LONDON THEATERS CROWDE1 People ATO Back from the Country an Becking Amusement at Homo , GILBERT'S NEW OPERA AT THE LYRI Itatativl of it UrinliliiR I.lcrnni ) In tlin r.niin Mumc Hull I'ncka thnt Homo from J'loar Ui Hon ( Vigilance Com- mlttco I Mined , ( Copy rlsh ltd IW4 by the Associated Prcfcs. ) LONDON , Oct. 27. lAfter a. period wintry weather London has been enjoying tew springlike days. This , coupled wl the fact that people nre nearly all back ( re the country , hoe served to crowd the lea Ing theaters. At the Criterion , for I stanceIt lias been Impossible to buy- sec except In advance , and the same may Balil of the Comedy theater , the Court the tcr , the Adelphl theater nnd a few othe In fact , in some ol these places of cnterlal merit It haa been Impossible to buy so ; a few days ahead. On the other hand , Iho continued crusa ngulnst granting a "drinking audltorlui license to the Empire theater hns served draw the biggest crowds to that place entertainment that ever gathered In a th < tcr. The London county council has si tallied the licensing committee In Its i fusal to grant a license , much to the- sat Faction of the religious bodies , which ho been holding special prayer meetings on t subject. The principal dramatic even ol the we la tonight's premiere of "His Excellenc at tlio Lyric theater , and It may bo add that Mr. W. 8. Gilbert has provided pier of stimulating advertisement lor this con opera , which , ho has written In conjunct ! with Dr. Osman Carr The week opened with Mr. Gilbert scmll to thc'-prena ' a letter stating that a certs Comtes&e dc Bremont had applied to h for nn Interview , to be published In St. Pa Minn. Ho added that ho was unwilling put himself at the mercy of the good la and discretion of the lady , who Is knc- by repute , and replied that "The terms an interview are 20 guineas. " The Co leeso d < ? llrcmont. treating this letter as specimen of Gilbert's humor , replied : anticipate the pleasure of writing y < obituary for nothing. " It Is unclersu that the Comtesse do Dremont halla fr Cincinnati , O. , nnd she doubtless has g < Ohio blood In her veins , for aho has pa ! < Mr. Gilbert's letter In the hands ot 1 solicitors. Tlio Do Bremont Incident had hardly s tied before Messrs. Gilbert and Edwai made an application for an Injunction restrain Iho Star from continuing to pub ! an account of the plot of "His Cxcellcne ; had been given to i which , It appears , of the Ly .newspaper men by an employe theater. The ground on which this application v made was that the publication of the opi would ruin the rights of the play In I United States. The court of chancery gran an ad Interim Injunction. WHAT KAlLUnB MAY MEAN. The production of "His Excellency" I been awaited with considerable Interest the part of those who are desirous of Icnc Ing how well W. S. Gilbert and Dr. Ci will -work In double harness. In the ovi of a failure the production of "Hla Exc lency" may bo Immediately precedent to reconciliation between Gilbert and Sulllvi Below the surface there Is much moving this direction. The action of the story passes at Elslno Denmark , and deals with a freak ot I prlnco recent , who passes himself oil ai strolllnc player , and In that disguise pit many a prank upon th& people ; over wh he ruled , naturally In strict accordance w the lajvs of tbp country , lyjng within domain of comic opera. The romantic terest which Is detailed In the satire of piece Is concerned with the love of a yoi Eculptor for a ballad singer. Of the scul or'B handiwork an example will tie t > r cnted on the stage , which Is said to h : cost 200 to construct. The opera Is , course , In the Ollberttan two-act form , scene of the flrst being the market pla Elslnore , that of the second , the court y , ot the castle , of the same Danish town. ] historical reasons , the period ol the play fixed In 1607 , and it has been phophes about L'ondon that the play was to be a gr tucccss. n. J. A. Dam's "The Shopgirl" Is In hearsal at the Gaiety theater. Mr. Dam scribed It as "a musical comedy , writ around the army and navy headquarters. Grace Hawthorne haa gone with a conip , to India for a tour which may contl around the world. She opened In "Fedo at Calcutta on November 10 , and will fol the Russian atory with Sardou's later we "Theodora. " The Carl Hosa Opera company proposes produce at Christmas time Ilutnperd n < fairy opera , "Hansel Und Qretel , " the C man "Babes In the Woods , " which proven such a success In Germany. ' libretto will be put Into English by Const a Page. TATTI FINDS A PRODIGY. The next promised musical prodigy Is a worker , John W. Williams , who has been < covered by Pattl. and svho will be brou out by her at the divans November com In Albert hall. Pattl saya Williams ha wondcrlul voice. Mr4 Harris reopens tha darrlcfc theater night with "Money , " and with practlc the same cast as before , except that M Millet and Arthur Ilourchler will apt in It. When the "Queen of the Brilliants" Is i at Abbey's theater. New York , It will p tlcnlly be a new p'ece , as far as the llbr Is concerned , and there will bo some i numbers by Jakobov-skl. When Mr. At found , upon presentation oC the piece h that the book was practically a flat failure commissioned II. J. Bam to rewrite It. Ibis connection Mr. Dam says : "Correc another's work is a delicate matter an liaro no desire to make capital out oi It , liavc reconstructed the 'Queen of the I Hants , ' putting In a strong dramatic plot , s as the spectacle needed , The new number ! elude two sole songs for Miss Russell , ot them being a slumber song to which goes tasleep before the tableaux. Tl are also two new solos for Hubert Wllko a duct ( or himself and Miss Ilussell , changes have not Interfered with the s tacular groupings and ensemble movemc which will be given In New York jutl they were flrst iecn In London. The. r looks well in Us present shape , If I may to , and Miss Kussell and Jakobowskl are lighted with It. It only needed B dramatic Interest and sonic comedy , an has these now , In Its present simp , should give New York plenty to talk abe The action of the London county counc regard to the Empire theater , and th ctslon of Manager Edward ] to close that tabllshment , eclipses all other topics In li est In London today , even Including the man crisis and the reports regarding health of the czar. The newspapers of city devote pages to the Empire theater ci tlon , and all ot them liavo editorials upon subject. At Iho end of the performance at the plre theater last night there wa * a most citing scene. The vast audience asscni continued standing for half an hour , sin nnd cheering Mr. Edwards and hissing London county council and lira. Orm Chant of the Vigilance association. Sir. Brerbohm Tree's next pioluctloti ai llaymarket theater will be lUddon CI bw * new play , which the London press announced as "Two Mtn and a Womun , " which Mr. Tree wrjtes the Aistclalod | will b called , when produced un Novel 6 < y 7.1 "John o' Dreams. " Tlia t' < y "I particularly strong part. " iaya Mr. ' "for , and an equally good one for Patrick Campbell , who will , with thl ; Oucllon , make hqr first appearance ; at fiayjiiarluit. " If it Is 1 SUCCMS > ou t know I shall Include It In my Amei rcnerlolrts , Although I have not dccld think It not Improbable that .1 snail With the 'lUltarl Monger' and the Lamp , ' at played before her maijrsly I in Iho engagement 1 shall be seen as He ami FklatHff , as well as In several other i ftctrr * familiar to London. I am not i to America simply for dollars. I wai conquer the good opinion of American goeri , " Laugtry a ad her coaipany hit New York today on board the- American Hi steamship Paris , Among the members i this company nreMlsccs Beatrice 8 Iw > Leclercq and Mrs.V. . T. Lovell , Frank lei ton , Ivan Wllion , Williamson , Weathrrl and others , During her American tour Mrs. Laiigti will rely upon society plays at flrst , nr later upon Shakespearean productions. SI hopes to open In New York , If It Is possible get a theater there , but tier program is si unsettled. IN OMAHA'S THBATKUS. What IVoplo Mny Inspect to See Benin tlio Cnrtnlii lilts Week. A new play which has already maflo pronounced hit will be seen at the Do ; theater Tuesday and Wednesday nigh when the quaint comedian , Willie Collli supported by n carefully Delected compan will present Edward E KUldcr's come drama , "A Back Number. " As a rule t public does not care to attend a psrfori ance ot a new play , but prefers to aw ; the pruning process. At the close of Is season The Hess nnd Hess company ga the play for four weeks , two of which we In Boston. The reception was so favoral that Mr. Collier determined this season put farce comedy behind him and bo sc In more , legitimate lines , In "A Ha Number" was found Juet what he desln Mr. Collier believes in laughter , but In 1 new play no stage device nor ludlcro make-up Is adopted to provoke mirth. 1 depends alone on his ability as a comeOlt and Wllllo Collier as Ben and Ike Benin Is the same Willie Collier one meets un t street He merely dresses appropriate for the two parts , nothing more. T story Is laid In nn Ohio village. It may bo said that there is no claim ma by the author ot " 1-11-41" as to plot was simply constructed to amuse and cnti tain the public , which enjoys a hearty lauj High-class singing , clever specialties and t pert dancing of all descriptions arc on t piogram. The company which appears " 4-11-41' has been selected with care , and expense has been spared by the managcmc to secure the very beat artists that man and an active nmbttlon to huvo the bt could procure. This company comes to the Fifteen Street theater for four nights , beglnnl with a raatlnce this afternoon. "Friends , " the charming comedy drama that brilliant young playwright Edwin M ton Royle , Is one of the assured success ! theatrical ventures of this season. No pi of recent years lias met with such unlven praise as tills delightful production , L- season It received the unqualified npproi of tlio press and public of this city as pi scnted by Messrs. Edwin Milton Iloyle , I clus Henderson , Harry Allen , E. D Lye and Selena. Fetter ttoyle. It will be sc here again Friday , Saturday and Sunday the Bojd , and Is certain to duplicate former triumphs. "Friends" Is one of t few plays that can successfully bear repc tlon. Right or wrong , the tariff bill passed the last senate and congress has certalr reduced the price of dry goods. A strlk example of this Is the advertisement ot HE den Brothers on the ninth page ; antlclpatl perhaps possibly the same degree ot protect ! they had enjoyed under the McKlnley b or a continuance of that protection In c : of a disagreement amongst the Solans Washington , the eastern factories contlnt , to manufacture and pile up thousands cases of goods designed for fall trade. T had been the custom for years , and was necessary practice , bccausa the Jobbers a large retailers , like I lay den's , had herctof < anticipated their wants , and ordered In Jt what they needed for October trade , I this year It wasj different , and shrewd mi chants waited to sec the result of the WIU bill , wliicli , as Is well known , reduced I cost ot all woolen dress goods , btankc hosiery , In fact , all dry goods , 33 to per cent. Hayden Brothers were strictly line , and were In n position to take advant ! of the decline by making all their purcha durlnc the last two weeks at the lou. prices ever known. While , this applies all their departments , yet the most marl reductions and stupendous bargains nre In dress goods from the- auction ealo of celebrated Arlington mills , held In New Yi October 17. Head about them on the nil page , and visit Haydens' , the universal i vlders. next week. Itnnl llrlih'n Annlvi > r iiry. Nebraska lodge No. 354 , Independent der of Bnai Brlthnlll celebrate its te anniversary nt Metropolitan hall this even by presenting Henry J. Byron's three- comedy , "Uncle Boodle. " In the cast Misses Minnie Hattle Obertel and Hattle Drelfus and Messrs. Simon Go Fred S. Bcllgsohn and Edgar Wessel. ' coinmllUes are : Entertainment Ilabbl Leo M. Frank Samuel Katz , John Merrltt. Floor M. n. Trauernian , II. Blath , Ju' Meyer , William Flatou , Jos Qutman , I. I ! sclbcrg , Sol Frank. Reception ] . Oberfeldcr , I. Hossellx Max Meyer , G. Brandies , M. Morris , Blotchy , C. Singer. Wlmt 111 la 1 Melt-in. WESTERN , Neb. . Oct. 22. To the Ed of The Dee : Please state In next Sund , Bee the full meaning of 1C to 1 , as used politicians In reference to gold and ci coin ? SUBSCRIBE ! The legal ratio of silver to gold In United States la 15.DS to 1. or , as it Is c monly for convenience stated , 16 to 1. ' means that by law and for purposes coinage sixteen ounces of silver Is equlva to one ounce ol gold. Thus , there- are 2 grains of pure gold In the gold dollar 371U cralns or pure silver in the pi dollar. The present commercial ratio silver to gold Is about double the coir ratio. , jniKriTiit > . 1 d | Next Saturday evening Wasa lodge 163 , Independent Order of OM Fellows , celebrate Us fourth nnnhersary with an tertalnmcnt , concert and ball at "Wash ! ton hall. Several well known Odd Fell will speak , on the occasion , and a good t Is promised. On Friday and Saturday the teachers four counties were assembled at Stanton three ol the- Omaha teachers addressed tli Mrs. Remington Not&on spoke on "Lit ture ( n the InU-rmcdlato Grades , " Miss B ley on "Physical Culture , " Miss Rettle I on "Primary Reading " Dr. Capell removed from Council Bluff Omaha. Ilooms 1C and 17.Vithnell bl K.iTlliit t'UKKV.lST. I.ocul Knlna mid Much Collier Weather Nclmislia 'loiluy. WASHINGTON , Oct. 27. Tlie forecast Sunday is : For Nebraska , and South Dal Locul rains : much colder ; nortrr winds. For Sllssourl Fair In the morning ; creasing cloudiness , v > ltli showers In evening or night ; warmer In the eas portion ; colder In tin : western portion ; cc throughout the state oil Monday , For Iowa Light r.ilns ; brisk nnd 1 south , shitting1 to uui tli west winds ; n ut colder In the vvcsuin portion ; colder In eastern portion Sunday night. Lorn I Ueronl. OKFICU OF THK WEATHER BURE OMAHA , Oct. ST. Omntia iccoul of tern ature nnil rainfall , compared txlth the responding day of past four years : 1S3I. 1S'J3. ISM. > faxlmum temper.iture. . . . 7J 63 C6 Minimum temperature. . . . 4t > 37 40 Average temperature 5D Bl ta Precipitation (0 T .00 Condition of temperature and i > rcclj > ! U at Omulia for the day and alnt-6' Mart 1894 : Normal temperature let Excess tor the day. . . . . . . Accumulated excc H since March 1 Normal precipitation OC nfllrlcnoy for the flay . .W Total pteilpitallon since March 1 13,89 In Accumulated deficiency since March 1 , 15.4 < In or L , A WELSH , Observ IN OMAHA'S SA5CTDARIE Another Statement of Tronbka in Bt. Paul' Church by a Committee. CLAIMS TO REPRESENT A What the 1'nulUl Fntlicm Hnro Accoin l In Uiunlin In Tire AVcehi Thrnt- ilculi br Yoiine Wonirn' * Christina Annotation I'ulplt Announcement * . OMAHA , Oct. 27. To the Editor Of Th Beer The rumors have been and are cor stantly spreading about the St. Paul's churc lawsuit , and people perhaps think that It the whole congregation that harmonizes wit the suit. Not o , for there arc only thirl ] five Ignorant nnd cspcc ally one Ignoramus- persons who try to get everything their ow way and the property under their person ; direction. Wo are and always have been i about 105 parishioners who have always sir ported the church , while they who ore tr ; Ing to run everything consist of about thlrt ; flve people who never paid anything , ar not as they quoted on July 25 , 1881 , "Oi side la composed of about 100 parlshtonci who have always supported the church , whl the other aide consltts of about twenty-five , \Vo simply throw defiance at them for th statement. They claim that they have bee swindled. Who ever respects and hone that know them ? It Is simply the coi trary How can nny sensible person b Have that these thirty-five people nre on tl right path and the 165 on the wrong ? Thei thirty-five people managed , when they sa they could not swindle the congregation ar more through deceltfulnees , to get rid i the lawful priests that labored for their hai plness and welfare , and secured an unknow man by the name of Stanislaus Kamln , wt knows nothing about our church matter to hold services for them , thereby severlr themselves from the b shop's control nr calling themselves Independent. They dee themselves Independent from the pope , t ) bishops and all authorities o the Home Catholic church. Should we , by far the majority , as sa before , abandon the church In which y have worshiped In the faith of our father Emphatically , no ! Wo shall try to ha- an Injunction on the church until all the troubles are settled. Wo give them ccrta time to remove from the premises , and not we shall force them by law , If there nny' law at all. Should tills majority ylc to thefce thirty-five people ? About July 2 1891 , these thirty-five people stated In tl World-Herald : "Tho church property w purchased and the bu'ldlngs erected nnd pa for by the parishioners before we ever h a priest. " This , we say , Is untrue , ai from this one must judge , that everythli was in readiness , only to secure a prle and have services held. First of all tlir lots were purchased , but not entirely pa for , and as there was no church on the the congregation rented a vacant hou from Metz Bros. , and only then secured priest. This pastor was selected by t : congregation ns their guardian of nil thins ami only then the erection of the chun building was begun. We , the underslgne uphold all the above statements. A. J iPOZANOWSKI , GAKLIK , S. NETZEL. N. DARGAZENSKI. A. SCEPANICK , F. SEEPANIAK , A. SUE El 1C , S PILLAR , FR. KOBIELA. FR. HUNOWSKI. Special Committee. Yonnir Women's ( hrlntlun .AgaorlnUnn. The comedetta. "For Half a Million , " w staged a the Woman's club rooms last Mo day evening. The actois , Mrs. J. H. Whie' ( Mlsa Margaret McKell and Mr. Herb ; ' Cook , entered Into the splr'ft of the play a manner that brought out the fun a fancy of the comedy to the fullest cxtci The elocutionary recital which was advt tlsed to be given Sunday evening , Octob 3D , has been postponed , Notice will be glv later as to tlio time. Gospel service Sunday afternoon at o'clock. Subject : "Coming to God. " All you women of the young people's societies , every church ore Invited to come and ta part In the service. Monday evening at S o'clock , a ICensIn ton. All are Invited to come , and bring tin fancy work , and spend a social evening. .Mission Hand Talent. A very enjoyable entertainment was giv by the Mission band of St. John's church the assembly rooms of the parochial echo Twenty-sixth and Franklin streets , Thund evening. Vocal and Instrumental mus well selected recitations and callsthenlc c erclses by the girls , made a very pretty pi gram , which was keenly appreciated a liberally applauded by the aud ence. rpwurth I.eicrcp Otatrlct Convention. The Epwortli league for the Omaha d tret will hold a. convention at the Fl Methodist church. South Omaha , next Tu day and Wednesday , Ill-let L'ulpU l'orecnH. : Unlversallst Hov. Dr. Leo M. Frank will preach In the absence of the pastor. Unitarian Rev. Newton M. Mann , nilnlst Service at 10:45. : Sermon on'Tlie Probl of the Uncmployed.'J Sunday school at no Castellar Street. Presbyterian Subject morning sermon , "The. Ark of the Cpvcnan evening , "Jehovah's Love for His Clios People. " > Seward Street Methodist W. K. Bea pastor. Morning subject , "Characterlst of Methodism ; " evening theme , "BullJi the Walls , " Trinity Methodist Rev , P , H. Sanders D.D. , will preach , morning at 10 30 , si Jcct , "Fervent Chr'stlanr'evening ; at 7 ; subject , "One Another , " Walnut Hill Methodist Subject of mo Ing sermon : "The Interdependence and Sy pathy of Church Members. " Evening : ' " ] ruble a Plain Book to the Masses " People's Church Sermons at 10.30 n , m i 7:30 : p. m. by the pastor , Charles W. Savld Subject In the morning , "What Do Head ? " Subject In the evening , " 1 Ovcrcomers , " Grace Evangelical Lutheran The pas ! Rev Luther M. Kuhns , will preach at 1 p. m. on "The World Gone Wrong" tha morning c.t 11 o'clock the festival reformation , the anniversary ot Luther's volt against the church of Rome , will'be served. First Church of Christ ( Scientist. ) A U , W. hall , Patterson building. Mrs. A , DeLong , paetor. Preaching at 10:45 : a. Sunday school Immediately following. Re ing rooms , in eame building , open dur the week , from 10. a. in. to 5 p. m , All welcome. MucrlaRH The following marriage licenses were tued yesterday : Name nnd Address , A John Vnmpolo , Omaha Antonla Trojan , Oiunna , Laclvlk Bvoboda , Omaha Anna Mertz. Omaha William M. Dalley , South Omaha Minnie Samberg , Uellevue. Neb Cecil It. niumdoll , Abergaveny. Gng- . . , , Nellie D. Garner , Omaha Frank Clonll. Omaha , Umma Harrison , Omaha , . . . . John K. Stllle , South Omaha Ellen M. Shepard , South Omaha Robert C. Vincent , Omaha Eleanora. C. Clayton , Omaha Slice lu Ills liurreU A complaint , charging Thomas' Roth \ being Insane , has been filed with ( ho cl of the district cmrL. The mother of th < younc man ver that he devotes a grc&tei portion ot his time to chasing about thi liouso after mice , Imagining that ho Is a cat and has taken a contract to rid the premlKci of the little animals. IN THE DISTJilOT COURT. Cnaes that Are DarnnnalnK the Attention of Jailitci unit Jurloi. The case ot WilliamlO. Chute has fount Its way Into the courjr. where the * plalntlf Is demanding the sum ol (1,000 from J. II McDonald , alleging ttint on July 2 , of thi present year , he waajiieaulted by the dc fendnnt and seriously injived. In Judge Ferguson's court a deficiency judgment was rendered In favor ot Join A. Harbach and against the Goodrich Hal Lodge association for the sum of $10,090.13 together with Interest. The suit arose b reason of the astoclatlon falling to pay som debts which were against the noodrlch hat building at Twenty-fourth and Ilamlltoi streets. Mary Place has asked for a restralnlm order to prevent her husband , George II Place , from Interfering with the control an manacement of the children , the fruits o nn unsatisfactory union , The alleged contempt case against E. Rose water , editor of The Bee , was called tor trln yesterday , but owing to the fact that th attorneys were not ready to proceed , a con tlnuance was granted until next Thursda morning. In Judge Blair's court the jury has re turned a verdict In the will case of the heir of Frederick Schncll against Robert Prelsi hold I m : that at the time when Schncll be queathcd his property to Prelss he was 1 his Tight mind. This reverses the finding bf the probate court and cuts the chlidre out of the property. Judge Baxter 1ms decided the will case In stltutcd by Mary Shelby , daughter of Joscp Crelghton. deceased , holding that at th time of executing the will Crelghton wa not In his right mind In the suit of the Omaha National ban against J. J. and Rosa Bliss , the Kllpatrlck Koch Dry Goods company has Hied a petl tlon of Intervention , asking that the mort gage from Bliss to hie. wife and for $2,00 be set aside. In this petition it is allege that the mortgage Is fraudulent , wlthou consideration , and Is made merely for th purpose of hindering in the collection c debts clue from Bliss. Judge Bixter has decided that In the flgli for the possession of Mamie Gladwln th father has the prior right to the body of th little one , a girl 12 years of age. Last week while the child was attendln school In the north part ot the city th mother. Amanda Leacli , took the girl aw a nnd secreted her for a few days Soon aftc that the father , James Gladwln , secure habeas corpus papers , and aided by the sherif took Mamie oack to his own home. Tc years ago the father and mother of tli child were divorced , Mamie being given Inl the custody of the father , with whom si has since remained. Both parties have n married , and since that time this girl IIE been the bone of contention. IN LOCAL akR.M.AN CIRCLES. farewell ltcrclhin to the Secretary of tli Henrn Cluti-Doings. Ignaz Schcdervy , who has been the seer tary of the bear division of the Omal turnvercln , and who lias filled this poslttc In a manner endearing him to all the , men bers , leaves today for St. Louis , where 1 expects to engage In his trade. A far well , whjch was JL complete su prise to him , was tendered him last Wedne day at the regular meeting of the bear On this occasion Mr Schedervy was pr sented with the Insignia , of the society as token of the high < csteem In which he held. 'In the course ol the evening mar speeches complimentary of the servlci which Mr. Schedervy had rendered wei made , and general regret at his leaving wi expressed. It Is Mr. Schedervy's Intentlo In case he does not find St Louis socle * congenlali to re-embark for Central Ame lea , where' he formenly resided for sever years. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LocalHerman lUOUHlii. .Tonight at National hall Bohemian nnuiS ment lovers will be c-ntertalhed by amatei theatricals , In which several prominent Boh rnlnns are to participate. The play Is ent tied , "Redlna Vojno , " a comedy In three act Joseph Mlk. R W. Bartos , M. Latovsky , 1 Havelka , Mrs. Bandhaur and others equal prominent , will take part. The Omaha riattsduetsche-Vereln is a ranging to give a ball at Germanla hall < November 10 , by whlcn time the new badg ordered by the society are expected to nrrlv The second theatrical performance at tl Turn hall , combined with a general entc ainment , Is to be given on the 4th of Never ber. Among the local composers , whose conipoi Ions have attracted attention , Is Prof. Dvo zack. His "Lincoln Triumphal March" ai Columbus Overture" delighted a numb of listeners last Thursday evening. Wllhelm lodge , No. G , U. O. T B , , Is provide amusement for Its members and the 'rltnds ' at a ball In Grube's ' hall , Fort Orach November 10. Concordla lodge , Order of the World , h completed arrangements to give Its first enU .ainment on the evening of November 3 , Kessler's hall. Prof. Stelnhauser's military band Is to gl a benefit concert at Germanla hall during ' afternoon and evening of November 2'J. Tl s to be concluded with a ball. Tliroo fjint Days. Rockers , spring seat , silk tapestry seal $2. Shlverlck's October sale. A Cirnml Itencllt Hull. The deaf people of Omaha will give thi flrst annual ball Thanksgiving evening , N vember 29at Omaha Guard armory T proceeds of this ball will be given to the pc of this unfortunate class of good citizens , a all who believe In charity should not on , buy tickets , but attend the party. T managers ot the affair nre L. M. Hunt n William Kline , both well and tavorol ' known. Auction I'llralture Aui-tlon. Tuesday , October 30 , 10 a. m , at corn Twenty-fourth and Douglas streets , contcr of entire house , folding beds , bed-room suit carpets , range , book cases , etc On Wedni ? day at 10 a. in. , sale at 2130 Harney , center of entire ) house , both of these houses will sold out ; no reserve , everything goes. Si at 10 a. m. , sharp. ROBERT W13LLS , Auctioneer , New Train. Now Houto. The Burllngldn'a Black Hills , Monta and Puget Sound pxuress , which lea\ Omaha at 4 CO p. ma ilaly. | Is the fasti : train , via the shartestnllne , to Helena , But Spokane , Seattle an fit Tacoma. Through service of Sleeping and free cllnlng chair cars. Tickets and full Information at l : Farnam street. M. J. DOWLING. . Caty Passenger Agent Teachers and students , attention ! A of Encyclopedia uricinnlca. ninth edit ! complete , which I mutt sell , and will t cheap , Address S. LJDavldson , care Ore hotel , or call betwcerf 4 * nd 6 p. m. S ] > ecliil Kx uralon tu Tenn. On Nov. Cth I wlllirun a special excursl from Omaha to Houston , Texas , $20,00 I round trip , to land'iblirers. Call on or i dress I C. PATTERSON. llBIRwuge Bldg. , Omaha The minstrel show at the Boyd Mont evening should be well attended , both on count of Its worth and the object. The "ei will present souvenirs to the audience. Three I-ust Duj-fc Rockers , spring scat , silk tapestry net )2. Shlverlck's October sale. highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1B9I. " 1B9I.G7 G7 G73Z " 46 .CO .tlon h 1 , . IS , n Ivbs Inch inch ones PURE cheai er. J Special Reductions Undo Monday in Dress Goods Blankets Underwear. , Furs , and . SEE THOSE BROADCLOTHS AT 75C , Aslraclmn Pur Cnp * fur 813.50 , Worth S18.0U-Mliik llcnil Hcurts for BD.OO , Worth SS.OO-Aii All-Wool ( Iruy lllankct. Worth 83.01) , for S3,51) , DRESS GOODS. 40-Inch silk and wool mixture , 2Sc , nortt COc. 46-Inch all wool French serge , all shadci and black , COc , uorth 75c. Those broadcloths. We now have all thi colors you would aik for In the finest 1m ported garment , black , tan , cardinal , sea brown , gray , etc. ; the goods measure G : Inches \vlde , and the price , TCc yard , FURS. FURS. We have the largest and most completi line ot furs In the city , and our prices an unquestionably the lowest. The special \alues for Monday are astra khan capes , 27-Inch length , worth $18.00 for J13.60. Astrakhan capes , 20-Inch length , wortl $27.00 , for J20.00. Astrakhan capes , 34-Inch length , wortl $30.00. for $22.00. And vc guarantee them to bo made o whole skins. Electric seal capes , 27-Inch length , a S16.GO , worth $24 00. Mink head scarfs , worth $5.00 , $7 00 am M.OO will be closed out at $3.00 , $1.00 am $5.00 eqch. ORAY BLANKETS. All wool gray blankets for $3.50 , was $500 All wool gray blanket for $4.38 , i\a& $6 50 All wool gray blanket for $4.95. was JS 00 11-1 extra heavy wool blanket for $2.7 $ . An all wool white blanket , $3,85 , was $6.00 Sec our new sllkalene comfort with ruffles extra largo size ? , tilled v.lth the finest grad of cotton batting. It Is i\ell worth $1.00 You can have them for $2.75 each , UNDERWEAR. Gents' 65c quality „ [ night shirts dowi to 4 ! > c , made of heavy muslin , filled seam and trimmed with cashes , fast colors trim mine. Gents' camel's hair shirts and drawers They are a very warm garment and \er ; soft , finished with silk binding and rlbbe skirt. It Is a iood garment for $1 25 , bu tomorrow we place them on sale at $1.0 PRCU. PRCU.Ladles' black wool Jersey ribbed pants a $ l.37V4 pair , reduced from $1.75. Ladles' pure Egyptian cotton , Jersey rlbbe fleece lined vests at 37o each , former ! sold at 50c. N. B. FALCONER. Tlireo I.uU Dnys. One thousand odd pieces ot furniture a halt price. Shlverlck's October sale. Onuilin and Chicago Limited PIftacn-Ilou Train Leaves Omaha ot 0:33 : p. m. and nrrlvc at Chicago 9:40 : a. m. via C. M. & St I Ry. for Chicago and all points east. Train made up and started from Omaha , nssurln passengers clean and well aired cars , Th only line running solid vesttbulcd elcctrl lighted train from Omaha direct. No wait Ing for through trains. Elegant chair cars , palace sleeping an dining cars. Ticket office. 1504 Farnam Btrcel C. S. CARRIER. Ticket Agent. All Aboard for the Illuck 1111 U. Note change of time on Fremont , Elkhor & Missouri Valley R. R. , taking effect Sun day , Oct. 28th. The fast mall , express and passenger trni will leave Omaha 2 10 p. m. , Missouri Valle 2.00 p. m , ; arrive Hot Springs S-05 a. m Deadwood 11 00 a. in. Fastest time eve made with regular train to the Black Hill : Inciulfe of ticket agents for details of Im portant changes in local and through servici ' ' ' ' J/R.'BUOHANAN , General Passenger Agent , - A Xcir Departure. Pining car service on Northwestern tral No. C east from Omaha daily at 4 p rr Meals "a la carte , " This In addition to th regular dining car service on the Chicago spc clal at 5:45 : p. in. 1401 Farnam street. Johnson Bros. , coal , 208 So. ICth , Y. ti G. A. bldg. Tel. 1821. 9 Throe Last In.r . $15.75 buys a solid oak bedroom suit , wit large glass. Shhcrick's October sale. "Ceresota" flour sold everywhere. Pianos to rent. A. Hospe , 1513 Douglaa. The IturllnRton'n Short Line. The Burlington Route la a notable exccp Uon to the general run of wrstern railroads During : n period when railroad building lr this country has been almost it a standstill It tiRi been stomllly puthlng forward ill north-rest extension and now takes mud pleasure In announcing Its completion t < Billings , Mont , SD3 miles from Omaha , At Billing * connection Is made with thi Northern Pacific railroad , and , under a trnflli igreemenl with that company , business ol all classes Is exchanged there , or , more prop erly rpcaklng , routed through that point tl and from every station on or reached via thi Northern 1'aclflo and Burlington systems This New Short Line tor that Is exnctl ) what It Is reduces the distance betweei Omaha , K nn City , St. Louis and the terrl lory south and southeast of those cities , ci thfc one liarul , and Montana , northern Idahi nnd Puget Sound points , on the other , nl the way from fifty to 473 miles. H thin becomes nn Important factor In bringing tin vast icopo of country served by the North cm Pacific Into closer relationship with th Missouri and Mississippi valleys. Just to Illustrate things the New Shor Line raves 294 miles between Omaha nnd Helena. 224 miles between Omaha and Butte. 371 miles between Omaha and Spokane. 54 miles between Omaha nnd Tacomn. 49 miles between Omahn and Seattle. The New Line has been constructed In i most substantial manner. Excellently bal lasted , laid with the heaviest sttcl upai more than the usiml number of ties. It equal ! the best and oldest portions of the Btirllngtui system. People whose opinion Is worth having , pronounce nounco It superior to any new track ever bull In the western states. The tialn sen ice will consist of Pullmai Pnlnca Sleeping cars , reclining chair can ( scats free ) , and Btamlnrd Burlington Routi day coaches , Omaha , and Lincoln to Billing ! dally. As a scenic route the New Line takes hlgl rank , The Tich farms ot pastern nnd centra Nebraska ; the more sparsely settled countr ; that l.cs between Ravenna and the boundary line separating Nebraska and South Dakota the canons , peaks and spelling meadow lands of the Black Hills , the -nondcrfu "Devil's Tower , " the Irrigated districts o northern Wjomlng , Glister battlefield , th picturesque windings of the Little Big Horn the glorious valleys of the great Crow Ind ai reservation all these nre seen from the ca window. Full information relative to the train serv ice , rates or other features of the New Shor Line will be gladly furnished upon appllca tlon to J. Fronls. G. P. A. , Burllngtoi Route , Omaha , Neb. TItrrn l.nst Day" , Ono thou and odd pieces of furniture a halt price. Shlverick's October sale. Dill You Itcnil Ahotit Tt ? The fast time now made by the F E. t M. V. R. R. from Missouri river to the Blao Hills , less than eighteen hours to Hot Spring and less than twenty-one hours to DcadwooO Leave Omaha 2:10 p. m. Supper , Norfolk Junction. Breakfast at Buffalo Gap , S. D. See agents for details and linportnn changes In local schedules. J. R. BUCHANAN , General Passenger Agent. The Ethiopian songsters will reappear a Boyd's Monday evening for the benefit of th Old Ladles' Homo and lodging IIOUEO fa women. New jokes , new songs and a iici object are the attractions. Tickets , BOc an 75c. Seats may be reserved Saturday. - To Ilnlnm nn < l ( Iii'to There's only one ( beat ) route the Burllngtoi Le-avo here at 4 50 this afternoon and yo are In Helena or Butte a few minutes aftc 9 00 a. m. , day after tomorrov. Tickets and full Information at 1324 Fat num street. M J. DOWLINQ , City Passenger Agent. Sam'l Burns , 1318 Farnam , hns placed t front door the latest decoration In En lln porcelain dinner set In "Peacock blue. " enl $5.75 ; formerly under old tariff , $12,00. A few more Havlland dinner Buts at $2 ! formerly $35. Telephone , 12C8. Ilia lluptlflt Stnto Convention. Delegations from the Omaha churches letv Webster street depot , Omaha , at 9.05 n. n : and 2 p. m. vim F , E. & M. V R. II. . Moil day , October 29 nnd Tuesday. 30th. Spec t low rate tickets on sale at 1401 Farnar street or Webster street depot , Tliroo I. mt llujs. $1575 buys a solid oak bedroom suit , i\It large glass. Shiverlck's October sale. The young ladles of the minstrel show ar preparing to make it even more of a succes than at the first presentation. Monday even Ing at the Boyd. Jewelry. Jos. P. Frenzer , opp. postofltcc. I JPiVe 8G 8 O9 clock Tea I The five o'clock teakettle is now looked f upon as one of the indispensable articles in a well regulated household. o- Aside from the elegant and palatable * ohe he beverages which can be made by the use * or nd of boiling water , "a cup of teals the syinj j ! ly * he bol of hospitality. " Happy Is the possessor nd 'ly of a leu kottlc and stand , for she can be I "on hospitable thoughts intent" without inconvenience to herself or other members icr its bers of her house hold. PS , sits - its belie The 99 Cent Store , j 1319 na res st JT. Hardy & Co te. 321 rel in ell , OH MY HOW SWEET ! xcl Were the words nt ter.-d by one of our lady visitors and buyers yesterday , Ion the Nothing but praise could be heard on id- all sides. They Were speaking about the L idles' Prettiest Luce Hoot lay ac " that ever was brought to Omahti id" it's our $4 boot , Wo in tde a special its. sale on them yes terduy at $3.00. Many could not buy until Monday , In order to accom mod.ite them wu will continue the sale Monday nnd Tuesday. The cut hare .shown do scribes the shor perfectly. Drexel & Rosenzweig Shoe Co. , 1410 FARNAM STREET. Yea MiouM llrnd thin II You Kvor Trntrel Tnklntc effect Sunday. October 28. tlio P. K. & M V , H. H. will irmlca an Important chance of time. Through Past Mall , Express nnd Local Passcngrr. Uv Omaha . 2:10 : p. m. ,9'OS a ( < Lv Prcmont . 3:50 : " 10:30 : 4 Ar Norfolk Junction ( supper ) . 6:35 : " 1:40 : p , ra. Lv Norfolk Junction CG5 : " Ar Chadron . C:05 : a , m , Ar Buffalo Gap ( breakfast ) . C55 ; " Ar Hot Springs , S. U . 8:05 : " Ar r-adwood . 11:00 : " Connections At Fremont with fast mall and express dally , except Sunday , to Lincoln , Superior and Hastings lines. Connections with Nebraska local nt Fremont - mont for Lincoln , and nt Scrlbncr and Nor folk Junction for branch lines. Inciulro of agents for details of this Im portant change. J. . BUCHANAN. ( Jen. Pass. Agent. Ilirt-n I.uM Largo square extension tobies , ? 5. Shir- crick's October enle. ( Inn ( inrtliin No. 03 U. N. C. All members of the above order nro re quested to attend the funeral of our Into brother clansman. 1'lpe-XIoJor David McKen- zle , this afternoon , at 1 o'clock p. nu Funeral from late residence , Sixteenth and , Missouri avenue , South Omaha , Interment at Forest Lnwn cemetery , Clansmen arc requested to wear regalia , members taking street car will ; et off nt Twenty-fourth and b streets , Out of re spect to our deceased brother , the proposed Il.illoncon social hns been abandoned , Yours fraternally , WILLiAM HOSS , Secretary. Are you going to Texas ? If to , call on or address n L. 1'almor , P. A. Santa Fo route * room 1.First National Hank building , Omaha * Ho will save you money. Mfrrcr Hotel II. Slltiivvny , Munnior. Hates reduced ; $2.00 to $3.00 $ per day. . "Oresota" Hour , best on earth. Thrpo I.IIHI liiijR. Largo squnro extension tables , $5. Shlv- erlck's ' October sale. Dancing hulls for rent , D. C. I'attereon. I Htwo you Examined our four hole Steel Range With water front nnd Jiiph shelf , tlia j , w.o are soiling'at 25.OO ? Have you seen our Model Steel Range Striotly high grade , six holes , waterfront - front , mul highaholf , nt $37.OO ? This range is equal to any > % mig-o solct in Omulni ut fifty dollars. Don't forgot the Acorn Base BurnorSy Acorn Oak nnd Acorn Air Tight Radia tor when you want heating stoves. \Vo are leaders in low prices. 24O7 Cuming St. At BENSON , Thursday Afternoon , . > . . , and Evening1 * November 1 , 1894. Commencing at One O' Clock , and : V Continuing Till There will bo roasted on the grounds two * hc'tic'3 , ten sheep and two calves , the gift ot the different South Omaha packing com i panles. nverybody Invited to come , Irre spective of past political adulations. A good time assured , as there will bf several bands to discourse music throughout the afternoon , and tents , arid other con veniences for the accommodation of all. All ot the republican nominees on tha , state , county and city tickets will bo present , . together with several ether noted personal from adjoining states. Short addresses will be delivered by some of threading oratorat of the day Omaha leailg , 'n all things. Come ono and ail and make this one of thai largest and greatest political gatherings over * held In the weat. Ladles cordially Invited. And wo cam assure them that every arrangement will be completed for their accommodation. Taka- the Walnut Hill street car and transfer to. Benson car. Full Set Teeth $5 Rolltble Worlc Altfayi Dr , WITHERS , ( Hi Floor , Drown block , 10th nnd DouiUn , Tolephon 177B , Omahft , rifly styles of Baby CarriaEci muni be cloit& out. The prlcm put on them In our October 8al * > la what , will ill ) 1U IhU one wu ) ! 5.CO , U nOlfc 112 U > . Shlverick's Oclabir Sal *