THE OMAHA TTATLT BEE : OSIIDAT , STOVETSLBEB 1G , 180-1 : . : m : : ; : . * , v.vv.v.v. . UP R l tlmo : but the bast TO DATE 'art prenervntlve'Ms thai which maUos' Jams In the sloro oy advertising , PEOPLE will see the economy of putting a want ad in The Bee when ih need ot help. Working girls pay close at tention to this page , as do all who are wanting employment. You can talk to them through these little ads at a trifling expense. THE BEE GETS 'EM 17 WORDS FOR 25 CENTS SPEGiRL NOTICES , Advertisements for theto columns will be taken Intll 12:30 : p. m. for the evening , nnd until 0.00 | . m. for the rooming and Sunday edition. Advertiser * , by requesting a numbc-rcd check , tan have answers addressed to a numbered letter h care of The Bee. Answers so nddrcased will lo dellveictl upon presentation of the check only. 4. . Rates , 1H ° a wont first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing token for less than 25c for Irst Insertion. These advertisements must run consecutively. SITUATIONS WANTED. IVANTED. POSITION BY COMPETENT , EX- pcrlpnceu lady slenoRinphcr. Pant two years In law cilice. Salary , 112.00 per week. Address C 19 , Bee. A M8O 18 * WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED A KKW PERSONS IN UACH PLACn to do writing ; send stamp for ItO-page boult of particulars. J. Woodbury , 127 W. 42d street , N. Y. City. lt-313 _ WANTIJD nXPKRIKNCP.D COAL MINKR3 TO fro to Sheridan.Vjo. . Apply at oilier Hhorldnn Coal Co. , 1COS Knriiam. B 461 OP GOOD ADDinas CAN PROCURE steady employment at good pay by callingat 1516 DouRlas st. B M792-D10 IJOO LABORERS , TBAM8TURR. STATION MUN , Umber men , tlo makers ; south ; work fruonm- I teedj cheap labor rales to Memphis. Helena , Arkansas City nnd New Orleans. Jnmes Us- j bfrg , 1314 riirnam street. _ B 853 17 ? ,600 LABORURS , TDAMSTHRS. TIMlinilMKN. All kinds of work south. Arkansas , -Mississippi , Ix > ulslana. Work Ruaralitecd. Ship cheaper , than anybody. I urn the only nuthotlzed agent. Kramer's Labor Agency , llth and 1'nrnam sts. ( _ B S38 18 * TVANTHD. V , TRAMS AT CRNTRAL STHEI2T nnd Ruser's park. U. J. ritzseiald. v . U-M667 18 * { WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED , AN INTnLLIOKNT LADY CAN- vosser to net n < general agent for eastern Nebraska - , braska and western Imvn : $ ' < 000 per month and expenses to llfiht party ; Inquire for Mrs. Stroble. 1310 Dcilgi' street , room 3. parlor lloor , uetween 10 a"d 12 a. m. , or. 2 and S p. m. i Permanent address , box 29T , Lincoln. Neb. O M83S 17 * _ INTELLIGENT LADY AOHNTS WANTED AT i once for Omaha and vicinity , to appoint local .agents pnd tq cll Dr. aanoung"s family med- Uclno casOi bther spec'altks ; llbvral commls- { lon or a Kuarnnteeil salary to active workers. { Call at 1310 DoUfte street , Victoria hotel , room .3. between 10 and 12 a , m , or 2 nnd B p. mv inquire for Mrs. Stroble , general agent. C M8S7 IT * | _ "WANTED , STUDENT NURSE AT W. C , A honpltnl. Council Bluffs. C M854. IS _ INDIES CAN MAKE $3.00 DAILY DY FOLDING and addressing clrculo/ * for us at home ; DO canvassing ; position permanent. Reply with stamped envelope. Miss Marie Worth. Ash- land. O. C M868 16 " FOB BENT HOUSES. IIOUSCS , T. K. DARLING , BARKER BLOCK. D-315 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OP THE CITY. THE O , P. Davis company , U03 rarnam. D 316 KELKENNY & CO. R. 1 , CONTINENTAL BLK. ' U-317 _ _ FOR RENT TWO g-ROOM ELI3OANT BRICK houses ; all modern conveniences ; 1 block from Walnut Hill motor , $23. Complrollcr's otllc. D-319 _ _ FIVE-ROOM COTTAOE. $9 00 , FULL SIZE LOT , In good repair. Call and see Fidelity Trust Co. liO < l Pntnam. D 741 _ EVEN-ROOM MODERN PLAT S BLOCKS : from Bee building , $25.00. Omaha Real Estate and Trust Co , room 4. Boo bldg. D 792 _ GOOD PIVE-ROOM COTTAGES , $3.00 PER month. L. S. Skinner , 310 N. T. Life. D 320 HOUSES , O. O. WALLACE , J12 BROWN BLKT. D 144-N23 HOUSES OF 10 ROOMS , MODERN CONVENI- encca , 113 So. 18th street , very handy to busi ness. Inquire of D. T. Mount , 1VJ So. 16th. D M10T I.ROOM HOUSE. 417 N. HTH STREET. D 7W-N15 * tftRST CLASS MODERN 12-ROOJl HOUSE 201S Blnney st. ; rent , $40.00. R , N. Wltlme.I 207 N. Y. Life. D ISS _ CHEAPEST WtOOM COTTAGE. WITH BATH In city. Reduced to $15.00. 3033 California st. FOUR-ROOM MODERN FLATS. 29TII ANI Leax en worth. J. W. Squire. 218 Bee bldg. D M654 _ NICE LARD HOUCS8E IN DUNDEE PLACI cheap till spring. J. W. Squire , 24S Bee bldg D M654 THREE-ROOM HOUSE. Ill S. 1BTH ST.D D 689 ( ROOM COTTAGE. CHEAP. 2819 SEWARD ST D-RKM6 * _ _ TEN-ROOM HOUSE. ALL MODERN IMPROVE ments. 2126 Harnyy et. D 88 _ FURNISHED COTTAOn ON OEORGIA AVEnue nuo , J3J.OO a month : will let till May 1 ti tenant without children. Address U 15. lc < Office. D MS13 18 _ HOUSES ; UKNAWA & CO. , 10S N. 15TH ST. D M761 SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. FURNISHED OR UN furnished. 80S 8. 30th. D-M814 17 * _ NICE B-ROOM COTTAGE. EAST FRONT. IN quire 837 So. 24th St. , or 1603 Howard st. 10-R HOUSE , 601 SO. 2STH. AT HALKPRIC1 for winter : 8-r haute , furnace , gut , bath , 121 Bo. S2nd , $30.00. F. D. Wead. 16th & Douglai D 826-15 _ _ PRICE REDUCED TO $17.50 ON 30I6 MASO : street ; elcht rooms , modern ; elegant location B. K. Humphrey , MS New York Life , D M835 20 * _ PINK 7-ROOM CORNER FLAT AT 701 8. 16TI street ; ron and alt other conveniences. GHUE domicf. room , l , Ita rarnam. D 30D _ BIGHT ROOM BRICK , MODERN , C01 K St. , $33.00. Twrlve-rootn brick. clesHnt. moOern. 8. V cor. 23d nml California. $ 2.00. C. A. Blarr. SIS N. Y. Lite. D - lt It FOR RKNT. HOUSK OP 5 "ROOMS AND BAR ] on Park Ave , Inquire at 422 8. ISth st. D.-K6 _ _ I ROOM COTTAUE. LARQE LOT , GOOD BAIU. . near car line , $16 00. & room cottage , lot (6x300 feet , near cor llni $11.00. S room modern house , 2111 Lake , at $12.00 , an IM others to iwlrct from. I Hne front rooms , a. E. corner Kth nnj I a\ tnworth , $9.50 H. K. Cot * Co , tat N. 15th. . D SM-18 _ _ rou HUNT TO GOOD PARTIES. TwVcbi tatts 5 rooms each , city water , Itoutea In nn clkts sAapr. Room 207 Onmln Natlunul bank. D-S 2 16 * _ _ SMALL FAMILY OCCUPYING LARaK HOlTS deslm to amage with ami wife I take i > art of house and furnish board for pre nt occupants ; liberal arrangements to ilgl ; references. Address I * . O. B.IX U FOR RENT , 1ST Of DECKMRER71lOt'SK 0 I room * ; B > xl rvp.ilr ; 1410 North 25th strec block from ear line. Inquire John Hamll tttrentj Kit Clmries lrrtt. DM889 _ ELEGANTLY nNISHKDHOOM HOH8K , AI modern Imprortmenl * . No. X N , 23J trr t V -US72 U FOB BENT FURNISHEDJIOOM8. OR RINT , LAitan AIXOVB ROOM WITHer or without board , four blocks from Ilee Blitg ; private family. Address D C2. Uce office. 1 MG8 nRY DnSIHARL.n I'UIINISHHD AND UN- furnlshcd rooms , with board. 112 3. Mth street. E > -M13t , V1DOW LADY HAS A NICELY FURNISHED front room to rent cheap , also a bedroom. Call 710 North 20th lU E 8JI-15" rURNISHED ROOMS. 1524 DOUGLAS ST. E-M7SJ 17 * FTJKNIBHED ROOMS AND BOARD , ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. 2310 Douglas. F-M891.N23 IANDSOME FRONT ROOMS , WITH BOARD ; central location. 202 N. 18th. F M8i3 10 * ELEGANT , LARGE , WARM. SOUTH FRONT room : private board ; best accommodations , 2110 Douglas street. F M874 18' FOB. RENT.TJNI-TIRNIEHED BOOMS 2 ROOMS. 1603 LEAVENWORTH ST. . ti-810 18 FOR BENT STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT , THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING , 916 Farnnm street. The bulldln ? has a nre- proof , cement basement , complete steam heat- Ins' tlxturCT , water on all floors , gas , etr. Ap ply at the olllco of The Beft I 010 AGENTS WANTED. A PARTY WITH AKT OFFICE AND $200) ) cash wanted In every city to supply local canvassers ; $30.00vek In It ; nitlcle new and Just In season. Address Factory , carrier 7 , Newark. N. J. J M836 16 WANTED TO BENT. FURNISHED HOUSE ? 7 OR 8.JIOOMS ADdress - > dress P. O. Box 639 , city. K 812 IS' STORAGE. STORAGE , WILLIAMS & CROSS , 1214 HARNEY M 321 STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN nnd cheap rate , R. Wells , 1111 Famam. CARRIAGES , BUGGIES. ETC. , STORED. P. J , Karbnch S. Sons , Cor. 15th and Howard Sts. M * 07 BEST STORAGE DUILDINpUN dMAHA , U. a' KOV. bonded warehouse. llouasliold goods stored. Lowest rates. " 1013-1013 Leavrnworth. M-321 WANTED TO BTJY. WANTED TO BUY CLAIMS OF JUDGES AND clerks of election : also registrars. Duff Green , room 8 , Barker block , „ N 133 CITY OR CO. CLAIMS. R. P. , 1712 FARNAM. N 485 WANTED , ONE 25 TO 30 HORSE POWER EN- Bine ami 35 to 40 horse power boiler ; must be cheap and In first-class condition and com plete. Address Box 93 , Adams , Neb. > N M873 18 * FOR SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY. YOU WON'T MISS YOUR money. IXJW prices on furniture and household Eoods. Enterprise Credit Co. , 613-6J5 N. 16th st. O 325 FURNITURE AUCTION AT 1111 FARNAM ST , Saturdays , 10 a. m. Robt. Wells , O-971 $1000 PENINSULAR BASE BURNER , USEE ono season , good as new ; will sell at half price , $20 00 ; stove can be seen at 3007 Mason street. O M796 CLOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK OP FURNI. turc , stoves , etc. L. Altman , 608 N. 16th.O . O 326 FOR SALE , FURNITURE OF iS-ROOM BOARD Ing bouse ; centrally located ; rent low , Ad dres-i C 14 , Bee , . O M803 TWO ELEGANT SMYRNA RUGS. SIZE 9X12 used a few weeks ; a bargain. C 20 , Bee. 0-M803 18 * FOR SALE , HORSES , WAGONS , ETC FOR SALE OR TRADE , 1 HORSE. LIOH1 wagon , buggy , cart and cutter. 716 S. 14th st FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IF YOU BUY. BUY THE BEST ; MACKIN toshes , rubber boots , arctics , syringes of nl kinds ; EOS tubing ; all best quality. Omah : Tent and awning Co. , 1311 Farnam st Q 542 ' C1IEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTAI fence made. C. R. Lee. 901 Douglas. Q 327 FOR RENT OR SALE CHEAP , GOOD SQUARt piano. 8. Bank , 111 So. 16th st. Q 833 16 ONE JERSEY COW , FRESH AND FINE ; I yr old Jersey bull. 940 N. Y. Life bid ? . Q-841 16 * FOR SALB CHEAP. A FURNACE USED ONI season ; suitable for an 8-room house ; also i No. 1 Garland base burner. Inquire at 82 Park avenue. Q M8CU IS- MISCELL ANEOU8. WANTED TO LEASE FOR TERM OF YEARS good warehouse with trackage. W. O. Tern pleton. Paxton block. K M816 16 CLAIRVOYANTS. HEALTH , WEALTH AND HAPPINESS Bl consulting the highly gifted clalrvojnnt , Prof Almeda : one who will make jou hffpp : end successful through life ; correct advice 01 business changes , lawsuits , marriages , dl forces ; brings the separated together , cause happy marriage with the one you love , over corneB > our enemies , removes bad. habits , In terprcu dreams , gives > ou good luck , nnd tell where to go ud what to do to bo successful the future foretold without mlMnWo ; reunltr the separated without fall ; those \Tho hirv been deceived by so-called clairvoyants , be for giving up In despair , consult the professoi UlVi N. Uth street , flat A. Hours. J to ! Letters with stimp promptly answered. 8-M830-27 * MRS. DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , RE liable business medium ; 7th jear at 119 N. 16tl S 3 $ ) THE CELEBRATED CLAIRVOYANT ANI palmUt. the young Mine. Romalne. has ai rived In the city and can IN ; consulted on a matters ; thousands have been made hnppy b her advice ; those wishing correct advice o business , changes. Journex , marriages. Ian suits , family , etc. , call on the madams an be * convinced she has no equal ; letters cor talnlnjr stamp promptly answered ; bus-jne strictly confidential. Hours. 9 to 9. 1617 Ch case street. O M6SO 20 MABSAGK , BATHS. ETC. MADAM SMITH. CO } S. 1JTH. ID FIXOr room , I ; mosage , vapor , alcohol , stesro , au phurlno and sea bathe. T M70J I7 UMB. LA RUB. 41 * SOUTH ISTH.T r- T 74NU MASSAGE , MADAME BERNAllD. 1121 DODOli IB TURKISH BATHS. to ' kAPIKS' TURKISH UATH ; HOURS. 9. A. . to S p. m. Beauty culture parlor * , remove from KB r bach Udjr. to 103-111) 1 > * blJi. $31 PERSONAL. MACKINTOSHES & RVBBER BOOTS. 1311 Fa i THE BELLB BPPERLY CORSET. MADE T ord r from meaturt. 190 } Farnam street. U MTO-Nll I PERSONAL. Continued , VIAVIt ItOMB TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book and consultation frf < * . Address or call Vlavl Co. . 116 Bee bldg. Lady attendant. U 335 LACD CURTAINS CLEANED EQUAL TO ntw. Brussels and other grade * a specialty. See our specimens of work. 141 $ N. 20th street. U-M7M-N15 * AULABAUGH FUR CO. SEAL SACKS AND fur capes made to order In very latest st > les. Room 301 Karbach block. TelcPnf.nMlJJ'NK { COMPOUND OXYGEN CURES CONSUMPTION , asthma , bronchlt's and catarrh. Home treat ment $6 per month. 3 dais trial free treat ment. Room 200 Douglas blk , 16th and Dodge. U 441-30 CHRYSANTHEMUMS : HESS & BWOBODA. florists. 1111 rarnam i Paxton hotel ; tet. IW1. U 4S4-D2 OSCAR SUNDELL , THE SHOEMAKER. FOR 12 > ear with G. W. Cook , has removed to S. 17th street , first door north of Douglas. U < K6-D1 MASHAGE ELECTRO THERMAL BATHS , chiropodist. Mine. Post , 3I3V4 S. 15th - _ | MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Lira INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. P. O. Chesney , Kansas City , Mo. ' \ \ 337 ANTHONY LOAN A TRUST CO. , 318 N.Y. LIFE , loans nt low rates for cholc * security In Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city piopcrty. W 323 MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS county. Improved nnd unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 rarnam st. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA re-j estate. Brennnn , Love & Co. , 1'axton blk. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. . 1CW Farnam st. W 311 MONCY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON InipiiiMd i nd unimproved Omaha real estate , t to B jeers. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CIT\ property , M.OOO and upwards. 6 to 7 per cent ; no delajs. W , Farnam Smith & Co. , 132) rarnam. CHAS. W. RAINEY. OM. NAT. BK. BLDO. W 343 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at C per cent. W. H. Melkle , 1st Nat. bw-b > dB ' > VERY LOW RATES MADE ON GOOD LOANS. J. W. Squire , 248 Bee bids. W 368 WE HAVE SEVERAL. THOUSAND DOLLARS for short tlmo paper or first class ; ntnft. lonnn. II. II. Harder & Co. , ground Moor , lltfr bWu. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horses , * wagons , etc. , at lowest rates .n city ; no removal of goods ; strictly co'i ld < ntal ; you can pay the loan off at any lime or In any amount * OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 3X ( > S. 16th street X 117 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP-- crty. Harvln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. Life bldir. t X 318 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI- turc , pianos , horses , wagons or any kind of chattel bfivirlty at Icvvest possible rates , which you can piy back at any time nnd In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , Room -4. Wlthnell block. X 349 J. B. HADDOCK , ROOM 427 RAMOE BLOCK. X-330 BUSINESS CHANCES , ! S,000.00 , i4 CASH. BAL. ON TIME ; BEST , pai Inc dtug store In west. Address A 34 , Bee. Y-M&01-N18 45 PER CENT AVERAGE WEEKLY PROFITS on (150.00 Invested. Prospectus , Itemized sta tistics free. Benson & Uwyer , 834 Broadway , New York. YriaMN23 _ _ PROPOSALS INVITED TO PURCHASE LO- beck-LInn Hardware Co's complete stock. Builders haidnare and mechanics tools. Auc tion Saturday evenings. W. N. Noson , Re ceiver , HOI Douglas st. . Omahn , Neb. FOR SALE , BARBER SHOP DOING GOOD business : will sell cheap ; good reason for sells - Ing. Address L.nB. 38 , Coin , la. Y M814 16 CASH PAID FOR .ENDOWMENT EOHCIES IN old line companies. Send description. A. K. BrocklesbY , Box 233-"IIartford , ' Conn.r > ' Y M850-DH * TO GOOD DRY GOODS AND SHOE MAN WITH1 KOOO.OO , Rill-edged deal In Black Hills. Ask Wells , Hotel Oxford , before. Sunday.Y . Y MS70 17 POR , EXCHANGE. A GOOD LOT ? IN EAST OMAHA TO KX- chanee for youner work horses or mules. Lamoreaux Bros. , 306 S. 16th. Z3Sl WE- HAVE MERCHANDISE STOCKS AND other property for sale-and exchange ; also cus tomer for a bank In western Iowa. National Information and Exchange Co. , 203 First Nat'l Bank , Omaha , Neb. 2 MS21 TO EXCHANGE. BEAUTIFUL TEN-ROOM modern house and bam , flna location , for cot tage or cheaper house well located , acres or good land : also good paying business , worth 11,600. for good team and carriage nnd clear lots. What have you 7 W. G. Tcmpleton. Paxton - ton block- Z M722 IS BANKERS AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS Take Notice Hard tfmes has made It possible to get hold ot good bus'nesa blocks In Omaha and take fortn lands. In exchange. I solicit correspondence. J. J. Gibson , 317 1st Nat'l b'k. Z-801 FURNITURE OF 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR A lot. F. D. Wcacl , 16th and Douglas. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. GARDEN LANDS , 5 MILKS FROM POSTOF- fice , easy terms. Call at 910 N. T , Life.RB RB 312 BARGAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS , sale or trade. F. K. Darling : , Barker block. RE-K3 FOR SALE NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGKf CBL- hir , cistern , city water ; cor. 30th and Sahler ; $1,23000 ; lonff time. Inquire 1318 Farnam. Sam uel Burns. RE 334 CHOICE GARDEN LANDS. 5 MILES FROM Omaha postofflce. 10 to 160 acres , sometrade. . N. D. Keyes , 617 Paxton blk. KB J55 FARM LANDS , C.F. HARRISON. 91 N.Y. LIFE. IRA B. MAPES , FIRE INSURANCE , LOANS , real estate , 319 First Nat'l bank bldgv Tel. 515. RE 171-N2S NOW IS YOUR CHANCE- Wo will take your 1500.00 to il.000.00 lot towards the purchaser of any of these beautiful Inside residence lots , within eight minutes wall ; ol The Bee building : Two lots sold last week. Lot 1 , block I. Drake's addition. $2.000.00 , Lot 10 , block 1 , Drake's addition. ) : .000.00. Lot 4 , block 4. Drake's addition , J3.000.00. Lot 9 , block 3 , Drake's addition , 12,250 00. Lot 16 , block 7 , Drake's addition. J2 500 00. Lot 7 , block 8 , Drake's addition. 12.000.00. Terms $500.00 cash , $300.00 to | 1MX,00 ) lot , balance to b arranged on lone time at 7 per cent In terest , This Is an exceptional bargain for the reason that the owner ot the property must have money , and This. Is your opportunity To e t rid of your outside lot that Is not salable and get a fine Inside- building let. These lott are on graded streets , sewers , etc. , all palO for. Cnll and. see us atonce. . Fidelity Tnisl company , 1702 Farnam street. RB M7S1 BARGAIN 10) TO 1.500 ACRES OF CHOICE land 6 m'lrs ' from Omaha P. O , cheap. Liberal terms. Address C 13 , Bee , Omaha. Omaha.IIB405D11 IIB-405-D11 $8.500.00 BUYS FINE 12-R RESIDENCE NORTH of Hanscom Park ; will accept smaller resl dence part payment , F. D. Wead. 16tli one Douglas. RE-S25-15 CAN ACCEPT A SPECIAL PRICE AND TERMS on sala of home on account Immediate re moral to Chicago ; S r. east front and barn near Hanscom park. F. D. Wead , 16th anc Douglas. RE 823i 6-ItOOM HOUSE AND CORNER LOT. 26TH ST snap , JSOO.OOroom ; house. IVi miles N. W. ll.oiO.OO ; corner vacant lot , 23rd st. , earth $900.00. F. D. Wead , 16th and Douglas. .RB 823-15 ELEGANT 6-ROOM COTTAGE. CITY WATEI and plastered cellv , $1,300.00 , F. D. Wead. 1411 and Douglas. RB 825-15 SMALL BUT WELL BUILT COTTAGE ANI 30-ft. lot south of Cumlng it. snap , at $1.030 00 F. D. Wead , 16th and Douglas. HE-Sil-lS 5 ROOM COTTAGE AND NICE LOT $1,000 ; $10 cash , balance J1Z.W per m ntli without Interest Lot 5flxlS4 fe t , oos Mock from Twenly.fonrll street car line. IOrt . worth JWMOO. H. E Cole Co. , 1WN 13th. RE M3.H _ $ looTooTlN CASH AND LOT NEAR BUSINESS center for deslraNa residence In vicinity o Hansccm park or west Farnam street. H. E Cole Co. , 106 N , lith street. RE ffil-19 UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMER .1. H. K. BURKETT. FUNERAL DIRECTOR ANI cinUUintr , 1618 Chicago St. , telephone X > . 362 SWANSON & VAI.1HN , embalmers , 1701 Cu < nlng t. , telephone 10W.SG3 SG3 ir M. O. UAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM balmer. 1417 Farnam st. , telephone 23. 864 C. W. BAKER. UNDERTAKER , 6U 8. 16th Bl Xtt jMtnens. -Tftv . FREE-PLUMniNCJ OF llVERT KIND , CIAS , steam & hot water hfttng , stweragp , > U B. K. JOHN UOWE A co. , nuf&intNa STEAM AND hot water heating , gttJrnstureii , globes , 421 S.15. KRUOER unoa. , FLUMniNO. OAS FITTINO , dmln laying. PhonS "n70. ISIS Leavennorth. TH-N17 r.n LAAVitnNcn , I'l'MmiNo ' , OAS rirriNO nnd drain lajlng. tOCumlnR strert.MISI MISI Ul MIRRORf RWBILVEItnD. J1D N. 18. . ' ( I. . W ROONint & KISKt.n. SIGN PAINTERS ; I1K8T work at lowest prices. ISIS Douglas street. 361 2ND HAND HOOKS UPUCMT FOIl OAHII. Antiquarian book atorff , 1518 Tarnum at. NSC. . } Dll HOTJBLb. HOTEL IIAIIKER , 13TH AND JONES STB. 75 rooms nt Jl.W nor ilny. CO rooms at $3.000 per ilnr. Hpoclnl ratra U > commercial trmelcrs. Room and board by week or month. I'rank IlllJItch , mgr , 372 * AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W , COR . 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or week.M551 M551 COZZEN8 HOTEL. 9TH AND HARNEY : steam hent , electric bells , telephone , baths , ex cellent culBcnc , elegnnt rooms ; $1.00 per day : 14 00 and upwards p r week. JID10 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. Z120 BO. 10TTH. 751 N1S MISS MINNICK'3 DRESSMAKING PARUR3 nt 831 B. 2Sth itreeU I'rlcea reaionable. MM9 ! SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND : Btornse batteries recharsed : electrical and Ren- erat machinists : superior \\ork guaranteed. Omaha Electrical works , C17 and 619 B. 16th at. 378 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric , light and motor plants and all kinds of electrical construction. Western Elec tric Supply Co. . US and 420 S. 15th at. 37 BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. HOW TO CJET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & II. Ass'n , 1701 lleo bldg. G. M. Nattlnger , Sec. JM SHARES IN MUTUAL L. AND D. ASS'N PAY 6. 7 , K per cent when 1 , 2. 3 years old. always redeemable. 1704 Farnam St. , Nattlnger , Sec. 357 STOVE HEPAIHS. STOVE REPAIRS FOR 40.000 DIFFERENT makes of stoves. Water attachment and con nections a specialty. 1207 Douglas street. Omaha Stove Itepalr Works. 380 STOVE KEPAIRS FOn ALL MAKES OP stoves. Hot water attachments. * Utilities. 607 8. 13th. r MS55 N20 HAY ANO ? ORAIN. BUY YOUR HAY BY TON OR CAR LOTS. WR buy hay. A. II. Snjd r , 1515 Kurt Bl. Tel 1107. 7 375 NEBRASKA HAY COj , WHOLESALE HAY. grnln and mill stuff. , t. We are ulwi s on the market to buy or sell , t ) M-6 Nicholas st. .9. S7S COAL. D. T. MOUNT HAS 'llKMOVKD HIS COAL odliie to S03 S. 16th st ; ? Urown block. 381 i i UE SHERIDAN COAL. EXCELLENT .SUBSTITUTE1 for hard coal , and 23 EfJ ton cheaper. ; 160.1 Far nam street ; main cntljtfice Board of Trade. osr' 460 STOLEN TYPEWRITERS OFFERED FOR sale should innko you ; Auspicious ; funny they are' mostly Smith's. STry ono and you will understand why. 'Fuji Una ot supplies. Smith- Premier Co. , 17tli anU'Pu-rnam , telephone 12)11. > . ! i 382 v I IRRIGATED FABM8. r 6 - * - JS.25 PEll ACRE : FAMOUS UIG nOKNIBASIN ; blg > crops and home market : great lilace for home\iulclln ) ) ( ; : prlco-uiaod : to ITeceittHer 1st ! trnniipqrtallan free. Yelloitstanc'l'arK'I.and & Irrleatipn Ass'n , 8 : Wg Cor ; Ktli & Dodce xts , 41 407 Dl COKN1CE. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS. GALVANIZED Iron cornices. ITS St. Mary's ave. 3S3 EAGLE CORNICE WORKS. JOHN EPENE- tcr. prop. , 103 , 110 , 111 N. llth. Estab. 1861. & 381 DENTIbXS. DR. OEOIIGK S. NASON. DENTIST BUITI1 200 Paxton blocfc , 16th and , Farnam sts , Tel. 712 * 370 DIS. PAUL , DENTIST 2020 BURT ST. 372 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. G. F. OELLENDECIC. BANJOIST AND teacher. 1810 California street. 911 A FEW PUPILS FOR PIANO OR ORGAN ; apply at Max Meyers- between 9 and 12 a. m. , or address Mrs. Wfllmaser , Morning Side , Council Bluffs , la , 857 21 LOST. LOST-DAY HORSE ON"THURSDAY IN SARPY Co. , 1,109 pounds , strap around neck ; only two fore Bhoes. Crush Bros , house movers. 18th and Center , 802-17 * SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OP SHORT HAND. N. Y. Life. Omaha. Aslc for circular. 7M CABPENTJSKS AND BUILDERS. C. E. MORRILL , CARPENTER .AND BUILDER. paper luinglne and signs , brick work and plas tering : . Oalcc , 409 S. 14tU st. , telephone- . 377 WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED. TO BORROW $60000 TOR TWO years at 10 or 12 n r cent , to bo paid la monthly Installments ot $25. Security given. Addre > | D. Bee office. Council Bluffs. MSJ5 13 WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON BROa. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all kinds of coal. Corretpondence solicited. 1008 Farnam street. 388 DYE WORKS. BCHOED8ACK. TWIN CITY DYE WORKS , 1521 Parnam street. Dyeing1 of every descrip tion and dry cleaning. 339 FUJEINAOES. BEST FURNACE MADE. SOFT COAL SMOKE ronsamlne and hard coal furnaces. Eagle Cornice - nice Works. 108-110-112 N. Ht st. 3M OPTICIANS. THE ALOE & PE5U7OUD CO. , SCIENTIFIC opticians. 1403 Furqftm tt. , opposite 1'axton hotel. Eyes examined , free. 387 JOB PRINTING. REED JOB PRINTING1 CO.FINE PRINTING ot oil kinds. 17th St. . Bee building. 29J PAWNBROKERS. H. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY , 418 N. 16TH. rtltna 383 GRINDING. RAZORS , SHEARS , CLIPPERS. LAWN MOW- erf , etc. A. L. Unfogforjd. 106 S. 14lh. Ml UPHOLSTERING VERYiOUEAP THIS MONTH M. B. Walkln. 2111 Curtflhg. TeL mi. 3M HORSES ADDRESS BARTON JVi'jELr Tel. 1034. 10 : N. Y. Lite llldtf. . n ; , M423 D31- BICYCLES. M. O. DAXON , 402 N ) UTII. M76I BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Bet Building , OMAIIA , Neb. Advice PllEK raratln rent for Kerrona or t'n'- ' Hmdulii , briln lUhnutlon , KlMpleMcw jipwUI 01 f o rilH ar l iaiJkalo.- - - uuthnn , Oout , Kldcljr IHnardert , Acid .Jr > l r la. Anomit. Antldota for > locb 'I. nl otb r icewe * . i'rieo , W , IS end W Uiw. THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 1C ! G.WettemAfcnao. CHICAGO. For sale by all drucgists , Omaha. THE Animal Extracts Prepared * ccorJlng to the formula of Dn. WM. A. HAJIJIOND , ID his liberator/ Washlnzton , D. C. . The most wonderful therapeutic discovery a nee the days of Jenner. CEREBRINE , . . FROM THE BRAIN. MEDULLINE , . . FROM THE SPINALCOHD. CARDINE , . . . FROM THE HEART. TESTING , . . . FROM THCTCBTCB. OVARINE , . . . FROM THC OVARIES. The physiological effects produced bjr a sin gle dose of Cerebrlne ate acceleration of the pulse with fccltnt ; of fullness and detention In the bead , exhilaration or spirits. Increased urinary excretion , augmentation of the ex- pnlslvo force of the bladder And peristaltic action of the Intestine * , in mtitcular strength and endurance , Increased t > ewer ol vlflon In rlilcrlj people , and Increased appetite end dlgcttlro liowcr. Dost , Five Dropj. Price (2 ( drachms ) , $2.60. THE COLUMI1IA CHEMICAL. CO. Washington , D. C. Send for DooV. 101 KUHN CO. . AOENT FOR OMAHA. IS THC BEST. NO SQUEAKING. 5. CORDOVAN , FRtNCH&ENAMElIEOCALr. 4 3.5 ? POLICES SOLES. DORA FINE. * 2.l7Ji BOYSSCHOOLSHOES. LADIES- , SEND FOR CATALOGUE W'U'DOUGLAS , BROCKTON , MASS. You cnn snye money by wearing the W. L. Dougtnn 83.OO Shoe. Ilocauso. wo nro the largest manufacturers t2 this grade of ( two la the world , and guarantee their value by stamping tha uamo and prlco on tlio Bottom , which protect you against high prices and iho middleman's pionts. Our shoes equul custom .vork In ityle , easy fitting f.nd wearing qualities VTohavothem sold eyery where nt lower prices for 'in value glrrn thrm any other make. Take no sub * " .tine. If > our dealer cannot supply you. wo can. Sold by A. W. Bowman Co. , 117 N. ( SIX C. J. Carlson. I2IB N 24th. Ellea Svonson , 2O03 N. 24th. Ignatz Newman , 424 S. I3tri. W . W.FIshar. 2925 Loavanworti Kelly , Stlgsr & Co. , Farnam' & I3tn T. Crossy , 25OO N st. So. Omaha DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY , mi All Druggists. S nnd vngor qultkij restored. Varlcocol , nlsilon , ntroj > li > . etc. . lUrrl * tarfd bv INI AI5 . tli llliidooRemody. ( VlthKrlll iur > itrtioeor . tio. j \ . A. Fuller Co , Corner tjtli and Douglass Sta. . OMAHA. NEB RAILWAY TIME CARD aves-IBURLlNGTON & MO. RIVER. I Arrives Omalial Union Depot , 10th & _ llason Sts4 Omaha 0:15am. : . . Denver"Expresi , . .7. < 0:35m 433pm.Ilk. ; Hills. Mont. & Puget Snd. Ex. 4:10pm : 4:3Lpm : Denver Express 4:10pm : G:43pm..Nebraska : Local ( except # unda > ) , , 7:45pm. 8:15am : Lliicoln Local ( except Sunday.ll:23am , LK.a\ea ( CHICAGO , JJUltLlNUTON & ( J. I Arrives Omaha'Uulon Depot , 10th & Mason tits. ) Omaha ; 4Spm Chicago Vestibule ! ) : ! > oam :4J am Chicago Express , . . . 4:23pm : 7pm Chicago and lovnv Local g.'OOam 'l35am. . Paclllo Junction Local. . . . . . . 6.05pm LeilenlCHiCAGO. MIL. & 8T. PAUL. ( Arrives OmahaUnlon | Depot , 10th & Mason 8ts. | Omaha C:00pm : Chicago Limited. . . 9730am , l:10om.i..Chicago : Express ( ex. Sun. ) . . . . t:15pm : Ltavea IC1I1CAGO & NORTHWEST'N. ( Arrives OrnahaU. ( P. Depot. 18th & Mason 81s | Omaha l:05am : Eastern Express GJOprn 4.-00pm , . .VeaUbuIed Limited 9:40am : CS5am : Mo. Valley Local 10:30pm E43pm ! Omaha Chicago Special. . 2:16pm : Leaves CHICAGO , R. I. & PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omalial Union Depot , I0th & Mason Sts. | Omaha "EABT. l:15am..Atlantic : Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 6 3pra C:23pm. : . Night Express 9.50pm 4:40pm..Chicago : Vestlbuled Limited. . , . l:03pm : l:35pm..Oklahoma : Exp. ( toC. B. ex 8un..llSOpm ) ; ' \VEBT . : OOam.Oklahoma & Texas Ex. ( er. Sun..ll:30pm : l10pm..i Colorado Limited 4:30pm : fjeaves | C."ST. P. , M. & O. lAtrlvcV Omahal Depot 15th and Webster Sis. ( Omaha 9:30am..Nebraska Paeoenirer ( Daily > . . . . 8.25nm 4:15pm..Sioux : City Expresj ( er. Sun..llMam : 100pm . .St. Paul Limited 8:40am : Leaves I F. , E. & MO. VALLE1. ( Arrives Omaha | Depot 15th and Wobater Sts. I Omaha " 210pm. ; , Fust Mall and Express 4:53pm : 2:10pm.ex. : ( Sat. ) Wyo. ex. ( ex. Mon. ) . . 4S5pm : 9:05am..Norfollc : Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 10:3Qam : 4.5prn..Fremont : 1'ass. ( ex. Sunday ) . . . . 7:50pm : 6.00pm St. Paul Express 0:4)am : Lea veal iC. C. , ST. J. & a B. ( Arrives OmahaUulon | Depot. 10th & Mason Sts I Omaha 9:4oam. : . . . , Kansas City Day Express . 6.05pm t45pm.K. ! C. Night n . via. U. P. Trans. Leavcsl MISSOURI "PACIFIC. ( Arrive * Omaha | Depot 15th and Webster Sts | Omaha VToOum . .S't. Louis Express . 0Mlam : BWpm : . St. Louis Express . C:55pm : tllpm ; ) . Nebraska Local ex. Sun. ) . OilOam Leaves ] SIOUX"CITY S PACIFIC ; ( ArrlVM Omaha Depot lath and Webster Sts. ( Omaha "Oopm . . at. Paul Limited . . . . . . :40. : < m Leaves ) SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC , ( Arrives OmahatUnton Depot , 10th & Mason 8la. | Omaha St3am. . . . . . . . Sioux City Passenger. , 10 .llpm 6:3ipm : St. Paul Express 10:00am : Leaves ! UNION PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omalial Union Depot. 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha 10 00am Kearney Expre s 3:43pm : S:15pm Oveiland Flyer. . . . S:3' : > pm l:15pm.Beat rice & Stromsb'g-Kx ex.Sun ) . S:45pra 7:30pm , Pacific Express < . , ] 0:55am : 6.30pm. . . . ' Fast Mall 4:10pm : Leaves ) WAIASH RAILWAY. ( Arrives OmahaUnlon | Depot. 10th & Mason Sts | Omahi I 65pni.i..i.St. Louis Cannon Boll 12'33pm TIIK. KICALTY AIAKKUC INSTRUMENTS placed on record November 15 , 1894 : WARRANTY DEEDS. Pioneer Townslle company to M II Fred- Mlcksen. lots 2 and 3. block 7 , Hennlncton.J I6C Martha Rogers and husband to Rogers Real Estate company , part of tax lot 3 In 26-l l3 , 150XX ( J a Shinier and wife to C D Brown , lot S. S V Porter's subdlv , 2,00 ! O H Van Wyck nnd wife to Arthur Hale , lot 3. block 7 . Omiha 4.3W C D Brown to W B Carter , lot 8 , block 2 , O'Neill's subdlv 2.W Total amount of transfers , . $159,05 ( STATE BOARD OF PHABMAOY , Iteed Retires ami Ilaller IClected I'rcildenl Result of Kxnmlnntlon. TUo Nebraska State. Board ot Pharmacy holdIta regular quarterlx session at thi Jlotel Dellone yesterday , some twenty appll cants for'certificates being examined. Tin meeting .marked the retirement ot Jainc Reed of Nebraska City , who has been a mem ber of tbe board for more than six years His colleagues yesterday afternoon prescntet htm wth | a silver service as a slight me men to of their many years' association , Th presentation speech was made by M. E Shultz of Beatrice. Mr. need Is succeedei by A.V. . Uuchhelt of Qrand Island. Th board was also reorganized yeiterday , tli following officers being elected for the en suing year : President , W. D. Halter of Blair drat vice president , Q. J. Evans of Hastings second vice president , A. W. Buchhelt o Grand Island ; secretary , M , U , Shultz o Beatrice ; treasurer , 0. M. Clark ot Friend , The following applicants passed a tuccess ful examination and were granted certlfl cates : James K. 8. Bell , Genoa ; AV Uowd , Huttings ; H. P. Qulney , Hartlngton V. Krasl , Dodge ; Max Lehman. Omaha T. A. McKltcben , Norfolk ; H. O. Pattcrsor Omaha ; W. I * Scdgwlck. Wayne ; C. I ] Thompson , Omaha ; II. Thelle , Nebraska. City B. Welsner , Omaha. REORGANIZATION IN SIGHT Much Hoped from the Scheme to Gat the Overland on Its Toot. UNION PACIFIC DIRECTORS DISCUSS PLANS 11. 11. Kooscr of Ilio MlMourl 1'nclflo Hoc - c lrc a Well Deserved Promotion The Iturllngton Shortonn Hit Tlinn llo- tvvcou Denver nntt Frederic II. Coudcrt nml John W. Doanc. government receivers of the Union PaciQc , passed through Omaha Wednesday.night en- route east. They came In over the Unloji 1'aclflo from Salt Lake , anil left vln the Chicago cage & Northwestern. Accompanying the re ceivers was Mr. Seeberger , who mailo quite a national reputation as treasurer of the World's Columbian exposition In Chicago. Mr. Couilert In talking to a friend ex- pcc.srjcd himself as being favorably Im pressed \vlth the Union Pacific properties , nd thought the differences existing between the Union Pacific , Denver & Gulf and the Union 1'aclflo company would bo adjusted to the advantage of both companies. With regard to the plan of reorganization of the Union Pacific company as proposed by the rovernmcnt directors ho stated he was heartily In sympathy and looked to congress to do something at this session that would start the ball rolling to n final settlement of the vexed problem. The schema of the directors as reflected In their report Is to substitute a 3 per cent blanket mortgage * covering the entire debt of the government to run 100 years for the present 0 per cent mortcaKo soon to bccomo due. In other words , to pay the government debt by a mortgage for $70,600,000 ascertained as of July 1 , 1895 ; subject the entire railroader or railroads to a single mortgage , under which Issue 3 per cent 100-year bonds to an amount such that the accruing Interest will not exceed the minimum earning power ; apply the moneys and securities In the sinkIng - Ing fund to the part payment or extension of bonds which have priority of Hen. over the lien of the Government , and EO on until tllu stock of the company Is all provided for under the new condjtlons. "Of course , " said Mr. Coudert , "tho gov ernment directors are well aware that no plan of reorganization can be carried out without the approval and co-operation of a large majority of the holders of all classes of securities. There may be some difficulty experienced In substituting the sinking fund 8's for a 3 per cent bond at ICO , as provided for In the proposed application of securities and In changing the collateral trust C's to 3's at 150 , but with these exceptions I cannot see why the plan submitted Is not a good one. It Is the Judgment of the directors that no plan of reorganization can bo carried Into effect without complete foreclosure of the property of the company to be organized , In cluding In such foreclosures all of Its prop erty held In collateral trusts. " Mr. Coudert felt hopeful that some such scheme as proposed by the directors might bo favorably acted upon by congress , recog nizing that the government had better be satisfied with a half loa' than get nothing In the event the first mortgage bondholders began foreclosure upon default In the payment of Interest. The report speaking of the second mortgage held by the company" states that "Its Hen Is Imperfect and Incom plete. It Is for this reason Im possible to so marshal the securi ties Intended to be Issued as to give to the government as favorable a settlement as must bo offered to those holding security of & higher class. The real question to be considered U whether the. proposition to the government Is a better proposition and. will secure a better return to It than It could Obtain by resorting to a foreclosure of Its Hen. " Messrs. Mink and Anderson of the re ceivers , Mr. Bolssevaln and his party and General Manager Dickinson are at Portland. AUIII3RK TO .EXCHANGE ORDUBS. Western Pasiancer Association Lines Ho- Ject the Ohio Klrrr Heads' Request. CHICAGO , Nor. 15. The Western Pas senger association lines some time ago- were requested by the Ohio river lines to abolish the exchange orders on business In the terri tory of the Ohio river lines and put their business on the basis of regular tickets. This the association lines at their meeting today declined to do , saying that they would prefer to keep up the exchange orders , even If they were compelled to put arbitrary rates on all the business going over their lines Into the territory of the Ohio river lines. The matter of the short line rate made by the Burlington , Cedar Rapids & Northern from Waterloo , la. , to Montana and north Pacific coast points was next taken up , and after some discussion the rate was with drawn. A resolution watt also adopted directing Chairman CaldwoII to Inform all the govern ment and state officials who have the power of Issuing transportation that all orders for such transportation must be exchanged for regular tickets , or the order. If presented on the train , would be taken up and full fare collected. The balance of the work done at the meet ing was of a routine' nature. The Western Passenger association lines have received In formation that there Is no chance of an agreement being reached with the Canadian Pacific on the question of rates on the emi grant question. This means that the' western roads will have on their hands a lively fight for all the emigrant business going ; to the west and the northwest , and the trunk lines must choose between the western lines and Canadian Pacific. Well Deserved Promotion. H. B , Kooser , who for six years has been connected with the Missouri Pacific at this point In the capacity of traveling freight and live stock agent and contracting freight agent , was called Into St. Louts the early part of the week to discuss matters pertain ing to the western territory of the Missouri Pacific. Yesterday he returned with a commission as special traveling agent to report direct to the general offices In St. Louis , and for the preient will bo located In Denver , having charge of the Colorado terri tory. The promotion Is one that gives uni versal satisfaction In railroad clrclei. He is thoroughly at home In both freight and passenger business , and as the eyes of the general offices are upon him Kooser will undoubtedly - doubtedly attempt to possess his territory foi the Missouri Pacific. Ho has gone to Denver. Ills place will be for the prtsenl filled by Mr. McNaughton , chief clerk , ant may probably bo made permanent In tb ( event a competent chief cleric can be secured by Mr. Phllllppl. o Itullwuy Note * . General Manager Holdrege has gone tc Sheridan , Wyo. Charles Kennedy of the Rock Island nai gone to Chicago. Hon. John M. Thurston and Judge W. R Kelly of the Union Pacific are In St. Pau appearing before Judge. Sao born In matters affecting the abrogation of certain contracts The Burlington will put Into effect a. nev time card Sunday , November 25 , which , whlli In no1 wlie affecting Omaha , will1 lessen thi time , of No. 2 between Denver and Omahi one hour. On the date mentioned No. : will leave Denver at 8:50 : p. m. Instead o at 9 o'clock , as heretofore , arriving1 lnOmnhi , and Chicago at the same time. It wll leave Denver after the arrival of all train : from the Pacific coast , Utah and Colorado and will be the fastest train by forty-flvi minutes between Denver and * Chicago. A Chilli KiJojr The pleasant flavor , gentle action and sooth Ing effects of Syrup of Pigs , when In noei of a laxative , and If the father or mother b costive or bilious , the most gratifying result follow Its use ; so that It U ( he best famll ; remedy known , and every family ibouli have a bottle on band. Miirrleil , Mr , A. E. Reynolds and Mlie Lottie Slatte were married at Iho Seward Street Mcthodli church Wednesday by Rev , W. K. Beans. Wednesday Mr , George W. McIJlroy am Miss Cclla A. Williams 'acre married by flor , Or. J. M. Wilson. M lirn Other * I'nll Hood's Sar npnrllln builds up the shattered system by Riving vigorous notion to the dl- gestlvo organs , creating nn appetite and purifying the blood. U U prepared by modern methods , possesses the greatest curt * tlvo powers , and has the most wonderful record of actual cures pt nny mcdlcliio In existence. Take only Hood's. Hood's Pills nro purely vegetable , and da not purge , pain or gripe. 25c < MR. AUSTIN'S PECULIAR CASE. It I * IntmtlRatcil nml Tnkrn Ifmlrr Ad- vl < pinoitt by thn Intimity Commloiliiii. The members of the Insanity commission devoted the greater portion of their t'tno ' yes terday afternoon to Investigating' the mental condition of W. U. Austin , who sat upon the Jury which recently returned a verdict ol guilty against Edward r. Morearty , who was charged with forgery. Austin was employed as nn engineer a couple of years ago and ono night ho left homo and came down town. Meeting a policeman , ho asked a number of outlandish questions , nil of such a nature as to lead the officer to think that the man was daft. Ho was placed under arrest and taken to the city Jail , whcro ho Insisted that his nama was William Urcnstty. and that ho was on his way from Montana to the south , where he had employment. Austin was kept In the city Jail for a number of days and then turned over to the county and detained In the county Jail for nearly a week , during which tlmo the Insanity commission sat upon the case and pronounced him Insane , ordering him sent to the hospital until such tlmo as he could be taken to the asylum. During all of this tlmo there \\as no person who mine In con * tact with Austin who recognized him , not withstanding the fact that ho had lived In the city for years , and Austin was reported as having mjstcrlously illsappcavcd. One Sunday , Just prior to the time when Austin was to have been taken to the asylum , a reporter for The BPO ban occasion to visit the county hospital , and there , recognized him. The keeper of the Institution was In formed concerning the Identity of the man , and Mrs. Austin and the children were sent for. He faded to recognise any of them , but Insisted that they resembled the members of the family of William Austin , whom ho claimed had died some years before. In stead of Austin being sent to the asylum ho was taken to his own home , where he was cared for for some months by the members of the Association of Stationary Engineers , to which order io belonged. Some months later he recovered and went about attending to his duties , and a few weeks ago ho was drawn as a Juror , being called to sit In the Morcarty case. Soon after the verdict of guilty was re turned the attorney for the accused moved for a 'new trial , urging that the statutei provided that every man charged with crime was entitled to a trial by a Jury of his peers , and that In this particular Instance Mororirty had not been accorded that right. They urged that Austin had been pronounced In sane , and that there was no evidence to In dicate that ho since had been ane. To es tablish Just the status of Austin's mental condition the commission yesterday hoard testimony. After hearing the evidence the members took the matter under advisement , and will hand down their opinion later. Veteran * of the iMla War llomomueroil by th < ; oiicral ( Jovoriinient. WASHINGTON , Nov. 15. ( Special. ) Pen sions granted , Isiue of November 3 , wcro : Nebraska : Additional-Wilbur P. McCortl , Campbell , Franklin. Increase James Clark , Tekamnh , Hurt. Helssue Albert P. Master- man , Omaha , Douglas ; Caleb Q. Cloiigh , Stanton , Stanton ; Henry Stcphan , Chailton Dawes ; John Weitcrhorr , Gcrrrmnt wn , Sew ard. Original widows , etc. Kunlce Fellows , Inman , Holt. Iowa : Original John N. Crush , . Scrctnton City , Green : John H. Hnrnes , Correctlon- vllle , Woodbury. Addltlonnl James Mor risen , Cedar llaplds. Linn. He Issue John. 8. nulllngton , Llnevllle , Wayne : John Elder , Allcrton , Wnyne ; Lymnn H , Williams , Ed- thervllle , Emmet. Original widows , etc. Louise P. Bancroft , Sioux City , Wbodbury ; Laura A. Gautz , I airfield , Jeftersonf Cclla Ann Jefters , Attlcn , Marlon , t Wyoming : Original Charley Allen. Lan der , Fremont. Colorado : Original Albert Walter , Canon City , Fremont. Original widows , etc. Jen nie B. Vnnderwark. Fort Collins , Larimer , South Dakota Original widow * , etc. Ce- lena B. Bailey , Ipswich , Edmunds. Pleased with 12 < loiioiit' | I'rnipoctii , Air. John E. Searles , secretary and treas urer of the American Sugar Refining com < pany , president of the Baltimore & Chesa peake railroad and a leading director of thq Northern Pacific railroad , passed through Omaha.1 eastward bound yesterday. Ho hod Just returned from a buslnesa trip to Edf > e- inont , S. D. , In company with Mr. Francis C. Grable of this city. The object was trw Investigation of the large deposits of grind stone adjacent to that enterprJslnir little city at the base of the Black Hills , with a view to the formation of a largo company for the purpose of quarrying , manufactur ing and putting on the. market this grind stone. Mr. Searles said he had never seen a better quality of grindstone than at Edge- moJit , nnd thnt It afforded a Vei'y profit able field for the growth of a large Industry , It was learned that a. company will ba formed , with Mr. Searles as the leading spirit , which will have Ita headquarters in this city. On his return cast Mr. Searles will send , out a representative front New York City , and everything necessary for the promoting of the enterprise will be ener getically provided for. The only other grindstone - stone deposits In the country are close to Cleveland , O. One company , with a capital of $2.250,000 , has built up about Its quarries the town of Berea. with a population pi over 2,000. Every -year this company ships 40,000 tons of grindstones to nil parts of the United States and to other countries as well. The Industry to be established at Edgemont will crow to rival Its eastern competitor , for It has behind It every ele ment of success. Ilobort Oiiivnlni : In a Wow Itolo. SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. " 15. Roberl Downing appeared for the first time 'last night In "David Gurrlck" at the California theater In this city. ( Special arrangement ! had been made for the presentation , and thi costumes and scenery were obtained here- . The performance was considered entiiely successful. a , ro liuust r Sentenced fur J2ml > azxl mnnt MEMPHIS , Nov. 15. W. H , Glbba , cr- postmaster at Jackson , Miss. , was todaw sentenced by Judge Nlles of the federal court to pay a fine of $3,920 and bo Imprisoned In Kings county , N. Y , , penitentiary for tnre years for embezzlement ot postolflce fundf to the amount of the fine , No Troitblu t Hut nhlll. JIASSILLON , Nov , 15.-Contrary to ex pectations there was no cliiah at Itarnlilll lust night. Marshal Just was released today on $100 bull. He l charged with rnnrtslaugh- ter. Edward Morgan , the victim , of th PIKe Hun Bhootlnn at Leesvllle , will ba burled tomoirow. Thirty deputies are still on duty , as trouble In threatened. DO CENTS VOU 50 CKNTB. Columbian Xouvonler Half Dollar * , At par. You are entitled to one .Come and get It , W. H. DENNETT CO. , 1502-1612 Capitol Avenue. ' Our Italy. Time was when the "glorious climate pf California" d1 ! not attract tourists. But year after year the tldo of travel sets In stronger and stronger every fall and winter towurd this favored region. There IB no cllmata IUc It on this continent for a winter resort , end the usual fine service of the1 Union Paclfla system has this eeison lx } n brought to. , a degree of perfection which loaves nothing ( a be desired. For further information call on your near est ticket agent or address II. P. DEUEL , .City ( fcket agent , ' 1302 Farnam t , Omaha , Neb. When Baby wo slclr , go * e her Caitorta. When she was a CUIU , ghe cried for Caatorlt , When eho became Miss , eho clung to Coxtorla , 1 Rjfti the had Children , she garo them Castotte