Wheat Opened a Shndo Tinner andEapldly Accuuittlated Strength , OUTSIDE ORDERS INCREASED IN U BEfl j Corn Atliled One Cent to the Price ol Mnjr nml One end One-Half to Dcecmber New Corn ArrivingI'm' ' la HnU bhupe. CHICAGO , Oct. 3tf-TIe Board of Trade markets varied the monotony * f " ' advance. Corn led with l o for May nd wheat followed with 4c for " ' : ? J Data closed HU lilfiher nnd provisions , though mar kets abr'uad and there was an I"UI' ' | ' ( r cash wheat nnd at tetter prices than pre viously offered. Dcc-m'nr. vhlsh closed yesterday nt Mic. opened at that ligure. and rose atendlly to C2Hc. liny , from 58c , rose to 67Se. There wns < iulto an accession or business during the advance , with the bulk of the orders from the outside , while the Inquiry for cash wheat materialized during the dny Into sales for shipment here of 200000 hu. of Ko. 2 spring and 00,003 bu , of Ko. 2 red winter , The spring brought from 3Uo to Ic over the December price and I He red winter wns sold on nn even b.tsla with December. Baltimore advised of twelve boatloads taken there for shipment at an early period of the season. The cash stiles nnd advices fiom Minneapolis that farmers deliveries were likely lo bo lighter tluoui ; i- out the northwest In the , near future w ic Elven as the active exciting causes. Chi- CBBO receipts were 380 cars. Minneapolis reported - ported 393 carloads nml Duluth MS. or 933 nt the two Mnccs , ns against 900 cnra n yenr nco. I'rlmnry market receipts were IlKht. Export clearances amounti-il to JW.- 00 $ bu. In wheat and nour. December wheat sold up to 5ZT4C. and closed about there. Wny soltl at S7Tic , with 67c the trading price nt the close. Corn niltU-d Ic to the May price and l&c to December. Receipts wore only 22S carp , In stead of WO. estimated , and seventy nre all that arc looked for to come In tomor row. The new corn arriving cnat Is said to be hoi , sour and In general bad shape. May , which closed yesterday nt 60p. closed to day nt 61 Sc to SH4c , after Helling as high There'were few features of Interest to the oats market nnd business was only of fair volume , with prlcrs somewhat higher In sympathy with the Ilrmnexs In corn. Trad- Inn ; consisted almost entirely of local orders. Northen-Worthlngton were reported to have bought quite freely ot May. May started nt from J2'4c to 3274c , sold down to S2Vfc and up to 32c , where It cloned , Provisions were very dull and fluctuations were confined to a narrow range. Firmness was nn accompaniment of the business , due , It Is said , mainly to the strength In corn and wheat. Compared with yesterday's ' closing prices January pork and lard are Sc higher and ribs ZJ4c higher. HOB receipts were 17,00) , head , and for to morrow 36.0UO head are estimated , The leading futures ranged as follows : Articles. | Open. I "High. | Low. | Closa , " Whcat.No. 1 Oct MM B1K8M Dec BiH & - MMMI B2MOK May 07 SflK 67M Com No. 2. . Oct Nor ElU Dec C1K May Oatu No. 2. . . Oct 27K 27M No/ 2HW I Way as Pork per bbl Jan tl Cu 11 0 11 83 11 80 Lnrd.lOtllba Oct 0 871 * C R7M C87M Jan 0 70 C H2M 0 W2M Short .Klb-i- Oct. . . 0 35 R .13 a .to 0 30 Jan 8 87K 6 05 C S7W is Cnth quotations wore n follows : FJ.OI.'It Steady , nnchnnped. \VHKAT-No. 2 prlntr. 648-3T'/4ci ! No. 3 nominal ; No. : red , U'ASU'ic. ' COKN-No. r. 53c ; No. 3 yellow , BWe. . OATS No. 2. 2SV4ci No. 2 white. 31 3Hic ; Xo. 1 tvlille. 30 ? ; 31c. nvi3-N'o. 2. 47r. DAItLEV-No. 2 , 53c ; No. 3 , tlffSIc ; No. t. I FLAX SEED-NO , i. n. jn.4U4. TU10THT SEKO Prime , J5.S005rJi4 , PHOVlSIONS WeM | irk. per bbl.v | 12.00 n.lilii lanl. r r 10 < ) lbn. . JG.Di ; short rib * , nicies ( loope ) , Jfi.305iC.3j ; dry united sliuulileni ( Irnxocl ) , .I7V5 S.75 : iihort clear Hides ( taxed ) . JO.S7K86.M. WHISK V Distillers' finished goods , per eal. , Btl'aAIlS Unclianged. The lullowlnt were tin ricelpti and iMpmenti today : MEW YOKK OKNUU.VL Keitcrday'H Quotntlom ou Flour , Grain and rrovMone , MrtnU , I'.tc. NEW YOniC , Oct 30. FLOUIt Receipts , 25,000 , bbli. ; exports , 34,400 bbls. ; sales. 10,700 pkes. ; market steadier , with n. fair demand. Southern flour , dull. ] tyc flour , quiet ; sales , SOO bblt , Buckwheat Hour , firm at l2.OUi2.10. llUCKWKEAT-Dull ut KflOSc. COJtN MBAI > Firm ; ta\ea. \ COO bbls. nnd 2.410 Backs ; yellow western , tl.lSOI.18 ; Urandywlne. 13.10. ISYE Nominal j car lots , 52ft53c ; boat loads , KC58C. JIAftLEY Steady ; No. 2 Milwaukee , 6lo. IlArtl.EV MAI T Nominal ; western , 70iiJrSs. ) MniKAT llecelpts , 21S.600 bu , ; exports , 57.000 bu. ; sales. C.000,000 tu. futures and S3 (10) ) hu. rxt , Spot market firm ; No. 2 reil. In store nnd elevator , We ; afloat , 5 Hc ; fo. . b. . 65Tfe aflcat and delivered. Options genernlly firm all day , advancing sharply In th afternoon on strong London cables und In sympathy with corn , nnd cloalne HKttc net advance ; other bull factors * ere smaller. Bprlnit wheat receipts active on short covering nnd reported export purchases In Chicago : No , 2 red. February , closed nl Slide ; Mar-li , C8 l-lCfl59 < - . closed nt WVCo ; May , OSjf ) e 13-3to , closed at 601ic : October closed at WtCj NovenilHT closed nt 55 > ic ; Decfrnber , B5'/.y ' closfd at K\'tc. \ COItN necelpts. 5.WO bu. ; exports , 2 , 3 bu. ; Mies , 750.000 bu. futures nnd .COO bu. iipst. Spot ' market itrong ; No. ! . W'ic In store ; 61c nlliiat. Options generally strong all day on active- cover ing caused by cold weather west and strong cables , clos'ng 2Hc advance ; January , C4VjW' > 5i < - - , closed nt 6ia c : May. S4 5-16&55V c. closed at ISVic ; November , 57Sf5S1c. rliweil at M ic ; Uc- ceinb r. 55HW56ic , closed nt 654c. OATS Receipts , 1S3.000 bu. ; exports , 4WO bu. ; nlrH , VV > .i > iO l > u. futures and (2.COJ bu. ( pot. Spot niatket firmer ; No. 2. Slic ; No. S il - lU-ereil. S3MR33" c ; No. S. 314W3Jo ; No. 2 white , tSV3 < JHe NO , 3 ; white , 35 c ; track , white ivost- crn , ICU'JS'.io ; track , white elate- , :6(33VJc. Op . tions strong all day with corn , closing HRHc ; net advance ; January closed at 34Hc ; I'Vbrunry ' clcrnl at 35'4c ; May. 36ttG3Cic , closed at 35Hc : October closed nt 32V4c ; November. 32'Jfi > 32Hc , close. . ! nt 3S > ic ; December , 33f334c ! , closetl le.at HAY Dull : snipping1 , 434 } Kc ; good to choice , llOl'a Wcnk ; Btatp , common tft cho'cj , old , IB7c , new. 5tflQ\io , , Paelflc const , 3V4 7c. X lIIDKB-FIrm : wet Failed New Orleans , se i\ \ lected , 45 to C5 11)9. , Sc ; Huenos Ayrea. dry , 20 to 11 Its. , lie ; Texas , dry , 24 to 30 Ibs. , f > Ur6c. LKATHHH < Julei but vteaily ; liemiock sole , Uuema Ayres , light to heavy wclclit , ISCliV. : IVOOlr-Steady ; domestic ileecc , 192lc ; pulled , 1'ItOVISIONS-Hecf. quiet. Cut ments. lower ; l pickled lihouldiTS , 67 { r5io ! ; plrklnl hams , PC , to l-aril , firmer ; wratern strain closed at $7,35 ; tales. ST ilcrces nt JJ.JO ; city , J6.50 ; October , closed (7.30. nominal ; January , J7.15. nominal ; reflned. linn ; cnnllnrnl. IS.C5 ; S , A. , IS ; compound , fl.KW $ .M. 1-orlc. dull. UUTTBU I'lrmi western dairy. ll'.i TlCc ; wes Sc ; imali. SHOHc ; put skims. JUCOHc ; full ill , KQQ8 Quiet ; state nnd Pennss-lvanln. 4c Ice Imusv , IMnt'-ic ; rrcelpts , i,2l i > kRS. ; TAI.LOW-\Vmk > | city. IS I country. < * ic. I , KTltOtKUM-tull ; United close.1 at B3o bid. Gl.45. 11OS1N firm ) ( trained , common to t.'ood , $ I.L.IO RlCC Firm ; domestic , fair to extra , IJiC Ue ; Japan , 4\ie. \ MOUASSKK-Steady ; New Orleans , opn kettle , of jood to choice. l < < J3 < c. TUIU'KNTINI > - < Juletr ISUCISe. I'lQ IRON Dull ; Crotch , $1 > .CO819.SS ; Amer ican. $10.00013.00. COPl'UU-CNwed dulli brokers' price. 19.60 ; z- chanrr prlc for * pol. fD.SOiffl.W. l.EAI " > C1o ed ( Irrn for spot , steady for futures ! broken" i > ilc B for bullion. ' R ; exchange price fur tnot. M.15 ; mlti , one carload . ' tpaat W.l'ii , TIN-eips l quiet : barely ntenjy ; November , tll.$5jl .7U ; Demb r. 14.70tfl4.Ml ; January to April , J1I.75. rellen ; luvlca on 'cli.iniro today , K Ion * Drremlwr tin. BO to double , > 14.40 ; 24 tons Nov mK-r tin , IH.CJ. r SI'in.TEH-Cloiwl flat ; spot , $3.ttai)7Vi ; sales. 1 oar December , excluding M , A. H. , at $3.4214. 3M COTTON 8EBO OIU-pull and heavy ; quota tion * nominal. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ht. I.oul ( Jotieral .Murkot. ST. IXUIH , Oc1. ! 0.-FLOOIl-nrm anJ Un changed , VVJIKAT-Oprned firm , but with light fpeculi- In lion. Trade brightened up later , and nitli i a Mr dtmaiid price * adv&ncnl to a clcno KWTio abova yevterdny'ii No. 2 red. cash , 4S'ici October - tober , ISVic ; Drctmbrr , HW43Kc ; ML , 5 < > iO Co'llN Bironr ll\ . day oo ingw and other : timtnir cew , cloilar IfuOlHo u ; No. J nixed , on ' iUM | ea h , IS < < : Octol r , < IMc ; Dfcemlwr , 4S"4c ; Stay , tiATS-RlronB nnd higher ; No. 9 , cnih. iie ! : Oclf.ter . , ! 8Vc ; May. Mc. . uyi-illftiicr : and In ahlrplng d.mand ; snlca. tail lde , nt IJc for Ko. 1 HAIll.liY-fteady ; MC | of Mlnntsotn nl J7c. nnXNi.tmer. . : Iowi'ltng , sackVii , cast track. ri.AX sunn f. r ; 11.3is. ; ci.ovin : sprD-M.ioa8.u. TI.MOTHY 6Cip | l.7JiiC.tO. HAY I'nehaneeil. 13UTTKH ftuler ; separator creamery. ISSJCc ; coed lo cholc * dairy. IGfflSc. EqpS Klrm rj _ IS'-ic. ' ' ' cbPft'MKjVLr-jj'sOftJ.JS. / ' ' ' COTTON JTlKsl-e' I'llO VISION'SSteady. . Pork , standard mess , Jobblnc. J12.M. iMri , prime steam , J6..5 ; cliotee , . "lfy ) rnlt ineiiti , lon.'u nhnulders. J5.W : long and ribs. $6.10 ; shorts , 16.65. Huron , racked shoulders , IC.73 ! lonjs , J7.ii ! ; rlts , 17.23 ; shorti , i'lKCniPTS Flour , 4.060 bbln. | wheat , M.OOO bu. ; coin. 10.000 1m , i rats. 31,000 bu , SHIPMENTS Flour , 7000 bbl . ; nhcal , none ! corn , 2,000 bu , ; oats. 1I.C04 bu. OMAHA OK.NKIM1. MAHKUM. Condition of Trade nnd Quotatloni on Staple nnd Tuncy 1'raduco. nUTTnn-Packlng- , 8ci fair to coed coun try. HS12CI choice to fancy , 113IDc ; cathmd cteamery. l gooj separator creamery , 21 < ? 22c. rOULTHV-OM hens , liSIc ; uprlnn chickens , R8C4c ! ; ducks. Cfffci turkeys , e 7ci seeae , S-SI'.SO. KGC13 Per doz. , slrlctly fresh laid , Uc. OAMC Pralrla clilekeni , per dor. , | : .MS.25 , grouse , per Am. , $2.53.00 ; l tu vrtns teal , per doz. , II SO ; creen tvlntr teal , per doz. , 11.21 ; ducks , niUt-il , per doz. , II , canvasbacks , Jl.tOB.Mi malhirds nnd red heads , J3.W ; quail , ll.2 : l.W ; deer NiiMlra. HfflKc ; antelope paddles , 133Uci small rabbits. H ; jack rnbb1ti < . 12. VI'AICholufl fat and emnll veals or quoted at Cc ; laice nnd coarse , 3ilc. CIIKKsSK Wltcunsln full cream , Uc ; Ne braska and lima , full cream , lie ; Nebraska nml Iowa , part skims. 78Sc ; Mmuurser. No , 1 , lie ; brick , No. I , 12c ; Swiss , No. 1 , KWUc. HAV Upland h.i.v , JS.SO ; midland , J5 ; lowland. IT CO ; rye struW. 16. Color makes the price on hay. l.lcht shades sell the bt. t. Only top ' * brlnir Up prlcei. PIUIiONS Old birds , per doz. , 730. ' VEOETAllLUS. POTATOES " \Vrstfin locl < , car lots , tic ; small lots , 70c : n.irl < f < l. Jii3i2 : . OI.U IlEANS-IUnrl-plcked , navy , $2 ; limn brans , per II' . . 4Hc. ONIONS On orders , 'OTOc. CAIIHAOK On orilerM. IHc. CEI.1-3HY P r dnr. . . ! 3Z33c. 8\ViKT : rOTATOns IVr bbl. , J3.25 ; Jersey , M ? , ' per 1,1.1. IlKI-rrS-Per bu. . & 0ii& > c. CAIIIIOTS 1'cr liu. . iOSiCOe. CAI MKhOWKIt Per doz. , J2.23. . iOO I'l.ANT I'er dor. . , ioc. HOItHKllAniSH-r'cr 1U. , "ItSc. PAUKN1PS Per bu. . W COc. HtlTAIIACJAS-Per bu. , T5 50e. PAItSf.KY Per doz. bunches. 25c. TUItNII'8-I'er bu. . We. KPL1T I'KAS Per lb. . 3G3'ic. ' Fit ( JITS. QUINCES California , p.-r M-lb , box , 11.51. AI'1'IjE.S Oiiod stock , per bbl.2.2. ' ) 5 ; Mlch- igan stock , $ : .0003.2 > . PEACHES California freestone , no shipping slock. Sl.'Wfjl.lO ; clings , II. PI.UMS Cnllforiila , nunc. PHL'NiS No shlptdng Mock. I'nAItS Winter Kc'lls , tl 61 ? 1.75. ORAPKS Conruid * . 10-lb. baskets , 22ff23o ; Cal ifornia. ti.ooin.23. CIIANHKHIU US-Cape Cod fancy , $9.W per bb ] , TItOI'ICAL TOU1TS. ' ORANGES Mexican , per box , $3,50 ; Florldas , J3.23. J3.23.DANANASCholcc DANANAS-Cholcc stock. JI.75ff2.60 per bunch , LKMOXS Messina. 300 , 5 ; 3 0 , $ l.50@3.00. PI N K A 1'1'L.ns None. MISCELLANEOUS. OY8TEH8 IXIj. Be ; jnedlum , per can. We ; horse shoes. 12c ; extia standards , I5c ; extra selects , 17ci company selects , 2lc ; Kcw York counts , 25c. NKVV h'tOS Fancy , per lb. , ISo ; choice , 16c. HONEY Choice white , lC$17c ; dark ; honey , UfiHe , MAI'I.E SYIIIIP Gallon cans , per doz. . $12. NUTS Almond * . 16tI6c ; Kngllsli walnuts , 12c ; filberts , lie ; llrnzll nuts , none , eastern chest nuts , lllfflZc ; Ehellbnrk hickory nuts , per bu. , J1.50 ; fancy raw peanuts , Cc ; roasted peanuts , T,4c.SAUEH SAUEH KRAUT Choice nhlte , per bbl. , J1.73 ; per bait bbl. , J2.W. MKAT Fancy , In half bbls. , per lb. , 6'4c ; 10 gal. kegs. 7e. FISH Fresh cnught cropple , perch and sun- flsh , 30jo ; burTnlo , 3f4c ; pike and pickerel , 0 © Sc ; cntllsh , SfiDc ; black bass , 12Hc. CIUEIt Pure juice , per bbl. , $9 ; half bbl. , $3.25. HIDES No. 1 green hide * , 3'ic : No. 2 green bides , 3Mc ; No. 1 preen salted hides , 4 ic ; No. 2 green salted hides , J'ic ; No , 1 green salted hides , 25 to 40 Ibs , 4l4c : NO2 green salted hides , 25 ta 40 Ibs. , 3',4c : No. I veal calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 7c ; No. t veal calf , B to15 Iba. be ; No. I dry Hint hides. EC ; No. 2 dry Hint hides. 4c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , [ > c : part cured hides Ha per lb. less tlmn fully cured. SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each , Z5ff60c ; green catted Ehearllnga ( short vrooled early iklns ) , fnch , JOiffMc : dry shearlings ( short woolcd early tklns ) . No. 1 , each , C0l5c ; dry shearlings ( short vrooled early skins ) , No. 2 , each , oc ; dry flint Kansas ) and Nebraska , butcher wool pelts , per lb. , r.ctunl vrolKht , t-OSc ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 405'.lc : dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight , tOCUe ; dry flint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual welslit , 4f6c ; ( liavo feet cut Off , as U la useless to pay freight on Ihrnil. TALIX > W AND OHEASE Tnllow , No. 1. 4Mr : tallow. No. 2 , 3 > ic ; create , white A , 4c ; crease , white B. 3V4c ; grease , yellow. 3Vic ; freose , dark. 2cold ; butter. 2KI',4c : beeswax , prime , rauch yellow , Coff co NEW YORK. Oct. 30. COFFEE- Options opened steady and unchanged to 10 points ad vance ; ruler firm on stione cables , biff ware house movement and near positional wiles. 24,750 bass. Including : November , $ l2.8r { i:12.95 : ; Decem ber , ,112.15912.20 ; January , $11.4iQ > 11.65 ; March , Ill.l5im.70 ; April. HI.05tPll.10i May , I10.90rjll.oa ; spot Rio , nominal ; No. 7. $15.0) : mild , steady ; Cordova , } 18.o < Wt900 ; fnles. 1,250 mats Interior 1'edanR nt $22.50 nnd 1.000 bags Mnracalbo. p. t , Warehouse deliveries from New Yolk. 17.7E < bass ; New York stock today , 1SS.824 bass ; United Rtntcx slnrks. 254.223 lagi ; afloat for United 8tnte.i. 217 , OW bacs ; total visible supply for United Slates , 501,223 Lags , asainst 443.033 LUES Ia0t year. SANTOS , Oct. 30. Market nulet ; good nverace. Sll.M ) ; receipts for Uva days , 2-OiJO bags ; stock. 473.00' ' > b.iBS. IIAMIIUIIO , Oct , 30. Market quiet ; prices un- chnnced to ' ,4 ptff advnnce ; sales , 8.000 b.iK . IIAVRK , Oct. 30. MnlUi't opened steady nnd unchanged to Vif advance ; at 3 p. m. , steady and U@Hf advance ; closed stonily at an ad vance of 'iOW : total sales. 12,000 I > .IRS. UIO un JANEIIIO. Oct. U-Mirket ) vok , No. 7 , HI. 35 ; exchaiKe. 11 % < I ; receipts for two days , 11,000 bags ; cleared for United Htntes , 8.000 UIKS ; for Europe. I , OX ) bags ; stock , 292,000 tiat'9. MlnneapiilU M'liont Mnrknt. MINNEAl'OLIS , Oct. SO. WHKAT-OpcneU vtcady and llrm. with moderate trndlntr In the fore part of the day , and as prlceti advanced ttiere was some nctlve buslaess later. The trad- Intr wns mainly on local account. There wns a smaller movement In the country , duo to wet urather. Close ; October. 65 c : December , 5IXc ; May. 57Kfi157 .c. On track : No. 1 hard. 5 nc ; No , 1 northern , S5c ; No. 2 northern , B4lc. ! The demnml for co h wheat \vaa lively. Itccetpts. 251.520 bu. ; shipments. 41,000 bu. The Hour market was more active. Patents , 13.15 3.44 ; bakers , tl.KB1.2 < S. Production e.'tl- mated at 3So ] bbls. tor the twenty-four hours ; shipments. 31 0 0 bbls. The Market Hccortl reported 10,914 , OW bu. In the In rue lines of country elevators , Including Dulutli. The total northwestern supply Is now 27,251,431 bu. , exclusive of the amount contained In houses of Independent buyers throuKboiit hem Interior and thi- supply In small lines of coun try elevators. The total supply In the northwest exceeds the total of last year at this time by name 7,000,000 bu. Cotton .Dnrltcr. NKW ORLEANS. Oct. 30.-COTTON-O.ulct and ea y ; sales , spot. 1,350 bales ; to arrive , . ndW < bales ; rewlpts , 27,080 l'aci ! ; exports to Great llrltnln. 6.900 bales ; coastwise , 3.250 bales ; Block. 273.201 bales ; futures , steady ; tales , -40.800 boles ; October , $5.14. nominal ; November. J5.16 bid : Beceinbrr. S5.21fj5.22 ; January. SG.lie'S.Sj ' ; Feb ruary. ,30Jf3.3t ; March , $5.355.36 ; April. 15.41 ® 5.42 ; May. I5.47GS.48 ; June. K.MtK.di ; July , $3.19 W3.0) ; AujrUBt , , J3.62S5S.C4 : mlddllnff. C'ic. low inlddllnK. t-c ; exwd ordlnnr } ' , 4 lie : net receipt > * , .709 tmles. KK\V \ YORK , Oct. 30-COTTON-QuletJ mid- , clllne , 5 c : net receipts. 3'JS1 , bales ; trruss , 7.S16 ili- ; rxixirts ta ( irent Ililtaln , 3,318 bales ; continent , ' . 'CD bales ; forwnrded , 4,053 li.iles ; tales , IW bales ; splnnerx. SCO bales ; stock , SW..W bales ; total net receipts , SI , IK bales ; exports to Great Ilrltnin. 12.321 bales ; to continent , II , TO bales ; stock , SS3.D13 bales. ST. LOUIS. Oct. SO.-COTTON-Steady ; mid- dime. C 6-iec ; Files , COO bales ; receipts , ll.SOO bales ; ihlpmtnls , 10,800 bales ; stock , U.G30 bales.- On the Ilerlln llourtir. BERLIN , Oct. 30. The liour e was flrm today. Th erttlemrnt of yesterday's transactions ay.In ruulda nu-ts was concluded today. Vestcrrtay , as already cabled , there was excitement on the bourse owlne to the rise of 100 rouble notes from 219 to 232 marks In a week. The ncarclly omot rouble notes was attributed to purchases on the C part of the Ruinlan government , and short Hellers had tn pay 10 marks backward action. The Mendelsohns have been authorized by the gov ernment tr > place 2.750.000 roubles at the disposal tinbourte. . The price was 231 maika. The quotation for roubles , next settlement , la 22.75. Flimiii-UI Notes. NBV ORLEANS , Oct. SO. Clearing , $2IrtJIW $ ) . PARIS. Oct. JO. Three per cent rentes , Wlf COe fur the account. BOSTON. Oct. SO.-ClearlnKi. tl.076t33 ; bal- onces , Jl.W5.43i. DAL.TIMORK. Oct. J0.-Clearlns , lil7C44 ; balance * . 1317,070. NE\V YORK. Oct. SO. Clearings , 5 , D55,025 ; balances. $6.216.376. P1IILADELPIUA. Oct. M.-Ckarinss. Ill.lSS- ; balance * . 11,597,1 % 1IERLIN. Oct. SO. ' Kxchange on London , three day * slKht , Vf marks 35V4 pf . MKMPHIH. Oct 30-citarlngs , t39S. 2l ; balances - ances , ) 67,21. Ncur York eicbangv , par. WAKlimaTO.V. Oct. SO. The cash balance the trraiury today wa * (112,309,193 ( ; gold re- - CINCINNATI. Oct. ! 0.-ae rlne . I1 , S,6X ) . Money , easy at (66 per cent. New Vork ex change. UaiOo premium. CHICAGO , Oct , SO.-ClearlnEs. 1J.7 SCOO , Money. 4U1V4 p r cent on call tnd tf per cent : limn. N w York cxcbange. Wo premium. Forrlcn exchange , dull ; sterling- , commercial , tl.se tH-87. BT. LOUIS , Oct. SO.-CIenrlnira. .8 0.43 ! balance nncrs , $54S.2 . Money , dull nt W Per cent. Exchange on New York , 2Jc discount bid. LONDON , Oct. 30. Oold IB quoted nt Ruenos Ayrcs ! ! today nt 211 ; Madrid , 1S.BO ; Lisbon , 535 ; St. i.r _ Petersburg , M ; Athens , 77 ; Rome , 106.60 ; Vienna , 103. LONDON , Ocl. SO.-4 p. m , blo lng-Conson. ! money ami account. 101 IMO. The amount o [ bulllo withdrawn from the Dank of England on balance today ns 1117,000. STOCKS ANI 1 ONIS. Sliaro 8M | > culnlloti Opened Irrcculnr nml Continued Uimnttlcd fur nn Hour. NE V iOniC , Oct. SO. The share specula tion ' today opened Irregular and continued unsettled during- the first hour , when under the covering of short contracts , a pretty ? Con.C1l nl Improvement wns recorded. There . o eome few reactions , bnt the main ten dency ; was toward higher IlKUres. After midday a fractional reaction took place , which was quickly checked. During the lasl hour prices npiln moved Irregularly , but In the llnnl trading n better tone lire- vailed nnd the market closed fairly llrm. The sustaining Influence of the market wns the covering of short contracts In the active list , which had been sold down dur ing the past few days In the general nl- tuck on values which here followed the raid on coalers. Those trailers seemed to have come to the conclusion that It wns dangerous to put out any ncxv lines la the coal stocks and endeavored to cover on the b'yt terms possible , consequently their demonstratlonn against the Kcneral Ilsi weakened the stocks while they took back tholr anthracite stocks' . Lake Shore , New York Central , Chicago Gas and other prop erties were nttncked In turn nnd gave way more or less. Meanwhile , there was gootl buying In the coal shares , which , with frequent breaks , moved upward townrd higher levels , the closlnc prices showing ad vances from yesterdays final IlRUres of 2 per cent In Delaware & Hudson , Hi per cent In New Jersey Central , % per cent In Delaware , Lackawnnnn t Western , nnd ' ,4 per cent In Heading. Delaware & Hudson closed nt the highest point touched , Dela ware & Incknwantm 4 per cent below the top. New Jersey Central closed % per cent and Heading % per cent below- Lake Short- broke 2 per cent nt the opening , but cense quently recovered nil but 5i per cent of the loss. The grangers were fairly well held throughout and gained Vi to "A per cent on the day , Other more Important advances are : American Express , l < j per cent ; Chi cage Gas and Rubber , 1 per cent. Sugar , after un early decline of ' 3 pel- cent , sold up T6 per cent , receded 15 ; per cent and closed U per cent above the low est , but IH per cent lower than yesterday'H closing1. The market -was benelltcd In the afternoon by the easier tone of the sterling exchange market , which renders unlikely tlie xhlpment of gold to Europe thin week. There was a llrm tone to the dealings In tlie bond market for the greater part of the day , and the trading was fairly active , the sales being 114,000. The EveningPost's London cablegram says : The stock market was Idle today , In part One to the miserable weather. The Grand Tnmk railway meeting was the only feature of Interest. The main result of the meeting' Is n. decision ta appoint a special auditor toKO to Canada to look Into the accounts. The stock wns flat , more on trnfllc returns than the mecllng- . Americans were Hat until after hours , when there came a distinct rally In Louisville , St. Paul , AtchIson - Ison and others. South Americans were flrm. The withdrawal of eold today was for Paris and more Is going- . The following wcro the closing quotations on the leading stocks ol the New York ex change today ; Mchtson . f > MS U. P. U. &u . . . . Adams Kxpresa. . . 145 Northwestern . . . . 101 Alton. T. U . ill do pfd I-M do pfd . 170 N. Y. Central 118 Am. ExpreBi . 11H4 N. Y. AN. Ens. . . . llaUlmoro&Ohto. B7H Ontario A W CnuadaPaclUo. . . . C'J-H i Orccon Imp Cniiad.i Southern. 4il > i orceon Nav Cpiitr.il Pacllla. . . 14 O. H. L..VU. N. . . . 18)1 ) Pacific Mall Chlcairo Altou. . . . 14y H. D. A B. . , C.B. , VQ . 7'JH t'lttuburfr Pullman Palaco. . CoiiBolldnlod Oas C.C. C. 4 St. L. . . . 3D [ tlcbmond Torm. . 17 Colo. Coal A Iran 7 do pfd 21 W Cotton OU Cert. . . 20J K , G. IV 1(1 Del. .t Hudson. . . , 11.0. W. pfd DoLL-lck. iV. . . . Rock Inland D. & . O. nfd . St. Paul _ D.&C. F. Co . KHi SU Paul Dfd 110 East Tann . St. P. d Omnti.i. . . H3 Brio . do pfd 105 do pfd . zr. Southern Pae IB Fort Wayne . rar Hennery. . . S-t i B. Northern t > fd. . IVim , Coal A : Iroj n.AK , I. DM . IDti _ xia ; IMclUc. . . . Hocking V.illoy. . 17M T. JfcO. Cent. DM. . III. Central . KHH Union P.ieltlc St. P. iDulutU. . . . U.S. Expraa ] 43 K.Jk T.Dfd . W. St. Ii.il * 0 ' LakoErlu i W. . . do pfd 13JJ do pfd . 70 WulInFareo H < . . 105 Lake gnoro . Western Union. . . 80K Lead Trust . 3B4 W. & L. E Wl LouIavllleA N. , . . do ufd : is 4 LoulSTllloJc N. A. 20 ' " " ' " " K Manhattan Con. . . b. * . a' . . . . 1 H Mciinihlb.V G . 10 o. K 35 Mlchlrnn Cone. . . , OS N.L. . . . . . Mo.Paelfle . * P.K.&I Mobllo.'c Ohio. . . . SI do nfd NashvllloCh.lt. . . rtii H.AT. C National Conla.-A T. A. A. .tK. M. . . do ptd . T. St.k.iK.0. . . . N. J. Central . do nfd C Ni W. pfd . 21 S. R. 11 11H North Am. Co . do pfd 43k Northern Pacific. Am. Toll. Co No. Vac. Dfd . 10 ! cloprd offered. The total sales of stocks todny 'were 1G2.SS5 shares , Including : Atchlson , 2,300 ; American Hucar. 47COO ; DurllnRton , 5.700 ; Chicago Gas , 7.SOO ; Delaware , I-aclcinv.imm It Western. 2,800 ; Distilling & Cnttlefeedlne , 3.200 ; Northwestern , 3,000 ; Heading , 3,700 ; St , Paul , 12,000 ; Western Union. 3,500. 3s" w York .Hiiiu-v Market. YORK , Oct. 80. MONEY ON' CALL Hasy at 1 per cent ; last loan. 1 p.r cent ; closed at 1 jier cent. 1'UIMi : MinCANTT..E ] I'APKU-2'i per cent. STKHUNO EXCHANOK Actual busliieBa In bankers' ' bills nt 5l.8TNCfl.i7 ; ; for demand nml S1.8ii94&4.S < Ji for sixty days ; posted ratea , $4.S7'i GOVCRNMKNT I5ONUS Klrm ; state bonds. Inactive ; rnllrond bonds , easier. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : 0 S. Saras HSU D.'J .49 7IJ ) { u.s. fiflconp ivu Erlu Unds 71 U.S. < lHrt > ? 115 U. II. &S. A.Us. . . OS U.S. 4BCQIU ) 11 S do 7a US II , S. Unrox till If. &T. C. Ba 101H racltlcUHoCllJ , . . 101 do 1)3 ! PSU > Alo.Cl.ias A 103 M. K. .tT. l t i ) . . H1H Alu.Cl.iHS II do Id4s ! 42 % Ala. Claii C Mutu.ll Union J. . ] OM Ala. CunvnclcB. . . nan N.J.Cent. ( ion. . ! . Ln. Now Con.Is. . , us Ko. Pae. Ints ' lot ) NC Pius , lindi 88 N.c.iin . . . . . ! ! ! ! ! ! M. Vf. ConfloU. . . . lil : llO-lH luu do S. tUfb. . 3i , 111 S. C. iioiifmU _ . ' K , 0. W. IBIS U7I Toiui. new B9t J. St. P Couaolf ) Tu , . IS1 Teiinnew act A. , , . 162 , \V'.3a. Tcnn.old Us uo 70 Va. Centuries. . . . 68H S. L. A3.F.lion , U. 01 1iio ilefariwl. . . . Tex. IMC , iHta. . . . AtchlNon4H 04 Tex. I'nc. ' 'B Atchlsoii 35 A. . . . u. i . IMS of 'as. , Oun.idA So. ' . 'mis. . 1044 WcstShoro-ls Cen. I'ac. 1 ls 'U3. I'M i Southern It. 1C. r . bH U. Jc.ll.CJ. 7 llfiKI bid. tofferjd. lloitou Stas'c ( Jirit.itlini. D03TOS , Oct ; ( ( ) . Cull loim. l SJ r r ctn\.i \ llmo loans. ' 'MUU uercunu Cluni. : prttit for Btookc.bOii Is anil .nlnliu A.T. A * K Cl * IVonilnjh. Hlectrla Am. Stiear , . . . . . . . 84 ! i Vf. Elec. pfil. Am. Niik'nr pfd 01 IVIs. Coiitml Boy Stale Out 11 ! ( AtchlBon 'Jdi UullTelophono. . . . AtuUlaon 48 Uouton & Albany. . Now KiielanJ Ua. . HID rioKtoiiiV Maine. . . . 14D Gen. Kloctrie Ss. . . C. . II. AiU 7' ' Win. Cunt. IBU. . . . FltchbiirKPfd , Tl Atlantis Con. Eluctrlc 34M Iloston It Mont mi Illinois Steel. . . . 4D IlntloA llONton. . , . 4DUN ML-xIcnn Central. . UN Calumet & Heel : > . . 2H6 N. Y. A N. K 1 V Ceiitciiul.il 8.1 Old Colony 177 Frankllii Oregon Short LLO | 7 Kuuoer no * ' Union Pacific UK Qillncy. , . . . " . , . . . . . " , . UU WoBt KnO 6W Tamaracli 1411 VT.Knd ufd 81 ; S.ui frjiiclica .Mlnln Mcocjc Quot tloui. SAN PKANCISCO , Oct. UJ. The omolftl closlnj Qiiotationa fur inlnlnr atojxs toJty ivjrj ,13 fol- IUWBI Alia . ' Ul IlnlnA ; Norcroas. . 7'J AlphaCon 7 Jnutlco . < ' 'S ' Atiiica 51 Ken lucky Con . 'SU Keut&llalclicr. . . . IK ) Mexican . t. , U'O Uodlu Con 1-0 Mono . lit liulllon 32 Mount Diablo . 10 llnlwcrCon 10 Ophlr . 2DU Calfdonla 11 Overman . IB Cbollar U9 PotOdl . , . , ( ! 5 Conndenco Ill ) Snvauo O'J n. Cat It Va 17ft O'JK4 Con. Imperial Z Union Con OU Crown Point U3 DtaliCon . Oould A Curry. . . . . 01) Yellow Jaoltct. . . . 71 Sliver btra , < )3 ) > ( 0lic. : Mexican dollars , S2a ! aac. DraflB. sight , IQc ; telcvraplilo , 12Sc. NJ T Viirfc UiiHti-f y nt itlo i > . NEW YOIIK , Ot. 3U.-T.13 following art. Ibt cloalnc niiinn ? quotation * : offered. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lonilin Slack Quotation ! . LONDON. Oct. 301 p. m. Closlnit CauvlUn I'aoltlo. , IK Rul'aulcom Krlo 13)4 ) K , Y. Central trloJds 72S Ilcadlni- . , H' Meilenu ordinary. 14M Mur.Ceo. _ new is. B9 DARSILVKR-SO 7-lOfl per ounce. MONE Y ! < per cent. The rate of discount m the open market for short bill * la Hper cent , ttud ( or tUre * bllli H per ecu I. . 1 7. i 4 ( ; er ist he 4s 4sI he In ns 1C- 1Cre : re tent nt vy ) ld 15. re- reIt to ler nt to go No. I * ao nnil a & , of otfo II ta ICO 433 68 tH f l 77 13 40 435 M STS 13 IIS 86 203 IK 4 35 C.O Wi . . . IIS MOB AND nouaii. i so , , . t75 m .11 . . . i ss 21 W . , , I 5 M SI . . . 325 2 303 , , . 300 t. . . SI . . . 350 G : s ? . . . 3 Oil ( . . , . . . , . fc . . . ICO 1 119 , , , 304 55 82 . . . SCO t : .v > . , , 3 10 i 110 . . . i eo 13 CO . . . 32. , 17 . .132 . . . 124 SHEEP Hut one loml nrrhml today. They were iinly fair Colombo wether * , averaged 85 lb . and brought 1320. Tlicro wan n very fair demand for ileilrnhlc muttons nml lambs n ( fully tearly prices. Common nnd stock nhrep were In very llttlp request oven nt low prices. l"nlr to cliolee natives arc nuomblp at t2.KifZ.tO ; Mr to good wenternn. l2.M J2.60j common nnil slock sheep , fl.2.VHIe ; ( rood to choice l > 10 100-lb. Inmbs , 42.251f3.fjO. Itcprcsentutlve sales : No. Wl. Pr. 121 Colorado wether * 6312 20 Itocolptkiinil tlUpinltlcmof Stock , Official receipts ami Disposition of stock ns shown by the books of the Union Stock Yards company for the twenty-four hours ending nt 3 p. m. , October , 30 , 1894 : RKCEII'TB. Corn. Head. Catllo 12i ) 3,171 Hogs 51 2,365 Sheep 1 321 DISPOSITION. Iluyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omnlin Packing company 12 816 . . . . The a. II , Hammond company. . 36S 710 . . . . Hwlft nnd company i : CM 121 The Cudahy Packing company. . G43 1,125 . . . . A. Haas 23(1 ( It. lleckcr & Drcan M II , & U 13S Vnnsant it Co 10 J. I. . Cnrey 26 ! Carlln 3 . , ; J. lhman 10J I. , llecker 19 Damron , 22 a. II , H. from K , C Ids Cudahy 142 Shippers and feeders C : J 33 . . . . Totals sisS jiTOO "l21 CIIICAUO fclVi : STOCK. .More Common Ciittlo In Might Tlmn tlio CHICAGO , Oct. 30. Not prev'ouoly this yenr have Tuesday's receipts of rattle equalled tltc number estimated for today. There were nbout 5.000 natives , 3,000 xvestcrns nnd 2.0'tO Texuns. or 12,000 head altogether. Prices underwent very slight changes. There were rnlh * r more com mon cattle tlmn the trade necd.-d , and In 11.nt branch of the market the feeling was not par ticularly lmo > ant , but for fair to prime grades full prices weio paid without Knunbilnii. The demand for choice export ulcer * called for n Bieater numlx-r tlmn was offered ; very few l.its immersed the required excellence. Of the IG.20 to $6.23 grade there wns none , nor weie * Ihere many otheis good enough to sell mer I2.W. Prices beluw 15 took the' bulk. There was n good Imniliy for stockers nnd feeders , nnd prices were flrtn , the supply of suitable lots being nomewliat limited. Fat cows nml llefeis s-Jld well , and buyers were willing to pay fully yes terday's prices for Texns cnttle. Trie general market hnd n very utilet look , nnd eonie common lo fair cattle were left over. Hogs were strong to n nickel higher. They were In Rood request , nnd nolwllhstnnd'ng the large receipts ( large for a Tuenday ) buyers had " "stomach" for them nil. The closa was er- peclally strong , late sales making on n basis of from 14.75 to M.80 for prime heavy nnd from 14.50 to il.GO for the- best lightweight. The fresh receipts were estimated nt 28CO > h ad. nml thetv were 8,000 htsid left over from yesterday , but by 1 o'clock all the decent stock had changed hands. nnd the cry van for more. Sales were reported nt from ( I to 14.75 , the bulk nt from (4.33 to { 4,60. or nt from 11.40 to (4.60 Cor common lo Rood henvy nid at from J4.SO to $4.50 for com mon to greiil light. The quality averaneil better than for Monday , there being n smaller per- ccnlaca of pips. There wan n further stiffening of prices for shop nnd lambs , the arrivals still showing n bltr decrease frnm the average for th previous several weeks , nnd confidence has been measurably restoml. The range of values wns from 13c to ! 5c higher than nt the close of hist week , the best sheep being quoted at from J3.15 to f3.25. and choice lambs being Biilablc at from $4 to S4.23. From these llgurca Rales nih down nround II for Infeilor sheep and to $1.75 for poor lambs. Ilccclpts Cnttle , 12,000 bend ; cal\o , 800 head , hogs , 21,000 head ; sheep , 12,000 head. The Evening Journal reports : 1IOOS Ilerclpts , 2i.OW head ; olllclnl yesterday , 34.3SS bend ; shipments. 10.313 hcnd ; left over , nluut 0,50i ) hcnd ; quality shows fame Improve ment ! o fair ; market nctlve , thiugli no material change In prices ; best goods nr < - firm , while- com mon nre easy ; sales range nt ll.I3fI4.C4 for light , J4.10fJ4.30 for rough packing ; 54 20B4.7U for mixed ; tt.3'ilH.irt for heavy packing and slilpp ne lots ; t.23fi.ri.30 for plga. CATTM : Itece'pts. liOOO head ; maiUet fairly nctlve , but prices DirlOc lower. SHBUP Receipts. 12.000 head ; In very fair de mand and steady nt unchanged prlc--s , St. I.oul l.lvn .Slool ( Market. BT. LOUIS , Oct. 30. C.VTTMJ Uocelptd , 4,200 head ; shlpmentp , V'lo head ; inaiket steady for natives ; Texnns MTlOc lower , but nctlve ; native steers , light , * 3.25f3 7t : cows nnd lielfi'i ; . , J2.10JP 2.75 ; Texas BtperB. 1,000 to 1.550 Iba. , J2.VOW3.BQ ; lightweights , } 2.COS'2.70 ; cows and heifers , J1.90li > Il'oGS Receipts. 7,30 head ; shipments , 800 head ; mnrket nctlve nnd ttendy ; best bcavs" , JI.60 ; good llRht nnd mlxc.1 , $4.4394.53 ; plffs nnd common. Jl.0ifl4.33. HIIBni * P.ece pt , 1.600 head ; shlnnienlB. 200 hea.d ; market butter ; native mixed , J2.13S2GO. Knniiis Clt.v I.lvo Moc't KANSAS CITV , Oct. 20.-CATTM3 Receipts , 3.300 head ; shipment * , 2,300 head ; market lower , Texas steers , J2.Wif3.10 ; beef bteeis. 13.5003.75 ; native cows. J.1.00B3.00 ; stockers and feeders , $2.40 . . IIOOS Iteoelpts , 10.100 Iie.id ; shipments , none ; m.aiUct steady to a itlmilp lower ; bulk of s.ilcs , J4.2001.50 ; heavies , JI.3J f l.r,5 ; packers , KSOWI.&V mlxfd , X.10SIMO ; lights , J3.'J Ul.oO ; [ IKS ! , M.W8 4.15. 4.15.SIIKBP SIIKBP Heo-ljitH , 5,200 hrnil ; shipments , 2.1W head ; market steady ; No change In quotations. .Stock In Record of receipts at the four principal mar kets for Tuesday , October 30 , U9l ! Cnttlo. Ilocs. Sheep. South Omalui . 3,171 2,3f 121 Chlcaco . IS.fnK ) : s > K ) JS.O'ifl Knnnnii City . 3.3M I'UW ' 3oa St. I ouls . . . . 4:00 7.3W 1,600 Totals . I2.G71 87,7CO 17,121 r.illtlnmrii ( Irnln Market. 11AI.TIMOIIK , Ocl. W. FI.OUIl Dull and und - d ; receipts. 2Sil bblH. ; HlilpmentB , 3.C51 , FHlcs , ISO bbls. WIIKAT Strong ; fpot. Cl'a034ic ! ; December. iXMc ; May. W9i i 'c ' ; sleamer , No. 2 rod. bid ; receipts , 17.CM bu. ; shipments. 32.0TS bu. : Ktock , 9CG.221 . bu.j sales , 112,000 hu. ; milling wheat , sample , 63c. COHN StioiiK ! year , C2c bid ; January , 515c ! bid ; receipts. 6,643 bu. ; Mock , 13.00S bu. ; tales , 13,000 Ini. ; white corn , COffJIc ; yellow. 48Mc. { OATS Slcady ; No. 2 white western , 24140 liMd'd ; No. 2 mixed w * stein. 32c asked ; rcce.pts , 4,010 bu. ; stock. 191.201 bu. HYK Inarm e : No. 2 , S2'.4Cf3ci receipts , 2.C76 bu. ; stock , IS.S83 hu. HAY Steady ; good to cliolce timothy , $12.000 2. SO. _ Miear Jlark. l. NEW YOniC , Oct. ! 0. Sl'OAH Haw , quiet nnd nominal. UeOned ptraily ; No. 8 , 35itf3 13-lf * ; No. . 3 9-lce3Hc ; No. S , 3',4y3 ll-16c ; Nu. 9. 31 ; S'-c ; No. 11. 3"4t3 7-lfc ; Nn. 12 , 3 3-16t)3'ic ; No. 13 , 3Ue ; off A , 314 1 1-lCo ; mciuld Al p 7-16c ; stnndard A. 4 l-lliriUc ; confectioners' A. 1-lMTI'ic ; cut loaf , 4K1M I5-lfc ; powdered , 7-lCft4Hc ; granulated , 4 S-HStOic ; cube ? , 4 7-16 IXJNDON , Ocl. 30. SI'OAH Cane , ! 0s ; crnirl- fiiKal Java , 12s Cd ; Muscovado , fair rc-llnlnt , ' , 10s 3d , _ KniKiiK City Unrk t < . KANSAS CITY , Oct. JO. WHEAT Wh'tf ' clew , but ted lilxher nnd In good demund ; No. 3 hard. 47Q4Sc ; No , 2 red , 45ViffllCe ; rejected , Off (3c. L'OUN-rStroni : nnd higher ; No , Z mixed , 43c ; Nn. 2 white , n'.iifdc. OATS Qooil demand nnd hlsher ; No. 2 mixed , JO'.UirJ&c ; No. 2 white , 61'4 ' 12c. HUTTUIt Dull ; foncy separator , lSJJ20c ; dairy , lafiicc. KaUS Higher nt 15c. l.lvuri | ul A f. , Oct. SO. WHKAT Sloulyj de mand fair ; No. S red , winter , in 4J ; No. 2 red , rlnc , 4s > J. COHN Spot , nominal ; demand poor at 4s lid ; futures , demand fair ; October , tlrm at 4s 4d ; November , etrady at 4s 9d ; Uecembur tltaJy at . Ileculpts of wheat for tlie past three days wcro 77,000 cenlals , Including Gl,0 < .0 American ; re ceipts of American coin , none. Vork Dry Uouili Alurkct , NEW YOIIK , Oct. SO.-It has liacn a fiuletilay throughout , although an Irregular demand has taken a fair quantity of goods of a miscellaneous complexion , in which brown cottons , colored goods nnd fancy shli tings have ucoied jiartlcu- larly. The mall order demand was IlKht , nil qualities of wide and narrow odd goods on tlie basin of 2 c for sixty-four d.juarcs , but of the latter no rules were r ported. Toledo f.rnlii Mitrkrt. TOl.nDO , Oct. SO. WHKAT Higher and firm ; . 2. cash and October , 82So ! ( November , J2ic ! , December , MMc ; May. 67 ic. CORN Dull but llrm ; No. S mixed , Me ; No , 2 yellow. C3c ; No. 3 yellow , 61c OATS--Hieady ! ; No. 2 mlied , 2So Md | No. 3 white. 1'SHc. IIYU Dull ; cash , Oc , Dulutli W'lirxt Murker DUIAJTK. Oct. \VIIKAT-Closed low ; caih Oelolwr , I8c ; No , 1 northern , fnih and Oc tober. t6ijfl ; December , We ; May , 59&c ; No. 3 northern , cash , Bjjc ; No. 3. MHc. 'Prlieo tVh'oiit tliintntlnin. SAN VHANCISCO , Oct. SO.-'U'IlEAT-Bteaay ; May , 9Tic. Oregon Kidney Tea cures nervoui heaa iches. Trial site , 25 centa. All IIIK Khrlnkacn In Yulur In n Krw Vear . M1IAVAUKEI3. Oct. 30.-A special to the Wisconsin from Iron Mountain , Jllch. , says Ihlrty-year lease of the Chapln mine , to- K&ther with nil bulldlnga and machinery nnd 2,000 shores of stock In the hydraulic power company , was sold lodny by Court Com- nilSHloner Hammond to M. A. llanna & Co. Cleveland for JX8,9T3 , . Only a few yeara the property waa sold ly the Vuu Dyk B nf Mllnntikrc ( o Frrtl Sc-hloslnRcr for I2W)0,000. ) The Indebtedness rcpresenlcd by Trustee Flnnnngnn nuprr/Kntcd | < Si81BS. Clilnri > o Scniiirii llflil. IJAbTIMOHE , Oct. 50.-The twcnty. ls Chinese seamen who nrrlvetl on Friday from Amoy , China , on the UrltlMi slcnmxhlp Plnp Suey nro held on board the steamer nt I/ocust 1'olnt by order of the collector. No reply has been received nt the' customs house to the telegram unit to Washington on Saturday by Collector Shaw npklng for Instructions reKnrillnp the landing of the Chinese sentnen , nnd Ihcy will not bo per- nllled to land until the authorities nt Wash- ngton nre heard from. Wlulrilo ) Mllllnrry Ilounn II urn d. riTTSntWG , Oct. 30.-What promlsexl to be an ugly fire broke out about 9:30 : last night In the wholesale milliner ) ' end trim- inlng Kooda establishment of J. J. Porter A Co. of Liberty avenue. The loss to the ( Irm Is total , estimated nt KOO.OOO. nnd Onm- OBC to the building , which Is owned by Hon. It. R Jones , will Increase the loss to about jr,0,000. Nothing- can be learned tonluht of the Insurance. Cliokrd ttinlVronir VVomnli. IjKADVILL.C , Colo. , Oct. S0.-Anron Lewis was shot through the abdomen In his housti at nn early hour today. His wound will probably prove fntal. Ills wife , who has been arrested , sitys he tried to choke her nnd she shot him In self-defense , Woodruff ( 'lino Set for Trlnl. LITTLE HOCK. Ark. , Oct. 30. The cnse ngnlnst William E. "Woodruff , ex-slate treasurer , for false pretenses nnd misap plication of funds , IVRK sot fur trial In the rulaskl circuit for November 12. TUB UKALTV INSTIIUJIENTS placed on record October 30 , ISO ; \VAIIKANTY UKI3DS. II II Harder lo J r Andresrn , a ' , i lots 14 nnd 15. Sunnyade add 13,500 Lnttli * nnd 1 * \ \\VberR to C J I.lndiuest , lots IS nnd 19 , block 2 , Hcunlon add 700 I' r HiiKhes nnd hufband to Ji > hn Connor , n W lot 4 , block loci. Omaha S.OOO B G Hates nnd wife to C A Hlgby , lot 6 , block 15. Shlnn's add 4,000 J 8 'Wood nnd wife to U A Itenson , lota 23 and : i , block 29 , llcnson l J I' Flnley and wife to A P Falk , lot 3. Allen's tubdlv , lot I , block C , lot S3. block ' 4 , IlrlBBs' 1'l.ico. lot 19. W A Itedlck'n ' add. w 33 feet lot 23 , block 35 , AlbrlKht's Choice 7,700 J W Thomas nnd wife tn E 51 McNuIr , lot 3 , block 33 , South Omaha l.UO M McNalr and husband t I K Thomas , lot 12. block S , Han8com I'lncc 1,000 J a Wills and wife ta K D Uvnns , lot I. block 1 , Idlewlld add 1.000 QUIT CLAIM UUUU9. Kelson Cooper nnd wife lo K A Cooper , lota 4 , C , 7 , t and 10. Clovcrdale 3.W3 DKKDH. Sheriff to Omaha Havings bank , lots 1 and 2 , block I , llogga & H's add 2.0 7 Total amount of transfers 134,318 When Daby was sick , vre gnvo licr Costoria. When she was a Child , she cried for CdstorU. When she became Miss , she cludg to Castorfa. Ticn she had Children , she gave them Castorij NERVOUS PROSTRATION , ( ninnnTnr.su ) INSOMNIA , NERVOUS .DYSPEPSIA MELANCHOLIA , AND THE THOUSAND I LIB THAT FOLLOW A DCRANQCO CONDITION OP THE NERVOUS SYSTEM THE IXTIUCT Or THE BNAIN or TH ( OK , ritcpARto UNDCR THE ro nui or Dr. WILLIAM A. HAMMOND , IN Hl LAIOMATOfir T WASHINGTON , O. C. pone , a onopa. PHICI , Pin PHIAL at 3 DHACMM * . $9.00. COLUMBIA CHEMICAL CO. WASHINGTON , O , C. END ro * BOOK. 10 KUI1X i CO. . AGENTS FOll OMAHA. Miss Maria Parloa Una written n compact cook DooU rontrvlnlnz uno luindrcd roclpos ( rortialatnliloil lu' , which can bo oi.illv : and choiply prcpated m homo by using the woll-ktionn Liebig * COMPANY'S Extract of Beef. Mlia I'nrloa's reputation Is n silt- flclont uuiirnntco ihut tbo recipes are practical nnd Rood. Mnnj ol them give Improved mothoda of preparing the simpler dishes , nhtlo BOino are for dlslies which ln.vo been conaldnrod in the lirovlncoof the profusslnnal cook , but which can lie easily tnailo with Moblg COMPANY'S Kxtruot of Hoof. WM. LOUD ON , Coniniissiou Merchant Grain and Provisions. Private wires to Chicago and New Vorlc All business orders placed on Chlcnei Hoard of Trade. Correspondence solicited. Olllce , room 4 , New York Life Building Omnho , Telephone 130S , Prices Cfear B@ow ! Zero This Week Stoves. Carpets , winter nnd lo\v prices. How Js that fern n combination for right now. This week's prices put all our efforts in the shade. Come right off as these prices cannot" last long. CARPETS , TOVES. Jute Hugs 21x30 , , Oak Hcalors worth 31.2C , now 38c , Chcnilio Hugs , 15x32 , worth 31-1.00 , now S7-3O worth $1.00 , now 34c Onk Koators , Brussels Rugs , -lOx-10 , wortli 810.00 , now $9.75 worth $3.50 , now $1.25 Base Burners , Jloquotto Cm-pots , worth $22.50 , now SI3.5O worth 51.50 , now 93c Oil Hcators , Brussels Carputii , worth $10.00 , now $4,83 worth $1.00 , now 55c Cannon Stoves , Ingrain Carpets , worth $0.00 , now$2'75 worth SOc , now 24c Laundry Stovoa , Hemp Carpets , worth 3Cc , now | 2c worth $9.00 , now $3.6O Oil Clolh , worth 40a , now 2OC Ranges. 5-holo , Hassouks. wortli 81.23 , now 50c wortli $19.00 , now $9.75 Aft Squares , Ranges , stool. worth $7.50 , nour S3 45 worth $40.00 , now $24-60 Prassnts Given Awiy This With MO.OO wortli cf , S.UKl | ) u ltd tcaipooat M'Jth $25.00 worth lleautlfiil blsquo flgura With tSO.OO wortli ot K odn , A handsome plcturo "With iro.OO worth tif eootld. A Kcmilim link center tabl \VUh 8100,00 worth , or Roods Cash , or Weakly ; or Monthly An elegant oak rockei Payiuonta. Formerly People's Mammoth Installmanfc House. Open Monday and Saturday Evenings. mmm CESTOIIEO."CUPIDEME J * * . _ _ JVIuJlu-Mbepreiicrlp. lion of famoiu 1'rencb phjildun , wli : quickly curoyou of all Den vous or iltwoaea of Ilia generative orpuiii , Bucli an Ix t Manhood. InsomnlA.l'aliisIn the Hickfckiinlnal JimisHloiu.Nervous Debility , Dimple * , UnQtnau Jlirrr , JCxhaaitlngDralua. . Vnrlcocxla nij Constlpn'.lon. OlUMiiiiNKclnanieti tbo liver , tiso kldnoyo and tbo urinary [ BEFORE AMD AFTER oirMnaotnlUrapurtUca. CUl'IHI3KK otronBlhcns and rontores Btnall woa'k onranB. The reason stiffen-rn am not cured bf Uoctorn Is IKIC.IUHO nlnetr per cent nro troablocl with. I'rontntltU. CUPIDESB la the only known rnir.wly to euro wllhout an operation. fl.OOOUs. timonlalH. A wfrlttanpuarantoo given and money r ttirno1 If six DOti ! > flora not street a - Snennc ? rollno/xxHA per- UOODMAN PliUU CO. , 1110 I'urnaui Stroot,0mata. Weak , Nervous Menf X- -"hoM et > n hambngTK dbrlb "lll etrier , ltJ "r llB Ba . , " . " * * Or yoni" Trpcli B. " V cunui."iri y Coro" Jawki , n4 wlio erer.MMBoliu hara . . _ vonnrlf prowlne olJ r n < l woriei YOU "to h , Tairl lnd "I HmdMucU ' " ' , IU ro U * a " p far - l' - to - T I r. vrhu nr enup pliiklnKlnlo ipalriarlai n c wt iiHfortune. ' " hWriUMO nillklibri * ' ; ° * ' * > > < , tat tat WtXlVM USntnl lOr > BMi. ' ' * ' ' " ' ' I ' c Mr lueutM " i < n&i r -J' / " > M " I ICild'lUIUB. 7w DI | Jftit'tlftntuet. II alUvf tit. H. E. WOOD , Pftlldenil ClilC/Itt MEDICVl''sUhdrCMl YN5miAk3oVnJ& , , .L