real estate or abstract work , plnln sewing ; anything to make an honest living , Addiess C 20. Dee omcc. A 11309 19 YOUNG MAN AND YOUNG LADY WANT place to earn tamid while attending college. Itooses' Business college , 15th und Kurnnm. A-S09 _ _ _ vvA > JTnnr rosm < DN AS SECOND amii IN private family ; can glxe good city references. Addrera C 25 , llee. A M932 20 * WANTKD7 POSITION IN SMALL I'AMII.Y , I1Y reliable girl as cook or for geneinl htiso\\orl : . Can furnish best of references. Address C 21 , lice. A-SS3 18 _ nv nnaisTinEt ) DRUGGIST OF TEN YKAHS- practical experience. Uux 291 , Asblaiid , Neb. A Ml IS * _ WANTED , PnilMANRNT Oil TEMPO UAIIY position by Renlleman competent to keep any net of books , best of references. Address C 2S , lice. A M937 21' LADY WISHES SITUATION AS housekeeper : can give best reference. Address Lock llox 12 , lied Oak , la. A ! > 71 IS * _ WANTED , I-OSITION AS CLIUIK , MILLINERY Irtmmer. dressmaker or olllco assistant ? txpe- rlenccil. L. 2KU Salilcr street. A 'J78 IS' A LADY DISIHIS I'urn.s IN LITEHATURE nnd history or n position ns visiting or ns- slstant go\erneps ; would pupei Intend a house and education of chlldien. Addiess C 31. Dee A M9tt 19 * WANTED MALE vVANTHD-A PEW PETISONS IN EACH PLACE to do writing ; ( tend t > tamp for l..0-iiaKC book of partlculart. J. Woodbury , 127 W. 42d street , N. Y. City , 11-313 WANTED I2XPKRIBNCBD COAL MINERS TO ( ro to Sheridan , Wvo. Apply nt olllce Sheridan Coal Co. , 1COS Farnam. 11-161 HEN OP GOOD ADDRESS CAN I-nOCUriE steady employment aUgood pay by calling al 1510 Douglas st. Ii M7D2-U10 _ ZWO , LABORERS , TEAMSTERS. TIMIIERMEN , All kinds of work south. Arkansas. Mississippi LoutRlnnn. Work guaranteed. Ship eheapei than anybody. I am the only authorized agent , Kramer's Labor Agency , lltli and Fnrnrun BIB 13 868 18 _ WANTED. 25 TEAMS AT CENTRAL HTIIEE1 nnd Ruser'a park. E. J. Fitzgerald. 13-ME67 18' _ ALERT MEN FOR SECRET SERVICE WORK special correspondence and locating debtors Bra re lime prltltably employed ; full Instructloni elven ; experience unneccsjary. Address , x\ltl tamp. American Detective agency , Indlanapo llt. Ind. II M903 1S _ TAILOR ; ONLY SODER MAN ; STfiAm work ; state reference , experience and wagei demanded. Hubert , Stanberry , Mo. 11-MSSO 19 _ CLEANER AND DYER : STATE EX PERI cnco and wagei demanded. Hubert , Stanberry Mo. U MbSC 19 _ WANTED. A GOOD SOLICITOR TOR TE ; nnd coffee ; good commission paid. Clms. R Uauserman , iMtli and Hamilton. H-915 16 * BALKSMAN WANTED. 5.00 A DAY. NO DK liveries or collections. CoMly outfit free. Sid line or exclusive. Address Manufacturer , 391 Market street , Philadelphia , Pa. D WANTED , REGISTERED DRUG CLERK younii man of experience. Jos. II. Schmidt 24th and Cumlne sticets. 11-916 18 WANTED. A CATHOLIC MAN OF OOO1 character to work In his own county. JlR.oo pe week. F. II. Kelly , 66 Fifth nveuno. fhlengi HI. 11-953 IS" 14,50 PER l.Oui ) CASH FOR DISTRIHUTINI circulars. Enclose 4c. U. 8 , Dlstrlbutlnic bu tvau. Chicago. 11950 1S MO LAltORERS , TEAMSTERS. STATION MEN timber men , tie makers ; south ; work tniaran toed ; cheap labor rales to Memphis , Helene Aikansas lily nnd New Orleans. Jainex E beru , 13U Farnam street. 1J 985 21 Jn7sTLETr TO SELL OUR ELECTRIC MA chines In Omaha ; b'g mony for able mar I * E. derotly , Drexel hotel. 11-923 ! MAN SHOULD READ ART1 cle on nmrrhiKe November number Goo Things ; send 6 cents for sample copy , Goo Things Pub , Co. , Minneapolis , Minn. 11-921 18' _ _ _ _ _ _ WANTED , OOOD SALESMAN TO SELL OAL endars , canlH nnd fans on commission dlrec from manufactuier ; can make 150 00 per week Hlchmond Lithographing Co. , IlulTulo , N. Y. II SiZ IS * _ _ WANTED , YOtTNG MAN WITH 11,200,00 CAS1 to take charge of branch olllce for old eslat llsheil manufticturlrir company ; permanent pi Bltlon , with ad\ancemem ; salar > $75 ( M n mont to begin with ; references reourel ; give bui Ineiw experience. Address , Manufacturer. < J3. llee. H no 18 * _ BALESMEN ; SALARY OR COMMISSION , T Introduce our poods tn the trade ; perinaner position ; staple line ; fast sellers. Lip protlti pleasant work. Address with stamp. Kin Mfg. Co. , C 41. Clilcago. H 923 18 * _ STENOGRAPHERS. HOOK-KEE ERS , SALES men nnd teachers desiring positions In Texn are Inv ted to address The Texas lluslnei llureau. J. W. Hu.lnull , proprietor , Dallai Tex. U 918 1 ! > * WANTED , SALESMEN IN EVERY TOWN T handle our popular line of tailoring goodi margin and xclu l\c territory to right mi experienced men preferred. Mossier Ilrolher JS6 Fifth a\enue. Clilcago. _ 11-927 15 * WANTED , RETAIL DRY GOODS CLElTl' clothing cleik. hotel steward , butcher , waiter necomt bartender. City Employment Unreal 1201 Farnam afreet. 11 $63 18 * WANTED , SALESMEN FOR CIGARS. J73.00 T J1S5.W month salary and expenses ; rxperlem not necetsary. IJIshop & Kline , St. Louis. M 1I-9C3 Ik * _ _ UHLIMILE MAN TO CARlfrOR FURNAC Oiornlngs and evenings. Apply ! 06 DoiiRlas. It 9M 18 * _ THE BIM1SCRI i T10N PRICE OF Til Oerman Da'ly Ttlbuna reduced to lOc per wecl H 879 18 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED , STUDENT NURSE AT W. C. hospital. Council muffs. C MS34 U _ WANTED. A NEAT SCHOOL CURL FROM to It yean to woik for her room and boar Inquire bet. 4 and 5 p. in , 131 Ho , 25th. _ _ e S83.ia LADIES , IP YOU WISH EMPLOYMENT A your homes tend srlf-addrei d envelope f our descriptive circular and commence work . once , good wnres paid. The Alfred Knlttli Ca , Wlnthrop. Maes. C MMi 12 * _ LADY OR CUSNTlJcMAN WANTED TO TAK orders ; no talking necesian' . Dr. Andersc 109 a , 17th street. C MI94 U < WANTED. A CAPAHLE Nt'RSE. ENGL1S or German preferred , accustomed to thv ca of younj children. ll fer ncr rtijulreJ. App at itt N rtU d * U C 919 U < WAKTED IT.MALE HELP. Continued. lADIES TO DO FANCY WORK AT HOME JS.OO to J10.CO ueikly ; experience unneccssarj steady work ; good pny for pirt time : no car \as1nB ; i-end stamp. Dclnxy Needlework Co box L , Delray. Mich. C-M8'J9 IS * . ANTRD. "LADY wno WANTS A IIOM for the winter ; call 1519 S. 27tli. C Mi 2 IS * AII.ORE.SSES ; STEADY WORK : STATE EJ tierlcncc nnd wages. Hubert , Slanbeny , Mo. C-M8S" 19 , 'ANTED. A YOUNG GIRL TO HELP 1 : general hourework. Apply 4219 Grant St. . Oil ton It'll. C 91C IS * , 'ANTED , LADY TO WORK AT HOME. $1S.i weekly. No canvassing. Send stamp. Estel MontBomery , C31 ICth St. , Denver , Colo. NTEI.LIGENT , ENERGETIC WOMEN T open an ottlce for me In their locality ; RO < pay. Mme. Juliet Smith , 1523 Cal'foinla ' , Dei ver , Colo. C /ANTED. RELIABLE YOUNG GIRL , GEJ eral hnusewotk , plain cooklmt. one who en sleep home preferred. SSWi Franklin , coin. . 40th. C 9S8 18 * PERMANENT POSITION AT } KO ) WEEKI. Is guatnnteed nny lady who will wjrk for t quietly nt homo. All milerlal free. Rep with tamp d envelope , Woman's Mutual Hen nt Co. , Jollet , III. C 931 IS * lNTELLGENTLADir for Omaha i.nd vicinity to aaslft In a nu woik. Salary and expenses paid to good s llcltors. Mrs Strobel , 1310 Dodge street. C-102 21 * VANTED , GOOD GIRL FOR GENERA housework , who will \vork for good home ni moderate wages. Apply 421 North S3th street. t ! 'J97 IS VANTED. A COMPETENT COOK. 3522 FA ] nam street. C 100 IS" HI3 srilSCRIPTION PRICK OF TH German Da ly Tr buiio reduced to lOc per wer C 9SO IS1 FOE. KENT HOUSES. 1OUHES , F. K. DARLING , DARKER 11LOCI D-315 1OUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. Til O , F. Davis cump.uu , 1503 Farnam. D 31C JEI.KENNY & CO. R. 1 , CONTINENTAL I1L1 D-317 'OR ' RENT TWO 8-ROOM ELEGANT URIC houses ; all modem conveniences ; 1 block fro Walnut Hill motor , ! j. Comptroller's ollle. D 315 IVE-ROOM COTTAGE , JS.OO , FULL SIZE LO In good repair. Call nnd sec Fidelity Trust C < 1702 Farnam. . D 741 IOUSES OF"w ROOMS , MODERN CONVEN enccs , 113 So. 18th htreet. very handy to bus ness. Inquire of D , T. Mount , 2U9 So. 16th. D-M101 EVEN-ROOM MODERN FLAT 3 1JLOC1 from llee building , JM.OO. Omaha Real Estu and Trust Co. , room 4. lice bldg. D 79 : GOOD FIVE-ROOM COTTAGES , J8.00 VI month L. S. Skinner , 310 N. Y. Life. D-32C IOUSES , G. G. WALLACE , 312 BROWN RL1 D 144-N2 : ilGUT ROOM I3RICK , MODERN , 604 N S : si. , $3500. Twelve-room brick , elegant , modern , S. l cor , 23d and California. $ o2 00. C. A , Starr , CIS N. Y. Life. D - 812 II 'HRAI'EST ' e-UOOMcOTTAaEwiTII DAT : In city. Reduced to 115.00. 3033 California st D M551 FOUR-ROOM MODERN FLATS , 29TII Al' Lca\enworth. J. W. Squire , 24S llee Iddg. D-MG3 NICE LARE IIOUGSES IN DUNDEE PLA ( cheap till spring. J. W. Squire , 218 Bee bli D-MC3 THREE-ROOM HOUSE. Ill B. 16TH ST.D D CS ! TEN-ROOM HOrSE , ALL MODERN 1MPROV ments. 2126 llarney st. D CS FURNISHED COTTAGE ON GEORGIA AV nue , ' 33.00 a month ; will let till May 1 tenant without chlldien. Addiess C 15 , I onice. D M813 1 HOUSES ; I1ENAWA & CO. . 103 N. 15TH ST D M76 PRICE REDUCED TO | 2.H > ON 3018 MAS ( street ; eight rooms , modem , elegant locat' ' ( S. K. Humphrey , aii New York Life.DMS33 D-MS33 20 FOR RENT. HOUSE OF 9 ROOMS AND 11AI on Park A\e. Inquire at 422 S. IStli st. ' D 85 6 ROOM COTTAGE. LARGE LOT , GOOD I3AII near cur line , 116.00. B room cottage , lot 06x300 feet , near car 11 15.00. S room modern house , 2413 Lake , at 512.00 , c 400 others to select from. 3 line front rooms , S. E. corner 16th and Lei enworth , ' 9.00. It. E. Cole Co , 100 N. im D 864-1 FOR RENT. 1ST OF DEClJMHER. HOUSE S rooms ; good repair ; 1410 North 25th sti > block from car line. Inquire John Ham ! agent , 2623 Charles street. D Mb' ELEGANTLY FINISHED 8-ROOM HOFSEl A modern Improvements , No. 406 N. 2Jd street. D M87 ! 1 EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. SUITAIU.E FOR T\ families , 1029 South 23rd St. , 115.00.D D 877-li FOR RENT. A bPLENDID COTTAGE , rooms ; modern con\enlences , sepaiute ya live blocks from new P. O. (1909 ( Cass St. ] rare oppirtunlty for a business man to gel desirable house close down town ; to rli party will make rent (25.00. T. C. llrun Room 1. Ware block. D SS2-1 II. E. COLE CO. , 106 N , 15TH. C-ROi cottage , large lot , good harn , near car II (16 00 ; 5-room cottage , lot 66x200 feet , near line , 113.00 ; 8-room modern house , 2113 Ln nt 11200 , and 400 others to relect from : 3 I front rooms , S , E. corner 16th and Leav worth , (9.00. II. E. Cole Co. , IOC N. 15th. D S61 : _ _ GROUND FLOOR FLAT , 120 N. 17TH STREl good repair ; price , J9.00. D M 96 1 FIRST CLAs1T"JioDERN 12-UOOM lIoTti 2 I9 lllnney ; 440.00. Withnell , IMf N. Y. Llf FLAT OF 6 ROOMS : REA oNAIu7E TEIi : Enqu're at 1919 Dodge. D 9 FOR RENT , 5-ROOM COTTAGE. ENQUI 637 So. 21th nt. D-912 1 SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. FURNISHED OR I furnished. 802 S. 30th. D M943 2 A DES1RARLK COTTAGE FOR RENT , quire at northwest corner 21st and St. Ma u\cnue. D 999 1 FOR RENT , A MODERN HOUSE. Fl nlshed or unfurnished , situated in Worthlnt Place. Apply at Itrowncll Hall. D ii FOR RENT. tj5w C.OTTAaE , 1211 8. S stre t ; all modern Improvements ; enquire A , U Frank , next door gjuth D M97J 1 FOR BENT FURNISHED HOOMI VERY DES1RAI1LE FURNISHED AND i furnished rooms , with board. 212 S. 25th sti B-MI Ft'RNIHHED. LARGE FRONT ROOM. W ] ulco\e , modern conveniences. 33) ) No. 23d E-980 1 Fl'RNISHED ROOM. NICELY Fl'RNIHll couth riKim , all modern conveniences. Inclui heat. 2041 DodKe street. E 936 S 2 UOOMH , SINGLE OR ENSUITE , MODE ! 193) Capitol avenue. FURNISHED ROOU , C B. I OR lUJNT I-'UItN ISHED ROOBI3. Continued , FRONT TlOOM. l7rR"iOfOLAS BTRKET , OP- poxlle lloston ttorc , Telephone 912. 1 ! toe IS * . . GENT ANO"W1FI5 WITlf YlEKF.RENCn CAN rent 2 well furnished , south rooms , large clos ets , heat and gas sloxe. for light housekeeping , brick house , nice location , (15.00. Address O 33 , llee oHIce. E-M9S6 19 FOR RENT , TWO * ROOMS , HEATED IIY steam. 211 So ,24lh street. E MW3 J-URNIB11E7J ROOMS AND BOARD. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT HOARD. H19 JJouglfis , F MWI-N23 _ _ _ HANDSOME FRONT ROOMS , WITH HOARD ; central location. 202 N. 18th. F MS33 19 , AROn , WARM , sOUTl FRONT ro m ; piUnte beard ; best accommodations. 2110Iou _ ; la8 strcel. F M 74 18 * FOR RENT , SOirrH ROOM WITH IIOARD , 221 i Hownnl St. F S7E-22 * NlfKI.Y FIIRNIHllED ROOMS , WITH FIRST- class board. 1722 Dodge. F MSS8 20 * PLEASANTIIOOMS st'iTAiiLi FOR TWO ; newly furnished : modern conveniences ; Hirst- class table board. 112 Douglas street.F . F OS3 18 * FROMT ROOM , WITH HOARD. 2013 DOUGLAS. F 103 1)17 * DESIRA1ILE ROOMS , EN SUITE OR SINGLE , with board. 1810 Chicago utieet. F MMG 19 * LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH FIRST-CLASS Iwatd , J4.01) to $5,00 per week ; private family. US N. 18th. F 975 18 * NK'ELY FURNISHED-ROOM WITH IIOARD for two : hot and cold wntor In room , furnace heat , bath ; special offer , (1900 lach. If24 Casi street. F 921 IS * FOR HUNT. LARGE ALCOVE ROOM WITHer or without board , four blocks from lieu HUk'l pilvate family. Address II 12 , lieu olllce. F-M67S FOR RENT.UNI-UKNISHED BOOM3 2 ROOMS. 1COO LEAVENWORTII ST. G-SIO 18 * FOR RENT , UNFURNISHED ROOMS , PLEAS- nnt ! > located ; heut and bath. 2419 Dodge street. G-931 IS * FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT , THE 4-STORY I1R1CK I1UILDINO , 916 Fnrnam street. The bulldln ? has a flrr- pnxf , cement basement , complete steam heat. Ing fl.stuics , water on all floors , gas , etc. Ap ply at the olilce of The Hce. 1-910 "AGENTl TO MAKE IIIG MONEY SELLING OUR ELEC trio Telephone. Rest seller on earth. Sen all complete ready to set up , llne of an ] distance. A practical Electric Telephone. Oui agents making ft to (10 n day easy Every body buys. ul money without work. Prlcn low. Any one can mukr (75 per month. Ad W. P. Harrison & Co. , Clcik No. 11 Columbus , Ohio. \ \ ANTED-LADY AGENTS-TO HANDLE Till lx > st wearing and best selling corset on earth- The IIjRcla. For all pjttlculars write Tin Western Corset Co. , St. Louis. Mo. WANTED , GENERAL AGENTS SELLING PAT cnted household necessity to dealers , cxcluslv territory , no competition ; no capital required big prollts ; partlcuhus free. Ja > el Novelty Co. 69 Dearborn street , Chicago , III. J 950 18 * SEND FOR ONLY COMBINED Hl'ROLAI alarm and lock In the world. Weighs 3 ounces Agents making ( S3.00 weekly. Sample with par tlculars COc. prepaid. Ftrrls Manufacturing Co. Chicago. J 933 18 * AGENTS , ARE YOU MAKING MONEY ? , ,11 not write nt once : I have a blB seller ; o\c 100,000 already sold ; circulars free. R. Tyler Jr. , Muncle , Ind. J 938JS * ACTIVE SALESMAN WANTED FOR ADVER tlslns novelty , sells nt s'ght ; big piollt ; sam pics free. C. W. Johnson & Co. , Detroit. Mich J 926 IS * WANTED , GENERAL AGENTS TO PUSH PAT entid specialty , just out ; no competition ; retail $1 00 ; sample 00 cents. Address 310 llort build Ing , Chicago. J 939 IS * AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE FOI elcctilo ( door ) name plates , etc ; readable Ii the tlaile , sample with any name free. Ncv Era Plate Co. , 167 Deaibjin stieet , Chicago. J 973 18 * WANTED TO RENT. FURNISHED HOUSE ; 7 OR 8 ROOMS. AD dress P. O. Ho * 639. city. K 812 IS * WANTED , NINE-ROOM HOUSE , WITH MOD ern conveniences , adjacent | o Fnrnain street o Hanscom park cars. Address J. D. rierry. 101 So. 29th Dlicct. K 96) ) 18 * STORAGE. STORAGE. WILLIAMS & CROSS , 1214 HARNE' M 321 STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAI and cheap rate. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam.M3S2 M-3S2 CARRIAGES , I1UGGIES , ETC. , STORED. P. J Karbach & Sons , Cor. 15th and Howard Sis. M-C07 BEST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA , U. E gov. bonded warehouse. Household good stored. Lowest rates. 1013-1015 Lcavcnworth. M 324 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED TO BUY-CLAIMS OF JUDGES AN ] clerks of election ; nlso icglstrars. Duff Greer room 8 , Barker block. N 135 CITY OR CO. CLAIMS. R. P. , 1712 FARNAM N 4S5 WANTED. ONE 23 TO 30 HORSE I'OWER EK glne nnd 35 to 40 horse power boiler ; must I cheap and In llrst-class condition and con plete. Addiess Box 93 , Addins , Neb. N M873 18 * WANTED , CHEAP , SECOND HAND SAFI good s zed. W. A. Page Soap Co. , N 876-18 WANTED TO BUY , A SMALL GROCERY alia 2 Hist mortgages for sale. Address C 2 Bee. N 940 18 * B- WANTED , NEBRASKA STATE REPORTI second hand , In good condition , give price pi \olumc. Address E. D. On ens , Cozail , Neb , N 9CS 18 * WANTED TO BUY SECOND HAND UPRIGH piano. Address C 32 , Hce. N 976 18 * n. FOR SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY , YOU WON'T MISS YOU money. Low prices on furniture and houscho goods. Enterprise Credit Co. , 613-615 N. ICth s 0-323 FURNITURE AUCTION AT 1111 FARNAM S' Saturdays. 10 a. m. Robt. Wells , O-971 (10.00 PENINSULAR BASE BURNER , USE one season , good na new ; will sell at half prlc nd (20.00 ; stove can be seen at 3067 Mason stieet. O-M796 CLOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK OF FURN tuie , itoves , etc. L. Altni.in , SOS N. ICth , O-320 TWO ELEGANT SMYRNA UUQS. SIZE 9X1 used a few weeks ; a bargain. C 20 , lljo. O M663 18 FOIl SALE , FURNITURE OP TEN-ROO liouio , easy jmynirnti ) . or will exchange t secured notes ; excellent nQltthboihood ; co \enlent to business ; rent reasonable.Uldre C 35. lleti otlice. O 993 18' FORJ3ALE , HQR3E3 , WAOOKS , ET FOR SALE oil TRADE. 1 HoTrtSE , UGH wagon , buggy , cart and cutter. 716 S. 14th i P-MS5J IS * a a ; ht FOll SALE fr , IP YOU BUY , DUY THE REST ; MAOKI1 toshes , lublier boots , nrctlcs , syringes ot i Jit klnilc gas tublnB. all best quality , Onial 1C.ar Tent und awnlns Co. , 1311 Purnum at. Q 5 < : ; ar te. CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENT/ ine fence made. C. R. Lee. 901 Douglas. Q 32 ; FOR BALE CHEAP , A FURNACR UHHD Of < season ; suitable ( or an 8-room house ; also No. 1 Clatland base burner. Inquire at I I'ark avenue. Q-M8C6 18' ' CORN IXDDER FOR SALE FOUR I1LOCI n north Lead works , Ea. Omuha. Tom Andersc Q-911 D16' ' FOR SALE , BANK FURNITURE AND Fi ; IS tures ; very cheap ; good quality ; oak tints 4 S. N. Schooley , Cozad , Neb , Q 969 IS1 IB FREE ; BOOK , "HOW TO SPECULATE BU coHfully on the Grain and Stock Markets trading on limited marctni explained , Coal & Co. , Rlalto building , Chicago , III. Q-931 16' Ny's CLAIRVOYANTS. HEALTH , WEALTH AND HAPPINESS 1 IR- consulting the highly gifted clalrvojant , Fn ion Almeda ; ona who will make you hap and successful through life ; correct advice business chances , lansults. marriages , 3T vorces ; brings the separated together , caui of happy marriage with the one ) ou love , ov comes year enemies , removes bad habits , 1 lerprets dreams , gives you good luck , and tc where to go and what to do to be successf the future foretold without mistake ; teunl Iho separated without fall ; those who hs IN- been deceived by so-called clairvoyants , befi pet. ptvlnu up In despair , consult the profess 14 iHi N , 15th street. Hat A , Hours. 9 to 14Tit Letters with stamp promptly ansnered. Tit B M830-87 THE CELEBRATED CLAIRVOYANT AI palmist , the > our > K Mm * . Romalne , has i ED rived In the city and can be consulted on Ing matters ; thousands have been made happy her advice : those wishing correct advice _ business , chances. Journeys , raaiTlaitrs. la IN ; tults , family , etc. , call on the madams a U > convinced she has no equal , letters ci talnlng stamp promptly answered , bu tn strictly confidential. Hour * , 9 to . H17 C cato slr U S-MSI9 W CLAIRVOYANTS. Continued. MRS. DR. It. WARREN , ' CLAIRVOYANT. REliable - liable business medium's 71 h year at 119 N. Kth. 1 B-330 ETC. MADAM SMITH. M2 sTlSTIl , 2D FLOOR , room 3 ; massage , vnp r , alcohol .steam , sill- phurlno nnd sa baths. , , T M9I1 21 * MASdAGE , MADAME liERNARD. I4"jl DODGE. ' * T-OM-19 PERSONAL. MACKINTOSHES & RUBBER BOOTS. 1311 Far. TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book and consultation free , Address or call Vlavl Co. , 316 Dee bide. Lady attendant , U 333 AULABAUGH FUR CO. SEAL BACKS AND fur capes made to order In very latest stiles. Room 301 Kaibach block. Telephone 1&12. U M132.N2I COMPOUND OXY OEN "CURES CONSu7lPTION. asthma , bronchlt's and catarrh. Home treat ment J6 per month. 3 da > s tilal fiep treat ment. Room 200 Douglas blk , 16th nnd Dodge. U-441-34 CHRYSANTHEMUMS ; HESS & SWOI1ODA , florists , 1411 Farnam ; Paxton hotel ; tel. 1M1. OSCAR 8UNDELL , THE SHOEMAKER. FOR 12 years with O.V. . Cook , has removed to 8. IJth street , llrst door north of Douglas. U 3o6-Dl MASSAGE ELECTRO TltcflMAj BATHS , chiropodist. Mme. Post , 319'4 S. 15f.i st PROF ! ANDERSON , CHICAGO'S FAMOUS hypnotist nnd scientific hvglenlc nnd magnetic physician , Is now at 109 S. 17th street , Omaha , for a short time only. Worst cases of stammering cured Immediately or no charges , speech and hcariiiB given bom mutes. No difference what your trouble or \ > ho hai failed to cure , call and see him ; positive prool of ability shown free. Recommended by physicians , press and public everywhere. Consultation and advice free , Ofllco hours , S a. m. to 4 p. m. ' U-M893 23 * _ ATTENTION INDIES ! "EMMA" mJST DI3- velopcr will enlarge your Lust 6 Inches. Guaianteed. Sealed Instructions 2c , or 2l-pas Illustmted catalogue Cc , by mall. Emma Tollcl Bazar , Boston , Maes. U PRIVATE , QUIET HOUSE FOR LADIES DUR- Hiff cunHnement. 335 W. Broadway stieet , Coun. ell Bluffs. la , 917 1S * PRESCRIPTIONS OF CELEBRATED clans that cure epilepsy , catarrh , dyspepsia piles , rupture , enlarged veins , pains of child' birth , lost mntiliom ] , nil private diseases. Am one prescription by mall , (1.00. Address Itoi 142 , Omaha , Neb. U 912 18 * LADIES TURKISH AND ELECTRIC BATHS complexion treatment , bust development , man ) cure nnd chiropodist. Mme. Post , SlU'.j Soutl 15th street. U _ THAVE NEAR 6.000 LIVE. ACTFVE AGENT ! selling Vllac Ore , the best seller ever offerei agants , and the number will soon double. want for them a few first -class articles o merit. No fakes or Jewehy. I have thrci presses , twelve typewriters and n large olTlci force facilities to Introduce anil sell , sec .nd tine no party In the world. What have you got Address Thee Noel , geologist , Chicago.U952 U-952 IS * I HAVE ABOUT 2.10.000 ADDRESSES OF SICT nnd alHcted people In the U. S. and Canada Ii answer to my advertising Vltae Ore , which will sell. What am I offered per thousand fo part OT all ? Then Noel , geologist , Chicago , HI U 951 18 * SEND FOR LITTLE BOOK , HOW TO SPEC ulate successful ! ) In .the frrnln nnd stock imr kets , inalUd free. Comstock , Hugehs & Co. Rl.ilto building , Chicago. U 933 18 * _ BUSINESS LADY WITH 300 00 FOR OFFICI viork of pleasant pavlnc business ; call be tween G and 7 p. m. this week. M. & M. 401 N. Y. Life. ,1 , U 9S4 IS * _ _ PERSONAL-LA DIES' II AIR SI I AM POOEI nt home free of charge by lady hair dresser Simply our way of advertising. Address 101 N. Y. Life. U-10024 * _ _ THD SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OF Till German Da'.ly Tribune reduced to lOc per week t U0118 * KLONEYTO LOAN RUA1 , .ESTATE. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES' LOANED O > or bought. F. O. CHcsney. ' * Kansas City , Mo. W-337 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 318 N.Y. LIFE loans at low rates for choice security In Ne braska and Iowa farmaiW Omaha city pioperty W-j-338 MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAI county. Improved and unimproved Omaha rea estate. Fidelity Trust , Co. , 17U Farnam st. W 339 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAH/ re > U estate. Brcnnan , Love & Co. , Paxton blk W 340 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. Till O. F. Davis Co. , ICl'S ' Farnam St. , W 341 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES Ot Iruni.vifl i-nd unimproved Omaha real estate t to B > < or6. Fldcl'ty ' Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam W339 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CIT1 property , (3,000 and upwards , C to 7 per cent ; n delays. W. Fnrnam Smith & Co. , 1S2J Farnam W-342 CHAS. W. RAINEY , OM. NAT. BK. BLDG , W-343 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTAT ] at 6 per cent. W. B. Melkle , 1st Nat. bk. bids W 341 VERY LOW RATES MADE ON GOOD LOANS J. W. Squire , 248 Bee bldg. W 366 WE HAVE SEVERAL THOUSAND DOF.LAR for short time paper or llrst class -ntge. Icsini II. II. Harder U Co. , ground floor. Her bluV. W S4'5 CITY LOANS , C. A. STARR , 615 N. Y , Life bldj W SSI PRIVATE MONEY FROM WO.OO TO (3,000 Ol F. D. Wead , 16th and Douglas. W MS90 23 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. SPt clul attention to loans on central buslnct properties. Low rates. Neb. and la. Tnii Co. , 204 N. Y. Life. W 949 IS * MONEY TO LOAJN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PlANOf horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates .11 c.i > no removal of goods ; strictly JO'llldtnl.ul ; yo can pay the loan off at any lime or In an amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 30 S. 16th street. X 317 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROI erty. Harvln Loan Co. , 701 N Y. Life blJir. X-JJ43 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURN : ture. pianos , horses , wagons or any kind < chattel HMurlt/ lowest possible rates , whlc you can pay back at any fine nnd In an amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO Uoom 4 , Wllhnell block. X 349 J. B. HADDOCK , ROOM 427 RAMGE IlLOCf X 350 BUSINESS CHANCES. T U5.000.00 , K CASH. BAL. ON TIMF.j RES paylne drug store In west. Address A 34 , Ilf Y MS01-N1S 45 PER CENT AVERAGE WEEKLY PROFIT on ( l&O.OO Invested. Prospectus , Itemized st : tlstlc free. Benson Si Dwytr , S34 Bioadwu : New York. . Y-M9M-N22 * PROPOSALS INVITED TO PURCHASE L ( beck-Linn Hardware Coia. complete etoc ! Builders hardwaie , and mechanics tools. Aui tlon Saturday evenlsgs. , j W. N. Nason , R celvcr. 1401 UougUaiist. , ; Omaha , Neb. CASH PAID FOR ENPOWMENT POLHUUS I old line an e , - Sell \ description. A. I Brocklesby. Box 23Hjt-tford , OPENING decided to locale \ntti \ vi ; Mexico on account heolth of family , I wllKtK-11 my old establlshi real estate and loan business , nearly one-four Interest In town site company ( Incorporated choice residence propwty.f.nll located In Wlsne Cumlng Co. , Neb. , on grim nd floor prices. Wl ner Is one of the bfst hrWns In the very hea of the rich Elkhoin Valley ? With the above. If tl purchaser desires , I will also sell a substantl portion of the stock'of the First National bai of Wlsner. than vyhlUi. mo better Inveslme can b found. Will bopund / at Mlllard hot till Sunday , ICth , after which date address r at Wisncr , Neb. A , . , , , R , . Graham. Y-M88I IS' FOR RENT. A OdOD"'KTORE ROOM. 25 feet , with brick-walled cellar , next door postotllce. In geol southern Nebraska town l.dOO people , having only two general and o drug store. Addrcn U 22 , care tlee , Omah Neb. r . Y-Mt > 9 2i _ _ AN ATTORNEY IN A GOOD COUNTY 8E.1 In central Nebraska Is obliged , for healll sake , to leave thU climate. Has a pay'i business nnd a beautiful home. Will sell I residence , olllce furniture , part of library , n Eood will of builners for (300 : cost In inon outlay over (6,000. A splendid chance for Bond man. For partlculais see George Q , Wi luce , 311 J , J , l-o n block , Omaha. Y 920 2 ( FOR SALK. NEAT DRUG STOCK ; OOO1 clean ; select ; not shelfworn , no hard stoc terms very reasonable. Address Box ? ] . Wi Holnt , Neb. Y-MS9720 _ _ WANTED , GOOD MEN .IN NEBRASKA A > vtcstern Iowa to KO Into business for thei selves ; coed money to eocxl men ; capital i qulnd. from (100.0) to (30000. AddrcM R care of Uw. V-687 I ! WANTED. A GOOD. LIVE MERCHANT , W11 nd sufficient cnpltal to- run a first class gene ndn merchandl store. Best op nlnK In state , f further Information addrms W J. C'randi ktcrrtary Builu Meu'i association. Fin Ntb. X-MlOt 23 BUSINESS CHANCES. Continued. WILL TRADE FOR CLEAN STOCK Ol' GRO- cerlen nt Invoice value , (2.090.W equity In cholc * , centrally located , well rented residence propetty. Address C , llee. Y M93S 19 * (200.00 MONTHLY GUARANTEED ; VlANUFAC- luring concern wants representative In Omaha ( or any city not taken ) . Must have n few hun dred dollars cash to pay for goods on delivery after orders nrc secured , F. E. Vnll , Morse building , New York. Y S60 IS * WANTED , YOt'NO MAN AS PARTNER WITH uno hundred cash nnd willing to work , Ad dress C 30 , llee. Y 934 16 * AN ESTABLISHED BUSINESS IN A GOOD general store In one of the l > est towns In north- trn Nebraska ; stock about ( J,000.00 ; population , 2,000. Address Wayne , Neb. , Box 1000. Y-M790 20 * TIIIJ SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OF THE German Dally Tribune reduced to lOo per week. t Y 9S2 15 * FOR EXCHANGE. A GOOD LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO EXchange - change for young work horses or mules. Lamoieaux Bros. . 306 8. 16th. / 351 WE IIAVE MEKCHANDISK STOCKS AND other property for sale nnd exchange ; also cus tomer for n bank In western Iowa. National Information nnd Exchange Co , , 903 First Nat'l Bank , Omaha. Neb. / M921 TO EXCHANGE , BEAUTIFUL TEN-ROOM modern house and barn , fine location , for cot tage or cheaper house well located , acres or Good land ; also good pa > lng business , worth (1,500 ( , for good team and carriage and clear lots. What have you ? W. O. Tempteton. Paxton - ton block. 55 M722 18 BANKERS AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS Take Notice Hard times has made It po ilble to get hold of good bus'ness blocks In Omaha and take farm lands In exchange. I solicit coiTcepondence. J. J Gibson , 317 1st Nnt'l b'k. K-01 FOR SALE < DR EXCHANaE , HOTEL. OOOD county seat town , 31 rooms , nil clear , ( S,000.00 ; party will pay (10000 a month rent ; will trade for farm land and pay difference , eastern Ne braska or western Iowa. Henry C. Smith , Fnlls City , Neb. Z 915 18 _ WANTED , OWNERS OF SO-ACRE TRACTS nnd upwards to send me plat , numbers , price and terms , If they desire to sell or exchange. Have party now that wants n large tract. Henry C-SmUh , Falls City , Neb. Z-9II 18 ( SOO.OOTN CAsFfA'ND LOT NEAR BUSINESS center for desliablc residence In vicinity nt Hanscom park or west Farnam street. II. E , Cole Co. , 106 N. 15th street. K S81 19 WANTED. " BICYCLE OR TFoRSE IN PAY mcnt of rent of a good 6-room house at 36i : Charles street. M. W. Rjeison , 3643 Charles street. Z-966 IS * WILL EXCHANGE 160 ACRES IMPROVED farm In Norton Co. , Kansas , for siock ol drags that can be moved ; must Invoice nboul (2,540.00. Address box 153 , Ottumwn , la. Z-972 IE * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE , GARDEN LANDS , 5 MILES FROM POSTOF- flee , easy terms. Call at 940 N. Y. Llf < - . RE 3",2 BARGAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS , sale or trade. F. K. Darling , Barker block. HE 353 FOR SALE NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE ; GEL- lar. cistern , city water ; cor. 30th and Sahlcr ; (1,25000 ; long time. Inquire 1313 Farnam. Sam. ucl Burns. RE 351 CHOICE GARDEN LANDS. 5 MILES FROXI Omaha postblllce , 10 to 160 acres , some trade , N. D. Keycs , 617 Paxton blk , RE 355 FARM LANDS , C.F. HARRISON , 912 N.Y. LIFE , RE 61S-NS3 * IRA II. MAPES , FIRE INSURANCE , LOANS , real estate , 319 First Nat'l bank bldg. Tel 5SV RE 171-N26 NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. We will take your (500.00 to (1,000.00 lot towarJi the purchase of any of those beautiful InsMl residence lots , within c'ght minutes walk ol The lice building : Two Ic'x sold last week. Lot 1 , o.ock 1 , Diake'u addition , (2.000.00. iMl 10 , block 1. Drake's addition , J2.000.00. Lot 4 , block Z. Drake's addition , (2,000 00. Lot 9 , block 3 , Drake's addition , (3,250.00. I t 16 , block 7 , Dinkc'a addition , (2.5M.OO. Lot 7. block 8 , Drake's addition , (2,000 00. Terms (500.00 cash. (500.0) to ( I.OOO.UO lot , balance to be arranged on long time nt 7 per cent In terest. This Is an exceptional bn'galn for the reason that the owner of the property must have money , and This Is your opportunity To get rid of jour outside lot that Is not salable nnd get a fine Inside building lot. These loti are on graded streets , sewers , etc. , nil paid for. Call nnd see us at once. Fidelity Trusl company. 1702 Fat nam street. RE M754 BARGAIN-KK ) TO 1,500 ACRES OF CHOICE land C m les from Omaha I * . O. cheap. Llbera terms. Address U 12 , Bee , Omaha.RE RE Soo-Dll 6-ROOM COTTAGE AND NICE LOT (1,100 ; (1CH cash , balance (12.00 per mcnth without Interest Lot 50x124 feet , one block from Tuenty-fourtl street car line. (100.00 , worth (800.00. II. E Cole Co. , 106 N. 15th. RE S63 19 MODERN 12-ROOM HOME , VERY CHEAI and on easy terms. " 019 Blnney st. RE 918 FOR SALE , TEXAS GULF COAST LANDS cheap. Kasy terms. Will take horses or farm as part pay. Address J. II. Davles & Co. Galveston , Tex. RE- FARMS. WD HAVE A LARGE LIST Ol choice farms In Nebraska , owned by forelg ! companies , which must be sold at H toi value Now Is the time U > buy If you want .1 bargain No trades. Neb. and Iowa Trust Co. , 204 N. Y Life , Omaha. RE 497 IS * REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. WE HAVE ! numlxr of choice bargains. Neb. nnd la. Trua Co. , 204 N. Y. Life. RE 949 18 * FOR SALI3 OR RENT , NINE-ROOMED , FUR nlshed house ; modern ; filled with roomers. J bargain to Immediate purchaser , moderate ten to good tenant. Address C 36 , llee. RE M1000 19 * (70000 CASH TAKES TWO BEAUTIFUL IM proved farms (320 ( acres ) , both very level , we ] located , rich soil. An Investment never befnr offered in this country. Perfect , clear title A chance to double your money. Quick accept ancc necessary. C. L. Becker , Aberdeen , 8. V RE M961 19 * EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT , (1,600 OC owner must sell ; 5-room house In walking ills tance of postolllcc , ( SOO.OO , 110x120 foot lot. nlc house , line location ; make an offer. Wo d not offer anything but genuine snaps. II K Cole Co , , 1W N. 15th. RE 965 21 A FLORIDA HOME (6,500.00 will buy a , beautiful winter home nea Jacksonville , Fla. ; foity acres rich soil , cottufl sunounded by line paik and garden , servant ! house , barn , tic , all In perfe.-t codltlon , abou LOW fiiilt trees , ninny now bearing ; high loca tlon ; no malar n , Fcr further particulars addrts John C. Hochmulh , Greenland , Duval Co. , Fin RE933 IS- WANT TO SELL ? LIST YOUR HOUSES AN ! lota with Spencer ; he has cash buyers , ( l.OOO.C . nnd up. Want to buy ? He has buiKalns ; se him. S09 Kniback Blk. RE M974 19 HOTJbJLb. HOTEL DARKER , JSTH AND JONES STS. 75 rooms at ( l.CO per day , 50 rooms at (2.000 per day. Special rates to commercial travelers. Rooi and board by week or month. Frank Hlldltct mgr. 372 A ETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COf 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or week.M551 M551 CO7.7.EN8 HOTEL , STH AND HARNETI steam heat , electric bells , telephone , baths , el cellent culsene , elegant rooms ; (1.00 per da ) (4.00 and upwards per week , M940 LOST. LOST , A SMALL COCKER SPANIEL PUt perfectly black , with red ribbon around nctl Reward. M. A. Hall , 535 So , 29th rive. 817 18 * LOST , ON NOV. ! > , A LEFT HAND MUSK RA Blove. Leave at Bee for reward. 913 li * LC T ! cl > LD WATCH AND CHAIN. FlTlDAI In car or between Maple and Furnam. Ri ward If returned to Margaret Rllcy , 2219 Mapl 939 19 * UNDERTAKERS ANiJ KMB ALMER II. K. nURKF.TT , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AN embalmer. 1(18 Chicago st , , telephone 90 , 36J " " BWANSOT7""VALIENTUNDV.RTAKER8 AN embalmers , 1701 Cumlng St. , telephone 1060. 363 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND El balincr , 1417 Farnam st. , telephone 225. 364 C. W. BAKER , UNDERTAKER. 613 B. 16th 8 to : PLUMBERS. FREE-PLUMBING OF EVERY KIND , GA : steam & hot water heating ; sewerage , 313 U. 1 3C JOHN ROWE Si CO. , PLUMBING STEAM AN hot water heating , gas fixtures , globes , 421 S.I 367 ED LAWRENCE. PLUMBING. GAS FITTIN and drain laying. 2603 Uumlng street. 6TOVE REPAIRS. BTOVE REPAIRS FOR 40.000 DIFFEREN makes of stoves , Water attachment and co nectlons a specialty. 1:07 Douglas strct Omaha Stove Repair Works. SM 8Tovn REPAIRS" ALL MAKES c toycs. Hot nattr attachments. Huihts. C B. 13th. M865 NM TURKISH BATHS. LADIES' TURKISH BATH ; HOURS. J. A. ] to i p. m. Beauty culture parlors , remov tram Kulrncn Ud . to 109-110 U blj . MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. . F ! OKLLENIlKClt , BANJOIBT AND teacher , WO California street. HI FEW PFPILS FOR PIANO OR ORGAN , apply at Mnx Meiers between 9 and 12 n. m. , or address Mrs. Wlllmacer , Morning Side , Council Bluffs , In. SS7 21 THE jii. BCHALL & ro. , HIOII grade , superior tone banjos. Ill Wabash ave- une , Chicago. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. RMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND ; storage batteries recharged ; electrical nnd geh- eral machinists ! superior work guaranteed , Omahn Electrical works , C17 and 619 S. Htli st. S73 LECTR1CAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric light and motor plants nnd nil kinds of electrical construction. Western Elec tric Supply Co. , 418 nnd 420 S. 15th st. 871 BUSINESS NOTICES. AMAGED MIRRORS RESILVF.RED. 719 N. 1C. 353 .OGNER & EISEI.E , SIGN PAINTERS ; BEST work at lowest prices. ISIS Douglas sttcet. 361 ND HAND L'OOKS F.OUO IT FOR OABH Antiquarian book stole , 1519 Farnam st NS60 D14 BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. IOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & B , Ass'n , 1701 Bee bldg. G. M. Nattlnger , Sec. 356 HARES IN MUTUAL L. AND H. ASS'N PAY 6 , 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 years old , nlwnjs redeemable. 1704 Farnam St. , Nattlnger , Sec. 337 HAY ANiJ GRAIN. UY YOUR HAY BY TON OR CAR LOTS. WE buy hay. A. II. Hnvder , 1515 Hurt st. Tel 1107. 375 'EBRASKA HAY CO. , WHOLESALE HAY. grfln nnd mill stuff. We arc nlwnvs on the market to buy or sell. H02-4-G Nicholas St. 376 COAL. ' . T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL olllce to 203 8. 16th St. , Brown block. 3S1 _ Hl DAN CTOAi.rEXrTnTLENT SUBSTITrTE for hard coal , and (350 ton cheaper. 1605 Fni- am street ; main enliance Boaid of Trade. 460 DRESSMAKING. UISS MINNICK'S DRESSMAKING PARLORS at 834 8. 2Stb street. Price * reasonable. M5S9 19 * DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES , 4316 GRANT. 8S79D-15 * CORNICE. VESTERN CORNICE WORKS , GALVANIZED Iron coinlces. 1722 SI. Murj's avc. 3SJ CAGLE CORNICE WORKS. JOHN EPENE- ter , prop. , 109 , 110 , 112 N. llth. Estab. 1SC1. 381 IRKIGATED FARMS. 6.25 PER ACRE ; FAMOUS BIG HORN BASIN ; big crops and home market ; gient place for home building , price good to December 1st , transportation free. Yellowstone Park Land A Irrigation Ass'n , 8. W. Cor. 16th & Dodge xts. 457 Dl TYPEWRITERS. TOLEN TYPEWRITERS OFFERED FOR sale should make you suspicious ; funny the > are mostly Smith's. Try one nnd jon will undeistand why. Full line of supplies , Smith- Premier Co. , 17th nnd Farnam , telephone 1281. 3S2 DENT1S.TS. DR. GEORGE S. NASON , DENTIST , SUITE 200 Paxton block , 16th and Farnam sts. Tel , 712 370 DR. PAUL , DENTIST , Z020 BURT ST. 372 FOUND. 'OUND , ON NO. 20TH STREET , A LADIES' gold wnth and chain , Owner can have same by calling1 on J. F. Wllhelmy , of Rector & Wllhelmy , corner 10th und Jackson streets , and proving property. Found 992 18 CARPENTERS ANi > BUILDERS , ' . E. MORRILL. CARPENTER AND BUILDER , paper hanging und nluniv bilck work and pins. Urine , Olllce , 409 S. 14th st , , telephone ; 403. 377 WANTED TO BORROW. iVANTED , TO BORROW (600.00 FOR TWO years nt 10 or IS tier cer .o be paid In monthly Installments of (25. Security given. Aildreif D , Bee office. Council Bluffs. MS55 19 WHOLESALE COAL. 'OHNSON ' BROS. . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN nil kinds of coal. Correspondence solicited 1008 Farnam street. 3SS DYE WORKS. SCHOEDSACK , TWIN CITY DYE WORKS , 1521 Farnam street. Dyeing of every descrip tion and dry cleaning , 389 FURNACES. 1EST FURNACE MADE , SOFT COAL SMOKE consuming and hard coal fumaces. Eagle Cor- liico Works , 108-110-112 N. llth St. 386 OPTICIANS. THE ALOE & TENFOLD CO. . SCIENTIFIC opticians. 1408 Farnam tt. , opposite Pa\tor hotel. Eyes examined free. S87 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN BANTS SCHOOL OF SHORT HAND. N Y. Life. Omaha. Ask for circular. 798 JOB PRINTING. HEED JOB PRINTING CO. , FINE PRINTING of all kinds. 17th St. , Bee building. 393 PAWNBROKERS. H. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY , 418 N. 16TH. 385 GRINDING. RAZORS , SHEARS , CLIPPERS , LAWN MOW ers , etc. A , L. Undeland , 106 S. 14th. 391 UPHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTERING VERY CHEAP THIS MONTH M. S. Walkln. 2111 Cunilng. Tel. 602. 392 iiORSES * WINTERED. ADDRESS BARTON & PHELPS. Tel. 1054. 20 N. Y. Life Bldg. M42S D31 * BICYCLES. M. O. DAXON , 402 N. 16TH. M701 BUUHAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Bet Jlulldlng , OMAHA , Neb. Advice AFTER DIVES HAS DINED. This Thrifty rronchvruiiiiin Collect * ICming ! to Furnish llur lloiirillni ; Home Tuliln , An Illustration of keen French thrift , be Rldo which Yankee methods resemble almost oriental extravagance , Is the catering don , by a little French boarding house keeper ssys the New York Evening Sun. She tup piles small rooms and two meals a day I lodgers of modest means , who boast of he table. It Is , Indeed , quite royally tpreaj and literally from the kitchen of millionaires A year ago U occurred to her , as she wen to market In the early morning , that th garbage cans sent out from the areaway of fine houses betrayed a lamentable waat of good food , She was vlelted by a grea Idea and acted upon It by having Interview with tlie cooks of several uptown mansion * The result was that for a small conslderatlo these cooks consented to permit her the prlv liege of making what selections she vvlshe from the plates and dishes returned to tb Kitchen nnd Irom the mistresses' table , afte th cooks had made certain reservation ! Here was a wealth of material beyond th diearns of an/ boarding house gourmaiu ! The little French woman rarely goes to th regular market , but once a day makes he rounds to tlie kitchens. She carries a bas ket lined with zinc and divided Into comparl mentx , and n fork. Her selections from th plates and dishes are made with the utinos discretion , and In her own kitchen ever scrap Is turned to tlie moil tempting an wonderful account. Her expeiues have bee greatly reduced , and her boarders look foi ward to her meals with great anticipation. A Phenomenon. Washington Star : "Human beings cannc sco In the dark , " remarked the teacher. "Sitter can , " replied tlie small pupil rest lutely , "Are you sure ? " "Ves'm. The hall was dark the othi night , but ulster knew that Mr. Jonca ha shaved off his mualacbo before be said word about It , " . * „ „ i JIOOKH l'KtltOlllV < ltt > . The Midland Monthly for November has n Interesting paper entitled "A dlnnce tt h * Karly Life of James Ilunsell Lowell , " by onathnn I' . Dolllvcr. William Holt tella vhat "An Ocean Voyage Korty Year * Ago" vns like. The second Installment ot "MM- ntul War Sketches , " by Captain L. I ) . Hay- lend , gives an account of Judge McKenzle , ho hero of "Hold the Kort. " A large varl- ty of miscellany , poems nnd Illustrations oinblnc to make- nil exceedingly entertaining lumber. Johnson llrlglmm , DCS Molncs , In. "Day After Day" and "Venice , Hair Ven- ca" are nmong tlio now popular sheet muslo ccently Issued by White-Smith 1'nbllslilng Company Chicago. The strongest short story that Mr. Wild- nan lias so far contributed to the Overland s another Malayan sketch , "In the Ilurst ot ho Southwest Monsoon , " appearing In tlio N'ovcmber number. In Almarln I ) , rani's xlinustlve. record of the dolnga ol "Tho /Igllance Committee of ' 60. " he deals with ho death and funeral of James King of Vm. . the hanging of Casey and Corn , and he stabbing of Hopkins. The Illustrations TO all reproductions of old ncwspapof cuts f the day. "Fishing at Drake's liny" Is he narration of how llio San Tranclfco narket Is supplied with fish by tneaim ot lets dragged by steam tugs. Another valu- ible addition to the descriptive literature of he Asiatic coast U "Tlio Republic of Elinng- ml , " by an ox-United States vlco consul. ) verlatul Monthly Publishing Company , San ' "ranclsco. A comparison of "The Senate and the lords" by J. Castell Hopkins In the Novcm- icr number of The American Journal ot olltlcs places the t-enatc In an unfavorable- Ight. K. L. Rector discusses "The l.'uno- Ions of Money. " a very able exposition of he ultra orthodox position In monetary natters. Victor Yarros defends the out- tuie ot labor In a vigorous attack on Hls- orlnn Voa Hoist's "Awakening. " Tliomaa S'lxon Carver has a valuable paper on 'Mai- hus at the Hands ot Itcccnt Critics. " An- Irevv J. Palm & Co. , New York. The Review of Hevlens for November , In Is editorial department ( The Progress of the World ) has some suggestive paragraphs bcar- ng on the present attempts at "municipal loubeclennlng" In the great cities of New York , Clilcago and San Francisco , and takes ho occasion to emphasize certain lessons to be learned from Huropcnn municipal experi ence. In speaking of Glasgow's system of street cars , owned and operated by the nunlclpallty , the editor points out that this responsibility was not undertaken by thn city until the municipal government had iecn tested with many Inrgo enterprises vhlch It had shown Its fitness to control and operate successfully ; It Is now managing Its street car service as successfully as the best of our American cities manage , their flro departments. The Review of Reviews , New ork. The surprising growth of technical and rado journalism In recent yeara Is bi ought 'orclbly ' to mind by the fact that the pub- Ishers of The Unglneerlng Magazine Imvo ust Inaugurated n monthly "Review of the ndnstrlal Press , " which Is designed to do or technical literature Juet what the Review of Reviews does for the political nnd literary magazines. The new departure occupies ninety closely printed pages of the November number of the mngazine , and for many It vlll hold a revelation as to the Importance vhlch Industrial Journalism has already as sumed. The Engineering Magazine Com- ny , Times Building , New York. In the November number of Habyhooa Dr. John Doming explains clearly what Is neant by "catching cold , " and gives young nothers much sensible advice as to how to protect their children from colds , and ho 0 ward off their evil effects. Dr. L. . M. Yale , the- medical editor , answers Instruo- Ively questions concerning baby's diet nna dress , the symptoms of rickets , the steriliza tion ot milk , etc. Habyhood Publishing Com pany , B Beekmnn Street , New York. AN INTRODUCTION TO TUB STUDY OF SOCIETY By Albion W. Small , Ph. D. , and George B. Vincent. Cloth , 3St pages. American Book Company , N.&W Yprk. , The authors make no prctonc-o In , the way 4 of advancing new Ideas , but have collaborated and arranged facts to direct attention to their significance and to their essential rcla- tlon to each other. In this respect It la rather a tuxt book In a new field nntlclpat- nc the growth of a social science. The at tempt here to prescribe limitations or to dic tate the essential tcope of the science while n Its present vague state of development Is very questionable position to assume , par. Icularly In Insisting on mlntito particular * and coupling biology and cliemlJtry as pro Imlnary requirements. There Is such o thing as overloading the scout and th course of untrodden paths will be governed jy the location of the mountain passes and not by laws derived from other sources. The force of eravlty , when revealed , discovered ; o the world what Its law was and no specu lation , prior to a knowledge ot the force , could determine Its limitations. SUNDAY READING FOR THE YOUNO A. compilation. Illuminated covers. Illus trated , 412 pages. B. and J. D Young & Co. , Cooper Union , Fourth Avenue , Now York. , This holiday book Is composed of cliolco selections suitable for the young and has probably more pictures than pages , and a handsome colored frontispiece. BACK COUNTRY POEMS By Sam Walter Koss. A new edition. Cloth , Illustrated , $1 W. Lee & Shepard. Boston. From N. B. Falconer , Omaha. "Back Country Poems" has a hearty , whole- souled ring In It that Is all too rare In thot days when to be funny usually means to b nippant , nnd when men are afraid to bo earn est for fear of being thought prosy. Almost every stanza written by Mr. Foa-j has a comi cal twist In It somewhere , and his poema abound In humor real humor the kind that will force even a dyspeptic to laugh anij which yet never leaves a sting behind. He has a peculiar knack of. combining healthy humor with sound and homely philosophy. He always elves n philosophical turn to his fun , and n funny twist to his philosophy , in a way that Is peculiarly his own and which Is as wholesome as It Is delightful and popu lar. Their strongest point , after their nll- perv&dlni : humor , Is to be found In the fact that they all contain something for every de gree ot Intelligence ; their logic Is sometime * ludicrously deep for the backwoods dialect In which they are written , but the mind that can take only a dlpperful will go away satli- II ed as well as that which can take a pailful. SIRS , ONLY SEVENTEEN ! BV Virginia R Townsend. Cloth , $1.50. L.o & Sheparfl , Boston. From N. II. Falconer , Omaha , Miss Townsend has brilliant descriptive and Imaginative powers , which are displayed at their best In this new story. In II she pic tures the lives of some vcty Interesting poo- pie , prominent amonc whom are Dorothy Draycott and her brother Tom , a Harvard student , two very strong and attractive char. acters. Boston and vicinity furnish th.0 groundwork for most of the scenes , the moves mcnts and Incidents of which are sufllclently alluring to keep the reader's Interest and attention to the end. BKCAUSE I LOVI3 YOU Poems edited by Anna E. Mack. Cloth , whlto and cold , boxed , fl.DO. Lee & Shepard , Boston. From N , B. Falconer , Omaha. Poetry Is the language of love. Volumes of sweet and tender love pocma might bu gathered from the world's literature , but fevy , could select with the discrimination anil delicacy which Miss Mack has manifested , She has given a rare book to con over with a sweetheart , or from which to select zentl- menta to accompany n gift of flowers. N6 taste merely , but spiritual Insight has di rected this grouping of the best thoughts of the best poets , and It Is a veritable casket of gems. No person who wanta the best thoughts on the sweetest ot all themes can afford to do without It. 1 AM WELI-r The Modern Practice of Nat ural Suggestion an Distinct from Hypnotic * or Unnatural Influence , Ily C , W. Post. Cloth , 1-2S , Leo & Shcpard , Boston. From N. B. Falconer , Omaha , The book Is written In an attractive ar $ lucid style , and whatever may be one'n opln * Ion as to the system advocated , It merits regard - gard as an able and full expoiltlon of the views concerning the true nature of nea and disease advocated by the author. It plains the principles of mental healing founded upon tlie fundamental premise tb.at man , by the development of his Intelligence. secures a "marvellous control over mattnaJ by the power of his mentality , and prove * It by curing his physical ailments and pr fcorvlriK bodily health eolely by the sklljfu ) exerclne of mind. . " Vitality and itrength flro shown to bo the Instantaneous results of th process of mental heallnff , when man "dli. covers his true condition with eternal energy , and that knowledge bring * with It a portlOA of the power ot th lupremc. "