TTTR OMA1TA DATLY OCTOBMR 2ft. , ( , . * * v.vvv.v UP It li preserving1 time ; but the best TO DATE ' art | irf servatlve" l that which makes | imi In the lore& bj-advertising , PEOPLE will see the economy of putting a want ad in The Bee when In need of help. Working1 girls pay close at tention to this page , as do all who are wanting employment. You can talk to them through these little ads at a trifling expense. THE BEE GETS 'EM ' * 17 WORDS FOR 25 CENTS. * * * * * * * * * * * * 8PEG1RL NOTICES Advcrtlncments for these column * will be taken until 12.30 p m for the cvenlnc. and until 9.W p. m for the murnlnR nnd Sunday cdltlonn Adierthters. b > tiqupMlni ; a numh red check , con ha o nn wem addrvd to ft numlicw I11' ' In care of Tne Uee Anmera eo nddrcsicd will be delUered upon jir < aentatlon ot the check Hatei , IHc a word first ln eitlon. 1C n w-nrd thereafter Nothing taken for less tnanKJ lor llmt Insertion . . . . These advcrtlfm'ntn must run consecUIUely. SITXTATIONB WANTED. SITUATION WANTED AS HOlWEM.l.ri.Il for wldnwcr liv Indy with llttli girl. Adare Anna Nelsr > n. ISIS So 30th ave.r > - i"iNob. . iCHAD AN C'AKK ItAKIJU WANTS O 1C. , care Union hotel , 10th imd Welwt A y i * * i WANTED MALE HELP. WANTI3D , A PEW rHHSONS IN KACH place to do wrlttnR nend * tnmp for Iso-pnf * book of [ xutkularn. J Woodbury , 127 \ \ . d utreet , f Y. City. U-M4 > M WANTIJD OINTLP.MIN : : Nuwsi'Apnit CON trlbutors In o\ery to n to report all Important happening * nn I wilto nrtlcl s fur publlcpitlon on any milijpct lltpirlence nor necessary Uood pay for spire lime Our Instructions tell you how to do the work. S-nd Ht.imri for full par tlculars Modern PrL-ss Asa n Chlciis" ' ' ' . - WANTI3I ) . , BAI.AHY I'HOM start , pirmanent place. llronn llroi Cn iiur terjliRii , Chlctp > III. _ ! lT T ANTKD , IICLIAIIM : TOUNO AND MID dle-nsed men In % < ry county lo net as tor- rcsiKmdi-nts nnd special piUate detectlMB under limtructlons fur the luK st and best equipped detective bureiu nf Ino hind in lli countiy 1'rnlnUH ' eiperleiice Is not required or necessary hmall lie > a nnd Irresponsible parlies will confer a f.or on ua by nut answering. Inferences ( , l\en and required Have been cslnbllnhed for jcars Send Btninp for full pirtlcular * nnd Kit Hie liest crlmlnjl paper publnhnl , urTerlnR thouwnds of dullure In rewards for pirtle-j who are wanted Kallonal DUccthe llurtnu. Indlanainlla Ind It MliO MHN HAVINO GOOD KNOWIKDt3i : OP l > ookkeeplnB. K'i" ' l ndJies * and ability to talk , tu act as illy nnd tnvclliif , salesmen , to cull in merchnntrt onlv W. I' Halnock , room 10 , Hotel n.llonc n-MSM 2T WANTKI ) . l3Xl'13niI3NCii > COAl. M1NI3HS tn KO In Sheridan \jo Apply nt ofllce Slurl inn Cinl C i , li < )3 I'tirmni. . O P. . I O. 31. i ! . A. O t' W. . K. O T M. , K 1 > . P. nnd A M I' of H GrnnK- em. attention Agents \uintet nt once , write today. 1' . O llox 3572 , lloslun J'ns" ' , , c , , . W13N OP OOOIi ADDUnSS OAN FIND STI3AHY eniplojrnent and good [ my by cilllnB at 151C Pout-Ins U MIW O."J WANTI3D , IU3MAULL3 HAM3SMBN ALIIHADV travellnit to carry nur lubiljnt ns a side line , Mnnufaetuiers1 Oil Co Cle\elnnd. O. IV YOU WANT 8T13ADY I3MI'IX > YMI3NT AT ( food wages rtply with stump , I1 O box 2U3 , Kt Louis , Mo H-M804 24 1,000 LAHOIUIHS KOUTH NKW OUUI3tt WOIIK near Memphis Tenn . worX cunrnnUed , ship chenper linn nnjbiidy , Bhl | > niinl tnlce dally Kramcr'a U-ilmr Agency lllli und Pnrnim streets ll-MMG Jj \VANT13D-A OOOD MAN SF.UVANT , NO liorsea , refc > nci"i rtqiillwl Call at 13plstui > n rooms , Arlllict on block , ) H.tween 11 nnd I H-3I3-2J \V'ANTI : roLt ccTOK , aitociuY ck-ik , 2 wilr > inrn , 1 luundrj driver , nnd other help C'lty IJlTiiilojmt-nt Imreau , liOl 1-iiiniin Htriet . ll-.M'iJI ( = ! HALt.SMAN : IN HVUHV COUNTY STP month und oxpen'es Olllce. furnlHire. iuUertl - Inir rutnUlird O-oodi mompolj. lixpc-rknee un necessary Addrem K. H. Co , 13. t'olnnnidc lildg . lloston , Musa. ' II M ia 23 WANTKI ) . NIQItT WATPHMAN 3"Oil I.\Unii stable , numt be rrltill" , lruet\ > oilhntut MI drinker , lth K x > 'l referwiw * . Dulles To keep awnke , uash Wagons , etc. n\e ( full pat thulirn In letter of application and numo ief r cnceH. Addrtss , A ( i Hee office IF M951 1\ \ Sv ANri3n7 A riK8T-C.A8S FUUNlTUKi : AND can et salesmnn : none but experlitcd man need nniwri Addrcsa. A 63 , Ileo oince WANTI3U , ONI3 ONLY \ \ HO has good tools and lathe on salary Apply at 21.12 A\cmie 31 Council Illuff * . II MiiCC U WANTE1J FEMALE HELP. WANTKI ) , LADY NI3WSPVI3Il CON- tillmtoni In c er > to n to report nil Important happening * nnd wrllo nrtk'le * for publ cation on any subject. Experience not necessaiy Hood p.iy for pare tln\e \ Our liut uctlcns tell you liow tu do the nork. Send stump for full pu- tlculais Minlern Vitas Atts'n Uilcngo HI 13 IIS US13 IMU3STON 3 11HST Pl.OUll. IT OIVES entire 8itl fnctlon. All grocers sell II C M3'0 N5 LADH33 WANTIS'Cl VlltST ri.ASS OIHI.S I'AI.I. at bcund. Y. U 11. Olllce 20i N ICth Tel 1193 C M55S-N10 * WANTED : I.A1HK * IP YOU WISH nMl'I.OV- inent at ) oiir liom'H. send Hclf-uddresKtHl in > tlopi for ur tlenrilpthe circular nnd com mence work nl once goo I wages paid The Alfred ICnlttlng Co Wlnthrop , Mara. WANT13D A UKNCRAI * 81 : It V ANT Or. S f > th avenue C MJ10 23 WANTED H > WN'lNd . . . . . . .s : noon | my , free fnro llm dlshuashtr dt > Emilo | > - inent buniu , U'OI I'arn.un , I' MJOI ! J * FOB KENT HOUSES. HOUSES , r K. DA11UNO , 1SAHKEU IILOCIC HOUSnS INTuM-AHTS OP TIH3 CITY Till : O. I' Davis company 1KB Knrnnm D 69S ICEDKENNV & CO H 1 CONTINENTAL , I1I.IC NKW 4-llOOM COTTAOE NEAH 11EMIS 1'AltK I JO ) . riJellty Trust company , 1703 Kurnani D MUJ J-HOOM COTTAOK. 2811OOL worth n\e. Itluiiwalt llro * . , llaiker b'k IIOUSKS & . sTOiins. p.n WIA , I < - DOUOI.AB 1-31 OO01) PIVI3-HOOM COTTAOKB , 3 1'KH month. U S. bklnner , Sill N. Y. l.U . P M277 w. a. TUMrurroN , PAXTON III.K I"OIl UENT TWO S UOOM RU3CANT UUICK house * , nil modern coinenlences. 1 block from \Yalnut Hill motor. 13. Coiuptroller'a oincx D MJ3J \ MIS IIAUN13Y STJIK13T 15 HOOM8 , MODP.IIN and tlrat claw. John H. Wvbitcr , 41' ' ) lloardi ot Trd building . D-8T DEantAiuTK DWi3i.iaNaa IN ALL I-AHTS t llm city , 13. H , Shrafe. tK Paxtcn block U UMl-Nlt * IMtOOU MODP.UN HOUSE. ) K.D . KI.CCJANT , r p Jr , teed runce , burn , Erupts und fruit tiees In larca yard fc-room coltase , UN ; full size lot. in Kood r pair. Call and nt Fidelity Irust Cu , , U 2 Kar- U-7II t HOOM3 , SO. 17T11 bTlliiT. ; DS KI1 1-ItOOU HOI fill. Ill NOKTH MTU BTU. D-7M 2 I-HOOM MODUIIN' FUAT 3 1ILOCK.S U bulldlnn d < M. Umaha Il l Uitntt and Trust Co. , room i , U * bit. 1 TU FOR RENT HOTJSES Continued. D 3SITtADLR 10-IIOOM 11013813 TWHNTY-P1V13 dolluis per month. Innulio 1919 Uodue st. KOlt HUNT TUO SIX IIOOM J'l.ATS AT 413 and 41 H. llth street. In good condition A. J. Poppleton. room 314 1st Nafl bank bldg 1 31CJJ-NII m TKX IIOOM IIIUCK HOUSI3 , MODI3IIN PIItST- clr.Bs location , posw sslon cHcn Nosember 1. Inquire of W. 1" . Clark , 2JOS 7-ltOOM IIOITSD IOII IH3NTj JI200 S21 8. 27tli street D-MSI7 23 * J'INE3 7-nODM COIlNnil PLAT AT 701 f . 3CTH strMtr * range und Ml other comenlences Qeorge Clouscr room 15 162J Parnam D 300 rou IHNT : nousn or THN ROOMS AM modern Improvements 32d and Kaniatn $ JO W , also Iwo cheap stores with resldenciattuihed , barn e4c , MOW. Dexter U. Thomii. 401 Itea building. . 1M& > 3 roit IIRNT , 7-nooM iioor3iiNriAT. . -ince block. COO 8 13th Btioet. D b'JO 27 TBN-KOOM HOCHI3 NKWI.Y , Biiltuble for boanlers for rent vith or vltli- out furniture. 212d Harney atrcct poit HKN'T , Niris itorsn. six norm1 * AND UitliruVim All modern com cjilenci 723 8 J7lli Ktrect D-M9M 26' IOK ? REMT FURJXldHEJJ ROOItlS. PtMtVISHKD nOOMS 1S05 CHR'AOO KT. Suitable for onu or two ecntlcmtn. 33 M3C3 NICI3LY PURN1SHI3D ROOMS MODERN C'ON- tenlcnces , at 20JI California str < el elCM7M C-M7M a _ TWO Bl-NKY , WELL FUnNlSlII3D ROOMS IN prl ale family. 2313 Parnam. I3-M79J 2S FUBMISHED EOOM9 AND BOAKB. MCIS ROOSt WITH HOARD. CHEAP. 2106 CAS3 P 331 Oil * DESIRABLE J'OOM. WITH HOARD. IN I'RI- into family 70S N 19th. K M777 SI * DAY HOARD OIVDN AT T1IK lliunsnlek cnfe 513 bouth 30th U. , for $500 pei eek Nothing better In the. city cnn bo hail nt the prk c K f Si > 25 * LMEOI3 SOUTH AND I3AST ROOM WITH first cl-iss lioard , overlooking a terraced lann , for tuo gentlemen , 1019 St. Mars8 ave. ave.r 740 22 PI RMSIIFI ) BOUTH R00 . WITH HOARD nil cotiMnlences , very reaaoiiable 2033 St , MatVa avtaiuef. p M759 2J * MODnitATr3 PRICES ron nooMs ] uini Uoanl. 3832 ClilcnRO ] M7M 21 * NICI3LV KrilNlSIICD ROOMS , WITH HOARD " 015 DoueHa. I' MTS7 23 * I3M30ANT S1I3AM HUNTED ROOMS AND tward at the Webster , 1D19 Howard Hlreel l'-M ! > 3S 2C NICP.LY FURNISHED ROOMS HAVINO ALT , modern conveniences. v\llli ntrlctl > ilrsl class bo ml Call 1722 D dic. r 83S-ij MOST DI3SHlAni.I3 ROOMS. WITH HOARD lit the Sheltun. S C cor. 25th nnd Dodue r MSSC 27' THE ini.i. ni > n. ISTH AXI > DODQE , 3too.Ms with bjanl , steam heat , day board boardPM93527' P-M93527' Mi : PRONT ROOMS ITII ISOARD n firem e1 * 202 No isih Mrrl 1 * M'HI a TJITFTJRNISHED HO QMS TO BbNT. 4 UNl'L'RNISHEII ROOMS IX > R UK NT. UITI bath second Hour of liso-gt r ) private resl dence , SS W ) . 2415 Ereklne at , north 2llli Q 743 22 * 3 OR 4 TRONT ROOMS HAT It AND STEAL In at , Intm reef engineer , 70Nurt.i 16th st. CS-783 21- 1750 TIIRKi : l'NPITRNISHP.I > 1'ltONT ROOMS fdr housekoeplni ; 011 bt Mnrs's nvcmie. a M'JM 2l FOE 3tEKT STORES AND OFFICES FOR RI3NT. THE 4 STORY nRICK mJlLDINC 91G Tarn nn street The bulldlne IMS a lire proof , cemc-nt lianeinent complete steam hcnt Miff llturt's. water on nil floors , gas , etc. Ap pljnl thj otlic" } of The Ilee. 1 910 POR RENT. TI1RKI3-STORV AND T1ASKMENT store bulMlnpr ut IOII Farnnin street , mnul storea aiul olllccs In Exposition bnlldlns ad Joining ririeenlh htreet tlie .l r , hall 22x100 feet at 1W1 Pnrnam street , all In E'wl condl tlon A. J 1'oppleton , room 314 l.-l Kntl bankjildg. . 1-M69S N13 TWO-STORV BT&RI3ROOM SIX ROOMS above , now occupied by RIOCCI ) store. Can five possession at once. Inquire 22M Kariuim. 1 770 AGilNTH WANTED. bOME OOOD AQENT AT ONCE to sell a ROTH ! nrtlclinnd mike We innnek Call at 41 ( ) N ICth street. A. M Mcf.irtriir J M799 W vNTEI ) . TNEKOETir MAN TO SBlX lulirU-itlnff oil. Kronsc nnd oil specialties e < - clUHl tly or a slcte line , need n t ! experi enced Ciipltol Oil Co , Cleveland , < l lJ J MSUtt 25 WANTED. AOENTS TO SELI , L\MO1KIN A o.ilf.u nlntment fet mnn or bnuil. Addre ? The I nioleln company , 3nl nnd Povvlel blrcet * Milwaukee' , Wla J M93S 2b THOltornilLY EXPERIENCED SALESMVN lo sell our high made oils nnd cruise * To tint CT man ninl HU-ral term mill onercd. J.qullable Jtellnlne cumpnn > . fleveln O.J-M j | a STOKAQE. STORAGE , WILLIAMS S. CROPS , 1314 IIARNCl M-903 STORAOE POR UOUHEHOLD OOOOfl CLT3AN and cheap rote It "Wells 1111 Painsm. M-MI OM VAN i STORAGE CO .1503 PARNAM Tel 131 _ _ _ _ _ _ M-905 CARRIAHES , HUOQIES , KTC. . STORED P J Ku-bach & Sons , Cor IStli and Howard his _ _ _ _ 11EST STORAOK HPILD1NO IN OMAHA V S ROV. bonded vvnrcliouw Hnusohold teed tared. Lowest rates , 1013-1015 Leavcnvkorth M Mi WANTED TO BUY. WANTED , TO RUV A STOCK OK OENERM mercnandlbp cheap. No old cooda From II.IMatXi to 110.000 W. Addrets sUlnir nmount of different linen. Woi No. 174. Kcarnr- . Neb N 7C3 Z WANTED , ONK SECOND-HANDED JJI.ACK mlth s iwrinble forge , In peed rondlilon Ai : dress \ OS , le oltlce , N A1J58 23 FOR SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY YOU WON'T MISS VOUR money. I iw prices on furniture and househol foods. I3nlert > i1i > Credlr < Co , C13-C15 N ISUi s O WI CLOSINO OUT ENTIRE STOCK OP PURNI lure. Moves , etc , I * AH mull. SOS N. lUth _ _ _ _ O-K3 STOVES AND ITRNITURE AT COST MUST be soil at once I. llruiafll , 110-71 : N ICth ICthOJ OJ 14900 PKNINSt'LAR HASH I1URNER , USK1 one s -ason. gvod as new ; will sell at half price I20.0U ; ( tore can bo seen at JC < 7 Masonstreet. . ' 0-M7SK ! FOR SAI.K. Fl'RNITURK ' ANH CARPETS O l-rocm house. No. 1511 tihtrroan n\rnui > . O-MSI7 SJ _ _ Fptt8ALE MISCELLANEOUS. " CHEAPEST "CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTA" _ Tenc made ( . ' R Le SOI Douclas. q 749 UANK AND 1-LATTE VAI.I.EY HAND VOR Hi * . C. W. Hull Company , SOtli sad Iwrd its ICE SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Contlnutil p YOU nt'v. nt'Y THE BEST. MACKIN- toihei , rubber boots , nrctlc * . nrrlnRM oC all kinds i ( ran tublnr , oil best quality. Omaha Tent & A TV nine Co , 3311 Parnam St. C.-SU MPORTED 1IARTZ MOUNTAIN CANARIES , warranted singers. (3 M. 9 ROM fish with Rlobt , Jl 55 ; young parrots 16 CO to $2000 , bird cncrs , seed , etc. Ueloler's bird stare , 103 N 16th street , Q M220 Nl WANTED , A Pt RritASETl TOR A SET OK Encyclopedia Ilrltnnnlcn. ninth edition , with full American revisions and .iildlllons , at a jtreiitly reduced price for cash or on time. Address A fJ5.thM _ offlce Q-MJtl Z3' POR SAL ! silT.L MACHINERV AND PIX- tures chenp : must be movel Call on ur ml drw A II Walker C12 Main street. Council HlufTX la. < j-M 3T 8 HEAD PJtKrfll COWS fHEAP CALL AtTER- noon , vnnl Sltn nnd Hurl St. U 917 84 * MISCELLANEOUS , OR LEASE FOR A TERM OP YEARS. 60 acrei level land Immediate ! } ' east of I ort Omnha. Inside Ihe clly limits. Pldelllj Tnist company , 1701 I'nrnnm. It MMt CLAntVOYANTS. O PERSON CONSULTINQ TIIE3 WORLD-RB- nownrd ctalrvoiant. Prof. Almeda C , as ever dlsnppolnled Invariable catlsfnctlon re sulted In all easel , as proved by Innumerable tcitlmont.ils In health , wealth , happlnesv all In trouble. espalr. or doubt will Hnd posltree relief nnd ssurance of Incalculable benefit by consulting' he most celebrated clairvoyant the United Slates ver knew The professor ponse-wes. powers of narvelous diameter unsurpoan-d by nny so- ailed medium or future reader Ills success In i pait proves his vast ability In help you now ntervlew him nnd you will Buy he ts the Great- st wonder of the n < re. The profes-wr challenges he world to prove his equal In the creat powers vhlcli ho poiseswR to carry out alt lie promlsM IP overcomes your enemies removes family roubles , restores lot affections cnu e happy mrrlafre with the one > ou love remove * evil nlluence , bad habits gives correct Information n law sulls. divorces lost friends , etc.alun - In advice given to ladles nnd centlernen on eve courtship. marrlnRe nnd liovr tw choose a vlfa or husband for future- happiness : what bujl- esa bent adapted to speedy riches , tells If the nu you love Is tni or false , stock speculations specialty The professor does not require to eturn to such methods as EnypUon charmi and ther frivolities He Is no fortune teller , but a life reader from the laws of science , that Is Inlrvnynncy , and the * who have been hum- mcceil by pretenders the profe-s-wr wishes theme o call before el'lnc up In despair , as he inmr- nteci prompt Iwneflt. Corre .pomlence strictly vnlldenllnl Send stamp for replj. Remember he num1 > er. 82114 N. IStli utreet. corner ChicKO. lat A 9 to , Sundays Included S 9Z2 27" MRS UR. II WARHEN. CLAIRVOYANT , REliable - liable business medium , Ith year at IIS MASSAGE. BATHS. ETO. MADAU SMITH M3 S 11TH. 3D FLOOR , room 3 ; massaseapor , alcohol , steam sut- nhurlne and eea bilhs T JIM3 27' MMI3 LA HUE , 415 SOUTH l&TH _ „ IASSA(3E , MADAME I1EHNARD , TURKISH BATHS. , ADIES' TURKISH I1ATIIS : IIOUR . 9AM lo S p in Ueauty culture parlors , removed from Knrbuch bldB to 103-110 Uee bldg MGIt PERSONAL. IJATIIS , MASSAOE MME POST , 31SVj S 15TH U 914 IACKINTOSHE3 . ItUUDER I3OOTS.1JI1 PAR U G4J 'HYhiriANS ' WHO DISPENSE THEIR OW N prescriptions can secure \aluilile Information free by addressing P O. bOK 813 Omaha Neb COMPOUND OX\C3EN CURES CONSUMPTION. , asthma bronchitis and catarrh Home treat ment tt per month 3 dajs trial free tridt- imnt Jtouni < Douglas blk , ll > th nnd Dodirc U-15S-023 OSCAR 8UNDE1.L , POR 12 YEARS WITH Q \ \ ' f'ook , has n moved his shoe rcpilr chop to S 37th street , north of Doustai U M219-N1 VIAVI : HOME TREATMENT POR LADIES Health book nnd consultation free. Address or call , Vlavl Co , J18 Ueo bldg. Lady attendants U-407 CURTAINS CLEANED EQUAL TO new DruaieH and other grades a specialty Pep our specimens of work. MM No 20th street U-M73S N15 * i'RESTON'S CALIPORNIA FLAKES FOR breakfast : surerlor to oatmeal. Try It. U-3J1-N5 WANTLD TO BORROW I'M 00 ON FIVE choice SO-foat lots In Cloverdnle addition , Omaha Address E. A , Cooper , 937 17th Htrcct , Dem er , Colo. L M733 13 THE IIELLE KPPERLY CORSET , MADE TO order from measure. 1501 Parnam street U M7C3 NU AULAlIAUaTl PUR CO. MANUFACTURERS of fur garments , Curs neatly repilred Fur mutts at cost. Room 301 Karbacti blk. Tel 1S12 U 603 2S WILT , SOME T.AOY WHO 15OUGHT THE WIL- KOU ear drum bn kind enough to send her nd- dresi lo 2033 S. J.'d Avo. U 945-S3 * MONEY TO LOAH REAL ESTATE. LIFI3 INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought ! ' . S Chtsney , Kansas City Mo W 915 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO 118 N Y LIFE , loans at loiv rates for choice security In Ne braska and Iowa farms or Oiniha city property W 916 MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS county , Improved end unlmpiovecl Omaha real estate Fidelity Tiusl Co. , 17D2 Farnnin t W 917 MONKY TO IXAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , llrennan , Love. & Co. I'axton blk W-918 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES THE O K Davis Co , liOS l-'srnam Bt W BID MONEY TO X.OAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate 1 to 5 years. Fidelity Trust Co , 17W Fainim W-917 LOANS ON IMPROVED UNIMPROVED CITY property , IS 000 and up ardi to 7 per cent , no delays. W , Farnam Smllh & Co , ISM Parnam W 9J ) CHAS. W. RAINEY , OM. NAT. BK. IlLIa" W-'Jil MONKY TO LOAN ON OMAHA RI3AL ESTATE at C per cent W U Melkle , Ut Nat. bk bide VERV LOW RATES MADE ON GOOD 1X3ANS J. W. bqulres 248 Ilee bldd. \V 3 < 6 \Vn llAVE SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS for Hlmrt time paper or Ut class intRe lo. < ne. II. H Harder & . Co. . eround lloor Itet * bide WMIIS MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO 1X3AN ON Fl'RNITL'RE PIANOS , horse. vviKona , rte at lowest rates In city no removal of coods. slrktly conHiK-ntlnl. you can pay the loun off ut any tune or In an > amount OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO , 30C S ICth street. X 92J MONKY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP city. Hnriln Lojn Cu. 701 N Y. Life bide. J. 11 HADDOCK , ROOM 427 RASIGE I1LOCK. MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FIIRNI- ture. ptnnos. horifes vM ons or any kind of chattel security at lowest possible rates , which .im.i.'in p. lurk nt ant time nnd In nny amount FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . Room 4 Wlfinell blocl < X 928 BUSINESS CHANGES. toll PALE. A P1RST-CLASS COUNT 11 V JOH and nevvfpnpcr ( Meekly ) otllce Jdnu n nice Job MiKilK-iH Write for parlkuUrs. W n Oaks , Silver City. lona. i M782 21' POR BALE ? CHEAP A NEW STOCK orTUIV nllurc and undcrtnklnc In a Rood tovrn must sell at once on account of poor health Ad dress P. O. Box 55. North Enid. Old Y M7S1 2t J15000W < i , CASH HAL. ON TUfE. REST partajr druu store In the -nest. Address A 31. Hee. Y M 0l NU POR HALE FOR CASH OR GOOD SPX'URITI' . stock of Keneral merchandise. Invoice J2.W ) 0) , located In live town In vantern Neb Address A 36 , cure Ilee. Y M8U 2)1 ) SMALL STEAM LAUNDRY TOR SALE IN clly , KooJ reason for selling Addrrs * A 42. I tea ottlce Y 8J9-K' \t 1-T > MAN WITH EXPERIENCE AND reference to buy halt Interest In real estate Hiul HiBiiranco bu lnes , only l 0 ti ) required A M , Hee. \ -MSJd 2 } I ! PER HP NT AVl'.RAGE AVEEKLY 1'ROPITS on 11 00 Invested. Prospectus , ttcmlietl stntlstU * free , Ilenson & linger , 834 IIrn.nlHa > . New York Y M i5 NE ! FOU EXCHAN&E , A GOOD LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO K3C- chinKo for > ount ? vvork horces or inules l.amorraux Bros. . 596 B 16th. Z l'Ji ' TO EXCHANGE. . ( X CASH INVESTMENT near Omaha. Will ssaume Incumbranco or pay stuck shoes or clothing. C. P. Harrls n. VI } N. Y Life , Omaha , Z M1-C3 * WILL EXCIIAN4U3 OKNTS SOLID GOU ) natch for ladles' watch. Mlts J , J Johnson , fozicns hotel iS M9 > 26 * GOOD n too w iinra HTOCK INOT rifn location ) for got l farm land In cieteni Ne bruka lr J E. Uri-lw. Jaiuen. Nrb. TOR Continued. WH IIAVn MEHCtmroiBE STOfKS AND other properly for pile , and richnnni1 hwi cus tomer for rv Iwink In jifrstrrn lows Nntlmiil Information n > l Evch.nsc Co. , 03 First Nnt'l Dank , Omnlia , Netjv [ A Z M9J1 I ItAVB TO EXCHANGE A OOOI > OANNTINO factors' . situated In one of the lint fruit counllej 1n Arknnieu Will tike clour I ts or general mertlinndM xlrlk Tor ttatllculini ml- , drew A W lie * oHlce Z - S3 FOR BALE-r-I AIi ESTATE. unuuc. * LANDS , SIMILES fllOM TOST OF- Hce , easy lerms. Call at. 910 N. V Life 5 r H E-7JI " ' UAIIOAINS. nOUSlM.'lXlTSAND I'MlMd. tale &r trade. t" K. Dnrllnff ItarHcr black. K E-JJT OMAHA. LOT roll SALE CI1EAI' COU OF list and Ca&tellnr streets. 'Write ta II IVler- ion , IJIiilr , Neb. U E-MMt-Ni FAIUl LANDS' . I" . HA11IUSON9ISN' V H HAI.E NEW I-I5OOM COTTAOG GEL- Inr , cistern , city water , cor 30th nml Sahlcr ; | 1 2.WW : longtime. . Inquire 1318 Karrinm Him- ut I ! ami. II U 7 < 3 C1I01CK GARDEN LANDS. 5 MII.KS FROM Oman poslottlcP , 19 to 1C < > ncres , Home trade N D Koves , 6IT I'axton blk. II FAim ISO ACHES , NEAH ItAII.HOAU TOWN In centrnl Nebraska good land , Rood title and \ery clicip , at Jl.ZW. tnonUiH im > rmrU3 WIN llama > C Mlttan McCneuo tiulldlnr nn sn-sz I IIAYn Cl'HTOMMK WHO WANTS TO TUADG some nice. cl'\r \ building loin In Rood local- lies nnd rasli for a liousa nnd lot In a good location , si'inl description ami price to J. A. 503 IJruwn block , Onialii IUJ-SI3J3 21 r iiAvn sBVEttAij PAKTIES WHO WII.T , , TAV all caMi for peed ImlldltiK lota In different parts of the city , onlv I > IB Imrgnlna will l > considered J A. LuvRien , WS llrovm tdcick , Oinahu. . IUM9J4 27 PIANOS AND OUOANS. THIS WEEK. Tilt : roLt-owiNO INSTHU- Inrnta for cash or mnnthl ) | vimenta : One Hale upright piano .r Ill * M Aotlier Hale upright piano 1M DO One Hull & Son upright piano 11' ' ) 0) Ohio Valley square pinna 60.00 Manon A Jlamlln organ 1250 llcattorpin , high top 22 1 Smith American organ , high lop 27 M Taylor & Pailey orgin. hlirii top 33OJ KUnbull , Emeison nnd lUIIM-D-wls iilnnos , A. 1IOSPE , JIl , . 1513 Douclas t. M13I O31 IK I'URCItASRD AT ONCE One upright pliinu , } W. sold One S-strliis new Ecale piano , II8T CO. gold One new WrBnvin. $359. One new WtKinan J500 One list/ organ , $35 One Klmball organ. (25 One Itay sialo organ , { 20. Bold One Shonlnger , ttS One iroi l org-an. JU. Woodbrldpo bros , 120 N 15th street . _ , MUSIC TEACHER. MAIITIN CAHN. Ti\rmit or TIANO- forte Studio , 6 K ! 3d Bt M131 O31 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. a v anLLCKnicK. : IIANJOISTS AND teacher 1S10 CallfoinU. street. M4 BICYCLES. UCyCI.ES nEPAIHED AND HI ! MODELED Tlrei nnd sundries Bafes opened renatrt-d. C H. lltllln locksmith , 311 N Kill st. 924 IllCi'CUCS ALL , STYLa ! AT.I. pnicns Bend for our list of tipcond-lmiid and sliup- worn lilcjclos Hi pairs nnd cjcle uundrlei of all K1naa. At. O. Daxon , 402 N 16th st 03 ! mcvcu : rnirns CUT IN TWO. A. ' 81 Kouler for IS ! SO A ' 9 j S ) I pi l for 187 50 All other makes equal ! ] as loir. See our stock -and get our jirlces before lm > lng. A. II. I'EUItltiO & , CO. , 12U Douglas Btrei t STOVES. iinATcns ON HAIITH. De sure you examine them before you bu > - Parlies who desire the cliolcc of the hPst Jlno of Btovos pn the market must buy either th * Tavorlte iiBcliurner' or tile Oak heating stoves They Imvs been manufactured the pa-st SO > eare , and where the ) have .Infii used aloriKalde of other sto\ea ln\e proien themselves the most economical stoves made We guiinnteo them They are the cheapest and liejt sloxca made \\e hale the Horn steel lange , a model of per fection A II. McCarBAr , 410 N Kth street M224 Nl STOVE REPAIRS , _ . . . itEi'Ains rort 40.000 _ _ inak s ot stovi'S. Water atUchmnts and con- nrotlons n upecliltj liOT Douglas street. Omaha Btovo Hepalr Works M 175 STOvn HCIVURS TOR ALL JIAICIIS or Bto\ca Hot water attachments. Hughes 60 : f. 13th MSC5 NO ELECTRICAL , SUPI'LIHS. ARUATUIICS AND CONVnnTnnS REWOUND Btunifo bitencs rechaiRed , eet.trlral | and gen eral linc.ilnlsts. Eiiper'or ' woik guarantied Omolia ilcctrlcal works. C17 and 619 S ! > > th st 943 ELECTRICAL ENGINIinilS AND CONTRAC- lors for elcctrle light and motor plants and all kinds of electrical construction Western elec tric Supply Co 418 and 42U S 15th st 941 WOI.m ELECTRICAL CO SUPI'LIUS AND clcurlc wlrlnc. 1CU Capitol a\e Tel 1111 M1W 031 LOST. LOST , TUKSUAY NIGHT , IlETWEEK 11TII and Ilarncv and 25th und Famntu. small diamond mend fccrcHr earring1 or stttd Hevard for re covery lit 8018 Ilarncy Btriet. 774 19 * BUSINESS NOTICES. OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY. OLD pipes mido new. El ] S Kith 910 DAMAOED MirtnORS tlUSILVnilED. 715 N 16. 911 TUB NEATEST IlARHEIl SHOP IN CITV , court of llee lullJliij. ( rred Huelou , Prop 311 HOOKER fi EISELE S1OV PAINTERS : IIHST work at lonesl prices. 1618 Douglas clrrrt mas UNDERTAKERS AND EMBAL&tER9 H K wmicirrr. KUNERAL miinrToii AND emb\lmcr 16U Chicago Bt telephone 90 937 bWANSON & VAL1KN. I'KDERIAKER.S AND embalmora , 1701 Cumin ; ; st . telephone llrfOC38 C38 Af O. MAUL UNDERTAKER AND EM balmer 1417 I'arnuni sL. teUpluma 22S 933 C. W 11AKER. UNDERTAKER , 13 S 16 ST CI4 PLUMBERS. FRRE 1'LUJIHINR Or EEVRV KIND OAS itcnm & hot water heating , lenerage , III S IS 292 JOHN HOWE & co yrArMiHNa , STEAM AND hot natur licatlnii , gas Hxturea , globes 121 S is S33 _ KIVUUER IIROS. W.I M1IIKO. OAS FITTINO drain Inylntr l'hon 1 ! 0. Si 15 Leivrnworth. 1 791-N17 DRESSTjIAKING. FINE DIIESMAKINIT- IXJWEST TRICES Madame Corbett , 421 N Kill Bt , cor. Caai ' ' Ml 14 023 DRESSMAKlNa IN FAMILIES , 21M SO. IOTII Jil N15 DRESSMAKING IN PIUVATK FAMILIES , PIT and style guaranteed ) .Address A 22 lire M-9J2 23 MISS MINNirK'S DlirafiMAIUNa PARLORS at KSI U. nth atreeu. ,1'iicen reasonable. BUILDING & LOaiN ASSOCIATION. HOW TO GET A HOVfOR BECURK GOOD InteresL on baMnsi , Appl > to Omaha L > & U. Ass n. 1704 Ilee bldj. , O M. Nalllnger , Bee. M953 SHAHK.S IN MUTUAL L AND U ABHN. PAY < , 7 , K per cent when 1. t , 3 years old , arnny * redeemable. i04 1'uinam it Naltlnger si-c. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITINO. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SIIORT TFAN K. V Lite. Omalia. A k for circular 79 ItOOSE'S OM ltLhINrsS OMAHA COMMPRC'IAL COLLEHE 16TI1 AND Douglas ; send fur catalogue Robrboush llros. . Mt21 Nl JAPANESE GOODS JAPENEHH < 1OOIH , tTSEKl'L ARTICLES POR urddlne and birthday prrientf , M clul nnl lor a short time only. Nippon Machl lil Karnain M7I2 PAWNBROKERS , It. UAROWITZ LOANS SIONBV. Ill N IOTII STEAMSHIP LINE , ANCHOR LINE MAIL FTnAMaltir3-9AIb fKulnrlr every Palurdnjr from Netr TorX for Ixjndonderry nnd ataKfnin , VuineMlt , October ZT. I p. in Aiu-liorla , Nirmlnr 1 , 9 n. m : riniiMla. No\cmlK > r 17 , S a m , nthlopln , Xc > rrmber 24 , I p. m Hnloon. * rt.ond cliss. ind rtc-ragt , single or round trip tickets from New York or Cltlcnitn t reduped rate to Iht prlnclpat Pcotch English. Irish nd nil contl- ntntal points. For money or < lers. drafts , out ward or prepaid tlcVcts apply to * nr of oui local gent or to Henderson Bros , ChlcMiro CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. { AMILTON 11IKH OENERAL IX > N'TIIACT- era and builders , carpenter work. Jt.irm win dow s and door * 411 S. 18th st lei 1179 .n MOUIULI. CARI'KNTER AND 111 1LI > ER , paper ImiiKlng nnd signs brick rvork nnd plas tering Olllce in a nth t. teloptiotie 4t > < . TAXIDERMISTS. 'AXIDEIIMV AND PUI19 flEND TOR CATA- loxue. George K lroi\ii. ! Jr , Ac Co , 70J S Ktli MR HOTELS. ETNA HOt'flE ( EI'ROI'EAN ) N W COR 13th und Dodge. Ituums by dry or neek neekM551 lOTEt , I1ARKER. MOO PER CAT. 1O ROOMS. In ( he heart of the business luuiiiei Special rnt i and accomdatlons to cominerclal trav elers Itinini and board by the xek or month Frank Hlldltch Mgr 313 HAY AND GRAIN. 1I.1V YOt'R ' HAY nv TON OR TAR LOTt V.T. buy ha > A H Bndor , 1515 Hurt St. Tel HOT 934 VEIiHASKA HAY CO. WHOI.PSAI.U HAY grain and mill stuff We are nlwajs on tha market ta buy or wlI. 140S-I-S Nicholas st FLORISTS. S ti STHWAKT. PI.0111ST AM , HINPS OF bulbs and cut How era , 1R2 Capitol HM-IUK- gn OSS SKW ni'iiis. .IUST iMi > onTir > . CVT vsavr- ers. llr K. Swoboda. I'axton hotel lltl I'nrn Mill Oil COAL. t ) . T. MOUNT HAS HKMOVKD HIS COAt. olllce lo 0)9 S 36lli Ft llro n block. S'lS BIIKIUDAN COAL KXCEM.UNT 8UI1ST1TIJTU for Jinrd coal nnd } 3 W ton cheaper. 1605 Tar- nam street , main entrance Hoard ot Trade ia 023 sTOL : f Tvi'cwim-nns OFnnnn TOR snle Khouia make yon suspicious , funny they tire mostly Smith * > . Try ono and jou will un derstand why. Full line of BU | > | dlcH bmlth- Prcmler Co 17th and 1'arnam , ttlephono 1284 COBN10E. couNirnOIIKS. . Irun cornli-n 1722 hi Mnry'a live. 1AC3KB C011N1CK WOIIKS JOUX ii'n- nctcr , prop. , 103 , 110 , 113 N llth Ustali 1'CI JuO DENTISTS. m GKontsn s NASON DUNTIST Paxton block 15th and rVirnam sts Tel 712. PG3 ) n PAfi , nnNTiaT 2020 HL-HT ST. MI HOTELS S KOTII < TH AND steam heTt electric iKll telephone , huh1 * , ex cellent culsln elcfirunt roonin $1 * W jitr ilaj 140' ' ) and niiwnrdi per neek MM ] FURNACES. IKST ruiiNAci : siAtn : sot-T c-oAr , SMOICI : consiinilnR and hartl COT ! furnaces Kagh * Cor nlre IVnrKs , 11)3-110-112 N llth Kt I'M OPTICIANS. THE ALOG & rnNPOLU CO SflCNTII'IC opticians. 1103 Tarnini Rt oppoiilte i'axton hutel Eyes einmlned free 791 TAKEN UP. TAKEN UP. LATtOK 11CD COW Ul'PHR part f tee white , right hip down. 2419 Boulevard nenue. T. U , Hush. T4T P * COMMERCIAL OOLLEG-E. OMAHA COJlBinitC'IAIj COI.UKUn IbTII AND Douglas , send for catalogue Ilolirl'OUKli liros. Jl-221 XI VTHOLESALE OOAL. JOHNSON IJltOS WHOr.KSAL.K DUALUIIS IN all hinds ot coal. Currespondcnce collclted IMS Kartmm Btre t 813 DYE WORKS TWIN CITF OVE WORKS 1521 rnrnam street Dyeing of every detcrlp tlon and dr > cleaning 917 STEiVOGKAPHEKS P. J Sl'TCLirPE. GENERAL ST raptur. 232 Ilee building TeliMilmne &I7 5I-OH GRINDING. HAZOHS , siinAita ci.iri'iius. IA\VN MOW era etc A t , Undeland. 10 h lllli 7112 BICYCLE RIDING. lUCYCLB 1UDINO SCHOOL , 1711 CAP AVE M-23I > N2' TTPHOLSTERING. fr iif J5TiniNa : vinv CIIEAI' THIS MONTH H. S Walkln , Jill Cumlng Tel COi. SC3 JOB PRINTING. IEEI > JO11 PniVTINQ CO riNB I'lUNTlNQ of nil klnd < i. 17lh st , Hop l.ulMliiK SC7 NIQHT SCHOOLS. itoosns OM usiNK&scoi < unu IJ cot JIM : itiAi.Tv : MAIKIT. : ; INSTRUJinNTS iilacca on record October 21 , IS'Jl WAUIIANTV IJCIIUt It irorrlpan to M 1C ilMin. w Vt of n < i nf block 2. 2d add In UtrrlKiin Tlute . t 500 H Cl Cady Innn.i Kc.ic'tmll , lot 1 , Mock 4GX. GrandUev 1,000 I. M I'i > nt * Hiul liustxnd tu Hame , lot 1 , lilock I. llil. < r Mice . . . 1 200 O 1C 1'ajne ami wlfi < to name , lot 21 bo ! K 6 Cre'Klltnii HelRhlH 3 200 i : IIr ro.k nnd wife tu n H l. nlll. i- < i or lot 2o , Mock S , MilKtr Vl.ira . ISO Smlh Onmli.i Ijiml roinmnv to Jamex Jir.mtaoke > > i of lot 3. bluck 3 > i. Soulh Omiha. . . 910 [ > tlocirc and ulfe to Thomns Mulvlilll | , lot 6 WurtilnRton S.imio | . . . 1 500 J AlllBliop nn I wife to J K I.nm < n. n XT feel of lot 1. C llf-.l'H SI 040 Tom hennid tu 1 , M Hlr.ui. . lotu 11 nnd 12 , ili-k S In eulidlv of block 20 , Alln fht H bolre . . . . . 1 J2J A C ! I'lailtin and wife to Siinuel Anl"r- -n. lot 4 11 irk 1 Initltutc 1'laia . J MVsurflild iin.3 wife to .1 llesten- leliner. Int 0. WiniKh A W's Bulidlv . 050 r Until nnd ulfe to It I , Hull * , lindlv 4 of Inl R , Idock S. Ilelvedeixnilil . J50 Ixinti and TniHt wmiiuny to John l'iiljl. lot IS. bloik 2 Mi Hun lit ndd to K n 111 Omnha . . . . Rime to lludolph 1'onec lot K. Murk 2 Hame . . . . H Johnson lo Nr M Hunted , lotu I und 2 block West Cnd ndd . C 000 QUIT CLAIM mins : : J P Andirsfn and wife lo Ij It llnnls , lot 10 , MiCandllsh I'lici' Charlr * rauit nnd wlf to AugUHt r.nul lot 7. block -133. QriuuMew 150 nuins. Bpeclal ina.slor to J A Wruton , lot 1 1-l.Kk 125 , Omaha . . . . . 31,71 Total amount of transfers . . 119977 ULTREAU. SUKS & CO. . Solicitor * Bee Building , OMAHA. Neb. Ad vim l-KEfe. , i BLOOD I WP PI10P Pjlmnry.S ooadarj auil T r- "L uUnCtlf.ry oa wf Blood Poi'ou It r u don't believe we can cur your cin parmaaentiy , cjmo to our ofllca end se we can di for you In ten days' time II will cost you nothing. Consultation ( ret. tarrtspoiid- ileiica sollclti-d DINKMOUi : ItEME HV fO. -vo nuunUi JlkOmnha. ItOJ Masonic Temple , Chlcan. DOCKYARDS AT EAST 031 AH A Jfflcera of the Syndicate Away on a Significant Trip , SEEKING CAPITAL FOR A B'G ENTERPR SE 'Inn nn I'oot to lltillil Immrnna rnckliiR nnd Tciulor 'their Dnr to tlta Cuuimiitr | * > n Dolllff llml- nr i In South Oinithn , There * Is consldcralils [ peculation just now vor the trip being rnnd > bj' General Man ger A. S Totter ntul Traffic Manager Jolm : . Ult of the Omaha Urklgc nml Terminal company to various money centers ol the Dast. One object of .Mr 1'ottcr'slslt Is to lecuro the final settlement of tha * Induct vhlch the Omaha HrlilRo JinJ Terminal com- nny proposes bill Ml tig across the trucKa In .ho north part of the city to connect ullh .ho Holt Line General Manager Dcxldrldge of the Missouri Pacific Imi pissol favornbl ) upon tlio proposition antl the vliolo in"ulr iaa been referred to Vlco I'reslilentVarner , ihero the matter rests. President George JouM's name ts also nDCossnrto the papers jetore the Hast Omaha peoptu 'will begin the construction of the viaduct which Is to con- lect the Terminal company's tracks with those of the Missouri I'nclllc Uut there are other things In connection ulth the visit v.hlch rumor sayn will ro\olu- .lonlze things If money can be had. Tor ionic time past the Kast Omaha people ha\e > cen desirous of establishing stock yards nnd a packing house plant ii ] m their properly anil lo secure the money necessary ( or this cnterprlso Messrs Potter nnd XJtt propose lo ( merest Drcxcl , Morgan & Co of Phila delphia , who ore large stockholders In the Hast Omaha property. Other conditions also obtain In the making of Hast Omaha thn . real packing center of the west nnd If money can be obtained on the proposition Ihey will isk Ctidahy , Swift , Hammond and Ihe Omaha I'acklng company to occupy buildings which they will creel for them rent free for a term of years , giving tlie packers Increased sewer- and water facilities It Is also thought : hat there may bo a new union depot deal in the visit of thcao men east ut this time. ON T.O TJli : COAST , 's MontHim KxtciiHloii til 110 Korinally Oioi > r < l forTnilllc > t > xt Ntmilny. Judge Sanborn of tlie Klghth United States dlstiict , to whom was referred the tradlo ngteement between tlio Northern Pacific nnd Durllngton systems haa Indicated to the operating department of the Northern I'a- clflc that he Mould ratlf > Ihe agreement within a day or two. This Information lia\- Ing been conicyeil to the llurllngton people they announced yesterday that the Hill ings line would ho operated from next Sun day and that ticket agents throughout the county would be notified of the Inauguration of the new service October 28 The service will consist of vestlbulcd skeplng cars and reclining chair cars , running through from Omaha to Hillings , Mont. , without change Prom Kdgemont to Deailwood a pirlor car will bo attached to the train , deeping car scrv Ice ta the latter point haIng been discon tinued Tlie car which Is to make the run between ndgemont and Deaduood Is now sidetracked in the Burlington vards ami IB a beauty The announcement of the opening of the Burlington's short route to Montana , Idiho and the Pacific coast states 'Tho new short line Is more than a new short line It Is a scenic route perhaps the most Interesting across tlie > continent. The rich farms of eastern and centrnl Ne braska , the more sparsely Bottled country that lies between Ruvenna and tits boundary line separating Nebraska and South Dakota , the canons , peaks nnd swelling meadow lands of the Ulack Hills , the wonderful "Devil's Tower , " the Irrigated districts of northern Wyoming , Custer battlefield , the glorious v le > s of tlio Crow Indian reservation all these are seen from the c r window " Freight Traffic Manager Munrooof the Union Pacific said In reply lo a question by a Dee reporter "Tho .id\cnt of the Hurling ton Into Montana territory will probably dl vldo the business for It means two roads In the northwest territory where only one penetrated from this s < elion As to lumber Interests , It may affect the situation con slderably , but Oregon lumber has not been received with the favor accorded southern lumber J Of course , as the soulh becomes ex hausted the Orfgon output will become more popular. 1 I anticipate , however , that much of the 1I 1 Oregon lumber linu'ed ' by the Burling ton I will l > o consigned to local points on Its line , which cannot materially affect the Union Pacific s position. "We have undo very low rates from Oregon territory on lumber , but without much success In In ducing dealers to purchase against Texas and other southern points. Of course we must look for a diminution in business from Mon tana , Oregon end North 1'aclflc points , but my Impression Is tliat It will not bo nearly no srroat as our friends of the Burlington anticipate " Offer for llpiolirpN1 l rrtllli utoH KojeclPil MILWAUKEE , Oc1 22 Colonel I'etllt. counsel for Brnyton Ives , Informed Judge Jenkins that the Dcutscho bank of Ilerlln would take the entire $5.000.000 Issue of re ceivers' certificates IT Ihe court would turn the control of the whole matter over to the Adams reorganisation committee The at torneys for the receivers argued ugalnst this proposition. Judge refused to per- RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves ll'HK ACiO III RLlX'CTON A. Q lArrlves Omilial Depot 19th iV Mawm Sts , Omaha 4 l'ipm CliknKOixilbule ! l " > 0. 9 l' > am ( liltdRfi 33xprc s -42 : 701pm ChlcnRO nnd IOWK Lor il K OOim 11 JJjm . Pacific Jumilim l cd n.r.jprn Leaves IRl'llLINflTON * . MO RIVER lAitU Omthnl l > eiiol 10th & Mnpon Sla | _ Omnha 10 Film . Denver Enprtss . . 9 3"wm lul'iim . Dtiuhvood Kxpnxs . I 10pm 4 r,0pm Uenvei I3xpn < * I 10IMU 0 jOjim NebniKka l xul ( < xr | it Sunli ) } bj'pn ] ) 5 ISain Lincoln l jrul < i xi ipt Suntlay ) It J5am Loivca | CllirA < IO. MIL S. ST. PAUL JArrives Oinalial Union Dilltllh ( | A. M.ifnn St Omiha " " Llnllled , 930Tln 11 loam Chlcigo13iipieB' _ < ( cjc Sun ) . . B 00pm LeTTerrCHIfAGO N4IUTI1WE8 > T N | Arrives" OmnlialU P. Di'pot , | olh > c Mason HIK | Omnha 11 03i m . EFislern KxiiresH . Tfi 30pm 4 01p"i .Vesllbulwl Limited . . 9 40 in C j.Kiu Mo Vullev lixiil . JO "Cim 5 I , pin Omuliu Clilcntju piclnl . . . J lopn Leaves I CHICAtSO. It I. & PACII'IcT I Arrives" Oinaball' l'D _ < | wt lOlli a. MaiiQii HtH | Omnha _ 2 _ KAST _ _ llTsinn .AllintU PMIMH-I ( < * : S'umliy ) . . fi Kpm 0 J5pm NlKht EnpiisH .9 Oui 4 lUpm DilcHkO Vi'Mll'uliil Limited 1 0'jui 11 J3pm Oldalionm Kxp Ho C II. ex Sun ) .11 SOjin _ _ WEST _ C DOam Oklahoma &TCXUS P.KP ( ex Sun ) . II 3 > pn 1.10pm Coloradj Limited . . 4 24pm Leaves I C. . ST. I' . M. & O lAnlvos UniHhn ] lej it ' 15th andW _ liater _ Sta.Omalm _ | _ 8 Ortnm filoux'Clly Arcom ( Ex Hun. ) 8 O'nn 10 oo un Suiux CIU Adorn ( Sun Only ) Kfliii | 12 llpm loux City ixpic ( Ex Bun ) II 53-in D J0pm _ _ ht Paul JJmlted . D IQaii Leaves I r , E Ar MO VALLEY [ Arrives Omiihn ! Depot I'll ) and Welwler bis i dumb. ( Ex s'itX\yo E ' < Kx Mon' ) B Ifljlil fi ix > | im Norfolk Ex.ireMi lEx. Hunduy ) 10 dan I 19im. | HI J'aul K in I'M . _ _ _ _ S 4 .iii " " Leans I K. f. bT J Ac C. II "l.Crrlves" Umalia ] Ii ; > ot lOlh 4t Mu on Hts. . Oiiuha t'Min Kansas City Da ) Eipris > . . I S5m J IJiuii KC _ Night En. vU V ! Jhiaiw _ 8Min L-nveii ! IISSOrni VATH'ir I Arrives Umiha ! Depot Uth und Wiluur Bis | Ornulm t fnam Kl Louis i : pic i . 41 60am ) Iini | St I-oiila I , press . . E-'im 5 lnum Ually ( ex Hun ) Kcbi ka Local. 'J Hum LUIVOB ! 11QVX CITX I'ACII-'IG. ( Arrives OmahalUejHj | 15th und \V\lxler His I Qmulin 5 tOimi St. Paul LlmlirdT ! . . fl 4Cnm it wi > m . .Clilcauo Limited . . . . 8 40an It i I SIOUX CITV & PACIFIC lAnlves umalia Union Depot , IQUi & &ta un Stn.1 Omaha G wain Hlnux Clly PuslPiiicur . .To 2CiiT ] 1 55iin | St I'aul l" jirc s 10 dOan L reifl L'NION AC I 'IC lArrlvci UiimlmlU I1 Drjxit , lOtli & Maton RUJQmulia 10 ( Mam Kcjrncy Enpresii lU > | ii. 2 I'.pin tcrl n < l 1 l > tr . . , , B 40pn i llpm 0 aiuce A Hlromkli g I i ( ex 8un ) i STI lOpm l'H''lllc ' Lxprfss . . .10 , aii C ilpm l-n l Mall . . .0.i Onmlu I n n I " ' ( Olfi ft'll'mn SP I Oinili. I r 1.4 L i.r'i : Ua 1 . , , , , U 5'J'i. . mil It and onler l Ihe receivers lo dispose ot he certincntM At the best posMhlo rate The demurrer lo the amcmlril bill In tli lilcajfo & Northern rncltlo cute. In ivhloh lie flrsl mortKKffo bondholders nro maclo co- otni > lnlnnntii , vvn nUo nrKue t before Judge enhlni today , The bill .e dotnurre < l lo n ( he R rou ml Hint the Iwiullioldera' commit * i-e vva not n proper parly to th < < mitt. Th took Iho casi > under .MEIJlt.Sd 1 Olt MITlIINt ) , Snila To Dlrodors lo Confer at Toppkn fur .So PiirpiKohnlfikrr. . TOPniCA. Oct. 22 "Tho iiwtlns or th tnta l"e dlroctora In Tojx'ktt next Thursdar ms absolutely no slfintllcanco vvlmlovcr , " salt ! a HIM 0. Waters , formerly Renernl attorney or tlie Satila To comp-ny. to a reporlcr to- ay. .Mr. AVnters la embltlercxl ngalnst tlio unaKcment of the Santa IV nnd continued : The two reorK'inlintlon ' committees an ? Klip. > osett liy Atulilsou people lo represent ill * colly vast weallti lnvolve < l In the Santa Fa iroperly. They nro simply scckliiR ilcsjicr- itely lo gel the people who hold stock to omply with one moru assessments before he end for the pur.iose of keeping up a orttial but expensive 'orRanlznllon. ' 1 Tlio directors get nn salaries nnd have nb- oltitely 110 voice In Iho management of tlio oad except In an Indirect way its their vlshtys may have aomuvelfiht -with Jtidgo 'aldvvell and the recehors. Tlio road ia ioniiiletely out of their control. The directors neti Imd lo RO lo Judge Calthvoll and ben o got a $10,000 appropriation to piy ( he exes - es of Iho Topeka meotlnK. JtlflKo Caldwell his stltt Hint the Santn r > roperly niusl bo foreclnsisl before long. Hems ms expressed lilm elf ns being \\earlpd ot mvlng tlio road ou his hands and It must Dither gu Into the hands oC the first mort gagees or prove Itself capable of running ill lion t a receiver. The Ijtler Is Impossible. The road will bo foreclosed vitliln a year nnd the mortgagees ivlll nssuiuo the man ge in cut " Continuing , Mr. Waters said : "The com- ) any will probably be reorganized under the uvvs of the state of Illinois Instead of Knn- . which means that Ihe headquartcra wilt ie transferred from Topek.i to Olilcago. " Lirri.r oiiANUK KOI : \ SKTTLKUKNT. Ciiiintllan Pnnlllv'H Hum mil * on Iliislnrss C'omlderccl I'lirrimii ' CHICAOO , Oct. 22. The advisory coinmlt- co of the Kmlgrant Clearing house of the Western Passenger association will hold a t\cotlng \ to determine what uliall bo dona lo n cot Iho attitude of the Canadian Pacific on the emigrant question. As the thing now stands , tlio western lines nro unable to BO anything on vvhlch tliey nro able to como to nn ogroemonl with the Canadian Pacific. That road rlemnnds ono-fourtli of all tlio eml- ; runt business coming through tlio jxjrt of S'pw York , and , at the BEIUD time , that the mslness coming lo U thtougli the Canadian irrts shall bo exempted from Iho aBreomcnt. Tils , the western roads believe gives the Canadian 1'aclflo onc-fourtli ot all the NEW York westbound business without any equlv- ilent whatever on iha part of the Canadian road , nnd this , Ihey declare , they can nrver igree to It U Is possible Home sort of nn agreement may bo reached on the eastbound umlqratit truffle , but there seems ( o be a very n all prospect of nnj thing like n compromise on the westbound business. The Irulh of ho matter U thai tlio VandurluilU lines nro i hind the Canadian I'liciflc , nnd as long as : lie fevv York Central Is willing to hack up he Canadian I'.icllic In Its ilemands. just so : eng will there bo Irotiblo before the Uml- grant Clearing house The liurlliiRton road today announced that t would In conectlon with the Missouri , Kan sas & Texas , resume Its through car service from Chicago to Galveston and other Tons iiolnts at once. _ INSI'LOIINU THJ3 OVIMtL/VNI / ) . Union I'nrllltt Olllclnls I.iml.lnp Over the \Vyo , Ocl , 22 ( Special Tele gram ) Managing Hecelvcr Clark , General Manager Dickinson , Superintendent McConnell - nell of the motive power department , Super intendent Ilancroft of the Mountain division nnd other Union Pacific officials who are a tour of Inspection of the road , reached Chevcnne this morning. An hour iras spent In looking over the shops here , after which they continued west by tpoclal rain. They will go through to Hunting- Ion , Ore. It was slaled lhat the Deny or shops have not yet been leased to the Gulf , although It Is probable that the deal will bo nade soon Itegardlng Ihe matter of Increasing creasing- the force In Ihe Che > enno shops tha olllclula said the obstacle In the way was Die ilgher wages paid here than at Kantaa Clly , Denier and other places If Ihe men would consenl to work hero for the same wages paid III Denver the force would bo Increased several hundred. i\WNS : lilt INGS ANOTllElt .SI/IT. Mlflguit ( iiilf Kimil llin [ < U llplil by I ho l/iilon I'm Hie More rrnmluliMitly Triinsliirrnil. DiNVin. : Oct. 22. Attorneys for ex-Gov ernor Kvnns are preparlng papers In a suit vrhlcli Is Intended to bead off the alleged at tempt of the Union I'.iclllc ( o regain control of the Gulf road by foreclosure of the mort gage bonds , Interest on which has been de faulted. The United Stales court Home time ago decided that the- Union Pacific was not required tn pay Hits Interest , and ns tlio re- VLr of the Gulf was not ordered ta pay I , It linn remained unpaid. Governor Evans ; akes. tlie ground thai the bonds were fraudu lently transferred and that no consideration was ever gtien for them The point will bo made that the receiver of Ihe Oulf In nol re- inlretl lo meet the Interest on the bonds. Should the case bo decided In favor ot Gov ernor i\.uis : .1 would have tlie effect of de stroying the grounds on which the American Trust company , as trustee for the bond- lioldcrs , expects to babe 1U suit for fore closure. Argiilm ; tgulnst tlio Donuirrer. MIlAVAUIcm : , Oct. 22 Altonie > s repre senting the Northern Pacific company , the receivers and bondholders' committee ap- pc.ired before- Judge Jenkins today lo argue the demurrer of the recehoTH to the potl- llon to make the bondholders committee a party to the foreclosure suit Colonel Pettle occupied much tlrae in ar guing against the demurrer. l > i'lltli of Coliinol I.vfirmt. ATCIU&ON , Kan. . Oct. 22. Colonel Aaron S Uvereht , ogfd 59 , formerly general at torney of the MlPsonrl Paclfle died hcio this morning .iffcr a > cur g Illness. He built many Missouri Pacific extensions In the north and west ; waa John J Ingalls' counsel In the famous Investigation caao and represented this county In Hie state senate. ICiprrn * roiniiiny | Pnnsr < l Its Dividend. Ni\V : YOIUC , Oct. 22 President T C. Platt n ( the United States Express company has Uiiied a circular to the Hlockholdcrv , an nouncing the passage of the dividend , which the director * of Ihe company determined la do ut their meeting on October 1C. ItulltTuy > oles , General Passenger Agent John Francis and Mr i KranclK left for California , yeitcrdaj afternoon on No. 1. J 0 Phllllppl of tlie Missouri Pacific will leave on a tour ol Inspection today , In- cklciitnlly talking politics cnroule , Alfred C. Dariow , cashier of the passenger ilopartmcnt of the Union Pacific , U a very sick man und Is confined to Ills bed , , The Union Pacific has been compelled to put on an extra Blooper far tlio part foiir clays on their westbound truln. In view ot tin Increase In westbound travel. According to Iho latest statistic * of th Htirllnglon system , prepared for a new leaflet which that company Is gelling out foi shippers , in vlow of the opining of thi > III1U ln > : s line , the company hat 1,2SO oiiglno * , l.SH coachei and 35,000 frolght In tlie ear * , lombt lines a roaring , bnzzlni Bound , are cauiod by catarrh , thai oxcneflliiK- ly dlsngreeablo and vtry common cllseaso , Losa of ninull or bearing also remit from catarrii Hood's Sariupurllla , tlio grent bloo4 purifier Is a peculiarly successful icmcdy for thli dlseane , which U cures by purifying th blood Pills are HID best aft'T ' dinner ailk dls itlon , pretreut coiutlpitlon.