Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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    rrrnr ! rrvrATTA T ATT"V 1VRTC S ATTTRT ) AV. "NOVTiVMTSTm. TO. ISO.t.
Position of the Taxpayers League Passed
Upon by tie Supreme Oourt.
Lincoln' * Colored 1'olltlclnn Conclude * III *
I'.lectloii labors with a Olgiintlu .Ing
nil lias 111 * Tuckets 1'lckcd of
Kcveriil Hundred.
LINCOLN , Nov. 9. ( Special. ) In the supreme
premo court a decision In the case of South
Omalm ct al. plaintiffs In error , against
Taxpayers' League , et al. defendants , has
teen handed down. The decision reverses
the district court and a decree Is entered
dismissing tlio action. Following Is the syl
labus of the opinion , written by Judge Harrison
risen :
1. Where It la sought by legislative enact
ment to amend and repeal a former act , or
nny section or sections thereof , there should
be a compliance with requirements of the
constitution In reference to amendment and
repeal of luws.
2. The act Is entitled "An act to amend
sections 1 and 2 of nn act entitled 'An act
to incorporate cities of the llrst class hav
ing1 less than 25,000 and more than SM ( ) In
habitants , and regarding their duties , pow
ers and government , ' known as chapter
xv of the guneral laws of lisa , nnd passed
nnd Approved March II , 1MO , " laws of Ihlll ,
p. 1C2-3 , not having compiled with the re-
ciulrehient of the constitution contained In
section 11 of article III , wherein It Is pro
vided that "No law shall be amended unless
the new act contains the section or wectlons
BO amended , nnd the section or sections so
amended shall be icpcalcd , " Is void and
without effect.
3. Where the nets of a municipal corpora
tion ore presumably without color of law.
an action of Injunction may be maintained
by a party showing u sulllclent Interest , and
that Irreparable Injury will result to him
through such nets , and this notwithstanding
a decision of the Issue In the case may In-
volvq a decision of the particular class to
which the municipal corporation belongs.
4. Under the facts developed In thin case ,
held , that Injunction was the ptopcr rem
A painful sequence to the election tumult
that has agitated Lincoln for the past week
was experienced last night by L. L. Llndsey.
Llndsey Imtl been an active participant In the
local campaign , his best energies having ben
put forth In behalf of the Majors ticket. Hut
last night , acting on his best judgment , he
offered to bet freely on llolcoinb's success.
At the Capital hotel he exhibited a roll of
currency and checks , amounting to $500. He
offered to place $100 even on llolcomb , but
found no takers. Subsequently he drank
freely with a number of companions. How
many drinks he had lie does not remember.
In fact , he says that very little of what oc
curred after 10 o'clock Is Impressed on his
memory. At all events , when lie awoke In
the Shakespeare ealoon this morning al 3
o'clock , his roll was missing. Upon discov
ering his loss , Llmlsey says , that It was his
Impression some friend had taken It , who
would return the same at an early hour In
the day. Ho lias not , ns yet , found his
money. H * says the worst part of it Is that
$400 of the cash was stake money , held In
trust for parties who had bet on the election.
In the district court today Mary Sturey ,
who sued the Hock Island Hallway company
for $3,000 , received a verdict for $1U0.50.
Mrs. Sturey complained that the company
had destroyed the voluo of her lot by build
ing a side track on the premises.
Sarah Johnson Is In court asking for a
decree of divorce from her husband , W. L.
Johnson. The latter Is now a resident of
Sioux City. Slio says she married William
In Lincoln , April 10 , 1890 , and claims ho
deserted her on Juno 30 , last , and has failed
to support her ever 'since. . She also charges
that ho has committed adultery with"nn
unknown person in n brick block on Ninth
street , between N and M , and that he Is a
fugitive from justice , having been charged
by the Clarkson Laundry company with em
The Lincoln Normal university has begun
sul ) . In forcible entry and detainer before
Justice McCandlcss against John L. Steph
ens , an ! the Normal Publishing company to
eject them from the rooms they occupy In
the normal college.
Day by day goes by and still the much
wanttd Vijn Scelver , alleged California em
bezzler , remains In the hands of the su
preme court. Sheriff Attblo of Los Angeles ,
who Is playing a waiting game because he
Is compelled , lilts through town with an
eyo' ' occasionally cast toward the setting sun
and a nigh for the ornngs groves of the
balmy region whence he came. It _ Is expect t-
ed that the supreme court will hand down tn
decision in the case tomorrow.
Woman's field of usefulness widens con-
itantly. All progressive women praise Dr.
I'rlco's Ilaklng Powder.
JIlillM.l .V VltKKXK JH ! > Ull.l KG Kit.
No Kvhleiicu that Ho Ilohltcil tlio Humor
Stuto Hunk.
DAKOTA CITY , Neb. , Nov. 9. ( Special
Telegram. ) Herman Freeze , recently elected
county attorney of Antclopo county , who
was arrested October 16 , charged with em i-
bezzlement and larceny resulting from find i1
ing about $1,100 In a well at Homer on prop
erty occupied by Freeze while acting as (
cashier of the Hpmer State bank , which In
stitution was robbed of ? 1GOO on the morn
ing of October 31 , 1891 , was discharged
upon his preliminary hearing today. The
examination occupied two days.
The money was Introduced In evidence ,
file- bills were In bad condition and will
have to be redeemed by tlio government ,
mil the silver was badly tarnished. The
money was Identified as that sent from
Washington to the Northwestern National
bank of Minneapolis seven days before the
robb'ery nnd afterwards to the National
bank of Sioux City , and from there to the
Homer bank. C. J. O'Connor , present
jwner of the Homer bank , expects to pay a
talvage to the Under of the money and
claim the same.
Miitrlnionlitl AYniiiro of nu Aged Oonplu.
VALLKY. Neb. , Nov. 9. ( Special. ) T. J.
Slmonton nnd brldo arrived In the city last
verting. Mr. Slmonton was married last
week to a lady In Detroit , Mich. , and tlity
have just returned from their eastern wedding
dingtour. . The groom Is 74 years of age ,
while the happy brldo has experienced sixty-
Bight beautiful springs. The happy couple
will make their future home In Knox
county , Nebraska.
WJille on their way to Fremont Monday
Charles Lyons and D. C. Lanham killed a
lack rabbit which weighed fifteen pounds.
This Is the first jack rabbit that has been
killed In this vicinity , or even seen , for sev
eral vears.
Wank Harper of New Ponca , Old. , son of
floVi K. E. Harper , formerly ot the Meth
odist Kplscopal church of Valley , arrived in
the city yesterday and will \lslt friends for
i few days. Frank says Oklahoma fell in
line und went republican.
D , K. Ilrownson received a telegram
Wednesday announcing the death of his
mother at Yankton , S. 1) . Mr. and Mrs.
Drownsan left that evening to attend the
The Ladles' Aid society realized over $50
from Its dinner on election day.
Ornftmi Nc .Note * .
QHAFTON , Neb. , Nov. 9. ( Special. ) Mrs.
Seorge Warren gave a party Monday evening
In honor of Mr. 13. Warren , a cousin , visit-
Inj * from Chicago. Music , dancing and pro
gressive high-live were among the amuse-
menU Indulged In.
Mr. liradley of Harvard , the new II. & M.
agent , m.n-ctl hero this v.oe' < , hla prede
cessor , F. 1 * . Jackson , having been trans
ferred to Grtelcy Center.
I'll tat Ifcfttllt of u I'lllnlly Itmv.
TiCl'MSEH. : Neb , Nov. 9.-SpeclaI ( Tele-
gram. ) After Indulging in a family row to
day , William Ktnnsliiiry , a laborer , aged
about 40 yean ) , took n dose of laudanum
with the Intent of Killing himself , lie was
successful In his effoils nnd will be n corpse
before mlilnlglit. He will leave a wife und
five children.
Walton lli' l Irneo Destroyed.
WAHOO. Neb. N-n- . S-Spec'al ( Telo-
tram ) The reMdenca of Joseph Manners was
destroyed by flr this morning at
10 o'clock Loss1 , about $800 ; fully covered
by Insurance.
I'nptiirpil n hnrnU Thief.
OUAND ISLAND , N"cb. ( Nov. 9. ( Special. )
While Mrs , W. II. Thompjon was boarding a
street car a sneak thief , who gave his name as
Jes Dell , followed her , and crowding between
her and lion. W , II. Thompson , took her
purse and attempted to get out. Mrs.
Thompson grabbed htin and told him to
hand over the stolen purse , but ho tore away
and ran down the street. He was followed
by at least 100 people and quickly dropped
the purse. Rushing up a different street
ho ran Intb a small store , and when his pur
suers entered he stood calmly behind the
stove. He was promptly arrested. It Is
the boldest case of theft that ever was at
tempted In this city.
Miss Kcdzle. Instructor In the cooking
school of the Kansas Slate Agricultural college -
lego wrltis : "Dr. Price's flaking Powder Is
my preference of all the powders In the
market. My fifty-seven girls who come to
my laboratory every day for class work en
joy It. "
X.0 UXVK.1t UX TN.
Alblnl's London Empire Entertainers Is
the attraction nt the Fifteenth Street theater
for the coming week , commencing Sunday
matinee. Hegardlng the performance the
St. Louis Dispatch says : "Alblnl , 'The King
of Cards,1 held court at the Standard yester
day , surrounded by his courtiers and Jesters.
Alblnl himself was the star of the perform
ance. Ills tricks were as clever as of old.
The egg trick , with which ho has defied
detection and Imitation for years , set the
audience yesterday fairly wild. The magi
cian goes right Into the audience with a little
green bag , and first there Is an egg In It and
then there Isn't. It Is done with people , all
about him , but how , Is a mystery. Albnl :
Is said to sleep with that bag and numerous
enterprising newspaper men have spent div
ers and sundry dollars trying to get him
drunk enough to get It away from him , but
without success. "
Among the other attractions on the bill
are Nellie Magulro , character star , O'llrlen
and lltickley and many others.
The "Anti-Christ" Is the subject of Mr.
Davenport's lecture In Exposition hall next
Sunday night. The lecturer will endeavor
to show that his appearing cannot be far off.
Admission free.
About Crunp.
Croup Is n terror to young mothers. To post
them concerning the first symptoms nnd treat
ment Is the object of this Item. The first
Indication of croup Is hoarseness. In a child
who Is subject to croup It may be taken
as a sure sign of the approach of an attack.
Following this hoarseness Is n peculiar rough
cough. If Chamberlain's cough remedy Is
given ns soon ns the child becomes hoarse , or
even after the rough cough has appeared It
will prevent the attack. It has never been
known to fall.
Special 1'crfuinp , CloiH nnd Moat Siilo
hHtiml.ij' .
Saturday's bargains , Kirk's Juvenile soap ,
13c cake ; the pmall size , -Ic cake ; quadruple
extract violet , Jockey Club ; Arbutus , Hcllo-
trops , 9c ounce ; bargains in
Table No. 1 , cloaks $2.45 , worth $5.00 and
$6.00 ; table No. 2 , cloaks $1.93 , worth $12.00
and $1G.OO ; table No. 3 , lot sample garments
$7.95 .worth $15.00 to $20.00 ; large stock
children's Grctchcn cloake , 1 to 16 years ,
new styles and prices.
Men and boys' clothing.
Men's overcoats , $5,50 , worth $10.00.
Men's suits/$10CO , worth $20.00.
Men's ulsters , $ G.0 , worth $10.00.
Boys' $5.00 and $ C.OO suits , $3.25.
In our basement meat market Saturday we
ore KOii'B to sell sugar cured hams , 8
pounds up , for lO'/fcc ' ; California hams , 716c ;
salt pork , 7c ; summer sausage , Sc ; pickled
pork , 714o ; boneless ham , lOc ; bacon lOc ;
and head cheese , 5c ; 3-pound cans lard , 30c ;
5-pound can , 49c ; 10-pound can , 9Sc.
Men's stiff derby and fedora hats Satur
day $2.00 quality , latest styles , 8Sc ; men's
and boy's caps , 25c , worth 75c ; genuine
Scotch caps , 25c.
Chicken I Chickens ! ( hlvkcnsl
Everybody , rich and poor , can have a
chicken dinner Sunday.
Olennood , Iowa.
Hayden Bros,1 Fresh Meat Department :
Shipped you this morning 5,000 choice
dressed chickens. Will this bo enough ;
answer quick.
The above will assure all that we will have
plenty and wo will sell them at 7 ! c a
Fresh Meat Department.
The Crcrtto ! t Milo IC\crlIe1cl nn Menta.
Sugar cured No. 1 hams from 8 pounds up
will be sold at lOVic ; California hams , 7c ;
salt pork , 7c ; summer sausage , 8c ; pickled
pork , 7V4c ; boneless ham , lOc ; bacon , lOc ;
corned beef , 3' c ; pigs' feet , 5c ; bologna ,
liver sausage and head cheese , EC.
3-pound cans of the best lard , 30c ; 5-pound
cans , 40cj 10-pound cans , 9Sc ; remember
you should take advantage of this sale and
save seine money.
Opium habit and alcoholism treated. Years
of experience. H. W. Hydo.M. D. , 407 Paxton
block , Omaba , Neb.
Action of the Oity Council Produces a
Peculiar State of Affairs.
Allrgcct Agreement llrtwren Ilepnbllcnn
nnil Democratic Members Fulls to
Work Uos > li | ns to the Presidency
of the Council After January I.
Though It IB not a matter of general knowl
edge , It Is nevertheless a fact that the city
of Omaha Is at present without a city clerk ,
or at least there Is a question about It.
This condition of affairs Is a result of the
prolonged tquabblo between the political fac
tions In the council was connected
with the appointment of John nvans to
servo out the unexplred term of Mr. Wake-
It will be remembered that at the time
when the death of the regularly elected city
ofilclal left the office vacant Mr. Evans was
appointed by the mayor to ( III the vacancy.
This action was the result of a conference
which was held In the mayor's office. At
this time the democratic members agreed
that If the republicans would vote to con
firm the appointment of Mr. Evans for the
remainder of the year they would assist
In passing the ordinance providing for the
filling of the vacancy by election.
Mr. Evans was appointed by the mayor
August 7 , the appointment reading "to
servo until the next general election in No
vember. " The confirmation was unanimous ,
In accordance with the preconcerted action ,
but when tno republicans attempted to pass
the ordinance authorizing the mayor to In
elude a clerk to fill the vacancy In the elec
tion proclamation they found the solid demo
cratic front massed against them. The dem
ocrats clu med that when they promised to
pass the ordinance It was with the under
standing that no definite time was contem
plated , and on this subterfuge they evaded
their caucus obligation.
After a good deal of controversy the re-
mbllcans succeeded In passing another or-
llnance , which was very similar to the one
first Introduced. There was thin d ffercnce ,
however , that the ordinance provided that
he elected candidate should take the office
nn January 1 Instead of Immediately after
ho election , as was contemplated when the
appointment of Mr. Evans was made.
Now that the election Is passed the term
'or ' which Mr. Evans was appointed has cx-
Vred , and according to the new ordinance
Mr. Hlgby cannot assume the duties of the
olllce for nearly two months. In the mean
time there Is a technically a vacancy in the
olflce of city cleik. This will probably be
Hied by another appointment by the mayor ,
ivltlch will be transmitted to the council
next Tuesday night. There has been some
effort to have Mr.
Hlgby named as the ap-
lolnteo for the Intervening two months on
iccount of the act on of the democratic mem
bers of the council In violating the caucus
agreement. This will hardly be considered ,
however , and the probabilities are that the
mayor will blmply reappolnt Mr. Evans for
the additional period and that the appoint
ment will be readily confirmed.
U Will Contnlri Thirteen
Itcpiihllcnit * mid
Only llio DoniocritlK.
Tlo ) next city council will consist of thir
teen republicans and five
democrats. Not a
single democratic candidate succeeded In get
ting a foothold this year and the councl
will not contain enough members of that
political faith to make a light on any Im
portant measure.
Owing to the enforced retirement of Ike
afccall the First ward will be represented
by two republican members , Peter Hack
holding over with S. I. Gordon as his
colleague. In the Second ward , which has
had two democratic members during the
year Just past. John Lemly will be , let
alone with Anton Kmcnt , a republican , who
succeeds Mr. Elsasser.
In the Third ward McAndrews , democrat
Is succeeded by Sol Prince , who has pro
vlously served In the council and adds one
to t the republican majority.
In the Fourth ward the political com
plexion of the delegation Is not changed
Mr. Calm is the lone democrat , while Mr
Hechel and F. B. Kennard will constitute
the republican element.
The republican representation from the
Fifth ward will remain unchanged , Mr
Saunders succeeding himself after a hart
In the Sixth Holmes holds over and Spech.
Is succeeded by Charles L. Jaynes , who Is
also a republican. The Seventh remains
unchanged , Thomas succeeding himself and
Howcll holding over for another year.
Cadet Taylor succeeds Charley Brune
from the Eighth ward and Burkley am
Jacobsen hold over. Churchill Parker wa
defeated by George Mercer In the Ninth am.
the ward will bo represented by Mr. Merce
and Mr. Edwards who holds over for aiiothe
Although it Is still some time before th
reorganization of the council there Is al
ready considerable hustling for the honor o
presiding over the deliberations of that bed
during the coming year. It goes wlthou
saying that the successor of Preslden
Howell willis \ a republican , but his idcntlt
Is as yet a matter of conjecture. Saunder
and Edwards ' are both reported to be candi
dates , and It Is intimated that Bechel woul
accept the honor If It was handed to him
Mr. Hechel has already held the ofllce fo
several terms , however , nnd Is not makln
any canvass for the position.
If the republican members fall to unlto o
a candidate the five democrats will undoubt
edly hold the balance of power , and In retur
for their votes they will be able , to dictate t
a considerable extent In the make-up of th
committees. The republican members , how
ever , will make a determined effort to agre
on a candidate In their own ranks , and
they succeed In this his election will b
merely a matter of form.
Iol S itcH tn llo Niimril ,
Hero Is a golden opportunity for some of
As the result of my tests , I find the
ROYAL BAKING POWDER superior to all
the others in every respect. It is entirely
free from all adulteration and unwhole
some impurity , and in baking it gives off
a greater volume of leavening gas than
any other powder. It is therefore not only
the purest , but also tlie strongest powder
with which I am acquainted.
Prof of C/iemiilry , Rush Medical College ,
Consulting Chemist , Chicago Board of Health.
All other baking powders are shown
by analysis to contain alum ,
lime or ammonia.
( ho ambitions statesmen' whoso aspirations
have been summarily qufnchcd by the nvn-
lancho of Tuesday. MM'OT llcmls has been
called on to appoint flvr delegates to the
South and West Trade , oongrens. which meets
at New Orleans November 21 , 22 and 23 , and
ten delegates to the Transmlsscmrl Commer
cial congress , which convenes at St. Louis
November 2G. Ttics * honors ate ready to
bo distributed and anyone who covets any
of the attendant glory him only to make him-
sett known and he will frtcelvo an appoint *
mcnt on one of these delegations. In view
of the number of beaten horses which are
eligible for entrance In the consolation race
aspirants are requested to send. In their
names at the earliest possible moment.
A standard of excellence for forty years
Dr. Price's IJaklng Powder has eclipsed all
Itcnllli lionrd Urn u Deficit In Sight Unit
IViiinlKps Tronlilo.
There Is another deficiency In sight In
the health fund. At least that was the
gist of a report submitted by Commissioner
Seville at a meeting of the board yesterday
afternoon. Ur. Snvl.le stated that there was
at present Just $1.G18 In the fund. This
would be Insufficient to pay the regular run
ning epenses of the board with the present
force of Inspectors and to defray the cost
of removing dead animals which has reached
considerable proportions. The commissioner
recommended that all of the Inspectors be
retained until December 1 , and then that all
four of the sanitary Inspectors be laid off
for one month.
On suggestion of Chief of Police Seavey
no action was taken on the motion. It was
deferred until the first meeting In December
and In the mean time an effort will bo made
to Induce the council to provide suinclcnt
funds to pay for the hauling of dead
animals which will leave the health fund
sufficient to answer the- regular demands of
the department.
The American "Water Works company was
granted permission to box up such of Iti
mains as ore exposed , to prevent them
from freezing.
Mary Qoodclilld , one of the smallpox
patients , was allowed $20 for bedding which
had been destroyed by the orders of the
commissioner of health.
Mutters Which Am DuiimiKilni ; the Atten
tion of tlmlgra iinit Jurlen.
Dr. Ira Van Camp Is the defendant In a
malpractice case brought by Anton Sorensen -
son in Judge Keysor's court room. Sorcnson
alleges that he was called at the time his
wlfo was to be delivered of a child and that
by careless manipulation , reckless disregard ,
etc. , the child was still born and the wife
Is permanently Injured , being now canfined
to her bed as the result of Improper med
ical and surgical treatment. The amount
asked for was originally ? 5.000 , but on this ,
a second trial , has been raised to $10.000.
Dr. Van Camp lias filed a general denial
to the accusations.
The case wherein MJ L. Cohen sued Jo
seph Garnenu , Jr. , on a promissory note
was continued last evening In Judge Key
sor's court. Uy agreement of both part ea
the case was heard before a jury of six
until the plaintiffs wore allowed to withdraw
one of the jury.
By agreement the ca.-s of James Cuslck
against the Omaha Street Hallway company ,
In which he sues for $10,500 damages , has
been dismissed , the plaintiff to bear the
costs In the case. Hllzabetli Kuhlman Is the
plaintiff In a cafee In Judge Ulair's court
against the Capital Fire Insurance company
for $500 Insurance on the American house
on Douglas street , whlcli was destroyed by
fire In April , 1803. The company holds that
the loss was not total.
Sixteenth Strict Viaduct Itop.ilra Almost
The Sixteenth street viaduct Is now open
again for wagon travel , nearly thirty days
after the limit of the contract had expired.
The , continuous delaj-s on the psrt of the
contractor have postponed the completion ol
the work In spite of. the efforts of the
Board of Public works and of the councilmen -
men from the ward to get the structure
completed at the earliest possible date. The
replanklng is now finished and teams are
permitted to travel over the viaduct. The
street cars are still running by way ol
Thirteenth street , but n gang of men is at
work putting down the tracks on the via
duct , and the South Omaha line will be
ob'e to go back to Its former route by the
first of the week. The viaduct Is now de
clared to be In a condition that will re
main safe for several years , and as soon
as the city engineer has made a final inspec
tion the estimates will be acted on by the
Board of Public Works ,
1 ho lliiHt Clumcr.
Dampen a piece of flannel with Chamber
lain's pain balm , and bind It over the seat
of pain. It Is better than any plaster.
When the lungs are sore such an application
on the chest and another on the back , be
tween -the shoulder blades , will often prevent
pneumonia. There Is nothing so good for a
lame back or a pain In the side. A sore
throat can nearly always be cured In one
night by applying a flannel bandage damp
ened with pain balm.
. . .
Cor ISIb andi-arnamSfs
, , , OMAHA
'vo BLOCK.uiiiniin
The Corner Cabinet for China Is not tn bo re
curded as a nubstltuta for n regular cabinet , bu
rather ns an accexsory to U It Is the best prac
tlcal method for enriching nn unused corner o
the room and lighting up Its darK recess with
a glow of color.
No one need hesitate about the expense. Her
Is a new de ln no Imvo Just put on the Moor
at aeiy low tlcure. You nould think nothing o
paying ten times that sum for a small painting
whereas this Cabinet will give > ou a meat cor
ner of warm color In the room , more valuable a
a decorative feature than any picture ,
The moulding * are very delicate und are turn
carved , llemembrr that these corner cabinet
take no rpuce that can be uied for cnythln
Our show rooms are now filled with teautlfu
trooU from the best factories In the country.
Ghas. Shiverick& Go.
M.S. Henry Ward Needier Says
She Has Known
But Half a Dozen Women Who
Were Thoroughly Well.
The Uniting of Domaitio Ta ks Ovardraius
Their N rvoas Fcroo.
"Among all my friends and the number of
ny acquaintances has necessarily been rather
urge , " says Mrs. Henry Ward Ileecher , "I
an recall but half a dozen thoroughly well
omen. "
So many , In order to obtain the reputation
f being good housewives , work from morning
III night , cooking , sweep ng and overhaul-
ng."What would the house look like , " they
sk , "It Icre not constantly looking after
t ? "
It uould certainly look a great deal more
lomellko If the wife and the mother kept
icr health and high spirits Instead of grow-
ng old and careworn from the struggle
vlth dust and the neglect of their t red ,
chlng nerves and pale , watery blood that
ally becomes more and more badly nour-
it Is not the healthy weariness of muscle
nd brain , so easily forgotten after a good
night's sleep , but It Is the weariness that
emaltts till morning and follows one through
he day that should cause anvicty and a de-
ilre for prompt relief.
When the nerves and the blood have thus
jecotno so badly nourished and the strength
hus reduced food food appropr ate for bulld-
ng up the nervous tissue and rest arc the
ilaln and simple means , In fact , the only
neans of restoring vigor and health. All
lie material EO urgently needed by the milton -
ton of exhausted nerve cells and by the
bin , depleted blood are found In that rc-
narknblo Invlgorotor , that food for the brain
and nerves , Palns's celery compound. It
nils the nervous nnd muscular tissues all
over the body with the means of rapid
growth , the blood ca ni new red corpuscles
mil grows ruddy and capable of thoroughly
feeding the body. The strength returns ,
ind headaches , dyspepsia , neuralgia and nerv
ous debility disappear when the tone of the
system has been thus raised and the body
Tbundantly supplied ultli fresh , life-giving
The very first week In which this perfect
nerve fooil ,'s celery compound , Is con
scientiously employed It w II declare its
tonlo effect by the feeling of returning
strength , a marked Increase n the appetite ,
IreetJom from pain and depiesslon.
Palne's celery compound cures radically
and permanently , heart weak
ness , diseases qf the liver and the kidneys ,
and encourages the excretory organs to ex-
; 'el whatever Impure humors there may be
In the blood. This , s evident by the
healthier , clearer condition of the skin that
physicians say Invariably follows when they
prescribe Palne'a celery compound , as they
BO commonly do where the body needs build
ing up and when the recovery is slow after
acute diseases.
Here Is the experience of Mrs. K. L. Wing
of Putney , Vt. , told In her own word * :
"I had hsen aflTcted with rheumatism and
neuralgia for many' years. In a year and a
half I have taken eight bottles of Palne's
cslery compound nnd have not been so free
from these troubles In fifteen years as I am
now. I advise all who are afflicted In any
way with rheumatism or neuralgia to use
Palno's celery compound.
"For the nerve and tlrod feeling I think
It Is the best dose of ambition that I ever
round. Before I had taken one bottle I
felt almost like another person. Other medi
cines have given me only temporary relief. But
the compound has done me more permanent
good than the doctors or any other medicine ,
and I can hardly feel grateful enough for the
benefit that I have derived from its use. "
It Is spoken of In the highest tormo
as a safe and sure remedy. Try It.
It will Cure your Cough as It has
others. 25c. , GOc. , and SI.OO a
bottle at druggists.
In the way
they should
go by using
Shoulder Braces.
Wo liavo thorn AT ALL PRICES
The Aloe & . Pcnfolcl Co. ,
in carry Clothitn all Grain. 1'ou vat in Pro-
proportion on atlpuiclioHi.ttni , Suil > or O\tr
coali , Cut to order/aultltiijll.
Pants *
408 North 16th , Omaha.
8AILEY , Dentist ,
Paxton IMock ,
lOth and K.irn.'iiTi
Painlon Extraction of Teeth-Painless Filling
OFull Ml teeth 00. Sllvo nllliui * 1OJ. IMrj
old * MU. liold Crowos . ( JJ pjr tuuth and at
Telephone 1033.
Ladj-Atlendant. liemuit Spakoa ,
Wo need TWENTY or MORD origin * ! nnd
striking Uealgni for Newspaper Advcrtlto *
menu of SANTA CLAU5 SIM I' . The tnnuu-
fncturcrk , The N. K. Fulrbank Comnnny , nu-
thorite us to imy TUN DOLLARS BACH for
npprovcil drawings with appropriate read
ing ? or $5.00each fordonlgtmorrcndiiiff mnt-
toronly. This offer is open tonll. Tlioeora-
petition will close December 1. As soon ivs
We IHisslblonflor Hint date wo will pay Tor accept *
cd ilcslRtm and return the others. Ilomcmber ,
for complete , nccoplablo ndvertUtmonU we
1 jT EJ ig
1O Each
Direction * . Multo drnwliifis with black ink
on lienvy whtto paper , or curd hoard. Do the
work In outline. Elaborate slirulltiR will not
print well. Hpaeoln papers will lie four Indies
rqtiaro. Drn\vtolnrgerscnlolf you prefer , but
litivo design Sfiunro. The Idea IB most Impor
tant. If tlmtlsgood wocan liavo 11 redrawn
nnd Rt 111 glvo you credit. Avoid poetry. Get
up nn nd. tlmtwotild make i/o buy thonrtlclc.
Point * . Santn Clans In ft pure , hlRh-Krado
Soap inndo for laundry nnd general house-
IioliMtso afiivorltowlioro\orknown. Merits
generous prnlse. Sold by ull grocers , wliolo-
( iiilo nnd retail.
Do your best , and send results promptly.
Address ( only )
N. W. AVER & SON ,
Newspaper Advertising ; Agents ,
The new Crysanthemum pattern in
solid silverware by Gorham is an auda
ciously pretty design , We have it in all
kinds of flat silverware.
RAYMOND , 15th and Douglas , JEWELER.
' * ? , &
Many old fnm.urs will rccosnlro the nbovo ns n picture of a tried and trtt tricml ,
who wns iinvur found w.nitlntf In hN h ur of trltil Ills piosenro In btittlo was n gtmntnluo oni nl
success. At tinny of nllllctocl Immunity ur'1 ' already recosnni \ ( n , trite frluiid In Lognn'j
iursanarlllnaml Colery. A reinoily llml Ismmrantuoil tocuto and never fulls. Its
; n the houm Is a gimriinteo of tlioltoii.tli of the fiini ly. prisoned
H Is compounded cm strictly business principles. Was not discovered by the nnclonU
) Ut Is nn up to date remedy und ulw.iys ctiri-s. , . , . , ,
The only remedy that purifies llio blood and acts directly upon the nerves .it ono nnd tin
' '
the strongest kind moro than verifies our statement.
Wo blmply ask von to try Logini's Surstpaillln and LVIory follow directions closely ,
nnd If it does ; not do for you jiislwhiitlt Is ruprusi'titad I twill do , yon will got your money buiH
This Ih fair Is it not ? Viliiii rnuiucuti you ask ? See recommendations nnd our aimrantoo.
* 1,00 put bottk1 , or C bottles for J5.00. If your druggist cannot supply you , wrfto
- The OTTO Gasoline Engine will
furnish you power at a cost of 50
to 40 percent less than the price
proposed to be charged for power
by the Canal Co.
For particulars call on or address ,
The Otto Gas Eiigiiie Works ,
321 S. 15th M. , OMA.-iA , NEB.
WE CUBE ni'ir , Srrnnitni'H .1'
ilrrnllturu .Sj//i/i/l/ .
If you don't believe we can cure your case ,
come to our ufflce and pee IN tint we can do for
ou. We are the only eppclallnta wh" will take
our case fin tin-ill weekly pajments and fur-
null all medicines free. Consultation frei > rnr-
rospnndetvco solicited Cure guaranteed In CO to
BO days Office open on Wednesday nnd Satuiday
evenings , fiom 7 to 8. Office houm 0 30 a. m. to
jo p. m. uiNHMuoit UIMIUY : co. ,
ZOO DotiKl.iii I'loolt. ' Om.ilin. Cor I ) idge and Ifith
St . C1203 Masonic TVrncle. CliicnKO.
IKT1IK ll.Vt.r
Wi'nkneit Uriel keciet
Krcry euro i-ulrniiti : > C'd.
ISO je r iKpcrlenco.
8 jreartt In Omaha.
Hook Kri'O
14th lit Fiiriiuin Mi. ,
Vegetable ,
Prepared from the original fo mula , pri
ervedln the Archives o ( the Holy Land , hav
ngaa authentic hUtory Uatliijlao/ ( yearn.
for all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel
troubles , especially
Price 60 cents. BolJ by all drujglitB.
be Franciscan Remedy Co. ,
ujuated Cilcadar.
cUocoluto and
A Good Chocolate
moans health in good noarlihmeati and
delicacy la food .
that Bitter Chocolate
tuua.f ( yood/or baking only )
Not 1 tnatcheap.swcfatchoc-
* i elate , ( a druutiuletuff )
but A Vanilla I
Try for breakfast
a cup of
you will llko IU
MGNIOIJ , ; g Wubnali Ave. , CHICACIO.
A For 30 days wq
TOOTH will give atoooth
BRUSH brush with each
FREE. Physician's
Our Prices are Low.
The Aloe & Penfold Co. ,