Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1894, Part III, Image 17

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16th and
Those nvo the newest and most elegant Imported Dress
Goods and will bo sold at
ml i od iiiiUov rod
' . ti pcir
lest qimllty Dll red M'OTi 11 TAHI.I3
tiAMV-K , oxtru wl < u < width , \uir- \Vorth MOO up.ilr
nuitod Inst color , noitli CSc.n yard ,
These the finest and All Me Imported All 7uc Imported All $1.00 Imported JjQC At UN' mmlr , vi > ry lu-myaiul nxtrusizoiioubt *
are highest grade garments ever llhinlu'ts. In while , gray uucl luiify atrlpct ,
DRESS DRESS GOODS DRFSS GOODS Vull i'71-il Miif-plllci iintiern IIIID
manufactured in this country. Also among this lot , , , Ul'HKADS. woith SI JO , pout 79c OS c n. pnir .
-V and 35e < | iwllty of toil TAHI.K 18c _ Wortlijjtitf.
are over 100 imported pattern 'garments direct from 25c 50c VnlilonuhiHl I.IMN. : pout TAlII.i : DAMASK , worth At Jl JO 11 imlr , 8 Hi. lunso slni do
France England and Germany. YD. YD. COo SI39 a. pair
, .
Pull bloiiehPd IXHMir.r \TtX DAM- > \ 01 til U ( XI
Our cloak buyers , now in New York City , secured the sample * mamm el * * f f * ± | B H f\ * IE * " 7.V AHC ujard , hikiiilsomo , HO ut IKIUCIIH , north /JLQp 3 J * * \t til * up ilr , itrlclly nil wnul ltliuilots , lull
8lti > worUiWM ) ,
REAT SILK SALb. AtTViiynrd we will sell ! ! > pieces < > f
ple lines of such well known firms as . hand Itli'liunison loom SATIN Sins , IJA.MK V. OxuliMi' , * noitli licit. & 1.9S i pair
Big lot Plaid Silks $15.09 $1 > 11 yard Initid-oiuoit | > : itUrns At JVJs , duo Ohio nml I'.illfurnla Wool
, Fancy Silk Tress Pattern 75c a pair
A. Friedlander & Co. 377 Broadway , New York. . < > \ei sliuuti , nil gu nt llltinUt'ts. In vtlillG , grnjr HcnrUit. nml fnncy
, of J2 Pure silk for $7.75. . ' , vvoitli JT.CIJ ,
Trim. Silks Black Satins yds 1'nll 8-4 sl70 .ill lliioii NAl'KIXSworth fit MIPS 111(1 ( iilnlilt up tu a pair
Sam'l Oppenheimer & Co. so Greene St. , New York. , , Those tire tlio in-west II ' 'i IL tloEi'ii , ( to at 75c on Monday your cholco for
, 33 inch , all silk , Jap silk and , in black and colored iiocM of t'KASH TO1:1 \ : , - S3-98 a. pair
& Co lOS-110 Greene St New York. j Poau doSoi , Satin Loser - l\i ( nil clllfi'rrnl. ciuiilltlos , wciMli
Wightman , . - , . Imperial Crepe dc -Rluulames. . now Gros up to I' . ' o a viiul , K < I ut Do , Tlii > y
aio In trills , Kleins cloths uublrncli-
do Londros , in now I'd ltiistln.ii.otc. 5c CURTAINS
472 New York
Goldsmith & Co. Broadway Chine worth
M WuTZblirger , . , , , 750 , bl tics , now brous , now
IXn heavy i rv wlrte TAH1.K I'AD-
rods worth SI 2o ,
making our stock the finest ever shown in the United States. You , every yard DIXU wortli oT > o ; i yiulo : ) t 39c In Basement
( " ! * : l.MI CUlll VIS * roil MI. 25
r" > ' .
Olnss cloth NAl'KI.Ni ,
fttiiKed worth
' LADIES' IV , KH at ? 15c 3,000 pilrs : Very Pltio 1'xtr.i Slro Lacu Curtain *
will bear in mind that in buying one of these sample garments you . KID GLOVES liundtomu lacy putt cms
secure an exclusive style , which no one else can procure. ON OUR FRONT BARGAIN SQUARE. MI no iimi'AiNt , -\vorUi i' ii S3. iiio. BO
We bought these sample garments at just half their regular $1,25 KIB GLOVES 50c , $1,59 KBD GLOVtS 75c. ' All tlio 1'ull Slzo Curtains worth tl.50. go at
1,000 puirs finest French real 3,000 pair black , tun , gray and
price and will sell them tomorrow the same way. KID CLOVES , mode mullcbbocl mout-nuctalrca IN BASEMENT. UiiiKlH iiiio IrUli IVinit nun IinlmUoii llrui-
in nil si < tes , worth $1.25 go at 1 mid 100 don Foster o-noi k blk KnU l.nrn I'tirtiilim
5oc Kid Gloves , worth Sl.fiO , Thousands of yards of plain and Worth fi.fO ninl ifi.OO. o nt
ALL SAMPLE ALL SAMl'LK ALL SAMPLE ALL SA.MPLF. ALL SAMPLE ' go at fancy Lawns , Huntings , Lining
75O TJoz Firia'v , '
$25 GARMENTS $35 GARMENTS GARMENTS $6O GARMENTS cMiuv MIIC ? bWlbS AID DID WOOL ing : ! , Dress HtiiTeninirs and
and dark all
light Printer
$1.25 Chenille TallB ) Covers..50c
UNDERWEA. cro In one lot at 2Jo a janl , % c
\ \ 01 th up to luc
. . . SKOSViS1 Chenille Talle ) Covers.79c
Vests or pants ; natural riiy and camels hair worth 75c
; ; go sit Uublcnchoil and dark coloicd
i : r < > rmitis : :
Canton FlannelH , worth Be ,
lOo anil lUiu a yard , go nt . SL98 S3 9S
Bargain Square Specials.
. Si-,50 .vIl.K MKIl'i : L
Ono table Oil Prints , worth SLR9
For plain or fancy Best makes of blue , Child's oiacrdown silk lOo a yard , go at
IOC SILK VEIL , black , drab and \rliito and eahhmoro cai)3 bjn- i ri , ) . , - > i/i ; CIIMMI.I.I : I'dii
Worth 2oc. corsets , 30o , 4'Jc , OOc nets , etc. , 25c to COc , Extra licavy double nap In all similes , with t ii utiil bottom bcautltulljp
' and 08c..Ladies' worth $ l.f > 0. Shaker L"lunncl , worth 13c
Ladies' imported full .Ladies' Irish lin Imported sillc ayaid , go at
regular hose ; worth en hand enib'el TaiTota , and
3Jc , , go at | Oc. initial haudk'fd caslimuro glove 1,000 yards of French Zephyr Ixti.i llKtlns Heavy t'laln , ItcjutlfuL L'oloii'il Lone ( MKNM.t.I' TrlnKU , 1'On-
worth 75c. Ginghams , woith 15c a Cjr O OCD \VUKTH
' yard , go atOne A I'AIIl QPO.f O * 750
Tor Latllop'506 ALL SILK Infants' all uojl
! 5e CabhaioreGaunti- W1NDSOU 5c caahmcro hose ; Ono limnciiFO table of double lloautlful norontlno SHU I'attorn Sllliiilon *
lot Glovea. TIES. ivorth 20u. nap Sanitary Flannels , Wortli 10i ? , I.'c , P5 _ A
worth Uc a yard , go at. , I'M and lOc , O G VAKD.
English Decorated Toilet Sot.
Pormoi ly $5.00.
CRYSTAL 10-Inch bowl BERRY and six 4-lndi SET The great Receivers' Stove Sale continued for Monday. The
tatico plates , formerly 81.00 ,
all for . ,
Crystal Tumblers , formerly "c 2 1-2 C entire line of stoves manufactured by the Daniel E , Paris Stove Co.
on sale in our stove department. Great reductions in prices on furniture -
ture stoves and carpets on Monday.
They taste batter , go farther ,
ore perfectly pure and frssh ,
and cost you less than else
where. lure.
The coffee wo toll you" for 25e a pound
ih exactly the --aino lliat others brag
about and soil thrco pounds for 805 solid
$ 1.00. It has a perfect- flavor oak eluunbor
This INDIES'JACKET This NOVELTY Jacket This LADIES' CLOAK and is absolutely fresh. Wo suits , polished
, it ourbolvesi. ished llnish , 100 o 1 o g a n t
Mnclool heny. bcnvor bliick or Is nnu of tlio tnn\cst rind must i\tr.i : Innp , xcry liciivyc'lilnctilll.i , tftHI A large bevel sprlntr rockers
tiaiyj , ullMn-si > . . hlurni cullnr ; lsh if 's iniiki * . . dKfil : tnd llnlslit > ilvllh silk H ff Pounc ed mirror , ,
31 .C >
: no > ( WJuiliI * H'srulurly \ \ utl25CO. liotts. In inn v and lilnt'V , U | bargain
grand i
TUMUKUUW , OL'U 1'ltltK. 115.W. Value , 815. I'OMOKKOW , ST.50. | Kor ; tOc a pound we pivo you J15.2. " upholstered n
gain ) ,
n regular 40o Old Govemm'ent
Java ColTeo , It jr ° cs a lent ; worth ' J28."jO. ANTIQUE ( M CHAIR rich mohair plush
way , the taste is delicious ; -you . 11 upright rare bargain.
CHILD buy it ficali from the ronbttjr. , v I'oiuu ffROCGOT IRON' H comblnitlon folding beds , WithO.ruraina Ccat 57.25 , worth $15.
For 81.00 wo lvo you 3 . largo uevo ed Formerly $1.50 , now
CLOAKS , pounds of the Jinuat colTeo ] ) late inirfor ,
25 beautiful window
s in the world. Its the Manrt- FORMERLY $30.00 , NOW llnely p o 1 -
ROO snmplo snrmcnt * from those well holttipr Mucn and Java. Ibhcd , $2.'t.i- ) , 75 c * dow chairs $ L50 ,
known manufiicturcrs , In Jackets and Others slclOo a Ib. for it. SOLID OAK BOOK CASE , worth ? 40.00.
guit ,
4 201 upright worth 810 ,
JUST HALF Antique Polished Pinisb. folding beds ,
largo bo vo'.ed
THE'R ' HAIRDRESSINC Formerly $10.00 , now pluto mirror , HO elegant parlor suits , upholstered In
H H 1 i d oak ,
$4.25. $21.60 , worth French tapestry and Bilk plush , tufted
WE W7.HO. backs , W1.89 , worth IUO.OO.
Bl quartered oak center tables , pol
GIVE The entire line of stoves manufactured by ished llnish , 8 l.o : , worth $ -U'0.
on ealo In our sto\o department 80 iron bcda with woven wlro springs , 81 haiidsoino oak rockers
Tlio famous Paris IlaiiRs , sold In Omaha for " 83.75 worth 55.75.
yearn . by leading stove dealers. Their price , J70 Turkish couches , fringe 1 all carved backs , ctnboshoJ sola leather
$55 00. Our price , $20 65
FREE The I'urls No. 12 Oak Heaters ; ihclr price , around , covered In English corduroy , scats , 14.05 , worth $10 09.
$ lri 50 , our price , ? B 50 $7.75 , worth 815.00.
A The I'nrls No It , Oak Heaters , their price ,
$1800 , our price. $950.
50c The 1'arls No IS Oak Heaters ; their price ,
$2100 , our price. 111 00.
The New Momlamcn G-holo high sheff
BOTTLE Hangs , thi-lr price , $5000 , our price , $1925
The New Homo Comfort 0-holo high shelf
OF Hango. their price , $15 00 ; our price , $15 00.
The llanner Cook Stove , with reservoir ;
their price , ? J2.0C ; our prlco. $12.73. x-xONDAY.
The llanner Ccok Stove , less reservoir
their price $27.50 ; our price , $9.75. ; We are offering the following extremely
TQHIG The Ilarbecuo Cook Stove , with reservoir ;
their prlco , $38.00 ; our price , \ \ \ . ± , .
With every purchase of S2.OO Tlio Barbecue Cook Stove , lesa refccrvolr ; low prices' :
their price , $21 50 , our price , $10.75.
or over in this Department. The Homo Light liaso Hurner , largo slzo ;
their price. $30.00 ; our prlco , $12.1)0. ) Moquetto Carpet , handsome patterns to se Half wool Ingrain Carpet , liandsoino pat *
The Home Light Hase Kurnpr , largo size ; lect Trom , worth $1 GO , now 85c. terns to Mlcct from , worth C5c , now 35e.
their price , $23.00 , our prlco , $1023. Roily IlrusBcla Carpet , handsome patterns Cotton Ingrain , handsome
WE MAKE TO GHDER Two-hole Cook ami Heater combined their Carpet patterns
price , $1 50 ; our price , $2.-IS. ; to , select from , worth $1.25 , now COc. to select from , worth -lOc , now 13c.
Switches , Wigs , Hair Chains Common Stoves , Rood Heaters ; their price , Velvet Carpet , liamlsomo patterns to se Smyrna Elug , 30x60 , aeaortcd colors , -worth
BEST WAJiKER , P1USH CAPE. THIS GOLF CAFJ2 , , $3 50 , our price , $1.65. lect from , north $1,25 , nun G2c. $2 60 , now ( I 00.
34 Inch li nv ll < > Inch bMrip , trininuiltltli Just iislt nnpeim Inihi-cut iiuulcnf all wool I'lio- etcat Boston Store popular Oil . Heaters , the beet on earth , from 1178 Tupestry Carpet , handsome patterns to se Smyrna HUB , 3Cx72 , assorted colors , -north
initrtrn iur ( iihliMut * , 1 ui-il with UIILcil ) > . lltal % lol , lUliii-li loiic. 12U Inch hood lined - ular prices. up.Stove lect from , worth $1 00 , now 45c. $560 $ , now $30 *
\ului ] I > ( - . , Ut.lll LutolU by u ftt H'--StX - , ululdbllk , CIIIHI Imlr lined MlllIC , Stove Pipe , 9c ; Elbs. . tc ; Coal Hods , ic 3-ply all uool Ingrain Carpet , handsome Art BqiiarcH , 0x9 , handsome patterns , worth
! lltMHX Out price , it va. ( Vma early and secure your slot03 before patterns to silect from worth 05c , now Che $5 , now | 1 1C.
Mall Orders Cnr-fully Attantled To , they arc all , gone . Ail wool Ilm'raln C'urpel liaiulhumo pat- Anjiora Jlucs , SOxCO , handsome patterns ,
Bargains for everybody. torna to select frcm , vvurih 7&c , no JOc wortli IC.CO , now J2 1C
STORE Northwest Corner 16th. and Dongias Sts.5
Omaha , Neb