Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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- . NO. 12 ST1SUK1
Dfllverefl by < rrl < r to any pnrt of th city.
11. Vf. TILTON , Lciseo.
TitnPIONnS ! Hu ! m office , No. IJ : nt ljt
tdllor , No 23 ,
Mnyne H"al Estate agency , C30 IJroadw.iy.
Illufts dMMon , No. 2J. Uniform Rank ,
Knlghtu of Pythias , meets this evening.
Proprietor B K Clnrk has Just placed n
fin new piano In the Grand hotel parlors.
The Nonpareil wine and whisky case ft 111
bo tried before Judge Mncy this morning at
B o'clock
George Dotlrill will have n hearing In
police court this morning , on the charge of
beating Ins wife.
Haltlc , the 6-ypar-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs , L V Illatt , died at Weston yesterday
morning at 2 o'clock.
Peter Chrlstlonscn and Oertle M. Peterson ,
both of Audubon county , were married yester
day by Justice Field.
The Industrial school will moot this after
noon at 2 .10 In the Coyne building , Uroadway ,
just cast of the Ogdcn house.
Th Ministerial association of the city
meets Monday nt 10:30 : a. in. , In the study
tf the First Presbyterian church.
Carl Schultz was taken to the hospital for
the liikane nt Clarlnda yesterday , having been
found Insane by the commissioners.
Norman Grpnn began an action in the dis
trict court yesterday to foreclose a mortgage
of it 100 on the Second Presbyterian church
of Council 111 u Us.
Rev T J Maokay of Omaha will preach
In Gracenpiscopil church Sunday afternoon
it 1 o'clock , of Sunday evening as
previously announced.
Ainnixla Shivers commenced suit for a dl-
vorco ycslenliy ngaln ! > t het husband , George
Bhlverg She alleges that he repeatedly got
drunk , and whenever he did so , would
threaten to kill her. She wants alimony lt >
the sum of $1.000.
Frank Shoemaker and Jack Young are under -
* ' * * der arrest , iharnod with ha\lns s > hot and
stolen Colonel F. C. It'td's swans at Manawn.
Tlu-y gave ImndB for their appearance In
police Lcnirt this morning to answer lo ths
charge of larcr-ny.
A meeting < > t the ladles of the Maccabees
\\1II he held in ( he hull , over 10X Pearl strcel ,
this afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock sharp. All
munb-Ts and all others wishing to Join the
order before the charter Is closed , are re-
ijuested to be present. Ily order of the
lady commander.
1)111 ) f'rlss , who completed his Imprisonment
In the cniinly jail yesterday , left In the even
ing f r Missouri , which will bo his future
home. In accordance with a suggestion from ( ,
Jinlge Macy. llo did not oven wait until
after election. When ho made his parting
call at Iho county Jail lie was faultlessly ar
rayed In a plus hat. Ice cream trousers , tan
shoes anil a llannol shirt.
The city commit held a short meeting list
cvrnln ; ; for the purpose of acting on the re
vised specifications for brick sidewalks on
Hroiihvay , Main and Pearl streets. On ac
count of the uncertainty as to just what
meaning could he attached to the old speclfl-
catlona all the bids that were presented
under them had been rejocled. A new ad-
vert'semoiit for bids was ordered ,
Henry Nomnker , nged 10 years , died of
ronsuinptlan at Olmsen , Wash. , after an ill
ness ol more than two years. He was a
natlvfl of Germany and a stonecutter by
trade. He leaves three daughters and two
sons. The remains will arrive in the city
Sunday momlng and will be taken to the
residence of the brother of the deceased ,
Curl Selbold , 2770 East Madison street.
Services will be held at the German church ,
corner Glenn avenue and Plerco btreet , at
3 p. m. , Sunday , Rev. Hock olllclallng.
The boom in the northwestern part of the
city has not yut struck so hard , but what
wo can sell several desirable cottages in that
locality at a very low price and on easy
tcrma. Longee & Towlc , 233 Pearl street.
lli\ln ( li.uiteil n Liquor li < ' , -n < > .
George S. Davis , the well known IIroadway
dniEglat , has lunm granted a permit by the
court to buy and sell liquors of nil kinds for
medical purposes , and he will carry the best
grades inndo and will supply the general
public at the lowest prices.
The Lndlex' Aid society and King's Daugh
ters of the Christian church open an ex
change anil lunch room at100 Hroaduay.
Saturday , October 27. Orders for all kinds of
breads and pastries promptly filled. Oysters
served at all times. Your patronage solicited.
J. r. ( > iHiiry I'uti-nt ,
Hungarian Process Flour.
Made by the oldest milling firm In the west ,
makes lighten ! , whitest , sweetest bread. Ask ; !
your grocer for It , Trade mark : "Blue
Rooster. "
Domestic aoap brraks hard water.
/ KK.SO.V.I / . .
Mrs. David DsVol Is condned to her limno
at 111 South First street ns the result of noa
htroko of imrnlysis , which aho RtilTiTeil Tluira-
ilay iiluhl She U quite aged anil feeble , rand
H IH 'feared the results of tlio utrolce ulll be
% ery serious.
D.ivld .MeKcnzle. ho died In Omaha yes
terday , wan well known amanR tlio Scotch :
men of Council Ulna's , who feel an IntensJ
sorrow at hearing the news , lie was piper
of Clan Gordon and was a familiar figure nt
the entertainments of Cl.ui Stewart hi this
city , armed with his t > ngpfR | s. It Is probable
the members of Clan Stewart ulll attend MB
funeral In a body.
tn li'.ss than six years the nineteenth cen
tury will close. No food product developed
In the one hundred years Is so Rood as Dr )
1'rlce'B liakliiR Powder.
Ihllllll Is Hop-fill.
Secretary Frank Trimble of the Merchants
& Manufacturers association received a letter
ter last evening ( mm William Dallin , the :
representative of the Atlantic & Pacific Hall
way Construction company , who was hero
few -weeks HRO. and laid before some of ho
citizens Ills plan for putting n double - , ck
air line between New York and San Francisco
ciscolo run about n quarter of a mile north
of Council Hluffs. He lius been for tome
little time pas > t In California , and speaks in
a very hopeful strain of the result of Ills
efforts to boom his schema In the west. "Al
though the railroads und the press of this
date will oppose 113 , " ho says , "tho people
beltc-vo In our plan. The state of California
will f mulsh us free terminals on the bay Cac-
IIIR Sou KrancUeo. u right of way 100 feel
iv I do across the state , besides $1,000.000 sub
sidy , to bo paid when , the road Is completed
I shall hiIn Chicago October " 9 , and hops edto
hrar from you at that time thai your pco-
. pie ha\o decided to accept my proposition. "
IT V No definite nctlon has been taken with
regard to the proposition since Mr. Dallin
The Dudley lluck quartet will give' a con
cert on Tuesday evening. October 30 , at onSt.
Francis Xavler'a church , unstated by Mrs.
I'harles Vrquarl of Omaha and the church
Cheaper than dirt those new carpet sweep )
ers nt tlio Council 13 luff a Carpet company's
Kverythlnc else In the line of carpets , cur
tains , ruga and upholstery goods are also
cheaper than anywhere else In town.
l ) Vol' Air Tight
Healers are at the head. They are con
structed on scientific principles. All prices.
COi I ) road way.
Co | > pa Cheer und Iturli Tonlo
Can be purchased only of the 0. H. Wheeler
Ilreulnx company , Wheeler & llereld , Coun-
ell BluKs , la.
Hog cholera preventive end cure by Ur
Jeflerli , Fletcher avenue. Council Bluffs
will stop the disease In one hour. Trial
* bottle. ) l.
Domestic coap outlasts cheap soap.
Dry pine kindling for sale. Che i per than
cotu , U. A. Cox , 37 Miln str U Telephone
Eagle laundry , 724 U road way , for graod <
work. Tel. 167
Premier egg cups at Lund Bros.
tb Uundrlss tu * Domtstla
Officer Walt Evidently Thought that Public
Office Wns a Private Snap.
tllllcor Not Keen Thnacht to HAT n Clear
Tltle > tu I ho It ami Major Clftuer
IriforniDil III in 111 * BrrtleesVrro
> u Lunger Xrctleil ,
J. A. "Wlatt was < leipolle < l of the shoulder
strops which hove ueea his by virtue ol
being captain of the chain gun ? , ami since
jcBlcnluy morning has been no longer In the
employ of the city. It was discovered
Thursday afternoon that li& hnd taken one of
I ho prisoners from the jail up to his house
and put him nt work chopping wood. The
prisoner had several dollars on deposit xvlth
( ho city marshal , so that there was no
lunger of his attempting to get away , and
Wlatt evidently thought he had run across a
snap , of which he proceeded to make ( he best
use possible. Hut one of his brother police
officers who not on particularly good
tcrma with him learned what ho had done
and Informed Mayor Cleaver , who , after
making an Investigation , Informed Wlatt
yesterday morning that he hail no further use
for his services.
It la told on good. Authority that there was
sotnethltit ! n little peculiar even about the
way In which ho got the wood. Recently anew
now city ordinance was passed requiring
trees to ho trimmed twelve feet above the
ground. In some cares the chain gang , act
ing under Wlatt's direction , cut the limbs
uft twenty-five feet above the ground.
Wherever ho could tin so without encounter
ing too larfie a kick. Wlatt's team ( employed
nt an expense of J3 a. day to the city ) uouM
h.iul the big- limbs to Wlatt's house , where
llipy would ha cut up for fuel to feed U'latt's
stove this winter. It Is reported on the
same authority tlint a widow on First street
objected to her wood being carted away on
the ground that she wanted It for fuel her
self. Wlatt , 11 1s said. Informed her that
the city needed It to riprap the banks of In
dian creek. It was not used for that pur
pose , however.
When Wlatt learned that his brother oflce ]
hud [ liven the inn ) or a lip he called at the
in.liblul's office and wanted to pay 75 cents
for the man's work. The marshal refused to
take It.
The acme of perfection In cookery Is em
bodied In Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder.
No other works so quick or gives such
leavening btrength.
roTlliillN : < ili..L WANTS .V ItlXIUVKK.
Tli Inks lie Clot Itio Ylnrnt of It In lliv
Krcrnt S. U-s.
A suit V.RH commenced In the district
court by I > . II Fotlierliifiham yestcrdaj ,
growing out of the recent change of pro
prietors In the Boston store. George Fowler ,
Alexander IJIck. Gilbert Wallccr and Archi
bald Whltelawvho nro the present owners ,
are made defendants by Kotherlngham , who
claims that there was a conspiracy to freeze
him out of the establishment In. his petition
he alleges that ho was the principal originator
of the partnership scheme , which was started
In 1SS9 , and was run without Interruption '
tor four years , the gross profits In that period ]
being 550,000. Aft r an account of salea had
been maclu In 1S'J3 , he says , the conspiracy
was formed by the defendants to get him
out. mid with thnt end In view an Invoice
was taken , which was made to show that
IhiTo had been a loss of $19,000 that year.
Kowler represented that the business was
worthless and the profits depreciating , and
told Fothcrlnghain that unless he turned over
the stock ho would at once throw U all on
the market at forced sale > and ho would g-et
nothing for his stock. The plaintiff says , he
supposed that the Invoice wasa correct one
and that fact , together with Ilia Intimidation
of ( ho deJcmlants , Induced him to part with [
his Interest for a paltry consideration. Now ,
he claims , he has discovered that the Involca
was fraudulent , In that tlio furniture and
fixtures were reckoned as worth $300 , In
stead of $3,000 , as they should have been , and
that the estimate of the value of the stock
518,000 , , was too low by $25,000. He demands
the appointment of a receiver , a new In
voice , a recounting and $10,000 damages , that
being the- value of his Interest In the busi
ness , of which he has been deprived by the
alleged wrongful acts of the defendants.
Dunciiii'rt ( KerttnclCfUHln. .
In the face of lower prices and the con
tinuance of the sluggish conditions of trade ,
our sales for the last week show a handsome
Increase. The reason Is that the shrewd
buyliiK public appreciates our large assortment -
ment of nobby styles and the fact that they
can bo purchased at two-thirds the price
nuked at other stores.
| S 00 ladles' shoes , hand turned and -welted ,
for $3.50.
$4.00 ladles' shoes , buttoned or laced , for
$3.59 Indies' shoes , button or lace , $2.50.
$3.00 ladles' shoes , $2.25.
$2.25 fine l < ld buttoned or laced needle
points for $1.50.
- Jt.GO kid patent tip and calf for { 1.00
Misses' ' and boys' dress and school shoes
from 75c to $1.75.
Infants' and children's shoes , 20c to ( t.OO.
Stacy Adams' men's fine shoes , $4.00.
All styles , razor , narrow and square toed :
Rhoes from J2.GO lo J4 00.
A man's nice shoe for $1.00.
Wo have the finest line of men's patent
leather and cork sole shoes In the market
Every thins that one could wish , and at a
price to Milt all.
Duncan , the leader and promoter of low
prices , 28 Main street. Council Bluffs.
Concert by the Dudley Buck quartet at
St. Francis Xavier's church Tuesday , October
SO. Admission , 25 cents.
lift nut Onmaifo Cain.
The trial of the case of Maud Bryant
against the motor company nttractul a largo
number of lady friends o"f the plaintiff
During thu morning session Miss Dryant
was on the stand and Mr Baldwin was cross-
examining her. She was Inclined to resent
what Bha considered his Inqulsltlvencss , and
the passages , at words that took place be
tween attorney and witness were at times
vury vigorous and added greatly to the In
terest In the case , lie tried to show that
she. had not been suffering so severely from
her Injuries that she was unable *
to attend picnics , parties and other like-
placet ] , and the witness admitted that hens
had not.
- The testimony during the afternoon session
was less Interesting. Several physicians
wore put upon the stand , who had made an
examination of her Injuries. The air was
redolent. with necrosis , nodules and Indura
- tion a. Considerable time/ was also occupied
In finding out how much the physicians knew
about the difference between oitltls and peri
! ostitis. Both attorneys and witnesses managed -
aged to get themselves hopelessly entangled
In a network of big words , and the court
reporter's fist was stricken with lockjaw.
. The evidence for the plaintiff Is not all w.In
. > et. _
The PethybTidge meat market at 635 Broad
way has been sold to Gus Hcnrlchs , who will
continue the business with Increased li -
, ties for giving the public the best lts
&l tlie
just recehed , a new invoice of all tht
latest styles la millinery at Miss llagsJalo's ,
10 Pearl street.
Gruriil Hotel , Council III u ft * . ltei > | icnr < l.
. Newly furnished. Eyery modern con
venience First class In all respects. Rates ,
$2.50 to 3 00. E. F. CLARK , Proprietor.
Washerwomen use Domtttlo scap.
- Murrluyc l.lrrniri.
The following marriage licenses were Is
sued by the county clerk yesterday :
; ; NUITIW and Address , J\B * .
Charles Fears , Douglas county. Neb . 29
Dora Hose , Douglas county , Neb . 33
Peter Christiansen , .Audubon county. In. . 24
Gertie M. Vetergon , Audubon county. Ja. . 6
On cooking stove * lor rent and for i&li it
Oa Co.'t office.
K w sterling silver novelties , very beauti
ful and stylUh , at "Wollman'i , 403 Broadway
Hunt for Mmmvra ,
Kd Alnscow and E. H. Odell returned yes
terday morning from , Helmut lake , near Te-
kamah. Neb , where they hove spent the last
len days hun'.lnir ' ducks anil tithing , "While
there they purchased a new boat , which will
be put upon the waters of Lake Jlannwn next
rprlng , It It called "Little Sioux , " having
been built In thai city. It sailed Ilolman
lake last cummer It will be delivered In
this city next week and tflll bo taken to the
car house of the Omaha & Council Bluffs
Hallway and Hrlilpe company , where the
steam apparatus will be taken out and an
electric motor rut In. It measures tnenty-
four feet In length nnd eight feel In width ,
and will be the first electric launch to be
operated on Mannwa
Dudley Duck quartet concert at St , Francis
Xavler's church on Tuesday evening , October
30. Admission , 25 cents.
Dourlclua' music house has few expenses ;
high grade planes arc sold reasonably , 116
Stulsman street , *
Domestic patterns can only be had at
Vavra's new dry goods store , 112 Hroadway.
Pcasleo's celebrated ale and porter now
on draught at Grand hotel bar.
Selected hard wood for heating stovzs.
H. A. COX , 37 Main street. Tel. .
Havana Freckles clgar.Uavls , wholesale agt.
Uornrnriieiit Agent l.ixihlntr for CoiiiitirS"
fell Monry Men MARC | Cltr C ! < mlp.
A special apent for the government has
been In South Omaha for the last week look-
Ing up counterfeit money matters. The only
bad money that has been sprung In the
Magic City Is slher dollars , and the most of
them bear the date of 1S91. Special Agent
Walker picked tip eighty-four of them.
The government man went from one busi
ness house to another collecting this coin
! Io secured the bulk of the spurious goods
In snloans N'o arrests have been marie and
the police and business men of the city are
unable to give the agent any clew to work
It is generally believed that this money
Is being shipped In here from the west. It
has been several months since much of it
wns passed , but at that time the police found
about $100 hid under u sidewalk.
I.onldnn Admit fur t.l.llior I'ay.
F. McManlgal and C Gallagher , stock deal
ers of Imnan , sold a lot of fifty rattle yester
day to Iloyer , McCoy & Co. , commission men.
They were given a draft for $1,300 on the
Packers National bunk b > the ( Inn , but when
they presented it at the bank they were In
formed that lioycr , McCoy & Co. had falleJ ,
Rolng back to the firm they learned that it
had turned the cattle over to Hill and Lewis ,
and proceedings were brought to stop pay
ment from Hill and Lewis to Uoyor , McCoy
& Co. Here the matter rests.
3liiil < < City < ; < > M | | > .
\V. D. Jennings , superintended of ( rans-
portatlon of the G. II. Hnmtnond company at
Chicago , Is the guest of Manager Uabcock.
A warrant Is out for the arrest of Pat
Shea , who Is charged by Thomas Olllesple
with disturbing the peace in his saloon on
Thirty-third street.
Klre caused by a lamp explosion In Thomas
Flynn's clothing ; store , near Twenty-fourth
and N streets , did damage to Ih ? extent of
$100 at 10 o'clock last night ,
D. C. Vincent , the man who hired George
Mosher's horse and buggy a week ago and
forgot to return it has been located. The tenm
was recovetcd and Vincent Is la jail at
Lord's supper will be served at the fourth
ward mission , Thirty-third anl F streets ,
also reception of members and baptism of
children at 3 30 Sunday afternoon. The
services will bo conducted by llev. It. L
David McKcnzlD , aged 10 years , died Thurs
day evening. The funeral services will be
under the auspices of the Clan Gordan oC
which he ivas a prominent member. The
remains will be burled In Omaha Sunday at
1 o'clock.
The annual ball given by the South Omaha
police took place In llauer's hall Thursday
night and It was n big success In every sense
of the word. The hall was so packed wltll
dancers that there was scarcely standing
room up till midnight. The boys sold about
100 tickets , and yesterday were out In their
new uniforms for the winter. Chief Hren-
nan acted as master of ceremonies and at
tended to his duties like a prince. The
other committecmcn were Oillcers Spoettle.
Connell. Mnlcubey , McDonough. Tangcmann.
Sheehan , Decters , Reaches and Corcoran.
Not a blngle thing occurred to mar the
pleasure of the evening nnd the- people who
mingled in the crowd nil admitted that the
affair had been most successfully managed
Ten cents a pound will buy cheap and poi
sonous baking powders. They work direct
injury to nursing mothers , dyspeptics anJ
others In delicate health. Dr. Price's , a
pure Cream of Tartar powdsr not only saves
doctor bills , but Is more economical than
.vii wit i ; j uic in
IScmurkiiblo SucrtB * Attends tlio Treatment
Hied la hrmice.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 28. The new treat
ment by inoculation for diphtheria and croup ,
as practiced In France , is the subject of a
special report to the Stnto department by
United States Consul C. W. Chancellor at
Havre. He says that by this methoj of
treatment only one out of four dlphtheretlc
patients succumbs , whereas the figure Is
double for oher methods of treatment h re-
tofore applied. Consequently the consul ,
who Is a Baltimore physician of repute , says
that It would seem very deslrabo that the
antl-dlphtheretle serum should be Introduced
and uomo into general use at the earliest
period practicable In America , where many
thousand children and numerous physicians ,
students and nurses die annually from diph
theria nnd croup. The consul gives In detail
a history of the development ot the treatment
by Dr. I'astoiir arid his assistant. Dr. Houx ,
who have been experimenting with It for five
years , keeping It secret until they had satis
fied themselves of Its pfilctency" and had sub
jected the animal ( the horse ) best adapted
to transform dlphlheretic poison Into un antl-
tax I ne. A trial of the new treatment at
otifl of the largest children's ho&plta a of
Parts resulted In reducing the death rate
from diphtheria from Gl 70 to 24.13 per cent
In addition. It Is stated that children vac
cinated with the serum were protected from
Iho disease even while living In close contact
with dlphtheretlc patients. As the Pasteur
Institute can not meet , the great demand for
the serum movements are on foot In differ
ent localities to establish auxiliary liutltu-
tlons. In slight cases one Injection of the
serum Is sufficient , while the ordinary case
yields to t o.
Miuill Qiiiin'ltjF of I'mf. Ilohrlnc'ii < lntl-
Toxlne Serum In Tlili Con M try.
NRW YORK , Oct. 20. A consignment of a
drug upon which the attention of the medi
cal profession the wor.d over Is centered has
gone through the customs house. It U a
small quantity of the new remedy for diph
theria , the ontl-toxlne serum. This It the
Brat portion to reach the country from the
laboratory ot Prof. Dchrlng of Uerlln , Its
discoverer. The consignment came to Dr.
George E. Shrady. the editor of the .Medical
Record , nnd Dr. Louis Fischer , also of this
city. The quantity received was very small.
The wrum that has been In use here pre
vious to this importation was from the labor
atory of Prof , Aronson. It is considered the
serum from Prof. Uehrlng Is more powerful
and will retain Its power tof a longer time
than any brought here previously.
"Whlla down In the southwestern part of
the > state some time ago , " Bays Mr. W. Chal
mers , editor of theChlco ( Cal. ) Enterprise ,
"I had an attack of dysentery. Having heard
of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy I bought a bottle. A couple of
doses of It completely cured me. Now \ qm
a champion of that remedy for ell stomach
and bowel complaints , " For sale by drug
Kitlmato of Itie Cot I op Ciop.
NEW ORLEANS , Oct. 2C. The local prego
will pu llah tomorrow a circular fronj \ . Q ,
H. l.afiflauer. one of the larpoitt
from thf south of American cotton , atlmat-
1ns ; the commercial crop of the current fa-
son at S,8S5,000 , bales.
Oregon Kidney Ten. cures nervous head *
J aciei , Trial size , 2S cents. All
Visit our Cloak Department today. No house in this or any other city will beat our prices on Cioaks and Furs. See. them
Saturday spend your money with us. Big sale Saturday evening.
Saturday wo will sell Fur Cnpes at prices
SPECIAL never before offered. T.ike ailv.intago of
SATURDAY EVENING tlieie bargains if you \uint to sivi > money
{ IS 00 Astrakhan Fur Capes. 30 Inches lonp ,
full sweep , today $9 SO ouch.
© ALE. Finest quality Astrakhan Fur Capes at
GLOVE . JIG.OO. $ lMK ! ) and $2750 $ each.
SPECIAL NOTICE. flf > & 0. no-Inch French Coney Cape , (10.00.
GLOVESALE. $45.00 Wool Seal Fur Cjpes. $24.00.
Saturday evening , to more thoroughly 27-Inch finest Ilenvcr Fur Cnpo.i , full sweep ,
SALE. advertl&o our Gents' Furnishing depart at $6 > .00 , worth IS5.00.
. ment , vv will Oder for t o hours , 7 to 9 iUMnrli .Mink C.ipe * , Cull snwp , G-Inch tall
p. m. , 100 dozen Ocntu' Fast Hlaek , al o border , Siturday $ SS.CO : actual valueU
llalbrlggan Hose , full regular made , real $133.00.
Ladles' 4-button Real Kid Olavoi , In black , .
.Mnco cotton , a hose worth In any houio ( icmilne Mink .
Neck Scarfs ,
tans ' and brown , today 75c pair , \\orth , , $003 $ each.
\ \ $1 $
5c , limit 4 pairs to a customer , at only Finest Ilc3\cr Neck Si-.trfs , JB.GO.
Ladles' ' Ulack Cashmere Glove at 2Gc and 9c a pair Now , gentlemen ,
? change your ( Jeliulne Ulack .Marten .S'eck Scarfs , $5 $ 98
39c pair ; reduced from 3Gc and f.0c. socks ; this Is a , snap. each.
Children's Imported Ulack Cashmere Fin BLACK GLORIA SILK DTOPATrEM Wntcr Mink N'cck So.trfs , $1 $ 93 each.
est Wool Hose , silk tee and heel , sizes 4 , 4Vfe , , See our Misses' Winter Jackets , sizes 12
5. Tt\t \ , and G , at 23c pair. to IS e < irs. nt $3 $ SO each.
We offer today a 35c quality Ladles' Fast j Sco our ladles' Jackets , latest styles , at
lilack Hose ; It's a beauty , at 25c pair ; ask S2.78- $5.00 , $ G 00 , $ .GO , $7.50 and 510 00 each.
. - '
for this Iloae. Don't K oliowherc when you cm buy from
Ladles' Jersey nibbed Vests and Pants at An entire dress pattern of ni.nk Gloria in and at le g money.
2Sc each. Silk Saturday evening for I2.7S. Thla Is Indies' Sen ! I'lush Cjpes , fur trimmed col
. lar , today l $10.00 c.ich.
L-idtes' Jersey Ribbed Pure Wool Vests a bargain , den t miss U.
and Pants , $1 quality , at 7Gc each. riilldietrs ttldenloun Cloaks , sizes 2 to 5
jears only 51 & 0 each
nergetio nutl Saccessful Methods Adopted
by tlio Bold Bobbers ,
liny Illil Not Knuvr tlio t'orrllU' Pnrco of
the l plovltpVnkn tlio \\liolo
Tounot .Unlvurn , I < mu Slay
llo In ( > m.ilm ,
MALVURX , In. , Oct. 20. ( Special Tele
; ram. ) The Farmers and Mechanics bank was
Islted by burglars this morning and It Is
upposcd that $2,000 cash was stolen. Nitro
lyccrlns wab used In opening the vault. The
.hleves were evidently men who did not
hoioughly understand the terrific effect of
ta use , for the building was practically blown
o pieces and the money and other contents
cut crashing into the street. The explosion
E roused the whole neighborhood , and the left the money scattered over the
oor In their haste to git away. A descrip-
ion of the supposed guilty parties was tule-
ihoned to the Council Bluffs authorities
wo men answering the description psrfectly
ere seen by Ur. 0V. . Gordon In Counci
UliilTs passing his house about 0 o'clock In
ho morning. They carried a small valise
, vhlch seemed too heavy for1 either one to
larry any'great distance. Tiny are though
: o have taken the motor TO Oni-na.
A count of the mcney In the safe today
howcd that the- robbers last night cariet
away $2.870 almost equally divided between
gold nnd bills Part of the gold and silver
loncy remaining was badly mutilated bj
he force of the explosion , being bent and
wlsted , while the ends of'th'e bills were cut
and hacked. It Is thought'probable that a
arge portion of the money'cnrrled away was
so mutilated end may lead to the detection
the thieves.
Just before 10 o'clock yesterday two
men with a heavy black satchel boarded
an Omaha motor car In the muffs. The
conductor was found and gives the following
[ lescrlptlon of the men : One tJiort man ,
licavy set , black mustache , the other tall ,
: iearly s > lx feet , smooth shaven. Doth wore
large slouch hats pulled down In front and
turned up behind. They carried , said the
conductor , a big black grip , which seemed
to b3 heavy , as both lifted It onto the plat
form. The short man stayed on the plat
form with the satchel while the tall fe low
went Inside. It was the tall man who paid
the fare for both. At Thirteenth street
both men got oft. That was all the con
ductor knew about the men.
Several hackmen saw the pair alight , and
asked for a Job , but the fellows picked up
their grip and walked to Thirteenth and
Dodge streets , where they boarded a South
Omaha car going south.
Miprrinn ' nnrt
MOINES , Oct 26. ( Special Telegram )
The supreme court handed down the fol
lowing opinions today. Martin Tuttl& vs
Polk & Hubbel ot al , appellants , from Polk
llatrlct afllrmed ; SY. . Rice , guardian , etc.
vs the Grand Lodge of the Ancient Order
of United Workmen of Jowa , appellant , from
niackhawk district , reversed ; John El. Drown
vs the Burlington , Cedar Rapids and
Northern Railway company , appellant , from
I.cnn district , allirined , T Y Mlckle , appM-
"ant , vs. John Walravcn , Mary Walraven ,
William F Walraven and II. J. Walraven ,
from Clinton district , afllrmrd.
CliriAtlun lmlfMiv < m r3 in fcM > * Hlon
SIOUX CITY , Oct. 2C ( Special Telegram. )
The state convention ot the Christian En
deavor association convened in this city to
day. The day was given over for the most
part to the receiving of visiting delegations.
This afternoon Mayor Fletcher delivered an
address of welcome , Tonight there was a
song and prayer service. Tomorrow the
business sessions commence Fully 400
visitors are now In the city and by the
opening of the business Ee-ssion it Is expected
the number will reach 500.
JIurdurH Itiuy ut l'r < iitnn.
CIICSTO.V , la. . Oct. 2fl.-Speclal. ( ) Bur
glars made quite a haul at Frank Schu } 's
meat market lost night. They b.ew open
the safe , completely wrecking U , and secured
J1SO. In the afternoon Jhlcvcs entered the
freight depot , but falledjto eecure anything
Cashier Strauad hadvjJ poslted the money
before leaving the > office. ' ' S
Suing Huloiui Jt
CHESTON , Ia. ( Ocfi jj ( Special. ) Mrs.
Ed Do Haven has commenced suit In the
district court ngnlnsvj. ix , saloon men for
selling her husband llqwnrV Da Haven is an
habitual drunkard nndf'tjiu law prohibits
selling to such a person. " Mrs. De Haven
asks for $3,000 damages' from each of the
saloon men. , , . |
MUUK ( Ily iin In L'roubln.
CHICAGO , Oct. SG.I-iPi'rclal Telegram. )
W. J. Barnes , claiming ? hail from Sioux
City , was arrested for . .extracting money
without giving value iptoauhange from South
Water btreet nierchanfslFJ
Owing to the superior. character of Its In
gredients Dr. Price's' ' > B klne Powder pos
sesses qualities pecull rjy Its own.
Wlfn Denounced Him n a Murderer.
KANSAS CITY. Oct. M. While testifying
in court here against his -wife In u divorce
suit. In which nho nought Reparation ,
William I.acoy of lola , Kan , was today Mr-
rested , charged with Iho murder at that
place mat August of William M. CummliiKS.
According to Mrs I.acey' story , her hut-
hand had twice threatened tu take her life ,
anil for this reason Bh wanted n dlvorcp.
I acey was on the stand trritlfylng ugalnxt
her when Jtrs. 1-acey suddenly sprung to
her feet and declared him to be the mur
derer of Cummlnfts. After his arrest his
Identity as the murderer 7. as mails positive
upon receipt from lola authorltleR of hl
description. The murder w a cold-blooded
and at the time caused 4 decided sensation.
, ,
One of the Stolen I'ouohri Hutgrned.
NEW YOHK , Oct. O.-L. C. . Weir , pml-
dent of the Adams Express company , re
ceived a pouch today containing a number
of bonds , Insurance polices , stock ? , drafts ,
billa of lading und other valuable docu
ments. Thcso papers Were stolen from ( hi
This stia-
ordinary He *
Jxziuei-B !
) ii - ,
senator is
the most Fa 1 11 UK Sen-
wonderful satlonnN.rv (
dltcovory of oustwltchlnfl
the exc. It of the ey
has and othur
rwen en
dorsed by tha pa IE.
leading scien StrencthcnB ,
tific men of
Europe Bud ami tones the.
America. cirlroKystcm.
Hud an is Hudian cures
Debility ,
Ncrvousucis ,
Hudyai stops Jin ! isl ons ,
of the and restores
. .
charge In ffl
. ) 'jim in the
days. Cnrea
imc *
LOST by dny 01
MANHOOD night&toppcd
Quickly. O\er 2,000 prUat inaoiBcmenta.
J'lematuiciiess m-una Impotency in tha first
lage. It Is a e > ni | > tom of seminal wrakneu unj
Uiili'nnesi. ' n can b cured In 20 days by tbi
use oC llui ) > an.
Tlio new discovery via made by the fpeclnlllll
of Ihr old famous Hudson Medical Institute. It
Is tlis strongest \ tallier made. It la very power
ful tut haimlcEa. ; > . - . d or ; i w a package , nr
fix packages for IS CO fplnln eale < l boxes )
Written Bunrnntee given , for a cure. If you buy
tlx tioxeg , nnd cue not entirely cured , HK | mar *
will lit tent to ynu frfe of all chnrBe. Send for
ttrculms and tf 1lmnn'nlF Add'ees
Juncticii Stockton Market , und Ellis
Streets , San Krunoisco.Cal.
SPE01UI3T ? ,
CliroQl )
WE Scrvoaj
Tnatmentby Hall , ConsullatlM "Frei
Cutarrli , itll dis-ns s of thu nos.- ,
Throat. ClicstStomachI.ivct-.UlooJ
Shin nnJ Kidney iHsisascs , Lost
Manhood and all Private Dis
eases of IVJen
lion ornddresi ,
Dr , Scarlcs & Ssirlss ,
A Cup of
Beef Tea TIlCClK''lpOHt ,
purcHl .ind b '
can be prepared Instantly from
Extract of Beef.
Tliero's only om1 pciinlnu and that ymi n\n \
Unow liy this Mixnuturo In
ovi'iy Jar
company's pnfe In the express tinltt which
was roblx-d nt Aqula Creek on Oclolier 12.
The recovery cf these dociiimnt > rcdu es tli1
JOB1 ? of the Adams Express company by the
robbery to less than 13,000.
Orenon Kidney Tea cures backacliB. Ti l
lzs , 25 cents. All drugelsts.
Fatal Injurlrs from n rirr.
JIONTOOMCIIY , Ala. , Oct. 2C. A dwelling ,
the property of Mr. Hobert Hoblnson , caught
lira from the explosion of a lamp In the
hands of the colored cook , Mury Hopkins.
The dwelling and KB contents , worth about
$5.000. wore consumed , und the cook and her
Infant child received fatal tnjmiea from the
llairen. The woman Is dead. Hoblnson and
liU family escaped without Injury.
UnUeranlUt ( irneral Conference.
CHICAGO. Oct. 2C.-AI the l.'nlvcrr-allst
Keneral ronventlim the morning was
taken up by the readlnK of imperM l > >
Hev. Orello I owe of Ohio and ] ) f v. B f 'rune
The afternoon wits occupied by the jjenernl
dlHcusslon uf intKHlonary woik.
Don't think you have drank the ne plus
ultra of wines until you ha\t > tried Couk'a
Cxtra Dry Imperial Champagne.
AIM. > lnry A , UooilhrlilKn Ilnuil.
CHICAGO , Oct. 26frn. . Mury A. Wocxl-
briclBe , correapondlnif uecretury of the Na-
tlonal and World's ' Womn'n Uhrlnthin Tern-
pewnce union , died last evening. She win
Htilcken with apoplexy two d.ijs uyo.
31 r . Cluvelanil IVI1I Chrlitfii tlir Ship.
PiniiADULT'IUA , Oct 2i.-Mr . Cleveland
has consented to christen the Htenmshlp 3t
Loulg of the Ipternatloiml Nnlj.'ullon com
pany. which will l > e launched from Cram/ ] *
ahlpyurtl November IS.
Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kldnty trou
ble J. Trial i lie , 25 ceat * . All drugftiti.
iVo / / irr. A'o Utcnm , Noufln ( < - r.
ISHST I'OWrn for fern and Kent Mills. Baling
lluj'i Uunuliig Sepnrmors. t'reimierlcs , Ac
Stationary or Portabla.
1 to 0011 P. > btu'JOH ! .
forrfltiilcquc , l'tlcc , ftc.tyrrllilnix\otktob ] ( dona.
Chlcaeo , 245 lake St. ' HE OTTO GAS ENGINE WORKS
Omaha , She el e < r Block. IsT 'tl Howard St . 33 < \VnlliutSU. . . IMUI.AUKI.I'IIIA.I'A.
MuMMlllfl Cliocolat-
of all
miles in a peifecl form all ( he cjuali-
ics evciybody desires lo find in his
food. It is as Nourishing as ATeat ,
and still pleasant to take. II is as
Delicate as a Luxury , ; uid still cheap
n price.
It is by far healthier than cither
Tea. Coffee or Cocoa.
Therefore it should be made a hquse-
iod ! article for daily use , as it is in
! > VkabUkli Al. . ( iilituu VIM. niouilr.nv. > . * '
tliatlsplasti'i-od on woml
lulli K a lire triiii , : ind roiiKi < < i.iifully n
d < > iitli trap. Tlio Interior xv.ioil n'oi-U
under tlio ( Irliii : rflV-rt * of iirllllclul
lira I Ijociiiiii-K aw Inllaitiablo us tlmU'r ' ,
EU'i-iIlii' ; < uilj u fcp.irk to llauli iliu Urn
I'm in ci-llar to rool' ivltli lreitieiit
resulting IOI.H nl'lilV.
IlsnaiKlcd Motnl Mii'l Lath * hrn rovcrcil
llsco.illnsnf ii'uitardliobiMti.nown lire
iirooCiniilirluli liistiicssufi'ty arid cusls
llltlo In uvi'ssot wood. It pic-vents o
K and falling of plustcr
Adnpli'il fur nil ( ' S ( unuininrnl
mid Its use , olillKltory In nil HotcN. Tticuli-rs
A'-yltitus Ilslliils | ) und iVIicml llon > .i" > In
cinriiKH nnd otlicr liircn I-HU-H. Wrlto for
calnliignpof lallilnfinoItiK etc- .
< CO E. 2611) Gtreot. CHICAGO
I * tlin only
Women Excluded.
IK year * oxparlonr *
C'lrcul n freu.
I 4th Bad ) rTnam Kia
Prcsiacnt. CaUiler.
Fifsl Ratio na
Capital , - - SlOO.Oflf )
1'rolilH , - - 12,001) )
On of the cMfst tinkj In the ttntn of Iowa ,
Wo tolled your buslneu and cell > < ctlui . \V
pay k per cent on time depoella , Vf will bi
pleasrd to ia end terve you.
Sinn & Bainbridge , rCuclo ,
In llio Htufp und federal OnurtH Jtooms
2Ji-7-t-t ( ( ! Miiunrt Hloi-t , t.ouixli uluflu , Iowa
Made a well
Man of
mi ;
. . .
jour drvtfclituii not vet II , idUir < | j > ld.
VrttolilM < tli tO . , rr fi. , tvurt , ill. , t rtiu.
SOLO by Kuhn A Co .Cot ijtti and UOUK SS bit ,
ind | . A Fuller a Co. , Cor , 14 lu and
, KEU.
,3 rtiBn PB
The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' ' Experience.
\v < ) Ki.n's m.sriiN-
/ treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the IIoiul , TUrnnt mid I.untrs ; Dig *
i-iiscHDt' the Kyunnd Kiir. Fits nnd Apoplcy ,
llr-ml ll o flo , I.lvci Coinplnint. Kldnc ) ' Com-
philnt , tertnim l > eltltll > . niviltul ! ) < >
prvsHlon. Loss < > r niniiliuau. HCMI
iiialYcalcncMH , Diiilicics , Iriitul's 111 ] .
insLSi Vltus' Ilnnuo , Hhfiiniatlsm. Pnrnly * ! ,
\ \ Intt'SwullltiK , Scrotnlii , Kcvei Soics , T till I.
orN mill I'lHttilit tit : mu rctnovcij
wltlioitt ( lie IcnlTe nr clruwIHK n
clropoftilood. > v < > ttiim vvitti her
clullcitle orurniiH rcHtorccl to
] ii > altli. I > ropN.v cured > vltliolit
tiipiiliii ; . Hpoclnl Allvittloti itivcrt
t Irl-4itc : uiKl Vencrctil UlHcnAca
of all Iclml * . 9 0 to Ssoo foirclt fdl
nny Venereal KlHoane I cannot cur *
> vlilioiit Mercury. ( Wo rum removed
In tuoor three hours , or no pit } Hemorrhoids
or I'llcaciiiuil.
Will iiavn llfo anil hniulreilH or dollars b > - call-
Intronur iialiiK
Tlli'i > iil > I'liyolrliiii nliiinni Ifll wl
a l iii > iiii itlioiitusldiitrii 4iit > tlon.
Tiiikfto nt ii dlstiiTicu M III ! fill *
Itlaukt Nil. I for JIIIHINo , rorxi
All rii'pHinilcii | < ' < ! htriitly confidential ,
lleilicino tout by express. Address nil letters
. w. i A3vti.i5 , r. r . ,
Bneloeo lOc In stunipti for reply.
Prepared from tlif original formula pr *
criLd [ n the Archives of the Holy Lnml , Uav >
HKHU authentic liltlcry dathij ; li.-icliCOOjci.ra ,
for all Stomach .Kidney and Bowel
troubles , especially
Price GO cents. Sold liy nil druggists.
The Franciscan Remedy Co. ,
'i for Circular ami IlliistrnteilCaleodatv
BAILEY , Dentisl ,
Paxton lilnck ,
JC1U.uid Fanum
Pninlow Extraction cf Tcoth-Painlesa Filling
riill eltPPIliiMOO. Sllvo lillliis $1.00. Pure
fidlil iKi.oo. oulil Crowns . o pur lootli and at
Tflcphono 1083.
LadyAttuiidant ( iarniaii SpoUoa
J-M Jlurkr , atV H. llomer'i , (38 IJroaJway.
i cm SAM : OH TIIADR , 220 ACIIUS 01-
In HK | < county , Nebraska , (10 ur s tlmbe |
Uinl in Mlthlcun , will tiailo pltlicr for toi.i
of gi-noifll intrclianUlse , arid will nut In caan
ur Il.t'rtOO ' , tiujse and lot In CuUax.
in ice , tl 600 at ) , w II trade for stock of general
inrri uKjliie anil put In I5W.0J rum. line r i-
ldnro pronei ty in Council lllufTn , nilce ,
. . v. ill trade for utntral itock and put. la
110400) cash. All cuirciponilenco tu bo con
fidential AUdrt-mi lock tux 41. Council UIurT *
ElcnoKtuplicr , niornlnea. tvi-lllli a unil Hatur-
Oay * . Addrtu W 11 , lire. Council IJIuffi.
ron i\i'HAN(3i : . LOT. WITH Hronn HOOIJ
unit UiM-llmn comhlni-il. In Council lilur ( ;
worth tOOUUO , with Inruinlirunrt. of JtuOCO ,
for inrriliuiiiIUo or 10 to IS acres of land , Ad <
drum g iA lire. Council IlluTfj
roil HAI.K. MY r.Mt.M. 'J > J ACIIKH , ! Vi Ml 1.1:3
fri.uj . : iv-j-a. all cultivated ROCK ! tillMlnr" . AU.
drru A. J. i'oiter , ill i'laokllii avenue , Count
cU Uluff * . y