Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE 03IAIIA DAILY BEEs Ti&BSDAT , OCTOBitfjl 18 , 1894.
Dcltvtrcd by currier to any part of thi city.
I H. W. T1LTON , lessee.
TrxEpHONES-nuiinm omce. MO. 4i ; niche
lOIter , No. 23.
Jtnyno Heal Estate Agency , C39 Broadway.
LA. . Devlne Is building a. handsome 13,009
residence on Franklin avenue. Tlie work Is
already under way.
Harmony chapter No. 25 , Order tit the
eastern Star , will hold Ita regular meeting
at Masonic hall this evening.
Herman Darks , n Mills county farmer , was
fined $5 $ and costs for getting drunk ami
stealing a pair ot gloves al Vnvra's store.
Fred H. Bowers , who lives nt 102 Stutsman
street , was kicked In the face by a horse
Tuesday night and sustained a broken nose.
A marriage license was Issued yesterday
lo Charles A , Ayrcs , aged 22 , nnd Delphla
Bradley , need 19 , both of 1'ottawattamlo
Pottawattamle lo-Jgo No. 1IG , Ancient
Order of United Workmen of Iowa , meets
this evening. All members are requested
to bo present.
There will bo on adjourned meeting of the
board of directors of the Young Men's Chris
tian association this evening. A full at
tendance Is doslrcd.
Henry Spetman nnd Miss Lizzie Spetman
went to Mlnncola yesterday to attend the
wedding ot F. H. Nlpp and Miss Lizzie
Schoenlng ot that place.
Charlie , the 1-year-old son ot Mr. and Mrs.
A. Peterson of Keg Creek township , died at
0 o'clock Tuesday evening of brain fever ,
after an Illness of four days.
Charles Uauglm has purchased a plcca of
property at the corner of First nnd Vine
streeto , nnd yesterday commenced the work
of erectlnc two new dwellings ,
P. Dyer , who was accused of assaulting
J. Williams with Intent to commit rob
bery , was discharged by Justice Fox , the
prosecuting witness falling to appear.
The finance committee bf the school board
has disposed of $10,000 worth of bonds at
a premium , of $95. These bonds were recently
redeemed nt 7 per cent ami are now reissued
as 5 per cents.
The Ladles Auxiliary Hellcf corps of the
U. L. P. A. will meet at Liberty hall Friday
nfternoon at 2 o'clock. All ladles Interested
In charitable work nnd members are Invltetl
to attend. Mrs. M. Hull , secretary.
The Dudley Buck male quartet has been
engaged for n concert at St. Francis Xavlcr's
Catholic church on Tuesday evening , October
30. assisted by Mrs. Charles Urquhart of
Omaha and the choir of the church.
It Is reported that the singers of the
different churches are about lo organize a
Union Male quartet , to be composed o !
one from the Ilroadway M. E. , one from the
Christian , one from the Baptist and one froir
the First Presbyterian church.
J. It. McPherson Is complaining that some
one In declaring a great deal too many
dividends on his corn and potato crop. He
has so far been unable to detect the rlgh
party , but every few nights his place Is
visited and a fresh Inroad made.
John 0. Woodward has ( lied his rcpor
us assignee of H. A. Dalrd , showing that o
half Interest In the business was sold t <
George S. Damon for $1,500 , and that nfte :
all debts-had been paid there was $198 left ,
which the assignee wants for Ills services.
Whetstone and KIrkendall , who were sen
to jail by Justice Fox several days ago , took
a chance of venue to Justice VIen's cour
yesterdav ar.d were released on their own
recognizance. They will have a hearing on
the charge of cutting timber nt Manawa
next Tuesday , October 23.
Fisher's "Cold Day" and "Chip of the Ol <
Block" appeared at Dohany's opera housi
last evening , before , one of the largest ami !
enccs that has Jllled the house this season
Ed V. Cogloy , well known lo theater goers o
this city , having lived hero for a number o
years , appeared ns OHO of the leading xhar :
nctera , nnd brought down the house , a :
usual , by his clover comedy work. The res
of the company was good.
A EUt'.K ol hoodlums visited the -
ot Charles Olson at the corner Rlglitli
street and Avcnuo D Tuesday nlgl : and do
mandcd whisky In honor of the marriage o
Mr. Olson's daughter. The groom was pro.
vlded with cigars and he added these ti
some refreshments and handed flieni out t <
the hoodlums. The latter were not satisfied
tnd In the melee that followed some on
throw a brick through a window of th
A strike Is on at the Council li luffs a :
handle factory and seven men nro voluntarll.
out of jobs because they claim they hav'
not been paid In full for sixty days. Th
management of the concern claims .tha .
there was an understanding with the
by which the latter agreed to work fo
half pay for eight weeks , and that whe
tha times Improved the half pay which ha
been held , back should bo paid them as fas
as possible. This understanding does no
com to be accepted by the men , and th
ttrlko Is tlio result.
Wo are sole city agents for several of th
oldest and strongest Mro Insurance companle
In the world. We also negotiate farm loan
at the lowest possible rates. Lougea
Towlo , 235 Pearl street.
I > eV r Air ' 1
Heaters nro at the head. They are con
Btructed on scientific principles. All prices ,
601 Broadway.
Peaslro's celebrated ale and porter now
on draught at Grand hotel bar.
Eagle laundry , 724 Broadway. < JCO <
work. Tel. 157.
Havana Freckles clgarLavls ) , wholesale agt
rir jiK.vri'o.v ,
Otto Coon has gene to Davenport to ntten
school ,
S. P. MacConnell leaves this evening on
flying trip to Chicago.
Assistant District Attorney T. E. Cased ;
Is In Des Molnes attending federal court.
M , 0 , O'Connor leaves today for Larnmlc
Wyo. , as air brake Inspector for the servlc
nt Green Illver.
The members of "A Cold Day" and .
Chip ot the Old Block" companies registers
at the Grand hotel yesterday ,
Mrs. F. L. Kern and daughter , Olive , o
Denver , arc In the clly , Iho guests of Mr. nn
Mrs. Krilph Williams , on Harrison street.
Mrs. II. A. Jones ot Cleveland , 0. , Is ex
pcctcd to arrive In the city today to spcn
the winter with her son , H. S. Jones , o :
Frank street.
Mrs. William Woodworth ot Warren , III.
Is In the city for si visit with her cousins
Mrs. Wallacj McFaddcn and Mr. N. W. Wll.
lams. Slio Is on her way homo fror
Spokane , Wash ,
Ed Acplnwall , president of the Centra
Labor union of this city , returned yesterdaj
from Dos Molnoa , where he attended n meet
Ing1 of an association of cigar makers know
as the Iowa niuo Label league.
Miss Van Camp of Omaha Is In the city ,
the guest of Captain O. M. Bronn and Mis
Luella lloge , on South Seventh street. Mis
Hoe leave. ! the last of this week far a vis.
of a couple ot weeks with friends In Gran
Island , Neb.
Among the lowans who registered nt th
Grand yesterday wcro C. P. McGlashon o
Dubuque , II. W. Macomber of Carroll , D. _ .
Williams ot Sioux City , B. F , White , A. T , I
Dunkle and Gcorgo K. White of Oskaloosa
and Guy Kagsdala of DCS Molnes ,
DeVol'i Air Tlelit
Heaters are at the head. They are con
Btructed en scientific principles. All prlcei
fer CO I Broadway.
Hog cholera preventive and cure by D
JefTerls , Fletcher avenue. Council Bluffs
will stop the disease In one hour. Trla
bottle , $1.
For fine special upholstering and the bcs
hair mattresses go to the Council Bluffs Car * '
pet company ,
Dry Pine kindling for tale. Cheaper tha.
cobs. U. A. Cox , 37 Main street. Telepuon
Bcurlclut' muslo house has few expenses
blgh grade planes are nold reasonably. 11
Btutsman street.
k Donmtlo iotp break * bard
I. F. MncOonnell Bella Hia Interest in th
Mauawa Motor Line ,
'ossltjlllty ' that tlie Property Will Ila I'd
In Slmpo to 1'rcivn a Lively Com
petitor for the Proposed
iicctrlo Line.
S. P. MacConnctl has disposed ot his Inter
est in the Lake Manawa Hallway company
0 J. C , Shaffer , president of the Indian-
polls Street railway and a wealthy man.
lust what this means cannot ns yet b told ,
'or these who have any means ot knowing ,
1 there are such , are non-committal on the
ubjcct , Mr. MacConnelt only owned 18,000
ivorth of stock , the other $92,000 being owned
by Colonel F. C. Heed. The latter gentle
man Is not thirsting for any newspaper mcn-
lon , and refuses to say whether he has had
any propositions from Mr. Shaffer or not.
'lacConncll's ' Interest was sold at a small
discount , ho says , from Us par value.
The fact of the snlo being made Just at
his time Is thought by some to Indicate that
hero will bo a radical change In the means
of operating the motor line to Manawa the
coming year. Shaffer Is said ( o be a man
who does not bellevo In sinking his money
into a hole In the ground merely for the
pleasure of doing so , and If he has bought
out the old line ho must be. planning ( o
operate It In such a way as to defy the com
etition ot the new line which It Is proposed
to build during the coming winter and spring
between Council Bluffs and Manawa. In that
event there will bo two first-class lines
dividing the patronage , unless some way can
bo devised of getting rid of the Councl"
Bluffs & Manawa Electric railway , whlcl
has spent the last several months In celling
franchises from the city and county , Fur
ther developments are expected shortly , and
the public 111 bo Interested In watching for
them ,
The King of All Tempeninco Drink * Knock *
Out All ItlviilH.
The extraordinary demand created for
Copps Cheer In all temperance communities
whcro Intoxicating beverages cannot be solif
nan led envious alleged rivals to attack I
and misrepresent It. Among conservative
and cautious dealers who do not wish to ever
approach the Una of violation of law , and
families who don't want an Intoxicating bcv
enigo In their lockers , these mlsrepresenta
lions liavo led to the most crucial tests foi
alcohol known , and the beverage , whlli
sparkling , Invigorating nnd health-building ,
has been found to be as harmless us the
mildest soda water. Thus the alleged
"friendly warnings" coming from 1'ille fcl
lows who think themselves rivals [ rave to be
selfish misrepresentations made for the sole
purpose of enabling them to force the sali
of nauseous and unwholesome compounds.
Whcelor & Hercld. Council Dlufls , la. , ari
the originators and sole brewers of Copp
Cheer , and give an Indemnifying bond ti
every ilculer , while the beverage speaks fo
llfcolf. But If more proof IB desired the en
dorsemcnts of ministers , judges , chemist
and physicians can bo referred to as they
have appeared In The. Lice dally for weeks ,
and hundreds of others In our olllce.
J , f. Ilofln.uyrs I'ltncy Patent ,
Hungarian Process Flour.
Made by the oldest milling firm In the west ,
makes lightest , whitest , sweetest bread. Ask
your grocer for It. Trade mark : "Ulu
Uooster. "
Gas cooking stoves for rent and for sale i
Gas Co.'s office.
Washerwomen use Domestic soap.
1'ollco ricking * .
Jeff Green , the colored man who was arrested - '
rested In company with Joslc Hulbert Lone
the other day , was given a hearing In pollci
court yesterday morning on the charge o :
disturbing the peace. The evidence showot
that Jeff was somewhat overcame by some
thlr ; or other and made considerable mor
noise than the law allowed. He was ac
cordlngly lined $16.20. As he wont out of th
court room on his way to jaU ho stopped li
front of a man named KIrlcy , who was th
main witness against him , and muttered , 'TI
kill you as soon as I get out of jail. " Klrle :
vias not at all anxious to officiate as corps
at even n first-class funeral , and so ho wen
before the city clerk and filed an Informatlo ;
charging the darky with threatening to 1(11
him. Green will be rearrestetl as soon a
his tlnio Is nut.
John Montgomery , a centenarian who llvei
In the western part of the city , was fine' '
a couple of weeks ago for letting his cult !
run at large , the neighbors making a com
plaint. The flno was suspended Upon hi
promise of reforming. Yesterday morning 1
wna found that he had been guilty of th
same breach of the city ordinances , and h
was rcarrested. The old sentence was du ,
up from the archives , and on account of hi :
age 'It ' was reduced from 525 to ? 5 and costs
which he will have to llvo out with the clt ;
Nettle Ross and Agrtes Carr were th
names given by two young women whose rca
name. It Is cold. Is Smith , and who hav ,
been keeping what they term a boardln.
house nt the corner of Twenty-sixth stree
and Sixth avenue. The neighbors complalne
that there were a. good many things takin.
place there nightly that scandalized them
A raid was made and the two girls , with
man named Tom Fuller , wore "pulled. " Yes
terday Judge McGee assessed a fine ot $1
and costs against eaph of them.
Xow from Xnir Vtirlc.
Our Mr. Whltelaw. being now In Ne
York , advises us of the tremendous drop I
prices of dry goods caused by the no
scale of prices that go Into effect January 1
1895. Manufacturers are trying to unloa
their surplus stock at a great sacrifice ,
Being among the eager buyers , he could no
resist the temptation of being able to
the people of Council Bluffs goods at manu
facturers' prices , so bought heavily. Flft.
cases of these goods arrived last week. Th
latter part of this week will see the balanci
of these goods unpacked and ready for 1m
mediate delivery to our patrons , who ca
expect big bargains In our lino. Wate
the dally papers for our prices , which canno
be duplicated.
"Boston "
Council BlufTs , la.
Stovepipe EC a joint , Swatne's , 740 Broad
way. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Premier egg cups at Lund Bros.
Ilaptlit ll'i.ta' lirlgHilc.
A new military company has been or
ganlzexl In Council BlufTs , In accordant
with a plan which Is being pushed all eve
the country. It Is known as "The Baptis
Boys * Brigade , " and the company hero
composed of about sixty boys between th
ages of 10 and 15 years , mostly from tti
First Baptist 'Sunday school. Each bo :
pledges himself to attend Sunday Hchot
regularly and to abstain from the use o
tobacco , cigarettes , liquor ami profanity
Ernest Irons Is captain , but for the presen
F. M. Compton Is putting the boys throng :
the regulation military movements. Nc
uniforms ore to be secured toon. Th
boys are taking a great Interest In the com
pany , and It U claimed that a neV and un
heard of enthusiasm has been manlfentci
by them In the matter of attending Sunda.
school. Similar companies are being or
gatilzrd all over the country , which wl
be divided up Into regiments , and batta
Ions ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Just received , a new Invoice of all th
latest styles In millinery at Miss llagadule'B ,
10 Pearl street.
Domestic patterns can now bo had a
itiVavra's new dry goods store , 142 Broadway
Dipiestlo soap ojtlasts cheap soap.
Miuu't 11 urn I ho 1'iivniiirnti.
Now that .tho season of dry leaves ha
come around tome ot the property owner :
In various parts of the city are gathering th
leave * from their front yards and burnln.
them In the street. In some cases bonfire
have becu started on the cedar block pave
ment which only want * a tint , la man ;
localities , to fall to pieces of Its ; own accord.
There Is a city ordinance prohibiting the
lighting of Area on the block pavements , and
ns some complaints have already been made
there U a probability that the city marshal
HI take the matter In hand and enforce
ho law himself unless the practice 1s
PLurit. ri-ooii. FLUim.
eclnl riour Snlo till * Week at Ilroirii1 *
C. O. U.
In order to make room for 2COO sacks ot
our due to arrive on the 20tli of this month ,
o will make the following low prices , for
his week onlr :
Brown's 0 , 0. D. Patent , the best flour
made , and a souvenir In every sack , goes this
reek tor 85 cents.
Garland , the welt-know brand thut was
warded the medal at the World's fair , goes
t 90 cents.
Acme , made from the best Kansas hard
wheat , SO cents a sack.
The genuine Buffalo Hour , only 75 cents.
Trusty , a good family flour , 05 cents.
Reliable- ( lour , only [ JO cents.
Rye graham , 40 cents a sack. Rye flour , 40
ents n sack. Wheat graham , 20 cents. Corn
meal , 10 cents a sack.
Remember these prices are for this week
nly. BROWN'S C. O. D , .
Council Bluffs , la.
Ui'li il tlio Hiirclnn Out.
Last Sunday the residence of T. Turner of
Fremont was entered by burglars while all
ho famllj' were at church , and a largo ( | uan-
Ity of sJlverwnro and other valuables were
stolen. The burglars came this way , and , It
seems , put up at the residence ot Charles
Lawson , alias "Skinny , " at the corner ot
Twenty-fourth street and Fourth avenue. At
all events , when the marshal's force swore
out a search warrant for the house and made
an Investigation , a line sterling silver fruit
dlsli , a sliver plated sugar bowl and several
silver plated spoons were found. A telephone -
phone message was sent to Fremont and
Mr. Turner sent back a description of the
goods so accurately that no doubt was left
that they were his. Lawson has had a check
ered iiollce court career , but his accom
plishments , so far as they have come to light
have never gone much beyond lien roosts or
coal piles , and the officers do not give- him
credit for undertaking a job that has so
many unpleasant features as a burglary Is
likely to have. Nevertheless , Marshal C.m-
nln ; : went to the house last evening and ar
rested both Ltiwson nnd his \\lfe on the
charge of receiving stolen goods.
Chamberlain's Colic , Oiolcru mill
"I would rather trust that medicine than
nny doctor I know of , " says Mrs. Hnttle
Mason of Chllton , Carter Co. , Mo , , In speak
ing of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and
Diarrhoea Rptnody , For saU by druggists.
New sterling silver novelties , very beauti
ful and stylUli , nt Wollman's , 40S Broadway ,
Selected hard w"ood for Heating stovas.
H. A. COX , 37 Main street. Tel. 43.
The laundries uca Domestic soap.
ir.i.vr TO lira LIKIS WHITES.
Indlnns In Anzomi Itccolvo Kiico
frrtui Unvetmtr Hughes
TUCSON , Ariz. , Oct. 17. A special from
Sacaton Indian agency says : Governor
Hughes , by request , met the Plma and
Maricopa Indians In their council. There
were twelve chiefs and u largo number o
Indians pressnt , representing over 4,000 ,
All the chiefs spoke. They told the gov
ernment they wanted the farming lands o :
the reservation allotted to them In severally ,
In small tracts furnished with water to cul
tivate the same , and they wanted to live
like whites , own their own homes and sup
port themselves. The governor told them
lie would assist them as they desired In
their request. The policy of the governmen'
was encouraging , as It would help the In
dlans to help themselves. This pleased the
Indians. These Indians have always been
fr'enda of the whites and arc highly civilized
They will make a formal application to the
Interior department through their agent for
allotment. _
cniAitr.TTKS s.init HTM.
Trunk Kiirtf'H Doitli Sentence Coiiiiuuloil--
Itrnulc of H Hud llublt.
CHICAGO , Oct. 17. Frank Kurtz , who
wa& to have been hanged In the county Jal
Friday for the murder of hjs wife , will not bo
hanged. Governor Altgeld having last nigh
commuted his sentence to Imprisonment foi
lite. The man's sister , Clara M. Kurtz , ac
companlcd by Mrs. W. B. Weir , In an appea
to the governor In his behalf , presented a
number of petitions , Including one from W
R. Vaughn , formerly mayor of Counci
Bluffs , la. , where Kurtz once lived. The
petitioners said Kurtz was a cigarette fiend
and Is weak-minded. The governor though
the death sentence too severe , and so com
muted It. Six vtceks ago when Kurtz's slste ;
was circulating the petition for a comtnuta.
tlon of sentence , Kurtz wrote a letter re
pudlatlng and discountenancing her efforts In
his behalf , declaring he was Innocent of the
crime ot murder , and would rather bo haJiged
than tent up for life.
I llUIUir..lH ! > KILL .t VOLICRSIAX ,
Special Olllcer Hiot on Sight by Itoliberi In
Ktinna * Clly.
KANSAS CITY. Oct. 17. Charles Pearson
a special policeman employed by wealthy
residents of Hyde Park , was murdered by
burglars at the residence of Arthur A
Moshcr , president of the Air Line , at the
corner of Ilumboldt and Cherry streets , early
this morning. Pearson's corpse was foun.
at the entrance of the cellarway nt daybreak
There was a bullet hole In his head. Th _
burglara must hove killed the watchman on
sight , as his weapon was not drawn nnd
there was no evidence of a struggle.
FfFry. ft rewc.vr n-ii K. i T.
Ilecnrd Kcurliod Toil.iy in Accordance mill
tlio 1'r mil ell on uf Uio
NEW YORK , Oct. 17. The GS-cent marl
for December wheat which the bears havu
prophesied for weeks past was reached at
noon today amid a wild rush of Bellini
Inaugurated by the short traders , who hai
earlier In th morning succeeded In forcln1
December down to 55c , which was lows'
than yesterday's record. The weakenln
factors today were the Increasing stock Ii
this country , foreign sellllng. liquidation tal
about American wheat shipped to Europ'
nnd a general demoralization of the bulls. Ic
ma aniuiiK xi'.tti
1'ito MOII I'rcclpltntcd lnti > Hie Wuter a
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Oct. 17. The fatal spai
of the new Loulsvlllo ar.d Jefferson Oil.
bridge over the Ohio was the scene of another
catastrophe today. A portion of the spai
gave way , precipitating five men Into th' '
water below. The extent ot the casualty I
not yet known.
Purnon Wits u I'l Ciller.
GimiHIE , Ok ] . , Oct. 17. Rev. Mr. Bashan
living near Lexington , was called to his dee
and when he opened It persons outside flrct
on him. He jumped back , secured a Win
Chester and returned the
fire , wounding on
ot his assailants , as shown by a trull
blood. The
attempted assatslnallcn was _
desperadoes whom he had scored In sermons ,
Nothing Is put In Cook's Extra Dry Im
perlal Champagne to make it ferment , th
effervescence- natural ; Its boquet unrlvallo
Drill li of n I.cudlnc Lutheran MlnlMer ,
BALTIMORE , Oct. 17. Rev. Chrlstla
Klrchaan pastor of St. '
, Johanne's church , am
vice president of the German Evangellca
Lutheran synod of North America , Is dead
aged C3. He was vidl known all over tb
country ,
Oregon Kidney Tea cures nervous tend
uchet. Trial size. 25 cents. All
Alexander VUlllui ; Utlinr Monarch ! .
BUDA-PESTH , Oct. 17. King Aloxande
of Servla , who has been visiting Hmpero
Francis Joseph at the royal palace , lia
started for Berlin , where he will vltlt Em
peror William ,
Mercer Hotel HMlluiTuy , Mnnnjren |
lUtei reduced ; $2.00 to | 3,00 per day. [ _
! < fid
t' I
tir ' <
in Cor. r th and Douglas Sts.
The Greatest Sale of FINE OVERCOATS
Ever attempted in Omaha , begins
SATURDAY morning , Oct. 20.
xo. i ,
following This Company TRANSMITS . nnd OCMVKIIS messages only on conditions limiting Its liability , which hnvo boon nssontcd lo by the sender of the
Errors can be guarded against only bv repealing n. line I to tlio ' . , .
message ; send I UK s'ntlon for < nmp.irlsan nnd the Company will imtliold I l.self liable
Joi orroisordulrvys In transmission or delivery of lJiirpp iit il MWURI'M , bcyimil tlio iimotint < if tolls ( i.ilil thereon , L-or In nny case where the claim Is
notjprrsonU'O In wrltliiR within sixty diivs uftur the inessnso la lllod with lliu Company for transmission.
This Is an UNuKl'ISATlMi JlKSaAOK , and Is dollvcrod by requestor tin-sender , iintler tlio 0011111110111 nninotl nbovo.
THOS. T. ECKERT , Prooitlont nnd General Mwnngor.
RECEBVED at2l2SoutiJ3th5treef ! , a Keb.
\ , f r t f\ / ci
Dated vrr- > - - - -c
: The Entire Stock of Rosenwald & Weil's Fina Overcoats to be
Sold at 50 Cents on the dollar.
Particulars in Friday's Bee.
AH kinds of Dyeing
nnd Clennlni ? dait : ! In
the highest style of
the art. Faded and.
Btalned fabrics made
to look as good as
new. Work promptly
done and delivered
in all parts of the
country. Send for
price list.
o. a. : u.\CIMX
Broadway , nonr North
western Depot.
Telephone 22.
His Blows Symbolic of What He Hopes for
Germany ,
One Hundred nml Thirty-Two 'Itimncrs tar
the Itccoutty Unrnnlrol 1'ourth llnt-
tulloim Formally Dedicated An Iu ;
tcrestmc Ceremony In UcrllD.
BERLIN , Oct. 17. A magnificent military
display was witnessed here today In connec
tion with the formal dedication of the 132
Hags destined for the recently organized
fourth battalion of each regiment of In
The ceremony of nailing these flags to their
staffs was performed by Emperor William In
the Ituhmes llalle , or Hall of Fame , ot the
arsenal , one ot the best buildings In Berlin.
The Hall of Fame occupies the north wing of
the upper story and consists of three sections
ornamented , with historical frescoes and
Among those present at this Interesting
ceremony were the empress and her four eld
est sons , the princes and princesses of th&
1'russlan royal family.
The flags for the guards were of silk brocade -
cado ami those for ( he pfher regiments were
of rich silk. The Russian bear and Prussian
eagle were embroidered : ' dn the flags In black
Bilk ; these designs were' ' nfolded In a laurel
wreath , and In enclfedrner of the ( lags were
embroidered the lettcr.3VW. . . H. , " surmounted
by a crown and surrounded with bay leaves ,
The flags for the IJaderi regiments show an
artistic decorative painting. The ground
color of the Ongs l white , red , yellow , blue
or green , according to the color of the Blioul-
dcr straps worn byi the'different ' battalions.
Kadi flag is fastened 'to Its staff by thirty
gold-headed nails. ' '
The flags wers m3 < U'and ' embroidered with
gold or silver by thVladlcs of the Leltevre-
wln of Berlin , thlrcVHwA ladles having been
occupied with this Vbrk for months past.
The flags cost SOO marks each.
Emperor William , \ujs , heartily cheered by
dense crowds of peoiile while driving to and
from the arsenal. ruji
Sllvrr for China umi .Meiit for .Tnpiin ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 17. When the
steamer Gaelic sailed for the east she car
ried ? 750,000 In ellver for China , where It
will be usetl In paying oft the army. Most
of thR cargo was for Japan. The hold was
filled with canned meats , and the supposi
tion Is that It is meant for supplies for the
Japaneie army In Corea. The Gaelic car
ried 500 Chinese and 100 Japanese , They
say they are going home for the holiday
llusftlun MlutlrnU un Nihilism.
'OBRLIN , Oct. 17. A. Lokal Anzelger dis
patch from St. Petersburg steteu thirty
students .of the Technical Institute have
been arrested as members of a nihilist so
r ar * Third Son to Succreil Him.
BBIIL1N , Oct. 17. A Copenhagen paper
publishes a statement that the czar Intends
to cbinga tlio lucceislon and appoint hli
third son , Grand Duke Michael , heir to the
throne , owning to the czarewltch's political
views and to the fact that the Illness of his
second son , Grand Duke George , precludes
hla tuccesslon.
Shattered Condition of the Jiipniirao Tlcct
Jicmiprs Such u Move Impossible.
LONDON , Oct. 17. The Times tomorrow
will publish a dispatch from Tien-Tsln , dated
yesterday , saying that Japanese advices re
ceived at that place afford negative evidence
that the report circulated three weeks ago
of the dispatch of an army corps from Hiroshima
shima for the Invasflon of China was untrue.
Any such expedition Is rendered Impossible
by the shattered condition of the Japanese
fleet. Japan perhaps begins to. reflect on the
problem of the eventual extrication of her
troops from Corea , where they remain on the
sufferance of maritime powers , especially
Russia , who Is fpntllng eleven additional
ships , Including three Ironclads. Russia will
have the most formidable fleet ever assem
bled east of Suez. News from the front is
-Family Mimtorrd In Hnrmnny.
HAMBURG , Oct. 17. A sensation has been
caused here by the mysterious disappearance
of Herr Rothgardt , a leather merchant of the
] I an s.i Platz , his wife and four children , and
his brother-in-law , named Kruz. The
of the youngest child has been washed ashore
at the If land of Finkenwaerdcr In the Elbe ,
and It U believed that the disappearance of
the whole family may turn out to bo a case
of wholesale murder and suicide.
Onrnmny ilealoui of Knihiml.
LONDON , Oct. 17. A dispatch to the
Times from Berlin rays the troubles at Lour-
enzo Marquez , Delagoa bay , have created
the greatest concern In Berlin. It Is as
sumed that England Intends to seize the
occasion to extend her possessions north
ward along the coast of the Indian ocean
and possibly to attempt to acquire , the whole
region belonging to Portugal.
Will I'lKht the Upper House.
BUDA-PESTH , Oct. 17. At a meeting of
the liberal party last evening It was decided
on motion of Dr. Wekerle , the Hungarian
premier , to vote In the lower house of the Diet
to accept without modifications the religious
measures which have been rejected by the
House of Magnates. ,
Auntrhui JMInl t r Commit ! Sulclile.
VIENNA , Oct. 17. Adclbert Hoffman ,
councillor of the Ministry of Agriculture ,
committed suicide In a railway carriage ,
shooting himself twlco through the bead.
Are Vour Lhllilrrn Subject lo Croup ?
Every mother should know that croup can
be prevented , The first symptom of true
croup Is hoarseness. This ls followed by a
peculiar rough cough. If Chambrlum's
Cough Remedy Is given freely as soon as the
child becomes hoarse , or even after the
rough cough has developed , It will prevent
the attack. 25 and CO cent bottles for bale
by druggists.
linrleil Unitrr llurnliif Lumber.
MUSKEGON , Mich. , Oct. 17 , During a
flre In the Thayer Lumber company's ' yards
this morning John Ellens , atifitant chief of
the flre department , was burled , under a pile
of burning lumber and died shortly after be
ing rescued , Two hundred thousand feet of
lumbur were burned , valued at 12,009 ,
Ai ll-IUns-d * v mmum ? * * u § .
Ucty 0urWarrany , ooes with Each Machine.
Soutiwlcknaln ! ! Presslsf\2-lmr 0.full-cllclo machine.
" has thi ) largest u-eil opening of
nny Cnntlmmus-llnllne ,
Daiiblo-Stroko Press In
the World.
Hales light ; drntt llftht.
Capacity ; Construction ; Durability-all the BUST.
Talks. They talk in tons the language of profit.
Thay are easy sellers. They area double stroke press.
Profitable to handle. Write fop catalogue and discounts ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Dr. G. C , West s Nerve and Drain Treatment
fj eolil UDclar positive written guarantee , byiuahoj.
lead fifonta only , to euro Wenk Memory ; IXMS ol
Ilrr.lrxnml Norro Power ; I.C3tMtuiliooilQulknosG ; ;
\'ljhc Loao ; Evil Urrnmn ; Lock of OonlUlimco ;
X'rvoiituei-s ; LasKltuilu ; nil Drnlnn ; J/ws of 1'owor
ul tlio OencTfltlvo Organs lu elllier fei , c.iufodby
ijver-ozcrtlott ; Youthful Errors , or IZtccrelvo Ute ol
Tobacco , Ojiluin or I.lijunr , whim coon l iul to
iU ery , Con uinptl < ra , Intently miJ Death. Byiuall ,
.laboi ; t ) forts ; \riUlciicuarmitta tocmooi
otancl money. Wl ST'S COUGH KV1UIP. \ certain
ire lor Co'isb ? , Ou'U * , Aflhmn , iirracliltl" , Croup.
V hooylnc L'ourn. KOI e Tlmiut. I'Jensirat to take
- , < u ri. . . , ) ) ( . ( ifi n rf. oii. gflfl. pin , uowaic. ; olc
" " t. uedoulyby
Goodman Drug Co , Omaha.
When ttislr tciulcr kln are Illerilly m l'ri ' > .
ultli iklniJH 1'innlnK ' MII | ) , 1.1 L
blotiliy ol.ll ) U1.J Eculp eel , in , if ,
nllh lo of hnlr. noi.i * Intinillir' '
CiTlri'iw ItKJltnihH of-
funl linmeclliili' nlli-f. | .i mill itrl
nml cireji , : ind jiolnt lo iiH | > c-idi uixl
co luomical cure hen tlio IK r t jihyrlclrn * ami a !
"Iher romtdlca Ml. riaJrictt'tyfrlirr .
Curef the effrcta of
eelf juse , excesses ,
emC < ons , Impotcncy ,
var.cucele anil constl-
/ ' nation. One dollar a
box , six for J5. For
sale by TUB GOOD-
'Jinuha , Keb.
Sim ? & Bainbridge , ly.'K
In the State anil I'oilcr.'Tl Courts lEnoins
iuO-7-8-0 , fclmsurt Itlook. i ouiuli iHnlI'n , Inwu
Notices :
CoUrjcil B Stiffs
na UurUe , at W. S. Ilomer'a , tM Dread uy.
Iota In Uayllj-a & I'almt'r'n nild. central nub
dlvlnlon , HlKt'land ' 1'lare ; Ma > no' > 1st ailJ.
Mullln' uj'llv. ) . and I'oiler ' & L'cljb'i uilil ;
mutt lie cheap. 1 * . J. Hmlf , No. 0 Pearl Btn-vr.
In ItocK county , r Vbra ka ; CIO arcp timber
Innil in Mlchlenn ; will undo ellher for Btotk
of Kcnerol merchantllae , and \vlll put In cash
ll.OW.M or tl00.00 ; IIOUBV and lot In Col fax.
price. 11,600 ooi will Inulc for ilcck of irencral
irnTcliuii'JlMR unil put In IMKJ.OJ CUK'.T tine res.
IcU-tice iiropiMty In Council Illutl , price.
IS.CKX ) 00 ; will trade for general ttock and | iul In
tl.OiW.OO caeli. All coirf > popdenre lo La con
fidential. Adilrrps lock lux 44 , Council liluna.
( tvnQErapher , mornlngi. e\enlng nnd tiatur
duy . Ad.lresa W 11 , Itet. Council llluttf.
for tflrli. Call on or addrrra
Ag npy , Grand Hotel Annex , Council lllufri ,
klndii. Call on or uJJim limplo/ment Agency ,
drand Hotel Annex , Council lllutru.
keeplnr In IIIoom r § ch l dlalricl. Address
C II , Uei oQlc * .
. . ,
The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Experience.
/ treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Head , Thront and Lungs ; DIs-
cnfii'fiorthoKyonml Knr , Kits anil Apoplexy ,
Ilunrt DIsuiiso , I.Ivor Complaint. Kldnoy Corn *
plnlnt , NurvoiiH Ilclilllty , mental lie *
prcBHloii , I.OHH of Iniiliood. Hcin.
liiiif WcaUticHH , Dluliblcs , IlrJttiil'a 1)3- ) |
oas < - , St. Vllua' Dunce , Itliuumatlsm , 1'arnlyila ,
Wlulii SwcllliiK. Scinlnlii , Fovcr Sores , Tump
firn and I'lHtiilu In iiif > removetl
\vitlioiit tiic UiilTc or clriixvliiu n
drop of liloocl. M'oiuan % vltli tier
dullcatc orurnitH rcHtored t <
licaltn. I ropHy cured % vltlioul
tappliiK. Hpcclal Attoiitloii given
f l > rlvat < ; and Venereal IllHeaHCH
of all UiiulH. 8to Ssoofiforfcit ipr
onv Venereal lilneaHC I cannot cirp |
\vltlioiit mercury. Tupo Worms removed '
In t o or three hours , oruopay. JlcmoVrbolcla
or I'llcs cured.
Will fiavo llfunml hnndiuda of dollars by calV >
Inxon or uslnii
Tint iinly riiynlrliin | < ICIIM lul
H | iomou Itlinut iiililnj ; n iiucntlon.
Tluiia nt u < IUtiuicii Benil for Uueitloa
lllnnk.No. 1 for inouN < > . " rorivuiucn.
All correspondence etrlctly conddontlal.
Xcdlclno eeut by cxprceg. Acltfrcss all loiters
o. > v. iAN i.K , nr. i > . .
Cncloso lOo In stumps for reply.
I'renldent. Cashier.
Fifst National
Capital , $100,009
Profits , 12,00 $
Onu of ( hi oldeit tanka In th * ilit * ot Iowa ,
W wllclt your builntw and collection * . VT
pay C per ctnt on tlm * dtpoilt * . W will M
pleated to > ud atrrt you ,