M | ( P COIUIERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Market Was Narrow but aenerally Finn in Tone. TALK OF FEEDING THAT GRAIN THE CAUSE Corn Wan Dull nnd for the .Most I'art Henry -flicker ! WIir Wcro Hiort Agnl Stock \Vnrrhoine Co ereil Their lledt | > Ucncrally. CHICAGO , Nov. 8.-Owlng lo renewed find energetic talk of wheat feeding , the wheat market was narrow , but firm In tone. The range of prices was Vies per bu. Improvement at the opening , nnd thnt was the gain with which the market closed , Corn was dull and heavy , losing % v of Us previous value. Provisions were firmer nnd higher. Oat ? followed corn , losing ' /ic for Mny. Wheat received a lift at the stnrt from the remarks on feeding and reduced export able surplus therefrom In the Cincinnati Price Currenl. Mny , which closed yesterday with sellers nt DV&c , opened nt from DS ic to COc , but wllh sales freely made nt both extremes. The market appeared Inclined to hold the slight Improvement It started with. The primary market receipts were only 610,000 bu. , showing a , tendency to diminish , nnd consequently the probable close np- preaches of weekly decreases , Instead of In creases of Ihe visible supply. Liverpool cablegrams quoted /toady demand for wheat nt Ud decline In price. May vibrated nearly all day between M > } ic and EB'ie. ' It touched 59'ic at one time , but nt the closes It was GSTJc. Corn was dull and for Hie most part heavy. The receipts were only moderate. Tlie offerings of new No , 3 for Decembct nnd January were comparatively heavy and the demand nil. The market here wns sus tained for n i-hort lime by Ihu firmness of wheat , but that wu.s tnsulllclent to over come the npnlhy of the traders. May opened at GOV4c , sold as high ns frcnt C08c ; to fiO ie , and at the close It was I9ri. There wns little trading In onls. An raster feeling existed , Influenced by a like wise heavy corn market. Mny started nt t2l/- < : t nolil down to 32Hc , and back to 32Uc. touching 31T c , and closing nt " 2o. Provisions were firmer. It was re-ported by an export house that all cable offcrlnjjN of products made from here yesterday were accepted , and this demand for the cash property Induced Iho packers who were nhort agnlnsl stock In warehouse lo cover their hedges. Pork nt the elope Is 22J4o higher , lard lOc , and ribs IZ'c ' , over yester day's closing prices. The lending futures ranged as follows : Articles. " | Open. | "lluh. | Lenv. | Closa. Wlient.Na" ? Nevi ' 6.1 i > ec. . . ; ; ; . 6.1MU cnx May Si'U ' ( Wi 68MUH Coin No. 2 , . Nov f'OH loc GO.U . I Oil. May. . . . . . . inU3M > NOV. " ' . ? ; ; ; ! R Doe. . . 28K ! ! 8X May , . . . ' . , . . : inr 2 Perk per.bbl Jan 11 72i < 12 02) ) < ll 72 11 P5 Mny 12 07 1'J 07 12 ' . ' 3 Lnnl.ionibi Jan , , , . . . . , . 0 W 7 O'J n fi.i f 1)7 H > May 7 00 7 15 7 00 7 lil v Cliort lllbs- Jnn. . . . G 03 0 10 C 05 0 0716 _ _ Mny. , . 0 IS 0 17 ! G 1C li lo Cash quotations were ns follows : -my. \VHBAT-No. 2 spring. 57'ic ; No. 3 sprlnn , nomlnnl ; No. 2 rod. 5t'.c. ' COllN-No. 2 , 5Ii4831 ic ; No. 3 yellow , ' . < OATS No. 2. 2SW20HP : No. 2 white , 31'iO1 S2Hc : No. 3 white , 31'iO32c. KYB No. 2. 4f.o. . IJAniiEY No. 2 , 5l33o ; No. 3 , Clffl4'jcj No. 4 , SOB'S ' ! c. FI < AX SKKD No. 1 , JI.IG. TIMOTHY SEKD-l'rlme , J3.33. rilOVlSIONa Mesa poik , per t > bl. , J12.I3 : Inrcl per 100 Ibn. . ( O.tOfi'T.Oji ' Miort ribs , gldci ( Ions' ) . lS.23 fO.SOj dry tailed shoulders ( boxed ) . fj.C2V4 &S.73 ; short clenr ddea ( boxed ) , } C.S7'iSC.o. ! ; WIIIHKY Distillers' JlnlabcJ Kooils , ' per Bnl. , HtfnAnS-UnchanKod. The following were the receipts and shipments today : On thu Prolnco oxch.inso to.l.iv tlu ututor inir- " ket wan arm : cicamcry , lla''JKe ; Ualry , r.'B''t'c. B , ( Inn ; The cable brcUBht buylns orders from Ilrlstol , LcCth nnd Mlnneniwlls , recelptx of wheat , 417 cars ; Iu- luth , C29. Iiat year Minneapolis received DID cars nnil Duluth 400 cars. Exports frem five poitu were : Wheat , 141,800 bushels : corn , 9.f > SI bushels ; oata , 30.C33 buslicls ; ( lour , 46,408 pacliaKes. New York cleared : Wheat , 1033. > bushels ; corn , 2,000 bushels ; oaln. 43G bushels ; Hour , 4.0'W ' barrels nnd 32.3.31 sacks. Phllndelphln tleaied : Wheat , 2.MO buahfls ; corn , 7.684 bushels ; ral , 80,183 bushels , llalllnioro cleared : Flour. ! ) ll barrels. Ilcerbohm's cable says : Carsoes off coast : Wheat , llrmly licM : coin , nothlnir offering , o.i paFsnRo : Wheat , quieter ; a demand for carsoes of corn near nt hand , while tifre : Is not much Inquiry for m. re distant periods of dellvt-iy. French country markets llrm. Weather In Ens- land colder. Wheat reserves from 1S03 were 12.'i.000,000 bushels. The ciop of 18J4 l.s 47r > ,0'W,0 > 0 bushels , or n total of COD.MO.OXX Deduct from III s : Heed M.000,000 bushels ; consumption. SO' ' ) , 000.000 ; feed. (0,000,000 bushels ; commercial puiposcs , 6.0W.OOO bushels ; visible nnd Invisible supply. 7S.OOO.OO ) bushels ; total , 490,000,1)00 ) bushels. Which , de ducted from Crto.ono.ooo bushels leaves nn ex portable surplus of 110,000.000 bushels. Cincinnati Price Current says : Spcal ! returns on wheat feedlnc to animal * Indicate 4I,0 ) ,000 bushels nlieady consumed nnd from M.OW.OIO to 16,000,000 bunhels 1 Koly to lip fed from the pies- ent crop. The huci-r quantity Implies npproxl- tnntely 110,000,1)00 ) busheln as the year's exportable total. Inchlillni ? tiirplua from hist year , half of which Is already expoited. Inlerlor inlllerB are navliiK dllllculty In secuilni ; home supplies , an.l are looking to grain centcis. An unlmpurtant Increase In corn movement , the weather not fa\vrln ( ? the dryingprocess. . The New York Commercial Ilullolln says : As usually happens when the- crop Is IlKht nnd the price low. the exports of wheat during tlie first three months of the ciop year have been ex- ccedhiRly IlKht. The \nlue of wheat nnd wheat ll ur exported fiom nil porls in .luly , August und Heptcmber amounts to only > :3.S35,003 , wliilc for the fame period of last jear the shipments were valued nt 149.004,000 showing a fnllin ? off of 123.129.000. or nlwut 47 per cent. This Item alone largely accounts for tlm decrease of (4- 00,000 In the total mcrrhan Use expo : IB for Ihs quarter. This wlthhi.UIInu of shipments , how ever , represents n law reserved resource for future additions to our exports. Thomnn's November crop report states that advanced harvest operations icvenl a reduction In the yield of corn of one-half bushel per acre ( is compaicd with the preliminary eyt'mnte one month ago. Total harvest now Indicates 1I37,0"0- 000 bushels on 73,500,000 acrvs. Ginln Is llsht nnd chaffy nnd 73.6 per cent of ciop Krndon mer chantable. Tills represents 1.103.000,010 , nenlnst l.SM.OOO.OOO In H93 , 1,345 , X,0C ) ( } In 1SS2 nnd l.KJnOil.OOO In 1S : I. Approximate available supply of corn for ship ment ensuing year from states using three- fouiths crrp In 13.7 per cent or KOCn , uc bushels. Wheat feeding Is being steadily maintained on low price rather than on Us ri'lntlealue ns nnlmal food , Of 1:70 counties leportlmr , In 943 the tendency still exists , In UO It Is en the In crease and In 175 counties not us much Is being fed now ns has been during the past two months , Texas. Tennessee , Indiana. Illinois nnd Knntas complain that diy weather Is retarding full work. M\VYOUIC .u.viuccr. Yesterday's Quohitlont on Flour , drain uud rrnvlslnni. .tlotiils , Kti : NEW YOIIK , Nov. 8. KLOl'U-nccelpts , 38,400 bbls. ; cxiwrts , 27,100 bbli. ; sales , ! ICOO pkgs , Market fairly active ; mills wl.lch are Bold nhead have again advanced prices. Winter straights , firm and In demand. I-o\v winters , dull , Houtli- em Hour , more ncthe ; sales. 750 pkgs. Hyo ( lour. iteady ; sales , CM bbls. Duck-.vhcut Hour , easy ; IJ.Odft2.r5. IIUCICWHEAT Quiet ; MWOCc , COItN MUAIt Kniy ; anles. 400 libls. , 2,400 ' lacks ; jellow western , 11.1501. IS ; brandywlnc , IlYK Dull ; car lots , MflMc. ilellvere.1. Be JIAIlLKY-Qulft : No. 2 Milwaukee , 61 C2c. 1IAHLKY MALT Dull. WHEAT Itecelpts , SSOO bu , ; exports , 103,220 bu.i sales , 4.1CuOJO bu. futures , 40000 bu , spot. Bpot nndy ( ; No. 2 red , store nnd elevator. 66'Jo ' ; V nilo.it. l7T c ; Na. 1 northern , k , delivered , 40 Options opened enb-ler , reacted a little nt noon , ! nzuln advanced on renewed local buying , but lei finally sold nrt under rculer cables nnd symiuthv with corn , closlne at Vkti'iu net advance ; No , 2 rid , January. WHt/Wio. close < l nt Wc ; Mny , ClJiCejo. closed nt 6lHe : Novemlwr cloned at Mlie : December. ST.ifl'ir 11-Hc. closed at 57 o. COUN Receipts. 1U.OO ) bu. ; exports , 2,1100 bu , ; vales , 6M.OOO Im. fulurrs , 2,000 bu , spot , Spot weak : tp7'C olknit ; ungraded mixed , new , (2 < i0 Hi ) ; No. J white. Me. dtllventl. Option market Ib. advanced t Ilmt on wet weather and prvKpects N of a light movement , but later declined sharply under heavy liquidation , cloalny at UUlc decline ; Januaty. & 3ttf&4Hc , closnl nt 63'ic ; May , W iU B4Ke. closed nt UfiCi November closed at Mic ! : Dcceinl r. K'iO-MUo. rlo ed at MVic. lo OATH - Hrcelpls , U.OOO bu. ; nports , WO bu. ; nUti. KO.OOO bu. futures. ( .V < > 0 bu. el vol. No. 2 , SUct No. 2 , dcllvrre < l. 53i > c. No. 3. 31V.C ; No. 2 While , J 4tl3 iS . No. I white. Si ; c. truck mixed Wttltrn , sHU3 o. truck white , SSwlOc. Options ruled dull all day , weakening In sympathy with wheat : dosed Uo nrt drcllnvi January clore < l at HK i February , ItKGKc , eloacd at itXc , May , 3 MlJe. co ! rd nt ; . ; November eloied * t 33V. December , Wtj 'ic. closed at Me. HAYDull , shipping , 4JCiOc ; good to choice , oti'ic. ; HOI'SWeak ; ! ( * , common to choice , old , : 7e : n w , UllTje ; Pncine conn , 3(4 ( 7c. Illlis-Hrm ; wet saltid New Oilenns , e- tecteJ , 45 to K Ibs. , Ic ; Huenns Ayres , dry , 20 to 14 It * . , lie ; Tenss. dry. 24 to 30 Ibs. . 6Ufl ! c. LrUTIIER-Qul'rl but Mcndy ; hemlock sole , fliiMiot Ayres. light to heavyweight. IMTllic. WOOI-Slently j dometllo llceec , l 2lc ; pulled , PRoVtfllONH-Ileef. flendy ; beef hams. I'.fiO. Cut meats , easy ; tilchled shoulders , CHc ) plL-kled hums , I'itfJy.c. l itd , llrm ; west- etn HlPiint cloned t 17.J3 Hiked ; sales , 30) tierces at } 75 , city. C eTio ! ; * ule , IM tlerres ; Novem ber closed ut 17.3.1 , nominal ; January , J7.30 , nomi nal ; renni'd , sti-uily ; continent , { 7.73 ; Houth America , M ; comrounil , 5Uc. I'nrh. steady , HUTTER Finn ; e tein dairy , llflic ; western - ern creamery , 151/Jic ; factory. lOflllc ; Elirlns. 2T > . - ; Imitation ci turnery. l.lfllSc ; state dairy , 13if3oi ' tnln crenmeiy. 17y2lc. CIlEEHE-Flitn ; slnte. large. 3'ifilOUc ; fmall , StTIK'i | > .1tt skims. 3U'J-l'ic ' ; full skims , 3 < 74c. EOC.S-Steudy ; slate nnd Pennsylvania , 2lff28c ; refrigerator. lti' ' fi.'lc ; \ % itern fresh , 17fl23c ; jasts. 11.2:93 So ; receipts , 5,747 likes. TALLOW-Dull. Pin'UOLEU.M-Nomlnal ; united closed at ii2TtC bid. Tl'Ill'ENTINK-Stendy ' ; 2S'.i02)c. ) RICE I'lrrn ; donutlo , fair to extra , Japnn . , 4 tie , MOLAHSEH-Stea.ly ; Ntw Orleans , open kettle , r.no < \ to choice , 2sy.We. I'lO liioN-D"ulf ; Scotch , l.03019.r ; Amcrl- an , J10.OOJfn.00. TlN-Hiuely steady ; stialls. fl4.E2'ifil3.M ' ; plates , dull. Hales on 'chance. 2oO tons May tin , . 20 tons H. O. . thin year , ono day's notice , Ill.iO ; 1 t'ms April. J14.M ; 23 tons S. O. , to May , one day's notice , Jll.l" > . SriU.TEIt-Qutct ; domestic , J3.3J 3.37i4. LEAD tjulet ; biokers' price for bullion , $3 ; ex- chiiriKf price for spot , f 3.1. 13. 15. Curi'ER-Stendy ; bioiieia' price , O'.ic ' ; cx- „ - prices , JO.OOti3.CO. COTTON Hl-ii > ( Jilt Dull ; yclluw off grades , c ; prime while32g33c. . OMAHA I.I.MIAI : ; , .MAHKITH. : Ciindltlnn of ' 1'riiilo unit Oiinlntldin on > tnplti unit ruui'y Produce. In Its review of the. butter situation Chicago Produce toinnilic : llulter for the month of Oc- I. . her has nvf-raKed'tltjcliIedly low , At the clos of the month the condition was not ns good na nt thu opening , w1u < n theic wua a brisker demand than for some years at that scnson. October ns a rulultneciiesj a tpurt In the mniket for butter. This year the fpuit wns nltemplcd , but It proved a ll/lc. IV'.ple . pimply wouldn't have It that wax. nnel wh'n the month ope-ned wllh prlcoj at 2V confiiinptl- dee-leased aid forced a le- Juctlun In pilfe. In foimcr years sellers have held for n high pilco ngalnst the1 efforts of buyers to obtain jr.iods at n mme lensonable ( Inure , nnd have aided II.c Lu U'rtnc fejplo In dlfpns ng of their goods" . This year , huwvcr , they adopted a dlffeivnt course. Knney goods have sold well In all market * . At the opening < if this month ihi'ie In a lighter stock of fresh ( roods that arc fiincy than ut the opening for October. The New York tnaikct opened up nt 23Hc the first of this month , which Is the loweit ( Icure leached for years. In fae-t , the nearest llgure to the piencnt ye-ar's prices was made In 18S ! > , when oxtms weic quote'd nt 2le. Thu fuatutc of the market ilnrlng October , nnd at present , Is the great lack of demand for the lower KI ful < . Ladles have not ruled lower lneu tha tiMTlilo ( glut In the mniket In 1M9 , when 1 lacking stock told ileiwn to fiom 3c tr 4c , nnd aillcs were quoted In New York at lie the 1st of November. In 1590 this grade of butter.brought lik- , and thu same ( inure. In 1391 , and In 1892 s Id at Kc. Tile hlchtst price for years wns reached In 1893 , while at present ladies me quoted In the New Yolk mniket ns very dull at fiom 12'.jc to 130. nnd a great many laillere liavc retired from the business. It In this Eradc of butte-r that oleomaigurlnc Is Injuring more than the flno grades , and but for the losses made o.i ulu < .k purchased by Indlers lower prices wouM have lo have been accepted for packing stuck the past two months. In the west there has been scarcely a hard ficcsi ! > during t'ac monih 'of October. For that reason the pastures have remained good , and with the exception of n snow storm In northern lenvn eaily. this week , there bus bein nice w rather as n rule. The glass Is gteei In many localities at present , and us n general thing farmers nre quite well tup.jliclvlth w nler feed , having n great deal ur.oo than they cx- peulcd to have at the opjti ng of October. lleeelpts of butter the pant week at three lead- ins centers were as follows : Nov. 2. Oct. 2) ) . Oct. 19. Chicago JS.wl 17,733 17.597 New Yolk 2:1.0:7 : 33.9 2 30.4SI Iloston ll.ilO 15.CCG 15.9JD Totals 02,135 ( W.2'G 01,030 November cpencd up with 239,000 tuba of but ler In the cold stoiage. houses of Clilcngo. Ilos ton und New York , a reduction of 49,000 tubs durinjr October , This i eduction Is by no means aa large ns during the month of September , when 71,000 tubs we.-o taken out of the coolers In these three markets. Th ? | : i ge reduct'on ' In Heptember wns lan-ly duo to the heavy ills- lil | > utlon to the smaller points where t'.ie drouth has been most elleetlve , timl nearly half the butter that-went out In September went out the Hist week of the montli. Chicago reduced stocks during September 35,000 tubs , while In October theie wns a reduction of but 3,00) tuba. The current market of butter eluilng the month o' October , nnd In fact fiom the m.dille of Septem her , having ben extraoidlnaitly huge , pre vented the j'tpx-l.lon of miny ttoragc goods In Chicago. l.COItNV"'o. Hoston , however , went to work with Its usua _ Industry In the fall of the year , and bepran con BumliiK the butter thnt was put away for that purp.w , nnd has made the Brenlejt reduction of any of the three centers , bavins brouht down tha supply fiom 123.0X1 tuts ih'j 11.st da ) of October t-7 M.191 at the opening nf this in mth a ronsumptlon of nearly 31.0JO tubs , whllu Ncn Yolk has reduced the supply fiom 100,000 to SS.OOO tubs. Tlie following table thows the eiimntliy of butter held In Hole the 1st of Ill's moith , coin pared with the stocks at the opening of the iwo months prcecd ng : Nov. 1. Oct. 1. Se'pt. 1 Chicago 07,000 O.OIO Jf.O'X IloMun 9I.162 12-.030 141,000 New Yolk fcS.IXM luu.OOO 120,0 ( Totals 239,192 283.095 350.0JI As will be observed fiom the above table , tin reduction from the highest liguie , which was a the opening of September , when the coilcrs id held the minimum stocks , lias been 120,000 tubs or 3.1 per cent. Quotations : HUTTlia I'acklliK stock , SfJS'.tc ; fair to gK ( country , llf/J3c ; choice to fancy , HtilJc ; Bath ered creamery , 19 ] 2)c ) , ; separator creamery , 2 5c ; ducks , CViWTc ; tuikeys , spilng , tic ; hen tur keys , 7c ; gcc e , BV SCc. UAME Pialrlo chickens , per doz. , { 3.0083.25 grouse , per doz. , )2.75@3.0J ; blue wing teal , pe doz. , JI.SO ; green wing teal , per doz. , Si.iJ ; dnckD mixed. pHr doz. . (1 ; canvasUacks , Sl.tOj:4.5) : mallards and led heuds , 12.0)1(2.2 ) ( ; ; qunll , )1.23i I.&O ; deer raddles , HfllBo ; antelope paddles , 128 13a ; nmnll rabbits , (1 ; Jack labbits , 52. V'KAI Cliolce fat and small veals arc quoted at GftG'io ; large und coarse , Sftlc. CHEESE Wisconsin full cream , 13c : Ne braska and Iowa , full cream , lie ; Nebraska am lown , part skims , 7 < USc ; Ltmhurger , No. 1 , lie brick. No. 1 , 12c ; BWKS | , No. 1. .110150. HAY Upland hey , $ J ; midland , JS.CO ; lowland 17.00 ; rye straw , IS. Color makes the pi Ice on hay. Light shades sell the best. Only top giade bring tcp prices. PIGEONS-OId birds , per doz. , 73c. VECfETAllLES. POTATOES-Westem stock , car lots , Me ; smal lots. 70o. OLD DEANB-IIand-plcked , navy , } 2 ; lima beans , per Ib. , H'/.c. ' ONIONS On ciders , C70c. . CAHIIAOE-On orders , I'.ic. CELERY Per doz. . 2J ? 3Jc. SWEET POTATOES-Pcr bbl. , 13 ; Jersey , J3.S per bbl. REETS-rcr bu. . COflGOc. CARROTS Per bu. . MiiWc. CAt'LlFI.OWEIt-Per doz. . { 2.25. EGO PLANT Per doz. , Me. IIOiSERADIHII-Per Ib. , 7 8e. PARSNIPS-Per bu. . 60 ICOc. IIIJTAIIAOAS 1'er bu. . 'WOc. I'AHSLIJY 1'er doz. bunches. 2c. TUUNirs-1'er bu. , tOc. SPLIT 1'UAS-I'er Ib. , 383UC. FHUIT8. QUINCns-Callfornin. pir M-lb. box. $1.6' ' ) . Al'l'LKS Rood stock , per bbl. , 2.5J@2.75 ; Mich lenn stock. I3.00O3.23. 1'KACHKK None. I'LUMS Ciillfoinla , nane. I'llt'NRS-None. rUAHS Winter Nellls. 11.6)01.7,1. ailAl'KS-Concords , 10-lb , - baskets. 22iT23c ; Cal Ifornta , JI.M. CUANUEItninS Cape Cod fancy , J9.50 per bbl TKOP1CAL I-'nUITS. OIlANQnS Mexican , per box , JJ.M ; riorldas , 13 HAN ANAS Choice suck. ( I1.75C2.W par bunch LKMONS Messina. 300 , K ; ZW , M S'JOS.OO. I'lNKAl'l'LES None. MISCELLANEOUS. OYSTEHS IXL , Oc ; medium , per can , lOo horse shoes , 12c ; cxtia ctanUurils , ICc ; extr selects , 17ci company tclecta , 21c ; New Yutli couats. 2 > o. NIJW KKia Extra fancy , per Ib. , 18e ; fancy 16c ; choice , I4c. HONUY Choice white , 10817ci California , 15e MAl'LE SYHtH'-Oallon cans , per doz. . 112. MAPLE SIKlAH-I'er Ib. , lOe. NUTS Almonds. IMflCc ; English walnuts , 12o nlberts , 12c ; liruill nuts , nunei eastern chest nuts. 10HI2Cshelllinik hickory nuts , per bu. 11.Wj fancy raw peanuts , lie ; roasted peanuts IV4e HAUEH KHAUT Choice white , per bbl. , J4.S 04.TS ; per halt bbl. . 2.50. MINCE MEAT Fancy , In half bbls. , per Ib S'4c ; 10 gal. kegs , 7c. Fl'siiFVesh "ciuBht cropple , perch and sun nsli , 30Sc ; buffalo. 3G4c ; pike and pickerel , 6 < ; ratllsh. 8fiDc ; black bass , 12fl4e. CIDliK-l'uia Juice , per bbi. , l ; halt bbl. , | 5.I5. HIDUS-No. 1 Krern hides , SVc ; No. i grte Mitt , 3Uc ; No. 1 green salted hides. 4V4c : No. irrten salted hides , JUc ; No. 1 cretn salted hides > to 41) ) Ibs , 4Uc ; No. 2 green laltvd hldts. K t Ibs. , 3Uc ; No. 1 veal calf. I to IS Ibs. , 7c ; No leal calf , S to li ! bi. Ccj No. 1 dry flint hides , No. ! dry Hint hides. 4e ; No. 1 dry sallr hides , Cc ; part cured hide * Ha per Ib. less tha fully cured. bllEKI' PELTS-Orren sallti ] , rach , lSff Oc green salted ihearllnKi ( short woolcd early skins rach , lOtCOo : dry ihrarllnis ( short wooled earl iklna ) . No. 1 , each , ( Olio ; dry shearllnKi ( shor wooled early skins ) . No. 2 , rach , ic ; dry flln Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pell * , pe . , actual wetKht , 6C8o ; dry flint Kansas an nraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actua weight. 40fHc ; dry nint Colorado butcher woo prlti. ner Ib. . actual vrtltht. 4tteVio : dry Illn Colorado murrain wool pelta. per Ib. , uctua weight , 4@ c ; ( have fret cut otf , a * It la uaer ) pay freight on them ) , TALLOW AND aiinASC-Tallow. No. 1. 4ilc tallow. No. t , 9Kc ; erraar , while A , 4c ; crease ' _ > at , darl ' ' " nisi old bu'ttir JSIHc'i b ea'iva , "prim * , UQ2 c louih i llo , IHOZc. Idinsut City Alnrkota. KANSAS CITY , Nov. l.-COItN-V"/ 'o. 1 mlxril. 41 < 4(7lHc ; No. I white , 41UO41HC. OATS rnchnnxed , Hl'TTER Active ; fancy separator , ISffSlc ! airy , 13 l"e. EOOS-Aetlve ; 16c. RECEIPTS-Whent , JO.OOO bu.i corn , none ! ats , none , SHIPMUNTS-Whcat , 29,000 bu. ( corn , none ! ig , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hTOCKS AND 11OND3. hero Win nn U settled Tone to Speculation on VlniiiB . NBW YORK , Nov. 8. There was nn un- ettleil tone on the Slock cxchntiKC today , ut as n result of the trailing n majority f the shares dealt In recorded higher rices In the final sales , the pains ranging rom U lo 314 per cent. The weakness of ho London market nnd selling for the for- account depressed the market nt the penlng , nnd under the leailshlp of Mnn- uttan , Sugar , Union 1'nclflc , New Jersey ntral nnd Denver & Klo Grande pre- erred , n decline of 1 per cent nnd under van effected. The pressure to sell was light and did not continue long , buyers onilng to the market nt once , whose pur- hases caused a sharp Improvement , extend- ntf to 1 per cent In Wheeling & Western referred , Uurllngton , Ilock Island , Canada Southern. Norfolk & Western preferred , . .ead , Western Union , Sugar , St. Paul nnd .IlBsourl . I'aclllo were most prominent. This ras followed by a partial reaction , followed cforo 1 o'clock by another retrograda move- nent , In which the slocks menlloned were he principals. On lite opening of Hie sec- nil hour speculation began to grow strong ml some of the specialties came Into favor. Minneapolis & St. Louis sold up 2J4 per ent , Lnclede Gas preferred 2 % per cenl , lllnols Central 2',4 per cent. Colorado Fuel ' ,2 I ? r cent , Sugar l per cent ind St. Paul & Omaha Hi per ent. The advance wns maintained up to lellvery hour , when n general liquidation movement set In , which sent figures down rom U to IVi per cent , the heaviest shares being Pacific Mall nnd Uurllngton , out of he active list. There were n few Blight allies In the final trading , but the market n the main wns heavy nt the close , the grangers notably so. The early advances vero not lost , however , and compared with csterday's ' closing gains nre made of 2' , icr cent In Minneapolis & St. Louis , * 4 per : cnt In Illinois Central , H6 per cent In St. nul & Omaha , Colorado Fuel nnd Cotton Oil preferred. Hi per cent In Sugar and 1 > or cent In St. Paul , Minneapolis & Maul * eiha. Other fractional advances were made and Fome declines , the only one over a frac- lon being Pnclllc Mall , which Is down 1U per cent. The bond market was again marked by considerable strcnpth nnd actlv- ty nnd there wns n better distribution cf justness than for some time past. AH the iromlnent Issues were heavily Iraded In and generally show n material appreciation from yesterday's closing figures. The sales of he > day were J2,12I,000. The Kvcnlng Post's London cable says : The stock market was very Idle today , pending the settlement on Monday. Profit uklng caused a relnppo In Americans , but prices closed above the worst. Foreigners were easy , the Paris markets becoming weaker and consols rising again nearly to he highest point touched , The Chlnn loan s at n small discount. The following were the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the Nrw York ex change today : Alehpicm Northwestern . . . . Adainn Express. . 142 do pfd 14:1 : Alton. T. 11 : w N. Y. Central 100 do pld IBS N. Y. AN. Enj. . . . Am. Express Ontario .t W 1U llaltlmoru&Olilo. Oregon Imp ? aqadnPaclflc . . . SI Oroiron N.iv 21 Canada Southern. nut O. H. li. AU. N. . . . 7 Central Pnclllo. . . ' * Pacific Mall 73S Chicago Alton. . . . M4 P. D.iE 3S f.B. iQ rmnnurg 120 Chlc.iiroGns Pullman Pal.ico. . IBS Con9olldatcd n.ia 'P * Hoaillnz 1H C.C. C. .V3L L . . . lllchmondTorm , . 17f Colo. Coal , t Iron , do pfd i'2) ) Cotton Oil Cort. . . H. O.V 1(1)4 ( Del. AtHudson. . . . 127 H. Q. W. DM 41 Dol. Link. A. W. . . 1UOH Hock Inland CHH D. AK. o. pta St. Paul _ C71i D.AC. F. Co 10 St. Paul nfd 12PM Kn nl Tcnu 11 St. P. & Om.ini.t. : < 4i { Krtu 14 do pfd Ill ) do pM US Southern Pae 1DH FortWayno 157 Susnr llollnery. . . HUM R. Northern nW. . 100 Tt-nn. Coal , t Irj i 111 0. AB. I. DM 04 Toxa ? Pacific. . . . Hocking Valley. . 1HJ1IT. AO. C nt.otl. . 78 111. Central Pa I Union Paclllo 12K St. P. ADnluth. , . . . ° K. * T.DfJ W. St. L.Pi P. . ' . ' . ' ' . . ' Lake Erie . .IcV. . . . do pfil do pfd WellHF.ir.so Ex. . Liiko Shore Western Union. . . Lead Trust W. , VL. E MM Louisville * N. . . . do pfrt LoulsvllloAN. A. M A. St. L CI ) Manhattan Cou. . . 107W D. &H. Mt'mnhlH.V C 10 a. K DII Michigan Com. . . . 07 N.L Ill Mo.l'aolUc Hit P. F. , V I i'6 Mobile A Ohio. . . . It ) do nfd tih NashvllloClrit. . . H. AT. O y , National Oor4ajL T. A. A. .VN. M. . . 6 do pfd T.3U L.&K.C. . . . I N. J. Ccntr.il do pfd ( I K&W. pfd 3. K. U ISJf North Am. Co S. K. H. pfd 40 Northoru Pacific. Am. Toll. Co HO No. Pae. nfd do pfd 10(1 ( U. P. 1) . & .G . . . . im The lotnl sales of storks today were 205.309 shares , including : American Sugar , 87,500 ; Hur- llngton , 20,800 ; Chicago Can , 13.9UO ; Distilling 2.400 ; Oeneral Electric. 2..100 ; Mnnhattan , 2.7ik ) New Jersey Central , 10,400 ; Paclllo Mall. 2,00) Ilock Island , 12,700 ; St. Paul , 28,100 ; Western Union , 5.CUO. Now York .Vlonov Murker. NEW YOHIv. Nov. 8 , MONEY ON CALL Easy at 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; closet nt l per cent. Time loans nre easier , being offe-red at 2Vi Per cent for nix months. I'HIME MERCANTILE PArUR 2U J3U per rent. STERLING EXCHANOE Firm , with ncttia business In bankers' bills at SI.STlitri.ST'i foi demand nnd nt Jl.83ii.WI.83H for sixty days posted rates , ll.S714flH.k.S and | 4.B8'itf 1.89 ; com mercial bills , JI.S3SiWI.83' ? ; . HILVHIl CEllTIKIL'ATES Cl'ie. OOVEKNMENT HONDS Klrm. Slate bonds , quiet. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : u s. c ra < .rrrr..T"iio D. ill. O , 4S U.S. fib coup 11 4 Erie U.S. 4uro ; 115H ( J. II. AS. A.U : . . . B II. -IBCOUO Il."i4 do 78 US U.S.iHrji- ! I'D ' II. AT. C. fia I'aclllcUHOf ' 1)3. . . Illl llOllB Ala. Chiss A 10:1 : M.K. &T , 1st 4 . Ala. Class U 100 do il-tQ , . 43 Alii. Clas.i C Hihi ; Mutual Untonui. . lor Mn. CurruueiCB. . . Ol'H N.J.Cont.Gew.31. ' f.'i. New Con. 4a. . HO No. Pae. luti MlHsourl Os 10(1 ( Nc Pae. 'Jndd t < H N.C.Ui r.t : N.V. . Consols. . . . 141 do IH UO doS. P. Deb. u % . Hii ) S. O. notifund l > ii H. O. W. 10 Tcnii. new not 0. 705 ? St. P CoimolM 7s. , lt : ( ) CC Tenn now not 3. . . . 102 St.P.C..VP. W.5.1. 112 Tenn.old Us (3D ( 70 Va. Centuries. . . . S. L. A3. R ( Jon. a. Oil do deferred. . . . . Tex , Pae. lats. . . . AtchlBOn , Tex. Pae. ' 'B . Alchlcon ia ! A. . . . 20 U. P. Ists of 'OJ. . loon - Canada So. Jndi. 1U3 WeatShoru 4 . . .M 1011 Cen. Pae. 1MB 'U3. Southern K. It. Ha. till D. X.K. G. 7s 70 llo t < > n Stao c I1OSTON. Nov. 8. Call loans. H < jW2 nar cent : limn lo-ins. 'WtS y uercJiit. OloiUir prloai ( J. ' Hockn.bJnl- milling tirnr.n : A.T.fi S. V 61 WcHttnrh. Am. Sugar 80 W. Klec. pf.L . Am. Siik-ar pfd ! Kt Win. Cuntrai liny State ( Jai 1H > Atchlfton vds Ilcil Telephone. . . . 11)4 AtUlllHOII 48 HoHton It Albany. , 1'll.j ) Now KnslnnJ Oa. . llofllon.VMalnu. . , . 151 ! ( It'll. Electric SH. . . 1 O. H. &Q 74) ) Win. Cent , Ists. . . . JO 1 Kltchburi ; HI Atl.imlo H ) 37 Urn. Kle-ctrlc HO ) Ilostou .t Montaui 9 Illinois Stool. . . . 41) ) Hinto.t lloatun. . . . Mexican Central. . 7 Calmnot A Hocli. . 2UU 2 N. Y. AN. E 12h Cuiitcniiltll 41) 2 Old Colony 178 Franklin 10 . Orepon Short Lite 8 Konru.-irjo 7J4 7 Ituuncr. H'-'Vi Ouceobi 0" 5 Union Pacific I''l Oulncv \i'j \ 9 W't'Ri Kim O.H Tamaniclc 140 W. End ufd 811 ; Sill Fr.incUco Mlnlne ; Mroolc Ouotiltlom. SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. R. Tim official closing quotations fur mining atoX3 toJ ly worj .is fol IOWH : Alia IB JllHtlCO. . . 17 AlphaCon 7 Id-mucky Con C AIIIICI 05 Mexican ISO llt-lchfi- 83 Mono 1U Ilollo IHO ! 7 Mount Dlublu 10 Ki-Ht.V Holcher. . . . llfl Occuluiitil Coil. . . . 0 Iliilllon Hll Ophlr 313 Cnlitlonla 10 Overman in Cliullt'iiKO Con : I3 POIOH ! ( in Chollar 7H Savaco ill Confidence 10 ! ) Sierra Nevada 7 to Con. Cal A Va 4UO Sllverlllll 3 Cou. Imv ; > rUl 1 Union Con On Crown i'oint BO Utah Cou n Could A , Curry. . . . . 03 Yellow Jacket 00 Hulu.V KorcrosB. . 103 Sllvt-r bus. iWtfttWie. Mexican dollars , 5Jc. UrafiB , sight , lOc ; telegraphic , 12 c. XIT Ycirc Ufiinif .Jnmtl'ju. a NEW YOKIt. Nov. 8. Tlia followmj aw th clOBliik'iuminzquofitioui : 64. llulwur Ontario WO 07 Cholor. Ophir 3'JO 102 Crown Point CD Plymouth 10 fc5 Cou. Cal. A Va. . . QnlcUsllvor 100 81 Doadwoo ; ! . . . . . 40 doproferrej ISOD S4 Gould A Curry . 00 SU-rra Kovada. . . . . 73 S48S Hului Norcrosa , , CO Siandnnl ] .SO 50 HomeHtuku . 101)11 ) Union Con SB 2 Iron Silver . 10 Yellow Jacket. . . . CO 6 Mexican . Ill ) 1 1 London Block Ijuotittlaiii. 3 36 LONDON , No8. . 4 p. m. closing S3 Canidlau I'.ictflu. . (13i ( ! St. Paul com 6 Krto . 14W N. Y. Central 111 Erlo'-'dH . 74M PemiBylranla. 11 Ills. Central UuiiUnir 79 Mexican ordinary. 14H Mux. Ctin. new 4u. 00 } 73 70 1'eorln ( Irulii Muriiet. 3 3 PEOIUA , Nov. 8. CORN-Easy ; No. S , 43 > 4c 4 naw , 4IHii(5Hc. 1 OATS Openetl llrm , clcwd roller ; No. 3 white 3 VilUUe ; No. 3 white , 30flSO'4c. 71 HYE-Scarc : nrmlnul ; No. 2. 48049c. CD. WIIIHKY-FIrm ; high wine basis. J1.U3. 73 UErUMTS Wheat. l.MO bu. ; corn , 41.6SO bu. 69 oats , 29.304 bu.i rye , nonet barley , t.COO bu. 7 BHIl'MENTS Wheat , none , coin , 1,920 bu. eau , 17COO bu.i rye , none ; barley , 1,000 bu. C3 OIAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKETS Jght Ecciepts of Cattle Onuso a Further Stiffening : pf Values. 'L ' GRADES S IL"S1ONG { ? TO HIGHER 'o Cliolce 1'cd NntlTes. Offcrcil , but I'nlr to Gooil Sell llrttcr Cnnnrr * nnd Stoclicr * Ainu Up Hng Slump llmlljr. THUnSDAY , Nov. 8. So fnr thin xvcek only a lltlle over 10,700 ; nttlc have been received , or 7,300 fewer Imn arrived during the first four days of ast week. About 17,400 heirs have been re- clvcil and 8,733 sheep , or tin Increase over he same period last week of 2,200 hogs nnd ,000 sheep. The fresh supply of cattle was only moj- rate and this , with the big falling oft In receipts this week , as above noted , created a peed , llrm feeling. Offerings Included no holce beeves to test the market on that lass of stock , but fair to good steers were n active demand nt a shade higher prices ill around. Uuslness was brisk and a , good learance was mnde early. Cows were In light supply and active de- nand today at stronger prices. The extreme ange was from 75c to $3 , but from $1.75 to 2.40 bought a good share of the useful stock. On account of the liberal offerings of calves nil but the best veal grades are selling ower. Kough stock of all kinds , Including bulls , stags , etc. , sold with a tolerable de- ree of freedom at right around steady prices. There were more country buyers In the ards today than there have been for sev eral days , nnd ( he result of the better In quiry for stockers nnd feeders was a gen eral stiffening of values for all prades , par- Icularly good fleshy stock. Good 830 to . ,100-lb. feeders sold nt from $2.75 to $3.15 , air to good stuff from $2.30 to $2.70 nnd com mon to poor stock cattle at from $2.25 down. Ilepresontntlve sales : DRDSSED UEEF. Vo. Av. Pr. NA Av. I'r. No. AV. I'r. . .10fi7 $3 00 23. . 9CO J3 50 30. . . .1330 $4 50 . . SG5 3 15 MIXUD. . .1110 3 90 cows. . fr 75 0 933 1 TO 12. . . 990 2 15 . 720 1 00 . . . . v > I 70 1. . . ! ISO 2 15 . 830 1 2.1 ir > . . . . s.is i : o is. . .1023 2 15 . 701 1 25 3. . . . SOS 1 75 13. . . 797 220 . 744 1 30 13. . . 793 1 75 2. . .12.-.3 223 . MO 1 33 1. . . 670 1 75 2. . . 970 2 CO . 847 1 35 t * ' .1170 1 75 21. . . 91C 2 CO . 900 1 35 l' . .1210 1 75 2. . . 800 2 30 .10:0 1 35 I. . . 70) 1 75 9. . .10)1 ) 2 35 ; . S30 1 35 ' ' . KI ) 1 SO C. . . 936 2 35 . EC2 1 35 2 ? . . . 754 1 EO ] . . .105) 2 40 . CG7 1 35 32. . . M.1 ] 85 G. . . 823 2 4) ) . 790 1 40 3. . . S90 1 85 f , . . . 8vt 2 40 . SS4 1"40 23. . ' . 824 1 85 23. . . 810 2 40 . 940 1 40 2. . .1)70 ) 1 80 1. . .1230 2 10 . SC3 1 DO 1. . .1150 200 C3. . .1012 2 40 . 814 1 50 8. . . $87 I (0 7. . .92 2 45 . 903 1 M 10. . . 930 200 2. . . 970 2 50 .1040 1-5(1 ( S. . .077 2 00 7. . . 804 2 50 . 990 1 M I. . . 977 200 1. . . 970 2 50 . S30 1 M 0. . . 930 2 00 9. . .1161 2 50 .1020 1 m 2. . .1030 2 00 1. . .130) 2 60 . 937 - II. . .1023 205 5. . .102 ? 2 CO . 803 1 65 38. . . . SCO 2 n.r > 1. . .1040 2 C5 .1110 1 05 1..102O 2 03 7. . .1023 276 ' . SCO 1 05 I. . . . 942 2 Oi 1. . .1070 275 ' ' 1 65 8. . . . ' < 5SS 10 1. . .1190 3 00 , . 955 1 C5 . cows AND HEIFERS. ' , . 700 1 7S HEIFERS. . 340 1 23 2. . 455 1 CO . . 700 , . 350 1 35 1C. . G03 1 CO . . 920 , . . coo 1 43 3. . , tfii 1 75 . .1030 2 15 , . 42S 1 45 2. . .4W 1 75 . . 810 2 15 . . 307 1 45 4. . 6)3 1 80 . . 70 2 50 . . 850 1 CO 6. . 034 1 90 . .1030 it . . 800 1 50 In- CALVES. . . 270 1 00 C. . . 113 2 00 120 3 M . . 192 1 25 K. . . 2CO 20) , 170 3 CO . . 2.V ) 1 30 1. , . 310 2 10 L. 110 4 00 . . 294 1 50 1. . . "TO ) 2 15 1. . 110 4 00 , . WO 1 CO S. . . 375 2 40 2. . 120 4 00 . . 240 1 30 3. . . ,230 : ro 2. . . 150 4 23 , . 24G 1 C5 " . ,1I3 , ! ; so 2. . . 115 4 25 . . 27 1 75 l" .450 2 E.O 3. . . 150 4 25 . . 220 1 75 4. . . 2S2 3 00 2. . . 135 4 50 . . . 310 I 73 5. . . .K1 3 00 . 15) ) 4 CO . . 305 1 W L. . . 2:0 S 00 . 150 4 CO . CULLS. . . .1220 1. . , .1410 . . MO 1 35 ilW ; 1 04 It. . . 547 1 C5 . .1200 1 33 , .i:2l : ) 1 M 3. . .1310 1 70 . . .1170 1 40 .143) ) 1 GO .1340 1 70 . .1320 1 CO . .1410 1 60 , .1330 1 80 . .1310 1 U ) , .1450 1 65 .1200 1 00 . .1020 I M , .122i ) 1 65 .1470 2 DO 3.00 . . 850 1 55 OXEN AND STAGS. 3..1383 1 C5 OXEN. 2. . . .1250 1 75 2..183' ' ) 2 CO STAGS. 1..1010 2 00 sTOCKnns AND FEEDERS. c. . . 425 1 00 8. . . 779 2 tO . 920 2 75 7. . . 701 2 00 7. , . C'l 2 40 C. . . 936 2 75 7. . . 372 2 00 15. . . CSG 2 40 14. . . 950 2 SO 23 i. . . 710 2 00 17. . . Cfi 2 40 C. . . 911 2 85 i. . . 950 2 00 30. . . C01 2 43 4. . .1005 2 85 ft 8. . . C77 2 00 2. . . 84i 2 DO 1. . . 900 2 85 11. . . C9J 2 00 12. . . CS3 2 ro 1. . , . 930 2 83 $ 8. . . 530 2 15 C. . . 7SO 2CO 6. . , . 863 2 85 31. . . 637 2 20 . 733 250 11. . . 873 2 85 2. . ,103-i 2 2.1 . K90 2 S3 CS. . .1093 3 00 6. . . 472 2 25 4. . . 717 2 C5 4. . , .1042 3 00 1. . . S80 2 25tr 10. . . 973 2 CO 4. , , .1125 3 00 2. . . 715 > tr 10. . . 710 2 60 SI ) . . , .1132 3 05 43. . . Ml 2 2T 2. . .1160 2 CO 28. . , .1073 3 10 1. . .10CO 225 17. . .1013 2 CO 22. . , . 967 3 10 1. . . 910 2 SO 13. . . 923 2 CO 3. . .10-3 3 15 41. . . 772 230 28. . .1017 2 60 Q ' ' .1070 3 15 $ . 5. . . 841 2 30 31. . . 623 260 If . . , .1132 3 1 > to 1. . . 8JO 2 35 8. . . 813 2 C."i 31. . .1118 3 15 21. . , 821 2 33 6. . . ! > S5 2 70 12. . .1026 3 15 17. . . 607 2 33 3. . .1020 2 75 1. . , .1070 350 2. . . 670 2 40 S3. . 273 WKSTEUN CATTLE. No Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. kets 1 ttr , tig..1240 $2 25 25WYOMING. WYOMING. Pawnee Cattle comp.iny , 2 COWS 1000 1 CO 91 steers 936 2 40 St. 91 feeders. . . . S26 S 40 ' 94 feeders. . . . 926 2 40 Itlveislde Live Stock company. 1 cow 900 2 33 13 cows 10IS 2 33 5 cows 1040 2 35 98 cows 1037 2 35 steers 10 7 280 3 steers 1183 3 50 Mcers 1227 360 E. Illckney , 1 bull 1130 1 60 1 bull 1640 1 50 1 bull 1340 1 60 1 cow 1010 1 60 No. 6 cows 950 2 00 3 cows 916 2 31 2 cows 1040 2 35 IS cows 10IS 2 35 6 steers 1160 260 1 steer 1120 2 73 to 6 steers 1110 275 2 steers 970 2 75 cash 7 steers 1038 320 23 steers 1097 3 20 May. Oro. Haley. cows 980 245 223 steers 1127 325 29c A. Weaver. 1 cow 11SO 210 1 cow 1100 2 10 3 COWB ! IIC 2 50 9 cows 913 2 60 4 feeders..1005 2 Si 1 feeder 9CO 2 83 7 feeders. . . . 873 2 83 6 feeders. . . . 911 2 S5 1 cow 1180 2 10 1 coiv 1100 2 10 3 cows iilC 2 50 9 cows 913 2 60 1 4 feeders..1005 2 83 1 feeder 9CO 2 83 7 feeders. . . . 873 2 83 C feeders. . . . 911 285 1 str , tie..1030 2 23 J. SterllnR. bull 1450 1 C5 1 bull 1470 1 65 cow U70 'I 50 9 cow * 1ICO 2 CO steers 1218 3 50 1 cov 970 2 50 cows 1160 2 60A. 37 steels 1218 3 50 A. Pollack. steers 913 2 60 22 steers lOfit 290 J12.SO. steers 845 2 CO 22 steers 1061 2 90 Dry R. I Ilu.h. J0.25 cows 922 2 15 1 str , tlfr. . 1010 2 23 feeders. . . . 1152 2 35 11 feeders. . 1009 2 75 $ , cows 922 Z 45 COLORADO , bu. A. J. Gregory. Scows 5SS ICO 21 cows 759 230 bu , HOGS Dealers geneiully i 'eie looking for more hogs than arrived todaV The supply wns not much over G.OOO heail , , .or.U.100 lighter than n week ago. In quality the offerings nvernfit-d m > | only fair , not as good -recently , alt.heugh ther were Iwo or three chcxAOfheavy loads on mle. pean The weak lone ( o rtMern advices created n under very bearish sentiment here , and the market cpenetl up lOc to 13u ) mostly 15c , lower thai Wednesday. Packers did' nearly nit the buying. . They bought fair lo good mixed hog largely a' { J4.40 and 14.45 , with good to choice hvavy anil coffee butcher weight loniH nffrnm UO up to 11.61 , ket and fair to poor light , londH at from ? 4.40 d.iwn bugs 14.15. There was trulttr" n little demand fur I.IKH pigs nnd stock hogs , iintl prices ruled about Nun. sleady nt from t2 to f4.I ; > . Early trading was rather sluggish , and the.tendency toward further mats vveaknerB very marKef Jex < cept on the extreme house clofcc when better from bags , news Chicago caused n general tlnnlrif up.Vrncllcally every thlni , Slates changed hands , the UulkHit Jl.t ) and JI.15. an States against 14.45 to 14.60 Wednesday and J4.4) to I4.CC ' week ago. Representative tulea : last No. Av. Sh. Pr. I "No. Av Ph. I'r. . . . , 177 240 (4 15 81 223 2X ) $4 42(4 ( 153 . . . 4 25 . 12 2'fi 210 4 41 lings . 173 210 4 25 103 237 240 4 45 bags. . 1C6 120 4 21 - 73 22J 4 4J . 204 80 4 30 ' , C9 241 200 4 4.1 pfg . 2U1 320 4 W " 65 221 4' ) 4 4S v 180 4 30 C7 2-.S 2)0 ) 4 45 189 2SO 4 3 < > M 2.V ) 80 4 45 at .183 4 30 41 202 ICO 4 < 5 at . 350 4 35 67 250 fO 4 43 . 275 4 35 66 2SO 2W 4 45 No. . . 200 4 35 6D 219 4 45 l.iufs 300 40 4 1-1 CO. .200 J2) 4 45 . 1(6 4 K . . : H 80 4 45 bags. . 169 4 35 114. . . .22 ! 12- ) 4 45 . 192 4 35 US. . . .247 28 } 4 45 . 2 3 4 35 40. . . .191 ' 4 45 ST. . 173 4 Cl. . . .234 'w 4 45 dling. . 218 4 M 3. . . .20) 4 45 bales . 1S7 co 4 :5 4. . ' ' . . . 4 45 . 192 2iW 4 41 .US. . . . 241 200 4 45 sales , . 219 2SO 4 40 78. . . .2,8 SO 4 43 gixid . 320 4 4) 40 4 43 dling. . 218 4 40- 67. . , 303 160 4 45 C S-l . SCO 4 40 8 321 4 45 to , . 430 4 40 C5 28 ; ICO 4 45 bales . 473 4 4' ' ) 84 235 i a 4 43 . 234 to 4 40 72 24S 360 4 45 I4. . , . 203 4 40 72 2.0 160 4 43 6.09 . 227 iw 4 4D M 2ml 161 4 64 - April. . 246 ice 4 40 235 80 4 GO . . . 240 : oo 4 49 61 271 280 4 60 10) 4 40 M 29J 40 4 60 , .230 4 It i W ! > . . , I. . . I. . . 4. . . L. . 6. . . 0. . 1'IOS AND HOUQII. 21 I. . . 34 . . , 200 6 301 . . . 300 J ' ' 72 . . . 2 CO 1 2JO . . . 300 1 . . . 1M . . . 2 CO 1 170 . . . 3 00 6 i. . . 133 . . . 2 60 2 IMS . . . 30) ) 1 2"0 . . . 275 5 - 2-M . . . 3 < > 1 1 . . ISO . . . 275 1 ISO . . . 300 1 I. . . ISO . . . 275 2 25 ? . . . 3 W 0 142 SO 275 1 2CO . . . 30) 1 1. . . 210 . . . 275 3 2JO . . . 3 O ) 72 W . . . 2 SJ 7 207 . . . 300 I. . . MO . . . 300 1 363 . . . 323 B 234 . . . 300 20 ! > 2 . . . 350 4 : < J7 . . . 300 39 Ill . . . 373 3 219 . . . 304 47 113 80 393 1 230 . . . 300 117 112 . . . 40) 2 2SO . . . 300 31 133 . . . 410 7 . ' > . . . 300 S3 US 12 } 415 4 87 . . . 300 SHEEP The supply wns fnlrly liberal , tut mJo up lamely of stock Hint was unsuitable , or t least not desirable , for killers. TrnJc was low , but prices were quolalily unelmnseil. Knlr o choice natives rite quotable nt > 2.2. > 02.M ) ; faire o peed westerns , I2.00U2.GO ; common nnd stuck beep , | 1.2.11. 5 ; peed to cbolcc 4) to 100-lb. nmbs , (3.2093.50 , llepiei < entnt\c ! sales : No. \Vt. Pr. 28 native mixed 100 J2 25 100 native e\vc 04 235 077 western wethers 100 2 40 26natlve lamb 70 323 Rrrrlptiiiiiil DIspiMltlon of StucU. Official receipts and disposition of stock ag bown by the books of tbo Union Stock Ynnls ompany for the twenty-four hours ending at 3 'clock p , in. , Thursday , November 8 , 1S94 : RECEIPTS. Cars. Hend. Cattle. 120 3357 logs iO 6070 Sheep 7 l.COS DISPOSITION . Cattle. Hofri Sheep. > maha Packing company 1,220 . . . . The O. II. Hammond Co C6 1,300 Swift & Co 932 1,109 100 ' 'he Cudnliy racking Co SOI 1,090 72 A. llnna 1S3 t. Decker & Denan 1C1 Inmllton & Stephens 190 Vonsant & Co 73 . I. . . Carey (0 , Lolmiftn 137 j. Hecker CO .ec Rothschild DO tenton , W 44 Vllson , O. II 173 Shippers and feeders 402 175 1,017 Left over 400 400 . . . . Total . . . 3,650 0,073 1.1S9 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. I'urtlii-r ( lciicrn.1 llnrdciilnj ; of Price * IIo- HUltiMl from DlinliitNliod ItreelpU. CHICAGO , Nov. 8. The effect of diminished supply of cattle was apparent In a further general hardening of prices. Compared with yesterday's quotation * , the average of prices was from 5c to lOc 'higher. Sales on a basis of rom M.15 to J6.43 for natives , from H.73 to 4.SO for westerns , and from J1.30 to 3. 10 for Texan s. The hog receipts were a surprise , 42,000 head lelng the estimated number received. I'rlces wcri 5c lower than at the weak time yesterday ind 15c lower than yesterday's opening. At the reduced prices buying became very free , causing invnnl the close a steadier feeling. The top of he market was 11.75 and the Iwttoni for mer chantable lots was { 4.30 , thouKh perhaps 75 per cent of the trading was within range of from 4.45 to JI.C5 ; pigs cold anywhere from $2.50 o SI.35. The close was llrm. The market was arsely overstocked and very weak. Sheep declined lOc and In Iambs there was a oss of fully 23c. The prevailing prices for the 'ormcr were from 12.25 to M , nnd for the latter from J3.73 to 14.15. Ten head of fancy UO-lb. sheep brought 13.75 , nnd there were sales of ambs nt from St. 20 to 14.23. Quotations range 'mm SI. : . ' to $3,25 for sheep nnd fiom tl.75 to il. 3 for lambs. RECEtlTS CUUle , 11,500 head ; calves. 500 lend ; hogs , 42,000 head ; sheep , 19.000 head. HOGS Receipts , 42. 'OO bend ; olllclal yesterday , 37,229 head ; shipments , 0,191 head ; left over. ilmut S.Mi ) bend. Qiiiillty not quite n good as for the last few days. Maiket active , but easy. ind prices average fully 5e Imver. Sales ranged J4.10WI.BS for light. Jl.lo N.CO for rough pack- InJI.15JJ I.C5 for mixed , $4.3JfJ.3 for heavy packing nnd shipping lots , nnd 52.40yJ.3j for ilgs. ilgs.CATTLE CATTLE Receipt * , 11,500 head. Markst active and dim nt an advance of SfflOc. SHEEP Receipts , 19.000 head. Market , dull nnd weak nnd prices 10W1JC lower. Kit : > : i-i City Llvo Moc't. 1CANSAB CITY , Nov. 8.-CATTLE-Rec < Hpts , 7.SO ) head ; shipments , 2.SOO head ; market for lest , steady ; otheis , alow ; Texas steers , f2.00ff 3.S3 ; beef steers , $2.75ii5.50 ; native cows , ll.SoiJ 3.23 ; stoclers : and foedeis , j-0ff3. 5S. HOC1S Receipts. 12.300 head ; shipments. 400 head ; market uSJlOe lower ; bulk of sales. tl.25 f 4.43 ; henvlea , } 4.3ff4.45 ; packers , M.SOtf 1.53 ; inlxed , JI.20S4.CO ; lights , J4.05ffl.25j pigs , J3.00 SI I EEP Receipts , 3,000 head ; shipments. l.oi liead ; market flow nnd wrak ; natives , J2.51IJ ) ; westerns , J2.23S3.00 ; stockers and feeders , J2.00ff3.00. _ \pw York Llv Stuck Miirkct. NEW YORK , Nov. 8. REEVES Receipts. 150 liead ; no trading. European cables quote Am.T- Ican bicf at lOffllc , dreased weight ; lefilgcr- ntor nt 7C9c per Ib. No exports toda" . CALVES Receipts. 208 head ; 125 hea'd on sale ; market llrm ; veals , poor to prime , J5.03flS.25 ; grnssers , 5-.r K3.2. , . SHiii' AND L.AM1IS Receipts. 0.33C head ; cars on sale ; market llrm ; sheep , poor to prime , J2.OOif3.CO ; lumbs , common to prime , { 3.75 I.7S. HOGS Receipts , 4.01C head ; market higher at $4.9005.20. _ St. Louis t.lvo Mock AInrknt. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 8. CATTLK-neceipls. 2.100 head ; shipments , none ; market active , stronger ; native steers , pr > or medium weights , S3.C0 ; cows. tl.51fl2.ro ; Texas steels , light , $2.1002.70 ; cows. J1.752.23. HOflS Receipts. 11.000 head : shipments , 203 head ; market slow , 5f10o ( ? lower ; best heavy. $4.55 ; fair to grind mixed lots , J1.3.JJfl.CO ; ordinary fair light , $ l.ir.g4.CO. SIIHKI * Receipts , 1.COO hotil ; shipments , none ; market active , strong , 15Q25C higher. Mock In night. Records of receipts nt the four principal mar fur Thursday , November 8 , 1S9I : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha . 3.3.17 - - Chlcncn . 11. COO Kansas City . 700 ! ' . Louis . 2,190 350 Total . 24,837 71,370 33,238 St. I.oulH ( irnrral 3 ST. LOUIS , Nov. 8. FLOUR Firm and un 3 : changed. W1IKAT Rose on sharp demand 4 , early , but ' , lagged back to a close only Uc above yesterday . U red , cash , CO'.lc ; November. COc ; December , ; 5 % : Mav , 55)ic. ! CORN Rallied on bad weather , but eased back a close Uo off from yesterday ; No. 2 mixed , , 45V.o ; November , 45'ic ' ; December. 4JHei llnl . 4C 4C. OATS Weaker ; No. 2 , cash , 29'ie ; November , ; May. 32c. RYU Iletter ; COo bid. east Elde , for No. 2. . I1AIU.KY Nothing doing. IJItAN ICast track , sacked , Olc. KLAX SCED-FInn ; $1.42. CLOVKH Sl ni-J7.75TiS.20. she TIMOTHY SKKD-l.7 : f3.23. was 1 AY Unchanged. ' exti IlL'TTKR-Unchanged. KOOS ICc. bcti I.KAD Firm ; $2.9214 bid. wer BI'KI.TKH Lower : $3.12'4 bid. CORN SIiAL-J2.3002.33. Ud , VV1IIS1CY-J1.23. up COTTON T1US CSc. InWa Wa PROVISIONS Quiet. Pork 5Vnl , mess nnd Jobbing , . Lard , prime steam , $6.75 ; choice , tC.sn. Ing Ing rait meats , loose shoiildern , t > .374 ! ; longs , bah ; ribs , IC.37H : shorts. tC.CO. Il.icon , packed shoulders , J0.75 ; longs , $7.12',4 ; ribs , JG.73 ; shorts , Kea 231 $7,3714. RECEIPTS Flour , 3.000 bbls. ; wheat , 43,000 nw ! ; corn. 20.000 bu. ; oats , 20.000 bu. clot SHIPMENTS Flour , 12,000 bbls. ; wheat , 53,000 ; corn , 2,000 bu. ; oats , 15,000 bu. CoiTrn iMarkrt * m NEW YORK , Nov. S.-COFFEE-Optlons spriCI : ienrd Irregular nt 5 points decline to 15 points advance ; further advanced W10 points on Euro stet buying ninl higher cables cen ; later cased off cenF local pressure , hut e-loped steady nt un changed to 10 pnlnls ndviince : sales , 20.25' ' ) bags. fall1 Including : November , $11 GOW10.70 ; Dec mbtr , 1 JI2.7USIi.SO ; Jnnuaiy , | 12.2 < ) gi2.30 ; March , | Z.l5 spo H2.70 ; Aptll. $11.53 ; May. J11.35Qll.4i ) ; spot niff , Rio , market nrm ; No. 7. $ I'i.2j ; mild , mar den steady ; Cordova , $18.00019.00 ; s.iles , l.OiH mei Rio No. 9 , minus 5 mo points , afloat , $11.75 ; ) has Santos. Nos. & to 7 , J15 : 5bags Rio. pro . 7 and S. $13.75 , cost and fielght ; 2,0i > ) bagi tn Maraculbo , 300 bags Snvlnllla nt p. t. nnd 1,00" 35s Interior l' langr > spot nt 27V-jW32c. Wnr > - 31sC deliveries fiom New York yesterday , 7,8'S C ; New York stock today. 131,073 bags ; United coliT stock. 1UJ.OS4 bn < ( s ; allont for the Unllcd T , KC.tx. " ) ImKs ; total visible supply for th CltCl I'n'tcd States , 479.CS4 Uigs , against 43ti,2 < JO bak'-- ClXi year. Xi SANTOS. Nov. 8. Market film ; good averagi Its : Cantos , $12 ; recelp's ' , 17.000 bags ; st ck , 432ix > ItII ; cleared from Santcs November 5 , 31 , Wj II . ma HAMIU'HO. Nov. 8. Mniket quiet ; prices lower to * i pfrf higher ; role. < , 4.000 bags. HAVRR. Nov. 8. Mniket opened Irregular nt M i'f nilvanr" : nt noon , quiet anJ unclmngeil ; llvl 3 p. m. , steady and unchanged ; closed steady i > lei lVii2f net U'lvnnci- ' ; total sales , 22 , < K ) ) bus Lat RIO li : JANlvlItO , Nov. 8. Mutket quirt dec 7 Rio , $11.70 ; exchanglllil ; ITC lpt . 5,00 clot ; cleared for the t'n ted Hiatei , 11 , OW bags : Illl cleared for Kuiope , 4,000 bags ; slock , 201,00 cov . Clo ' MM < otlun .Uur inc. ern . IXDUIS , Nov. 8. COTTON Qu'el ; mid of . 7Uc ; sale. , l.tan bules ; receipts , 7.500 twt ; hl | > ine-13. 6.700 bales ; stock. 23.30) bales. wei , NBW rtltl.KANH. Nov. ' . < 'OTTON Hleadv ; fro , 5.WO bales ; ta arrive , l.&OO baleii ; einllnary.So ; $2.2 ontlnary , 4V c ; low in dlllni ; , 4Hc ; mid . So ; K * xl mldilllng , t > % c : mldilllng fulr , c ; fair , 7 J-lGcj rc-relpls , 8,614 tulles ; exports Great llrltaln , 7.57) bales ; continent , S.0 < ard ; coastwise , 8,13) hale * ; stock , S1I.1XI bales ; aah futures , steady ; alrs , " 2.000 bales , Novembr , lay 3 bid : l > ve-vmbcr , I5.04ft5.05 ; Jnnumy. J3.0SW I'ic : February. I5.13fl5.14 ; Ma-cX $5.1903.20 , ern . Y&'iiMi'ti.W : May' . $ V.SO'35.M ; June , ' ; July , IS.42tfS.4l. August , J5.46S3.4S. Alnrknt. for NBW YORK , Nov.8UqARRaw , t A Letter just to hand says : " It is'neccl- less for me to express my high opinion of Pearline , and that no clean family lives with out it. " Thousands ofletters come , praising Pearline , but they don't all put it so strongly. We wouldn't want to , ourselves. We don't say that things can't be made clean without Pearline. I3ut\ve do say that things can't be made clean with so little labor and so little damage by any other means. And we want to say that , loudly. Millions use Pearline. Only a short " * > . time ago they rubbed and scrubbed and fussed in the old-fashioned - way without it. I'cildlcrs nnd sonic unscrupulous in'cm will tell you. r - WTJ IR- * "this is ns good as" or "the ' ' same as 1'carlinc.IT'S ' mfm i < TX > > V V d JL V FALSE I'caillno is never peddled , if your croccr sends you an imitation , be honest send it tjtk. < " > 0 JAMES I'VLlf New Vork , EESTSTOTEon EARTH READ TtlEPFICIAL TESC Official E-port on ' 'E ' tate O.xks. " K. .V L. KAIIN AHuns. . : ( jriitlunii'ti This Is to certify Hint 1 luivc nindd a sork's of tesU with " ] ' Sorle * " Hstato ( ) ; ik Heat ing stows , todctcrmlno , I'lml , how lung tin- steve uould hold llrol Second , how the stivunil parts oj tliu Move net uiHlor ahlgli red heat I Hied thi ) Nlovus ropimiudly until they wore roll lu.t all over. 1 heated tlium to thu highest jiossl- bio U'lupuraturo and fooled thnm off as rniildly as possible. Under these mo-it severe ti'sts the e.xpnn * slou and contraction < IU1 iiotuirccl the plates In the least particular. Icliarp'd one of thiini with onq and onu-lialf small buckottuls 01 coal slnck on Tuesday uvcnlng , JuiiooO , 1MU , at 5 o'clock , t.'iilll tlir/'iiltmrlntl Thursday af lornuon at 4 o'clock tltc liaily oj llirttiifiTiiiitliiiinl to lie ,10 ti'iirm Hull < i hiinil conlil not comfortably Icliitil t < i > oii It.tfter Unit time ( I began to > < > ! vff , 'Jlir lira rodfj x i ttir < > rltt [ > ialclin > 'tici > of > cft aliovtrtfrrrnl to UTIV risible unlit HI o'llocli ntiil tii HililntcHoftlH crftiltiffoftltiit if < lj/ . It trill therefore lif ncen that thlt storeartiiiilliflu'litltre rontlllllun.l- lyfoi'fiftU-lhrreliaiirn iintl fifteen minutes. 3'hln litini cj-tniiiriltna- I'll rrcoiil , unil one of telitchyou can irrll < " in-null. Jtesjiirt/'itlty niilini Hint , CUXH.ID ItllVXK , Sup't , tecnts Given Awiy This With 510.00 worth of goods , Ki'tsllvor ii.atod teaspoons With $25.00 worth of goods , . „ . lleiiuitful hlMjuo flguro With fOO.OO worth of goods , . , M A hundsomo picture AIII ) J7& " 0 worth of poods , A punulnn otk : center table Cash or Weekly or Monthly Wltli $100.00 worm or goods , ; An ologilut oak roclcor Payments. Formerly People's Mammoth Installment House. Open Monday and Saturday Evenings- fair refinlne , 3c ; centr fURnl , D5 test. 3'tc. ' sales 350mol tons Muscovado , iiG test , nt 3c , 3.20J bags lol.iPEr-s niKnr , P6 ttst , at 29-lUc , reflneil , mar- ket i.ifiS-lCc hliiher ; No. C , ? ; ( | 15-lCe , No. 7 , ll-lCQS'tc ; No. 8 , 3 $ , J3 9-lCc ; No. 9 , 3iff ! ll-16c ; No. 10 , 3Td5f3 15-lCc ; No. II , 3'iffS ' 9-lCe ; No. 12 , 3 6-1603',5c ; No. 13 , 3'ic ; off A. 3TkW lc ; mould A , 4 7-lClf4liej ) standard A , 4 1-lOi/ 4'Jc ; confectlmi-rH A , 4 l-lC94'ie ; cut lonf , 4fT ll-16c ; crushed , 4' (5 1-lCc ; | Kiwilered , 4 7-lGf 4e ; K-innulnted , 4 3-lCiiHiei ( ! cubes , 4 7-lCj4T c. I/3NDON , Nov. 8. SrOAH-Cane , dull nnd ravy ; Centilfugal Ja\n , ISs ; Muscovado , fair re- nlnsr , 10s. , AUCTION SALIC 4)F SIlKEt' SKINS. .ondiiii Trnilcrs Given nn Opportunity to Invent llcnvlly. LONDON < , Nov. 8. At the auction rale of lecp * skins today 3,413 bales were offeicd. There as a good attendance , but comp llllun to some xtcnt reflected the difficulties of Industry , nnd ctrnyed hesitation. A majority of the olferlnes ere sold. Lone grown merino sheep skins were d down ; short , unchanRed. Cross bleeds wciv pait of a fanhlnir. Kollowlni ; are thu pules detail nnd the prices obtained : New South 'ales. U3 bales clothlnic und ' ; combine , -5i' ( id. Queensland , 310 bales : clothlne and comb- 1K. , 2fil.il. .South AUFtralla , 1.2.j balei ; clolh- \K nnd comblni ; , 2Uf3Hd. Kwan Itlver , iX alen ; clothlni ; and combine , 3UAO'id. Tusmnnla. ! bales ; clothing und comhiiK , 2\Q-d. New e.iland , 020 bales ; clothing and cnmbim ; , 1'iii id. Cape of ( Inod Hope nnd Natal , CO bales ; lothlng and combing. 2ifii < l. Llvitrpiiol .Mill'liiit-i. LIVERPOOL , Nov. 8.-WHEAT-Kt.-ndy ; de- land i poor ; No. 2 red , nlnli-r. 4s Cd ; No. 2 red , i1ni.4s 'J20. ! CORN fijuit , nominal ; dema-.d poor ; futures , leady ; demand poor ; November , 4s lO'.id ; De- fmber , 4s Slid ; January , 4s Mid. FLOUR Firm ; demand moderate ; Ht. Louis , incy winter , 5s Gd. 1'ROVISIONS Lnrd. rtendy ; demand poor ; pot , 3Cs. lieef. dull ; demund poor ; extia India ies.i , CS 9il ; prime mess , M.s 3 < 1. Poik , dull , cmand | xxir ; prime mess , wcstfin , Cfls 3d ; prlmo ICHS , medium , Ms M. llamx , steady ; demand Kxleruto ; short cut , 43s. llacon. domaml Im- roved ; Cumberland cut , easy ut 3C < ; uhoit rlljs , InniK at 3 8 Cd ; long clear , 43 llnl. , uteudy nt ( lonir and short clear , K Ibs. , steady at rd. Bhouldcis , steady at 2's. CHEI5HE Dull ; demand poor ; finest white and jloicil. 4Ss Cd. TALLOW Nominal ; demand moderate ; prime Ity. 23s. COTTON SEED OIIHtnOy nl 10s 91. Tt'RI'ENTINK Steady ; demand mixlerate ; splr- , 2Us 9d. HOrtlN .Steady ; demand p r ; common. 3s 7'.jd. HOPS At Ixindon ( I'atlllo co.in ) , llrm ; de- land moderate ; new crrp , 12 IJntiJil. MliiiifiiiollVliont | .tliirknt. MINNEAPOLIH , Nov. 8. With m'derate ' nc- Ivlty In the mornlntc re slon prices advanced lowly until Uo pi n had been mad In fu urji. .liter In the day , with more sell ntr , thi < maiket ecllned , nnd closed ' ,4C to ' , ; c higher than the lose of the preceding day. Cjmdderahle long luff was disposed of before the clos > > , which rivcT l the tlnal decline. Recelpis , i'73.x ( bu. 'lose : November , W ; c ; December , M e ; May , e. On track : No. l hard. WUc ; N > . 1 nM.-th- , 67'4c ; No. S noithern , W c. Thu p o.luctlo.i . Hour wns estimated at nlwut 4i.0tf > bbls. for sveaty-four hour . Hhlpments for the rniiin Urn * -eie 25.838 bbls. The mntket reported iiulel at rom i $8,1S to J3.4 * for ra' niii ami fiom ll.Kj to .9J for bakers' . Dululli Whoa Market , DUIJUTII , Nov. 8.-WIIEAT-C10SC ! No. 1 , cash and November. We ; No. 1 norlhcni , and November , B7Uc ; DttTmber , * ' , , ; CO'Ac ; No. S ! noilheni , cii h , Me , Jso , 3 , , n-Jected , 46VsC. To arrive ; No , 1 north- , SJHe. _ .Ntnv York Urv Cloodn MurXxt. NEW YORK , Nov. 8. An Irrnrular demand seasonable tuff took a moderate ijuuntlty goodn , but the much larttr mle w m WM. 1LOUDON. Commission Merchant Grain aiul I'rovJslons. Prlvato wires to Chicago and Now York All business orders placed on CIilcMJt Heard of Trade. Correapondence Follclted. Olllce , room 4 , New York Life Dulldlars Jraaha. Telephone 1308. reached throimh delivery on former orders. I'ol sprint ; fabrics , such ns dress coeds , printed sjieclnltles and Klnuhams , more Inquiry wal shown , nnd vciy fair en aKements were reported. The auction tale of Nottingham lace curtalnl parsed off excecdlnily well , nnd thq catiiloeui was larKcly overrolil , wllh ( oiir-ynnl curtains In much preference. Printed cl.iths wcie vciynulel at 2 11-lCc. 'Frisco Wlu'iil ( { iKitiitlons , BAN FRANCISCO. Nov. S.-WHEAT-Steaily | December , 92'ic ; May , 3Vic. Wool , Mur. < ot. BT. LOUIS , Nov. S. OOL.Steady , tin * changed. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ riiiiiiiuiii : .NotrH. NEW ORLEANS , Nov. 8. Clearings , 11,350,621. IIALTIMORE , Nov. 8. Clearings , 13,031,772 ; Val ances. 1334,039. 11OSTON , Nov , 8. Clearings , | 1S.250,007 ; bal- nnces , J2.0CC.713. NEW YORK , Nov. 8. Clearings , JOt.lCS.DIl ; balances. J3,345,9I1. PHILADELPHIA , Nov. 8. Clearings , I12.C39.- 420 ; balances , 1,3 ,123. MEMPHIS , Nov. S. New York exchanco sellIng - Ing at pur. Cle.irlngs , ) G28.093 ; balances , 192,032. CINCINNATI , Nov. 8. Money , Rfld per cent , New York exchange , 2TiO40c premium. Clearings , KT. LOtTIS , Nov. 8.-Clcarlngs , I5.3IZ.236 ; bal ances , $195,098. Money , dull , CW7 per cent. Hx- cliange on New York , 2ic discount bid. LONDON , Nov. 8. Oold In rjuoted at llucno * Ayres today at 213 ; Lisbon , 22.CO ; St. Peters burg , CO ; Athens , 77 ; Rome , 100.70 ; Vienna , 101. PARIS. Nov. 8. 4 p. in.-Thrre per cent re-nle-s , 102f 724o ! for HIP account ; 3'/4 ' rentes , 107f 75c. ExclmngH on l/irulon , 25t 13c for checks. WAaillNQTON , Nov. 8. The cash balance In HIP tieusury today was 1105,090,101 ; fold reserve. t01S30,4'l. ' ) CHICAGO , Nov. 8.-Clearlngs , J18.3I5.000. Money , 44'4 per cent on call , H5JO jior cent on time. New Yolk exchange at par. Foreign exchanges dull ; sterling commercial , ! I.S5 % _ * 4.to ; ; . LONDON , Nov. 8. Consols for money and account , 103 7-10. The Hunk of England' ! ) rata of discount remains unchanged at 2 per cent , liar silver , 2id ! per ounce ; money , 14 per cent. The into of discount In the open maiket for Hlrwl bills Is H per cent and for three months' bills Is 9-10 per cent. PARIS. Nov. 8. The weekly Matement of tha Hank of Fiance , Iwturd tndiy , shows tha follow * Ing changes as compared with Iho pievlnus no- count : Note * In circulation , decrease , IOGMOOOf ( treasury account * current , decrease , 82.(23OOO/ ; gold In hand. Increase , 24,950,000f ; bills dl * > niunled , decrease , Sl,250,00jf ; illveir In hand , decrease , 7I5OiWf. LONDON , Nov. 8. The weekly statement or the Uank uf Knglvnd Issued today show * lh followlnir changen an oomparetl with the iircvloun account : Total rrsen'u. decrease , 1750,000 ; circulation , decrease , 275,000 ; bullion , decrease. fl.GOI.GOO ; other wcurltles , decreavc , tl7I,000 | oilier dritemlts , drcrrune , (177,000 ; public deiwsllii , ilfcu-mc , IlCl.onO ; notes roiorve. < lecrtaj , 1710 , d > ; Keivernment srcurlllrs. Increase , fiO.OOO. Th Hunk of England'H reserve lo liability , which last week wa SIM ( inr cent , U uow (2.12 ptd ctnt ,