THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SAIT r K DAY , yoVEMBEIT 10 , isn-i. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL It "Was a Day of Grief for Shorts in the Wheat Market. THAT CEREAL AGAIN OPENED HIGHER There Wan Only Ono Wenk Feature In tlio Day's Movojiirnt , tlio Whlcli Wrru l.lglit-bloclt * anil Iliinili. CHICAGO , Nov. 9.-U wns n Jay of grief for shorts In the wheat mnrket , Spurred by diminishing receipts nnd Hhnrp foreign de mand prices wont up In convulsive Jumps nncl finished wlih li Bnln for May. Corn followed reluctantly , closing liut ftu htghor for May , nml Mny onts gained un equal amount. Provisions were dull , but closed ollKhtly higher. Wheat was nsaln higher at the opening. The northwestern receipts were light nnd the Liverpool cables surprlslnRly strong. That Knve the market Its opening direction , and cablcRrnnis confirmatory of the early Advance nt Liverpool were received Inter. New York wired that meant ! cabli'Krams broufiht buylni ; onlctn. New Yoilc Bent a liberal do e of buying orders here , nnd that mm Ice t lead Chicago In the ndvnnco which occurred , Orders were received here for croiind fcod to KO tove torn Iowa. Pri mary market receipts were the smallest received since di'Uverlos fiom the now rrup Kot fairly under way. The weak feature anil the only out In the day's movement wns the seaboard clearances , which were llBht. May wheat opened at CDUe to C'J'ie , against Ki'c cellcrs at the close yesterday. It Hold off to 5DHo In n. short time , but noon recovered , and kept advancing until It struck ta\c There were Intermediate lluo- tuatlons between 59c anil M io , b\tt \ In Fplte ( of free renllzlnt ? the demand of ( be soft BpotH was BUillclcnt to Klvc the shorts a Hcarc. and nx the market was In Its post meridian singe the price was cavorting around COc. Humors of a heavy bii lnes nt the seaboard In cash wheat for export caused the > market to close strong. New York rcporled Ihlrty boat lands taken there nnd ten loads at out ports. May wheat ad vanced to COUc and closed at GHJp to COVic. Corn refused to stir out of Its recent Elugglsh Indifference. The elevator people were sellers of corn for May , presumably ngalnst purchases of new corn to arrive In December and January. May opened at from COc to 504c ! , und then went back to OTic. After that COe and fjO'dc were the most frequent quotations until near the end , when It rose He and closed at COUc. Another dull session was passed In the oats market. Fluctuations were entirely In sympathy with corn , nnd confined to a net range , nnd few sales were made. Mny started nt "S'&c. sold down to 31TiC ! nnd closed at .Wic. Provisions were firm but dull. The cash demand wns paid to be good. Closing prices were the best for the day and show the following gains : Pork nnd lard 7'Ac and ribs 2Hc. The leading futures ranged as follows : ' " Articles. | Opon. | ! ! ' * " I law. I Close. "Wlient.No. J Nov B4 ! < B3N Mii Di'C , . . . ' . . . May U ( ) ; < 6t > U dinks u Corn No. 2. . Nov ton Bl 81 loc 4IIU 81CO May CO ! 5 OnlHNo. 2. . . Nov 28 ? R ' rsx Lee .May SIM ' I'ork per bbl Jan 12 0(1 ( 12 on 12 05 Mny 12 ao 12 27H 12 115 Laid.10011)1 Jan 7 00 7 02 ! $ n ns 7 02'ii Mny 7 IB 7 17 7 ID 7 17 ! < i lliott Ittbs- Jiiti f ! 07 n in o on G 10 May. . . . 0 iB ! u 221. ; U ' 107H Cnsh quotntlons were an follows : 1T.OI'll Firm , unchanged. WHHAT-NO. 2 Fiirinc , S8 a:9c ; ; NO. 3 nomlnnl ; No. 2 rod. GlKfi"iic. COUN No , 2. 51c ; No. 3 yi-IIow. SC'.c. ' OATS NO. 2. 25140 ; NO. 2 uhito , "sinoswc ; No. 3 white. 3W3H&C. HVn No. 2 , 474c. ! IIAHI.KY No. 2. 6c ; No. 3 , 62O54Uc ; No. 4 , "PI.AX SHKO-NO. i. jii5'4. TIMOTHY HKKIl-Piime. J5.40. PllOVI.SIONri .MpM iwrk , per I.L1. , J121'ltW 12.23. I.nrO , per. 100 Ilii. , } 7.02'4n7.03. Shnrt ri'bn , Blden ( loii.-e ) . IC.30JC..3.dry ; Balled ehuulderu ( lioxed ) . St.67U05.7S ; short clear , sides ( boxed ) , } 6.37'4(76.CO. ' WHISKY-DlatlllciB' Hnlshed gowln , per Rnl. . si ? O A ns Unchanged. The following were the receipts nnd shipments today : Ontho Pro-lnco oKchliuo tolav tin IwtUr inir- kct waa firm : creamery , U&'Jle ; onlry , 12@'lc. Kgtrn , nrui : ioaiMc. Liverpool Ims advanced Cd per cental In the past week. A cable report from Argentine quoted wheat an strong nnd advancing. Millers In Michigan say that they find It diffi cult to buy wheat enough to supply the demand for ground feed. Primary market receipts nf wheat , M2.0cXI bu. ; shipments , 3S3.000 bu. ; corn , receipts , 193.000 bu. : shipments , 63.000 bu. Minneapolis wheat receipts , 315 bu. : Dululli wheat , 310 bu. Last year Minneapolis received S3I bu. and Dtiluth 410 bu. "I never In my life. " tnld J. Dupee , "saw n mailiet rV [ > end so reluctantly to good , legiti mate bull news nn this does on wheat. It simply hews that there Is no short Interest here , ex cept against cash stuff. " Ilaltlmnre cleared , ( lour , 250 bids. ! Ilojlon cleared , flour , 10,479 bbl . ; corn , 41,130 bu. : Phila delphia denied , whenl , I8.COJ bu. ; cnrn , 4,700 bu ; pats , 13.100 bu. ; New York clcniml , corn , I.OOt bu. ! oats , SO bu. ; Hour , 12,400 bbls. nnd sacks ; wheat , none. Liverpool freights have advanced 2c per bu. on wheat In the past two weeks , or 4c from the lowest rates. London nnd continental rates nre about 2c from the lowest point. Liverpool freights nre soiico nnd nliove rates bid. It la claimed at New York that freights nre now about ns high us they can BO without bringing in outside steamers. l Itperbohm'i London. 1 p. m. , cable was : Car goes off coa t. whfiit , Ilrm ; corn , nothing offer ing. On parsnge and for shipment , uhoat. steady coin , Ilrm. Mark Lnnc English wheat , verj firm. Korrign wheat , Ilrm , but not active ; corn. firm. Weather In England , dnmp. The Liverpool cable rend : Wheat , spot , at opening , firm , but not nctlve : corn , fnlr Inquiry , llefilwhm's clos ing cable won ; London wheat , nnn. Antwcip unchanged. Paris Hour , 25flJOc higher ; wheat. la higher. Herlln , UP 4 maik lower. KK\V YORK OKNKIl.Vl. .U.UCKIjr. Yeatcrday'e Quotation * on Hour , drain mill Provision * . .llntalK , Kl . NBW YORK , Nov. 9. I'LOUR-Recelpts , 29S : < 5 Lbls. ; exports. 13.100 bbls. ! nates. 15,000 pkcs. Market nctlve and higher. Spring wheat showe , an advance , Winter grades selling nt old nfklng prices. Importers paying lOo o\cr former prices winter patent * , 2.25j3.:5 ; winter Mnilnlitn , 12.3 ! C2.70 ; Mlnnesntn nntpnts , J3.00fi3.55 ; winter ex tras , JI.9W2.40 : Minnesota bakery , J2.00JI3.15 S'S.1 ' J"w K""le' . I.704i2.15 ; cprlnB low grades ll.70fol.90 ; imrliig extras. Jl.Wtfll'S. Southern flour , dull. Rye Hour , steady ; Biles. 300 bbln superfine. J2.70fl2.75 ; fancy. J2.b Sf2.SO. lluck- wheat Hour , steady : J2.00O2.25. Ill'CICWIIEAT-Qulet ; 55 75c. CORN MEAL-Stendy ; milcii , 300 libls. . 2,400 jacks j "yellow western. Il.l6 1.19i Ilrandywlnc Nominal ; car lots , 540550 ; boat londji WIlEAT-Hecelpt. . 12.100 bu. ; exports , none pales. ZS5OOi > bu. futliirs ; no iipot. KIK > I strum but quirt : No. 2 led , in store and elevator. f > So - , . - . , . . . , . , - - v w " ' - - - ! * .v. wv wu' ber. cU > ( sl nt 57Jic ; December , 67 ClOfttMi ale . actlv . llverc.1 ; No. 3 , He , alloat. Options opened Yiiahe on pnifpecti of contlnuetl light recelptu , went ot under long selling , but a rnlly rniued , und the f ] ? , * * "S * at . fc n.e.t " "Ivancc ; January , cloned n MHo : May. U OSIHc. clo.ed at 64Hc ; Novem t r. M VMUc. closed at 56 ; c ; December. 54 .W K'.ic , closrU at ISHc , OATS Hecolpts , 72,300 bu.j exiwrts. 100 bu sales , 3W.OOO bu. futures. 2.WO bu. p < > t. Hue Cf"1' ' , M ? ' \ , " ' * MHc ; No. ! , delivered. 33c JNO , 3 , 32c ; No , t white. SCUc ; No. 3 white. SGc track , white western. SSUtMOc ; track , white slate. Manioc. Options generally ilrm all day with wheat and closed at Uo net advance ; Janu fry , cloMt at Sic ; Kebruao' . 34 .Ji3Jc , cloned H > 5u ; Mny , UUU3C c , cU > nl at ! 'U' : Novem ber , clo ed at SJUc ; December , 33He "ic. clo eU t 33c. . HAY Dull ; shipping , 4JOUc ; good to choice HOPS Weak ; state , common to choice , old IfHcj new. Mj'lOHc ; Paclrtc eoa l , 3V467c. HIDKS-KIrm ; wet salted New Orleans , sc lecled , 45 to 65 lb . . &cj Ilurnoi Ayre , dry. K ) to S4 lb . , lie , Texas , dry. 21 to SO ! ! , . , S'xiCo. LliATlliil-Qulet : but steady , hemlock sole Duenos Ayres. light to heavyweight. l5Cl o. WOOL--Strady ; domestic lleec , 130 5 Ic ; pulled I'llOVISIONB-Ileef , slcoJy ; extra India mess fl7.00819.00. Cut nieats , steady t pickled bullies lUCilic ; plclUcU Kbguldcrcv ( Uc | ulckltd bams . l ird. nrmrr. western steum closed at 74-1 ; ifttrt , 2(0 tlfrreS to nrrlve nt S7.I1 ; city nt Vt January , I7.8J , nnmlnnl : rtnne-1. nrmi e n- Hunt , I7.SO ; 8. A. , ; compound , iUOiHc. 'elk , nnlel. lil'TTKIl-Blrone ; western dairy. Ilffltc : wwit- rn creamery , 15 llSc : wei-tetn factnry , lOOHc ; Slglra , tfr ; Imltotlon cr nmry. Il0l9c ; state nlry. IJffJJc ; slnle erenmery , IMTSmc. ritKMHK-Klrni ; ] nrKH. S0IOHO ; small , 8H llc ; mrt skims , 3Uft7c ; full vkltns , Slifilc. iOOS-nrm : ; state nnd Pennsylvania. 2 43I6c ; efrlKerator , IS ITaJc ; receipt" . 9.111 pkgs. ; west- rn frrnh. ISCSKr ; cnses , 13.15493. 0. TAI.IXIW Iull. PimiOMlt'M-l'lim ; fnlted closed nt Sic ; Vii-liliietin. bbls. , tC.IO. Tt'ItPENTINE-Stcndy ; : S',4 ZIC' . Itlfl Hrni ; domenllc. frtlr to extra , 4 < ,48 < ! llP ; np n , 44o. MOLASSES-Ptpndy ; New Orleans , open kettle , good to choice. ZsflCCc. PIO IllON-Dull ; Scotch , I19.WBIO.K ; AmcrU nn. iln.wfl 13.00 , TIN-llare1y slendy ; ftrnlts , | 14.52',5gi.IO ' : dnlen. dull. Hl'iiTiil-insy : ; donieBtlc , 13.35. LEAD SH'Rily ; brokers' prices for bullion , II ; 'xrhnnen price , I3.1SH. COl'PEIl-lJulet ; brokers' price , tJ.60 ; pxrlmnKC > rlcn , tf > .lOH'.i.a' < ; < in\f \ * on 'change. CO Ions DC- 'Pinlxr ' tin. 114.50 : 25 tons Apill. ) II.I5 ; 25 lon ' . ( ) . . to Mnrrh 9 , one dny's notice , 114.45. COTTON HEED Ollr-Dull ; yellow off grades , "CU27ci prime while. 32gS3c. tlAIAMA ( .1 MMtAl. AlAIiKKTH. Cniiilltlou of Triiilu anil ynolntloin on htnplc ami 1'iinry I'riiduco. Th ( > poultry mnrltet IK badly demornllzed , owing to the largely Inert-need receipts. This Is nrtlcularly the cast- with eld fowls nnJ fprng chickens. Strictly fiesli eggi nnd choice table bulter nrc n nrllve demand nt g id , linn prices. The receipts of game nro tiultp tnrge , but licrn I * nn active shipping d.tmnnd , which k ip the supply well reduced. rhlcnxu Pnjdnro pnys : Chicago held nl Ihe r'iiltiK of Ihls mmlh 219.IHW cases of e i ? . impnrnl w.lh 271. OO1) can1 nt the ripening of Del' LIT. Ituet > n now has 31,023 rnscs , agnlnst ' ) , tn.l n innnth ngo. The Inble fdllowlne she s he stnrKs nt these two points for the two nunilis nani'vl : Nov. 1. Oct. 1. IilctiKO . ! 19.0iK ) 271.0X ) lOMiun . 31,023 43,00) Totnl . 250.023 311.000 At thi > orirnlni ; of the ecnpon Chicago livid 22.0(10 cnscs of vmtf. T.icirfore , there has been . I eduction of nlimit 3) per cent frnm the iinxlmtim nupply , nnd the reduction has nil ieon tnndc the pnst two mnnths. Stornge eggs ore now Ruing out of the Chicago coolers nt 1111 ate of nlntit 3,000 cases a day. Quotations : HI'TTKll-I'ncklng stock , Ke ; fnlr to good miuntiy , llff3r ! ; chdlro to fn iry , 10IlSc ; gath- 01 cd cmitnery , i020c ; ; separator creamery , 21 y fresh. l < : l ! > c. POI'M'IIV Old lions , 3'jiflc ( : sprlnn chicken" , VtflSr ; durki" . G Rlic ; tuik-ys , spring. 7c ; htn urknyp , 7c : geese , 5mc. ( ( OAMI3--7 ralrle chickens , per doz. , 13.23 ; grouse. icr doi ! . , t2.7 Q3.i ( ) ; blue wing teal , per doz. . l.M : green wing trnl , per doz. . | 1.2i ; ducks. mixed , per doz. Jl ; cnnvafbficks , } I.OAffl.r 1 , mallards nnd i l hradi. } 1 01572.25 : quail. Jl 2. .50 ; deer naddlrs. llfllCc ; nntelopo saddles , 12O 3c ; small rabbit ? . Jl ; Jack rabbits. Jl VRAL Choice fat nnd small vcnls are quoted it CfJC'.tc : large nnd coaisi . SQlc. CHEESE Wisconsin full cream. 13c ; Ne- > rn > .ka nnd Iowa , lull cream , lie ; Nebraska and own , purl skims , 7ISc ; Llmburcer , No. 1 , lie ; brick , No. 1. 12c ; Swlns , No. I. ItRUc. HAY Upland Vmy. Ii ; midland. J1.50 ; Inrlaml. 7 M ; rye straw. jr . Color inakra tliu price on my. L/ght thndes sell the best. Only top grades > rlng top prices ! . > PiaiCONH-Old birds. pr Ooz. , Tic. VEOETAIILES. POTATOHS Western stock , car lots , C5c ; imnll lots. 70r. i OLD. llEANR-lInnd-plcked , navy , J2 ; limn ipiinH , pvr Ib. , Iliq. ON1OSS On ciders , G3fT70c. CAIlllACII On ( ndcrs. Hie. cni.KHY Per doz. , 2T , w : > c. KWKET POTATOES - Per bbl. , J3 ; Jersey , J3.50 ier bbl. nEirrs i'or bu. , wjrnoo. CAHIIOTS Per bu. . 50if/lc. rAULlPLOWRn Per doz. , J2.2J. Kiia PLANT-PIT dnz. . Me. HOHKEUADIHH Per Ib. , 70Sc. l-AKSNIPS-Per bu. . DOJiCTc. IIUTAIJAOAS Per bu. . 7 : . snc. I'AHKLEY-I'er doz. bunches , 23c. Tl'IlNIPS-Per bu. , COc. SPLIT PKAS-Per Hi. , 303i/c. KIIU1TS. Qt'INPES rnllfornin , per 51-lb. box. Jl 75. APPLES Onod Hook , per bbl. , J2.U42.75 ; Mlehlpnn Ftwk , J3 ; New York , J3.0083.23. PEACHES None. i I.l'MH ' Cnllfomn ; , none. PHUNES None. PEAHS Winter Nellls. Jl. 5001. 76. CHIAPKH Coicords , 10-lb. InskelB , 22O23c ; 'nllfornln. none. CIlANUEUIllKS-rnpB Cnd fnnry , JIO per bbl. TIIOPICAL FUU1TS. OUANDES Muxlnm , per box , J3.50 ; Flor- ldn . } 3. UANANA8 fholco flock. $2.0002.50 per bunch. LEMONS' Mnlacu , IIM ; fancy Florida , sizes .O . nnd 300. H.COfll.M ) . P1NUAPPLEH None. MIHCELLANEOI'S. OYSTnilS IXL , 9c ; medium , per can , lOc ; liorne phocfl , 12c ; extra fctnndards , 16c ; extrn "elects. 17c ; company selects , 21c ; New York counts. 2.'p , NEW KIOS rnncy , ICc ; choice , 13c ; California , bags. Sc. HONEY New York. l"c ; California. l01Cc. MAPLE KYIU'P Oallnn cnns , per doz. . J12. MAPLE SITOAK Per Ib. . lOc. NUTS Almonds. l.-iRlCc ; English wnlnuls , 12c ; filberts , lc ; llrnzll nuts. none ; eastern cherlnuti" , nn piiod Ftoek ; shollbnrk hickory nuts. per bu. . $1.60 ; fancy raw peanuts , Co ; roasted onmit * . 7'c. KAVEIl KRAUT Choice white , per bbl. , $4.50 C4.73 : .per half bbl. . J2.W. MINCE MEAT 1'nncy , in half bbls. , per Ib. . C'te ; 10 gal , kngs , 7c ; condensed , per cnse of 3 doz. pkgs. , J2.75. KISIT Krrsh caught croppies , perch nnd sun- flsh , 3iff."c : butTnlo. Siille ; pike nnd pickerel , Of ? EC ; rntllsh , f 0c ; black tmi-s' 1241 lie. ( 'IIEIt Pure juice , per bbl. , $ C ; half bbl. , $3.23. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 3Hc ; No. 2 green hlik'S , 3'ic ; No , 1 green p.illod hides , 4Wo ; No. 2 green salted hides. 3'4c : No. 1 green salted hides , 23 to 40 Ibs. , 4Uc ; No. 2 green salted hides , 25 to 40 Ibs. , 3VJc ; No. 1 v il cult. S to 15 Ibs. . 7c ; No. 2 veil calf. S to 15 ll > ! > . . 5c ; No. 1 dry flint hides. Kc ; No. 2 dry Hint hlrtci , 4c ; No. 1 dry sailed hides. 5c ; parl cured bides , VSc per Ib. less than fully cured. HI1EEP PELTS Oreen silted , each , 2oST < Xc ) ; green failed chcnrllnp ( short wooled early skins ) . each. 104I2Jc : dry shcnrllngs ( short wooled cnily skins ) . No. 1 , each , nfilSc ! dry shoal lings ( short WKlcd enrly skins ) . No. 2. each , 6c ; dry tllnt KniiMS nnd Nebrnnki butcher wool pelts , per Ib. . actual weight. B1f < ! c ; dry ( lint Knnsns nnd Nebrnskn muirnln wool pelts per Ib. . nctual weight , 4iC' } > c ; dry Hint Ooluiailo butcher wool pi'ltH , per Ib. . nctunl wclrht. 4iTC'ic ; ; dry Hint Coloroilo murialn wool pelt1 ! , per Ib. , nctuil weight. 4fl6c ; ( have feet cut off , ns It Is useless to pay freight on them ) . TALLOW AND ORKABB Tnllow. No. 1 , 4'Jc : tallow , No. 2 , S c ; greo e. white A , 4c ; grease , white II. 3'ic ; gren e , yellow , 3'lc ; grease , dark. 2)ic ; old butter. 2 2140 ; beeswax , ptime , 15i20c ; rough yellow , l'.i , < ! J2c. St. I oult fii-niTHl Mnrket. BT. LOt'IS. Nov. 9. FLOUR-Strong , but not ( liiolnbly liUher. WHEAT Onlncd l > ic today on heavy buying n-d entile repoitn ; No. 2 red. 6lo ; November , DceemlH-r. fil'45J51iHr ; Mny. 67c. N Oalned with whent nnd on snow In northein states , cb.slng ' ( .c un ; No. 2 rn xc.l , cash , 45lic ; November , 45c ; December , 4U',4c ; ' ' OATS Firm ; "ItE'Sc hlcher ; No. 2 , cnsh , 30c ; November , 2-Sc ; ; Mny. 32Hc. ItYK-No. 2. Ibis fide , 4o bid. 1IAULEY Htcndy ; nctlve demand ; sales of Minnesota. B.1fi57c. IIIIAN Sacked , east track. CO'.sBdc. KLAX HEED Higher ; JI.43. CLOVER KEED-U. Gfn 2 . TIMOTHY SEED-J4.7Bfl5.23. HAY 1'rlmc to choice timothy , J9.IHC10.00. Ilt'TTEIlFirmer ; separator creamery , 18R20c. EGOS Steady ; 16c. LEAD-Dull. weak : ypot. J2.92W n ked. ( SPELTEI1-J3.1S nuked : J3.12',5 bid. WHISICY-J123. C'OTTON TIP.S-6S- . IlAOOINO-5Tja6\c. PIIOV1SIONS Klrmer. Pork. standard me a. jnlililnit , J13.M" , . Ijird , prime ( .team , ' 16.85 ; choice , te.OTV' . Dry Fait meata , loose shoulders , } r..37',4 ; IciK" . 16.37'i : rlliW.50 ; shorts , 16.75. Harm , racked shoulders , t .6.i ; lungs , 17.121.3 ; rlw. 17.25 : shorts. r.5 > . HKCK1PTS V'l ur. 12 WO Miln. : wheat , 30,000 liu : rnrn. 21000 l > u. ; ontx , 23 ( A ) lm. HHIPMKNTS Hciir. 7000 hols. ; wheat , 7.000 bu. ; corn , 3.000 bu. ; oats. 4 0 liu. XIANCIinSTnil. Nov. 9 , notln and yarns , de. mand poor , ami freely met nt easier prices. ' hT ( OKS AND 1IONDS. Transaction * Wvte Arllvo on 'Change and the TotuluVrro Heavy. NK\V YOtlK. Nov. 9.-Speculation was active In the Stock exchange today , and the transactions exceeded even the heavy totals of the past few days , approaching nearly to the 800,000 mark. The leader In the trading- was the old-time favorite , Sugar , and next In point of activity were the grangers , Chicago Gas and New Jersey Central , lluslness was better distributed than usual , and some of the specialties came In for a share of speculative attention. Ixuulon trailed on both sides of the account , a little the heaviest , perhaps , as seller , but there was good buying on western orders , and late In the day Washington houses were buyers on a report , but a very vague one , that n government bond lf ue was In con templation. A large part of the dealings was the covering of the short contracts , and occasional demonstrations were made ucalnat the market in order to enable the shorts to buy back their stocks without paying too dearly for them. The announce ment that ( W.OOO francs In gold was en gaged for shipment tomorrow did not affect the market In any way , for the reason'that It Is a shipment out of the ordinary , being composed of odd lots of foreign specie bound for Spain , and which. It Is understood , came from Havana. The tendency of the market was decidedly toward higher llgurei ilurtntr the day , with occasional reactions , due partly to bear raids and partly to re alizing , and the greatest buoyancy was felt lt > the dealings , the market closing at or near the top lljrurei touched. Sugar ru- ttctttl H per cent la the early trading , but ft. newly-formed bull pnol In the stock took control nnd sent prices tip as per cent , with a reaction of l' ' per cent and a rally of 4 per cent , mnlclnR the gain on the day U per cent. The preferred advanced J4 > er cent , An nttack wns made on Manhat- nn In anticipation of an unfavorable an nual report expected tomorrow , and the slock fell off Hi per cent to 15014 , but when he pressure wns withdrawn the shares made n full recovery later , receding ai per cent , and finally rallying (4 ( per cent. In the KrnnKcrs St. Paul and Hock Island closed within ' , ( . per cent of the highest .h..ivo touched , ucmg 1 per cent nnd 1 % per cent respectively above yesterday's closing. Turlington shows a gain of 1 % per cent , nnd Northwestern of 1V4 per cent , both closing nt the best. There wns nn active demand 'or the leading railroad mortgages , In which London houses took n large part. There was also good buying for the western ac count , and the sales reached the high total of J2.I8I.500. The Texas 1'nclllc nnd Atehlson FHUCS were most prominent In the dealings. \ very general advance wns recorded , The livening Post's London cable says : The lord mayor's show today restrained juslners , which was stagnant. Americans were Irregular , closing good , but Atehlson Vfas very flat on the expectation of Lit tle's report , drand Trunks were weak on eports of the directors refusing the Inves- Igatlon committee the full powers Justly demanded. The settlement on Monday Is expected to disclose n large nccount. Gold The total sales of stocks today were 291,414 shares , Including : Atehlson , 4,800 ; American 'UKiif ' , 9S.500 ; Hurllngton , 23.500 : Chicago Gas. 21.7W ! Distilling and Cattlfe Feeding.3,400 ; Gen eral Kleclrlc , f.,200 ; Lou'svllle & Naahvllle. 5.4W ; ilunlmtlnn Consolidated , 4,700 : National Lead , i,4W ; New Jersey Central , 6.400 ; Northwestern , ,700 ; Pnclllc Mall , 3.400 ; Hock Island , 11.100 ; St. 'aul , 23,000 ; Western Union , 7,100. Now York MOIIOV Market. NEW YOHK. Nov. . MONBY ON CALL Sasy at 1 per cent ; last Iran , 1 per cent ; closed , PRIME 'MERCANTILE PAPEii-2HG3',4 ' per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE narely steady , with nctual business In bankers' bills nt J4.87V4B1 4.87 i for demand , and } I.S6'464.86 i for sxiy | days ; pouted rules , t4.S7Vitf4.8S and I4.SSU84.89 ; commercial bills , tl.&S ? < . SILVER CERTIFICATES 64140 bid. GOVERNMENT I1ONWS Slrong ; state bonds , inactive ; railroad bonds , strong. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : BAU SILVEU-SOJCd per ounce. MONEY < < porcuut. Tliu rate of dlncouiit in the open market fo , ' chort ulllnlstl-10 per cnt , and for threu months' bills H percent. CoiibolH for money , 102 % ; consols for the ac count , 1UVIH. riimnulal No ton. MKMPIIIH. Nov. 9.-ClenrInes , J414.157 ; bal- nnccx , 344,123. HOSTON , Nov. 9. Clearings , (13,413,004 ; bal ance n , ! > R,2SO. IIAI.TIMOIIK. Jiov. 9. ClcnrnsB. ! J2,135,39S ; balitncee , 1415,157. NIJW YOIIK. Nov. 9. Clearings , IS7.100.0C4 : balance * . } 5,8S8,279. I'Jin.ADUU'IUA. Nov. 9. Clearings , J10.- 9X016 ; bnlanccs , 1,435,635. HKUI.IN , Nov. 9. Kxchnnge on London , clgat cluj-s eight , 29 miirku 38 pfg , PAItlfi. Nov. 9. Three per cent rente , 102f 65 c for the nccount , Exchange on London , 25f 13o for checks. WASHINGTON , Nov. 9. The cnsh balance In the UeiiHury today wiis J103lCOtii6 ; gold rt- Borve , JC1S04SIC. NEW oniN8. . Nov. 9.-Clcarlng . I1.5M- 179. New York exchange , bank , par ; commer cial , II discount. NEW YOIIK , Nov. 9. llosk'er. ' Elwcod & Co. will idiln 110,010 francs In gold by Bteumtr Ui Ilnurgogne tomorrow. ST. IXil'IH. Nov. 9.-aearlnB . t4.M9,711 : bat- nncea , | 5S7,3U. Money dull , Ull per cent. Ex- chanire on Nc\v < York , par bid , LONDON. Nov. 9. liar silver. 29'id ' per ounce. PAH1H. Nov. 9. 3 p. in. Three per cent rentes , If2f 6Jo for the account. LONDON , Nov. 9. CIolil to quoted Udoy at Huenoi Ayreii at 249 ; Madrid. 15 ; I.lbbsn. 2M ; HI. Petenburtr. W ; Athens. 72 ; Home , KC. ) ; Vienna , 10 , CHICAOO. Nov. 9.-Cltarlng . I17 , S,00) . Money , Wj per cent on call ; 2 J6 per vent on time. New York exchange at par. V'orclgn exchange opened dull : sterling cumnieicUl , NEW YOKIC , Nov. 8. U ls ntlmntrd that durlni Ihe week the banks have lout } 1.00) J by niulreanury operations nnd c&lnrd alxiu- the ram < - amount by tlio Interior movement. Ilankj In Philadelphia and the eaiUrn tutes rr lend- , Inif money to thli center Jutt RS steadily aa though the rate of ln > cresl en bank it epos In had not been reduced. MVF' Falling Off In Ooiltlo. Receipts of 8,000 , from Last /Wc&k's / Figures. i i ALL PRICtS 7ENri' STEADILY UPWARD t Scnrclty of Offering ! Cnutca u Clrnrrnl Ad vance on All ( Smiles or Cuttle llogi Open VVrnli midl.oiTcr , but He- cover iintl Close Strong. Fill DAY. Nov. 0. So far this week receipts foot up 12,512 cattle , 2JE3I hogs nnd 0,417 sheep. This Is a decrease compared with arrivals for the corresponding period last week of about 5,000 cattle and nn Increase of 4,400 hogs nnd 6,400 sheep , Dealers looked for a heavier run of cattle today on nccount of the evident advancing tendency of prices ot late. The dressed beef men were all wanting supplies , and the limited offerings of desirable killing steers changed hands readily nt prices all of lOo to 15o higher than Thursday , while the common nnd Inferior stuff wns more readily moved , nnd generally at a shade stronger prices. Cow stuff wns In very limited supply. Killers were all In the maiket , nnd prices ruled a shndo stronger on all grades , In cluding common. Veal calves were not In very heavy supply and ruadlly sold nt nub- stantlully higher prices , although largo stcck was rather dull. Hulls , stags , etc. , met with a better demand , and prices as n rule averaged higher. A very fair amount of business wns trans acted In stockers and feeders , nnd prices generally ruled somewhat llrmer. The de- rnand was good nnd the supply smaller than It has been for some time. Smooth , tleshy stock sold to the best advantage , but all grades shared In the general Improvement. i oed to choice feeders arc quotable nt from J2..0 to M.2C , fnlr to good from $2.35 to $2.CO and common grades from W.23 to down. Representative sales : DHI SSIT5 IlT-Fn * ' ' No. Ay. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 'NO. Av. Pr. 1 . .low oo * .1131 13 10 69. . .KOj II 70 1 .10SO 3 00 3ii76 ! ! ! ; 3 16 3G. . .1403 G 4i ! 20. . .HCS 3 03 COWS. 1. . . 630 . .IMS 1 CO 5. . . 701 1 93 ) . . . 780 1 00 15.o . . . 70S 1 00 10. . . 793 1 95 5. . . 712 1 r o . . . > .110 1 CO 8. . . 837 2 00 2. . . 8M 1 23 is ! . . 818 1 CO 13. . . 981 2 00 4. . . 875 1 25 11. . . 792 1 CO . OC6 2 00 11.i. 4. . . 792 1 23 i. 1 60 2 ! ! .1000 2 10 10. . . SRS 1 35 3. . . 823 1 60 9. . . U53 2 10 16. . . 771 1 35 IS. . . 8IC 1 65 1. . .1380 2 10 14. . . 747 1 35 0. . . 912 1 63 17. . . 792 2-10 6. . . Ml 1 40 4. . . 812 1 65 5. . . 884 2 10 1. . . MO 1 40 13. . . 920 1 70 3. . . S93 2 10 5. . . ! ) .V > 1 40 . . 803 1 75 2. . . . 635 2 15 3. . . 900 1 40 . . 9M 1 75 17. . . . 93S 2 15 15. . . 704 1 40 9. . .1001 1 7 ! ' 4 ; . . . . 938 2 20 6. . . 830 1 40 6. . . 703 1 75 4. . . , K05 2 20 S. . . 823 1 40 1. . .1040 1 73 2. . . . 793 1. . . 800 1 40 1. . . 770 1 75 1. 9SO 4. . . 770 1 45 8. . . 932 1 75 26. 9SO 2 25 4. . .1012 1 45 4. . . 775 1 75 4. 800 25S5 1. . .1020 1 DO 1. . .1050 1 R5 12. 893 25 " . 912 1 50 4. . . 6(7 1 85 8. 975 30 5" . ' 936 1 CO 32. . . "SI 1 85 14. 939 40 1. . . 820 1 50 12. . . 855 1 90 34 .1027 40 2. . . 930 1 50 1. . .1130 1 95 6..10S3 GO 2. . .1000 1 50 HEIFERS. 2. . . 630 1 25 33 1 50 CSC 00 3. . . 230- 1 25 ' 1 50 , 900 . 625 1 30 Ml 1 60 923 . SCO 1 30 610 1 65 C20 40 16. . . 39S 1 35 , 500' 1 73 400 C5 CAL.VES. 2. . 1 10 1. 420 2 63 250 4 00 G. . . 3S2 1 25 12. , 325 2 63 100 4 23 1. . . 370 1 35 1. , 330 3 00 120 4 50 1. . . 320 1 40 2. , 75. 3 00 125 4 50 1. . . 130 1 f,0 2. , 170 3 25 130 4 50 1. . . 2CO 2 00 1. , 130 3 50 4. . 127 4 60 6. . . 2C2 2 25 1. 1103 50 1. . 160 4 75 10. . . 272 235 1. , 100 , 3 60 1. . , 160 5 00 1. . . 280 2 40 1. , * 0f 4 00 1. . , 150 5 00 2. . . 345 2 50 1. , 100 4 00 1. . , 170 5 00 . 330 2 SO BULI.S. .1720 1 35 I..1300 * 1 60 . rso 1 75 .12(5 1 35 1..1500 1 60 ' 1 80 .1210 1 35 2..1465 1 CO 'me 1 85 , .1200 1 40 2. . . . 930 1 65 .1120 2 00 , . see 1 45 1. . ; . STtll 1 65 . 830 2 10 .1450 1 50 1..1000. 1 65 . 710 2 2i . . 620 i ro 1..11SO 1 6' .1530 2 25 .1430 1 50 1..1020. 1 63 . .1550 233 .1275 1 60 1..1030. 1 70 . .1500 .2 S3 , .1370 1 60 l.v.1120 1 70 STAttS. 1. . . . 700 T 75 - , , , > * * uv > % l j p STOdKE'RS * 5N ? D > Fi : CUE RS. 1. . . . 720 1 DO 8. . . . 591"2 : 13. . . . sir 2 co 1. . . . 770 1 75 3..U73 223 8. ' , , . COO 2 1. . . . 620 1 75 1. . . . 600 2 23 1. . , . 6CO 2 CO " . . . .332 1 SO 6. . . . CG3 2 25 3. . . . 470 3M 7. . . . 335 1 85 3. . . . 820 2 23 24. . f,10 , 2 C3 1. . . . 720 2 00 4. . . . M7 2 25 24. 9. * > S 2 CO 1. . . . 490 2 00 10. . . . 3S6 2 30 24.IS. . 770' 2 CS 4. . . . 375 2 00 23. . . . 6CO 2 SO 9. CGC 2 C3 4. . . . G97 2 10 13. . . . 613 2 30 14. 371 2 C5 1. . . . 280 2 10 ] . . . . 900 2 10 8. 371MS 2 70 2. . . . 363 2 10 , 8. . . . 675 2 40 . _ . 675 2 70 13. . . . 361 2 10 3. . . . 970 2 40 : G. 1'CO 2 70 11. . . . 610 210 12. . . . 703 2 40 23. 1018 275 11. . . . 621 2 15 3. . . . 513 2 40 5. 2 SO 5. . . . BOO 2 15 36 C21 2 45 Gl. . , 941 2 SO 22. . . . 870 215 3. . . . 913 250 II. . . 767 28 ! 7 650 225 1. . . . 750 250 4. . . 732 2 HO 3. . . . 450 2 25 13. . . . 870 2 50 3. . .1000 3 10 WESTERN CATTLE. SOUTH DAKOTA. No. Av. Pr. Nc. Av. Pr. 3J feeders. . . . 540 $220 COLORADO. E. L. Seciist. 1 cow. , 780 1 00 2 cows 740 1 00 9 cows 923 1 40 1 bull SCO 1 70 10 heifers WO 1 73 1 bull 1330 1 73 1 feeder 640 2 00 2 feeders. . . . "SO 2 25 G cows 1010 235 2 cows 1055 2 35 9 cows Sr > 3 2 35 2 cows 1000 2 35 1 cow 930 2 S3 1 cow 900 235 1 steer. WO 2 90 2 alters 1030 2 90 D Rteeis 1012 2 60 2 calves 145 4 23 Temple Bros. C cows. . . . . 941 2 35 3 cows 800 235 4 cows. . . . , . 05 2 35 212 sire , Tex. . S52 205 1 steer. , . . .10110 2 90 2 steers 1120 290 12 steers. . . .1154 290 G steers 9S1 2 95 2 steers 1135 2 15 28 steers 1097 315 101 tlB , Tex. 970 2 95 75 btrs , Tex. . 9SO 3 00 J. L. Church. 1 slag 940 1 75 74 steers 1019 305 WYOMING. Pawnee Cattle company. 17 feeders , . . . 900 2 :2 > 4 HOGS It has been tome tlmo since over 8,000 hotrs arrived , as was the case today , and the result was that the maiket nveratted about n nickel lower , notwithstanding the bullish re ports from -other points. The quality was not of the best. There were a few very eood heavy loads , but apparently a larger Ihan usual per- centnso of light welcht stuff. Packers opened the market , blddlnc So to lOo lower than Thumday. but did not find a great many sellers. Active I'uinpft.tUin , howe\er. tuxm forced them to ad vance ptlcea , nnd the market Improved rlKht along to the close , when prices were about ns Rood as they were Thursday. Fair to choice heavy and butcher weight IIORS sold nt from $1.35 up to $1.55 , and llKht and IlKht mixed stuff at from 14.15 to (1.40. 1'lRn and stuck boss sold all the way from 12.50 to JI.13 , The close was strong , but . there were qulte few loads Ftlll unmlil nt that time. The. blR bulk of Ihe lings sold today at from il.35 to 14.45 , ns against (4.40 la 14.45 Thursday , nnd if.35 to (4.55 ono week ago today. Repre- n n rule poor. There wan n very K < d nnd evprythlnir otTrrcJ met with n rcmly mile nt K < xxl girting prior * . Pair to choice native * nro inotnlile nt from J2.JS to J2.SO , fnlr to Rol , \vc < t erim from It to It.OO. cnnunan nml flock ulirep mm II K to II.7S , coed to choice 10 to I .IK alnus from JS.2S to 11.50. HnirewmtnMve mile * . No.'t. . l-r , 41 nntlve mUetl 8J 1231 67 nntlvo lambs 60 250 322 Mexican lambs 51 26' ) 83 native mixed 79 273 irri ! < lptsi\iul DUptHltlnii of StooU. receipts anil deposition of utoch in howti liy the books of the Union HtocH Ynrils corntmny for tlio twenty-four liotim ending nt 3 o'clock p. in. , Friday , November 9 , 1894 : Cars. Il > m1. Cnltlo 73 2.091 HeRB 143 g.oio Sheep 3 612 nml nuilon , 1 22 DISPOSITION. DISPOSITION.Cattle. Cattle. Hoc * . Slicep. Omnha Packing Co 1,119 . . . . The O. II. Ilnmmoml Co 1,987 . . . . Swift nml company 416 1,534 BIS The Cmlnliy Pricking Co 909 2.255 . . . . U. lleckrr & Uefinn M Hamilton * Stephens 91 , Vonnanl & Co 79 J. I , . Cnrey ] OS J. Lolminn 45 I * llecker f,2 , Lee llolhichltd 30 llenton , .W 62 Jl. II.Vll8on 131 . . . . Shippers nncl feeders 320 2S . . . . Left over l.OiiQ . . . . Totnl . 2,20 8,001 CIS CHICAGO MVIJ STOCK. Steers \Vcro .Steady to Strong nnd u Slmiln lllehcr. CHICAGO , Nov. 0. The entile market was without Important change. Steers \\cre sleaily to utrotiR nml butchers' nml dinners' stock wns strong to n shade higher. The ( supply was light. Nntlve sleer were In demnml nt from 13 In I1.4J imil. nntlve coxvs nncl hdfers nt from SI. IS to 13.63. Western 'rnnKcrs were firm nt from | 1 73 In 14.75 nml unles of Ti-xns cuttle were on n bnsls of from 11.30 to 13.40. Stockers nnd foeilers were nt from 12 to J3.15. There wns anotlirr bis run of IIORS toil.iv. but Ilio mnrk l op < > ne < l ilrm nml hlKher nml mnlri- lulnoil a Rood tleureo of activity nml llrmnens to the eml. Cholco heavy brought from 11.75 to II.SO , nml there were u few pales of UBsorteil iRlit nt II. C5. Common IOURI ) mlxvil sold nt from 14.25 to 11.30 , njul theic were many Bales of 75 to 125 Ib. plK nt from 13.50 to 14.15. I'lKS were quoted at from 12.75 to 11.50 , nliled by n o < l tlem.iiKl , As n consemiencc of Thursday's heavy supply there wn9 n declineof from lOc to Kr In sheep iml 23c In Inmbs , nnd ns there was n further softening tmlny prices were very little littler than those ruling nl the clO-e of Inst week. Present prices nrc from 11.25 to J3.40 for poor to choice sheep nnil from 12 to 14.25 for lambs. lU'Celpts : Cnttle , 8.0'M ' lienil ; calves , 30(1 ( head ; hops , 27,000 head ; sheep. 15.00) ) luad. The Mvetllnn Journul repoits : IIOOS Hecelpts , 27.W ) heail ; ofHclnl yestcrd.iy. 41,111 heiiil ; slilpments , 10,381 head ; left nvt > i. about 10,000 hend. Quality shows some Impiove- tnent ; Is fnlr. Mntket nctlve nnd ptronn at ful'y jc niUnnce. Packers and shippers both buying. Sales rnnK"at I4.15SI4.CO for llRht , I4.15ff4.33 for roiiRh pacMne. J4.15JT4.70 for mlkeil , II.IW4.KO for heavy packing nnd Bhlpplne lots , and I2.50JJ1 4.40 for piss. CATTLH Ilecelpts , 8.000 hend. tlnther quiet , but market U firm and prices steady. SHEEP Hecelpts , 15.000 hend ; In excess of the demand and prices wenk. St. I.onU l.lvo Stock Mnrkot. ST. LOl'IS , Nov. 9. CATTLE Ilecelpts , 1.80) ) head ; shipments , 1.100 hend ; market sironp. ac tive , fha < 16 hlRher ; native steers , about 1,200 . nvernse , 14.35 ; llfcht to we'glit , I2.M83.40 ; cows , fl.SGV2.15 ; Texas steers , not sumclently represented to cnnble the establish ment of quotations. HOOa-Ilecetpts , G.300 head ; slilpments , 6.4M head ; mcvrket stronir. act've , GQloc hlR er ; Rood to choice heavy , li.SQfM.GO : Rowl light , 14,4'Kf 4.50 ; common to fair llKht , | 4.10 4 r.O. SHEE1 * Hecelpts , 1,000 head ; shipments , none ; market active , ste.idy to hlRher ; native mlx l , 12.75 ; western mixed , J2.50 ; lambs , 13.50. Kn in < < ! lty Llvo Mtoo'f KANSAS CITY , Nov. 9.-CATTI.E-necelpts , 7,50 < ) hpid ; shipments , 2.0W head. Market slnw and weak. Texns steers , I2.20R3.23 ; beef Meera. n.00fl5.50 ; nntlve rows , 11.03 3.25 ; Stockers ami feeders , I2.10fi3.50. IIOOS Hecelpts. 14,200 head ; shipments. 1.C01 hend. Market stroiiR to Cc hlphcr. Hulk nf sales. I4.23cu-4.50 ; heavy , } l.30ti4.53 ; packers. l4.23Sf4.55. mixed , J4.25GM5 ; llRhls , | 4.00iil.25 ; plgD , JI.W WI.25. SHEEP Hecelpts. 1.900 head ; shipments , 3.101 lienil , Market wenk to lOc lower. Natives , U. 10 W2.90 ; westerns , } 2.25fJ2.75 ; ntockers and feeders , 12.0062.50 ; lambs , 13.0004.00. New York Llvo Stork Mnrknt. NEW YOHIC , Nov. 9. HEEVES-Hecelpta , 300 hend ; nctlve , 15C25c hlRhcr ; native steers , fair ish , Il.9rji7ri.00 ; common to medium , l3.Mfi7l.70 ; oxen , S2.1004.75 ; bulls , II. 2593.20 ; dry cows , Sl.25ff2.90. .SHEEP AND LAM11S Ilecelpts , 10900 hend ; fnarkqt dull , closing n shndo easier ; sheep , poor to prime , | 2.XKJ3.50 ( ; lambs , common to prime. I3.30O4.50. HOUSHecelpts , 3,800 head ; Ilrm nt I4.90ff5.25. Stock In Hecords of receipts at the four principal mar kets for Filday , November 0 , 1S9I : Cnttle. HORS. Sheep. South Omaha . 2. < W 8,040 C2 Chlcnuo . , . 8,0X1 27.0DO 15.0i ) Kansas City . 7,500 14,200 1,9iX ) SI. Louis . l.SUO 5,300 10D Totals . 19,331 54,510 17,612 ColTcn Market. NEW YOniv , Nov. 9. COFFEE-Optlons opened nt 5 points advance to 5 points decllno , Rained C$710 points under strong cuble , but eased off , closing steady at 5JJ10 points net decline ; sales , 26,500 baRS , Including ; November , I13.601fl3.70 ; December. ll2.C35n2.S3 ; January , I12.15ffl2.30 ; March , I11.00W1I.70 : May. HI. SOB 11.45 ; September. Jll.ill.l5. Spot coffee. Hrm ; No. 7 , 115.25 ; mild , steady ; Cordova , H8.01fn9.00 ; sales , 1,000 baRS Hlo No. 8. to be shipped , | 13.7"i ; 6,000 bags Maracalbo. J1S. 1'orto Cabvllo. and 1.0'0 Savanllla , p. t. Warehouse deliveries from New York , 4.503 baits ; New York stock today. 225.670 baRs ; I'nlteil Stntes stock , 189 , 4S9 lings ; afloat for the United States , 276,000 baps ; total visible for the United States , 4CI.4S9 baRS. SANTOS , Nov. 9. Firm : Rood avenge Santos , 112 ; receipts , 18.000 baKs ; stock , 460.000 bnjis. IIAM11UHO , Nov. 9.-Stendy ; prices Vlti i PfR ndvnncc ; sales , 2,000 bags. HAVHE , Nov. 9. Opened IrrcRUlnr , unchnnsed to 'if decline ; nt 12 m , Irrctrnlnr , l'tt advance ; at 3 p. in. , IrroRiilnr , unchnnRecl at ' , if decline ; closed IrroBulnr at ' ,4f net advance ; total sales , 32.000 bflRS. HIO UK JANE1IIO , Nov. 9. Quiet ; No. 7 IHo , 115 ; receipts , 5,000 baRs ; cleared for the United States , 2,000 bnfc-a ; cleared for Europe , 257,000 Liverpool LIVERPOOL , Nov. 9. WHEAT Close : Strong ; demand peed ; No. 2 red winter , 4s 6id ; No , 2 red spring , 43 lOd , CORN Spot , dull ; demand moderate ; 4s llVSd ; futures , steady ; demand moderate ; November , 4s lOd ; January , 4s 5Ud. FLOUR Firm ; demand fair ; St. I.oulo fancy winter. 6s 6,1. PROVISIONS Lnrd , dull ; demand poor ; spot , 3Cs 6d. Pork , dull ; demand poor ; prime mess , western , 63s 9d ; medium , 6fln 3d ; hams , Ilrm ; demand moderate ; short cut , 43s 6d. Ilacnn , Ilrm ; demand fnlr ; Cumberlnnd cut , 3-1 s ; short rltis , 36s 6d ; lone clear , 45-lbs. , 35s ; long and short rlenr , 3fin 3d ; shoulders , Ilrm ; 27s Cd. CHEESE Easy ; demand moderate ; finest white and colored. 60s 6d for spot. TALLOW Nominal ; demand poor ; prime clly , 23s. 23s.COTTON COTTON SEED OIL-Easy : Us 3d. TURPENTINE-Steady ; demand moderate ; spirits. 20s 9d. ItOSIN Steady ; demand fair ; common , Ss TU'l. HOPS At London ( Pacific const ) , Ilrm ; demand - mand moderate ; new crop , 12 ljsG 3. poUVhnni niiirket. MINNEAPOLIS , Nov. 9. Wheat was higher on larRcr demand for Hour ami very much InrR r sales , higher cables and moro foreign buylnff of wheat reported In the country. 1'rlmary receipts were also smaller nnd talk of wheat fredlnK wns also brisk. Later cables brought buying orders for flour nnd wheat. The low stocks nlimad and the- fact that country millers nre troubled to Ret supplies this early in the season were also strons factors of the advance of the day. 1'rlccs closed near Ihe top for the day and averaged I'Ac ' hltrhrr ( ban Ihe clnie of the previous day. Hecelpts. 224,250 bu. ; shipments , 17,500 bu. Close : November - bor , 5So ; December , 67 ? > c ; May , Wift'MHc ; on track , No. 1 hard , 6i'4c ; No. 1 northern , 68'4c ; No. 2 northern , 57c. The Hour market wa belter with larger pnlt and much moro active de mand ; patents , S3.15&3.40 ; bakers , ' London Shcoptldn Market. LONDON , Nov. 9. At the sheepskin auction sales today 155,000 Cape of Good Hope and Natal skins wern offered and 149.000 were sold. Home trade bought freely and prices were unchanged. Short woolen skins were especially firm In cunte- quenca of the better demand for pelts. Prices ranged from 2Vi'l to 4 > , id. The exports of raw wool to the United States during September amounted to 1,039,500 Ibs. , nRUlnet 212.900 Ibs. last year , the value nf which was { 28.S98. ugalnst 5,184 Urn year. Woolen tlMiuea , 91,200 yardH , HRnlnst 67.100 yards last year , the valueof which wns 114.630 , nKnlnrt (9,591 last year ; worsted tisanes , 1.M7.100 yards , nnlnst 075,400 yards last year , the value of which waa niltt."J , against IC7.599 last year. 4 otton ST. IXJUIB , Nov. 9.-COTTON Steady ; mid- clllni ; , 5Vio ; tales , 1,300 boles ; receipts , 4,100 balm ; shipments , 4,2'iO bales ; stork , 30,000 bale' . NEW OHLEANS. Nov. 9. COTTON-Stea/ll r ; sales , spot , 6,4V ) bales ; to arrive , 2,300 bale * ; receipts , 28.070 bales ; exports , roiiitw se , 3,519 lialos ; trck , ; 3)'J2 ) ; lak-a. FutureK , sternly ; S'llrs , 626' ' < 0 bales ; N < > veml > cr. | 5 bid , December , I5.04ij8.05 : January 5.01 bid ; February , I5.U3 6.14 ; March. t5.1 a5.2) ) : Apill. I5.25W3.23 ; May , IS.a00fi.32 ; June , | 5.Cii5.39 ; July , 15.4333.41 ; Au gust , I5.I6S3.4S. _ _ Poor In Urnlu Market. I'EOHIA , Nov. . COUN Ixiwer ; No. 2 , 43c ; No. t. 414414f. . OATS liisy ; No. 2 white , 30140310 ; No. 3 n-hllu. ! XS3 ) Uc. IIVE Scale * ; No. 2. nominal. WIllKKY-FIrm ; high wine ta > li , 11.23. HECUII'TS Wheat , 1.200 bu. ; corn , 56.660 bu. ; oats , .IJ.V'O bu. ; rj'e. none ; barley. 5. GOO bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat. I.3 bu. ; corn , W bu. ; oati , 15 , 40 bu. ; rye , none ; bailey , ! ,4 > J bu , Xw Tork Orv ( ioixlj MurUfil , NEW YOItK , Nov 9. There ai n Irreg-ular demand for mul rate tiuiuultlri of sraionahle iluplea ami fancy stuffs , Lut nwre bu > lne In this rrvpect r ulled from telegrams for tcttor Morn Inquiry vru cxliudtd to prlnr THE ESTATE OAK BESTSTOTE Oil EARTH REAO THE CFFICIAL TESC Official R'port on | ( E t.ito ( hks. " K. A. I , . K.UIN & Itttos. : Oentlwiui'ti This N to cortlfy thnt 1 luivo iniido n sorli's of lent.4 with "I'Si-rlei" Kstnlo ( ) ; U < lleat- itiKHoves. to determine. Kirn I , how long the steve would hold llroi Sceonil , how tint M'vornl parts of the stovu not under n hl h red heat I 11 ron tlio stovrs ropon oilly iintlj they were red lu.t all over , t liniuod thorn to the highest pos > il- bln tetnpeivittuo nnd cuoled Ilinnj olT as rapidly us | iii4sll)1n. l.'nilof these tnont Hdvere tests the cximnr slon and contraction did nottitfcct the plait" ! In the lunst imrtlculnr. I cliiii 'i'il ono of them with on6 nnd one-half small buckutfills of si.'icI , on Tuesday uvenlnff , JunoliO , IS'JI , t Jo'clool ; . t'nlll tlirfutlnirliuj Tliiirill/ ( / " - lunniiiii ntI o'elwls HIP liattiof llelarccitlillnitnt tobr sotitrtn \ Hint ill/unit roil/it / not mmriilifu lelulil II/MIII it. Aftrr that t line It ( ( /in fo roof tiff , 'fhei th-n ronf ? ! < Ilir iirltllnulctini'tics of stttfti iilvrrvtfrfri-il < i > trfrv rfofMft until lit o'tlnrli iinit li > tnliiitteaoftlis rrenluit nftlmt < Ji J/ . It ii'lll tlifi'ffiiff tic nrfit Hint Hits florciiclinilli/liilitjliv niiitlniioni- ljlfoi'tl/'t/-llii'i'c [ hoar * nnif flftean tnfiiufi'.f. Thin tsunrfrfi ry iyrorf , unit nut' of ir/ifc/i / { rnn ifttl hrimiicl. jrc.ojKcf/'iil'/ ' ; > u > nt l , i HHVXKsin > 't. Presents Given Awiy This Wsrt , Sltl.OO worth c-f poods , Pet silver | i alcd tonspooni Wllli J'JS.OO worth of gooiK , Hcailtlftlt liUquo O uro With J50.00 worth of goods. A liutiuSoino Ulcturo \ \ Ith $73 0 worth of coeds A uomilnii onU cuntor table Wltji $100.00 worth or Roods , Cosh or Weekly ; or Monthly An clcx.tnt oak rocker Payments. Formerly People's Mammoth Installment House. Open Monday and Saturday Evenings- pycclaltles In ginghams , dress goods. domeHs nnd printed fabrli s. nnd cnmndonilile njvnncc Imsi- ness was registered. Agents h.i\c ailvnncpil the price of American Indlgocs nml gold to Hie but the Jobbing price vlll remain nl 4'ie until No vember 15 , when It will advance to 4c. Migar .Market. NEW YORK , Nov. 9. SC'O.Ul Haw. active nnd Ilrm ; fnlr relln ng , 3c ; centrlfUKiil. W trst. 3 > ic ; tales , UO.C-C ! lings renlrlfUKnl. ' . "i Irst , 3' ' e. l.UOO bags ci > ritrlfiignl , SO teat , 2 lT2In Imnd ; 61S hogshends Mtmrnvadn , 69 test , Si2 WO tins moIaBses KUgar. 116c ! ; S.ffH ) tuns llnl-i , Hi test 2Tic ; 7U.CG2 mats .Munlll.i. 17 tc l , V.'iC. Ilcflncd , nnn. nnn.LO fDON , Nov. 9. Sl'OAll Cane , \ery dull ; Muscovado , fair running. 10s. Iliiluth H In-lit Alnrkrt , DULUTK. Nov. 9. W11RAT no < > : No. 1 hard , cash and November. fiOVic ; Nn. 1 northein , cash nnd November , DSic ; Di-ci-mber , 5S'ic ; Mny. 6Uic ; No. 2 norlhein , ensli , fMv : No. J , 62v4t. ; rejected , 491ic ; to arrive. No. 1 northein , cash , 'FriscoVlinut ( Quotations. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 9. WHEAT Strong ; December , 92 < ic ; May , tl.OOTj. \Viol .Market. ST. LOUIS , Nov. 9. WOOL Steady , un- changed. _ A pure article of champagne Is a liealtliy bevcraKC. Get Cook's Kxtra Dry Imperial , 40 years' record. ivj.1 rnisit .i ST. l-'ulr , Warmer nml ViirliibloVlnila for > 'o- lirrfskii Toilur. WASHINGTON , Nov. 9. The forecast for Saturday Is : For Nebraska nml South Da kota Fair ; warmer ; variable winds. For Iowo/-Falr ; colder In the extreme eastern portion ; warmer In the northwest portion ; north winds , becoming variable. For Missouri Fair ; colder In the eastern portion ! winds becoming variable , For Kansas Fair ; warmer In the north ern portion ; variable winds. I.onil Itrriinl. OFFICE OF THE WBATHEU nUHRAU. OMAHA , Nov. 9. Omaha record of temper ature and rainfall , compared with the corresponding Uay of past four years : 1831. 18M , 1832. 1891. Maximum temperature. . . . 33 Gl 43 01 Minimum temperature . 23 3S 30 33 Average temperature . iU Et 40 41 Precipitation . 00 .00 .00 .00 Condition of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for the day and since March 1 , ISO I : Normal temperature . 42 Deficiency for the day . 13 Accumulated excess since March 1 . 728 Normal precipitation . 04 Inch Deficiency for the day . Clinch Totnl precipitation flnce March 1 15. G6 inches Deficiency since March 1 . 11.78 Inches Kepurls from Other .Stitlon : nt ii P. M. B ? ITiTlONS. STATE Or WE ATM Ell. Omaha .00.Clc.-ir. North Platte .liu'ciouUy. ' Valentine .till Cloudy. Chicago .01 Snowing. St. Louis 4M ,00'loiidy. | SI. Paul : ti .01 Cloudy. Davenport : tin T Cloudy. Kans.-iH City 44 .1X1 Cloudy. Denver 411 C'J Clenr. Salt Lnko City. . . . & ' . ' u'j .00 C'loar. UunldClty V-l 32 .UO Cloudy. Helena Bismarck Cloar. St. Vincent * Oli'tir. Cheyenne .00 Clear. Mllca City Uu'iveston . . . 114 (18 ( .00 Cloar. "T" Indicates trace of rain. L. A. WELSH. Ouaerver Our I till f , Time wa when the "glorious climate of California" did not attract tourists. Dut year after year the tide of travel set ยง In stronger and stronger every ( all and winter toward this favored region. There Is no climate like It on this continent for a winter resort , and the usual due service on the Union Pacific system hai this season been brought to a de gree or pefectlon which leaves nothing to be desired. For further Information call on your near- tit ticket agent or address H. P. UEUKt. , , City ticket agent , 1J02 Parnam St. , Omaha , Neb. N , W. HARRIS & DO , BANKERS , 163-165 Dearborns t. , Chicago. 15Vall - t. , New York. 70 State-it. , Hosier .ITT. COUHTT , I - K I J /-V nO . . .HOOL-y/ATER and I C I J l\ | I 1 * r-HEKhlGH GRADE LJ W I M L-/V a4 bold. Corjtipoud BO Bolloltcii. This extra ordinary Ho- luronator Is tli a most wondoritit dlsoovory of the axo. It and ot lias been en dorsed by the jm.ta. Btrengthonj , tlno men of inrlsoratei I Kuropo aud and tones tlia America. Hudyan is purely vege table. Hudyan slops and develop Prematuieness and rcrtofe of tno dls- wenk charge In n organ in tli i - days. Cures back , loesc LOST by day o MANHOOD ] ] lghtitoppo < quickly. Over 2,000 private Indorsements. Pii'maturenexs means Unpotency In th first t ge. It In n symptom of semlnnl weakness ana ) arrennets. It can bo cured In 20 days by tn use of Hudynn. The new discovery wan made by the Rpeclallsta of Iho old famous Hudson Medical Institute. If s the Htrimgcst vltnllzer mn.dc. It Is very power- ill , but liarmloFs. Scld for 1100 n pnckiiRe , or six pnrkngcH for J5.IX' ( plain eonled boxci ) . \Viltten guarantee given for n. cure. If you buy six boxes and nre not entirely cured , six mor vlll be Bunt to you free of nil charge. Send for clrculnis and testimonial * . Address , HUDSON MEDJOL INSTITUTE Junction Stockton Mnrkot , nnd Ellla Streets , San FrunoIsco.CuL Dueber = Hampden 17 = Jewel Watches arc known by rail. road men and other equalled for wear S ant accuracy- The Duebcr Watch Works , Canton , 0. Dr. E. C. Weil' * Nerve end Drain Treatment t told und r poiltlru written cuar/intf , by nutbofj Ued r.cents nnlr , to euro l k Memory ; Lom of Urnlu and Nerv * 1'crwtr ; L < ut MMihood ; Qulc-knesit Vlnlit Ix ; Kvll Drcniiij ; Ijick of Ooufldebcoi NdtvourooM ; iJitiltiulu ; nil Dralut ; Luunt t'owti of the Ueneratlvo Ortrnu * iu nllh'r ci , cturcd bi iiTor-mertlpti ; Voutlilij r.rrors , or I ICC IT DID ot Tobacco , Opium or Liquor , r.hlcn Boon lend to Ml.erConiurnptlnD. . Intnuftyanl Death. II ? mail. laboi ; Uft/rlS ; wltlj wrlilviiBiinrinte to cor ot re ! jnd money. WUiT'S COUGH H VJtUP. A rert l i-ire for Cctwbf. Coldii , Arthmn , llruncliltl ? , Croup , VfctHipli.s IMujih. Nor Thront. Pleaciuit totukfc mill ae . -rrw'lni , .l ; ei'd. u < a. mro , now 2Sc. ; old o- r-r ( r' - { vi'.ti : ( buJjOLybr1 ] Goodman Drug Co , Omthi. ' WM. jLOTJDON. Commission Merchant Grain and Provisions. I'rlvuto wires to Chicago and New York All IjuslntSH orders pluced on Ucarcl of Trade , CorroflponUence solicited , Oltlce , room 4 , New York Life . t Omaha. Teltpbon. UUi-