Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1894, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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Dtllvertd by carrier to anr part of the cltr.
H. W. TILTON , Lcsieo ,
TELnPIONC3-Duilnn office , No. right
flltor , NO. 23 ,
J//\O/ ( JMJAT/OA.
Mayne Heal Estate. Agency , G3J Broadway.
Charles tlaughan took out a permit yester
day for the erection of a $1,200 dwelling at
tlm corner of Vine and ecord | { treets.
" * "
"Tiiere will bT a meeting" the Woodmen
of the World at their hall Monday evening ,
October 22. Business of importance , Lunch
will bo served.
Jennie Williams will have a hearing Mon
day afternoon at 2 o'clock ' In Justice Field s
court on the charge of stealing a harness and
cart from Dave Long.
Frank Jones was arrested last evening with
two overcoats In his possession , one of
which , a drab sack coat with velvet collar ,
ho WUB trying to dispose of.
It. A. Robinson was bound over to the
grand jury yesterday on the charge of steal
ing Dr. Janney's clothing nnd money , and
his bond was fixed at $300.
Leon Lee , the Rock Island brnketnan who
had his hip hurt In a railway accident n few
days ago. has recovered Butllclently so that
ho could be taken to his home In Ncola.
Grace guild will give a pink tea and so
ciable AVednesday evening , October 24. in the
guild rooms of Gnice church. During the
evening a pleasing program will be rendered.
The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. 3. Olson ,
aged 22 days , died at G o'clock yesterday
morning. The funeral will take place at 10
o'chck this morning from the residence. 13i (
Harrison street.
Rev. C. W. Savidge nf Omaha and T. W.
AVIIllams ol this city have completed ar
rangements for a discussion on the Issues be
tween their respective churches , commencing
Tuesday evening , November 20.
The ladles of the Hebekah Relief associa
tion will give a palette and conundrum social
with musical and literary program and re
freshments ut Independent Order of Odd Fel
lows hall Tuesday evening , October 30.
The Royal Neighbors are making prepjra-
lions for a social to be given at the Knights
or Pvthlus hall In the Merrlam block ncx *
Friday evening. The Modern Woodmen and
friends of the order ure cordially Invited.
At the anr.\.il \ meeting of the national en
campment of the Union Veteran legion , held
al the city of Newark. N. J. , October 10-14 ,
James Tanner was chosen national com
mander , with headquarters at AVashlngton ,
D. C.
Lawrence Keavney , who has been for sev
eral years In the employ of the Union Pa
cific , was before the commissioners of Insan
ity yesterday , and , after an examination , was
ordered taken to the Clnrlmla hospital for
A report was circulated that the firm of
M. S. Roop & Co. hud sold the Marcus block
on Broadway near the corner of Sixth street
for $30.000. Omaha parties being the pur
chasers. Mr. Marcus says the report Is false
and that the building It not on the market.
At the I o'clock service al St. Paul's
church today the choir will render A. H.
Mann's Magnificat and Nunc Dlmlttls In A
flat , with tenor solo by I. M. Treynor. For
the anthem the Dudley Buck cniartot will
Elng "Lead Kindly Light , " by Dudley Iluck.
Kelly Huff ro led Into the arms of an officer
last evening with his time-honored regularity.
Ho was wanted to serve some undone time
on the chain gang , and there Is also an In
formation on file charging him with creating
u disturbance at a dance on lower Broadway
{ one- night last week.
Rev. George D. Horron will preach this
morning and evening at the Christian taber
! i nacle. Mrs. Rand , a wealthy and aged lady
formerly living in Burlington , Is In the city
on tills trip with the doctor. She became
acquainted with him when he was pastor of
a church In that city , and becoming Inter
ested * In his work and convinced that he had
a brilliant future , endowned the chair of ap
plied .Christianity at Iowa college , with the
understanding that he was to occupy it. She
accompanied him and his wife on a trip to
Palestine lust tummer , and , as she takes the
credit of his present fame to herself , Is fully
as proud of each success he makes as the
doctor himself is.
AVe are sole city agents for several of the
oldest and strongest Hro Insurance companies
In the world. We also negotiate farm loans
at the loueat possible rates. Lougee &
Towle , 235 I'earl street.
Sniuii yucMliiin mill .Answer * .
Who has reorganized the price of shoes In
this city ? Sargent.
Who makes the lowest prices In shoes ?
Sargent ,
Who carries the best shoes In the city ?
\Vho can you rely on. for good shoes ?
Who will give you a new pair If they
don't wear ? Sargent.
AVho will take pains In fitting your feet ?
Who always does as he advertises ?
Who will sell you the best shoes for
| 1 50. 52 frO or J3.00 ? Sargent.
If these things are all true , why don't
you buy your shoes at Sargent's ?
I'KKSUJi.ll. I'.Ut Kili.U'llS.
C. E. JUId has returned from a Nebraska
M. C. Vandervcer left lasl evening for a
trip ( o Clinton.
Tom B. Callaglmn left yesterday for a trip
of a week to Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. AV. H. Bradley have re
turned from n visit to their daughter In
Miss Mamie Stioff of Huntlngton. Ind. , is
the guest of W. J. Davenport nnd family on
Fourth street.
Mrs. Jane Nlccwonger of Albany , 111. , Is
In the city to make her homo with her
nephew. Mr. J. M. Oursler , for thewinter. .
Elder T. W. Williams left last night for
Lovcland , Intending to speak in the Metho
dist Episcopal church In the evening one "
this morning.
Mrs. J. I ) . Allen , formerly of this city , bin
now of Cozad , Neb. , Is lying at the point o ;
death. Her many friends hero will be palnei"
to learn of her serious condition ,
Lewis McDanlel nnd Lillian Hammond of
Tabor , D. Hlgbee of Grlnnell and James B
Gregg of Jled Oak were among the lowans
who stopped at the Grand yesterday.
George F. Smith , Mrs. J. M. Matthews
Mrs. John Dougherty and Rebecca Dwlgglns
liavo returned from Burlington , where thej
attended the meeting u'f the Iowa' gram
lodges of the Odd Fellows and Daughters o
Rebckah. They say that the meeting WO
the largest and one of the most Interesting
ever held klncc- the order was started In tlit
The Indies of the First Presbyterian churcl
will take orders for comfortables and quilt !
of all kinds and sizes. Leave orders will
Mrs. WalUr I. Smith , 120 South Seventl
Eagle laundry , 724 IJroaaway , tor co <
work. Tel. 157.
C , W. Hurrltt's house at 203 Park avenui
narrowly escaped being burned to the groum
at an early hour yesterday morning , and hli
father would undoubtedly have been burn IN
Io death had It not been for a fortunat
chain of circumstances. A lamp exploded li
thu room where the old man , who Is alllietei
with paralysis , was sleeping. The smell o
smoke aroused some of the other member pi
of the family , who ran In and found th
old man's bed wrapped In ( lames. The ;
Rtlzed the helplets form and carried It to i
pi a co of lately , and then , armed with bucket
of water , quenched the flames , which by tha
time had charred the entire walls and cell
Ing , The fire department was called , but b
the time U reached the place there was n
need of Its services.
The ladles of the First Presbyterian churc \
will meet In the church parlors on Wcdnes
day afternoon at 2 p. m , , to make comforts ,
Stovepipe go a Joint , Swalne'e , 7(0 11 road
, _
, /tsb rwomcn use Domestic : ip\
Grimier gs cups it Lund Bro * .
Unirmted Quests Oatise Trouble at Victor
Sadowski'a ' Party.
ItavulTrri to llnforci ! Their I > emnti < U
ng Culled l'xiii | anil look
thu Trio \Vonld-lle Hm-llrrs
to the ( Ity i ) IK
Vlclor Sadowskl was entertaining a pri
vate parly of his friends at his home , cor
ner of Sixth avenue and Twenty-second
street , Friday night , when about midnight
Fied Smith , Charles Shefler nnd William
l.ewlu put In an appearance , each one armed
with a Jag , nnd Insisted on joining the crowd
of merrymakers. The host succeeded In put
ting them out , but they came back again
and dcmandcJ admittance. That time they
showed revolvers and darkly hinted that
gore would ornament the carpet If they
were not allowed to come In. Sudowskl sent
to the residence of Marshal Canning , near
by , while he engaged In battle wllh the
trespassers. Several shots were fired , by
whom no one knows , but when Canning ar
rived lie found Smith with a revolver In
his hand. lie arrested Smith and Lewis ,
wh'le ' tiheiler took refuge In flight at a gait
that even Canning , with his well known
sprinting abilities , could not equal. After
Canning had lost most of his breath he turned
back to look after his two prisoners , whom
he had left In charge of Sadowskl. When
he reached the Jail Lewis , who apparently
had not much to w th the disturbance , was
allowed to go home with the understanding
that he was to be on hand as n witness In
the morning. Canning then went to Sheflcr's
house ut the corner of Tenth avenue and
Twenty-fourth street , and , pulling him out
f bd. bundled him off to the city jail. All
hrce will have hearings tomorrow morning
efore Judge AlcOee.
Ir , llerriin I'HCH , .Some Vlgiiniun
Concerning I'libhc liintltutliiiii.
IJr. George 1) . Herron delivered another lec-
un ? ut the Christian tabernacle hist evening ,
nd although the threatening weather doubt-
t.sH reduced the size of his audience , he
onflrmed the opinion formed the first even-
ng. thut he Is a deep thinker and a man of
road Ideas and the ability to clothe them
n eloquent words. He was unsparing In his
enunciation of the present legislative , judl-
lal ami economic systems. Although with
ho anarchist ho shares a deep dlssatisfac-
lon with the existing state of affairs , lie Is
ery different from the anarchist In the rein-
sly he looks to , for lie holds that a change
vlll he brought about , not by n revolution
vlth blt/'Xl ' and lire , but by an evolution In
vlilcli the principles laid down by Christ In
lie Sermon un the Mount should find thai
idlest fruition.
Tin- speaker was especially severe In his
reatmenl of the railway problem. "Our fed-
rjl couits , " said lit In substance , "seem to
be operated principally for the purpose of
idjinlicuting cases in uhlch the railways are
nterestud. Under the management of re-
elvers , wlio are in turn under the direction
our federal courts , we find nearly one-
ourlh of the entire railway property In the
country. And these receivers. In many
caies , uro the very men who have plundered
he pioperty of the corporation for private
; iiln. The roads are organized with fictitious
apltal. often ten times as great as the sum
eally Invested. And the American people
iave to pay interest and profits on billions
of dollars that never had an existence. The
system , us It la now run , Is a
greater menace to our liberty than slavery
ever cuuld have been , nnd It has become
Midi through the corrupt manipulation of leg
islatures and courts. Irresponsible to the
nubile , It presents features more degrading
him taxation without representation , and
nor ut variance with the principles of Amer
ican liberty.
"The require the courts ol the
jieople for their operation and the army of
he people lor their protection why should
lot the people own and operate them out
right' . ' They should be owned by the peo-
ile , and reorganized In the interests of the
icople und humanity. Hut under the present
system law nnd Justice have come to be two
entitles which may coincide or may not ,
In thu mind of the public there Is no
longer any turprlie felt when they are found
to be in direct conflict.
"Hut. notwithstanding this dark picture
that I have painted , " said he In conclusion
do not speak as one discouraged. On the
contrary , Hie outlook Is promising , because
today , more than ever before , all populat
standards of right and wrong are measured
by tho.-c of Clirlbt. Civilization unconsciously
accepts the Christian rules as the correct
ones. In the hour- when we thought not , the
Son of Man has come and U sitting In judg
ment on tlic people. The mlllenluni has
jegiin already. "
Dr. Heirou will conclude his series of lec
tures next Monday night , and lie chould be
greeted by a crowded house. He has a con
densed , epigrammatic style and the happy
( acuity of continually saying something that
tils hearers will carry a\vay with them.
n CIIIIK. ; :
The Klii f of All Temperance Drlnltn Knockn
Out All IllrnlH.
The extraordinary demand created for
Copps Cheer In all temperance communities
where Intoxicating beverages cannot be ao\C \
IMS led envious alleged rivals to attack II
and misrepresent It. Among conservative
and caulluiuv dealers who do not wish to ever
( no line of violation of luiv. am :
families who don't want an Intoxicating , bev
prune In their lockers , these misrepresent ! )
tlons have led to the most crucial tests for
alcohol known , and the beverage , while
sparkling , Invigorating and health-building
has been found to be as harmless as the
mildest soda water. Thus the clleffei
"friendly warnings" coming from I Hie fel
lows who think themselves rivals prove to be
selfish misrepresentations made for the eule
purpose of enabling them to force the sale
or naiiteuus and unwholesome compounds.
Wheeler & llereltl. Council Hlulfs , la. , are
the originators and sole brewers of Copps
Cheer , and give un Indemnifying bond to
every dealer , while the beverage speaks for
Itself. But If more proof Is desired the en
dorseinents oC ministers , judges , chemists
und physicians can bo referred to as they
huvo appeured In The Dee daily for weeks
und hundreds of others In our olllcc.
Death of .Mr * .
. \dellne li. , wife of Kben I ) . Illake. dlec
Friday afttrnoon at 4 o'clock at the rest
denco of her daughter , Mrs. L. I. . Spooncr
701 Fourth street , aged 90 years. She hut
been confined to her bed for the last six
months. She wus the mother of J. I ) . Blalte
ofvoca , George B. Fllake of Colorado ant
Mrs. L. L. .
Spooncr. She was n resident o a
this city since 1M > 3. and was a member o
the Congregational church. The funeral wll
occur this afternoon at 3 o'clock from th
residence of Mr. Spooner , nnd the remains
will bo burled In Fulrvlcw cemetery.
Cheaper than dirt those now carpet sweep
crs at the Council Hluffs Carpet company's
Everything else In the line of carpets , cur
tulns , rugs and upholstery goods are uls
chc.iit ] < r ( him anywhere else In town.
Ilefnre buying your wood heater call a
Swulne's. 740 llroadway , and see the Acim
heuter. the best airtight stove made. Stove
IKSc a joint.
Peaelee's celebrated ale and porter now
on draught at Grand hotel bar.
KuiicrlntPiiitnnta' Itnimil Tuble.
The closing sessions of the Superintend
cuts' liouml Table of southwestern low
were held yesterday. In the morning nt th
High school building and in the nfternocn a
the Ogdea hotel parlors. Several subject
\vero up for dlucuiulon and resolutions wer
passed embodying the sense of the meeting
Among these were that too many subject
are not belntc taught In the schools , that th
experiment of vertical writing should b
tried , and thut In teaching reading la th
prtnmry schools the synthetic , word an
sentence methods should be used In comblna
tlon within one another. Among those wh
took purl In the dlacunlon wera Superintend
entu Chevalier of lied Oak , Lamson of At
lantic , Klnney of Woodbine , Warner of ll r-
Ian nnd Sawyer ot Council 111 lift" ; Principals
Dorlnnd of Afton. Fort of Olenwood , Ilurton
of Vllllscn nnd KaMtnnn of Council Dluffi ;
Profs. Paulson and Prlfo of Council Uluff *
and Prof. Condjt of Jled Oak.
The plan was broached of organizing a
teachers' association In southwestern Iowa ,
ami It was ifecldcd to hold n meeting early
next spring Irj order to perfect plans. If
the organization Is effected between 400 and
500 teachers will belong.
The next semi-annual Hound Table will be
held at lied Oak , the exact time to bo an
nounced later. The following are the olllccrs ;
President , II. 0. Lamson of Atlantic ; secre
tary , 13. II. Kastman of Council Bluffs ; treas
urer , Ira Condlt of Kcd Oak.
Sochtt Happening * .
A surprise masquerade party was given
Friday evening at the home of Miss Lulu
Fowler , 2CS Denton street. These present were :
Misses Laura Heleler , Grace Helslcr , Oussle
Dougherty , Nellie Llnder , May Orosvcnor.
Grace Edlton , Laura Hyde , Amy Dillon , Ethel
Watson , Dertlo IJrown , Lillian Williams
and Lulu Fowler ; Messrs. Wallace Ilolln ,
Henry Wageck , Tom Tlnley , Lewis Stodclard ,
Hobert Dailey , Frank Hall , Jamea Mtllhol-
lam , Morris McCarvel , Charles Vamlebogart ,
Fred Murphy , Klrt llayos , Herbert Fowler ,
Roy ) Fowler. The evening was spent In
dancing- and playing games. Kcfrcshments
\vei served at a late hour.
Last Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. W.
\V. LoomU entertained about thirty of their
friends at their home 01' South Eighth
street. In honor of their guest , Mrs. F. M ,
Gault of Chicago. Cards were the chief
amusement ' ' of the evening , prizes being
awarded to Mrs. Everett and Mr. II. C. Cory ,
The T. T. T.'s held their meeting last
Friday evening at the home of Miss Edith
Field , on Plainer street.
On Tuesday evening the members of the
First Dapt'st ' church and congregation as
sembled at the church to celebrate the second
end anniversary of the day on which Ilev
J.An H. Davis assumed the pastoral duties.
An audience of fully 200 was present , and
a most enjoyable time ensued. Each guest
brought something In the way of a re
minder of affection for the pastor , and two
wagon loads were transferred from the
church to the parsonage the. next morning-
A novel nnd delightful diversion in the
shape oi a , moonlight picnic was enjoyed by
party of Council Hluffs young people
Vednesday ec evening. The place selected was
charming spot about two und a half miles
ast of the city. The party drove out In
wo carrlgcs , provided with an appetizing
unch , which was spread and devoured In
; enulne picnic fashion. After lunch the
'arty ' drove back to town and attended thu
erformance of "A Cold Day , " Those com-
xislng the party were : Mr. and Mrs. Wood
Mien , Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Lougee , Misses
lennett , Zurmuelden , Olcason , Babcock and
'Inccnt , and Messrs. Zurrnuehlen , Kirk Paterson -
erson , Ned Shepard , Ed Wlckham and Harry-
At the regular monthly meeting of the St.
\ndrow's society , held In the new Knights
f Pythias hall last Wednesday night , n
cry enjoyable program was efficiently reil
ered , each one doing him Belt proud and ro
elvlng n hearty encore. The program was :
Inno Solo Miss Webb
Vocal Solo Mrs. Jessie Colby Durkee
Jecltation Fuye Uell
'Juno Solo Miss Fletcher
lecltatlon Miss Blood
, 'ocal Music Mry. H. Stevenson
MJIIO Solo The Misses Hell
Hefreshments were then served , being not
only plentiful but delicious , the tables yet
oanlng when all had Mulshed. The floor
vas then cleared and Scotch dances were
md , Intermingled with others , to while away
he few remaining hours. One of the mos't
ileaslng features of the evening , though not
on the program , was the profusion df beau-
Iful roses and other flowers , freely dls-
rlbutcd to all present by Mrs. J. It. Me
herson. The night being far spent , all ad-
ourncd , only to be called to celebrate St
Vndrow'B day , November 30 , with an elab
orate banquet und ball.
Friday afternoon at the Grand Army hul
ho members of the Women's Ilellef corps
leld a meeting and surprised the treasurer
of the organization , Mrs. Hoon , by presenting
: ier a fine emblem of gold and a china cui
and saucer.
A imislcala wa"S given by MliB Anha
lutchlnson last Tuesday evening at her
ionic , S14 east Plcrco street , In honor of Mr
Jook of St. Louis. About twenty couples
were present , and an elaborate musical pro-
Tain wivs presented In a delightful manner
Annual Clonk Opening.
The Uoston store annual cloak opoiilnt ,
takes place Monday and Tuesday of this
week , October 22 and 23. As has been the
custom In former years , all cloaks In tin
store shall be sold at a reduced price foi
these two days otilWe have no doubt tha
our patrons will turn out In full force to
renew their acquaintance with Mr. Henry J
Schroff , who will be with us dur
Ing the opening. He Is show
ing one of the most stylish lines of cloak :
that has ever been shown by him. The
line of goods he carrys has become celebratec
in this vicinity for being the bert fitting , as
well as the nobbiest garments on the market
and If you buy one of his garments you cai
always depend on gettlnff full value for your
money. Don't miss this chance of seeing the
finest line of coatb west of Chicago. Re
member only two days , und every coat a
cost price.
lloston Store , Council Hluffs , la.
Criminal * rlcucl Gulltf.
William Van Dyke was found guilty by
the district court Jury yesterday of having [
stolen a suit of clothes belonging to anothe
colored man named Johnson.
William Lewis was given a trial on th
charge of having forged an order upon Flshe
& Son , Underwood merchants , signing to i
the ot A. 1 > .
name Maxfleld , for a suit o
clothes. After the state had Introduced al
Its testimony lie concluded he might as wel
plead guilty , which he did.
William Crlss pleaded guilty to the erlm
of larceny , and Charles Minor and Fred Trey
nor did the same to the crime of larceny
from a building In the daytime.
Hob Limerick's trial on the charge o
burglarizing Wabash freight cars , Is set fo
the first thing Monday morning- . James Har
rls , who turned state's evidence , Is In Jail
where he has been ever since he and the res
of the gang were first arrested , and it is ex
peeled that he will tell the same story a
upon the preliminary hearing.
J. C. lloflinuyr I'lincy ' I'utout ,
Hungarian I'rocess Flour.
Made by the oldest , milling firm In the west
make ? lightest , whitest , sweetest bread. Asl
your gtocer for It. Trade murk : "lllu of
Rooster. "
Hog cholera preventive and cure by Dr
Jefferls. Fletcher avenue , Council Bluffs of
will stop the disease In one hour. Trla
bottle , ? 1. by
Dimcstlc soap outlasts cheap soap. (
Mrs. T. A. 1'lnrli iluiid.
Elizabeth , wife ot T. A. Clark , died o
consumption at 1:15 : o'clock yesterday morn
Ing nt her home. 21G Harrison street , age
52 years. During the past eighteen month
the conflict with the disease had been gain
on. and Mrs. Clark made several trips wes
in the hope of battling it. She returned t
her homo In this city from the last trip bu
few weeks ago , and hus stoidlly bee
sinking ever since. She wus a native of N'e\
Vork state , and moved hero with her hus
band In 1S79 from Wisconsin. She was
member of the Second 1'resbyterlnn churcl ;
and her gonlul disposition made her an en
thuslustlc , generous helper In all forms o a
friendliness and charity. Besides her hus
band , she leaves a daughter , Mrs. Alexande
Johnston of Soda Springs , Idaho , who jolne
In caring for her moat tenderly to the ver
Intl. The funeral services will be held Mon
day afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock ut the lat
The Pethybrldgo meat market at Gl5 ! Ilroail
way has been sold to ( Jus Hcnrlchs. who wl 43
continue the business with Increased fuclll
ties for giving the public the best meat
at the lowest prices.
DomeMIc patterns can only bo had a
Vavru'B new dry goods store , 112 Droudwa ;
Swalno will cave you money on stoves an a
ranges , 710 Broadway. Stovepipe So a Join
Domcst.o oip breaks hard water.
Ten I > ollurn li Du > * .
Dun McSorley wax arrestd last evening o
suspicion of being the one who stole $49
from Andy Rowland , u saloon keeper at th
corner of Main street and Tenth avenue
ten days ago In his pocket wan found
pur.e containing > 3'-- , and tht > purse wa
Mentiaed by Rowland as bin property , I
ho ten days thai h Wf elapsed McSorley has
imaged to spend bntit $100. He was elated
Ith larceny from 'Rebuilding. '
38-INCH rOMIKKft B 1-ao A YAlll ) ,
* * I. . *
llriinlvin llro'M'iiiulnr' ! ' * l ( r Sale.
Monday another Of Kur famous big sales ;
til greater bargains than ever.
1,000 yards 32-lncli dork ground pongees ,
as lOc and 12&c ! , Monday entire lot 2V
36-Inch unbleach CVJ6 | muslin , Monday 3Vie
li',50 cotton flannel' yard.
Floor oil cloth , 23c , 29c and 30c yard ; worth
5-4 oil cloth rugs , 4 Re.
IJ-4 oil cloth rugs , SBc.
f > 0c , C > 5c and 75c novelties , all wool dress
oods , Monday 44c yard.
fl.OO 24-Inch black latin rhodamc , 59c yarfl.
$1.25 black satin duchess , SOc yard.
AVe Intend to make Monday a big day.
] ,000 skeins Saxony yarn , Ic skein.
Finest Imported Saxony yarn , Sc skein.
Large size , all silk Windsor ties , plain
olors nnd black , 15c each.
For one day wo sell genuine point De
pray lace curtains , ruffle edge , value , $ G.OO ,
JH.50 pair.
JG.OO chenille curtains , Monday , $3.33 pair.
Huy your fur capes of us Monday.
$18.00 30-Inch French Coney capes , $10.00.
$20.00 Astrachan , 30-Inch capes , $12.00.
$25.00 Astrachan. 27-Inch capes , $16.00. -
$30.00 $ Astrachan , XO-Incli capes , $19.00.
$45.00 wool seal , 30-Inch capes , $24.00.
$85.00 beaver. SS-lnch capes , $09.00. $
$150.00 mink , 30-Inch capes. $95.00 ,
No house can meet our prices on fur capes.
) pen every evening.
Council Blurts.
You Must HeglMor.
The registration books for the coming elec-
, on , to be held November C , wll Ibe open
n the various precincts of the city next
hursday and Friday , October 25 and 20 , and
n Saturday , November 3 , from 9 o'clock a.
to 8 p. m. On these three days every
110 whose name does not appear on the
eglstratlon books of the lusl general olec-
lon must register , unless he Is out of the
Ry or does not get tils naturalization papers
titll after November 3. For the benefit of
hose Included In the last two classes the
looks will also be open on election day.
'lie following are the places for registration
nd the- gentlemen who will have the books
n charge :
First Ward , First I'reclnct-Whceler &
terald'p , 131 Kast Broadway. AV. C. Hen-
Irlcks , George Oliver , registrars.
First AVard , Second I'reclnct F. Mer-
lam's , 107 Kast Tlroadway. K. C. Haldy , F.
1. Haute , registrars.
Second ' AVanl , First Precinet-K T. AVnt-
erman'a , 13 Noith Main street. A. T.
\Vhlttlesey , G. H. linker , reglHlrars.
Second Ward , Second I'reclnct I * . O.
tnott'M , 7X ( > West Hroadway. J. K. Hollcn-
beck , J. II. Mlthen , registrars.
Third Ward. First Preclnct-Mnx Mohn'H.
Crcston " lioutie. 217 South Alain street. A.
. Heck , O. S. Trey nor , registrars.
Third Ward , Second I'reclnct Mike
Nolan's , 313 Si-utli Main street. J. It. Arm-
troiifir , C. H. Keller , registrars.
Fourth ' AVaitl , Flrtt Precinct H. S. Ter-
willlscr'H barn , 224 South Main street.
" . W. Neul , A. J. Urown , registrars.
Fourth' ' 'Ward. Second I'reclnct T. C.
lucksou's C21 Twelfth avenue. C. It.
Mitchell , T. C. Jflekson , reglsliais.
Fifth Ward , Flint Prec-lnct J , . AVardlan's
store. 1601 West IJroadwny. Jolin Sklnkle ,
W. W. Clones. reeintnirH.
Fifth Ward , Secpnd 1'reclnct Peter
Dane's , IiXK ) South Seventeenth street. Hans
* nndwlek , J. L. Allavle , registrars.
Sixth ' Ward , First Preelnct-C. It. McCtil-
ions-h'H barber shop , 11 North Twenty-
third street. G. U , Turner , J. 1. Anderson ,
registrars. '
Sixth Ward , Second Precinct AV. J.
Whiting's place , 61 < > Locust street , AVest
Council ninffs. W. J. AVhltinf , George
Cooper , registrars.
The Grand Army of jhe Republic will give
i dance nt their hall on Monday evening
Dctober 22. Admission , gentlemen , 35c
ladles , free. Dalbcy's orchestra will furnish
Tlie lIlntTii HUM Llirss I'layors.
R. B. Grimihs , one'of'tho Council Hluffs
High school graduates , who recently went
to California to attend the Stanford uni
versity , continues to show the same skill In
chess which he so often evidenced while
here. In Oakland ho met the leading chess
player of the Pacific coast , Turner , and
foaled him In n series of games. . The San
Francisco Examiner gives young OrlfBtl
much praise.
C. S. Colby of Council Bluffs met In Omaha
the past week Mr. Qurner , who for years has
held the Iowa chess championship , and de
tented him by 11 to 4 , with two draws , am
in another scries by G to " . They will mee
again this week.
Just received , a now Invoice of all the
latest styles In millinery at Miss Ilagsdale's
10 Pearl street.
Council lIlufTH IVIiiH.
One of the closest games ot foot ball that
has been played hero this year took place
yesterday afternoon between the high schoo
eleven ! of this city and the eleven o :
Crclghton college. From start to finish the
sides were evenly matched and from the start
tobet finish It was hard to tell which had the
better chance of winning. Finally , Just as
the Crelghton college men had the ball al-
most ] to the goal , Mather gf the B.uffs got
hold of it and carried It back to the center
before he was overhauled. This gave new
courugo to the Bluffs boys , and they final I j
won the game by a score of C to 0.
Wanted A good driving or delivery horse
for his keeping , with a view of purchasing '
by AV , S. Homer , thi Low Priced Grocer
53S Broadway.
Sunday KvenliiK
Next Sunday evening Rev. J. H. Davis wll
commence a series of evening lectures on the
following subjects :
October 28 , A Young Woman of Courage
November 11 , A Young Man nf Courage ; No
vember 18 , A Young AV&man's Ilcsolve ; No-
vunber 25 , A Homesick Boy ; December 9
The Soldier ; December 1C , An Unequal Con
test ; December 23 , A Unique Song Service
December 30 , An Ancient Race ; January 13
The Defense of a Lintel Patch. &
Selected hard wood for heating stovas.
II. A. COX , 37 Main street. Tel. 13.
AtlnrkH lion Carriers.
A crazy man has undertaken the contract
driving The Bee out of Council Hluffs
and with that apparent end In view has been
assaulting the carriers lately near the corner
Fifth avenue and Fourth street. Yester
day morning Rathford Chllds was assaulter
him at that corner , and struck In thf
back with a brickbat1 George Tlnley am
several other carrier * Omve been chased bs
the snine man , wlio IsMkscrlbed us tall , am
Wearing old clathes'nntl ' an old slouch hat.
. Air light
Heaters are at the 'head. ' They are con
structed on Bclentllle principles. All prices
504 llroadway.
> 'lpped , ti , I'jirlirtlmolc ,
The residence ofill'oHceman J. A. Wlatt a
the corner of Braatlwny and First street wa of
entered by thieve , ljfi lay morning for th n
Eccond time In a month. All the family
but Mrs. Wlatt wiye jway | from home , am In
she was In the kitchen. The outside dee
was open , and the thlpf stole In , picked u
pocketbook bcloupitiS to " K. Wlatt am
stole out again vsM/IIMt / even leaving hi
card. The pockctV0 ? ' * contained $15. a
Bourlclus' music' JJjiiise hus few expenses
high grade planes arc told reasonably. 11
StuUman street. \
Dry pine klrdllng for sale. Cheaper than
cobs. H , A. Cox , 37 Mala street. Telephon
ITiilmi .Mulo Utrirlct ,
To the Singers Will those Interested In th
Union Male quartet vend a man from eac
choir from H. M. K. tenor. Baptist tenor
Christian bats , Presbyterian bas. Insodoln
grand quartet will be organized , whlc
will be u benefit to tha said denominations
Let the men thus mentioned meet al th
Grand hotel Monday evening at 7 o'cloc no
sharp. In Ik-half of the Male Quartet. a
New sterling silver noreltlei , very beautl .
and stylUn , at Wollman'n. IOS Broadway
Havana Freckles cigarDavis , wholesale a |
Qas cooking stoves lor rent anil tor ills
Qaa CO.'B office.
The liundrUs us * Domestic oep.
Dftinnging ) ( Testimony Against J , 0 , Yotzer
of Atlantic , la."t
.ouvli'teil Uushlor u ( tlio Defunct Cnm
Comity Institution Kiplulns llnnr Ilio
AfliilrVa Arrniigi-d hen
thu Cr.ish Came.
ATLANTIC , In. , Oct. 20. ( Special Tele-
ram , ) The trial of J. C. Yetzer , president
( the defunct Cass County bank , Is one of
lie principal themes ot gossip here at pres-
tit. The testimony ot A. W. Dlckorson , the-
ashler now under six years' sentence at
'ort Madison penitentiary , lias been very
iterestlng and. brought out much new In-
onnatlon In regard to the failure. Dicker-
on lias been on the stand for the past three
ays anil has been under strong cross fire
rom County Attorneys Hruce and Swnn
nd Attorneys Hudspcth and Sims for the
cfcnsc. Ills testimony has been direct and
eel and the cross fire has not affected him.
The. most damaging testimony was that
hlch alleged that Yetzcr had full knowledge
n every particular ns to the condition ot
ho bank and was counseled In all and
very action thai was taken. Witness said
tint he had been In consultation with Jullcn
'helps and J. C. Yetzer In Phelps & Tem-
lo's ofilce , they being attorneys lor the
.ink , during the summer , and Phelps had
alii thai when the bank should be closed
o and the defendant would be arrested for
raiidulent banking. Ho told him ( witness )
hat the best thing he could do then would
e to plead guilty nnd go t(5 the penitent ary.
t was understood that Yctzer's account
vlth the bank was to be fixed up so as to
ppear as well as possible , and when the
allure came ho could .run the hardware
tore In his children's name after the crash
The witness rlso producctl letters that had
> oen written by Yetzcr In June and August
eforc the failure In December , when lie
vas In charge and trying In every way to
ecuri money to hold the * bank up , ending
me of the letters "
by saying : "All we can
io Is to close up and lake our medicine , "
'fliiin of tlio IjenMins Why > lohi > Kelly ol
Sloiir city ( . \ceiurd of Corruption.
SIOUX CITY , Oct. 20.-Spcclal ( Telegram. )
The alleged corruption In the board of
supervisors and the recent suits brought
> y members of the board against mem-
hers of the citizens and taxpayers' com-
nlltee continue to excite great local In-
erest. The citizens' committee Is nn or
ganization , of leatlinpr taxpayer formed
ast winter after the manner of committees
of 100. It has led tlio light against the
joard , and through experts made search-
ng Investigation into the affairs of the
counly. As a result of these Investiga
tions , civil actions were brought to remove
nembers of the board for malfeasance.
During the hearing on these cases evidence
was brought out showing that members of
the board had divided the proceeds of bills
allowed and directly accepted bribes. On
this and other testimony criminal Informa
tions were tiled and the accused super
visors are now under bonds.
Prominent in this light upon the prnrcou
tlces of the board was John C. Kelly ,
editor of the Sioux City Tribune. After
liroceedlngs were commenced against mem
bers of the board one of its members , AVal-
ter Strange , retaliated by accusing Kelly
of having overcharged the county In bills
for printing , bills , however , which Strange
himself hail voted to allow , and In regard
to which hitherto theie had been no ques
tion. Strange , acting with the other two
members of the board under bonds , In
structed the county attorney to sue Kelly
for the alleged overcharges , a matter or
_ .range followed this , actlns as nn In
dividual and without authority from the
board , by illlng criminal fufornintlonH
against Ktlly , accusing him of obtaining
money under false pretenses. Strange
caused the arrept yesterday of U. C.
Peters' ' , a prominent member of tha citi
zens' committee , on a charge of perjury ,
the latter having sworn out the Information
against Strange. In addition , the accused
supervisors have commenced civil suits
against the bonusmcn rf c-x-Tiensuivr Klfer ,
most of these * bondsmen being- members
of the citizens' committee.
These cases against Kelly , Peters am.
the bondsmen are generally regarded us
prompted by a desire on the part of Strange
and other members of the board to break
the elfect of the cases against themselves
This view is strengthened by the fuel that
sometime aao the accused members of
the board offered to resign If the sult.s
against them were abandoned and certain
other minor conditions complied with. This
offer was rejected by the citizens' committee
and the attacks upon its members soon com
The assault , upon Kelly Is particular ! !
regarded ' as being the direct result of his
newspaper's outspoken attitude against the
corruption of the board.
Crnnil Cnncliivn of the 1'rinces of Iran. /
CI3DAU HyVPIDS. la. , Oct. 20.-Specla (
Telegram. , ) The sovereign grand conclavt
cf : . the Princes of Iran was organized In this
city today. The grand body consists of
twenty-one delegates. The organization was
completed by theelecticn of the following
ollleerS : Frank A. Simmons , sove-eljhi emir
Cedar Itnplds ; Henry Horst , sovereign vice
emir. Davenport ; John S. Clemens ) , sever
eign inollah , C'ediir Itanlds ; John Temple
sovereign Hlmurirh , Davenport ; J. F. Hall
sovereign secretary , C'ednr Haplds ; H. A
Itappael , sovereign treasurer , Davenport
Charles Cameron , sovereign Inside sentinel
Committees < were appointed to take up the
various lines of work , which will be per
fected and reported at n future meeting
Applications for charters have been received
ceived from Peorla and Chicago. The ordei
originated : In this city two years ago.
Supreme < - < > nrt l > < -el * ! < ini ,
PES MOINF.S , Oct. 20.-Spcclal ( Tele
gram. ) The supreme court decisions bunded
down today were as follows : Ann Vrceland
administratrix of the estate of O.scar A'ree-
land. incensed , npalnst Chicago , Milwaukee cf
St. Paul Hallway company , appellant ,
Scott district , reversed ; AVIlllnm II. Hugh-
banks against the Hoston Invebtment com
pany , appellant , Michael Fey against the
lloston Investment company , appellant
Wcodbury district , reversed ; James Query
appellant , against Bridget IIs tun et nl
Adams district , atllrmed ; O. S. Garretson
appellant , against Merehants and Hankers
Insurance company. PolK district , alllrmed
Wllllnin K , Green against M. St. Peeso , ap .
pellant. Clay district , nlllrmed ; Thomas O
Glover against P. K. N.irey , sheriff , apjiel-
1\ > irk ot tlm lovvii V.V. . C. A.
CEDAK HAPI1JS , la. , Oct. M.-Specla (
Telegram. ) At today's session of the Young
Woman's Christian association meeting de ern
layed reports were read , being followed by
bible reading conducted by Miss Itartlett of
Orlnnell , after which Miss Holt subnilttei
the report of the committee on stale eom-
mltlee report. In the Ilimnelal imetlng that
folluwed nearly 11,000 was pledged for the
state work. The i-onventlon then broke uj
Into workers' trutulng classes , five In nmiv
bcr , The repjrt of the treasqrer , Mlf-s d r
rle L. Hubbard , showed the expenditures
the yenr were tMS-Sl , and that there was
balance on hand of JS7.3. The next con
ventlcn will ba held In Ottumwn. This
evening there was an Interesting ineetlnjt
which branch association work was con
llrother * > le 't .liter Mimroir ; .
CHKSTON , In. , Out. 3)-Si ) ( > clal.-Qulte )
romantic meeting occurred here a fev at
days ago at the wedding of Miss Madge 1S3I
Me Dill , daughter of the bite In
terstate commerce commissioner , J
\V. McDlll. Dr. Fullenwllder , fathc
Mrs. McDlll , Is making his Mom
with his daughter. At the wedding a
brother cf the doctor's from Indiana was
present , nnd the event brought logethe
these brothers for the first time In flfty-nlr
years. Dr. Fullemwlder in 01 years of age
and his brother uver fc'K The aged brothers
ehed tears of joy and i elated boyhood ex
periences In a happy vein. Since the met
Ing they have slept In the name bed ani
constantly enjoyed each other' * company.
I'lro ut .UnUiTii.
MA1.VKHN , la.-Oct. apeclal.-Abou < )
n , us a gale was blowing from the foulh :
spark from an engine net lire to the roc .
the old frame bulldliifc be Me the Wnlxwl
track belonging to S. K. Hhanks , nnd oc
cupled by Ualph Haskln * ns n reslderce
The building wax nv < v ] , but in u badly
mullfheil condition. Thiliinuianre , JLW. 01
the building , will cuver the 1 sa. Knit
IIA11LA.N. la , Ort. 20. ( Special -Two hv ,
young men of this , count1 , named Newnoe ! |
_ , , .
The Distinguishing Ventura of ThoirWorkis Tlmt It Stands the Test of Time
and Tlmt It's Jtosults uro I'ormaiient. Evidence That is Unanswerable.
The public confidence- ( lie tOtlll oftrr \ -
Copeland ' < ami
Sheriard and tne general ro-
ognltlon of the fact that their IriMtmont Is
nore reliable , spoed'er and superior to any
the , Qg Is shown by tlic fact Hint their
> ractlco Is lininr.isiir.ibly larger ilinn any
other. Is based on good , sound Mibslantliil
reasons. It has none of I ho mil uro of an
> phrmoral craze or sensation. Medlenl sonsn-
Ion have been common. Memory runneth
lot to the time when ti certain percentage
ot the t public have not bowed down to false
gods In n medical way. The blue gluss sen-
atlon. the Urown-Sctpjard elixir , Koch
yniph and other episodes of tills kind only
emp how easy It Is for the public for
a t time to follow false light * , and Just as
' brclbly , how soon the public discovers their
' alslly and abandons them. Hut the popular- !
y of the Copelnnd and Sliepurd work 1ms In
10 part the elements of n medical sensa-
Ion pr medical craze , anil this phase of It
s emphasized very strongly by the matter
ircufiht out In there columns In the last
nontli or two In cases printed n year , year
and a half anil two years URO ; the reiteration
of patients then Riving testimonials of the
statements printed nt the time ; their enlhii-
Mastic Insistence upon the fuel that they
vere not only cured when they Rave their
estlnionlnls , but Unit they have remained
cured ever since , and wll : that they have
enjoyed n year , year nnd n half and two
ears of perfect health , solely ns HIP result
nf a cure by 13rs. Copeland and Shepard.
This Is the dlstliiRUlnhlnc feature * of their
work . tlmt It Is Kenulne : that It stands the
: est of time ; that It partnkcs In no part of
ho qualities of n medical sensation ;
year after yenr Its notable suecess becomes
nore appaicnt , Its popularity greater anil the
mbllc patronage larger and more cnlhusl-
\n Oniiiliii I.nilv finite Itelle' Illrht lit
Home , A'ler Seeklim III Viiln tnr II iis.- :
wlierr "tire , ! In Mnv Cured.
Mrs.V. \ . C. .lay. SlflO Mcrlillth avenue. Is
in cstlmnble and refined lady , with n larpe
circle of friends. Her husband.V. . C. Jay.
was until recently , the well known check
dork at the Webster street depot. Hut one
object could Impel this lady's pointed slale-
nent the lieiiBflts It may confer upon others
afflicted with chronic dltease. These are her
earnest words :
"If I tnnke MroiiK statements the facts In
{ the case fully warrant them. I went to Dr.
Shepard because relatives and friends of
mine had been cured by him. This was over
a year ago , and my cure was so complete
that I have nevur had a touch of disease
since. From the way I felt and whnt I ob
served In other cases I believed I had con
sumption. At first the slRns wore local , like
catarrh In the chest and head. A short hacker
or bronchial cough appeared with ronxlmit
pains and s-oreness In the limits ami heart
My heart fluttered and I smothered so easy
that I could not sit at the table where vic
tuals were steaming. I had to rush to the
and PerRtlson. sons of respectable farmeis ,
were arrested here nnd taken to Jasper
county on a chaw of burglary at Newcastle.
T/M/.V munii'.n ix TI/I : Timitrnntr.
several 1'ersons HepnrtoO Miol h.v tilt ) Hub-
IUTH firing Intn tli Curs.
PARSONS , Kan. , Oct. 20. The Missouri
Pacific pasHenner train No. 22.1 on the Kan
sas & Arkansas Valley division , was lieM
up by four masked men nt CVrettn siding ,
seven miles cast \VaBRnner , I. T. . nt T >
o'clock tonlKht. An empty car wns placed
on the main track nnd the train struck It.
The robbers commenced 11 terilble onslaught
ami four or live passengers were Muit. Tin-
reports arc very meaner. The train nt this
hour Is being backed Into Wnngoner.
Hut little money Is paid to linve lieen sc
oured. The n bliery was the work of I'ouk
nnd his desperate Kaiifj of outlaws , who
have recently been IcirorizInK the citizens
inml the territory. For two months pant alt
railroads passing through the territory hnxe
been heavily guarded In fear of nn utlm-k.
and innney shipments Into the > terrll ir >
lmMl \ been refused by the oxpn KS < ompu' I s
Minor depredations by the fianjr. c-Hpi-rlully
within the past week or so , bus sh wn this
precaution to have been titiiely. For di > n
past the KunR has been represented as beins
atTh different , points planning n roHieiy.
Thorough preparations were wade to meet
the expected attack. The outliws evidently
iintli-lpatfd n desiierate re"lstanee and
tbflr work with lleree llghtlnt ! . All the mrs
excepting the sleepr were shot full of h les.
and not a whole window remains. The
train struck the obstruction of c-irs nen-ss
the track after belnp : shunted onto a siding ,
the outlaws having thrown n switch for tliat
purpose. The money seemed wus from lh
local safe.
V.V/.Vf ; VI" KMItilt.tXT niMMliihlUbti.
ltfinrt | mi Agreuinriil ll s llceti Iteilvhcd
A\Uli tlm liinadlaii I'liellle.
CHICvO , O.'t. :0.-Cluilrman CaMwell of
the Western Passenger association hut IH-
suerl a call for a meeting cf the advisory
committee of the nssoclatio.i , to bh 11 next
Tuesday , for the purpose of lIstenlnK tj the
repjrt of the chairman regarding the ar-
rangiments made with the Canadian I'.ielile
upon the ( juestlon of commissions fii iml-
Ijrant business. It Is understood arrange
ments are completed that will be satisfac
tory to all the association lines. It K also
prob.ible that at this meeting a date will be
set for bearing the claim of the lllln Is
Central fijr Us rlcht to have a round trip
rate of $100 to California from Chicago , via
New Orleans. A meeting of the transcon
tinental lines was to have been held during
the last week for the purpose of reviving
the Transcontinental Passenger nss/elation ,
but the plan seems to have fallen lint.
Airs , l.liiton Won.
Judge Ferguson yesterday decided In favor
the plaintiff the suit brought by Mrs.
Phocbo Llnton against her London bankers.
Cooper , Ilrown , Jansen & Co. , for the setting
asldo o'j ' deeds and the cancellation of mort
gages on twenty-one lots In Omaha , on the
ground of fraud.
I.orul ItnliiH , Kollmvi'il liy 1'alr AVeutlicr In
I.'iiMerri > 'el > rn kii.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 20.-The forecast foi
Sunday Is :
For Nebraska nnd Kansas I"alr In the
western portion ; local rains In the early
morning , followed by fair weather In east
portion ; cooler , westerly winds.
For Missouri ami Iowa Threatening
weather ; local rains and severe thunder
HtrrmH ; cooler Sunday nlchl ,
Fur South Dakota-Fair , preceded b >
showers In the eastern portion ; westerly
winds ; cooler In tilt eastein portion.
Local Kerorcl.
OMAHA , Oct. a ) . Omaha record of tem
perature and rainfall , compared with the
corresponding day of the past four years :
1S9J. JKO. 1SD2. JSS1.
Maximum temperature. . . . 82 7.1 ta IS
Minimum temperature G2 n 17 41
Average temperature 72 tS 53 M
Precipitation 02 .00 .CM .0(1 (
Condition of temperature nnd pieclplnuiori
Omaha for the day ami since March 1 ,
Normal temperature . . . , M
Bxcetia foi Iheduy . / " , -i ?
Accumulated excess since Mareh 1 - < 13
Normul preclpltiitlon OS Inch
Oelicleiiey for the day 00 Inch
Accumulated deficiency since
March 1 15.US Inches
Total preilpHutl n Kim e Mar li I II 16 Inch M
1. . A. WKI.SII. Observer.
fur fflrln. < 'HII " " "r ii'Mri-m I.VII | . | < PJ limit
\Kvm-y fininO lluinl Annex , Cimnill Uluffn
LAiHfAS rruNiHH vor iiKi.r < IK AI.I.
kln < l . Cftll nn r iiildrt-M Kiniilnyinrnt Aiinn-- .
Uiuinl Hotel Anni/jc , i'u < ui < ll Uliirtn.
ili.S'T : SToIli : lli'II.I'IN'1. ' ' ! l . . . . I'V I'llHH uil'l Si . IJ.
. . Mux M"l > i . i'n-n IIMIII- .
LuntaiJ. : J-v .Man n ta.
door for air. Aching In body , limbs and heart ,
wakefulncss and loss of deep all ftero dis
tressing facts in my ca e. 1 lost my vigor
and ambition steadily. A very noticeable fea-
i dire i was exireine muscular weakness , with
{ flabblness and soficiuiitf ot my fltBh I srcmn
cd to i\o i ut in every way
MRS. JAV , .1190 Meildltlivenue. .
"Upon a physician's advice 1 tried n chang *
of nlr and went tu Colorado , and also to sev
eral Atlantic watering plat-pi. Including Co
ney Island. Hut there was no help I' these.
Not until Dr. Shop/ml / began a radii- * -eat-
meiit for my lungs and blood did 1 ! > < > < nny
decided benefit. He treated me for ten weeks
and I was built up and relieved to the polnC
of perfect health. H Is live years since I
have felt so well. No cough 110 smothering ,
no weakness , no cutairh. 1 eit nnd sleep
splendidly The results have been great , and
I shall always feel U In the line of my duty
to urge my ailing friends to go where I
went for relief. If I had nut had n thorough
cure the winter would have brought back my
catarrh and bronchitis. Hut 1 stay perfectly
well. My treatment was easily taken , and tha
cost of It very trilling. Drs. Copeland ami
Shepard do as they agree and are reliable In
every way. I will gladly say thla to anj- ono
who may Inquire. "
If Vnn Cumiul Comn to Onmlm ,
AVrlte for mull treatment. Dr. Shepard , In
personal charge , superintends the mall de
partment , and by a system of close corrcsi
poiidcnee can treat these out of the city
quite as well as those who come fo the of
fice. Send for a symptom blank. Medicine
shipped carefully and changed frequently. Try
this treatment.
Olllce Hours 9 to 11 a. m. ; 2 to B p. m.
I'venlngsWednesdays and Saturdays
ot'ly , C:30 : to S : 30. Sunday. 10 to 12 m.
II rmUEL > ( | BVBI Ut
The Good Samaritan. 20 Years'Experience ,
/ treat the following 0'scases :
Cutuirh of the Head , TUrout und l.unus : OU-
eases ol the Uye and Kur , Fits und Apophftjr ,
Ileml 1 I > l cnai > , Liver fomplulnl , Kiduoy
plnlnt.IServouH | nelilllty. Men' "
i jiri-MttlOII , I.OMH Of MailllllOCt
iiial i YVeakiiCKH , Diabetes , llrlini
eiise , St. Vitus' Dunce , Illiiiunialii < m , I
White Swclllnir. Scrolilltl , Fever holes. '
OI-H ami 1'lMtiild ill mio remoj
Tvltlioul lite liiilfo < ir driiwliif
drop i > n > li > uil. Woman wllli
tlelleate orjiaiiH rt-Ht < ire l tc >
lifiillli. I > r pH > - cured > vltliciuc
tiiii | > liif' Mjieclal Attention ulvc
tu I'rivati ; aiiel Venereal DlHOnllo
oTulI UliulM. S i > to 63 ixifl tori ell lor
any Venereal HlHeane I cannot curd
> vitlifiut aiercuoTupe Woriiisreinoyed
In nvnnr three hours , or no pay Hcuiuriholua
in I'iles cmed.
\viil FIIVO llli > nnil liuiulicild of dolluiB by cullIng -
Ing < > n or iislnw
Tlinnnlj1'liynlcliiii wliciriin tell \vblltnltl
B pri Mill u Hli < iilU .l < illi ; li | Ue | i > n ,
Tlmnn nl u ( llkliine < i KI-III ! Mr CJui'dtloil
Illiuilt , No. I fur moll , Nil. ! i fur Hiiinen. .
All correspondence strlellv cimlldentlal.
lledlulno bent by expiees. Address all letter !
. \V , I > ANGI.Rt 311. . .
Cnclosu Ho ) in ttumps for leply.
Steam nnJ Hoi Wntsr HontlnT 'or
Rosldoncos atitl Bull-JIngts.
J. C. B1XBY ,
M2 Main. "o.'J I'carl Streets , Council
UlulTw , Iowa.
--Special Notices *
J-M lluike , HI W. H. llumei i , C38 IlruuOway.
KATi ? mi TiiAiiH. 3i , \riits o ? " . " . ' . _
III ItiH-k i-ouiiiy , NrliiuHkii ; CIO ari'i'H tlnbfr |
land In Mlelileun ; will Irnilv HURT foi ilotk
lit Ki-iX'iul m.-ixhunillrv ,
an > l ill put In Cash
U.i i.ifJ ir II 'J ' . liuu > iiin ] lui In CoHax ,
M'U'f , 11I/W , will Uaile fui m , , , k at felKTil
nifrrhHiiillne uml put In tyt ) O > cimi. lln' rt |
Idi-iRi' | ir"ptty In LVjuncll Illurrn , uilct ,
IS.mwuO , will uade lor K'litrul muck unJ put In
caRh. All i-ijirfMtKincli'iu U > bo Qon
Addrtrf luck UJK 41 , i-ngncll Uluffc
W.\NTiii. : i1t > HITlU.N AH lioOKKKKI'lin Oil
ifnuKnii.liiT , inornliif ! * rvrnlnii and
< lu , AiUrt-tn W 11. Iti'e , Cuutu il
fit SAI.K OH TIlAIlK , ON Al'COl'NT Ol'
nlrkru'fii l.aki'ry anil -
ic-itaurunt dolnir vo < Kl
buxlnriM nnu Iw-JU u , ( .Utuu itul. AUJrtu * U
18 , IJtu