THE OMAHA DAILY JSEE * . atlNDAT , NOVEMBER 4 , 181U UP It K prcscntlntr time ; but the bait TO DATE 'art prt'Ccrvntlvo'Ma that which makes' ' * Jimn : In thn Ktoio by nJvcrtlsliu , PEOPLE will see the economy of putting a want ad in The Bee when in need ot help. Working1 girls pay close at tention to this page , as do all who * * are wanting employment. You can * talk to them through tliesa little ads at a trifling expense. THE BEE GETS 'EM 17 WORDS FOR 25 CENTS. * * > * * * * * * * * * * * * * ยง SPECIAL NOTICES , Advertisements for thcie columns will tie taken until 1JW p. m. for Hie cvenlnc. nml until 9:00 : p , m. tor the moinlns nnd Sunday edition. Advertisers , by lequesUni ; a numrx-rrd check , can have answers nililreesecl to u numtierwl letter In cnrp or The lire. Answers so oddresawl will l delivered uj > on presentation of the check only , lutes. 1'ic ' n wonl fhst Insertion , Ic n word thereafter. Nothing token for less than 25c for first Insertion. . . These lulvcrtlscments must run consecutively. WANTED SIT UAIIONS. X AM A IIIIEAO AND CAKE HAKEIl AND must have work In Omaha nr out. a , II. K. , care Union hotel , 16th and Wrtistcr. A-2M I * - i _ _ SITUATION WANTED HY IIOOKKEKI'EU Ot ten > cnrs experience to kwp books rnrt of Onr ur evening. AOilirss U 37 , Ueo olllce. A 027 4 * . WANTED , A POSITION HY AN EXI'EIti- colorcil cook , who Is also aide lo do nhbiic nnd Ironing , In a private [ ninlly. Ad- Pre ss HIS . IClh street. A MC t onsiitES A POSITION IN AN builnrrsexperience book- offlcp ; fifteen > ears - ki plcur , etc. ; BiwKl penman ; reference A 1 ; can , U.H8 . , Ilcc. A MM2 C1 SOUNCJ LADY. GOOD EDIICATIOX. CIIAIl- 'aUcr and. references , clealrcs frnployrnent In onice or store. Aildrcua II 45. llec. A OM 4 WANTED MALE HELT1. WANTED , A FEW PKHSONS IN EACH place to1 do writing ; end stnmp for ISfl-pnKc Look of particulars. J Woodbury. 17 W. 4d * lreel. N. Y. Clly. U-313 BAILSMAN WANTED. Jl.W A DAY. NO 1)E- llvcrles. or collections. Costly outlit free. Side , Una or eicluslvn. Address Manufacturer. 3941 Market street , Philadelphia. I'n. U _ WANTED. AIEN IN EVEitv COUNT v TO ACT us private detectives under Instructions ; ex perience unnecessary ; vend , fctamp ; National Detective llureau , Indianapolis , Ind. H WANTED , HELIAI1LE YOUNG AND JIID- dle-BKcd men In every omnty to act as cor respondents and special private detectives under Instructions for the largest nnd best equipped detective bureau of the kind In the country. 1'ievlous experience IB not required or necessary. Small boys and Irresponsible parties will confer a favor on us by not nnswerlnit. lleferences Riven nnd required. HS.VH been i > > l.iul1riied for years. Bend stamp tar full particulars nnd K 't the best criminal paper rubllshod. offering thousands of dollars In rewards for parties who are wanted. Na tional Detective liurcau , Indianapolis , Ind. 1004 LAllOHERS , TEAMSTEItS AND STATION men south In Arkansas , Tennessee. Mississippi and Louisiana. Hlilp dally. Kramer's l ibor agency , llth and Farnam streets. II 514)3 4 * WANTED. MEN-WHY 11B UNEMPLOYED when e will furnish horse nnd vvngon to Eooil crlnvarsers nnd line stock of household Bootls to sell on the Installment plan ? Good commissions paid and Roods sell rapidly. Amer- lean "Wringer Co. , 1C19 Howard st. 11 137-14 WANTED , EXPKItlENCED COAL M1NEHS lo go to Sheridan , Wyo. Apply at offlcc Sheri dan Coal Co. , 1S05 Farnam. II (01 ( DETnCTIVES ; WK WANT A HBLIAI1LE MAN In ever } ' locally to net as private detective under Instructions ; experience not nccewary ; Bend stamp for particulars , American Detec tive ) nsency , Indianapolis/ . II MIT3 1 * WANTED , TWO GOOD SHOOM MAKERS. Address 8. II. llanklns & Co. , Grand Island , Meb. H Ml 3 5" S4.WI I'EH 1.030 CASH FOH niSTRIIIUTINCl circulars. Enclose 4 cents. U. S. Distributing liurenu , Chicago. 11-115 4 A ItEai'ONSIllLi : CONCEUN , OH 1NDIVID- ual , wanted In this city to take the sale agency lor several Important stnpU's of the t > pcwrlt- Infr uuslnepsitf ; \ \ ca > h comm'stcns ; exclusive rights , nnd unctiuallrd products ; the laiRfst houap of Its kind In tin * cmmtn' bacU of this. Addres * Clark , box 117 , lloston. Mass. H-633 4 _ tOO XJV1IOHEUS , STATION MEN AND 60 TEAM- HleiM fnr levci- work south ; CO tie makers , LmilRj'ann. IDc tie ; 100 InlxKcrs for the gov ernment 21'KslFslipl ; work euarantwd ; I am a.uthorlze ] agent. James Esbcrtr , 1314 Fnrnam ulrcrt. 11 K2 C * _ WANTED , $3.00 TEII 1,000 PAID FOH DIS - trlbullni ; clrcularBj good men wanted to vvoik for us ; we pay cash ; have nothing to sell ; enclose stamp nnd give references. U. S. Mutual Advertising association. Chicago. III. 11 108 4 _ WB WANT A SALESMAN WHO TRAVELS TO eell our eoods ns a. side line for spring tiade dress eoods , cottonadvs. jeans , frlngh.ims , dam- iwkn. etc. The Pumell Dale Mills , liox DGO , rhlladelplila. Pa. H _ WE WANT A SALESMAN WHO TRAVELS , TO Bell nur Koods as n sldo line for spring trade drefs goods , cMtonadcs. jenns , tclnghams , da mniks. etc. The1 Purnell Dale mills , box C0 > Philadelphia , Pa. It 4S2 4 _ ilEN TO BELl. 11AK1NG POWDEH TO THF grocery trade ; steady employment ; experience unnecessary ; 173.00 monthly s.ilary and expenses or com. If offer satisfactory address at one * with particulars concerning yourself. U. B. Chemical Works , Chicago. H-C03 j _ SALESMEN. TOR"C1OAIIS , COW TO * 1 < M.OO A month salary nnd expenses ; experience not nec essary. Illshop & ' Kline , Ht. Louis , Mo. 11-503 4 _ WANTED , SALESMEN , WHO VISIT Till ! hardwara trade to handle Imnlware specially us Hide- line ; cool commission : Rood seller. I * . lloule. CIJJ Grace avenue , ChlcoKo. 11 211 4 * WANTED. PAUTY WITH iGoo.oa CASH TO take charRC of branch olllce for ( . s m nuf.icturlnr Co. ; salary til" ) per month nnU percentage of profits ; references. AdilrfSH man. ufacturvr. It 4g , llee. It-Siil 4 _ AUI3 YOU A HUHTI.KHT IF SO. WUITE US today , for you cim make from 115.00 to IU.OC a week ; no ex | > erlence neceesary : salary guar- nntetnl. Aildrevs Manufacturer , P. O. box 7SS , PhlllulHphln. Pn. - & 4 WANTED FEMALE HEDP. TJSU rilESTON'S I1EST FI.OUH , IT GIVES entire satisfaction , All grocers cell It. C' M370-NS _ ttADIKS WANTING 1ST CLASS OHILS CAU. at ScunJ. Y. L. H , Olllce 2U& N. loth. Tel. 1195 , C M5M-N1U * _ WANTED , AN EXPEHIENCED aiut. FOH iceneral housework ; references reiiulred. Mrs , D.H. Wheeler , NJl Harney it , C 462 I LADIE3 WANTED TO WIUTE AT HOME ; IHW weekly ; no canvassing. lUply , will stamp , Miss Lillian F. Itutsell , Buulh llfnd , ln-1. C M471 4 * _ INTEtLIQENT. ENEIlGimC ! WOMEN TC oprn an otllcc. fur me In their locality ; gooi liay , Mrne. Juliet Smith , 1WJ California , Den ver , Cole , C WANTED. A imiairr. ACTIVE UDSINESJ woman , mlddle-OKe.1 preferred , Address It 4 ! Uee. C S4J4 _ _ LADlIvS CAN MAKE J3 DAILY HY FOLDINC and addressliiK circular * Tor us at home , Ni airtvusilnjt. Position iiernmnrnt. Itrplyltl tamped vnvvlope. Ml Marie Worth , Ash lund , O. C 493 4 COUHT COMPLEXION CHKAM HE moves freckle * . Inn , etc. , entirely harmless Send SJc and stamp for rrcvljn to Benor II Sanclifs. El llfwl , 23)1 Farnam. Omaha. AKent wanti-d. C 49t 4 * UADIE8 J1AKU GOOD WAGES WHITING FOI mo at home ; work ready to send ; enclos , stamp. Mur It "Wallace , BoutH U nU , Ind. C LADY WANTED , TO WHITE AND DO LtQH' work ot home ; tlVOi ) wrrklyi no cunvanslng Send stonip. Pearl Ptak , South ItenO. Ind. O 4 1 4 * WANTED , WOMAN ; TO DO LIGHT work ( or her board. Apply S1I Bouth Wt ! WANTED FEMALE HELP. Continued. ANY LADY CAN EASILY MAKE $18.00 wet-Wy working for me quietly at liom ? . p win in permanent , and If you con only cp.ira two houis per day ; don't fall In Investigate. Iteply with Hlnmped envelope. Miss Lucllu I > gan , .lollct , III , C C03 4 FOK BENT HOUSES. HOUSES , F , K. UAHLING , DAHKEIt BLOCK. D 313 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Davis company , IMS Farnam. L' 310 KELKENNY & CO. II. 1 , CONTINENTAL HLK D 317 DESIRA11I.E 7-IIOOM COTTAC1E , 2S13 WOOL- wortli nve. Itlngwalt Uriw. , llniker blk.D D 318 FOH HENT. TWO S-HOOJI ELEGANT IIH1CK houses ; all modern conveniences ; 1 block from Walnut Hill motor , J21. Comptroller's cmcc. D-319 HOUSES , W. O. TEMPLBTON , PAXTON HLK. D M470-N6. 6-HOOM COTTAGE , JS.OO. FULL SIZE LOT , IN Rood repnlr. ' Call and see" Fidelity Trust Co. , 1TOZ Farnum. . D 741 J HOOMH , 34 SO. 17TII STHHET. . D-M5-N11' 7-HOOM MODERN FLAT -BLOCKS FROM Ree building , 523.00 , Omaha Real Estate and Trust Oi > . , room 4 , Heo bldg. D 782 GOOD FIVE-ROOM COTTAGES. JS.OO PER month. L. S , Skinner , 310 N. Y. Life.D D 320 DKSIP.AIILt : 10-ROOM HOUSE , TWENTY-FIVE dollars per month. Inqulic 131 ! ) Dodge st. D-COO FINE 7-HOO.M CORNER FLAT AT 701 S. 1CTH street ; range and all other convenltncca George Clouser. room 15. 1C23 Fiirnam. D 3UU DESIRABLE DWELLINGS IN vALL PARTS of the city. E. II. tiheafe , 432 Pnxton blk. L > MS91-N12 * HOUSES , G. G. WALLACE , 312 IIROWN ULK. D-14I-N25 FOR RENT , HOUSE OF TEN ROOMS , ALL modern Improvements. JJnd and Farnam ; J30.00 ; also two ( .heap storei , with res dencc nttached , barn , i-lc. , 110.00. Dxtcr L. Thomas. 401 Bee llulldlng. D MSS3 HOUSE of 10 ROOMS , MODERN CONVENIences - ences , 113 bo. ISth Htreet , very handy to busi ness. Inquire of D. T , Mount , 203 So. 16th D M1Q7 FOR HENT , TWO SIX-ROOM FLATS AT 415 and 413 H. llth street , In Rood condition. A. J. Poiiplcton , room 314 1st Nat'l bank bldg. D MKI9-N13 " " C-HOOM HOUSE. 417"TT."TiTII STREET. D 750-N11" 7-ROOM HOUSE , INQUIRE 153 JACKSON. D 145 FOR RENT , LARGE HRICK HOUSE. 13 rooms , modern Improvements : No. 1012 Georgia avc. J. 21. Slmeral , 350 and 35 ! Bee bldir. D-411-6 FOR BENT , GOOD S-ROOM HOUSE ; CON- venlent to business ; 130.00. Tempk'ton. Paxton block. D M422 4 NEAT , HOMELIKE , SIX-ROOM COTTAGE , near motor , trees , lawn , bath ; cheap. Thomas Boyd , 717 New York Life. D M195-NS7 FOR RENT MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE NEAR Hanscom Park ; also n nice 6-room cottage ; splendid location. Hicks , 305 N. Y. Life bldg. D 434-4 * 7-R. HOUSE , 3858 FRANKLIN. F. D. Wead. D M467 0 65 HOUSES ; SPECIAL PRICES FOR WINTER. F , D. Wcad , 16th nnd Douglas. D M4S7 9 FOR RENT , ELEGANT 7-ROOM COTTAGE , 19.M a month. 505 N. 23d street , D-M465 4 * A HOUSE OF TEN ROOMS , ALL MODERN convelnences ; also two cottages. Inquire of Thos. Swift , 403 N. 15th. D 180 5 6-ROOtt HOUSE OPPOSITE HANSCOM PARK , $13. Apply 1338 So. 3d St. D 4S3 4 FIRST CLASS , MODERN 12-ROOM HOUSE , 201D Illnm-y st ; rent , { 40.00. R. N. Withnell , 2V7 N. Y. Life. D 486 TEN ROOM HOUSE , ALL MODERN IM- pravement * . 2128 llamey st. D 47J 6 * FOR nENT , HOUSE 6 LARGE ROOMS ; SOUTH front. Seward St. D 4SO S FOR RENT. HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS IN WEST Omaha : owner desires to board with tenant In consideration of rent. Address , McCacu Inv. Co. , 1SOS Dodge st. D 182 t * FOH RENTl SEVEJJ-ROOAf. STORY ANt half house ; bath , closet , large cellar , city am dute-in wafer paid , K2.50 ; also 6-room cottage same description , ll.W ! , N. W , cor. 26th nnd Charle * . D-I.23 4' EIOIIT-ROOM HOUSE , 5016 MASON STREET elegant location ; one block from Park avenue $30.00. O. K : Humphrey , K2S New York Life. D-M550 10 FOR RENT , HOUSES. 177 AND 133 S. 36TI St. , Vi block of Famam car. D. V. Sholca & Co. , First National bank. D M495 6 FLATOP 4 "ROOMS IN BRICK KTDUnd floor , cheap and desirable. 2504 Pierce at. D-M4 4' _ CHEAPEST 6-HOOM COTTAGE. WITH BATH In city. Reduced to $15.00. 3033 California st D M55S iOB BENT lUKNldHEU ROOM3. Fl'RNISIIED ROOMS. 1S05 CHICAGO ST Sulable for one or two Gentlemen. E M309 VERY t > ESIRAIu7E FUHNTsTlED AND UN furnished rooms , with board. 212 S .25th street K M13I DESIRABLE ROOM , 1921 ST. MARY'S AVE nue. . E M158-9 * FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE- keeplnc ; modern and heat. 430 B , 15th street flat S. E-M453 4 A HEATED FRONT ROOM , FURNISHED. UK N. 17lh street. E M4J7 4 ROOMS FOR RENT ; ALL MODERN CON venlenc s ; 1V4 South 13th. 13 487 E * FOR RENT. "FRONT PARLOR. 1720 noon * St. E M530 t * FOR RENT , GROUND FLOOR OF MY RESI drnce ; ilcely furnlshtd ; rent reasonable. Appl K34 Patrick avenue. II 537 4 * TWO SOUTH FRONT ROOMS. FURNISHED In private family. IC38 Dodge Mriu TWO SOUTH FRONT ROOMS. WITH HEA7 nnd ffas ; ch * ap to good parties ; reference de- Blrnl. 2412 Case street. E 511 4 NIOKLY FURNISHED ROOM , FRONT. $5.4)0 l > er month. 3502 St , Mary' avenue. E 646 4 * TWO NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. NEWL1 ixipernl. for light huusekeeplng , JS.O ) . ci H 17tll street. E 140 4 > ItOOSIS. FURNISHED OR UNrURNlSHED for housekeeping , $8.0) . I > 21 Half Howard St TWO FURNISHED SOUTH FRONT ROOMS wllU ur * without board , for gentleman ; plhul family ; ( tram heat , bath. ias ; , u > e of tele phone , car line ; Kounlie Place. Address II 47 Tie * . K-531 4 VERY DESIRARLB FURNISHED FRON rjom , bay window , alcove , In quiet family o 3 , Also other rooms. Reasonalle rent to golx iwrllrs. 4U South 24th avenue. K 007 4 KPRNltillED ROOM , STEAM HEAT. 1613 CHI cago. Hat. E MM 7 NICELY FtntN 1811 Ell ROOM. 518 N. 31 < ST l ? t Davenport nnd t'hlcogo sts. E Ml 4 * THItnK FURNISHED ROOMS 1XR RENT Iwuic of all mod m Improvements. 23)3 Fat tuua tr t. -MIO ( FOB BENT FUnNIBHED KOOM3. Continued. fRNIHUED AND VNFt'ItNlSHEU WAIllI rooms fur housekeeping ; cheap. 2611 HI. Maty * . 13 M&CS 6 * TEAS1-1IEATED FURNISHED ROOMS : AlJiO iTnms furnished for housekeeping , ill N. 161 h street. K ( Ml 4 riHNlBHED KOOB18 AND BOARD. ICE ROOM WITH BOARD , CHEAP , SIM CARS. F S3 4 O-H * "OOMS , WITH oiT wiTiioNT noARitr tiio Douglas. F MM1-NJ3 URNISHED ROOMS , AV1TH HOARD. KVL Douglas. F M275-H ) ' ANDSOMKLY FURNISHED SOUTH FRONT parlor , at the Frcnzcr , 116 North 25th ntreet. F 3130I 5 OAIin AND ROOMS ; PRICES REASONABLE. K2 Xo. 181 h street. F M33J 4' : ANDSOME FROXT ROOMS , WITH BOARDS central location , 2M No. 18lh street.F . F M43I 6 * LKaANT FURNI8HED FRONT ROOMS WITH nil modern Improvement ! : ; strictly llrst clasn board. Inquire 411 N. 19lh st. K I4I-T * _ TiinitLLSIDE , 18TIU AND DODGK ; FIND furnished rooms ; n specialty of table lonM , F MHS 8' SMALL PHIVATH FAMILY , LIVING DOWN town , have pleasant room suitable for two , with luiard , nt reasonable terms. Address ] J 46 , Dec offlcc. F C4 > 4 ) ESIRABLE ROOMS , BAST FRONT. "WITH bunrd. In private family. 706 N. 19th. F-M530 10' TEAM HEATED ROOMS AT THE WEBSTER hotel. 1519 Howard t. F M553 10' ARIXR ) FLOOR ROOMS. WITH BOARD. AT reasonable rates. 1510 Chicago St. F M5CO C' NICELY FURNIHHKI ) ROOMS AND FIRST class table board. 1703 Dodge. F-M536 10 OBBENT , ONFOBNISHEDBOOMS t'lTB UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FIRST lloor. 1713 Chicago street. Q-aiM3 6 * I'NFURXISIIED IIOOMS. FRONT AND HACK parlor , pleasantly located , lienl and b&th , rent cheap. 141 ! ) DodBe. G 653 4 * FOH BENT STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT ? TUB 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING 916 Farnam street. The building has a lire- proof , cement basement , complete steam heal ing fixtures , water on all floors , gas , etc. Ap ply at the ofllce of The Bee. I plO. FOR RENT TlIRKETsTORY AND BASEMENT store building at 1011 Farnam street ; small stores nnd ofllccK In Exposition building , adJoining - Joining Fifteenth Street theater ; hall 22x100 leet nt 1001 Farnam street , nil In good condi tion. A. J. I'oppleton , room 314 .1st Nat'l bank bldg , 1 MCJ8-N13 FOR RENT ; STORE ; 218 NORTH 1STH ST. St. A , D. Balcomb. I M530 5" AGENTS WANTED.i i VANTED. WIDE-AWAKB TRAVCLINb salesmen In every rtate In the union .to sejl lubricating oils , grease nnd oil specialties on commission. Lawrence OH Co. , Cleveland. O. , J M4IS l VANTED LADY AOENTS-TO HANDLE TItE Ix'st wearing and best Felling corset an earth ; The Hyirela. For all particulars write The Western Corset Co. , St. Louis , Mo. I MANAGER WANTED. TO APPOINT SALES , men to pdl the Rapid Dish Washer. Washes and dries the dishes in two minutes without wettingtha lingers : $73 a week : and all expenses , Easy position ; no capital ; no hard work ; can make HOT a week. Address W. F. Harrison & Co. , Clerk No. 11 , Columbus , 0. VANTED , GENERAL AGENTS SELLING PAT- entcd household necessity tu dealers ; exclusive territory ; no competition ; no capital required ; big profits ; particulars fit * . Jaiel Novelty Co. . 63 Dearborn St. . Chicago , III. J 514 4 * \GENTS AND SALESMEN TO INTRODUCE the brat selling1 puzzle on the market. "Coons In the Hole. " Sample 10 cents ; particulars free. Marshall & Co. , 134 Van Iluren St. , Chi cago. J 518 4 * GENTS , FERRIS COMIUNED BURGLAR alarm anil lock : neighs 3 ounces ; carried In vest poekc-t ; $30 weekly ! particulars free ; sample Me. postpaid. Ferris Manufacturing Co. , Chicago , III. . J 517-4 i VANTEO , AGENT FOR EMBOSSED AND lltogmph glara nml Iron advertising signs. Ad dress Sclionebcifer & Co. , Cincinnati , O , J-5004' VANTED. AGENTS , MEN , WOMEN.-TO SELL best article for Christmas. W. M , Dljiht , 1S3 S. Green street , Chicago. J J1J'4 AGENTS WANTED. TO REPRESENT THE London and American Banking House. Also appoint ngvnts. Loans made In every atntc In the United States on business nnd rral estate security. Wall street. New York , N. Y. " J 500 4 AGENTS , ARE YOU MAKING MONEY ? IF not write at once ; I have a big seller ; over 100.000 already Bold ; circulars free. It. Tyler , jr. . Muncle. Ind. J MS 4 * WANTED TO BENT. WANTED. I WANT TO RENT FOUR FUR- nlshed or unfurnished roomfl , with strain heat , for housekeeping for myself and mother. Ad dress John Hlnes , 1021 New York Llf > > bldR. K 521 4 STORAGE. STORAGE , WILLIAMS & CROSS. 1214HARNEY M 321 STORAGE FOH HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam. JI 33 CARRIAGES , BUGGIES , ETC. , STORED. P. J. Karbach & Sons , Cor. 15th and Howard Ets. M-C07 BEST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA , U. 8. RQV. bonded warehouse. Household goods stored. Lowest rates. 1013-1015 Leavcnworth. M-321 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED TO BUY CLAIMS OF JUDGES AND clerks of election ; also registrars. Uufr Green , room i , Ltaiker blk. N 435-7 LAND WANTED ; C4D TO 2,000 ACRES IN eastern Neb. , good fur Rraln and slock ; want good place ; send plat , description , clc. Henry C. Smith , Falls City , Neb. N M172 5 CITY OR CO. CLAIMS. R. P. 1712 FARNAM. N-455 WANTED , FRKSH MILCU COW , GIVING 4 gallons. A. C. Powell. N 481 S WANTED. A CHEAP TICKET TO DENVER Address B 33 , Bee. N 531 4 WANTED. TWO-SEATED LIGHT BUGGY. 2D hand and bookcase. Address B 39 , Bee. K-J3& 4 FOB BALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY , YOU WON'T MISS YOUR money. Low prices on furniture nnd househoh goods. Enterprtna Credit Co. , 613-615 N. Itih st. O-3J5 FURNITURE AUCTION AT 1111 FAHNAM ST. Saturdays , 10 a. m. Robt. Wells. O 971 CLOSING OUT ENTIIU-3 STOCK OF FURNI- ture. stoves , etc. L. Altman , 803 N , 16th. . O 326 $40.00 PENINSULAR BASE BURNER. USED one season , good as new ; will sell at half price $24.00 ; stove can be Been at 3067 Mason street. O M796 WANTED TO SELL FURNITURE OF TEN room house ; easy terms ; will take board In port payment ; excellent neighborhood ; won reasonable reference. Address II 43 , Bee , O 548 4 8PLKNDID KQARE HEATER , CHEAP ; GOOD shape. Address U 41 , llee. O-r553 6 * FORSAKE , HORSES , WAGONS. ETC EXTRA GOOD FAMILY HORSE AND PIIAE ton for $100.00. B. 8. Curtis , 1808 Harney street P M532 & FOR SALE , A $150 PHAETON , ONLY UHEf since last August ; will sell for $ S5. and lak 2ii hand Smltli Premier typewriter aa part pay Address department B , HSS Nicbciaj at. P 197 4 FOB SALE TfflbCEKLANEOUa. IP YOU BUY. BUY THB BEST ; 2IACKIN lushea , rubber boots , nrctlus , syringes cf al kinds ; cai tublnr ; all best quality. Onialu T nt It Awnlnr Co. , 1111 Faruam it Q li : CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAUlSNTAI fence made. C , R. Lee , 911 Douglas , oilECK-LlNN HARDWARE CO STOCK for kale at cost. Auction Saturday evening * W. N. Noson , receiver , 1401 Douglas st. st.Q Q I1S-4 FOR BALK , COTTON BKED MEAL , DAIRY men nnd stcckm&n nenl not worry about hlgl priced feed ; cotton seed meal , cheapest am but. Nral * timmd , Omaha. Q-M300-12 * $854 I1UYS A $1,000 atORTGAOB HEARING per cent Interest. AOdrt'ta II 36 , Bee. Bee.Q Q 4S3 t FOR HALE , POWKRFUL FRENCH FIELI Rlass , cost $30 , for $10 ; privilege of examlna tlon. Addrcn Box 33S , Cincinnati. O. Q M5J3 5- FREBt BOOK "HOW TO HPECTLATB 81'C fesifully on lh Grain and Stock Muiketi. ' Tiudlnv f" llmttnl margins explained. Coutr & . CV , Rlaltu bide. . Chicago , 111. y 499 4 * AN OPPORTUNITY FOR LADY Oil GENTLE man who ean. vate a few dollars monthly t double their money : * * n < t stamp for full par tlculars. Afldrrui 401 Omaha bldK. . Chicago , 4 MISOELhANEOUB. OTl LEASE , FOH JLJXERM OF YEARS. 0 ncrea level land Immediately east of For ! Omnha. Inside th fllr llmlis. FUellly Trust company , 1701 Fnrrillliii' * R MMO W YAIIDS DIRT Vrf RE RBMOVED. COR Hickory nnd Oeorgi avenue. Call city itcalri , Hlh n.nJ Webslrr. ' R-504 4 CiAUtVOYANTS. , UVICE THAT HRLS'Ofl BUCCEHS AND HAP- plnessi manpe'ptc ' have consulted Prof. Al- meda C nnd foucO him n. perfect gentleman nnd very honest In h'a pfofi'fl tun | correct Infer- rniulon on luslners chnnges , journeys , mar riages , divorces. lawruktB nml ell family nf- falrs ; lells whether yqur lover Is Irje or false ; causes hnppr niarrlaK -with the one you lovej brings tha separated together : removes evil Influences , tad habitat locales hidden treasures , minerals , articles , etc. : professor does not give charms , belts nr such trash , and does not want to bo classed with the many cheap pre- leailers found In every clly ; before giving up In despair come nml consult I'rof , Almeda , C , 321 ! J N , 15th slrerl , Hat A : hours , 9 to K Letters containing- stamp promptly answered. S-M2C4-ii- ms. DR. It. WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT , REliable - liable business medium ; Till year nt 119 N. Uth. B-I30 MASS AGE , BATHS. ETC. 1ADAM SMITH. MS S. 13TH. 2D FLOOR , room 2 ; maemgc , vapor , nlcohol , steam , sul- phurlne and sea baths. T MW7 10 * I ME. LA RUE , 41C SOUTH 15TH.T T 74S-N15 * IASSAOE , MADAME BERNARD , 1421 DODGE. T-M8S2 6 TURKISH BATHS. .ADIES' TURKISH BATHS ; HOURS , 9 A. M. to 9 p. m. Itenuty culture parlors , removed from Karbach bklg. to 109-110 Hee bldg. 331 PERSONAL. 1ATHS. MASSAGE. MME. POST , 119V4 S. 1BTII. U-332 IACKINTOSHES & RUDBER BOOTS. 1311 Fnr. U-333 VIAVI ; HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book and consultation free. Address or call , Vlavt Co. , SIC Bee bldg. Lady attendant. U 333 ACB CURTAINS CLEANED EQUAL TO new. Brussels and other grades a specialty. See our ppeclmens of walk. HSS N. 20th street. U M73S-N15" IIESTO.V'S CALIFORNIA FEAKE8 FOR breakfast ; superior to oitmeal , Try It. U 371-N5 'HH ' BELLE EPPERLY CORSET , MADE TO order from measure. 1903 Farnam street. U M763-N18 AULAHAUGII FUR CO. SEAL BACQUES AND "fur capes made to order In- very latest styles. Room 301 Karbach block. Telephone 1812. - U M132-N25 VANTED , LAWYERS , BANKERS. BUSINESS men and private Individuals -everywhere to know that there ; Is a , detective bureau located at iDdlanapolln. Ind. , . that -investigates all classes of crime committed , furnishes evidence In civil and criminal coses and does all kinds of legitimate detective work1 through 1th' rep resentatives located In parts 'OT the United Btatre , Canada , Australia , South America nnd Europe. We have everyTaClIU ? ' aod nre pre pared to 'do worn , qu'ckly Tjy paving detectives located -everywhere.- Address'CharrcsAlngr , General .Supt. , National. Detective. Bureau , rooms' 11 , 12 , 13. 14 and 15 , East Market street , Indianapolis. Ind. U HT OSCAR SUNDELL. THE SHOEMAKER , FOR 12 years with G. W. Cook , has removed to S , 17th street , first door north of Douglas. U-33S-DI 'OM ' POUND OXYGEN CURES CONSUMPTION. asthma , bronchllls and catarrh. Homo rmnt $6 per'month. 3days 'trial" free treat ment. Room 200 Doutlaa blk , ICth and Dodge. U 411-30 JIRY8ANTHEMUMS ; HESS : SWOI1ODA , florists , 1411 rnrnam ; Poxton hotel ; tel , U01. U-IS4 D2 ATTENTION LADIES ! "EMMA" BUST DE- velopcr will enlarge your bust 5 Inches. Guaranleed. Sealed jnsiructlons 2c. or 24-pnge Illustmted catalogue 6c. by mall. Emma Toilet jHpston. Mqxs. U THE PRUDENTIAI. MATRIMONIAL UU- reaul strictly confidential. Address vvlth stamp , 402 N. "Y.'Llfe Uldp. , Omaha. , Keb. U-53S 4' END FOR LITTLE BOOK , "HOW TO SPECU- lalc Successfully In the Grain and Stock Mar- hots : " mailed fico , Coiuatock , lluehea S. Co. , Rlalto bldg. , Crilj EO. , U-riQl /AND. / A"nliPECTABLE ' .YOyHp , LADY roorHmate. 'Itoom'heated. Call 60S JN. 17lh street. U M5U C I10NEYTO 1AIA ItlSAX. ESTAXK. ,1FE , INSURANCE TOLfCIES LOANED ON or tnught. F. S. Cheaney , Kansas City , Mo. W-4U7 VNTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 318 N.Y. LIFE. loans at low rates for' choice pe urlty In Ne braska und lena farms or Omaha city property. W-33S MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS county , Impnived and unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. , 170Z Farnam st. W-339 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , Urennan , Love & Co. , Paxton blk. W 340 MONEY TO IOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam St. W 341 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved nrd un'mproved ' Omaha real estate , 1 to 5 years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farntm. W 3JD LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CIT Y property , $ S,000 nnd upwards , to 7 per cent ; no delays. W. Farnam Smith &Co. , 1AM Farnam. W-313 CHAS , W. RAINEY , Oil. NAT. BK. BLDO. W 313 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at 6 per cent. W. B. Melttle , l t. Nat. b'.t. bdg. ! W-314 VERY LOW RATES MADE ON GOOD LOANS. J. W. Squires , 218 Bee bide. W 315 WD HAVE SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS for short time paper or first class mtge. loana. H , II. Harder & Co. , ground lloor. Bee bldg. W-345 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off at any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 306 S. ICth street. X 317 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- erty. Harvln Loan Co , , 701 N , Y. Life bldg. X Mb MOKE'S TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI- turc , pianos , liorses , wugons or any kind of chattel security at lowest possible rates , which you can pay back at any time and In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , Room 4 , Withnell block , X 31 } J. B. HADDOCK , ROOM 427 RAMQE BLOCK. X S50 BUSINESS OH ANDES. $15,000.00 , W CASH , BAL. ON TIME ; BF.ST paying drug store In west. Address A 34 , Bee. Y-MB01-N1S 45 PER CENT AVERAGE WEEKLY PROFITS on $150.00 Invested ! Prospectus. Itemlied statistics free. Benson & Dwyer , 834 Broadway New York. l < Y M935-N22 * ONE OF TUB BEsij FURNISHED HOTELS IN county seat town ! tarty ebraska , for r nt. Ad dress B 32. Bee , .fall * i Y MJ'ji C LOIIECKONN n DWARE co. . Neb. , $11,000 stoclioapdjKDod will for salo. 1'ro- posals for purchase aTjpurt or entire stock In vited. W. N , Nawr > M receiver , 1401 Douglas st. , Omaha , Neb. j oj _ Y 117-1 WE HAVE CASH CUSTOMER FOR A $6.0'ifXl ? to $12,000,00 stock ( if general merchand'se ; mus be cheap. Nut' I , Jaormatloa ( and Exchange company , 203 rirat3n-uti ; bank , Omaha , : i-lf Y M4304 $1,000.00 WILL SCCintp A GOOD PAYING business. Might tnka. part In good notes o trade. W. u. T jnpevjn | , Paxton blk. _ p ji-lj _ . " THE BEST LOCATHD"CIGAn STORE ON I6Tl" it. Will be sold 'ctie if If sold at once , Uooil reasons tor selling--1 Adflres * A l , Bre. [ 'I Y-4M-1' TO BAKERS THE ONIA" BAKERY AND CON fectlonery In Genoa for sala ; wiite for pat tlculars. Goodwin U Wiggins , Genoa , Nrh. Y M53I 10 * HOTEL I1UK1NES3-A , FIRKT-CJ.ASS IIOTEI business for sale In smart R. R. city rf,5.00J Investlirate this. Inquire at 401 N , Ktli st. room M. ' Y M524 10 _ _ AN INFLUENTIAL MAN CAN REALIZl $5.d .iM and | * rmancnl Income as man Ker h organizing- company In Omaha for a bus ! nm well estutl' lied In ot'.ier cltlen and own ? by prominent men ; will pay gotxl pronts an bear th closest InvrstlgBlliin. AJili - > th American Euoiasy company. 423 to Ki Soclel for Hnvlngs building. Cleveland. O. Y 625 4 * HAVK TOU L'NINCl'MIIERED LOT8T WIL trade Impravnl clear land In Florida. Addres H 4' ' ) . lice. Y 540 4 _ _ WANTED , PARTNER , WITH $ .Wfl.W. TO IIU half Interest In ' e * ! paying business III th city for m. ey invested ; perfectly leeltlmat and honorable. Address It 41 , Bee olllce. Y 642 4 PAWNBHOJCKllS. H. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 419 N. ICTH. FOR EXCHANGE. GOOD LOT IN HART OMAHA TO EX- clmnre for young worM horses or mules. Lninoreaux Ilrus. , 3 < X S. 16th , Z 531 O EXCHANGE. $2,00 CASH INVESTMENT nnd $500 cash for slock of shoes or clothing , C. F. Harrison , 913 N. Y. Life , Omaha. S-100-6 * OR BALE OR TRADE , EIGHTY ACRES GOOD unimproved land 1n Putnam county , Florida ; I mite ot railroad , F. C. Lougee , Coun cil Bluffs , la. & -M40 * 7 HAVE MERCHANDISE STOCKS AND olher property for Mle and exchange ; nlso cus tomer for n luink In western lonn. National Informnllon nnd Exchange Co , . 20.1 First Nat'l Bank , Omaha , Neb. Z-MH1 O SATISFY A CLAIM WH TOOK A NICE , clean stock of staple dry goods , shoes , gloves and' mittens , lints end caps , $2,700.00 ! what hare you sot to exchange for them ? Barllett Grocery company , 744 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Z-M1II4 OR TRADE. TWO IMPROVED FARMS NEAR Kixxl H. R. town for stock of merchandise. D. H. Dlckwn , Crclghton , Neb. Z MI74 t' "OR SAL13 On EXCHANGE ; 350-ACRE IMproved - proved farm ; timber , water , orchard , etc , Richardson Co , , Neb. , $10W per norei tS.OM.OO mortgage Oue March 1. JSM ; will lake Roml properly to vnluo of $3,000 W fl fart pny. LA ds , and other property for snlc nnd ex * change. Henry C Smith , Falls City , Neb. SO-ACHE FARM JOINING TOWN SITE OF Lllchfleld , Sherman county. Neb , , to trade for Omtuia property. Address A , Peril. 2102 Elm street , city. 2-62) S LKAR OMAHA PROPERTY TO TRADE FOR n l dy of eastern Teins land , Belby , ICM Fnr nam Bt. 2 434 20X1.12 FEET NORTHWEST 151 MILES , BEAU- tlful. sightly , clear , for equity In rental prop erty , ome good Improved city rralty for wild Ne braska land , An Iowa farm that Is n farm. such ns you were born on back In Indiana , for deslrable-Omnlm home. H. H. HARDER & CO. , Bee Illilff. Z M557 5 FOB SALE REAL ESTAIE. AHDIN LANDS , s MILKS rnoM POST OF- lice , easy terms. Call at ! > IO N. V , Life.HE HE 3J2 AIKIAINS , HOUSES , LOT3 AND FAHMS , sale or trade , r. K. Darllnjr , llnrker bloc ! ) . Ut3 CJ3 'OK ' SALE. NEW 4-nOOSI COTTAfJEj CEL- lar. cistern .city water ) cor. 30lli nnd Saltier ; Jl.I50.Wi long time. Imjulre 131S Karnam. Sim- ucl Burns. UC 351 MAHA LOT FOn SALE CHEAP ; COH. OF iUt tmil Cnstollnr streets. Write to II. Peter son , Ulalr , Neb. HE-MSOt-K8 AIUI LANDS ? C. F.HAHniSOX , 912 N. Y. MPB UE-S18-N2S * noicn OAnnEN LAXDS , 5 MILES FIIOM Omaha n < j tofllce. 10 to ICO acres , tome trade. N. D. Kcyes. 17 1'aston blk. " RE 3M HA D. MAI'F.S , FirtE INSURANCE , LOANS , real estate , 319 First Nat'I bank bid ? Tel M3. HE 171N29 ron BALE. exno , conNP.n QEOHOIA AVE- nup nn < l 1'aclllc treet , J ,000.00 , anil will InUe clear lot worth IM004 to 1100.00 n first pay ment , balance to suit. A. I" . TuUey. HE MHSS X > n SALE OH EXCHANGE ; 300 ACHES NE- malm Co. , Neb.j llnrly Improved : clear ; US.- OOO.OD ; large house nnd all necessary build ngs , mlRht take JS.OOOOO worth KOO < ! property ; KOOI ! terms to rlcht parts" ; a choice home : money to loan. Henry C. Smith. Foils City , Neb. HAVE A. 3,000.00 VACANT LOT NEAH WTH mid CumlriK streets wilch : I will tell Jor 11.000.04 , J500.00 cash , balance on Ions : time. Adilrcus II S5 , Hee office. HE SUM ( FOR SALB , TEXAS GULF COAST LAXtJS. cheap. Easy terms. Will take liorres or farms a ? part pay. AOdresa J , H. Ua\les * Co. . GalvextDn , Tex. HE COn. 27TII AND PAWCEIt , $800.0 * ; 5 CHOICE acres In Helvexlere , two front on Miller | KirK ; trackage lots , llth nnd Nicholas ; will lease or bullJ ; choice Karden land : will sell or lent. S , S. Curt's , 1SOS Harnry street. UK M531 6 * PLUMB EKS. ilEE-l'LUMHINO OF KVEtU' KIND , QAS steam & hot water heating ; sewerage , 313 fi. 1C. OHN ROWE & CO. . PLUMBING STEAM AND hot water heating , gns fixtures , globes , 421 S. 15. 3G7 : nUGER BROS. , PLUMBING. GAS FITTING , drain laying. Phone 1270. 2815 Leavenworth. 791-N17 ID" LAWRENCE. PJ.UMBINO , GAS FITTING and drain laying. G03 Cumlng street. IOTEL BARKER , I3TH AND JONES STS. & rooms at $1.50 per day. > 0 rooms nt $2.00 per day. Special rates to commercial travelers. Room and board by week or month , Frank Hlldltch , men 3l- AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. ISth and Dodge. Rooms by day or week. COZZEK8 HOTEL 9TH AND HARNEY ; steam heat , electric bells , telephone , liatlis , ex cellent cu' , decant looms ; 11.00 per day ; H.OO and upwards per week , M940 UNDEBTA2CEB3 AND EMBALMERa I. 1C. BURKETT. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , 1(18 Chicago st , telephone 90. S62 SWANSON & VALIEN , UNDERTAKERS AND embalmcrs , 1701 Cumlng- . . telephone 1060.SC3 SC3 L O. ifAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMbalmer - balmer , 1417 Famam St. , telephone 225. 334 C. W. BAKER , UNDERTAKER , 613 S. 16th BT ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storage batteries recharged ; electrical and gen eral machinists ; superior nork guaiantecd. Omaha Electrical works , 617 and 619 S , ICth st. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric light and motor plants and nil kinds of electrical construction. Western Elec tric Supply Co. , 418 and 420 S. 15th Ht. 374 BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , 719 N. 16. 353 ' THE NEATEST BARBER SHOP IN CITY ; court of Bee building. Fred Buelow , Prop. 360 IIOGNCR EISELK. SIGN PAINTERS ; BEST work at lowest prices. 1513 Douglas street. 361 BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha I . k B. Asa'n , 1704 Bee bldg , G. II. Nattlnger , Sec. 35G SHARES IN MUTUAL U AND D. ASS'N PAY 6. 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 yeai old. always redeemable. 1704 Farnam Bt , , Nattlnger. ECO. 357 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES , 2120 SO. 10TH. 751 % ! ! ; MISS MINNICK'B DRESSMAKING PARLORS at 854 8. Uth street. I'rlcea reasonable. S * AN EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WISHES a few families to sew for by the day or at homo. Cull at C03 N. IStri ttrcet. 56S 6 * STOVE REPA1HS. STOVE REPAIRS FOR 40.000 DIFFERENT makes of stoves. Water attachment and con nections ft specialty. KJ7 Uouglaa struct , Omaha Stove Repair Works. SSO STOVE REPAIRS FOR ALL MAKES OF stoves. Hot water attachments. HuKhrs , Mi B. 13th. MS53 NIO UAY AMI ) GRAIN. DUY YOUR HAY HY TON OR CAR LOTS. WE buy hay. A. II. Snyder , 1US Hurt st. Tel. 1107. 373 NEIIRASKA HAY CO. . WHOLESALE HAY , irraln and mill stuff. We are nlunys on the market to buy or sell. 1402-4-8 Nicholas st. 276 HOBS 8 WINTERED. ADDRESS 1JAHTON & HELPS. Tel. I M. 20' N. Y , Life Itldg. M4te I)31 HORSES WINTERED AT K.W PER MONTH liest of care and plenty of freed te d an < I shel ten near Omaha , Address , Ilex 136 , City , D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAI office to 2W S. Itth it , , lln.\vn block. 3SI SlflTliiSAN COAL , EXCELLENT HiJUSTITUTl for hard coal , and ti.t'J ton chca [ > er. 1O5 Far nam street ; main entrance llo.ird ot Trade. 463 BIOYCIiHS , BIOYCLKS-ALI. BTYLES. Send for our list of second-hand and hop orn bicycle * . Repairs and cycls sundries o all kinds. M. O. l > axon , 403 N , Kill st. SO NIGHT SCHOOLS. ROCHE'S OM. BUSINESS COLLEGE , IS & FAR 379 LOST. LOST ; A SKY TntFiTtKiij LHIERAL REWARD It returned Id l&j tf. pin. M526 LOST , 15NOL1SH M.V8TUrF PUP. ANSWERS to name of "L on " He turn lo 8H S. SJJ street , or 101 Cumins street , and receive re- wanl. J19 4 CORNICE. VESTERX COHNIl'n WORKS , OALVANI7.ED Iron cornices , 1K3 36 .Mary's a\e. SS3 lAOi.t : coitNici : WORKS , JOHN urn- nctcr , prop. , IDS , 110 , 112 N. lltli. Estab. 1S61. 3S4 TYPEWRITERS. TOLEN TTPF.WRITERS OFFERED I"OR pnlo should make you suspicious ; funny they ore mostly Smith's , Try one and you will un derstand tvliy. full line of supplies. Smith- Premier Co. , litli tinj Fnrnam , telephone 1ZS4. SS2 IRRIGATED FARMS. 6.25 PER ACUK ; FAMOUS 1110 IIOHN MK crops nn < ] homo miuketi Krcnl plnce for home building : price Rood la December 1st : transportation tiff. Yellowstone Park. Land ft Irrigation A 'n , 8 , W. Cor. IStti & IXidRC its. 457 Ul MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. a. r. oBLLENnECK , HANJOIST AND tcnchcr , ISIO California street. 914 1ANJOS. THE J. I . KCHAL1. & CO. , IllQII Brnilo , superior tone banjos. 271 Wabuih avc- unc , Chicago. SHORTHAND ANI > TYPEWRITING. VAN 8ANTS SCHOOL , OP SHORT HANI ) , N. T. Life. Omaha. A k for circular. 7 J ROOSE-S OM. BUSINESS COLLEGE , it & PAR 60S DENTISTS. DR. GEORGE 8. NASON. DENTIST , SUITE 100 1'axlon block 16th and Fatnnm sts. Tel. 712 310 DH. PAUL , , DENTIST'SOSO BI1RT ST. 372 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. . n. MORRILL. CARPENTER AND NUILDER. paper hanslne and slKns , brick work nnd plas- leilng. Olllce , 403 8. llth it. , telephone 408. 371 JAPANESE GOODS. APANESE GOODS ; USEFUL ARTICLES FOR wedding- and birthday presents ; sneclal sale for .n short lime only. Nlnjxm Machl , 1511 Farnam. M712 OPTICIANS. IIB ALOE & PENFOLD CO. SCIENTIFIC1 opticians , UOS Fnrnum Ft. , opposite Paxton hotel. ISycs examined fr . 387 UOAL. OHNSON I3ROH. . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all kinds of coal. Correspondence solicited , 1008 Far n am street. 383 FURNACES. UEST FURNACE SIADE , ROFT COAI. SMOKE consumlnB and hard conl furnaces. Eagle Cor nice Works , 1DS-110-112 N. llth st. 3SC DYE WORKS. SCHOEDSACK. TWIN CITY DYE WORKS , 1P21 Farnam street. Dyeing of every descrip tion and dry cleaning. 389 GRINDING- . RAZORS. SHEARS. CLIP. KIJS , t-AWN MOW- era , etc. A. L. Umlrland , Ida S. 14th. 391 . 'PHOI-STEniNO VK11Y CUBA ! ' THIS MONTH. M. S. Wnlkln. 2111 Cumins. Tel. C02. 392 JOB JOIl PIUNT1NO CO. FINE PIIINTINO of all kinds. 17th ft. , lice LuliainR. 393 BUEHIPF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale on attach ment , Issued out of the district court and to ne directed. I will , on Friday , the IGlh day of November , 169-1 , at 2 o'clock ' p. m. , of said day , at the Mlllsap Ware House , at 113 to 1117 Nicholas street In the city of Omaha , Douglas county , Nebraska , sell at j > ul)1lc ) auction the property described In ; alcl order of sale , as follows , to-vvlt : 24 five-feet mower ? : 25 4-B mowers ; 9 har vesters and binders ; 12 harvesters and bind ers ; short drive wheels ; 7h38 Its. of twine ; 22 llax dumps : 32 bundle carriers. To satisfy P. H. Smith and I' . B. Little , partners as Smith & Little , the Bum of 'Ightocn hundred nnd eighty and 62-100 dol- ars ( $1,880.02) ) damages , and one hundred and twenty and 63-100 dollars ( $120.83) ) costs of suit , and Interest thereon from the 17th day of September , isyt , until paid , together , vlth the accruing costs , according to a udRment Issued on the 6th das" of Decem ber , 1S93 , sued out of the clerk's office of the district court of said county , directed and delivered to the sheriff of snld county , di recting him to attach the lands , tenements , goods , chattels and stocks , ana Interest In stocks , rlshts , credits , moneys and effects of the Minneapolis Esterly Harvester com pany , n corporation. Omaha , Neu. , Oct. 31 , 1694. JOHN C. DIU3XBT.I , Sheriff of Douglas County , Nchraska. N3 dlOt . 13UREAU. SUES .t CO. , SoIlcUira. Dec BuildingOMAHA.Nob. Adv-iua FREK RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves ( BURLINGTON & MO. RIVER.Ariivcs | Omahal Perot 10th & Masrm Sta. | Omaha 10:15am. : . . Denver Express 9:35am 4Upm.Dlk : , Hills Mont. & l'ugi Snd. E < c. 4Mpm 4:35pm : Denver ExpreyB 4:10pm : 6:45pm.Nebraska : Ix > cal < cxcci > t Sunday ) . . 7:45pm : t:15am..Lincoln : Local ( except Sunday.ll:25am ) : Leaves ( CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Q.Arrives ( Omahal Depot 10th & Mason Sis. I Omaha * * 4:45pm : Chicago Vestibule 9:50am : B45am ; Chlcngn Expiesa 4:25pm : 7:50pm : Chit-ago nml loua Locnl S:00nm : l:35nm : 1'aclllc Junction Local 605pm ; Leaves ICIIir-AGO , " MIL. & ST PAUlTAri1ves | OmahalUnlon Depot,10th & Mason 8t . | Omaha C:35pm Chicago Llmiled 9730am IlilOuni.Chicago Express ( cat. Sun.VL..JWOpm ) ) Leaves ( CHICAGO & NORTIIWEST'N.IAtrlvet OmahulU. P. Depot. lOlh & Maton ats. | Omalm 11.05am Eastern Express 5:20pm : 4:00pm : Vestibule. ] Limited 9l40.ini 655am ; . .Mo. Valley local 10:30pm : C:45pm : , Omaha Chicago Speckil. . _ , , , . . 2:15pm : Leaves | CHICAGOTRTl. & PACIFIC. lArflves OmahaU. | P. Depot. 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha EAST. _ Il:15nm. : .Atlanlle- Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 6:05pm CV5pm ; Nleht Express 9,0am 4:40pm..Chicago : Vcstlbuled Limited. . . . l:03pm : ll3pin..Oklahurna Ka.p , ( to C. li. ti Bun.llopin * WEST. 6OOam.Oklahoma ; & Trxas Uxp. < ex. Sun.ll:3ipm ) l:10pm : Colorado Limited 4:30prn : Leaves I C. , ST. P. . M. A O. ( Arrives Omahal Depot I5th nnJ Webster Sts. _ J Omaha 0:30am.7 : .Nebra l < a PasKenser ( Dally ) . . . . 8spm : 4:15pm. : . .Kloux City Express ( Ex. Hun. ) . . HiCo.un C00pm ; St. Paul Limited 940am ; LJaveVT F.Tnr * . MO. A'-ALLEYlUrilves Omaha ) " Depot ICth nnd Webster 8ts. _ _ | Omaha . . . . . . Mall und Exprrs 4:55im : | 2:10pm.ex : ( , Sat. ) Wyu , Ex. ( ex. Mori. ) . . 4V ; < I > rn :05am..Norfolk : Exiness ( en , Hunilay.iui8vun ) 4Mpm : Pwmnnl PaHK. ( ex. Suiul.iy ) . . . . TiMpm 6:00nm : 8t I'auIExpresH. _ 9:40am : LTavesJ I K. C. . ST. J. & "C. n. 'Arrives Omahal Depot ICth S Mason Sts. _ | Omiha ai45am..r..K nsaa City Day Exprenn. . . . t:03pm : 94Jpm..K. ; C. NlKht Ex. vtu P. P. Trans . 6M.un : " Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. ( Arrives OmahalI3cpot _ ISth and Webster Sts. I Omaha t'OOam f > ' ' l ouls Express 600nm ; 9:30ini : Bl , Loula Express ( :55pm : 5:10pm..Dally : ( ex. Sun. ) Nebraska Local , . ClOani Leaves I BIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. | Airlv s Omahal Depot Itth nml AVcbsler Hts. | Omaha "iloopm 8t. Paul Limited 9IOani : Leaves" I BIOUX CITYTl"PACIFIC. . | Arrlvo OmahaUijonDepot10tli | [ " _ _ K. Mflton Sls. | Omaha ' "Bloux City Passeneer 10:20iim : BflSimi Bt. 1'aul Exrrca IQjUOani Leaves I UNION PACIFIC OmalialU. P. Depot , 10th & Maton Bis. I Omaha 10:00am Kearney Express 3t : prr 2Upm : Overland Flyer SiST'piii 2:16r : > in.Beatrice & Btionub'g Ex.ex Sun ) , J ; lpn : TiJOpm Pacific r. prsi. . 1055are ; t:30pm : Fast Mall , 410pni ; Leaves I WABASII RAILWAY , I Arrive. OmahalUnlon Depot. I0th & Uason Sts. | Omaht l:55pm. : . , . . St. Louis Cannon Ball 13:35pni : ! * ! ! Into Hie ntrunicr's HoM. NEW VOnK , Nov. 3. Mri. Annie K Thompson , on lier way to Europe Irom Chicago cage with her two younR children , sufferec a serious accident hero today. While board Ing the uteamshlp Lucanla she slipped am fell Into the hola of the vmel. niktalnliu a fracture of the skull. Mm. Thompsor was removed to St. Vincent's hospital am the children were taken to police head quarter * until their rather could be com mtinlcateJ with. The Imsband of the Injured woman li Wai tham P. Thompson of 45 West Fortieth street Chicago. REFORMING CIVIL SERVICE Another Move Hmlo in tuo Frogrcsa of Administrative QoToramcnt , CLEVELAND SI NS IMPORTANT ORDERS Kxtctmlou of HID Clnnnlflrit llninrlioi llrlni K I.ntRO Number * of iiuitiijc : | Under , the Itcturni ltulr Cimtonii nml Affected. WASHINGTON , Nov. 3. The president yestcnlaj- signed several orders of great 1m- jortance In connection with iho civil acrvlco reform movement , making Important exten sions of the classified service to olflcos not heretofore classified and revising existing classifications In branches of tlio service al ready classified so as to bring within the classifications many districts formerly ex- eluded ; 1. A revision of the customs claesl- all employes not serving- merely as workmen or laborers , without regard to compensa tion. Heretofore this service has been classified on the basis of compensation , all employes receiving a compensation of leas lhan 4900 , or a rate of compensation less : hnn } 900 per annum , have been excluded from the classification and therefore not subject to civil service rules. This action of tilt" president bring * the classification of tha customs service Into harmony with those ot he other branches of the service. 2. An amendment to customs rule , extend- ng the classification to Include nil customs llstrlcts in which there are as many aa : wenty employes. The present limit la nftjemployes , nnd under that limit eleven customs districts have bccen classified. The extension of the classification to Include all llstrlcts In which there are as many as : wcnty employes will bring Into the clnssl- led services certainly eleven additional dis tricts nnd probably several more. 3. An amendment to the classification ot : ho department at Washington so aa to nclutle In the classlle.d ( service nnd subject to .he civil service rules In all the dcpart- nents messengers , assistant messengers nnd watchmen. 4. An amendment to HID civil servlco rule. abolishing the right of transfer , upon noncompetitive - competitive examination , of persons ap pointed to cxceptcd places after one year's servlco In such places to classified non- excepted places. Hereafter persons ap pointed from the outside to exceptcd places n any branch of the classified servlco can lot be transferred at the end of one year 'nto the places covered by examination. E. An order extending the classification ol : lie I'ostoIIlco department so as to Includa n the classified service of department the clerks employed In the offices ol the postolllce Inspectors. 6 , Amendments to the postal rules wltli- Irawlng- from the excepled class a very argo proportion oC the places now except ed Irom examination. This amendment will transfer from the cxcepted class In thb classified postofllccs to the non-exccptcd class ) irobably not less than 1,500 places , the whole number of except eel places In the classified ) ostolllcoa now being In the neighborhood of 2.300. Hereafter It will not Include morO than 700 or SOO. 7. An amendment to the department rules withdrawing from the exccpted class In the Department of Agriculture the chiefs of the divisions of entomology , economic ornltholo'gy nnd mammalogy and pomology , and the assistant chiefs of these divisions. 5. An amendment to the Indian rule pro viding far the appointment as assistant teachers In the Indian school service , with out civil service examination , the graduates of the normal classes at Salem , Ore. ; Santa , Pa , N. M. ; Haskcll Institute , Lawrence , Kan. ; Carlisle school , Carlisle , Pa. ; Hampton In stitute , Hampton , Va. , upon their certifi cates of graduation , but before they can bo advanced to full leaderships they shall bo required to pass the regular civil servlco examination. > I. Allowing appointment without examina tion for not exceeding thirty days to tlio ilacc. ' which may be filed by non-compctU live examination Into the department at Washington In cases of emergency , pending an examination by the commission. No appointment made under this authority can continue longer than thirty days. The president has had these changes under consideration for some time , and before , hi * return from his vacation notified the com mission that Immediately upon his return ho would consult with them In rcferonco thereto. Other Important changes Involving an extension of the classified service are still under conslderatlini-OTid only await ar rangement of minor details through confer ence between the civil servlco commission and the heads of various departments. IHSMISSI-.I ) 111' CA1IMSLK. Official Order rnniinl In tlio Citio of Mor ton's CnHcliirmn. WASHINGTON , Nov. 3. Secretary Car lisle has just delivered a decision directing that the case against Howard , Mr. Morton's coachman , be dismissed. This Is In accord ance with the Information exclusively given by the Associated press yesterday. Secretary Carlisle's letter , which was ad dressed to Hon. Herman Stump , superin tendent of Immigration , reads as follows : Treasury Department. Ofllco of the Secre tary. Washington , D. C. , November 3 , 189 * . [ Ion. Herman Stump , Superintendent at Im migration , Treasurp Department. Sir : I have carefully examined the evidence taken before the board of special Inquiry In the case oC John J , Howard , and the reports ot the board and the commissioners of Immi gration at Ellis Island , N. Y. , and havu reached the conclusion that the said Howard comes within the first provision of section five ot the act approved February 20 , 188G. and therefore ought not to be deported. The decisions of Secretary Wlndom , March 12 , 1890 ( S. 8913) ) and Assistant Secretary Spauldlng , April 30 , 1891 ( I * 1101C ) that Im migrants who come hero under employment "strictly as domestic or personal servants" cannot bo lawfully admitted Into the coun try or permitted to remain here unless tljey actually come with their employers Is not approved and will not be after regarded B precedents by the Immigration officials at tached lo this department. "You are directed to make the proper order for the release of Howard and for hl& return from the place he was taken If ho desires to go there. "Very respectfully yours , "J. G , CAHUSU3 , Secretary. " Upon receipts of this letter Mr. fitump sent the following telegram to the com * mlssloner of Immigration , Kilts Island : I "Treasury Department , Washington , D. C. , November 2 , 1894. Commissioner of Imml'f gratlon , Bills Island , N , Y , : lly direction ot lion. J. G. Carlisle , secretary of the treasury. you are hereby ordered to release John James Howard , now In your custody under an order of deportation. You will furnish him with transportation to the pinco from which lie. was taken If he so desires , anil the rust , together with his expenses whilst at Kill * Itland , will bo paid by this bureau upon presentation of proper vouchers. "HERMAN STUMP , Superintendent. " ' This conclusion of the celebrated coachman t case was exclusively foreshadowed In yes terday's dispatches of the Associated press. tntu t'.i.v.vur nunis. KflorlB for the I'jrilonluc of Oliarlr * Jrrvlni ; n Senlenrn In Cnlnrndii. DBNVKR , Nov. 3. At the next meeting of 111 6 board of pardons the application for a pardon for Charles Keagy , who has serveil two years of a term of twelve years for forgery , will be considered. Keagy claims to be innocent and the evidence In his favor Is so strong ( Hat he lias already been paroled , Keagy says that when working an a teatntlbr In Kansas he found a box partly , burled on a river bank , In which wcro 111,000 In bills , gold and silver. He came to Colorado with hli trophy , which he da- dares ho gave to R. K , Kullam at Manllou In exchange for two notes made by FuUam for { 10,000 each. Fullam declared the no tea were forgerleu and Keagy , who cannot even wrlto hli own name , was rallioaded Into prison. Soon afterward Fullam left tbo country. _ Oregon Kidney Tea cures all Vldner tlou blei. Trial die , 25 centji. All druggUU ,