Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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    rmn ? r\ \ rrrTiATY.V II I ? ! in. < cit'PT t > rAV / y.r riiri.iir < r >
Qrrilti MarkeU Were Eztremely Dull Yes
terday lut Olosed Unchanged.
Blnrkot WHS Too Nurrnw to Miiko < Iitcli Off
One hlilo nr Ilia Ullier nnd Jloirs
\Vcro Alrnlil lo fallow l c-
tllnc * < tn
CHICAGO. Oo , 28 The cralu nrukcls
were extremely < lull tmlns' . I'lrm foreign
tnarkclH prextntoil tlccllne-i In wheat , uhlle
corn anil oiita closeil imchnttKcO. l'ro ls-
luna were wttik nnil nnlfht-il lower till
nrotiml Wlicnl openeil a little firmer , ow
ing ( o u slluhl linpro\ctncnt In the tone nt
the Mvcrtwol cabliKr.ims. While [ Inner. H
was by no mean * nctl\c The nortlnvcslprn
rtcolptivcre ponicwlml llphtcr tlmn for n
few (1nj.s pns < l , iJiit with 527 carlou'la at
Minneapolis nriO 20 tit Dttltitli they were
Dot ri' a OLd as lltht ; , altliOUKli nn ountlnr ; to
H3 cats fo ft tluin were rcre oil nt the
two ] ) ltic.s last xrnr on the corre | iondlUK
day. The sm.ill exixjrt1- from I tic four prin
cipal pelts nmounteil lo enl > about IW i l
liu In uhtnt nml Hour inpotlior Tht totnl
of receltits at prlinnrv tn.irUets wiis iH Oft )
bu , nml Hhipmptiis ,'i bit. DUIIIIK tltu
fotcnoon the llnctu.itloti ilbl nut ( "cited S-K < -
In Deceniljtr nnil M ly Ttn > iiinrl > < < t was too
nntrovv lo tnalcc rnnrli off ono KlrU > or tin
other The bomsveio aft aid to follow It
ilown more than VJc prc-li-iilnff to
much prolH when It coitli ! b tfo nnd Ilio
Ijulls were oiiu.illv an-cliiui to turn tin1 ' < < .
lulvnncc Into ninn v 'Ilie closing roblc > -
Urani finotrd Liverpool from ' I to 'z'l
higher nnd linn The sc.ilpeiM lit Kan nb til
32 o'ckfk to phew moii- favor to the beat
nlUo. nnd oncoui.-iKCil hv a fiw FtllltiK orders
from the numiilo they pi 'snetl tliclr offi-i-
IIIKH titiil brouKht about nt tint time tin-
lowest prlci-s of th" < lay Dttcmli r , which
had mil pn-vloiisly sohl utiove rcr c to C2"c
or hi low W-sc , dropped to C'.1 ' . It rallied
H at the flnNli. floiltiR nt "ijitc.
The torn tn.irket wis ixt'ii dullii tlnn UK
very dull wtuat nmrk"t The locoiptwno
181 caiH , computed with IIM citlmttcil Ant \
16 cars of the cla > ' 8 rei eipts were of nt-w
oorn , none of whlcli srndi-t hotter tluin No.
I , on ac onnt of Ht dampness , and the raiiKu
of price fnt Filch w.ig ft cm JJo to I0ciul -
rardliiff to H niolHtm M Tlitro HTIM Miy
little Ifiiuliy fir No 2 corn In" iinnid Into
for shlpmiut. but N'o 3 villuvv wa * njld to
the txtoilt ( it JT.OOO bu The < lMlnc , Uvoi-
pee ] cablorain had a kPii"atlnn In the fuel
of October corn belnff quoted at 2'.d per
cental or the irjulvalent of 'f , hHhti. 1NII-
mated receipts foi tomortow itte 170 oil' .
May kept within the langt * of D'4e and Tik
only fi.CiUO hu In liming the latter pi Ice. anil
It closed tit rTjiC ,
After > esterday'p e\tiuonllnnr > scs"lon in
oats the market heemed even more InslBnlll-
cant nnd submissive tlmn IMI Outside
orders were limited , and even lo < al partlo.s
nnd scalper were not to take hold
Jfay Hold from ,2c to SJUc and luck tu : t2'V.
whore 11 cloM-il
The provUlon market was anilrtcd with
another spasm cT wenlcreal < I'oik lo-t SJ'c ,
nnd nl thu ilose hid 27'ac ' nn the dny'n de
cline. Lurd left off with Ilk decline nnd illia
lloff receipts wcie M.OOO head nnil 3G.009
hend estimated for tomoiro\v. TwonKfl H > Id
out nnd p.icl.ors milled , by hom. shoit sell-
Inp , to the ilnj'H ilrprchslcn.
The It'udlng [ uturca ranged as follows :
ArticKn I Open. | Uitfh. | Low. | Clone
W LentNo. , C
Oct. . .
Dec. . .
May. . . .
Cnrn No 2
Oct. . . 50'f
Nov. . 50 fid 511
Dec . 48 4HV ,
MTV. it )
CrdH No a
t'cl. 27H
Nov. . rs 88
, May. BS
Jnn . 11 65 11 SO ll 11 Cii !
Lnrd lOOllii
Oct. . . 7 DO 7 no
Jan. . U 'JW 0 65 0 U7 0 071 *
t f ort lUb't-
ott. . . . n HO n : tr o 10 n .is
Jnn u ou a uti o us D H7Vd
Cnsh iiuontlnns were na follows :
AVHIAT-NO 2 fjirinu. r..ugse'ic ' ; No 3 spring-
nominal , No 2 led , i > 20 > . ' ' c
COHN No. J COc , No .1 vellmv I9'4f
OATS Ni * 2. 278 , No. 2 white. Jli)3tc ; No. 3
white. J0'4f30'ic '
UVi : No 2. Sfi'ic-
lUUl.UV No 2 , f,2c , No. 3 , S0i.0l''c ' , No. 4.
I'l AX SniT-No. : 1. Jl 13
TIMOTHY Br.nn-I'rlme. Jl 57'4 '
PUOVISIONrt Mess pork , per libl , Jll S7'iff
1200 , lanl , pel 100 llw . SB S7'k , ehnrt rllix Fill , H
( loose ) , ! G30jC& , ilr > K.illiil phoulilrrs ( l ixe < l ) ,
* .r > .75&5 S7'4 , short clear sides ( buxeil ) , JC 37' ij
AMIISK1 nistllteit' nnUhcJ eooda , iici B.I ! ,
tl 2J.
Ihe followlne vcro th * receipt ) anil ihlrrnenti
today :
Onllio Vrolueo oiccliuuro toliytlio bultar mil
ltd as Btc.ulj , cieim.i.v , IJa'J'Jo , Ualr : , r.'JUlc
l-eea , Bte uly al 17 Jt' > c
Ycstorilnj'H ( Jnotutli.iis on I'lour. ( .ruin iinel
I'r.ivUloiiH. M.till" ,
Jnw YOUR. Oct 2 ri.orit UPC. ipt * : ocoa
ulils. , exports. SCO bhli 12.700 | > I K rnirKct fur
sprlnir patents nnil bikeis vvis fall I j active- hut
otherwise- the market vvns dull and featuri It-is
Southern lli.ur , quiet II ) e Hour. dull. i > .di 8 , 4ul >
bbls lluchuhpiit Hour , nrin J200ii2.l5.
ni'CKn iti\r-ijuiit. : ti cc 2 r.5.
COIIN MiAIliilct. . mles , 500 bbls. 2 M
Backs , jc-ll.iw MI sum , Jiuyill , llrnndjlii. .
HYU Dull , car leitu Kgxie , boat loadx. ; 5 <
ltAlirm-lull No 2 Mllvviiukiv 608iGlc.
IIAIII.IIY MAI.T N.imlnil. vvestein , 70ii73c.
WlllIAl Ilce.lptn. W JOO till . E i rtH 2l bu ,
pnll-H , 2.KO 000 I'll , ( uturea ami 4Jn.l > 0 > > liu l > nl.
Spot pprlnB nheit In Ki > il demand , No. 2 red ,
In storu nnd elovutor HMdl'le. , ntUiut. ' > 0"c (
f. o b. , C.c nlloal iuiKiiidi- led M\c , ele-llv -
ereit ; fro 1 ni.rthern Gl\c. ; o t h.ird ,
CS'sc , Optlnn Oincd | llriin-r on Letter
cnblu ncvvH nnd ei.vwi nrf lo Hlieirl1 * Bpiln r vvhuil
la In ilumuid both licit- and nt the v\-st , inn !
roinniandH a iriiwl luoiiiliiin over Ue-combir. In
the nftcinoon vvheal C-IH < - < | nfT closlnn ul i e net
nd.mce , No 2 ml. Feliiunry. ilonoil fi"\v
Mnrch. DS 11lGfiMicloted W\c. Slnj. W'M '
SO ! M6e , clon-il I0\c OitolKr , closed HSc. . N"
\cmlH-r , rlosed 5I' -
C , IJece-mber , SSiiOJO 1-16 < -
clone.1 r 3t.-
COHN' Itecelpls. IS fOO bu . exports none , sales
1S.1.CXW bu nuiiri-s and 2i 000 liu t-pnl Siml mar
ket strum : No 2 CSUe In rltvatur , ri'CS' i
nlloat , jelli.vv 67\e In elevator. Options niicnct
Iluncr vvltli vvheiil. and niUiinci.l mi unfavuinl.le
rr i > returns nnd need coveilm ; but lln.ill > U.Kt
part of Ihe advance , rlimlng ut V nei MI n
Junuarj53'jfircie eloped SJ'.c. May , U\ii
t 3Tic , clnae.1 He Oi loln-i clup-d f,7 ie Nuvem
lier , K' , r5 ' .e , cloaid I8\e , Uei.nilur il.MU < ' .
cliweel 54 Sc
OATS Ite-c. li > l , CS.300 bu . eniwrt-t mine , siles
ICO COO bu fmiires nnd III * di bu Mint M..I
llrmer : No . ' . 31Hc. N : iMheml - - No
3 , 31c , No 2 uhlu- . No 3 white , 3l , c
track , mixed w.-stem : muJ3. l el. wlilt.
western , S. . < t3.n.e , Irielt. white stateS5if3 Ve
Options inerall > mm nil di > vtliti n imTc
trade , closliiK unihummed to l < i net decline. 1'eb
ruary. cloKed 3 t < . \ ila > . 35 ifiCc. elod 3Cc
Octolx-r , ilo ed 31 ° e. Novtinbir , Uuted 3l"ic
l > ccember 2232Hc | , closed 3"JHc-
HAY-Dull , HI | inns' 4jU53c , toed to choice
1IOPS Weak : state , common lo choice , olJ
! 70i new , BSflUVif , 1'iitllk ce.att , S'jjitc- .
} IIl > is-rirm , vvel salted Ne Orleann. Be
lecleO. 45 to M Ibs. . to. Uuenoa Ajies. dry. 20 to
Zl His , lie. 'lexns. ih > 't tn 30 Ibn 5'i1n - .
I.i.VTHiU-Quli-t : : but steady , hemlock sole
Ilueneia A > re , light to hcavi uclclil ISJJlBc.
I \OOI Mend } , doincsllo lleece 19ij2lc ; | iulled
zOfTZ c
l > ) tOVISIO fP-lteef qulel Cut m < > at . nleml >
lilckle.l bellies. CWfSc. Laul , loner : wenteri
Btenm clewed nt It ft nsXp.1 , city KEMMtOtti.
October , cliwed 11 A ) nominal Jnnuiry. * 7 , nom
Innl : rellnexl eat > : tontliunt. J7I.J , s. A , is
roniiuunil | , 95 & { ( J 60. le > rk. clull jnuw in. us
"J.jyt.1 ! M , exlra l'rllllenominal. . Inmlly $14.60
lllr-l Tiil : , western il.lrj. JlHtT16c , vve t
ern crfnmery , 15ii3'iiC. vve-slern fncti.o lltilUic
iiKln , a > tc , Imitation crpamer > 134U8o , slat
dairy , UffZilSc , stale creamprv , KSfilli
Cinisn-Klnn. luive HiW . - . piimll.
part nklms. 3 < iiii7c , full skims 24U3o.
KOOS QulH : stale nnd renn ! > ) lvanla wn.i-ji-
lee house IStilS c receipts 0 . )0 ) iikgs , wruteri
r TALI-OW Ixivvir , city. 4 c , country
] 'iTltI.KUM-.Mtmdlfr , Unllisl rioted nt KI
Mil. Wathlnclon , In bulk. JM > 3 , rhllailrlphla an
Ikiltlmure , In bulk. ! 6I > 0.
HOSIN Firm ; ttralnid , common to gooil , ( I 1
TLill'BNTINK Firm at Jl JJ < (1 ( 13
HICK rum , doim-Kllc. fair to enlro. 4 > iSJ 1c
Japan. 4HP
MOLASSKS Straily : New Orleans , open kvttl
BCKM ] to choice. i(73Cc
1'IQ IKON Steady. Scotch , H9.00920.2S ; Amur
lean JlOWfiUCW.
TIN-Stead ) : elralti. HIWKI1IC5 ; rlntes. dul
fil'iin.lDull ' : ( , ilomettlc , J347 { i35U
iaAU Quiet ; brokers' price for .bullion ,
cxchanK price for * pot , $5,15 ,
COI'l'KU-Quli'l , brokers' price. W.tO. MClrnne
price , 15 U > . Kaln on 'change today , S lunu I > L
Cf inter tin , 114.70.
COTTON ttUIJD Olfr-Quletj quntatlonn cntlltl
nominal , } llow butter grmle , 33U3tc ,
MlnliL-upiilU \ > lindC .MurUul.
MINNEAPOLIS , Oct. t . The vhent marke
% M flria and ili-aJy today , wllli * llttlt Ht k
nt Ilinf * . caiim.l ly Hi * drift nf liKirsjiil
r < m 't\f sill" t lh > tliri rirm cut In rni. * < l
run * ion Him from lhi > | . ist | > rlir and the
mrkri tin ill ) tlnied nl nl ui tli * sime llgutm
tlwpr.vlou * dns OctrlH-r K'jc ' HiK-mbor
Mil ) 57'.i nn trse't. : No I hnrl W\c :
I nn tin rn tV * i > i No. t northern , IIBII'lo
I7II.OKI bu : fhlpmf nl * . 16 i o bu II ntr
* t ii.l ) pitrnln. $3 IMjfl 10 bnki rr , lSB
JZ.iin I'linhn lion mtlmnt'-d M 35 000 Mil' for
l. tweni ) four li mrs , ililpm nts , 10 Miis. \ \ .
Diiilltlon of Triutc and ( J mt.itloiu on
Stiii'o | uml J'nncj I'm line ,
The nmki-l < m fiesh laid pfjtri Is very firm , nnj
me cl-lrn that lhy hive been nlile to secure
rlc-i-s n lltlle nbovt the 'luoiall n given I elow
Tim piultr ) market does nut shovv imic'i
imngp , nnd lli ultuil'on ' rrmnirs Hie amc ai
In-ndy dr-tnlled. The New \ork CommPKlnl
ulli'lln rn > x The poultiy conrumcd In nils'
nd other la'tun nmrkets Is larK < b iiroduce-l
i the west , probably the bullc In ( Hilo , In-
nna , llllnotr. nml Invva Their.1uit | on lui
oen iHrir i thin u uil nf late nnd the r.celpts
i this mnllii-t ? lmw a hlc * lncrei- - PVHII over
t jears tlRiires , nnd last > enr vas nne of the
"iivlrit iioiiltry venrs on imnd H li too
nrly tu pruUcI nnMhliiK relative to the niaiUtl
> i IhnnkKKlvliiK nr later , but fimn the mlvlcps
om | in.dniliiK FPCtlolii It Ii bellPV.d there 111
v.rv liourhlpment - * as HIP xuppl ) In Ihe
untrv li IIIIRP 'Ihi' lecelpn of dressed pmiltr >
i this mail.'I since Jnmnry 1 have boon rl
V i r 20 iMO piu k.iKi-s w hlrb Is nn Itien nsi i > f
emlj SoijUQ pack.iKrs u\er the urilpti for the
um * perloil last > c-3r Live pnultii hiis nlti .
lovvn n blK Incroa i * , arrlvnln clme tif * tlr t .if
IK j.-ni foiitliiR up nealy 1 IV ) inr ! adn ,
'i ' p'nni- pi rind Ins't > enr"jnl ) Svo c.trlmi.H nr-
vol. nrd fm the mtlie ) eir f IV'iJ i > - p
i-if nnlv I KS rnrli.iils. an 1 th U iiiianlll ) was
11- I-IIK < t In the lihtnry of Ihe tnde Tin- live
ulti > iiiinket hns licm ntiiKiiall ) nitive durliiK
if IHBI ninntli , ns llio II.brew hilldnvH liavpiy
n.iisht fijuuml very InrRe riu.intltli t 15) ml-
nil Imlm : bei n inclv d Hln f t.n1 lliKt nf
i" euri.iit month DiirlnK Hi' hilld.ivB Ihnre
is n. v.i ) dpmnnil , mil miikit rule. ]
: > : h for prlmn nl.xU. Knllriiis
i ; FI Isfaiti.i ) llgur. s fir moil of thuli
ul this vv.ik ulth the cln < ie ol the- hull lav M
nd n IlUUir demnn I. tiv'ilhcr with i n
mud l.iiu. rpcilpt- < litmiiKPl h i hioki-n
adl > nnd prlns me lon r than fnr m.iii >
mill 1m with . ommli'sloii r < clv < i lindliu ; It
Inn ? l tiupiisM'l ' > | p lo ill ! os of tli mi-pi * < n
u > re-nvoniil Itl.ifH. . ml the extiemi- low rat. H
iitnllhi ? llrst of the \\e.eK. Ge * . O1 . and 7c f tr
ovvla anil ( hliKeim. will inil . - i < ] ilppHi .1
ni imibnbl ) nnr HIPW HKIIIPHMII - pid
illietoiH III tin' VVP I TheieIH n mil ! i
iiuatitll ) of poulti ) loinltuft.nn tin-fm w > "t
nil f riur > rl\ , point * bi > .iml tinSlHsNslipl
M-r ami this iniultr ) .11 .1 ink dui" < n it c m
1 mil in much as tie nenbs western p mltrj
> 'if In ti pel pound rim I the Incittuwl dlnline '
in p ultiv bus to travel linn a tind m > lo
IUMII ti. ilit.-rlornte , vvlille tin- sink H lift. ,1
t nx IIIKP ami fit as the m irbv vv < t. in
III > Mtnrdii ) H | IMI.nltettliin \viis M the
iMkness In HIP eh.ese nnik- l nnd HIP Kllintl n
t Horn of UKli.ullmc miiKels WIIHplilne.1
h" followlmr In m Hie I't ra ( V Y. ) imiK. t
xrti uli ml Ihe unitlond.t on * .is prevail at
nr poliili hive b ell nlrk of i hi < > -
or ri KO.I.I vvhlli ! . nnd .lnlr > ttnii an n .w Killing
ck if It There -eeins to be no bolt m ti the
inls.l find It was n nneiy with s une1 * ale nn n
> div uli < hi i ilif-v hn.l nit b tlvi yell all th y
uiM rather tlmn take chanees on fuitlur de
liu A fi \ \ .let Inn.1 IhPV would not H 11 anv
ilnil unlit they enilld K'l 10o Hut Ihe vveilbfr
lulM the htUHnn oprn , and an > et 11. ri hi *
n no fri it to Injunmasi o the iimluetlnn
f milk Roes .in and quite number of faitoiliH
i now mikliiK lint ! i r ant finnll skims , which
III contlnui until soni" time In Nuvtmlier.
Uft vv u liioutlmn Indirfc-rcnt and homo
nde .iidern deem lo bp snrce liven whelp
iers hnd Fiieh old rs there was appnieiill ) .1
m It < n the | ii IceUnit limit b'lu 1 > i II vvlll
ikn nn llur vviek to elost uui the & -plimhpr
lake llu'itatlo-'s *
III Tl'lilt I'm king rtoeK 9c. fnlr tn K OI | iniin-
y ISTjIli choice to fanc > , lOlil' . . Kitli'iti
reimerv. litTJ-Jc , siparitor rr-amer > 2) ) 1-1
rnt LTIlY-oid IILIIS 48IHc nitlne thickens.
- , ducks rfi7i ; turke-js cyji , ej ( .ne " > ? fSc
taiOl 1 er do ? . strlcllv fresh liht. 17i
< JAMI2-t'rnlrlo culikens p. r doJlUOJ12'i. .
ruHf p'-i d J273O ) ; Lhnvvns till p
o$1 .11 , Kiien v. nc tc-nl , p. r iloz , $1 2j dinks ,
ilx'd , per doz , II , c.inviipbick * 51 mi'iM rtt.
mil iritn md red hejiln $250 , quill ( IS'i'iilOO
cir KiddhH , IKiK.c . anlpl ipo s iddl s , IJIiJIi
nill titbits $1 , juk ratlilts { 2
\ IJAI/-t'h ike fal nnd nmill veils are itntid
I c- . IUKI- mil eonrse JSIc.
I Iini'hM UlsiiiiiHln. full ni m ike
2'jt Xi bi i-.ka nn 1 1 nvn full CM am Hi . Ne-
i i kn .md IHWU. p.irt kliiii , 7 < iM. | IjImlnrK'i
In. I , lie , bilck No 1. l.'c , No 1. II
\Y-rplnnd Iny , JS " 0 , mill md } * lo\vliiil
7 W. i > i Kliaiv JO Color mil.H the prlci on
l.lhlit Fliuba sell Ihe best. Onl ) top BI '
i Inir t p price
I'lOI.ONH Old per do ? , 73c.
I'OTATOiVetern : stncU. cur lots CJc ; fin ill
.In. . 7Di silk , d 7nrJ [ 2 .
OU > lliAN"4-Ilnn. : | pii-keil. mvy , } . ' .
DMOVS On ordet65&70i \
t'AHIIACIIJ On oi.kis 1'ic
cij.iirei doz 2..SWSC
HV\inr rOTATOKs 1'tr bbl , J325 ; Jiii-o ,
3 75 pi r bbl
CJt'INOlM Cnllfornli per ro Hi l x Jl V
AI'I'I.IIS flood Mock , per bbl. . J25)SiJ75 ) : Jtlih-
IUI slink J100J(32J
riACHis.illfornln : ( fre liiiKno slilppli K
tuck. Jl t ) fil 10 , clliiK" . $1
I'M'MS fnllfomln n me.
I'lll'NIM No Bhliiphiff st.ick.
I'KAIIS Winter Ncllli JI&liil.TR.
( } UAI'iA ( oncoriU. IV-lb babktls , 22 < j23i , I'.il-
fornln Jl i ftl 25
< -IlANIiniMlIS [ fnpe Cu.l fnncy , 1950 pel bill
Titoi'icAL vnurrs
OltANOI.s-Jlixlcon , per box , $350 ;" ,
3 15
IIVN WAS Choice stwk } I 7CfJ | .0 pei bunch
Slna , 3 0 , J5 , 2W ,
IXL Di. medium per can 10i
jorre slims 12c , extra , slnmlirJs ICc , < \tia
elects 17c , coinpanj ftlccls , He. Ncvv ork
; > unl . 2'c
NIW I'KIS 1'iiinv. per Ib , ISi , ihobe Kc
-Choice white , 10i17c | , datk 1mm )
MAl'l.H SMtt'P CJallun enns per elo ? . JIJ
NCTH Alnnnds. ISfilfic. Knullnl wnlnutp. l.'i
llbrtfl , l.'i llrazll nuts non , I'.ihUin then-
' 'cibKIl"Pure Juice per bbl . J6 , half bbl p 25.
IlIDKS No. l meen hides , 3'ic , No. 3 trreon
.lilei . ) i- , No 1 KTeen Halted hides , 4Vc , No 2
rcen snlt.d hides , 3Uc : No. 1 creen salted hides ,
- . lo 40 Ihs 4'ic ' , No 2 preen raited hides 2i to
0 Ibi. 3Vic , No 1 veal calf. S lo 15 | b 7c , No
veal calf S to 15 Ibs 6c , No I dry flint Wiles
c. No 2 dry flint hides 4c ; No 1 dry salted
ildes , Be , pnit cured hides H per Ib. less than
"ully cured.
hlincr PELTS Orccn silted , each , 25fGOc ,
creen silted shearlings ( short vvooled early skins ) ,
rich 10320L div shearling * ( short vvooleil e.irly
skins ) . No. 1. each LfflJc : dry shearlings ( short
Moolcd early skins ) No 2 , each , Sc , dry Hint
{ .ansns nnd Nebraska butcher wool p lts , per
b. , cclual wdkht , 5GSe , dry lllut Kansas ant
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. actual
nclKht , 4SGHc , dry fllnl Colorado butcher wool
lelts , per ID actual welshl , 4ff6'4o , dry Hint
'olorado mutraln wool pelts , per Ib. actual
vveight. 4ifd ( have feet cut off , as It IB usolcsa
to my freluht on them ) .
TAM.OW AND ailUAHH Tallow No 1 41,1 ,
tail nv No i , 3t. Krease white A. 4o ten-ate ,
ivlilte H. S'Jc Brcasc jelieiw. S'ic. ereaiie dark.
: ; tc old butter I'ff2 > > c , beeswax , prime. iff2tfc ,
mush > ellovr. IHii-'c
si. 1 mils n en e nil Murlcot.
BT 1.01'IS Oet ri.Ol'11-ln bttlei dp
in.ind I ut not < | uotahl > clmnncd.
WlIIIAT-Opined 'iSi'4c hlKher. lint soon IH I
off 'tfiV. eloslnu Imilly 'ic below em IIIITI *
recelplH nml IfBht clearances No. 'i led , timh ,
4S\c. Diit-mbir 401.C Ma > . M .c-
COItN Iml n acted Kllithlly iv Itli
vvh.Rt. clo-ins ' e up. No 2 mixed , eipli , 47c ,
October 4C'jc , t > erfinb.r 40c XInv 4C > c
OATH rinn Ho higher , No 2 , cath"Jc , Mnj.
H\i : HlKher. Mi bid for No 2. thl fide.
IIAIll.IIY- Stead ) , > . .iles of Minnesota at 570
111) ) AN Sn In d. enit truck. Cl'ie.
ri.\x HIID : io cr , 1140.
TIMOTHY hljIID 14 75ij5 10.
HAV Hull , uni'tmnt'i'tl
lll'ITint < ] ulet nt previous quotations.
KC.OS rirm 141J.C.
sVVi.Tii't-iienvj : is bu.
COItN MIIAIy-J.'SJti.10 '
UIIISKY * 1 23
COI PON 'IIHS Unchanged.
llAtJtIINO S'.fibVe
I'linVISlONh Easier. I'rik , etondnid IIIPMI
lobblm , ' tl ! 75 I .unl prime uti-im , Ji. 75 iln.n
jO 85 Drs fall liuatK , IUOHIJ i-lioulili rs , S110
InnRS and rlbt IG 49 sliorm. } ii 03 lluc-on , pni lu
sh < mliler tli 75. lonKS 17121 , ribs , f7.-J. hhnrts
* 7 17' ' ,
1HC1II'TS-1 lour 8 ( XK ) Ibis ; nhiat , II 0 ) lu
corn I-1 ( HH bn out s , 36 OiX ) bu.
fc > llI'MiNT8 ! riour 7KX ) bbls ; none
corn , 1,000 bu on la. 3.IMI bu
I'-nrlii < 1 nun Murker.
I'KOIIIA Oct. ! COItN Quiet , No. 2 , I'l' ci
No 3 4) ) > 4o , new IJ > tV4l'iiC.
OA'IS-Ilull No 2 white. 2J'jtl2'i'1c ' : No 3
vvldle , 2 > lii2y'tv. '
lt\l' Hc.irce , N < . 2. ISHMc
WHISKY rinn. liluh vvlne basis , (1 B
ItKcmi'TS Wlual 41X10 bu , rorn , II.IV ) bu
n.iln , 31 ' . * > I'U rj.1 200 bu : barle ) , Zidm ) bu
hllll-.MK.NTS Uliint , 3.CCD bu.i ooiil l.-.Ol bu
o.iti" Z9MD bu , r > e none , li.irl.-y. 1 u.
I IminiUI .Mitp .
NiW YOIIIC. Del 28 ClcarliiKK , } 741J8 Oil , Kil
allies. IS 37J 'ii .
HOhTOM Oct 111. Cle-nrlnBK. IlllSI'fC bil
mites. 11.37712 : .
UAl.TIMOIli : . Oct. M-Clearlnits. JI,7570M
lalanpeii , 1353,144
I'HII.AlilM.l'lllA. Oct. K-ClHirlnK , IS 121.
Otii , Imlaiu-es , lio. Jl.
Iinitl.lN' , Oct. : ii Kxchnnne nn Ixindun. cl h
elll > 8' blBht , M msiks 35 > a vtH.
MKMI'IIIri. Ort. W CleurlnKS 1361 313
nnres , | llVu3. New York vichnnKe , ulllnir u
riNCUsN'ATJ. Oct. -Mime ) 2'i fi per eent
New York nxihunsc . ] > ar tu 1'c immlum Clc-ir
1'AltlH , Oct. 24 Thtve per r < nt rvntes 101
32VU for the nccuunt. IZxchanKe nn linden , 2J
! ! for checks.
HT LOI'IS , Oct. rc.-Clfarlmrs , J3025.7U. Ud
ances , JI07.3S1 Jlom , .lull at 667 I-eT cent
lxtliun ( nn New toiH , no illse-t.uiit bid ,
IX1NDON . Oet. 28 The nmount of bullion K n
Into Ilio lliink of tnxUml : on biilnnm > I
( \0OOU. tlobl Is iiuottsl ut Ilurmx Asrm I' lir
at 2401 IdHdHd 1IJ EM , Lisbon. 23.00 , Mt. 1-ttcrs
burn , SO ; Athene , 77 ; Hume , 1HS.:0 ; Vkiina , 10J.
\\AKIIINOTON. Oct. : . The cash baliimv 1
lh treasur ) at the clone of liutlnm lo.l y via
1114.711 431 , gulii resrrve , Kl.llO.W.i. The tncreui
lo tli * gU rtsin * today wai aLuiit JvW.dvo , an
ilinlnit the but thrte .ln > s II M tul T lav > In
crease vran ilu lo punhases of gold nl the
I mlnl.s
I riltrAO" , Oc ( K. riinilriRS. llSr. ' * ' ) 0 Mone ,
ItlUi per lent on mil. 5416 per Kilt nn time.
Nen \ rkxrliannp. . Jto disci unl Korelun M-
vlianee , opennl linn , slctllng , c > nunerilnl , JI.SO
. niitIIN. Oct J Th wcekl ) stnleinenl of the
ttnperlnl Hink of Qernmnv shnws the fnllnw-
Ine ihnnxei ! n cimpHreU with 1hi > iirrvlous lie-
count < Jnsli In hand , IncrenM. 4 ( Km WO marks ,
trmriirv t notea , lncren e 7 000 marks ; other e-
curltles , ibeiwiX" , 9SM.UOO mirkfli notes circula
tion ' , ilecrcns . I7.SW.OOO tnniks ,
Voliimi ! of llmliu-M Ve' lordiiV Lighter
Tli tn mi tlio I'rnlntM l ) ) .
N'HW YtmtC. Oct 26-The tock mniket
was dull today , the volume of buslne-sK
helnir lighter thnn > esterdny. The fenturu
of the "peculation was the continued " .veals-
iits" of the stock- " , which were ham-
im-ri'il lij the bears on offerings of short
stock It to claimed , ton , thnt some- Ions
stock was brought out The board talk Is
that the condition of the coal trnde does not
VMinalit the maintenance of current rates
' for < oal Rtoi ks and that they are bound to
seek u lower level. Delaware & Hudson
rpeiitil stead } ' , but lieiran to decline tit once
nml In the early afternoon touched the low
point of Iho du > tijiij helliK loss of 2'S
per | i i-int In the Inter dealings the pressure
to well was not grout iv lira very of ' < pel
cent . helng iffectcd Heading opened * \ pei
cent lower , advanced an per cent , rented 74
I per i-Ptit nnd recovered ' 4 pei cent St I'nul
lied | j _ , In the transactions but moved within
I ' n ranirt of \ per cent , training ts per com
i on the day Hurllnstem .v : Qtilrt' j wa h"ld
within Hltiilhtr limits nml ltocl < IliHnl w thin
4 per icnt Noilhwest rose % per < . ut ,
i " li-e lined IH per cent nnd lee-overed ' 4 per
' r'tit , losing ' -s per cent on Ihe day. C'enlrul
I'nt-lllc tei'orded n elei-lino of m per cent on
sik-H of too shares , town Central preferred
broke S pel cent on a 100 shtire ttniisaotlon
nndYluellng K. Lake 1'ile prefoired mid
Norfolk & Soutlicrn lost I per cent on
similar stiles.
Susm gained H per cent at the opening ,
n iBged off \ per cent , and lognltUMl U pei
lent nt tlie rinse The general tn.irket wan
inlen'u-ly dull nnd moved sln ishly | the
main tendi'in-j helng toward lower values ,
ami "peculitli n tit the Llose uas dull and
slendj. with prices generally n fraction
I lielovv the i lo-liii ; figures of vestcnlay. Verv
' fe-n shines "hovved n slight advance on the-
elu > The bond market was Mini throughout
thp i-nrl > piirt of the day , but b ° canie eiule't
rieiu the ilnsp A feitiire of the deallmrs
was the he.iv > Hading- Hock Isliuul ex
tended r. * the pules of which JiRKre-KFited
IH..OOO < Jne block uC SlOU.OiH ) was sold nt
The ptiulinslng me ve-ment In Ihe
omls was due to the fm t that the compiitiN
us somi' $10000(0 ( In Its liensuiyvhUli
rethnles the Idea , of a fin ther I'-sue of
onds. The totul tianuactloiis fir the < lny
noted up J'l.'iOiX ! )
The nvcnltiir Post's London rnhlesrim
i\s Tlie tone of the stoe-k innkttv was
oed today , but pilces llnlshpil treiier Il >
ndei the best ihe settlement was ton-
hidiel with cnsp. Ainuilcnns tire still ne-
lecled and v\cre IrtcBUlar In th'lr mo\c-
ments today A . | lvei loan of in WO OOJ t el-
-uliniit $11.4ti0in,0-fiir China is expivted next
veek. The Interest will IK . * . p"i cent and
he Issue price par. The loan being eliieHj
or obliKatlons in Euro. ] ) ? , will not cteate a
heot Imnieillutc dimiind for llvei The
Jniik of KnKland has l--Hued u ilrittlii tin-
icIiiR the fuithei cMenslon of She Uur-
. . liquidation to Koxenibrr of ne\t yeat
'he m.nUct IH encouiiiRed bj Ii-nrtiltiL ; tint
lie debt duo to the state bank is undei
The follow Inir were the noslnff quotations
n the liMcltnff stocks of the New Yolk ex-
trhlnoii Northvve'storn . .
Ilo do pf.l
Mton.T. II IloT2 N Y. Cn-itril . . . *
i ptil 17' . N Y VN Kns . . sir
" Iltl > On til lo A. W . .
l.iillnuire.tOhio" 08 iK
nnaila I'.iclllc . . Oix-a-on Nav
a-iatl.i SoutliQi n. O 1 t. .t U N . .
' Picltlc. . I'aclncMill. . . .
: | IIH , V Ohio I' I ) . A E . . . . '
lilmco Alton ir.'i
1 , II A q _ . I'lliuo .
oimolldntc l"Jas IK'iluiclinio'iiJ'Urn ' . '
C C. C i St. L . . : tSi | | elo pfd . . . .
010 Coil & Iroi 7 K (1V (
'ottonoil . i | i < It O W. oft . . .
1C. ) . < vlIlUlliO.I. l-'U Jloe-k iBlina. . . .
lei Lie i A W . . 1UJ St Paul
) All O ufl . A'tH t ] ' ml nfd . .
) .t C P Co in * st r / o mn i. .
"ant Tenu . . . , Hi > t do nfd . . . .
rte M'4 Southern Pie. . . 10
do I'M. . . . Jtl'4 Sinrir Uetliicrj. . 10W.'C
Fort Wayne . . . 1C. ! Tonn Toil a. Iroi
Noithcin pfd . 11)11 lux la PtLolrlc 111
AE I. Pid . . . till T &O Oont.pfl. .
locking Vallay. . IfiU ITnton P.iclHc . . . .
11 ( Vntril JiO t ) s Ex pro n . .
"t.l * .VDuluth . . 12 VT St L i 1' . . . .
T A. T DM VI' < elo llfd . . .
, ake Erie Jc W . . lli'4 ' Wulln F.iriro U-c . III )
ilo pfd . . . 71) ) Wcatorn Union . . HTJi
jltO StlOl-O. . , ISt' W & L K . 111
jonel Trust 3'JV ' do p'd . . . ini
. .outsvllloi N . , 61 M , ISI I , . . . .
7 ,1) , ML li
tlnnhnltan Cou. . . 3IIH 'OK ' 31M
Miniiili'.s.V c . . 10 N.I ,
illculffjn Com . . P F.iJ.
Mn Pae-Itlc . . . . do ufd 72
Mobile V Ohio . . . . . . . . H. AT O
; .ishv Ilio Chit . 6il T. A A A N M. . .
National ConUro. ! . ' > < T. St L..K.C. . . .
clo pfcl . . . . . . dn pfd.
V. J Contra ! . . . S II K .
A W pfil do pfd
{ oithAm Co. . . . Am. Tot ) Co on
orlliurn Piclnei . . . doufil . lllll
No P.ic pfil . . . 17 bt 1" M JLM 107
I P I ) , V B 4
'Ihe total Kites of stocks today S3 H
huiN , InilucHnir Aimrlein hiiKiir , 1UX , llur-
liiKlnn 7 100 lh lea ro Oui , 2.M" ) DeUvvni.-
hulon 2.IM , Manhallan Con-oilldiitid , 3 f 0 ,
V.vv .IIIM-J Central , 1 4iX ) , Norlhvvi stern. C,2iW.
tivwHn ? 10.WJ , Kock Inland , 2,3l . ht. I'.iul.
. ' . .00
Xnvv Yiirk .Onner flnrl < et ,
NKOltK. . Ort I8-SIONI3V ON < 'AI.I.r-
! as > at 1 pi r tent , last loan I per cent , e lofHj
it 1 per cent
1'IU.Mi : MKltCANTILi : PAIMHI ! Vi3' , 1'T
riill.INO K\C-l'ANOi-rirm with actual
Imsa In bankers' lilllH nt ? l 87fj4 87s , for den -
n unl and nl J4 EO'-j-li4 k6i for slxtj .1.1 } fl posted
. . ? ji , tl87'2S48b ' | and Jl SSiyj "O " , commirclal
tills J.4 W'sfrl Sj
MI.MH : fr.inirir\TKM- ud
CiOVi : .VSlK.VT ItO.VDS Mrm. State lionls ,
Irm nallroail iKinds. eash r.
ClosliiR- quotations on bonds were ni follows.
118 4 D O t .
I ) . S SBCOtip Ul ) Erlo 211
U S 4Hra.- 1144 O H AS A Us. . , p
IJ S 4ncoitp . 115 Mo 7a us
II s JBI-OJ I ) J 11. A. T C .
iMcltlellaof 'OS . 11)1 ilo Us
Ala Cli-iB A . . . lO'l M K. AT. lat 43. bfh.
All Clta-tll . . . 10316 do 2d [ .
Alii Uluai C U'J 'Mutual Unlontit. lOb
Mn Ciini-iielcn ! U > t N J.Cent. Oen fo 117
lM. Now Con 4s. 115 No. 1'ac iHls. . .
Mlusourl OH 100 Nc 1'ac. ' 'nas . . .
NC lis li4 ! NV Oousola . . . 14 t
do Is . . . , 101 MoS t * . l ) ib 3i 111U
c noiifninl. . . i ! II. O W lain. . B7
Tenn now set t ) , 71) ) Si P ConHola 7 . lil
rennnovv et5. . . 10. si p c A p. w r t. 10
Tenn oM 09 . . 1,11 St L. & I.M Of n is 70
Va CenturlPH . . . 8S IS T. &SK Gen 0.
do ilufuricil . . . S'i'Tox ' Pao lain . .
Atoliluon . . ' ' Tex Pac. "a
Alc-hUon L'a A . . I ! ) U. P IHM ol UJ .
ranadu SoJn.K Weal Shore la . , IOoH
Cm 1'ae lota 'OS iu.t EouthcniK H ,1s. 68
I ) A. n. (1 ( 7B 115'i
nOSTOJJ. Out inCall loatu. U$92 mr cent :
lluin loins. 'J ? tli-j ntirci > ul. ( Jloili : | ) rioj > ur
ckB bjnl4.ini inlnliiT 11 irn
ATf f. & V . . . . liiK-n KlemiLo
Am Siiicir. . . flip * W. Eleo pM .
Am pid . . ni ttU . . . . J
llliv Sllltelfi IS liu Alchlnou Mn. . . . ISft
Bell Tolcipliuni ) UH ) .AtUilHon 4 . . lie )
lioHlit'i A AID my Now Rualaiil lis 1U9
llontoii.VM.ilno 14.V4 Ui-ii Kloctlic Bs . 87H
c ii , v o. . . . tVlii Cent lats . . 33H
I'lti-hbure 77 AtlimtB . 10-4
den F.losirlo . . J4 IloHton i Moulin i UPH
llltnotH btc-ol . . 411 liittlfl i IIoHtim . .
Mioclcin ( i5 Cnlmm-li Htol i .
N Y A N E Centennial Si
Old Colony 17 ? 10
Ort non Short I.lnei
Hutioer. . . 40
Union P.u-lQo Qilliic.v
\ Vci hud . . Tun.iriclc ItiO
V iud : nfd . HI
Sin rnnrUioIIInlii SIIM-U ( Jtiutntlom.
SAN KlUNCISCO. Oct. 20 The oIllcUl tluil
quntntloim fui iiiliiln.BtojUi lolij worj 11 fol-
I own
Alpha Con in II.ilnA. > n > rcreH
AlllU-H . . . f.4 Jimllco . . ' . ' 5
Hi-lilirr ua ICrntiicky Con. 7
Ill-Ill' iHllt Me-xlcRn . . li-ll
HI-HI .t H.-li-lii'r r.'ti Mount 11)
Ilodlii foil na Ophlr 113
llnllliii ) .11 Ovi'rman . . . Jl
Iliuncr Con. . . la 1'OIOHl. . . 71
Cdliiloiil.i laH 113 07 iVorpion
( "onfldence Ul ) sk-rra Ni
Con Cal A Va 4KII I'lilimC'on .
Con . tllali Con
row n I'oliit IIU Yullovv J.
lloiild A-l'urry 111
Sllvetr biro
3lu 1 ( > | I , IOC , U
N-9 T I'.l'lt Ullll IJ JIICI.I > II
NI'.W YOil'C. Oct JtT in fDlloin u arj l'i >
closnif iniiim
. . i a lOiuino . . . But )
Cholor. r.o . lOiilnr. . . . L'IMI
CruvvHl'olnl 70 I'lvnirmtn . 10
Con Cat A. V < | . 171) IQulcKsllvur 130
Ueiadvvoo I au 1SOO
Gould .tCurrj no Sle-rrnNi-rada .
ll.ilol Nnrcroaa. 7U Standard . . . ! no i
lleimostnUu 151)0 Union Con 1.0
Iron Sliver . . . 10 Yrllon Jacket . 60
Momomi. . . . li'O
LOXDOt * Oc-'t. gC. 4 p. m closlnji
CaiitOlaii Piiclfte % , " UiJw st I'nul eoni. BSM
Krle ) ll'i.K , Y.Central . . 1UU
Krlo'-'dn '
- 73 ll'cnniylvanla CHk
li : . reniral
MnKlcin ordinary. 14KMrI.C | Q. I10lr4 . f > kl
Oaltle Trading Mtjr&'fActlvt nnd Piicca
Average Some Higher.
Mom Ilrnltliy < t | > penrnncn In All Directions
nml .Smut Offerings Incouriirfo ltiicrn
llogN I ellen nnd "SlriMigaml
lllfrlivr" lsthe Coiiilltlon.
Oct 20.
Hecelpts of both cattle nnd IIOKS were
comparatively llBht today , making for the
Jive (1a ( > s about It.SOU cuttle , 23.COO hogs anj
5I.IH52 shetp As compared with the Fame
period last -week , there ha been no ma
tt-rial fhanKo 1n cuttle supplies. Sheep hu\e
Increased nearly 2 , < kK ) head and hoga de
creased about 2,500 head.
The cattle imiket as nctlve nml prices
u\eraKcd up lilRher on the more deslruble
beef grades. Supplies were lighter than
dealeisvere anticipating ; and while choice
cattle were Hcarce , tliete was - ae y fair
phovvlng of decent stock Heports from tin-
fast were Kenerally moie favorable anil
the market imd n decidedly more health )
appearance. Some common toery full
liaul ) fatted native * sold at from $3 to J3 K ,
full to pretty gcod rangers brought from
20 lo $3 SO , and S4 lr , was paid for a bunch
of choice 1 3.0-lb beeves from Colouido. lx > w
grade stock was , us usual , slow Mile. There
vas too much of It , nlid buvt-is were all
vanllng homethliiK tlse
t'ow sttirfwns In Very fair reipiest anil
ikes ruled steady to a shade stronger on
all but the t. inning grades. These , being
n lather too liberal supply , me selling
j down. CalMs were In seed request
mil theJipst veals sold hlghei , up to $475
The maiKet for bulls , stags nnd rough
lock iioi ill ) was slov\ but nboxit steuil ) no change In the si liter and
eeder trade The Inquiry van almost en
Itely for good , smooth stcck nnd It sold
it Him tlnnris Common stock cattle were
laid to sell , even at shaded prices Ciooii
o Uiolce feedcis are quotable at fioin $ i
o ! 13 , full to good from SJ.'Ji to S- . CO. und
ominoii Ki.tdes fiom t-.20 down. ISepre-
entatlve Hales
s nu itn :
Av. Pr No. Av. Pr.
1173 | t ii ) 31 1101 [ 3 C5
121 I-20 3 V ) 1 .12s > 4 Ol )
1W1 IOSG 3 W
JO J id . tool a es 1 . 94 200
til 1 21 . b75 1 70 1. .12110 2 00
1 .10 70 11. . 2 00
pr.o . 1 ST. . S70 1 73 c. . 671 2 10
1 4) . 191 1 75 31. . GJ4 2 n
i no .IKO 1 75 1. . 1070 2 13
COMO 1 50 . 775 1 . 11W J 15
MO i no S . S32 1 9) " I . ' 13
S'M i M II , S53 1 W l" 1. . K ) 2 "G
811Ml i tin 7 921 1 0- ) 11 . 143 2 23
Ml i w 1. 1TO 1 M 1 . 1070
. U12 i - . 10M 3 . . UDO 2 J3
11) ! . ) 2 DO 1 . SSJ 2 40
i ro t DO IS. . lOil2 49
I U ) t 00 1 . 110 } 2 CO i 10 137 1 O . ri3 1 50
411 1 J- ir.j 14 ? 2.2 2 25
1. . .7)0 ) 1 40
231 | 1 21 . . . . 2 SI 100 I 01
2 . . 2J7 2 1)0 IT. 4 01
JO 1 M 11. . sir. 3 m ) Ill 4 04
3Efi . ( W J . . 2(5 1 CO lA ) 4 25
. ' 11 2 0" ) 4 . . . 21. ! 3 1)0 ) 170 4 2i
2-13 . ' ( ID .
" ' ir. ) 4 23
310 . ' I ) . ! lm if oo 3 JJG 4 25
1 . . IW 2 CO . . 1C5 4 00 1. 14) 4 50
. t , 0 I 4) 1,00 I M 1 SO
1 4) 1213 1 G1 12.13 1 ?
III ) ] 41 11& ) 1 SI
IIWJ 3 ro 11 li 1 s ;
3 50 J1TO 170 .141-0 2 10
1 ft ) 14W 1 7) 1M ) 2 35
ll.'J 11. ) inn 173 1400 2 75
1IM 2 00 .WSO 2 50
ID 10 . 70. ) S 25 . ( Ml
. IW ) J 00 "J ) 073 S i ) 13. , . B07 2 C4
.1M ) . ' ' "I ItD . S3S J ai 9o . 74. 2 M
" 2 II D . .715 2 19 o . * . - 2 5
. 72" ) J 1" 17. . . 25 4i > 0 . 145 2 * > 3
? 4 > . . , M 2 CO 02G. . fc' 2 S3
' 1 1210
" , n 'JS. 111
72 1. . . "tr 2 to 1110 3 03
170 9. . . f-'Z 2 M 10 . lOW 3 05
Ko APr. . No. Av. Pr.
1 I. nil . ISfl tl W 1 cou. . . ! ' Jl 75
2 I ou s . 9' < i 1 75 2 cows . . NO" . I U2'-i
B COM3 . ! W 2 UJ iO cows . . S6i. 1 ii'i
J cuus. ! "J1 i 3' )
A. McfarKcr.
4 coufl . 1 117 2 W 1ft oxi n . iroi 3 25
llili 3 M t hlei-i . .1170 SM
l.0 I 11 1 iltei . ino 4 IS
HtetiH . .1320 4 15
I lielfLr I SO
I heifers S'lO 1 V ) 12 CGUri . , SG3 I 90
1 calf . . . no J on 1 calf. . . IW 4 50
1 ialf . . . 2)0 ) 4 75
.1. A. Hnrdln A.
0 foi-Joro. . . lei. : i n iif Ktu . .1008 SI
John \V. A'unee-
11 sic , IP . . . .1131 2 CO S ) sic- - .1250 3
US Kill-IB .1.03 3 45
Ni : UK A SIC \ .
C bulls. . .1514 1 f 1030 2 05
J m . . 1075 2 e)3 ) . ' i one. 2 Oi
U cow 8 . . kS'J : 05 1 cnlf . . 2 45
1 inir. . 4)0 2 15 ,
3 Imlln . 1100 1 l < > 1 liilll . . . 14ID 1 40
1 Lull . 1270 1 ID 1 bull . , .1470 1 40
1 luil I . . 1470 1 9) 1 bull . . . .11,0 ] rO
7 oi > . . 2 J" 4 cans. . S72 2 23
1 Htecr. 1.1)0 ) 2 M 1 me r. .1UO S20
1 steer. Mb'l ' 3 2) 1 Hteer .12,11 , 3 20
3 tt > < > rn US ! 3 J ) 1 ulcer 3 .
1 steel . 1190 3 2) 1 Hteir .12 0 3
1 steer. . 1000 S .1) 1 at er .lu7J
1 steer. ll'X ' ) .2) 1 Hltir
nteer liM s a
MllwauUeo nnd AVjunilnu Tnv < stm nt r
I Btr tlK 1IW 323Iflr , lie. 1 ! ) 22'
'J sirs , tie070 223 I Htl , llK 14 ? ) 2 a
,3 rmvH . ' ) 2 2.1 Ill finikin . IOU 2 8)
1 he-lfe-r . . ! SO . ' CO
I * N llnner.
Ihc-lfir . 1140 2 M If. til. i . SOO 2 C3
fiileiH 040 2 C5 2 ulcers. HM 3 bv )
ID slic'is . 1J54 3 fcj
Jiimr-s UoiiKlns.
.1331) 1 W iceivva . . . . 12) 2 M
] i 'OD 1 envv ti70 245
3 e uvi a. . 107J 245 C' stcern . .1IW 3 SO
U Calvfit
1 sine. . .134) 1 8) 1 Btr. tic ; . . 12SO 2 40
. 97H 24) 1 cuvv 1110 2 40
1 cow . . .1011) J4) ) 1 COW. . . . WO 2 10
3 COIVP. 1033 J 10 ! S COMH . . KIS2 2 CO
12JJ 3 4D II Plreri" . . 11CI 3 10 -
1 HI. er 10 o 3 i ) 1 btecr . . 1400 3 W
S3 HteerB 1JOO 3 M
T NelMJn Tiust.
.t bulls . 12Si ) 1 40 1 Mi-ei- . . . SSO 2 75
1 steer 1050 2 75
HOOS The nwrkit was slrons to n nlcke-l
higher loilni , tin- Hint up turn prices have -x-
rlcnce-il In neail ) two weeks There WOK not
u ver > heavy U'l | > ! v nnU early roimrts from
Chlcugn vvei In the nuln fnvornliltrackere
vv.r.of cours ? the principal txijers , hul Ihere-
vvim u euinilent amount of business clone t > >
HKfulaiorrt to make trail. ' Inurcptlni ; Most of
tinh.nv ) nml Inilclier weight Inndn tolil at frnm
14 CO lo 1460 ami one iholce 317-11. Imul hroURht
14 CJ'i. 'lilt' nml light inlxicl stuff sell ;
nil tinvvu > from J4 50 down tu fl K. l'ltp nml
stock hok'S were In vc-ry fair iniueM ut riBht
to Httiul > prices , fiitm W 25 lo | 4 2" > Early
tniclinK" .is mllve nn.l the feellriK UronK. bill
ihe mnrkcl weiiKeneil'rnr-l.iter unit Lluncil with
the earl ) mlvunce iomiHcli-1 } lost \eiy lltlle
VV.-IM left 111 MrHt liandg. hViwuvt-r The Inilk of
Hales were ul from | ) . | 5 tn JIC us ucnlnsl
Jl to in 11 CO Thursday7 firm tl W tu | 4 7. on last
Ki lilx ) Ilepresi ntatlvcVails :
No. Av bh IT. ! NO.M . Av Sh. Pr.
101 I'M 2SU ( I & M . 2 19 ICO II 60
113 151 73 . III M 4 CO
113W 100 40 4 J5 I ,73 MOMl IIIMO 3LO 4 50
S7 . . Itl 4 31) I ,51 Ml HO 4 50
ISI J40 4 30 i i71 . . -i.0 40 4 60
21 U IM 4 30 J L . 2S3 4 50
.171 4 35 is ? . . . 2S33 120 4 50
.197 1:0 4 35 ' . . ilS 200 4 50
4 40 4 . , . . 3bi 200co 4 00
I .2.V ) 440 7i , . . .2CI co i 50
15 . 440 . 2t I 5. >
Hi ltd kl ) 4 40 I K'
sa . 183 IX I 40 243 80
u u > I 40
74 l.'O I 4J' , ISO 320 4 r. . : ' . ,
37 I 45 233 4 K" ,
111 J05 160 I 45 i ° 243 4 t.5
77 I 45 1.1 H T.7 . till ICO 4 53
ill 1S5 I 15 27l > ICO 4 C.5
illr - 2.6 4 45 71. ! 2 < Jf J10 4 K
2JO 4 45 70. . 257 NO 455
211 4 43 K . 273 4 M
190 4 45 ino 4 13
.3iO 4 4t so 4
.J10 4 41 i/j. 25X 100 4t 4I
31 . . 215 4 45 ei. 27V t 60
M . . 220 4 45 ei.C3 271 1.1) 4 l > >
77 2t1 4 47'4 C3 3)1 ) 1JO 4 Lll
70 . . . J45 4 47'i e. . ' 01 4 CD
C3 22il 4 47' i 324 4 M
C3C3. . . . 103 210 4 M W ) . 31 ; 4 i'
rids ANU noraii.
I . 230 3 CO K . . . . > 3 5 75
1. .to 3 CO C3 3 75
1 . . .WO 30) ) 13 3 M
1 310 3 00 II. 152 4 00
3 . 216 SIX ) II ! I IO
: . I A 17 13C 4 1U
21 3 40 26 124 I 15
11 (2 ( SAO 131 4 J. %
11Jin 07 1 CD 38. 13) I 40
MIIHJI1 Hup | > ll - rn IIIprul enuuitli < ixti >
but Hie liiilk of them Mrri ) i.unrnnn.lirrrt \ ti >
h\vll iiml < Vniian > anO not oldreil on the mar
k t. Tlieri- was a ven' fair .h'liund for Ixjt
luutlnnn ami lumbs a luinrli of the latter BtlHni
for H.M < ' "Minion uml slock nheep H re nefr
1-c.tcil ami prices vrrr away < luun 1'ulr to
Lhi.l.p nutUe ure quulnble ut tl ttttlM. fair to
v i li.rii , | 2.CKX/J.l > 9 , common und itocli
Miet-p It 2..fll r , Kootl to fhnlc ? 4i ) lo IW Ib
lambs , J2.2.VJyi. llcprcne-ntnllvo wile *
N IVt Tr
m ! > locket-n 73 tl 75
116-w.slern mlxe-d . . . . 107 i W
3 % w Mrni InnilM . . 63 S 3
Itccnlpttnti't I > l p-Hltln i tt Stuck.
Oltlclot receipts uml dt pe > lllon of Hock ru
shown by the liookn of the Union Stock Vnnl
company for thtf ttvemfiiir lioiir * ending at 3
0'e.lock p. in. , Frldav , October W. 1S84 :
Cnrs llr-ml
, . . . 10,1 2 * < > l
' Id 3 Wl
Horses nnd nudes . l IS
llujers. 0111111 ? . Hoes Sheep
Oninhii I'mklriR compnny W7
Tli. ' O H. llnniinnnd Co. . . 3JS 73U
Hvvlft nml Companv .14 ! 1.403 612
Th.Ciulnhv 1'nckliiK Co . . . 7ZS 1.215
Hill fi L . 9
II lleckcr & PeRim ID
Hiimllton \ Hti pinna n 9
\Vin .inl . Co 75
I 1. Cure } 6
lilies * Drjfus I
I Lobrmn | ij ( , .
L. ll.-eker 125 . . .
I.e-e Ilnllischtlil 5 .
(3 II II fmm K. C 1CI
i- lft 3.037
Heiiton 14
and feeders C53 112 12 ?
Tulnla 2.747 4 1M 3.677
i.ivi : srocic.
< Sooil lo Lholi-c > iitlvo Sle rr < III ' mull
Supply nml Krlltn * Utru Airatn ruv.iri < l.
CUK'AOO Opt 6 Agnln were Rood to choice
unlive steers In etn ill supply nnd HK.I n the
lurn In rillem' favor Importers vi innil n.
Ko.iill > iiiiinlioi of ripe 1 10i ) tn ICDO-lh cnltl
unl nfl there were tlfo n fnli dilniml for that
< lnd fir shipment rn t , s-llers en llv hn.l the
" st of It Tlu > jol n siiml ! ndvame Ihe Kaln
is lompar.d with A.ilii < < I ly ninountiru. to
rum lee to lc. Tic Kmili-s blow eh-'cp alsi
vvero Him imrlly In s > inpnlli > vvlh cho n- cat
le nn 1 | nrtlj ns a r. suit of Unlit re-ci-lpli. I.CHS
thin 7 f iO heml nf nil kinds of tlini supply < ain -
> ( T Ihe mnKts The' otTcrlnRs il'il nut In. luriv
anjlhlni- Hint iipiinnchiil the cittle Hint wilil
il JO. ' " . s > "lililo but there wire n few niic
mis that solil arouml JO Xallv.B 11.11 iiuntc.l
nt fioin 11 ti > J221 fin Flilim > civvs In fi.jin
! 0 to JO 51 fur stills of eiitr.i < iunllt > 1 lie ilny s
cilpts nf wi" tirn wcic SOU" ) head 'lln-ie wnf
iiin.-fls In t nit branch nf the miikcl nt fiom
tl 73 to ' 111 fm e-oniinon cttvvs to rhnli o
lexnnn were w.m'ol at fr m Jl V ) to $ n 21
The hi'K trnilc dlspliiud vumiicllvitj nl the
.lining nf business nml iheiniiKet w.i < * t oiijjer
jut ulthln 11 In.ut qnl t His vvc.iUn s li il
nsspsslon nml the cluse nns penrcelv IIH g. ot |
ns for xpntirdij I\ r n 1'il.liy Hienc Ipts w.-i
nifie. nmnuntlnR I" about 2i > iv)0 lu.iil nnil Ilif
ittnl for tinlu t live
iln > s exhibits nn lmrra < e
ver the nirlvnlH for the same lime last \vn-k
pf IIMO nend HPIU > mil nuilluni vvilKhi > s ilil
" [ irlrii luill | > nt finin ft rn in ft B ) . im.l M | s of
; hlwi iKhts iiv.iiif.i-H nf le-ii than 2H ) Pis. \\ire
hi ( , nm-rill > fnmi Jl 30 to | l V ) . Much pivi
stlirr lit frnill Jl to f4 2.1
The- lust few elija h.ive een n bis filllnB ntt
In lecilpts of shi-ip nnil litnl ) . but tliere hns
l n viry llttlu rcsiiplns In pikei
linleeil we nro un iMo lo note nny nilvance In
nnvthliiK lint KnulInK better thnn medium Hnil
the supp been tnnflnL I tn the fre-ih receipts
nu iloubt Ihero ivnulel hive been a sharp upturn
but HnnielhlriK like 20.000 heail wrn left ovei
fi in t.ip provinus we.k ThlR swelled the supplv
lo 77,003 Inn I , which follovvlni ; nn the" he U ol
the innrninuti recilptB for the prc\toii'5 two
weeks Itept prices clo o to the Ion watc-i imrk
There were few s.di s of sheep nbnve J2 05 funi
1175 In Ji& ) belns the pre-vnlllni ; prlns Limbs
Bold prlnclpnll ) nl fn.m * 1 to J3 60 Tlie extiemn
rnnffc for sheep wns from 75c to 1313 and for
lambs from J1 rJ ) 1o 13 8"
Itec.-lpts Cnllle. 6 , * ) lieiil ; rnlves , EOO head
nun 20000 111 ml. shee-p S.IH bend.
Tic HvrnlnK Jouinal reports.
1IOOS Itecelpts 2(1 ( 01) lieul. otllclal jTstftxli >
31,0.6 heml , shlpmnitf 8 7S7 lienil left ener
about 7 MW hen ! nuallty quite fnlr , rrnrket
ictlvo and ( Inn , < > Bal.A were nt n. pliplil nil
\nncp. but this vvnn I st liter Files rnnR-ul nt
$4 J5RI G5 for light. $ ! 20fil 31 for rou rh piLKIiif.
f431fi470 for inixcil , Jit : > ; rlS1 lor heivi pick
' : nml lll | > | lltlK lots and i:2'if(443 foi P'LS
ATTI.i : Iteceipls IS.WO heml mnrKet arllve
lOc up a-il tlnfel ut a shadibetter. .
JtlJI3P Ilecelpts , S.OOO lunil nnrlc. t nctlve
nt r.filOcuilvunce - on best KrnJea utbeia un-
Kiinms t'Hv I.Uii > > ti > ek niurlu t.
8100 hi ad Bhltm nt * 4 000 hi at. lh .t Bride
Kteidj , olliirM wuilc anil i-lnw ; sttcis
S20DJC273 , Ttxis cows , JI70iS21' > , l ef htetrs
Ji "Own r,0 stiwiieis Bill fi.pili.18 } 1 MW3 1)
Jioas llccclpts DdH held , blupmnits 1 &T >
head , mm I. ol opined film and closed > ik , bulk
of silcs $ -1 :0 { ) 4 r. . , hiav p = , JI < QcC | | ae'e s
tt 4"pg4 In. mixed , H 004 8) . limits ,
SHiii' : UectlptB 2.SOO hend , rlilpmentg 1 4W
head market 8ttii1 > , iinthes. S2JOQ3D ) u - t
erns , J22jRtO st. ukers and fcedeis. J2'Oj2G > .
Iambs , n i-Mftl 23
St. Loult t.Uc Stock tliirkpt.
8T LOUIS. Oct. 26 CATTl.n-Ilocelplii J 400
head , shipments 2500 hind , market quiet but
stionfici , mtthe ntiein riut reprehtnted CDUF
and helfirs , 11751 2-1) Texas pUprs , llcht 32.5
t/300. / io\\ * | 1.73fll M
HOGS HecelplH 4.100 head shipments 4 100
ead mirket active. stroiiR , hest heny } 4 CO
R4 03 , mixed lots nnd fall to Rood Dalit Jl 40&
4 C" > common llsht , fl WJ5P4 30 , plK' 1173
SI113ii' : Itecclpts 20 hen ] , uhlpintnts 2"0
CTd , market lower , FtocLeis. II OO il 2f > nitlve
mixed $ . ' J'iig.SO , soutlmestein mixed , J. ' 00
Non York I.lvn stcre ! <
NKW YORK , Oct 2 UEKVnS-necelpts 3 500
lunrt : maiket f.ilrl > nctlvc and Him native
stiers fair to KWJd , $4 5Jfl4 00 oidlnaiy lo tn < - -
dlum , } 37'ili43i > . common J3 33 hilfirs H7'f ?
3 SHIRS and oxen , $1 Wffl 2) , dry covvs $2 uc
lTnEP AND LAMBS-Hecplpts ( XH head
sheep steady ; lambs. 'tSjUc ' hlRher , sheep , p 01
to prime } 1 2333 23 Iambi , Inferior to
$3 40 4 ( X )
IIOOS llecelpts , 5300 hend , mniket wnk.
htnil : In
rtccord nf receipts nt the four principal mar
kets for 1'rlilny. October .6 , 1S3I :
CittlP HOES Hliecp
Hi.ulh Oinalii 2 SOI 4 OsO sai
C'lllcllBi" f.SOO 26 I10J 8 < KK )
Kansas City 8 4 1 9 6 2,300
hi. I.oula . 2.1M 4 IOJ ; 0ii
Totals OKI 4IOJS I37lil
TotTi-n llurki-t.
NIJW 'i ORK. Oet 2C COITI n Dptlnni opened
linn nt 5(715 iniliilx niUnnce on Huroiieun enblen
nnd on buvitiR-.orders met h > Insutticlcnt local
sell , rs , closeil birel > ftcadj IOJT20 point H net ud
vunce. bales 37,004 lings Inclmllnir Orl.iber
11345 , Novimbep J12 50 Deceinlnr. J11 ! > ( W12 10
Jnnuniy , Jll 45. SIiij JlOWUjllOO SKit cnflee
Hlo steady , tin 7 115 aillil , ipjkt. Cunlmn
J1S 004(1900 , siilep , 250 bncH STiitns. > pot nt J17
17,000 IIIIRS Mnrarnlho nnil 1 00 } I KH Nlcui IK i
p. I Unrehouso ilellverles from New York jis
teldaj. C 005 hiss , Nt-vv 'iork stoik tolnv IStCTJ
l > ijr I'nlteil btatei stock , 261,105 bins , nlloat for
the United Stiles , al 000 bnKs. Lit il vl-llle Mr
the United htati > a , 4i > l la bags , UBninHt 4J3.36J
bass Inst > enr
HAN1OS , Oct M rirm. see < l nvtrnce Fanto
Jll 50. rece-lpts I'J 000 baKS. Mock 422.0 * ) bnus
IIAMllUUa Oct 20 ste-mly , prices ' , { 114 pfer '
HiKnnce Biles 17 OuO lugs.
IIATi 1113. Oct. i.0 Opene il steady , nl 1Z rn
stiaily. Uf iiilvcncu. ut 3 p m stinclj. 'tt nil-
vnnc > , clnseil steady nl * > lf net advaiiLC , totnl
bale * 10 000a.e
HIO Ii : JANUIUO , Oct 20-rirm , No 7 Itlo. :
J11.DO , exehinue11 1-lB.I. lecelpts , 5,000 bass ,
eleareil for the United fitntes. 5000 baffs , cleared
for Jim ope , 6,000 bans , stuck , 3000 bags.
lUiirpnnl Mnrkotx.
MVniH'OOI. Oct \\lirAT-Stemly : de
mi ml Rood , No 2 red vvlnler , 4s 3'i'l , No. i
re.1 fprlnir , 4s Jil.
COHN Spot , nominal , ileinanl fair at 4slld It
fuluris. IIrm ilemiml fnlr , Oeli btr , 48 ll'iil
Ne.vcmlier 4s 7V d , December 4-7el ,
J'l.OL'K Steady , demunil nioileiatv ; Bt. I.ouls '
fnnc- > winter Cs 3d
I'ltOVIblOJvS Lnnl. dull , ilcmnml i x > r. upots ,
30s Id Heef , tliill : dfrnnnil poir extra InJIi
rnefB , 71s 3d , pr m m BS , fSs M ] 'orl , dull ;
demninl poor , prime. mes western. C7n6l , '
prime MM-B.V medium , Cos Harns , etcail ] , ele-
manil poorer hhort cut 4s. Il.icon dull , < le-
niaml poor , Cumberlantl cut SJc , shoil rlba
3Ss , lone clenr , 41 Ibs , ZS-t , lonq nml shoit clear ,
55 Ibs 37s C.I. ShoilHU-l ? . dull at 3s CJ.
CIIIIKSIJ Stenilj demand mudorul , finest :
white ninl colored , 4S Cd
TAULOVV Nominal , dcninnO pool , prims cits ,
"COTTON sp.nn onstem'y nt 2 > si i
TIJRPI3NTIM3 blenily ; ilemniid moilcrate ,
spirts 21s
HOSIN Stenil ) , clemnnl mtlirate , common ,
23 Cd
HOPS Al I milon ( rncl/lc / coust ) . tfaj > , de
mand moderate ; , new nop , I ! ld&C2 Us
HllliKan ( Ity MurkrU.
thuuRh c ilca on bakl.i K.inn m City ,
No 2 haul 47 ) ) Hc. No 2 reil. 4Cp. No 3 red.
4lfT4ic rejecte.l. 4:5J4V. fob MlnlnHlppI river
points , No 2 hard. C5c. Ni. Z ri-U , C2icj 3u. No.
J nil. MHiffalc , rejected 4&i50c
COHN Itnlher slow , hut uboul unclianKed , No
2 mlxi-.l 43c ; No 2 white , 43 < c.
OATS Steady nnd uruli.uujri ] , Jfo 2 mixed
ilic. No. 2 white 32Q3Ji c.
Ill TTI3H Cninmon , txcetellnely dull ; cream
cry , IfcftlOc , .l.itry. ICe
iOOS : Htre.nKer , IIVsc
UKCKIITS 14000 l > u. ; com , 7,9)0 bu
( .rttft none
KIIH'MiNT3-\Vheut : B , B liu . cifln. 7.400 liu
oals none ; .
lot ton
sales , spot 4 > ri | bales , to arrive. 2 JtS tu leu ;
onllnnry , 4' o low middling. Sc , ( rooil m d.lllnt ; .
39-lCc , tnlddllne fnlr 6 1-ICi : fair 71 , e. nomhul.
receipts IS (07 tales t < port .c .iHtw ] e , 3 C-,5 lulcM
tiH-k. ' 2 183 bnlet. futures , stead ) . sali-H 4i2 i
Inlm. Oiloher. JJ 1C hid November , Kit bid
Junuaiy 13 2 S5 fl I > bruni > } 331i/332 Mareh
I' 376528. April ! 34liM3 , May , (9 Wai 51 , June
rt3M | > July. t3 JUOC4
bT LOl'JS , Oct Sb - OTTOX 1 l c 1 , vvfr
N. W. HARRIS St , GO ,
163-165 Dcarborn-st. , ChlcaffO.
IS Wall-st. , New York. 70 Stnte- . . Boitcn
flougbt icd Cold. CorrnccDdtacf Bollcltiifc
THIS WEEK AGAIN Hut we RO > ou hits better on tile
prices. 1'liey are simply out of * > i..lit , aiul yon ct the f ooil for
cibunt Uic of ciirtiiRc You c.uinot alforcl .
. price to stay a \vity.
Come I. Ml * 11 * .
for this untitiic | otili , pot
isliccl , coiubiiiiititin M'ardrob
L'okling HcJ , tormof price $15
Ingrains \vortli 75c , now. . . 34c Ranges , worth $27 , now . . . $12.50
Brussels , worth $1.25 $ , now . . 55c Heating Moves , i-11 1 now. . 3.25
Velvets , worth $1.50 , now. . . 70c 01 Heaters , Vv " now 4-S5
Matting , worth 35c , now itc Base BuriLis , worth $30 now 14.75
Hemp , worth 25c , now. . . . lOc Zinc Hoards , worth $1.50 now 98c
Smyrna Rugs , worth $4 , now. $1.72 Stove PipD , worth 2flc , now. 09c
Smyrna Hugs , worth$6 $ , now. 2.50 Eibows , woith 20c , now. . . lOc
811) wurlli of uoori ,
SI per Aveob or (81 | ior imintli
S.S.1 wnrtli nl ir < ioit ,
SI 5O per utrk or 0 per innnili
Sno nnrtli cif coo ill ,
> f'J PIT wui-U or rH per month
S7fS Murtli ol KoiiilH ,
5 .50 per 17ODU or fHO | inr month
S1OOriiith nf Ki'iHli ,
83 pur uu K ur l prr moiitti
Tu lie choice Wo ilou't
your oiron ivortli ol Kiioili ,
lllp % vlilih you cliuonc. WI par iveoii or Slf | > nr month
Formsrly People's Mammoth Installmaut Hois
Open Monday and Saturday Evenings.
lulet mlddllnK. C 6-l c Falfa M' ) hnl'S T < -
c.-lpl 78" ) baka Bhlpmentu , b'M > biks LocK.
8 700 LaliH.
> < ! ! Yiirk Dry ( ioinU > liirkit.
NCW YOIIK , Oct 25 All Irresular request for
nrjIiiK < | U ntlllPH of btnplcs KI ml ti | lia anl
'incj * roltnn1 ! , cli.-sa IOO < IH and otur * - .
ituflH with nmll 01 del B of 1 UP chmncter took
nore Roods thnn any other day nf the vvfcK and
lie mips thus rre IniK ly Incirnfcil bs
onvBidlnBs on prior ctiBiBeineim I'rlntliiK
lolli8 wcie steads' , with snii B of 100M pieces
vul at ! 1ic The niictlnn fe.iinro of
lett wcih lnrludi-8 a fnle of CO i eloi n Jupin-
B8 slllc hundkeichief . and on Tlmrsiliy n large
10,10 of clothlnB hy oickra of the trustees of
J. Schloss tf Cu
Dilllilh Mi In-lit
DI'M'TII. Oct 20 Close WIIHAT Nn. 1
mrd. cash nml October C7' c. No. 1 norlhern
iifh an.l Oi-lober COc , December. 65'Sc. Ma > ,
iS'ic , Nn 2 northern , rnsh Ue , No S , Me , re
eded , 57c , to arilv. ' . No 1 norlhern. S5c.
Migur Murkiit.
NUW YOUK Oet 20SI O VH Hnvv , dull nn I
asler. fnlr lellnliiK. 3c. ccntrlfiiKil 9 I'M. 3"- . ,
'ale * 2M bnBS 96 test , nl 3'ic. nml
iddltlonnl Situnlo C.OOO IIIBH , j > 6 te.Bt , at 3'jc ,
Oil MiirhitU.
LONDON , Oct SO SUOAH Cnne qiii. I ; prices
lolly innlntalned. rentrlfuirnl Jma. lie Cd , Wus-
evade , fair rellnliiB , 10s 3d
MniulHHtrr Irxlllnii.
MANCItnSTKIt , Oct. -r'lotlu. . quiet , vlth
limited Inuulis Yarns , rtc.iel ) , with a gno-l
K-inanJ. _
Frlac.1. \\lu-at Oilot itlom.
8AN rilANCISCO Ort -\\imAT-Qulct ,
Way , 85B c , clcniril , 105 , 03 cental * .
\ > out niiirhnt.
ST I.OUIS , Oct \VOOI--Qukt and un-
Vou Should Kind thin If Vim K\er Trnv d.
TdltlnK effect Sunday , October 28 , the P
B. & M. V. II It. will make an Important
chance of time
Kim Mall ,
Cxprcsa am ) Kocal
I'aEscnficr , Passenger.
I.v Omaha 2-10 i > in. 9.05 a. m.
350 " 1030 "
I.v Krernont
Ar N'orfolk Junction
( supper ) " I.-IO p. m.
Lv Norfolk Junction C.5S "
Ar CliaOron 5.05 u. m
Ar lluffalo Gap
( breakfast ) G.G5 "
Ar Hot Spring * . S.
D 8 05 "
Ar I ) advvooi ] U 00 "
Connectlona at Premont vvlth last mall
ami cxpreea dally except Sunday , tu Lincoln ,
Superior and Hastings lines.
Connections with Nebraska local at Fro-
inc/nt for Lincoln , and at Scrllmcr and Nor
folk Junction for branch Hues
Inquire ol agents for details of Ilila liu
Iortarit cliange. J It HUCUANAN.
Cell I'.IHU Agent.
Mrs S A. Koll of Pomona. Col , had tlio
bad luck to sprain her ankle. "I tried ov-
eral liniments. " she says. ' but was not cured
until I used Chamberlain's I'aln Ila'm That
rvmcJy cured me and I take uleaaure la ro-
Sland at the Head.
Dtitlicratch \ i/nsc )
liau liccncndori-idl' ' >
every ] iriininint ! dcu
The Ditcher trailed
mark In this country
inml tlm Hail mart lit
, ] niidiicu | ; uanui-
.ffl ADJUSTED ijji ul puia metal. 1J-
* x IHE ,0v/f jewel Hampdcn movo-
EK jnunti lu Ducbtr COBCI
If ) nur dealer rtocs tint Vn pour wntrhes niBll
us lour aiklns * nnd wo will iicl > ou the
nninn of iv .lenler who dni-s "I lit Jlututn
WXTCIIViiKia , Cuntiiii , O.
Cuicv tlie cffccta ol
tcll use , exccasea ,
em ) IOIH , Impotcnoy ,
\a.ciicclc and const-
One dollar a
ox , six for 10. For
Kale by T1IU GOOD *
* ? Omaha. Neb
IIIIUOB. ; lAssiluli , nil Hniin : i.nssoi r.mrji
of the Opurallve Ortfirnv la elllur > oic u < ea at
iT rei rllon ; Youtlilul irioriorlixccp : lv Uiexjl
Tobacco , Opium nr I i.iinr. | wlilrh 10011 U a U >
JU rOimumptlnn. . Iii irilly udl'h . U/tnnll.
el a box , U for ( ii ; with vfrll ten ininrnntio to cure o
refund money W18rHflIK ll liyitur. { A certjOs
no for t/oiiKU' . Colds , A lhinn , Urnncultli.C'roup ,
Ahmplnir Uougli , Horn Xhront. l'e ) Dt < o taku
( rnfll tlto iMic < .nUnui > ili pl OJo. l e , nowS-ic. ) old
Goodman Drug Co. Omaha.
Commission Merchant
Grain an4 Provisions.
Private wires to CUIcnco ant ] Net ) York ,
All Imslne-Bs orders placeJ oa
Uoard or Trade.
Corrtitipondcnca eollcltnl.
Orrict , room i , Nuvv York LI fa
Celeplionu 1-ca.
It anO testifying to UB rlllcacy , "
Th la meillclno Is also of great value for rtieu.
inatlsm. lama hack paltm la the client , pUu
rlsy anil all dern-tealcd anil muscular palna.
For salt ) by