Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Mr. Oullen Gets a Verdict for Heavy
Damages Against Mr. Altendorf.
AntHllnnt Unilor u Mnuppnilcd I'enltcntlnry
Sentence I'lilrlck Dcnmvati Sentenced
to riff < en Venn for AttcM | > tlnK
to Crltnltinllr A i ult a Llilttl.
Twelve jurors In Judge Hopewell's ' court
have dlnposed of a case wherein religion ,
politics , hot temper and a piece of gas pipe
played nil of the principal parts during a
short but spirited engagement.
A couple of years ago William Cullen , an
ox-policeman , and Albert Altendorf were fel
low workmen , laboring side by side In the
Union Pacific shops , where frequently the
question of religious and political differences
arose , Upon such occasions the two men
took an active part In the discussion , though
they did not agree , Altendorf charging Cullen
with being a. Catholic , while Cullen hinted
that Altendorf was a member of the Atncrl
can Protective association nnd was against
allowing men to worship as they saw fit In
the course of events these discussions grew
warm and on July 1 , 1S93. they culminated
In a , flght , during1 the progress of which Alten
dorf slid up behind Cullen and with a piece
of gas pipe struck htm down. Inflicting a se
vere wound , crushing In his skull and sending
Mm to the hospital. <
Altendorf wan arrested and charged with
assault with Intent to commit great bodllj
harm. On this charge ho was held to the
district court and March 13 , 1691 , the trial
was commenced , continuing for four days
when the Jury returned a verdict of guilty
On the sams day a motion for a new trial
was filed and on March 23 , ISO ! , It was
overruled and Altendorf cent back to jail to
await sentence , which was pronounced on
March 28 , the * Judge fixing- upon two years as
the term during which the prisoner should
bo confined In the penitentiary. Soon after
Ibis the case was appealed to the supreme
court , where It etlll rcmilns an order Invlng
been entered giving Altendorf his liberty ,
lie entering Into a bond of $2,500 to be and
appear and await the decision of the higher
Not being satisfied with merely getting
Altendorf behind the bars Cullen concluded
that he ought to have a money judgment to
compensate him for the pain and the in
juries which he had suffered , so with this
end In view he Instituted a damage suit , ask
ing for the sum of $10,000 and Interest from
the date of the filing of the petition A few
days ago this casecame nn for hearing In
Judge Hopewell's court , -where It was fought
In a vigorous manner , being given to the
Jury Tuesday night. Yesterday the \erdlct
was returned the twelve men finding for the
plaintiff and assessing his damages at $7.000 ,
together with all of the attending costs.
riffrrn l < 'ar * In llio IVn.
Patrick Donovan was In tliD criminal court
yesterday , where ho was given what to him
means a life term In the penitentiary of the
state. This man Is on the &hady side of 40
and last spring he was arrested on the
charge of committing a criminal assault
upon Maggie Waggoner , a little girl 5 years
of age , the testimony showing that with
candy he enticed her Into his room , -where
he committed the horrible crime. At the
trial he was convicted of assault with Intent
to commit a criminal act and sent back to
the county Jail to await sentence. Yester
day -when ho was arraigned his attorney
moved for a new trial , which motion \vas
argued and denied , ntter which a motion for
an arrest of Judgment was filed and argued
to 'be Immediately overruled Donovan was
then sentenced to a term of fifteen years nt
bard labor , this being the limit provided by
Clleil fur Contempt.
On October 13 there was an order entered
compelling John Lewis to pay Into court the
Bum of $10 each month as alimony to aid In
the support of his wife H.ittlc , while she Is
trjlng to secure her divorce. At th same
time thetovas an order Issued compelling
John to contribute $10 to aid her in securing
the services of an attorney. Uoth of these
orders have b'cn Ignored and now the bus- ,
band Is In line to be cited for contempt.
In Judge Hopewell's court the case of J.
0 , Kenvvorthy against the Union Pacific Hall
way company Is on for trial , the phlntlff
seeking to recover damages In the sum of
$200 for damages sustained. During
the month of May , 1893 , the plain
tiff was out on the line , employed by the
company In painting cars , nnd at Columbus
ho was caught In n wreck and considerably
bruised ,
Ciimiiimi S < MIKO
Should bo used In attempting to cure that
very disagreeable disease , catarrh. As
catarrh originates In Impurities In the blood ,
local applications can do no permanent good.
The common sense method of treatment Is
to purify the blood , nnd for this purpose
thereIs no preparation superior to jlood's
Ilcod's Pills cure constipation by restoring
peristaltic action to the alimentary canal.
Only Tlirro Ilriimlnlii ) ; Uiiyg for
tlon of VotrrB.
Registrars' will sit In every polling booth
of the city Unlay from 9 a , in , to
p. in ,
Hvery elector must register this year. Ho
not neglect the matter.
Ias for registration are :
Thursday , Octolicr 25 ,
Friday , November 2. '
Saturda ) , Novi-mber 3.
. I A A O r/A CUM i ; A TA.
_ _ _ _
A new mualcul comedy , "A Tallow Candle , '
opens an engagement of three nights nnt
Saturday matinee at the Fifteenth Stree
theater this evening It Is full of clever
specialty business and many captivating
songs. The dances arc new and graceful , am
the comedians are very funny. The fua con
tlnuts through every act.
The prize winner of fun. " 4-11-44 , " a Virum
new farce comedy that the critics ntiit
Is among the leaders In that line of nttrac
lions , wilt be the attraction nt the Flftcentl
SI ret t theater for four nights , commencing
Sunday matinee. October 2S. The cast In
eludes f > e\crnl well known comedians , whose
ability to entertain the most exacting Is tin
Willie Collier's success In legitimate com
cdy , while In no sense a surprise , has beet
one of the dramatic events of the teason
The play , 'A Hack Number , " having beei
written by K Idler , has caused Collier am
Sol Smith Kussell to bo compared. This 1
In lleelf a compliment , but Cell er has Hits
sell's drollnees , while there U In addltloi
a sparkle about Ills comedy which the ride
actor lacks Mr. Collier will bo seen at Hi
Uoyd on Tucnla > and Wednesday next.
"While down In the southwestern part o
( he state some time ago , " sajs Mr W. dial
mere , editor of theChlco tCal. ) Enterprise
"I had nn attack of dysentery. Having hear
of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Dlar
rhoea Ucmely I bought a bottle. A couple o
doses of It completely cured me. Now I at
a chninptnn of that remedy for all slomac
and bowel complaints. " For sale by drug
( I'xi union to Teius.
Oi Nov. Otli I wilt run a special cxcurelo
from Omnha to Houston , Texas. JJO.OO tli
round trip , to land buyers , Call on or at1
425 liamgo llldg. , Omaha ,
County ItoulJ.
Py Saturday night of the present wee
the pavingon the West Uodga street ron
will tm\c reached a point five and one-ha
inllfs west from the city limits , where nor
will lie discontinued. In carrjlug the ma
c&OUuu to tUl volnt , the county lias ex
P ruled $15,000 $ ol the $50.000 appropriated
for thin particular road , The balance Mill
be retained ami thrown Into a regular fund.
which will be expended In keeping the road
In good condition
As teen as the forces uro withdrawn from
the Dodge street rood they will be transfercd
to Center strict , where the work of paving
will be pushed until winter closes In. On
thin roml the eastern terminal point oC the
patomcnt will be In Ambler place , about one
mlle from the city limits ,
The Storu U full iif Iliircalin You Can Get
Your -Monry'n \\orlh llrrr.
The continued warm weather has forced
prices down In this department. Duy before
winter raises them to their proper size.
1 case of ladles' fast black cotton hose ,
fleece lined , 9c per pair ; worth 20c
100 dozen ladles' black wool tights , only
15c , worth } 1
f.D dozen ladles' kid gloves nt 39c.
1 lot of gents' hemstitched handkerchiefs ,
worth 20o , at Sc.
Gents * he ivy wool underwear at BOc.
1 case laillcs' jersey ribbed vests , worth
50c at 1'Jc.
Gents' fancy laundered shirts at 35c.
Ladles' fast black corsets at 50c.
Children's fine cashmere wool hose at 25c
A big line of gents' leather gloves , worth
$1 IK > . at uOc.
1 case of men's dark overslilrts at 25c.
It Is a well known fact that when the silk
department has a sale > It Is a genuine bar-
gain-giving affair. Now this week we are
selling $1 00 silks for C9o per yard. Just as
good silks us Is marked $ 1 00 elsewhere can
be had at Haytlons1 for COc yard
Striped taffeti silks , fancy taffeta brocades ,
black gros g'aln silk , blick and colored faille
silks , new styles plaid silks , black royal ar-
muro Bilks , colored molro silks , black taffeta
silks with colored figure each worth fully
$1.00 per yard , go at G9c
You can bu > better sIlR. here this week for
GOc a > ard than at any other tlmo for Jl.OO.
Comi ? and see.
Another Invoice of that elegant machine
thread at 2c per fcpool The finest 200-yard
thread made
l.fluO dozen new Initial handkerchiefs at
i cucii.
1000 bo\is new ribbon bought at bank-
apt salt go on sale tomorrow. No space
i quote prices. All at less than one-
alt value.
The regular meeting of the Seventh Ward
epubllcan club will be held th s evening
I the chili moms , 1212 Park avenue , at 8
clock. Republicans of the Seventh ward
re Invited to be present. Good sieak-
is will be In attendance. II. C. PALMUK ,
J L. PIKKCE , Secretary.
Uiiiilia nut ( hlc igi > Limited I'lftccii-JIuur
' 1 nil n
Leaves Omaha nt C 35 p m and arrives
t Chicago 9:10 n m via C. SI & St. P.
y tor Chicago and all points cast. Trains
Hide up and started from Omaha , assuring
nssetiKers clean and well aired cars The
nly line running solid vestibuled electric
Ighted train from Omaha direct , No - waling
ng for through trains.
I'legant chair cars , palace sleeping and
Ining cais. Ticket office , 1504 Tarnnm street
Ticket Agent ,
Mr. Andrew Rosewaer wilt delhcr an ad-
ress at lioyd's opera house on Saturday
vonlng at S p in. on the engineering
eatuus of the canal , and he will answer
II sensible questions asked him as to Its
ructlcabtllty. Tickets miy be had on ap-
llcatlon to O r. Davis Co. , G. W. Ames or
ny number of the Citizens Canal Commlt-
Farce comedy was given a vacation at the
j\il last night and the boirdswere occupied
iy "Sliuft No. 2 , " n melodrama that IB new
o Oiualia theater-goers. It can scarcely bi ;
-aid that Ulxbj's production Is entitled to
h first rank In Its. class It served as a
nedlam for the introduction of a number of-
ircillt iblo htage effects , but outside of those
eatures It Is of the mediocre order. The
econd act bbows a very natural representa-
lon of a shaft In the "Phoenix ' mine ,
vhlch is blown up by the accidental explo-
lon of Oni.unltcwhile tha hero nnd his
escape by the usual miraculous
route The storm tcene In the third act
vas an exceptionally effective picture and
\as the only feature of the performance
hut was received with decided approbation
The large cast Is uniformly of medium ex
cellence. Prank Losee , as the hero of the
tory , dltplaja a good voice and stage pres-
nce , but the heavy villain talks through
ils note and the work of the company In the
uost dramatic passages Is rather tame ,
bhort I'dllro Stories.
Thluves bioke Into C F. Harper's residence ,
2110 Bancroft street , lucsday night and stole
! 20 worth of clothing.
The cuses against the men arrested for
laullng garbage without a proper permit uas
continued until November 1
Rev. A. J Turkic reported to the police
cstt-rday that his mission church at Pourdi
eenth and Center htreets had been entered
iy thU'\es and a hard coal stove stolen.
In police court > estcrday Charles nose-
jrough , formerly n bartender , \vas tried for
ssaultliig hlh wife "with a. chair. The evl-
lenct- showed ( hat the prisoner had been on
a protracted Bpree and went home and beat
lit -wife Hefore delivering sentence the
ludge lead Uosebrough a sharp lecture and
: hen Until him $100 ami costs.
On Jlondny Louis Hohenberg appeared at
police headquarters and gave himself up. He
said that he was wanted in New York City
for embezzling $1,500 Yesterday Chief Seavey
received a telegram from Inspector McL-augh-
lln stating that the complainant refused to
theiwse and to discharge the prls-
JMf.'SOA I/ . I'.tlt KJ/.U'HS.
L Hninmond of Fremont Is at the
IX-Suprcme Judge Samuel Maxwell was In
the clt > jestcrday.
Will P Webster , agent " 1-11-14 , " Is stop
ping at the Darker.
Ralph M. Kricnd and H. S. need of
Cheyenne are Paxton guests.
Mrs S W. Hogaman and three children
of Rochester , X. Y. , are at the Paxton.
Mr Prank Losee and wife and the Shaft
No 2 < oinpany are domiciled at the Darker
.Mr and Mrs C. J Carrlg of Platte Center.
Neb. , und E It. Stewart of Stuart , Neb ,
ore at the Darker
fTra\illnK ! men nt the Barker II G Moors-
head , August Larson and A Erlckson , Chicago
cage C. 13. Redman , P 11 Carton , C. J F.
Plfinlng St I uU ; A. Strange , Chicago ,
II A. Howard , Lincoln.
> vlir.i kniH nt thn HutDli.
At thePaton X S Ilnitllng- , Nebraska
City Juan llo > le- , Kearney a
At HIP Dellone K. A. Orlflln , Oakland ,
E H. Mnvliam Albion , M. M. Iluntlngton ,
( Jordan : J W Perry , Ord.
At the Mlllnnl J J. Bonekemper , Button ,
H 11 Nicholson , Lincoln ; J. H. Sluuv ,
Crete Nrll Hrentmn. O'Neill.
At tb Arcade-W 1' . Park. Waterloo
Flunk Htiinton , Aillngton ; Joseph Hynek
Wllber , i : M lOldrod , Alliance ; J. N
Koontz. Llnrolii.
At OIP Jlerclmnts 13. C. Ballew. JlcCook
O. J VIUU | ) | P. Grand Island , Charles Luf-
Kln C AV. Jennlami , Halle.v ; J. L. Kuckett
, c' . M Imuierman. Crete ; J II
Thoin.iy , IJavid C'lty ; M A. Hurtlifan
Hat-tlngM , o. i Dladui , Poncj.
7 Of. 11.
Miss Kale Bradley ol this city will de
liver mi address to the teachers , of Stnnton.
Xcb. , Friday night on "The Necessity of
Ph ) lcal Culture In the Public Schools " On
Saturday iilfthl Miss Dradley will speak on
the same subject before the literary society
of the High fcchool at Fremont.
Th > athletic entertainment that was to
have been held last night In the Thurston
Itillea armory , was postponed to next Wed
nesday night. The police told the partlcl-
pautH that at tli a first sign of slugging the )
would be arrested , together with the audi
ence. There were rumors thai the aflalr
wouUI occur late In the evening at some
other plan , but nothing of the kind resulted.
Invasion of the Qreat Celestial Empire by
Soldiers from ths Kingdom.
tbn < lo'i People IVrorldhlr Atrattlnff
of tno Myttorlnii * ix | > cilltlonfl Ulilch
llnrr Hern fitted Out Itoconlly
Other Nona of the Wur ,
YOKOHAMA , Japan , Oct. 12 ( Via Steam-
ilp Empress of Japan to Victoria , II. C. ,
ctobcr 24. ) All Japan Is 111 a fervor of ex-
tement awaiting news from General
yama's expedition , which Is supposed to be
irecled toward some point on the Chinese
east within the gulf of Pe-Chl-LI. He-
' orts of landings at Port Arthur , Wei-Hal-
Vel and other localities are already clr-
ilatlng In Japanese newspapers Prom the
eglnnlng the Japanese authorities ha\o been
eterumlned to allow no Inaccurate records
t actual e\onts to go forward. The army
lovements n-e carried on with great se-
rec > , but embarkation of full corps cannot
9 accoiipl shed without attracting the curl-
us attention of the public. Within the pa t
wo weeks portions of three divisions re
entry placed under General Oyama's com-
iiand huve been transported to Corea to
he number , It Is said , of 20,000 men. The
ovcrnmenl mnlntains an Impenetrable si-
enca respecting the destination of these
roops , bu * no one supposes they ore needed
n the peninsula , and the conviction Is
Imost unrverral that a speedy descent upon
he Chinese cosat Is projected. If this bold
tep has really bten determined upon the
ecesslty of setting about It before the ap-
roach ofvlnter Is recognized on all s.des. .
Admiral Ito's official report of the battle
, ear Tal-Kosan harbor has been published
u Is extremely exuberant In tone and filled
vlth eulogies of the spirit end fortitude dls
pi layed by officers and men Fresh facts
oncerning I this flght are suplled by private
etters from the officers of the fleet They
an not numerous , howe\cr , nor especially
aluable They Indicate that the battle
vas planned with care und deliberation , and
hat whatever prudence may have been
hewn by Individual commanders Admiral
Itc acted Vvith calm Judgment throughout
10 warned Vlsctymt Kabo-Hama , chief of
, taff , who Joined thn expedlton as a specta-
toi and was not expected to participate to
? ny extent In the proceedings , to keep his
nail steamer Saiko out of danger , and s nt
infractions to the Akagl that she should
lot expose hers-If to a greatly superior force ,
jut both ships accepted heavy odds and suf
ered accordingly. At ono stage of the af
air they cont'mied to expose themselves to
argo Ironclads within GOO meters giiage
\iid were frequently made targets for tor-
> edoes The Salko , with no armament but
mall Armstrongs and three rap d-flrlng guns
and a merchant crew unused to handling
irtlllery was In no condition to measure
prowess with a pair of 7,000-ton battleships
t Is now know several Europeans In addl-
lon to Von Hatmekln served on board Chl-
ieae ships In the battle T\vo of them ,
joth Englishmen , vvero killed. Purvis , on
engineer of the Chin-Yuen , nnd Nichols , a
nusketry Instructor of the Ting-Yuen , anil
McGinin and Ileckman of the Chin-Yuen
were wounded.
The government has glrcn two Japanese
ntv.spapcr correspondents perm silon to Join
he flagship In Coreanwaters. . If the same
privileges be extended to foreign corre
epondents It will be greatly to the public
In consequence of the persistent rumors
n open ports that Japan contemplates a
'orelgn loan , the correspondent of the As
sociated press states that no such measure
lias been considered and the go-vcrnment is
confident that Its domeit'c ' resources will be
sufficient for alt Its needs
An earthquake shock threw the Inhab-
tants of Toklo and Yokohama Into con
sternatlon on the evening of October 7 The
' receding roar was lower and the mo\emen
of the earthquake longer than the earthquake
of ' June 20 , but the amount of damage was
'ess , and , so far , as known , no lives were
The pusltlon of foreigners In the Interior
of China , especially at the north , Is regardei
as extremely critical Even residents o
Shanghai feel It necessary to remind com
manders of European fleets of dangers tha Jj
will Uneaten them In case the governmen
suffers further reverses and the few alien
who remain at Peking have far more seriou :
cause for apprehension. The authority of L
Hung Chang- , which -would ordinarily be ex
erclsed on behalf of strangers , Is now s
weakened that his promises of protection can
IK longer be trusted. No Immediate move
ment from the capital could be safely at
tempted , as the roads are thronged with dls
orderly bodies of troops and a peasint popu
latlon ] famished and desperate The presenc
Oj marines to guard legations and restrain th
lawlessness , of mobs which seem waiting on ) :
for a pretext to rise Upon Europe-ins ani
Americans Is Imperatively demanded.
The call of Prince Kung to power as presl
dent of Hung-LI Yanien Is Interpieted as an
other sign of LI Hung Chang's decline Thi
half-forgotten ' ; statesman , now over 70 jear
of ' age , sontrolled the diplomacy of the em
plro some thirty years aip until he was se
aside by one of the palace'conspiracies whlc
in those days frequently threw the govern
ment Into confusion. Ills appointment wa
quickly followed by the nomination of Genen
Sung to the chief command of the norther
armies , This la understood as equivalent t
? definite denial to Li's petition to be en
trusted : with the direct management of th
military and naval forces.
The statement previously published that th
Chinese fleet purposely cirrled no boats I
corroborated ' The crews of all the lost ves
scls perished wltli scarcely an exception Th
number of drowned Is roughly estimated a
nearly " 00. Every deck officer engaged wa
Injured. On the- ships which returned t
Port Arthur about 100 were killed and 25
An extraordinary Imperial edict has bee
Issued calling for a true report of the battl
of PhyongYangThe emperor announce
that thn defeat was owing to dissension
among the defenders nnd the rivalry of th
generals In charge of the several brigade
and states that the guilty parties will b
severely punished
A proclamation has been Issued -warnln
British troops against accepting any engage
ments that may be offered The merchant
steam , navigation company continue the trans
fer of thtlr ships from Chinese to Germa
A report from Kong Kong states a numbe
of foreigners In the customs administrate
have been summoned to take command of th
war ships at the north None but natives o
Japan are permitted to serve In the army o
navy of that empire. At the beginning o
the war Instructions were sent from the Jap
UPS i' Navy depaitment that In time of battl
competent naval officers had bwn retained o
Highest Honors World's Fair.
A puie Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Tw
Ammonia , Alumorany otheraduU/Jr. )
1 ships to watch the < floct of their projec-
ICB upon the enemy's ships end also the on-
aclty of their own nrimrr. It seems , how-
ver , by no means certain that nny evidences
s to what happens at a. illatnnce of a mile
r two can bo trusted. ' It la the conviction
f all on board the Malituhlma that a shell
rum that ship pierced the glitc of tlie Tlng-
uen and set the Interioron fire , v.hlle the
hlnese emphatically dtclaro that nothing of
ID sort happened ,
The facts come In very slowly. Only two
ays ago news -was received that the
, a new 1,000-ton cruiser , ran ashore
lillo trying to escape jiti the night of Sep-
ember 7 and -was afterwards destroyed by a
apancso torpedo. Th iJnpancse government
a now prepared with full reports of the Ash-
'cmp-Yang campaign and fresh Inttlllgenco
rein that quarter la provided only by news-
apcr correspondents , who , \vhllo cnlargliiK
Individual achievements , are thrown out
pen unsettled qucttlons of battle.
Information relating to the excellent strnt-
glc plan by which the Chinese- were sur-
oumled and simultaneously attacked onarl -
ui sides Is thoroughly unexplained. Some
cclare the west road to WIJu on the frontier
as left open , commanding generals having
o desire to bo burdened -nlth a multitude
f prisoners and knowing that to release
hem on parole would be merely a burlesque
Ms explanation la scarcely consistent with
ho extreme care shown In completing the
Ircult of Ash-YoiiK-Vang before the- attack
Price Mori , formerly Damyo of Choshu , has
Ivlded 30,000 yen equally between the army
nd navy funds , and distributed 3,000 > en
mong families , of soldiers now serving who
vere born In this province Capitalist Iwa-
akl , by far the richest subject of Japan ,
las presented to the War department a porta
ble barracks , capable of accommodating an
nny of 30,000. An imperial ordinance has
eon Issued Instituting a system of "dls-
Ingiilshed service pensions" In seven classes ,
he highest granting 900 yen and lowest
en annually for life If any pensioner Is
tilled in battle his family Is to receive the
amount allotted to him for one year
Count Salgo , minister of the navy , has
jeen promoted from the rank \lce-admlral
o that of admiral
Enterprising speculators have ordered from
'ranee designs for a panorama of the war.
The Prcncli legation has gathered all acces
sible evidence In the case of Father Joseau ,
he missionary slain by Chinese troops in
' 'orea , nnd laid It before the Tsuiig-Ll Ynmen
vlth the peremptory statement that the full
est reparation must be Instantly forthcoming
Notification has been Issued to the effect that
ho assassins of Mlssfonarj Wylle have been
) eheacled , but the Shanghai newspapers proto -
to have Information that the actual per-
ictrators beingolllclals whom It Is not desira
ble to offend , have gone free , and that the
only punishment Inflicted baa been upon
criminals already charged with other often-
The demolished chapel near Now
Is however , to be rebuilt , and a
sum of money which It Is hoped will satisfy
he murdered man's family , v.111 bo given to
One of the latest decrees of the Chinese
emperor announces that the sovereign has
consented to the empress dowager's request
.o omit or postpone tha celebration of that
ady's COth birthday and devote the Immense
sums of mono } collected for the ceremonies
to the prosecution of the -war
The reports of mutinies among the Chinese
troops in Manchuria gather strength and are
causing great agitation In Peking
Soldiers from General Yama Gatn relate
he discovery of additional booty along the
Ine of march Several more abandoned
Krupp guns have been picked up , all in good
and serviceable condition , and each new town
hat Is seized is found to contain largo stores
of ammunition and food. It la sold that
tMe Chinese will maka a stand In Kew Leen
some thirty miles beyond WIJu , on ( be road
o Mouhden Japanese
newspapers are now
required to exercise great discretion In the
publication of Corean Intelligence , from which
It is Inferred that the government anticipates
events of Importance- the peninsula or in
When the baggage of General Tso was ex-
unlncd , after his death at Pythong , it
found to contain several detailed and minute
: > lans of the fortifications at Wel-Hal-Wel
together -with other documents of strategic
importance Prince WI-Hu , second son ol
the king of Corea , has been appointed am
bassador from that country to Japan.
I'onco NrgntlntlotK Uuiler a IS MV I'l
Through the CVir'n Ilium * .
WASHINGTON , Oct. SI The peace nego
tiations between China , and Japan arc likely
to take an unexpected turn , acocrdlng to
diplomats here who are Informed on the
progress of affairs The critical Illness o
the czar has for the time being dlvertec
Russia from the attention she was going to
giveto the eastern war and has made It Im
probable that the czar should take the Inltla-
tive toward bringing the contestants together
The intervention of nngland and France has
been viewed with distrust owing to the terrl
torlal Interests those countries have In Asia
Under these circumstances diplomatic officials
here say that Germany will doubtless take
the initiative In any peace- settlement
Whether such steps have already been taken
Is not known here , but the officials best ac
qualntcd with the facts say there Is llttli
doubt of the part Germany TV ill take and thi
Intimation Is made that the negotiations nil
not be deferred.
The same authorities say that when thi
peace proposition Is submitted Japan wouh
be the more ready of the two belllgeren
powers to accept it , notwithstanding the re
ports that China was the more anxious to
peace. The explanation given for this is tha
any peace- settlement at the present time
would bo to the marked advantage of Japan
owing to her recent victories , and to a cor
responding disadvantage to China The Jap
aneae have everj thing to gain by a settle
ment on the basis of the war up to date , v > hll
the Chinese have everything to gain by wait
Ing until the ) have offset these losses Th
present basis of settlement , as outlined by a
member of the diplomatic corps , vould b
the acknowledgment by China of Corea's In
dependence and the pa > mcnt to Japan oC at
indemnity cohering the expenses of the war
This basis , It Is said , Japan , would speedllj
accept , as It would permit her to retire Iron
the conflict with added prestige as a military
power and with a large cash Indemnity li
her coffers. China , on the contrary , Is no
expected to > leld to such -nrrangement
humiliating to her pride and expensive to he
purse. So should that foreign Intcrventlo
under Germany's guidance force the settle
ment it Is believed that Chlni v.111 be th
power reluctant to accept peace on the term
Cook's ] ' \tra Dry Imperial Jhampagne ha
no equal for table use. Keep a few bottle
In jour ice chest.
.MiTtcr Hotel II , .Slllowaj , . ItiliilKcr
Hates reduced , $2.00 to $3.00 pel day.
I'KICEfl 90
Cor , I6b ! and Faraam Sts , ,
Prepared from the original formula pr
eivi'JIu the Art litres ol iau Ilolj I.anil , buv
ug ua autlieutia lilstoij- dating back 000ye rs.
for all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel
troubles , especially
Price 5O cents. Bold by
Che Franciscan Remedy Co. ,
iv i ( at Circular w l Uluktrat 0 Cftlcoiw.
Wonderful Cures Made all Over the
Co tin try ,
Every Form of Piles Yields To It.
Kuiort | In T t
In splto of the fnct that the Pyramid Pile
2ure Is so well known as a. certain euro for
every form of piles , there nro still many
ieoplo who think n surgical operation the ;
nlI sure cure
Hundreds I of thorough trials In the- hands
of physicians and patients have proven be-
'ond a doubt , however , that surgical opera-
Ions for piles arc unnecessary , cruel , many
lines dangerous to life , and n. relic of bar
barism. The Pyramid Pllo Cure will cure
any ; form of piles effectually nnd without a
article i of pain or Inconvenience , at slight
expense | and no danger whatever , as It Is
lerfcctly harmless. The- way It effects pa-
; Ienls who use > It may be Inferred from the
'allowing ' from Mr E Crook of Waterloo ,
la : Gentlemen 1 have used the Pyramid
Pile Cure and It Is out of Bight , the btst
thing j 1 I have over tried I think It has en
tirely cured me 1 have told Mr Knapp
our druggist hero , about It and he has or-
lered some. This remedy 1s a great thing
for piles.
From ] Mra C. G. Splllmnn , Huntsvllle
Al : Not long slncoyou sent my husband
some of jour Pyramid Pile Cure and It did
tilm so much good that I wnnt to write to
> ou nnd tell jou about It as he suffered very
much and nothing hcemed to reach his case
until he tried the Pyramid
Prom J D Roberts , Mt. Morlah , Mo I
have used the Pyramid Pile Cure and results
have been entirely satisfactory. There can
bo no question but that It Is a certain and
lasting euro for piles , at least It has so
proven In my case ,
Miss Easter Nunley of Tracy City. Tcnn ,
writes The Pyramid Pile Cure has done
my sister more good than anythlnK she has
ever taken I have nothing but words of
warm commendation for It.
The Pyramid Pllo Cure has become recog-
nlred as the only standard pile cure htrlctly
on Its merits nnd what It has repeatedly
done In obstinate coses both In private prac
tice of reputable ; physicians and In Individual
It Is so cheap as to be within the reach
of all classes of people and druggists every
where state that It gives universal satisfac
tion , which can hardly be otherwise when H
Is remembered that It is composed of the
best remedies known to the medical pro
fession. In treatment of rectal diseases
A phamphlet describing the cause and
cure of piles mailed free b > addressing Pjra-
mld Co , Albion. Mich.
Thursday Shoe Sale.
fiOO Puii-b Ladiod' ' Jlno Donsjolu Patent
Tip "Lwllovv. "
M.fjO bhoos Thursday , $2.48. Wo have
them in.
Sixes , 2J to 7 , and C , D and E widths.
The Ladies all know how vvoll "Lud-
lovvV fine bhoos lit nuil vvoniDon't
inlb- , thisale. . TJioy ate the Illicit
tan-gains vvo ever olloied.
LADIUS * Una Ljii ) < rnli and cloth top
i.1.00 button shces. S1.7. . , Thuifeday.
LADIJ'S' line hand turned , patent
vitnip , 84.00 button bhooti , i81."j , Tliurs-
MISSES' ' line don ohii2 00 und $2.50
suliool shoes. SI.48 , Thursday.
CAILDHEK'S SJ.2 > school shoes , 85c ,
MEN'Satin calf 82.00 lace and con
gress shoes , $1 48 , Tliui-wluy
BOYS' ' satin calf 82.00 school shoes.
S1.48 Thursday.
Shoe Sale ,
In the way
they should
go by using1
Shoulder Braces.
Wo Uni-o thorn AT ALL PRICES.
The Aloe & Penfold Co. .
1408 FATtNAM ST.
TJIT W JU L * l/U-CVlJCl * I'limaru , .Vroiif
Jlnnlltitiii Sui'
It you don I bclleMwe can cute iuur cose
come tn our ( ifllce nnd peclut we tan ilo f r
u We are I lie nn I > r > cclnllHtii "hn will lake
our cncc on mnall weoMy p" > mpnt and fur
h all mi illt Inoi live Cunxuliallun free I'or-
rmpondpmo nllclted t urp inmruntrcil In CO 1j
< ln > Offlcr jpi > n on -JnoRdaj anil Kalunl.i >
evtnmk'H. frum 7 to [ t Office li mrs 830 n m to
so p rn mvb.Moitu jinun'ivi : co
" ) DuiiKlnn-rt Omnha ( or DoOgi und JClh t
i'lUG Mubuntu Temple , Lhtcugo.
For 30 days wo
TOOTH willgivoatoooth
BRUSH brush with each
FREE. Physician's
Our Prices nro Low
The Aloe & PenfoM Co
a * .
If the only
WflOTBIlTS J.L * .
Women EiclJded.
18 jf r ei | > rlenc
1 1th and I'amam bU
* .1
The new Crysanthcmum pattern in
solid silverware by Gorham is an au
daciously pretty design. We have it in all
kinds of flat silverware.
RAYMOND , 15th and Douglas , JEWELER.
The Political Outlook/ Washington I ) . C. , ,
Nov. C.
For Nobrns- f
lea , heavy feiiow
toninrrovr , fol
io wed by a very
cold day.
And the battle is on. The Hop. , the Dem. IhoPor. , nnd the
Dem. Pop. , the sihurinan , the ono viho htitcs salver , the income
tax man , the onoonpobcd loan Income , the protectionist and lha
ono who cartios his own gun , all buttlo for their ovvii convic
tions nnd for the best intoiosts of the state and country.
Some silver-tongued 01 ator will debate national economy
that concerns none hut bunkers and brokers , while wo shall
discuss domestic economy , whteh concerns your own prosperity.
We've bci'ved the people uith Overcoats for the past ten
years served you in an honest , honorable and straightforward.
way. Furnished jou with the best and with a good many dollars
lars of sa\itiff. We were never known to trick , gull or mislead
This year we'll serve you with a butter Overcoat for consider
able less money tlianno over dared hoping for. Whore , in
former years , wo saved a dollar for yon , wo will triple it this
year. Sl.D.illars and Suvonty-liu' Cents is all j-ou pay this
year for dingle or double breasted black Kersey , all wool ,
Italian Lned Oveicoat , for-which you paid $10,00 last year right
here , and not Ies4 Ihun $15.60 oKowhoro.
Ten Dollais anil all ill f for a handsome , long cut , dross
Overcoat , fancy wool lined and richly trimmed excellent
Kersey in black is , another proof. $13.00 was the price last
jear and $20.00 invested elsewhere bought no butter garment.
And so on one by one they fell into our money grip from the
ordinary $0.50 Ulster , which will sell nt four n.illnrn. up to
the cxti oino tailor-made garment , which we exhibit in abun
dance long , half und full ho\ extreme long full box and.
swell "Paddock. "
the bodj-fitting ,
The little folks are im , ited to a feast of presents. Wo sire giving away
8 volumes of highly colored and illustrated stories and poems , Each child
is welcome send them around.
Chocolat = Menier.
His reasons art :
Tea and Coffee create nervousness with
a people too nervous alieady ;
Bitter Chocolates arc not lit to mike a cup
of chocohte ; cheip ( sweet ) chocolates are
impure , hence injurious !
COCOA is no more like CHOCOLATE
than Skimmed Milk is like Cream.
Chocolat-Memer is an e-tquisile Vanilla
Chocolate , as nourishing as meat , as low
priced as other beverages , and /jr siiptrior.
Ask for yellow wrapper. Your groceries it
M ) Vmbaili It , . ClilritKO SU W. llroaihin"i. t-
1'ux.toii Block ,
lUlbaml Farnain
Paiulcss Extraction of Teeth-Painless Filling
Full ROl tcclli $3 00 SIUo nilliiKK $1 OO Puru ,
fioltl * ' 'ou boMCruvvu9 UU per tuutli < iud : it '
Lad ) Atlc ndu t
Olik not select some of your liollday etfts novf
Our iliuof kidlea Uofks Is superb , nnd tnp
October pilots un the Intuitive to purchase now.
Shiverick's October Sale ,
l'lft > ptslen of Italiy run-luces must be cloie (
uiit The IC ) | < K i > nl on them In our October Sail
IB uhut ulll do It. 'illIs one was J2&00 , U not
112 M.
Shiverick's ' October Sale.
Caleb ] all First Class Doalers. MunufiiC'turud by lt o
No Wl , St. I oul