Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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T3 llrcr < l br carrier to Jnr P rt of th ctt7
II. W. T1L.TON. Leiiee.
TKbrrilONES Uu tnctJ omc . No. 41 ; night
id I tor. No. 23.
Mnyne Heal Hslate agency , 539 nroadway.
The ladles of the First. Presbyterian chuich
will not meet this afternoon.
Hov. T. J. Mackay will preach next Sun
day t-venlng at Grace Episcopal church.
The cnKaRemcnt ot P. I * Ellis nnd MU
Oertnulo Puaey , both ot thl * city , Is an
nounced ,
The ladles of the Hroadwny Methodist
church are arranging for a "Curio" social
to bo Riven November 1 ,
The third annual ball of Council camp No.
11 , Woodmen ol the World , will be given
next Tuesday evening , October 30 , at their
hall.Tho Ladles' Aid society of St. Jolm'n
English Lutheran church meets Thursday
afternoon at the residence of Mrs. N. J.
Swanson , 020 Franklin avenue.
Caroline Norton commenced n suit In the
district court yesterday ngalnst D. S. Norton ,
a Council Illults Rambler , better known to
" " " " for divorce.
the "pcrfesh" as "Shorty , a
Cards have been received In this city
announcing the marriage of Fanny Marlon
Cory to Richard Henry Washington , which
took platp on Monday , October 15 , at Den-
The engagement ot MKR ! Elizabeth Grlf-
foth. a sister ot Mrs. F. I' . Wright of thin
city , to .Mr Clinton Cljrk Coldren , Is an
nounced. Hoth parties are residents of
Iowa City.
The city council held n meeting yesterday
nftcrnoon and Instructed the clerk to re-
advertise for bids for paving : Oakland avenue.
They are to be In tlio hands of the clerk
by November 3.
Ar. Information was filed In the district
court yesterday by Johann Ij. Husch against
Carl Schultz of Keg Creek township , charg
ing him with Insanity , llo will have nn ex
amination at the hands of the commissioners
S P MacConnell , who was hurt last sum
mer whllo trying to board a motor and has had
to walk with n crutch nnd cane ever since ,
will have to submit to an operation or lose
the use ot tha llnib permanently. He Is
now In Chicago for the purpose.
Those wishing to mall matter to go out In
the special pouch for Chicago on the llyer ,
No. 2 , over the Northwestern at 8:20 : p.
in. , must hereafter pet their mall to the
postotrico not later than 5 o'clock , as the
malls will bo dosed promptly at that hour.
The Frco Methodists will hold a quarterly
mcetlnc at their new church on the corner
of Twelfth street and Avenue A , beginning
Friday , October 20 , and continuing over
Sunday. Elder S. II. Wllsan will be In
charec. Everybody Invited to attend. J.
II. Ilrlttaln , pastor.
Fred Itoper and Charles Schofler , who cre
ated a dlsturbanco at the homo ot Victor
Sadowskl , were each fined $25 and costs by
Judge McGee. Wlillam Ixjwls , who proved
to have been there to see the fun , had to pay
a fine of $10 and costs. Hoper and Lewis
paid out and were released , but Schcller will
have to board hls.lne , ( out.
II The marshal arrested a houto full of people
ple at the corntr of Avenue F and Sixteenth
Rtrcet last evc-nlng. They are suspected tc
have been engaged In praclfccs that nro nol
sanctioned by tlio laws of Iowa or by the
city ordinances without the payment of t
monthly fine. The case will be Jieard In
police court this morning.
The Ilclknap Savings 'banl < commenced fore
closure proceedings in ( he district court yes
terday for $5,301 against Mrs. R. M. Osborne ,
Mary Ann , wlfo ot Richard Gallagher , diet :
yesterday morning at 2 o'clock ot typholO
fever at the agn of 44 years , after an Illiiesi
of sU weeks. The funeral will occur to
morrow afternoon al 2 30 o'clock from tin
residence , 2110 Thirteenth street.
Pottawattamlo tribe No. 21 , Independent Or
der Hod Men , will meet In regular session n
I their wigwam over 103 Pearl street , thin
floor , this evening. The team of Omahi
trlbo No. 18 , as well as a number ot brother !
from the Omalm and Fort tribes , will be pres
nt and do work In nil the degrees. A largi
attendance * Is desired. All visiting brother
are welcome. A. D. Van Horn , C. of It.
Miss Dora Lyons Is .confined to her home
31G North Seventh street , as the resul
ot an aqcldent. She was driving with he
brother , Clyde , when the horse bacam
frightened by a breaking of the harness nni
started to run. The vehicle was overturnci
ami both occupants thrown to the ground
The young man escaped Injury , but his nls
ter Ftruck her head on the ground and wa
rendered senseless for some time. She Is lie
seriously Injured ,
The boom In the northwestern part of th
city has not yet struck so hard , but whn
wo can sell several desirable cottages In the
locality at a very low price and on eas
terms , Lougee & Tovvle , 235 Pearl street.
DavlH Clrimtml u l.lqunr Licence * .
George S. Davis , the well known Droadvva
druggist , has. been granted a permit by tli
court to buy nnd sell liquors ot all kinds fc
mculcal purposes , and he will carry the bei
gradea made and -will supply the gcnen
public at the lowest prices.
J. r. Ilullmjjrn t Mncy 1'iitent ,
Hungarian Process Flour.
Made by the oldest milling firm In the was
makoj lightest , whitest , sweetest bread. As
your grocer for II. Trade mark : "nit
Ilooster , "
Domestic loip breaks hard water
The Pethybrldge meat market at 635 Droai
\ way has been sold to Qus llenrlchs , who wl
continue the business with Increased facil
ties for giving the public the best inea
at the lowest prices.
I'tSIUiOffAL I'.IIMttlM 1'JIS.
J. J. Slendmnn is attending federal cou
In Des Molnes.
12. Easdale- off for a short vacation , whl <
lie will spend with friends at Olathe , Kan.
Miss Bessie Dobbins ot Creston Is In tl
city , the guest of her brother , W. E. Do
Rev. T. F. Thlckstun left last evening f
"Webster City to attend the meeting1 of tl
Io a llaptlst state convention.
O. II , Denton of the Rock Island return
yesterday from a visit of two weeks
Wisconsin , accompanied by his wife.
M. 8. Rails and family have moved fro
Chicago to this city , and are the guests
Mrs. Rails' parents , Mr. and Mrs , W. 1
Mrs. Nelllo Bangs Skclton of Chicago , we
known to the musical world us an acccot
plUhcd pianist , Is the- guest of Mrs. W.
Sapp on Oakland avenue.
Rev. C. N Armstrong , who has been cu
fined to his home by a severe attack
erysipelas for several uceks past , Is able
ba about the streets again.
J. E. Harkness has returned from Ni
York state , whither he was called by a tcl
gram announcing the dangerous Illness
tils mother. Ho arrived four days before h
General Manager W C. Drown and Genei
Supcrlntendant S. E. Crance of the Mlssot
River lines of the Burlington system , we
In the city yt-aterda- .
Miss p. D. Shearer of Ruslivllle , III. , w
It on her return homo from a month's
In Utah nnd California , will spend a I
tfay with her niece , Mrs. J. M. Flagler , a
her sister. Mrs. J. U. Gallup ,
Deb "Westcott U now In Cheyenne , Wy
"doing" politico for the Cincinnati Enrjulr
with which lie hat been connected for a nu
ber of months past. Ho will return
Cincinnati shortly after election by way
Council Bluffs. An Horn of news that
be of Interest to Ills friends here la tl
lie- has decided to embark en the matrlmon
sea , Iho lucky young lady being Miss Ma
Northrup , a belle , of Mayivlllo , Ky. , n
the daughter of -wealthy merchant. T
ceremony Is to be performed November 30
Just recrlved , a new Invoice of all I
Uteit stylei In millinery at Miss Ragsdalc
ID Pearl street.
Before buying- your wood heater call
Bwalne't , 740 Broadway , cd tee the Ac :
better , the bctt airtight stove made. Sta-
pipe So a Joint.
* -
Dmestla to p outltstt cheap soap.
Senntoi Allen Gives General Weaver's
Cause a Slight Boost.
Ntlinultu'i Junior Senator Talk * of Tree
Sllter mill Frco Nrcosn.irlcs of Life
trltli linen on the I.unities
I'unlon Oxerlooked.
Senator William V. Allen made a speech
last eve-nine at the opera house , and al
though It was one of the most eloquent
that has been heard In the Ninth congres
sional district this campaign , as an exhibi
tion of popull&tlc enthusiasm the meeting
was not a blooming success. The- stage
waa nicely decorated with the American
colar * . and at the back was a recess , per
haps sK feet deep , with a portrait of Gen
era ! Weaver at the back end , and an elabor
ate frame of red , white and blue around It.
Just before the speaker of the evening ap
peared a light was turned on and General
Weaver's face sprang Into \lcw. It was
expected that the effect would be electrical ,
but on the contrary , not a hand-clap was
heard. But llttls more enthusiasm was
shown when Senator Allen hove Into sight ,
accompanied by C. L. Gillette , J. N. Casady ,
Lawrence Klnnehan , Chairman S. II. Wads-
worth of the democratic congressional com
mittee , Judge W. C. James , William Moore
and G. A. Robinson.
"Over in Nebraska , " said the speaker ,
after a brief Introduction by J. N. Cnsady ,
"wo are having a harder light than jou on
this side of the rl\cr. For the first time
the corporations and money power have
come out openly and attempted to dictate
to the people how to cast their vote. The
republican ticket was nominated through the
instrumentality of the corporations , and
they nre not concealing their Interest In Its
success. "
Ho theil proceeded to a comparison of 1SG3
anil 'GO , when thcra was a per capita circu
lation of $52 , and tramps were unknown and
labor had remunerative employment , -with
the present time , when 2,000,000 ot honont
men arc roaming over the country , searching
In vain for work. In 1SSO the great con
spiracy ot the money power against silver
waa commenced by the calling In and de
stroying of more than a billion dollars worth
of silver certificates. In 1&73 the silver was
demonetized entirely , In 1S89 there was a
slight compromise made by the money power
in allowing the pissagel of the Sherman act ,
nnd the conspiracy finally completed Its dead
ly work last year , when the silver purchas
ing clause of that act was repealed. J ovv
the per capita circulation Is reduced to J2J ,
of which all but about $1C Is In the money
centers ot the east In the shape ot bank
reserves , so that the real circulation of the
country docs not amount to mora than ? ! .
"The populist party. " he continued , "Is
snuarely ore the platform of a free and un
limited coinage of silver at the ratio of 10
Ho favored taking away the power to Issue
paper money from the national banks , on
the ground that It was a dangerous power
to entrust to any private , person or corpora
tion. Ho wanted all articles of food , shelter
and clothlnR put on the free list and the
revenues for carrying on the government
laUcd by taxing the luxuries , Incomes and
visible property. Ho would also take the
tax oft coal. And , as for the action of con
gress In putting a tax on sugar , even that
was good republican doctrine , and the re
publicans therefore 'had no complaint to
make .
"In the Investigation made by congress
Into the working of the Sugar trust it was
than that ol
found upon no less authority
Mr. H&vemeyer that the trust made | 26- ,
000 000 out of the manipulations of the Ale-
Kinley bill.Vo cut the tax on rcAncil
sugar , which has never bsen free since tnc
days Of Washington , from 60 to 22 cent !
per hundred weight. Ami give us a little
more strength In the lower house of con-
and we'll take oft that 22 cents.
"We'll send Weaver to Washington ; he 1
help you. " shouted Dr. A. J. Cook In the
rear of the room. Up to this point In thi
address not a word had been said about
Weaver The senator took the hint am
finished his speech with a glowing perora
Son. in which he extolled the virtues o
General "Weaver and urged his hearers ti
cast their votes for him.
Not a single reference was made Uirougrh
the democratic side of th
1 out the speech
house , and the democrats did not PPear I. .
in the demon
take a very prominent
. . The , speaker did hi * talking ; tron
the standpoint of a populist , ami M be ! m
heard that there was fusion In the Mntl
he did not betray the fac
district : of Iowa ,
by a. single word.
Tlie King-of All Temperance Drinks Knock
Out All Illrala.
The extraordinary demand created fo
Copps Cheer In nil temperance communltie
where Intoxicating beverages cannot be soli
has led envious alleged rivals to attack i
and misrepresent It. Among conservativ
and cautious dealers who do not wish to evci
approach the line of violation of law , nn
families who don't want an Intoxicating bev
erage in. their lockers , these misrepresent ! )
tlons have led lo the most crucial testa fo
alcohol known , and the beverage , ulill
spaiklinB. Invigorating and health-buildlnj
has been found tobe as harmless us th
mildest soda water. Thus the cllege
"friendly warnings" coming from litle : fel
lows who think themselves rivals prove to b
selfish misrepresentations made for the sol
purpose of enabling them to force the pal
ol nauseous and unwholesome compounds.
Whcelflr & llercld , Council Iluffs ) , la , ar
the orlclnators and sole brewers of Copp
Cheer , and give an indemnifying bond t
every dealer , while the beverage speaks fo
'tself. ' Hut It more proof is desired the en
Jori-ements ot ministers. Judges
rt . , chemist
and phv-blclans can bo referred to as the
rth have appeared In The Hee dally for weeks
: h ind hundreds of others In our olHce.
( rand Hotel , Council UlufTft , Iti-opmnl
Newly furnished. Every modern con
venlence. Klrst class In all respects. Ratei
or .GO to J3.00. E. F. CLARK , Proprictoi
IBi Gai cooking ato\es for rent and far ial i
Cai Co.'a offlce.
; d
In The laundries uc Qomeitlc tea p.
DeVol'a .Ur Ti/ht
Iltatcrs nro at the head. They are cor
structed on scientific principles. All price
( U4 Broadway.
Gcurlclus * music house has few expense !
high grade planes are cold reasonably. 11
Stutsman street.
Hog cholera preventive and cure by Def
of Jetferls. Fletcher avenue. Council Bluff ;
to v.111 stop the disease In one" hour , Trl.
botilc ,
Peaslee's celebrated ale and pcrler uo
on draught at Grand hotel bar.
Cagle launlry , 721 Broadway , ( sr yea
work , Tel. 1BT.
a I
irl Washerwomen use Domeitlo icap.
Premier egg cupa at Lund Bros ,
ho hlinplj Nimlbiiggeil Him.
sit J. J Anderson , who Is employed by tl
.Missouri 1'Jdtc railroad In Omaha , viaa ai
saulled before midnight last night by tw
o. , footpads on thetrnck ; bridge jusl north <
: r , the Northwcsttr * city depot when he ws
n- on lilt way honjp. lie passed between U
nto men when one aked | him for 15 cent * . II
of replied that hu had no money , and wi
111 struck twice and knocked down , when Lot
lUt men unJertook I ransack bis pockets. II
la I succeeded In , Klv g ont of them a forclb
ud blow , and both tl 'n ' ran away. They robb
nd him of ngthlng. le was not badly hurt.
here Stovepipe Be u olnt , Swalnt's , " 10 liroai
way , _
Swalno will savdyou money on stoves an
, "JO llroadtay. Stovepipe Sc a Join
llcmeuiler P. O. $ . of A. dance on Wedne :
day evening. OctokT 24 , at thekr new hal
101 South Main ttket. Uverybody InMtei
re- IiivuitjgHtlniC Cole.
The committee > f tht > Christian churc
which wai appoint * ] to Invcitlgate the coi
duct ot Z. W. Cole , referred to In ( Ueie
columns several day * ago , hcM a mrttlng
last night at the residence of A. S. BonhjCm ,
In the eastern part oC the city. Reporters
were rigidly excluded , nnd when the rncetjnj ;
broke up the only Information that ws
vouchsafed the outside public was that n&
action would be taken until Sunday ,
Annual CloTilt Opening.
The Boslon store annual cloak opening
takes place Monday and Tuesday of thli
week , October 22 ami 23. As has been the
custom in former years , all cloaks In the
store shall be sold at n reduced price for
these two dny& only. We have no doubt that
our patrons will turn out In full force to
renew their acquaintance with Mr. Henry J.
Schroft , who will be with us dur
ing the opening. He is uliow-
Inc one of the most Stylish lines of cloaks
that has ever been shown by him. The
line of goods he carrs-a ha become celebrated
In this Alcinlty for being the best fitting , as
well as the nobbiest garments on the market ,
and it you buy -one of his garments you can
always depend on getting full value for your
money. Don't mlts this chance ot seeing the
finest line of coats west of Chicago. Re
member only two days , nnd every coat at
cost prleo.FOWLER r
Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la.
I.tin ( I Urns. M-ll Our.
Wo have this , day Fold our stock of nier-
mndlse nnd fixtures to W. II. Mullln. Any
; ie Indebted lo the ( Irm of Lund Bros , will
call at the store on or before November 1 ,
: ettle account and save expense ot colleo
iori. Lund Bros. , Main street.
The P. 0. D. of A. will serve supper at
3 South Main street , Wednesday evening ,
"ctober 24. Oysters , hot coffee and other
ofieshments will be served , commencing at
Grace guild will give a pink tea and so-
ial Wednesday , October 24. During the
renlng an appropriate program will be rcn-
ered. Admission , 1C cnts.
J-Ui > Tough * Corralled ,
The police yesterday rounded up five of
he toughest characters that have orna-
nented the city Jail cells for many a day.
They were found loafing about the Nort'i-
estcrn yards and were stopping every
tie they passed and trying to boll them
P for money. At the city Jail they gave
heir names as William Lane , James D
lolmea , Charles Sherwood , George Murray
nd Clarence Blakeley. The lost named
a Council Bluffs man of unsavory reputa-
ton , but nil the others are outsiders where
ro thought to have been commlUng some
f the depredations of the past few days.
iVhcn Olllcer Slead brought them to the
: lty Jail Murray blurted out : "If I'd had
gun you wouldn't have brought me here.
'm only six days out of the Anamosa
enlli'iitlary , and. I'd as soon go back there
a not. "
IllsTrli-l Court > otri.
A. T. Ilalns , the Silver Creek township
'armer ' who was charged with committing an
assault upon. D. McKenzle , a neighbor , was
omul guilty of atsault and battery by the
ury yesterday.
Today the two cases of the state ngalnst
iVatson and the state against Lee Forman ,
he latter a burglary case , are sot for trial ,
but both the defendants want continuances
until next term.
Tomorrow the case , of Maude Bryant-
against the Omaha & Council Bluffs Hail-
nay and Bridge company Mill be on trial.
Friday Is the last day for serving notices
and Saturday for filing petitions for the new
.erm , which opens November 0.
n Uivorco
S. J. Butler commenced proceedings in the
district court yesterday for a divorce from
its wife , Mrs. A. II. Butler. The peti-
lon stats ? that they were tiarrled In
DlckeyvllleVls. . , April 28 , 1893 , but that
after one month of wedded bliss or some-
hing else his wife Ictft him alone1. He
charges Mrs. Butler with sustaining Im
proper relations with Ira Shellhurt of thin
city. Both Mrs. Butler and Shellhart
were under arrest on the charge of lewd-
ness. The criminal case was to have come
oft yesterday In the district court. County
Attorney Organ dismissed the case.
Mitrrlugu l.lurnscn.
The following marriage licenses were Is
sued by the county clerk yesterday :
N'umc and Add rent. Age
William Hninnck , Pottnwattamle county 23
Gertie Kaiser , Di nglas county. Neb . IS
Ole Nurmun , West Superior , Wls . 23
Malesia Hose , PottEiwattumlc county . 2C
Joseph I'oltitn , Pottawatlamltcounty. . . . 21
TressJe Melntosh , Pottawattamle county n
2. A. Hclmlllan , I'ottawattamle county. 2-1
Blanche i'cnder , Pottawattamle county. 11
AIIUiui 'lonlRht.
Senator W. B. All son ot Iowa will ad
dress the people of Council Bluffs and v | .
clnlty this evening at Dohany's opera house.
As a talker upon political Issues he has nol
his superior in the country , and there will
undoubtedly be a large attendance.
Domestic patterns can only be had n
Vavra's new dry goods store , 142 Broadway
Dry pine- kindling for sale. Cheaper thar
cobj. H , A. Cox , 37 Main street. TclspUom
New sterling sliver novelties , very beautl
ful and stylUh , at Wollrnan's , 403 Broadway
Selected hard wood tor heating stovjs.
II. A. COX , 37 Main street. Tel. 48.
Havana Freckles clgar.DavIs , wholesale pgt
I'rcd Turul Show * Until O.lklry and Hjroi
McUetliiiHl Di-clileft to OiiiU
OAKJ.KY , Oct. 23-Kred 'Tumi , tin
famous : Jockey , anlvecl from the east toda ;
and i ude Plelsolunann's colt , Lehman , li
the third race. He made a hot finish , bu
was beaten lj Clayton on Plutus. Only am
rather doubtful favorite won todjy Green
wlch In the lant race , at even odds , wit )
MlsH Gnll-p. Byron McClelland said tcda ]
that he i\as not feeling well , and ,
Henry of Nnvane could not start
this year , he would go home tomorrow am
turn his horses out. The attendance win
large ami the track fast , llesults :
Flint race , seven furlongs : Yellow Hcsi
(8 ( to 1) won. Traverse ( B to 2) ) second , St
AUKtistlne (8 to 3) third. Time : 1:2S : ,
Second race , thirteen-sixteenth * of a mile
Dominion ( ! > to 1) ) won. Basso (3 to ! > > second
Plccatoon ( t to 1) ) third. Time : lSUi. :
Third race , mile and a sixteenth : J'liitu
(3 ( to 1) ) won , Lchmnn ( evin ) second , Selltii
D (8 to 1) ) thlid. Tlrne : 1:48H. :
Kturth lace , eleven-sixteenths of a mil *
Toloauhe (20 ( to 1) ) won. La. Creole ( to 1
second , Victorious (8 to 1) third. Tlmr
1:0914. :
Fifth race , mile and fifty yards : Klfht
more (7 ( tu 2) ) w n , Itesplendont (3 ( to 2) ) second
end , Kmma Mo (5 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1.46'i
Sixth race , one mile. Greenwich (2 ( to I
won , r.ll (20 ( to 1) ) Kccond , John Itcikley ( I
to U tlilrd. Time : 1:41. :
ST , LOI 'IS. Oct. 21. At Madison. Kirs
race , six furlong : Lore Knot won , Jennl
pet-ond. Montana Belle third. Time : l:24aj
Second race , Ilvt furlongs : OIPIIOU wor
Caleb Hecond , l irry Kuvunaugh , thlrt
Time : l.O&'i.
Fifth nu'e , four and a half furlongs : An
nlo B won. Tramp second , Caroline lliimll
ton third. Time : 0.59V. . .
Fourth race , Bi-c furlongs : Bnnhach wor
Arajmhoe necond , Kenwjod thlnl. Time
1 21 % .
Fifth race , live furlong * and n half : Th
Hook.won , ULII C'asttr second , Billy the Kt
thlnl. Time : 1:15' .
1IAHLKM. III. , O t. 23. First race , nl
furlonKri. Itoslyn won , Hold Bugsicorn
Lni'lnda tlilrd. Time : 1:15.
Second nice , mile und a quarter : Sun
lelka won , Kliw Mac second , Jluyal Prlnc
third. Time : 2lOtf. :
Third race , live and n half furlong *
Vlnctor vron. i B. Mori Is second , Mis
Youngthird. . Time : 1,06V.
Fourth race , mile * and a hltleenth' Dun
carveii won , Marion O nccoml. Deceit thlri
Time 1:1914. :
Klfth race , flvo furlonK : Tim Murph
won , Libertine wec-ond. Souvenir third. Tlrm
Sixth rare , live furlongs : Hooleln woi
1'edentrlan Hecond , Mother of Pearl thin
Time 1 02.
ST. A8APTH. Oct. 2-Flr : { t race , six fui
longs. HurrliiRlon won , Vurluna second , K
Kearney third. Time : l:16'4. :
Second nice , one mile : Shadow won. Xer
peoml. . Cold Dollar tlilpl. Time : 1:424.
Third rare , live and a halt furlongs : Tru
Penny won , liolden < 3ate second , Amstei
dam third , Time. l-li > \ .
lAurlti iiu \ mile und u sixteenth : Llv
Oak won. l onK lirldgi ; sworn ! , Setuukt
third , Time : iM t.
Fifth rare , nix furlonirs : Dcrfurtlla vtot
Prince John second , Little lillllo thin
Time : 1:154 ,
Sixth race , live and a lult furlong : V r
won , For Br second , The Scalper thlr.
Time : ll .
KANSAS CITV , Oct. 23.- The uport todu
- * <
wai excellent. The first Wctf wrnt Jp- Tim
othy , A Btoutly-plavcd thfrij rjhdlce. The s o-
> Jel .
8ecoml rncc. four furlrnr ; * ! lirbnn Die. .
won , JAicy Day second , LUlIe- Ell third.
Time. 0W : ? . "tfc " t-
Third race , five rurlongpi , rtiatnpnlirnc
won , Prospect second , IJoli .Francis third.
Time. l.WYi.
Fourth race , six ftirloiffrS ! flreen Prewltt
won , He'perla second , Monk Overtoil third
Time. ISVt. \ .
Fifth race , nix furlongs : . iMontelln. won ,
Lizzie P second , Carmt > nclta third. Time
1:19 : H.
I'HOVIDKNCK , n. I , Oct. 11.-F1r t race ,
six furlongs ; Pay or Play won , Fugitive
second , Ilosewool , colt , third. Time1 1:18. :
Second nice , one mile : Dr. Oarnett non ,
Annie Hlphop second , 1'cter Ihe Great third.
Time : 1:424. :
Third race , live fmlonKB : Relict won , Lady
Itlchmond second , Itcrmnnlta third. Time :
Fourth race , one mile4 The Queen -won ,
Plenty second , Connors tl lrd. Time 143 ; % .
Fifth race , four nnd a hnlf furlongs !
Hurry Kclster won. Queen of Pleasure second
end , Ablngton third. Time : 0 5CVJ.
Sixth race , two miles , ovar elpht hunlles.
Mftrcut won , Rod inn n second , San. Jonquln
third. Time : 4:43. :
JlhTTKK JOI.V Jttl >
Cr.inh of n Dnnccrous Kind Sppklnzn I.iiiui-
tlc itijlmii to Cum in 11 1'ntrlcldn.
NEW YOHK , Oct. 23. A man named Rcllly
ho says he Is a marble cutter and that ho
as been living with his sister , Mrs. George
itcKnlght , In Newark , has b.en arrested
liere. Ho was seen with the crowd of strlk-
: ig cloakmakers who went from Newark to
ttack the house of a man named Qellard ,
hero work Is being done for his New York
actory. He was seen later silting on the
110 of the gully road In the northern part
f I lie- city , handling a rerclxer and some
artrldgei. Ho had taken the weapon apart
hen Captain McManus and a squad of police
ccldentally came upon him and took him
o the second precinct station In his pocket
ere letters addressed to Mrs William K.
'andcrbllt , Chauncey it. Oepe , ( Jcorge
ould and Superintendent Dyrnes. He In-
ended to mall them today. He said the
etter to Hyrnes was blmply a query as to
liether he had received a tetter from Hellly
bout a recent mysterious murder , In which
description of the murderer was given.
'ho ' others were of a ramlillng nature , half
> egjliig ( and half threatening. He told the
> ollco that he would do anything to help
itrlkers and down capitalists , and that the
ast few days ho had patro led the avenues
ear VanderhlH's homo watching for an op-
wrtunlty to kill some of the family. He
rent to Newark with the striking cloak-
nakers and Intended to go from there to
.Varren . , Pa. , where his father Is in a luna-
Ic asylum. The latter Is a great inlnd-
eadur and has a wonderful power over him ,
e says , and for that ror.ton he wants to
111 him Kellly will be detained by the
Jew-ark police until an Investigation can be
nade. He says that he has written several
e tiers to President Cleveland.
( luthcrliiT ol Nei ? Yorker * to
( Jrept tliel'hluf of tlio Army.
NEW YORK , Oct ' 23. The members of
the Salvation army gathered In Union
Square , and after greeting the venerable
General Iloolh dispersed t6 reassemble In
Music hall , where the event of the' day took
ilacc. An audience of 5,000 greeted Gen-
ral Booth. The bonces were filled with
'nshlonable men and vvorueij who arc Inter
ested In the auxiliary ) league of the army.
Commander Booth led ] In jiraycr and then
Rev. Henry Bradford of Montclalr. N. J. ,
ead an address of welcome to General
Dooth. Commander .Booth , then presented
his fatliei with a handsomely framed testimonial
menial from the staff officers. General Booth
arose to make his acknowledgement and a
mighty wave of applause swept over the
house. The general made a speech In
which ho brlelly told tlid history of the
army. "Why did 1 undertake this work ? "
he asked. "Beeausvj In one part of the
east end , of London ther population have
never been Inside ofa. . church. I drew the
painted women from the streets and drunk
ards around me and preached the gospel ol
Jesus to them. Before then Christianity
was a byword of reproach on their lips.
"People ha\e questioned our mode ol
operation. They decry the noise and the
banners , but as yet the end has Justified
the means. Wo have planted our banners
on the walls of St. Petersburg and In dis
tant India and will push our fight to ever ?
corner of the earth , Wo probably In time
will establish an International headquarter !
In America. "
Commander Booth then asked that $1CO (
should be collected. The baskets were
passed around , but the amount ashed for wai
not made up. _
r/.v/e > .v
Hut ll Hny Its Object Xoir IH I'nlltlcnl-
llnllot > nt Sirlhci.
NEW YORK , Oct. 23. Eugene V. Debs
president of the American Railway" union
will organize a new branch of the unlor
today In this city. Tomorrow Debs will hole
a conference with New York Railway unlor
as to the conectlon with the American Rail
way union , and on Thursday he will addres !
a mass meeting In Brooklyn. Filday he wll
start on an organizing tour through the state
visiting Watertown , Rochester and Buffalo
The tour will terminate with a general re
union of prominent union men at Cleveland
Deba tald : "J have received forty-two app.l
cations for charters since I left Chicago. Th <
union Is booming. I predict this country hai
seen Its biggest railroad strike. There wll
never be one like It again. At a ronventloi
of 120 delegates from the various branche ;
of the American Railway union recently , tin
ballot was settled as being more effectlvi
than strikes , A resolution endorsing gov
eminent ownership of railroads , tclegrophi
and mines was agreed on , and the people' :
party was endorsed. "
Two Million Dollars in licpoilt Held lluck-
1 ho 1'uiilr In PltUburir.
PITTSBURG , Oct. 23 The run on the dls
crctlonary pools continued today. Two o
three are paying those Investors who refusi
to be persuaded that the Institutions an
solid , but the others are relying upon tin
thlity-day notice to give them time to settli
or leave town. The offlce furniture of tin
Public Stock and Grain exchange was levlei
upon this morning at the suit of Mrs Gillai
of Ailentown , who Invested J100 In the con
cern ,
Georco M. Irwln &iCo. , > who have been litho
the discretionary pool * business for two year
and arc Supposed to hove over ? 2,000,00
on deposit , suspended payment at noon am
demanded five days' notice of withdrawal.
hiiEiir Tru t Cime tuilln Arumxl HI'BV efc
WASHINGTON , Oct.-2.T-The casa of th
United States versuffhe Sugar trust wll
probably be arguuJi { tjij ) supreme court li
the present week. [ Hiecase comes to th
supreme court on anappeal from the Unite' '
States circuit court of .appeals for the thin
circuit. It Is a blllaln.flfiulty . lo upset thl
triiit. filed by the \\n\ttA \ States under th
so-called Slieman anil-/ru8t law of July !
1890. The case is regarded as an Importan
one because of its tfcarjng upon cases of
similar character toucliiiig the % alldlly of th
Sherman law as plc/d | , t < > trusts.
Spoeiloii il o llaro.
LONDON , Oct. SJ iAt Newmarket toda
the Limekiln slakes of 50 sovereigns eac
for starters , with 1,000 sovereigns added fc
3-year-olds and upwardi , Rowley mile , wet
won by Prince SoUyUoft's Speed , 3-year-oli
a. bay colt by Hampton out of I.ucetti
Lord Bradford's 3-year-old brown colt Belgl
crton , by Chllllngton , out of Black Stockln
and .Matchbox , 3-year-old , a bay colt by S
Simon , out of Malchglrl , the property c
Baron Hlrsch , i\ae third. Only thee
three horses started.
Cluileru l > rrrcj. > liic lu I'.urapc.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 23. - Dr. Falrfa
Irwln , surgeon of the marine hospital sen
Ice In London , In a special report to th
surgeon generaf covering the progress <
cholera In Europe for the week tnded OcU
ber 10 , says there la a steady decreuie In th
opldbrnlo everywhere , , amounting In Austria
Hungary to nearly 50 per cent. The di
crease In Russia wat also remarkable and D
Irwln exprestes the tope that the advent <
cold -weather will put an end to the epidemic
Vlld far nn
Left l"t > Un nnitn
NEW fAV0N ) , Conn. , Oct. 23. An old
gentleman and a young lady have been
RcvaYchlng for several days the records of the
probate court of this district for evidence
of the property left by Cllhu Yale , the
founder ot Yale university , to which they
had nn idea thai they were the legal heirs.
The searchers were named Yale , and claimed
to be the descendants of the founder of the
university. They como from Walllngford ,
! ( . Is said that a commercial traveler , while
In Wisconsin , became acquainted with a fam
ily named Yale In that state , and Informed
that family that Kllhu Yale died possessed
of about $100,000,000 , which was held by Yale
university In trust for the hslrs , who had
never appeared to claim the property. The
Wisconsin family has relatives In Walllng
ford , and the western Yales asked the east
ern Yale s to nuke an investigation The
two who examined the probate records were
very careful to conceal their names. The
couple have given up the search , satisfied
that the- story was untrue. They had also
seen Prof Dt-xter of Yale , and he satisfied
them that they were on a wild goosa chase.
1'rotmbtn ImpPiii-luiH'lit fur Violation of
Authority In li > nkUeilnK ,
TOLEDO , Oct. 23 A sensation was cre
ated at a meeting of the city council by the
presentation and unanimous adoption by the
lower board of the city government of n
resolution arraigning Mayor Major for al
leged violation of author ty In the system
of bookkeeping put Into the municipal de
portments some time ago by the Safeguard
Accountant company ot ChicagoThe al
leged violation ol authority consists In
the action ot the mayor In ap-
no'ntlnc to the oillce of city accountant
James W. Caldnell , Perry Crlppen and W. n
UKISS successively , all of whom are al-
cged to have been Incompetent , and In the
pproval of a claim far $3,777 of the Safe-
uo rd company , which claim the council re-
ected as "boldly Illegal and extortionate. "
The mayor Is charged with further derellc-
ion of duly In falling to have presented
monthly statements from the several city
epartments as provided by law. Many
lembers of the counc.l consider the affair
s the first step toward Impeaching the
lay or.
'readout's Vac.itlon In Kmlml ami Ho Is-
JmtrnrjIiiR tit Now York.
BUZZARD'S BAY , Mass. , Oct. 23. Presi
dent Cleveland and family , accompanied by
, Irs. Pcrrlno and yiss Rose Cleveland , left
Gray Gables In a special train at 9 o'clock
his morning. The directors' car of. the
Old Colony road was placed at the disposal
of the party The train was run on special
Ime to Mlddleboro and from there the party
vlll go to Providence , probably by way of
'all Itiver. At Providence the car will bo
attached to the regular through train to
New York from Boston. Mrs. Cleveland
and the children will stop off at Greenwich
o visit Mr. Benedict. The president will
continue his Journey to New York.
\VOIIIHII Mure ! Tlicm Pollrr
OXFORD. Oct. M.-At Fnlrhnven last
night Dr. Stuler , aged SO , rushed into his
burning- barn to save a horse and fell un
conscious. His son-in-law , Hobert Beckett ,
went in to save him , but was nKo over
come. Dr. Stulcr's daughter ran In ami
dragged both from the llnmes , but was
very seriously burned herself Dr. Stuler
will die. _
Ilk * IIiiiUR Uus rirn Proof ,
CINCINNATI , Dot 23 The residence of
Casimlr Wcrk , InVcstw oed , seven miles
Troin this city , burned this morning. Mr.
Werk , deeming the IIOUFC fireproof , shut up
the rojm nnd waited for it to burn out , re
fusing to tulmit the llremen. Instead , the
whole- house was soon burned and nothing
saved. Loss , JGO.OOO ; Insurance , $ J,000.
Milclilo Without Any Call si' .
SPRINGFIELD , III. , Oct. -The town
of New Berlin Is greatly excited over a
mysterious suicide. This morningDr. .
Charles N. Long-don , a youngnnd prml-
nent physician , was found dead in his ollice ,
with a bullet hole through his head and a
revolver In his hand. Ho had spent last
evening- until midnight with Miss Annie
Iilttlo Girl Imcl lo be Kept in n Dnrk
Room. Could not Sco to Feed
Herself. Remedies and Doctors
All Fulled. Cured in Ono
My little Rlrl hail very sere eyes. I tiled
c-verytuliiR , Init nothing ilkl any cooil. I took
her to n iloctor In Atlanta , who trcjtcil her for
a jcar , lint she getting orse. I liroimlif
ber home , was almost out ot heart , I just felt
eurc she wnnlit go lillnd. An oh ! lailj tolil mete
to try Ct'Tlcui : * ItKMFDira. I hail no faith in
themaa I Uail tried o\erthlnp ; . 1 coinincnrcil
on Saturday anil bcfnie the next Saturday hc-r
eyes \\croiounil and veil as any chilli's. Sim
was ahnott Wind anil had hecn l.rjt in n ilaik
room far more than a ytar ; coulil not sc lo feed
herselC ; anil they lu > o n > or been at jut the
least jiarticlosoreorcncn looked reel from that
da v until ttifo , anil It will be three j cars the 11 ret
or May , Thej certainly cnrcil her , ninl I think
they are the Kreatcst remedies out. I onlj tipcil
hall nbox ol CimcttRA.onerakfof Ct'Ticl'iiA
SOAV , anil one bottle ttl CrriCTiiA M * T ;
so joii nee what -wonders they ilhl for HIJ little
Kin. I have read of all of these most wonderful
ca e3but never licfnro thoucht that the ) inicht
be true : but I knou this lp he tin ; jiosltho
truth. Mns. FANNIE OAIIWOOI ) ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Canton , Oa.
CtiiicunA HBsor.\ENT , the new blood and
akin purifier and greatest uf humor remedies ,
cleanses tlio Mood of all iiupiirulCB and poisonous -
ous clementE.anil thtin removes the caiiBe. lille
CyTKtili * , the great * kln cure , and CUTILTHA
SOAP , an exiuiilte ] ! kln licnntifier , c'car the
skin ami scalp , anil restore Iho hair 'Ihus the
CtvriciwA llr.Mrnu euro c c y species of Itih-
ing , huriiine , scaly , iiiniply , anil blot thy e > in ,
scalp , and blood diseases , from pimples to
scrofula. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Bold throuKhout the world. Trice , CuTirniu ,
We j aoAr.Sic. ; Ittsiii-vrsT , II I'oTifcit Unuo
AND Ciitv. Conr. , Bolerropiklorn , UoMon.
a-jr"llow toCuro Bkln Dlicitci , " mailed frco.
lp ' Bkln iind Scalp purlncil anil tcautlfifd
BABY'S b > - CUTICLTIU tioM' . AbtuluUly pure.
Aching Bidet and Hack , Hip , Klilncy ,
and Uterine 1'alr.s , and
rflieveil In one ininuto by the Cutl-
Anll-I'.nln riimt r. ' rice , 2Sc.
4a a Ja > - heuti a room In cold weather llJld
lire ( S tioum. Th belt of tt clan , llurni wooc
cot.i , tram , Soli ty the trade rverywhere , Bi
cure the agency at once. Wanulactured by
Chllton. hln flnncpr. Miss Chllton den Ion
that anything un | > l n.rMiit pns d beuricn
her and Lsn/idon. /
Cotton StMtUtlci.
ATLANTA , aa , Ool. 23.-J. Ij. Wntklns ,
cotton otnllptU-lmi of ttio Deprttncnt of
Agriculture at Wnslilnglon , nppeftrpil before
the Boutlicin nnlhvay anil Steamship com-
mlfslon to petition It to furnish the frovcrn-
merit repot In or nil cotton hniulleU b > nil
rnllronils nouth of the Ohio rlv r 'ond cast
of tlio MiJalssippl. Th ilcpfirtmont reports
-will then give the total production of onch
yo\r , ilx month ! * curlier limn nny of the
commercial rcporla ntul be of lieiullt lei
| i Inn tore. I'reoi.lont Sliihlninn promised ( o
nppolnl a couiinlltr-o to furnish liifnrninUoii
to the ffovernmcnt na roqucsteil. Mr. > Vnt-
llns \ \ \ \ \ make similar arraiiKontcnts ultl )
the Southwestern Tralllc asaoclittlon , em-
brlclnp nil roniH handling rot ton \vcst of
tin * Mlsslislppl river ,
.Vinrrlraii > tl < * l Miir.r An'oi-livtlnn Mcrtlni ;
I.OWIM.L , Mass. , Oct. 23 DolejjateH frnm
all sections of the country nttomleU the
opening session of the forty-clBlitli anuitnl
niectlnK of the America n Missionary n. so-
clntlon In the Klrsl CoiiKresntlonnl church
of this city this nftenioon. Jlitjur John l > .
IVohlmni wcli-omcil the ilcU > atos on liehnlt
of the city , 1'iesklenl M K. Ontes , U , . ! > . .
of Aiiiherst collcffp ii'tpontlod , mnklnir nn
cloauciit midresK , In which ho outlined the
scope , spirit ard purj os of he aa o l.itlon.
CntrrnniiMit Inipfctur DriipiMMl Driul.
CLKVBLAND , Oct. 13 W. S. Somors of
Charleston , W. Va , a Rovernnipnt Inspector ,
dropped itend at the works ot the Variety
Iron company In this city today of heart dis
ease. J1r. Somera has te n enga i'd for some
tlmo past In Inspecting material nianti-
factured In this city to be used as anelior.igc
In the Kanawha river.
ALBANY , N. Y. , Oct. 23 Governor Slower
today Issued a requisition on the gmernor of
Ohio for the transfer of Claretu-o Robinson ,
who Is under arrest In Cleve'aml nnd who
confessed that ho and his wife murdered
Montgomery Glbbs , the lawyer whoso death
was for a long tlmo a mystery.
Tenth of Huron lluxlnc : .
LONDON , 'Oct , 23. Uaron Basing Is dead.
Qeorge Sclater-Hooth , nrst Ilaron llnslne.
na born In ISM. llo was fln.iiiclal secre
tary to tile treasury In 18S8 niul president
of the local government board front 1STI to
3SSO. Hoas created Huron Oaslng in
Tub ir Assm mill l.lalillltlon.
DENVEH , Oct. 23. Schedules filed In Iho
district court by the Tabor Amusement and
Ueal Estate companies , which recently made
nn assignment , show their nhsets to ho
$2.305,182 ; Hah. I It lea , $080,025. Mrs. i : . 11.
Tabor's assets are Riven as ? Mr ,300 ; liabili
ties , all secured , $80,000.
I'rn rcutlnjc ltiAiir.inco Ciin
SPKINGF1ELD , III. , Oct. 23. The state
superintendent of Insurance announces that
the Susquchanna and Aurora Insurance com
panies of IlarrisburR , Pa. , will be prosecuted
on charges ot doing an unlawful business In
VThen IJabwns sick , wo K TO her Castorln ,
When she was a Child , she cricO for Castorla ,
When she became JIIss , she clung to Castorla ,
When she had Children , she gave them Cuitorla
THI l T tCT Of THE BNtlri or THE OX ,
UNDER THE ronuuu or
Pniec , Pen PHIAL vr 3 DRACHM * . (2.00 *
rno ton BOOH. >
aco. p. SANFORD. A. w. RIO KM AN !
I'teaHlciit. Cashier ,
First Nationa
cnpital : , - - $100,000
Profits , . . . 12,001) )
Ono of the tanks In lli date ot Iowa.
We solicit your builnesi nn < l collection ! . Wi
[ ay I , per cent on time dtposltt. W will bf
Cliia&f.J to Bcq and tcrve you.
CoU cil
roil HUNT , sroitu in II.MNO , 219 MAIN
wtiivt. iiccunlnl uy riliKcrnlil's urocery. Apply
tu MHMohn , Ctrttton liotiii . .
\VANTii : ) . C'OAT AM138T MAKUlt. A
LnnKiuil , 130 Main cticet.
MllurkeitW. S. Huiner'n , 5M llroadwuy.
In Uoclt rounl ) , Nilnmldi. C4J nrccs llmbe |
land In Mlchlsnn ; will trade cither for utocH
of general iiifrcliitiUlFO. ami lll put in cnsh
Ji.'KKMW M11,50000 : lionami lot in Colfax ;
lirlce. ll.OM.OJ. w II trnili for Flock of gvm.r i
liiprchnndlic und put In I'M * ) 00 nutt , ( Ino res
ilience property In founcll 1 Hurts , price.
} C.01 IX ) , nil ) trade fur Kvnrrnl Block and put In
( IUOOOO rnnli. All cuiif.spundriico lu be con *
IMcnllal. Address lock lux Council
uphi'r , mornliiKS. eoninpB nnd BaturC
AUtlresa W 11 , Hoe , Council lilurta. i
rou SAMJ on TiiAur : , "ON ACCOUNT "oil
nlckncsB , liakiry nnd rpetournnt ( InlliR gui
bualni'Ba ; line location , clunp rent. AJdrcss '
_ _
A NH'R nnicic COTTAOI : ron HKNT , six
rooniH nnd bntli. si llontoii street , for J1Z.W
per inoiitli. Call Itxlny , >
OST. A sitATnt WATOII , iiimvKKM
lleiKi'n etoic and ORilcn linurr. Hcturn to SSI
Lincoln uM'nuc. i
Hnd dxM'llliif ; i-ombltKd , In Council
worth f2.5rtO.00 , with Inrumlirance of
fnr inerctiundlso or 10 to 1" , ut'ieH of land , Address >
dross Q 2J , Dee , Council Bluffii.
ran SAM : , MY'FAHM. see Acnia. : : H MILIJ >
( rum N'col.i , nil cultlMilitl , K'mO li-JlUlln fl. Adt
ilrcp * A. J. Porter , 111 rranlilln avenue. Coun.
cil lllurts.
The Sea-Robbers
Of New York.
A thrilling narrative , by Mr. THOMAS A. JANVIER ,
illustrated by Mr. HOWARD PYLI- , recounting the
adventures of "the Red Sea trade" pirates dur
ing the early period of New YorU's history , is in
Harper's Magazine
Mr. Potn.TNrv ITmnow lias n. very interesting paper on
The Cossack as Cowboy , Soldier , and Citizen , illustrated
from drawings made in Russia by Mr. Fi < iibitic ) REMINGTON.
There are Five Short Stories , and Many Other Attractions
October 13 Published by HARPER t , BHOTIIERS , New York
Council Bluffs Paint , Oil & Glass Co.
"Wo carry a ftill line of all kinds of Paints ,
Oils , Glass and Painters1 Supplies. Wo are
manufacturers of Art Glass and can make yet |
anything you want in that line. "Wo carry q
full Une of Window Saeh , glazed and unglazedi
and will make you bottom prices on any sash
that you want. Our sash are all Council
Blufismake. We have over 1,000 hot-bed
sash in'stock.
Come and see us or write for prices.
Nos. 1 and 3 Fourth Stree"
R - Our Warranty CoVtwiiirEach fiaThhTJl
Thn Soutlnvlck Ballne Pressls R2-horso.f uU-clrcle maclilno.
v It has tlio liirgcsl It-cd " " " < " '
Bales tlRltti draft llRht
Capacity ; Construction ) Durability-all the UEST.
ioufhwick St earn & Horse Power Press
Talks , They talk In tons the language of profit. '
They are easy Hellers , They are a doubla stroke press.
Profitable to handle. Write for catalogue and discounts ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
All UlmlH of Dyclne
anil Clfiinlni ; done In
the highest xtylo of
STEMS UIP art 1'urted ami
Eitulned fiiliricH niodo
to look UH fowl an
new. Wtrk promptly
.DYE clone and delivered
In nil parts of thj
I VIORKS country. Send for
prlco list.
I'foftrlolor ,
UroaUway , nearNonfl
weslern Depot ,
Telephone 21.