Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE DAILY T5EE : SAT-tJTtDAY , OCTOIJIffR 20 , 1804.
Doano Pulls Oat a Victory Over n
Esnutly Half a Minute ,
EteidjTviim M'urk nml Kon.ijry' * < lrc t
linn vtercoi tlio I'liMMn for the
Xcbmilcn Itnyn Atjudul an lairti
Itcfcrrii'H lcrlilon >
Neb. , Oct. 19. ( Spcelnl Tele-
ruin.-Jteferee ) Kverest fulled to steal vic
tory for the Iowa College team , but Itvns
not his fault. He did more for hlg men
limn uny mnii In the teuin. A lingo crowd
had gattiered to sou the game , and at 3 30
the teams lined up 111 follows :
Donne. Position. Tnwa.
Houston Lett end \Vllliinl
Htnll Left tackle Darby
J < eo Left guard Teinplemnn
3'lsher Center Aims
Owen Illght guard IJrlnnell
ItCfiRoner ItlKht taeMe llloilgett
KinaK/ . . . .ItlKht end Uti'lc
J.tuvlti . . . . ( junrter Cruiy
Jl.ilim ( dipt ) Ij haUlmcl ; ( ! ra > and Junts
Tie-so . .JllKlit Imlfliaek 1'nliner
rullcr . Kull buck hargent
Donno took the south side and the wind ,
giving lown thi ? ball Durby klckeil elf fur
ferty > ards to K < > nugy , and the Bcilmmage
Ix'Ktin ten jards fiom ccnt r In Doanc'H tcr-
rltoty Uoanc Boon lost on downH , when
lovvii , tahlng the ball , fenced the way down
the llehl by rejieatcd | iluiiKcs > v\hen I'lilmer
fnmble < l to Fuller lifter short gains. Fuller
l for llfty yar ls , anil then the teams
evt'iitt for several downs. 1'ullir
kleked for seventv-flve , foicliiK Sir-
Ktnt to multo n bafe'ty , which Uv.crest utolc
by declnilrif It a tonehbaek. Prom the
tvvent > live jnrd line Doane , by continued
plunges Into the line and a inn by Kcnay ( ,
foiceil the lull over , rullcr tried for ,
hut failed Score : Doane , 4 ; ] ovva , 0 Time :
Twenty-live minutes
Doine kicked oft In the second half , Town
lost tc n yards on a fumble and the ball
went to Uo.iniThe Imll moved baek am )
forth after changing hands on downs Diune
llnnlly kicked b.iek to eenter. Jone-s ad
vanced It twenty-live yaids anil In a f < vv
more plays forced It over Iowa , failed In
punting' out ScortI I to I.
IJoune started oH with a l.lck to Darby ,
Iowa , by e-nd nma foitnl It dnvvn twenty
yaidH and Joncn VVIIH eairled , limited ami
rolled down to the ten-yard line Sargent
rarrled the ball over after n fc-vv pltivi
Oilnnell failed to kick goal Score : Iowa
8 ; Doane , 4 ,
Doane braced up , iuid by kicks and hohl-
Ing Ihc line and ii lout ? lun by Kermry e'.ir-
r' d the ball within two vards of Iowa's
Bnfil Iowa claimed the end of the game
v..lle thirty seconds vet lemnlned. The
thirty seconds liehiK allowed , Doane lined
xip. taking lown by surprise , and forced the
bull over nml kicked goal. Score : Doiitu- ,
30 ; lovva , 8
The tenin work of both cams was steady
and strong , maklni ! It the close-it game ever
playe < l In Crete. Umpire , Oury , Nebraska
university lleferec. Everest , Orlnnell
lilncsman , Stephens , Crete
Ot'M > Ul > IN TJHJ MUD.
DCS Molncs Driving Alei-llii ? Concluded
Under Mnst oriihlo ( In iinislimcrs.
BUS MOIXHS. Oct -Special ( Teli-
Therj was practically no attendance
nt the Capitol City Driving park races
today. It rained all night and the track
was In bad condition , and the general sup
position was there would be no races Hut
an effort was made to cany out the pro-
Kram , so that some of the horses entered
could be chipped. Only two races were
started , with thi- following results :
2:28 : paelng ( finished fiom jt-slerdnj )
BJuJor CMvllnml , eh. s. , by Artrsl
\VI1I H . 1 1 2 1
Ilenofnctor , jr. ch. H . 3 3 2 1 J
Nellie Tusco , I. in. , by Taseo. . . 1 4 I 4 4
Itadlus , g. K by Tangent . . . . 2 2 3 3 a
Spaldlng , eh h , by Judge Sals-
bury . 5 d
Time : 2 UVf. 2 : ' ' , . 2 20U , 2 > [ \ ' . , 2.24U-
2 41) class , trotting , { IUO
Winnie Winsome , b in , by Vero. . 31
Waircn 1' , cti. g . 1 -
Konvullnku , ch , by Chestnut
\Vllke . . 23d
Xiivler , bi s , by Onslaught . il
Time 2 L'tlV23 ' \ , 2.20. 2 27'i.
NASHVU.M : , Tcnn , Uct ll-Good sport
wast furnished the attendants at Cumber
land 1'aik today , and much Interest was
shown In the attempts to break lecorils
The attendance was f.ilr , weather jerlect
und truck In goo < l condition. Tomonow the
rne'etlnjt close-s. Het.ulN
2:25 : paelng , JCOO ( uiillnlshed from Thurs
day ) Vixen won Hist , s-econd and third
heats Time 2 1.1 , 2 U'2 ' 11 % . lirewer ,
I'uxhound and Warren also started
Melrose stake , consolation , 2earold trot-
ttrs eligible to 2.M ) cla - ! , purse JI.OOO , two
In thiee M s Kate won hecoiul and lourth
heeits and lace Time J.iS'f. , 2:24'i. : Satin
Slippers won third heut Time J 2I'S ' liagle
I'IIHS won Hist heat Time 2 21 > i
2 IS cliihs. trotting , purse $ XW : Grutton
won Bfcond , thlril nnd fomth heats end
nice Time. 2:13' * . 2 mlp 2.13 Ulfrlda won
llrst heat. Time 2 13 % . tie-owe Lee , Au-
traln , UoMinu. Huron Itogeis anel Axellte
ulso started.
2 2L class , f2.00) ( unfinished ) :
He'li-iit-l > aw won llrst and i-econd heats.
Time : 2 13',4 2 14 Mary llest iintl JIanibrtno
Uueun also started
Per leconls Ilulph Wllkes to beat 2 OW.
trotting , time 2 ( Ml Same to beat 2.08'/4 ;
time , J : i Hal DlPnid to beat 2 O7'i.
pacing , time , 2 on
Oct W.-2.1D trof Cath-
erlne Leslmrneuon llrst , second and llfth
licnts Time. 2 ICVi , 2 lu'4 ' , 2 10'i. Guy von
third mill fourth huatu in 1 IfiV ; , - 16'i liir
Itelle ,
UnvviUlo , Homola. and Marguerite nlso
start ed.
2:11 : pace ( five heats on Thursday ) : Amor-
Ita won fouith. sKth aivl seventh heatf ) .
Time. 2.18 , a.H1 , 2 1DVItobert C won llrwt
nnd second. Tlrno : 2 IV'I. S:18'i : Guess
work won llfth. Time 2 u'4. Crafty won
third In 'i I7 < i Tempest nnd Little Pitt
also Ftiutt-a.
2:2U : Hot Hello Freeman won In straight
heats. Time : 2 20Vi , 2ll : > 4 2 22U Marlon
Wllkes , Sae'ayc , Cu le , Jennie Uelle , Iloman ,
Cortle-plll , ( Jolden Hells , Wllbeit A and
torca ) also Htnrte > d.
2:10 : juicing : < ! wynette won In straight
heats. Time : 2.I3VJ , 2.11 , 2 12 Haven , Cla > -
hontas and Dlnok Dick also staitcd.
IIUIU5iLU Neb. , Oct. IS.-tSpe-clal Teh-
Kriim. ) The inces closed today , nttendanee
Kood. Hubbcll added nnotlici Inurcl to her
reputation as being one of the fairest spurtIng -
Ing towns In the state by again living w
to her promises anil giving the people good
races and pa > lng all purser In full. The
llrst race this afternoon was the 2 10 trot
which was us tire a nice as has ever be'cn
run on this track Three hoi sea wore en
tered and live heats trotted , after
which tin * drivers decided to di
vide themonej Iad > Rice , Se-
curu and Armenian were- the horses entered
I.ady Klce took two heats. Secure two heats
nnd Armenian one heat Heat time 2 H > < .
In thefiee'forall paee rior.v C , owned by
William Stalnbrock of Munden , Kan. , took
first money. Hlllv Itovoe second and Klnt ,
Goldi-mlar. owned by It. 1' . Owen , Hubbell
third. Hesl lime221 The thiee-quniters
of iv mile ami r < i > eat running racu was e > i
by Whlpsaw , lirucu second ami Uarm-y
King thlnl Hcst time 1 21.
CIituii | > loiiH unit iE-Cliiiiiiplous : to fleet at
llu. \ .M. C. A. I'urk.
This nfteinoon the Ashland High schoo
foot ball team and the- Omaha foot bil
team conic together at the V. M. C. A
] > aik. A special tialn Is coming up fron
jVshlaml with a crowd of enthusiasts to
whoop ' up for their team. The game
IH Ki'lng to be another hot one. The Ash
land plniers are heavle > r and older thin the
Omaha bovs , but the latter piomlxe * to wli
for all that , Ashlund was champion his
year and Omaha , the > e < ar hefcje. und bat !
have blood In their ejes. ' 1 he ganica thu
have been plnycil by Omaha s.a far have re
bulled as follows :
Omaha , % ; Council Hluffs , D.
Omaha , fl , Y M C A , I
Omaha , 3fi ; Nebraska City , 0.
Ashtaml'fl record Is as follow si
Ashland , 0 , Doane college * , 2 > > .
Ashland , 10 ; Nebraska City , 0 , .
Axhland , 12 : Lincoln , 0 *
Thu teams line up as follows :
Omiihn. Position. Ashland
MeKell . Left end Krusl
Tukey . . . Left tackle . Itobliln
Left guard . Wllsoi
Cross Center . llanls
Jackson Right guaid. . Chamberlain
Itlght tackle . Whittle
j'urvls . . Itlght end . Youn.g
Whlpple Quarterback . l.luillej
liunllck UlKht half back . llajs
Oanlnvr Left half hack. . Williams
Claike Full back Stockilnlo
Bubstllutea Service , Penny , Clarke , Hays
Knluw , Uvrry _
I'likuuim < iti -
GRAND ISLAND. Oct , 19SK ( | clal ) -
The Pukvvaiia Cycle club gavea smoker
last night In honor of the visiting wheelmen
nnel the boys made n great time of It. The
only accident of the races yesterday was
the result of carelessness on the part of u
enectator. IJmmor McMenns , who rushed on
the truck In front of the judges' stand a
the close oC one of the races before all the
riders h'd rr'BH"d the tnr > i Ktiimb "f
Aurora r in Into SleMcat , * The hitter wan
knoi Ut'i down , but n t rcilously Injured ,
Klumb wuii thrown pnmtrnte' . his wheel
utterly HcmollMied , nn J he received several
bail bruin ? * . I layman vvai not In good coll-
tlltlnn , having bten sick the day heroic , nnd
did not do much In nny of the rucos. Iloehm ,
the wlniipr of the two mlle hnndlrnp , of
Uinml Island , rode a half mile exhibition
In 1 07.
mxn.'is x it" : HUNNiNn TU\CIS.
Well riiifrd llornr * I-aml thi > Cain nt
Ouklcy uiwl KHIKIIS I It.v.
OAKMy : , O , Oct. ID.The traek wan fast
and the nttc'mlance good today. Only one
favorite won nnd two , Ulan * he Kumey In
the sroon'l nnd I'romcnnde In the fourth ,
failed to show. Results.
Tlrct iftce , one mileWlnnehl : (2 ( to 1) ) won.
Mrs. .Morgan (40 to 1) ) second , Tc.\l levcn )
third. Time 1 4m
Picond nice , t\\ \ furlongs : I-eonard U
( I tu 1) ) vi on , Toots (3 ( to I ) hsconil , Picaroon
( .a to 1) ) thltil. Time 1.15'j.
Third race , one mile. Pwiil Hong ( G to fi )
won , Dunrvrln (2 ( to 1) second , Cievasse ( ID
to 1) ) thlid. Time. 1 I.
Pouith raee , seven fu'longs : The Iron
master ( G to 1) ) won , Cyclone (5 ( to 2) ) ppcond ,
Clementine (10 to 1) thlid Time : 1 27"t.
rifth raee , pl < c furlongs : Illmvar (4 ( 10 1)
won. Traverse (5 ( to 2) keconO , Wlllaul (3 to
1) ) Ihlnl Time : 1 15 .
ST. I/if IS. Oct. 10At Madison :
I'lrst ruee , four and a half furlongs :
Caleb v.en , llookle second , He-lie T thlid.
Time. l.i j
Second taee , six fuilongs : Miss Itaufthman
won , M A U scccnd , J H Sic third. Time :
1'I /
Third race five furlongs. Plccadltlv won ,
Uiilln i-eond , Ike S third. Time : I W'i
Kourth lace , live fin longs ld ! l.ahey won ,
< nlckivibo < Kei second , Dr. fairul ) thlnl.
'line : 1 w/V
I'lfth race , six furlongs : -Dick Deneiith
son , Jim Murphy second , Hilly the KU1
lilul. Time. 1 Ji ) " .
I'ltst tace , six fmlongs Iybongiilu won ,
ximnct secon I , lliindfpiin third Time
I'1 !
Secfmd rare , .pven furlongs Little SIntt
von , Will L'lllott tvc n 1 , I'o.Ii th rd. Tli e.
'Ihlnl i ace s.x | furlongs : Harrington won ,
'nek ' of Spades seuuml , Factotum third.
rime. 1 16
I'ourth rare , six furlongs Pochlno won ,
h'llit Fccotnl , Wtrnberg thlnl Time : 1 11,14
I'lfth lace , live furlongs : Inn won. Little
: ili kecoml , Nineveh third. Time :
Sixth iart > . one mile : 1'ai Is vvun ,
second , Mclntvre third. Time. 14
KANSAS Cl'i'Y ' , Oet l-'lhree ! ) favorites
ne fe-ronil choice and one thlid choice e-nr-
rletl off the money today Lucy Diy the
favorite In the fourth nice , carried a world
) t monev , but she got left at the post and
hemmicy was burnt up. The track was
'ast. Results.
1'libt nice , live and a half furlong" : South
most ( ! to 2) ) won , Margie , U > to 1) ) second ,
Slngar ( I to 1) ) third. Time lliu.
Stcond iacp , four fmlongs John It ( I to
1) ) won , Texas Tiank ( Ii to 2) ) second , Slr-
oek (5 ( to 2) ) third Time : 0 Bi
Thlnl race , live furlongs Daisy W ( even )
won. Muiphy (10 ( to 1) ) hecoid , Artless (8 ( to
" ) third Time. l.dBVi.
Pourth race , four and a half furlongs
\lollle May ( I to 1) ) won. Jerque ! (8 ( to 1) )
second , Hlakemore (3 to 1) ) thlid Time
Kllth race , six furlongs Reck Hill (2 ( to
1) ) won , Htsperla ( u to 2) ) second , Joe U'ool
nun ( . " to 2) ) third. Tlmo 1:17J1.
HAWTHORNi : . Oct -Klit-t race , tout
in l a half furlongs : Ruthvcn won , Tom
Clarke second , J. A. Gray third. Time.
> 57' i.
Stcond race , six furlongs Hryan won ,
jatevvuy second , the Distiller thlrel Time :
Third race , one mile : Gascon won , Alary
second , ( . 'hlsvvell thlrel Time 113 'J.
Kourth lace , seven furlongs : Woodflelil
wim , Vlnetor second , Neutral third. Time
Tilth nice , six furlongs : Jennie W
won , Spilte second , Hairy Smi'.h tl Ird
I'line 1 17' * .
Sixth lace , sl\ furlongs : Oold Dust won ,
Anna Mnyes second , Disturbance thlid.
Time 1 H > ' 6
PROVIDKNCC , R. I , Oct. 1ft Plrst race ,
x and a half furlongs : Onward won ,
Milan second , Atlanta third. Time 1 23
Sieond race , four and a half furlongs.
Drlbbuml won , Huckeje second , Hronston
thlnl Time : 0 5GH
Third race , one mile- Sir Dlxon. jr. won.
Tom Tough second , Aurellan third. Time
. >
; 2
-'ourth race , livennd a half furlongs
Tormentor won , Nick second , Charm third
Time 1 DS i
Klfth lace , mile and a quarter : Chauncej
won , Hlue Mtisa beconel , Connors third
Time 1 11.
Sixth nice , mile , over eight hurdles : For
eigner won. Pansy Hlossom tecoiul , Loid
I. } mi thiiel. Time not taken
Whcelni n I'ut In u I'rolllalilo Attormioii i > n
I ho Uiiltb.kin TriioU.
WALTHAM , Mass , Oct. 19 Hve world's
iccords went to famash at the blcjcle track
here today Harry Tyler started to brcal
the two mile standing start rcc t < l. He cu
down the figures thirteen seconds , bin time
4 OJ , being under the record for the same
distance' made on n Hying Mart Arthur W
Porter made a new Ilgure for the third am
half mile , class A , record Gardner broke
the record for the unpncecl third of a mile
Tyler's Intermediate limes were : Firs
fiimrter , 0.28 1-5 : one-third. 0.42 1-5 , one-half
1.01 1- . " . , two-thirds , l 20 4-5 three-quarters
1SIO 1-1 , mile , 200 ; mile and a quaiter
2:30 : 1-5 , mile1 and a third , 2:40 : 3-5 , mile and a
half , 3.UO 4-5 , mile and two-thirds , 3.2.J1-5
mile and three-quartet s , 3 3J J-5 ; two miles
4 03.
Poiter did the qt-arter In 0 2C 2-r. nnd the
third In 0 J5 1-5. which Is better than
Sangor's elass H record Porter then rode
for the half mile , cliss A , record and bet
tered It His time was. Quarter , 0 2fl 3-5
third. 0ri t-5 , half , 0:55 : 2-5
Oatdner made the quarter In 0 28 3-5 am
the third In 0 39 1-5.
co.upi.inii : > i'i.s OKKAMZATIUN.
Promote iif ttm Now American
Una lie itly fnr Next V'tison.
PHILADELPHIA , Oct. -The promoters
of the- new American Assoclaton of Has
Hall clubs met today at 11 o'clock am
elected W S Knmes of this city preslilen
and secretiirj. Mr. Kamcs was formerly
connected with the Athletic club of th !
oltv , n. member of the old American asso
ciation The board of directors Is composes
of the following cities Philadelphia , Wash
Ington. Plttsburg and Chicago The selcc
tlon of the eighth club has been left to a
committee comprising Philadelphia , Pitts
burg nml Mllivnukop , with full power to act
The contract Is brief , not being over 200
words In length. The contract does no
contain any reserve option or release clause
At this afternoon's session of the Asso
elation of Hase Hall Clubs President Kame
was given the power to form the sthetlul
and the meeting adjourned , subject to th
e-all of thepresident. .
The delegates were very reticent In re
gunl to wheie the mone > Is to come fiom
und refuseil to give out the names of th
backers of the new association.
" > loCnrtliy-ln c-y Contest Oft.
ST. I.Ol'lS , Oct. -The' twenty-roun
contest between Tom Tracey and Hilly Me
Cm thy for n $2,500 purse , announced ns th
featuu- the opening of thu Madison Ath
letle club tomcrorvv night , has been declare
off and no entertainment will be given b
the e-lub until further announcement Me
earths refused to come on , It Is Bald , whe
Tracey refused to divide the purse wit
him , win or lose Hy the terms of the ar
tlcles the winner was to have iccelved B
iiiul the loser 20 ; ier cent. The foife :
mone } . IJOO , poste-d by McCarthy , has bee
Cricket 'I lil Afternoon.
The fame of cricket this afternoon wl
be bi-tween two teams choen by appolnte\
captains. All members caring to play ar
requestc'd to be on the Bl-Junds as soon a
Merit Is bst brought out by the test o
competition. That Is why Dr. Price's nak
Ing Powder surpassed nil others at th
World's Columbian Exposition.
1111 : RIAI/I : aiAEtcur.
INSTllUMttNTS placed on record Octobe
19 , 1891 :
\VAHIIANTY niii : s
P li Hcmell to William Wallace , lot 13 ,
UiH-k nuUllv of l.lcok 3v. Albright's
riioic * . . . i si
W II I'uiie-r lo O H 1'ajne. u 41 feet lot
Ii tloek 18. Orchanl Hill . l.SM
Kuno to ami' , lut ! , bl - < k 11 Walnut Ulll l , i
U .VI .Miflufiiey nnd liutlnnil to Hf-nuls
Ilfay. lt ro llnrlcm I nm- . 1,000
T J Jloil inn to Mr * lloilha Hiuer , lot 21 ,
l > ro | j nl plut of > , Mock M Ilt-nxm
mid . . K
Hani * lo A P Siuer hit t fnmc . . iK
J II * IUI * n mlt \ to M llnrrts n 31
feet lots " nml 8. Mock O. Viille } . . . 1
U It Morton n < l wife | J 1 > KnUj , lot
6 , tiloek I , Koi-U'i'K mill . l >
P A lUnlK' ' ' ami lf to Philip Trollnsr.
lot U blMk 16 , Walnut Hill . . . . .
1 I ) .lanii-u to C ! 1. Jujiu'i , lot 11 I.vike &
T'a ii'M . .
I < I MiDoui-II lo K A McWhiirltr lot 8 ,
1 > 1 < KK 4. Kllto Placv . ,
SherllT to M K lluurke , lot 9 , Mock 4 , K
V Smith 8 u < M . . 3,0
Klioclal mii.icr to K I ) 11 winan , loll : i un < l
23. Itnrt'i lulxllv . . . . . . , , . 1,24
Sanm to Jo o | > li Ha > ilen , Hlllrke'i M odd . 6.S
Total unount of traiufen
Action of Long Bob in Connection with the
Recent ' Conference. "
tut ThereIn n Itumor 1 llng Arouiul tlmt
ii n iicreriiuiit Um Itpiehpil nml All
the I'rt llnilnarlc .Settled a
Un-k Ac < i.
NEW YOniC , Oct. 19. It Is reported that
'Itzslmmons signed the articles of agree *
mcnt tor a fight uitli Corbett last week.
Vhen he and Oorhett met last neck both ho
nd Corbett ngree t to the nrttcles which
governed the Corbett-Sulllvan match , but
.hen . Kltzslmmons got to Philadelphia , he
bjcctcd to Eoma of the conditions , [ n the
articles the appointment of n refcreo was
eU to a club. Kltzslmmons refused to allow
ho club to have all the cay and wanted a
clause Inserted to gve the principals of the
fight the right to declare whether or not
hey would be satisfied with the referee.
"Itzslmmons' argument was that ho thought
ho backers of the Florida Athletic club
vcro friends of Corbett and they might ap-
> olnt a referee agreeable to the- champion ,
but not to him. Corbett , It seems , con
cnteel to the mldltlon of this clause. Corbett
also agreed to the new articles us prepared
by Captain Olorl , ntzslmmons' manager
striking : out nil icference to the 1'ollce
Gazette- belt and consenting to have the
\clght of the gloves five ounces.
ST LOUIS. Oct. 19 James J Corbett ar
rived this morning to pay n 11 } Ing vls-lt to
porting friends here Asked regarding his
"ontcit v > ltli ntzslmmons he said "Fltzslm-
nons must sign the article ? of agreement
tot later than Friday or I will drop him from
consideration That man has chased around
he countrj airing his 'Intentions' with ref-
renco to mo long enough. I want him to
unite the match Then he can bark nt my
icels ns often and as loud as ho cares to
My object Is to get him to fight and until
ho formalities of signing are gone through
11 not be certain that he will face me.
"I have no doubt that wo can meet In
'lorlda , but In case we don't Kltzslmmons
Ull get n fight. There's New Orleans and
other places where we can get protection.
The purse Is a minor consideration with me.
t will suit me If It Is not mor. than $3
am the champion , and cannot afford to
lave Fltzslmmons chasing me. When we
net In New York City I went to the place
of conference with my sweater on I went
'or business , fully determined to protect my
self from Insults or bluffs Fltzslmmons had
naelo the crack that he would shalto his
finger under my nose I had my nose with
ne , but c\en when I Incidentally mentioned
that I had heard his threat , the Australian
lid riot maKe a bad break.
"My theatrical season closes in May. II
"Itzslmmons has signed and overthing Is all
right , I'll tlie n go Into training , or rather
ireparatlon O'Donnell nnd I Keep In good
rim Wo spar during the play In lively
style , and , as our habits arc good , It will
lot tnko us lone to get Into the pink of
condition. "
Derthelot the Trench chemist , thinks that
lerfect food can be made from coal , air and
water. He holds this opinion bcauso the
: onstltuents of food are carbon , oxygen ,
lijdrogon and nitrogen When his prophecy
Is verified hunger will be unknown Until
then no food can he se > delicious and whole
some ns that prepared with Dr. Price's
ream Halting Powder.
Kirn-nth Annual Scvnlon of the lown V. W
C. A. at I r.lur Ititplil * .
CCDAR RAPIDS , la , Oct. -Specla (
Telegram ) The eleventh annual pesslon of
the Young Women's Christian associntloi
of Iowa was permanently organized , thl'
morning , with MKs Severs as president
Mary Holt , Iowa City , Mrs , Williams , DC-
Molnes , and Miss Uartlett as vice prcsl
dents , Addle nillngham , Cedar Tails , Mis-
Ford , Grlnnell , and Miss Graham , Up north
as secretaries. After the appointment 01
the different committees the reports of the
state secretary. Miss Helen Ankeny , were
The state executive committee- report
showed one association reorganized and one
nevv one formed , making twenty-six in the
state , with large Increases In membership
Encouraging repoits are received from tin
colleges of the state , where gieater Interes
Is bclmr taken In bible study nnd mlsslor
work than ever before The executive com
mlttee recommends $1,100 be raised for e\
pcns-es the coming > ear and $250 be pledgee1
to work
This evening lUv C Tlronson of Burling'
ton addressed the convention on the subject
"What "Woman Can Do"
IIIIVH llll \ < - .
CltnSTON , In , Oct -Special ( ) Thi
resilience- Mr. rink , six miles southeas
or Greenfield , was entered by a thie
Wedne day morning about 10 o'clock nnd
JlOO two gold matches , n gold necklnce
bracelets nnd several finger rings stolen .
party cf suspicions characters were nr
rested last night nml on the person of on
two gold -watches were found Thp nans ,
was held for Identification. Officers bellev
they have the right people.
A clever arrest was made by the oflicrrs
last nlBht .it the Metropolitan hotel He
cently several Imelnepi houses have been
robbed In Preston and surrounding town
and last night the olllcers bagced the lende
of the gangHP had several files , dillls uni
bits sewed up In the leg of his trousers H
was tne of a party of thiee who robbed th
depot lit Qpdfoid and business houses a
Malvern and In this city The tools found I
his pi pe sloi ] were taken from n Creston
blacksmith shop. Three other crooks wei
jailed last night They hail In their posses
slon three fine overcoats timl live goni
watchr ? They -will he held nw.iltlngreplle
from iielKlib.iInf , ' towns.
Ne-ver before In the history of the city nm
surrounding country lias so much thlevlni
been done.
illir < 1tti * > < olirt Dei-Mlon *
DCS MOINES , Oet.Spe inl T l ° pram
The followlrp opinions were Hied In th
supreme court this morning Warren i
Durfpe Manufacturing , nppellani
vs Wnt on A ; I'tirkctt. L , > on district re
verged : Frederick Mohlls. appellant , v
Nicholas Trnntller ct al. Hremer district
alllrmed. Hudscn & Co. vs the Norther
Pacific Ilnllwny company appellant. Wood
bury dlrtrlct atllnned ; Krlr linden vs th
Sioux Cltv & . Purltle Itallroad company , np
pellant , Harrison district , afllrmpd , Mary A
Cooper vs Ida McNnmnra. appellant. Woodbury -
bury district , alllrnipil. 1) W Hnvdock
AllF"n Claris , substituted as plaintiff , ap
pellant vs I , L IMtton sheriff , et nl Jasper
district , nfllrmed St.ite of Iowa , appellant ,
\.s Uruce Bell , Keokuk district , reversed.
IVrullnr Marnier iif CoiuinUlln ; RutrMr.
MARSHALL/TOWN la Oct -Special
Telegram ) Paul Fulmer. S7 years old and a
paralvtlc , commltte-d suicide this morning
liy tlelng a ccrd around his neck nnd attach
ing the- other end to his feM , choklni- him
self to denth
The lioil > of the voting man fcund hereIn
September his been Identified ns that of
Holiert Parker , missing from Grlnnell
rn tlr riro Niir-mvly Avoided.
MISSOURI VALI.nY , In , Oct. 11-Spe (
cial Telegram ) This evening the barn be-
lorglng to Itev P M Smith was burned , to-
ccther with contents. Including one her ?
Several nOjoining buildings were- tiled and
only bv prempt ami effective action on the
part of the tire department was a verv dis
astrous blaze a\ertcd Loss , about Jl.GOO
I ullpil In Imllrt Iti-r'-ci1.
CCDAR HAPIDS. In , Oct. 19-Special (
Telegram ) Word Is received here from
Marengo to the effect that the Iowa county
grand Jur > failed ] to Indict T D UniKe. who
was re-ccntl > bound t\er on n charge cf
abducting Ray Elliott. Itay Elliott or Roy
Hurlte Is still a iueatlon | to bo te-ttle-d by
the courts _ _ _ _ _
t-illlor Kpllt iirrciiileri.
SIOUX CITV. Oct 19i : < lltor J C Kelly
of the Sioux City Tribune returned to the
city today nnd pave himself up In Justice
Morris' court. Ills bail was rtxed at $1.000.
Warrants had been suorn out agiilnat him
by County Supervisor Strange , charging him
with stunlng printing bills.
Drill h of Mr * . C' . II. WiUnii.
IOWA CITV. la , Oct 19. ( Special ) -.Mrs
Wilson , wife of Prof. C H. Wilson , died this
morning- . Their > ouni ; babe nlso elled.
\\atn SirliKllIng Ciiiuimer.
For some time past a man going by the
name of Cook has been canvassing the city ,
alleging to be an authorized agent ot the
Ladles' Home Journal HP .picked up i ev
er. < 1 hundred dollars by his. nokeme.
Only one Issue was sent to unch subscriber
The swlnd'er purchased ithest . nt n down
town news depot and had them delivered.
Two complaints were filed In police court
yesterday against Cook.v but the pollco
Icirn that the smooth JOUU'K Vnan left town
several days ago. >
i' '
bKAitciusti f-'uit TIIK /S.I.Y//OI ; .
Itctenun Cutter Cm lit drill-roll to Look fur
the I.IIM Cr < vr ,
WASHINGTON , Oct. 19-Asslstant , Secre
tary Hainlln today received telegrams from
Senator Squire and Editor Qj H llellbron
of Seattle , Wash , sajlng that r. J. Grant ,
ex-minister to Bolivia , who was associated
with EJItor Hellbron In the ownership ot
the Post-Intelligencer newspaper , was a
passenger on the ship Ivanhoe , supposed to
have been lost fifty miles southwest of Cape
Flattery , off Washington coast , on the night
of September 28. and asking that searching
parties be sent north. Senator Squire In his
telegram states that It Is possible that the
elRhtccn men of the crew nnd Mr Grant
might have taken to the boats and been car
ried by the wind and waves to the north
coast of Vancouver Island The assistant
secretary telegraphed Captain To lcr of the
revenue cutter Grant , now at Port Townsend
and to Captain Munger of the Cor win at
San Francisco to proceed Immediately In
search of the lost crew and passenger Sec
retary Herbert also may send a vessel to
join In the search.
Luxury nnd necessity are combined In
'r Price's Baking Powder. It possesses
charm to delight the epicure and n utility
.o satisfy the exacting housewife.
Amen roit .1 n IVUIIIKH.
Chiidcs tliniticitn looking for the \\lfc of
< IrciiH Ailviincit Agent ,
BUFFALO , Oct. 19. Chailcs Cliequetto
'ermcrly ' of Chicago , has asked the police of
his city to help him find his daughter
vlrs Isaac Stlbblng. Chequetts sajs ho and
Ills wife lived In Buffalo forty years ago
They finally moved to Chicago. There n child
was born thirty-three jears ago She was
named Clara. Cliequetto and Ills wife quar
reled twenty years ago and separated. Ills
wife embarked In business She made money
rap'dly Her daughter , nine jears ago , was
married to Isaac Stibblng , the advance agent
lor a cucus. They left Chicago ami came lo
HufTnlo to live
The girl's mother died n few weeks ago In
hlcago When her will was opened It was
found that she had bequeathed all of her
fortune to her husband and her child The
pollco bellev o they will bo nblo to restore
tlio missing woman to her fathe- .
5 ; ; . % 1.11. M ir ir : n.icit.
Irrslmm 11 us I'rnnilsi-il Not In Interfere In
til" i\i' : t of Aniithrr Iti-\olutlnii.
TOWNSBND , Wash. , Oct. 19. The barken-
Ino Amelia from Honolulu brings news that
Queen Lllluokalanl's emlssaiies In Washlng-
on City , Parker and Wldcmnn , had returned
with personal assurances from Secretary of
State Oresham that In the event of another
revolution In Hawaii the United States gov
eminent would remain neutral Captain
Ward of the Amelii was told by Samuel
Parker that similar assurances had been re
ceived from Admiral Walker of the
Philadelphia This , newa has been
generally circulated throughout the Islands
and caused a feeling that hostlitlcs between
the royalists and provlnclallsts might be
esumed at any time Captain Ward believes
the royalists will attempt to restore her to
power before long and prophecies the next
revolution will not be altogether bloodless.
ain -
in : ronifin inn j'tTiiiiir * \ n/u
lly ThN Mi .1111 Mulvlnn Jlon-y .Miirrlril II
Child of Thirteen unit Is N"n\v Cinivlctitil.
PARIS , Me , Oct 19 Melvln II. Morey has
been convicted of forgery , but sentence lias
been suspended during good' behavior. His
fraudulent marriage wag annulled. Wishing
o matry Anna M. Cross , ' a IB-year-old girl ,
Mercy applied for a marrjugo license. The
clerk refused to grant one without the con
sent of Miss Cross" father , and prepared a
paper for Mr. Cross to sign Mercy soon re
turned with what purported to bo Mr Cross'
signature , obtained the license and married
the girl He took his child wife to a log
cabin which had been used and deserted by
wood choppers In the forest at Stoneham.
There they passed their honeymoon.
g i.\
.limrcllKt Weapon * Powerful Enough to
Itlow t'p ' u Neighborhood.
BAUCRLONA , Oct. 19 Two dynamite
bombs were found today near the engine of a
large factory where a number of anarchists
were formerly employed. Fuses were at
tached to the bombs , and they are believed
to have been fully loaded. Among the an
archists who were at one time employ ed
at the works referred to were two men wht
were executed in front of the fortress of
Mont Jnlcli.
An Investigation Into the character of the
bombs showed that they were powerfu
enough to have blown up the whole rmarter
of the city In which they were found.
rai-ls Aliniit I'rotrrlt'Mi.
In The Sunday Bee Hon. Ilobert P. Porter
will have a special letter from Bradford
Eng , In which a comprehensive view Is
given of the woolen factory district of Eng
land. An Interesting feature ot the letter Is
a comparative .statement of the output am
wages In the United States and In England.
Is shown that the average male operative In
a British woolen mill receives $063 per week
while In the United States lie receives fS.3'
per week. In , the worsted mills the average
male- operative receives $567 per week ; the
American operative receives | 9 15 per week
for HKo service. And so It goes , Mr
Porter's article Is timely , authoritative am
highly Instructive to all readers who take an
Interest In the tariff discussions that force
themselves upon the attention of polltlca
stump orators.
Spprbil Honor for ( Jlll/oii Soldlrrn.
CHICAGO , Oct 19. The Fifteenth regl
ment Infantry , U. S. A. , commanded by Col
one ! R. A. Crofton. was presented a stam
of colors nt Fort Sheridan today by Chicago
citizens In recognition of services during the
great strike This was the first presentatloi
of the kind that lias ever occurred , am
special permission was obtained from th
War department at Washington. The pres
entatlon was made h ) , the presence of th
entire regiment and a large number of In
vlted guests.
-'hot tlio Man butMJot No Oolil.
BUTTE. Mont , Oct. 191 Perry Ueall , a
well known placer mHrrfr , ' was shot by a
highwayman a few ( | from town am
wll probably die. Bgalt ; wl his wife wen
enroute from the mines , \n German Gulcl
and had a bag In fhawagon contalnln
$2.f > 00 worth of gold dust , , The hjqhwaynia
emptied a load of | ; . , Beall's body
Mrs. Beall whipped up > jibe horses and es
caped with the gold. A posse U In pursul
of the robber. -
C ! I I' I
I'riiposnl iikllorrt ; Kiilllm.
KLKHOrtN. Neb. . OHirM. ( Special ) -Sat
unlay Governor Crounsdwill talk to the pee
pie of this locality otn the political issue
of this campaign.
Tonight the democrats will holt
a rally and love fe.ait atla local hall Demo
cratlc doctrine will bo. disseminated by K <
P. Smith. W S. Poppleton , Judge Felker , W
W. McCombs and others.
Illri-il Mm to | ) i > ilio Killing ,
AMITE CITY , La . Oet 19 Dr. E. "W
Maggane was arrested charged with murde
In the first degree. He Is said he hired th
two aGtasslns who wtnt to the house o
William Muhler , near Independence , a fe\
weeks ago and fired through the- window a
Muhler , killing Mrs. Muhler and woundln
her ulster and Mr Muhler.
Another Duulilu I.IIMTH'
ALBION , N. Y. , Oct. 19 William Lake ,
farm hand employed by Joe Van Camp c
his place here , shot MUa Hunt a girl in th
employ of the same family , and then too
his own life The cause of the tragedy 1
said to have been unrequited lo\6.
liicago "Wholesale Clothiers Orgnntza nn
Association Among Themselves ,
Imky CiiAtonirr * Will I'lntl Atntlcrfl I.c to
Tliclr I.lklng In Iho l'nturc Other
Otijectn ii f the > c\v .tlcrclutnu1
. \BSOCllltlOll.
CHICAGO , Oct. 19 ( Special )
Twenty-five of the largest wholesale manu-
actitrers of clothing In Chicago have Just
rganlzed the strongest defensive association
ver formed b the manufacturing Interests
f this city. Under an elastic set of by
aws they propose to reorganize the Bjstcm
f credits that lias prevailed so long , to pro
ect their Interests when threatened by hos-
lle legislation , nml to grapple as one llrm
vlth organized labor , should concerted action
; o necessary.
There are thirty-one large establishments
n Chlcag-o where men's and > outlis' ' clothing
s made. The twciity-IUo manufacturers
vho have organized under the name of the
lerchants' association represent an Invested
apllal of from $ lo,000,0t)0 ) to $20,000,000 $ , and
mploy from 10,000 to 15,000 tailors , cutters
nd seamstresses Tlielr annual sales reach
nany millions of dollars , for tlio roadj-mnile
lothlng of the entire west and northwest
s largely supplied by these houses Of
ccrs have been chosen for one jcar nnd all
rrangements made to make the association
The first object of the association Is said to
e to prevent ovcrpurchasInK by that class of
icrchants vvlich goes Into bankruptcy Just
ftcr laying In a large stock of goods These
lahonest failures have hit wholesale cloth-
ers harder than any other manufacturers
Ciistomc-rs whose credit was geol for sev-
ral thousands nt utmost found It both pcs-
Iblo and profitable to come to Chicago
ets , buy to their limit at half a dozen or
: iore houses , and then go liome and full Just
bout tlio time their b Us fell due That Is
no of the things the Merchants association
ntends to stop The entlro s stem of
rcdlta has been changed Instead ot each
inn making credits for Itself , without stop-
ilng to learn whether a customer lias been
itiylng heavily In other houses , there Is now
n Interchange of credit news , which worKs
o perfectly that nny firm can
earn from headquarters whether a
haky customer Is overbuying Reports
ire sent twice a ilav to Mm tin J Isiacs
.ciliary , or ns much oftener as the market
lemantls Troiii these reports a number of
lie association can learn exactly what nn
uncertain customer Is doing The bujer
can no longer go from one house to another ,
aklrg on a heavy bill at each , without being
Tlio next Important object of the assocla-
lon Is to be prepared to meet legislation
infavorable to the clothing Industry Last
v Inter the Indiana State Hoard of Health es-
abllslieil a quarantine ugaln&t clothing made
n Chicago , claiming It was matle in the
m.illpox district and might Introduce the
llseaso Into that Mate The quarantine was
iltterly fought by wholesale clothiers. ,
\bo said there was less danger of small-
lox being spread by Chicago clothiers
han by that from New York. The iiuaran-
Ine was finalIj raised , but not until slilp-
nents Imd been ilclajed several weeks. The
Merchants association will bo In a position
o resist nny such action by btato boards
of health In the- future
1'reslilent Nathan was as-Ited todiy "Doe" *
hat mean 5011 will have something to say
about the tariff ? "
"No , we shall confine our efforts to the
nterfcrence of state boards of health. "
'What will be the attitude of jour asso
ciation toward organized labor ? "
"Friendly. Our rcaltlons with labor or
ganizations are entirely satisfactory. There
las been no trouble nt all from that direction
and thcro seems to bo no Indication of any
The association would undoubtedly act as a
unit , however , should any occur"
The products of dainty cake , flaky bUcult
superior shortcake , wonderful griddle-cakes
ncomparnble pie-crusts made with Ur Price's
linking I'ovvdcr are supremely gratlfjlns to
tl ! who would live well.
, cc Coiioannon of Valley Anpln latcil lit
the Droicl lion I.
Lee Concannon of Valley , Neb , blow ou
the- gas In his room at the- Drexel hotel
Thursday night and was asqhjxiated.
Concannon came to tlie city , and aftc
transacting some business at tlio Nebraska
Se l company ofllce stated that ho Imd no
money A member of the firm took him to
the Drexel hotel and guaranteed pajment o
Concannon's bill. Shortly after biipper tin
guest from Valley retired Escaping gas at
tractcd the attention of the chambermaids
In the morning and the door was broken
open.When found Concannon had been dead
several hours He was a gardener and lived
four miles west of Valley station ami had a
family The family was notified ot the death
by the coroner.
The deceased was about 50 years of age
and had been In Omaha many times before
ami was familiar with the ute ot gab It Is
therefore supposed that Concannon Intended
to commit suicide.
After deliberating on the evidence secured
the coroner's Jury returned a verdict to the
effect that the gas was blown out Intention
Veteran * * ol tbn late Uiir Itcmcmbcre-il lij
Iho liiMiorul ( lOtrriiniCMit.
WASHINGTON , Oct 19.-Spechil.-Pen- ( )
sloni granted , Issue cf October b , were
Nebraska : OilKlnal 1'Yllx Kreker , Falls
City , Hlchardfon ecunty , John L. Hawk ,
cup City , Sherman county. Itcnevval Sjl-
vanus Lamb Shlckley , rillmorc county. In
crease Henry Shcley , Klrlswood , Itock
South Dakota Increase Jcptlm Caldvvell ,
Jasper , Chailes Mix county Hels ue Leroy
J. Ferris , Qpttj'i-lniig , I'ottet county
lovva Original ( Jeorge. Kcllcy , Centcr-
vllle , App'inoose county Supplemental-
William i : . Tiolor , Iowa Tails , H.ii'lln
county. Uonevuil JnyV. . Itelillng , Jeffi-r-
f > on , Greene county , John Neal , Doxtpr
Dallas county ; lOphrlam W. Jame-B , I'jcillc
Junction , Mills county , George Wolf , Stravv-
berrj 1'olnt , Clayton county He-Issue Oliver
r Itogers , IJava po.t , Scott couit > . O Iglnal
widows , etc Margaret 13 1'eck , Ottumwa ,
Wapello county.
North l > akota OiIglnal Homer T Hlllott ,
Grand Haplds. La Moure county Uenewul
Cyrus H. Culver , Tilfan > , IMily county
Montana Original llobeit Temple , Utlca ,
Fergus county
Colorado Original Charles V Mlll < r ,
I.imnr , Towers county. Helssne David A
Shepherd , I'ueblo , Pueblo county. Original
widows , etc. Mary Lapolte , Sallda , Chaffco
lliul : i h ( rloun Ilinu ol It ,
While In Chicago. Mr. Charles L Kaliler ,
a prominent hlioe merchant of Des Molnes.
Iowa , had quite a serious time of It. He took
Mich a severe rolil that lie could hardly talker
or navigate , but the prompt use of Chamber
lain's Cough Itcinedy cured him of his cold
GO quickly that others at tlio hotel who had
had colds followed his example , and half a
dozen persons ordered It from the nearest
drug store. They were profuse In their
thanks to Mr. Kaliler for telling them liow to
curs a bad cold so quickly. Tor sale by
rrap.irlnc for thu Motor.
Thursday the Omaha street railway people
commenced to string the overhead wires on
the Dodge and North Twentieth street line
and between midnight and 5 o'clock Friday
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoris.
Children Gryfo :
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry for
morning they carried one wire from the LaVe
sticct Icrmlnnl ilntvn ns far ng Hurt strrel.
uhllc tlio soconrt ft Ire was brought to Clmtlrs
The -work of ctmlirMnff | the line for opow-
lion ulll continue racli nlRlit until every
thing | g ready for Hie chaiiKe. v.lilch will tie
some time next week. This line Mill not t > 9
operated by electricity , however , until the
cable vlilch Is In listnl the present time Is
worn out , vliteli will lie some time neit
January or I'chruary.
t ii lnniii ! t.
Tlic homeopaths of the city took .1 nltfit
oft last night nncl partook of a banquet
which WRS served In UjUluff's rcstnurunt.
Several out of town | ili > lclans were In
attendance Invitations had been sent out
to plijslclans In adjoining states. but for
obvious reasons the fireat majority uoro tin-
uble to attend. The tiamiuet was pl\en by
) rs. Pee to , QulnbMnnn , Suniner , D.uls
nnil 1'drcell. Its object wna to get the
phjslcl.ins together to discuss ways nml
means of organizing- Interstate' Itomco
l > athlc society. The sentiment of
physicians , not only In this city , but In sur
rounding cities , is In favor of such a move
Letters h M > ben reeehed from PCS Molnes ,
Bt Loul' , Iowa City and other places , ad
vocating It stronKly. During the courbo of
the dinner many of the doctors took oc-
cislon to present llulr vle'ws , all favor
The guests present were Drs Mnktan ,
0. S Wood , Ilnmcr , Connell , Sin-ague ,
D-wles , Uanchett , Parcel ) , U.nls. llrcfktn-
Morhrty , Holmes , ( lulnby , Mann.
Toote , Swetlnml , all of tills elty , and I'orrl
of Lincoln un il Montgomery of Council
! \ln \ < lc a I orlimn for Her 1'lrKt.
Cr.TViLAM : > . Oct. 19 A w aiding wllli
n tinge of romance surrounding It took I'laco
here today The contracting ynrtles were Mr.
Ilobert Verch of I.os Angeles , Cal , and Miss
Mar > Me > er , dnughter of li.Vllllam ) Mejer
of this city Nearly twenty > ears age Mr.
Verch ROURlit the tiaiul of Miss Meser. Ilo
then ll\otl In Cleveland mid was n tclcfiraph
operator In the employ of the Hlg Tour road
ItecatMG of the opposition of her parents Miss
Mejer declined the offer and her lover went
west He PiipaKed In the real estate busi
ness and accumulated n largo fortune A
few months ago ho renewed his offer ,
waa accepted.
Exhaustive annlvsls falls to re\enl the
slightest trace of adulteration In Dr. ' 'rice's
UaKIng Powder.
1 hluk Itf.'u ii llil. f
J. Martin was arrested labt nlglit by 0111-
cer Lcjry Martin had In Ills possession
when ariested several pieces of Jewelry , ! > et
ultli diamonds , n gold watch , four gold rings
and several other artlcks , none of which he
seems to be able to satisfactorily account for
lie [ ilso Imd n chisel. He Is a vender of
perfumes , apparently.
Klllrd III * 'Ulfei villli .1 I lilt Iron.
ENGLISH. Ind. . Oct 19 George Oolil-
inan a fanner IS jears old , while mentallj
deranged , killed Ills wife with a smoothing
Iron liKt night and then emptied the contents
of a double-barrelled shot gun Into his own
brain Goldman spent a few months In the
nsano hospital and had been pronounced
cured. _
III Id Dp InICnhlxM. .
Uoliert Landon n peddler , reported to the
police that he had been held up and robbed
Thursday night one mile west of Irtlngton
According to London's htory lie was driv
ing out into tlie country with it load of fiuit
when he was stopped by two men , who took
all his fruit awa > from him.
Golden Medical
Cures Ninety-eight per cent , of nil
cases of Consumption , In all Its
Earlier Stages.
Although by tinny believed to be incura
ble , there is tlie evidence of luimlrcdq of
living witnesses to the fact that , in all its
earlier htjg ; < - > > > consumption 13 .1 cur.ible
disease. Not c\oiy cjsc , but a laige pei
ffnfafe of eases , niul we believe/i//l yS
pt > teal aic cured by Ir ) I'icice's Golden
Medical Discovery even after the disease
has progressed so as to induce icptalccl
blcctlinRS from the lungs severe liiiKcrnid
cough with copious cjipeeloiatioii llticlud-
( ng tubercular nnttci ) , great loss of flc&h
and extreme cniiciation and weakness
Do > on doubt that liiindieclsof such c.iscs
repoitecl tons as cured by "Golden Med
ical Discovery " vvcie genuine c.iscs of that
diead and fatal disease' Von need not take
pur vvoul for it They have , in nearl > every
instance , been so ptonotiiiced b > the best
and most expelit'iiccrt home i > li > Mcians ,
who have no inteiest vvltatcvei in mis-
rcprcscnting them , and \\lio were often
btrongly piejiidice-d and ndvistd against
a trial of " ( joldeii Medical Discovery , "
but who have Ijcen foicuil to confess that
it surpasses , in cur.itive power over this
fatal malady , all other medicines with
which they arc acquainted Nasty cod-
liver oil and its filthy "emulsions" and
mixtures , had been tried in ncarl > ill these
cases and had either utterly failed to bene
fit , or had only ccmcd to benefit a little for
a bhort time Hxtrnct of malt , whiskey ,
and various preparations of the livpoplios-
phitcs had also been faithfully turd in vain
Tlic photographs of a large number of
those cured of consumption bronchitis ,
lingering coughs , asthma chronic nasal'irrh and kindred maladies , have been
skillfully reproduced in a book of 160
pages which will be mailed to jou , on re
ceipt of address and sit cents in stamps.
Address for Itciok , World's Dispensary
Medical Association , llufTalo , N. Y.
Brings comfort nnd improvement nt )
S tula to ncrsonal enjoyment when
rightly n e < l. The ninny , who Hvo bet
tor than others anil enjoy life morn , -with
less expenditure , liy more promptly
the world's bcbt products to
the needs of physical being , will attest
Jlioaluo to health of the pun- liquid
Ir.Nativc principle cmlmieed in the
icinedy , Svrupof Fifis.
Its uxcvllcuco is duo to its presenting
] n the foun most itceeptivblc and picas *
nnt to the mate , the lefrcsbing nnd truly
beneficial pro ] > cntes of n perfect Inx-
utiu1 ; effectually euiiinin { ; the system ,
disnelling colds ) , headaches Mid foyers
( UK ! peimanently eiuing constipation.
It hns ci ven satisfaction to millions nnd
met ttith the approval of the medical
profession , because it acts on the Kitl-
npyr , Liver and Bowels \ \ ithout weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionablesubstance. .
Pyrttp of Figs IH for pale by nil drup
'ists in riOc anil SI bottles but il is niniu
u.'actured by the California. Fig Syrn
Co. only , whose name is printed on cvorj'
package , aibo the name' , Syrup of Firt
r.nd being well informed , yon will nol
. ' .cctit nny substitute if ollered.
An Invaluable product
made from the finest
licof the world produces.
fclract of
Curcr the cffccta ot
relf .use , excesses ,
cm ) ' ions , Impotency ,
va' .cocclo anel constl-
4 p.itlon One dollar a
% box , six for J5. For
! Bale by THE GOODMAN -
Omaha , Neb.
ChocoSat = Menier ;
His reasons are :
Tea and Coffee create nervousness with
a people too nervous al eatly ,
L'-Ucr Chocolates are not tit lo make a cup
of cliocol.Uej cheap ( sweet ) chocolates ara
impure , hence injurious ,
COCOA is no more like CHOCOLATE
than Skimmed Milk is like Cream.
Cliocolat-Mcnicr is an ejciuisite Vanilla
Chocolate , as nourishing as meat , as low
priced as other beverages , ami far superior.
Ask for yelluw wrippcr. Yea r C""cer has it
M ) \\nliiish \ Ir , . Mi U. lli.udnnr. N. T-
M o M nil tlio tnnrvclnm French
ItcniMr CALTHOS frc-4 % and K
liRul KiiarnntPiitliutC'AlTiiogwill
h TO I * 1IU ( Imrircit A. I mUftlon * ,
CTUK Kn rinntorrliCH. V aricotcle
und lll.s ItlHI , l.o.l V I ear.
Vie it aniloi i/satisfied ,
Adir , . . . VOH MOHL CO. .
Goto Jlnrrltin i.nU , , ( Jhla ,
Die must lirnutlful and lualtlifvll locution on
Lake Thoruutih CI Acuilemi <
anil tViniiiii.ii liil fourtcs iv < -rs Intlrurlor q
( .piiliilist in l'l ' lirnnilioa. llnilurvtil Ijy the iDgi
Isliuiuif Illinois , iiiul nnnunlly Impectfil by
olTUIal icpri8enlnthrH of Hie Btntc. he Um openl
hcitoinl | 10th. lllubtruted tutnioguu suit oq
You May Not Know. Perhaps You Have.
You Cannot Take Any Chances On BLOOD POISON.
Among your acquaintancas a'ad friends you know nanny with sere afllict
ions ; soma with cuncora , some with tumors , ninny with rheumatism , ant }
hundreds with minor troubles all the result of B.OOtl Poison.
that a body of water without constant intlow of fresh , pure water BOOH becomes
stagnant nnd a brooder of disoasoP Just so with the human body. Your blood
must circulate freely ; it must bo freshened by a constant supply of Purd
Blood blood that comes from a proper digestion of the food you oat. To havq
this , all the organs must work freely aud naturally. If you flnd that they are
not ; if you flnd the vital org-nns inactive , then you must act nnd act quickly.
If this is not immediately regulated , your entire aystom will overflow with im-
jmre blood. Hero is the time and plaoo to apply the remedy
Of all the blood remedies , nerve tonics , and celery compounds now before
the public , there is but one that rjurlfic'S the blood and acts directly upon
the nerves nt one and the same tirno , and that is
Logon's ' Sarsapmilla and Celery.
It is compounded on a scientific
It is a combination of the best known remedies ( or the blood nnd nerves.
It is "up to date" in the full significance of the term , in that all "old fogy1'
ideas are discarded in its preparation. Modern SCienca is the greal
( actor in Logan's Sarsaparilla and Celery-
It is offered to the public with the fullest confidence in its power to cloansp
the system of all impurities and to build up and strengthen the nervous syatotn.
Those are not idle words more assertions. Experience in medical practice
proves it and justifies the conclusions.
Testimonials the strongest kind moro than verifies our statements ,
Wo simply ask you to try Logan's SarsapaiiHa end Celery f
directions closely , and if it does not do for you just what is represented U
do , you got your money hack. This is fair , is it not ? What moro can you aakP
Bee recommendations nnd our guarantee.
$1,00 per Bottle ; 6 for $5.0O.
If your Druggist cannot supply you , write LOGAN'S ' SAH3APAHILH4
AND OtLEKY 00. , Omaha , Nob.