Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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    Tor County CommUtlnncr.
The best attainable returns on county corn-
ml slonor In the First district with ono pre
cinct mttslng In the Seventh Ward are : Ijams ,
2311 ; Schmidt , C31 ; and Stonlierg. 2MB.
Tlio City Council.
First Ward Complete Gordon , 8S7 ; Lowry ,
Gif > ,
Second Ward Ono precinct missing , Flynn ,
60S : Kmcnt , 021.
Third Ward Complete Ford , 391 ; Getty ,
307 ; Lally , 231 ; McAndrows , 456 ; I'rlnce ,
Fourth Ward Two precincts missing , Ken-
nard , 74D ; Peabody , G68.
Fifth Ward Complete Dalley , 416 ; Rector ,
435 ; Saundcrs , 74G.
Sixth Ward Two precincts missing , Dcltz ,
289 ; Jaynes , 832 ; Tlerney , 354.
Seventh Ward One precinct missing ,
Hicks , 429 ! Thomas , 060.
Eighth Ward Ono precinct missing. Ma-
glnn , Cl ; Schmidt , 653 ; Taylor , 915 ; Wcster-
dahl , C5.
Ninth Ward One precinct missing , Cramer ,
31 ; Mercer , 150 ; Parker , 80 ,
Uy Clrrk.
Ward. Evans. HlRby. Him.
First . CSl CIO
Second . . 871 CSO
Third Klft
Fourth . 633 7S3O
Fifth . 615 O
Bljcth . . . . . Ell 1,123
Seventh . . . . . . . . . . - 2I 1,123rai
Klchth . fM rai
Kintli . . . . . . . . . 427 G52
Totals G,419 6,812
lliiiril : of Kllmntloll.
In the vote on members of the Board of
Education returns from twelve districts In
the city have not been received. Tlio pres
ent figures are :
tV. IT. Anderson 8244
Cramblet 81WJ
Kdwanls S21G
Jnliimon I'M
iMnt CGW
Peattle 027
Muclcny f > 713
Kennedy G1U7
Mullen 4307
Wilson 3XT.9
Qllmorc 2753
Williams 2017
j > Anderson .17CT
Klnney . . .l"l\ \
WlcshiirtlnKer 370
Five members of the Board of Education
Wofa to bo elected. Unquestionably the first
four on tho-llat given are elected nnd It Is
doubtful whether In the twelve1 districts not
heard from Mrs. Peattle will overtake Lunt.
The canal bonds were defeated. The vote
In sixty precincts was : For bonds , 8,088 ;
against , 4,037.
Corporation Wlilpa Worn Ue < l for Majors
llotnocratln llrfvrtlnn.
More Interest was taken In the election In
South Omaha than In any for years. The
voting was quiet , but the plans of the men
who had set out to defeat Holcomb were well
rehearsed , and the slaves were whipped Into
line with great success. Men who would
rather have gone hungry for a week were
Intimidated and forced Into line. The talk
of their starving wives and children was
whispered Into their cars , and by one schema
and another the fellows were whipped Into
line , and the vote shows how .they acled
oven after they got Into the booths.
Democrats' who have ibeen recognized In
the past by tha vote of ( hat party , deserted ,
and wereQuietly working for Majors. They
seemed to be pretty well supplied with cash.
In the Fourth wnrd , which has many times
given an Immense democratic majority , Ma
jors secured 99 votes out of 1G2. One year
ago Sam C. Shrlgley , the democratic nominee
for assessor , received 100 votes in the same
ID this connection It Is only fair to state
that Mr. J. A. Walters , yardmaster at the
stock yards , who was reported as being- mar
shal of the Majors parade Tuesday night ,
denies that ho was there. "I am as good n
democrat today as I ever was , " said Mr.
Walters , "and can prove by a Cozen ac
quaintances that I did not participate In the
Majors celebration. "
In the Second precinct ot the First ward
como Individual , who cither attempted to bo
funny or who was misled , cast a vote for
"Heveron Doson. " The pastor of the
Methodist church feels very grateful for the
The judges and clerks ot the First dis
trict ot the First ward were the slowest ot
all. though It Is true that the registration
In tints district was a little larger than In
the others.
The fight between S. C. Shrlgley , Z. P.
Hedges and Joseph Slpe for assessor was a
lot ono. At midnight Shrlglcy met a friend
% ho asked : "Well. Sam. how Is the battle ? "
"I've lost , " replied Shrlgley. 'Til bet you
(5 ( you haven't , " replied his friend , and Sam
took the bot. Yesterday , after Mr. Shrlgley
learned that he had been elected , he paid
that bet with much grace. Mr. Hedges gave
lilm a close race , and Joe Slpe was not far
Mr. A. L. Sultan , the republican nominee
for the legislature , received the highest vote
ot any man In South Omaha. Mr. Button Is
a popular young republican , and was almost
the unanimous choice of South Omaha re
gardless of party ,
George L. Dare and Con Hogan both re
ceived a complimentary vote here at home.
By an oversight the name of J. D. Ben
nett was not placed on the ticket for con
stable , and us a result Mr. McOea waa elected
by a large majority.
Blnveim nln nt running Viw nJ . Xuv. 7.
At Philadelphia Arrived Italia , from
At New York Arrived Wacsland , from
At Southampton Arrived New York ,
from New York.
At Liverpool Arrived Britannia , from
Onlveston ; Cullc , from New Yorlc ; Lauren-
tlan , from Montreal ; Majestic , from New
At San Francisco Arrived Belglc , from
Hong Kong uml Yokohama.
Czur ImUnUlnsr III * < ! nnil Nnturo.
ST. PETERSBURG , Nov. 7. The czar Is
showing great activity In answering the
many telegrams of condolence and expressions
of loyalty which he receives and the Impres
sion prevails that he Is trying lo demonstrate
the fact that he Is courteous nnd genial and
that Russia la extremely loyal
SERIES NO. 45-46
42COPagcs. 260,003
A iftne Ktiotrtr < lj ( \ aiul a J/lul if
litre are rnoro thlna Instructive , usofuv
led rntcrtaluliir In thai rrvat book. The
American Knryrlopmllo Dictionary , " than la
noy similar imblleutlon ever liwuej
rill * errat work , now for tlio Hrst tlm
placet ! wlttiln iho reach of ovcrj'ono , U a
iiulquu publication , tor II Is at the aamu tltna
nlxTti-cl dictionary and n coniulctd cuoycla-
Only tliatmimtxr ot the UooX corro t > ouJ.
IPE with the Brrlca number -of the coupoi
fMntitl will bodolUer.xl.
USmidujrt nd Three WooU-il.-vy c.oupoai ,
with 10 ci-nto In coin , will bur ona turi
of 1 lie American KnoalnixxiU Ulollua-
try , ten4 orders to Tlio lluoUOioa.
itiontrr * btiould tu aJJwjisl t >
Not Enough of Thorn in the Next Houao
for Company ,
ropnllxt * Will Hold tlio Itnlnnca of the
1'oirer In the Seniito Itopuldlcnnn
llavo n f.orgo Majority
by tilntcii.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 7. When Chairman
Babcock of the republican congressional com
mittee left the republican headquarters to-
ulcht he said the reports received during
Ihe day glvo the republicans 230 of the 3RD
members of the house beyond per adven
ture , while there was a possibility of secur
ing twenty-seven additional members. Mr ,
Babcock also stated that his Information
leads him to believe there Is a possibility ot
securing three more from Alabama ,
two fryn Illinois , one from
Iowa , Kansas , Kentucky. Nebraska ,
arid South Carolina each. Thrao more from
Minnesota , two from Ohio , two from Penn
sylvania , three from Missouri , one from
Arkansas , three from Louisiana nnd three
from Texas. If these claims are realized , It
will give the republicans 257 members , or a
majority of nearly nlncty-nlno member * .
According to the claims ot the republicans
they will bo able to secure the votes of at
least thirty of the forty-four states , In case
the next presidential election la thrown Into
the houss. As they will have cither the
solid delegations or a majority In each ot
the delegations from that number of states.
CHICAGO , Nov. 8. The following table
shows the standing of the next congress as
nearly as can be computed from the returns
received up to a late hour. A number of
districts In different states are still In doubt ,
and the results In these will not be known
until tomorrow :
a s
i i
H f
Colorado . . .
Ceorjita . ,
Idaho- .
Illinois . ,
Indiana . ,
Iowa . ,
Knniins . ,
Kentucky .
Loulscina . . , . . . . . . . . * .
Maine .
-Maryland . ,
Ma.isnchuscttH .
Michigan .
Minnesota .
Mlrsliulpnl .
Missouri .
Montana .
Nct > m lu ) . . .
Nevud.i . . . . . . . .
New Hampshire. . . . . .
New Jersey .
New Voi k . .
NorthNoilh Carolina
North Dakota .
Ohio . . . .
Oregon .
2 <
Ithcule Island
.South Caiollnx
Sou Hi mkota
Vermont . . . .
\Vct Virginia
Washington . . .
Totals 33C 83213 10
Texas not counted In thesf" .
DclORittcn Oklahoma , i , republican ; New Mex
ico. 1. republican ; Utah , 1 , republican.
LEXINGTON , Ky. , Nov. 7. The congres
sional race In Ihe Ashland district is very
close. At noon complete teml-ofllclal re
turns from six counties and partial returns
from two others Rive Denny 48 plurality.
There nre flve precincts to hear from In
Owen county and one In Henry , and they
may \v'pa out his present lead. Clover Bet
tom precinct In Woodford county , the great
Ilrecklnridse stronghold , upon which Judge
Denny counted largely , turned ) up with 130
for Owens , turning the tide In his favor.
DarllnKton and Fayotfe county , the home ol
Brecklnrldfie , complete gives Denny 1.065 over
NEW ORLEANS , Nov. 7. Returns from
the three sugar districts , the First , Second
and Tblrd , leave no doubt ot the election of
Buck , BIcycr and Price , all democrats. Re
publicans concede the election of democrats
In this district on the face of returns.
Chairman Behren of tha planters' repub
lican state central committee has Issued a
statement lo the effect that Kcinochan , Col -
inan and Deatty have been honestly elected ,
but that wholesale violence. Intimidation and
fraud have been perpetrated , and that a
conspiracy by state and city ofHclals against
republican success will no doubt constttnateil
by the giving of certificates to their oppo
nents , aenernl Behren announces that the
republicans will contest and show the Ameri
can people appalling fraud. Returns from
the tfourth , Fifth nnd Sixth districts show
the defeat of the populists and the return of
Boatner. Robertson nnd Ogden
' , all democrat ) ! .
The Lou'slana delegation of six will be solidly
TIIENTO.V , N. J. , Nov. 7. On Joint th ?
legislature will probably stand republicans
G2 ; democrats , 29. The republicans elect con
gressmen In all but the Seventh district.
WINONA , Minn. , Nov. 7. Congress , First
district , Minnesota : Jamea A. Tawney , re
publican , elected.
MAUQUBTTIS. Mich. . Nov. T.-Congress ,
twelve district , Michigan : S. M. Stephenson -
son elected by not leas than 2,000 plurality
over Rush Culver , democrat.
CLEVELAND. 0. , Nov. 7. For congress
In the Seventeenth Ohio district McCIure , re
publican , elected.
ANTIGO , WIs. . Nov. 7. For congressman :
Stewart , republican , 609 ; Lynch , democrat ,
120. Assemblyman : Lntla , republican , 529 ;
McOovern , democrat. 400.
BLOOMINOTON. III. , Nov. 7. Warner , re
publican , for congress , will have a majority
of from 6,000 to 8,000 In this the Thirteenth
district. This Is Vive President Stevenson's
QUINCY , III. . Nov. 7. For congress , In the
Fifteenth district of Illinois. Marsh , repub
lican. Is elected by about 1,200. Same
counties gave. Cleveland 2.200 plurality.
M'CRECIOR , la. . Nov. 7. Consress
Fourth Iowa district : TJiomns Updcgraff ,
republican , elected.
DES MOINES , la. , Nov. 7. Congress-
Second Iowa district : George M. Curtis , rc-
publican , elected.
NEW YORK , Nov. 7. Bartlott. democrat ,
Is elected to congress from the Seventh dis
trict Instead ot Ford , republican , as pre
viously reported. Bartletfs plurality in all
but one district not reported Is 1,293. The
complexion of the congresjlonal delegation
from the state Is , according to nearly com
pleted returns , thirty republicans and four
democrats , a republican gain of fifteen.
COLUM11US. O. , Nov. 7. Harris , republl-
can , In tlio Thirteenth district. Is elected over
Young , democrat , to congress by 1,000 major
CARMI , III. , Nov. 7. Congress Twelfth
Illinois district : Ilurrell , republican , elected
by 800 plurality.
NORTHKIELD. Minn. , Nov. 7. Joel P.
Heatwola claims his election to conprresj , in
the Third Minnesota district by COO plurality
This \\ouM make a solid republican delega *
tion from Minnesota.
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn. , Nov. 7. Heatwole.
republican , now claim * 1,200 plurality In the
Thirteenth district.
MILWAUKEE. Nov. 7. Congress Second
end Vleconsln district : Kdward Saucrher-
Ing , republican , la elected , malting state dele
gation of ten EOlldly republican.
DULUTII , Nov. 7. That Charles A. Towno
U elected to congress from the Sixth district
U n certainty. Major Baldwin , deirjpprat ,
tbe present congressman , practically concedes
It. The entire republican county ticket li
elected br a landslide majority , The repub
lican state ticket has a majority over the
populist nnd democratic tickets combined.
TOPEICA , Nov. 7. Congres * Seventh. Kan
sas district : Long , republican , probably
elected by about 2,000 over Jcrrjr Simpson ,
ST. JOSEPH. Nov. 7. A ipeclal Jo.Ui9
Dally News from Jefferson City say ! ) that
Dirk Illanil Is defeated for congress In the
Eighth district.
STRHATOIl , 111 , . Nov. 7. Walter Re TM Is
elected congressman In the KUventh | sman
trlct by 4,000 majority over Olbbonn , a re
publican gain of G.SQO ,
WASHINGTON , Nov. 7. Chairman Unto-
cock of the republican congressional committee -
tee claims that the republicans will organize
the next United States senate. While the
returns arc Incomplete , hit Information Is
that the Tennessee loglxlature Is rcpubllcm
and will send a member of that party to
succeed Mr. Harris.
The republican congressional committee has
given out an estimate claiming that In the
houio In the Fifty-fourth congress the re
publicans will have a majority.
Senator Faulkner , chairman ot the demo
cratic congressional committee , today con
cedes tha house to the republicans by 65 to
70 plurality. Tlio senate Will not bo repub
lican , he says , unless that party carries Tcn-
noscc , which Is still uncertain , or unless
Senator Peffer votes with the republicans ,
Reports received up to 9 o'clock tonight
Indicate the next senate will have forty
democrats , forty-one republicans and six pop
ulists , while the attitude of the successor ot
Senator Harris of Tennessee Is still In doubt.
In this classification Senators Stewart and
Jonea of Nevada , who were elected by the
republicans , but have announced their sepa
ration from that party , " and Governor Till-
man , who will doubtleis lie elected by the
so-called Independent democrats of the South
Carolina legislature , are placed In tlio popu
list column. Tlllman will probably vote with
the democrats on organization and Stewart
and Jones of Nevada and 1'effer with the re
publicans. This would throw the balance ot
power Into the hands of the populists. The
senate by stales is as follows :
MEMPHIS , Nov. 7. This congressional dis
trict ( Tenth ) gives Joslah Patleison , demo
crat , about 3,600 majority. James C. Me-
Dcnrmon , democrat , Is also elected by a large
majority In the Ninth. Returns from the
eighth Indicate the election of Enloe , demo
crat , by a very small majority.
ALTON , HI. , Nov. 7. Frederick Uemann
Is elected to congress from the Eighteenth
district , defeating Edwards , democrat , by a
plurality of 1,500.
ST. LOUIS , Nov. 7. Late returns from the
Twenty-first Illinois congressional district
give tlio election to J. Jl. Murphy , republi
can , by 400 plurality.
DBS MOINU3 , Nov. 7. Ninth district ,
llager , republican , re-elected by 3.GOO.
ST. , LOUig , Nov , . , . ! , , As. aearly as can be
ascertaned ( at Jhls hour the democrats have
lost the Fourth , Fifteenth , Thlrteentji. Flrat ,
Third , Sixth , Eighth and Eleventh congres
sional districts. The Tenth Is always re
publican. The defeated democrats are : W.
C. Ellison , C. H. Morgan. J. D. Fox , W. H :
Hatch ( anti-option ) , A. M. Dockery , D.A. .
Dcarmond , II. P. Bland ( Silver Dick ) , and
Fiederlck E. Spenchlcd , respsctlvely. The
successful republicans are : George A. Crow-
tbers , C. G. Burton , John Ralnoy- ; . N.
Clark , II. G. Orton. R , E. Lewis , J. O.
Hubbard , and Charles F. Joy , respectively.
R. M. Bartholdt , republican , continues to
hold the Tenth.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 7. Returns from leg-
Islatlve districts Indicate material change. '
' .n the United States senate-after March 3
next. Tlio reports from New Jersey and
Kansas Indicate republican legislatures. This
voulil result In replacing McPlierson , demo
crat of New Jersey , and Martin , democrat
of Kansas , whose terms expire March 3 , with
republicans. The democrats also lore South
Carolina , which will send Tlllman , populist ,
to the senate. The loss of Kansas. Now Jer
sey and South Carolina reduces the present
democratic total In the senate from 44 , to 11.
The reports from West Virginia. Tennessee
and Kentucky do not yet Indicate with cer
tainty that the legislatures tClll be demo
cratic , and If there should be n change In
any of them the democratic total In the
senate would bo still further reduced.
The present .republican strength In the
senate of thirty-eight promises to be In
creased by senators from New Jersey , Kan
sas , Montana , Washington and Wyoming , the
last three being vacancies- which there Is
still some doubt as to the returns. The re
publicans are likely to lose Nebraska. This
makes a gain of five and a loss of one , a net
gain of four , raising- the republican total to
forty-two. The populists now have three
senators. The returns Indicate a gain for
them In South Carolina , anil Nebraska. Sen
ators Jones ana Stewart of Nevada have of
late afllllatedIth the popull'ts , so that tbe
populist strength may be Increased and the
republicans decreased by two.
An estimate of the next senate , by Chair
men Babcock gives the republicans forty-four
out of eighty-eight senators He counts
upon Senator Peffer's co-operation to or
MONTOOMERV. Ala. , Nov. 7. This state
has returned nine democratic congressmen.
The contest In the Fourth Fifth , Seventh
and Ninth districts are close , and the oppo
sition to the democracy claim victory In each ,
Four contested cases will probably go before
congress from these districts. Clark"In the
First district , Stilling In the Smmd , Harri
son In the Third , Dankhead In the Sixth and
Wheeler In the. Eighth district , all democrats ,
are elected.
CHICAGO. Nov. 7. The following Is the
Illinois delegation In the next congress :
FIrit , J. Frank 'AMrloh , republican ; Second.
William Lorlmer , republican ; Third , Hugh
Bclknnp , republican ; Fourth , Charles W.
Woodman , republican ; Fifth , George E.
White , republican ; Sixth Edward D. Cooke ,
republican ; Seventh , George E. Foss , repub
lican ; Eighth , Albert J , Hopkins , republi
can ; Ninth. Robert H. Hltt , republican ;
Tenth , Philip S. Host , republican ; Eleventh ,
Walter Reeves , republican ; Twelith. Joseph
O. Cannon , republican ; Thirteenth , Vespasian
Warner , republican ; Fourteenth , J. V. Graff ,
republican ; Fifteenth , D. F. Martin , republi
can ; Sixteenth , Finis E. Downing , democrat ;
Seventeenth , James A. Cooley , republican ;
Eighteenth , Fred K. Ramann , republican ;
Nineteenth , Benson AVood , republican : Twen
tieth , Orlando Burlow , republican ; Twenty-
first , Everett J. Murphy , republican ; Twenty-
second , George W. Smith , republican.
ST. PAUL , Nov. 7. Minnesota sends a
solid republican delegation to Washington oa
follows : Flrat , J. A. Tawney ; Second , J. T.
McLoary ; Third. J. P. Heatwole : Fourth , A.
R. Keifcr ; Fifth , Loren Fletcher ; Sixth , C.
A. Towno ; Seventh , F. M. Eddy.
FARGO. N. D. , Nov. 7. Congress , M. N.
Johnson , republican.
PUEBLO , Nov. 7. At 11 o'clock tonight
returns from the .Second Colorado district
glvo Dell , ( pop.-dera. ) , nine plurality , over
llowne ( rep. ) . Each side claims the victory
and the oQIcInl count will probably be neces
sary to settle It. Three more precincts , hav
ing 4.141 volei. yet to be- heard from.-
JERSI5Y CITY , Nov. 7. Chairman Wooley
of the republican county committee claims
the election ot McEwan , republican , to con.-
Kits * over Colon * ! Stevens , democrat , by a
majority of 697. U verified this will give the
republicans the entire New Jersey delega
YANKTON , S. D. , Nov. 7. Congress John
A. Plckler , republican ; K. J. Gamble , repub
PORTLAND. Ore. , Nov. 7. Congress Her-
man , republican ; W. R , Kills , republican ,
( Continued from First Pace. )
vote E. A.'cJerttrd , 31 ; Silas A. Holcomb ,
1.035 ; Thornton ? . Majors. 833 ; I'heSps D.
Sturdevant , 140 ; Belle 0. lllgclow , 34 ; ItoJnoy
E. Dunphy , 179 ; James N. Uaftln. 800 ! Hobert
B. Moore , 823 ; Francis I. Elllck , 300 ; L.
llompes , 3511 II. W. McKailden , 625 ; Joel
A. Piper , 822 ; D. Forest , C ; Kolfc. 117 ; Otto
Ilauinun , 257 ; Eugene Moore , 838 ; Lcn J.
Smith , 37 ! John > AVV Wilson , 696 ; Joseph S.
Hartley , 800 : Lake Ilreldentltnl , 210 ; Oottlelb ,
A. Lulkart , 26) ) I ) . L. Pond , 35 ; John II.
Powers , 6.r.4r HthVy 11. Corbett , 1,000 ; Mil
ton Doollttlc , ttb ; William A. Jones , 430 ;
F. Ilernlcc Kearney , 31 ; John II. Ames , 201 ;
Dnnlel I ) . Carey. CS7 ; Arthur S. Churchill ,
717 ; J. L. Maclt. 35 ; Jacob Illglor , 207 ; Henry
M. Hill , 38 ; Sidney J. Kent , 749 ; Henry C.
Ilussell , 70S ; William J. llryan , 648 ; John M.
Devlne , 050 ; W. N. Hcnsley , 412 ; George
D. Melklcjohn , 797 ; J. C. Thomas , 32. Sena
tor , Eighth district H. T. Ankony , D85 ;
S. P. Mlkescll , COS ; Sherman Sounders , 840.
Representative , Nineteenth district Henry
S. Deck. 797 ; Arnold Elckhoff , 730 ; M. H.
Leamy , 325.
For senator , Snunders , 781 ; Ankeny , 552 ;
Mlkoscll , 511 ; representative , Beck , 805 ;
Elckhoff , 725 ; Leamy , 313.
JOHNSON COUNTV Totals for governor :
Holcomb , 1,013 ; Majors. 1.437 ; Sturdevant ,
44. Legislative majorities , Hitchcock , Second ,
senator , 485 ; Holilmnn , Fifth , republican.
325 ; Zlnk , Fourth , republican , 345.
OTOE COUNTY Complete vote of head
state ticket , also congressional and legislative
tickets. Balance state ticket not yet known :
Holcomb , 1,883 , ; Majors , 2,080 ; Sturdcvant ,
414 ; Gcrrard , U7. Congressional , Hiiuley ,
141 ; Strade , 2,109 : Weir , 1,933. State sena
tor , Houser , democrat , 770 ; Mclntyre , pro
hibitionist , 108. Van Wyck , populist. 1,523 ;
AVatson. republican , 1,998. Ucpresentatlves ,
J. N. Bunn , prohibitionist , 110 ; J. A. Graves ,
populist , 1,102 ; Pohlman , democrat , 1,259 ;
Qulblo , populist , 958 ; Koddy , republican ,
1,724 ; Tetcn , democrat , 1,330 ; Watte , republi
can , 1,717 ; Yerser , prohibitionist. 119. Ual-
anco county ticket republican except float
representative , JvoJlgh , populist , carrylnc
county by 41. Cass county will offset this ,
elect Ing Orton , republican.
P1EHCE COUNTY All precincts heard
from estimate Holcomb , CCO ; Majors , 555 ;
Deck , republican , for representative , carries
the county by 250.
THAYER COUNTY Complete : Majors ,
1.5SO ; Holcomb , 1,101 ; Halner , 1,538 ; Stark ,
1.054. Jcnklnj. and Illchards , republicans ,
for representatives , are elected over Daverc
and MsCaw , populists.
YOHK COUNTY Complete vote : Hol
comb , l.fiOS ; Majors , 1.82J ; Sturdovant , 66 ;
II. E , Moore , 1,983 ; Gaffln , 1,390 ; Dunpliy ,
120 ; Piper , 1,980 ; McFadden , 1,355 ; Elllck ,
89 ; Holt , 60 ; Eugene Moore , 1,999 ; Wilson ,
1,350 ! Rautnan , 144 ; Hartley , 1,979 ; Powers ,
1,338 ; Lulkart , GO ; Drcldenthal , 115 ; Churchill ,
1.967 ; Carey , 1,387 ; Ames. 130 ; Ilussell. 1,943 ;
Kent , 1,374 ; nigler , 143 ; Corbett , 2,094 ; Jones ,
1,293 ; Doollttle , 119. Congress , Halner , re
publican , 1.972 ; Alley , democrat , 10S ; Stark ,
populist , 1,422. State senate , Charles. II.
Sloan , , 1,942 ; Dobson , populist ,
1,333. Uepresentatlves , Conaway , republi
can , 1,978 ; ilcFadden , republican , 1,863 ;
Mclssner , democrat , 216 ; Obcrg. populist ,
1,317 ; Ittner , populist. 1,418.
SHERMAN COUNTY Holcomb , 719 ; Majors ,
399 ; rest of ntate "Uckct : Independent , C50 ;
republican , 450 ; Kern , 639 ; DaitKherty , 480 ;
For senator : Btaqk , 487 ; Dlckerson , 035.
This elects Black , republican , by three votes.
/Ink , lndependentEcIected representative by
VALLEY GOUNJTY Official vote not yet
canvassed. Complete returns of county give
vote on governor as follows : Majors , 695 ;
Holcomb , 7 3 ; < ttiin5evant , 25.
POLK COUNTV ' Gerrard , S3 ; Holcomb ,
1.295 ; Majors , 991' ; Sturdevant , 45 ; R. B.
Moore , S95 ; Qafllnil,192 ; Dunphy. 62 ; Piper ,
831 ; McFadden,1.168 ; Elllck , 62 ; Rolf , 60 ;
Eugene Moore , 831 ; Wilson , 1,171 ; Bauman ,
78 ; Bartley. 768 ; Ppwcrs , 1,169 ; Lulkart , 33 ;
Breldentlial. QS ; CUurcliill , 839 ; Carey , 1,053 ;
Ames , 62 ; RusselL 840 ; Kent , 1,269"Blgleri ;
60 ; Corbett , SCJijJfines , 1,127 ; .DooJIttle , 67 ;
congress , Halner , .republican , 822 ; Allay , :
democrat , 06 ; , Slor , c , populist , 1,170 ; Wood
ward , people ; ? . ,09 , ; . state senate , Holland , ,
republican , Sol : , McKeson , democrat , G7 ;
Cimpboll , p6'r7aTlst.Jtl,157 : Mackle1. , peopIo'B.
llO ; representative , Buckley , republican , 944 ;
Booatrem , prohibitionist , 92 ; Hqrst , populist ,
1.130. , ,
LANCASTER COUNTY Gerrard , 359 ;
Holcomb , 4,275 ; Majors , 6,992 ; Sturdsvant ,
21S ; R. E. Moore , 7,572 ; Gafliu , 3.458 ; Dun
pliy , 242 ; Piper , 7,003 ; McFadden , 3,144 :
Elllck , 651 : Rolf , 433 ; Eugene Moore , G,94 ( ! ;
Wilton , 3,126 ; Bauman , 350 ; Bartley , 7,207 ;
Powers. 1,803 ; Lulkart , 1,201 ; Breidenthal ,
4 7 ; Churchill , 6,802 ; Carey. 3,240 ; Ames ,
425r Russell. 7,210 ; Kent , 3,620 ; Blgler , 275 ;
Corbstt , 7,120 ; Jones , 3,240 ; Doollttle , 310 ;
Congress : St.-ode , republican. 0,833 ; Weir ,
populist , 4.130. State senate : John n ,
Wrlpht. republican. 0,338 : McKson. . rcnubll-
c n , 6 GS2f ; levers pjpullst , 3 S33 , R. T. Clrm
bers , populist , 3,681 : Representative Burns ,
republican. 0,742 ; Harkson , republican , 0,627 ;
Munger , republican , 0,428 : Robinson , republi
can , 6,642 ; Spencer , republican , 6,282 ; Dunn ,
populist. 3,740 ; Eager , populist. 3,620 ; Herrick - .
rick , populist , 3.614 ; Jones , populist , 3.61S. r
ROCK COUNTY Holcomb. 277 ; Majors.
338 ; R , E. Moore , 313 : Gamn , 2CG ; Piper ,
346 ; McFadden. 211 ; Eugene Moore , 351 ;
Wilson , 247 ; Bnrtley. 340 ; Powers , 20S ,
Churchill , 346 ; Carey , 257 ; Russell , 310 ; Kent ,
211 ; Corbett , 339 ; Jones , 257 ; Daugherty , 352 ;
Kem , 261. Legislature , Scamahorn ,
Stewart. 241 ; Myers. 451 ; Bui-chard , 231.
LINCOLN COUNTY For governor. Ger
rard , 7 ; Holcomb , 2SG ; Majors , 383 ; Sturdo-
vant , 9 ; Blgelow , 111 Dunphr. 22 ; Gamn ,
239 ; Moore , 405 ; Elllck , 32 ; Hompes , 13 ;
McFadden. 198 ; Piper , 407 ; Rolfe. 17 ; Bau
man , 29 ; Moore. 397 ; Smith , 13 ; Wilson , 227 ;
Bnrtley , 404 ; Brldenthal , 26 ; Lulkart , 23 ;
Pond. 10 ; Powers , 201 ; Carbett. 511 ; Dee
llttle , 29 ; Jones , 215 ; Kearney. 10 ; Ames , 21 ;
Carey , 219 ; Churchill. 391 ; Mack. 9 ; Blgcler.
19 ; Hill. 15 : Kent. 230 ; Russell , 400 ; Bentley ,
41 Bryan , SO ; Bone , 13 ; Daugherty , 417 ; Kem ,
223 ; Alters , 407 ; Miller , 28 ; Shrader , 220 ;
Hampton ,225 ; Harris. 419.
ANTELOPE COUNTY Holcomb. 1,148 ;
Majors , 869 ; Gaffln. 1.CG7 ; Moore , 413 ; Me-
Faddcn , 1,035 ; Piper , 883 ; Wilson , 1,010 ;
Moore , 958 ; Powers , 1,003 ; Devlne , 1.157 ;
Ilcneely , 119 ; MelKleJohn , 1,082. For sena
tor , Jeffries. 902 ; Martin , 8G6. Antelope com
prises twenty-seven voting precincts.
CLAY COUNTY Majors. 1,613 ; Holcomb.
1,550. For congress , Andrews , 1,637 ; Mc
Kelghan ; 1.C49.
MADISON COUNTY One precinct to hoar
from which gives Majors 72 plurality and the
lost of republican ticket. 75 to 100
plurality. Complete vote : Holcomb , 1,452 ;
Majors. 1,269 ; Sturdcvant , 159 ; II. E. Moore ,
1,341 ; Gaffln , 1 198 ; Dunphy , 297 ; Piper , 1,325 ;
McFadden. 783 ; Klllck. 549 ; Rolf , 161 ;
Eugene. Moore , Ii533 ; Wilson , 816 ; Bauman ,
379 ; Bartley , 1,285 ; Powers. 577 : Lulkart ,
834 : Brlcdentl'al. 161 ; Churchill , 1.326 ; Carey ,
1.224 ; Ames. 301 ; Russell , 1,317 ; Kent. l.lSfl ;
Bigler , 280 ; CorbetJ l.328 ' ; Jones , 1,177 ; Dee .
llttle , 303. Congress , ic'publlcan. 1,381 ; demo *
crat ,
llcan ,
Representatlvo ,
949 ; populist , '
BURT COUKT.YReturns In full glvo :
Gorrard. 60 ; Hqcornb | , 1,064 ; Major * . 1,142 ;
Sturdevant , 23 , ; BlKClow , 01 ; Dunphy , 69 ;
Gamii , 8S1 ; Moorc.,1,149 ; Elllck. Ill : Hompa.
C8 ; McFadden , 'VO/:1 ! / : Piper. 1,275 ; Rolfe , 65 ;
Bauman , 166 ; Modre. 1,251 ; Smith , 71 ; Wil
son , 794 ; Hartley. U360 ; Breidenthal , 86 ; Lulk
art , 98 ; Pondn.03i ; Powers , 731 ; Corbett ,
1,282 ; Doollttle ; SJSoJones. 829 ; Kearney , 65 ;
Ames , 63 ; Carey , & ' . \ ; Churchill , 1,250 : Mack ,
57 : Blgler , 73 ; ) lllll , 67 ; Kent. 833 ; Russell ,
1,257. For cajigfea : Devlno. 740 ; Hens-
ley , 167 ; Melkltjohn , 1.202 ; Thomas , 64.
Senat6r , SeventhldUtrlct : Hull , Independent ,
763 ; Hanson , drti'ocrat , 221 ; SWurtcr. republi
can , 1,177. Representative , Twelfth district :
Roth , Independent. ) 880 ; Slason , republican ,
1,277. Representative. Thirteenth district :
Spraguo. 852 ; Weber , 1,205. Th entire re
publican county ticket Is elected by 260 to
350 plurality.
GOSPER COUNTY Holcomb. 609 ; Majors ,
362 ; Sturdevant , 32 ; state ticket shows Inde
pendent. 590 ; republican , 350 ; McKelghan ,
693 ; Andrews , 362-Young majority In county ,
189 ; McBrMc , 198 ; official count may change
this a llttl , but It Is correct substantially. of
FURNAS COUNTY Holcomb , 1.106 ; Majors ,
1,141 ; Sturdevant , 65 ; Piper , 1,123 ; McFadden ,
1,050. Congress ! Andrews , republican ,
1.087 ; McKelghan , demo-pop , 980. State sen
ator : F , M. Ratbbun , republican , 1,102 ; L.
W. Young , populUI , 910. Representative : E.
11. Bee , republican , 1,264 ; Steven * , populist ,
DODGE COUNTY Complete gives Hol
comb. 2.145 ; Majors , 1,728 ; Burns , republican ,
and MoVlcker , democrat , ars elected repre
sentative } , and Holbrook , republican , Is
elected state senator ; Abbott , democrat , ij
elected county attorney.
HOLT COUNTY The return ! are. not all In
yet. but enough precinct * have reported to tl
show that Holcomb carries the county by
about 260 , and the rest ot the ctato ticket
about the same. The Independent candidates
for tha legislature are elected by botwesn
fifty and seventy-five majority. Indications
are that John Crawford. Independent , Is
elected to the senate by about eighty ma
PIIELPS COUNTY Vote all In : Holcomb ,
total. 1,156 ; Majors , 823 ; Andrews , 1,017 ; Me-
Kolghan , 959 ; Dale ( pop. ) , state senate , 1,037 !
Kcester ( rep. ) , 950 , Brodlne ( rep. ) , represent
ative , 967 ! Soderman ( pop. ) , 1,024.
WAYNE COUNTY Holcomb , 800 ; Majors ,
780 ; Mclklejohn , plurality , 387. Republi
cans1 , Ctiacc , representative , and Ittesslor ,
senator , elected by large plurality.
HOWARD COUNTY Complete vote : Hol
comb. 1,063 ; Majors. 673 ; Sturdevant , M ;
R. 13. Moore , R97 ; Gamn , 997 : Dunphy , 115 ;
Piper , 658 ; McFadden , 927 ; Elllck. 139 ; Rolf ,
73 ; Eugene Moore , 679 ; Wilson , 933 ; Bauman ,
173 ; Hartley , GC5 ; Powers , 93S ; Lulkart , 104 ;
Breidenthal , 102 ; Churchill. 673 ; Carey , 1,003 ;
Ames , 110 ; Russell. 659 ; Kent , 1,006 ; Blgler ,
129 ; Corbett. 660 ; Jones , 1,019 ; Daollttle. 126.
Congress : Matt Daughcrly , 710 ; O. M. Kem ,
1,077. State senator : O. H. Caldwell , re
publican , 725 ; J , L. Johnson , demo-pop , 1,057.
Representative : Harry Schlckonduntz , repub
lican , SS6 ( Nells Nelson , demo-pop , 817.
JOHNSON COUNTY Complete vote : Hol-
omb , 982 ; Majors , 1,402 ; Sturdevant , 81 ; R.
J. Moore , 1,381 ; Gaffln , 898 : Dunphy , 141 ;
Iper , 1,374 ; McFadden , 743 ; Elllck , 170 ;
tolf , 95 ; Eugene Moore , 1,386 ; Wilson , 762 ;
Uuman , 224 ; Bartlcy , 1,346 ; Pow-
rs , 690 ; Lulkart , 166 ; Breldonthal ,
75 ; Churchill , 1,376 ; Carey , 8G2 ;
Vmes , 173 ; Russell , 12 ; Muny , 3 ; Kent , 091 ;
Ifiler , IG7 ; Corbatt , 1,388 ; Jones , 855 ; Doo-
ttle , 173. Congress : Strode , 1,428 ; Weir ,
93. State senate : Hitchcock , republican ,
.360 ; Buffett , democrat , 208 ; Williams , pop-
list , 881. Representative : Popleman , ropub-
ean , 1,376 ; Bulk , republican , 3,052 ; Overturf ,
emo-pop float , 1,000 ; Ellis , domo-pop , 1,041.
BUFFALO COUNTY A setnl-otllclal count
f the votes In this county gives Holcomb ,
OSO ; Majors , 1,813. Kem carried the county
y 150 and Is probably elected ,
lack , republican , for state senate , carried
ils county by 151 and the district by 11.
: rady , republican , nnd Scott , populist , are
Iccted representatives , and Norrls Brown ,
epubltcan , Is elected county attorney by a
arse majority.
HARLAN COUNTY Complete vote : Hot-
pmb , > 3G ; Majors , 822 ; Sturdevant , 23 ; Jl.
13.Pip Moore , 870 ; Gnflln , 873 ; Dunphy , 49 ;
'Iper , 911 ; McFadden , 822 ; Elllck , 33 ; Holfe ,
28 ; Eugene Moore , 838 ; Wilson , 935 ; Smith ,
86 ; Bauman , 70 ; Hartley , 831 ; Powers , 840 ;
.ulkart , 31 ; Brldenthal , 55 ; Churchill , 827 ;
aroy , 840 ; Ames , 45 ; Russell , 723 ; Kent ,
StS ; Blgler , 49 ; Corbett , S29 ; Jones , 879 ;
Jcollttlc , 51. Congress Andrews , rcpitb-
"Ican , SG9 ; Ashby , democrat , 27 ; McKelghan ,
opullst , 883. State senate Keester , re-
lubllcan , 7G6 ; Dale , populist , 918. Repre-
entatlve Luce , republican , 813 ; Hull , popu-
listS , 959. Official count.
SAUNDERS COUNTY Complete : vote
lolcomb , 2,593 ; Majors , 1,708 ; R. E. Moore ,
,744 ; Gaffln , 2,442 ; Piper , 1.819 ; McFadden ,
,9S1 ! ; Eugene Moore , 1,799 ; Wilson , 1,931 ;
Jartley. 1,800 ; Powers , 2,013 ; Churchill ,
,782 ; Carey , 2,269 ; Russell , 1,829 ; Kent ,
,219 ; Corbett , 1.831 ; Jonea , 2,002. State
e"nnte ! Lehr , republican , 1,985 ; Weber , pop
ulist , 2,016. Representative James Hayes ,
opubllcan , 1,613 ; Brownell , republican , 1,980 ;
'crrls , democrat , 661 ; Haullck , populist ,
'HOOKER COUNTY complete voteiioi -
omb , 28 ; Majors , 28 ; Sturdevant , 7 ; Moore ,
30 ; Gaffln , 30 ; Dunphy , 5 ; Pl ] > cr , 27 ; Mc-
'addon , 28 ; Elllck , 2 ; Rolf , 5 ; Eugene
loore , 30 ; Wilson , 29 ; Dahlman , none ; Bau-
uan , S ; Bartley , 27 ; Powers , 31 ; Luikart , 2 ;
BrlBdcnthal , 4 ; Churchill. 30 ; Carey , 30 ;
Vines , 6 ; Russell , 27 ; Kent , 27 ; Blgler , 5 ;
orbett. 29 ; Jones , 27 ; Doollttlc , G. Con
gress Daugherty , 33 ; Kem , 30. Senate
2vans , , 28 ; Shrader , 31. Representative
Barry. ; 33 ; Price , 29.
MEHRICK COUNTY Official count :
iajors. 840 ; Holcomb , 887.
RED WILLOW COUNTY Holcomb , 497 ;
Majors , 321 ; Gcrrard , 18 ; Sturdevant , 29.
Jongressional , Andrews , 200 ; McKelghan ,
:539 . McCook nnd six county precincts to
lear from. Majors nnd Andrews will carry
ounty by small majority. Republican legls
alive ticket elected- Republicans will elect
ntlro I county ticket .iixcepl treasurer and
CHEYENNE COUNTY Thirteen out of
Eighteen , precincts of the county gives PIol-
2omb a majority of 100 . Other five precincts
vlll probably swell majority to 150. Kem
slightly ahoad. The legislative ticket In
dications republican.
WEBSTER COUNTY With three pelncti
B-lilch will not materially alter the majorities
gives the following vote : Majors. 1,067 ; Hol
comb , 1,099 ; Piper , 1,019 ; McFadden. 922 ;
Andrews , 1.034 ; McKelghan , 1,121 ; McKesby ,
state senator , and Wilder and McNItt , repre
sentatlves elected.
BOX BUTTE COUNTY Complete returns
gives Majors , G56 ; Holcomb , 603 ; Moore ,
652 ; Gaffln , 534 ; Burtley. G4S ; Powers , 607 ;
Dausherty , 602 ; Kem , 531. Republicans
elected attorney nnd commissioner.
PIIELPS COUNTY Impossible to obtain
correct veto en state oHlcsrs , except governor ,
until county clerk canvussea rotas , but
Imlance of Btato officers here liavo about
275 votes more votea than Majors.
\ DAWES ' COUNTY Total returns , except
three county proclncls , which will go for IIol-
comb , give Majors 733 and Holcomb 789.
Eckles , republican candidate for county at
torney , and McGrcw , republican , for clerk of
court , are elected by a small majority ,
CLAY COUNTY Official vote : Holcomb ,
1,637 ; Majors , 1,710 ; Sturdevant , 65.
For congress , Andrews , 1,731 ; Ashby ,
8 ; McKelghan : 1,541. For state
senator , Mlghell , 1,702 ; Laurie , 133 ;
Home. 1.52S. Representatives , Ashby. 1,607 ;
Hatgrove , 1,547 ; Mattcson , 363 ; McKelvlc ,
333 ; Campbell , 1.380 ; Randall. 1,303.
ADAMS COUNTY Complete vote : Holcomb , .
1.65S ; Majors. 1,856 ; Sturdevant. 67 : R. E.
Moora , 1,864 ; Gamn. 1,539 ; Dunphy ,
130 ; Piper , 1,818 ; McFadden , 1.440 ;
Elllck. 152 ; Rolf. 88 ; Eugene Moore ,
1.847 ; Wilson , 1,445 ; Bauman , 143 ;
Bartley , 1,814 ; Powers , 1.447 ; Luikart , 134 ;
Breidenthal , 126 ; Churchill , 1.839 ; Carey. :
401 ; Ames , 131 ; Hussrll , 1,814 ; Kent. 1.533 ;
Blgler , 137 ; Corbett , 1.803 ; Jones , 1,612 ; Doo-
llttlo , 105 , Congressman , Andrews , .repub
lican , 1,915 ; McKelghan , democrat-populist
1,604. State senator , Leopold llahn , repub
lican , 1,800 ; W. H. Waldron , democrat-pop-
ulist. 1,643. Representatives , Peter Griffith
republican , 1,797 , Randolph McNItt , repub
lican , 1,847 : A. T. Shattuck , domocrat-pop-
pulist , 1,606 ; Frank Sweezy , democrat-popu
list , 1.533.
Holcomb , 373 ; Majors. 240 ; Sturdevant. 22
Congress , Daugherky , republican , 234 ; Kem
populist , 351. Stale senate , Scamahorn , re
publican , 220 ; Stewart , populist. 310. Repro
sentatlvc , Browcr. republican , 221 ; Rolplent
ner , populist , 345.
BROWN COUNTY Complete vote : IIol
comb , 337 ; Majors , 404 ; Sturdevnnt , 27 ; Cor
.rard , 14 ; R. E. Moore , 401 ; Gaffin , 325 ; Dun
phy , 48 ; Blgelow. 15 ; Piper , 400 ; McFadden
299 ; Elllck. 36 ; Rolf. 42 ; Hompeu , 11 ; Eu
gene Moore , 400 ; Wilson. 304 ; Smith , 13
Bauman , 73 ; Hartley , 402 ; Powers , 296 ; Lulk
art , 42 ; Bro'.denthal. 35 ; Churchill , 101
Carey. 321 ; Amca. 48 ; Russell , 402 ; Kent
319 ; BlgJer , 40 ; Corbett , 101 ; Jones , 321
Doollttte. 51. Congicss , Daugherty , ropub
llcan , 40S ; Kem , populist , 358. State sen
oto , Sojmahorn , republican , 403 ; Owens , il.'rn
ocrat , 70 ; Stewart , populist , 307. Rcpresenta
tlve , Myers , republican , 414 ; Burchard , pop
ullst , 336.
Democrats Kloct All the Congrffmiici
but Ono.
BIRMINGHAM , Ala. , Nov. 7. Later re
turns from the Ninth congressional dlstrlc
show that Underwood , democrat , la clectei
by at Iea < t 2,000 majority. Returns from In
Seventh district , the only one In Alabami
whore the democrats are not mire of success
are slow , but Indicate the election ot Howard
populist , over Ilronson , democrat. The Kol
bites nra In high spirits over the rcs
Their convention , called to meet In Montgom
cry next Monday , will organize a Icglalatur
their own uml name a United States sena
tor to contest for the scat of John U Morgan
who will bo re-elected by the democrat )
legislature , on the ground that a majority o
the regular legislature was elected by fraut
llimurit Amlrmvu.
HASTINGS , Nov. 7. ( Special Telegram. )
Hastings was In a whirlwind of excltemen
this morning when the news reached thl
city that Andrews wai elected and declarin ,
Iho defeat of McKelghan. An exciting crow
marched to the Iloatwlck hotel , where Mr
Andrews was awaiting returns and placln
him on their shouldeu marched over th
city , the time , yelling at the top o
their voices. When In frontof tbe city en
Ino house they hftltcj and secured the chters
art In which Andrews was placed nnd the
rocewlon moved on , pulling the carl by
and. Ho was escorted In this fashion to
Is homo , where ho made ft short speech , In
rhlch ho thanked Iho boys for the > kindness
hewn him anil their energetic labor.
VIII Ilcqulro the OlIlcUl Count to Decide
the Itrmilt
RALEIGH , N. C. , Nov. 7. The stale Juill-
lal ticket la so close that It will require
ho ofllclnl count lo decide. The legislature
, In doubt. Democrats hope for It , but
nako no claims. Populist and republican
eaders are very confident. The Indications
ro that the fusion ticket has defeated the
.cmocratlc . congressional candidates In the
'irst , Fourth. Fifth , Secenlh. Eighth nnd
Inth , making the congressional delegation
land Ihreo democrats , two republicans nnd
our populists. The democrats , however ,
ro still claiming the Seventh , Eighth and
Wnth districts.
Mrodo Curried lv ! ry County.
LINCOLN , Nov. 7. ( Spclal Telegram. )
Chairman Buahncll , of the congressional com-
ntttco , this evening gives out the following
s strodo's majorities In the counties of the
( strict : Lancaster , 3,200 ; Johnson , 400 ;
Otoo , 200 ; Richardson , 425 ; Ncmaha. 175 ;
Cass , 600 ; Pawnee , 499. The laat Is olllclal ,
low n Ilrnl Kentucky Uriitlmimu I'mcllccs
nt tlio llur.
A llttlo man with steel-gray eyes nnd
lese cropped beard streaked with while
vas the center of a group of Interested lls-
cners In the Phoenix hotel rotunda , writes
Lexington correspondent of the St. Louis
lepubllc. Ho was entertaining them with
ecltrUs of the deeds of valor of various
{ cntucklans who shed luster upon the state
before the war. He was Colonel William
) uko of Danvlllo. Colonel Duke has , por-
mps , fought mora sensational and bloody
ucls than any American alive today. His
meeting with General Roger Hanson was ono
t the most notable In the history of the
ode. They fought with pistols nt ten paces ,
ind Hanson was shot through the hips.
Jolonel Duke In appearance , speech an de
portment Is one of the best specimens of
ho old type of Kentucky gentlemen to be
ound In the. state today. Wnen ho heard
hat a representative of the Republic was
n the hotel lobby the colonel Bent an cin-
ssary to the newspaper man with nn Invl-
atlon to como and meet him. This Is about
vhat Colonrl Duke said when the correspond
ent was presented :
"Mr Blank , I am damnably pleased to mc3t
you , sir. I hope you qro n gentleman , and I
am led to believe , from your antecedents and
record , that you are , sir. By the way , sir , I
that you accompany me to the Phoenix
jar and have a sip of the real Kentucky stuff
with tlio Juice of mint In It. You don't get
clthor good whisky or good mint In tha west ,
sir. I hnvo been out there , and I know
whereof I speak. "
Grasping the lower part of the bottle In the
right hand and tipping It over till the neck
rested on the .Index finger of his left hand ,
Colonel Duke let the whisky * trickle out with
a musical gurgle Into the glass , the bottom of
vhlch was stained with mint juice. The colo-
tel had crushed the juice out himself
iy pressing hard with ills spoon on
.he leaves the bartender had dropped In
.ho glass. Having done this , he removed
thW leaves and was ready for the whisky.
When the glasa was Illicit about half with
the red liquor that had the lazy sparkle
of oil , he slowly fetirrcd the decoction to get
the mint juice well mixed with the whisky.
Al this time he spoke not a word , but kept
Ills eye ciosely riveted to the half-filled
? ; lass. After stirring the whisky und mint
iuico slowly nnd deliberately for about n
nlnuto ! , ho carefully removed the spoon ,
ilaced ; the rim of the glass between his lips ,
ind , closing his eyes nnd tossing back his
icad. ho drank the mixture with as much
enjoyment as If It wore the nectar of the
gcds. A loud smack of the lips and a shake
of the head told that the colonel had recov
ered fiom Ills reveries.
Woman I.lvn Longer Tlinii Mnn.
Women appear to have an advantage over
men In long living , says a writer In the
forth American Review. Statistics re
cently collected by Prof. Humphrey of Eng-
and. In his work on "Old Age , " show that ,
as usual , In records of longevity tha women
predominate over the men In tplte of the many
disadvantages they have to contend with ,
such as the dangers Incidental to chlld-bear-
ng and diseases associated therewith. He
attributes this to the comparative- Immunity
of woman from ninny exposures and risks to
which man Is subject. Temperance In eat-
ng and drinking , freedom from anxieties In
reference to labor and business , are on the
side of the female sex. No woman writer has
yet taken up tha subject , I believe , which
seems odd , as female physicians arc now a
leccsMty of modern times. U has been
often stated , and It Is probably true , that the
principal authors on the subject of longevity
lave been physicians , who , as a rule , do not
reach the standard in uge of the average man.
lcn Is said to have lived to his 140th year ,
> ut the statement Is not credited nowadays.
Hippocrates died at 104 , which was not doing
any better than many day laborers of our
hues. Rochefoucauld , that wise and ob
servant Frenchman , said that "Few people
< now how to bo old , " he , perhaps , thinking
ilmselt one of them , though.lie died at the
age of C7. In some of its aspects nothing
seems lo be more capricious and eccentric
than the law In regard to longevity. Flrst-
jorn children and also those born out ot wed-
.ock were formerly believed to bo more likely
: o live longer than any other. The offspring
of centenarians. If they would only Inter
mrrylth their class , might In time sur
pass all other people In length of years. But
if human beings will not take the trouble
that the careful breeders ot horses and other
ncre animals do they cannot expect to go
much over a century.
A great brldgo over the Seine bearing
theaters and houses will be one of the chief
attractions of the Paris exposition In 1900.
A Sample Package (4 ( to 7 doses ) of
To any one sending name and address lo
us on a postal card.
f fence , our objttl in sending them out
* B . ON TRIAL o.
They absolutely cure
Biliousness , Constipation ,
Coated Tongue , Poor Ap
petite , Dyspepsia und kin
dred dcranecmentH of the
8toniacliIivcrand Dowels.
Don'I accept some sitbililttle said
fo be "just as good , "
The substitute costs the dealer
It costs you ABOUT the same.
HIS profit is in the "just as
good. "
Address for FiiKK SAMPM5 , The
World's Dispensary Medical Aisodallon ,
Ao. 663 Mala St. , UVfFALO , N. Y.
jomn ( looit Ailvlro iilmul Mlint li Ito
qnlrpil In tli * l.t'n.
Did you fiver stop to think nliout Iho
necessity for a stimulant ? Nnturo sup-
tfllcs her own. It la nMonlMiIng vrlmt slia
ill Ho it Klven a clmncp. In how short a
llmo she will revive the over-tired brntn
by moans of rest nml Hlecpl A healthy
man or woman responds ronillly to hot
tivutmptit. liut we are not all healthy.
Doctors tell in that not two people In every
liunilred arc perfectly nound In body nn < l
mind. Nnturo. for that reason , cannot
keep us henlthy or cure our nllmonts.Va
must irulti ntlmulant from so mo other
Hottroe : , Rot froth client ) ' nml llfo , or wa
brenk ' ilown. The lilood niuit have now
animation I given to It and cnt nishlnti
through the volna with renewed vitality.
11 sparkle Riven to the eye. n flush of health
lo the check. The whole system must bu
n ml strengthened. Alcn and women
who nt-Rlect this nre pale , puny nnd de
spondent. Kor them llfo lias no ehartiH.
"Hut , " you say , "how Is this to bo done ? "
There Is but one way , nnd Unit Is by thci
help of the best and purest stimulant that
Bclcncrt has ever discovered. Doctors tell
US thill whisky , when absolutely pure , In
the only thlnn that will answer the purpose.
There Is but one pure whisky known tu
the world , and that Is Duffy's Pure Malt.
ItWll Is the only whisky that has ever gained
widespread ixipularltv through Its merits
alone. It Is
the only one that Is ivcom-
mended by doctors , endorsed by mlnUtcrs ,
praised by lawyers and taken by every mnn
luid woman who values health and strength.
This should be borne carefully In mind ,
for some unscrupulous iiruKglntn or Bro-
cers , because they can make more money
onme Infeilor whisky , und that which Is not
medicinal , try to sell It In place of Duffy's
Pure [ ! Mtilt. Do not bi > deceived , but se
cure that which you know to be the best.
This extra
ordinary Ito- Cotutlpallon ,
lu/enalor Is Dlzzincig.
the most Tailing HOD-
wonderful MUlonx.Ncrv-
discovery of oustivltchlntt
theaxe. . It of the eyes
lias been en and other
dorsed by the puits.
Strciiffthuns ,
tltlo nwn of in v IK "rates
Kxuopo aud ami tones the
America , entire hyt tern.
Hud can Is Kudran curca
purely vngo- l ob Ulty ,
Hudyan stnpi ,
Prematuicnsiss end develops
of tlio dis and restores
charge In ? Q Meuk ' organ * .
days. Cure.1 J'alns in the
tacit , loeact
LOST by day or
HANHOOD nicht stopped
quickly. Over I.OOffl prlvatD Indorsements.
Prc'malnroaess means Impotcncy In UIB flrft
JIRC. It l.i n symptom of seminal wotikncsi and
barienne s. It can Iw cured In 20 days by the
us < nf Iluilvnn.
Tlio now illscovery wa mmlc by tha npcclallsti
of tno old famous Hudson Medical Iiirlltutr. 1C
Is tlie BtronKi'it vltnllzor made. It Iseiy power
ful , but liornilc s. KoM for tl 00 a pnclt'iue , or
six packages for J5.00 , ( plainiled Ixixos ) ,
\Vrlttcn Buarnnteo Riven for n cuie. If you buy
Hlx tNixca nnd arc not entirely cured , fitx moro
will be sent to jou fieo ot nil charijo. Send for
circular * * and testimonial : ) . Address ,
Junction Stockton Market , nnd
Streets. San I < YunniscoCuL
Soft tthlto linmlf , rbnprly n.ill > . an
unbk'inWitil Muanil luimUiit Imlr
nro prndiicril by tlio celebrated C'uu-
CUHA ItJcUMHM wlion nil otliora fall.
In facial bi ! > iiil htiorttii nrterctt 1m.
iuor8iimill ) c.ii > caoftho kliiiiiiil ciilp ,
with Inn of lialr , ernhen tcrofn.
loin or hereditary , they are equally
uitoidful. bo.'J ' tcrjliero. .
Clironi ;
WE Nervous
Trcatnicntby Mail. Consultation F
Catarrli , all diseases of tiie nose ,
Throat. Chest , Stomach , I.lvcr.Hlood
Skin naJ Kidney discuses , Lust
Manhood nnd all Private Dis
eases of IVien.
Call on or niUIrusi ,
Hr 'JoirlcC Xr Mrlf ! HUKarnatn StroaD
Ul. OlilUtS U Okllll ; ) , omiihu. Nob.
Frock and Vest
Imported $15.
Cut to
. E/iuilInrgiliu. !
No better Cl'itln > < il > t ou ) n hi li.
Ci.rri'Ct I'll mnl tniltli , Mull
Tailor icliarirduulitr. Onrprlui
for Sulti , I'nuli nuil Onrc < ' .ili.
le > 9 money Hum raidinui'c ,
bin ! vrliat JilUlcrinco III the HI
408 North 10th. Omaha.
M'o M-nil Dm rnnrTolnu * French 1
Ucmoily CALTHUO free , tunl nt
li'Kal KuaranttotlialtULTJiulwIIlf
STOP IH.rlarir < - A I'.uili + lon
J IlK.trUKK 1.0.1 \ I0nr.
t'jf it ntiit fa v ifsalitfcii.
AiUmi. von MOHU CO. , .
Ul. J rrl i > irt'lJ , ( IxliiKll , ( UiU. [
15TH ST , THEflTRE zS' & ! ± :
-Tclophono 1531
/IT MilG ,
The Jollr LltltQ
HupiKirUid by nn uxcollnnt
PEflFOnMANCES company , lu ili u irrcat senna-
OHIY tionnl Mrooconiwlr ,
The Man in Black
I5TH ST , THEATilE 1'oi'irf.Ait
Telauhono 1031 , |
Woolc of Nov. II , coimnonclru Suiulay Matlnuu ,
Allani' * In don Enpi'o E < te tainen ,
30-AHTIBTS-.1U Ile.iJol by
Kin * A T.Tl A "KTT T °
of Cards Incomparlblo
Oomlnr Wcnk of Norombor IS , "Downonth *
Bwnnou It her "