Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1894, Part I, Image 1

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Vigorous Recoil of the Circular Sent Out
by tbe "Omaha Business Men. "
Bcaicciow Set Up by the B. & M. Politicians
"V Only Hurts Omaha.
Representatives of Local lion sea Bee Tnv'o
Qo to Iowa and Missouri ,
Uutriuiitnclol > 'cw i > .ipera Cmistlc-ally C'rltl
cl > u tlio "I'nol Movement" anil I'uliitOut
the folly ii f tlio i to III Effort ul
Jlullilozlii ) ; thu Votcfi.
Every mall arriving In Omaha , brings , in
telligence ot the revolt that has been raised
In the interior of Nebraska by the circula
tion of the manifesto of the Omaha Business
Men's association. Country merchants in
the smaller towns are resenting the attempt
of the II , & M. depository banks and a few
favored shippers of this city to dictate to the
voters of the state. The conservalivo busi
ness men , who make up the greater part of
the total vole , outside of the farmers , and
who are not yet convinced that the future
prosperity of the state depends -jf-oti the elec
tion of dishonest men to oftlce , do not under
stand that the alleged Business Men's asso
ciation docs not represent the real sentiments
of the commercial Interests of this city. The
fact Is , that a number of business men who
naturally remain aloof from active partici
pation In politics have been drawn Into the
organization by the representations ot a few
of the banks who have In the past be n espe
cially favored by the II. & M. . railroad. The
backbone of the organization Is formed of
the II. & M. depository banks and the stock
yards Interests of South Omaha. The few
score of names attached lo the membership
rolls do not by any means represent the
fiolld commercial Interests of Omaha. More
than this , the association Is being managed
by men who have nothing to do with comim'r-
clal pursuits. The secretary is John Petere.
an ex-federal officeholder and a I ) . & M.
politician from an Interior town In the state.
The active agents of the association , outside
of a few of tlie ex-state treasurer's bonds
men , are Irresponsible parties , who hava no
moro Interest In Omaha's prosperlly than they
have In the election of lionest men to oflk-e.
The ruling spirits of the association are such
men as John Peters of Albion , Webb IJaton
of Lincoln and two or three others of like
character. These are the men who have
been entrusted with Omaha's prosperity , and
sorry work they have made of It ! The inJury -
Jury they have worked to Omaha's commer
cial and manufacturing Interests cannot bo
computed In dollars and cents , and cannot be
repaired In months. They have placed a
largo majority of the country merchants of
the state at sword's points with the whole
sale Interests of Omaha. They have done
much to neutralize the splendid work done
for Omaha's manufacturing interests In the
past two years by the Manufacturers' and
Consumers' association. They have enlisted ,
( ho sympathy of none but a few hankers
over the state , who are so closely allied to the
Omaha banks , to the I ) . & M. and to the state
treasury that they dare not enter a protest.
All this has been done for Omaha by two or
three Irresponsible parties who are only In
terested in elevating a man like Tom Major. )
to the governor's chair In order that frauds
committed by the rings may "not be exposed ,
In order that railroad legislation may not
bo enacted , and In order that honest , methods
In the administration of Ihe state's finances
may not prevail.
As a fair sample of the Injury that has been
wrought to Omaha's wholesale Interests by
the lll-advlscd'work of the Irresponsible par
ties who have been placed In control ol the
Business Men's association , the following in
cident may bo related. Friday afternoon two
traveling representatives for wholesale hard
ware houses entered the store of Smith &
Zimmerman , hardware dealers , at the little
town of Ulysses , Neb. One ot the travelers
represented an Omaha house
and the other a
St. Joseph company. Uoth were equally
acquainted with the Ulysses firm , and there
fore both entered the store on equal terms.
After some tittle conversation , the Omaha
traveling man handed Mr. Zimmerman , the
Junior member of the firm , one of the circu
lar copies of the manifesto sent out by the
Business Men's association. Mr. Zimmerman
read it carefully and asked the Oimiha trav
eling man how It happened that whole
sale merchants of Omaha attempted ta coerce
voters of the state Into voting for an ob
jectionable candidate for governor. He ex
pressed tils sentiments quite freely In regard
to the Business Men's association , and tln-
ished by declaring that Omaha could have na
more of his trade. Then ho turned around
nnd ordered a bill of goods of tha man repre
senting the St. Joseph house.
Scores of country merchants all over Ne
braska are refusing to buy fall goods of
Omaha wholesale merchants. This fact Is
corroborated by letters and reports received
from traveling men representing Omaha
houses , and several prominent firms In this
city have learned ( o their cost that business
does not well mix
with partisanship , espe
cially when partisanship Is exerted in behalf
of nn unpopular candidate.
An Omaha traveling man \\lio returned to
the city Friday evening , after a two weeks'
trip through Southeastern Nebraska , states
that ho encountered over flfty traveling men
from Kansas City and St. Joseph houses , all
urging upon country merchants the unfavor
able attitude of Omaha business men toward r
the Interior merchants of the state. These
traveling mm were , many of them , supplied
with railroad tickets which they furnished
prospective customers whenever they could
secure from them a promise to visit the
rivals of Omaha on the south. In Northeast
Nebraska the Sioux City traveling men are
equally active , and the newspapers In that
part of the state are urging local merchants ,
' to buy of Iowa wholesalers. Says the O'Neill
Beacon Light :
Now let the farmers organize In school
districts , townships iiml countlea , and labor
organisations In towns and rltli-s do like
wise. Let them resolve to positively boy
cott every" business man who patronizes
Omaha wholesale or retail linns until Ch
time as the more sensible business en
( and no believe n majority ) shall publicly
U'-jiounco these corporatism and causa
them to withdraw their anti-suffrage appeal
rind apologize to the Intelligent ? ovcrclgns
of Nebraska. Sioux City la a. good enough
trading point for northwest Nebraska and
our people xhonkl move In solid phalanx
nnd tvlth no uncertain meaning against
the Insult of these Omaha merchant ; .
An a further indication of the sentiment of
the merchants of norhwcstern Nebraska the
following article , signed by a large- number of
the business men of I'omlcr , may bo quoted :
We , the undersigned residents nnd busi
ness men of Pendor , Thuraton county. Neb , ,
having noticed the articles Bent out by .the
business men of Ornnh.i , and having the
general welfare of the great state of Ne-
Imiskn tit heart , nml believing the action of
the Omaha business men to be at the Insti
gation of monopolies nnd railroads , and fur
ther , that 11 Is a deeply laid political
scheme to entrap tliolionest Voters of cnir
state , and also bcllevlnir that the- credit of
the stntc depends upon the election of m"n
who nre In no way connected with trusts
or railroads , and that the people of the
country districts are as competent to judge
these matters us these stock yards man
agers , railroad syndicates , merchants and
clerks of Omaha , we therefore denounce
their action nnd call upon all other towns
In the state to at once organize Ilolcoinb
clubs to oppose these- common enemies of
our state :
This to signed by :
W. F. WILTSE of House & AViltse , general -
oral merchants.
I. . W. FAN9LER. with Holmqulst Grain
and Lumber company.
11. II. POItTEK of Porter & Pratt , con
J. KAXINKS , with Porter Pratt.
JOHN HOUSR of House & Wlltse , gen
eral merchants.
II. 1IEINEMANN , with House &
JOHN STOUT of the- Tender Drue com-
puny nnd county clerl ; .
AMKS K. SMITH , cigar manufacturer.
E J. TAD1.OCK , livery and feed stable.
M. WILLIAMS , general merchandise.
II. II. OKITH , with \Vllllams & Co. , gen
eral merchandise.
JOHN TlOSKNJtUUa , contractor.
\ . WACUTER nnd T. J.
KHAITIt of Wachter & Kraltli , hardware
" C. M'MILLAN , contractor.
W. C. BONIIAM , paint contractor.
AUGII of Fender Drug company.
L. W. NILES , rcul estate agent and for
mer cashier of the Thurston County bank.
ItOHERT M'KINSTKY ot Edgar & Me-
Klnstry , hardware.
LAUKIN WILLIAMS of Williams & Co. ,
Implement dealers.
OTTO DA HA , lialwr.
O. N. GIJEENAUGH. contractor.
F. IX EDQAn of I-Mgar & McKlnstry ,
WILLIAM VOGT of Vogt & Emmlngton ,
liquor dealers.
GEORGE STUUGIS , with Vogt & Em-
mlngton. ,
II. GARY , stock dealer.
II. IJAYEU , with Holrnqulst Grain and
Lumber company.
JOHN HAI.I.mmO. blacksmith.
C. DAH.12Y , with Freld A Ueckman , gcn-
cral merchandise.
FRANK OltIGS , drayman.
JOHN SCIIARLTCII , boot and shoe dealer.
U. L. AND II. E. DOWNS , harness °
IT. FELDMAN , merchant tnllor.
JOHN OTTMAN. director First National
bank and stock dealer.
1C. G. STRONG , attorney at law.
GEORGE II. SMITH , deputy county clerk. :
JOHN HLANCHAISD , money loaner. | b
T. II. GRAVES , retired farmer , with the
names nlso of twenty' farmers , {
The columns of the untrammelcd state
press continue to bring caustic criticism ot
of Nebraska outside of Omaha do not take
kindly to .the- Idea that they can be frightened
Into voting for so dishonest a candidate as
Majors and for the element ho
rc-prQBor.ts. Their sentiments are voiced by
scores of editors who have not as yet been .
controlled by corporate Influences. The
Silver Creek Times has the following :
One of the worst fool things we ever saw
in politics Is the organization of business
men In Omaha to defeat the populist ticket ,
or , In other words , to elect Tom Majors , for
that Is really what they nre after. No mat
ter how much business men might person
ally desire the defeat of the pop :
ulist ticket or any other ticket ,
It would certainly b& very bad policy for
them to organize as such for any such pur
pose , nnd , we apprehend , these Omaha Job
bers will soon get onto that fact , even If
they have not done so already. Their Idea
seems to be that business men may coerce
customers who happen to be owing them ,
just as some of the loan companies are
trying to coerce farmers against whom they of
may hold mortgages. It Is only n short
time ago that these "business men" were
going out by special trains to encourage
trade with Omaha , nnd now they nre doing
what they can to drive trade awny from
Omaha ,
The O'Neill Tribune , speaking for the peo-
p'o lu the northern part ot Nebraska , says :
That bankers should combine to deliber
ately attack the political rights of the people
ple of this or any other state In order to
continue the special advantages they enjoy
Is not surprising , but that the business men as
of a city eltunted as Is Omaha should lend
their Influence to such a scheme is Incom
prehensible. Do these men seek to build up
n wall of prejudicennd antagonism be
tween themselves and their customers ? Do
they wish to make political enemies of
their business friends ? As Individual mem
bers of society , or ns members of their
political parly , these men have the same
right to control , or seek to control , politics
us anybody else , but when they organize In
ns business men for the avowed purpose
of preventing the people of tli la state from
carrying out tlielr political views , can they
expect anything" but opposition to their
scheme- ? And that opposition may reason
ably bo looked for in a business way.
Cziir S lie iv l runirable Symptoms IIU
WriikneM Ii Ill ap | > piirinr.
ST. PETERSBURG , Oct. 27. The following
bulletin was Issued at 10 o'clock this mornIng -
Ing :
"The czar passed a fairly good night and
his appetite this morning Is good. Yester
day's weakness has co
disappeared. Ills con-
dltlon Is otherwise unchanged. " ad'
The bulletin Is signed by the physicians In
attendance upon Ihe czar.
A bulletin Issued at 7 o'clock this evening tic
from Llvadla says : The czar ate welt clur- to
ing theday. . The action of his heart Is he
at her better. The c-edeint has not Increased. by
His spirits are better than they were yester lie
day. The bulletin bears the signatures of ( lie
five physician * attending the czar.
KurtliiURl < n In Arerntlnc ,
LONDON. Oct. 28. A dispatch received
here last evening from Buenos Ayres stales
that an appalling earthquake has occurred bUjt
throughout the Argentine Republic. The city
ot San Juan de la Front ra , the capital of the
province of the same name , has , been totally
destroyed. Hundreds of lives are reported
to have been lost. No details of the catas
trophe have been received. by
I'jc-Uayur Ilrxvllt Keturnlnc- Ins1
LIVERPOOL , Oct. 27. Among the pasm
gangers Balling for New York today on board the
the Canard line steamship Etrurla U exur
Mayor Abram S. Hewitt of New York. sli
Prince Hohenlohe Called by the Haiser to
Succeed Oaprivi ,
Two Offices Will Bo Combined , as Thej
Were During Bismarck's ' Time.
Entire Enhlenberg Family Brought Influ
ence to Bear Against Him ,
n Addition to llio Dllllrnlllcs Concerning
tlio Socialists VVoro Acutu Dif
ferences UancrriiliiB the Treat
ment of Hit' I'olc ,
Oct. 27. The thunderbolt which
'ound up this fairly quiet political week ,
Ithough a surprise lo the political world
n general , has. been clearly and exclusively
'oreshadowed In the- dispatches to the As-
ociated press , and Its correspondent here
s now In a position to state that the In-
f 'ormatlon . . which ho has cablpd upon this
tibject J was obtained from Chancellor von
aprlvl himself , though the correspondent
wan not then able to make public tlio source
of his Information.
On October G , for example , these dls-
latches contained the following statements :
"The general belief Is that the visit of
J' hancollor von Caprlvl to Emperor William
t Hubcrstock j yesterday was connected with
" lie proposed exceptionable laws against nn-
rchlsts which have bc n urged in many
uarters. The agitators , It Is believed ,
eally Intend that the laws referred to should
10 applied to socialists. Chancellor von
Japrlvl , therefore , opposed the propose I meas-
urc , as ho dos not bcllevo In the elllclency
OI special measures against them , being ot
tno opinion that the best policy is to leave
hem comparatively free , thus giving the
iarty full scope In Its internal dissensions ,
which , ho believed , will ultimately lead to
its disintegration. In any case , It Is known
hat the present Reichstag would not pass
luch a measure , but It might be Introduced
ri the Diets of the individual states. The
Ituatlon , however , is regarded In many
iuarlers na being grave and some politicians
ovei express the belief that Chancellor von
laprlvl will resign unless he Is fully backed
up by the emperor. "
On Saturday , October 20 , the dispatches
lontalncd the following statements : "In splto
r outward appearances and newspaper statc-
nents. : It Is stated In quarters usually well
nformed that the conflict between Chancellor
yon Caprlvl and Count Botho Euhlenberg
cspectlng the anti-socialist measures Is not
ettlcd. On the contrary , the situation Is said
o be more critical than ever , and It has even
> een asserted that nt a recent conference of
he ministry of state bitter words were ex-
hanged between the chancellor-and the
russlan prince , owing to the latter Insist-
ng upon more severe measures than Von
Caprlvl was disposed to Introduce Into the
lelchstag , which body , however , Is certain
o reject any measures of a reactionary char
acter.HAD !
"The conference. It Is added , broke up
vith the. ministers , greatly in discord. Since
hen Emperor William has brought his Influ
ence to bear and the dispute was patched up.
But Chancellor von Caprlvl Is still lo some
extent ' nt variance with the Prussian premier
and Inclined to resign the chancellorship
rather than submit to the Reichstag measures
vlth which lie has no sympathy himself , and
vhich. ! moreover , he Is convinced the Rclchs-
tag would not accept. "
General von Caprlvl , In conversation with
the correspondent of the Associated press
yesterday evening , repeated what he had
irevlously said on the subject of the mlnls-
erlal troubles , which was exclusively cabled
lo the Associated press at the time. The
chancellor also said that he found It Impos
sible to reconcile his own views with those
the emperor and Count Bothozu Euhlrn-
jerg In regard to the anti-revolutionary
: , and stated that the proposed treat
ment of the Polish question was also another
xine of contention which caused him to take
the step of resigning the chancellorship.
The chancellor added that ho did not believe
n reactionary measur s , and authorized the
correspondent of the Associated press to
rcvtul for publication the source of the In
formation referred to In previous dispatches
well as make the substance of the Inter- \
view referred to above.
The Important Intimations given in these
dispatches are- based on statements which
Von Caprlvt made In conversation with the
Associated press correspondent. The latter ,
hlmcclf , for the time being , was pledged to
secrecy respecting the source of his informa
tion , as tlie general's tenure of his olliclal
post naturally precluded the use of his name
connection with such a subject. Now ,
however , Caprlvl Is again a private- citizen ,
and the seal of silence imposed by bis ofUce
lias been removed from his lips , and ho con
sented to give the Associated press an inter
view for publication.
In consequence , the correspondent called at
General von Caprlvl's residence last night , c
and the general repeated what he had pre
viously stated , that the leading question
upon which lie found It impossible to rccon-
cllo his own views with those of the emperor
and Count Dotho Euhlenberg , was the antl-
rovolutlonary measure. The second bone of
contention between the same parties , ho
added ' , was the proposed treatment of tlio
Polish question. Caprlvl said ho could not
acquiesce to Eulilenberg's opinion that dras
and exceptional measures were necessary
combat the progress of socialism. Moreover ,
was convinced they would not be ratified
the Reichstag. The general asserted that
, himself , was thoroughly conservative , but
that he did not believe reactionary measures ,
such as Euhlenberg proposal , were
efficacious to ward oft social danger.
Continuing , Caprlvl said : "I have'mado an
honest attempt ten fall into line with the
views of his majesty and Count Euhlenberg ,
I _ have failed. My whole policy has been
based upon a reconciliation of the social
differences and conciliations of the Poles. n
Iloth questions , however , have been rendered (
acute lately , against my own advice. " of
In an audience the chancellor waa given
the emperor the latter expressed his dis
satisfaction that Caprlvl was without a work-
majority In the Reichstag , which , in his
majesty's opinion , accounted for the fact that
adoption of thepropoied socialist meat-
urea was doubtful. The- emperor also In-
silted upon a reunion ot the cuancelloralilp
and the Prussian premiership , 'and here again
Caprlvl found , himself dlrcctlj at variance
with the views of theemperor. .
The. retiring chancellor 'practically ' finished
up the business of Ma pDlceut 5 o'clock yes
terday , when his aldc-do-camp , Major E. IJ.
Myre , left , and the gencr.- spent the evening
quietly at his resident s clng a few friends
and retired at an early h ; ur.
Emperor William's oil tuile towards Ca-
prlvl lias undoubtedly ch ngfd greatly dur-
ing the past week and nce his majesty's
visit to Count ICuhlenb rg , the German
ambassador to Vienna , a Llcbcnberg. On
Tuesday , when Caprlvl ound that Count
Euhlenberg persist d In opposing the
government program am that he- Intended
to resign the presldenc } of the Prussian
council of ministers , the chancellor placed his
own resignation In the hnnds ot the emperor ,
tn order to end the ministerial conflict. The
emperor , however , ns cabled exclusively to
the Associated press at tlio time , drove lethe
the chancellor's resldenca , and It now ap
pears , by assuring him f his approval of
the general's policy , surc&clcd In dissuading
him from Insisting iiporj. resigning. The
emperor then , apparently regarding the- trou
ble as tided over , at any rate- for the present ,
proceeded to Llebenberg for a few days deer
stalking with Count Philip Euhlenberg , who
Is an Intimate friend ot the emperor.
At Liebenberg , however , the opportunity
was taken to sot the emperor against Caprlvl
by several members of Euhlenberg family.
Including theexpremier. . ) 1ils brother , the
court chamberlain , anduotoncl Euhlenberg ,
win were gathered"here ! tp greet the emperor.
The attacks on Count Uotlio Euhlenberg In
the Cologne Oozetto and other Caprlvl or
gans , such as the North Dermnn Gazette
and Hamburg ; Corrcspon enz , were brought
before the emperor's notice , and it was In
timated | ; to him that the arjlclcs were insplro'.l
by Caprlvl In order to redit the Prussian
premier In the eyes of ttie country. The
emperor Is understood la have expressed
great Indignation nt tlirs o attacks , and to
have been Influenced also uy hints that the
conference of the iriliifstjr& ; of the federal
KtatEs ( was summoned by'tho ' chancellor for
the express purpose ot giving an open rebuff
to Euhlenberpr , whoso policy was certain to
bo disapproved by these statesmen.
Consequently , Etnperor William met the
chancellor yesterday In a ruffled temper and
showed sympathy for the Prussian premier ,
whereupon Caprlvl took1- the opportunity to
promptly tender his resignation , for which
action t ho had additional "ground In the difference -
enco between the emperor and himself on
the . question of reuniting the two olllces.
the chancellorship of tlio empire and the
presidency ot the Prussian .council of minister -
ter * - '
The fierce attacks mn3e upon him by the
organs which have supported Caprivl cer
tainly gave Euhlonbcrg gY-pund for complaint.
They have been very unsuccessful and un-
politic -In comlcmos published during the
las fortnight and designed to convey the
Impression that the emperor and the chan
cellor agreed upon landing questions and
that ( Enhlcnberg st'ood alone ,
Caprlvl's. position-for - aMong tlmo past has
been one of extreme fltmialtt1. He was In-
an unenviable light In"1 hfinglc { ; > ilook.fprl !
ward to meet the RDlchstag without a work
ing majority nt his back. From the con
servatives , , he could only Aspect opposition
whllo the center party was not pledged , and
its . support depended upon concessions. The
chancellor . was left with only a scattered , fol
lowing. Even the Polish faction was enrblt-
tercd aealnst him by recent events. The
Blsmarcklan motive has- naturally been' re
venge ; the colonial party has becji dlsjsatis-
fled with the chancellor's aversion to an act
ive colonial policy and the agrarians nre dis
contented at the commercial treaties am
hall the chancellor's fall with unfeigned de
light. Finally , a powerful force against
which the general has had contend Is Dr
Mlquel , minister of finance , whose policy has
been apparently dictated by his own ambi
tion. This opposition , nevertheless , made
little headway against Caprlvi until they en
listed Euhlenberg in their ranks , and as the
Prussian ministry was thenjlaycd off
the Imperial government the personal oppo
sition between the two chiefs was created
This maneuver of the enemies of the chan
cellar was successfully accompllihed by sedu
lously fostering anti-socialist agitation am
urging drastic anti-revolutionary legislation
Euhlenberg , us was expected from the know !
edge of his character , was strongly In favor
of thoroughgoing measures , wlillc the chan
cellor counseled moderation , Even the em
peror. It Is asserted , was brought within the
meshes of their crafty intrigues.
According to the KreuaJileltung , the chle
organ of the agrarians , the article which dl
re brought about the crisis was published '
In the Cologne Gazettt ! of' Thursday .ast , at"s
tacking Euhlenberg. The emperor was all
the more annoyed becaustf It appeared directst
\y after his satisfactory interview with the
chancellor on the Tuesday previous. Tin
Pi premier , oa reading this article , I
sa to have Immediately tendered his reslg
nation , and Caprlvl followed suit during a
subsequent Interview -jvth ! the emperor. Th
fact that the emperoc conferred with Her
von Uucanus , chief ot Ill's legal cabinet , on
Tuesday night upon returning from his vlsl is
to the Euhlenbergs la regarded as showln
that he had already received Euutcnberg1
Intimation that he desired to resign. It 1
further stated tonight thai the emperor de
elared to the delegates of'the federal state
yesterday that , althoughCsprlvl had ro
signed , he was determined : that .bills to com
bat socialism should be introduced In th
form agreed upon betwsflnlhlraself and th
ex-chancellor. ' t
The newspaper comin hl/i / > tonlght are generally
orally hostile to Caprlvt Blaming him for Til
numerous mistakes of-MSe past two years InC
The ex-premier , who wa also minister of th C
Interior , took leaveof , Uie other ofllcers o
the ministry ot the Interior. The count , hotv
ever , will continue to discharge the diitle
of his olflco until his su&cVsor [ s Installed.
At S o'clock th 'eveiilrijTit was announced
that Prince Honenlohei biningsfurst. |
. gov
ernor of Alsace-Lorraine-
, accepted the
chancellorship , after first declining that
honor. TUo prince also , accepted the pre
miership of Prussia ' , tend Herr von Keller ,
under secretary o't the "interior , department
of the province of Ass.cLorralnp } , suc
ceeded Eulilenberc as Prussian minister of a
the Interior.
.Much attention hai been aroused by the
honor which the .emperor paid to Prlnca
Hohenlobe-Schllltngafursl and Herr von
Keller by going lo W ld Park station to
meet ( hem and givlnr them ! apartments
in the new palace. The emperor's choice
llolienloho for chancellor Is taken as evi
dence that Ills majesty does not intend to
adopt the extreme view of the meajiiKS re
quired to arrest ( he i p'reacl of socIilUm.
Hohenlohe , although 7 . years of a e , m
very active physically ainj mentally.
On receipt of the- news of the prohibition be
by the Ilambure aud dubecb senate of Ihe
( Continued on Sixth Page , ) by
remier Kosebsry Removes All Doubt as to
His Futura Policy ,
'his is the Great Question .Above All
Questions Before the Ccuimons ,
lepresentativo Government Arrayed Against
Hereditary Rulers in Parliament ,
VildrcuD nt Until ford l.ust Nlglit t.y Chut ,
stone's SiiccrBMir .Sell thn
Purty Wild with Ijitlm&lmin
I'mspcd ! ) fur tlie
Copyrlstitwl 1654 by Press Publishing Comrany. )
LONDON , Oct. 27. ( New York World
Cable Special Telegram. ) The peer-pro-
nler of the democratic party of this king-
Ion tonight began the great battle to abol-
sh the hereditary legislativeprlvlt ° gjs of r
its own order. It Is fully within reason
o say that no event In the history ot Great
trltaln. has been more momentous , lo its
people. If the reform Is accoinpllsh d. It
nust work as great a relative change In
the methods of English constitutional gov-
eminent as did the Bill ct Itlghts or Magna
Chartn ! itself. As to Its practical aspects
and ; prospects of success , Ilosobery tonight
put himself In line with the. advanced rad-
callsm of his party , which Is In line with
the world's progress , and If we may bc-
levc the reports of his oratorical manner
ntul methods tonight , showed himself to be
a very great orator , and to have given Ural
proof of his cquall/ great capacities as a
iartjleader. . I have heretofore ventured
t : o say that he was either a mere farce cr
a great t statesman awaiting his opportunity.
Tonight ho seems to have met the oppor
tunity and to have seized It for one of his
tory's great episodes.
I have pointed out In this correspondence
recently that , however great the opportunity ,
the l prime minister can now achieve no prac
tical ' result without the votes of the Irish in
Parliament. These votes , along -with the
English radicals , have.ivjalted 'tonight's
speech with eager but doubtful expectancy.
Iloth seem to have been surprised by the
result Into exultant delight.
Drad/ord Is almost a proletarian constitu
ency , but the audience went ulld over the
calm and almost cynical , but pregnant , sen
tences of the orator and party loader.
Speaking .for.tha Irish -supporters. Mr. T. P.
O'Connor telegraphs to London a. fervid and
< ! vetiKlrluuipRnt ! ouloglum of th& ipeech. I
have been permitted. - lo see some extracts'
from the letter , which will be published In
his paper tomorrow , and which may bo .c-
cepted ns a guide post to the future action
of lis ( party.
"Tho speech , " he writes , "went straight
to the- point almost In Its very flrst sen-
tenee. anO , I should add. It never left the
point for a single second , from Its first word
to Its last. It was a flnglp topic speech ,
It spoke of the House of Lords , nnd abso-
tutely of no other subject , nor was the audi
ence left in doubt for many minutes as to
what Rosebery's pronouncement was going to
be like. In a sentence or two from the start
he spoke of the veto of an Irresponsible cham
ber , a forecast that the eager audience de
lightedly welcomed , but the flrst great out-
hurst came a few moments after , when Rose-
bcry began to speak , of difficult questions on
which the next general election would have to
be fought. 'In my opinion , ' said he , 'the next
election will be fought on none of these
questions , but on the one which Includes and
represents them all , I mean the question of
the House of Lords. ' Those were the words
of the final , Irrevocable speech , making the
policy of the government , and the audience j
slowly , and then , after the first Impulse had "
been elven , with almost frenzy , rose to all
the solemnity of the momentous utterance.
First a few men , then some hundreds , and fin
ally the vast audience rose to their feet ,
cheered , waved handkerchiefs , clapped hands ,
and , In short , there was one wild , passionate
demonstration ot anger , of Jpy , and relief.1'
All this means , of course , that all 'other
Issues of the liberal party , including home rul3
Itself , are in future lo be laid aside until
the abolition of the obstructive veto of the
stolid ( legislative tory upper house makes
them ' possible.
Justin McCarthy was asked If he cared
to make any comment on the refusal of
Mayor Gllroy of Kcw York to attend the
recrptlon to Mr. Dlake. Ho said he could
make no comment at present on. that or
any other division among Irishmen , There
no doubt , however , that Mr. Emmctt's
spirited letter continues to have a goad
effect hero and In Ireland. I am privately
Informed tonight that a great convention ol
delegates ot various branches of the Irish Na
tional Federation will bo held In Dublin
early In November , and that this movement
has the approval of Irish leaders In America ,
The convention will be preceded on the same
day by a. meeting of McCnrthylto members of
Parliament , at which It Is expected that Jtr.
Hcaley wlllspropose & vote of no confidence
Mr. McCarthy. It Is expected by Mr. Mc
Carthy's : friends that Kmmott's letter will
bear full fruit at the convention , and that
such a motion or any other leading to fur
ther division will bo
defeated by a good ma
jority. The object of the committee In callIng -
Ing the meeting and the convention Is to ob
tain nn emphatic declaration from both
against dissension and an anirmatlon of the a
principles of party discipline , which have
been repeatedly broken lately and which are
vital to the continued utility of the party.
The proceedings , therefore , will be of the
greatest Importance to the Irish cause , as , In
addition to this question , the party will make
corporate pronouncement on Prime "Minis
ter Ilosebcry'B speech ot tonight , and set
forth the lines of Its Parliamentary'policy a
during the approaching fcsslon of Parl'ament. "
Assuming that Kosebiry'l declarations are
satisfactory to the parly. It Is practically
certain that the general election will not take
place ( Until next autumn. The Interests of
Ireland are prominently concerned In get ! ?
ting an amended land bill passed and that tra
friendly government sliall b in power In
July , when the judicial ofllcers charged with
the administration of the new lam ] bill will
appo nted lor the next term ol fifteen
years , Gladstone's land reforms have been
rendered nugatory In all Important respects :
the fact that the landlords hitherto have I
IVcMhrr Forecast I
Local Itnlns ; Much ColJcrj Northwest Winds.
1 , l".rtocl c > f llio UiuliK-M Mrn'ft HooineritiiR.
lli.lifiiliilui Until * Hntli l' i ltliiiin ,
IliiM'hery lecli ) r < ? < W.troutlig I.tir.U.
Holcnml ) tn the Omiilm Voter *
S , Tlrkct ( 'im Aricued nt l.liiciiln.
llrynit'n Itully In tlio I'lrnl Ward.
3. V. M. C. A. lie frill * lntc"4 Ciillrice.
bittern ItiiriitMt Iti n Sr.ittlo lintel ,
Crazy Crook Jditi * Amiirk ,
I , LAHI Week In Olimlui Siilnl Clrrlcp.
5. Lincoln Mmrrinlril fur , lnr.r llrlblng.
lixptrtn lIUctiM I'liiuiu-lnl Topics.
(1. ( L'oiiltrll 1IIUIT4 liiirul Mill ten.
-So n if I.iito Itilln > iiil Mnti-mriit * .
7. It uh Mill-it uf till ] liuinl Agulli.
K. l.outlim iiiul I.ociil Tliviitrlriil Neuri.
\ \ tiat llio Oiiiiilui < luirclu-H Are Doing.
10. Wondrrs of Hruln IIIK ! Uoil ) .
< irfiit INIiktoH Uuiii'U In Nuvv Vork.
Hill Hiof ICzra lliuprl ,
11 lto tliu 1'ulillo l.unili It Miriircd.
rtt-tr Vork'H Nvw t'oimtltulliiil ,
AmicdiKlii nnd Itiitlu In llattlu Army.
1'J. Kilttorliil nml t'cilniiu-iit.
t ! ) , Drgrinliii Ion ol t.ul > tir In ICuglntid.
1C. Conilltlnii of Oumhii'n , lol > l > li > K'I'rmlo.
tViiiiiiiorclal unit I'lii.nirliil NntVK ,
ri-ntiircn nt tli I.liu Ntnck Alurkvls.
IK. lllKlililndi-r.i In Ttiolr > utlvo l.tlr. :
lypk-nl ( liTinun Itiiiuo l.lfo.
IH , Tlio Tnlentiul Mm llnpis
Octlivo Tliiincl ItilLTtlvn-ii Mine. Itlillic.
111. Weekly drlnt ot Spurting ( iin.lp ,
JO. oiniiii : Hur U'liyt unit llorVnrlil. .
had virtually all the Judicial nppolntmcnts
at their disposal.
Mr. McCarthy givesto the World authori
tative facts about the Paris fund , and an
emphatic denial of ( he statement published
In the tory organs here that a part of the
released money will bs used to pay the Irish
members of parliament. "You can give that
statement , " he said , "the most unequivocal
denial. I am surprised that It should bo
revived. Ily an agreement between us and
Mr lledmond's party a portion of the Paris
fund , about $70,000 , Is set aside to discharge
certain Labilities incurred by the. Irish party
ns a whole before the Bpllt , and for which
wo are Jointly responsible. The balance Is
to bo devoted absolutely to the relief of
evicted tenants , and la to be administered by
a committee of three , In which wo arc rcpro-
sented by Messrs. Davltt nnd nillon and the
Redmondltes by Mr , Harrington. "
"What is the total
amount of money now
available ? " he was asked.
"I cannot say for certain , as It Is In bonds
oC which the realizable
value cannot bo pre
cisely ascertained until the bonds are offered
for sale , but the total will bo somewhere
about. 1220,000. "
"The money was well Invested then ? "
"Oh , yes , It was Invested In Improving
securities. With the exception o'f a small
amount It Is all In American bonds. The
securing of money has been a great relief ,
and will , I expect , enable us to sustain the
evicted tenants until they are reinstated by
Ugislatlon , so that wo can devote ourselves
to preparing for tho- general election with
a. greater feeling of security.
"A curious dimculjy arose about our getting
possession of the bonds and transferring
them ' to IiondOrt'rcve"n' ' rcr "t1io u7cYeo'"bf
the French courts had authorized Munro
to hand them over t6 our order. Our London"
agent suggested that accompanied by his
clerk he should go to Paris and bring the
bonda across. Tlio next day he came to mo
saying that ho could not undertake the
responsibility , as the bonds wore all payable
to bearer , and negotiable without difficulty
unless he could get them insured for the
Journey. ' X
' Insurance company , however ,
would take the risk. Though theMessrs. .
Longman are n firm of the highest standing
they considered the- risk of loss or robbsry
too great to be incurred. Wo then had in
quiries made of financiers accustomed to
transmitting largo parcels of securities and
to my surprise we were advised that the only
safe way was to send them by registered
letter. But the companies would not Insure
them even for tha fhort tlina that would
elapse ' ! between their surrender and their
being registered at the Paris postofflce- . The
perilous undertaking was accomplished , how
ever , without any catastrophe , and 'Without
Insurance , and Mr. Longman traveled to
London with the bonds which were safely
deposited next morning to my order here. "
The condition of Eugene Oudln , the s'cpson
of Collector Kilbreth , who was stricken with
paralysis whllo singing here last week , re
mains most serious. Ills wife said tonight
that the best to be hoped Is that he may re
cover within a year , but that he still re-
mains almost unconscious. .
Rev. Horace Waller , a clergyman who for
years has been tracing the English ancestry
of George "Washington , writes that he has
fully established the fact that the first Vir
ginia Washington was a son of Rev. Law-
rcnce Washington , rector In Northampton
shire In 1C99.
A very Interesting story Is told about the
late Edwin Clarke , the famous engineer. He
was a tutor In an obscure school in the prov
inces end happened to visit a friend w tlie
employ of Robert Stephensan. While In his
ofllce Stephenson entered with a serious prob
lem In mathematics , over which he and his
assistant figured in vain. Clarke modestly
suggested the correct solution. Stephenson
Immediately engaged him and his rise was
All London has been laughing this week
over the correspondence published between
W. S. Gilbert and an American lady , the
Countess do Ilremont , who Is employed on
one of the literary weeklies. She- wrote , ask-
In K for an Interview. Gilbert replied that
his charge would be 20 guineas. The lady
responded that while she could not go to
that expense she would cheerfully look for
ward to writing his obituary for nothing.
Thereupon the humorist sent the correspond
ence to the Times , with a very petulant let
ter , and the lady threatens , eult for libel.
She Is , I believe , a Cincinnati girl.
A story which recalls the most exciting
chapters ot Lever's novels comes from Achlll ,
desolate Island on the west coast. In
spite of its loneliness , a rich London woman
hail established her home there. Last week
she was assaulted , her house set on fire and
the assailant tried to throw her Into the lire.
She Identified the farm bailiff an the criminal ,
As the olllcers were taking him to prison at
night Ida brother stopped the escort and
asked to provide him with an overcoat. The
police consented , the inanaclei were removed ,
"and In the confusion the prisoner escaped.
Four hundred police are now looking for
New York detectives may soon have work
to do In tracing a Frenchman who sailed
from Havre about the middleof September.
In September the dead body ot a Spanish *
priest was found In a lodging house here.
It was supposed to he n case ot suicide , but
the Argentine legation discovered that the a
priest belonged to a very Influential family
In Iluenos Ayres , ami that he had a letter
( Continued on Fifth 1'ase. )
Judge Holcomb Declares the People Arc Nol
Yet Ready to Yield to It.
Corporations Against the Masses is tha Can- *
diticm iu the Present Campaign ,
Ho Believes Nebraska Yoters Will Bovoll
Against Being Bridled ,
.Imlgnllonuo l > CM'rll > < t lie Content iiml S Inter
tha Cimo I'nlnlrilly Itulli Sieul | < or
CJirrroil liy n Tliousuml Vuteri
at Imposition Hull.
An audience of about 1,009 jicoplo assem
bled at Exposition hall lust evening to listen
to political addresses from Judge lloluomb
and Judge Doano. The meeting was entirely
nonpartlisan In Its character , nml was attend
ed by many republicans nnd democrats an
well as populists. Hut few ladles wuro pres
ent , so that It was one of the best assem
blages of voters that has been gathered In
Omaha during the present campaign , except
ing the McKlnley meeting and the joint de
JudgeDotino addressed himself to tha
voters nfmost entirely upon the Interference
of the franchlscd corporations in the present
campaign. Ho was especially severe upon
the leading spirits of the so-called lluslncsa
Men's association. Ho also referred at length
to the long fight mndo by the people of Ne
braska for the regulation of freight ratea
and ! denounced In unmeasured terms llio
action of the railroads In hanging up In tha
federal courts ( ho best railroad law ever
passed by the legislature.
K. W. Slmcrul presided and In Introducing
the ] , speakers stated that a few days ago lie
happened ] , to bo reading the Declaration ot
Independence , nnd the thought occurred to
him Hint If Its authors had lived In Nebraska
at the present time they would probably have
made n few slight changes In Its wording.
Ho had revised some parts of that old docu
ment In order to make It lit the circum
stances hero In Nebraska under the political
condition ! ) which have existed for a number
of years past , Mr. then read a para
phrase ot well known passages In the timo-
honorcd declaration , making many happy hits
which delighted the audience. It was :
"When In the course of human events It
becomes necessary for a state to declare Itself
free and Independent of the franchises ! corpo
rations a decent respect for mankind requires
that we should state the cause wl lch Impels
us to this action.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident ,
that nll-Tncn are endowed by their 'Creator '
with certain Inalienable rights ; that la , life ,
liberty and tha pursuit of Impplneis , '
"Tho history of the n. & M. railroad la
this state Is the history of repeated Injuries
and usurpation , all having In direct object
the establishment ot an absolute- tyranny ;
over the state. To prove this , let facts
bo submitted to a candid people.
"This road has refused to assent to a
maximum rate law necessary for the publlo
"It has forbidden our legislature to pass
laws of Immediate , pressing necessity finfl
Importance unless suspended In their opera
tion till Its assent ulioiild be obtained.
"It has created a 'board of railroad trans
portation' whoso officers are subservient to
Its will , who harass our people and eat out
their substance.
"It hns , with the assistance of our lieu
tenant governor , called out the militia fur
the purpose of coercing the laborer ,
"It has cut off our trade with other bUten.
"It IIUB constrained our fellow citizens anil
merchants Into abjectly following Its dic
"It Is at this time transporting larga
forces of foreign voters to overthrow tha
will of Iho people of this state. "
In j concluding his preliminary remarks , Mr.
Slmeral stated that the- one Issue In the
present campaign waa : Shall the people of
Nebraska covern themselves or sliall the
railroads dictate the legislation In splto ot
the ( demands o ! the people ? He then In-
troiluced Judge Doane , who apokc In part aa
follows :
"My Fellow Citizens ; The last tlmo I
visited tlile hall It was to attend a gathering
of representatives of the democratic party
to nominate a ticket for the support of the
democrats of Nebraska. After considering
carefully all the conditions a decided major
ity of that convention thought best to nom
inate for governor Judge Holcomb , a gentle
man who had already received the nomina
tion at the hands of the populists. Tha
prime reason that led the democrats to adopt ,
that policy was this : The Issue In this cam
paign was niailo by the railroads. It wa
forced upon the people by the railroads and
other corporations , The Issue waa whethop
the people had the right to have their will
enacted Into legislation or whether the roll-
roads should dictate legislation tn splto ot
the wishes of the peoplo. The Issue ivae
forced upon the democrats , and therefore )
they believed that Iho best thing they could
do was to assist in the election of a man
who was In sympathy with the demands of
the people and who would rccognlzo the pop-
ular will.
"This Issue has been going on for
years , It has now como to a head. Wo >
have come to a place where wo can no >
longer dodge. Fifteen years ago the fight
commenced In this , state , but for that length.
of tlmo no one party has been strong enough
to carry out the expressed wishes ot tha
people. Occasionally utiogglers from both
parties would unite , but even then they weru
not strong enough to nccompllHh Iho enda
sought. Fourteen yearn ago I happened ta
tie- placed on the ticket for tlio legislature
with some of my friends. The ticket
nominated with the expectation and bplltC
that It we were elected and were with th
majority In Iho legislature- would en
deavor to check Iho growing rapacity of the
railroads. W& were elected. We did frumo
law which wo thought would coinpol | ti
tallroadB to recognize the people. "What wa
the result ? Was that law over observed a
Never- The railroads hooted at it. They ;
wcro above the lnw because the ) were always -
ways able to Iiml subservient mm enough
to prevent its execution. After remaining
dead letter on the statute kouki for *
number of yearn that law waa llnally re-
pealed. Since then the people have tlmo
and time again demanded lawn In IhU et l ,
Tlu.v wore never able until tlie lat