Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1894, Image 1

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Lottcra from the Honest Yeomen of tbo Antelope -
telopo State on Majors.
Republicans Who Oannot Support the Con
tingent Candidate for Governor.
Bing "Rule Has Hun Its-Course and Must Be
Eclmked Eight Now ,
Freight UOIIRO Kiniilnjrei ) Instructed Person
ally thill They Musi Vote for M. Jon
Others Clotting Hlmlhir Orders
Minister's llcnmrkn Misquoted ,
The most significant feature of the cam
paign now drawing to n close Is the defec
tion of the republican voters from the head
of the ticket , In spite of the assertions of
the managers of the Majors campaign to
the contrary , the defection Is so serious that
It Is likely to become a stampede before the
day ot election. Thousands of staunch re
publicans In Nebraska have risen In revolt
against the attempt of the corporations to
foist a corruptlonlst upon the state. The re
volt Is not confined to any particular local
ity. It Isaa strong south of the Platte
river ns north of It. It Is as pronounced In
the eastern part of the state as In the far
western and , northwestern counller. If
stronger anywhere than In other places , It
Is the most formidable In those counties
which have the. longest been subject to cor
porate domination. Wherever the railroad
corporations , have In past years been most
active In their efforts to thwart the will of
the people , there the protest against Tom
Majors Is the strongest , and many counties
which have heretofore been looked upon as
republican strongholds will this year give
pluralities to the opponent of the republican
candidate for governor.
Two weeks ago The Bee addressed a. cir
cular letter to several hundred republican
subscribers to Its weekly edition , requesting
them to state whether the course taken by
this paper In the present campaign met with
their approval , The replies to these letters
are a very fair Index to the feeling among
republican farmers. Of the letters so far re
ceived and tabulated , between 40 and 45 per
cent of tho.wrltcrs declare that they ure
In full accord with the position of The Bee
and that they will not vote for Tom Majors.
These figures are suggestive. They repre
sent the sentiments ot thousands ot republi
can voters who will not permit the. fran-
chlsed corporations to whip them Into line
In support of an obnoxious candidate. They
prove that a largo percentage ot the republi
can voters of Nebraska propose to rebuke
corporate Interference. In. the management of
the party.
The B. & M. Journal has printed four or
five replies sent to The Bee In answer to the
circular letter. It will hardly care to print
the replies of the hundreds of men who rc-
fueo lo vote for the dishonest candidate for
governor. Following will ba found brief
excerpts from some of the letters. These
brief extracts tell the story ot republican
Indignation at the effort of the Burlington
rzar to foist ono of his henchmen upon the
Mate as Its governor. In each case the name
of the town from which the letter Is received
Is Riven. The names of the writers are with
held for the reason that The Bee assured
them that their replies would bo treated as
confidcnllal. The originals are all on file In
Calhoun I am a republican ; am In favor
of Holcomb for governor , but not for Majors.
Calhoun I will say that you havemy ap
proval In regard to the course which The
Bee has takea In the present campaign , and
as for Judge Holcomb. myself and many re
publicans In this locality expect to support
him at the coming election.
rtrownvltlc I approve of your course In
supporting Judge llolcomb.
Stella The courte of The lice In regard toTem
Tom Majors Is heartily endorsed ) by the ma
jority of the people In this place regardless
of politics.
Verdou I think that the course pursued
\ > r The Bee Is all right.
Dunbar The course of The Bee In the
present campaign , especially In reference to
Judge Holcomb , Is to mo quite satisfactory.
Other republican voters with whom I have
had the opportunity lo speak upon this matter -
tor have expressed their approval of HID po
sition you have taken In support of Judge
, , Holcomb and are In accord with the position
N of The Dee tpward Majors.
Gibbon I am n Holcomb man , and nave
been from the beginning , nnd I only hope
that , regardless ot politics , he will be our
ue t governor.
Carlo Tie | course of The Bee meets my
heartiest approval and more especially do I
honor your position In regard to Judge Hot-
comb In the , support you are giving him for
governor. There Is nothing I admire moro
than honesty In political matters nothing I
detest more than tbo party bondage that
Ignores principles. Permit mo to add ( with
out n Isli or thought of selfishness ) that
your recent stand has given you. not only
u higher place In my estimation , but a very
exalted , one ; nnd my sincere wish Is that the
oWect at which yott aim may bo accom-
-pHahcd. and for which I shall use my little
Influence and cast my vote. Go on , my dear
sir. and mar your Influence do much. May
It bo the means ot Having the fame of Ne
braska from being stained by the election loot
A such a man as Thomas J , Majors for gov
Cnlhoun Your staml meets my hearty ap
proval In regard to thosi two men. ipnd
Harvard I am satisfied , with The Bee ; and
but for Iho course of The Bee bringing to
light the dishonest doings ot Majors I would
undoubtedly have supported him , but , as lidIt
lr.iy duty to support an honest man for gov- )
i-fiior. I shall throw my Influence and support
ID llolcomb , These are nlso my brother's
sentiments ,
Wayne I heartily endorse your position In
the present campaign and your support of
Judge * Holcomb and your policy toward
Majors. There are no other republicans In
my liovuehold except my wife , whom The
Dee haa converted to Holcomb. Many
Munch republicans here will vote for Judge
Wuyno Any man tliat will kill a bill like
the maximum freight bill , as I under
stand Tom Majors did , 'vlll lose my rote
gild ray support. I am for Holcomb ,
Cortland I am heartily In favor of the :
course The Bee U taking In fearlestly ex
posing political , tricksters , I like The Bee
on that account , and .take II for that purpose ,
\Ve , as people , are greatly Indebted to you
lor standing for honesty and for fearlessly
* xA | lnu the dishonesty ot our lawmakers.
An a. republican , I and my two sons , will
support us near ns we. know how the most
honest man for governor. I like pure reli
gion and pure politics ,
Raymond I fully approve your course In
Bupportlug Judge Holcomb for governor. InI
think h'ni ' the better man of ( he two and Ian
TV-Ill ( crutch Tattooed Tom.
Wuyue I will * ay that. s a republican ,
1 m viry much pltated and lhat at an
ol < l republican and one nt the old * oldler
boy * I would Ilka lo ihaK bauds with you
In favor ot llolcomb.
Culgaton My opinion | g ( bit y.ou we on
the right course and I hope that Majors will
not be elected. I have talked ! with a num
ber of my neighbors and they are ot my
Nelson I fully endorse your position re
garding Tom Majors. lived In
the v.clnlty of I'eru from 1870 lo 1S80 I have
always cons dered him a first-class fraud.
Subsequent events have proved the correct
ness of my views. With a record of twenty-
five ycnM open to all who wish to Inquire , It
Is a mystery to mo how any honest man can
support him In his candidacy for governor.
Stella 1 think the position you have taken
In support of Judge llolcomb Is all right and
I shall vote for him. I think ceveral re
publicans here will vote for llolcomb. I
lived by the Hotcombs for one year onJ they
are all good toys. .
Ifumboldt I approve of the policy you ad
vocate. We want good government and Hol
comb is the man for governor.
Savage The course of The Bee In the
present campaign receives my approval nnd I
have heard other republicans In th s vicinity
express their opinions In the same way.
Meadow Grove Your course In regard to
Holcomb Is all rlslit. There are three other
republicans In my household that vote the
republican ticket and approve The Bee.
Madison I am perfectly satisfied with the
stand you have taken. I know of lots of re
publicans who will vote for Holcomb. Your
paper Is doing valuable woik for Holcomb.
Madison Your support of Judge Holcomb
meets my hearty approval.
Wllcox I like your fight on Majors.
Wayne I will vote for Holcomb , although
I have always heretofore voted the republi
can ticket. I have spoken to several republi
cans , who say they will also vote for Hoi-
comb , I have read your paper with Interest
and am convinced that we must put down
corporation rule at alt hazards.
Ainherst 1 am In favor of Judge Holcomb
and co is the majority In this party of the
Donlphan I think your course In The Dee
Is right. I am a republican who believes that
he can vote against a bad man and still be a
republican. I um a fanner , and I could
vote for Majors better If his friends would
not call him n farmer , which wo know Is
dona to catch votes. A man who has run for
odlco twenty years Is not Just the kind of a
farmer that I like to vote for.
Madison I honor your fearless denuncia
tion of the republican nomlneo for governor.
All that I have gleaned from the papers for
years would lead me to believe that Majors
Is an unscrupulous railroad tool and I never
took The Bco until the present year. I adpec
mlro your endorsement of Holcomb , a man
of the people , even If he Is the nominee of
another party. Let me say right here that
In conversation the other day with an lown
man , who Is at present shipping over Neth
brasla roads , he told me that the rate from
Stanton to Norfolk , a distance of twelve
miles , Is as great as- from his home In Iowa
to Burllneton , a. distance of 136 miles. If
Iowa roads can haul at a profit at such rates
and they certainly do or they would quit
the business why , In the name of Justice ,
cannot we have some relief from railroad
extortion.Vo never can have it so long as
we will meekly walk up to the polls and vote
for a man whom we know to bo
branded with perfidy , simply because he has
been foisted .upon the party by railroad
bosses. The Iowa man referred to said that
ho did not tee how the people In Nebraska
could make a living when they paid sueh a
heavy shipping tux.
Madison Your posftlon In support of
Judge Holcomb meets with my approval In
every respect.
Madison The position you have taken In
support of Judge Holcomb meets
my ap
proval. This is a democratic
community ,
but all are In favor of Holcomb for gov
Amherst Your policy In opposing Majors '
and supporting Judge
Holcomb meets my
heartiest approval. I am a republican , but
' ! ll not vote lor any one who I have rea
son to believe owes his nomination to rail
road Influences.
Donlphan The position you take with re
gard to Majors Is In accord with all ( or
nc-arly all ) of the farmers In this neighbor
Herman I have been a republican ever
since there was a republican party. I have
voted no other ticket sine ? Lincoln was first
elected ; but I fully endorse the course of
The Ueo In referpnce to Judge Holcomb for
governor. I have talked with a great many
old republicans , In this county , who say that
they will not vote for Tom Majors. The
cornfields are full of just such republicans.
Gibbon I heartily approve of your stand
for Holcomb.pote for the principle of the
man , not the party ; I say d n the pops , but
Holcomb Is all right , and there are two of
us In this family that will vote for him.
Wayne Your course Is right and meets
with my approval. On October 9 wo held
our township caucus. There were forty-five
republican voters present and I wanted to
find five straight republican names to send
to the state central committee , So I asked
them all , but found no one who would say
that he would vote the whole republican
ticket. Of course , this Is a farming town
ship. Of the forty-live republicans not more
than six are Dee readers , so , you see , It Is '
not Hoscwatcr alone that opposes Tom
Majors , as his friends claim all over the
state. I have been a republican ever since
1870 , but I can't support the biggest part
of our state ticket this year. I was In the
state convention , so I know the ticket was
not nominated by the delegates , but was
fixed up by the pluggers.
Virginia : "There are four voters In our
family nnd I am sure we will give Holcomb
four votes. "
Wavcrly : "The position The Bee has
taken In the present campaign suits me
entirely , especially the Interest taken In the
laboring classes nnd farmers. There are
several of my neighbors who will not vote
for Majors , The farmer dodge doesn't catch
any suckers among the farmers I have seen , "
Guide Rock : "I heartily approve your
position. I will support Holcomb for gov
ernor , as will one other republican voter
of my household. "
Chester : "The position you have taken In
supporting Holccmb for governor meets my
approval , as well as three other republicans
In my house. I don't know ot any Tom
Majors men In this part of the country. "
Lyons : " 1 shall vote for Holcomb for
governor , but for the rest of the republicans
on the * ticket. "
Table Rock ; "I approve of the course ot
The Ilee , and although a lifelong- republican
I shall vote for Holcomb. "
Oakland : "I am an old line republican ,
but consider an honest man above party al
legiance and shall cast my vote for Holcomb.
The course of The Bee meets my hearty
approval. "
Savage ; "Your stand In regard to Hol
comb Is Just , and I hope ho will be our next !
governor. When the republican party gets
BO low that It has to nominate such men
as Tom Majors and the rest of the ring , It
is tlmo to put them down. "
Madison : "Tho course of The Bee meets
my hearly approval. I have no sympathy
for such men as Tom Majors , and It seams
that the republican party should have chosen
a man with a clear record. I have been a
republican ever since the party was organ
ized , but I cannot go Tom Majors. I shall
vote for Holcomb , "
Lyons "Your course with regard to |
Majors Is In accord with my views , and I
hope you will keep It up. "
St. Edwards : "I can endorse your posi
tion with reference to Majors and It suits
Mr. , my renter. "
St. Edwards : "I have been a republican :
voter but five years , but your course In
reference to Holcomb meets my approval I. "
Bennett : "I am In accord with your views
In support ot Judge Hoicomb and hive been
doing all I can to defeat our tattooed candi
date and expect to do my best until after
election. "
Gresham ; "I can hardly swallow the head ;
of the ticket this year. "
Lynns : "It would be poor policy to sup
port a man that has proven himself pas
worthless to the state as Major * seems teen
have done. I am In favor of honest men ,
whether they are republicans or democrats. "
Orchard ; "I am very much pleased with
Thejiee and Its straightforward way of ex
posing bad deeds ot any man , no matter
what party ha belongs to , I end my brother
( Continued on Second Page. )
Agricultural Department Issues a Synopsis
of Prof. Atwater's ' Report on the Cost.
Present Price Krgarilcd by the Ktpcrt nil
Kiillreljr Too Ilcnr fur tlio Con
sumer of IMTKC ( Jimntltlcg at
linker * ' Product *
WASHINGTON , Oct. 28. In view of the
crusade for cheaper bread Inaugurated In a
number of cities , Including Washington ,
where the price has been reduced from 5
cents toI cents a leaf , as a result of the
crusade , the Agricultural department has
given a bulletin out on "The Cost of Bread , "
taken from the forthcoming report of Prof.
W. 0. Atwatcr on the nutritive value of food.
It says :
"In practice 100 pounds of flour wilt make
from 133 to 137 pounds of bread , the average
being about 136 loaves. Flour , such as Is
used by bakers. Is now purchased In the
eastern states at not over $4 per barrel. This
would make the cost of the flour In a pound
ot bread , about IVi cents. Allowing ' , { cent
for the [ shortening and salt , which Is cer
tainly very liberal , the materials for a pound
c ! . bread would cost not moro than 2 cents.
n. course , there should be added to this the
cost of labor , rent. Interest on Investment ,
expense of selling , etc. , to make the actual
cosECS to the baker.
"Very few accurate weighings and analy
ECS ot bakers' bread have been made In
this country , so far as I am aware , but the
above < statements represent the facts as
nearly as I have been able to obtain them. "
"The averags weight of a number of speci
mens of 10-cent loaves purchased in Middle-
town . , Conn. , was one and one-fourth pound ; .
This makes the price to the consumer 8
cents per pound. The price of bread and
the sizs of loaf
are practically the same
now as when flour cost twice as much. The
cost of bakers' bread Is comparat vely small
to the person who buys only a loaf now and
then , but In the eastern states and In the
larger towns throughout the country , many
people , and espsclally those with moderate In
comes ana the poor buy their bread of the
baker. ! Six cents per pound , or even half
that amount , for the manufacture and dis
tribution ( , seems a very large amount. In
the ( large cities competition has made bread
much cheaper , but even there the d fference
between the cost of bread to the well-to-do
family , who bake It themselves , a'nd the fam
ily | | of the poor man , who buys It of the
baker ' , Is unfortunately large. "
The report also goes Into the chemistry
and scientific features of bread-making , showIng -
Ing | a total of 68 rcr cent nutriment an3 42
per cent water. In wheat flour the total
nutriments are 8S per cent and water 12 per
cent , showing that the nutriments are largely
reduced by bak nc. The potential energy
In a pound cf Hour Is 2,000 per cent ; In a
pound of bakers' bread , 1,300 per cent.
With the Increase in the proportion of water
In the bread ns compared .with the flour , the
proportion ot nutriments Is diminished , but
the addition of shortening and sail brings up
the fat and minerals In the bread , so the
proportions arc larger than In flour. t.
G mtctniila unit Mexico Will SntntiU to tlv-
Hl7iMl Mothmlt or Spilling Ils | > ut .
WASHINGTON , Oct. 28. Senor La.o Ar-
rlga , the Gautemalan minister , made today
the following statement In regard to the
present difficulties between hla country and
Mexico : "With the object of ending the old
and vexatious boundary question , the prelimInary -
Inary basis for a definite treaty was agreed
upon and signed in New York iClty August
12 , 1882 , and the "formal treaty was sub
scribed to September 7 of the same year.
"In the preliminary treaty It wfls agreed
among other points that for the demarca-
tlon of the boundary line the actual posses-
sion should be generally considered a base ,
but that the governments , by agreement ,
could change this rule by making mutual
compensations ; that under the boundary
line , as marked , each of the contracting par
ties should respect the party In actual posses
sion , and that , in the event that said parties
should not agree about the total or partial
designation of the line , the differences that
would rise should be settled by arbitration of
the president of the Unltej States of
"The final treaty provides that a parallel ,
beginning near Ixbul , shall run east to the
Usumaslnta river. If this river was to be
reached In that direction : or to the Chixoy
river If the former was not In the way of
said parallel. This parallel did not reach
the Usumaslnta , being not of It , and , accord
ing to the treaty , said parallel should have
stopped at the Chlxoy river , but the Mexican
engineers endeavored to prolong It to the
Cancuen river , under the groundless asser
tion that this Is the Usumaslnta river , thus
giving to Mexico over 1,000 square miles of
the Gautemalan territory. The government
ot Qautcmala made a very strong protest
thereon and the Alcxlcan government ac
cepted Its views on this point , although under
the condition that no other similar question
should rise. There were no other difficulties
In fact .except very small differences In the
work ot the engineers , and this they think
can be arranged by themselves.
"In the meantime each ot the two govern
ments has preserved , according to the treaty ,
the dominion of the respective territory that
will bo annexed by the other upon the final
demarcation of the boundary lines and
thorities of the two countries have
cessions to cut mahogany In said territories ,
Ficm an Immemorial time
Qautemala has
been In possession , unquestioned by Mexico ,
of a large portion of the land located on the
west side of the
Chlxoy and Usumaslnta
rivers , and upon this territory being Invaded !
recently by Mexicans , the Gautemalan author
ities were oblleed to expel them and to rfl
test against Invasion , asking at the flic
time for a due explanation but
; the Atexlcan
government now asserts that
belongs to Mexico territory
, evidently misinformed ryy
- The
government of
had not then , nor has not at present
armed force outside of Its own territory , " any
Senor Laze Arrlga believes iyn
as Mexican government
Is Informed of
the real facts It
wjll change Its
toward Gautcmala and also believes that loa
war between the two
nations Is
very Im
probable contingency , not only because the
present dlfllcultles are not of great Impor
tance , but chiefly because the treaty provides
that all questions Incident to the demarcation
of the boundary line shall be settled
above stated , by the civilized means of , as
tratlon. Should the actual difficulties
reach this point the president of the United
States will be requested to act
as arbitrator.
Venezuelan I lulm * ConimlMloti Now Organ
izing ut Wiuliliujton.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 28. The Venezuelan
claims commission held Us first meeting at
the state department yesterday. The pur
pose was to effect a temporary organization
and consult regarding the selection of a
third commissioner.
Secretary Gresham re
ceived tlio members and extended tbe usual
courtesies. There were present Minister
Andrade , the Venezuelan commissioner ;
Judge E. C , Jeffries the
, United States , com
missioner ; Mr. Morse , the United States
agent , and Solicitor General Phillips , the
Venezuelan agentTho matUr which the
committee Is expected to adjudicate are the :
claims of an American corporation known as
the Venezuelan Steamer
Transportation com
pany , growing out of the seizures and deten
tions ot their nme
vessels by Venezuela some
years ago. Before this can bt entered upon ,
however , It will be necessary for two com
missioners to' select a third one to act with
them. This was not done today and the
commission adjourned to meet again Monday.
Mur bimillpox In Wathlncton.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 28. Another well de
veloped case ot smallpox was dlicovered to
day , the victim being Cbarlci Q. Williams. "
a colored metscnger la the Interior depart
ment. _
DKT.ilI.i > Of Till ! LAST JI4TT/.Ii
" , I
ChlncRO Army Ilnct 1'lril llrfoco It llml
Tlmo til ( llre' IIrtltto.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 2R The Japanese le
gation today received a dispatch which confirms
firm the news published this morning In
dispatches from Shanghal'cf a second victory
of the Japanese army linger Marihal Yama-
get * . The telegram Is ilaUil Hiroshima and
reads as fallow-si ,
"Deforo dawn of October'BC our army , un
der Marshal Yamageta , attacked Kln-Len-
Chcng , one of the Important strongholds on
the | Chinese frontier. The' ' place was defended -
fended by 1C.OOO troops under Generals Lin
and Song. They fl d , after ; offering only a
ellght resistance , and the Japanese forces
took possession ot the fortifications and the
city. They captured thirty ( large field guns ,
ar | Immense quantity of rfe | , food of other
kinds , etc. , and more tlian 300 tents. The
Japanese loss was twenty killed nnd eighty-
three wounded. The Chinese lost more than
200 killed ; the exact number ot their wounded
Is not i known. "
II Is believed at the Japanese legation that
the General Lin mentioned In the above dis
patch Is the noted Chinese commander who
played ; such a prominent part during the
Tonklng difficulty and to whom It was re
cently reported Viceroy LIHung ) Chang had
offered the chief command ot the Chinese
army. The Japanese legation has received
Us first mall of Japanese- newspapers since
the battle of Yalu ami Ping-Yang and they
arc filled with the details ot tie engagements ,
lists of killed and wounded , accounts of heroIsm -
Ism and other evidences ol war. The bad
tactical methods of the Chinese soldiers ex
cite the derision of the Japanese.
The latter point out that tlio Chinese erect
breastworks and then sit quietly within them
without throwing out skirmishers to Imrrass
the enemy. The Chinese soldiers also raise
a number of banners just a they fire a vol
ley , so the Japanese troops also know when
a shower of lead Is Impending. The Chinese
also exhaust their cartridges In the maga
zine guns aa fast as the > | can lire them ,
making a hall of bullets and then a long
calm. The rifles captured from the Chinese
show rust of long standing- and other care
less treatment.
A touching story Is told of a Japanese
bugler who had Just sounded the "charge"
when he received a bullet in the breast. Ho
was urged to lay aside his bug ) ; , as a fresh
exertion would make tt hemorrhage , proving
fatal. His reply was another blast ot the
"chargo" as ho toppled ovor.
The members ot the 'Japanese House of
Peers have sent 500OOQ , Cigarettes to the
soldiers. The leading tea merchant of Japan
has presented the war office with 1,000 chests
ot tea , Snow fell In Japan on September 22.
which Is the earliest In ten years. The cold
weather may put a stop to , ' the campaign
until spring. The Japanese -press goes to
extremes In their demands , for Indemnity
from China. One of them says China must
pay Japan ten times the cost ol the war and
must agree to let Japanese troops bo sta
tioned throughout China hereafter.
A Toklo paper states that prtar to the
Chinese naval Inspection by Li JIung Chang
the men manufactured cannon balls out of
clay , painted them black and passed inspec
tion with this bogus equipment. A Yoke
hama paper prints portions ot the poetical
tariff speech ot Representative Broslus of
Larg ; coal merchants of Japan are charged
with secretly furnishing coal supplies to the
Chine.o navy.
The gold Ingots and colhs captured by the
Japanese aj , PInR-Yang amount to 700,000
yen. 'Count Oyama , ' tfi ? war minister , has
Issued a pPocfamiitlon' urgjnK\troop3 to shbw
every kindness to Chlnesa.-'vrounded that
they "should n t be more anxious to display
carnage than charity. " " r- -t , ' + " , - > f
Japanese naval experts , say that torpedo
boats proved a falluje n ( , the Yaltniaval bat
tle , A Japanese'clerk recently beheaded In
Tlen-Taln Is supposed to be oneot thQ'two
students , surrcnflered by the'American con-
The Japanese legation { onlght received the
following cablegram from Its government.
"The Second army of .under the com
mand of Marshal Oyama ; effected a landing
near Tah-Len-Wan with greaj. < " " "
Confirmed ut Lnndqn.
LONDON , Oct 28. The Japanese legal on
here has received official , telegrams from
Toklo confirming the reporta of the fighting
at Kiulen. They say the Jdpaneso loss was
twenty killed nnd eighty-three uounded.
Field Marshal Count Yamageta is now at
A dlsoatch to the Times from Tien-Tsln
says a large Kusslan Ilect l assembling at
Chee-Foo. /
A dispatch from Shanghai states several
thousand troops at Nankin , niiitlnled and re
fused to march to Tlcn.-Tsln because their
pay was In arrears for several months.
-Musshue the Tree i ! at-Klnrlum.
YOKOHAMA , Oct. 28. The forces at Klr-
len ( Kiulen ) were commanded by Generals
Song and. Lin.
The Chinese' occupy n very
strong position at Hong-Wang , the castle
being guarded by 20.000 moo. Troops are
being massed at Klnchow , with a view to the
defense of Port Arthur. The" Japanese have
completely blockaded Tallen-Wan and1 Port
Arthur and all the adjacent bays and ports ,
Further Japanese forces havS landed at Setr
klofu , southeast of Port Arthur.
Cruller Detroit Null * in Ar\\ \ ; .
WASHINGTON , Oct. 28. The cruiser De
troit , which was to be * added to the Ilect on
the Asiatic station , has. left New London ,
Conn. , on her long Journey , Secretary Her
bert having today received word of her de
parture. She will make'the trip via the
Suez canal. The vessel stopped at New Lon
don to obtain a supply of torpedoes before
. , . _ .
proceeding to her static-lit j
( 'lilncHe I'lcctIct'vc. ' .
LONDON , Oct. 28. A , dispatch to the
Times from Shanghai says tis Chinese fleet
has been ordered to protectjShanghai-Kucn.
The dispatch adds that a Japanese fleet with
thirty-four torpedo boats is threatening \Vel-
Hal-AVcl. ;
Treaty c
ST. rnTEUSBUUQ , 0 t. S. . Negotiations
have been opened for a Russia-Japanese
treaty of commerce- ' -1 i
in m Mumfj'4iina .1 JV
. . . - -
Miinunl lluxtnn at Vlroqiia. XAllpRpil to
Iliive Kllleil Ml * Slury A. Jciir * .
VIROQUA , WIs. , Oct. J.-.LIttle. doubt >
now exists In the minds lOffUie people itt
Miss Mary A. Jones , whva3fouiul hanged
by the neck In her loneb' , hou e n few miles
from tliln city on the & \ Inat. , waH mur
dered. Samuel N. JUukton' a neighbor ct
the woman , has berfn' place < l under arrest
charged with the crime. 'The theory of
suicide has been exploded , lluxton unit the
murdered woman , are alleged , > to have been
criminally Intimate- for twoj-or three yturs
past. IJuxton'a hearing- will ocvur tomorrow.
. * c
TKACltRU jiV.Vl > /A'.irJJ/A
J. ll. llcndrlcUi ot fcooilletmvllle Killed In
III * Own Ilouin ,
NASHVILLE , Tenn. . Oct. M. An Amer
ican reporter teleiitibnen from Goodletsvllle
that J. II. Hendrlfks , a respectable and
well behaved colored chool teacher , was
assassinated In his own yard lost night , nnd
great indignation exists. He WHS shot , and
the sheriff , who Is'on the spot , has sent for '
bloodhounds to track tlpwn the murderer.
Hendrlcks was a good , quiet citizen. The
community Is greatly aroused , and there
are already indications lhat the murderer
will be lynched If caught ,
Km ) uf the VVhUUy Wur.
DAULINQTON , 8. C. , Oct. 28.-La t night
the Jury composed of Tlllmnnltes brought
In a verdict acquitting the spy. McLcndon ,
of murder , .
Movement ! of Uu itn VAIIP ) * October "B.
At Southampton Arrived Ems , from New
York. ewm
At Havre Arrived La Champagne , from
New York.
At Hamburg Arrived fltearaer Stclnhoft ,
from Montreal.
At Hull Arrived Oallllee , from New
At Glasgow Arrived Pomeranian , from
Official Announcement of the Appointment
of Oaprivi'a Successor Oomes Today ,
Chancellor Itcfiued to llliuvow the Cologne
Uiuctto Articles Ulilch IIo Hud
Not Innplrrd , l\cn at Ilia
MaJuMf'n Order.
BERLIN. Oct. 28 , It Is expected that the
appointment ot Prince von Hohenlohe as Im
perial German chancellor to succeed Count
von Caprlvl will be gazetted tomorrow. It
Is also explained that the Gazette v.111 contain
the announcement that Hcrr von Kocllcr ,
under . secretary ot the Interior for the prov
ince of Alsace-Lorraine , has been appoint d
Prussian minister of the Interior , vice. Count
nuhlenberg , who held that office. In addition
to being political president ot the Prussian
ministerial council. Uoth Prlnco von Hohen-
loho and Herr von Kocllcr this morning ac
companied the emperor and empress to Berlin
from Potsdam , They spent the day In the
city and the four returned together to Pots
dam at C o'clock this evening. They dined
and spent the evening at the new palace nt
Potsdam and will return to Berlin tomorrow ,
when Herr von Koeller will probably enter
upon his duties nt the ministry of the In-
As the political situation clarifies the re-
tlrement of Count \on Caprhl from the c' an
cellorshlp assumes still further the character
of an actual dismissal. The trouble ap
pears to have originated In the emperor's
reception recently of a deputation of enst
I'rus Ian agrirlons eai > J by Cou a Zeu Huh-
Icnberg. The deputation was submissive , but
the agrarian organization used the reception
as proof that the emperor was favorable to
Euhlcnberg. The latter appeared to be de
termined to remain In office. Von Caprlvl
submitted n memorandum to the emperor on
Tuesday offering to resign If Count Kuhlen"er
berg remained In office.
Being forced to choose between the two.
the emperor , as Is known , gave his unqual
ified , approval to Count von Coprlvl's policy.
Thereupon , as a set-off to the emperor's re
ception of the agrarians , the article In the
Cologne Gazette attacking Count Eiihlenberg
appeared. Euhlenbcrg resigned on Friday
morning. The emperor sent Herr von Lu-
ciinus , chief ot the civil cabinet , to ask Von
Caprlvl whether he had Inspired the article
In the Gazette. Von Caprivl replied In the
negative , but expressed his sympathy with
that paper's views The emperor then sum
moned Count von Caprivl and demanded a
public disavowal of the article. Von Caprlvi
repeated that lie had not Inspired the article
and would not publish a disclaimer , because
he agreed with Its views. He now hud no
alternative but to resign , which he did. It
Is now known as a fact that the emperor
tried to reconcile the personal differences be
tween the two men , but failed.
Comments ( are made on the curious erup
tion of the imperial personal idlosyncraclcs
Into the domain of government , Had ( Ja-
p.-lvl been discarded for the purpose of In
augurating an alternative policy , the public
could repdtly understand the change , but
that a new chancellor should be appointed
to execute exactly the same pollpy his pre
decessor advocated , Is altogether a new de
velopment of political Ideas.
" > rlncV oT11o1 n1oTiir rslIc < r CduhT * Yon
Caprlvl today , The latter will enjoy a pen
sion as ex-chancellor , but his army pension
wlt' ( bi cancelled. After a visit to Geneva
he .intends . to take up his permanent resi
heBi with his nieces on their estate in
Brandenburg. Prince von Hohenlohc's age
he Is noV 75 years old Is regarded as pre
cluding a long tenura of office or active par
ticipation In affairs , and especially In the
Helen stag.
The Iniperlal policy will nowmore - than
ever bo under the personal guidance of the
emperor , to the no small alarm of all liberal
minded Germans , who compare the seeming
Instability of the emperor's character with
the steady purpose and alms o'C the old Em
peror William.
It has now become known that Count von
EuhlenbcrR Introduced the East Prussian
agrarian delegation to the emperor without
notifying or consulting Von Caprivl. The
latler's resentment Is , therefore , considered
to bo Justifiable. The choice ot Prince von
Hohenloho Insures the continuance of the
colonial policy as heretofore. He obtained
favor In France as Gorman ambassador ,
though ho has no Idea of any territorial
restoration. In homo policy he Is a moderate
Herr von Koeller , the new Prussian min
ister of the InUrlor , Is in Prlnco von Ilolien-
lohe's confidence , but his policy Is more
doubtful. Ho has been strongly Identified
\dtti the anti-socialist and anti-Semitic move
ments. It Is hoped , however , that his Jong
connection with Prlnco von Hohenlohe has
subdued his moro extreme views. While
Marshal von Blebersteln retains the port
folio of Imperial minister of foreign affairs a
reactlcnary policy may bo regarded as 1m-
He recently Informed the emperor that It
any such policy were adopted against Count
von Caprtvi's wish ho should feel obliged to
relinquishMnco. It was this probability that
gave- origin to the baseless rumor circulated
by an alleged newspaper agency that ho had
Tim , United press seized upon this In-
tanclblo rumor as an actual fact and added
that Ir , Von lioetlclier , Imperial secretary
oj the Interior , would follow the foreign
minister out of olllce. This story. It Is un
derstood here , was published in America , but
the Associated press Is In a position to deny
there Is any truth In It. The facts are as
above stated.
Late tonight a rumor Is current that the
emperor wants to appoint Count 54cu Euhlen-
berg governor of Alsace-Lorraine , but that
Prince von Hohenlohe opposes It. The prince
has also made. It Is said , his acceptance of
the chancellorship dependent upon several
alterations In the Prussian ministry. There
Is 1 no reliable news of any changes being
rnndo In the Imperial cabinet.
A feature of the situation that cannot be
rightly omitted Is the universal chorus of
eulogies of Count von Caprlvl in the
press of all parties. Even the Vorwaerts , the
organ of the socialists , admits that ho Is a
man to bo respected , while the Rlsmarcklan
press speaks of him with becoming courtesy.
The ultra-conservative Kriuz XeUiing , after
a hasty outburst of exultation over his down
fall , quotes this In today's Issue : "That It
beats no 111 will toward htm. "
LONDON. Oct. 28. A special dispatch to
the Times from Paris , says the appointment
of Prlnco von Hohenloho OB German chan
cellor Is construed as a pacific symptom.
The correspondent of the Times at Vienna
says the resignation of Caprlvl has made a
very unfavorable Impression In the Austrian
capital. It Is taken to Indicate' the Instabil
ity of the government ot Germany
A dispatch to the Times from Berlin says
It IB believed that the only departmental
changes likely to follow the change In the
chancellorship and the Prussian ministry wilt
bo those necessary lo prevent friction In the
stale machinery. The emperor being spe
cially anxious for the continuity of the pres
ent foreign policy , Daron Marshal von Ble-
bersteln , secretary of state for foreign af
fairs , will retain office. The crisis , therefore
fore , remains an Internal , and In the em
peror's view , merely a personal one ,
Whether It was necessary for such a > so
to subject the country to such a ? re
shock la another question. As a Berlin
paper cynically remarked , there are two men
overboard , but the course remains unchanged.
Perhaps the only personage who may
sincerely congratulated la Count von Caprlvl.
Chilian KxpoaUI"n Opened.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 28. Senor Don Do
mingo Gana , the Chilian minister at Wash
ington , has received the announcement front
hli government of the opening at 2 o'clock
UU afternoon ct tba join I cm and rastalluifil- '
cat exposition nt Santiago , Chill. The ex
position was Inaugurated with appropriate
ceremonies. England , America and other
countries are nmonc theexhibitors. . The
affair Is to continue , three months.
Itonehorjr tlio Ilouin uf Lord * ns
n MrnHre tn freedom.
LONDON ' , Oct. 28. The liberals last night
opened their electoral campaign at Ilradford ,
where a meeting wits held which was at
tended by 5,000 psople. Prime Minister Rose-
bery ; delhered the principal speech of the
cvcnlnc. He said that In his opinion the
next general election would not be fought on
the homo rule , disestablishment ot the
church In AVale * or the liquor question , but
on a question which would Include them all.
The matter of the House of Lords was the
greatest legislative question that had nrlsen
In two centuries. U had long been evident
to . him that drastic dealing with the House
of Lords must precede the full realization of
other political programs.
"Wo boast of our free Institutions , thanking
Goil that we are not as other men are and nil
the time -we endiiro this mockery of free
dom. 1 " He confessed freely that all experi
ence pointed to the necessity of a second
chamber af some fort , but to his mind it
was an absolute danger and nn Invitation
to revolution that there should be a second
chamber In the position of the House of
Lords. It was , therefore , as a lover of leg
islation and freedom that ho Implored the
people to take this question Into Immediate
consideration. The powers of the House of
Lords over finance had been restricted by
resolution of the House of Commons. The
upper hou&e had also been restricted regardIng -
Ing Interference with the elections. There
fore a resolution which the government would
Introduce would declare In clear terms that
the House of 'Commons , In partnership with
the House of Lords , Is the unmistakably pre
dominant partner. To Instance the responsi
bility of the government It would represent
a Joint J demand of the executive government
nnd the Commons for a revision of the con
stitution. After some ueeful legislation had
been passed at the next session the govern-
muit would nsk the Commons to pass the
resolution ; then It would appeal to the
LONDON , Oct. 29. In a leader this morn
Ing , commenting upon Prime Minister Rose-
bery's speech at Bradford opening the lib
eral campaign , the Standard says he has
thrown down the gauntlet , but like Quixote's
visor. It Is only of pasteboard.
LONDON. Oct. 28. The Da Iy News says
Lord Rosebsry's speech was the finest ever
delivered and that it has made his future
Olllrlnl 11 nl lull tin Dccluro tlmt Itusulu'ft
Jlulrr CoiillnnrN lo Host Well.
this morning , bearing the signatures of the
five physicians on the czar , says : "The czar
slept well last evening. His appetite. Is
good. His condition Is unchanged. "
The regular official bulletin , dated Llvadla
at 7 o'clock this evening , says the condition
of the czar shows no change.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 28. The following
bullet n concerning the czar's condition was
received here today by Prlnco Catacufene ,
the Ru < sl n minister :
"ST. PETERSBURG , Oct. 28. 9.45. The
emperor slept well on Friday night. Yester
day the appetite was good and the function
of the heart more satisfactory. General condi
tion better ; oedema hau not Increased.
1 " 0.IBR8. "
ST. PETERSBURG , Oct. 28.--The Crash-
Vrelmya awl rujherjapers , 4ir
expressing gratitude for the universal sympa
thy shown abroad " tor the czar , refer to the
delicate tact "of Emp'eror William In per-
onally attending tlie services held Friday In
Berlin , while the French ambassador at the
German capital thought It sufficient to send
a representative. The papers add lhat Em
peror "William also sent Prof , Leyden , to
L vadla , hoping that he would be able to
benefit the czar. "
It Is staled tonight that Dr. Zaccharhi non-
takes a more hopeful view of his majesty's
case. He says that the czar will be able to
glvo the czarewltch and Prlncesi Allx his
blessing on the occasion of the r marriage ,
which , it Is now stated , will take place to
morrow. The czar fixed tomorrow as the
wedding- day because tt Is the anniversary of
the disaster to the Imperial train nt Uorkl ,
which many persons believe was the result
of a nihilist plot to kill his majesty.
Dr. Grubo today tapped his majesty and
relieved the swelling.
Prof Leyden states the czarina's Illness
Is not serious.
M. Durnovo , minister of the Interior , In
tends to resign on the death of tlio czar.
Money AlurkDt jlrllvo nnd Much Ilriimnil
for InvrfttmrntH.
CITY OF MEXICO , Oct. 28. The warship
Zaragossa will take troops from Ballna Cruz |
to Calpos. Barnjn and wife. In whose house
occurred the first row resulting In the
Verastugua-Romero duel have left the City
ot Mexico.
Crowds are visiting the city every Sunday
In large numbers to witness the bull fights.
The state of Hidalgo offers a subvention of
$2,000 per kilometer for a railroad which
will go through the district ot Huachlnanga.
The money market in more active and Im-
portat.ons are Increasing.
I'opo I'resldei nt it Alerting to Itcunlto the
EnHtern unit Woiitrrn llrnncliFit
ROME , Oct. 28. The second meeting ot the
conference ) to devise means , it possible , to
reunite the eastern and western churches
was held today , the pope again presiding.
The principal subject of discussion was the
Increasing- Influence of the eastern patri I-
archates as proselyting centers. The confer
ence will meet again Wednesday.
KuHiiith'H Sou Nut ii ItiiYotutlniilxl.
DUDA PEST. Oct. 28. Francis Kossuth ,
son of the great Hungarian patriot , Louis | |
Kossuth , arrived In this city today. In reply
to the greetings of a deputation he eald IIQ
bowed to the will of Hungary , which
had become reconciled to the present chy
Talk lit Cabinet CrUI .
LONDON , Oct. 29. A dispatch to the
Times from Madrid says a ministerial coun
cil to discuss political questions has been
summoned today , It Is expected that the
meeting will result In a cabinet crisis.
Itrltlnli blcumor on I'lio.
COPENHAGEN , Oct. 28. The British
steamer Lclconfleld has put Into this port ,
a flro having broke- out In her cargo. She
called October 4 from Savannah for Iteval.i ,
Imperial Oiiard OIllvorB Arrritetl.
MOSCOW. Oct. 28. It Is rumored that wo
officers belonging lo a Cossack regiment of
the Imperial guard have been arrested on
political charges ,
M. I.i-uu I'cliiitre Demi.
LONDON , Oct. 28. A dispatch lo ( I he
Times from Paris says M. Leon I'elustre , the
famous archaeologist , died today at Tours.
Slimy Cotton I'loliU yoilroyeil nnd Hun i
dreds ol Knrmor * Cat Inl Out.
CORINTH , JIIfc . , Oct. 28 , Forest llres are
raging In the vicinity of Corinth and uea
dense smoke overhangs the town , Sevcinl
cotton Rclda have been destroyed In ( ho out
lying districts' ' , valuable timber ruined and
the country laid waste. Hundreds of farm
ers are flcmlng' the names ,
TIUMHLU. Tenn. . Oct. 28-Forest fires
arc spreading ruin In this section. The
long drouth has made timber and KraiH aa
dry as tinder und the flumes spread with
llghtnlng-IIke rupldlty. The valuable range
In the Oblon river bottoms Una been twept
UUB. cauilaa a loss el tbou i M of dollare. '
Pennsylvania BoartHug House Orowdctl with
Hungarians Blown to Atoms ,
Author * of thn Trrrltilo Affair Deliberately
Arrniigpil tlio iiplonlvo : Uiulcr
th ItiiiliUnc mid TotirhtMl
U Off.
WILKEStlARRE , Pa. , Oct. 28. A larg
Hungarian boarding house at Laurel Hun ,
this county , was blown to atoms by dyna
miters at 3 o'clock this morning , and Hires
ot the Inmates were killed outright , four
fatally Injured nnd half a dozen seriously
hurt. The k lied nrc :
The most dangerously Injured are :
Joseph Callcttts , back broken.
Mike GoshlU1. head cut and left art ?
Kasha Kataresk , one leg broken , othci
criislio.l. necessitating amputation.
Michael Urltz , abdomen torn.
lllash Krell , both arms broken.
Fflhr Kotsch , shoulder broken and Injure !
Anthony Sechleck , back and breast crushed.
Urltz Mlshko , legs crushed.
The fiends who planned the explosion did
their work well , despite the fact that part ot
the plan fa led. They place-d about twenty-
four itlclcs of dynamite under the building ,
each being about nine Inches long and
weighing about halt a pound , A wire con
nected the sticks with a battery about llfty
yards away. When the Glgnul was given
only about halt a dozen of the sticks ex
ploded. They wcro fiulllc ent , however , to
completely wreck the building , not a beam
or plank of which was left standing.
Several of the Inmates who occupied the
upper floor were hurled fifty feet In the air ,
some of them escaping fatal Injuries by light
ing on the trtcs near by. Half dazed by
fear , they managed to hoIJ on to the limbs
of the trees until they recovered their senses
ami were able ta reach the ground , The *
track walker , who arrived on the scene
shortly after the explosion , says It resembled
a battlefield.
The cries of the Injured wcro heartrending1.
Some of them were In the trees ; others wcro
lylnc on the ground and under the debris
of the wrecked building. Ore ot the boarders
who escaped Injury made his way to n neigh
boring shanty and woke the Inmates. Blan
kets and boddlnc were carried to the scene
and the Injured made ns comfortable aa
possible. At daylight the officials of the Le-
hlgh Valley railroad were notified and a
special train , with a number ot physicians ,
was hurried lo the icono. The doctors
dressed the wounds of the Injured , who were
then brought to the hospital In this city.
The boarding boss says he Is at a loss to know
what prompted the dastardly deed. As far
as ho knows , he has no enemies In the worjd.
Some of the boarders think the motive was
tobbery , as several of them were known to
have considerable money In tlielr possession. .
If this was the object 61 the flneds , It la
plain why they placed so.-much of the- explo
sive under the building.-They wanted to
( illI every person In" the building In order to
eel the plunder nnd then escape detection.
Up-tD-7 a'cloch-tonlght no-arrests have been
Inn do.
Ono of the wounded men says that Immci-
dhtely after the explosion he saw four
strange men running douwn the road leading
to the village at Miner' * Mills , They carried
lanterns. While hu lay on the ground , an
other stranger approached htm and rifled his
pockets. He also cut the belt which encir
cled his waist and carried It away.
Another of the Injured elves It as hit
opinion that the men seen on the ground
after the explosion were tramps. The dyna
miters used Plttsburg dynamite , which fact
may lead to their discovery , as dynamite ol
that character Is used by the railroad con
tractors , whoso tool housa Is near thescene. .
The house had been broken open and a new'
battery taken out. An old battery was found
near by. The supposition Is that the latter
Is the one that did the work and the now on
was btlll In reserve.
Michael Bcllakovltch , the proprietor ot the
boarding house , was arrested tonight and
sent to jail. The authorities say they want
him as a witness.
Wisconsin Taiin Terribly Minlioti ntul Con-
gliloriihla Imimigo Dime ,
CHIPPEWA FALLS. Oct. 28. This city
and vicinity were tenlbly shaken today by an
explosion which occurred on the summit of a
hill a mile from town , where was stored In a
small building five tons of dynamite. The
stuff had been sent here on consignment
from a , Chicago house to a local hardware
merchant. It Is presumed a rifle bullet fired
by a hunter Into the building lodged In some
ponder that was In storage und that the per
son lost his life. The ground was torn up tea
a great depth for some distance , while trees
and fences for many rods were torn and
twIMed and quiten number of trees were
pulled up by the roots. The glass In every
farm house for miles around was shattered.
In this city tlfb effect was disastrous to the
Plato glass fronts , and windows In numbers
of dwellings wcro broken.
The shock came while people were on their
way to church and threw women and children
down and caused several women to faint.
The village of Bloomer , twelve miles distant
from the scene , appears to hove felt the
force moro severely than here. The scene of
the disaster was visited by thousands today ,
A handkerchief and pieces of n cent sleeve
were foiir\ \ l about llfty rodH nwny , nnrt they
nrc thought to be pait of the clothing of
Paul Ili-oher , an Austrian , who was lern
going In thu direction of the magazine a
short time bcfoto the explosion.
TATAI , rniiinr WIUCK. :
Thruu Klllnl uiiil M.uiy Jnjurrd on the
I'mimylvunlii ut Urujilon Million.
BRISTOL , Pa. , Oct. 2S , A dlsnstrous
freight wreck occurred on the Pennsylvania
road near C'roydon station about 7 o'clock
this evening1 , In which thrca were killed and
a score or more Injured , some pcrloualy ,
constructiontialn , having on board about
forty laborer ? , pulled up near Croydon and
stopped to take on mam workmen , Whllo
thu train was ut a standstill fast freight
No. 1147 , K. W. Stout , engineer , nnd Wil
liam Crouch , conductor , crashed into the
work train. The trainmen escaped by Jump-
Ing. Bfverul carx were wrecked , nnrt In the
crush John JtcNulty , Stephen lllulte. and
Frank Stonr , nil of this place , were cnught
und Instantly killed ,
Of the twenty or more who were Injured ,
nearly nil live In liilHtnl Three or four
are HO badly hurt that th y may die from ,
their Injuries. All of thu Bristol physicians
were aunimonod to the scene of the wreck
and after attending to the wounds of tlio
injured im-n sent Home to this place and the
others to the Pennsylvania hospital.
Tuo llritkemmi Klllnl.
BALT LAKE , Oct. 2S.-C. A. Class nixl
L. II , Rogers , two brakemeji on the Rio
Grande Western , were- caught between
freight cars while coupling nt Soldier's
Carnp this * afternoon and crushed to death.
IJoth were Instantly Mlled.
Queer Cause ut a Traircily In Mr. Jotopli' *
lloipltul Ht 1'iirt W.i y no.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 28.-A Commtrclal-
Oazette special from Foil Wayne , ln < 5. , says
that at Ht Joseph's hospital last night Job a
Huffman shot Hubert Allcr In the head vrltU
n revolver for keeping- him nwnke by loud
snoring and then shot lilmielf In the had.
Both are dying tonight. They are moro
than CO yearn old and for ten years have
been Inmates of the hospital , employed no
Janitors. Two -weeks B O lljffinan bought
a revolver to shoot Aller If h did not ault
amirlntr. .