'PITTC mrATTA T > ATT/V IftftJ. Tim OMAHA DAILY BEE M HO3HWATBR. IMItor. 1'UHl/rmiEII EVEIir TBtlllJS OF Dally Hw > ( wttlimit fitmSaj ) , One Tfar , I 'iIKi ' Pally De n < l Buniar. Ont Year. . . . . Blx Mmitln , J Tnr Month ! " " 23 Auntar BT. Ond Tear. . . * JJ R turt1ar lire One Year 155 Weekly Ilev , One Yrar w ori'icr.si Omnln , The Tte Building. , . _ . Houth Oninhn , CVrrnT n and TVtntr-fourth Btf. Counrll Uliiftat I'rurl Htre t CblrAKn onito. SIT Ommlj r of Commerc * . New Yoik , Il'xmia 11. 14 anJ 15 , Trlbun * DlcJf. Wunlitinlon , 1103 r Ulrecl. 7) . V , ' . COHRnSl'ONOENCB All rnmniunlcallnni retnllnc to newi nnfl edi torial matter &UouM l ) nddrr < edi To the Editor iii'siNKsg i.irrrKits AH bunlnrnj Icttrm incl remittance * rhouli In artrr iei , in Tlie Heo IMbtlrtilnir company , Omalia Dririt , checkii and | K tiiince ortlera to be m il" i > faiie | to tl > nrJorof th" oomn ny Till ! 11KB I'lMlUHlUNO " OP CIIlCUIjATION. 11 Tschuck. ocretar > - of The Be Pub lltliliiR rmrny. btlnir duly B i > rn. MX Jh t th nctunl number of full and complete- copt of Thi > Doll - M rnU > E. EvenlnK and Sunday Dee printed 1urlntt the niontli of September. ISM fulluwc J > i rloiliietlorn for unsold and returned COP'M . . . _ . . crsi Total nold . W4 Pally a\erng not circulation . 21317 Sun lay tJ hwnrn tn before me nn < 1 subscribed. In mjr reupjic-e thli l t of Octobrr. 1891 i > N. P rniu Notary Public This inlfil wcjilliur is readily trnccalih- In I lie lie-lit of Hit1 IV < > ! .iili > iit C'li'volnntl is patiently ol > - that iiiui li cnnmu'iidi'd ruletlitit is silver nnd Mlcncc goldeii. No\v that the ( ! oi 111:111 : oiuporor's sons has bwii i > ot lo KiiKlHh MTSO his lit- otary fanii' uinj be iiwutlocl its estab lished JIfIClnli\\ could not the Inviliitlou lo Kpund jtigt a little time In West Virginia putting a few bplkes in Chuliiuan IViNon's politlcnl cufUn Jhielid Martin says that the Save the- Stul try IH nut in the Interest of Majors , but of Stiiidt'rnnt ICuclld hud lioUor loiistilt houiu of his iihiHoclaloK in tlu < iniiMiioii > ( an to the purposes of the n vants a correcdon of a that he would doubtlosh vote for Jlajors. I To Intends to vote for Stutdt'Viuit.Vo iiialu * the corrot1- tion cheerfully. But how about his txmclmmn 'i Sl irs ot the Hull < nd Business Men's manifesto me Ininblln over one an other to icpudiato un.\ sympathy vitli this CHUM' ( if c-altunitv We did not suppose thai Majors' landidaey was to bring repudiation quite M > soon China and Jap.iu ha\i > tacitly acreed to an inluimi lcm In thflr little frat-aH to en.ilite the uo vspaper londliiK public in Hie I nlted States to devote their en tile attention to the battle of the ti.il lots sehi'diiled for the lit si Tuesday In November. Senator Allison Is slnvwilly sc-oliiK to IL Iliat tinrouH of his pietltlentl.il booni ln > not routined to n siti 'lc stittc * litIs fiiii'tiilly I'lic'tilutliiff through the Ktittes Mliiiniixllnj ; Itnvtt , whose u ptt > seiitnlioti Ih n nutloiiiU nominating ; tou vent Ion \\otilil he inost tleshahle Thiceeeks npo Judco Hrewer told n icpiesentiitlve of The Hee that his de rision In the maximum frelpht rate case would be lendeiedllliln the ne\t week It is lone o\indue. Why It is iH'liiR withheld no mini knows , but the delay may m may not be sl niliennt. lix-SpeaKer Heed made Jds address to tlu > Hamilton club of Chicago : \ umgnllUeiit tribute to Ali > \iutlcr : Tlamll Ion , the father of Hie American system of proteetlon , uftor nlioni.thu club \\i\n \ immed. Tills wan ueitulnly 11 vei.v clover uay of jmylim a coinplliuvnt to his hosts. An litmest assessinont and a low tax rule must o hand In hand , nimltlnn Uiu tux uitttlll doubtless contribute toward Incteaslnj ; the valuation of tax able iHopcity. Had Hie assessors listed propelty ut Its real worth , as required under the piesent law , tin- tax rate would IOIIK ago have been down to the limit now proposed The test of the canal proposition us now udvtntlsod In The Bee is the bent explanation of the conditions of the proposed Issue of bonds that Is to bo had. Men ho wlMi to vote Intelli gently upon this qiieHtlon hare ample opportunity to make theniHehes Tamil- lur with Jt. The proposition Is to be published milII shoitly before election , aud no one will be able to say that It was no ! iieeosNlble lo him. Awonllni : to ttie OIilniKO Ilenild. "every intelligent peisoit knows that the senate Mi ar scandal investluatliiK eominltleo w s appointed to Avldte\uish nud not to lind out. " Kv > ry IntelllKent person nntnlnly htispects that that \\IIH the jiuinobe , but If so , the InvestlKatois made a wonderful mistake In making .Senator Alien u inembei of that com mittee. No one -will Impugn ntich u mo- live to the part which the .Nebraska ken- ator playeil in the Sonip of the men whose n unit's appear on the Hallroail 15uslne s Men's nianl- fusto ur luK nil to unite In pteservln the credit of the state by elect Ins the tattooed candidate for governor appear also us nlffuens of tlie appeal of the dem ocratic rumps bidding for support for tlio . d. ticket n. ( alralRht dtMuocrut or straw duintny , us Is prefurrod ) . There Is really no lut-onslhteucy hero , however InuouslBtent this action may appear , Tlio men who put up the straw dummy ticket are worUIng In the Interest of Tattooed Tom aud do not propose to throw nwuy their votes on third ticket candidate . They have no pangs of coasclenco in associating 'nrlih the calamity crusadent ror.TTT JTOXO rrnnrxcr. KolA\ltli taiidlns the plank contained In the dcmomttlp nntlonal jilatform tie- ! niniiilliij ; the repeal of the tax on state bank Issues , roitEiens lit inly set Its I face Ttsnln < t n tetmn to the do.vR of jieddoj ; linnls notes nnd wildcat cur- loucjTlie fedeial tax on atuto bank lfstu ) > s IR prohibitive , nnd so lonj ; six the law IniposltiR It leinalua upon the statute books our cuuency will be free from liittnNlon fioni tlint quarter. But now comes a new menace to our cir- vtihitliiR metlluin. a device that oiltfi- miles In the south , the section purtlcti- lutly nnxious for the reBtorntlon of the iiiitcliclltiiii slilnplasters. Tloyd county , Uicoi l la , Hiteatens to place upon the < a setlcs of small denomination j county bonds , pa > able to bearer , and Intended to supplant the use of rnlted Slates notes in that localliy. If not in a Mill t\lder teiiltoiy. Agaitwt a county bond citnency tlie xame objection * may be urjiwl as : uiiiiist the state bauk notes. While most states place some icMrk'tlniis upon Hie Issue of county bonds , limiting their aniounl and picsci Ihlnn nleasuieH for theli icdeiijillon.et | these leslilctions aie so uirli'd in dlllcient stales and so Inadequate In some of them that Ihi'ie must neie.ssaiily atlse diffeienees In lite Milne of the bonds. County bonds if the same lace value sell fur | iiiim.i dilteictit pi lees on tlie matkct lud.i } . Issuing tliem in small denom inations as LlifiihitiiiK medium will .not .nltci this condition < il utlniiK. Instead of a homogeneous cuuency , each dollar eilii.il in value to eM'ij oilier , \\tMtonld Inue : i cmrcncyilh constituent < 'le- ineiits. ilncluutlug In value with the nedlt of the counties behind them ( ) \ ei issue \\ould be lne\itni > le. and \\ltli uiciJsy.no Mould come depieclalJon. In case nf iiiHihi'iic * } Hie pioc-ess of liquidation nould be ex en mole dllllcult nnd mole pntluu led Hum H ever \\as lot the old state b.itiks A county bond ciiucjuy without ledeial safcgmuds \Miuld mean an uttci dcnioiallratioi ; ol trade and lommeice and tlio deianue- of ourwhole * . incut our monelarj system. The olllclnls of Vhijd county , Oemgla , si'cin to have apitiiH-iated tliese dilll iitllles and to him * been fur sometime tumbled \\ith I.IMdoiilits as to the lcf.ralit.of the proposed bonds Al though siulhoii/i'il to dispose of them , so tar its stati' laws aic concerned , they \\ilhheld them until they might ascer tain whether Hieteits to be an.op - liiTsiildii tioin AVaslilngton. It was Icaied that an i-siic of bonds of this chin.liter vnmhl lieaegaided at , a bank ing opciatlon , and that the tratiMutlon \\ould be in violation of tlie iMiiUins hn\s of the rtdtcd States. The ques tion was refencd to the solicitor of tlie tteasuty who. jtltcr caieful itnestlg.i < lion icndcicd an opinion that Hide IH iiolhing In tlio .statutes enacted by con- u-rcss lo pu-vcnt a duly Incoiporated Miiiiilj fiom Issuing bonds of any de nomination It mav picfer. Xot satistied uilh Hie soundness of this ruling , Seciv- laiy Cailisle declined to uIHnii it until lie hiitl henid limn the attorney general on the subject. The opinion of Attor ney ( iciicral oiney just made public , ae- ( iids with that of the solicitor of the iKtistnv and ilc.its the \\iiy for the iNV'mnmu ni a ( utility bond iiiiieiicy one point to wlddi tinattorne.v . general icli'is. but which he does not feel tailed iixui | to de ( Ide. nmv peihap point out .mother obstacle to the pi.in and one dial ( iinnot be icniuicd without legisht ilmi. It is unvalued in the concluding liji.miapH. "I hat us the question nlti-llicr such IxinilN Kvucdlll be siiblecl to taxation under the act of I'cbtnaiy , 1S75 , dties not ails ( > upon any fin Is now existing and is one upon which no opinion is not asked. I tefialn liiini e.\i iesslng tl. " It is fair to Infer 11om this language that the tittinney gcncijil Is Inclined to extend that law to all notes In chdilation not issued in piiistmm-e of fedei.il authority , whether Mich notes go b > the. name of 1 Kinds m not Should Hie bonds 4io subject to an annu.il lav of U per cent of their lue value It will not be long before Ihcv aie quickly called 111. If such bonds are not subject to that lav tlie l.ivv ought to lie amended without delu.V to Include them bo.\und cavil. MM'KW-MOA .IAD MOXhr .S'fV'J'M * Tor the purpose of t elleving their pai ty of the lOMponsiblllty for the de ] > icosloii di'iiiocrats iisseit that the hard times weie due lo a lack of money. This ih an aigiimeitt especially \\ltli those uliti advocate the fiec c < dnagc of silver AN was pointed out by Gcnetal FIturl- sou In one of his recent addresses , wben the jianic began tlieieits moie money In cluillation per capita titan thine had Oeen for man ) yc.us liufore. The gov- cinmeiit lint I for M'veial years been ! suing treasury notes in pajmeirt for the purchases of silver to the amount of 1,500.000 ounces a month , the ad- dltlon of this fottu of currency to the chcnlatlon Incrcnsinj ; It by about $ l ! " 5- ( KHXHI. ) ( Then the i eduction of the tieasuiy suiplns by tlie redemption of bonds added many millions to the clt- cuhttioii. In this respect tlie policy of the last lepubllcan admlnisttutlon was quite different fiom that of the demo- rratie administration tliat preceded it. Tlu > plan of the hitler was to let the surplus grow , because it supplied ait argument fur a rediictlo'n of tat Iff du ties. The llrst administration of Mr. Cleveland had Hie siime nuthotlty an that of its successor to use tlie sin plus In icduclng Hie public debt , but It did not use it as ficely , and simply for the i cat-on Hint its plan was to maintain the .sinplus for political effect The demo , cruts at that time vigorously assailed tlie republican paity for having allowed tlie accumulation of a large surplus , but their admlnlstiatlon declined to avail it self of the uppoitunlty to reduce It by the legitimate process of paying off the national debt and reducing the In to rest bin den. Thut would hn\e been good biihlness policy , but not for the demo- caacy good politics. Accoidiug to the lust report of the secretary of the treasury the volume of money in tlie country , outside of the I'nltpd H tut en ticnsnry , Increased bo- twccn November 1 , 1812 * , nnd November 1.1KU3 , $ ll'.WKi,000 , certainly an In- cieaso far lu uxcess of the demand. Of thin increase wer $80,000,000 was In gold , itio dopu-ssion bc-jtiu eaily In ISD'J , and while tt was crowing in In- Ipnslly the supply of money was lljr being1 Incicafcd , so Unit obviously Iho pnnlc was not due to nny lack of money , Tlieie wa more cunency In tlie country Iti lsi ! ; ( tliaii dtuliiK the jnevlous yent of nnpnscdcnlcd InniiRttinl activity nnd business inospetity , but Jt wns not wanted in business. It remained in I lie li.uiktj because the people who o neA il did not bine the confidence to put It into < 'iitoipiNo What was it that hnd shaken confidence ? The pledge of the democratic patty to ladlctilly alter the economic policy whic'li had ptuvalled for mote I linn tidily > ears. Tliere was nothing else to wariant the sudden change from a high stale ol confidence to one of piofotind dlstiust aud appic hciislon > oliod ) < vnld tell how far Hie dcmociatlc p.uty , lia\lug achieved full control of the goernmciil. . as the xcsitlt of a most extraordinary popular delusion , vvnitld go ill cairylng nut the doctrine of Its national platform , and had thr > stipplv of money been double what II \viis | ( would liavc inude no difference \\V nliould have hail the depression jttsi the MIIIIC The cin ulatlon has been dec lining for j some months and the pet capita Is less now than It was n year ago but them Is no coinpl.iint nnvwheie of a lack of nione.v for meeting the demands of legitimate business. As yet contldcnce Is not fully icstuicd. and people having capital to lincst mo still cautious and contemn in * . Tltcv ate waiting for the icsult t f the apptoaching congressional elections which will detcunint * "whether the war on piotection is to cease or go oil. If tlieie is a lepubllcan house of icpiescntatlves elected the idle curuvncy will gel into employment. Otherwise It -will remain lor an iiulellnlte time longer unused. Js Tit IHh ( alXt/ . /'KW'JS/7IOV. Only two weeks lenmln fiom now till eU'c < lon da ) 1 timing Hie toncctn which cu > i , > ( .Hi/en In the state has in Hie political contest , the citizens nf Omahii am ] Douglas county arc vltallv Intelested In the proposition to vole aid to the [ uojecled Plat to ihei canal On tills subject tlieie is natuiall ) it er. decided divcrslt ) of opinion , and The JU'e has given liodi the piomoteis and opponents of the project a fair heating Tlieie Is no doubt whatevei that the constiueiioii of this canal would very inateiially benelit Omaha , iitst by the omplo.vmeiil of a 1.ugc toice ol workingmen - men ami heavy c\pondltme ol the cir culating medium , and latcn on iti tlie stimulus to manntiictiiilng cittciprises and ted Mellon in the cost of clet-tilo li litlng and power Pioiii an engineer Ing standpoint the feasibility of the c.in.iWs gciiciall.i conceded by expeits wlio are qualified to speak as to the volume of water to be seemed and the elevation of the Platte and Klkhoin ilvors. The i cally sen Ions pinblcin Is whether Hie taxp.ivcis are justified in voting Hie very he.nysubsidy ticked anj WlieHier the intciesls of llie imblic aiesulll - ciently piolect'cd to insure the comple tion and maintenance of tlie canal On these points eveiyvoter should care fully scan the pioposltiou submitted by the commisslonei > . Hush .T. Cii-.tnt made the condition of ids acceptance of the Tammany nomi nal Ion lor mayor ofNew Vml ; that cer tain oblccHomiblc men who Inue se cured places on Hie Tammany ticket men wno had been Implicated by the I.CMIW Investigating committee. In the piactico nf bl.ickinail and e\toition should be torced to let he. That is to say , even a Tammany leader refused to inn along with men whose pcisonal eliaractotis subjected them to the gravest charges ol dishonesty and who could not be defeudcd from such accusations. Tills was most unexpected , pintictiltiily tiom Mr. ( irant , who-vvhen ma.Mir. had phi.\ed Into the litinds ot all the ills- leputable heelers who weie fiitteiiiny on Tammany spolks. Tain many Is willing to let Hie thieves and thugs in on appointive positions , but It draws the Hni1 where their candidacy for elec tive otliu's jeopardi/es the success of the whole ticket. The two Chinese inoichants who were taken lulu custody by the Chicago police on the charge of incendiarism when seal died had In their possession thbty- four pusses on different American rail roads. These passes , ( lie atithoiltlcs think. Indicate that the ptlHtmcrs weie also engaged in smuggling on a lingo scale , and that the ) had Hie tacit co operation , if not the active suppott of , the railway olllci.ils. Such a disclosmo meilts M'lirclilng Investigation by the Interstate Commerce commission. Tlie Interstate commeice law prohibits the Issue of free tiausportntlon except to tallway ernplocs. How can the rail roads explain the possession of these passes by these Chinese merchants ? What better evidence of a violation of tlie law can be desiredV Can tlte iall- road olliclals have been parlies to the smuggling transactions ? The interstate comineicc should not slop until It has sifted the nftalr to the bottom. While we sympathl/e witli tlie men who have assumed a liability on the late treasurer's bond , the taxpiiers of Ne braska me comcmcd in the enforce ment of the bond to the tune of $ > 'Jii,0H : ( ) and interest , which makes the total over a quarter of a million by this time , and if the court decides that the bondsmen of Hill -vveie released when he tinned over Moshei'Rwotthless ccitlllcate of deposit , then tilt1 bondsmen of the pres ent treasnter come in for their share of ajjony. .Several of Hill's bondsmen arc also on Hartley's bond , and hence calamity stares them lu the face which- euir way they turn. No wonder they tinu to Majors for relief in order to save the credit of the state from wreck and ruin. Tlie supreme court of Massachusetts has rendeicd a decision iillliiiilng the constitutionality of the- collateral In heritance tax law passed by the legis lature of that state In 181)1. ) The law \vas attacked on the giontid that the state had no power to tax Inheritances , on the gtound that it coiittiivc-ncd Hie state constitution calling for equal and reasonable taxation , and on the ground that It selected cettaln classes of prop erty to bear an additional tax. Tlw court held that tbo tax wag lu the na ture of nil excise , tlie Imposition of which was ojt { | } within the leglfdatlro fnnctloni-mid Hint it was reasonable In amount nnd ludlscrlmlnntlnr : be tween parties in. tlio sauio position. It regarded thq. prJrllcKO of receiving letfncles a 'taxable commodity \Vlthlu the meaning of the constitution. This decision wilPMoiibtless give nn Impetus to the movement for the Inheritance tax in other American counuouw ealths. II Is cetlaliily stinnge that the patty machines hi 'thfs county should llnd suitable men for positions as judges and cletks of election so scarce that they should place upon their list of locommcndtiHous the names of nearly eveiy waul bummer nnd political hack who hati prcod upon party spoils for years past. As n lesnlt , it devolves upon the apiwliitimj power to make the best possible selection from the names at hand With a choice thus limited It is Inevitable Unit sonic Incompetent men will lie appointed , and when the lotniiis ate sent 1n we shall have Hie same eirois ami the same Instances of negligentc against which complaint Is reguhitly made If the party lonimlt- tees would do theli duties conscien tiously thej would sec to It that they icconitnciidcd no one foi the position of judge 01 cletI ; of election who is not qualified lo jiciloim the wotk intelli gently and with dispatch. Alien ! the announcement wited over the hind that lloni.vV. . . Yates , piesideitt ot the Nebtaskit National , and a lift-- long democi.it , would support Mr Majois for governor , the Chicago Tilbmie cMlaims "A thiinder-boU could not lime piodtucd a more electri fying ciloct" We lathci opine that an announcement that Yates -would vote against Ala join would have piodticod u mote elediif ) ing etleet in tills ( om- munlt.v In fad. It would have been n paialyrcr lo the iron bank and might have lost that Institution the deposits of the It. & M iiiiltoad No I ongiT In Dunlit. in IN-D , munni Nobodj Is ciillliiK New Yolk n iloubtful state ail } Inngpi 'I be only doubt Is us to whether Morton s lead vvlll be (0,000 ( or Ml 000 ( it tnl > 3 < > , lrx tt litow slrr of < loK'liiml'H Oliligiitliiu. 1 HI > ! H IVllliicl.lt Cleveland inlKht eiivlly Kd ovoi all tbe Iriiiibte bj senrlltih In , \ $3XH ( ) clunlc Hill Hit\ed hint a liaiuliome uin by tL-llcvIng him from the put incut of un Income lux. lie mlglit ijt least dointo that iiiuiti. . a. irpwurd fi'liili-ncv of 1'ilr s. Siulnuti'l'l Kuml'llnin A foice < l uurtion S.IK" uf u large invulce of > liblion , atnouiitlnK to some ) KWI cartons , was held at New York Thnrsdiij. whin evcrj thing ultornl vfa pol < l lit pii es nvrrigr Ing within 10 fei tent-of the resul ir mar * kel quotations The piiu-li.isers were nearly nil i-etnlleis. price * ruling tno hlsh for Job. UfiH ti > lm > at IL pinltt unit the BIICCOHS of the sule Is rot.axled UK HO c\klenue that the retail biihiness Is sleadll > Improving. A nilt fnr Wnr. rtillnrl , Iplilit Inquirer. The opposition which TV as shown toward the Roveinniwil nt tlio last session of Parlia ment In Jitp.ui ! wast HO prommmeil that the nilkadu proroHtiH abut legislative body Since that time tbi-r1 bus been u i > rt'ttj wide dlitributlpn cif , olllcen utul the Parlia ment vvhk'li bus jifnt been cnlh-d liioii to vote upon tinur estimates Is expected to tnorj hnruMMUuuu The Japani-sf are [ 4i | > IJI > muxteiUif ; all tba intrlciiclt'H ' of mad- scietutf. ' r Kvlilonrn of < ! n < > il Tlmps. Phllndeliililii Keioxl If the testimony to tbe good times should huve connftom ileuiucnitlc sources nlotii * It might luiM Itti-n fel clown to pattlsan op timism Hut the evidence us to tin- revival of Industrial oiu'intianti tbrouKboiit the hind comes fiojvhollj unbiased and nuthotltu- tlve sources , such as the coinineiclal iiBiin- cles. tbe lepiesintiitivi- trade joutnnln. tbe bead of the American Hunker usHocl.itlon. etc , nnd tn thto eminent authorities imi t be addcil the forumist protectionist journal In the t'nlteil States , the New York Tribune Jiiiksontiin stHiKKiniinshlp. C'liu-iBO ; HtniM The methods of statesmanship In use In Haiti ante bf unii-seivodl > coniinended The nreslili'tU the well known lllppolyto , and blH minister of war , crig.igert In a biiiid- to-lmml onconntet tlu > otln-i day and "Jth were seriously damaged This is fur better foi Hn > ti than If the president and minister hud ( lot'larBtl ' wai on the liihubitants ) gejier- ullv iw against coint * foreign po-vver If all belligfient potentates and politicians would "light II out HtiiDTg themselves" how much more blessed thu hlstor ) of nations would be _ IK rioinliind n Tr.itlor ? AU.intH i onutltutlini ( iletn ) \Vbllt' . of COIIISP , u. word ft cm the presi dent would 1.0 a long i\ay.s toward undoing the harm that bus been doneby bin delay. It would be Impossible for him to cancel the disastrous effect resulting from his. pe- CUYet ! \ lielleve that Mr. Cleveland will tier.slst In bis refusal to extend a help ing bam ! to bin puty. which now needs a.s. sistanco more than it has in yeais , nnd which ts confrontfilvvlth the clanger of de feat next month . , , , , , We cannot believe that Ml Cleveland will be n trultoi to his i > urt > sure ! } he cannut be ! _ vi. INT' * i'oi.nic > i. PhiladelpbU Leilijef The dimocratlc party of New York has won one -victory. It has succeeded In having an order issued for tbo return of Mr Morton's Imported coachman to England New York World : Judge Lacombe's de cision in the case of Howard , Mr Morton' * coachman , leaves the- Treasury department In a worse position than before. The Judge says : "It la entirely clear that Howard was 'strictly a personal or domestic servant' In Mr. Morion's employ , " and Is - ex empt .from the operations of the anti-contract labor law Springfield Republican. Domestic and per sonal ner van t are exempted from the opera tion of this law , unA the Issue In tbe Howard case was simply whether a coachman lu or is not a domestic or personal sen ant. Judge Lacombc decides ngufnst the coachman , and rightly , under the lo'vv This.however , is not saying anything I" favor of the contract labor law which in 'this case , as In many othertt , makes tile tlhtteil States ridiculous Washington Past Hut all this. It ap- jicars. does not HUM * the coachman. He is to be shipped baqUituidigland tn the charac ter of n tribute tp the majesty of our In stitutions Ho wl.ll then return , and Mr Morton , being a fni citizen , v.111 no doubt emploj him afreh The law vvlll have been celebrated with 'becoming ' pomp , we shall hare witnessed thr activityand. vigilance * ol our Immigration bureau , and have -wound up with thai roaring opera bouffe known ovcrywhere as "Tweedledum and TwDeflU. deoi or , the rinal Apotheosis of Htimbuc. " Brooklyn Eagle1 The Caglo regret * to My tlint not only did Lcvl P Morton Import an Enellsh coachman , but thai EM lit 0. Hill eats CiiEllih mutton chops aud flavors them with orange colored mustard , Now York HeraldIn the c S9 ot ex- Vice President Morton's Imported coachmnn , whose nrrest and deportation hnd been or dered by Secretary Carlisle , Judge Lacombe ot the United States court decided yesterday that a concilium ! U cleat ly a domostlc serv ant who may be brought to this country under contract , but that the act of congress makes the secretary of the treasury the final judge as -whether any alien is entitled to remain In this , country or liable tn be Bent bark. H Hint Is the law congress should loss no time In repealing It since it confers upon one man an autocratic power over per- BOQal liberty willed Is tvrannlcat. dangerous and repugnant to American sentiment. Tlie president Is disposed to give Hill a monopoly of Iho talking Spcakliic generally and particularly , the calamity crusade is u lonesome affair The "Song to Aegter" Is Intended to fortify Kmperor William's chilm * as n dlvlno writer. Dick Ornker & return to > the command of tbe Tammany horde insures a picturesque stable campaign. The wild tumultuous silence of Orovcr Cleve land provokes traitorous hisses insldo tbe party breastworks The slating of the ameer of Vfghatiistan on the roval sick list has rclnvlgoratcd the bearded pun Ills title vnggestK Susan II Anthony and M.irj Lease are about to Indulge In a joint debate In Kansas , and weather prophets look foi u dense atmos pheric perspiration The manelous ci-lcrltv shown by the Japs In pumping lead Into tin- Chinese entitles them to considerable prominence an pur veyors of modern civilization Two dlfcredited chiefs are about to retire permanently to private life Geronlmo Is to bo transported to his reservation , to dig or die. and Tlte-Man-Afrald-af-Hls-Reeord vvlll muzrle his mug in a few days and weep amid the Nemaha willows Mineral devi-lopment 4n the Kraal Lcad- \tt\f \ district of Colorado is progressing- a lively pace Attention is directed entirely to gold production and the prospects are so cheering that It Is probable the camp's out put of > ellow metal vvlll soon surpass the best dajs of sllvei General Klj S I'atkor who sened with distinction on the staff ot General Grant during the war. Is reported to be seriously 111 at FalrllelfU 1'cmn He is n lineal de- scandant ot the .famous Indian chief. Red Jacket , .incl is ( he last surviving chief of the Seneca tribe of the Six lieie''s The great labor le.idtr of Massachusetts Is ex-State Senaloi ' Hob" Howard who for the past t wont 3 vears has been enwiged in the effort to shorten the bourn of tabor nnd r.ilso the rate ofpaj He was a mill opera tive for many vcnnIs now n iuddfaced , stout and jullv Uicheloi of * > 0 .mil Is well llxed fltmrclalh Lnto bulletins from the palace ot tbe Ahkoond of Swat Indicate that the royal duffer Is nearlv " himself again The dis turbed state"of , Iu , mind vanished with the beheading ot trine of his vvhes reducing the estahllsluntnt to a'pence footing. His -appe tite , too , Is on tinro > al road tn recovery Four fcquares a day with a gallon of rum and a dash of < w1ilik ? > at eneh nu-al * incourHge * hh CDUniUpni in the hojie Ihat be will prcs- cntly attain fair " health and noun I capacity ; Mrs Sylvia"Bugprt of New-York signalized her entrance Into \lic stv agger set by orderIng - Ing a pair of tullor-inado bloomers The artistic masculine rtraptr * turned out a pair of sawed-off beauties a veritable poem in pantdlooiiB Mrs Itogerfs bloomer Ideal was a trllle higher than the moilol produced Somehow the garment did not catch on to her graceful cuives. and she "ublected to being made to appe'.ir like a contemporary of Hendrlck Hudson Instead of a modern Amer ican woman " Her retus.il to take the bloomers resulted in a. suit for JI1 , which Is now pending In the courts nun : Iiutliin.ipoIlK .Joiirnil "Doctor. Is lockjaw ii p.ilnftil ultlk lldii" ' Unt-jimkablj so.1' New Orleans I'icimme The eentorlionrd of u inc-lit Is rmiHt Important In a race , mil on u [ ilen-me tilp the hldebourd IH thoiiKht most of Washington Stir"One ol > dp mos' rnelan- choly splits ' sulil Umle iii : , > n , "am Oat ob Up JOUIIK- man \itio ROCS ter a. boss i.ice nn tuck thinks mcnej hiliali " foun' ei IILV.DV tet Ufe "I novti- heard Biich a Irl for pre.iPhlnp piitictualln , " Mil a Mnnd It's a poilme ninnl.1 with lu-r , " rppllfd Atamle Vpsterduy she had the- plucks taken out or bur BtocKliiKM becauseuome one told her they were fast ' Troy PresHAn fxchiuiKP In replj to n correspondent , remarks that " H banquet lamp ninkcM an atirptahle present for a bride with poll he < 1 IIHIMM letrt. onyx top and H shade of silk with lace fringe" IndlanapolfH Jouriml. "I see. " said Sirs \ \ Ickwtre. ' thitl the > nre maklnp iihonu- Kiajihic cylinders of woup noxs. " ' Mnlces H cleanei record. 1 tmppoHe. " saltl Hr . "Iclcwln- . \\ltlKHit laklnn his nose out of his newppapei Truth- First Hrlton Hero N one for you HeffK > . my hoWhat Is the difference be- twecn hnntlnsr at home and lieie' Second Ilrlton nive It up Jin e Plrst Hrlton-\\elL at home we hunt the ( hare ) , and heie wr bunt the heiress Detroit Tree I'rec.sICatel don't think men ate HO bad us some women would have them lluth I don't know about that Some women would have tlitm u food deal worse than tlic'j me MOUI : THAN'A SISTIIU. Judtf "Darling , tell me Hint vim love me ! Oh. bp trie , and IP" " nii Mer In the happy tears befoie us We xhull spend om lives ti "I am HOir.i foi jini , llurj ; I've gone fuither limn 1 meant to , Tor with jou 1 ne'er can marry. Iwill be jour friend , and then , too " . "Do not sa > you'll he a sister. For I'll nevet be n brother1" "No not that ; for I'te just promised I shall bo your own stepmother. " nt.it New \ork Sun She ! < fond of nil athletics , they nre lier Haul's delight , And ut tennis , ball , nnd rowing xhe ia sim ply out of Might , But ut present slip has banished all theae pleasures fiom her mind. Kor she lotes u gume of foot ball more than all the rest combined She wishes tbtit lie was n man some twenty limes u day. It makes her mad to tell her that she Isn't built tn pla > ; I uIwajH see her on the grounds -whenever there'H u iame , Hut she siiyn the iJdklng ut It Is monotonous and tume. Of coursejoii HII > , she'cl bi > no use upon a font ball leu in. Hut appearances , they tell me. nre not al ways -whnt they seem , 'Tin tine that In thp rush linenbi'd b nothing but a tl < h. I tut nhe'il make u ibind > full back , jou ought to nee h"r kick 's Journal Announces that Justice McCarthy Now Holds tlio Oaah. TERMS OF TIIC IRISH PARTIES' COMPROMISE llcilmoml ( Irlii t > nel"iiirlh of the Monojr to I'.ir OIT rurlioir * Ilobu-Tlie. OtUnr 30,000 to Uo la the l.vlctcd Irunutt. Dl'IJUN , Oct 23. The rrccinnn s Journal announces thai tlie sum& of inonpeubaorlbeil for the Irlsli cause , Kcuerallj- known as the Paris funds , nro nun tn tlie hands of Juetlii McCarthy , chairman of the Irish National lurlr. The statement w.is recently made by the corrcspomlcut of an Kngllali nrvv8uiper | at 1'iirla In tcparJ to the Irish fnuil. "The Juclgineut of tlip Trciicli courts , under > \lilrh tlie Irish funds Iti Paris , amounting to UO.fOO. vlll bo released nnd handed over to Justin McCarthy. M l\ , In Hkoly , ucconlltiR to Uie oltilona ] expressed b > Bevornl Irish niraii- bora , to K\\e \ a. vtlinulut to Irish agitation durltiR Uie furUicoailiit : autumn months Ths furds could not Inue been releases ! but for Iho compromise mrlveil at between the two nil. 8 of the lri h party and U Is an open secret that out of10,000 Iho sum of 10,000 Rill bo lianilod O\PI to Mr John llcdhiond and deposited lu Die now empty exchequer of tlie I'arnell part ) . It would be a mistake. tn aiBitmo , however that tlio v > liolc nf the 10,000can be ai > | ) llml to the propagation ot I'arnelllto prlitcltiles In Ireland Ilofore and for some caniidtriilile time ufloi the deuth of Mr 1'arnoll debts to H considerable amount had to be Ineurrert nnd otio of the terniB of the compromise In tlint these ilebts are to be diEclmrRed The I'linielllte membprs are more than pleased Ihat this burden Is to be Tfino\ed from their shoulder ! ' Tlie > believe that a balance will remain \ vlthvlilch they Intind to beKlu an active autumn campaign. and they hellcre that ( .hould luoro funds be ' received tne illhdnirK * ) of old dobla vvlll audlclently revive thidr credit to ctniblo thorn to carry on tlie iigUuMon until the dissolu tion comes Thk > most itaiiKUlnc of the Parni'lllte members hope. In the event of a compromise not beliiK arrived at with regard to their Inettiure nf representation , tliat they vvlll more than double their present strength " The McCarttiyites are pledRml to devote the 30 000 remaining of the fund to the relief of the evicted tenants CHIMSJ : : aii'sr in : Hint ligo Hi" Kllkiiito to 'I'likn KtruiiK tV1 < ui > iiinK. 1UHOSIIIMA. Japan. Oct 23 A CoVeati embnsRy , lieadcil by the second son of the king of Corea.lio Is a special cnvoj to the mikado , charged to return Hie visit iif Mar quis Slouy , the Japanese oiivuj who tecently visited Seoul , has arrived here and was re- cehcd In audience by the emperor nf Japan. The Corean PIIVOJ pre-tonted his majesty with a nuinbtr of cobtly Klfts from the king of Corea The special t-exsiuns of the Japanese Diet closed yesterda } The bills Introduced by the pnernmeiit In order to further the pro gress of the war were passed unanimously lu addition the Diet presented a memoran dum to the cabinet urgently requesting the government to execute thr Imperial declurn > tlons In order to achieve u complete victory nvcr the Clilnme anil lo restore peace In the east whllo ralsiiiK llfu glory of the tmtluii The Diet also recommciuled that China br severely punlplied , mid In a milliner which would not permit nf her being able to again disturb the peace of tlie east rinally , the Diet recommended that the ministers should let It be distinctly known that Japan will not tolerate nn > foreign In terference iv ti lull would prevent her from at taining the objects of the uai. iNcmn.NTS or TUB \VAII J ON'DON. Oct Jl A illsputch from Tien- Tain alleges the Japanese otlicials nt Seoul open and lumper with dispatches to the Urlt- li.li consul This ht < & ciiiiL'il sharp diplo matic correspondence A dispatch to the Times from Tlen-Tslii sajs u report Is cm rent that seventeen Japanese ese- war ships under Admiral Tlo have as sembled in I'liiK-YntiR inlet Thornton lluveu. It is s-Hld , bns never been occupied by the Japanese The Chinese fleet Is reported tii be I at WeiHalWei HONG KONG Oct 2. ! . The captain nnd owners of the British otrumer Tal } lien have demanded satisfaction for the action of the French cruiser Pot full , which summoned the Tal Yuen to display her Hag- firing gmib to enforce the demand SHANGHAI. Oct 3 The Tao Tal < ) f this district lm us1 < ed the foreign consuls to In stinct foreigners not to proved Into the country an business or pleasure as the sol diers of the Kunsu province woiiid probibly not understand the leuson for thulr prenenca The steamer Chung Wing which bus ar rived here , reports a Norwegian Hteanier lias been , overhauled off the Shan Tung promon tory ' by a Japanese war ship arid that sin ; hub been taken to Japan after it liavliig been shown that she had merchandise nn board which was under thr classification of contraband nt war The vessel referred to Is probably the Norwegian sttamer Tordensk- Joldwhich left Shnnnlml on Beplvmtor Si lor Tloa Tain. _ _ _ KIW : N ( KWAY Colon.r "t SmiKllnmlmi l > rmrr S * < * thn rjiml * of JlrltUh Uolumbln , VICTORIA , 1J. C. , Oct 2J.llev , 8. 0. Saagstadt , pioneer minister of the Lutheran church la Minnesota , with his little band ol eighty Norwegian farmers , Im o got thus tar on their way to Delia Coola , where with about 3,000 of their countrymen they pur pose establishing n new Norway among tlie Drilled Columbia mountains and fjords , so like the e of their native In ml. The NurvvcglntiH purpose engaging In mUoJ farming and development ot the deep sou fisheries They are the llrst to toke ad. xaniago of the Dritlsh Ciilmubla goveirn- incnfH new terms to Bettlers X These Nervveglani are n sturd ) lot ol men and promlxc tit make good ccttlers Their families and fi lends will followns soon HH the ? lime completed building the Jiou es. whose construction vvlll be their Ural duty lleSaagstadt sajg that In all his settlements vvlll have u population of about 3,000 souls nnd will lia e a capltul of 4500,000. _ _ roit nihi : IIIAI > K nuriritotnv. IVlll Ithudri Tliluk * lip tins Sclirnu-Mo Knork Sriinr Intu Hriilhnr .InnatliHii. CAI'R TOWN Oct r. Cecil Rhodes , the ' Diamond King" and prime minister o Capo Colony at n meeting at Ut > Ilecrs m lucre at Klinhorle ) vald tliat the diamond ptoduct during thr past jear was valued at JII400000 Refrrrlnp to the American fluty on dlnnionds he said IIP was for free trade , but also for rcclprocitv If they put Ilrother Junatlmn'H prodnets wit of Onpc Colony , they would prrh.t | > s bring him to his senses IIu would not again ask the shareholders to vote fr.U.noo to inhibit their diamonds In America The moral was tliat they should lea-ve America ulono. I liliii > t Mlnl lrr Miilu > Sonic UcnluU. LONDON , Oct. S3 Ut Him Hurbert An cpilth borne secretary , addressed the first of a siirleR of meetings of his constituents at Lovan. rifesfilre , Scotland In the course of his remarks lie said the statement thai ( ho cabinet had been recently summoned to consider grave complications between Great llrltain and Fran of wns tlio Idlonl llctlon that luul ever ontcted the brain ol man Tlie statement that Ililtlsh diplomacy liad sustained a serious rebuff in the great capitals of } ] uiiip < < was utterlj destitute ol the smallest foundation. UrKiix rmlucitl > < > Airupt 1.0UIU3NXO MAKQt'iZ. Dtilagoa Ilflv. Oct 2.1 Th * Chamber of Commerce has cabled to the Portuguese poveinnient sjy- Ing that the condition of affairs existing bora js unbearable tli.it business Is ruined ami that 11 n epidemic Is threatened Cause quently , I'oitugiil is urged to accept the offer of the Tiaimvnul government to send a force of Iloers to relieve the town from tht > eiego to which It has been subjected by the hurtles of KulHrp for some time pant scan li for mi Arrtlr l.tplcirnr. ST PirTKHSmWO. Oct S3 The steamer Mlnoursinsh has left Yenlsnlalt , Asiatic Hus- sta. In search of the steamer St Jernon , which , with the well known Arctic nuviffii tor. Captain Wiggins , who opuied up the northern passage tn Siberia , and a crow of forty men , bus not been lieu id of alnce nho loft Yenlsolsk. n inontli ago iK-ictlr Jltmmlvuit llOMi : , Oct 23 Ail the socialist worklng- mun'i. tailetlci Uirovigliout the kingdom Imva been dUsnlved t > 5 govcrumont decrnc Tha ofliceH and domiciles of thr members \vera searched and some Imiiortant rtociiinotils seized Some Impotent protests were ntado against the uctlun of the government , but there was no disorder Wrm U un ( ll irviititry. PANAMA , Oct 23. Advices from Lima , Peru state that n uindul not lias been perpe trated on the observatory Brigands iiro reported to have stolen nil of the valuable .Instruments and destrojptl the bulldlngH The obucrvator } was tstabllshcd by Harvard unlvcrult } nnd was one of the lineal equipped in the world I'upiil l.illlnr Kxpolled from Iinly , IlOMn. Oct 2.1Mgr Horglln editor and proprietor of the Monttour do Rome , Jia been arrested and will bo expelled from Uio country The Maiiltcitr de Rome has s-topjied publication lloeglin has been In trouble lie- fern with the iinlliorltles because of article. * ) published in bin paper , which Is u church organ. TnrklHli I ) i < initli > ii for lltilgurliuiii. SOFIA. Oct 3 The sultan nf Turkey bus conferred the grand cordon of the Order of Osmanlch upon M Stnrloff , Ilulgarlan prime minister and the cordon of the Ordpr of the Mcjldlch upon M Nachovltch , inhilster of foreign affalts This Is the first tlma Turkey has ever decorated llulgarlans Aincrlrun Souinrn Itnmiiind. HAVRi : , rrttnce , Ocl 23 The crew of tha American schooner Alice T Doardman , taken , from the wreck of that vessel off Highland light lio.Hton , by the British stcamablp Dur ham City , h.iB been landed hvire. All hands were saved The rescued men will be sent home by the United States consul no/mi on itnrn .VOAVIF H.ICJC , TnoJ Von. TlinTael IH tlio Chinese unit of > ahi and Is wiirth ted ly about UK iii-ntH In I ) a money. Tinn IH tliuiiull ofaliin lu J.-ipun II ount.ilnH a bo u I tlio snmonnantltj of HVITBH | | our dotlnr and It ) orlli In iw ovn 4t ) nnd 4U cenlH Tlio HllviTHtim- clanl iiiiiliilulns In buth China anil Japan. Taels A stocking1 full of taels or a collar box lull ofyens vill oomo in handy this iu r. i , winter ; especially if you are the commissary and quartermaster of a household. They will help buy the provisions and the fuel. The way to get 'em is to save the amount in your purchase of a suit or an overcoat. It is our boast that on good , high grade , now style clothing1 , we undersell the other dealers who have to pay a prollt to the makers and the jobbers. Wo are the makers and the retailers all in one. $7.50 ( about 15 yens ) buys an all wool suit. Every grade at prices exactly corresponding- quality and fineness of the fabric. Browning , King & Co , , Hcllublt Clothlcrs.IS.V. . Cur. 15th and Donaa.s. !