Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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    mii ATT A DATTW . OOTOIIETI. sn.
Elcli Mine Secured by o Party
of Sis Men at Cripple Oreolr ,
tTlir IlUcorcrer a Slitron-Tcar-Oltl Hojr
4'nlor.nlo'a Cnmlltton In I'lnln Flfrnre *
Not Until ? In Tlel > l-.V California
Colony NortlMtmtrru Nevri.
The Kicat mines of Hatllo mountain and
tlnxcn lilll vrcro among the first Important
til seen cries and contain some ot the richest
mines ot tlie district. On Haven lilll the of note occupy the southern elope.
ThrouKh the two or three years of discovery
end development In this section lltllo atten
tion him been paid to the possibilities at the
oi th sideof Haven hill. True , all the ground
lm been located and some patcutB obtained.
AnutiB Iho patents were the throe claims
ot the Enterprise Mining company ol Colorado
rado Springs. This property Is situated
nbout two mllPS southeast ot Cripple Creole
nnd the claims adjoin each other , stretching
JiorUont.illy along the base ol the mountain ,
beginning at the gulch ,
l.efcs than n month ago a lad ot 1C year * ,
the son of a Swede tcamMcr , says the Denver
nrimtis-Star. tthlle passing o\er the ground of
the middle claim picked up a plcco of float
Which struck hlu fancy as somuthlng good. Ho
fcegan to dig and unearthoJ n-cullar kinds of
rock nt the surface , which , when sent by Ma
lather to Charlie Heuter of Pueblo , gave an
fissay return of $2,000 to the ton. When
Ihe result was * houn a combination was
lorracd , consIsiltiK of the Swede teamster and
Ills partner , the boy , Charlie neuter. W. H.
fiwceiiey and Hun T. llrooks. A two years'
leasu on the property was secured , each of
the parlies named bavins a sixth Interest In
the results of development. Operations began
n llttlo over two weeks ago , and the llrst
Ony proved to the lessees that they had
Struck an unoimous fortune. Prom the
very surfucc , " as far as the de
velopment has proceeded , the rock
la a fi.icturod , clouded tjuarti , every
bcparato piece' being densely Impregnated
with gol.l , much of It visible to the naked
eye. Acooidlng lo account * given of first
transactions $2,000 was the sum Involved
In securing the property , and this sum
the priupeet hole returned to the lessees
the second il.iy of uork. With the progress
ot deve ! > prnenl thseln of three feet has
widened , iiul continues to grow richer. It
is too ( .jrly lo determine a permanent
average. Thus far six car loads have been
chipped , and the last car averaged the enor
mous amount ot eighty-three ounces of gold
to Itio ton , Alter two weeks' actual
development It Is estimated that , with the
limited possibilities ot operation , the yield
.will not bs less tliun $1.000 a day to each
of the one-sixth Interests. The boy has
refused $1GO.OOO for Ills one-sixth Interest ,
This claim Is Iho great Dolly Varden.
What Ita possibilities arc no one can con
ceive It I * pronounced a true flssure vein
nnd It runs across the famous Moose. Doubt
less It Is one of the great veins that run en
tirely through Haven mountain. It Is the
great sensation ot the entire district and
attracts hundreds of spectators every day
from all the towns , while It has also set
Bcorea of men a-dlgglng all over the mountain
Bide In search of this or other veins believed
lo be equally rich. Mining men unhesitat
ingly declare this vein contains millions of
Hut this discovery Is not all. Since these
rreal re uits have been attained Kennedy ,
hlcKnlght & Co. have struck the Dolly
, Vnrilen vein below nnd are now being con-
era'u'.ated as prospective bonanza kings.
However , they are keeping cool and waiting
for Ilia proof ot development.
Th 3 great discovery leads naturally to the
rellfotlon that upon every lilll where rich
dlv ivcrles have been made , with thousands
of i.rcjpccts throughout the camp yet to be
opened and explored , the history ot mining
Iiere for many years to come will bo a suc-
ccsstun of tlicso marvelous finds , and there
Is : o telling what day the penniless proe-
tw > : lor may stumble upon the rocks thai con
tain their millions.
R S. Wooden , who Is largely Interested In
placer and quartz mires on the middle fork
of the llolso river , has been spending a few
days In this city , says the noise Statesman.
Assays of ere from this ledge run $260 gold
nnd ninety ounces silver per ton. Mr.
\Vbodon Is very naturally greatly elated over
the discovery.
He thinks one of the leading mining camps
ot the state will In a few years bo located
on the middle fork of the Dolso. That the
Kold nnd silver , too , for that matter , Is there
li no longer any question. All that Is
needed now is development. A road Is highly
necessary , and at once , everything now hav
ing to bo packed In from the mouth of More
creek. .
Mr. Wooden has some very rich placer
minus near the quartz claim. Ha and his
partner , assisted a portion of the time by
another man , worked all spring and summer
on the placers. They spent almost three
weeks of that time building a ditch. It Is
understood they cleaned up $5,000.
A , Hlnkoy ot Namna washed five pans ot
gravel from the Wooden claim , The result
was brought to this city and weighed In the
Capital State bank. There uas found to be
Jl,70 , This was Mr. HInkey's first experience
In panning , ' and he probably lost anywhere
from 20 to 40 per cent of the gold.
Mr. Wooden will return to his claims soon ,
prepared to spend the winter developing his
quartz claim.
Utah railroads contlniio to cor no thick nnd
fast. The latest development Is the Incor
poration of a company at Los Angeles , with
Salt Lake City as the objective point. It Is
believed , the Salt Lake Trlbuno says , that
this Is n consummation of the plans of the
Los Angelea Terminal company , -which has
expended over tl.000,000 In the Improvement
o' ( terminal facilities nt Los Angeles and San
I'cdro harbor. The Information concerning
the Incorporation Is conveyed by an Associ
ated press dispatch , as follows :
LOS ANGELES. Cal. , Oct. 18. Articles
ot Incorporation of the Los Ange
les. San Francisco & Salt Lake Railway com
pany hnv8 been filed , the capital stock being
? 12,000.000. The road Is to run from Los
Angeles toward Salt Lake. Utah , through
the counties ot Los Angeles , San Ilernardlno ,
Inyo , Kern , Tulare. Fresno , Merced , Stanls-
laui. San Joaquln , Santo. Clara and Alameda ,
In speaking of the railway project Mr. C.
O. llaxter of St. Louis , who Is connected with
the Gllson Asphaltum company and also
with the projected railroad line from Cre
vasse , Cole , , to the aiphaltum fields of the
Uncompahgre reservation , stated to a Tribune
representative lhat there was no foundation
for tha press reports to the effect that con
struction work was about to commence. Ex
perimental lines are being run , and tha field
lg being looked over In a preliminary way ,
for the purpose ot ascertaining the feasibil
ity of such a road and the probable cost.
The company will then probably wait until
the Uncompahgre reservation Is thrown
open before commencing operations ,
and It may bs two years beforeIt Is opened.
In speaking of the resources of the coun
try that would be reached by this line , Mr.
Baxter said the Idea that the Uncompahgre
reservation was a barren d&sert country
was a great mistake. There are raat tracts
of fertlla lands that may be brought under
cultivation , but It will require considerable
capital to establish Irrigation systems.
The Gibson company Is not shipping a
great deal of aephaltum at present , us the
Industry Is handicapped by the great cost of
transportation , the mines being situated
nlnet/ miles from the railroad.
Another Important producer lias been added
to th list by the strike made a tew days
ago on the Climax , one ot the Flora group ,
In Savufio haslu , saya a Telluride special lethe
the Denver N'cws. Tor some time past
Jame * MoWUItams and other * , -who bare a
three-years lease on the property , have had
a double shift of men driving a crosscut to
tap tha climax rein , and when In nbout 300
feet encountered It , which U even richer than
the era of the noted Japan , of whloh vela It
la an extension. Where the vein was cut
era Impregnated with tree gold was found
In a twelve-Inch gold quarts streak , which
runa ten ounces In gold per tea , auoclited
with about tha eamo number of Inches ot
high grade silver and lead ore. The itrike
Is not only very gratify Ing to the lessees ,
but to tha owner * ol adjoining property , tha
"When I am elected I propose to discharge my duty to the
best of my ability , I will do everything that can be clone to
bring- about a safe , economical and conservative administra
tion of the affairs of our slate government and see to it that
the faith and credit of ths state are maintained , " Judge
ffolcomb at Exposition hall , September rr.
Legislature of Nebraska , Twentieth Session , Senate File
No. 77. A Bill for an Act to authorize counties , precincts ,
townships or towns , cities , villages and school districts to
compromise their indebtedness and issue new bonds therefor.
Introduced by T. J. Majors , January 13. 1887 ; read first time.
Ordered to second reading January 14 , 1887 ; read second
time. Referred to Committee on.Municipal Affairs. Sent to
printer January 14 , 1887.
Be it Enacted By the Legislature of the State of Nebraska :
SECTION i , That any county , precinct , township or town ,
city , village or school district is hereby authorized and em
powered to compromise its indebtedness in the manner here *
inafter provided.
SEC. 2. Whenever the county commissioners of any county ,
the. city council of any city , the board of trustees of any vil
lage , or the school board of any school district shall be satis
fied by petition or otherwise * that any such county , precinct ,
township or town , city , village or school disirict is unable to
pay in full its indebtedness and that a majority of the tax
payers of such county , precinct , township , or town , city , vil
lage or school district desires to compromise such indebted
ness , they are hereby empowered to enter into negotiations
with the holder or holders of any such indebtedness of what
ever form for scaling , discontinuing or compromising the same.
* Note the word "otherwise. "
apan and Sultana , as the point where the
utersectlon was made Is much below any of
lelr present workings and conclusively
roves lhat" the ore of the Japan not only re
tains Us high grade sliver value , but that
Is gold value Increases enormously with
J. W. Beam , owner of the Japan , is ship-
Ing first-class ore steadily , which nets him
handsome profit , as It runa from $80 to
100 In silver per ton anil from J40 to $50
n gold. In the meantime ho has three
ililfts employed driving a cross-cut to tap
ho vein 110 feet below the present workings ,
which will be accomplished almost any day.
iVhen. this Is done an upralso will bo driven
o connect with the upper -workings , which
.111 open up the. mine for an output second
nly to the Smuggler-Union. The force
illl be largely increased.
These three properties , Japan , Climax and
ullana , promise to employ several hun
dred men in the near future and produce
n output equal to the famous Smuggler
Union and Sheridan.
Ashland Is feeling particularly well over
.he latest mining strike , saya the Portland
Orcgonlan. Two practical miners , Mattern
and Sackctt. liavo been at work In ft prospect
tunnel , on land belonging to O. P Billings ,
about a mile north of Ashland , a tunnel
which was abandoned by an Ashland company
ast n Inter , after It had been driven more
than 100 feet. The old company ran by the
edge they were looking for without knowing
It. Jlattorn and Sackett found a five-foot
Ilssure , and In their prospect drift upon It
have taken out considerable * pay rock. They
jiont four and a lialf tons of the ore to the
Selby smelter at San Francisco , and their re
turns showed that It yielded , gross , about
$1.600 , and netted them here , above all
charges , $1,290.93. They are believed to
have a true fissure vein , and a valuable prop
Anlona Jackson , Edward Jackson , R. M.
Schotzkn and GeorgeFrnssle think they
have made discoveries of gold and silver
quartz and Iron orea In the vicinity of Lake
Ohop that will eventually give them for
tunes and add Immeasurably ( o the wealth
of Pierce county , nays th Tacoma Ledger ,
Already they have flled mining' claims in
the auditor's otlice. The locations are on
sections 1 and 12 , township 16 , range -I east
Tlio gentlemen were In the. city and were
very enthusiastic over their finds. Of course
they admit that development lias , not pro
ceeded far enough to reveal the true qualities
of the claims , but they are Colorado miners
and claim that the prospects are Bupwlo
to anything they ever saw around Pike's
Peak. They declare that ths Tvnole region
around Lake Ohop , and In fact overywher
about Mount Tacoma , is wonderfully rich In
all kinds of minerals. They have spent th
summer up there and propose to makeI I
their permanent home. They have named I
Camp Jackson.
As soon as they go Into the developmen
a little more , they Intend Id" enlist capita
and push the work for all there Is In It.
While Porllanders are Inclined to boast o
the progress and splendor of their great clt ;
and look back on the semi-barbarism of th
old pioneer days as a faded reminiscence
seine little Incident crops out now and then
says the Portland ( Ore. ) Sun , which goes ti
show that they are not yet wholly out o
the woods , though people have ceased t
shoot deer from the doorstep anil decorat
the walla of the smokehouse with coousklns
The other day the family of Captain W. A
Ouster , -whose rdsldenca Is on Darnc *
Heights , were startled to sea m Itnmens
cougar at the front porch anlfllnir the al
knowingly and coolly Inking In the surround
Ings , then wandering away to the woods a
1C hit curiosity was satisfied. When hungr
these powerful animals are both fierce an
feu-leu , and will not hesitate to attack
human being. It was Just as welt , no doubt
that none of Captain Guslar's children hap
pened to be playing In the yard on thin oc
The results of the census inrestlgatlo
of farm and home proprietorship la Colorad
show In regard to farms that 16.91 per cen
of the farm funllUa hlr and BO. } } per cen
wn the farms cultivated by them ; that 25.48
w > r cent of the farm-owning families onn
ubject to Incumbrance , and 74.52 per cent
wn free of incumbranco. Among 100
arm families , twenty hire their farms ,
wonty own with Incumbranco and sixty
vlthout Incumbrance. On the owned farms
hero areHens amounting to$5G73.1M ! ,
vhlch Is 32.29 per cent of their value ,
nd this debt bears Interest at the average
ate of 9.23 per cent , makingtlifi average
nnual Interest charge $131 to each family.
Each owned and encumbered farm , on the
vorage. Is worth $4SD7 , and Is subject to a
The corresponding facts 'for homes are
hat 59.70 per cent of the home families
lire and 40.30 per cent own their homes ;
hat of the home-owning families 77.30 per
cent own free of Incumbrancea and 22.70
ler cent with Incumbrance. In 100 home
ami lies , on the average , CO hire their homes ,
own with Incurnbrance , and 31 without
ncumbrance. The debt on owned homes
aggregates $9,424,117 , or 3177 per cent of
their value , and bears interest at the aver
age rate at 8.61 per cent , so that the amount
of Interest to each homo averages $137.
An average debt of $1,583 encumbers each
loine , which has the average value of
There are three cities In the state In the
clans of those having a population of 8,000 |
to 100,000 , and In these cities C2.71 per cent
of the home families hire ar.l 37.29 percent
cent own their homes , and of the homo -
owning- families 25,99 per cent own with on -
: umbranoe and 74,01 per cent onn free of
[ ncumbrance. In 100 home families , on the
average , are found sixty-three that hire their
tiomes , ten that own with incumbranco and
twenty-seven that own without Incumbranco.
The lienson the owned homes are 34.91 per
cent of the value of those subject to the lien.
Several averages show that the rate of In
tercst la 5.S6 per cent ; value of each owned
and encumbered home , $4,225 ; Hen on same ,
$1,475 , and yearly Interest charge cm each
home , $131.
Ed Wagoner has brought In $400 In gold
dust taken from the Haceritas. Oak creek
and lower Haasayampa , says a Prescott spe
clal lo the Denver News. In addition to his
placer claims Mr. Wagoner owns and is de
veloping the Recorder mine. At present
he is down but thirty feet and showed up nta
three-foot vein of ore , which assays $200 per
ton In gold. Mill runs have produced $190
In gold ,
In the Austin mine , Santa Maria district '
the shaft Is completed 100 feet , and a , three-
foot body of ore exposed , which runs $175
per ton , and five feet running from $7 to $30
per ton gold. The owners will eoon begin '
making shipments of ore. The new railroad
Is now completed to within sixteen miles of
Santa Maria ,
B. Waconer has made a new flnd al the
bend of Castle creek , which runs $ ( ,00 per ton
in gold.
R. II. Roberts has located a claim near the
Castle creek imelter. The ledge is f ur
feet wide at the surface and the ore runs $42 !
per ton and la free milling.
J. F. Dillon has discovered the extension
of the old Austin ledge , from which thirty
years ago , over 1100.000 was taken by bo >
arastra process , The new discover ] ' Is I
elnhlecn Inches wide at the surface , and Is I
located twelve mites south of Prescott. Ire
from the old Austin milled $30 per ton , nd
it Is thought the new location will run fully
aa hl h.
The advance guard of the Altrurlans'
onv has arrived here , and soon Ground wll
be broken upon the land which they have se
cured for a settlement OB Mark West creek.
about seven miles north of this cltr , says a
Santa Rosa. Cal. , special to the San Fran
cisco Chronicle.
Almost 2,000 acres have been purchased
In a fertile , -well wooded , well watered local
ity. Much of the soil is already under cul
tivation , producing fruit , grapes , grain and
hay In abundance , consequently compara
tively little labor needs to be done to prepare
this "fraternal co-operative farm" for 1U
Tlia government of the colony will bo vest
ed la a. president , vice president and an ex
ecutive council , chosen from among the mem
bers. Each personi Is to labor where Ills
ability can bo upd to tha best advantage
There will bo no mahcy. but the personal
chocks of the colonist * ; will be used for busi
ness there. The pay for a day's work will
be uniform , but n member having a harder
or disagreeable task Tvlll bo favored In a mat
ter of hours of labon. M'/nbera desiring to
go abroad may casty , theff checks for coin
of the realm , but 'they will be always under
the supervlcan ! df'the ' council.
Obedience unquestioning will bo exacted
from nil. Kach vvoker In to have an equal
share In the product of all the labor ; private
profit and special privileges nro to be ob
tained , anil , all arp to earn" on the common
work in a spirit of fraternity.
A valuable strike has Just been made by
Arthur Lane , formerly of Aspen , ays a
Walker , Ariz. , special to the Denver Now .
Ho has a lease and bond on eleven mines In
the vicinity of Lynx creek. One of them ho
sunk forty feet and had ore In the bottom fif
teen Inches wide that assays twenty-five
ounces stiver and three to four ounces gold.
The water drove them out , as they could not
handle it with a windless. He then started
a tunnel to come In under the shaft and
struck the vein fifty feet from the shaft. It
has been followed twenty-seven feet. The
ore averages two to four feet in width and
assays from two lo eight ounces gold and ten
to fifteen ounces silver to the ton , besides
twenty per cent In lead.
Port Sully la now virtually abandoned ,
troops having left to make future head
quarters at Fort Nlobrara , Neb.
Huron IB experiencing the greatest re
ligious revival In the history of the city. A
midweek sabbath was last week observed.
The headquarters of the Dakota division
of the Great Northern railroad , formerly at
Larlmore , N. D. , have been removed lo Or.ind
The Rowcna quarries are running In full
blast , about one hundred men are employed
and Superintendent McOrath expects to en
large the force right along.
Die Nelson of the Nelson Milling company
of Lisbon 'ma ' recently returned from a bus
iness trip to England and Norway , where
he made arrangements for the handling of
the products of the Lisbon mill.
Work on the Four Mile gold property at
Ouster City still progresses. They expect
soon to be able to make a run with the mill
to determine the value of the ores. The
mine is one of the best In the country.
Articles of Incorporation have been flled
for the Consolidated Apex Mining company
of Rapid City. Capital stock , $2,000,000.
Articles have also been filed for the Indus
trial Union , a new labor organisation , with
headquarters at Slouy Falls.
Sioux Falls has been made the defendant
In two damage suits amounting to $8,500.
One suit was instituted by W P Carr for
$4.000 and the other by Julius Pfleffer for
$1,500. These men claim that by the City
constructing a viaduct and grade their prop
erty was depreciated and damaged to the
amount sued for
A movement Is on foot al Aberdeen to
organize a co-operative colony. The matter
has bscn under discussion by the Populist
club , and It is expected something definite
will result In a chort time. Among other
suggestions offered Is one that Columbia ,
S. D. , be secured as the central city or vil
lage from which the commune would op
erate the surrounding lands.
The first text book J.o be put out by one
connected with thp South Dakota State uni
versity has been placed in the hands of the
printers at Vermlllldn. It Is nn analysis of
the civil government of South Dakota and of
the United States. Tlie book will contain
about 100 pages , and the matter Includes
much not found In other text books , taking ,
as It does , both .the constitution and the
cession laws as a basis of observation. In
style It Is closely condensed , and the authors.
Profs. Smith and j Young , aim to make of
It a text book that will supersede the more
heavily padded treatises.
The Industrial niifon which was organized
at Sioux Falls lastSpring has grown to have
a membership of over ISO. Other unions
have been started at neighboring towns , and
now what Is to bo known as the Industrial
union of South Dakota has been organized
and the corporatlgn.papers flled nt Pierre.
The state organizer yllf appoint deputies for
the work of organizing'local ' unions over the
state. The union holds weekly meetings for
the discussion of social and political ques
tions. The state union Is calculated to bo a
bureau of information and will collect facts
and flgures of interest to Its members. There
Is also a charitable and mutual benefit fea
With regard to educational facilities , South
Dakota takes a very forward place in the
long list of states , and in a few years will
have a school fund that will reach way up
Into the millions of dollars , only the Interest
on which can be used for the support of
the public schools. Upon admission as a
state the government set apart 2,823,320 acres
to be used for school purposes , and the state
constitutional convention put a clause In the
constitution that none of this land could bo
sold for leas than $10 an acre. Upon In
vestigation of the books In the office of the
commissioner of school and public lands , it
Is found tliat up to date 147,492 acres have
been sold for ? 1,792.4SO.
Leadvllle's annual gold product Is esti
mated at $3,000,000.
The Oregon mine , Freeland camp , has a
three-foot vein of $65 ore.
The pay roll at the Victor mine , Cripple
Creek , now Includes seventy-eight men.
A breast of rich ore has been developed In
the New York-Chance mine , Crecdo district.
A thirty-stamp mill Is being erected at
the Luck Jos mine , In the Leadvllle gold
The Moose mine has the deepest shaft In
Cripple Creek district. It is down about 400
It Is estimated that Cripple Creek Is now
shipping at the rate of 2,000 carloads of ore
per month
The output of the Llttlo Johnny mine ,
Leadvllle , Is estimated at $200,000 , with large
supplies of ore blocked out.
A rich ere body has been opened up In the
Climax mine , Telluride district. It runs about
ten ounces In gold and carries a streak of
It Is reported at Colorado Springs that
the ore schuto of the Smuggler has been
discovered on the north end of the Mollle
The Pike's Peak railroad Is running full
trains to the summit nearly every day. This
Is qulto remarkable for the middle of
The Argylb Mining company has struck
rich ere In the East Topeka mine , Russell
district. The strike was made In the 800-
foot level.
A four-foot vein of ore has been opened la
the Cardinal mine , Cripple Creek , which
assays $4GO per ton" , The force of miners
has been doubled. 1'
Ore receipts of It to Denver smelters av
erage 1,231 toni nw day , showing a gain of
23 per cent over' Ihb' average during the
first" half of tin year. !
The output of the Portland Mining com
pany , at Cripple Crqek , for the month ot
September Is placed , , ' at $130,000. One car
load of less than nine' tons netted the coin
puny $16,500. ' I
The New England Mining company , which
owns about seventy acres of land In the
Leadvlllo gold belt , ' half a mile from the
Little Johnny , Is preparing to resume opera-
tlons. It will develop on a large scale.
Negotiations aretitinder way for the sale
of the Slide gold mine , located In Gold
Hill district , Uoulder. county. This prop
erty has a recoil-- the Ornaha-Orant
smelter for $2SOOOOjrl Jie ere averaging , for
a good sized | [ , 150 per ton.
The Willow Cauypn. Mining company has
been organized wlln a capital stock of
$500,000. The company will operate placer
ground in the Habits peak basin , a greater
portion ot the ground being that formerly
claimed and operated by the Mackey-Mllner
company ot Boulder.
The Georgetown Miner reports the sale
of the Lyon group of mines In the Em
pire gold district , New York parties arc
the purchasers and the price paid Is $20-
000. The new company hag already taken
possession and It Is their intention to build
a mill at once for the treatment of their own
Denver Is the only city In the state having
a population of more than 100,000. In this
city 70.89 per cent , ot the home families
hire and per cent own their homes ,
35.89 per cent ot the home-owning families
have incumbrance on their homes , and 61.02
per cent own and occupy homes free of In *
cumbfance. Among 100 families , on the aver
age , seventy-one hire , ten own with Incum-
mbra nee and nineteen without incumbrauco.
Don't pa ) ' any attention to this
Unless you want a $12 suit for $6.50 *
The pick of over 350 suits from some
of the finest all wool cheviot sacks
made will be in one lot tomorrow to .50
stir up the business at less than half
former price
These suits will
advertise us.
You will buy one so will your friend
EL Cook Clothing Co. ,
successors to Columbia Clothing Co. ,
13th and Farnam Streets , Omaha.
RESTORE Tbln crrut VpRflolila
lion ol | aniouaFrench . _ . . * Iilirfilon.n ! . . . , wl.t _ _ quickly . . . euro YOU of oil ner-
VjU3 or dlxi'Baos ot ibe treucratlve orcuiu , sucli an iojt " " .
Insomnia , I'/Unsin tHo/3rckBointnal .BmUmoiu , Nurrouji UeUllif.
Jlmples , UnUtotss Vi .Marry , Bxlinnstlns Drains. Vurlcoor'a and
, „ „ _ _ , _ _ CUribKNKfleanscgthoUrer.tha tsldneyn and the urinary
BEFORE KHO AFTER orsrinaof nlUmpurltlea.
CUl'IIIE > rK utrcnrthons and restores small vcalc onrws.
The ri-nson RiiflnrnrH nro nov cured byDoctorn la bocnuso nlnotv percent nra troublixl with
Prontutltlv Ciri'IDENK IsUlio only known reined ? toc ro wlthoiilan operation. 5.0UO tu
Uniontiin. A WTlttenffiinnnti npfvpn nnd money roturuo'Iir mx BoxeaOoui not elfnol
a -
ltftn'ntciire. St.OOa box.nlir forS-SOL' . bvmill. 3 < wl for.ilrrulnr.ind icRtlniontilB.
Art < 1n > a I AVO f WT IOINK r-o. P O KIT " ( > 7fl S.m TTr.mtl-w > . i'oraalobr
UOODMAN UUUG CO , 1110 Furnam Strcot.Onmbo.
Average for each owned and incumbered
home : Incumbrance , $2,301 ; value , $0,014 ; In
terest charge for one year , $181 ; rate of
Interest , 7.07 per cent. Homes are Incum
bered for 35.20 per cent of their value.
The Centennial , Georgetown's gold pro
ducer. Is described as looking better than
eter. On the MO-foot level east a body ot
ere eight feet wide is exposed running well
in copper and gold and fairly well In silver.
The same level west also has a two-foot
streak ot solid ere of the * same value , which
demonstrates that the deeper this mine Is
worked -the larger and more permanent the
ore chute becomes. ,
A blfl strike was made on the Evening
Star claim , which is located near the Dlack
Joe tunnel , in the Balfour district. A well
defined vein four feet In width was found ,
which runs $ S72.83 gold and $392 silver There
Is several tons of this mineral bearing
porphyrlte In sight and Is certainly one of
he biggest strikes In this district. The
claim Is owned by W. 1C. Wllhrow. A 100-
pound assay will bo made Immediately.
The flrst determined step to discover the
great gold vein ot Hahns peak has been
taken this fall by the Ore Cache Tunnel com
pany , capitalized at DCS Molnes , la , for
$500,000. The company has started opera
tions to run a tunnel directly into the peak
with the view of cross-cutting the enor
mously rich vein. The placer grounds about
the mountain have been worked since 1SCC
and have yielded from $500,000 to $1,000,000 ,
but all efforts to flnd the vein from nhlch
the precious mineral comes have been fruit-
A chceso factory la In operation at Glen
rock , In the central part of ( he state.
The reglstratioff In Cafper this year Is 40
par cent greater than two years ago.
II Is estimated that It will cost the Union
Pacific $10,000 to repair the coda lakes
branch at Laramlc.
A number of specimens ot yellow ochre
and white chalk were recently discovered in
the vicinity of Casper ,
The soda works at Laramlo will soon be
In operation and they will give employment
to a large number of men.
The Lander Gazette says that the Lander
Transportation company has already bought
20,000 pounds of oats In Lander this season
paying $1.25 per hundred for the same.
The output of the coal mines at Carbon
Is larger than ever before In the history
of ths camp. On an average about sixty
carloads ot coal are mined every working
day ,
A. S. Austin , a ranchman In the nig Hori
basin , raised 3,000 pounds of onions on i
patch ot ground thirty-five feet one wa ;
and ninety feet the other. Eight onions wen
picked from the lot which weighed twenty
two pounds.
R. S. Dradley of Newcastle Intends to ulnl
a nail on the Belle Fourclio near the moutl
of the Wind river , with the expectation o
striking a flow of oil , It Is generally be
Moved that an abundance of petroleum under
lien that section of the country.
From an authoritative source the Informa
tlon comes that the Colorado smelter peopl
have secured control of the four mln 8 at Hart
vllle which they wanted from the flrst. Wor
will soon bo commenced and largo shipment
of ore made from the mines to Denver am
The Douglas papers report that a numbe
of mines of land in Con verso county hav
reoently been made at the- Douglas Ian
office. Homeseckera are getting In shape t
take advantage of the opportunities that wll
be offered under the operation of the arl
land bill.
Jules Husgrove , who took a train loa
ot cattle belonging to the Swift Cattle com
pany to the Omaha market , disposal o
thirteen car loads at an average price o
| 375 p r hundred , the lilgheit price ob
talned for Wyoming cattle this season ,
John S. Watklns brought to Laramlejom
lamplea of platinum ore taken from a net
mine located by him on the main rang
opposite Copper hill. An assay made show
that it will run over $ $ ,000 to the ton. Mr
Watklus Is confident that there is no
nougli In sight to make his claim a very
Ich property.
Ranchmen on the Big and Llttlo Laramle
Ivers In Albany county say that they never
alsed such immense crops ofpotatoes as
ere grown there this yoar. John M. Deer-
eve has made affidavit that he raised 1,055
mshels of potatoes on one acre ot ground ,
Curry county is expecting a colony of 100
Texas families.
The Port Orford Trlbuno Is using a 16-Inch
otato for a paper wclg'it.
A hunmerlcss gun factory will start up on
qulto a creditable scala at Eugene the last
f the month some time.
J J. Morgan has sold 184 acres off the
saao Butler donation land claim , in Wasli-
nfiton county , for $13,800.
Salmon to the value ot about $3,000 have
already been purchased' by the Empire can-
lery from Coqulllo fishermen.
The company which bought the Mountain
Ion mine In Josephine county a few months
slnoo has twenty-seven men employed ,
Mining locations have been made at Devil's
[ ark , at the head of the Clietco. near the
California line. San Francisco capital is bu-
ilnd the enterprise.
The Fisher family of seven grown persons
and a baby arrived at Salem a day or so ago
ram the Mississippi valley , by team across
he plains all the way. The baby was born
during the trip.
S. Potter , a Sheridan grain dealer , says
that 5,000 bushels of wheat have been taken
to the Dayton station by tenm from the Ini
mediate vicinity of Sheridan. In successful
competition with the railroad tariffs.
The Harnmersly mine , in Jump-off-'Joe dls
.rlct , continues to pay regular dividends , and
8 doubtless one of the best In the state. A
chunk of gold , valued at over $1,400 , was
brought to the bank at Mcdford , being the
result of the run Just completed
The number of hopyards that have been
left unpicked In Clackamas and the counties
south Is numerous. The Oregon City Courier
thinks that as hops are now but 6 to
cents a pound , and the cost ot raising them
Is S cents , those growers that saved their
crops are not much better off than those
that did not.
A belligerent owl came to grief at Grant's
Pass the first of the week. Mrs. G. N .
Bolt opened the barn door in the morning
and the owl drove her out. Then Holt weni
after It with a revolver , and the owl showet
a spirited fight. It uas finally killed w
a stone , and measured live and one-half feet
from tip to tip.
At a Corvallls furniture store are to ho
seen samples ot suinr ; cane grown on the
farm of Henry McElmurry , in the vicinity
of Tangent. The seed came from Arknn
F.IS and was plan to I late In May. The
samples are over seven feet In height , -wel
matured end thrifty , and the juicy pith has
the genuine Louisiana sugar cane taste , botl
In sweetness and flavor. A sample of the
growth will be submitted to the exporlmcn
station for test. McKlmurry is convince !
that sugar cane can be grown in Oregon , am
will try ( he experiment over again nez
Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney trou
bles , Trial size , 25 cents. All druggists.
A Ien jo n In Journalism.
Boston Transcript : Professor of Journal
Urn It yon were called upon' to report
dog flght , whal would b your governln
consideration ;
Class To Increase the ( porting clrcula
tlon without driving away the religion
readers ,
I'rofeiior Honr Is this to bo accain
Class By deploring the brutality oC th
exhibition and then describing It ,
Profesgor What destroys barns ?
Class The fire fiend.
Professor What did the scene dot I
Class Beggared description.
Protestor That will do for today. To
morrow you may prepare yourselves for ex
ainlnatloa on bain Ing Investigation.
* 2.-l.7-BDYSSCIIODl5HOEa *
You onn save- money br wcnrlna the
W. I , . JJaaclan 63.OO Shoe.
Jlccnnae.wo nre iha UfKtut manufacturers cl
tbli srnuoot tboct la the norld.nnd gunrantto their
\Bluo by staraplnit tiio nuino anil prlcw on the
bultom , wblcU protect you iftli t high | irlceaand
Ihn middleman's prallo. Our thoct cqu l cut torn
work In etyl , cany attlng and vvoarlnff quallclca.
welinroUiem old everr rbrro Rt lower iirlcenfor
the vnltio ulrrn than nn/olhcr make , Tnk no rub.
clltuto , II your dealer cannot Jupplj-jou can.
Sold by
A. W. Bowman Co. , M7 N. IQtrt.
C. J. Carlson. 1218 N 24th.
Ellee Svonson , 2O03 N. 24th.
iKiiotz Newman , 424 S. 13th.
W. W.FIafior , 2925 LoavonwortM
Kelly , Stlsar & Co. , Farnam & 15th
T. A > Croasy , 2500 N st so. Omaha
Colds , Oou/rlis / , Bora Throat ? , lufluonza , Broa-
obitB , Pneumoiiin , Swelling cf the
Jointi , Lumbago , Inflammations ,
TUB WORST TAINS In from one la
wentmlnulrs. . NOT ONJ2 HOUK nfter readlnq
his iiilvmlseinent need atij'onu HUWBK AVITti
IliKlvruy * Jle-ulr Uellef li u Mire Cure tat
Kvarf I'll in , Ftpi-uin , Hruttrs , L'uliii In the
llnck , Clint or l.tinli * . Itnnn the lint
ami In tliH onlv I'AIN KKHIiUY.
Tint InMantlr I I the moxt excruciating
palnx , allarn liuliunnilon , and cure ) congestion * ,
whetlicr of the IM\\K \ * . Moron ch. iinwclo , or other
lniKls r orfians , by one application ,
A half to a tp.i > in > onfiil to ImlC A tumbler nl
water iv I II In a few nilnutei euro Cramifl. Bpaj-
ma. Hour rttmnnrh. Heartburn , NerrouBneis ,
SIi.-fi > ICBsnesa. Hick HtaJuche , Dlnrrliea , Dien <
t ry. Colic , rialulency * and all Internal pain * ,
There IB not a remedial ugent In nil tlia world
thnt will euro fever mlu tigu uml nil other Ma.
lartouit , lllhimi uml other fevers allied liy HAD *
WAY'rl I'lI.US. to quickly ns HADWAY'8 IlEA-
Fifty cents par'bottlo. Sold ty Drugjiflts ,
A For 30 days wa
TOOTH willglveatoooth
BRUSH brush , with each
FREE , Physician's
Our Prlcoa nro Low ,
The Aloe & Penfold Co. ,
l , PurlHcd , uil beautified l < y C'UTKUHA
HOIF , grrntt.I ol > klo purifier * and
beautlncri , aawull < purnt mxl
awi etut of toilet and uurarrv acupa.
Only cure for plraplti and bUck.
be ti , braiu * tlie only preveullro
of InllamroBtloii and cloxulnif of th *
porn , iba catuo of moat complex *
lOQil dUUjuraUotj , U 1J tvcrywhere.