TiATT.V wan H "vnr. an A "V nnrrnnTnn 11 ianf * - % % * * * * * ' * * * UP It Is preserving time : but iha best TO DATE art prcsef vntlvo"lJ Hint wlilch makes" iarao In Iho ( tore by advertising , PEOPLE will see the economy of putting a want ad in The Bee when in need ot * help. "Working girls pay close at tention to this page , as do all who are wanting employment You can talk to them through these little ads at a trifling expense. THE BEE GETS 'EM 1 7 WORDS FOR 25 CENTS. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ' * * * * * * SPB01RL NDT1GE8. . AdvcttlnrrnMUs for tliCM columoi W'll1l'ellnj'2 ' { until S V > until K:30 : p. m for tlio evening nnd p. In. for the mornlnB nnd Buirfay edllloiK. PAOvertlMni. 1 > V reniiesllne n can huv onsweri addnd to u In cnrrof Tne Hoc. An w i m bo aMIverca upon prniviitiLtton of _ iRatei lUo u word nr t tnncitlon , Ic " . OiVtoa'ter ! Nothing token for less man t.a for flr t Insertion. _ . . . . , n , , i Thexn nilrTlliifm nH muit run consccutlvtir D SITUAi IONS. I AM A IIRKAI ) AND CAKU lUKER AND roust tuve work In OmiJin or out O. II K. , Icnre Union hotel , IClli nnd \ SITUATION WANTIID nv A YOUNG MAII- rlod man nn troc.'ry clerk. 8 ycsus' experience , city salesman or collector ; cnn s vc lirst of reti-rcnc.8 ; > - > rs In the Uty. have n nice hnrsrj and lmKK > If n ics arv. Address W C 117 Ho ICtli street. Omaha , Neb A M40Q I' WANTJED MALE HELP. WANTED. A I'KW PERSONS INfJACH . wnrt lei 1 * ptnce lo rtc. wrlllnK ! slump P { booh of nartlculars. J. Woodbury. 121 W. 42J street , N. T. City. U-MCM WANTKD , KALnSMAN : SALARY FROM etartj pprmnnent place. Rrown Broi Co nur- eerymtn , Cliicaeo , 111. U WANTF.D , Rni.tAllLG TOUNO AND MID- dlc-iiRpd men In e\fty county to act as cor respondents mid special pihnto detectives under Instructions for the larscst nnd best equipped detective bureau of the Ulnd 1n thi ? country 1'revlous experience Is not iniulied or necessary. Sniull bor ai"l Irrenpannlble parties will confer a favor on us by not answering. lleferrjircs given and lequlrcd JIava Imen fstnbllalied for > ears. Send stamp for full parllciilaia nnd Eft tlic liest criminal paper published offerlnB tliauvinds of dollars In rewards for parties who nro wanted. National DeteclUe Uurcau , Indlanapolla , Inu R M170 \VANTUD , RELIAIH.r. 8AI.KSMF.N ALREADY travellnc to cnny our lubricants ns a side line. Manufacturers' Oil Co. , cle cliinil , O WANTED. 1JOOT AND RIIOR EALHflMAN TO tnn-el In Iho northern nnd onntcrn part of Nc- brntka. to sell boots , sliom and rubbers Tor manufacturer nnd jobber of cistern Rood * Hnv \ifvn representeil nn the trip. IJeals. Torrpy & CO. , Milwaukee , WIs. II M2 3 TVANTI1D , IINOINEnil AND FIREMAN , liotet cleric , snleiimen for various Hncs. 1 young- men to adveitlne , slilpplnff cl ik. City Km ployment Itureau , 1201 1'urnam utieet. Jl M-Gj 3 * J.OW LANOIinilS. TIlAMSTnilS AND STATION men south In Arkansas , Tenneiseo. Mliwlsslppl and Loulal.itm Work cuaiuntceil. Kianier'- Labor agincy , lltli und rainain sticft. WANTED , MAN WITH IIOItRK AND UUOay to sell our jeast Slnto one. If mauled or sln- Ble , and previous occupation. ltrfercace re- < julm1 ; one that hivs ben In the Grocery or liaXcry Ijuslncsa prrforred Acldies * Itnllskr VJnecar company , Milwaukee , Wts Il-MJOJ ! WANTED , BOLTriTORfl TOR CHAS. SCRIB- ner'a Sons Address , stating exiwilenct. < 'tc- B 30. Bee B-311 ! WANTX.U FJbiMALE .HELP. WANTKD. < LADY NEWSPAPER - CON - trlbutora In ever/ town lo report ail Important happenings ami write articles for nubl'catlun on nny sulijeil Uxiiorlcnco not nccpj-saty Good pay for tparo time Our InxttuctiLii1 ! tell you how tD do the ork Send stimp fur full par ticulars , Modern I'rfss Ass'n. C.ilcaeo 111 USB PRESTON'S BEST FLOUH , IT GIVES eotlru tatlstactlun. All gioccrs sell U. C-M370-N5 LADIHS WANTING -PIIIST CLASS OIIII.I CAW ; at Scand. V 1. . H Oltlce JOi N. 1Mb. Tel 1193 C-MMS-N10 * WANTKD , Minnr.i-Aonn : CATHOLIC wo man to tjlie charse of house S In family ; rot * reference n-qiilicit Cull b tvve n 10 anil Ii m. . inSo. . mill street. Omaha , Neb Cliarlo- Ifanlcy. C-S1405 J FOR BENT HOUSES. HOUSES , F 1C. DARLING , BARKER BLOCK. D-8H HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE , O. F , Davis company , 1503 Fnrnnm D 8S KILKENNY CO. It 1 , CONTINENTAL 1ILK. D-837 DESIRABLE T-ROOM COTTAOE. 2S1J WOOL worth ave. Rlngwalt Bros. Baiker b'lc. v. > -t D-OCO FOR KENT. TWO t-ROOM ELEGANT BRICK houses ; all modern conveniences , 1 block from Walnut Hill motor. J.'i. Comptroller's onice. D-M530 no us us , w. o TiMi'LirroN : , PAXTON IILK U-iUTD-JsO iD-nboM MODRitN Jiousi : . ts.w.Ti..ieaANT : repair , uood ranee , burn , ciapes and fruit tiees In larcc > ard 5-room cottace , IS M , full size Ut. In eood re pair. Call and wee Fidelity Trust Co. 1702 Far- cam. 17H l lioOMS ; Kt faO. STREET. D-CS5 Nil * T-ROOM MODKRN HL.VT S BI/3CKS FROM Bee building , fli.CO. Omaha Real Uatnte nnd Trust Co. . loom 4. Be big. R 795 HOUSES & STORES. F D.WEAD.1C S. DOt'OLAS D 301-31 GOOD > IVK"-iT6o.M rOTTAOl 5s"ot ) PER montlu U S. Fklnner , 3111 N. Y. Lire D-J1277 _ DESIRABLE 10-ROOM HOUSE TWENTY-FIVE dollars per month. Irqulrv 1919 Dodge st l > 600 7-ROOM COKKIIR FLAT AT 701 8 t TII street , muse end all other conveniences , U cored Clouscr , loom 13 , 1C23 Fariiam. I > 300 n\VlJIMNOS IN ALL J'AIITS tt the city. II. 11. Bhrafc. < ! t Taxton block. -MG31-N ' iiouais-a. u. WAI.LACU si : DROWN HI.K not'Fi : sii MAHUN clecnit locaiiou , vni block ( mm 1'ark uxvnue , tO.UQ. K. K lluiin > liie t-S ( New Viuk T.lfe D-MUI 2 * FOR RKN-1' , 1IOUSE OF TKN ROOMSALL modem Improvements ; : M and Fainam : MO 00 , also two cheap rtores , with mldencs attached , bam. etc. . IIO.GO. Dexter L. Thonuis , (01 lr bullJInf , D-MSjJ _ " ( ROOM HOUtiK , 417 NORTH 1ITII HTUK13T , HOUfiK OF 10 ROOMS , MODERN CONVKNI- enccs , 11) So. )5tti ) Mrret.ery handy lo bust- neb > . Inquire of D. T. Mount. CM Ho. 161 h street. D-M107 TKN-ROOM IIHICK IIOUSK , MODERN , FIRST class locution , | > naeeaaloii nl\en Not ember 1 Inquire of W I' Clark , KOI Douglas D-ISt-J * FOJl RKNT. NICK IlOUSi : , SIX ROOMS AND bath room. All modern comrnlcncta. T3 S. S7tl > itroet. 11-M1S4 31 * TOR. RENT. TWO KIX-HOO11 I'l VTS AT 415 and IU S. llth street. In coed , condition. A. J. room 314 lit NafJ "bnk bldx NBAT. HOMKUKK. BIX-ROOM COTrAOC nr r motor , trcfn , U n , bath , crifjp. Triarnas Ilojd. 717 New York Life. U-MIM Nt7 T-ROOM HOUHE WITH ALL MODUItN CON- vttitsnoe * t SIIS 1'urker B1 A 6-ruoin hous at Ull Pinker at I-r -31 HtOO VOU CAN 11HNT KIX-ROOM IIOVSK nearly a w , 813 H. 17th alreet , 4 mlauten' walk U o bulldlnr O. J , fox. I'M Iturue- $ -It6o K CXJTTAOIJ. MODKRN lUl > ltOVG < meats. Immediate poiirsslan. 1417 Ilonrurd at FOB KENT HOUSES , Continued. 7-JiooM HOUSE rort JIFNT. INQUIIIH iaj JarKson. i _ ur J ° "f , MOOKIW IIOUSB. rtrrtNAcn AND luin If desired. 1Z18 a. 32nd. r. D Wend 16tli nnd Douglas. D-2W-31 STIAM : , UNKQUALKD , ALL IIOBKRN. CIN- J. . ' 'if1'6' , m < 1 "lr' e en-room hoiisci nnd . lats.Ti _ ard. 221 N 2UH. U-M30J 1 rou niNT. AFTnirNoVEMnisn is. "Ttfrj irolJuica of Dr. John IValwdy , 17H Doiiplm desired lrcct. rooms , fuinace. bitli , etc ; rurnl hed if 1 > MSM FOB RENT FURmSHEI > FURNISHED noons , isos CHICAOO ST. Sultajth > for one or two yentlcmcn. U M3S3 ROOMS. J1QDRRN fences. Kl'A Soulh th street B 10t-30 NICEL , venlences , at SOJl California , street. E-MI33 * * . ti ' , . . . . . . 'Lu..tL.i4i. L U ii * > ic > jij.i.p jrifJM furnished rooms , with board. 212 S. Z5th stipel. K-M13I DIRIRADLC noost. 1921 ST. MARY s AVE- ua U MIM 9 NICnLY KUHNISIinD ROOMS , ALL MODERN conveniences , llcfererrces ri-nuired. 2101 Km mm. U-173-31 * TWO t-AHOE ROOMS FOR FOUR YOUNO mm or man and wife. 2105 Uouglai. THUiU : LAROD FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS for houaelcetplne. 2011 St Mary's avenue. K M303 3L FURNISHED HOOM.S AND BOARD. NICE ItOOM WITH HOARD , CHUAP. 2108 CAS3 F 334-O11 * ROOMS WITH OR "WITHOUT IJOARD 2310 Doug-las. * MM1 N23 FURNISHED ROOMS , WITH UOAHD. 2013 Douglas. r M27B 10 * NICPLV FURNIS1ICD ROOMS , HAVING ALL mtvOcrn conveniences , with , strlcllv Hrsl-clnss board. Call U23 Dodge. F-272 30 TWO TKACIIEnS. WISHINQ TO CIIANQE. can find suite front rooms at 513 No Md. T-M2I7 ! JKHIItAnLi : ROOMS. KAST THONT , WITH uoard , In private family. 706 N ISth. . P M271 S TWO PARLORS AND OTHER DESIRABLE rooms with boaid , ensult or single , reduced rates 1810 Chicago street K : SS 3l HANDSOMELY FURNISHED SOUTH FRONT p.ulor , at the FreJizer. 316 North 23h ( otreet K-M301 B LARGE , WARM. ELICfSANTLY FURNISHED south front i-oom an private board. 2110 Douglas street. ! M310 1 HOARD AND ROOMS ; PRICES REASONABLE. Kl No. 13th street F M305 i" . . , . ! ! ! * J. J. " - - - - - . . . _ . , - - | „ THREE FURNISHED ROOStS FOR RENT ; houii" of all modern Improvements. 2203 Far- nam Btreel E MI050 * HANDSOME FRONT ROOMS , WITH BOARD : central location. 20C No. I8lli sircet. sircet.FMW7 ! UNFTJKN1BHED BOOMS TO KENT. ROOMS , WITH HATH , FOR HOFSE ICEEP- Inc. IS 00. 2US ErsKlna at. North < th . U-119 3t TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS modrrn ; slmm hr.it. 36 Fuinain. O M1S1 3 ROOMS WITH HEAT IN MODERN PRIVATE humfi , lOOit Geoii.-la ave. O JS6-1 FOB RENT STORSS AND OFFICES FOR RENT. THE 4-STORV BRICK UUILDINO H1B I'arnam trcet. Mhe building has a fire proof , crment basemint , complcto steam heatIng - Ing mutes water on all Moore , fc-as , clc. Ap ply at the office oC The Dee. I Oil ) FOR RENT , THREE STORY AND BASEMKNT etoru bulldlnir at 1011 I'arnam street ; small stot-cs and omccs In Exposition bulldlnc nd- Jolnlmr Fifteenth Street theater ; hall 23xl 0 feet at 1001 Faraam street , nil In seed condi tion. A. J. Popplcton. room 314 1st Natl. Unk bldg. 1 M63S N1S AOENT3 WANTEU. AGENTS WANTED , PREPARE FOR NEXT sennon The only complete ami practical roll- Init window ncrecn ever Invented. Sample- sent on rrwfpt of 11. AdOnss Perfection RullliiB hciin Co , Columbus , Ohio , J SDS 3D * WANTED TO RENT. DESIKAI1LK HOUSES WANTED. A. R. Thomas , 25 Barker block. K M133 ! PERSONS HAVING EITHER FFRN1SHED OR imfunilHliril ( fumlslietl pu-Ierred ) looms for lltht . housokeeplng , adcliesa B 31 , Bee Must bo cheap. K-012 30 * STORAGE. STORAGE. WILLIAMS & CROSS , I'll KAP.NEY M-WJ STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS : CLEAN und cheap rate. It. Wells , nn Pjrnnm M 901 OM.VAN & . STORAGE CO .1503 FARNAM. Tel 15M M-SCI5 CARRIAGES , BUGGIES. ETC. . tMORED. P. Karbacb. Jfc Sons , Cor. 15th and Huviard Sis. M-607 BKST STORAGE IlTJILTJlNfJ IN OMAHA U B KOV. bonded warehouse. Household coeds tored. Lowest rates. JVU-1015 Leavenworth. il 908 WANTED TO BTJY. WANTED , A STOCK OP cjiNnn.\L iinn cluuullsu that will Invoice fiom IJ.fW.W lo IC.iWOO Onr.jinlf push. U-ilanco clear lam ! All con expandnee nrlclly i-ontl < lentlnl Ad _ Uu-ss Lock Uow. . Oberlln , Kan. N 211 2 WANTKI ) TO Ill'V A TiW OOOD"r ) IVINa Iiortes , must Us chenp. Apply It3 N. jih lr t. N--JI10251 * FOR SALE FimNITTJIlE. I'AYMUNTS KASV. YOU WON'T MISS YOUR mon y. Low prices on furniture and lo-jieliolt oods. Enterprise Credit Co. , 613-615 N. 16th si CLOSING OUT nNTIRH HTOCK OK iniltNI tur * . stoves , etc. L. Altman. S03 N. 16th. 0-5M KO.OO PKNINBULAfl BASK BURNKH , USKD JJ9.CO " 111' K00(1 " ' new- " ' " 11 t half price. ; sloe can bo ie n at SXf Mason Btriei. . ' O-AI7W AT " a. jn. tobt. Wells. O-571 Sm\NJal'r ° L V"T COMPLEXION CREAM . . > - , tan- * t - . -'illrely ' liarmlens Canted. hri < if-fti"rilJl1ip . { Farnain. for clp Omaha to tVnor Agent H : C-M33I FOR SALE HOK3E3 , WADONS.ETO FOR BALK. A SOUND AND QENTLR HORSE. Aadrss D 1 , Bee. P-8 S-S FOR SALE MltCELTjANEOUS. CHEAI EST CHICKEN Nr fence mad . U , 11. Lee , Ml Douetai. Q-74J IIANK AND I'LATTB VALLKY SA.VU TO1 uls. C. W. Hull Company , th and I ur. | sts. IP Y0l7 BUV. BUY THK TJEST "MACKIN losho , rubber boon , nrctlcs. syringes oC al kinds , ru lublujc , sit best g-jallty. Onuh TIKI i AwolQZ Co. . Ull Karnim t Qsu TOT BALE MIBOELljAlTEOUB. Continued , HIPORTF.D IIARTZ MOUNTAIN CANARIrTS. warranlrd itnc r . | 1CO | 3 ( cold fish with Klobe. > 1 89 ; > OUUR parrots. COO to 120.00 ; bird casts , teed , etc. driller's bird ( tore. 409 N. Jlth street , NI FOR RALE , COTTON SEED MEAU DAIRYmen - men nnd toclim n need not -norrjr at > out high priced feed ; rotten sw J mal. chefl | > " t nnd Iwsl. Nesl & Conrad , Omiha , Q-SroJ II' MISOELLANEOUB , FOR LEASE FOR A TFHM OF YEARS. 60 ncres level Und Immediately 'ant of Foit Omaha. lnIJe the city limits. Fldtllty Trust company , 1701 I'arnam. IS MMO WAIININO-TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ! This IK to notify nil of our custftmeri In OmnliA and vlftnvhcrn that 12 H Muvhew Is no loncer coiini-ctrd with this oillco In nny capacity : tint on nn < I after tlila date nny money pi lit lo said Mn ) hew on actount of any btwlnes" transac tions In the name of tlri * company will not be reci > Knli l by us. Itoclfwll Ac Itupel Co. , CO I ami toil 1'axtnn block , Omaha. Joseph A. Gottlieb , the present manager. Is the only authorized representative of ours In Oiniha. and vve hcitby commend him to the favorable consideration ot our customers nnd friends In Omilm , South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Ilotl.well & Itupel Co. , ChlcaRii. HI ll-MIM tl CLAlliVOYANTS. ADVICE THAT tlRINGS SUCCESS AND HAP- plness , muny jxvple hive consulted PfOf. Al- niedj. and found him n perfect Kcnllemnn and ery honi.1t In lilx proieFslon correct Infor- mallon on business chnngei , louriipys mur- rlagrs dUorrca , lavvsuUs olid all family af fairs , tells whether vour lover Is true or false ; causes happy inirrlagcs with the one you love , brings Fit ) separated together1 , removes evil Influences , bail habits ; IX'Atrs hidden treasures. mlnernlr artlclcti , et < - , piofeiwor dix-s not give charms bell. , or such trasli , and ilocs not want to IK ) classed with the many cheap prr- tenders found In every city , before RVlnR up In despair cnme and consult Prof. Alnu la C , 321't N ISith stieet , lint A , hours , 1 to ! > . Letters containing a stamp promptly answered. SS-MSil 13- MRS nil II. WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT REliable - liable business medium , Till year at 119 N ICth.a' "S-911 MASSAGE , MATHS. ETC. MADAM SMITH. D02 a 1JTH. 2D FLOOR , room 2 ; massnKe , rnpor , alcohol , steum. Bill- Phurlno i and sen baths. T M2(0 3 * MME LA RUE , 41C SOUTH 15TIT. 15TIT.T T 718 r15 MASSAGE , MADAME BERNARD , 1421 TODGE. T M962 6 TURKIBB. BATHS. LADIES1 TURKISH BATHS , HOURS , 8 A M. to 9 p. m Beauty culture parlo-s. removed from Karbnch bldfr to 1OT-110 Bee bide. M6I4 = PERSONAL. BATHS , MASSAGE. MME. POST , 51BV H. 1STH U-D1I WACICINTOS1IE3 i RUBBER BOOTS.1311 FAR. U-543 PHYSICIANS WHO DISPENSE THEIR OWN prescriptions can secure valuable Information free by addressing P. O. box ill , Omaha. Neb. U-M7S9 VIAVI ; HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book and consultation free. Address or call , Vlavl Co. , 316 Bco bldg. Lady attendants U-407 LACB CURTAINS CLHANHI ) EQUAL , TO new. Brussels and other grades a ppcclalty. Sen our specimens of worlc 1133 No. 20th street. U-M733 N15 * PRESTON'SCALIFORNIA KLAKKSIX ) It 'breakfast ; superior to oatmeal. Try It. U 371-N5 THE I1HI.LE EPPERLY CORSET. MADE TO order from measure. 1909 I'nrnam stu-et. U-M703 N16 CO- fur capei made to order In very latest utjlca. Room 30t Karlmch lilock. Telephone 1812 U JI132 N2 ! WANTEoT'LAWYERS , BANKERS , BUSINESS men and private Individuals ever } where to know that there Is n detective bureau located at Indianapolis , Ind , that Investigates all classes of crime committed , furnishes evidence in civil and criminal cases and does alt Kinds of legitimate detective work througli Its rep resentatives located In all parts of the United States , Canada. Australia. South America and Europe We have every fficlllti' . and nre pic- paicd to do work quickly , by ( taring detectives looated everywhere Address Charles Alntfe. General SupL. National Detective Bureau , rooms 11 , 13 , 13 , 14 and 15. East Market street. OSCAH SUNDnl.L. THE SHOEMAKER. FOR 12 years with G. W. Cook , has removed to B. 17th itrcet , first duor north of Douglas. U SISt9 PERSONAL : HDUCATBD LADY , OF LIT- erury tast 3 , bright and social disposition , wttshea gentleman of inlvldtu uxe. pubsCMilmj some taste , as friend and correspondent , All wrltlnc confidential. If 29 , Bee oillce J-M2M 31 WANTED. GKNTLnMAN ROOM HATE ! 1614 Chicago , Hat B. Steam hnt and Eas EasU M101 ! MONEY TO LOAN 112Al. ESTATE. LIFH INSURANCE POLICIES IXANiD ON or bought. iS. . Chesney. Kansas City , Mu. AV-915 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO.l 31S N.T. l7lFB. loans ut low lates for iho'ce security In Ne- Liaska and Iowa farnu or Omaha city property , SIDNEY TO IXAN ON FARMS IN DOLTQLA.3 county , Imprived and unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust CO. , 1702 Farnam st. W-S17 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan , Love & Co. , Paxton blk. W-018 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES. THE O. V. Unvls Co. . 1103 Farnam st W-91S MONEV TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved Omiha real estate , 1 to ( i years. Fidelity Trust Co . I'vl Farnam. W-917 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CIT1 property , S3.00J and upwards. 6 to 7 per cent ; no delays. W. I'arnam Smltn & Co. , U20 Fnrnam. W-020 CHAS. W. RAINEY. OM. NAT. BK. BLDG. W-321 MONKY 1O LOAN ON OMAHA REAt. ESTATH at 6 per cint W B. ilslUe , 1st Nat. bk bldfr VERY LOW RATES HADE ON GOOD LOA N S. J W tfqulrea , 213 Bee bldR. W 366 Wli HAVIJ 8KVEKAlTTlIOtJKAND DOLtu\H3 for short time paper or 1st clnss mtge. loins II , II. Harder Ss Co. , cround lloor Bee lildir. W-1I14S MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horse. vvairoiiB , etc , at lowest ralci In city no removal ot goods , strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off at any lima or la any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTQAOK LOAN CO. . SOfi S ICth ttreet , x-ni MON1SY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- erty. Harvln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. Life bide MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI lute , pianos , horses , uaRons or any kind o. chattel security at lowest possible rates , wnlcl 5-011 ran pay back lit nn > time and In nny amount FIlillLITY LOAN OUAHANTEE CO. Room 4 Wit men hlccU. X 92il J. B. HADDOCK , ROOM M RAMUE BIXCK. XSSi " ' BTJ8INES3 CHANCES. 115,000.00 , y , CASH , HAL. ON TIME , BEST paying druc itoru In the west. Addreis A 31 Bee. Y M80I N1J 44 PER TENT AVERAGE WEEKLY PROFITS on HOT DO Invested Prospectus. Iti-mlKei statistic ? free. Benson & Dtr > cr. SJt Brnailnav New York. Y M S5 N23 * ItAIUJ OPPORTUNITY ALL OR PART Op \vcll established hardware business In pros perous ton n In the Willamette inlky. Block J3.OW. Reason , owner eoes to Europe. Writ Immediate ! } . Box K. Brownsville. Ore. V-MMI ! BAKERY IX3INO GOOD Bt'SlNESS. ILI C health cause of selling. F. D. Wead , ICth am I'ouKl.is. Y Mi-31 HEHT LOCATION IN THE CITY TO REN. for drugstore. . Kent reasonable AdJrexs 22 T Wlilener. Corning , lo. J MJ03 31 - ONE OF THE BEST FURNISHED HOTELS l.N county seat town In Nebraska for rent. Ad dress U 3. , Bee. Y HIM 0 FOK EXCHANGE. A GOOD LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO EX charKa for young vtork horses or mules. Lamorenux Bros. . 308 S. IClh. Z 1QS WE HAVE MERCHANDISE STOCKS AND other property for ssle and exchange ; also cu tomer for a bank In western Iowa. Nallona Information end Exchaoire Co. . SO ] Flnt N l lUnl Omaha , Neb. Z M3J1 TO nxeuMta iwp CASH JN VESTMENT end IKO cash for stock of shoes or ctothlnr C. r. HairUun. IU N. Y. Life , Omaha. 2-100-6" _ TO BAT1HPY A CLAIM WK TOOK A NicE I'lcmi slock of staple dry KOoJi. shoes. Hlovr and mittens , hats nnj caps. lt.HO ) : wh have you cot to rxchanee for them ? BartlH Oroeery company , 744 Broadway , Council llhifTs , _ VC-IIKJ 4 _ _ ran SALE OR TRADE. UIUHTY ACRES cod Improved land In Putnam countFlurlda within t nil IB of railroad. F. f. Louder. C'nun ell Biultl Is 2-Mia : f FOR SALE-fTOEAti EBTAIE. LANDS , 5x tlLE3 FROM POST OF- re , easy terms. Call nt 010 N , Y. Life. U E-TJI BARGAINS. HOUStM. LOTB AND TARNS. al9 ar trade , r. It OSarllnr. IJarker block It EJT UAHA LOT FOR SALE CHEAP ) COR. OF ! lit and Caitellar sU u. Write to B Peter * ion. Ulalr. Nob. H E-MM4-NI ARM LANDS. C. P.3fffniiSON , J11N.7 LIFE n OR ] BALK. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE : CEL- lar. cistern , eltr w4tfl cor. Mlh ami parileri tl.EMOO : lone tlme..Ioaulr Ills Fsrnam Him * ' "y _ uelBuraa _ _ R E-77J IIOICI ! GARDEN KANPS. 5 A1ILE3 FROM Omali pfKtonicp. I0i"tt 160 ocreii. nonie trads. N. D. Keyes CIT Paxton blk. It E-M5I7 OOO DAYS COMINO. Now l the- time lo bur liirmlni In Omaha real e jtntPi If you will citll we can nnd vvlll shnw you Inveslments that will pay 25 to W per c < * nt sure. ) a not Jicsllnte ; It will cost > ou nolliltif to In- vcstlpale. 'Idcllty ' Trust company , 17M Farnam street. 31 OW IS YOUR CIIANOH . 'o will lake your J3M ) W to < i { 1.000 00 lot to wards the purchase of any of these beautiful , n residence lots , namely : at t. block 1. Dml.o's ncMlllon 1200009. at 10. block t , Drake's n < Mitlon. | 2 , < > nooo. Ml S , block 2. Drak 's ud'lltlon. ! . ' V ) . at , Mock 9. Urakr'/i addition. t2TWOt ) al 1 ? , block 4 , Drake's nddltlon SJ.7SO t al 16. lilock 7 , Drnkq's ttdillllnn , J2.SW W. at 3 , block 7 , Drake's nddltlon , J'.WX ) . . . .t 7 , Mot-k 8. Drakf' ' " uddltlun , 0 W. Terrni 13)0.00 ) ruih , J500UH to 11,000.0) lot , bal- nnco to be rirransed on Inne time at T per cent Interest ; this Is an exceptional barjriln for the rvofvm that the owner of the property must have money , and Klvcs yeti an cpporlunlty tenet net rid of jour outside lot that la not salable and Ret n nn ? Insldfe building lot ; tlic loti are on sruded street * , sewers , etc. , all luld lor , call and see us at once. pldellty Trust company , sole ngenl . 1702 I'ar- nnm street. HE-M1J3 31 V. .ITTLt : TALACE , _ _ odern nnd complete-In every respect. A per fect home of B rooms , cast front on Virginia ave ' liotvvoon Mason and Pacltlc. This prop erly will be tlnlsh'-d soon Vie will take n ilt-ar lot nnd cjsli as nrst lujment. balance on cusy terms. fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Tarnain st. nc-iss-ai RA n. MAFES FIRR INSURANCE , LOANS , real estate , 3W First Naft bank bldp. Tel. " " ItC 171N26 TUB FOLLOWING PROl'ERTIEfl ARE BAR- nlns nnd vve will accept lut In part pigment : 7-room house Wtli near St , Marjr'i Ave (3500. ,7-ruoni house , near Lo e Ave. 3 blocks from car. 12,600. v. lll-nxnn house north of Hati corn pnrk , 13,500 , 3 buildings and large lot fronting 21th St. , ,000 , 62 feet south 13th. 2 houses , K 8 I" D. Wead , 16th and Douglas ROOM COTTAGE. CELLAH PLASTERED , stone retaining vail , city water , $ l,3 < x > . 0-rooni cuttMKC nml full lot , 1 block east IlniiBCOm imrk , SZ.t'W. ' G ocrcs , cultivated , 4J , miles n. w. p. o , H.375. S-room modern hoUsa and barn , Kountze Place. F. D. Wead. 15th nml DouglasRC RC 231-31 PIANOS AND OBOAN3. THIS WEEK THE TOLLOWINO INSTRU- ni'nt.i for cash or montljly payments : Ono Halo upright piano J170 Mother \othor Hale upright piano 150.00 One Hall & Fern uprlgjt piano 11)0) ) hlo Vnlley wiuarc piano 00.09 Mason & Hamlln organ 12 50 ieatty organ , high tqp , t2 60 nillh American organ ! high top 2J.50 ifBson & llamltn oigan , . hlch top 45.00 Clmball , Ernerion anil Itdllet-Dav's pianos. A. 1IOSPE. JR 1S13 Dnuclas st. , M13I O31 MUSICiTJ-JACHEB. MARTIN CAHN ffiSACHER OF PIANO- forte. Studio. 4M N , . Md at 31131 Oil MUSIC , ART AKTiD LANCiUAGE. O. P OKLLENBEOIC , ! BANJO1STS AND teacher , 1S10 California „ street. 914 STOVJ5S. BEST HEATERS Off SAUTH. Do cure you examine them before j-ou buy. Parties who desire [ the choice ot the best Una of stoves on the market must buy either the invorlte baseburner brl.Ul Onk heating stovei. They have been manufnctvred he past 30 rears , and where tliej- have bqcn ueed alonRslde of olticr stoves have pnoven. themselves the most economical times mAdtvirlYe euarantecs them. They ' nro the cheapest nd be > t staves made. Vfe hav < the Born steel range , a model of per fection . A. M. McCargar. 410 N. 18th street. MJI NI BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & B. Au'n , 1704 Bee Udg. Q. M. Nattlnger. Sec. M9S3 SHARES IN MU1UAL L. AND B. ASSN. PAY 8 , 7 , 8 per cent when J , 2 , 1 year * old , always redeemable. 1704 Farnam st. , Nattlnger , i c. 052 BUSINESS NOTICES. OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY ; OLD pipes made new. 613 S. ICth 910 DAMAGED uTimORS RESILVEP.ED , 7tJ N 15. 841 THE NEATEST BARBER SHOP IN CITY ; court of Bee building1icd Uuelow , Prop 311 ROONER & EISELE. SIGN PAINTERS. BEST work nt lowest prices. ISIS Douglas street. MCCS UNDERTAKER AIOJ EMBALMEH3 II K BURKIOTT. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embilmcr , 161S Chicago et lelcpliune 'JO. 937 BWANSON & VAI.IEN. UNDERTAKERS AND euibalmers. ! < 01 Cumlng et. , ttlrplione 1060. 058 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM balmer , H17 Farnam at. , telephone 2JS 1)39 ) a TV. BAKER , UNDERTAKER , MJ 8. 16 ST. M ELECTRICAL , bUPlJLI 3. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS UKWOUND storage b.iterles recharged , electrlcjl ami gen eral machinists : super'or work BiiarMiiteed Omaha electrlvul works. C17 and 619 b. ICth st. P43 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric light and motor plants and all kinds of electrical construction Western elcc trio Supply Co 415 and 4W S IStti si 911 WOLFE ELECTRICAL CO SUPPLIES AND electric wiring. 1C14 Capitol ave , Tel 14H. PLUMBERS , rilEU PLUMBING OP E13VI8Y KIND , GAS tteam & . hot water heating ; Ecueiagc. 313 S 16 3S2 JOHN ROWE A : CO. . PLUMBING. STEAM AND hot vvaler heating , gas fixture * , cloves. Kl S. U. 933 11 ICRUOER BROS. . PLx-3in7TK ; . HAS FITTING , dialn laying. I'liono I2i0. 2 > li Leavtnworth. 7J1-N17 11 BICYCLES. BICYCLES REPAIRED AND REMODELED. Tli s and sundries. Safes opened , repaired. C " R. Hellln , locksmltrusSll N Will st. 934 4 ( BICYCLES-ALI. BTtLliS. 6 ALL PRICED Bend I for our list of aecond-huml and shop worn bicycles Hi pairs nnJ cjcle sundries of nil kinds. U. O. l)0 > ; cm. 2 N. Kth t. 931 11 4 HOTEL BARKER. HOOiI'ER DAY 140 ROOMS In the heart of tliu bdslnest liousea Specla ratea and accomdatlDns to commercial trav elers Knom end bo rd'by the week or month. Frank Hlldrlc.li. Mgr. n S13 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) N W. COR. IJth end Dodge. Hooni by day or week. , v ; MSJ1 CO2ZENS < HOTEL , ffffi AND HAHNI3V iteam heat , electric holla , telephone , baths , ex eellrnt culsln , eleeqpt/itooms ; JI.W per day I 14.00 nnd upwaidi wu , rek. M340 2 _ jqdST. 9 LOST. MEMORANDUM BOOK. MARKED ON 4 back from Burke & Fraier with memorandum accounts of M. M. L'oad o < Fremont. $ : 00 re ward If left at this pmce. M300 1 LOST , SUNDAY EVENING GOLD WATCI and chain , between 20th arid Ohio and 1715 N ISth , Return to l i Lot In up for reward rewardM39I M39I T3ENTISTS. f DR. GEORGH B. NA8ON. DENTIST SUITE KX Paxton block , 16th and Farnam sti Tel. 712. " 853 ( DR. PAUL , DENTIST. MW BURT ST. 06 ! STOLEN TYPEWRITERS OFFERED FOR sale shouM make- you su | ) lctoui ; tunny the are mostly Smith's. Try one and you will un dersland why. Full line of supplies Smith Piemltr Co. , 171U and I'arnam , telephone 111 ) M-SM NTGHT SCHOOLS. ( UOOSB-B OM BUSINESS COLLEGE. IS U FAR 01 SHORTHAND ANDTYPEWBITINO. 'AN SANTa SCHOOL or BIIOHT HANI * . N , T. J-lfe , OmiihsAtX for circular. 7M tOOSE'S OK. BUSINESS COLLEGE. 13 & PAR. GM MAIIA COSlMKUCfAL COLLKilE. WTH AND DoutUn , lend for c&t 1ccM > . Ilohrboueli Tiros. M2J1-NI BIOVJ3 KEPA1KS. STOVE HEPAIRS FOR . DIFFERENT makes of stoves Water attachments and con. ncctlon * n specialty 120 ? UoUElat street , Omaha Stov RepilrVotki. ! . M-liS TOVR REPAIRS FOR ALL MAKKS OP stovei. Hot water atlaclmients. IIUKlieo , 607 S. lith MSM N2 IHIESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES , 2120 SO 10TII. 751 N15 MISS MINNiriCB DUnSSMAKINd PARLORS nt BI S , ISth street. I'rlcea reasonable. reasonable.M9C M9C , 5- HAY ANO GKAIK. UY YOUU II-AY 1IY TON Oil CAR LOTS. WE buy hay. A. It. Snyder , 151i Burt st. Tel. 1107 ' " EBRASKA HAY CO. WHOLESALE HAY. grain and mill nturt. We nre nlvvnys on tha market to buy or cell. 11K-4-C Nicholas si 955 OORN10E. CTJHNim WOltKS , OAI.VAN17ED Iron cornlcrs 13 ! Ht Mnry'i av . S59 AGLE CX3IINICK WORKS. JOHN UPH- uctrr , prop. , 10J. 110 , 112 N. llth Cstab. 1 ! 1. CABPENTEIIS AWD BUII.BERS .R. SlOnitll.U CAUPKNTKIl AND BUILDKR. paper lianplng nnrt al n , brick worh and ] in - terlnf Olllca < } 8. lllli it. , telephone 4 IS 9.3 . PAWNBROKEKS. I. MAllOWITZ LOANS SIONKV. 41S N. 16TH. JAPANESE GOODS. 'APKKHSH GOODS , USKPt'I. AIITICI.K3 TOR and tilrtliday 'prmputs ; pprclal sale for n Bhort tlm only. Nippon Modi ! 1511 rarnam & 17U TAXIDEHiIIST3. AXIDKUMY AND FURS. BUND FOR CATA- luiue Qcorco C. Drown , Jr , & , Co. , 709 8. Hill. FLOUIST3. 'DW BULBS , JUST IMI'OUTKD , CUT FLOW- era. I for a & Snoboaa. ration hotel , 1411 Fnrn , M133-O31 COAL. D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL oftlcD to 203 S. ICth St. . Brown block. 9i ? FUJINAGES. 1EST I-'UIINACB MABH. FOl'T COAL SMOKE * n < l hard ci > al lurnacca. Eagle Cor nice Works , 108-110-112 N. lllll it OPTICIANS. THC ALOE3 & TENFOLD CO. . SCIENTIFIC opticians , t53 rarnnm st. opposite I'nxton hotel. Eyes crnmlntd free 791 COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLI.liOJC JCTII AND Douglas ; send for catalogue , llolirbough Hro § . WHOLESALE COAL. lOHNgON BROS , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all Kinds of coal. Correspondence solicited. 1W3 Farnam street. 812 WORKS SCHOEnSACIt , TWIN CITV YC WORKS. 1021 Fijraam street. Dyclne of every descrip tion and dry cleaning. f" STENOGRAPHERS J. BUTCLIFFD , QBNERAL STENOO. rapher. 232 Bee building , Telephone 697.M11 M-11 ! O RINDING. RAZORS. SHEARS , CUPPERS , LAWN MOW. rg elo. A Li Unfleland , lee 8. l th. 7 BICYCLE RIDING. BICYCLE RIDING 6CIIOOI. , ITU CAP. AVE. M-556-Ni UPHOLSTEBINa. UPHOLSTERING VEIll" CHEAP THIS MONTH 'Ill Cumlne. Tel. 602. 9CT JOB PRINTING. REED JOn PRINTING CO. FINK PRINTINd of all klnda. JTtli St. , Ikx- building : . 97 BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitor ! ! . Coo Building , OMAHANob. , Advioo FREL PERMANEhTLY PiTlD17TOH Nu uUJtlljl/ PAY HO PAY UNTIL CURED WEFEfEfnOUTO 8COOp\7lfNTS- . . -x - - _ . EXAMINATION FREE. loOperation. Mo Detention fromBnslness , BEND FOH CIRCULAR. _ , , „ „ - . , r-r { CO. . s 307 and SOS New York Life bids , Omaha. RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves IIirRLINOTON' & > 1O. RIVER.IArilvcs Onulinl _ Di-pot 10th & Mason Sts. _ I Ormlia lO.Fiam . Denver Express . . . 9 3'nm i Wprn.inl ; Hill' Mont . < . I'URct Snd Ex I 10pm 4,50pm. . .Denver LXPICBS . I 10pm C COpm NibMsla Locul ( r\ceiit Sunilnv ) frJp' BJlim. Lincoln Local ( except Sunda 11 Jja Leaves IClIICAllO , BURL1NC3TON & Q lAnlvea Omnliaj _ Depot 10th & . Mason Sta. _ I Onuh\ ( llpni. . . . . . .ClilcnKO Vestibule . 3-50atn 9.l2ura . . . . C'hkajjo EM > ie s . 4 2ipm 7 Ol'pm. . . ( "hlrafru tinil Iu\\a Locnl . . S l un 35am . I'.icillc Junction Luenl. . . 5 j5 Leaves ICIIICAnO. MIL. AST. I'AUL | Arrives OmalialtTnluii Depot. loth & Mason feta | _ On > .iha ' " Lliiilled 10am. . . Ch'.ugo Express ( ex. bun ) . . B.OOpm Leaves ICHICAQO S. NORTHWEST'S. I Arrives OmalialU. 1' . Depot. 10th A Mason Sts I Omaha " 1.05am . Eastern Exprras S 30pm 00pm VeEtlbuled Limited 9:40arn i55iim. . . . . . Mtu Valley locnl . . . . 10'SOpm 4Jpm Omaha Chicago Bpeclal . . . . 2.l5p OmahalU 1' . Uciiot. lOlti .tMakon _ fata | Omaha _ EAST. * _ ' lam .Atlantic Eiiire s ( ex. Sunday ) . . C 05pm G-VSpm . XlBlit ExpresM . . . Vim ) 13pm. . Chicago Vistllniktl l.lmltril 1 05pm ll.JJimi .Oklsttonia Kxp ( toC. It _ ex Junll.33pm ) _ \VEST. Main Oklahoma & Texan Kxn. ( ex. Sun.11 3 > pn' IDpm c'clorutlj Limited . . . . 4 30pm Lemes I C. . BT I' . , M. ft O. lArrlrea Onnliaj Depot Ktli nnd AVebaler 8ts. i Qmaliq StOUam. .Sioux City Accotn. ( Eic Sun I . . 8 ( Kpm lO.ODim Sioux City A < om ( Bun. Only. ) . S.Qpm IZJlSpm .Sioux City Eipn > ! ( Ex. Kun. ) 11 55im 6.30pm. . . . . . . . .St-I'aul _ Limited . . . . . . , 9.4'ati ' nvcs I Y. . R. & WO. VALLEY. lAlilfca - OmahaDepot | _ Utli anfl W b tcr at _ | Omnhtt 10pm . . . .I'.ut Mall ami Exprens . , 4 55pn S.lOpm. ( ex. Sat. ) Wyo , Kit ( ex lion ) 4Vipn 05am. Norfolk Eiprega ( ex bumlay ) .10 2'un Kpm. . Piemont Paw , ( ex. Suml iy ) . . 7.3iprt ) 5.SOpm . . . .tit. 1'aul Eipreso 9.4 lam Ix-aves I K. C , . KT J. ft C. B. I Arrives Oinaha | _ Depot ICrth S. Mason SH. | Omilia 9:45am. : . . .Kansas CHy Way ipre : . S 5rpm ; pm. ' K. C. Nlglit E . via U I' Trvis 8 50 > n I/eavea'l MISSOURI PACIFIC. " ( Arilves OmaiaI ( | _ _ > epot 15th anil Wtb lerBtsJ Omaha 9:00am : . At. Lnuls Kiuroin . 6 O :30pm : . St. Ix > uls Expreu . 6 ( Spin . . Daily ( ei Sun ) Nebrutkn 1/ic.il 9 10am Ix-ives I KIOUX CITY & PACIKIO lArrlve Omahal _ Depot " 15th onil Wetiiter 8ls I Omali "t.SOpm . . . . . . Ht. I'nul Llmllert . . . .T . " JOan : :0pm . Chicago Limited . . . . 9 loan ves | BIOUX CITV & " I'Arirfc" | Arrive * Omolial Union Depot , lom Ki Maton Ht | Omali " Sbarn 7 . . Sioux Oily"PaMenirer . . . . 10 SOnt tMpm . . . . St. Paul E prein 10 OOai Leaves I UNION PACIFIC. lArnvTs Omalmllj. P. Depot , 101 h ft Mat on fltn I Omtili 10-OOnni . . . Kearney Enpress. . . f\.r. : lpm Overland Flyer . . G 3'ui 2-lSpm Beatrice & Hlromsti'K Kx ( ex Sun ) 3 I'JDI 7,30pin. I'arlQr Exprri * . , , , , .10 iSati ' 30pm . . . . . . . last Mall . . . . , \ topn Lcavts I WADArfH RAILWAY ( Arrives Omnhall'nlon utpot. I0th tt Maion Sis I Omali : tSm. SU Louis Caunun Ball U.Xvpm 'IGHTING ' FOR TUB SANTA FE Oaso Now Being Argual hi the United Statea District Court , ESIDENT . STOCKHOLOIRS DEFENDANTS ) rnjr tlmt They Unto I'.n-r Accepted tlio Knnius Corporation Ijim lint Are Operating Under llm Irroi lulous of Their Original Cli.irtxr. TOPBKA , Oct. 30. la the United Slates ourt this morning Judge 0. 0. Foster ile- IdeJ that the Injunction proceedings brought gainst the Santa re Mockholilcrs to precut - cut tlicin Ironi holding nn election except y n cutnutallvo ballot must l s dismissed an a tlio non-resident defendants , but that tlio ijiinctlou inualt liolJ ns to the Knnsns tle- eiidanU. Thf court room was lllled with ntorMtcJ spectators when Judge Poster pelted , , , court and asked th.it iino of the sten- graphors present furnish the clerk with n opy ol his uVrl'lon. to lia filed nn a part f the court irrTii JuJge l-'oster sultl that his comes mules the act of 1SSS defining the [ strict In which a suit may l > o brought , ami II accordance ) with that act tli stilt mabo rouRht either In the district where the ; cfendants reside. Th& motion to dismiss ho proceedings was then ordered dismissed n tlio en so of the non-resident defendants , I. P. Cheney of Mnsfachusetts. Jinne * A. Hull of New York , and D 11. Hobliison of Ulnols. they bclnjj the only nonresident tocUholdeiB who Juid been served with pro- esses of the emit. Juiljre FoBtei then nn- loiinced thai aw far as the Knnsns defend * HIM. C. K. IMllduy , C. S. Olecd. i : . Vlldor ntid Soverey , arc concerned , the njunctlun imi l hold , nnd It was so ordered , 'tie nllorni-yH for the defendants then asked or nn extension of time until 2 p. in. , that hey might nmvnd the evidence they ulshod 0 1lle before proceeding with the argument jf the cnao on Its merits. They said It VHH necessary to uiucjul their evidence on icoount of the decision or the court , to vlilch they wished to conform. General Tracy said lie vvns opposed to .iiy dlllatory piocccdlne * but the nd- ournment to 2 | ) m nan Dually con sented to. Tlio afternoon session opened promptly. Ir. Wollman was the flist to occupy the .tlcnllon of the court with the Introduction of the plaintiff's evidence. It confuted of extracts from the llrst liune of printed records , documents and papers piep.ned by he Santa Fc company Air \Vollinun innd < - 1 brief Btatemcnt of the jdalntlffH side of he rase. In which ho said It would lie hewn that ne.irly every right the com pany was enjoj Injr had been ( rrnntod by he stnte , nml that by accepting thee BUb- WHient enactments the lo.irt had practi cally abandoned Us orlplnul churter and md no rlRlit In law to cllnp : to the old pro- Islons I regulating the voting. An allldn\lt from C. S. deed , one of the lefomlnnt lecclveis. was Introduced , which leclared tlmt the Santa Fc had never de clared Itself corporation under the lawn f Kansas and hnd nlvvnys claimed that It xlsted under ll territorial charter. He lenled that the Kansas defendants In the iresent action were conspiring or dealtouti of controlling the stockholders' meeting , he nlllrmed that only SIR shares out of the 02,000.X ( > 0 were owned by the four defend ants named , and that they could therefore accomplish very little If they desired to control the meeting , he denied tlmt the de fendants had refused , the pl.ilntlffs any riglitR and that the defendants weie not ryltiE to peipetuato themselves In olllce , ic claimed that the defendants had only de sired to assist In earning out In the elec tion the unbroken usage of the thirty-live years' existence of the company and af- Irmed that the plaintiff was setting up a claim to a He lit that was contrary to the charter and by-laws of the company ; he lenled that the defendants desired or In tended to vote the treasury slock and said it would be a physical : IB well as n legal mposBlblllty to do so If they did desire It , s thli stock was In the custody of the re ceivers. Mr Duntapthen read an affidavit from Edward Wilder , treasurer of the Santa Fe , in which he denied that , by availing Itself of Hie laws of the state the coinpnriy be came a corporation of the stnte , and af firmed that the ofllcer * and company had ilways compiled with the rights and prlvl- eBes of their charter and never accepted any law condlctlng with the charter. lie allirmed that the provisions of the charter In regard to the votingof the stock had al ways been compiled with , and denied the desire or Intention of the defendants to vote the company stock. General n. V. Tracy made the argument for the plaintiffs. II was a thorough pres entation of the one central point claimed uy the prosecution , which is that although the territorial charter Kranted to the rfinal ] Santa F"e company did not provide for cumulative voting , the company had ac cepted subsequent leglslattnn enacted by the state laws governing such u corpora' ' flon , and consequently that the later legls latlon providing for cumulative legislation should govern , anil not the provisions of the old charter. General Tracy s.ild he had i cited abundant authority in his brief to sustain this position , and It only remained to determine whether this companv had ac ropted corporate powers from the stnte legislature General Tracy closed by pay- ng that the ureck of the Santa Ke road was caused not by residents of this coun try , but by a foreign mnnaromont attempt- UK to control the American corpoiatlon At the conclusion of General Tracy's argu ment Judge Foster adjourned court until tomorrow at 10 o'clock. Agreement im Kmlgmnt DlfTcrentlnl fur ( tin ( fui"dlnii 1'iicltlr , CHICAGO , Dot , SO Tlie Atchlson road to- iloj' announced that It would on November C und 7 and December 4 and S run hornc- ekers" excursions from Chicago to nil points In Texas. The exfurelons are at the same ute as from St Louis. This action of the AtchlEon Is Induced by the fact that the Central Tralllc association lines have been making rates by wny of llloomlngton and thus giving Chicago nothing of the business. This practically settles It that all of the western loads must join In on the winter excursion business , and , In fact , none of them Heein to have liml any idea of keopliur out of It. The Alton , Wabusli , Illi nois Central and tinAtchlnon liavc nlrerttly announced that they will run the e\uuralanti a nnd the other roaas must come In or lose the InislnesH. Itopresentallvcs of the ChlonKo-St Paul Inea will leave th'a ' city ) oilglit for St. 1'a-jl , where tlioy will uold a cotiferenco tomor row with Uenprnl I'nssenKer A Kent Hlbljard of the See line relative to the omlKrant question The meeting will be n eontlnuu tlon of the ono hold In ( Jlileuuo ( luiInK the sc past week , ( lurlmr whlcli nathlii ? tic-Unite bo was arrniiB-ecl. The tiunk llnt-i nml tlio In western loads Imvo agreed on the differen tials to be ullnwed the C.inndlan I'aclllc Tii jwestpm _ llne have njways"iirofes'tcd [ against allowing the Canadian Pnclllc any differentia ! nt nil , and have llnally Induced be the trunk lines to talte the stand that the differentials must be allowed on the basis of the regular standard rates. The Can adian Pacific must govern Itself accord ingly Krrilvrr * Onli-ml lo I'ay Konliil. ST LOUIS. Oct. 30 An order 1ms been filed In the United.Slates court here author ising the receivers of the St. Louis & S.in lseo company to advance money to ward the payment uf J128.133. the amount due the Southern Pacific- for the use of Its Mojave division by the Atlantic < t I'arlilo the Atchlson. Toprka ti tiniun Fc and the St. Louis & San 1'ranclseo The older of the court directed , that a special mauler bo nppnlnted to determine the benefltx mid udhr vantoKes derived by the three roads from this nte of HID Mojave division of the South- i-rn 1'iiclllc. The rent la to ba paid by Nou vember 1 CD Unlnii J'liclllo O/llilil / * on it Tiiiir. SALT LATCK. Oct. SO A paity of Union th Pacific odlclala , composed of Preslden ft Clark , Qenoral Manager Dickinson , Qen " eral Superintendents liancruft and McCon tv at Malarial Poison ain toof Ilesulta frpm atmospherlocondltlong , unclean w prcmleefl. Imperfect ventilation autl nioro fro- " qucntlj from the deadly SB WCfJGAS. A Ren- tU fral rundown and tmuovcrt&Ucil tundltlon of IK the Wood nnauotj , onU If not corrected , Catarrh , Hronchltli , nnd even Consumption may bo tha result S. S. 8. promptly corrects all tbcso evil etrecta. Mr J A. Itlcc , Ottawa , nun. , nrlleii For thru * yraril wns troubled with .Malaria , Trhtah routed tar opnotiui to fall , and I wai o rorturi'rt In tleili. tUat Ufa Io IU t cbnrms , I tried mcrcur- laland potnih iDmodlei , tintcantil tteinorelief. I ' tliondecldodlotry ffafrtfya A fi > bottlan of this wonilerf til KnK\vt9 modlclno rnada a complete and perft fi n n nunent euro , ana Inowonjoy bBttnrhealtb tbnn < iv r. OurTrMtlMion III DO J .nrt RklnDluun rattled fr * to kny ajldrati , SWIFT 8PECIPIO CO , Atlanta , Ok id , nrrlvcil here today and will RO ooutU < omorrovy , InspoctlnK the property of the A KtlMMONH ON minority , Ilondriotdi < r < Want Qunttar Million of lint ( Jnntil Wrnltli , JiFF.tnsoN ; : CITY. MO. , Oct. 30-Th herllT of Miller county today served notlca on George J. Gould , president of the Mis. Pflclile rnllway , for appearance In th Miller county circuit court to plead to two ifpnntte suits instituted by thr- minority ] londhuKletN of the SprlngllcKI. Warsaw A Sedalla liiillroml mni | > nny. aggregating about RWO.IHM. The rallrotid In question Is low In the hnmla cf n receiver. It la nl- cged. among other thing * , that Mr. Gould a Ktilltvof i n blench of contiact , Air. Gould .VR nlso cited to nppenr nml show cntiso Vllo lie should not bo lined Jloo per tlay 'roin April 7 , 1S31 , for acting ns nil olllecr ifMl' Iho nnd In question nnd nn olllcer of the Ml' ' snurl IMclllc nt the Mini' time , In viola- Inn of the coiiMllutlon of thp Mliito. which , irohlbltH un executive olllcer of ono lllio ifhe lallwnv fiom holding n like position In 3 he mnimjTcmcnt of n pnrttllcl or compel- "K line. St. Imil * nnd SMII l'n < u < 'lni < i > Klretlnn. ST 1.OP13. Oct S0.-Th0 ixnnual meotlnff of the stockholders of the St. Louis & San Francisco was held this nfternoon nt the olllre of 1M ICentia , gett , > r l uttoiliey of the end The following ircntlemen % vere elected A'llMnn , Tonekii , .ouls ; J li .McKcJjht'm7 tr"l.mil8i"n. "d ! Orena , SI Louis ; Aldace F. Wnlkor. Chi- ngo Thp new board nf directors will meet n New York within ten dnya lo oisanlze. Iho amiuul leport of the road's business vlll then be submitted. It.illvviiNmvn Jvotr * . George llallock , general agent ot the Great Northern , with headquarters at DCS Mollies , vas In the city yesterday , A laigc ininiber of hunters nro going over he II & M. to the South I'lalte country In ixpectntlon of bagging largo quantities of iccse , which nre rcjiorted ns being thick In ho western sloughs and luKcs. J. V. Ilarrelt , formprly agent of the Mla- ourl 1'aclfle at Mankato , Kan. , 1ms btjen pro- noted to the position of traveling freight agent of that road , and will Imvo hla head quarters In Omaha. Ho assumed his ncir > psltlon yesterday. General Passenger Agent HiichAiinn of th : "remont & Ulkhorn telegraphed to headqu.ir- .ers } Csterday that the new trains to Hot Springs and the northwest over hla rotit cached their destinations on time , and that 10 and n party of Chicago and Omaha , news- mper men were enjoying the line weather and sights at Hot Springs. The passenger agents of the different roads report that the enow storm of Monday changed Into rain that night nnd continued ; cncrally throughout the et.ito until noon yesterday , doing an ImmetiHO amount of ; oed , giving the earth a thorough soaking. While there was a heavy fall of snow In the lortliwcstern part of the state Monday , tt melted and no delay was experienced In traffic. Tlmt .ln.vfill I' With the exhilarating con so of renewed icMltti and strength and Internal cleanliness ivhtch follows the use of Syrup of Figs la in It no iv n to the few who have not progressed Beyond the old time modlclnes and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered , but never ac cepted by the well Informed , PROM SOTJTH OMAHA. Lint of tlio .IiulgoH nml Clnrk * of Klcctlon for till ) Magic flty , Tlio judges and clerks selected by the city council and forwarded to the county commis sioners by Mayor Johnston nro as follows : First Ward First precinct : H. Forsyth * . At. O'Donncll , H. Haurrlgan , James Chlzeli , D. F. Dayless , T. U. Hatcher and J. O. HuaU man. Second precinct : William Hughes , W. B. Crosby , I'eter Cockerel ! , James Carroll , John Welsh , John Condon and Frank Hum- pert. Third precinct : P , Honey , M. Q , Zerby , James Smith , Fred C. Nltsche , James II. Iludersdorff , J. J , Breen and Cd Pollard. Second Ward First precinct : John Flconco , Henry Michael , T. C. Kelley , 1Qoos. . Will- am Booth , Jerry Howard and A. A. Donnelly , Second prqclnct : L. F. Walker , H. B. Palek. Joseph Dvorak , D. H. . Harrington , Jllchael Hansen , J. J. Loony and J , M. Tobias. Third precinct : F. J. Krcbs. J. W. llallou , D. Mor- rlll , It. N. Kelley , Mlko Reamer , James Callahan - lahan and H. H. Stratton. Third Ward First precinct : ! d Kane , James Horn , Pat Hyland , Joseph loggers , Theodora Schroeder , Jacob Krnest and John Illondln Second precinct J. E Olson , B. McDermltt , John Hlckey , W. J Slate , C , M. Sanford , Kd Ilroanllian and Charles Hlns. Fourth Ward J. n. Kelley , A. Smith , James Gannon , D. II , Scott , P. Hrodcrlck , 0 , : . Urucc and I ) . McClaln. ItriKly. The proptjwncrs along N street , be tween Twenty-fourth and Twenty-seventh streets , Imvo at last secured enough signa tures for brick pavement and the matter has bi > en drawn up In proper form. It was In tended that the matter should bo brought up and disposed of at the council meeting Monday night , but tliero was not a quorum present. A special nicotine of the council will b called for some night this week , when tha paving : of N street will be disposed of. and as soon as this Is done Iho work will ba commenced at once. Shlloh's Cure Is sold on a guarantee. It cures Incipient consumption. It Is the best cough cure. Only ono cent a dose ; 2Cc , COo > . ' , ' 1.00. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. A y.\o i/.v vK3ir.s r.s. The next attraction at the Fifteenth Street theater , for four nights and two matinees , commencing Sunday matinee , November 4 , will bo the laugh-making " comedy. "Oh ! What Night , " with all its funny comedians and comediennes , headed by the favorlto German dialect comedian , Charles A. Locler. who lias made theater patrons laugh more than once , and as they never laughed before. Since last done here this fun comedy has been re written and variously Improved , giving more scope for the many excellent musical num bers and specialties which nre dovetailed Into the comedy. Ono of the new members will bo that popular dcHcrlpllvo tenor , Mr. Ilanks ' Winter , who has been connected wltu our leading minstrel organizations for a num ber ot years. Lucius Henderson , the talented actor- plunlst , will execute come new and dlfllcult selections In his piano recital during tin performance of Kdwln Milton Hoyla's charm ing conu'dy drama , "Friends. " The an nouncement will bo welcomed by nil trua lovers of music who had the pleasure of hearing thlH gifted urtlst when "Friends" was last produced here. It was generally conceded that the organi zation which cumo to this city last tcason precpntlng "Friends" was fully equal to the. best New York stock companies. The ladle * nnd gentlemen composing this company are honored members of the drmnatlo profession , whnsa years of experience have gained them leading recognised position on the Amerl- cun stage. A permanent organization , composed ot these players , for I lie production of playa ftoni llm pen of Kdwln Milton Hoyla , haa been effected. Kncouragt-d by the auccccs "Friends" 1 met with , Mr. Hoylo haa written o new plays , which he thinks worthy of attention. One Is a romantic play ot his toric Interest , and the other a comedy drama contemporary Interest , after the analytical and psychological method , Hefore the termi nation : ot the prcKitit dramatic Reason they will bo produced by the present company. "Friends" 1 will b * given a revival here Fsl- day. Elaturday nnd Sunday evcnlogs , Novem ber 2 , and 4 , and a special mallncc Satur day. _ Mnrrluifo l.lconiDH. The following marriage license * were Is sued yesterday : Name nml Address. Age. William Trick. lilalr. Neb S3 I'hrlston.i Humphries , Hlnlr , Neb M Frank Murphy , Omalin , . , . . 23 Mary ( Jrogan. Omaha 19 William K. IlhotidoR , Otnului M Nannie Anderson. Omaha , , ill Joseph Kocu. , Houth Omaha . , . , , . , 24 iiarbira. Sayiiur , Houtu Omaha , . . . . . . , . . . 21