Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1894, Page 15, Image 15

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Business in All Lines Shows "Warm Weather
Effects ,
51 lid Went her Ciuinen n Unit In tlio Mora
meat ol Kcatomibla Onnd * Cooler
\ VentliorViinted toOlvo Simp to Trndo
During the early portion of the pant week
the. extremely ihltd weather had anything
but an encouraging effect upon trade , either
In a retail or Jobbing way. With the sun
Ahlntnif almost us warmly an In the middle
of summer there wits' \eiy little reason for
consumers to be In any hutry nboul l.i > lng
In supplies of winter clothing or other Hn-
eonable goods. With a milct retail demand
the jobbers experienced a falling oft In the
volume of business ) doing ull along the line.
During Iho latter half of the week the
weathtr turrfed cooler and conditions were
far more favorable for a good tratle , and
with a continuance of nuch weather ileilers
In nil lints of winter goods anticipate a
good trade during the week to come. While
there has been a falling oft In the volume of
busings during the past week , still there
lion been connldcrable doing nnd the trade
upon , the whole , has not been un-satlsfac-
tory. .Merchants , as a rule , were doing na
much ns llii-y could expect under Ihe prevailing -
vailing conditions and were not disposed to
The Interest which Is being taken In the
political campaign Is lather distracting to
trade. With th lr attention upon the i lltl-
cal question * of the day n good many busi
ness men nro neglecting to push business
ns hard OH usual , nnd there Is no doubt
but what the volume of trade Is reduced In
no small rtegrre by that cause. In addition
to that tliLre Is nlunyn more or less per
sonal Ill-will developed during great politi
cal contents which has a most unfavor
able effect , upon business , causing different
houses and imlMduula to discontinue busi
ness relations with each other Traveling
mpn who have returned to the city during
the past two or three da > n report that
there & a go6d deal of feeling among conn
try Mierchanto and thatIt Is hard work to
sell to those who happen to be on the oilier
slile of the political question from that
taken by the jobber.
Trade In the states west of Nebraska Is
In very fair condition and the demand for
foods from that section of the country Is
adding very materially to the total volume
of business transacted by thu Omaha job
Collections , as n rule , are fairly nails
factory nnd the retail trade of the1 country
Is meeting obligations with reasonable
promptness. In gome quarters It requires
close attention lo keep collections up , but
that Is a condition that hus to be met at
nit tlmcu In the west. There are a great
many good ictall houses In the country
that never make any pretension to pay n
bill when It falls due unless a statement
of the account Is sent them In most sec-
tlpns of the country the pending of n state
ment is regarded us n dun and a good many
merchants who consider their credit as good
would re.sent the n-celpt of such a missive
In the wrst , howe\er. It Is different , an <
the average retail merchant docs not think
that he Is under uny obligations to mee
a bill until ho has received a statement
to the uITcct that his account Is due and
that u remittance Is In order.
During the past week there has been a
plight gnln In the bank clearings nt Omaha
amounting to only 2.1 > per cent. AVhlle
this Is a small Increase , It Is better than the
average for the whole country , which bho
a decrease. The heaviest decrease of any
city In the country Is In the case of Buffalo ,
which Hhuws a fulling off ns compared with
last year , amounting to U per cent. With
a population , according to the hist census ,
of 25oC ( , lluffalo leportff clearings for the
week of only J.VJ1T.108 , which Is over Jl.OOO-
000 less than Omahii.
Worst nnil Ilvnt nf the t > ltnutlnn Locally
iinil < f 'iior lljr Sol Forth.
Mr. W , II. noberaon , manager of U. Cl.
Dun & Co-'s mercantile agency , speaklni ;
of Omuli.i and Nebraska trade , gays :
"Tfie only , realy ] dsUcartenlr | > R tfilng fHat
Jin.s come under my eye for the past week
Is the announcement In the press that at
the MorscCoeshoe factory lire the ap
paratus -was In bad order and the pressure
unequal to the demands of the occasion.
Omaha has suffered In purse und In repu
tation on account of frequent disastrous
conflagrations , and It Is depressing In the
extreme to the business community to feel
that the lire protection Is Inadequate.
"In the cast the reports -ontlntle encour-
ncmjr , though It Is admitted there IT no
very marked Improvement anywhere , CJold '
exports consuil this week nnd a few factories
tories- resumed , llustness halts again for
the elections , and no genuine pi ogress will
bo made towardT the recovery we all hope
for until these are over. There Is one uni
versal sentiment among business men con
cerning elections and that Is that they me
un unmitigated nuisance. It the nation
could be given a little respite from pestifer
ous -politics things would move on much
more profitably to all concerned and the
people would have time to recoup them
selves ami quiet their fears for thu future
"Wholesale Brocers agree that October
will be the largest month of the year In
point of aeB. ! Boot and shoe men Bay
September waa their record breaker , not
only for the ycai , but for several yearn ,
ami October has brcn fully up to the aver
age of Rood seasons. In dry Koods trade
has fallen off a little during the week , but
the month has. been quite equal to expecta
tions. The liquor trade Is bad and the
beer season Is nbout over , foreign liquor
salesmen are. here In considerable numbers ,
but all agree that trade is Insufferably dull
In crockery lines , tradeIs only fnlr and
merchant tailoring talcs am decidedly flat.
The watm weather has seriously retarded
the oyster trade and the close of the fruit
nn < l vegetable season makes a listless feel-
Ine In the commission . .trade , though pota
toes , apples , grapes ana a few oranges are
coming In. Prices are fairly good.
"The Umnhii Fruit Auction company- has
practically closed Its first season , having
handled nearly 2CO cars , The experiment
was. on the whole , a success , though the
irrcat railway strike occurred In the height
of , the California fruit season and cut the
company's receipts down uhout 100 cara
from what they should have reached. The
auction Is hire to stay In nil probability
and next year Is likely to Include all DID
fruit houses nnd to conducted more with
a view to protecting the commission dealers
The present season the enterprising ped
dler has reaped largely where the commis
sion houses HO wed.
"At the b inks there Is plenty of money
for present demands. . Uornwers are few
nd by no means clamorous. The shrinkage
In deposits has been qulle marked recently
but people do not cull for th * surplus at
the * banns with nny alacrity. One of out
best known binkers predicts a greatly Im
proved demand for loans a little later on.
"The work , of the charter revision com
mittee Is fairly under way and perhap'
completed. The general public and the leg
islative candidates should be taken Into the
confidence of Ihe committee , however , ami
the delegation should not be left In doubt
as to what public sentiment demands hero
dencrnlls- , -\\hen the charter comes up Ir
the Icsl-l.itiire the opposition suddenly
( .wakens nnd for two weeks Omaha and
IJnooln me stlired from boundary to cen.
tcr with the Hnmor of the contesting cltl.
sens. If possible wo ihotild adjust nil dir
fcrimces litre and so avoid making an exhl
billon of mrtrupolltnn rancor \it the cnpltoi
"The time li rapidly approaching foi tht
vote on the canal proposition Und It be
hooves every citizen , who favors this g |
gantlo entcrpilse tn bvsln to wrestle will
his nelKhbiir. It taken
two-thirds of all th <
votescoflt to carry the bonds. The business
men of Oninhii will make n great ml8tuk <
If they permit their Inten-st In other thing :
to prevent Ilictn from putting this undertak
Intr through. Cimfldcnt that the canal li
Inipoitiuit. feasible iitxl proposed honestly ,
have no hiMtancy in bespeaking for It th <
rotes of good citizens. "
Polltlts itiul UiKtvtioimblo Woutlier Inter *
fern vrlth Ihe I.ncal Traito.
Albert Andilimp , local superintendent fo.
Snow. Cliuich & Co.'s rnt-rrantlle agency
vsrltrs :
"I'nuritiionnlile weather and politics liav <
jomblntu to deprosH buMness during tin
pant week. Uetnllers In all lines of trad. .
complain of a marked falling oft In busl
ness.Yhplowile trade has naturally suf
fertnl In n lornwpondlna degree. The effec
f the warm nrnther htm been most appar
ent In dry goods , clothlntt and hardwnr ,
lines. IJoot and shoo denlera are preparlni
for the ri rlns : tteason , but report quite a vol
uma of mall orders.
"In hnls nnO rnps Ihcro ! s little tlolng now
this belli * between ata onn Thn Kioccrs re
port n fair trade
"With ull this , iHiflness k cps up falrl'
well nn > l trade la fut bettor than was vx
Pi-ctcd caily In thu Reason. Alt that Is nece *
to.ry in ri-vlvfr Imalnesa now ID a few day.
of cold weather.
"TheRo umlitl.n * nrf not merclv local
but prrvall throiighoul the east. There I
also u Ijcl : of motituro In Honfu parts of
Uiui ctut , nhich U creating some uncail
In other sections considerable rnln han
fallen The ftronntl l ea dry this tall that
an unusually wet itearon would do na harm
Dealers In robber ft trod * nre anxiously hop *
Ing- for more wet wenthpr to stimulate trade
and boot am > shoe men would receive an
Increase tn their regular list nswell. .
" .Election nlwnys has moro or ICM effect
on trade , but never before has Interest been
BO marked In the CUSP of the state campaign
as It U this year Iluslnesw men nro taking
moro active Interest In local politics than
him been the custom In the past , nnd It U
thus that business has" been more or less
affected from thla source.
"Locally , thfr bond proposition Is creating
much argument pro and con The Impor
tance nf the same should not be under
estimated. " _ _
Yoit ir lny' Quotations on Flour , 41 rain mid
I'rmlnlonii , Aletnl * , Ktc ,
NR\V YOIUC , Oct.27-rtXUIl-Itecolnti < , 15.500
1 > bl .j pxportn , 21 , 504 bbls , sales , S 000 pkK ,
closH steady. Kprlng nml winter ( peclnl brands
are the only ones now sMIlng. City mill pntcntH ,
J400fll.13. winter patents. | J.73Jf300 ; city mill
clears , KWJ.S3 , ulnter ntralchts , I ! 30W2 M ,
Minnesota patents $5nofl3 J3 ; winter extras , 11.90
( it B5 | Minnesota luttT * , } : m > B20 ; winter low
Krndcs , $1.708:13 , sprlnR low grades , Sl.7Offl.S3 ,
prlnK extras , II tJijy ! 53. goutliern flour , dulf ,
salen , lionp. common to f ilr extra , II 8032.10 ;
KIJO.I tn choice CKtru. | ] 4093 00. H > c flour , dull
and raHnlen , 00 bbla ; RUpcrflnc , JIC3 i.7Q.
fancy , ItSOJfS 90 DJckwhcat flour , nrm ! J2.00V
210.HltCICWItEAT T > ull ! 56RCOC.
COHN MEAISiles. . none , jellow western ,
tl ltfll.18 , llrnndywlnp , B.10
II VII Nominal , car lots , Ma Me ; boat loads , G5
HAItl.nY Nominal , No I Milwaukee. COifGlc
HA l.iV MA1.T Dull , western , 70073c.
WHUAT nivetpts , 122200 bu.s rxpotts. 2S.IXX1
bu , sales , 80 oni ) bu. , future * , none. Snot. In-
acthe , No. 2 rml. In store and eletatur. K it *
52J c ; nfloit , KTliffDGc , fob , 06V4C ; NO i north
ern , ClWc , delUermlj No 1 Imnl , Ki'Kc ' , deliv
ered. Options opened stenfly on larKe weekly
exports of Kheitand flour , but soon reacted nnd
waa dull and heavy all the morning under local
selling rloolnfc nt ic nrt decline , No 2 red ,
KVbruar > , clostd 57"4c , March , closed fsyo ; Mny ,
MWiW 7-lCc , closed COVtc , Octolwr , closiil 51 ,0 ;
Oecpmhpr , D3XW057 < .c. . clflswl Sj'SiC. '
C'OHN-necelpts 3I.WO hu. , pxi > rts , M 000 bu. ;
sales. 511,000 bu. futures and 16,000 bu BiHit. Spot ,
firm ; No. 2. GSUWCS&c , dcllteml ; jellow. 07 Jc ,
delUrrH Options opened sternly nnd finally Jid-
Minccd xharply on near months , owlnff In manip
ulation nnd closed nt 'Ac net nd\ancp ; Janiiiry.
U'tOJIXe , closed D3Hc. May , 53 9-16iS3V c , closed
Mite : Octobgr. clospil SSc ! Noember. . MHfKCl
clospd GOVic ; Ueci-mbor , til'i'ifjl'.c ' , closed M , c
OATS Upcelpm. 1SOOO bu ; exports , 1500 bit. ;
snips , CO 000 bu. futures and 32,000 bu..p ot. Huot ,
dull ; No , 2 3te ; No 2. dollicred. 3Atf. No 3 ,
21140 ; No. 2 white , KHo. N 3 white , 3v4o | ;
truck , mixed wrsl < rn. S2f33ci trnclf. whltp west
ern 3S < Ef39Hc : track , while state , a' f(3iHc Op
tions nulet nnd weaker undei liquidation , clon-
Inw nt U" net decline. Janunry , cloned S3V c , Peb-
runry , closed 3lc , M ly , cloni-d 35tc , October ,
closed 31 He ; No\emlier , closed 31 "Ac ; December ,
closed 32H < - .
Ii\TI ItJll Quiet , hemlock sole. Iluenos Aires ,
llcht l hi-iuy , 15 lSc-
-t. domestic fleece , 1302tc , pulled ,
HAY Quiet ; shipping , 45Q33C , good to choice ,
HOI'S Dull ; old , 3Q1ff new , Sgitr ; coast ,
3 < 5 7f.
IIIDI'St " Sleiily ; net snlted New Orleans , se ;
lpcled.4ri to S3 Ibs , BcT rtuenos Ayres. tlrjr , SO to
21 ll . Hi- , Texas , dry , lb . 6',55fCc.
I'KOVlKIONSi-llfef , Hleady. family. HO OOffl
flifHl ; extms mens. I8 > 0058 50t beef lmm , | 1J.
Cut meat * , pickled shoulders , l > M bid , pkkled
hnma. jaOJfiJ&O Ijard , steady , ttPHtern stcim
rloswl nt $72 * npked , city nt $66214 , October
closed nt $725. nominal ; January' , $707 , nominal.
rtflnrd quiet ; continent , $7 CO ; H. A , | ft , com
pound , $525g5JiO I'orlc. dull , new nwsi. $13 70W
1450 ; fnmlly , 111 W , Hhnrt clear , $ U OOftIS 50
IH'TTIIU Firm : western dairy , ll',4fflCo. west
ern creameryr ISiTr-l'/vo , -wejtcrn factory. H5Jll'4c ;
HlRlns , 1:31,40 : ; Imitation creamery. Utilise , state
dilO' . 13 2J(4o ( , Btnle crpnmer > , 17 ' 23MC ;
CHDPHI Quitt ; lintr. SfPlOWc , email ,
pirt fltlmn 3HQ7c , full skims , 14S3.-
KOOS Hteidy ; Mat" and Pennsylvania
22'/ic : Ice ho e , 15fl6'i6western fresh , 17019 ,
c.mes $2.75f3fX ) , rrcrlpts. 4741 TT | ( <
TAI.LOW Dull , clt > , 45 c ; country ( pUgs free ) ,
IMITIlOI.ntlM Nomlml ; United ilosed nt 83o
hid , -\VashhiKton , In bbls , $0 AVaRhlncton , In
bulk , I2.G3 reflnwl New York , $ " > .15 , rhlluilil-
phln nnd lltltlmore. $511) , I'lilludcltihli and Ull :
tlmoio la bulk , $6 G )
11OS1N Quiet , strained , common to coed , $1.40
(21.4T (
Tl'llPENTINn-Qulct : S9 > 5i20V4c.
HiriJ Slioily ; domustlc , fair to cxtn , 4 > aOc
Junn 4V4Hc.
MOIB1iS Itarely slenilr : New Orleans , open
kettle. Rood to choice. MTiCi.
I'ICI IHON Dull , Scotch , $13.X ( ) < 320.25 , Amer
ican $100i > l300
COl'l'lIU-Qiili-t : brokers' price $950
1.1 : AD Qulel , brokers' price. $3.
TIN Plates quiet , H4 COJI14 CJ
COTTON SHKU OIL Htilnl Iriritular am
K4iniewhat unsettled , prim1 crude. 2lo , off crude ,
M fZSa , yellow * buttir grades , 33S3lc. prime yel.
low , Me- nuked ; yellow- oft grndesr 2Mf e ; prime-
uhlte. 3lS.lKc ( , nominal , i ' >
St. Ixiuls Oo iir nil MiirltJl.
ST. TXUIS , Oct. 27. ri.OUH-rirm nnd un-
c ha need
\VIICAT-Opencd strons } So hlRher , but weak-
entxl Immediately , declining to n. close Uc below
jestcrdas'a quotntluns , on forrlKn news , No 2
rid. cash , 4i'4c ; Norember , 4Sc ; Icc < mbcr , 13c ;
Miy. 43Hej
COHN Mat nil day. No 2 mixed , cash , 4S'4c ;
October. 47c , November , 4Go , Uertmber ,
OATB Wmk. ic lower ; No. Z. cnsh. 2S
OetolK-r. MKc November , 23c ; December , 2S * j7'
Wc , May , SlT c.
UVU No. 2 otlerrd on call at 52 c : 47o bid
for rrKUlar.
UAHLKV No trading
UHAN Lnwerr east track , sacked , Clcr.
I * LAX SUKI > Unchanged.
OLOVBH HKii > Unchanged.
TIMOTHY HKK1 > tTnchanged.
JfAY inill , without change
III'TTIJH Unchanged
KOOH lni '
HPnLTI3H-t3."l5 lild
TOHN MKAL-J2.30jf33
winsuy n 23.
COTTON Tiis esc.
I'UOVISIONH Kailer. Porlf. stand-ird mesi .
JoMilnir $ l2.62 < i. Iw rd. prime stram. IS 7 . choice ,
JC SO. Dry salt meats , loose sJioulders , $3 50 ; longs
and rlbst $ i.40 , shorts 1C Oj. llarnn. packed
Hhouldirs , ( C.73 ; longs , 17 1:4 ; ribs , $7.2j ; shorts
$7 37V4. *
riour , 4.COO libli. ; wheat. Zj.COO
bu. : i-orn 1' 000 bu. ; cults. 3 000 bu
iour , 4000 bbls. ; wlieat , none ;
corn , 2,000 bu , ; oatH , 7,000 bu.
LlVBUI-OOf , , Oct. 27 2 p m closing WHEAT
1'Mim : holders offer moderately ; No. red , win
ter. 4s 64d ! ; Na. 3 red , spring , 4s 7d
COP.N-Spot , nominal ; holders oftVr mod rat > 'ly
nt 4s lid ; futures , tlrm ; holders offer moderately ;
October. 4n Id ; November , 4s Id ; Uerember , 4s Sd
I'LOtm Btendy ; holders offer moderately ; at.
Louis , fancy winter , 5s 3d.
I'HOVlSIONH-r.iird , dull ; holders offer mod
erately ; spot , 4GHJI Ilfef , dull ; holders offpr
nxxlenttflyr extra India me s , 71s 3d ; prime
mem , 53s 3d. I'ork , dull : holders offer moder
ately ; prime mesa , western , < T7s GJ ; prime m-ss
medium. &ia. Dams , dull ; holders press wales ,
short cut , 45.1. llacon , dull ; holders Dress sales ,
Cumberlinil cut Sis ; short ribs , 97s 6 > 1 ; Ion ?
cl tr , 45 Ihs. . 27s Cd ; long and short clear , 55
, Ibs. , 37s. bhouldfrs , dull at 27s
CIIKMSU Steads- ; holders offer moderately ,
finest white nnd colored , ins Cd
TALLOW Nominal ; holders not offering ;
prlmo city , 23s
COTTON BBKR OIIStea.dy at ZOs 6d.
TI'ni'KNTINi : Stendy. holders offer moder-
r-tfli' . spirits , 21s.
HO8IN Steaily ; holders offec moderately ; com
mon la & 1
IIOI'S -At London , ( Pnclfio coast ) , steady , hold
, ers offer moderntrl ) ; new crop , fi lo y : 13s.
rotlnii Market.
NHW YORK. Oct ! 7-COFFEn Options opened
tin rely steady at M 10 points decline , ruled gen
erally weak , October exceptionally higher for
caverlnc. closed dull , October 10 points net ad
vance , others vmrhannvd to 15 points decline.
Hnles , 10.7M ) bags Including ? Octohrr. 113 55 ; No
vember , 112.63 ; December. $19 gjniO ! > P ; January ,
1113561140 ; March , IU.0081UO. Msy. $1090.
8pot colTri" , Ilia , quiet and nominal Mud , quiet :
Cordova , $18Mfrl900i sales , none Warehouse do-
Iherlea from New York yesterday , 11 033 IUIKS ;
New York stock today. 187,033 bats ; Urrlted States
stock 257 , IJO IUIKS. afloat for the United States ,
. 191000 hags ; total visible for the United mates ,
. 410. IW bacs , aicnlntt < 5I,1K tag * list > cir.
SANTOd , Oct. 27. Market flrrrt ; receipts , 23.POC
HAMUtma. Oct. 27-Dull ; prices i pfg ad-
vnnco tn % pfRT lifeline ; rales , (5,000 IIIRS
IIAVUK , Oct. ! 7 , O | > ene < l quiet at 'if advance
. to Hf decline ; closed quiet at 'HOlf net decline ;
total sales , 5.0CO l.nus.
IHO UK JANKIHO. Oct. 27. Slronc , receipts
l.00 < l txies ; cleared for the United States , 12.0CX
bates ; clear ml for Kurop , 1,000 bags , stock , 131Od
Knnsns City -Markpti.
KANSAS CITY. Oct. 27. WHEAT Slow , prac.
tlcnlly unchanged ; No. t hard , 47&48c ; No. i red.
n-Jocteil. 42UUc ; sales on Mlsilstlpp
river basis. No. I hard , tmutlc : No. 1 red. 42c.
COHN-Slow , No. Z mixed. 4Ji4O424o ; No. !
while. 43c.
OATS-Dulll Ko , 2 mixed. ZSMC23) c ; No. !
whlti * . 3c.
ntTTllll Very dull , fancy separator , 18ff20c
dalrv , UOlSo.
cjoa-et .
. No movement of grains.
Chicago | riilt Quotations.
rilIOAC.0. Oct. J7-Tha l rl Fruit compan >
void California fruit at auction today realizing
Iho following prices : Oloul Horcrau pears $ ! . & .
Ill.W. Nellis. tl UBl 55 ; Klefrr , II & . > ? ! SO , Rastei
Deurre. 11.11 , Muscat grapes , half trales , II 0 G
115 ; Tokay , U.Wifl ) ; double crates. $2.30
lllack Morocco , ilngla rratts , II 23 ; Yerdelle. 8)j
6Sc , Conilcheon , $1 ISO ! 30 ; Kmrwror , c , Portei
llros. company , Chkajo , sold one cur of Call ,
fomla fruit it Auction today : Toka > s and Km
perors. " 1C , _ _ _ _ _ .
hucar Market.
NI3W YOIHC. Oct. n.-SltQAn-naw. nominal
fair reflnlnit , 3o , centrifugal. W test , SHc. He
fined , lower ; No. C. 3C3 15-ltc , No. 7. 3 11-ltti
3T.P , No. , S -l sjJ c. No . S l-16 3Sc ; No
la 1 -l fl ! No. II. J ll.U s io. No. ll. IUc
No. 13. 1 3-lSc : Off A , 1O4 3 lie : mould A
moi Il-I6c , Bt&ndanl A , 4 5-lSyi > .c ; confec
tioners' A. 3 1 KUJ'.c , cul loaf. 4'iOl l-15o
ls > Voul .tlarket ,
BT IjOLHS. Oct. ! 7.--ftOOL-Qulel , near bj
iltrUht inodluoi ind. tub-washed In fair dsoiand.
Business Was Again Extremely Light in the
Speculative Market. .
Corn Wao n StintlnVrnlter on an
fur aiiijr but Mucli I'lriucr for Octo
ber ami December Stocks
unit Honda.
CHICAGO. Oct. 27.-Busine34 WAS again
extremely llBht in Ihe speculative market
and the dullness had an adverse effect upon
the condition of wheat , December declining
with a loss for the day of * c. Corn was
sustained by the evidence , of a gradual ent-
Ing away ot local stocks ant n prospective
scarcity of the contract Rrade , and Stay
closp < t unchanged , with December 6 c higher.
May oats closed He. lower , und provisions
matin moderate pains.
Wheat opened with a semblance of Irn-
provemcnt In tone , 62&c being bid for De
cember for a Tew moment1 * , but the faint
bubble of demand soon burst and there
were sellers at B2Hc n , minute or two later.
Northwestern receipts were again heavy ,
Minneapolis reporting- cars and Dttluth
357 , or 1,041 In nil , compared with 1,000 cars
the corresponding day of the year before.
Chicago received 117 cars. Foreign markets
were nliout steady- . Liverpool was quoted
unchanged for spot nml remote futures and
lid lower for October. Paris JRUS lOc hlgh"er
for wheat and unchanged for flour llerlln
was Ji murk higher for wheat. The clear
ances of wheat nnd Hour for this week for
both coasts , as shown by llradstreet's ,
amounted to 3.153,000 bu , nsalnst 3 WOO 1m
on the previous week , nnd compared with
3.3.T7UOO IU. on thu cortesponultiir week ut
last year. The visible supply promised to
show what the bears call another "hand
some" Increase. Primary market receipts
for today \Vere 7S8,7 8 bu , Including those
at Kansas City ; shipments -were 311,782 bu.
The exports for twenty-four houra from At
lantic ports amounted In wheat and flour
to 383,000 bu , Business toward the end of
the session was a shadu easier than
curlier In the day and the Increased trading
was at the expense of the bulls , December
ruling about 52'4c nbout fifteen minutes
from the end The -very light business en
abled local short sellers who have nil Iho
money In the- trade to stick the Rod still
deeper Into the bulls' flanks nnd g-et the
prlco down another % c. December sold al
52c and closed at that. May , which opened
at G7Uc < declined nnd closed at Mc.
Corn was a shade weaker on an average
for May. but much flttner for October .tnd
December. The latter feature was the only
noticeable one In the day's transactions.
This-week's local movement has resulted" In
an estimated lessening of elevator stocks to
the extent of uSOOOO bu , , and the stock taken
on Monday Is not likely to show more than
nbout 400,000 bu. of No. 2 corn in Chicago.
Today's receipts -were 1C9 cars , and with
drawals from store , 131,001 bu. New Yclrk
reported six boatloads sold there today for
export. Liverpool was another Id per cental
higher for October. The Chicago holders of
October options In Liverpool nppear to be
having- things all their own way esti
mated receipts here for Monday nre 200
cars. October opened nt S0c nnd closed nt
B0-ic ; December , which closed yesterday at
48V2C , opened nt 4S ) o and gradually worked
upward until It reached 43 &p , renctlnK from
that to 43V&C at the close. May opened and
closed at 43c , sellingas low as 43c In
The oats market was quite active al In
tervals during the session , nnd altogether
a. fair business was transacted. It wns
thought Hint the liquidation of long oats
is now nbout over nnd also that the shorts
have quite full covered. An easier feeling
prevailed and prices closed under yester
day's * last quotations. May at 32c , sellers.
At the start It sold at 32Jc , later up to
from 324e ! to 32 > ic and down to from 31c
to XlTsc.
The provision market Improved slightly ,
due to some llttlo covering of shorts and n
halt In the selling pressure. Hog receipts
were 14,000 head and 10,000 head are esti
mated for Monday. Speculative trading
was light nnd prices at Ihci close showed ,
an Improvement of. l\ic In pork -and 2&c in
lard and ribs. The latest quotations were
111.70 sellers forJanuary porkJ6.70 bid
for JantUry-JwdJnndJ530 for Jtauuaryrlbs.
TJleJeadlns futures ranged as follows : "
Articles. [ Open. | HiafhT | Low | Close ,
' - -
Oct. MM
Dec r.JH fil'b .
Mnr 57H sou 60 !
Corn No
Oct 505 , BOX 50K
Nov fiOK Cl > H com
4HH I'.lli 4HH
May. . . . . tnji
OatftNo 2. .
Oct 27 27W
Nor 27M ' Hit 27K
May. . . . . . . . 5a
Pork pcrbbl
Jim . . . 11 00 11 70 11 GD 11 70
I.nnl , 1 Oil Ibs
Oct t ! enc 0 00 0 05 R 83
Jnn c us o ; n 0 OS 0 70
Short Illbs-
Oct , . . . 0 171 n JTH n i7 ! <
Jan . O 83 5 II 5 K5 c DO
nuotntlonn were an follo-ns :
. .i I-OUH vlnler Patents , w wgt 60 ; straights ,
KSOfrSSO. spring patents. n.OOfrt.M. iprlnft
traleht , $ I20@273 ; bnkera. II.75fiW
\MH3AT-No SsnrlnB. 65'i * K54o , No 3 eprine ,
nomlnnl. No. 2 red. DlHfiHiJ'tc.
COIIN No t , S0 , c : No. 3 yellow. SO'Jc.
OATS-No. 2. 27 > ir ; No. 2 whit * , 3H'e31'5e ,
No 3 nhlte , 30Vt Wlc.
IIYU No 2. 46V4C.
I1AULHV No. 2. Me ; No J , BOS/fSle / ; No. 4 , " 30
1'UA.X SEKD No. 1. J1.43.
TIMOTHY 8E12D-I > rlme , $5574
PROVISIONS Megs pork , per Mil. , ( II S7HSJ
1200 , lard , twr 100 IDS , J6M ; uliort ribs , stiles
( looie ) | 5ii(8C40. ( ilry salted shoulders ( boxeil ) .
| S I5iS)3 87V4 : short clear ulilen ( lio-icil ) K.KitS 3714
\VHlSIvY--D1 tlller ' flnlshed goods , per gal ? ,
The following vrera the rcelpu and hlpmenti
The eatlmateil decrease In the vlslblo u nlv at
Dululli I * W.lJOO.
Haltlmoro clearances were. 6,000 bbls. nour
and 32.000 bu. wheat.
Hoaton clearances of flour , 11,390 bbls : wheat
47,70V bu ; oats , 3,100 bu.
Tito receipts of hoes at Chicago fur the com.
Inir week are estimated at 100.000
Philadelphia cleared 20,00fl bbls flour , 21300
bu. wheat , 10,400 bu. corn , anil 21.957 bu. oits.
Primary receipts of , 773.000 bu. , ship
ments. 305000 bu. ; primary recelpta list year
90t,000 bu ,
Minneapolis received 7 Vnra of wheat and
Duluth JS7 cars. Last year llnneapotls received
624 cars of wheat and Duluth 47C oars
Exports for the week , wheat and Hour , both
coasts. J.353 000 bu . m-aln t 3.19J.OOO hu. for the
week before und 3.327,000 bu. for Iho same weeli
last year.
Minneapolis estimates 1,000.000 Increase In
vlslblo stocks there The vlnlble supply will
probably Increase I.IXW.OOO Las ! s-ear the In
crease was 2.3W.OOO. '
Beerbohm'B London cable reportsCareoe :
off coast , > vheal , firm : corn , nothlnc ottering
On passage and for shipment , wheat nnd corn
firm Weather in England , -icn wet ,
Elmendorf & Watte bought 100 tons of Kroum'
wheat fe l at J13.73 per ton lo PI tn poiitherr
Illinois , on mi order. They received a secont
order for the name quantity- go to the sami
locality , but could not fill It.
Condition or Trade
and Quotations on
btnple anil Fun or Produce.
, The receipts of butter last week wcr < ! ullghtlj
In excess of the previous week , and the le
: continues dull and prices are weak. Complaint Is
are made that country shippers are sending * lr
a good deal of butter direct to the retail tradt
and that the retail houses are receiving mor <
tlran they can uie and are neUlnsc the balanc rexe
ntvery low prices , which helps to weaken thi
general market. The demand Is IlKht nil alont
the line , and receivers find It no easy mallei
to keep the- arrival * cleaned up. Some of lh le <
puckers have lowered their price Me , whlc leh
would Indicate a very weak feeling among Ihi
trade. lair
The pxporta of butter for Ihe year thus fn
hare been a llttla In excess/of | a t ) eur , whJct
Is oomn help In keeptnK eastern markets clearei
and In a healthy condition. The Impoits of but
ter Into the United Kingdom during the 11 r tBl
nine mouth * of > car. according to Board BlDf
Trade returns , were as foltona ;
189t 1803. 1S91 I
Rweilen Cwta. IS7.75S )7.SM 17241 II
Denmark , , 854,1133 721.111 tC8,17
Oermany t. , H5.U1 1C.M3 101,1C
Hnlland III.OI * 111.311 ill 7 Cl
Prnnc * 300.3J ] 327.703 11073
Canada . , u * .H4 2I.C34 27 IIS3
United States ZJ.M4 21.391 3),7
Other countries 31J.SJI 1M.401 122,28
The r * rpti of tKKt during the past six 31k
are even less than for the previous -week
Htrlctly frvsh-lald egg are In light receipt am
good demand though the market la 3o lower thai
It was a year ago at thu lime The great bull
of the eggs that are offered on the market Ikit
Iho prewnt time are cold storage sto < k. II Is
rfporto.1 that Omaha houses are tboul emptln
of their cold ttorace stock and that suppllti
In this city will soon be exhausted. There are
however , plenty of such exga that can be ( lilppri
In , so that there Is no dangvr of the supply of
cold itorace eggs running out Tb nuratxr of
lilacej In storage In Omaha this yniir wa ;
unaruatly small and hpldtin hare been unload
ing rapidly r C
The poultry market luu-l > eeit weak nnd tow for
som llttle > Urne und/irnflhfl Influence of lariro
receipts and a moderate demand. Asld from
that fact there ha two. been Any very Im
portant feature to iliei-trvde Duiki appear to
bo iralnlng In vopUhuilJr with consumers 4.1
Ihe weather t-romfi eiwlhr vrhlU turkeva have
been In larger supply and have been Inclined lo
During the early prtlM > of Iho week pant a
good deal of game RTtlVed In poor coniltlcn
owing to the -narm wVnlher , but toward Ihe
cliwp of the week the weather become more
favorable. The recclptsnnxv eIwen liberal nnd
the shipping d maijgTJii ; l The locil demand
Is IlKht. but denier * JlniL no difficulty In dis
posing of Rll tb gameii , < y iMved lo hlpper * .
Under the Inriueiuo , , ] " ! cuolvr weather Hie
vonl markal recovunl j wxcwhat toward the clone
of the veett , and tlie isolation * nre a little
stronger At the prestnC time the rnarkct la
dependent a good deiti ujroiv the weather
Dealers In hay claim that * evire weather
would > end the market on that commodlt ) up
ward , but just at proseal It Is all that Hu * mar
ket can da to hold It" 'jtivrn.
In reviewing the dilution In the chccso mar
ket the New York Producer Price C'urrrnt
naysVr : have to go Imck i * > veml years In the
hlitory of the trade 10 Hml a parallel to the
present market. Usually at thla ev.iwjn of the
> ear we hnve falrtyt nillvs trading un home
account , jobbers serurlnie Block * ot the fine full
makes , and exporters bu ng Just enough t
give support to the nmlket. Hut tin-He condi
tions Becrrt to be entirely clnnqed Export In
tercst Isery small , nad our hem Jobbers Hnve
shovvn no disposition to stock up , evidently
bellevlnp ; Hint a prnirrvatlve , hu.nd-ta-ino.ilh
policy would give the b st results , llecelpta
liave run light for mjvernl vvepki , hul we hive
still had some surplus stock , and there has
been a gradual shrlnkdjp In valur * on nil polls
niiilncgs In large BlzJ tlieess th's week has bdn
dull nnd the market btcame tiw heavy to hold
Most of the IlrtMih markets have stnt their
orders to Cnnuda. whore prices have been equally
ai law as tlu-y were htre nnd freights from
Montreal muih cheeper The email orders tint
have ct > mo this was were tilled with
out making much hole In tinoffer -
Ings , nnd considerable quantity of stnck
would have been cnrrled ovci but for
the fact that local deltera wcro ntttacted by the
rcHtUely low prices named and bought up tjulte
a , good many lots.
'Iho Utlca Herald civs tint a majority of the
dnli > men Still let Oc ciltlJ' run out nights.
Kunds arc In fairly good condition , KO that the
hauling of milk Is na grantor hardship than It
Is In the summer time Hut the jleld Is so
small that mmy of the umiller factories arc
prcpirlng to close about the 1st of Novembir ,
after which time tin" hiake of cho sc VT 11 be
miterlally curtailed , We- doubt If as man ) '
nklmmed cheese have been tmdo this fall an
lastr is the prices or both butter nml cheese
are much lower1 JinJ Xli re li not the profit In
that business-that then ? vius n ycir ngo About
the usual proiwrtlons of email-sized cheese have
been made during October , but It Is doubtful
If the prices wilt ae numclent to reimburse mak
ers for the extra trouble and expense.
Tito following will show Ihe , ricelpti for the
trading lines of country produce for the weeks
ending on dates at head of columns , eggs being
represented In esses. poultr In c.0"ps , butler In
packages nnd potatoes 111 cirs :
Oct M Oct. 11 Oct 12 Oct S. Sept. 23
Egga . . - . . , . C7S T5 < 931 S6J 1.133
Hutter 1,121 Ull l.OSO 1,111 1 ? W
Poultry . . . U < J MS SM CIS 715
Potatoes . , OS Jl 39 S3 33
From the nbgve H vyllV b noted that the re
celpta during Jhe- past week were lighter than a
month ngo un rggs. but lua\lcr on L-VETJthing
else Quotation : Jf
IlUTrril Packing.stock , - e ; fair to iood coun
try , IHilSe ; choice lo aluncy , llfl"jc | ; gitthered
cre.imery lD@ac , scp-voitor creamsry , 2lfl22c. (
1'OUnTHTi-Old henvs4Hfl < rro , fcprlng chickens ,
5c , ducks , 6c , turkejs Ou7c , gi-ese , W '
IIQCSS I'er dos , strlcHy flesh laid. ITc
OAMP 1'ialrlt * chlckiYis per ddr , U OOOT ! 3 ;
giousc , per doz , J3.15f W. blue wing tcul , per
doz , tl DO , gri-en V\IIK | tool , ppr doz. , H,2j ilucks ,
mixed tier doz , ) lt < anvaslacK ) l Op-l 51) ,
mnllarlls "and red lieailo , * ! W , quail. Jl 2i 1.60 ,
dwr saddles , HfiliK ; : Witetopu RaddU-it IJWltc ,
small rubblts. * 1 , Jick ftibblta J2
VEAt Cliolce fut nnd Bin ill -veals are quoted
at Gc , large and co-irartSSlc
CHUCaii Wisconsin 'lull cnam 13c No
tiraska and luna , fdll cJi.m , He ; Nebraska nnd
Iowa , p-xrt Bkims. ; tSc-pIilmbUrger , No. 1 , Ho ,
brick , No 1 , 12oi SwEs Nb. 1. HO15c.
HAY Upland hay. ViK . , midland , IS , lowland ,
I7.M , rje straw , J6 'Chlbr11 mikes the price on
linj Light sh ides seH the best Onl ) top grades
bring tip prices
The receipts of potirt w - lurlnR the pist week
h \e bei-n the largest jff/W ; se ison so fur There
has been \erltablc lliWWvi ! iwtatoes of all kinds
nnd condltlona. Tno-TOrrlsit ns n result , his )
been wcsjk. Sweet puWtCie nro In Hboral supply ,
A good manr sweet pWnfllB ) are bplni ? billed out
on orders from the cMjiJtr ? Som ot tno home
Brown sweet potntoei are ? ' < < 'r > small and nbout
the nlmpe of Rp | ! § B&i l Theru uro others that
nre larger ami ot , bcttiYllWor ticlni ; grown from
seed from other states. _ TJiese potatoes nre sold
frenuently fpr Jqijjeysf.TliLre are some genuine
Jersey sweet potatoes. In , the awrktt , and they
are the llnest In nolntflf quality , but co t a little
more than the coinmoj ) , Ijfjnie utwin stock Quo-
I'OTATOKS Western-jfocc ) , car lots' , 63c , stdal !
lots 70ct s.u.k d 700 , ? , , , , , . , .
Obi ) I1BANB Hinlifclgjil | , , nily ,
order * , , ,
_ . , jn H c.
CELKUY IVr dM . ra35o. , , 4
BWKEm rOTATOEH-5vr Iibl. . . 13,25 ; J < ; raey
W7o per bljl. T 1 j >
BBKT8 1'er Lu , DO T < ( i > e
CAHlUTS-IVr tiu . SOftCOc.
IJOO 'riWVNT Per doz. , Me
PAHSNIL'S-iPer bu , WR Oc
UUTAUAOAS 1'er bu 7W90o
I'AUSI.RV I'er doz. ljunchcs , I5c.
TUIINIPS 1'cr bu . . Mto
SPLIT 1'EAS-I'er Ib . 3@3'iC.
The season for California fruits may be con.
sldered at an end. Time arc still a fovi peaches
to l found In the market , but none th it would
do to ship out on orders , and plums. pmn nnd
ts aic ill gbne , and H In doubtful If ther *
will be any more in this season About alt timt
Is left are a few winter peara and qulncis ,
wMch are expected to hang on for nome time yet
With the comingof cooler weather Ihe Interest
In California , fruits , wanes very rapidly.
A few Idaho prunes nre at riving , but they arc
poor and do njjt "tfut rmlch Hgure In the market ,
not being In condition , as a rulito ship
The total crop of crrtnberrle In | 1833 wa * over
10X > i < Jl > tu , 'thin > ea It will be only about
400.000 bu. . [ Tho. Cape ( Jed crop which Includes
the crop of b < ith Plymouth and Harnstable coun
ties , Is nearly-or quite two-thirds phort. The en-
tin * New Kngland crop this > ear 1s only alxJUt
i o hu. , against 6ver 5W.OO bu. last star.
The New Jersey crpp lias fallen off from over
300.000 bu. to not mdro thnh 1T7 000 hu , nnd the
Wisconsin crop from 89,000 bu to 21,000 bu. This
remarkable failure ID attrlbutabln tu various
causes In New England Ihe shortage wns
caused by unseasonable frpsts In Mill" and August
and by fruit worms and prolonged drouth. The
New Jersey crop suffered sev ercly from drouth
and decay , . .Thelsconsln crpp qaa nearly de
stroyed by fires , frosts nnd drouth. Quotations :
QUINCIJS California , per M Ib. box. ll.W
APPLES Good stock , per bbl. , W.r'O'2 [ ) 75 ; Mlch-
Iffnn stock , JJ Wit3 25. , .
PL2ACHKS California freeitona , no chipping
stock SI 0081 W ; cllnss , it.
PLUSIS California , none.
PUUNES No shipping stuck
PBAHS-Wlnter NelllnSir.101.JG. .
QHAl'lifi-ConTOrda. lb. | . baskets , I3S2Jc ; Cal
ifornia. Jl.0001.liS. , . >
CKANUHimiBS Cape Cod fancy. $3 M per bbl.
The quality of tho-ornhges received so fnr from
riorlda has not been such Us to commend them
to the favor Of consumers. Holne picked before
they were rlpo the flavor was poor and the
frwlt too sour to meet .the popular lento Thla
week II Is claimed that tjierc will be some rioilda
oranges received which will bo a great Im
provement over anything received so far.
The supply of Mes.ilnp lemons Is viry light ,
, Uanana are nqt al all plenty so far this
season Quotations :
011ANOE3 Mexican , per box , 3W ; Florldas ,
DANANAS-Cnolce s < ock , | 1 7S@50 pr bunch.
LEMONS Messina. 3no , } } , 3W. { 1503500.
The quotations on nrstcrs art ? lower than a
week ago , as will be .noted belpw. The trade
BO far has been quite large far this early In
the season. „ „ (1
Acconllng lo nil repor/ts / Ihe supply of honey
la very light lt\J seaw n Kvca California re
port H a light crop. Acar of the new crpp of
i astern honey has been , onUred and will be un
, the market before vcuy-ionR. f
The new crop of niUMMcommenting lo arrive
on lh market Chestnuts are very phnty on
thla market nnd holder * Hitd It tdow vurk mov
ing stocks. Quolatloifsn/lA
OY.STJiS 1XL , OctiiliTiiHllum. per can , lOc ,
horse shoos , lie , erltb Mflanrtarda. ICoi extra
selects , 17o ; company tl.rcts. 21c , New York
counts. Kc.
NDW Kia rancyfxlb ISe : choice , IGc ,
1IONUY Choice wMle. n68l7c ; dark honey ,
ttffllc- . > l/l nl
MAPI.H 8YKUP Qkllnic cans , per doz. . Jl *
NUTS Almonds. ISJllWjnEnnlls.i walnuts , Uo ,
filberts. ic ; Hrasll nlflsnninon * ; eastern chest
nuts. Italic ; shclllmttt Hickory nuts , per bu. ,
Jl GO ; fancy raw peattuNJIGc ; roasted peanuts ,
7Ho. I" * if
8AUBn KRAITT CHMcU whltc , per bbl , Jl 75 ,
per half Mil , 12.50 far *
MINCB MKAT ranW.ill half bhls. , per Ib. ,
o 10 gal. kegs , 7H/ >
FISH Fresh cauthtlr : riboit perch nnd
flsh , 3U5o ; buffalo' ' , WJ ) pJ\ i nnd pickerel ,
Sc ; catfish , 8 9o ; black l.nsi , 1:014 ?
NEW OUL-nANS , ' < Vt" 27COTTONJulet ,
sales , spot. KO bolei , ldnrrlve. 105 bales , re-
crlpta. 18.433 bain ; rsforfs to Ore-it Ilrllan
1I.IOS bales : coastwise/1.1M Iwles : stock. 229 CJ4
bales ; futures , steady , julea , 24 W > bales , Oc
tober , n 14 bid , November , J514. December ,
- I520@521 ; January. Uiti,25 ; February ! 3 2 ? &
630 , March. 55.5i3 33 , April , 11.41(35.42 ( ; June ,
J5.53O5 54 : July , .
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 27.-COTTON-Qult. itemly.
middling , S 4-16c ; sales. > bale * , receipts. H.HKI
bales ; Bhlpments. 8,500 , bales ; stock , 19 WO Utlcs
! I limnUitl .Sut l.
NEW ORLHANS. Oct. 27-Clearlngs , Jl.417,002.
nnnUN , Oct 27 Exchange on London ,
da > a' sight , 24 marks 35't pig-
WASIIINOTON. Oc , 2J.-Th * cash balanca In
thn treasur } today w i 1112,4)5,799 ; E' > 1'1 reserve ,
iei.295 842.
nAI.TIMORR. Oct 17. Clearings. { 2040,15 ! ,
balances JM7.085 ; for the neik , Jl,231,302 , bal
ances , | 1 7 7 , SI2.
I1OSTON , Oct. Clearings. | 13040i2 ; bal
ances , II 141.437 ; for 4b9 week , J7J.7W.73a ; but
tncey ,
NEW YOHK , Oct. -Clearings. . IfjtsT.KK.
balances. J4 47 ! 1 , for tin week , Jlt8.701 , lH , bal-
.nces , WS.SU.lIi.
BT IX > UI , Oct. S7.narlngs. . JJ ill 000 , b l.
ancti , JI 3,7H $ ; for lue < we k , } Zlt".4.164 , balancat ,
i.9iWJ , correic ndlriK Wo k of 1831 , I17.6MMC ,
balances 12,110.150 ; Incrrane % per cent. Ex
change onNew York , 2Co.
MnMt'IIia. Oct. J7.-Clr rings. UM.JWi balances -
ances , $53,033. New York , cxchiinge , veiling Bit
LONDON Oct. 27 The amount of bullion withdrawn -
drawn from thelahk ) of England on balance
today was 41,000. .
PA Ilia , Oct < i. I p. m Three per cent
rente * lOlt 200 tor the account , Kiclinngo on
London 2jf 12c for checKs.
LONDON Oct. 27 Oolil U Quoted nt Iluenos
Aires ted > At 240) ) Madrid 1B.50 , Lisbon , 2300 ;
St. Petersburg , 50 , Athenn , 77 ; Homo , 103 15 , Vi
enna , 103.
CINCINNATI Oct. 27. Money , 2'iC per cent ,
New York exchange , par to 40o premium Clear-
IIIRD , Jl.r .MO. fi > r the week. JlJIM.0.i _ for the
coiresponding week of last > rar , 111,011 , & > 0.
NIJW YOMK , Oct 27 The exports of cpecle
from the port of New York for the week nmount-
fl to | 2OiM.OOO In gold nnil 1175,660 In slKer. The
Imports for the week" were : Oold 1313307 , slher ,
I4&3S , general merchandise , J'5,073,6S7 ; dry giwds ,
JlSCI , 430.
flllCAnO. Oct 27 Clearings. II3M7.000. total
for the veek. IS4.6 .0 ) . corre pondlim ne k lant
viHvr. I-M.037,000 Monej4ff4'4 per rent on call ,
5 < f ( > per cent on time New York exchange , S5c
premium I'orelgn exchange , openwl dull , eter
llns commercial ,
Conl Hburioi Attractoil Mont Attention In
tin8pc < nlmlro Mitrkotx.
* YOUK , Oct. 17. Interest In specu-
ttion on the Stock exchange today was
entered almost entirely In the coal shares
hlch were subjected to heavy pressures in
ontlnuatlon of the bear campaign against
hl < i group. The selling In New Jersey Gen-
rat wns heaviest , but Delaware , I acka-
nniin & Westein made the greatest de-
Ine , while Heading wns comparatively Well
eld. Hoard room trnxleis vvi-ro very bear-
, Indeed , on New Jersey Central , the de-
rease In earnings , compared with last
car , being- pointed out in a reason for
ringing- the stock down to a lower le-\el
'he decline In the shares began right nt
10 opening nnd continued to neur the
lose , nt which tlmo Lackawnnna had lost
14 per cent , Delaware nnd Hudson 2V5 per
pnt nnd New Jersey Central 4U per cent ,
leading advanced "Ss " per cent , lost the 1m-
rovcment nnd rallied 14 per cent. Hecov-
iles were made In the finals. H Per cent
n kacknvvniinu , " 4 pti- cent In New Jersey
Central , leaving the losses on the day
< A to 4i per cent , respectively.
the general market opened dull nnd fairly
teady , but the depression In the coalers
vas quickly communicated to the others ot
he list nnd prices sagged off. Northwcst-
ni was raided by the shorts and gave way
) s per cent , closing within V4 per cent of
tie lowest. The break In Northwest wns
ccompanled by rumors that n scaling of
id dividend rates would have to be made ,
wing to dccrcn'-cd earnings , which were ,
owever , seml-olllclally denied The move-
nent In the other grangers was trfllntr , a
oss of y , per cent being made In each
loin yesterday's do-ring : lousvlllo &
Nashville was sold by bondon nnd the
oam traders and declined 1V4 per cent ,
vlthout a rally. Hocklne ; Coal 1 < per cent
nd the general list N to % per cent , ex-
ept some half a dozen stocks , which made
alns of < 4 to i per cent
The bank statement was regarded as un-
a-vorable na reilectlng n congested money
narket and a contraction of business and
lie-share speculation was somewhat wettk-
ned thereby and closed heavy The past
veck has been one of the dullest In the
Istory of the Stoik ! exchange , the total
ransactlons for Ihe week being 132,000
harps , which amount of business Is only
qua ! to a .single day's work under normal
omlltlons. In the llrst half of Iho week
peculation was stagnant , hut for the past
wo days a hear demonstration ngnln&t Ihe
oal stocks hits Impirted Interest to the
railing , with very few exception : ? the
locks dealt In showing losses on the week
The bond market was generally Ilrm , ex-
cpt In the final dealings , when there were
ructlottnl recessions In sympathy with trie
yeakness In the shate ntuiket The trans-
ctlona aggregated { 070,000
As a result of the trading fractional de-
lines were established In most of the 1s-
ues dealt In , while advances were made of
11 per cent in Wisconsin Central nnd 1 per
cnt in Alton & Terre Haute divisional
lends The bond market during the wepk
has been in the main firm , In contrnst with
he share speculation , thu ttadlng being
airly active , the total sales reaching the
tfm of $5.183000. Prices lit the close tire
renerally higher than those of the Satur-
iay prevlpus.
1hi > following were the Closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today :
Mchlscm Northwpstern . . .
AdamsKxproai. . . HI do pfd. , „ . . un
\Uo > r..T. II 11 N. Y. Central .
do ptd ITt N. Y. , VN Kns . . . 3i i
AUK KicprcHs . . . . 110 nfarlo tf W. . . , , . IDS
laUlmDrc&Clhlo. OS Oroiron Imp. , , . , . IShi
TnnadaVaclfli ! . , ) < 034 so
Canadi .Southern. . 00)4 O.-S. L. A U. U , . . . ,
Central Paclilo. . . 14 ,
Chen 4. Ohio IRVi > . D.AE . 3
Cbtotro Alton. . . . 142 I'lttshurir . 3f {
I' Palace. . 190
. . . . HH Heading . 1 <
Consolldtlod r,35 117 Illchmond Turin. .
C.CV.C.St. 14 . . . H7 do pfd .
Colo. Coal & Iron 7 n.o.v .
- ottonOU Oort. . . 'JriTi IUO. W. 11 M .
° ' ' ' nook Inland . . . .
CteULici1 W. . . 67 St. Paul . „
D &H.U pfd..v J-'X St Paul Dfd .
U.AC N go HH 9t P. & Omina. . .
Ensl Tonn 10'/s do pfd . 11' '
Krto IVl SoulliBimPio . 1H
do pfd 'JiH ( Sus-ar Kortnery. . , Bil
ForlVVavna 16d Tonn Co l ilroa
G.Noithorn Dfd. . 100 lexis 1'icllie. . 10
ftii B. I riM. , . . . 9(1 ( T &O CnntpM. , 7J
llocklnir V.illoy. . 17 I7nlon Paoino . i n <
III. Cantral PO 0 a Eicpress , . .
SI.P JiDululh . . . J2 W 8L L A P . . . . ii > 4
K. & T nra im da lifil .
LskoErloA W. . . 1UH '
do pfd Western Union. . . 8CK
Lake Slioro. . . . . . . 1U W.iL. B . . . 11H
Lead Trust , 3D do pfd Mini
. 01 M .VSt L , 27
LoulavlUoA N. A. 7 D. iii. o nm
Manhattan Con. . . 10u' ' O. K 34H
C. . . . 1(1 ( N.Iv iO
Mlclllf-ui Cant . . . U8 ! . I'.f.A 1 22
Mo Pacific 27H do nfd 72
MoblloA Ohio. . . . 1BH II. AT. C 22
NushvllloChAt. . . ti | T. A. A & N. M. . . 4M
National Oorda o , 112 ! T. St I. . AK.C. . . . 1
da pM. . . . . . . . . . Ul o pfd n
N. J. Cuutral 00 S. R It I'-SH
NA W pfd 21 do pfd 4U <
North Am. Co 4 Am. Tob Co . . . . Oft
North urn I'ACtna , 4H do pfd _ JUT
No Pao. pfd SUP. , M. AM 100
U. P. D. AG . . . .
bid. toffcrad.
The total sales of stocks today -were 73,567
shires , Including : Atchlwm. 4 000 ; American
Sugar. S.200 ; DurllnKton. 2,9)0 ) ; Chicago Gas. 3.700 ,
Delaware A I ickawanna , 4 OU4 ; Deliware & Hud
son. 4.900 ; Distilling. 2,400 ; Qeneral Klectrlc , 6600.
Manhattan Consolidated. 1.000 ; New Jersey Cen
tral , 7,200 , Heading. 6.000 ; II.V. . A. P. certifi
cates , b.SOO ; Hock Inland , 1,800 , St. Paul. 4,600 ,
Western Union , 1,400.
NOIT York Alnuov Slurltct.
Casy at 1 per cent , last loan , 1 per cent ; closed
at 1 per cent.
bTEIlLINO EXCHANQK Firm , with actual
business In bankers' bills at ! l 7@IS7 > i for dp.
mand nnd at 14 SUiifil 8 H for sixty days , posted
rates , HS74ffm ! and l4S3Vi 489 , commeiclal
bills , $ < 85'lWt Si .
SIl.VKll l'iUTiriCATn8- : bid.
GOVnilNMENT BONDS rirm. State bonds ,
firm Ilallroid b < mds. onsler.
Closing quotations on bonds vrcre at follows :
Receipts for the Week Almost the Same as
for the Preceding.
DniiMiut Hlendjr nnil Trier * Strong mi 1'cil
Uniler llnule * I'ollow Moll
1 Mtrnlc Under I.oir
1'rloo for 1'rovUloos.
SATURDAY. Oct. 27.
Hecelpts overage up pretty .much the same
as they did last week a nil somewhat heavier
than for the corref ponding- week last > ear.
The llgures are as follqwsi
tSiile. lloc * Sheep.
Hocelpts this week . 21241 29,1(2 ( 9 OCJ
Hecelpts lisl week . . . 2D * M 13 8U 7.2M
Soinn VM-ek hut tear . . . 21 712 27.S33 I. . 01 9
Same week ISUt . 22 r.l 30 , HI fi ICv
The principal feature about the. cattle mar
ket this week hni been Its monotonous
steadiness. Receipts hove been of the same
general character from day lo day , the de
mand has not changed materially and prices
have been pretty much In the same notches ,
Very few choice cattle , cither natives or
westerns , IM\Q been received , but such ha\e
brought good , stiff llgures , showing an
actlvit demand and n strung market far
anything of that kind. Choice 1,430-lb
coined natives sold up to $535 , .ind the top
for choice I,320-lb rangcts was JI.1& On
the common half fat utooK thill made up
HIP bulk of the olterlnps the market rulrd
dull and weak from one end of the wt-ik
to the other , and about ull that can be said
of the past nK days' business Is that good
stock Is slightly stronger nnd common stuff
slightly weaker than It was on last Htt-
unlii > .
Today's supply was rnthrr light , even for
the last day of the week. Hut b2 loads were
receUcd , nnd these wete Inigcly cows ami
feelers There was the usual ctlede
mand for desirable beef stock , and on the
tow that answered that description here the
market ruled active nnd strong. A bunch
of choice , fat native yearlings sold foi J1SJ
and some very fair l,18i-lb , westerns
brought W 40. Common stuff was more or
less , neglected , but prices were not quotubly
lower There was n fair undertone of
strength tq the trade and un early clear
ance was made.
The cow market was ttbout like the mar
ket for fat cattle. Medium to choice cows
and heifers , both natives nnd rangers , sold
readily at good steady prices , but on ac
count of n lack of outside competition din
ners % scre slow sellers and at very low-
prices. That was about the condition of
the trade today. There has been an active
demand nil week for \eal calves and they
sold strong today. Mo to 75c better than n
week ngo The -market for bulls , stags and
rough Block generally has born lather dull ,
but prices have not suffered mntetlally.
The BtocKor and feeder trade has not been
In a "xeiy mitlsfactorj condition lUcelpts
have been rather llberali and as the demand
has not been partlculaily urpent from uny
ourcp the movement linn lucked life , al
though the volume lias been large. Good
lleshy stock continues In the best demand ,
ns It will not take too much corn to got
them In marketable condition. Smooth , will
bred cattle also command sonic attention
nnd faltly good prices , but the cattle be
tween these grades nn > In excessive supply
and are a drug on the market. The bulk of
thi > trading today was at around F-30 to
J270. He prcscn tat I vc sales :
N'o Av Pr No Av. Pr No Av Pr
1 till MO ) 8 . . 972 II 33 31 . 973 SI 35
2) .119 ! 4 25
2. . . 71S 1 M 23. . . 8SD 1 M II . . 8R4 I 71
t . . . 90) 1 04 0 . 813 1 M 1 1120 I 71
2 . . 700 1 SS C . . 910 1 M 2 . 721 I Si )
4. . , . EC. i r. c. . 030 i no 12. . . . STD i s < i
I . 8S 1 2" 12. . . . MS 1 f,5 20 . 736 I 90
1 . 66) 1 3A 6. . . .1002 1 f.3 13 . HIS 1 PS
7 . 8-7 1 3r 8 . . 920 1 Cl 5 . 872 S W
] . . rv ; 1 31 r , . . . 936 i o 8 . 912 2 o >
- . . . . 723 1 83 2. . . 1120 1 BO 7 . . HI 2 00
J . 87S 1 31 10. . . . DSI 1 KT. B . 924 2 00
I .1010 1 40 1. . . , 920 1 IB 14 .70.1 2 00
( . . S.I2 1 40 4. . . . SOI t r- 13 . . (10 2 0)
1 . S < 1 40 16 . . RX9 1 70 M 901 2 00
1 . 837 1 I ) 21 . . 7X > 1 70 1 . . 970 2 00
2 . 6CS 1 4) I. . . . 81 > 1 70 8 . 562 2 00
5. . . . 834 1 ] . . . . & 0rt 1 71 2 . 1011 2 II
It. . . . 872 1 41 I. . .lrr,0 , 1 71 II 1070 2 20
t , . . 710 I M 0 . . . 89C 1 71 21 . .1011 2 20
2 . . . SSS 1 GO
13 . . . 287 1 ID 3. . . 6 1 W 1 . . .10(1) ( ) 271
.1. . . 1)0 1 2J 1 , . . . 430 1 SO 23. . . . SIC 1 PO
$ . . , .3)1 130 .BMi ; ,1 GO t 1 . ( SO Iff
t. . . . tilt 1 30' 17. . . . M61 OT II . . . C30 I 85
t. , . 2SO 1,30 , 1 . . . Ul ) 1 C.1 20 . . . tM I 81
1..500 1'SO ' . . . .435 175 5 . . . 140 200
1 . . . 511 I 40
. . .213 12.1 S . . . J02 2 SO 1 . . SO 3 SO
i. . . . 210 1 3.1 2. . . . 411) ) 2 40 t . . ISO I 00
3. . . . J20 1 50 2. . . 343 2 r,0 2 . . . 2 0 4 00
1. . 300 2 00 2 . . 256 2 60 1 . . 100 4 00
1. . , . 21D 2 00 1 . . 100 3 21 1 . . . 1M I 0
2. . .521 2 00 5. . . . WO 3 21 I. . . . $0 I 00
1. . . 310 2 00 2 . . 170 1 MJ 1 . . . 100 4 00
S. . 2V. 2 10 3 . . 10 3 n > I . 110 4 21
. . 320 2 15 1 . . . 210 1 SO 1 . . 12H 4 M
J. . 271 2 21 4. . . 172 3 M 1 . . . 110 1 75
I. . 353 2 25
I ISM 1 3 1 . . 13fll > 1 'A 1 CM 1 n
i so * i 11 2. . 9 ; ; i r-i i no 2 DO
1 13d > 1 | l > 1 . . 1220 I r , I mi ) 2 N
2 .1IOK 1 IH 1 . . 620 1 Tl 1 Iflil 8 ( XI
I. .119) 1 M > 1 . . 820 1 75 ! .1115 2 15
2 . 094 1 50
1 . . . 734 1 75 1 . . % l > 2 HO 1 . . .1110 2 5)
1 . . . BC4 1 GO S . . 5SO 2 23 1 . f SI 2 54
I . 854 1 75 B. . 4G4 2 2 ? 1 f * 2 M
t. CM 17' 7. . . . IHT 223 Cl. . S7S 2M
1 . . 5711 1 71 S. . . 76 22V 3. . , . 706 255
I . . . W4 175 G. , . f.SS 230 0. 557 3 M
S . 63 ? 1 M 12. . . C81 2 311 7 . 495 2 CO
1 . . 714 200 1. . BTTI 235 1 DID 2 C3
I. . B84 200 28. . . Mt 233 10 . 841 2 fi
1 . . . 414 3 N 7. . , 602 2 33 3 . . . 870 2 71)
1 . KMl 2.14 8. . , SOD 23.1 3 . 9211 270
47 . . . KIT 214 1. . . E14 240 17 1173 270
85 , 771 2 2i ) 16. . 853 2 SO 21 . . 923 2 W
1 . . 700 2 20
No. Av. Pr. Ko AT. Pr
2 cnvra 1075 U 75 X cows 1107 12 00
GO cows 910 204 ' 10 com 1011 220
61 cow 923 2 20 H Cong 1024 2 35
H cows 934 235 16 ateera. . . .1183 340
HOCJ8 Th mirket has gone steadily from
bad to wqrmo thl week , prices declining about
23o In the past nix daya. Hverythlnx apparently
has favored the decline. Receipt * bath hero and
rlnowhero li Y bwn liberal enough to encourage
lower prlcei. but the most bearish feature has
been the dullness and wrealtncsa In the provlilon
trad * * . Doth from a gpoculatlve and Investment
standpoint the trade has been In very bad
elmi'ir Prices have lieen going lower right Mom ;
nnd hoK valuta have not kept pace. On the
basis of present prices of hogs and provisions
packers ar losing 15o tn 2ic per head on the
hogs they are buying. BO that the fresh meal
trade la receiving rmir attention at Ihe houxKs
than regular pack-Inn Packers have been pro-
nonuced bear * all vrevk. Insisting thai hogs must
RO lower or provisions lilnher. Although there la
H nutked Improvement In the quality of Ilia
offerings as cnmpaml with n month airn , thuro
has barn considerable poor light stuff marketed
lately that linn nerved to brine down Hie aver-
II ( To considerably.
Rpcplpta today were rather more lllvrnl than
nxpcclcd , the feature beinga train loud that
Hammond bought nt Sioux City Friday , whore
they were cheaper than here. With no outsldn
tmppart and bad ri'iwrt.i from both hogs and
provisions nt Chicago , pat leers started In to
hammer out another decline nnd were successful
tn the extent of f > o to lOc. They bought the
medium welcht and heavy horn mostly nt SI 40
arid Jl 45 , with several of the best lit II W The
IlKht and light mlxwl loads Bold largely nl
14 23 and 14 35 , with sonic down lo tl There
vvaa a very fair Inquiry for "dresHed berf" pig *
and Block hovs nt from 13.23 to tl 20 , hut poor
ft ) Ib stuff nold down na low as 12. There was
not much change In the market from thi > open-
Inc In the close and Iho pen * ivere clcired early
thn bulk of the trading belnx at from 14 35 tn
It 43. as against tl.45 to J4.K on Friday and
14 50 to tl W one week ago HepreBenlatlve Bales
nnl common nml utork sheep nr * a1mol tin-
salnMe Fair to choice native * nre miotnble fit
JIJMTISO ; fair lo rood wmt rtu. lliX > tfl.W , com
mon nnil tocsheer - , | l i jf I 73 ; good it ] cholc *
to IW-lti. lamb * . Pf 1.W
KrrrlpHHUil l > Ui"lll | ( < irof .Stock.
Olllclnl receipts nn.l disposition of flock A
shown b ) lh book * of thr t'lilon St < vK YaixU
company for the inrnt ) four hours pn.JIng M I
o'clink p. in. , Saturday , Oclot > or 17 , IS9IS
_ , Cars. limit
( mil- . ,
Hi > ga TO ,
Horses nnd mules , . , , , . , 1 SI
Huyrrs. Cattle. llor Bhetp
Onmhit Parking company 7i 13
The O U. Hammond Cii 3M 1 I'S
Swift % Co (36 1 C J
The CudHhy Ptckln * rt > ni | > tn > . SM 1,161
11 IH-cker & Koeau . IV.
llnmllton ft Bli > hens . i. , 66
Viinwnt At I'o . , . . . . 83
J 1. . Cure } * . 31
I. , Hevker . , . 31It
O 1 ! II. , 1C C . 167
Cudahy. 1C. P . 171
II. II. 11 . Hlflux City 5 S
Snippers anil feedci * , . , , ' . . . . . .
Irfft OMT f )
Total . , . 2.031 S.238
I'nr n Hntitrdiy Tlirni Wm Moro Thnn thn
Umiitl Inqulrr f r Cattily.
OlIir'AnO , Oof. 2In cattle t Hy receipts
iriiMlnmtcd at 1,500 bend , making. GS. < Vn hcnJ
ns thin ivi-ek'n r-uiply T.ntls nlxmt 4.SOO head
le i than fur last week nnd J.KK ) less lhan n
Suir ngo , Tor n faluntny there win rather
mure lhan the vuunl ln < | lilr > fur raltle , nnd ,
while nothing' sold nmtrrhillj higher , the fedlnjr
was llrm Natives were In demand at frum 41
to SO : " , for poor l c tm , western * at from Jl l )
lo t465 nnd Tesans nt front Jl 23 to2J. . As
In miiM iiftin the line tinciilv urili K today
v > pr < > U-ller tlian tlm c made further nltmfi
IliRS sold Ix-fnrc S u'tlock brought stroni ?
ID it's. ind those vvilgml after that hour
simci-ly rcacheil VE-flliiila > ' * nrurB. * Trrulc vrns
iiilel | early and dull liter , hut nrllnra were
not oldlgrit to cnrry over nny oonsldernhlt * num *
IHM Ihe iangr > of vallum for poor lo prlmo
< | imlltlcfl of hiRvy ho * : * wns from tl 25 tu Jl 73 ,
with mile * principal ! ) at from 144) lo tl CO ,
Lights viro uuoti d nt fr < in II ti > tl Oil. selling
titlrrlpnlty nl fiom 143) tn 14 fO. Hocolptil wrre
istlnmtcd nt H.WO head inikliig 113 I'll for Ihlii
vvctk , HH .ignltist 1 * 3,22I last wtck nnd 1S1CS3 a
About t OD Blici-p rnliip In InJnj. nnd the total
rcci > lit | fur this wei-l < nro nbinit t > 0 UOO , which Is
33.000 brad h-ss than for ln t week and JI.OM lom
lhan fur the torn spending1 week lust jenr ; Th
market w.m qultt and llrm nt from $5 f > ) tu S3
fur good lo c"i < ilce nnd from 75o to f2" > for
poor In fnlr. The lamh miirkrt vvn DtrniiR Ut
from ) l 50 tn 14 , according In qunllt > .
Hpcvlpl * Cntlle , 1,000 In-Ail ; vuUo , 300 hrnilj
hnRH 14 QOQ Ill-nil i Klircp 2 Oi IHNU ! .
Iho Kvinlm ; .liitirna ! rriiortii :
1IOC1H Ucrtlpls II. " * ) hcul nlllrlal > o ter lay ,
26.792 bend. Rlilpnunl * . 7,715 lipnil : receipts fet
the -neek US S71 lioad , ngulnst 1 41 head it
joar ago , FhliiinciilM for thp week , 3S $23 head ,
ilnit 41277 IHIUI anr ngvi , ( eft OVIT , nliout
7000. In nil , inlallty nut so goi l ; very few clmlco
loin on mnrkt'l : mniKcl openinl active but Heady ,
hut floon w * il. nd , and prlio nrt * Cn loner Ulan
" siuf yiHlerdnv. miles ranged tl 20 < N GO fur
IlKht. | ir. < ri410 fur light mixed , SI 15M.10 for
ntugh pmklng tl 15l 2& for mixed , und
4 M for pl ( !
OATTM : Ilivelpm. l.MO bead ; mlirlict
but qulot undtr ilgla supply.
: lliHl' Hi'CtlptH , 200J bend , market firm nnd
In fnlr deniiind.
JSiiniim Cltv r.lvo stouk MurUct.
KANHAH OITV , Oct. -CATTI.H Tlecclpls ,
f 800 hrnd : rhlpmiMits , 3700 head , rn irket ftonily ,
Icxaa BtKrin. 12 30 f J Cl ) , TrMi coun. tl.(0r2.Ut (
Imef stem , -OUiiSc : , stockcrs and feeders , $2.25
( l JOT
1IOCSS -cclpta , C.COO liPad , shipments. 1.40i )
id. nnrki I stronff ti > Co blkhrr ; hulk of Bales ,
2T.1J450. hi-nvlps , JI.40W4CO pnckers , t4 40fH 1 :
mlxpil , J4 I'.fl I 15 ; lights , 13 50tf4 10 ; pigs , H WO
4 II
11 UnP Hecelpts. 1,000 head ; Blilpiiientu , 1,500
bond ; market Mcadj ; natlvi , t2 50 p1 i > lwest -
( ins , t2 2. > { < 3 i ) stockois und feeders , t2.QOff { > 0 ,
Iflmhsi , f3.0M4(4 23 :
Mr. I.iinU l.ttu SI 110k Mnrkol ,
ST I.OHIH. Oct. 27 CATTLn Hccolpts. 1.504
lurid , Ehlpnicnts 1100 hend ; market uvilrl. steady
for gdiid iiiuilll ) . light Tuxa Hleers , 12 6002.30 ;
'ItxnK caws und heir , rs , II B5tf ! 20 ; no represent-
itllvo natives on sale.
JIOGH Itai'lpfn , 1 400 hr-ad ; shipments , 2COO
hi'nil , iiiirkct lower ; bi-st bc-ivy , tl 53 ; mixed loin ,
SJ 3'O4 45 ; common light , tl ; vmall plgn. 52.ID.
Mil I'll1 tlpcrlpts none ; BhlimunlR , 200 head ;
nominally unchunbt'd
Ht cU In Sight ,
Itpcord of receipts nt the four principal mar-
kUH for Pnturda > , October 27 , 1891 :
Cittle. Hoga Hhccp.
South Oiniha l."l" > 5r U . . . .
C-hlngo l.MO 21.000 20M
KaiiH.m pity , . . . 7.ROO 6 tOO 1,040
St. Louis , , , M . . 1&W , 1.400 „ . .
Totala w 12.515 3G.022 3,020
Kevr Yurie Ory tiuud * MiirJdjt.
NITvV YOUK , Oct , 2T lluslnesa In the dry
goods market Inn been ns unual for n Simr-day.
V ( ry fv w- new bu > era were present nnd Ihe local
dim.indwas for limited atleetlomi Anyaales
cf , linMirtiim | ? , however , rcsutttd frnm forwardIng -
Ing un maturing tngngernentH Pilnllnt ; clotha
wire qiioleil nt S > iu fur sixty-four nqutres ; ellcs
for the week , 105,000 pliers , mostly odds. <
Iliilntli Mluiit Mm her.
miMJTii. oct 27VHIAT NO i imnt , c ii
nnd Octobtr , 57Vic. No 2 northern , caish and
Octo1 > cr. KrHc : December , 55 , May , 58So ; Js'n.
3 northern , cash , RS e ; No. J , 4Ji ; rrj teil ,
40 > tc , to arrUr , Nu , 1 northern , 5S c.
'I'rl ri > AMicut OiiotiilliniB.
SAX niAN'r'ISCO , Oct 27. WIII3AT Inactive ;
" "
May ,
H\KI , . SUHK.
How often you hear someone say : "Obi he' a
mllllniiiiire No wonder he can mike money fnat.
An > onp vrtlh u million can iniike another million
easily enough" Money makea money. Hs.pos-
evssloii nets Ilko a magnt tn attract rnora
nuUfy. u Is vnulcr to m.ikc a million with a
mil Ion Ihnn to make a Imndreil with a hundred.
It' * the lint thousand tbnt Is the hardest of nit
tu get ' Hut nu t millionaires Htnrtrd with noth
ing. Vou tan auicved ns they have It } ou laka
advantawr of every opportunity , 'io buj- low and
sill high In Ihe ulm of every trader , nu matter
whether the nrtlcln dtalt In be cattle , ulioi-i ,
( Juthlnu. whwit , bonds or stocks. Speculation l
ullko the life uf tmile and Ihe xnurca of vast
fnrtunvs. Trading In stock and grain pays bigger
tlmn trading In any thing else. There Is alwHvs a
buyer ready. The market la constantly changing.
Dctils arc aulrUy made. You cun Invest and reInvest -
Invest > ur money many * times the HA me day ,
rrallzlni ; email , iiilk proflu In every trade. Anil
thcso prnllu BOOH uggregatr a largo BUin. Our
plan puts J u on the same basin nn a millionaire.
Wo take your money IW to tl.OOO and put It
with the money uf 1,000 others. We litvc a mil
lion to opernto wllh We- make money milte It
quickly safely.
lleie Is thn profit wo have paid our customers'
slnco Jonnnrj- , 1894 ;
January * , 12 per rent June 1. 71i per c nt
15 , I' ) per cent 1'W per cent
1'obruary I. 11 pr cent July 1. ' ' / > l' r cent
IS , IS per ci nt IS , 7 per cent
Maixh 1 , 9 p r cent August 1 , s per c nt
15 , * per r nt 1C , 7 per cent
April 2 , S per ifnt Bent. 1 7V5 per aunt
IB , < n p c nl 1C , 7 per c nt
May 1 8 p r i cnt Oct 1 , S per cent
15 , 8 per cnt. . 19 , 7 per cent
Making a total of 17..4 per cent In 2X0 dais.
A sum which In siHmi : dry goods would ra-
qulrn flv yi-urs in earn , or in ownlnr teal n *
luti * would take 15 scuta to vurn.
Our rhargo for muklnic this profit for our cus
tomers Is one-tenth of their net profit.
Wo have never lost a dollar foi any customer
In any of our combinations
Wn havti not a dissatisfied customer ;
Monuy can lie withdrawn nt nny time.
fronts sent promptly by check on the 1st and
16th day o fenUi month
Write to us for further Infounatlqn , for frea
circulars nnd for our weekly market report.
Our system ' In term ) Ing ; even If } ou think JPU
do not ear * to join us.
PUSHES , 00. , Bt.o't anl Grain Brokers ,
U and 21 llroadwny. New York City ,
: Gold Bonds.
Tli Vanu Improi enitnt Compsny oflcr * atp i
sniUccrufdmteicit , UJ.OUO offti 7 per cent , tint
Moit agtGold Hunch cfH ( Ml each , due 11)11. )
'loul l ie S'XO.WO. Careful and if liable till-
inalci ihow tint the net eainlngt will be not hil
than SU6UOOpcr annum Tinilee of the MoilglEO ,
New Voile , who vvlll dihrcr the Uondi. r' ° " " "
near si may be , on receipt of application ! and tub *
tcnptioui. DIHnCTOHS ,
rof.E 8AKHXIt.t ) , I mlilt-nt of the roirpucr- _
AtA'AllTBOWnuIPfir ! . l'IJlk. N Am rk , HY.
wit. I.I * M W Ktmnrit , Irn Terni W iefcs ; O N.Y.
\VIf.l UK BIIKIIbM. > l ncr. hew Vork CMrliis ; IUUM.
CltlHLl'S UOKOAl ) , Cottn. Wttllsin Bt , W Y.
Fu'l ' parllculari. prosprctui and foimi ol applies.
lion can bo had cl THn YUMA IUPROVBUCNT CO. .
2 WiLt ST. , UNIISB . LD . , Nsv VOUK CITY.
C , L. VA IB AV ATBB , OecrcUty.
quickly from small or laicc imounU. Divldnda
average SQ per ceat monthly. Information Fltljti.
burg. I'a . or DELNfcY & CO. , llanken andllroken.
li8UUUoUoardcrirideAnnc.Chlcayl ( ) ) , III.U.S.A.
IllKhtil lUftrtnets. ( Mention tUs ptper ) Cut toil cnt.
Commission Merchant
Grain mi it Provisions.
Private wires to Clilcaeo and New Vork.
All liunnesa or clem pluoed on C'hlcacfl
Hoard ot Trade.
CurreponUenc solicited.
Office , room 4. N w York Ulo
" "ck-phone Uta.