Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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    AV. OCTO11T3T7.
Wheat Wolco TJp ty Vigorous Covering
and Advanced Several Points.
Il a 3 Ilccelpl * In tlie Northwest and IIen j-
Accumulation * of Comilry Hlovator
Siorl \Vcre tlio Chief Influence *
In IVIirnl nt tlio
CHICAGO , Oct. 23-Aftcr a dull nnd
weak ne.iBlon , due to n combination or bPiir-
Ish Influence * , trie whent market woke up
at the flnlHh today nml , started by vigor
ous covering of Brunt ? , closed lie higher
for December. Mny corn closed unchtinged ,
Mny oats unchanged and provisions ut
EllRht declines.
Heavy rec-Hpt * In the northwest todny
nnil heavy accumulations of country ele
vator Blocks In that part of the country
during the lust week were the chief In
fluences in wheat nt the opening. The
market dropped ' ,40 of its previous
value na snon ns trading commencpil.
Shorts , who had been Availing for some of
what they called good bear news lo cover
on , had In that nn opportunity to do BO ,
for the local scalpers commenced to
Hell nnd 2i l.OOO or 800,000 bu. changed
hands at from 52'ic to MBsO for December
und from r.isic to 57H' ' for M : y. Hut when
the whent for unle nt them- prices was ex
hausted the price reacted to the highest
price previously paid. December. whleh
closed yesterday at 327jc , opened at 5'JHc.
II stood ul M'&c ' for a long time , with an
occasional dip of 1-lGc below that , and when
IlrudHtreol'H visible Htipply stalement rame
It nold a few moments nt 52Hc. An inquiry
for hard cprlnK wheat was reported and
Btime saleH. New York wired that If freight
room wn plentiful a heavy export bust-
nepB would he done. Those latter matters
Induced Kdtne shorts to cover nnd caused
December lo imirli K"ic ! about half an hour
hefore the el > Be and ut the finish sent It lo
lii sympathy with wheat corn wns wenlc
nt Ihe slnrt and during the llrst half of
the session , firm , and I" good demand dur
ing the latter half. May opened nt m c. or
% c below Its Hosing value on the day be
fore. II remained dull , helling at 4ic : fern
n prcaml , but steady for the greater part of
Ihe lime In the foren ion , nt 43ic. After the
iUlmatc-d receipts for tomorrow wore
known to be very smalt and some shipping
demand WIIR found 1o exist , the market
became firm nnd near the end quite strong ,
May mlvuncliur to 50Uo and closing at 50' '
bid.Trading - In oats wns limited. The market
fallowed corn , and even though the offer
ings were light , they far exceeded the In
qulry. May slarled at 32Uc , touched 32i
und sold down to 32Vic , with corn , and closed
at SUSc.
Provisions , won- very dull and hnd none
of tinlirmnesa which was thought to be
underlying the market yeterday. The open.
Ing prices wert n shade under closing quo
tatlnns of yesterday and n slight further
decline occurred later nnd was still main
tained nt Ihe end. Compared with closlnc
prices of the day before , pork Is 7Hc nnd
lard and ribs each "o lower.
Hog recelplu todaV were 20,000 head and
30.0UO head ure estimated for tomorrow. The
decline was In sympathy with corn , but
the markel fulled lo rally when the grt'
market advanced.
Freights , at le for grain to Buffalo nnd a
cargo of wheat to Milwaukee paid ? 4c.
The leading futures ranged as follows : . '
n -is
0 17
Ciish qiiotiitlon1 ! wur n fllows :
I'ljntVaU nnd unietlloil.
WIIBAT .Vi > . 2 Mirln- . 'UTiflOSfl ; No. 3 ciirl
noinlnal , Ko. 2 rc.l. M'i 53c.
TOIIN No. ; . S0ic ! ; No. I yellnw , tOc.
OATS Ni > . S , 2Se ; No. 2 white , 31ic ! ; No. 3
white. 80'4irM ( < : .
HVB-No. 2 , 46f ? Vic. .
IIAItl.KV- . 2. 53cj No. B , K.iS51c ) ; Xo. 4 , K
. , .
T1MOTIIV Hiii--I'rliiie. I5.5W5.40.
I'HOVISIONH Sless pork , per bbl. . * 12.50fZ12.50
lanl , per 100 His. . $7.25 ; short ribs. Fides ( loose )
IS.458&.W ; ilry alle l shoulders < boxeil > . J5.S7'il3 '
e.OO : short "clear KlileB | N > xeu > . J8.7500.87',5.
WHISKY IJlBtlllcn" tlnlslicil ijooils , per KH | .
HUOAHRVnchaiiBed. .
The followlns were Uie receipt ! and > hlpm nti
today :
M\V VOKK < iiNin.v : :
Fc tcriltty' Quotation * on Flour , < ! rnln anil
I'rflvlRlann. AU-liiln. Ktc.
NKW YOUK. Oct. tt KIXUIl-nrc ) lpts. 32 ,
> ) U > 1 . , PX | > or.8 , 51,300 ubls. ; sales , * ) , Oji ) ( iksH.
muiket weak and low n < for irrlns patent ; win
tcr , low ttniile , scarce nnd nrnily held. Koutli
ern Hour , dull , Hyp flour , wink ; Mice , 65u bhl8 ,
Iiuck liput Hour , Hoiuly at i2.10Q2.15.
lirc'KWIIKAT Dull.
XHN Mi.U-Qulel : : pales. IW ) hliln. . 2.40C
unclis ; yellow western , Jl.lSSl.Hj Dramlywlne ,
hYB Dull ; c-ar lota , SlfiKc ; treat loads.
HAUI.r.V Dull : No. 2 Milwaukee. .
IIMtl.lOV MALT Nominal ! western. 70f5c.
WHKAT Itecelptn. IM.JuO hu. ; exnortn. 32.3 > M
tiu , I juitvH. S.lf71,000 l > u. futun-s and M.OnO bu
ixt. Pp'l ' market quiet ; No. 2 red , In more nm
elevator. K'.jc : nlloat , M4c a k l ; f , o. h.
fiTTic. nfionl ; N'K 1 northern , 65c ; Ko. 1 ImnI ,
W'4c. Optlonn oiicnoil
utrany on higher cable :
anil foreign liuylnR. but declined nt noon mule
a heavy Incrvuw In the world's ' wheat up | > lle
u full recovery occurred later on. The closi
WHS llrni at Ho net advance ; NCK 2 reil , I'Vh
rimry , f,8Ut/3S > ic , chwcd at MUc : March , WtUfc
Mli % clo * il nl SaVsc ; May , COKOCIUc. closfd a1
fl j Oclolxr clo.spd nt 65'c ; November cloned a
tS Jo ; Dcccmher , ICfiM'tc , clostMl at 6CUc.
COKN-Ileci'lpta. D4.800 bu. ; i-iportB , S.Cfk ) lu.
nal en. 4i . * > liu. futures onil 4S.OO ) liu , spot.
HK | > t maiket quid and firm ; No , 2 , 57 ! v h
li-vator ; GT'/nO nlloat. Options opened weakc ,
under Inrirer reclt8 nnd Ix-lter weather , bui
milled Khanily In the- afternoon on reported lartrv
export tmrchawn , and cloned 'Jc net advance
January cl.wwl at Hr-4c ; Mny , M'iW5 < c. closed n
6lo ; OclolHT. MH < t5Q1i > r , clew < l at 08 ! c ; Novein
tier , 13tl5i".i4c ; , closed ut J6Uc ; Upcciiib r.
MHc , cloaeil ill MHc.
OATH Ilecelptu , 1I5.JOO bu. ] exporls , none ;
ealen , 3 ? > .i ) lu. futures and ! > 5. < X" ) hu. Fpot. .
Hl > ot market Irreuuhir : No , 2. SHio ; No. 2 < le-
llvered. S2\r ; No. J. 31Sai ! No. 2 white , MUc ;
No. 3 white , 31'ic : truck mixed , western , 3'ic ;
tnick tthlte , western. 32\itf33Vio ; track while.
Flati31b33i4r. . Option market opened Btrady.
liut aderwiml weakened vndrr local Knlos , nnd
vlowil ntD iK llne : January. Si BSl c , closed
nt 3IT < , c ; Mny. 3P4 < j'36c , closed nt 56o ; November.
3'.v , cloned ut 32c ; DfceinLer , 32TltTXIc , clwetl at
J3'4c ,
HAY Dull ; Bliti.plns. 4Jfl55c ; good to choice.
llOl'fJ A\rak ; tnt , common to choice , old ,
3tt7o ; new , MHUtic ; I'aclftc creut , 3li4f7c.
111DKS Klrmi wet nailed New Orleans. e-
IccteJ , (1 to & > liu. , 60 ; ltueno Ayres. dry , 20 to
1 Ibs. , lie ; TexiiB , dry , 1 to 30 Ibs , , t'S ' j6o. lap.
unATUKIl- Quiet but Btctut -
Btctutj hemlock sole ,
UucnoH Ajres. llKht lo heavy weight. 150'lCo.
\VOOL rleuilyt domestic tlcccc , 1902lo : pulled . ,
1-HOVlftlONS-lIeer. dull ; beef hams. . f ?
18.00. I'ul meat , quiet ; pickled belllen. 7 a
SHCi ] > lcklnl KhouMers. Smra c ; pickled au
b'illlOc , Uml. ntciidyvtitcril ; steam cloned nt
I7.UO Bbkwl ; city. 16.31 ; tales. MO tierces ; Octo
ber cloned nt 17.65. nominal , January. JJ.cnkl ;
reflniKl. steady ; contlm-nl , $ S.vOU8.i ; compound. l
Jtyti3.T5. Ti.rk , dull.
lIVTTnnViik ; weslon dairy , 12ClFo ; west-
frn cifnm ry ( 15riJHc : ncsturn factory , ll Ic f
14VC ; UlKlint. aVjp ; Imitation creamer } ' , 14ft Uc ;
Kluta dairy , I4O K ; state crvamery , ITOSUo.
CHBUHH-AV.MU ; laree. HWc ( ; small. MiMllc ;
part klm . 3lBJho ; lull klms. 3c.
KCIUH- Dull and luavy ; state and Pennsylva
nia. 9)/r2c ) ; Ice house. K.fllSc ; receipts. 6.tS
pkBH ; western fre h. lT T19ic , cures. I2.76O3.00 ,
I'iTlULiUM-tJti-adltr ; 1'nlted closvd ut 63o
blJi Washington , In bulk , II tj ; I'hlladclo la aid
lUlllniore , In bulk , ! . ) .
KOSlN-rJtm ; utralned , common to treed , | 1.4)
Trill'BNTJNE--Flrm at I1.JO1.49.
TALIXJW--tte < ly ; clly , J3 per itkir. . 4 4iMVc ;
country , Ps , frre. * ifi4Tic. as m quality.
Jtll.'K rtrm ; domestic , lulr to cxlrn ,
Japan , ISf.
JJOt.ASSiSRtiailv ; New Orteani , open kullle ,
Boot ! 10 choice. 28C'3Cc.
COI'l'KIl Olosni tjulet ; brokers' prices , J9.62 ;
c.ichanice i > rlce , JS.&JJjii.W.
COTTON HKKI ) OIL Quiet ; prime crude. Jit-
oft crude , iiU'tfi y llow , butter grades , 3 U'Sc :
choice yellow. 36c , prime yellow. 3flc ; yellow off . rw : c'i prime whltr , MUJIc. nominal.
TIN -llurtly steady ; strain. JH.W H.n'Si
plates , mtuket slradv Sales on 'clmnva
tod&yt K tons April. J1I.5J ; U tons April , JH.S5 ;
19 uoi January , | 1LM , Jl loot January , ill. 65 ;
5 tnnt , F tnnrj * . JH.VO. i torn i | t. Itt.M ; Stets
tots nri-t halt of DfCfmb'r , JI4M ; 10 tons April ,
llt.'M ; U u > ni Jsnunry , 114 SO ; JS Inns spot ,
ill.W ; M tffil , 1) ) . 0. , Nwembvr , 10 to M days , '
notlt.4. tit.I ) .
8PII.THn--I > ul1 ; domes'Ic , 4(1. (
LEAD.-Quiet mid PRSV ; brokers' prices , J3 :
cxchiuiz prlcr * . ji.MflS. II' ' ; .
OMAHA. UIMII.U : : , .n.\uiur ; %
Condition of Trade ami Qiu cm
Stupid nnd fancy Prixluoo.
The market on strictly fruh f gs Is a little
ftroiiRer. Quotations :
lltTTTMHPacking itock , JfflOc , fair lo Bond
coiintiy , IMjJIo ; choice to fancy , 16iil7c ; gathered
crrnmcry. l't < 32c ; icpntntor creamery , 20&21e.
POt'IVIHY Old hens , 44c ! ; prlns chickens.
So ; ducks , tBJc ; prlm ; turkeys , fcc ; old tur
keys. 7 74c ! ; Reese , f , J c.
KUOS-Per il z. . sliIcily fresh laid. JOfllJc.
HA MIS Prulrlf chit-lift : * , yiung , per dos. . J3.00
prnlrle chlckenj , ol'il tr dm
. . , , . per _ tl.'lgi.V ) ; old ,
per do * . , tJ.E'l , Lltio wlnif leal , per doi. , II
- wln lent , per doz. , 11.23 ; rUicki. mixed ,
. cnnvashncki , Hvlfl.M ; mnl
laiil.i nnd K..1 hcml- ! . tS : iiuall. > 1.2(1 ; deer
tailillvi , HfJiOi. ; antelope taihll'S , 13U1IC
Vli Al < choice fal and imallc ls are quoted
at C i lattre nnd coarse , 3tftc *
rHtiHIWlrconsln. : : . full cream , ni > w make.
I2'ic ; .N'flnr.Bka and lows , full _ cunm , llcj Ne-
iranku nnd lown , pnit skims. 7f8c } ; Umburirer.
tfo. 1 , lie ; brick. No. 1 , 12c , Svvln , No. 1 , 14
IIAY-T'pland liny. J1.M ; midland. J7 ; lowland ,
1750 ; is straw , } . Color makes the price on
hay. l.lKht shinies sell Iho beat. Only tup Krades
tirtau toil prices.
I'lilKOXS Old birds , per dor. , 7Ic.
Th polnto crup In the west Is so thort anil
the iiuullty 8 > -jiotir tills neuron ( lint New Yoik
potatoes urn being shipped aa far weal ns Chi
cane. II may rrem n little rtraime , hut II Is a
fact , ncierllielehf" , that fume of the vrestcin stales have not crown potatoes
enough for their own use , while others ha\u few
to ship.
The potalo situation nt present Is an full of
featur ns nn eetr IK full of meat , iwya ChlciiKo
Piwilucr. Tin-IP nru so many features lo It Hint
II hns Iwi-ii ilechle < lly Interesting of late , al-
thnuiili hy 110 moans snllfaclory. There ha\e
hern more | itatucs In Ihe past week thun nny
prevli'iis ' ucl < this Kei un , nnd HIE competition
liptwrrn } Yoik nndVlicomln stncli has
In'i'ii InteiPstliiR and rnmctvhnt actlro. The Wis
consin iicnplD , who have held the market for
.warn tit this season , do not relish having the
New Yoiks ccimu In nnd take so much of the
lamlnem , while the people who nrc it-cclvlnB the
New York pluck malntnin tliey cnn utny In the
Held with the Wisconsin potatoes ns lone as
thcrn 13 any money In rllhcr one. The Wiscon
sin potntnes. as hns K-cn stated time and Kaln ,
aie not diRlralile. They me mill. anil Rencrally
at ilbfuvor with consumers. They Me stlllnn nt
very low prkcs.
Hut thh does not illBcouragc the Xew York
peoilo. They have a rule from New York points
runninir fiom 20 - to Me. ncciuillng to location ,
and my thvy cnn buy to ns Roinl nilvtiiUiiKi-
New Yoik * In Wisconsin. They cannot sell ,
of cnurciIn competition with the small Wis
consin potatoes , ami they fny they dr > not have
to d , > so. 11 lit they do claim to bo uMe to com
pete In i'\vry other manner with the belter class
of potatoes tomlnu from the Hailger rtnt * .
WeilnMduy. for Instance , New Yoik nurbnnks
of the very licst rpiallty fold nt ThlcaKo nt Olc ,
at.-ilnst [ isc for the best Wisconsin lEurbanks.
And Iho marplri threatens to widen. IllKht nt
present the Montana and Manitoba crop appears
to be out of the question. Pnttlcs who have
looked ih , , matter up have come to the con
clusion that It will be some lime before the
market nlll be in shape to bring In any more
of either. The Montana people want 60c per 100
Iks. nt the very lowest for their potatoes , and
with a rale of G3c lo Chicago Ihe cost laid clonn
here U brought up to above 75c per bu. , which
now Is fully lOc more than could be obtained
for them , countlne nothintc for shrinkage and
profit. 80 far us the Monltohas are concerned ,
the market prlco Is now below a point that will
permit them to come In. There are a. few poor
lots rotnlnkIn from Indiana points , hut they nrc
very small and mount to practically nothing.
The Michigan crop Is not cutting any figure of
consequence at present. Theie nrc some comlnK ,
but they arc poor Wlsconslns , and very little
attention u mid to them.
The Ft. Paul Pioneer Press snyn tnnt Inquiry
was rnniUnmoiiR the larcer of the commission
houses nnd the fact elicited tint the only po-
taloes now In Ihe markel In nny volume have
been bronchi from WnshlniUon and Montana ,
mid they are worth about ? 0c n bu. more thnn
the tubers rnlsfd In that etatc. Th ? Minnesota
rontH cli ) not look badly , but they do not stand
tin' test of cookhiK nnil turn btncK In the pro
cess. Whether those Krown In the northern part
of the state will be of the same quality remains
tn be seen. There have been none marketed yet
fi-oni the mtth and very few offered. The Mon-
Inna and WnshinRton crop Is excellent In quality
nnd quantity , but in the PakotnF. while tlic
quality Is Rfnernlly Rood , there Is scarcely more
than will be needed for home consumption. West
ern potatoes lire worth from 50c to soc nt whole-
Bale In Ht. Paul , nnil ns the duty Is but ISc per
bu. there nuij- something come of the pn > po3ltluns
that have nccn received very frequently of late
from Manitoba dealers ulio desire to ship here.
Quotations :
POTATOUS Wcstem stock , car lots , c ;
small lots. 70c ; racked , 70S72C.
OLD DiAN8 Uand-plckril. navy , } 2. ; me
dium , Jl.805(1.90 ( ; common white beans , J1.V5 ®
ONIONS On orders. 63S70c.
CAIIIIAOIJ On orders , 1'4C.
Cii : KllY IVr dor. , , 2 ; .Vc.
SWCKT J-OTwVTOES-Per bbl. . J3.S ; Jersey ,
13,75 p r bill ,
QUINrns Callfoinla , per 60-lb. box Jl.CO.
APPU-s Good stock , per bbl , , J2 582.15 ; Mich-
lK"ii stock. 3.
PEACH ES-Callfoin'a freestone , SOcgll.OO :
cllnns. .7C SOe.
PLUMS-Cnllfcrnla , WcffJl.OO.
PKAItS Ilartloll , no good shipping stock : wln-
l r Nellls. JI.7S. ' -L'
QPiAPKS ronconls. ] H-1b , tinskctB. S1i723t > : Cal
ifornia. Tokay. Jl.Will.S3 , Muscat. II.OKil 2V
CHANIIKKIlIES-Cape Cod , fancy. J9.50 per bbl.
OrtANOKS Mexican , ISO , 209 , per box , J3.M ;
FlorMns. JJ..V ) .
BANANAS-Cholce slock , II.75112.50 per bunch.
LEMONS-Fancy Messina , 300 , Jj ; 360 , Jt.50.
OYSTERS Medium , per can , 12c : home shoes.
He ; extra standnnli. IBc ; eitra selects , ISc ;
company selects. 25c ; New York counts. 25c.
F1QS Knncy , per Ib. , 18c ; choice. 16c.
11ONRY Cnltfoinla. loc ; dark honey , lOClSo.
MAPI.K SYnuP-Oallon cans , per doi. , JI2.
NUTS Almonds , 16O17c ; English walnuts , 12i9
He ; filbert ! . 12c : Hrazll nuts , ICffllc , eastern
Clic tnutB , 12c.
CIUliK Pure Juice , per bbl. , t ; halt bbl. , 43.2J.
IHDKS-No. 1 green hlfles. 3'i.c ; No. 2 green
hldea. SUc ; No. 1 green salted hides , 4V < c ; No. 2
Bfecn salted hides. 3c. No. 1 green salted hides ,
2T > to 40 His , 4' < c , No. 2 green salleJ hides , 25 to
40 Ibs. , 3'4c ; No , I veal cslf , 8 to 1 ! Ibs. , 7c : No.
2 vesl calf , 8 to 15 Ibs , 5c ; No. 1 dry flint hides.
Co ; No. : dry Hint hides. 4c ; No. 1 dry salted
hides , Go ; part cured hldea He per Ib. leas than
fully cured.
SHEKP PELTS-Oreen salted , each , ZJffGOc ;
Itreen salted shearlings ( short wooled paily skins ) ,
onch , 10 f:0c ; dry fhearllngs ( short wooled early
skins ) . No. 1. each. WlSc : dry Bhenrllngs ( short
wooled eaily skins ) . No. 2 , each , 5c ; dry Hint
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pells , per
Ib. . cctual weight , CSSc ; dry flint Kansas und
Nebraska murrain wool pells , per ] b. , actual
Weight. 486'Sc ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool
pelts , per Ib , actual weight. < < TCVSc : dry flint
Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
weight. 48Cc ; ( have feet cut otf , ai It is useless
to pay freight on them ) .
TALLOW AND QIIUABE Tallow. No. 1 , 4Hc ;
tallow , No. 2 , 4c ; grease , white A , ( c ; grease ,
white II , 3c ; grease , yellow. 3 < 4c ; gre-ase. dark ,
2Hc ; old butter. 2tJ2Hc ; beeswax , prime , lS@20c ;
rough ytllaw. lH02c.
St. Louis Genenil Mnrket.
ST. LOI'IS. Oct. 23.-rLOt.'n-Firmer. but not
< juotnbly changed ,
W11I3AT After early weakness rallied nml
closed linn , about unchanged ; No. 2 red , cash ,
48Uo ; December , 4i\c ! ; Mny , M'ic.
COllN After a weak opening was stimulated
by cables nml closed li&'ic up ; No. : mlxeil ,
cush , 4Cc ; October. ( Hie ; l > ec mber. 4fi'.4c ; May ,
464 Btte
OATS 1'oltowed the other cereals ; No. Z , cash ,
SSo ; October , SSlic ; May , 32Vie3Hc.
HAHLI5Y Wendy ; snles of Minnesota at B1Q )
Me. acconllng to quality.
IlIlAN-Hlgher ; on east track.
KI.AX BKID : 31.44.
HAY to ( XMW.OO for prime lo choice llmolliy.
lll"TT13Il Lower ; peparaior creamery , IMfSOci
eo l to choice dairy. HfilSc.
nc.CJS Steady ; 34Hc.
I.KAn-Steiuiy- at J2.93'S.
HPUI.TKK J3.17H bid.
WHISKY Jl. 23.
COTTON Tins 6Sc.
PHOV1HIONH Quiet. Pork , itandinl mess ,
jobblnK. J13. I.anl. prlmo Fleam. > 7 ; cholei- ,
J717H. Ury Fait meats , loose sliouldcrs , J5.G2' ' & ;
lonps : nnd rlbn , J&.50 ; shorts , 4C.7S. linron , juirki'd
shoulders. 18.75 ; longs and ribs , J7.25 ; shorts ,
IlECEIITS Flour , .m bW . ; whent. 8,000 bu. ;
corn , 3 , ( Im. : onts , W.OOO bu.
SlUPiinNTS Klour , 11X000 bbls. ; nhenl , none' ,
com , 4,001) ) bu. ; outs , 16,1X0 bu.
Kaunas City .Murkets.
ICANSAS CITY. Oct. 23. WHKAT Slow : No
2 hanl , 4Sc ; No. 2 red. V4iTIGc ; rejecleil. 420 13c
sale * by sample on 'change , f , o , li. Mlsslsilpp
rUer , No. 2 hard , 56c ; No. 1 red , 12 > iB53c.
TOUN Active ; No. 2 mixed , 43 < BU' < ic ; No , !
\ \ hlti43UBH'c. .
OAT -IJnrhanged.
IlirTTKII-DulI and weak ; fancy separator , 180
3V ; nalrjUO'lSc. .
KlSOtt Active nnd steady ; lUjc-
HKCnilTS Wheat , 9,000 bu. ; corn , none ; oats
HHIPMGNTS-Wheal. 3,500 bu. ; corn , none ; oats
non .
r'rnlt Quntnlloiis.
CIllCAnO , Oct. 23. The Karl Fruit compan >
sold as follows ; U'Alencon rears , Jl.SJ ; NcrU
Jl. ; Kaster Il.-virre , J1.25 ; II. Clalrgeau , JI.73
Vicar , Jl.SS ; Tokay Kruiwa. half crates , ! .
iluuble crates. 11(5 ; Emperor , half rrate * , Jl.W
Malagus , half crates , lutd order , .
Purtrr Itnis. company. Chicago , sold five , cars
Double i-rutes Tokay yrupes , J1.70 < ; 3.M : slnulei
WcCtl.Oi ; double crates Cotnlcheoru , JJ.7W2.iS
KlnKles , JI.COOT1.40 ; single crate * Muicutn. 70cf
Jl.J. ; double * , ll.2Gfi3.05 ; Malagas , JI.33 ; hal
botvii winter Seckel pears. (1.33 ; Klefcr pears
H.75 ; Haluuy pvaches , I4jt o.
Wool Murket.
ST. 1JOVIS , Oct. 23. WOOL In rood demand
price ]
' 1'rUcii Wlieitt Quotations.
M'.ic ; Jlay , 9Iej clesreJ , .ill cen
tals. .
Vcstcrilny Wtu One ( Ilia Dullrst Dnyi In
Nocurltlrs on llccoril ,
NEW YOUK , Oct.Thls was one cf
the dullest Onys on the Stock exchange-
record for n full day's business , the trans
actions npRreBntlnR only 92,000 slinres. With
the exception of coma smull selling In St.
I'nul and Louisville S. Nnshvlllc nnd very
modernte buying In Northern Pacific pro.-
ferred for the London nccount , the market
wan left entirely In the Imnds of the room
traders nnd was. unimportant nnd ttnlnter-
CM I n If us It was dull. The commission
honpcs have been complaining for months
past cf lack of orders , but straKKllntr cus
tomers have c > me along occasionally. To
dny not n lamb wa In slslit In tlic pasture *
nnd only n hnmUul of small bears nml 11
very few Blunted bulls wre to be ween on
the rliiK nnd It did not require the police
to prevent n "knockout , " for the ilshtlnR
was Indeed tnme.
The movement of prices wns slUBtflsh nnil
IrrcKulnr. Sugar WOB In fnlr buying In the
early dealings and rase 1 prr cent , to 87Vic ,
but soffgc < l off during the afternoon to S5 % .
that being the closing price. Sugar pre
ferred lost J,5 per cent. The grangers moveil
within the narrowest llmlu , St. I'n ill's ninfie
being H per cent , llurllnKton und Hock 1 -
luiul U per cent und Northwestern > , d per
cent. Hurllngton lost Id per tent on tlic
dity and St. 1'aiili \ per cent. Hock Island
gnlned ' , - ( , per cent. Ncrthern 1'aclllc pre
ferred sold down 176 irer cent by Iloston and
the local bcnrp , on the failure to dispose
of the J5,000,000 recortlflcates offered for sale
yesterday.- The break occurred In the llrst
hour and the stock was taken by London
houses at the decline. Very little was d"ne
In ( he vhnrcs during the ufternoon nnd the
rinsing llftires were the- lowest touched.
After a decline of \ \ ppr cent at the opening.
Chicago OUH fluctuated between 73Ts nnd
74' . closed ? per cent below the top. On
purchascK of 2UO shares , Pullman rose P.J
per cent nnd Tobncco preferred 2 per cent ,
Western Union nnd New Knglnml are un-
chanRed on the day , There was n firm tone
to the bond market during the early session ,
but In the afternoon the dealings were some
what Irregular Ihe market closing un
The following were the Closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today :
AtchlBon B ! n. P. D. ic ( . . . .
Ad.imn Eiprcsi. . . 1-IH Korthwoatern . . . .
Alton.T. 11 32 do pfd
do pfd 17/i K. Y. Central
Am. Exprcns N. V. A.N. Ens . . .
llaltlmoro.tohlo. l l Ontario , t W 111
CanadaPacific . . . < I"i OrcKon Imp J.I
Canada , Southnrn , fiO Ore-iron Nav 20
Central I'aoino . . mil O. S. L..tU , N. . . . 207M
Chen. AOhio IH'i ' Paclllc Mall. inw
Chlcniro Alton. . . . \4 < i P. D. A E. HVi
r.It. , tQ 7S Plttshnrir. . . . . . . inn
Chlcnirutiai Pullman Palaco. .
ronRolldale-d Gas Koaillnir
C.O. C. ltSli . . . 3R' < lllclimondTcrm. .
Colo. Coal .V Iran do pM
Cotton oil Con. . . tl. O. W 10
Del. & Hudson. . . . iu : K. O. W. pfd 42
Del.Lnek. & W. . . Util Hock Island uo
D. .til. O. pfd St Paul
D..VC. R Co fit Paul nM
Ea l Teun St. P. .t Omnna. . .
Erlo 1I1S4 do pfd IT-
Uonfrt 2114 Southern Pan
Fort Way-no 1S Surar notlnory. . .
G. Northern pfd , . 11)0 ) Tcnn. Coal , V Iron
R.AE. I. pfd fll ) Texas Pacific. . . . Oil
Hocklnc Valley , , 17K T. & .O. Cant.pM.
lll.Central (41 ( Union Pnclno
St. P. & Dill uln. . , . 22 U , S. Express 10
K..V T.DfJ 91 ! W.SL L.A-P 10M |
' " ' do pfd UH
do pfd. . . on1 Wells Fartfo E-c. . li'J
Lake Sliore 1S5 Webtc.rn Union. . . 87H
Lead Triiit 3i > ! W. A-L. B im
Louisvlllui N . . . fic : do pfd 4IIW
Louisville , VN. A. M A. SI. L
Manhattan Coti. . . 1IIU D. 4 It O
" ' 111 O , K
Michigan Cent. . .
Mo.Paciflo S7.P. ! F.4. I
Mobile & Ohio. . . . 1HH1 dor > fl 7 a
NnnhvillfjChat. . . 07 'H. ' 4T. C
National Oorda a l'/M T. A. A. .tN. M. . . f
do pfd 21 IT. SI. L.&K.C. . . .
N , J. Central 107l < do pfd n
NA W. pfd KIM a. R. K
North Am Cu sr * do pM
Northern P&cina. 4 > lAm.Tob. Co I1H
No. Pac. nfil. . . jr. do iifd 104
Xrw Yiirk .Money
: a y nt 1 per cent ; lost loan , I per cent ; closed
t 1 per cent.
STERMNO UXCHANOK Firm , with nctunl
Hislness 1n hunkers' bills at tl.R'ii for demand
nd J4.SOH for sixty days ; posted rnti-B. H.ST'igi .
M anil JI. ( KiT4Sr ! ; commercial bills , 54.S7.
Closine quotations on bonOs were as follows :
I S. Oarer "nB iD. .tn."or4' .7r.Tr so
l.S. CftCOitp UPMIErlo Jnils. . . . . . . . 71
J.S. Urec o , u. AS , A.U& . .
' , ' . S. 4s coup 'do Ts 0 , "
11. S. y ro * Uti H. &T. C. 09 101
I'aclllcOsof'133. . llll dolls 00
Ala. Clans A 103 M. K. .VT. 1st 43. . 611
Ala. Class 11 ium do I'd 4 * 4' ' = -
Ala. Claw C . . . u.3 Mutual Unlonlli. IDS
Ma. Currt'iicLpH. , 03 1111 } $
Vv. New Con. 4a. . No. Pac. lulu 113
MlBsourt Ua 100 Nc Pac. and ? H5J
N.C.U5 N. W. Consols. . . , 141 ! )
do IB 101 'du ' S. F. Dnb , 63 111
S. C. nonfnnd K. O. W. IBIS 7
Twin , new Hot (1. ; § ? < St. I * Consols 7n. . lu :
Tenn new net 5. . . St. P.C.iP. W.fli. Ill
Tenn.old Oa. . . OP St.L..tI.M.fcn.6s. 10 > <
Va. Centuries. . . . S. U A S.F. Gen. 0 , flH
lo deferred. . . . 87 Tex. Pac. iHts. . . . S7
Atchlson 4 > r.KH Tex. Pae. ' 's ' UM
Atchlson A. . . . 10M U. P. lull of 'fU. . 3D.5
? anndaSo. ? ndi. . 105 WtBtShoro Js. . , . . 1U. , |
Pen. l tM ' 08. iu s Southern U.K. Ba. 88
D. 4. B. O. 7n. . . . , naw
HoUoii St : > c <
DOSTON. Oct 23. Call loam. 1V432 otr cent :
Imo leant. : ) tier cent. Uloalnr prlSDj for
, \\S mlnltiT sair.vj :
A.T. A & t' . . . . WcBtlnicli. Electrla 83lt
Am. sunar . FillH W. Elce. pfrt. 62'
Am. Suear pfd . Win. Central H
: ! ay State U.'ii . AtchlHon lids 10K
SollTolephono. . . . ZOO AtchlHon 4a lltl'-
2 4 ! { Ninv KinrlanJ Us . 1011
Iloston A Maine. . . . Cen. Klectrlc os. . . HO1 :
C. . a . < iO . W is. Cent. IMi . . . ft
ntelilmni pfcl. . . . . , Atlantic ! . tl'
CM. Kk'Ctrlo . 34M lioston .V Montini ' - " .
llllnola Steul . . . 40 Bulte i Ilouton. . . . 103 ?
Mexican Cnnlrnl. . 1 C.-ihnniHi Iloola. . 1'iUI
N.Y. iN. ri . IW HA
3ld Colony . 177 FranXHn liij
Jreiroii tiliort I.lcio 8fH '
tUiohor. . 4(1 ( K OBceola ? . , . sal
Union PnclQc . 11 % Qulnc.v ou
VlVst End . 03 Tamarack : 151
W. End l > fd . 83
Sin Kr.iucltcti Mining Mcoo'c < Jnitli > n ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 2S.-Tho offlolnl cloiln ;
quotations for tnlnluK' stocks today were as fol-
Alta 23 Crown Point
AlphaCon 1- Exchequer 7ao
Amies H * ( iould & Curry. . . . 07
Hele.liur IDS Halo& Norcrobs. . 80
Holle I le Juattca 25
Itcbl & Ill-Ichor. . . . 133 Kentucky Con
Uodie Con 12 Mexican un
Hulllon SO Mount Diablo 10
nulwcrCou 10 Ophlr 325
Caledonia 1 Overman l > 1
ChalleiiBo Con KO Potosl 74
Cholhir 75 Sarago 70
Contldence 1HO Sierra Nevada. . . . 114
Con. Cal li. Va 400 Union Con 70
Con. Imperial. . . . . II Utah Con 70li
Con. NowYorU , . . . j _ Yellow Jacket . .
Sllvor bars , 03KOJ03 > So. Mexican dollars ,
Sac. Drafts , sight , lUci lelcg-raphlc. 12Kc.
V : k Uinltic y.lut llln II ,
NEW YOKK , Oct. 23Tiia followm ? ara thi
cloHlne mining qiiouiuoiis :
Ilulwer 12W Ontario fiuo
Choler W > Oplur 270
Rrown Point C Plvmoutn ' 1(1 ( ft Va. . . 4BII QulcK&ilvor 150
DeadwooJ 50 do prefci rod 1MIO
Goukl .V Curry . . . CO Sierra Nuvacto 70
Halo& 05 Standard 113
HoinDBtaku . 1000 Union Con (1.1 (
IronSllver . 10 Yellow Jacket. . . . 70
Mnxicnn . US
London Ntook Qiiotiitlnn * .
LONDON.Oct. 2S 4 p. m. chnlnj :'idlnn St. Paul com ( I21
Erlo . Jl N. Y. Central 101
Erle2ds . 7.T Pennsylvania 52 :
ills. CVutral . 94 Heading II
Mexican ordinary. Mes. Cen , new-la. 01
rinnnclnl Xotnf.
LONDON , Oct. J3. Z. p. m. liar silver. l-16d
per or.
11OSTON. Oct. 2J.-ClearIng-s , JHB70 , ( 3 ; tal-
ances , 11,102,715.
llALTlMOHi : , Oct. 23. Clearings , 11.609.38 ;
balances. | : oe.i2.
NKW YOltK. Oct. O. Clearlnt-s , fS9.6S3W3 ;
balances , H.K5.311.
PIULADKLPHIA , Oct. 23-Clenrings , J1I.4J7-
810 ; balances. | 16,1S ) .
1II3IU.IN , Oct. I ! . Exchange on Iximlon , S
days' sight , 20 murks 55'i pfe.
MKMPKIB. Oct. Kl. Clenrlmrs. J4S6,16t ; ! > al-
ancea , JS2.7I3. New York exchange , selling ; il
CINCINNATI , Oct. I3.-N w York eichanire ,
par to SJo premium. Clearings , J3.1M , 00. JJoiifi' ,
aau p r cent.
1'ARIS. Oct. 13. Three per cent tenter. I03f
Mo for Ihe nccount. Exchange on London , lit
ISlic for the account ,
ST. LOUIS. Oct. S3. Clearings. 13,848,077 ; bal
ances , IW3.37J. Money , dull at COT per cent.
Exchange on. New York , 75c discount hid.
Nli\V OHLEANfi , Oct. 23. CK-arlmo. j,4M , 6.
WASHINGTON , Oct. a. The rush balance In
the treasury today wai 111 ! , 317,341 ; uoM rmerve ,
LONDON. Oct. S3.JohI is quoted toJajut
Durnoi Ayrti at Z : Madrid. 15.W ; I.lBlx.n. JJ.bu ,
8t , Petenibure , W ; Ath-fns. 77 ; ncmv. 103.W ; V | .
enna , IM.
CHICAGO , Oct. S3. Clearinirs , HJ.70S.OO ; ) . ilon y.
4Q4H per cent on call ; Wili p r cent un time.
New York exchange. lOe illscnunt. J rel n ex-
, ttrllug , commercial ,
Moderate Becelpta of'Cattla and Hogs the
Order if tiie Day.
llccf Iluycrt llavn Ditto to Choose from
HORH Open IllKtiec nnil Strnuc , but
ItcacfC'losltiR \Vcnl ( nnd
I.o cr--Shtrp Dull.
Tt'KSDAV , Oct. 23.
Hecelpts of nil kinds continue inoderntc ,
the two days' supply being- shorter than
for the first two days of last week by nboul
l.WW caltlc and 1,3W hogs. Sheep supplies
have Increased something like 1,400 head.
The cattle market was 'not oversupplled
todny , the supply. In fact , beliifr rather un
der the average. The offerings did not In
clude any corn fed native beeves and buyers
simply hail a lot cf poor to fair western
rnnirern ftom which to make their selec
tions. Under the circumstances there was
no great amount of life to the trade , nl-
IhouRli desirable beef steers sold itadlly at
full strongprices. . The common nnd In
ferior grades ruled dull , but generally about
There was n rather firmer tone to the
trade In butchers' and cunnera' stock. Off'r-
Ings Included perhaps a third of the total
receipts and the demand was active enough
to absorb these readily nt full Monday's
quotations. The calf market was active
and stronger , choice vcnls selling up to
I4.SO. Hulls , stags and rough stock generally
showed no particular change , although the
trade was by no means brisk.
The sleeker and feeder trade , both Mon
day nnd today , was a vast Improvement
over last week. Supplies belnn lighter and
the demand better , prices have naturally
been n shade tinner all uround , nnd the
pens huve been pretty well cleared. Clood to
choice feeders are quotable at $2.lWS/3.15r ( fair
to good. J2.2jlt2.00 , and common gnules
from 12.20 down. Itepresentatlve Hates ;
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r.
I. . , . 740 1 O ) . 727 $1 M
1 10 .110) J 97' '
. S33 1 3) 7.-,3 2 W
; ; o i 25 .1W3 2 < N )
720 1 2J . 731 2 " 0
. 970 1 25 794 2 05
. ! > i > 0 1 2S 1025 2 10
1 2S KKlfi 2 10
10. . . . * S5 1 r . D5S 2 10
1..I160 i ro .11)83 ) 2 ID
4. . . . 1127 1 40 . S4U 2 15
2. . . . 875 1 t3 . ! lC 2 IS
3. . . . 97C. 1 W .102) 2 13
2..MIS 1 4V ) .812 2 15
I..IWJ 1 W .1W7 2 13
15. . . . 1184 1 10 .1110 2 Ml
1..1020 1 50 . SJ5 2 25
I..KHIO 1 V ) .IMC 2 45
10 . . . W3 I GO .1170 2M
1 . . .1000 1 50 .1130 2 55
13. . . . S63 1 DO
. SCO 1 M 640 1 73
425 1 W W7 1 75
SCO 3 CO 473 1 9'
. 400 J 25 750 2 * >
. 400 1 25 370 2 00
. 3K ) ] 35 753 2 15
1. . . . 430 1 40
1. . : o i oo SC5 3 00
1. . 230 1 10 : (2H ( 3 ( W
1. . 220 1 25 3f,0 3 00
1. . 211 * I 25 lee : t 25
] . . ISO 1 SO 120 4 00
1. . 19 < ) I 50 21 ; i m
3. . 155 1 50 IM I 00
3. . 37 ! I 50 no 4 oo
tl' ' 2UO 1 50 160 4 00
l' . 297 1 75 IM ) 4 00
1. . ICO 1 75 'U5 4 27
4. . . 3r2C1 i so 120 4 SJ
10. . , 2C1 2 00 COS 4 3
19. . . . 110 200 130 4 10
2..1100 1 20 .1SU 1 $5
1. . . .NXK ) 1 23 . , ' ) 1 JO
1..1KO 1 Zj .1200 3 90
3..ioe i co .1I30 1 ! > 5
. . MO 1 i 1100 2 WO
1. . . . 6SO I 50 .31,40 2 00
1..1410 I M SIO 2 00
. 12110 2(0
2..1203" 1 60 1173 200
1. . . . SCO 11- . .3120 223
2..15 1 65
1. . . . 350 1 75 Sftli 2 .V.
. 410 2 Oi > D57 2 M
I. . . 770 S 00 741 255
1. . . . 810 2 0 < I 30 2 55
1. . . . 780 2 00 7M 2 60
1. . . . 930 2 00 Ml 2 W
1. . . . C10 2 CO 930 2 60
a ) . . . .100 Z 00 sos 2 T
? .415 204 lisa 2 T3
5. . . . 2 2 W 10 2 75
3. . , .1050 2 10 , . 693 2 75
1. , , . 510 2 ir .10M 2 7R
0. . , . 51S 2 20 r > 2 7f.
12. . . . 562 Z SO 9 > 2 2 75
1. . . . 340 225 676 2 S'l
14. . .761 2 25 775 S SO
.740 2 25 r.m 2 sr
H ! ! .956 2 2 > 813 3 Ml
i. . . 700 2 23 1. . C. . $20 3 00
10. . . 2 25
A. 15. Crltchluw.
No. Av. Pr. No , Av. Pr.
1 bull 1120 Jl 60 ! l cows , 1211 JS 30
75 cows 9S2 2 SO 43 ateera UI3 330
Olilland & C.
I cow 9S ) 2l ) H utrs. tlfT..12ii7 250
47 cows. 1ISS 32-i 2 steere 11 3 J 75
11 Bteers 1163 2 65
1 heifer 440 I 35 5 eows 792 I M
2 cows 930 2 00 7 heifers 490 2 10
8 cows S112 2 15 10 rowi 817 2 15
73 cows 977 2 25 2 calves 375 2 23
1 calf 270 2 25
2 calves 380 2 10 3 feeders ! ! ! ! 8S8 2 40
1 cow. 1230 2 50 B feeder.1CW5 263
3 steers IIE'J ' 2 85 12 fleers } fi 2 S3
46 steers 1181 2 95 3 ateers , 1102 3 00
10 steers 1203 S 00 C9 steers. 333
2 ciilves ISO 4 25
Oeorge Ixvlimerr ,
3 cows (153 ( 1 73 S4 cows 515 2 20
3 Btrs. tig..1423 250 7 feeders..1014 2 C1
latter. 940 275 39 steers 1115 S ! 0
Pjiear & Sens.
4 cows 1082 200 18 cons 9S5 235
B. II. Ktatner.
Ibull .1670 1 M I heifer. . , , 720 173
1 bull 1300 200F. 87 cows 917 210
3 COWB 853 1 78 32 cmvB . 915 205
13 feeders. , . . ! > o3 2 70
W. Culbertson.
Ibull 1MO 160 2 Pti-eis 1200 305
8 steers 11 CO 3 Ck" ,
W. P. Noble.
2 bulls 1325 1 25 15 sirs , tic , . .I1CS 240
Klrkpatrick Ilros.
1 bull. . ' 1510 1 r.0 3 co s 1130 200
46 cons 10S5 2 35
T. A. Stout.
1 sir , t IB..10-50 2 2S 1 sir. tig..1100 225
1 Mr. tiff..1150 225 f,4 steerH 1210 S 23
Ibull 1300 110 10 cows 1020 2 5S
17 steers 6" 5 200 1C steers 906 21 !
H. K. Soper.
22 Bteers 1222 3 35
Western Ilanchcn , ,
1 bull . 1330 1 M 24 sire , tlB.,1271 2 f,0
1 steer . 1310 2 CO 24 steers 10JO 2 t > 0
89 steers . 1229 3 30
IIOQS There were ceveral InmilrHl fewer hog
than a week ago , nnil severHl laindred fewp
than dealera expected. ' The general qunllty o.
the C'lforttiKi ' ! wan Blsojietter than It lian Uoen
for some time. LocnT pn-k-Ta wore all wunll- '
S'imf lions , tnern WUBL ( jfiltia little speculatlv
Inquiry , und with the uLrrniKOr opening- l > l
hoea and provtslnns | -IIIilciiK" sellers were In
rllned to ank ami liuy.irsao paa 1'ttle striiK > -
prlceg. The fair to ifooil hiitchtr welsht am
hcaIiDKa sold largulut ( I. CO and 117) , vvh 1
the fair to Roe < l light ulifl IlKhl mlxr < l luads w > l
at from tl.55 to | 4.rPiior llfiht iurt nuhl ilow.
to 14,4' ' ) , and one rliolce heavy loail br asht 11,75.
Trailc waa rat.ier i'llv < . . anil Ihe h sa hai
practically all left llrM ImndB befoiv tlio new
of the brvalc In hoit * ' nml provisions at Ch
canned buyers to pull in their horns here ,
close wan weak , wlth 1illr < he early nilvance lost
nml n tew loud" stll hnpplJ In llmt huniLi. Tig :
and Block hotrs sollr d' ' full Monday's
from } 3.50 to 51.23 , npd rough IIUKII , Ht.iK. ,
throwoutu ami prepnivit siiw nol < l iinywhen
from t2.W up to J4. Tlie 'trading today was \er ;
t frum _ t" * 4,70 , UK i t
I4.C5 on Monday unJJt.f to 14.83 un Tijett.
day. lieprew-ntallvc'1"
No. Av. Hh. Pr.No. . Av. Sh. Pr.
174 40llS01fI' C4 . . 212 IM It O )
3S ,172 60 4 40 24 . 2S4 4 )
07 , .184 M 4 43 54 . 232 ISO 4
95 M 4 45 75 . 2J9 ICO 4
7 ! ) 178 . . . 4W 73 . 2J 80 I 62' '
61 179 120 4 W 78 . 23.S ICO 4 t > 2'
81 172 120 4 M 74. . .2M 24 4 62
2 330 4 M 1,1. . .257 160 4 BZ
4 177 4 & 0 32. . .1SJ . . . 4
1 300 4 60 .2U . . . 4 M
4 200 I B ) e. .3M . . . 4 M
I , .1SO 4 60 70. , SM 80 4 >
42 3 ) . . r * 78. 2k3 2TM 4 < i
12 IM 180 I 55 70 22) ) 4 J
90 171 120 4 64 73 214 4G 4 lu
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ! ao K 64 2M Ml
n Ml 200 4 U 9 1 4 65
42 120 67
' . . . 7T..i12 400 I B3
io ! ! ! ! ! ! . . > 23 (0 ti rn 210 i u
47 152 61 2M 120 4 U
54 1 ISO 4 I 21 261 > 4 IS
* . ' . . . , . , . .2 > 80 4 M M 270 320 4 IK
6X 191 41 4 &S tG 246 160 4 65
102 . . .224 . . . 4 Sl\f \ 73 241 10 4 EG
2 . . .KM M XO 160 4 U !
3 S70 ( yj 2M 160 4 toS
li 265 40 4 0 > 73 223 IK ) 4 iu
87 , 222 810 t 3 78 2W ] 2 41
71 3U 12U I S > a 249 4 4
a 214 ia > i * > 77 . , . . 4
43. . . . . . .2 2 > W 4 > 24) 4
01 114 80 4 6 > 49 , . , . , . .SC5 I' ' ) 4 70
8 2S.J . 4 CO 10 . .309 4 70
fcS til la > I K > 57 . . , I7i f 4 70
29 S3 U U U. . . . . . .117
iiinlltim ft 8 < ci > lieii * 13.1
atiHant & Co M
I , . Carey S3
IIK & Diyfua 4
] > ot > iii < in 71
. . llerker 47
1 ItolliKchlld 5il ( :
II. II. , from K. 0 112
hlppi-rs and feeders 617 110
.eft over 400 COO
Totals 3.730 C,40G 229
Inlet anil Steadiness Were the Features' < > f
( little YrMrriluv.
CHICAOO , Ocl. 23. Quiet and steaillii"fs were'
IB fentiirPH of the cal Ic nun lit ! today. If the
iy was llRht , PO was the demand , nnil If
olilfrn were unsuccessful In their cffoits lo litty
Htuff nl shaded prces , there was barel > 3. 00
alive cullle of nil descriptions , the r maliulcr
f tlm 8,50i ) head conshtlns of rnnseri" , of which
00) were wcslrtnv Tim best Eniile of native
tpprs - „ . quoted tirnund $6 , the best of the
terns around J4.M , and choice Texans as
i as J1.50. I'loni these prices the auotutlons
anjce ilownwnnl ti > from H to JI.23 for sciln-
s. Trading in nAtlve stock WHS principally
l from J1.7. ' > to J5.2' > . aliJ from J'J.5) to Jl FO
. { lit the BreatiT poll of the western * . The
lose was fairly firm.
In IKIRS tlwro wan a strmir market early In
lie day. but there WHS not so much us the
i-mblaiice of nrmneas later. While buyers did
ot hesltnlo to pay Oc advance around the open-
np of business , they were flow to puy > estcr-
a > 'n prlcw miy llmo nfli-r o'clock. The cause
f the reaction was not apparent. It v.u not
hat too ninny lings were offered , for Ihe fresh
ecolplH combined with lale did not exceed 23.0J
nail , but for pome reason best known lo Iliem-
olxes puckers "pulled out. " and Ihe dope was
at at from 5c to lOc off from the upcnltiK MK-
ren. IrfitewiU'S wt r on a bawls of J5 for the
* * t heavy and J4.75 for choice assorted Unlit.
'he bulk of the day's work WIIH done below J4 yO.
mm J4.G5 to J4.63 taklns the bulk nf I histuff. .
'Iienj wen ? wnny Boles of plus nt fimn ji : to
1.50 , und nnisli mixed lots sold aiound 14 5i ) .
In sheep , with receipts since Satuicluy showing
i dcvniise of something like 16.000 head H coni-
iririMl with the n.ime time last week , pilrcn
rillnarlly mlRlil have been expected to make
decided advance , nnd no doubt would but
nr the chcutnn'ancen that the pens were Ntlll
longed witli stale stock. The feeling wis tinner.
f course , but there was not enough vitul.ty In
IIP demand to lift prices lo any important ex-
ent. They were quoted nt from 7."c to J3 foi
> jr to c.iulce sheep and nt Jl 23 to { 4 fur lambs.
Itecelptfl Cattle , 8.500 henil ; calves , COO hcail ;
IHKS , Zl.iW ) head : sheep. 10.IXX ) head.
The Kvcnlnjr Journal report * :
1IOH ! Itocelpts. 21.000 head ; ofllclal yenlerday ,
9,319 hentlj shipments , S.03C lii-ud ; left over ,
liout 4.000 head ; quality Ifl a little beitT , m ir-
et opened nctlve ami n shade hither , but later
awd - > IT mime , and sales lira lu.iHIlik' nt ye.-lir-
ay' prices ; sales nmRO ut JI.IOUI.91 for llplit ,
4.401(4.CO ( for nniKh packiir ; ; JI.45tJ4.9. , for inlxcrt ,
4.G. > ! iC.05 for heavy packllic and uhlppinii lole ,
nfl K.onjr4.ii ( > fnr piss
t'ATTI.K llecclpts. 8,500 head ; mniket un-
hangi'd. tvlth n fair
HHKKP Ke-celuts , 10,000 head ; m.iikot slow
nd weak. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
KHIISUH Cltv I.lvc Mock .Market.
KANHAS CITY. Oct. 23.CATTI.IHecDlpt8. .
20i ) head , phlpmcni , 2,110 hfiul : inaiket Kteail >
nd Benerally actltc ; Texas steers. J2 : ,
atlve COHB , Jl.COff2.23 , stockers und feedern ,
J.21OT3.6T. .
Hons-Ilecplpts , 9.900 hoail ; shipments , 300
end ; nmrkel openeil Cc hlRher nnd rlosnl with
dvonci- lost ; bulk of sile , tl 25@4.70 ; pai'ki-rs ,
403rf4S.r.i mlxod. Jl. 2504.70 ; lights , J3.73 < 1.45 ;
IKS. J3. 0ii4..i > .
SHKKP Itfcelpts , 3CoO head ; FhlpnienlK. 300
fad ; market steinly ; natl\cs , J2.60fr.1.i > ; wrst-
rns. J2.23i&3.0i ) ; ptockern and fcedeis , J2. iti2.5a ;
imbs , J3.00ff4.25.
fit. Lou In Live Stock .Murkct.
ST. LOi'IS , Oct. 23.-CATTLM-Hecilpti : < , ( , KX )
ead ; Hhlpments , 500 head ; market active and
teady ; nutlve xteeis. 1,100 In 1,300 Ibs. , Jt. 1094.50 ;
ifhl nml common , } 2.jOfl2.70 ; Texas Htcers , 1.100
> 10 Ibs , , $3.XXfi3. r , ; llKht ulul coniiniin , J2.0
: f2.0 ! ' ; COWK , natives , Il.CJii2.05 ; Texan * , $ -.0. ( ( < j'
IIOC.S Tlecelpts , 7.WO head ; Bhlpinents. OThend ;
imrkft ciuiler ; bi't heavy , J4.75 ; best light , J4,6f >
S24.70 ; common to fair light. J4OOfi't.C5. '
H1IEI3P Ilecpipts , 2.600 head ; slilpmentB. 0
lead ; mnrket dull ; lambs , J3.25 ; native slier ) ) ,
'Stuck In SlQht.
Itecord of ivcelpls nt the four principal mar-
> vts for TiiesUuy , October 23 , 18 ! 4 :
Cattle. HINTS. Sheep.
South Omaha 3.C32 5.403 3.381
L'hlcilKO 8.JOO 21,500 10.000
CunxaH < 'lty 8,200 fc,9 0 a.CO )
St. Ixjuis 1.500 7,500 2 , W
Totals 21,332 43,303 19,381
Now York Llvn Stock Mnrkel ,
NKW YOUK. Oct. 23. IIUUVKS Hecelptj , 300
load ; no market.
HHKKP AND I.AMIIS llecelpts. 3.MO head ;
narkPt ilull but firm ; uhifp , poor to prime. Jl.o )
2.80 ; lambs , common to choice , J2.505i4.00.
HOS Receipts , 100 head ; muiket 111 in ; top
ngH , 13.15.
Liverpool .Markets.
LIVKltrOOI , , Oct. 23. Close : WlIK.XT-Klim ;
leinan < l Bof l ; No. 2 red winter , 4s aifcd ; No. 2
retl fprlnK , 4H 6i d.
I'OItN Spot , firm ; demand ( rood at 4 I04d ! ;
'uturvs , steady ; demaml fair ; October , 4s 1M ( ;
" " vemherIH 7' d ; December , 4s 6'id.
'LOUH ' Htrady , demand fair ; St. Louis f < incy ,
winter , CM 3d.
PROVISIONS l ird. steady ; demand iiUMh-ratr ;
pot , 37a. Uevf , 'lull ; demand moderate ; extra
imlla most , 71 B 3d ; prime mem , r.Sa 6d. Pork ,
lull , demand mocleraieprime mess western , 63s Pd ;
prime mras medium , Us 3 < 1. llnms , steady ; iln-
inrni'l moderate ; aliorl cut , 41s. Ilncoii , demand
fioor ; I'llinUcilniul cut , Mcady at 26 ; nliort lllw.
< teudy at 39s ; lontr clear , 45 Ibs. , dull ut Ms M ;
lniiK and Bhort vicar , 55 Ibs. , steady at 80s ;
nhoul < lerf > , S3 * ,
CHIiUSI- : Dull ; demand moderate ; finest white
ami colored , 48s Gil.
TALLOW Nominal ; demand poor ; prime city ,
Timi'KNTlNE-Steudy ; demand moderate ;
splrltH , 21s.
HO.S IN Steady ; demand moderate ; common ,
Is W.
HOPS At London ( Pacific coast ) , demand mod
erate ; new crop , X2 10sjf2 ICa.
U offer ? Iurkct ,
NKW YOUK. Oct. SI COri'l3i-Optlnn
openeil hlgl'T by 10Q20 points on unexpectril
low foreign cables for Kurort * ; gained Hti 'ntti
on deinanil from shorts ; clr ed linn ut 153(25 (
polntit net advance ; miles. 22.250 ba s. IncluilhiK :
October , J12.90&13.20 ; November , JIJ.J5itri2.40 ; I e-
ramlwr , J11.65 I1.SO ; January , Jll.Of.Oll.S ) : Marrh.
JII.10 , Jiay , Jlo.Si ) lO.W ; Spot coffee , Itlo. ilull
No. 7 , Jlo ; mild , quiet ; I'ordova. J18.0Hijl9. ' )
suits. 500 b BB Mariu-allw. p. t. Warehouse ile
liveries fmm New York yi terdRy. 4.274 IMKS
New York * tock tr liy. 1W.834 I K : Unltei
tJtuU-s slock. J28.182 taifii ; afloat for the I'liked
HtaleM , J.1OOU ba.Bs ; lota ! visible supply for the
Tnlted Htiites. ( S'ls2 ' ) IMS * , ugulnst 433US3 b :
lu At yea r.
Tint < * ilT > r exchRiiitc lux not heard frum Itio
do Jiuu-lm ilnce SalutiUy nioni'nr.
SANTOS , Oct. U. No report.
HAMlll'lta , Ocl. 23. Market steady ; prlc-g
it'ySj ' pfe ndvanc ; miles , 13 , ( rt but ; Ma }
openwl steudy ,
IIAVHD , Oct - 23. Market openeil jleuoy nnd
unchanged ; ut 12 m. , 'tf axlvanco ; at 4 p. m.
Mnuty nt Vjtil'jf aiivimco ; closed steady ut l\tt
advance ; ( wins. 24.OO ha * " .
HIO 1JB JANKIHO. Oct. 13. Ko report.
4'ottou Market.
NKW OULKANH , Ocl. S.I.-l'
sulvx , ciRit , A > Imlrs ; to iirrlve. 3.UW UiU'
recilpm 30.130 buli-s ; exl rt , lo continent. 1I.CS6
hales , coastwise. 11.020 IwOei ; slotk , 20 .812 bules
orrtlnHr } ' , B 6-18c. KOol ordinary , 4 HKMIon ;
inlil.lllliK , 5 1-ICc ; nilddlliie. r,5-I6 < - ; mlitdllnK fair
8V c ; fulr , I t-lc ; futuri'S , l udy. nilrn , * i,90 (
l le ; Octiilier. Ji,2S. nominal ; November , 15.2)
nomlnul ; Tcvmtx > r , J.V31ti5.32 ; January , l"i. : i
! .3 > i ; 1'Vl'ruury. J.4lf0.42 ; March. H.4HJI <
April , ; Muy , I5.WOB.W ; June , * r . IB
„ . . „ _ . . . 23. rOTTON-r.rm ; mM
dllnir. r.c ; Mies. l.l ) baltn ; recirlpts. IIIM
bales ; lilimenl , l - ) bulei ; stock , I6.7IW btilfs.
MlunrupolU Wheat .Market.
MINNK VPOMH , Out. 2S. Wheat wan weul
und llltM lowHi1 ut ir > e upenlnir lo < lay , diit
latKrly to the. large movement In Ihe northwest
but r cvlit | In Mlnni-npolls wrre rather Hinalle
limn on the previous ilay ami lhen < was n
( xcHIrnt demmxl for all Hint w s offriwl , prlre
of fmh wheat advsnclnu net , , o hlghxr irUttvHy
than fulurn , tnd rlwed that much ) < ve > es
lerduy's price , wMlo futures cloned bout ! ( <
lunir thui the prtviuua day. OHobcr , Kv , lie
v ' 'jr
THIS WEEK AGAIN-Kut Ko you lots better on the fc L
prices. 'I hey are simply out of .sight , ami you get tlic goods for
about thu price of cartage You cannot all'ord to stay uwny.
Conic early.
for this antique onlt , pol
ished , combination wardrobe
Folding lied , former prlco M5 ,
Ingrains , worth 75c , no\v. \ . . 34c Ranges , worth $27. now . . . $12.50
Brussels , worth $1,25 , now. . . . 55c Heating Stoves , YTM' ' now. . 3.25
Vclvcls , worlh $1.50 , now. . . 70c 01 Heaters , wa" now. . . . 4.85
Matting , worth 35o , now tic BaseBurwrs , worth $30 now 14.75
i Hemp , worth 25c , now. . . . lOc Zinc Boards , worth $1.50 $ now 98c
, Smyrna Rugs , worth $4 , now. $1.72 Stove Pipe , worth 20c , now. 09c
Smyrna Rugs , worth $6 $ , now. 2.50 Elbows , worth 20c , now. . . lOc
& 1O worth of goods ,
( $1 per woofe or $1 par month
K-fi wurtli < il c'toiN ,
SI fiO par weplc or O per month
$30mrth of eooili ,
S3 per week or VK per month
Klfi norlli < if ci > oil ,
S'-.fiO per woiih or SI" per month
SIOO worth of cooil ,
83 per \voeK or Hit ! per montli
Tnli * your choice-Wo don't C4r u i 8..00 worth , , r Booils ,
ivlilcli you olioosf. | 81 pur vreolc or SIS ( > or month
Formarly People's Mammoth Installment House
Open Monday and Saturday Evenings *
tiaEiXiM . -Tt.T-t * m ai aBf
lion of n fimlcuirreticri physician , wll ; quickly ruro you of nil ner
vous or dta-ancft of the { reneratlvo ortcaiii , euch ualrf > atATnnbooiL !
Insomnia , I'ahis In /Ifck.Bcinlnnl i.mlssloiia , Ncrroud leblll'r
Dimple ! ) , Undtntss tilnrry , KzhatuUnff Drains. Vftrlcocrla >
CUriniiNKclKinies thellvcr.tisa kldnon and the urinarr
[ BEFORE HO AFTER onzanBofouinipuriuos.
CUl'IIJKyK otrcnethcna nnd restores email weak onrnnR.
The reason tmff ror are nOv cum : by Dealers li bocauBe ninety per cent nro troubled with.
I'rost at Ids. CUPIUKNK IB the only . known remedy to euro without nn opcrutloii. 8,000 ten-
llmonlnln. A wrlitenfruarantei'Blvi.n and money rulurne'l If BIX Doxes flops not offrcl a por-
u.anent cure. Sl.OO a box.sU for * 3. ) , by mull. S nU for circular nnd ti > Htlmoulal9.
AiWresaDAVOr. .M KIMCIN H CO. . I > . O , Ilos 207i ) Stn : Frc.iullNCO.Cal. Foraalobr
UOUDMAN DHUG CO. , 1110 rurnaraStreot.Oiualia.
I lour , Bleaily , bul rather easy In sympathy with
wheat ; patent * . (3 it > @ 3.40 ; bakers , J1.SJW2.20.
I'riKluctlon emlnmtol nt 37,000 bble. fnr the twen
ty-four huufa ; ghlpnientK , 23WO bbls.
X vr York ilry ( Jooils Market.
NKW TOniC. Oct. 23. No Rcneral request wan
apparent for any description ( it scnxonable stulTii.
On the part of the Idlest arrivals then * V.UH n
pertinent Inquiry for colored cottons thut wim
followed by good puri'lintcs for near nnd later
delivery. Orders fnr spring Kllkti , such ns printed
Indian iiiifl llKUicd tiiffetaD. arc comlnK In very
well , us they mi1 for printed woolen * . Printing
cluthtf 111 demund al 2c bid and declined.
Duliitli Wheat .Murkrt.
.JI'M'TH. Oct. 23. WIIKAT CIune : No. l
linirt , cash , "S'jc ; Oclnlier , CSUc ; N'o. 1 northern ,
cash , W4iUctolwr ; , HiHc ; December. 60'tc ' ;
May. Wc ; No. 2 norlhein , rush , M ic : No. 3 ,
W c ; l ejected , 47-fic. MV > arrive t No , 1 north-
Smrur .Mnrlint.
NU\V YOHK. Oct. 23. HrOMl Haw , dull and
rusler ; f. < lr rcllnlni ; . 3o | venlrlfURUl , W teitt. 3'/j.c ;
null's , 2 0 1 > 'IK centrifugal , UO test , nt : Hii' , mid
addltlonul Satuiday , C,000 bags , 90 test , ut 3hc.
rrujiosed Drive . \lonsr Ha < lill Creek The
Advuntaso It < lffer .
Tlio opening ol a street alone Saddle
Creek from Hamilton to Center streets for
the construction of the new Saddle Creek
sewer will probably renult In the eventual
conversion of the street Into one of the
most attractive boulevards In tuo city. Thin
Is Indicated by the remarkable adaptation of
the street lo this purpose , which lias already
been favorably commenled on In official cir
If a boulevard should be created on Ihe
new road It would bo considered a valuable
addition to Hie attractions of tlio city.
City Engineer Hosewater says that It
would be dlfllcult to find a grade moro per
fectly adapted for a boulevard than on this
ktrcet.Vlillo no boulex-ard Is contem
plated by Hie original ordinance lie tiellrvetl
that the necessary extra width could easily
be added and that the properly owners would
bo glad to have such an Improvement , an It
would make the street a popular drive and
add to the value of their property.
It Is understood that the members of the
Hoard of Public Works favor tlic boulevard
scheme , and It U suggested that after the
council Ims completed the opening of the
street It might be turned over to the
park commissioners for that purpose. The
commissioner ) ! could then tnke the neces
sary steps to widen the Ktrcet and Improve
Ihe track , and It U the general opinion that
the change could bo effected at a minimum
of expense.
Through TourlU Sleeping Cur til H.iu 1'rar.-
ciico ami Lou Anevlen.
Via Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific railway ,
leaves Omaha every Friday at 1:10 : p. rn. .
via Denver , Colorado Springs , Pueblo , Salt
Lake. Ogden , etc. TlckeU and sleeping car
reservations can be secured at the "Hock
island" ticket otlicc. For full Information
call on or address
CIIAHLiS : KENNKDY. 1602 Farnam St. ,
Looted H llt ldenr %
Tbe reslJtncu or F. C , Jorgenton at 2S15
Ohio street was entered yesterday uftvr-
noon between 4 und G o'clock by means ol
a latch key , A gold watch and clialn and
Commission Merchant
Grain nnd Provisions.
Private wires to Clilcairo and New York ,
All business orders placed on Chicago
Uoard or Trade.
Correspondence Bollclted.
Office , room 4 , New York Llfo Dulldlnf.
Telephone 1308.
a purse containing a variety of rare coins
and a collection of Columbian stamps were
taken. No clue to the thief 1ms been dis
covered ,
Fnlr and Warmer with Soulh Wind ! In
Nolirimkti Toilay.
WASHINGTON , Oct. i'3. Tlie forecast for
We < lnesdny Is :
Kor Nebruska. . lown and Kansas Fair ;
warmer ; BOtitli wind ? .
Kor MIsHourl F lr ; north winds , shifting
lo south : cooler In thu southeast portion ,
For South Dakota Fiilr ; south winds ;
warmer In the eastern portion.
Local Itc'conl.
OMAHA , Oct. 23. Omalm record of temper-
alurc nnd rainfall , compared with the cor-
renpomllnK duy of past four years :
1894. 1893. 1892. 1E91.
Maximum temperature. . . . 71 71 62 73
Minimum temperature . . . . 43 23 4 :
Averuco temperature IX ) B8 40 6' '
fa f
N , W , HARRIS & CO ,
163-165 Dearborn-si. , Chicago.
IS Wall-it. , New York. 70 Stale-it , Boiton.
faizK inon CR/DE OLx IN L/O
IIODght sail fiolil. C ric > poDdOC BgllrtKlJ.