Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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i .
Plaintiff Not Able to Benefit by on Award
* of Damages ,
Trltd Tivlro'ln tlie District Court , the Plain *
tltt Again it Winner mid Till * Time In
the Hut > rcmo Court Qiic-tlnnlng
the hnnltj at n Juror.
' The supreme court has passed upon the case
of Ada C. Flaps against James Stcphenson ,
affirming the decision of tlio district court of
this county , In which a Judgment was ren
dered for the plaintiff. The mandate ar
rived yesterday , and was at once docketed In
the office of the clerk.
On April 7 , 1887 , Ada C. Flagg was driving
alopg Douglas street In her private carriage ,
and as she ncarcd the Fourteenth street Inter
section tier vehicle was run Into by ono of
Stophenson's cabs. The woman was thrown
to the pavement , sustaining some serious In
juries which Impaired her health , and It Is
alleged that they resulted In her death which
followed sqme years later. The carriage was
demolished and the horse was , cut up and
rendered useless. Soon after this Mrs.
Plagg. sued for $5,241.60. and at
the September term of court In
1890 the case went to trial , the
Jury returning a verdict of $1,600 for the
plaintiff. A motion for a now trial was made
and granted , and at the February term of the
following year another trial was had , this
time the Jury finding for the plaintiff and
fixing the amount of the verdict at $2.000 , or
$500 moro than at the previous trial. The
defendant appealed the case to the supreme
court , and there the Judgment has been
Sanity of Aim tin Questioned.
The Insanity commission which has been
Investigating the condition of the mind of
W. D. Austin , a Juror who sat In the case
wherein Ed F. Morcarty was convicted of
forgery , has taken a recess , to resume laborIng -
Ing again today , when additional testi
mony will be taken , together with some
legal advice upon the subject before ar
riving at a conclusion ,
Austin , It will be remembered was a Juror
In the case and after the verdict of guilty
was rendered f. motion for a new trial was
filed , ono of the grounds for asking the same
being that Austin had been adjudged In
sane , and that ho had never been declared
Eli no since he was released from confine
Two years ago W. B. Austin , who at that
time waa an engineer In the city hall , sud
denly disappeared , and no trace of him was
discovered until a few weeks later when It
was learned that he was at the county hos
pital , having been sent there after he had
bjon adjudged tnsane by the commission.
Now the attorneys for Morearety hold that
Austin never having been declared eanc , he
was not a competent Juror.
Tor thn M ill-tier of Mnuil Ilnlirl.
The witnesses In the case of the state
against Sam Payne have been subpocaned to
appear In the criminal section of the district
court this morning anil give testimony
concerning what they know of the murder ol
Maude Hubel.
I Payne , a negro , Is charged wltli
having killed this girl and secreted her
body In a building under the Tenth street
viaduct last May. Some days aftei
the murder the body was found and on ac
count of snlno suspicious circumstances
Payne was arrested and charged with the
commission of the prime. Before the time o
the negro's arrest ' . 'Do Orqwn. a traveling
quack , was arrested oft suspicion , but'nffci
the preliminary examination he was released
Ho Immediately skipped out tuid has nol
been heard of since. It Is nowclaimed , thai
Payne will go upon the wKness'sfamlwhen
ho will Implicate Drown , claiming Hint h (
was the principal and that ho ( Payne ) was
simply the tool and go between.
Court Notes
( Efflo Culver has Instituted divorce pro
ceedings looking to a separation from hei
Husband , John , who she avers has desertei
her , leaving her to provide for herself.
In the criminal court the case of the stati
against Frank Jones nml William Mllbourm
Is on trial. The defendants are chargc (
with burglary , the Information alleging tha
they broke Into a Missouri Pacific rallwa ;
car and stole a quantity of coal.
application for the settlement of tin
estate of Charles P. Miller , the dccensei
mayor of South Omaha has been filed In tin
county court. The widow , who has slnci
married , shows to the court that she h& <
received $2,000 of life Insurance , which shi
has paid In liquidating debts , and that a
this time she has no funds In her posses
Judge B. R. Duffle , appointed to succeei
Judge Walton , who resigned from the dlstrlc
bench some weeks ago , writes that ho wll
arrive In the city today , and that hewll
at once put on the * Judicial harness am
buckle- down to work. It Is not known Jus
what docket Judge Duffle will have , thong
It la likely that he- will sit In one o
the equity rooms until the first of the yeai
t which time the seven Judges will nice
ind reatslgn the dockets. " " .
1'oar Digestion 4
Leads to nervousness , fretfulncss , peevish
ness , chronic .dyspepsia and great misery
Hood's Sarsaporllla Is the remedy. It tone
the stomach , creates an appetite , and gives
relish to food. U makes pure blood and give
healthy action to all the organs of the body
Take Hood's , for Hood's Sarsaparllla cures.
Hood's Pills become the favorite cathaitl
with every ono who tries them. 25c.
WooJbrklge Bros , arc making a great dls
count on pianos and organs to save removln
them to Patterson building , Seventeenth an
Douglas streets.
Now Omuliit Limited Train.
On and after Sunday , November i ; th
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul "electrl
lighted limited" will leave Omaha C p. tn
arrlvlne In Chicago 9 a. in. Remember thl
train carries diners a la carte.
C. S. CARRIER , Ticket Agent.
1504 Farnam St.
Our Italy.
Time was when the "glorious climate <
California" did not attract tourists. But ye ;
after year the tide of travel sets In strong !
and stronger every fall and winter towai
this favored region. There Is no climate 111
It on thli continent for a winter resort , an
the usual fine service on the Union PacU
system has this season been brought to a d
gree of pefectlon which leaves nothing to t
For further Information call on your nea
ait ticket agent or address
City ticket agent ,
1302 Farnam it. , Omaha , Ne
To the I'nclflo Count nml All Wmtfcrn Point
Via the Union Pacific , the World's Plcto
tal Hue. Read the time. To San Fra ;
Cisco from Omaha , G7V4 hours ; from Kans
City , 72 % hours. To Portland from Oman
5 % hours ; from Kansas City , 71 hour
First-class through Pullman cars. Dlnli
car service unsurpassed. Kreo chair cat
Upholstered Pullman Colonist sleepers tlul
between Chicago , Council Bluffs , Omahaai
San Francisco , via C. & N. W. and Unt <
Pacific system without change , connect ! )
at Cheyenne with similar cars for Per
land ! also dally between Kansas City ai
Portland , connecting ut Cheyenne wl
ulrnllar cars for San Francisco.
Corresponding time and service to Col
rado , Utah , Wyoming , Idaho and Montai
For further Information call on your neo
tit ticket agent or address
H. P. DEUKli.
C. T. A. U. P. System.
1303 Farnam Streqt , Omaha.
rcaerul Court Notes.
The contempt caies agalnit the Commo
wealera captured at Sidney last summer we
A. homesteader named WaUh wa a
rslgned for cutting $5 worth of tlralwr fro
gomnment lanl la Cherry county. I
was without legal counsel and Messrs Prltch-
ett and Montgomery were appointed to de
fend him.
The larger part of the forenoon wa de
voted to a call of the law docket. Judge
Dundy served his usual that on the
second call of the docket cases In which at
least one side wan represented would be
either sent to trial at once or dltmlssed
with leave to reinstate.m
About Croup.
Croup Is a terror to young mothers. To post
them concerning the flrit symptoms and treat
ment Is the object of this Item. The first
Indication of croup Is hoarteness. In a child
who Is subject to croup It may be taken
as a sure sign of the approach of an attack.
Following this hoarseness Is a peculiar rough
cough. It Chamberlain's cough remedy Is
given as soon as the child becomes hoarse , or
even after the rough cough has appeared It
will prevent the attack. H ha * never been
known to fall.
llotr ll Thin.
Ten thousand splendid souvenirs free to
buyers of our superior quality of fine granu
lated sugar.
Our last purchase of granulated sugar Is
the largest we have ever made. Wo will not
say how large , because some people might
question our veracity , but wo do say the
sugar Is absolutely pure , and moro sightly
than any sugar over offered In this market.
To Introduce this sugar wo give twenty-two
pounds for $1.00 , together with a splendid
eouvenler with each purchase. No person
buying less than $1.00 worth will be entitled
to a souvenir.
Wo say nothing about tea and coffee. Our
Immense trade on these goods surpass all
expectations' .
Opium habit and alcoholism treated. Years
of experience. H. W. Hyde , M. D. , 407 Paxton
block , Omaha , Neb.
Take advantage of the removal sale on
pianos and organs at Woodbrldgo Bros. , as
they have leased rooms at 117 South Seventeenth , -
teenth street , Patterson block , and will move
In a few days.
Woodbrldge Bros , are making a great dis
count on pianos and organs to save removing
them to Patterson building , Seventeenth and
Douglas streets.
A Young J.niy Accepted n Wnifcr on Hot-
comb' * I h ctlon.
A pretty typewriter girl employed In one
of the Insurance offices In the New York
Life building has been a steadfast supporter
of the candidacy of Silas A. Holcomb. Dur
ing the campaign the young lady earnebtly
advocated the election of her favorite candi
date , and , as a matter of course , met an
occasional Majors supporter who took Issue
with her as to the relative strength of the
two men. One day after a spirited contro
versy a gentleman proposed to wager a box
of candy on the result and was promptly ac
The outcome Is well known. The rash
young man paid his wager as all other
honorable men arc doing , and with the candy
he enclosed the following wall :
Dear Miss. : The wager , fairly won , I send
o you , and from the gloomy depths of
espondency , whole torn and tattered rcm-
ants of lacerated pride chase the spectral
hadows of despair , I extend to you con-
ratulntlons upon the victory of your popu-
stlc friend , which doubtless has kindled In
our eyes a brilliant gleam of sparkling
ght , and sent a radiant smile of sweet
erenlty dancing o'er your sunny phiz.
There Is no cup of woe EO bitter.
When by delusive hopes that glitter ,
Man's led In ccstacles to soar
And chant the victor's mirthful lore ,
Then unexpected legions meet ,
And reap the anguish of defeat.
Writhing beneath the stinging Jeer ,
His drooping spirits naught can cheer ;
Alas ! There Is no healing balm
For thosq who bet on Tattooed Tom.
Yours In sackcloth , .
' * *
MnrrlugB I.U enses.
The following marriage licenses were Is
ued yesterday :
Name and Address. Age
Adam E Reynolds , Omaha 3i
Lottie Slatter , Omaha
Charles H. Schnefer , Omaha 3
Alary Semek , Omaha 2
Jrnest Johndro , Omaha 2
jouwlnn , Hazelctt , Omaha 2
George W. McElroy , Omalm 3
Celia A. Willlami , Omaha 2
1 ho llp t I'liiiter.
Dampen a piece of flannel with Chamber
aln's pain balm , and bind It over the sea
of pain. It la better than" any plaster
When the lungs are sore such an appllcatloi
on the chest and another on the back , be
ween the shoulder blades , will often preven
pneumonia. There Is nothing EO good for i
amo back or a pain In the side. A ser
hroat can nearly always bo cured In em
night by applying a flannel bandage damp
cned with pain balm.
l. I'.IK l KU'HS.
Church Howe registered at the Paxton las
A. Q. Dlxon , Clarlnda , la. , Is at th
beltane ,
0. R. Gordon and wife of Chicago arc a
he Mlllard.
II. W. Woodbury and wlfo of Denver ar
Paxton guests. . Boll and wife of. David City or
Mlllatd guests.
AI % Underwood and wife of Calhoun ar
pellone guests.
J. M. Robinson and wife of Chadron ar
ht the Dcllone.
E. F. Leach and M. F. Penn , Red Oak , la
are at the Dellone.
V. R. King and J. P. Click. . Bedford , la
are registered at the Dellone.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hammond , Unite
States army , are at the Paxton.
Mr. E. Rcsewater left yesterday on
brief business trip to Chicago. He will r <
turn on Friday or Saturday of this week.
Mrs. N. 0. Bowen who has been tli
guest of Mrs. W. D. Wilson , HOG South Tent
street , was called home to Cedar Rapids b
the death of her mother.
iNnhni ki ni ut the Hotels
At the Mlllard U. M. La Grange , Fullei
ton.At the Paxton J. H. nothwell , Norfoll
Mrs. G. M. Trater , David City ; H. (
Guthe , S M. Nevlns , Kearney.
At thr Arcade C. Hemenover , York ; i
Drake , Sumner ; Mrs. F. M. James , Ti
knmiih ; D. Douney , Georgetown ; J. H. Lnn
mers , Hartington ; Daniel Fllber , Colerldgi
James Matson , L. T. Caulklns , Hebron ; 1
Hi Harris , Dunning1.
At the Dellone I. M. Rupand , Tnlmag- -
Hnrry Thule , Nebraska City ; A. B. Watsoi
Holdrege ; A. W. Uuchhclt , Grand Islam
A. Rowan * Ord ; V. Knrl , podge ; L. I
White Sawyer , Sparks ; Mrs. J. 1J. Taylo
Beemer ; Mrs. D. C. Congdoit , North Platt
At the Merchants-L. K. Splelman. B. 1
Latta. Tekamnh ; C. N. Nelson , H. C. Ha :
son , Wukellcld ; A. W. Norton. Peru ; A. (
Crassman , Atkinson : W. Southern , Crav
ford ; U. C. Grogert. Ulue Hill : D. J. Uurk
Schuyler ; J. T. Wtesman , Lincoln ; D. i
McKIIIlp , Sewanl ; James Welch , Genoi
H. U. Raley , Crete ; N. Itelssen , Randolph.
Highest Honors World's Fair.
pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. 1x
tv < i Ammonia , Alum or any other adult > } Jft
Public Institution Peeling the Pfttal Effect *
of Defective Plumbing.
Xchrnnku's Institute for the Dent Turned
Into a Ilonpltal One Ucuth anil Others
Exprctcil Ulionso Duo to Do- *
futtlvo I'luinhlng.
The Nebra ka Institute for the Deaf and
Dumb , tn the northwestern part of the city ,
Is suffering from a serious epidemic
of typhoid fever. There have been
twenty-five caaea altogether within
the past thirty days , ten of which
have developed into unmistakable typhoid.
One of the Inmates has died from the disease
and there are three more whoso lives are In
serloiH danger. The remaining patients are
evidently In a fair way to recovery.
As gathered from the statements of the
officers of the Institution , the fever Is di
rectly attributable to the present unsanitary
condition of the buildings. Two years ago
this winter the plumbing was condemned
by the city authorities as dangerous to health
and a violation of the sanitary regulations
of the city. This was while the last legisla
ture was In session , and 'before the appropria
tion was made to support the Institution
during the ensuing two years.
An investigation showed that the entire
system of plumbing , was out of order. It
had been In for a long time , and besides
being of an old-fashioned character , was
almost entirely worn out. In view of these
facts an effort was made to Induce the legis
lature to appropriate enough money to make
the necessary repairs , the expense of which
would bo considerable. The effort was not
successful , howcver.-'and outside of such lit
tle patching up as could be done with but
little outlay of money , the building has re
mained during th6 entire two years In the
same unwholesome condition.
By a liberal use of disinfectants and gen
eral cleanliness the management have suc
ceeded In warding off any serious epidemic
of disease until about a month ago , when
a large number of the Inmates were taken
sick. Two severe cases of scarlet fever were
developed , and nearly a dozen cases of ty
phoid. The other cases yielded to prompt
treatment and recovered after a few days
Illness. The typhoid cases continued to grow
worse , and the first death occurred last Sun
day. Yesterday It was stated that three
of the remaining patients were In a critical
condition , but that there had been no new
ca es within the past ten days , and It was
hoped that the epidemic was under control.
Superintendent Glllesple was asked as to
the cause of the sickness , and said that there
was no doubt but that the defective plumbing
was responsible. In this view he was up
held by one of the physicians who Is on the
regular staff of the In tltutlon. Both gentle
men maintained that everything had been
done that was In their power to Insure clean
liness , but It was Impossible to do away
entirely with the deleterious effects of the
worn out and Inadequate plumbing. It waa
Imperatively necessary that the entire sys
tem should be overhauled as soon as pos Ible.
Most of It would have to be torn out and re
placed by more modern apparatus. It would
cost at least $2,000 to put the Institution In
a satisfactory sanitary condition , and this
amount the legislature would be asked tc
appropriate for the purpose at the coming
session. > The amount appropriated two yean
ago had been Insufficient to pay the running
expenses of the Institute , to say nothing ol
such repairs as viero necessary , and should
have been accomplished. This year Superin
tendent Glllesple says that he Intends tc
make out a conervathe estimate of such
expenses as must bo provided for , and unles ;
the necessary funds ore furnlshciU tba.healtt
ot the Inmates will be seriously endangered
Agreeably hnrprlted. * * t
Henry Wilson , tne poBtmaster at Welsbton
Fla , ays he cured a case of diarrhea ot.Joni
standliitr In six hours , with one smalljbottli
of Chamberlain's chollc , cholera and dlarrhe :
remedy. What a pleasant surprise that mus
have been to the sufferer. Such cures an
not unusual with this remedy. In man ]
Instances only one or two doses are required ti
give permanent relief. It con always be depended
ponded upon. When reduced with water It li
pleasant to take.
Vlii the U iibuxh 1C. K.
On November 20 , December 4 and It
the AVaoash will sell tickets at one fare
with $2 added. For tickets or a copy o
the Homeseekers' Guide call at Wabash ol
flee. 1602 Farnam street , or write. '
G. N. CLAYTON. N. W. P. Agt. . Omaha.
They're IJIReront.
One of the afternoon limited Chicago train
on the "Northwestern" carries , a dining ca
serving meals "a la carte. " The other ha
a diner serving regular meals. You ask a
the ticket dfflce * and then thUe'ybur choice
"Omaha 4 and G:45 : p. m. arrive at Chlcag
8:15 : and 8:45 : a. m. ' *
1401 Farnam street.
Clmnco In the I'rcildoncy.
The resignation of Mr. William J. Fjschei
the president of the Young Men's Chrlstla
association , was presented at the last meet
$23 OO
for 27 Inch , full
for 30 Inch' full swco :
Same styles in Nortr
west Seul , Eleutri
Seal , Marten , B ? !
ver , Mini' , Ottei
and all other fln
Sor. 16th and f-arnam Sis , , [ IMAM A
\\e lend th m rrelon Vrench
Ilcmixlr CALTHOS f iw , olid n
Irgil guaranteetliatl'AZ.71101 will
RTOI > DlwharxM A Kmlulan * .
CtlHK NM > n torrhta.\arie ceIe
aad HKSTOHK U t > Igor.
Vie il and f'O.vsaliijitd. .
0lt Imrleu IfMU , IbtUmlU. OhU.
'VII' ' | L * f11 I * X1 I'rlmnril ,
W l l UJtb l Tertiary Sl'l'llIUS ,
It you don't twllev * w can cur * your cai
-om to our ortlc * and lee what we can do I
> ou. W * are the inly .peclalliti who will ta
your caw on .mall weekly payment ! and fu
nlth all medicine , free. Connullntlon free. Cc
reipondenc * .olUlted. Cure suarantced la CO
10 day. . Office open on Wedneday and Saturd , from T to I , Office hour , a. m.
< JO n. m. U1NS11OOR IUMiUY CO. .
IW Douglas blnck. Omaha. Cor. Dodg * and It
St. , 1209 Masonic Temple , Chicago.
Ing of the dlrtctort , rfninwan accepted with
sincere regret. Mr. .KHthir has found the
load of the work toomuoh to carry In addi
tion to his presslngf msbiess cares , and Is
forced to give up then lamer responsibilities
of the presidency , and : retires to the board.
Ho will , however , continue his active In
terest In the work , and twill nssUt especially
on the finance committee. ) During his presi
dency the work has < grc Uy developed , the
association Increased Immtmbershlp , a strong
board of directors gn hortd , and system and
organization advanced hml the building
greatly Improved. Mr ! Fischer has given
much tlmo and earnest thought to the associ
ation work. Even Irrjthb face of severe busi
ness depression the association has not fallen
behind In financial ropppft , but the number
of subscribers and the amount of subscrip
tions receUed for the maintenance of the
association Increased.
Major Elijah W. Halford has been elected
his sucessor. Major Halford has had long
experience with Young Men's Christian as
sociations , is heartily allvo to the needs ot
young men , has been closely Identified with
the association here since his residence In
the city , and can give a strong Impetus to
the organization. The young men ot the
association hold him In the highest regard
and will rally heartily and enthusiastically
around him to make the Omaha association a
strong factor In this city's religious and
moral life.
Over fifty people , Including children , will
bo used In the husking bee In "The County
Fair , " which will bo played at the Boyd's
this evening and for the following evenings ,
with matinee Saturday. An old-fashioned
corn husking will be realistically produced ,
and those unfamiliar with this custom and
'rustic entertainment will see the old-time
merrymaking In all Its glory.
"The County Fair" quartet will be ono of
the features In the husking bee In this play.
Tills vocal organization Is said to render as
fine choral work as Is seen In the most
pretentious opera companies , and while their
selections are popular folk songs , their reper
toire Is not confined to this class of work.
Pauline Hall , beautiful queen of comic
opera , and her superb company come to
Boyd's theater for an engagement of two
nights , opening on Sunday , November 18 ,
presenting for.the first tlmo In this city the
now operatic comedy , "Dorcas , " the author
of which Is Harry Paulton , more than
favorably well known as a brilliant author
by his clever writing of the opera of "Er-
mlnle. " ,
"Dorcas" Is derived from a German story ,
though Its adaption has beca made with
great freedom by Mr. Paulton , who only took
the bare outlines of the original as his foun
dation , depending solely upon his own bril
liant creative powers to complete the plot.
This delightful work combines the double
qualities of both an operatic and dra
matic entertainment , as the whole story Is
replete \\lth delightful music , bright and
Miss Hall plajs during the course of the
action of the story told In "Dorcas , " three
different characters ; In the first act appearing
as a romping , Jolly , peddler boy , In the next
as Dorcas , the supposed wife of the village
Inn-keeper , and In the last act , In her own
real character of Lady .Honorla.
The supporting company which Miss Hall
has engaged Is at once one of the strongest
that has ever appeared with a traveling com
bination , comprising 7among Its members as
It does such brilliant artists as Jeannette
St. Henry , Kate Davis , William Broderlck ,
J. Aldrlch Llbbey , Charles H. Bradshaw , etc.
Marie Wellesley , thei charming young
actress , supported by a talented company , In
her new play , "On thetSwanee River , " Is
the coming attraction at the Fifteenth Street
theater , commencing Sunday matinee , Novem
ber 18. "On the Swanee Hlver" Is ono of
the new plays that has made Its .debut this
season. Its strong comedy , pathos , senti
ment , denouements , startling climaxes , laugh
able oddities , catchy melodies and Intricate
and beautiful scenery are said -to bo so
admirably woven and blended together that
there Is not a dull moment'from the rise to
the fall of the curtain.
Mr FranK Murray.-ioneiof tUs best known
and respected traveling men In the theatrical
.profession , will arrive In the city this morn
ing , He cornea this tlrne to herald the com
ing qt David Henderson's big Ohlcagoi Opera
house production , "Aladdin Jr. , " Which will
be seen at the Boyd on Thursday , Friday and
Saturday of next week.
Take advantage of the removal sale on
pianos and organs at Woodbrldge Bros. , as
they have leased rooms at 117 South Seven
teenth street , Patterson * block , and will move
In a few days.
Something lliry Should Know In Addition
to Lniienncri mill Mufttc ,
It has been cynically said that women
tcep the doctors alive. That a girl should
earn a HtUo French and German , and a lit
tle music Is considered of more consequence
than that she should know the law * of her
own life. So the world Is full of sickly
women -vho might be well. They are pale
and nervous , martyrs to headache and In-
llgestlon , and they complain that "the least
thing upnets them. " . . . . .
Well , ladles , there IB not the slightest
need of this state of things. Your pains In
the back and your Buffering from heavy
colds after a trifling exposure to autumnal
or wintry air Bimply means that you need
nomethlng to revive the flagging energies
of your bodies. One get the blood circulating
lating- briskly and the nerves In proper
shnpo and yen will be surprised to see how
soon you will be rid of that miserable , half-
sick condition.
The -itanilard stimulant for nlllng women
Is Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. After work
In the household , worry at n sick bed , emo
tional strain or any of the other common
causes of debility In women , Duffy's Pure
Malt Is BI very fountain of new life. It
is prepared by skilled chemists and Is free
rrom anything that could possibly be harm-
Not a beverage , but nn article rich In
medicinal virtue , It urges the torpid body
to a proper performance of all Its functions.
Wherever n perfect , wholesome stimulant Is
wanted Duffy's Pure Malt Is prescribed.
Ladles recommend It to each other.
Design Is to furniture what seasoning Is tea
a salad. It makes or mars Its perfection and
This chair fairly bristles with design. It
Is a study In outline. The picture gives no
conception of the size ; It Is not a large , un
gainly "Comforter , " but one of those light
frames that lift so easily , roll so readily and
are the delight of every visitor. t
The covering , as shown on our floor , Is
"merely a figured muslin , so that you make
your choice for the upholstering from our
magnificent line of coverings. There Is no
finish In the way of gimp or fringe , but the
edges are bordered with solid mahogany
mouldings , giving rich and beautiful finish.
The frame Is old mahogany.
Such a chair Is an indispensable In the
arrangement of any drawing room. It com
bines beauty with a high degree ot comfort.
And It Jtakea little space.
Charles SMverick & Co.
FURNITURE of Cvory Description.
Temporary Txjcatlon ,
72OO mul I20S DotiifJuB Street.
Weakness andSccrot
Every cure guaranteed.
SO Ttura' experience.
8 Tears In Omnha.
Hook b'reo
14th A Fnrnaiu fit * . ,
for Infants and Children.
"CajtorlaUEowcUadapted to children that Cnsturla cures Colic , Constipation ,
I recommend It as superior to any prescription Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , Eructation ,
known to mo. " IL A. Aiu ncn , JL D , Kllb Worms , ghca Bleep , and promotes dj
111 So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N , Y. gcstlon ,
Without injurious medication.
"Tho uao of 'Castorla la so universal and "For several years I have recommeix5ci
its merits so well l.nowu that it seems a work your 'Castorla , ' and tball tJways continue U
of Bupcrcrocatlon to endorse It. Few ore the do so as It bos invariably produced beneficial
\\ba do not keep Oostoria results. "
easy reach. " EDWIN V. PAHDEC , II. D. ,
CJUOOB lUnrvx , D. T ) . , IKth Street and 7th Ao \ lcw York City.
Ken- York City.
Dressed in Diamonds
* ' , Pointed in Pearls . "
In the.very ; latest New York styles in gold or silver ,
* * *
Shown only by
Jeweler ancLAit Stationer ,
16th ancLDouglas Sts.
In the way
they should
go by using
Shoulder Braces.
We have thorn AT ALL PRICES
The Alee & Penfold Co. ,
J. FRANCIS , Gen'IPasi'r Agent , OMAHA , NED.
Are getting more frequent as the years roll 'round ,
and Yankee genius suggests other things to mix
besides ice cream soda with a "wink in it" cock
tails and politics. Many a clothing store sells goods
today for alt wool that arc not "all wool. " Some of
'em do it through ignorance , and some upon an idea
that every man who wants to buy clothing is a
sucker and can be caught with a "catch line" of
display advertising.
We never guess at it when we tell you a thing
is all wool you can bank on it. We are selling
overcoats just now at $2.75 , that are not wool all
through , and we say so , too , but they're cheap at
$5.00 , and in fact belter than any $5 oo overcoat
you'll get in Omaha.
And here is that full length Kersey overcoat
at $6,75 , all wool , Now the man who wrote ta
this ad. knows that they're all wool , for he took a
small piece of cloth from one of these coats and
"chewed the rag" because they were ordered sold
so cheap. This overcoat is the best value this re
markable store ever offered to you.
Other overcoats and ulsters are perhaps in pro
portion as cheap as the ones we already spoke of.
We have 'em in all styles , and all of the rule of this
season. Long overcoats , whether they're of a
cheap , medium or fine grade , whether $2.75 or the
finest swell kersey silk lined at $21.50 they're all
of thetnew school of styles , and above all , new cloth
and not old shop worn , gathered up auction stuff ,
that won't wear long enough to tell of it's birthplace.
See our clothes line.
Yoiiug Cubs Lova Honey Young Children Lova Jam.
Tfco Into Eminent Chicago Divine , DAVID SwiNtf , bisforo his dcatli wrotb :
QUEER PEOPLE js better tlum the Itest novel. It will
bring the young folks nearer to nature , and along with the humor will
tell them many a truth.
Every illustration has been nrndo by Mr. Cox himslf , expressly to convoy
most vividly to the youthful mind the forceful lessons of the charming story.
Hero ia a specimen :
Y darlings , " said the mother boar.
"You should have passed the hive with care ,
And not have tried to bring it home ,
However sweet mav bo the comb. "
Those volumes charm , yea , captivate the young1 mind , and while they pleas !
they arc rich in instruction of the purest and best sort.
rk4TikV\1rk is beyond all question
Hhi/\rv T3 > \
uueer Jreopie The Brightest ,
BY The Richest ,
Palmer Cox
Juvcnllo in thq world today , especially at the 25,000 lot cost price of
such a chance is not likely over to bo offered again in this city.
Bring or send 10 cents for each copy -desired. Wo deliver or mall as you
wish. No extra charge. ADDRESS
THE OMAHA BEE , ( "USI ErsFsICE ) Omaha , Neb.
For B.-tlo by nil First Class Dealers. Manufactured by the
Factory No. 301 , St. Loulu , Mo ,