Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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Prison Eeform Association Officials at
Lincoln in the Scheme.
No SAlnrlc * In He Attnrhril la Hio Vnrloa *
Positions ncl Public FmiiU Can-
irlhnteilVIIl lie Quite
. Mmltexl.
LINCOLN , Oct. 23. { Special. ) Several
prominent nml Influential gentlemen ot this
cltjr who are connected -with the local Prison
Jloform association nnd HID board of AB O-
rlatqd Charities have been holding a scries
tif meetings to Inaugurate a movement look
Ing to the creation of a state board of
charities and correction , Chancellor Canfleld
of the State university has been among the
number , and with him arc associated Messrs.
JM S. Ilarwood. Will Hardy. A. B. Harvey.
liev. K. It. Cliapln , Prof. Ming nnd others
At a meeting held a few evenings since they
formulated u bill which they propose to In
troiluco In the legislature at the next session
providing that the governor shall appoint
four persons who , with the chancellor of the
state university , the board of regents of that
Institution and the governor himself , shall
constitute the slate board of charities ami
correction for Investigation and counsel.
Tha measure provides ( hut the governor
shall be the president of the board ; that U
Khali hare the power of selecting a secretary
and a clerk ; that the full term of the
.appointive member Is eight years , allhougl
on the appointment of thu first board their
respective torm.t shall Ira graduated ; that the
commlssloiK-irt shall draw no salaries and
Hhnll only be allowed actual traveling' expenses
ponses ; that the governor shall have the
power tu remove u member for neglect
Incompetency or other good cause and tha
the board ahall have u room In the stal |
capital for Itn exclusive UN and-Khali meet K , ,
lent an often aa once every three months.
U Is authorized to employ u general secre
tary HI. u milury not to exceed $2,500 , who
tthall b' nut ImB Ihiin 30 years of age , shall
be a graduate of some college or university
of reiugnlzKd standing , ind Khali have bad
not lees than three yearn ol special study of
the questions Involved In the work of the
board. tit ! xhull also nerve us an Instructor
In the Sutu university on his peculiar line
of work and the objects und work of Iho
board , and at least ( IWO of Ills salary shall
be paid by the board of regents of the uni
Th duties of the sccrMary are enumerated
at cor.sldoniWo length. He Is expected tn
gather together very variety of Information
concerning the conduct ot the ( state , county
und city cliurltiiblo , reformatory and correc
tional institutions , point out lo the board all
objectionable features of their conduct , Bug-
; ; cdt any desirable modifications and Improve
ments and exercise a general supervisory
function In merely an advisory capacity , nil
of his reports being made to the board , which
in turn transmits them In Us report to the
Kovernur. The authorities of all such In
stitutions are required by the law to allow
free access to their respective Institutions to
the secretary and the commissioners , and to
furnish all Information for which the board
may nsk. The commlsKlun Is given full
imwcr to summon wltnetscs and administer
the oath In securing tucli Information as
comes within the line of llx function.
The law also provides that superintendents
of state Institutions shall be appointed by
the cnvernor. with the advice and consent
of the board , and the senate , when the lat
ter Is In session. It also provides that no
jmhllc buildings shall be- erected for chnrlU-
l 'e. reformatory or correctional purposes In
thu mate until the plans shall have been
submitted to the board anil approved by It.
The bill appears to embody a desire to
prevent In future the frequent changes In the
management of state Institutions , now BO
common with every change of administration.
For the thlnl or fourth time since lit. .
IH. ofllcUl functions began the water commls-
ff 'f nlonor IH again facing an investigation of
the affair * r > ! lil ofllce. At ( he meeting-
of I lie council Monday evening o. communi
cation from noting Mayor Woods directed
attention to the fact that some ot the pa
trons of the water department were paying
u great deal more for thu same service than
wuro others , and that the water commis
sioner was In effect guilty ot favoritism
In the conduct ot his olllcv. The report
also showed that a largo number of business
men were far behind In their water rentals
while many of the poor patrons are obliged.
to pay up or have the water shut off at their
home * . The result , of the charges was that
a commlltteo. comprising Councllmen Saw
yer. Webster anl J , D. Parker ; was directed ,
to make an Investigation of the affairs ot
the water commissioner's office.
The locnl leaders ot the populist party are
preparing for a rally tomorrow that.Is rx-
p ctod lo bo the biggest ot the campaign.
There will be a parade .In the morning , In
whloh delegations from nil over the county ,
inarching : clubs of the city , a brigade of
horsemen , the city nlllclals , tha mounted
IKI I Ice. Mm lire department , and many others
are expected to Join. It will occur at 10
'a , in. Al 2 p. in. there will bo speaking nt
the M Street HOBO Dall park , and at night
In llohanau's hall. Among the speakers
. who are announced , to speak are Holconib ,
fulllu. ! Powers , McKadden. JOBC * and Mayor
"Weir. This Is the opening of the vigorous
campaign that thn populist candidates for
tate olllcca propoao to wage throughout
the pastern part of the state during the next
two weeks.
William Harrison of Maxwell. Neb , , re
cently addressed to Mayor Weir a letter'
that holds him up to this community as a
man whoop heart is throbbing with the In
spiration of true be-nevolence. He In-
- -fanned tlio mayor that be had heard that
thorn were In tills city a great many women
who went In almost destitute circumstances
without homes or employment , and aid
. that as be waa a bachelor , trying to keep
house for himself , ho waa very much in
aped of a housekeeper , and could give a
homo to aoino geol , honest woman. He
did not omit mention of the fact that he
owned a farm , unenoumberod , with some
llvo stock : upon It , that he was 33 years
. old , weighed 130 pounds , and would like
a wife of from 18 to 30 years. He also
generously offered It the
, mayor would only
glvo HID address of one whom the mayor
thought -would suit him , to send the kindhearted -
hearted executtvo $10 when he shall have
married Jior. The mayor wrote him to
send on some recommendations , since which
tlmo ho lias not been able to hear from ( he
lonesome gentleman.
TIio Lincoln Street Hallway company's
power house Is located on K street , between
Eighth ami Ninth. Recently the company
also took possession of about two-thirds of
' the -street on the K street front , and grid-
Ironed , It with tracks. This was done over
the protests ct Iho property owners ivlios ?
pramUas faced 1C street , but U availed noth
ing. Mrs , Ellen Murphy , one of the prop
erty owners. flUxl suit against the company
for $2,000 damages. Today the company
filed Its answer , raising ft very pertinent
point. The company claims that the power
„ loouse , oar bou9 and all tracks are necessary ,
tvaaonable and proper appurtenances to the
eystem. an * were built and laid by virtue
nnd authority of the franchise granted by
t > o city. They , therefore , * ik tha dismissal
of the case.
B. I. Ferguson ask * $1,374 damages from
Ol-Bhnrtff McClay. He all gei that he- had
n Judgment against L. L. Qaghagen In 1890 ,
and ail execution was Issued thereon and
Stvon lo the sheriff , but that the Utter fallen
to us due diligence and allowed another
T nxlltor to jump In and get the goods. 'lr ' -
guaou claims I hut IhU deprived him of any
" "
ehav far buv claim , and now attempts to
Inake It out of the sheriff.
Ttbbetts. and a jury are trying a
interesting case , wherein Sarah oE'J
BUBS Thomas Walton for damagesj
rKison of the failure ot . warranty deed I
property ID Dawson's addition. Walton )
got his title from Mrs. Bdltha Dawson , 'but '
the courts afterward declared that under hw i
will Bho had no right to sell 'the
during her widowhood , but that lier
. intarest woi limited to life , or ai long -an
remilntd unmarried. This U an u&N
shoot of the famous Dawion will ease , which
rendered valueless the title * lo a Urge tract
ot Lincoln property ,
Detective Auble o California Is getting
some very vivid object lesions In how not
lo cet the mnn ho wants , under Nebraska
law , florae wecki ago ha telegraphed the
police to arrest T. Wesley Van Scelver.
wanted In lot Angeles ; for embezzling $1,075
from a lawyer. Vnn was arieited. but be
fore the detective got here till attorneys here
got him loose on a writ ot habeon corpus.
Me Immediately skipped th * town , but was
later located In Missouri by means of letters
he had written to lilt wife. Detective Auble
arrested him there , but his prisoner begged
so hard to ice till wife and ion In Lincoln
that the detective , on hll oromlse to make
no more trouble , brought him around this
way. No sooner did he- reach here , however -
over , than lie hired attorneys to fight the
honoring of Governor Marklmin's requisition.
Governor Crounio decided Saturday morning
to recognize the requisition , nnd the moment
Auble got his papers he rushed his prisoner
out of town In a carriage , Intending to board
a Hock Island train at some small point.
One of Van's friends , however , followed them
on a bicycle , nnd meanwhile Mrs. Van got
out another writ of habeas corpus. The
friend -with a blcycla telephoned that the do-
tpntlve and lilB man were walllnent Hallam ,
the third station south of Lincoln , and the
deputy sheriff went down with his writ.
Aubla resisted and drew a giin , hut was over
powered and thu party brought bark. Auble
was arrested on the charge of attempting to
kill the deputy , but tha county attorney
nulled the rase. Yesterday Van had his
hearing on the habeas corpus , and Judge
Tlbbetls denied Iho writ. His attorneys
( lied a retti | st for a writ of error to take the
multcr up to the supreme court. This was
passed upon this afternoon , and the writ
allowed , It Is understood that the case
will come up before the supreme court tills
ueek , although It Is possible Van Sclever
may attempt to wear out the detective by
delays , as he hag forty days In which to lile
It. Moanwhllo the prisoner remains In the
ruunty jail as a guest of the sheriff.
Mayor Weir hailed In his congressional
campaign long enough today to drop three
vetoes inlo tho. city clerk's office for the
council to digest. One disapproves of the
action of the council last evening In referring
the matter of the controversy between the
' city wclghmastcrs to the city attorney and ,
" chlaf ot police for action. J. W. Mitchell |
uiB for four yeara been city welghmastBr.
The Job was not presumed to be worth very
much and Mitchell , who Is a democrat , was
allowed to remain. Lately It was discovered
'hat It was n neat little job and a scheme
, vas put up to get possession of It. Mitchell
was Informed that It would bo n good Idea for
ilin to cinch the ofllce for another year by
miking an otter tn the city for the position.
lie did EO , lile proposition Involving , the
lurnlshlng and repair of scales and $200
bonus. At the next meeting of the council
c1. n. Kckhardt , u republican , made-a similar
offer with the aJdltlon of a J330 bonus. Ills
bid was promptly accepted and ho was
uined as city welghmuster. Mitchell , uow-
? ver , had tumbled , nnd he refused to give npj
possession. Action In replevin was begun ,
but itwas shown that the property belonged
lo Mitchell. Kckhardt appealed to the coun
cil for htfp to catch hold and the city attor
ney advised the council not to Interfere.
That body refused by resolution last night
to abide by the attorney's advice and ordered
the chief of police to dispossess Mitchell.
The mayor disapproves of this and agrees
with the attorney. The mayor claims It
would bo a. bad precedent for the city to
assume the burden of litigation In such cases
and pertinently remarks that If It Is proper
now It would have been so when a contest
was brought to dispossess him from the
mayor's office. Ho also vetoed resolutions
providing for the laying of sidewalks eight
feet from the lot Hue , because It would be
In violation of law.
William Grlflln appeals to the courts to
prevent Abbott Hros. , chattel mortgage loan
agents , from taking his household effects
from him , Ho borrowed money from them ,
but according to their figuring he still owes
the original amount , while he claims to have
paid all of It.
K. C. Barnett , Lincoln's crack bicyclist ,
lias accepted the- challenge of young Mills
of Kearney to race him. He names as stakes
eight hlgh-grado wheels , to bo put u [ > by
their friends , the race to take place ut the
fair grounds , Lincoln , November 6 , Darnell
agrees to give Mills " 00 yards in five miles.
The five men arrested in Kramer's cigar
utore Sunday night , charged with gambling , j
were discharged by the police judge this
morning , as there was no testimony lo show
that any money was up , chips being all '
there was In sight.
W. H. Smith , who Jabbed Dick Johnson In
the ribs yesterday In a fight over a colored ] I
courtesan , \vas given thirty days In the
county jail. The woman promised to leave
for Omaha at once and the sentence was
The city ot Lincoln will sell $17,000 left
over paving bonds ut public auction next
Monday evening.
ULOl'KU WITH A. VA1.T.KY < : ilir , .
ttahii W. llrmrn niul Mlm T.iicliutii Hell
I'utteranri Hurried nt I'roimmt.
VALLEY. Neb. , Oct. 23. ( Special. )
John William Henry Drown and Mlsa Lu-
clnda Hell Patterson are now man and wife.
Sunday Mr. Brown and the young lady
eloped nnd made for Franont , where they
were married. Jlr. Drown Is Just past
40 and the bride Is hardly more than 16.
Iloth of thu co-ntractlng parties arc society
leadera of tills place. Their future horns
will be In Prernont.
John Nightingale celebrated hf 41st
birthday yesterday * , by giving a party to his
numerous friends.
Mrs. Dr. C , V. Crook of Waterloo , left
yesterday for Uoone , la. , where he will
] visit relatives for two weeks.
Ole Johnson awl wife of Stromsburg are
the guests of the family ot Mr. and Mrs.
N. P. Lundrjulst this week.
It is no longer a question of doubt as to
whether the soil In this community Is
adaptcil to the raising ot sugar beets. What
few acres werm railed this year were ot
the best quality. Farmers are already
making contracts for seed and next year
a large acreage will be planted In this valley.
Canvasser for nn Alleged Co-Opcnitlte ,
Union Hlimrn Up in u Swindler.
WYMORE. Neb. . Oct. 23. ( Special. ) A
few days ago a smooth stranger , not giving
Ms name but representing the Co-operative
Commercial union , was taking subscriptions
for his company at it a bead , and obtained
] several signatures of business men. Tbr
business of the company was buying bank
rupt stocks and disposing of some to sub
scribers at 35 cents to 40 cents on Iho dollar.
The acent stated that he had sold goods to
Itulllne , Moore , Ktnery & Co. , last year , by
which they had mad J120,000 and $ $1.060
respectively. A letter was Immediately sent
to liulllne , .Moore , Kmery & Co. , and they
replied that they did not know the Co-opera
tive Commercial union , were not members
and never bad been. There la no doubt the
gentleman l a uwlodler and his company
President nf tlm Rtnlo Amuclutlort AA *
< trtiKRpH ilunlHta Cltlzrim ,
at'NIATA. Neb. . Oct. 23. ( Special. ) Mr.
Pope ot North PhUte , the president of the
State Irrigation association , addressed the
people here Saturday evening on Irrigation ,
tha posslbllltlcA and probabilities ot the
same , and the probable cost of successful
irrigation In this elate. His Ulk was
listened to attentively and made many
friends lor irrigation. After the speech in
Irrigation society was formed here , with
P. II. Rlckel. president ; W. C. Preston , vibe
president , and C. C. Tawner , secretary.
Uniting * ir. 1C. C. Visits JunlAta.
JUNIATA. Neb , , Oct. S3. ( Special. ) "the
, Hustings Women's Ilellef corps was reprv-
sented by about forty members at the
siwctlnn of Its- sister lodge here Saturjh >
afternoon. The Junlata members treated
them to a , good supper after the exercise * .
A Id nil HII Uiifurtuuute Vnmlty.
VALPAHA1SO , Neb. . Oct. 23. ( Special ) )
Yesterday neighbors and friends to the nUlir-
her of about thirty turned out and husVth
and cribbed a thousand buehela of corn /bV
Alvin Porttr. a inlle outb of town.
tor's family are nearly all down with
fever , and about three vesk * ago tb
nd mother died , leaving five children sick In
bed. The care of the family has been upon
the father and one Bon , R young man , with a
H-year-old girl as housekeeper.
nova AS
Several Young Men Arrested at Nortleu on
n Serious Charge.
NORDEN , Neb. , Oct. 23. ( Special. )
About one month ago the general merchan
dise store of Funk & Webb was opened with
keya nnd robbed ot Jewelry , boots , shoes ,
gloves , cutlery , tobacco , cigars and canned
goods to the amount of $300. The culprits
were tracked to a wagon standing near and
the track of tha vehicle was followed next
morning until suspicion .rested on a family
named Oraddy. Slncq that tlmo ex-ery
available clew lias been followed up and evi
dence enough secured by the trading and
wearing of articles stolen so that yesterday
Otis and Will Oraddy , Otis Boyer and a 12-
year-old son of B. L. Hutchison were arrested
for the deed. Others are suspected. Hutchi
son's son Is only held as a witness for the
state , as it appears ho was not Implicated
In the stealing but was present at the
division of the spoils. I lit ; life was threat
ened by the real perpetrators if he
"stiupaled" on them and in consequence he
told his parents , which materially aided In
the ovldenco already secured. The oldest of
the gang Is but 19. The preliminary hearing
will be In the justice's court tomorrow. Part
of the stolen goods have been recovered and
the sheriff with others are making a thorough.
search to recover the balance.
1'l.ltllIT ( IT A TOOK r.YMll.V.
ulllui I.urge Number or Clnlilrrn
tn Care For.
YOIIK. N'eb. , Oct. 23. ( Special. ) Yester
day a covered wagon arrived at this place ,
drawn by two old horses , which looked as
though they were ready to drop at any
lime , Th covering on the wagon was not
more than two feet high. Nu especial at
tcntlon was paid to it , as It stood near a
hitching post , until it was observed that a
woman , carrying a baby , was walking to
and fro by the side of the vehicle. A mar
was also seen about the wagon. On being
questioned they said that they weru without
food . and had been for several days. Sev
eral children were In the wagon under a
heap of old rugs trying to keep warm. When
they come out of their hiding place It was
found that they had nothing on but thin
calico dresses , with no underwear or shoes
mother was insane , brought on from the-
effects of want and .exposure , as explained
by the man. A subscription was takei
up and a small sum given the people. He
Mlilen this the merchants of the place gav <
them clothing and shoes , etc. They lofi
for Lincoln , at which place thp mother will
be placed in the asylum. The youngest
clillil was not more than six months old.
i < 'oit roNC.v I'o.sTiu'rici ; uoiiiiKitv.
Inmo * K , I'rellHi Voltmllirlly Sllrreiulcri til
the tVdcrul AullnirllleH.
WASHINGTON1 , Oct. 23. ( Special Tele
gram. ) James F. French has a conscience
and he doesn't ' care now who knows it. He Is
a young man , not more than 30 yearn of age.
good-looking and well dressed. He balls
from Kl Paso , Tex. , und does not look Ilka a
villain. He came from Texas recently and
today walked Into thd office of the United
States marshal at Haltimore , announcing thut
he came to voluntarily surrender himself for
having robbed the postotllce ut Pooca. Neb. ,
on January S , 1894. He says that he was
at Ponca without friends or money , when he
met a mnn whom he asked for assistance.
This man. whose name he does not know ,
proposed the robbery and French assented.
The Job was done , he getting $12 In .money
and about ? 5 In stamps for his share. He
says he has since wandered around the coun
try , and has been once across the ocean on a
cattle ship. His conscience will not let him
rest till he has t > v'lated his crime. I'oat-
olllce Inspector Maxwell happened to be In
town and hearing French's story , telegraphed
to Washington about the case. He received
a reply that the postotllce at 1'onca had been
robbed in January , and .then made complaint
before Commissioner Rogers. The latter held
French for a hearing on Thursday.
Committee Clinrgud with Having Viuluteil
Us Spoelllo Instruction * .
PLATTSMOUTH , Oct. 23. ( Special. )
small-sized war Is on the verge of breaking
out among the members of the Plattsmouth
city council. At last night's regular ses
sion a representative of a company which
manufactures a new device for repairing
bursted or cut hose at a fire was present ,
and after the gentleman had explained the
working of his apparatus a motion was cur-
rlod which authorized the fire and water
committee to hold a public test of the de
vice and to purchase a stated amount In
case the device was equal to the test. It
so happened that a majority of the commit
tee were opposed to making the purchase
ordered by the council , and this morning
they refused to have anything to do with
the test , and also informed the salesman
that they would purchase none of his ma
chines. The action of the committee liaa
stirred up the members of the council to a
considerable degree , and at the next ses
slon of the council the members of the com
mittee will be called to account for dlsre
gardlng their Instructions.
Kearney Iurgla ) Capture : ! in Tliry Won
l.oiiviili ; the Storo.
KEARNEY , Neb. , Oct. 23. ( Special Tele
gram. ) About 1 o'clock this morning a
I couple ot fellows entered Darley's grocery
I store and after helping themselves to luncl
blow open the sate. The noise of the ex
plosion aroused Mr. Durley , who lives nea
by , and 'Officers Overmlre and Ciipernel
were Immediately summoned. The burglar
seeing they were discovered made a break
one at each door , but were promptly ar
rented and taken to Jail. They had thel lr
hearing this morning , but waived examlnu
tion and were bound over to the distrlc
court. They are both young fellows , bu
the police think they have made an Impor
tant catch.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Farmer's llnuie ( turned.
MILFOUD , Oct. 23. ( Special. ) Fire destroyed
stroyed the residence of Fred Petsch , south
east of Mllford. The family had just itinted
a Ore and commenced getting break fas
when thu ( lames commenced to pcur out o
the roof , near the Hue. The members o :
the family gathered a few things and had
just Unit ) to escape to a safe place before
the house collapsed.
Cuntnr County Votoo llcmiltt.
I1HOKEN BOW , Neb. . Oct. 23. ( Special
Telegram. ) Bonds In eld of Irrigation foi
$5,000 carried In West Union township on a
vote of 118 to 12 ; Sargent township , ? 9.00J
vote 1GG to 72. The Irrigation ditch III b
fifty miles long and will water 00,000 acres ,
'OMAHA , Oct. 22. To the Editor of Th
IJee : We would like to call the attentlo :
of the publlo to the City Mlsaion Hand laun
dry , which was established to benefit JHK >
, mothers.
' So far , we have not been able to emplo :
any large number for lack of work.
We had hoped that we could at least em
ploy twelve women la a day. So far we
have fell very short of employing that num
ber. The work comes In very slowly. With
the- strictest economy we cannot meet our
expenses. Tills , It seems to us. Is a charity >
Which should commend Itself to every per-
U3n , aa it would bo nothing out of th&lr pock-
c'ts , for we aim to have our prices the same
be other laundries. We are obliged to turn
Applicants away every day for want of wort <
yesterday one poor woman canto and Mid
iiho was in need of work , as herself and ; fam
ily wore without food , I suggested that t3u >
'apply to the county. She said ; "Oh , no ; no
long oa these hands are able to earn a liv
ing , a crust of bread and a drink of water
, l far sweeter than when given by charity "
We hope that the public will aid us in EUP-
'nlylng work for thesewomen. . Aside from
this , wo receive muny applications for womtfh
to do outsldo work.
We meet with a great many very gt&tl ,
capable women. If there are any itft
wishing help of this kind they cau call TJO.
31C South Twentieth , and the help will
'gurmU-t illlS. J. D.
Oonslructte 'Tlnd Some Valuable
Lessons friAu tlla Present War.
llullt 'roiu.JJu\v on Will limp Very
Much I.e M'onil In Tliclr Interior
Structure I'retsrd Sheet Metal
\V1II li Su'lMtltuleil. '
' i
WASHINGTON" . Oct. 23. The details of the
great naval battle at the mouth of the
Yalu river , as laid before the public In the
Associated press dispatches , have been of
great Interest to naval officers and form a
fruitful theme , This engagement Is bound to
have an effect on our naval construction In
at least one feature. It U noted by the
naval experts thai the heaviest losses in the
light were caused by fire and that at least
three of the vessels cngngend were In flames
during tlic fight , caused by the explosion m *
small shells from the secondary batteries.
That steel ships should prove to be so com
bustible was regarded as a rather extra
ordinary fact , culling for explanation nnd
correction , and thp attention ot the board of
naval bureau chiefs has been directed to
that end. The result will bo a heavy re
duction In the amount of woodwork that will
lie allowed In our ships If any new ones are
to be built.
During the great naval rendezvous at
Hiimpton roads , subsequent to the review at
New York , the visiting foreign naval offi
| cers expressed astonishment and delight at
the luxurious apartments and llnish ot the
interiors of our ships , which made the for
eign vessels seem barren by contrast. The
British Vice Admiral Hopkins , complained
that his officers had been discontented by the
comparison of their own plain quarters with
the mahogany finish , carved and decorated
ward rooms of our ships. The British naval
vessels , by the way. are exceptionally de-
voaid ot this clans of work , and plain steel
walls , unadorned even by pictures , are the
lule rather than the exception. The ob
jections to woodwork hud already been
under consideration by the naval designers ,
when they received the hint conveyed by the1
Yalu fight of the startling danger from fire
to which their splendidly fitted ships were
exposed , and OH a result It Is safe to predict
that in specifications tor future American war
utilps. the British olllrers will find nothing
to envy on the score of luxury. Some cov-
crlnK ; It Is true , Is necessary to prevent the
"BweatliiK" of the steel walls. The Itrltlsh
rely for this upon heavy coats of paint , but
it muv be Hut In our next ships u conces
sion will be made lo the aesthetic taslo that
will still prevent the spread of flre and be
llnht. cheap ami vermin proof by the adop
tion for the Interior work of pressed sheet
metal , now made In elaborate and artistic
itons.vs i'AJp/-i ! iiui : < : ri.AK.
Kemou AKilgiioil li.y , Ilia State DeiuirtniBiit
fur > ' t IFHIIC' | | | Him I'littipurtx.
WASIIINUTON1 , . Oct. 23. Touching the
complaint of O'Donovqn Hossa to the presi
dent thut the State department had refused
him a passport , it Is learned here that last
summer the man applied to the department
for a passport In urdcr that he , might return
to Oreut Urltaln. "Tho law providing fnr the
issue of passports upon application U not
mandatory , but permits of the exercise of
discretion by the , 'depufimcnt. It has been
the jiractlce for y.fars. In order to avoid In
ternational entanglements , to examine very
carefully the applications submitted by per
sons claiming lo be naturalized citizens. The
mere fact of the flosscsslon of naturalization
papers IB not In Itself conclusive upon the de
partment , for muiiy cases have been > lis-
covcrsdi where thp. pavers wero. Improperly
Issued ) ' Of eolirsii. in thaevent o : Uie arrest
or detention In a foMlgn country of person
Improperly naturalized , the United Stales
would be at a great disadvantage In nn effort
to secure their release. So in Ilossa'n ' cine ,
though he had an apparently regular set of
naturalization papers , It was found upon
examination that these were Improperly
i 8iied. and that consequently he never had
been actually naturalized. The defect was
jn the point of for the law re-
"qulres live years continuous residence in the
United States as a preliminary to the. issue
o the certificate , and Hossa had not com
piled with this requirement. Therefore , the
State department refused to Issue a passport
to him , but even before that decision had
been reached , Hoaaa became Impatient , vis
ited Encland and returned without u pass
port and without being molested In any way.
| Crulner Mniitgomnry Drtnllocl lo JMuko
TrlttlH < il It.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 23. Orders have
| been Issued to the M6ntgomery directing tlmt
vessel to reach Mobile. Ala. , on the 20th ot
November. She will afterward cruise In
the waters of the gulf , for the purpose of
I making tests with coal mined In the south
ern Htutcs. The department Intends to make
Key West a coaling station sufficiently large
to accommodate the whips cruising In Us
vicinity. Coating In the Carrlbean sea is
expensive , nnd It Is Secretary Herbert's In
tentlon , hereafter , to have our ships take
coal , as far as poi"&Iblt > , at Key West. Ho
has notified the southern coal men that tents
of all coal that tnuy bo delivered free at
Mobile , Pensacola or Key "West , In qu.intl-
ties of not leas than 100 tons , will be made
by the Montgomery. The Montgomery will
be occupied for some months with this duty.
She Is now at the Norfolk navy yard having
a cylinder put In place. This work will be
completed by the llith of next month , and
she will leave for Mobile , wtjero die will be
presented by the citizens of Montgomery with
a silver service. When the presentation has
taken place she will begin the tests of coal.
Wnr Humors
WASHINGTON' . Oct. 23. Minister Arra-
gula. the Guatamaleon minister , does not
credit the dispatches from Oaxaca , Ilex. , that
war Is Impending between Mexico and Gati-
tamala , and that the latter country has sent
a largo force of troops to meet sevej-ai thou
sand Mexican troops at Acapulco and
Tehuintepec. Ssnor Arragula nays he would
be quickly advised by his government it any
Mich warllko step had been taken , and he
has received nothing to show that such a
move had been madf or was contemplated.
The boundary question which Is being nego
tiated between Meco find Gautemala is no
more , says th mjjilstfr , than the boundary
between Mexico nndi"tln > United States , and
that has not at any time reached a serious
phase , which would . \\nrrant the reports of
a war. . . , , , ,
llnllronil tlulldli tr In % Vnp7iieIw.
WASHINGTON . J pel. 23. United States
Consul Plumacher a't .Msracnlbo , Venezuela ,
reports to the State ( department that the
government ot Hint- , country bos made a
contract with a Spanish company for the
construction of a "YSTTway from Puerto Ca-
belle to Carnnero fcoju nlch the coast towns
are expected to rft-efvc Incalculable benefit.
Tha road is to be built In four year * and
the government will receive C per cent ot
the net receipts from traffic.
Keep your bloodjjrjre and healthy aud you
will not have rheumatism. Hood's Barsapa-
rllla glvfs the blood vitality and richness.
Mercurial Poison
lithe result of the uiiu&l treatment of blominu-
ordnra. Tli8 7 lm I * ailed "IH' Mereurr n < l l'ot >
oih rernedle * moro to bo ilreuted tlian tu * dlieaM
and In a tiort whllo li In a fr worse condl *
lion ttmn before , if lie noU common result II
" > r which H. b. t > tb
roosl rejtable .
" "
, fe J > 6iU"e"i irlll oDcnl
relief where nil else hai faiitd.
I sufftred from a terera attack of Mercurial
Itheumatliia.mrnrnis an < l lee * kelne jwollcu to
more than twice their natural lie. cau lne tb %
cioit excruciating I'tlns. 1 spent tiundrodt of del-
Iiri without fuller , but tfler Uiktne a few bottleiot
IlmproTudrspldlr , nd m now t > well
msn.coippletsljcured. Icmnbomtlr
rtBOnmcnd your wonderful tu aicja *
tomjrono afflicted -with Hill painful riu sw.
W. V.DAI.KY , IlroofcljD Klcrated li. H.
' "
" roaUad fr *
loanultr i.
SWIFT 6PUCIF1C CO. , Atlanta , da.
Pushed for Money- -
Pushed for Clothes- You ?
Yes , indeed , we arc we tire always "pushed for money" but never so much as now.
We invested a whole lot of money in the great dissolution stock of Hamnicrslaugh , Salvs &
Co. , and although we bought it so cheap it's not going fast enough to suit us We can't wait
for the weather to wake you up to the fact that another winter is coming We're going to
quote you January price right now before the season begins We're pushed for money and
if we can't get a fair price we'll take less this time. Yourchoicc ot the finest overcoats and
suits less than 50c on the dollar , including our own and Hammerslaugh's clothing.
with fancy worsted linings , warm und durnbU ; ,
worth $ , ' 1.00 $2.7B
Side Price. .
We We
$ § .OO
ULSTKUS , three shntlos go in this fculo ut .
are are
only , dark ctlucts , go in this nule at the oxtratirdl
trnry ] > rk'e oT $6.gO
pushed pushed
the styles of the gnriuent , to lit nil aiiupus of men , $8.OO
for or frocks go iti this great milo at . for
styles Just the thlnp for boys' jsyhool wour , H , 7e
money. $ -.00 suit on Bulu ut money.
Silraore , neatly braided , for ages U to 7 yours , our $2.SO
regular $0.00 suit , now gees for .
M. H. Cook Clothing Co. ,
Successors to Columbia Clothlllg Co. ,
13th and Farnam Streets , Omaha.
The Queen of Beauty's Secret.
omplexion Remedies
World's ' Fair Medal and Diploma.
'honing ' their snp rl rlty over all other do-
rnentlc nr furelHii lem'-illen. '
SIMB. YAI.K I * tlm Oivatut f ISuuuty Cul-
: uie. Indoreful by cunrrtiiM
MMiAI.K , who I * . Hckiinwlediinl to be thane
no t beautiful \Miiniin llrlnx , Klill continues to
; row more beautiful PI fry day. Aije due * not
en > t nffeet her nmivelous twauty. llor se
cret IU-H In the iwc cf her nwn wimdprful rem
edies. They combine within thi-lr oonnwaltlon
very InRiedlent lacking tn nech to
live It the desired > niilliriil iipianince. | . Any
tuinan ean make lu'meir Junt us fulr nnd lovely
IB her heart dehes If Klie will u a these rem .
tlc according ti > thHr direction * . They con-
lain no Injurious liiKrnllpnt. nlmiltitrly ffimrun-
1 to be nil that Islalinfd for them.
[ Imples Blaclt Jleiulc. nnd Skin IMneiises i
with Mnu : > Vulc'tt Special ] otlon No. 1 and [ Kceisior Almond Blossom complexion cream
Special Ointment Nu. 2. eumunte d | irlcD , coir a IIOI-OB , keeps the skin smooth
Jl.OO each. und lovely. 1'rlce Jl.OO.
Excelsior Skin fool
Qimrunleeil to mnnvp wrlnklon and every
. 1'ilfe 11HO nml J3 0' ) .
trace of age. Makes the hands noCt , Illy white and beauti
ful. I'llcu Jl.OO.
mm complexion Bieoch.
Guaranteed to remove nallo-wrnes . moth
mtche * nnd Hll nkln lileinl lie . Gives s.
natural oinilileitliin of nimvelnua beauty. Ilemoven and destroys forever moles ejid
Price < 2.00 ] ier bultle ; 5.W fcjr 3 bottles. warm. I'rlce (3.00.
ticeisior Hair ionic. [ ye-Brow Grower
Turns gray Imlr back to Us uwn natural
color without 'lye. Th ftr l anJ only reni- Hakes the lashrx crow thick and lonfr , thi
edy In the hlt-tury < , f cliviulflry Known to do cyc-briiwn luxuriant end Bhaiiely , strenetta
thin. Snips hHlr fulling In from 24 hours leone ma and lH > Hutlllc the eyes : guaranteed pure.
one week ; erealfB a luxuriant growtlu Irlc
JLW i > rr bottle ; xlx for J1.9K
BUSI FOOfl. Elixir oi Beauty
Ounrsnleeil tu ilcvelopf a IxMUtlful bust and Cultivates natural roiy cheplis , a wonderful
neck ; slvwi Hrnine s t llw llukh and crealrn skin tonic. I'rlco tl.OD per bottle.
a natunil condition of I > IUIII | > < IVM. I'rlce JLW
and ( S.OO. '
Hme. i ifoie's Excelsior Fenier
Cures constipation , Price Jl.W.
Mme. Yule's wonderful renifdy for removing
nnd deatruylnir the Kruwtli of nrrierflous hair
takes but lira minute. * to uw ; do < n not hurt , Excelsior Blood ionic
Irritate or ven maho the xkln red ; removes
every trace In ona appllcnllun , I'rlce tJ.OO. UIB hlnod , acls on the liver , kidneys
nnd ljullds uj , thf Hystem. I'rlco Jl.W pel
in find bottle , six for } S.OO.
Mine. JT. Vnl < - ' wonderful ! , . J'reclda Is
kn wn to bu the unly ruiu fur fiecldrs. In Fnilicyfo.
week after tin flrtft application
from 3 dayn to une
plication every frecklQ vlll disappear tuid JIme. M. Yale'it wonderful cure for all klndi
the complexion beeome us clear us cryjilul , of fenialo wcultnei > s. i'tlcu Jl.OO per bottle
sU for 15.00.
I'rlce 51.00 per Ujltlt ,
Vull Une oil-rind by Kuhn &Co. , Ifttli and DouslnR streets , Mfrchnnt ti Vlotcera , lOtl
nnd Ho\vml. : Kliisler Drug Co. , ICtU and I nriiam , W. J. IIuhus , SJ4lli und Farnam , ( Juorgi
S. IJavls , Council niuffs , and by nil druggists. At wholesale by K , K. Uruce & Uo , and
Hu'burdsoti Drug Company , Omaha.
ilall orders und corrc&iionaonuo may bo sent to Mine Ytilo's headquarters.
All first cluM drugKl'ts sell Mine. Yale's remedies.
h A MI1" P
Jfo Koiter , ffo Seam. A'o Engineer ,
BEST POWKIl for Corn nml J'eed Mills ,
liar. Iluimlng Scpurutora , Creamerloa , ic.
Stationary or Portable.
110WH.P. * 8 to 20 n. I' .
Mud farU > t Jbiu , l'rk , etc , Jn-rltluj ; nurkio tfdone.
. stetlry Block , istb. tt Eonird Sit. 33d A. w iuui su. . IUIILAOKLPIIIA ,
Why not m-lert HHIIII * of your holiday Rifts now
Our lln cif I.aillPH DenltB IH Hii | > vrli , and till
Oi tober prU'fa uir the Int'entlvr lo inucliaHC now.
Shlverichys October Sala.
Kilty etle of lluby Currinef" tnuut be coaei
nt. The prlct'H | nic on them In our October Salt'
' what r * will du II Thin onu waa J25.00 , Is now
Shivtrick's October Sale.
Prepared from the original fonmila pro
'crvfil In ihn Archlvru of Uio Holy Laud , ) iav >
. jfc'uu autlientlclilstory datluirbucUOUQyears.
to oil Stomach , Kidney and Bowel
troubles , especially
Prica CO contH. Bold
The Franciscan Remedy Co. ,
.J ( or Circular an < 1 Illustrnt
V , tt , JlrjHjsltory , Uniiilia , A'rbraitca ,
CAPITAL , - - $400,000
SURPLUS , - - $55,500
Ollloem and Uliectors Henry W. ffict ,
lacct John H Culllns , vice iimldent ; U wli
H. Herd , fjihhler. Wllllum H , K. Ilutrhes ,
unt cushlcr.