Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA IA1T-T JPTgiTDAY , 16 , 1S94.
Many Heavy Chicago Holders of Wheat Sold
nnd Weakened the Market.
Corn Wai Firm ut the Opening but Fluctu
ated LcUureljr i\ml Moderately , Fol
lowing WlioiU with the \Vcnk-
no s of the I'nst WccU.
CHICAGO , Nov. 15-Enough of the heavy
local holders of wheat sold out to weaken
the mat ket , and at the close It was ? 8c lower
than on the day before. Corn was fairly
steady until near the end and closed He
lower for the day. 1'rovlglons wire strongtr ,
notwithstanding Immense receipts of hogs.
Oats closed unchanged.
The sentiment pervading the crowd ol
wheat speculators wns BO bullish at the
opening that the demand became at once
strong nnd May sold ns high tib
61'/iC , compared with Clc to ClHc
nt the close yesterday. Not much
was bought nt the price named at that time ,
ns there were numerous selleis nt GHtc nnd
some nt OlUc. The ptlce gradually worked
down until It got to Clc , at which the buy
ers became In the majority , and lifter n
nhlle there wns anotner advance , which eli
minated nt Clr > ( , c. A reaction of about he
then ensued. The bullish feeling nt the outset -
| * set was duo to some remarks In the 1'rlcj
| i Current confirmatory to the extent of the
feeding of wheat prevlotu-ly reported by the
name authority , nnd to the firmness of the
foreign cables. New York sent numerous
selling orders find gome heavy plungers In
the local ctowd who had long wheat let it
go. A number of the ndllvo local s-ealpere
were selling nil dny and that caused the
market to tend downward again after eVery
Roger Krnus , George Scvcrns , John
Carrie , the Pnikcrs , Cottrll nnd Brossen
were among the more prominent selleis
Cables were firm nt the close nnd large
sales of cash wheat were icported nt Ull'
luth00,000 bu. to shlppets and 15.COO bj. U
millers. The price was well maintained
around Clc nml eilfcc after Its willy bttlgt
nnd subsequent reaction. Near the close tin
seaboard scalping crowd nnd i-onm more
iccal bulls 1 crease I the offerings so that tl (
maikct became very weak near the em
and sold off to GOlsc , with that price bid at
the close.
The corn market was firm early , but Hue/
tuated leisurely nnd moderately. It gnvc
little evidence of Independence , following
wheat with the weakness that has charac
terlzed the market for a week past. Then
wns more pressure to sell new No. 3 corr
to arrive , which had a weakening effccl
upon the speculative trade. The drop ir
wheat near the close caused some pressun
to sell nnd left the price under the closlnt
price of the day before. May opened frorr
60ic to COTsc , and sold at 1-lCc higher , frorr
that off to 60' , < ; c , which wns after reactloi
again the value at the close.
Oats were dull and lifeless , following corr
In" Its fluctuations. May started quiet a' '
S'fiic , Bold up 4c , dropped with corn to 32)s <
nnd. finished at the starting point , 324c.
Provisions again made gain * , firmed up b )
desperate buying. Hog receipts were (11,0'J (
head , Instead of 57.000 head ns estimated
yet the provision market started nt an ad
vance of 2ic ! for pork and fiom 2 ,0 to 5 <
for lard. Pork made n clear rise of 45c , am
lard and ribs 17c. At the close the net gait
was pork , SOc , and lard and ribs , lOc each.
Freights rather steady nt UJc for corn t <
Buffalo ; vessel roqm scarce.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Cnah quotations were as follow a ;
I'LOliR Firm and unchanKod.
WHEAT No. 2 Hptlnsr. 59W & 3Sc ; No. 3 cprlng
2 WHff301-4c-
L ' - -
HYH-No. 2 , 47Hc.
UAIILKY No. 2. 550SCc ; No. 3 , 53'i 33',2C ; jjo
4 , nominal.
FLAX SKKD NO , i , n. .
TIMOTHY SEKD-Prlme , J5.55.
I'ROVlSIONS-Mess porlt , per bbl. , J12.504
1262(4 ( ; lard , per 100 ! ! > . , J7,22',507.25 ; short ribs
* lde ( loose ) } 6.fti(6.M ! dry salte.1 shoulder
( boxed ) . $ o.37'ta5,75 ; short clear sides ( boxed )
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal.
SUGARS Unchanged.
The ollowlng ncie the receipts and ehlpment
14H,0 ( ) (
80,11(11 (
On the Produce cxchanre today the butter mar
bet was Orm ; creamery , I4a20ci dairy' 1222c
Lo i'
NEW vonic .i vu
Yesterilay's Quotation , on Flour , Oraln am
PiovUlnnt , .Alolulu , rtc.
NEW YORK , Nov. ,15.-FLOUR-Recelpts , 26 ,
100 bbl . ! exports , 17.SOO bbls. ; sales , 2J.800 pltg
Market Is held above thalcws of buyers , nl
though there Is o good demand for most giadcs
Ilakcrs' extra Is scarce nnd strong. Souther !
Hour , dull. Hye Hour , held higher ; eales , l.W
bbls. ; superflne , J2.5J-3i.75 ; fansy , J2.83ffi3.OJ
Buckwheat Hour , firm nt JI.S'SIMO
IIUCKWIIHAT-Uulet at M&iilc.
. Js111 ? MUAL-Steady ; sates , COO bbls. am
1.400 pKRS.
} { yiTI.mtna" ? * ' * tendy boat loads. C3S3Sc.
J ARLKJ-Nom'nal : No. 2 western , 62c.
SAHWjy MALT Quiet : western , 6775c.
WHKAT-Recelpts , 24.100 bu. ; exports. 15,60
bu. ; sales , 6.52J.OOO bu. futures and 21.000 bu
spot. Spot market Inactive ; No. 2 red , In stoi
and elexotor , M ic ; afloat. MT ® MUc ; f. o. b.
MHo : No. 1 northern , 68'4c , aclUered ; No.
hard , COHc , delivered. Options opened stron ;
and h'gher , odxanclne on good local covering
foreigners sold , howc\cr , nml prices soon log
the advance , and after 2 o'clock weakens
sharply under reallxlng. closing nt Kft\lc \ d < j
cllnoi yesterday's roiions about Argentine cn
damage were denied today ; No. 2 red , Januaiy
60K661C. closed nt 60'ic ; February closed a
! lHciS'h / ; < F082 9-1Cc' closci1 nt 62 ° : M >
at WHc
CORN-Recelpts , 67.800 bu. : exports , 600 bu.
tales , 365,000 bu. futures nnd 65.000 bu. * pol
Spot market strong : No. 2. 60c , In store nn >
elevator ; Mweplic aHoat ; jellow , 61c. dellvercl
No. 1 , 53C63Hc. Option market opened steady
but declined under local selling , rallied again
tut dually weakened with wheat , and closei
ft We net decline ; January , WR33 e , closed a
f5 i l y. 64HtJ54c , closetl at 64Uc ; Novembei
MHttMMe , cloU at SSMc ; December. 56 > i Ji7Hc
closed at 0440.
9AT8T.nfCclPts. 73,900 bu. : exports. 2.900 bu.
salts , 420,000 bu , futures nnd kl.OOO bu. spot
Spot market stronger ; No. 2. 33' , 334c ; No.
J , v red. S4',4C34 > ic ; No. J. S3Uc ; No. 2 white
S038Uc ; No. S white. 37 > ic ; track , mixed west
ern , 3 < UKc ; track , white state. 3641ic ! , Optloi
C nerally jlrni all day on fair local buying , clcs
I" * at MfiHc adiance : January. 34Vi 35c , close
? } . , ' ! ? { P b'-uary , S5Sb36c , closed nt SStfc ; Ma }
JSJieSTe. clcBed nt 36c ; Novemlier closed a
MMvU . ( iemlcr' "Ti l'Sc. cks l at 34UC.
! * lllpt > ln * ' W8 ! io ; good
' common to choh-o , o'i
; Pacltlo coast. 34G7i. !
. wet "Urd Ncw Orleani. sc
to Ibs. , 5c ; Ituenos Ayres. dry. 20 t
? ! , ,7 * " ' drJrs * to 30 lbs5W e.
TIIER-Oulet but Heady ; hemlock sol (
Ayres. ] lBht to heavyweight. 15 ? lCc.
' 8lettd > 'i domestic iK-tc * . l 8lc ; pulled
PROVIBIpNS-Heef. dull. Cut meats , steady
pick ed bclllM. 6V7Uc ; plrkled shoulders , 6H <
pickled hams , 6 % J3Hc. Lard , nrmer : wc-ster
steam cloie-1 nt J7.S1. nom nol ; rales , 311 ll > rci
7iO ( ; city , J7.1JiiC7. ; November closed
J7.60 , nominal ; December , J7.C5. nominal ; Jam ;
n n > inal ; rcCned. steidy ; conttneni
" " rmkdu' '
IlUTTEll Firm ; western dairy. llttKc :
jrn creamery , 16fc26c ; western factory. 10C14 <
Elglnn. 2 c. Imitation creamery , IJClSc ; stat
dairy 6 'ic : state creamery. 182Jc
CIIEKBE Firmer ; state large. S'iOl t
mall , SttllUc , port skims , 3Utt7lic ; full sklini
TaO8 : Weaker : state nnd IVnnejUnnla. Z5 <
JJ rl erj.tor , 17ORc ; western fre h. lQ24c ; ca i
| 3.50 < f(3.75 : receipts. 6,810 pkgs.
rUTnOLEVlM Nomlnsl ; United closed at 82' (
TALLO\V-Flrmer ; city , 4HCNKc ; country. 4' '
TURPKNTINn-Steady at .
IHCE-FIrm ; domestic , fair to extra ,
Japan , 4Hc.
MOLASSG8 Slfady : New Orleans , open kettl
good to choice. 130 SOc.
P1O IRON-Dull ; Scotch , J19.OOaN.00 ; Amel
lean. J10.00eiJ.X ( ) .
fiPKl.TKU-Klat ; domestic. J3.SHO3.35.
LEAD Steady , brukrr * ' price , J3 ; exclmnv
price , JJ.HH r3.ii.
COPPER-Qulet , brokers' price , I9.M ; exchiUil
price. J9 W usked.
COTTON HKUI ) OIIRather steadier : urln
( rude. 22c ; prime white , 32O33C , nominal.
steady ; fitrults , J14.W ;
ull. Rlle § on VlinnKO , 25 ( ons tin , B. 0 , to
prll 30 , ono day's notice , 114.31 ,
'nndltlon of Trnilu nml Quotatlnni on
btntilc nnd Piincy Produce.
About the only change of Any Importune :
esterday nas the decline In the price of veal.
he mm ket wn > full of veal calves , and buyers
ere nble to secure a very considerable conccs-
on from former prices.
The receipts of hay are Increasing , but prices
re unchanged An caste : n authority has been
aoklng up hay statistics , and says ; "The hay
rep In New York state Is woith JM.000,000 per
nnum. The crop of the United States was R'
inch as the cotton crop , twice as much as the
heat crop , and fifteen times tobacco crop. "
notations :
IH'TTUH ' Packing stoik. "tsflS ; fair to good
ountry , llT13c ; choice to fancy , U31Tc ; gath-
red creamery , lOffWo ; sepatator creamery , 21
Iions-Slrlctly fresh , 19020C.
POl'LTRY-Old hfns. c , spring chickens , tc.
ticks , 6iS6c- ! turkeys , CfriHic ; heavy torus ,
DRKSSUD POULTRY-Chlrkeni , fair. 5c !
holco large , 6c ; choice small , 7c ; turkeys.
air to good , 7j7'/4c ; choice heavy , SOTc ; choice
mall , 94flOc ; ducks , fair to goad , 77i ! < : . fancy ,
c ; Keene , fair to Kooil , 7c ! fancy , 8c.
OAMU I ralrle chickens , per Uor. , J3.25 ; grouse ,
er doz. , J2.7603.00 , blue wing teal , per do : . ,
1.60 ; gieen wing teal , per doz. , tl.Z't ducks ,
ilxed , per doz , II : canvanbacks , J4.00 l.50 ;
lalinnls nnd red heads , J2 010226 , quail , Jl.iSfA
.HO ; deer saddle * , HS/lCc ; antelipc siddlcs , 12 ®
3e : small labblts , 11 ; jnck rabbits , J2.
VHAIj Choice fat and small veals arc quoted
t 4'4OOc , large and course , 3Blc.
CIIiisiWHc30iln : : : full cieam , Young A. ,
3c ; tulns , 12'ic ; Nebraska nnd loUa , full
cream. He ; Nthmska and Iowa , part skims ,
OSc ; LlmbtiiRei. No. 1. lie ; brlcU , No. 1 , He ,
"Sulks , No. 1. 14015C.
HAY Upland hny , J3i m'dlnnd , < M ; lowland ,
S. rye straw , J6 , Color makes the price on
ay. I , Klit fhnties sell the best. Only top glades
rlnp top prices.ld
ld blrd , p r doj. , 73c.
The present return la the hist of the season
Plating to condition of the potato crop , nnd
InpeicentiiRp should closely fateshadow the
Icld per nrie which forms the subject of the
S'oxcmber leport , fays ChlcaKo Prmluco. llelow
s BHen for cnmpnrlwii n table of the October
ondltlons for n seiles Of > enrp , tcget'ier with
he > l"lda per ncie as shown In the subseqn 'lit
November reports This table shows how nearly
'omtntit Is the iclut'on ' Letueen the condition
) leld per acre at least so fur us concerns
pioduct. '
October Yield
Cullper Acre
Vrnr. dltlon. lljshcls.
. 77. 'J 7G t
. 61.7 57.5
8J1 . ill. 3 03.3
MB . : . ( ,7.7 62.0
' ! > ! . , . ; i,2 72,2
VJI . , . GI.3
The rcj > ortB by states arc as follows :
Maine There Is a large ciop of potatoes , but
hey me rotting badly.
Ncw Hampshire Potatoes nrc nbout live-sixths
of n wop , but of very pied quality.
Rhode Island Potatoes yield on low ground
lery well , nnd on high , dry land better than ex.
liected September 1.
Connecticut Iolatoes are belter than at th <
time of last report.
New Jersey Irish potatoes will be a shorl
Pennsv-Uanln Potatoes n small crop and the
ubois are small.
North Carolina Irish potatoes do not make c
favorable showing :
South Carolina Sweet and Irish potatoes arc
erj ; good.
Kentucky Potatoes are a little more than hall
a crop.
Michigan Potatoes show poorer condition thar
on the 1st of September. This Is due to frost !
'n the not them purl of the state nnd to rot Ir
Ihe central patt. The rains of September helped
Ihc late planted. In the northein part of th <
state , where the yield usually amounts to " . " > <
ju. per acre. It will not exceed 60 bu , this year
( n soiithcn Michigan late potatoes are still grow.
ng and will bo better If frosts hold off.
Indiana Potatoes are not a satisfactory crop ,
Those .grown on low lands yield Jnltly well , but
ate not up to the standatd In Quality , while nr
ilgh or sandy soil they are , In many localities ,
nearly or quite a failure.
Minnesota Potatoes will not yield over one'
mlf a crop.
Iowa Potatoes have been benefited by the lati
Missouri Irish potatoes are rotting In th <
ground. There will not be much mote than r
laJf crop.
Nebraska Potatoes are not meeting warranter
South Dakota The potato ciop Is short , bui
, 'nrlcs greatly according to locality.
Montana Potatoes show excellent condition
and there is nn eastern demand at paying prlcei
; o farmers who are convenient to the railroads.
Cole ! ado The notnto pioduct will not be a !
arge as usual , although Increased acreage will
of courro , help out the yield. The crop doea no
pioinlse as well as last year. Owing to llgh
frosts In many localities ,
Washington Potatoes will be a fair crop. Ir
some sections condition Is rcprotcd as 1UO , It
others as low as CO. Quotations :
POTATOES Western stock , car lots , 63c
small lots. 70c.
OLD BUANS-Hand-plcked , navy , J2 ; limi
beans , per lb. , 4'Jc ' .
ONIONtJ-On orders , 65TOc.
CAnilAdU-On orders , l'c. .
CIJLKRY Pur doz. , 2'3 > 33e.
8WECT POTATOUS-Pcr bbl. , J3 ; Jersey. J3. &
per bbl.
linr.TS Per bu. . 50COe.
CAHUOTS Per bu. . 508600.
CAULIFLOWHR Per doz. . $223.
HGO PLANT Per doz. , Me.
HORSnilADISH Per lb. . 7CSc.
PARSNIPS Per bu. . 50060C.
RtlTABAOAS Per bu. . "SffiSOc.
PARSLI3Y Per doz. bunches , 23c.
TURNIPS Per bu. , luc.
SPLIT PKAS-Jpcr lh. , 3Q3Uc.
HUIinAHD PQUARII Per doz. , 75c.
TOMATORS Per bu. . Me.
ORnnN PEAS Per bu. , Jl.25fll.33.
QUINCES California , per 50-lb. box , 1175.
APPLES deed stock , per bbl. . J2.602.75
Michigan stock. J3 ; New lork , J3.0003.25.
1 LUMS California , none.
PHARH Winter Nellls. Jl 5031.75.
GRAPES Concoids , 10 lb Laskets , 2223c
California , none.
CIlANUERIilES Cape. Cod fancy , J10 per bbl
ORANOES Mexican , per box , J3.50 ; Flor
Idas. J3.
HANANAS Choice ftock , J2 0082.50 per bunch
LEMONS Malaga , Jt 50 ; fancy Florida , size :
200 nnd MO , Jl.tOf4.60.
OYSTERS 1XL. 9c ; medium , per can , lOc
horse shoes , 12c ; extra Mnndards. 16c ; extr ;
selects , 17 < S ; company selects , 21c ; Ncw Yorl
counts. 23c.
NEW Fias-Fancy , ICc ; choice , I3c ; California
bags , fc.
HONEY New Yoik , 17c ; California. 158160.
MAPLK BYIIOP dallon can- ! , per doz. , J12.
MAPLE SUGAR Per lb. , 10e.
NUTS Almonds. 15il6c ; English walnuts , 12c
fllbfrts , ic ; Iliarll ' nuts. none ; e.uten
chestnuts , no good stock ; shcllhark hickory nutn
per bu , , J1.50 ; fancy raw peanuts , 6c ; roastei
pe.inuti. 714c.
SAUEn KRAUT Choice white , per bbl , , J4.5
® 4.75 ; per half bbl. . J2.UO.
MINCE MEAT I'ancy , in half bbls. , per lb.
6'ic ; 10 gal. kegs. 7c ; condensed , per case of
doz. pkgs. , J2.73.
FISH Fiesh caught croppies , perch and sun
fish. 305o ; buffalo , Sffllc ; pike and pickerel , G {
be ; cattish. Sfi'.ic ; black bans , 12Q13C.
CIDF.R Pure Juice , per bbl. , J6 ; half bbl. , J3.25
HIDES No. 1 green hides. 3 > ic ; No. 2 grcel
hides , 3'Jc ; No. 1 gieen salted hides , 4Uo : No.
green salted hides. SWc : No. 1 green salted bidet
25 to 40 lbs. , 4 < 4c ; No. 2 green salted hides. 25 t
40 lbs. . 3'4c : No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 15 Ibs , 7c ; No
2 veal calf , H to 15 lbs. . Cc ; No. 1 dry Hint hldea
6c ; No. 2 dry flint hides , 4c ; No. 1 dry Biltci
hides , Gc ; part cured hides , % c per lb. less thai
fully cured. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Volume ot lluslness on 'Chance Today Wni
I.luhter Thau Usual.
NEW YORK , Nov. ID. The volume o
business on the Stock exchange today wn.
lighter than for the past few days nml ther <
were- Indications that the favorable inllu
ences of the elections nnd the governmen
loan were loslntr th'elr effect on the shar
speculation. Both of these Incidents wcr
taken advantage of by the proi'ebslona
operators to create the Impression that i
permanent Improvement In share value
wns assured In the hope of attracting th
Investigating clement to the stock market
but the outsiders are wnry , they havlni
been deceived so often thttt they are not n
easily caught now by the glitter that ma ;
not after all be gold ; they nre cautious eve ;
to timidity , and appear to be determine' '
to watt until all doubt Is removed from th
The speculative conditions are still uncer
tain and the cliques and traders are lef
to light It out among themselves. Oytsld
of Sugar , which furnished nearly half o
the day's transactions , the trading wa
small , St. Paul being the only other stoci
In which the dealings reached 19.000 tharet
London was not In the market to any ex
tent and very little business wns done fo
any but thp local account. Sugar wa
manipulated by the t si le p ol , wit ch move
It up and down at Us pleasure. Opentn
unchanged from yesterday , the stock ros
s per cent , reacted % per cent , nnd befor
noon had advanced 2 % per cent to SWJi
During the afternoon the shares wer
freely offered for sale , and In the late deal
Ings touched 87H. a break of 3 4 per ceni
from which there was a final rally of 1
per cent , making n net loss of % per cent
The other Industrials were as a rule wen
throuchout the day and closed general !
lower. Cordage common lli per cent ; Cord
age preferred and Rubber preferred , U& pe
cent ; Ilubber common , 1 per cent ; Dlstfllln
and Leather preferred. 14 per cent ; Oenerr
Klectrlc , U per cent ; Chicago Qas , V4 P
cent , and Tobacco 1V4 per cent. The Lea
shares were favorably affected by the declai
atlon of dividends , and show a gain of '
per cent In common and VI per cent In pn
ferred. I-aclede Qua preferred Is up 2 p <
cent and Consolidated Oaa U down 1H I > <
The railway list was unsettled , but In n
case was there any special pressure to sel
The grangers were fairly well held , movlri
within a range of a fraction and gainltl
on the day U per cent for Northwester
and St. Paul , and H Per cent for Burllngtoi
while Hock island loses \i ( er oenU A ;
ances nrc ahown in Cleveland , Columbus ,
Inclnnntl & St. Louis preferred , and Bouth-
rn & Atlantic Telegraph of 2 per cent ! Amer-
cnn Exprcsd 1 % per cent , nnd Alton , Terre
faute , Plttsbure & Western preferred and
' 'prt Wiyno 1 per cent. In the list of de-
Incs Are : Ncw Jersey Central , 2 tier rjentj
Jelnwnro ft Hudfton , 2 % per cent ; Delaware
& Lackawanna , % per cent , nnd Heading H
cr cent ; Lake Bneand Western and Bouth-
rn Pncinc , i per cfnlT '
The bond market wns heavy during the
ay fop the more nctlve mortgages , with
Atchlson 4s and Heading third preferences
ending In point of business. The sales for
jc day aggregated Jl,314GOO. Net results
rfi ns follows ; Declines Cordage Ists , 214
> er cent ; Atlantic & Pacific 4s. zft per cent ;
Union Pacific. Denver & Gulf Ists , 1T4 per
ent ; Lake Erie & Western IstB. li per
ertt , nnd Wnbash 2ndn , Cotton Oil S3 , Chl-
ago & Northern Paclllc Ists , trust receipts.
Jrlo 2nd consols and Ohio Southern .4s , i
er cent. Advances St. Louts & San Fran-
: lsco general Ca , 3 per cent ; St. Louis &
an Frnnclsco consol 4s , l fj per cent ; Chi-
ago & ICnstern Illinois consol Es , Chicago &
2rie IstH , Illinois Central 4i and Long Island
9 , Northwestern sinking fund Cs registered ,
Union Clevnti'd Ists and Hock Island Ists
nd Hock Island extended Gs , 1 per cent.
Buffalo , New York & Erie 7s sold at 138 ,
ga'nst 128 In AugUit. Louisville , Evansvllle
& St. Louis consel Bs sold at 40 % , against
3J4 on June 5.
The Evening Post's London cablegram
ays ; The stock markets were good. Con-
ols were nt the highest point ever touched.
Votlmlthstnndlng the elllux of gold , gill
dgcd stocks were strong , and equally In
aver were Brazil nnd other South Amer-
cans. American railways were still corn-
mrntlvely lifeless , The Increase of 405,2X (
n the coin and bullion In the weekly
lank of England's return Is due to net gold
mportcd for the week of 114,000. The differ-
; nce Is nccountcd for by the usual with-
Irawals from Scotland. The details for the
veek are 793,000 Imported from Hussln , 50.-
00 In half sovereigns exported to Durban
299,000 In bars for France. More gold IE
irobably going to France Immediately.
The following were the closing quotation !
oil the leading stocks of the Ncw York ex.
change today :
The total alcs of stocKs today were 198,33
shares , Including : American Sugar , 97,900 ; Ilur
Ington , 5,300 ; Chicago Gas , 00 ; Manhattan
9,2W ; National Lead. E,20'3 ' : New Jersey Central
4.SIX ) ; Reading , G.iOl > ; Rock Island , 4,900 ; St
Paul , 10,300 ; Un'ted States Cordage , 0,503 ; Rub
her , 3,700 ; Western Union. 3,000.
Now York Mouev Murbett.
Easy at 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per. celt ; closci
at 1 per cent.
STERLINGS EXCHANGE Steady , with actun
business In bankers' bills at $4.87jt4.87'i fo
demand and $4 864. 61/i for sixty da > s ; postei
rates , $4.874 87K and $ l.SS@4.8Syi ; commercla
bills. $485.
GOVERNMENT HONDS Easier ; state bonds
dull : railroad bonds , heavy. i
Closing quotations on bonds were an follows ;
Flniiuulal Nnt < .
NHW OnLEANS. Nov. IS. Clearings , Jl.(50,01 ( :
IIALTIMORK , Nov. 15. Clearings , J2.272.061
balances , J2S7.030.
lOarON. Nov. 15. Clearings , 113,199.794 ; ba !
ancea , Jl,58" > ,9l4. !
NKW YOHK , Nov. 1 ! . Clearings. J80.035.W !
balances , J5,517,314.
I'HILADKLPIIIA. Nov. IS.-Clearlngs , tlll 9 ,
883 ; bahuilee , U,791,205.
CINCINNATI. Nov. 15. Clearings , S2,211,15 <
Mcney , 4 Q6 per cent ,
I3CHL1N , Nov , 15. Exchange on London , elgr
days' sight , 20 maiks 3S iifjj.
MEMPHIS. Nov. 15. Clearings , 1377.780 ; ba
ances , J64.699. New Yoik exchange selling t
ST. LOriS. Nov. 15. Clearings , 13 9TG 33
balances , JIJ7,617 , Money , dull at KJJ'p'r oen
Exchange on New York. par.
CHICAfJO. Nov. 15-Clearlncs. J13,092OI >
Money , 404V4 per cent on call and Mfq , per cet
on time. New York exchange , 40c premlun
Foreign exchange , firm ; sterling commercla
WASHINGTON , Nov. 15. The cash balonc
In the treasury at the clore of business toda
was J103.010.178 ; a loss for the day of J692.00
The told reserve today was J61,878,374 , whlc
shous a net lovs since yesterday of J73.448 ; sine
October 31 the cash balance shows a loss i
J9.3S9.7S5 , nnd the gold reserve a gain of 1318,31
PAIU3. Nov. 15. The weekly statement i
the Hank of France. Issued today , shows th
following changes oa compared with the pn
vlous account : Notes In circulation , InCreas
15.9M.OOOf ; treasury accounts , current , Incitag
24.375.000f ; g-old In ha-ld. Increase. 18.7 .00 >
bills discounted , decrease. S.OW.OOOf ; sliver I
hand , decrease , fIS.OOOf. Three per cent rente ;
102f 2'o for the account. Exchange on Londci
25f 12 < ic for checks.
LONDON. .Nov. 15. The Bank of England
rate of discount Is unchanged at 2 per ceti
The weekly statement of the llnnk of EnglaTii
ttsued today , shows the following changes I
compared with the previous account : Total n
serve , Increase. 1470,000 ; circulation , decreasi
I65.000 : bullion , Increase , (445.2J3 ; other sccurlfe
decrease. { 172,000 ; other deposits. Increase , 1113
000 , public deposits. Increase , 1(0,000 ; notes r <
s n'e , Increase , 1361,000 ; ROvemment seeurltle
decrease. 1144,000. The proportion of the HAD
cf England's reeurve to I ability , which lu
week was 61.13 per cent. Is now 03 per cent. Tf
Block exchange was generally auleter today , bi
all Investment stocks and consols were vei
nrm ; Americans were neglected and Canadlu
I'acltla was weak and lower , Qold Is uat <
at lluenos Ayres today at 146 ; Madrid. 14 ; LI
bon. 23 : Ht. I'etersburg , (0 , Athens , 77 ; Horn
107.CO ; Vle.inv JOB. Tlie amount of bullion wttl
drawn from lh Dank ol England on balani
today was 1553,009.
iow Qrado OattL ifjo'rjl the Yards and Ad
versely Affect Prices.
Cornfcd Natives SZIVSteiulj- , but Others
Shade Off Hogs ( fp ri Lower but Firm
Up nuil Cloiir.iu Strong to
Highest 1'rlcoJ.
THUHSDAY , Nov. 15.
Heavy receipts ngaln today , nearly sw.
nrs. The four days' receipts foot up In
ound numbers 18,800 cattle , 31.100 hogs and
,250 sheep , an Increase over the same period
nst week of some 9,000 cattle nnd ll.OOf
hogs , but a falling off of about 6CO ) sheep.
The yards were full of common low grnd (
cattle , and for this reason , perhaps , mor <
nan any other , the market was dull nni
dragging. Pair to good beef steers , such ai
he killers were all wanting , readily brough
good , steady prices , but sillers found It linn
o work oft the common stock even at lowci
> rtces.
Fair to good cows and heifers met will
a brisk demand at nrm figures , but buyen
nsUted on a further reduction In cnnnei
> rlces. There were lots of old , thin cowi
that sold IGc to 25c lower than the first o
he week. Good vcnl < 5nlv s ru cd cctlve ani
Irm , common largo stock dull and lower
The market for bulls , stags , etc. , wns nbou
Business In sleeken nnd fe'de s waa fa rl <
nct\e | and pttccs for n suitable grn le * wen
Irmly held. Common und memum HtocI
cattle were hard to sell , even at very lov
) rlccs. There was almost no call for then
it nil. Good to choice feeders are quotabli
nt W.'OuIUO ; fair to g od , & .3 > if2 01 , and com
non grades fiom $2.25 down. Ropresenta
live sales :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
28 Btra , tic. . . 966 } 1 80
Mcl'tiee" & > Mullen.
43 steers 1173 3 15
I' , llrankamp.
3i steers. 1278 3 23
A. J. Homer.
34 steers 1058 3 30 ' -
R. T. Allen.
1 cow 1090 2 DO 9 cows 983 1250
I caw 1000 250 22 cowa 1032 310
1 steer. . 1050 3 60 1 steer . 1180 3 CO
2 steers . 1130 360 10 steers . IOCS 360
William Reynolds.
feeders. . . . 1018 2 65 steers . 1078 3 10
1 steer. . 1CCO 4 00 14 steers . 1171 400
F. rerguson.
1 cow . 1000 175 " 1 cow . 1110 175
2 ccW8 . , 905 1 75 5 cows . 914 1 73
3 cows. . 933 215 1 cow . 740 215
2 cows . 710 2 15 1 cow. . . . . . . . 9:0 2 IS
1 cow . SJO 2 50 12 cows . SW 2 30
J. M. Smith.
1 cow . 970 200 3 cows. . . . , . ,1033 225
4 cows . 1005 2 60 3 steers . ,12JO 3 60
I steeis..l263 S 59
R. II. Homer.
2 cows 950 1 DO 22 cows..1071 230
A. E * Hill. .
21 cows. . . . . . . 1023 2 fiO
II. Jtflmson.
1 cow 1000 2001' fa g cows 932 200
1 feeder 1000 2W * 2 fV lerd.10CO 2 TO
1 bull , 13CO 1 40VHH 1 bull 1290 1 05
47 cows. . . . . , , 903 2 33
1 cow 550 190 , , ' " . 1 cow , . .1100 190
3 feeders. . . . E66 2 W.L.-L 6 feeders. . , . 892 2 50
1 cow 780 1 737T12 COWB 955 2 S3
2 Btra , tig..1035 2 4o01U 1 steer. 1310 3 25
G , Tuft.
39 COWB 987 2 23M iV
HOOS There van anothcr'eooil run today , In
the quality of the ornrrtiTKB wns liaiilly a > got
aa on the two preceHfuiJdays. Included In tl
arrivals weie eleven loj d from Sioux Oil :
billed direct to ther llammond house. Iluyc
UKaln had rather thOieil. of the situation , ur
started In blddlnzaaitiliylnK prices from 5c i
lOc lower than Wednesday- Sellers were not ovi
eager to accept tlies * rtnures. nnd as packer
buyers were all wwntliHf liberal supplies II
trading became llvellfcr 'laid prices ( Inner us tl
mornlnR advanced. ifTJintfetrcnKth In proviso !
alw had a bullish Inrhrroer. and on the late mn
ket the early decll rr tltnl entirely dln.ippe.ire <
Fair to { food heavy Tuiil heavy mixed hoes so
largely at J4.35 to J4.45. , with several good
choice loads r.t * 4.0'ftmlL53. Light and ll.l
mixed loads sold at frnrn 14.05 to 14.35 , and pli
and stock hogu at from 12.50 In 11.10. The pel
were emptied earlier'than might have been e :
peeled , the bulk selllne at from SI.35 to J . <
On Wednesday , as well as pn last Thursday , tl
bulk of the trad.ns was. at 14.40 to 11.50. Itepr
sentatUe sales ;
No. Av , Sh. I'r. No. AV. Bh. Pr.
87 15 : ItO it 05 . 318 . . . tl 40
116 148 200 4 1 ! 41 . 215 ICO 4 40
,178 , 160 4 13 . , , ,22 } 200 4 40
31. ,153 , 40 4 15 M . 274 240 4 40
M 151 120 4 15 < 1 . 232 200 4 40
7zi6z ; ; SO 4 IS 29 . 271 40 4 40
II 190 . . . 4 15 . S78 40 440
SI 165 . . . 4 15 d . 222 120 4 40
SO 146 . . . 4 IS 71 . 222 120 4 44
37 202 200 4 SO ' MA. , , i. .280 200 4 4(1 (
100 158 y 4 20 tl , . ISO 40 4 40
4 1 7 . . . 4-20 4T , . 300 1(0 440
103 169 . . . 420 28 . 2GO 40 440
90 150 . . . 420 49 . 95 209 4 40
72 160 40 4 20 7 : . 6 40 4 40
U. , W 40 4 M i ( . nt 40 440
81 165 RO 4 20 64. , . 214 40 440
81. . . , , , .216 440 4 13 U . 210 120 440
7 212 . . . 4 25 M . 208 . . . 4
U , 173 80 4 25 70 . 2C1 60 4 40
78 194 . . . 423 61 . 293 40 4 40
71 178 240 4 S3 S3 . 202 40 4 4C
. , 170 W i2 M . 8 ZW i U
The supply was llfilit nnd the market
quotably unchnnucit. Ucslrablo mutlnns nnd
"ambs are In nctUe demand nnd firm , with corn-
non Btuft Blow sale and \\enk. Fair to choice
nathes are tiuotnlile at } 2.S52.90j fair to Rood
wi-stcrn" , J2.OOff-.GO ; common and stock sheep ,
fl.MOl.73 ; Rood to choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs ,
I2.00ij3.75 , Representative Rales :
N'o. Wt. Pr.
115 western mixed 95 J2 00
128 native wethers 93 233
40 native cwra , . . .96 233
Hpcolptunnil Hl po ltkim of 8tnck.
Official receipts nnd disposition of stock as
shown by the books of the Union Stock Yards
company for the twenty-four hours ending at 3
o'clock p. m. , November IS , 1894 :
Curs. Head ,
Cattle 139 3.935
HoKfl 131 11,311 !
Sheep 4 3C1
Cattle. HORS. Sheep.
Dmaha Packing company. . . . . 5 2191 . . . . .
O. II. Hammond company. . . . 151 2,414 . . . .
Swift nnd company. 1,181 2.S97 90fi
Cudnhy Packing company. . . . 1.2S3 3,4" > 9
R. llecker & Uepran 227
Hamilton & Stephens C9
Vansnnt & Co 81
J. L. Carey 113
J , I ibman 85
I. . Decker 41
Lee Rnlhsch'ld ' 6
a. H. II. . Sioux City 758
Henton & W 116
Wilson , C. B 193
Left over 700
Shippers und feeders 1,103 9 12S
Totals 4,404 12,346 1,031
Cattle Prices \Vore Firmer , the Demunil
Heine Hotter.
CHICAGO , Nov. 15. Cattle pi Ices were firmer ,
the demand being better and receipts much less
than predicted , but there was a general dlsln-
cltnnt'on to allow , any , advance. A few , offerings
were good enough to bring more than J5.23 ; a
greater part of the supply Bold below (5 , though
fancy export steers we're worth from $6.30 to
$0.40. There were Bales of Inferior cows around
$1.25 , and cons nnd heifers of extra quality
were salable nt from $3 to $3.00 and better. The
close wns firm.
The heR market continued to show unsteadi
ness , and the receipts were again greatly In
excess of nil expectations. In medium nnd light
weights there was a decline of fiom DC to lOc.
There wan an nctlve trade from stnit to finish ,
packers buying right and left , nnd there was n
decline of from 6c to lOc. Theie was trading
from 12.SO to 13. W ( or culli and cholera pigs to
$4.90 for fmcy heavy hogF. The prevailing prices
were from $4.40 to J4.T.O for light and from $4.D5
to $4.70 for medium nnd heavy-
All the sheep pens were full , and there were
sheep In the alleys und sheep In the cuttle and
hog pertB. Today's arrivals were not unusually
large , Imt the total for the last four days beats
all previous records , and the accumulations now
amount to many thoueandi. Hellers were nnxlous
to unload nt from 75c to $2.85 for poor to choice
sheep , while from $1.59 to $3.90os the range ot
quntat'ons for luinls. Th r < j wire few gales
of lamlm nlxne $3.75.
RecelptCattle. . 13,000 head ; calves , 000 head ;
liosrs , 60,000 head ; sheep , 15,000 head.
The Evening Journal * reports ;
IIOOS Receipts , CO.OOO head ; official yesterday ,
GO.02 head ; shipments , 9,033 head ; left over ,
about 19.500 head ; quality only fall ; not a great
many good heavy lots ; market nctlxe under u
good demand ; Bales ranged at $4 05ff4.55 for
light , $4.r I.40 for rough packing ; $4.15 ? l.70 for
mixed : $4.4534.90 for hea\y pack ng and chipping
lots : I24HHIO for pigs.
CATTL.n Receipts , 13,000 head ; market active
and SftlOe higher on better giaile'f.
SIIHEP Rece'pti , n,00-3 head ; 1 ght demand ;
supply excessive ; maikct nominally loner.
Kunsaa ( liy Live st o ! < Miiritnt.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. -CATTLE Receipts ,
8,000 head ; shipments , 4,700 hend ; maikct dull
and weak ; Texas steers , $2.30iT3.23 ; Texas co s ,
J1.MH72.M ; beef steers , $3.30ffo.CO ; native cows ,
$ l,00ijf3.25 ; stocKers nnd feeders , $2.5003.60 ; bulls
nnd mixed. il.5002.SO.
HOOS Receipts , 16,200 head ; shipments , l.'OO
head ; market opened lOc lower : hea\y closed lOc
higher ; Imlk of rales , $ t.2.@l.50 : hea\p | . $135 $ ;
4.80 ; packers , $ l.2r ii)4.f ) > 0 : mixed , $4.20ftl.5r , ; rights ,
$3.7ii&4.30 ! ; Yorkers , $4.20 4.30 ; pigs , $2. OS3. 0.
SHEEP Receipts , 1,100 head ; shipments , 300
head ; market steady and unchanged.
vfw ; York l.tvp Stoo'c Mitrknt.
NEW YORK , Nov. 15. REEVES-Recelpts , 597
hend ; , no trading. European cables quote- Amer
ican steers nt 9',4JllV4c , dressed Wright ; re-
frlgeralor beef , 6 > 4J(8Kc. No eximrts today.
CALVES Receipts , 150 bend ; mat ket stendv ;
veals , poor to prime , $5 OOfiK.OO ; grassers , J2.00if
4.00 ; western cnlves , $2.7oi3.75.
SHEEP AND LAM11H Receipts. C.375 head ;
26 cars on sale ; market very dull , but steady ;
ghefp , poor to good , $2.0003.00 ; Iambi , common
tu good. $3.00B1.00.
HOGS Receipts. 7,010 head ; market weak ; In
ferior to good , $4.90if5.20.
st. I.onU l.lvo .Stork Marlcot.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 15. CATTLC-Recelpts , 4:00
hend ; shipments , 900 head ; market slow ; native
ElerH , 1,200 Ibs. . $4 30 ; common nnd light , $2.15
02.W ; con-s. SI. 708-50 ; Texas steem , light , $2.50 ;
co s , J2.00if2.15.
HOGS Receipts , 10,400 hend ; nhlpmentn , 2,300
head ; mm ket Blow nt lower prices ; best heavy ,
$4.5004.00 ; mixed lots , medium nnd light , $1.20Q >
4.45 : common and rough , $ j.50@l. 5.
SHEEP Receipts. 1,200 ; shipments , none ;
market quiet ; native mixed , $2. : > ! if..50 ; couth-
western mixed , J2.00ff2.00 ; lambs , $3.40.
Moclt In > liht.
Record of receipts nt the four principal mar
kets fcr T.iursdny. November 15 , 1MI ;
Cattle. Hoes. Sheep.
South Omaha . 38J
Chicago . , . 13. OX )
Kansas City . S.ftiO
St. Louis . 4,2 < M
Total . 29.785 97,910 17,761
. Miu-ar .llnrkHt.
NEW YORK , Nov. 15. SUGAR Raw , firm
fair refining. 3c ; centrifugal. 96 test , 3'ic. Re
fined , Hrm : Nn. 6. S13 15-16c ; No. 7 , 9 11-lOfi
3 o ; No. 8. J'AfJS 13-16c : No. . 3V4 3 11-lbo
No. 10 , 3 7-16 3Scj No. 11. 3H 3 9-16o ! No.
3 5-lCit3Hc ; No. 13. 3 Vic ; off A. 3'O4'ic ; mouli
A , 4ICfllHc ; standard A , 3 l-16 3'ic ' ; con
fectloners' A. 4 l-16@IVic ; cut loaf. 4'iffi 15-16c
crushed , 4'W5 1-lCc ; poHdered , 4 7-lf.QlHc ; ernn
ulatiHl , 4 3-lGQ4Hc ; culmi. 4 7-1674Hc.
LONDON. Nov. 15. 8UaAR-t'nn . flat and
Iou r ; centrifugal Java , 12a ; Muncinndo , fair
rcdnlne , da 8d. | _
Ponrln finiln Murker.
PEORIA. Nov. 15 , CORN Steady : No. 2 , 48lJc
new No. 3 , 44',4c ; new No. 2 , 43Uc.
OATS Acme , firm ; No. 2 white , 31B32Jc ; No
3 white. 30'i031'/jC.
RYE Scnrce : No. 2. 60ffl51c.
WHISKY Firm ; high wine basts , $1.23.
RECEIPTS Wheat. 600 bu. : corn , EO.OM bu.
oats , U.500 bu. ; rye , COO bu , ; barley , 8,400 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat. MO bu. : corn. 10,400 bu.
oats , K.3CO bu , ; rye , none ; barley , 6,600 bu.
llulutliVlirut Mttrkot.
PCLUTH. Nov. 15.-WHKAT-C10K ! No. 1
hard , cash and November. SlUc ! No. 1 northern
cash , &S < Kc ; November , (9Hc ; December , J > 9o
May. ( ZUc : No. i northern , cash. W'ic ; No. i
; rejected , COKc ; to arrive , No. 1 northern
'I'rlsao Wheat Quotatlnus.
December , * 7Uc ; May , ll.UU ; cleared , 41 , t ;
cental * . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IMInnpupoll * Wbfrit Market.
MINNEAPOLIS , Nov. 15. The wheat mart *
opened ilrvoc this moraine uid quickly od\tnc <
"It's Cruel
for them not to give you Pearline for your
washing. Your folks can't know much about it.
My ! They could sa'vc their money , and all your
hard work besides. I'm thankful
the lady I live with ir just the
other way. She knows what
fiPearline will do , and she
i , \ wants it. She'd never let me
lose my time trying to get
things clean with soap * and
she wouldn't stand it to have
her clothes all worn out with
rubbing , either. "
rw That's the truth. The
l\\ \ \ lack of Pearline comes just as
y hard on the mistress' clothes as it
does on the laundress' back.1" -
Peddlers and some unscrupulous nroccrs will tell you " this Is as rood"as"
or "the same us 1'carlinc. " IT'S FALSE Pearline is never peddled.
Jf T > . _ .1 _ nr l If your croccr sends you something in place of Pcarlinc , bo
ll ijcLCK honest ttnctit hick. 437 JAMK3 PYLB , New Yoik.
what we like to harp on. We can't help it. These de
partments are just teeming with the choicest goods you
ever saw , and at prices so low that it will astonish you.
First-class goods never were so cheap and the time to
buy is now , when the assortment is complete.
Comforts from .49c Ranges from $4.5O
Blankets from 58c Heating Stoves from 2.75
Pillows from 37c Laundry Stoves from 2.90
Pillow Slips from. . ,24c Gasoline Stoves from 1.98
Sheets from 58c Gas Burners from 11.90
Sliam Holders from. 24c Oil Heaters from 3.95
Ingrains from . . . lie Bedsteads from. . . $1.39
Brussels from . . .43c Mattresses from. . 1.37
Velvets from . . .69c Chamber Suits. . . 7.90
Body Brussels from . . .58c Parlor Suits. . . .17.50
Malting from lOc Sideboards . 9,65'
Hemps from lie Extension Tables . 2.85
$10 00 worth of poocla ,
$1.00 poi- week or1.00 per/mouth
$25.00 worth of goods , , .
$1.50 per week ol' ' $0.00 per month
$50.00 worth of { jowls , - .
$2.00 per week or J8.00 per month
$75.00 worth of goods ,
$2.50 per weolc or $10.00 per month
Take your choice. Your trade $100.00 worth of poods ,
is equally appreciated S3.00 uor week or $12.00 per month
whether you pay cash or on $20"\00 worth of goods ,
payments. $4.00 per week or 815.00 per month
Formerly Peopls'3 Mamnoti Installment Housa
Open IVfonclay and Saturday Evenings.
about Uc , with much buylnc for local account
nnd moie than usual oideta from the outsde ,
and the maiki-t remained pretty steady. After
> 4c to ? ic decline Ininlnt * * * neatly all day was
done on a basis slightly hlsher than the clo lnif
cf yeBteiduy. Wheat IB riovlnu lather more
freely from farmeiii. and receipts WIMO a little
above the average. Towaid the close there was
some wheat for ale , \\hlch forced pikes down
Uc , the close being thnt much under the price
nt the rrc\lous day. November , Kia ; December ,
' 40S8tc ; May. 60HC ; No. 1 haul , on tracK ,
' .Sc ; No. 1 noithcrn , 63Hc ; No. 2 northern ,
5Sc- receipts , 837,000 bu. ; shipment * . l.,2" > 0 bu.
The Hour maiket continued steady nml firm ,
with mllleis able to sell alwut ull they cared
to sell at cunent prices of patents at i.2003.10 ;
bakers' , Jl.60ff2.20. Slilpmints for the twenty-
four hours , 41,000 bbls.
St. LoiiU ( leiii-nil MnrUet.
ST. LOUIS , Nov. 15. PLOril IIlKhcr ; pat
ts , $2.6002.75 ; extla fancy , J2.35W2.43 ; fancy ,
CCiM.lS : choice , Jl.754il.83.
WH11A.T Opened V4o up but sr.I.l off He. ral
lied V5c on a Hurry , diopped IMCK % c. then weak
ened to a close MI'ic below jcsleidny , out-
Hide Inlluences receiving little cimnldorntlunt No.
2 red , cash , K'c ; November , 61ic ; December ,
62'te ; Mny. GWiiolVjC.
CORN Ojifncd 'to up. but eased oft He.
strenKthened "iS'iC , but weaKened late with
wheat , closing about unchanginl : No. 2 mixed ,
cash , 4C'c ; No > ember , 46Vic ; December , 46 % < f
47c ; May. 47',4o.
OATS Tame ; No. 2 , cash and November , ! 0o ;
Muy. 32\c.
Ityn No. 2. falablc nt 50o.
HARL13Y IIlBhei : HBles nil on private terms.
JIIIAN Dull : Cle. eufcl tmtk.
PLAX Kin : Loner : 11.41.
T1MOT1IV SiiJD-J4.7 ! > W.V25.
CLOVUH BUiD-W.O > i < S.M.
HAY Prime llinc.thy . , J9.OOfllO.00.
lUJTTUR Quiet at iccent advance.
KHQS Stendy ; HHic.
LnAD-rirm : tMM ,
SPHLTKIt J3.10 bid.
COUN MUAL Ixjwcij JtlOff2. .
PROVISIONS Kirm. Pork , standard meat job-
blntf , J13. 1-ard , primestc.un. . ii. 3 ; choice ,
. , . . , ,
IIIX'IJHTS Klour. 2,000 bbls. , wheat , Vi.VX
bu. : corn , 23.000 bu , ; oats. 15,000 bu ,
BHIPMKNTfl Flour. U.WO bills ; wheat , 8.00C
bu.j com. 3,00 bu.j oats. 2 , X ) bu.
Kitti ii < City Mur'cof.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 15. WIIHAT-Stcady anil
unchnngpd ; No , 2 bald , 0331u ; No. 2 red , 4'Jij
Wo : No. 3 rrd. 4S 49c.
COUNV uk , iHtt quolnbly unchniiKul ; No. ' .
mixed. 4Scj No. Z white , 42s4 l3c.
OATS Steady and unchanged ; No. 2 mixed , 51
QSlcr No. Z white. 3J33'tc.
HYlV-Nu. 2 , nominally 4I lSc.
KI.AX snr.U-Plim ; Jl.13iil.3l.
IlllAN Klrm ; COftOJc.
HAY Firm ; timothy , J7.50aJ.00 : prairie , J7.W
. .
HUTTnR Firm , unchanged ; creamery , ISjfllc ;
dairy. IcaiTc.
EaOH Active , nrm ; 18c.
IlKflSIITB Wheat , 14,009 bu.J corn , 77,000 bu.i
catu. 9,000 bu.
BHIPMKNT8 Whtat , 1,000 bu. ; corn , P.09C
bu. ; oatu , none. '
Vork llrr Good * ' ( liir'cot.
NHW YORK. Nov. 15. Ginghams , domettf ,
printed specialties , wool and worstrd'dr s nowti ,
white goodi , curlaJni. quilts and uther | irlnn
fabrics had considerable attention , f.illonoil by
rood ordrr * . but for current wann th demand
nas very sUck. Coltonettrs. camlets and denlmi
were also lookrd after with Interrat , and fair
tales were made. Spring woolen * were In df-
lively to the extent of large Mlef. and "onu
btulnfss wa don * for duplicated ol heavy goods ,
Prlntlnir cloths In active demand "ntt with Iht
airs In exerts of 3.000 pieces * o far this we k
th market CO ! M ( Irm at 2 11-16 ? for Cl squaiei
bid and declined.
Cotton .Murk DC.
NEW ORLKAN8. Nov. 15. COTTON Steady
tl C 1&-1CCJ low middling , C IJ-lCc ; seed erdlnury ,
Commission Merchant
Grain uiul Provisions.
Private wires to Chicago and New York.
All business orders placed on Chicago
Board of Trade.
Correspondence solicited.
Olllce , room 4 , New York Life IJuIldlaff.
Omaha. Telephone 1308.
4 9-16c ; net receipts , 13 80S bales ; gross , 13,884
bales ; exports to Qr"at Ilrltaln , D,6 ) baits ; ex-
Corls to continent , li 800 bales ; coastwise , 3,3l4
nlea ; rales , 10,1V ) I in I "a ; Block , J5V3' bn'es.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 13. COTTON-Strndy. , M6o
hlBher ; middling , 5 5-16c ; fales. 1,700 bales ; - receipts
ceipts , 10,403 bales ; fhlmnentB , 9,500 bales ; stock.
32,300 lml < R.
NEW OIILKANS , Nov. 13. COTTON-Steadyj
sales , spot , 5,850 balcB ; to nrrhe , 4,300 bales ; re
ceipts. 13,881 bales ; exports , to Oreat Drltuln ,
5,600 balc ; to the continent , E,8no bules ; coast *
wine , 3,305 bales ; clock , 351,735 bales. Futures ,
steady ; sales , 70,200 bales ; November , 15 bid ; Do-
ccmber , J5.0f.fi5 08 ; Jaminry. tf.lOQB.ll ; February.
J5.15jJ5.16 : Match , 31 ! ! < ft5.22 : May , $5.33f5.3t :
June , (5.3905.40 ; July , 15.45 5,46 ; August , > 5. < J
5.51 ,
4'offn Allirknt.
; W YORK , Nov. 15. Options opened steady
at unchanged prices to 10 points decline , nil-
Minctit 10W20 points nn rove rink' , clilelly local ,
nnd closed steady ut WflO points net advcnce ;
Kales , 37,750 bugs. Inclmllni ; ; November , in 90to
14,10 ; I cumber. J13.10tfl3.S5 ; January , J12.7CW12.80 ;
March , J12.107il2.10 ; Mny , 111.70011.85 ; July. J11.75 ;
SeptcmlKT , J11.70. 8iot coffee. Rio , steady. No ,
7. J15 C2V4815.75. Mild , firm ; Cordo\a , | 18 2J
19.00 ; sates. 1,000 bais. No. 8 Rio , J14.CO ; 1,000
IUIKS No. 9 , to arrl\e , J13.25 ; 500 bags No. I ,
JI362'i ; 2rxX ) ba 8 Hantos , NOB. f > to 7it
c. I. f. Waiehouse deliveries from Ncw York
> esteiday , 9,131 bum : Ncw York rtnclt today ,
164.032 bacs : I'nlled States rtork. 226,712 baRgi
unint for the United States , 260,000 bags ; total
\lnlble for the United Htutra , 486,712 bags , agalntt
776.735 baRs last yenr.
SANTOH , Nov. 15. Oood nvernen Pantos , Jll.30 ;
icrelpts. 20,000 b.ixs ; ( lock , 42AOOO bags.
HAMIIURO , Nov. 15. Market steady ; prices < i
pfK decline to > 4 pfg edvance ; sale * , 9,009 '
decline ; at 12 m. . ( inlet at Uf advance ; at 3 p.
in. , steady at lit nilmnce ; closed steady at net
unclmiiKcd to W niUunce ; total sales , 17,000
' '
'r.IO DE JANEIRO. Nov. 15-Qulct ; No. T , nio ,
111.60 ; exchaiiKe. 11 1-16 > 1 ; receipts , 4,000 baxs :
cleiucil for tliu 1'nlti-il Ktntes , 0.00. ) IUIRS ; cleared
for Europe , 1,000 buKs ; stock , 245,000 bags.
I.Uitrpiml AlurkotK.
LIVERPOOL. Nov. 15. WHEAT Close ; Weak :
demand fair ; No. 2 red , winter , 4s lOd ; No. i
rid. uprlnir , Cs Vid ,
CORN Dull ; demand fair ; rpat. 4s IHid : fij.
lures , firm ; demand fair ; November , 4s ll',4 < i ;
Deci-mber , 4s 10il ; January , 4a 7d.
FLOL'ItFirm ; demaml modoratc ; St. Louis
fancy winter. Dt ) 9d ,
I'ROVIHIONB Lard , easy ; demand fair ; snot.
37s 3d. 1'uik , Ilrni ; demand moderate ; prlm
meis. western. C3s 9d , prime mess , medium , U *
M. lleef , firm ; dvtrutnd fair ; extra India mess ,
67s Cd ; prime me n , Dds 3d. llonui. firm ; ilmmnd
motlerate , short cut , 41s , Itncon , demand irodcr- |
Kt ; Cumberland cut , firm ut 303. Short ribs ,
steady at 26n Cil ; lone clear , 41 lbs. , st ady at
36s : d : lone and short clnir , tS lbs , , steady ut
Sis. Shoulders , firm at 29s td. >
CHEESE Steady , demand moderate ; flne-t
whltn and colored , ( Is for September.
TALLOW Nominal ; demand poor ; prime city ,
COTTON HKKD OIL-Hlcndy ; 19s td.
Tl'RI'ENTINE-Steady ; demand moderattt
IplrllH. 20J 9.1.
ROHIN Steady ; demand moderate ; common ,
HOl'H At Ixmdon d'aclHo coast ) , firm : d * >
mand moderate ; new crop , 13 15sQ 3.
BT. IXDUIH Nov. 14.WOOL3uct :